This describes ways to implement data services to be exposed in cloudfoundry marketplace.
This is contributed from a related session during the cfsummit berlin 2015 unconference
- package as a bosh release
- a single multi-tenant bosh deployment
- a dedicated bosh deployment per service instance
- with an associated dedicated bosh instance (+ iaas tenant) for each service provider team (bosh not being multi-tenant)
- package as a docker image, and attach persist volume(s) to it, and expose though a service broker
- attach persistent volumes
- in a declarative mode, similar to
- with different semantics for attached volumes (whether HA or not, ...)
- how ?
- implement your own framework for this
- contribute improvements to
- declarative storage requirements, implemented through
- dynamically instanciated bosh release (docker host + associated volumes dedicated to services)
- dynamically attached volumes (e.g. or ceph technology)
- accept docker images are service instance params (to enable wider contributor base)
- add standard mechanisms to signaling data app (restart and drain signals)
- declarative storage requirements, implemented through
- leverage container orchestration solutions (e.g. K8S + flocker backends)
- attach persistent volumes
- [in the future] package as a diego 12 factor data app ?