From 09f03b5b75f2dd061a9e7a1a7c8390594ab16a90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: OpenDEM Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 10:48:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Datenschutzerkl=C3=A4rung=20f=C3=BCr=20Github,?= =?UTF-8?q?=20PIN=20Icon,=20Story,=20json-ld,=20no=20cache?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 11 +- .../{index-BX9TZ_lW.js => index-Bc8M_U6v.js} | 4 +- =>} | 2 +- icon.png => images/icon.png | Bin index.html | 334 +++++++++++++++--- 5 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) rename assets/{index-BX9TZ_lW.js => index-Bc8M_U6v.js} (97%) rename assets/{ =>} (76%) rename icon.png => images/icon.png (100%) diff --git a/ b/ index 68b3a4e..f268cc7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # Denkmal-4D-Koeln -Mit dieser Web Anwendung könnt Ihr Metadaten über die Denkmäler der Stadt Köln pflegen. + +Mit dieser Web Anwendung könnt Ihr Metadaten über die Denkmäler der Stadt Köln pflegen. Der besondere Fokus liegt auf der Verlinkung von exisitierenden 3D Modellen und der Erfassung geplanter Modelle. Ziel ist eine möglichst vollständige Erfassung aller Denkmäler als 3D Modelle. Diese sollen dann zukünftig in der Web-3D Anwendung erkundet werden können. -Frontend: [OpenLayers9](, die eigentlichen Sourcen liegen im src Ordner. +Frontend: [OpenLayers9](, die eigentlichen Sourcen liegen im src Ordner. Backend: [GeoServer]( und Python Scripte. -Bitte die Lizenzbedingungen der Bilder & Icons beachten. +Die Werkzeug Icons wurden erstellt von: SVG Repo + +Das Weltkugel Loading Icon wurde erstellt von: + +Bitte die Lizenzbedingungen beachten. diff --git a/assets/index-BX9TZ_lW.js b/assets/index-Bc8M_U6v.js similarity index 97% rename from assets/index-BX9TZ_lW.js rename to assets/index-Bc8M_U6v.js index 6f0ab88..6b6907b 100644 --- a/assets/index-BX9TZ_lW.js +++ b/assets/index-Bc8M_U6v.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ var Wl=Object.defineProperty;var Xl=(n,e,t)=>e in n?Wl(n,e,{enumerable:!0,config `){G+=Y,Y=0,O=d*x+S*f,++L;continue}const Q=g[W+1]||l.font;Q!==k&&(s&&P.push("font",Q),i&&F.push("font",Q),k=Q),Y=Math.max(Y,y[z]);const H=[j,O+S*p[z]+d*(p[z]-E[L]),.5*(f+Y)+G];O+=p[z],s&&P.push("strokeText",H),i&&F.push("fillText",H),++z}return Array.prototype.push.apply(I,P),Array.prototype.push.apply(I,F),this.labels_[r]=w,w}replayTextBackground_(e,t,i,s,r,o,a){e.beginPath(),e.moveTo.apply(e,t),e.lineTo.apply(e,i),e.lineTo.apply(e,s),e.lineTo.apply(e,r),e.lineTo.apply(e,t),o&&(this.alignAndScaleFill_=o[2],this.fill_(e)),a&&(this.setStrokeStyle_(e,a),e.stroke())}calculateImageOrLabelDimensions_(e,t,i,s,r,o,a,l,h,c,u,d,f,g,m,_){a*=d[0],l*=d[1];let p=i-a,y=s-l;const E=r+h>e?e-h:r,x=o+c>t?t-c:o,I=g[3]+E*d[0]+g[1],C=g[0]+x*d[1]+g[2],T=p-g[3],w=y-g[0];(m||u!==0)&&(At[0]=T,Dt[0]=T,At[1]=w,mt[1]=w,mt[0]=T+I,_t[0]=mt[0],_t[1]=w+C,Dt[1]=_t[1]);let S;return u!==0?(S=je(qe(),i,s,1,1,u,-i,-s),ue(S,At),ue(S,mt),ue(S,_t),ue(S,Dt),Zt(Math.min(At[0],mt[0],_t[0],Dt[0]),Math.min(At[1],mt[1],_t[1],Dt[1]),Math.max(At[0],mt[0],_t[0],Dt[0]),Math.max(At[1],mt[1],_t[1],Dt[1]),di)):Zt(Math.min(T,T+I),Math.min(w,w+C),Math.max(T,T+I),Math.max(w,w+C),di),f&&(p=Math.round(p),y=Math.round(y)),{drawImageX:p,drawImageY:y,drawImageW:E,drawImageH:x,originX:h,originY:c,declutterBox:{minX:di[0],minY:di[1],maxX:di[2],maxY:di[3],value:_},canvasTransform:S,scale:d}}replayImageOrLabel_(e,t,i,s,r,o,a){const l=!!(o||a),h=s.declutterBox,c=a?a[2]*s.scale[0]/2:0;return h.minX-c<=t[0]&&h.maxX+c>=0&&h.minY-c<=t[1]&&h.maxY+c>=0&&(l&&this.replayTextBackground_(e,At,mt,_t,Dt,o,a),Ec(e,s.canvasTransform,r,i,s.originX,s.originY,s.drawImageW,s.drawImageH,s.drawImageX,s.drawImageY,s.scale)),!0}fill_(e){const t=this.alignAndScaleFill_;if(t){const i=ue(this.renderedTransform_,[0,0]),s=512*this.pixelRatio;,e.translate(i[0]%s,i[1]%s),t!==1&&e.scale(t,t),e.rotate(this.viewRotation_)}e.fill(),t&&e.restore()}setStrokeStyle_(e,t){e.strokeStyle=t[1],e.lineWidth=t[2],e.lineCap=t[3],e.lineJoin=t[4],e.miterLimit=t[5],e.lineDashOffset=t[7],e.setLineDash(t[6])}drawLabelWithPointPlacement_(e,t,i,s){const r=this.textStates[t],o=this.createLabel(e,t,s,i),a=this.strokeStates[i],l=this.pixelRatio,h=ks(Array.isArray(e)?e[0]:e,r.textAlign||on),c=Hn[r.textBaseline||Un],u=a&&a.lineWidth?a.lineWidth:0,d=o.width/l-2*r.scale[0],f=h*d+2*(.5-h)*u,g=c*o.height/l+2*(.5-c)*u;return{label:o,anchorX:f,anchorY:g}}execute_(e,t,i,s,r,o,a,l){const h=this.zIndexContext_;let c;this.pixelCoordinates_&&Kt(i,this.renderedTransform_)?c=this.pixelCoordinates_:(this.pixelCoordinates_||(this.pixelCoordinates_=[]),c=Xt(this.coordinates,0,this.coordinates.length,2,i,this.pixelCoordinates_),Hl(this.renderedTransform_,i));let u=0;const d=s.length;let f=0,g,m,_,p,y,E,x,I,C,T,w,S,O,P=0,F=0,Y=null,G=null;const z=this.coordinateCache_,L=this.viewRotation_,k=Math.round(Math.atan2(-i[1],i[0])*1e12)/1e12,W={context:e,pixelRatio:this.pixelRatio,resolution:this.resolution,rotation:L},te=this.instructions!=s||this.overlaps?0:200;let j,Q,H,ae;for(;ute&&(this.fill_(e),P=0),F>te&&(e.stroke(),F=0),!P&&!F&&(e.beginPath(),y=NaN,E=NaN),++u;break;case A.CIRCLE:f=R[1];const Ae=c[f],ce=c[f+1],Te=c[f+2],Ze=c[f+3],Se=Te-Ae,Fi=Ze-ce,Ht=Math.sqrt(Se*Se+Fi*Fi);e.moveTo(Ae+Ht,ce),e.arc(Ae,ce,Ht,0,2*Math.PI,!0),++u;break;case A.CLOSE_PATH:e.closePath(),++u;break;case A.CUSTOM:f=R[1],g=R[2];const xs=R[3],wn=R[4],Cn=R[5];W.geometry=xs,W.feature=j,u in z||(z[u]=[]);const ke=z[u];Cn?Cn(c,f,g,2,ke):(ke[0]=c[f],ke[1]=c[f+1],ke.length=2),h&&(h.zIndex=R[6]),wn(ke,W),++u;break;case A.DRAW_IMAGE:f=R[1],g=R[2],C=R[3],m=R[4],_=R[5];let ai=R[6];const Rn=R[7],Is=R[8],Tn=R[9],Sn=R[10];let De=R[11];const Ve=R[12];let et=R[13];p=R[14]||"declutter";const Ke=R[15];if(!C&&R.length>=20){T=R[19],w=R[20],S=R[21],O=R[22];const Fe=this.drawLabelWithPointPlacement_(T,w,S,O);C=Fe.label,R[3]=C;const qt=R[23];m=(Fe.anchorX-qt)*this.pixelRatio,R[4]=m;const Ne=R[24];_=(Fe.anchorY-Ne)*this.pixelRatio,R[5]=_,ai=C.height,R[6]=ai,et=C.width,R[13]=et}let li;R.length>25&&(li=R[25]);let hi,bt,ut;R.length>17?(hi=R[16],bt=R[17],ut=R[18]):(hi=ti,bt=!1,ut=!1),Sn&&k?De+=L:!Sn&&!k&&(De-=L);let vs=0;for(;f!il.includes(n));class Zu{constructor(e,t,i,s,r,o,a){this.maxExtent_=e,this.overlaps_=s,this.pixelRatio_=i,this.resolution_=t,this.renderBuffer_=o,this.executorsByZIndex_={},this.hitDetectionContext_=null,this.hitDetectionTransform_=qe(),this.renderedContext_=null,this.deferredZIndexContexts_={},this.createExecutors_(r,a)}clip(e,t){const i=this.getClipCoords(t);e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(i[0],i[1]),e.lineTo(i[2],i[3]),e.lineTo(i[4],i[5]),e.lineTo(i[6],i[7]),e.clip()}createExecutors_(e,t){for(const i in e){let s=this.executorsByZIndex_[i];s===void 0&&(s={},this.executorsByZIndex_[i]=s);const r=e[i];for(const o in r){const a=r[o];s[o]=new ju(this.resolution_,this.pixelRatio_,this.overlaps_,a,t)}}}hasExecutors(e){for(const t in this.executorsByZIndex_){const i=this.executorsByZIndex_[t];for(let s=0,r=e.length;s0){if(!o||f!=="Image"&&f!=="Text"||o.includes(I)){const O=(d[w]-3)/4,P=s-O%a,F=s-(O/a|0),Y=r(I,C,P*P+F*F);if(Y)return Y}c.clearRect(0,0,a,a);break}}const m=Object.keys(this.executorsByZIndex_).map(Number);m.sort(vt);let _,p,y,E,x;for(_=m.length-1;_>=0;--_){const I=m[_].toString();for(y=this.executorsByZIndex_[I],p=Hi.length-1;p>=0;--p)if(f=Hi[p],E=y[f],E!==void 0&&(x=E.executeHitDetection(c,l,i,g,u),x))return x}}getClipCoords(e){const t=this.maxExtent_;if(!t)return null;const i=t[0],s=t[1],r=t[2],o=t[3],a=[i,s,i,o,r,o,r,s];return Xt(a,0,8,2,e,a),a}isEmpty(){return Si(this.executorsByZIndex_)}execute(e,t,i,s,r,o,a){const l=Object.keys(this.executorsByZIndex_).map(Number);l.sort(vt),o=o||Hi;let h,c,u,d,f,g;for(a&&l.reverse(),h=0,c=l.length;h{r.draw(this.renderedContext_),r.clear()})}}const Fs={};function Vu(n){if(Fs[n]!==void 0)return Fs[n];const e=n*2+1,t=n*n,i=new Array(t+1);for(let r=0;r<=n;++r)for(let o=0;o<=n;++o){const a=r*r+o*o;if(a>t)break;let l=i[a];l||(l=[],i[a]=l),l.push(((n+r)*e+(n+o))*4+3),r>0&&l.push(((n-r)*e+(n+o))*4+3),o>0&&(l.push(((n+r)*e+(n-o))*4+3),r>0&&l.push(((n-r)*e+(n-o))*4+3))}const s=[];for(let r=0,o=i.length;ru*this.pixelRatio_),lineDashOffset:(o||Ct)*this.pixelRatio_,lineJoin:a!==void 0?a:Mi,lineWidth:(l!==void 0?l:an)*this.pixelRatio_,miterLimit:h!==void 0?h:sn,strokeStyle:at(i||rn)}}}setImageStyle(e){let t;if(!e||!(t=e.getSize())){this.image_=null;return}const i=e.getPixelRatio(this.pixelRatio_),s=e.getAnchor(),r=e.getOrigin();this.image_=e.getImage(this.pixelRatio_),this.imageAnchorX_=s[0]*i,this.imageAnchorY_=s[1]*i,this.imageHeight_=t[1]*i,this.imageOpacity_=e.getOpacity(),this.imageOriginX_=r[0],this.imageOriginY_=r[1],this.imageRotateWithView_=e.getRotateWithView(),this.imageRotation_=e.getRotation();const o=e.getScaleArray();this.imageScale_=[o[0]*this.pixelRatio_/i,o[1]*this.pixelRatio_/i],this.imageWidth_=t[0]*i}setTextStyle(e){if(!e)this.text_="";else{const t=e.getFill();if(!t)this.textFillState_=null;else{const f=t.getColor();this.textFillState_={fillStyle:at(f||be)}}const i=e.getStroke();if(!i)this.textStrokeState_=null;else{const f=i.getColor(),g=i.getLineCap(),m=i.getLineDash(),_=i.getLineDashOffset(),p=i.getLineJoin(),y=i.getWidth(),E=i.getMiterLimit();this.textStrokeState_={lineCap:g!==void 0?g:bi,lineDash:m||wt,lineDashOffset:_||Ct,lineJoin:p!==void 0?p:Mi,lineWidth:y!==void 0?y:an,miterLimit:E!==void 0?E:sn,strokeStyle:at(f||rn)}}const s=e.getFont(),r=e.getOffsetX(),o=e.getOffsetY(),a=e.getRotateWithView(),l=e.getRotation(),h=e.getScaleArray(),c=e.getText(),u=e.getTextAlign(),d=e.getTextBaseline();this.textState_={font:s!==void 0?s:Ba,textAlign:u!==void 0?u:on,textBaseline:d!==void 0?d:Un},this.text_=c!==void 0?Array.isArray(c)?c.reduce((f,g,m)=>f+=m%2?" ":g,""):c:"",this.textOffsetX_=r!==void 0?this.pixelRatio_*r:0,this.textOffsetY_=o!==void 0?this.pixelRatio_*o:0,this.textRotateWithView_=a!==void 0?a:!1,this.textRotation_=l!==void 0?l:0,this.textScale_=[this.pixelRatio_*h[0],this.pixelRatio_*h[1]]}}}const Hu=Ku,nt=.5;function qu(n,e,t,i,s,r,o,a,l){const h=l?mr(s):s,c=n[0]*nt,u=n[1]*nt,d=pe(c,u);d.imageSmoothingEnabled=!1;const f=d.canvas,g=new Hu(d,nt,s,null,o,a,l?os(Ch(),l):null),m=t.length,_=Math.floor((256*256*256-1)/m),p={};for(let E=1;E<=m;++E){const x=t[E-1],I=x.getStyleFunction()||i;if(!I)continue;let C=I(x,r);if(!C)continue;Array.isArray(C)||(C=[C]);const w=(E*_).toString(16).padStart(7,"#00000");for(let S=0,O=C.length;S0;return u&&Promise.all(l).then(()=>s(null)),td(n,e,t,i,r,o,a),u}function td(n,e,t,i,s,r,o){const a=t.getGeometryFunction()(e);if(!a)return;const l=a.simplifyTransformed(i,s);if(t.getRenderer())rl(n,l,t,e,o);else{const c=nl[l.getType()];c(n,l,t,e,o,r)}}function rl(n,e,t,i,s){if(e.getType()=="GeometryCollection"){const o=e.getGeometries();for(let a=0,l=o.length;a{if(!this.hitDetectionImageData_&&!this.animatingOrInteracting_){const i=[this.context.canvas.width,this.context.canvas.height];ue(this.pixelTransform,i);const s=this.renderedCenter_,r=this.renderedResolution_,o=this.renderedRotation_,a=this.renderedProjection_,l=this.wrappedRenderedExtent_,h=this.getLayer(),c=[],u=i[0]*nt,d=i[1]*nt;c.push(this.getRenderTransform(s,r,o,nt,u,d,0).slice());const f=h.getSource(),g=a.getExtent();if(f.getWrapX()&&a.canWrapX()&&!rt(g,l)){let m=l[0];const _=Z(g);let p=0,y;for(;mg[2];)++p,y=_*p,c.push(this.getRenderTransform(s,r,o,nt,u,d,y).slice()),m-=_}this.hitDetectionImageData_=qu(i,c,this.renderedFeatures_,h.getStyleFunction(),l,r,o,Xo(r,this.renderedPixelRatio_),null)}t($u(e,this.renderedFeatures_,this.hitDetectionImageData_))})}forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(e,t,i,s,r){if(!this.replayGroup_)return;const o=t.viewState.resolution,a=t.viewState.rotation,l=this.getLayer(),h={},c=function(g,m,_){const p=J(g),y=h[p];if(y){if(y!==!0&&_u=g.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(e,o,a,i,c,f&&t.declutter[f]?t.declutter[f].all().map(m=>m.value):null)),u}handleFontsChanged(){const e=this.getLayer();e.getVisible()&&this.replayGroup_&&e.changed()}handleStyleImageChange_(e){this.renderIfReadyAndVisible()}prepareFrame(e){const t=this.getLayer(),i=t.getSource();if(!i)return!1;const s=e.viewHints[fe.ANIMATING],r=e.viewHints[fe.INTERACTING],o=t.getUpdateWhileAnimating(),a=t.getUpdateWhileInteracting();if(this.ready&&!o&&s||!a&&r)return this.animatingOrInteracting_=!0,!0;this.animatingOrInteracting_=!1;const l=e.extent,h=e.viewState,c=h.projection,u=h.resolution,d=e.pixelRatio,f=t.getRevision(),g=t.getRenderBuffer();let m=t.getRenderOrder();m===void 0&&(m=Qu);const,p=cr(l,g*u),y=p.slice(),E=[p.slice()],x=c.getExtent();if(i.getWrapX()&&c.canWrapX()&&!rt(x,e.extent)){const G=Z(x),z=Math.max(Z(p)/2,G);p[0]=x[0]-z,p[2]=x[2]+z,ga(_,c);const L=ua(E[0],c);L[0]x[0]&&L[2]>x[2]&&E.push([L[0]-G,L[1],L[2]-G,L[3]])}if(this.ready&&this.renderedResolution_==u&&this.renderedRevision_==f&&this.renderedRenderOrder_==m&&rt(this.wrappedRenderedExtent_,p))return Kt(this.renderedExtent_,y)||(this.hitDetectionImageData_=null,this.renderedExtent_=y),this.renderedCenter_=_,this.replayGroupChanged=!1,!0;this.replayGroup_=null;const I=new Gu(sl(u,d),p,u,d);let C;for(let G=0,z=E.length;G{let L;const k=G.getStyleFunction()||t.getStyleFunction();if(k&&(L=k(G,u)),L){const W=this.renderFeature(G,T,L,I,C,this.getLayer().getDeclutter(),z);w=w&&!W}},O=mr(p),P=i.getFeaturesInExtent(O);m&&P.sort(m);for(let G=0,z=P.length;G{if(e===this.squaredTolerance_)return this.simplifiedGeometry_;this.simplifiedGeometry_=this.clone(),t&&this.simplifiedGeometry_.applyTransform(t);const i=this.simplifiedGeometry_.getFlatCoordinates();let s;switch(this.type_){case"LineString":i.length=pr(i,0,this.simplifiedGeometry_.flatCoordinates_.length,this.simplifiedGeometry_.stride_,e,i,0),s=[i.length];break;case"MultiLineString":s=[],i.length=kh(i,0,this.simplifiedGeometry_.ends_,this.simplifiedGeometry_.stride_,e,i,0,s);break;case"Polygon":s=[],i.length=Ia(i,0,this.simplifiedGeometry_.ends_,this.simplifiedGeometry_.stride_,Math.sqrt(e),i,0,s);break}return s&&(this.simplifiedGeometry_=new ze(this.type_,i,s,2,this.properties_,this.id_)),this.squaredTolerance_=e,this.simplifiedGeometry_}),this}}ze.prototype.getFlatCoordinates=ze.prototype.getOrientedFlatCoordinates;class kr extends Qe{constructor(e){super(),this.projection=ve(e.projection),this.attributions_=Zo(e.attributions),this.attributionsCollapsible_=e.attributionsCollapsible!==void 0?e.attributionsCollapsible:!0,this.loading=!1,this.state_=e.state!==void 0?e.state:"ready",this.wrapX_=e.wrapX!==void 0?e.wrapX:!1,this.interpolate_=!!e.interpolate,this.viewResolver=null,this.viewRejector=null;const t=this;this.viewPromise_=new Promise(function(i,s){t.viewResolver=i,t.viewRejector=s})}getAttributions(){return this.attributions_}getAttributionsCollapsible(){return this.attributionsCollapsible_}getProjection(){return this.projection}getResolutions(e){return null}getView(){return this.viewPromise_}getState(){return this.state_}getWrapX(){return this.wrapX_}getInterpolate(){return this.interpolate_}refresh(){this.changed()}setAttributions(e){this.attributions_=Zo(e),this.changed()}setState(e){this.state_=e,this.changed()}}function Zo(n){return n?Array.isArray(n)?function(e){return n}:typeof n=="function"?n:function(e){return[n]}:null}const Ge={ADDFEATURE:"addfeature",CHANGEFEATURE:"changefeature",CLEAR:"clear",REMOVEFEATURE:"removefeature",FEATURESLOADSTART:"featuresloadstart",FEATURESLOADEND:"featuresloadend",FEATURESLOADERROR:"featuresloaderror"};function ud(n,e){return[[-1/0,-1/0,1/0,1/0]]}let dd=!1;function fd(n,e,t,i,s,r,o){const a=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",typeof n=="function"?n(t,i,s):n,!0),e.getType()=="arraybuffer"&&(a.responseType="arraybuffer"),a.withCredentials=dd,a.onload=function(l){if(!a.status||a.status>=200&&a.status<300){const h=e.getType();let c;h=="json"?c=JSON.parse(a.responseText):h=="text"?c=a.responseText:h=="xml"?(c=a.responseXML,c||(c=new DOMParser().parseFromString(a.responseText,"application/xml"))):h=="arraybuffer"&&(c=a.response),c?r(e.readFeatures(c,{extent:t,featureProjection:s}),e.readProjection(c)):o()}else o()},a.onerror=o,a.send()}function Vo(n,e){return function(t,i,s,r,o){const a=this;fd(n,e,t,i,s,function(l,h){a.addFeatures(l),r!==void 0&&r(l)},o||Ti)}}class Pt extends ct{constructor(e,t,i){super(e),this.feature=t,this.features=i}}class al extends kr{constructor(e){e=e||{},super({attributions:e.attributions,interpolate:!0,projection:void 0,state:"ready",wrapX:e.wrapX!==void 0?e.wrapX:!0}),this.on,this.once,this.un,this.loader_=Ti,this.format_=e.format,this.overlaps_=e.overlaps===void 0?!0:e.overlaps,this.url_=e.url,e.loader!==void 0?this.loader_=e.loader:this.url_!==void 0&&(K(this.format_,"`format` must be set when `url` is set"),this.loader_=Vo(this.url_,this.format_)),this.strategy_=e.strategy!==void 0?e.strategy:ud;const t=e.useSpatialIndex!==void 0?e.useSpatialIndex:!0;this.featuresRtree_=t?new jo:null,this.loadedExtentsRtree_=new jo,this.loadingExtentsCount_=0,this.nullGeometryFeatures_={},this.idIndex_={},this.uidIndex_={},this.featureChangeKeys_={},this.featuresCollection_=null;let i,s;Array.isArray(e.features)?s=e.features:e.features&&(i=e.features,s=i.getArray()),!t&&i===void 0&&(i=new st(s)),s!==void 0&&this.addFeaturesInternal(s),i!==void 0&&this.bindFeaturesCollection_(i)}addFeature(e){this.addFeatureInternal(e),this.changed()}addFeatureInternal(e){const 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r=0,o=e.length;r{t||(t=!0,this.addFeature(i.element),t=!1)}),e.addEventListener(Le.REMOVE,i=>{t||(t=!0,this.removeFeature(i.element),t=!1)}),this.featuresCollection_=e}clear(e){if(e){for(const i in this.featureChangeKeys_)this.featureChangeKeys_[i].forEach(ie);this.featuresCollection_||(this.featureChangeKeys_={},this.idIndex_={},this.uidIndex_={})}else if(this.featuresRtree_){const i=s=>{this.removeFeatureInternal(s)};this.featuresRtree_.forEach(i);for(const s in this.nullGeometryFeatures_)this.removeFeatureInternal(this.nullGeometryFeatures_[s])}this.featuresCollection_&&this.featuresCollection_.clear(),this.featuresRtree_&&this.featuresRtree_.clear(),this.nullGeometryFeatures_={};const t=new Pt(Ge.CLEAR);this.dispatchEvent(t),this.changed()}forEachFeature(e){if(this.featuresRtree_)return this.featuresRtree_.forEach(e);this.featuresCollection_&&this.featuresCollection_.forEach(e)}forEachFeatureAtCoordinateDirect(e,t){const i=[e[0],e[1],e[0],e[1]];return 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i=0,s=e.length;i0&&this.changed()}removeFeature(e){if(!e)return;this.removeFeatureInternal(e)&&this.changed()}removeFeatureInternal(e){const t=J(e);t in this.nullGeometryFeatures_?delete this.nullGeometryFeatures_[t]:this.featuresRtree_&&this.featuresRtree_.remove(e);const i=this.featureChangeKeys_[t];if(!i)return;i.forEach(ie),delete this.featureChangeKeys_[t];const s=e.getId();return s!==void 0&&delete this.idIndex_[s.toString()],delete this.uidIndex_[t],this.hasListener(Ge.REMOVEFEATURE)&&this.dispatchEvent(new Pt(Ge.REMOVEFEATURE,e)),e}removeFromIdIndex_(e){let t=!1;for(const i in this.idIndex_){const s=this.idIndex_[i];if(e instanceof ze&&Array.isArray(s)&&s.includes(e))s.splice(s.indexOf(e),1);else if(this.idIndex_[i]===e){delete this.idIndex_[i],t=!0;break}}return t}setLoader(e){this.loader_=e}setUrl(e){K(this.format_,"`format` must be set when `url` is set"),this.url_=e,this.setLoader(Vo(e,this.format_))}}const D={IDLE:0,LOADING:1,LOADED:2,ERROR:3,EMPTY:4};class ll extends fn{constructor(e,t,i){super(),i=i||{},this.tileCoord=e,this.state=t,this.interimTile=null,this.key="",this.transition_=i.transition===void 0?250:i.transition,this.transitionStarts_={},this.interpolate=!!i.interpolate}changed(){this.dispatchEvent(B.CHANGE)}release(){this.state===D.ERROR&&this.setState(D.EMPTY)}getKey(){return this.key+"/"+this.tileCoord}getInterimTile(){let e=this.interimTile;if(!e)return this;do{if(e.getState()==D.LOADED)return this.transition_=0,e;e=e.interimTile}while(e);return this}refreshInterimChain(){let e=this.interimTile;if(!e)return;let t=this;do{if(e.getState()==D.LOADED){e.interimTile=null;break}e.getState()==D.LOADING?t=e:e.getState()==D.IDLE?t.interimTile=e.interimTile:t=e,e=t.interimTile}while(e)}getTileCoord(){return this.tileCoord}getState(){return this.state}setState(e){if(this.state!==D.ERROR&&this.state>e)throw new Error("Tile load sequence violation");this.state=e,this.changed()}load(){q()}getAlpha(e,t){if(!this.transition_)return 1;let 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Image,this.crossOrigin_!==null&&(this.image_.crossOrigin=this.crossOrigin_)),this.state==D.IDLE&&(this.state=D.LOADING,this.changed(),this.tileLoadFunction_(this,this.src_),this.unlisten_=ac(this.image_,this.handleImageLoad_.bind(this),this.handleImageError_.bind(this)))}unlistenImage_(){this.unlisten_&&(this.unlisten_(),this.unlisten_=null)}}function gd(){const n=pe(1,1);return n.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0)",n.fillRect(0,0,1,1),n.canvas}class md{constructor(e,t,i){this.decay_=e,this.minVelocity_=t,this.delay_=i,this.points_=[],this.angle_=0,this.initialVelocity_=0}begin(){this.points_.length=0,this.angle_=0,this.initialVelocity_=0}update(e,t){this.points_.push(e,t,}end(){if(this.points_.length<6)return!1;const,t=this.points_.length-3;if(this.points_[t+2]0&&this.points_[i+2]>e;)i-=3;const s=this.points_[t+2]-this.points_[i+2];if(s<1e3/60)return!1;const r=this.points_[t]-this.points_[i],o=this.points_[t+1]-this.points_[i+1];return 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O=S.getWrapX()?f:e,P=u.bind(null,C.managed);y[0]=O[0]+g[x][0],y[1]=O[1]+g[x][1],h=w.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(y,t,i,P,p)}if(h)return h}}if(p.length===0)return;const E=1/p.length;return p.forEach((x,I)=>x.distanceSq+=I*E),p.sort((x,I)=>x.distanceSq-I.distanceSq),p.some(x=>h=x.callback(x.feature,x.layer,x.geometry)),h}hasFeatureAtCoordinate(e,t,i,s,r,o){return this.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(e,t,i,s,qi,this,r,o)!==void 0}getMap(){return this.map_}renderFrame(e){q()}scheduleExpireIconCache(e){ot.canExpireCache()&&e.postRenderFunctions.push(pd)}}function pd(n,e){ot.expire()}class yd extends _d{constructor(e){super(e),this.fontChangeListenerKey_=U(yt,Ri.PROPERTYCHANGE,e.redrawText.bind(e)),this.element_=document.createElement("div");const;t.position="absolute",t.width="100%",t.height="100%",t.zIndex="0",this.element_.className=us+" ol-layers";const i=e.getViewport();i.insertBefore(this.element_,i.firstChild||null),this.children_=[],this.renderedVisible_=!0}dispatchRenderEvent(e,t){const 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i=e.layers;super(t),this.on,this.once,this.un,this.layersListenerKeys_=[],this.listenerKeys_={},this.addChangeListener(Ns.LAYERS,this.handleLayersChanged_),i?Array.isArray(i)?i=new st(i.slice(),{unique:!0}):K(typeof i.getArray=="function","Expected `layers` to be an array or a `Collection`"):i=new st(void 0,{unique:!0}),this.setLayers(i)}handleLayerChange_(){this.changed()}handleLayersChanged_(){this.layersListenerKeys_.forEach(ie),this.layersListenerKeys_.length=0;const e=this.getLayers();this.layersListenerKeys_.push(U(e,Le.ADD,this.handleLayersAdd_,this),U(e,Le.REMOVE,this.handleLayersRemove_,this));for(const i in this.listenerKeys_)this.listenerKeys_[i].forEach(ie);dn(this.listenerKeys_);const t=e.getArray();for(let i=0,s=t.length;i{this.clickTimeoutId_=void 0;const i=new kt(oe.SINGLECLICK,this.map_,e);this.dispatchEvent(i)},250)}updateActivePointers_(e){const t=e,i=t.pointerId;if(t.type==oe.POINTERUP||t.type==oe.POINTERCANCEL){delete this.trackedTouches_[i];for(const s in 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PointerEvent(e.type,e),Object.defineProperty(this.down_,"target",{writable:!1,}),this.dragListenerKeys_.length===0){const i=this.map_.getOwnerDocument();this.dragListenerKeys_.push(U(i,oe.POINTERMOVE,this.handlePointerMove_,this),U(i,oe.POINTERUP,this.handlePointerUp_,this),U(this.element_,oe.POINTERCANCEL,this.handlePointerUp_,this)),this.element_.getRootNode&&this.element_.getRootNode()!==i&&this.dragListenerKeys_.push(U(this.element_.getRootNode(),oe.POINTERUP,this.handlePointerUp_,this))}}handlePointerMove_(e){if(this.isMoving_(e)){this.updateActivePointers_(e),this.dragging_=!0;const t=new kt(oe.POINTERDRAG,this.map_,e,this.dragging_,void 0,this.activePointers_);this.dispatchEvent(t)}}relayMoveEvent_(e){this.originalPointerMoveEvent_=e;const t=!!(this.down_&&this.isMoving_(e));this.dispatchEvent(new kt(oe.POINTERMOVE,this.map_,e,t))}handleTouchMove_(e){const t=this.originalPointerMoveEvent_;(!t||t.defaultPrevented)&&(typeof e.cancelable!="boolean"||e.cancelable===!0)&&e.preventDefault()}isMoving_(e){return this.dragging_||Math.abs(e.clientX-this.down_.clientX)>this.moveTolerance_||Math.abs(e.clientY-this.down_.clientY)>this.moveTolerance_}disposeInternal(){this.relayedListenerKey_&&(ie(this.relayedListenerKey_),this.relayedListenerKey_=null),this.element_.removeEventListener(B.TOUCHMOVE,this.boundHandleTouchMove_),this.pointerdownListenerKey_&&(ie(this.pointerdownListenerKey_),this.pointerdownListenerKey_=null),this.dragListenerKeys_.forEach(ie),this.dragListenerKeys_.length=0,this.element_=null,super.disposeInternal()}}const Et={POSTRENDER:"postrender",MOVESTART:"movestart",MOVEEND:"moveend",LOADSTART:"loadstart",LOADEND:"loadend"},xe={LAYERGROUP:"layergroup",SIZE:"size",TARGET:"target",VIEW:"view"},qn=1/0;class 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Qe{constructor(e){super(),this.on,this.once,this.un,e&&e.handleEvent&&(this.handleEvent=e.handleEvent),this.map_=null,this.setActive(!0)}getActive(){return this.get(Ko.ACTIVE)}getMap(){return this.map_}handleEvent(e){return!0}setActive(e){this.set(Ko.ACTIVE,e)}setMap(e){this.map_=e}}function bd(n,e,t){const i=n.getCenterInternal();if(i){const s=[i[0]+e[0],i[1]+e[1]];n.animateInternal({duration:t!==void 0?t:250,easing:Ac,center:n.getConstrainedCenter(s)})}}function Fr(n,e,t,i){const s=n.getZoom();if(s===void 0)return;const r=n.getConstrainedZoom(s+e),o=n.getResolutionForZoom(r);n.getAnimating()&&n.cancelAnimations(),n.animate({resolution:o,anchor:t,duration:i!==void 0?i:250,easing:Di})}class Md extends In{constructor(e){super(),e=e||{},,this.duration_=e.duration!==void 0?e.duration:250}handleEvent(e){let t=!1;if(e.type==oe.DBLCLICK){const i=e.originalEvent,,r=e.coordinate,o=i.shiftKey?-this.delta_:this.delta_,a=s.getView();Fr(a,o,r,this.duration_),i.preventDefault(),t=!0}return!t}}const Ad=Md;class vn extends In{constructor(e){e=e||{},super(e),e.handleDownEvent&&(this.handleDownEvent=e.handleDownEvent),e.handleDragEvent&&(this.handleDragEvent=e.handleDragEvent),e.handleMoveEvent&&(this.handleMoveEvent=e.handleMoveEvent),e.handleUpEvent&&(this.handleUpEvent=e.handleUpEvent),e.stopDown&&(this.stopDown=e.stopDown),this.handlingDownUpSequence=!1,this.targetPointers=[]}getPointerCount(){return this.targetPointers.length}handleDownEvent(e){return!1}handleDragEvent(e){}handleEvent(e){if(!e.originalEvent)return!0;let t=!1;if(this.updateTrackedPointers_(e),this.handlingDownUpSequence){if(e.type==oe.POINTERDRAG)this.handleDragEvent(e),e.originalEvent.preventDefault();else if(e.type==oe.POINTERUP){const i=this.handleUpEvent(e);this.handlingDownUpSequence=i&&this.targetPointers.length>0}}else if(e.type==oe.POINTERDOWN){const i=this.handleDownEvent(e);this.handlingDownUpSequence=i,t=this.stopDown(i)}else e.type==oe.POINTERMOVE&&this.handleMoveEvent(e);return!t}handleMoveEvent(e){}handleUpEvent(e){return!1}stopDown(e){return e}updateTrackedPointers_(e){e.activePointers&&(this.targetPointers=e.activePointers)}}function Nr(n){const e=n.length;let t=0,i=0;for(let s=0;s0&&this.condition_(e)){const;return this.lastCentroid=null,i.getAnimating()&&i.cancelAnimations(),this.kinetic_&&this.kinetic_.begin(),this.noKinetic_=this.targetPointers.length>1,!0}return!1}}const Gd=Bd;class zd extends vn{constructor(e){e=e||{},super({stopDown:Qn}),this.condition_=e.condition?e.condition:Dd,this.lastAngle_=void 0,this.duration_=e.duration!==void 0?e.duration:250}handleDragEvent(e){if(!Bs(e))return;const,i=t.getView();if(i.getConstraints().rotation===Ar)return;const s=t.getSize(),r=e.pixel,o=Math.atan2(s[1]/2-r[1],r[0]-s[0]/2);if(this.lastAngle_!==void 0){const a=o-this.lastAngle_;i.adjustRotationInternal(-a)}this.lastAngle_=o}handleUpEvent(e){return Bs(e)?(,!1):!0}handleDownEvent(e){return Bs(e)&&dl(e)&&this.condition_(e)?(,this.lastAngle_=void 0,!0):!1}}class Wd extends or{constructor(e){super(),this.geometry_=null,this.element_=document.createElement("div"),"absolute","auto",this.element_.className="ol-box "+e,this.map_=null,this.startPixel_=null,this.endPixel_=null}disposeInternal(){this.setMap(null)}render_(){const e=this.startPixel_,t=this.endPixel_,i="px",;s.left=Math.min(e[0],t[0])+i,[1],t[1])+i,s.width=Math.abs(t[0]-e[0])+i,s.height=Math.abs(t[1]-e[1])+i}setMap(e){if(this.map_){this.map_.getOverlayContainer().removeChild(this.element_);const;t.left="inherit","inherit",t.width="inherit",t.height="inherit"}this.map_=e,this.map_&&this.map_.getOverlayContainer().appendChild(this.element_)}setPixels(e,t){this.startPixel_=e,this.endPixel_=t,this.createOrUpdateGeometry(),this.render_()}createOrUpdateGeometry(){const 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r=i.rotatedExtentForGeometry(s),o=i.getResolutionForExtentInternal(r),a=i.getResolution()/o;s=s.clone(),s.scale(a*a)}i.fitInternal(s,{duration:this.duration_,easing:Di})}}const jd=Yd,Jt={LEFT:"ArrowLeft",UP:"ArrowUp",RIGHT:"ArrowRight",DOWN:"ArrowDown"};class Ud extends In{constructor(e){super(),e=e||{},this.defaultCondition_=function(t){return fl(t)&&gl(t)},this.condition_=e.condition!==void 0?e.condition:this.defaultCondition_,this.duration_=e.duration!==void 0?e.duration:100,this.pixelDelta_=e.pixelDelta!==void 0?e.pixelDelta:128}handleEvent(e){let t=!1;if(e.type==B.KEYDOWN){const i=e.originalEvent,s=i.key;if(this.condition_(e)&&(s==Jt.DOWN||s==Jt.LEFT||s==Jt.RIGHT||s==Jt.UP)){const,a=o.getResolution()*this.pixelDelta_;let l=0,h=0;s==Jt.DOWN?h=-a:s==Jt.LEFT?l=-a:s==Jt.RIGHT?l=a:h=a;const c=[l,h];dr(c,o.getRotation()),bd(o,c,this.duration_),i.preventDefault(),t=!0}}return!t}}class Zd extends 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t=e;t.stopDown||(t.stopDown=Qn),super(t),this.anchor_=null,this.lastAngle_=void 0,this.rotating_=!1,this.rotationDelta_=0,this.threshold_=e.threshold!==void 0?e.threshold:.3,this.duration_=e.duration!==void 0?e.duration:250}handleDragEvent(e){let t=0;const i=this.targetPointers[0],s=this.targetPointers[1],r=Math.atan2(s.clientY-i.clientY,s.clientX-i.clientX);if(this.lastAngle_!==void 0){const l=r-this.lastAngle_;this.rotationDelta_+=l,!this.rotating_&&Math.abs(this.rotationDelta_)>this.threshold_&&(this.rotating_=!0),t=l}this.lastAngle_=r;const,a=o.getView();a.getConstraints().rotation!==Ar&&(this.anchor_=o.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(o.getEventPixel(Nr(this.targetPointers))),this.rotating_&&(o.render(),a.adjustRotationInternal(t,this.anchor_)))}handleUpEvent(e){return this.targetPointers.length<2?(,!1):!0}handleDownEvent(e){if(this.targetPointers.length>=2){const;return this.anchor_=null,this.lastAngle_=void 0,this.rotating_=!1,this.rotationDelta_=0,this.handlingDownUpSequence||t.getView().beginInteraction(),!0}return!1}}class $d extends vn{constructor(e){e=e||{};const t=e;t.stopDown||(t.stopDown=Qn),super(t),this.anchor_=null,this.duration_=e.duration!==void 0?e.duration:400,this.lastDistance_=void 0,this.lastScaleDelta_=1}handleDragEvent(e){let t=1;const i=this.targetPointers[0],s=this.targetPointers[1],r=i.clientX-s.clientX,o=i.clientY-s.clientY,a=Math.sqrt(r*r+o*o);this.lastDistance_!==void 0&&(t=this.lastDistance_/a),this.lastDistance_=a;const,h=l.getView();t!=1&&(this.lastScaleDelta_=t),this.anchor_=l.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(l.getEventPixel(Nr(this.targetPointers))),l.render(),h.adjustResolutionInternal(t,this.anchor_)}handleUpEvent(e){if(this.targetPointers.length<2){const,s=this.lastScaleDelta_>1?1:-1;return i.endInteraction(this.duration_,s),!1}return!0}handleDownEvent(e){if(this.targetPointers.length>=2){const;return this.anchor_=null,this.lastDistance_=void 0,this.lastScaleDelta_=1,this.handlingDownUpSequence||t.getView().beginInteraction(),!0}return!1}}const Jd=$d;function Qd(n){n=n||{};const e=new st,t=new md(-.005,.05,100);return(n.altShiftDragRotate!==void 0?n.altShiftDragRotate:!0)&&e.push(new zd),(n.doubleClickZoom!==void 0?n.doubleClickZoom:!0)&&e.push(new Ad({delta:n.zoomDelta,duration:n.zoomDuration})),(n.dragPan!==void 0?n.dragPan:!0)&&e.push(new Gd({onFocusOnly:n.onFocusOnly,kinetic:t})),(n.pinchRotate!==void 0?n.pinchRotate:!0)&&e.push(new qd),(n.pinchZoom!==void 0?n.pinchZoom:!0)&&e.push(new Jd({duration:n.zoomDuration})),(n.keyboard!==void 0?n.keyboard:!0)&&(e.push(new Ud),e.push(new Vd({delta:n.zoomDelta,duration:n.zoomDuration}))),(n.mouseWheelZoom!==void 0?n.mouseWheelZoom:!0)&&e.push(new Hd({onFocusOnly:n.onFocusOnly,duration:n.zoomDuration})),(n.shiftDragZoom!==void 0?n.shiftDragZoom:!0)&&e.push(new jd({duration:n.zoomDuration})),e}function ml(n){if(n instanceof pn){n.setMapInternal(null);return}n instanceof ki&&n.getLayers().forEach(ml)}function _l(n,e){if(n instanceof pn){n.setMapInternal(e);return}if(n instanceof ki){const t=n.getLayers().getArray();for(let i=0,s=t.length;ithis.updateSize()),this.controls=t.controls||cl(),this.interactions=t.interactions||Qd({onFocusOnly:!0}),this.overlays_=t.overlays,this.overlayIdIndex_={},this.renderer_=null,this.postRenderFunctions_=[],this.tileQueue_=new Id(this.getTilePriority.bind(this),this.handleTileChange_.bind(this)),this.addChangeListener(xe.LAYERGROUP,this.handleLayerGroupChanged_),this.addChangeListener(xe.VIEW,this.handleViewChanged_),this.addChangeListener(xe.SIZE,this.handleSizeChanged_),this.addChangeListener(xe.TARGET,this.handleTargetChanged_),this.setProperties(t.values);const i=this;e.view&&!(e.view instanceof it)&&e.view.then(function(s){i.setView(new it(s))}),this.controls.addEventListener(Le.ADD,s=>{s.element.setMap(this)}),this.controls.addEventListener(Le.REMOVE,s=>{s.element.setMap(null)}),this.interactions.addEventListener(Le.ADD,s=>{s.element.setMap(this)}),this.interactions.addEventListener(Le.REMOVE,s=>{s.element.setMap(null)}),this.overlays_.addEventListener(Le.ADD,s=>{this.addOverlayInternal_(s.element)}),this.overlays_.addEventListener(Le.REMOVE,s=>{const r=s.element.getId();r!==void 0&&delete this.overlayIdIndex_[r.toString()],s.element.setMap(null)}),this.controls.forEach(s=>{s.setMap(this)}),this.interactions.forEach(s=>{s.setMap(this)}),this.overlays_.forEach(this.addOverlayInternal_.bind(this))}addControl(e){this.getControls().push(e)}addInteraction(e){this.getInteractions().push(e)}addLayer(e){this.getLayerGroup().getLayers().push(e)}handleLayerAdd_(e){_l(e.layer,this)}addOverlay(e){this.getOverlays().push(e)}addOverlayInternal_(e){const t=e.getId();t!==void 0&&(this.overlayIdIndex_[t.toString()]=e),e.setMap(this)}disposeInternal(){this.controls.clear(),this.interactions.clear(),this.overlays_.clear(),this.resizeObserver_.disconnect(),this.setTarget(null),super.disposeInternal()}forEachFeatureAtPixel(e,t,i){if(!this.frameState_||!this.renderer_)return;const s=this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(e);i=i!==void 0?i:{};const r=i.hitTolerance!==void 0?i.hitTolerance:0,o=i.layerFilter!==void 0?i.layerFilter:qi,a=i.checkWrapped!==!1;return this.renderer_.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(s,this.frameState_,r,a,t,null,o,null)}getFeaturesAtPixel(e,t){const i=[];return this.forEachFeatureAtPixel(e,function(s){i.push(s)},t),i}getAllLayers(){const e=[];function t(i){i.forEach(function(s){s instanceof ki?t(s.getLayers()):e.push(s)})}return t(this.getLayers()),e}hasFeatureAtPixel(e,t){if(!this.frameState_||!this.renderer_)return!1;const i=this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(e);t=t!==void 0?t:{};const s=t.layerFilter!==void 0?t.layerFilter:qi,r=t.hitTolerance!==void 0?t.hitTolerance:0,o=t.checkWrapped!==!1;return this.renderer_.hasFeatureAtCoordinate(i,this.frameState_,r,o,s,null)}getEventCoordinate(e){return this.getCoordinateFromPixel(this.getEventPixel(e))}getEventCoordinateInternal(e){return this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(this.getEventPixel(e))}getEventPixel(e){const i=this.viewport_.getBoundingClientRect(),s=this.getSize(),r=i.width/s[0],o=i.height/s[1],a="changedTouches"in e?e.changedTouches[0]:e;return[(a.clientX-i.left)/r,(]}getTarget(){return this.get(xe.TARGET)}getTargetElement(){return this.targetElement_}getCoordinateFromPixel(e){return qs(this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(e),this.getView().getProjection())}getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(e){const t=this.frameState_;return t?ue(t.pixelToCoordinateTransform,e.slice()):null}getControls(){return this.controls}getOverlays(){return this.overlays_}getOverlayById(e){const t=this.overlayIdIndex_[e.toString()];return t!==void 0?t:null}getInteractions(){return this.interactions}getLayerGroup(){return this.get(xe.LAYERGROUP)}setLayers(e){const t=this.getLayerGroup();if(e instanceof st){t.setLayers(e);return}const i=t.getLayers();i.clear(),i.extend(e)}getLayers(){return this.getLayerGroup().getLayers()}getLoadingOrNotReady(){const e=this.getLayerGroup().getLayerStatesArray();for(let t=0,i=e.length;t=0;r--){const o=s[r];if(o.getMap()!==this||!o.getActive()||!this.getTargetElement())continue;if(!o.handleEvent(e)||e.propagationStopped)break}}}handlePostRender(){const e=this.frameState_,t=this.tileQueue_;if(!t.isEmpty()){let s=this.maxTilesLoading_,r=s;if(e){const o=e.viewHints;if(o[fe.ANIMATING]||o[fe.INTERACTING]){const>8;s=a?0:8,r=a?0:2}}t.getTilesLoading(){this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_=void 0,this.handlePostRender()},0))}setLayerGroup(e){const t=this.getLayerGroup();t&&this.handleLayerRemove_(new 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rf{clear(){for(;this.getCount()>0;)this.pop().release();super.clear()}expireCache(e){for(;this.canExpireCache()&&!(this.peekLast().getKey()in e);)this.pop().release()}pruneExceptNewestZ(){if(this.getCount()===0)return;const e=this.peekFirstKey(),i=of(e)[0];this.forEach(s=>{s.tileCoord[0]!==i&&(this.remove(pl(s.tileCoord)),s.release())})}}class Br{constructor(e,t,i,s){this.minX=e,this.maxX=t,this.minY=i,this.maxY=s}contains(e){return this.containsXY(e[1],e[2])}containsTileRange(e){return this.minX<=e.minX&&e.maxX<=this.maxX&&this.minY<=e.minY&&e.maxY<=this.maxY}containsXY(e,t){return this.minX<=e&&e<=this.maxX&&this.minY<=t&&t<=this.maxY}equals(e){return this.minX==e.minX&&this.minY==e.minY&&this.maxX==e.maxX&&this.maxY==e.maxY}extend(e){e.minXthis.maxX&&(this.maxX=e.maxX),e.minYthis.maxY&&(this.maxY=e.maxY)}getHeight(){return this.maxY-this.minY+1}getSize(){return[this.getWidth(),this.getHeight()]}getWidth(){return this.maxX-this.minX+1}intersects(e){return 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E=y[0]+"/"+y[1];return a[E]||(a[E]=l(y)),a[E]},this.maxSourceExtent_=s,this.errorThresholdSquared_=r*r,this.triangles_=[],this.wrapsXInSource_=!1,this.canWrapXInSource_=this.sourceProj_.canWrapX()&&!!s&&!!this.sourceProj_.getExtent()&&Z(s)>=Z(this.sourceProj_.getExtent()),this.sourceWorldWidth_=this.sourceProj_.getExtent()?Z(this.sourceProj_.getExtent()):null,this.targetWorldWidth_=this.targetProj_.getExtent()?Z(this.targetProj_.getExtent()):null;const h=oi(i),c=ss(i),u=ns(i),d=is(i),f=this.transformInv_(h),g=this.transformInv_(c),m=this.transformInv_(u),_=this.transformInv_(d),p=cf+(o?Math.max(0,Math.ceil(Math.log2(Zs(i)/(o*o*256*256)))):0);if(this.addQuad_(h,c,u,d,f,g,m,_,p),this.wrapsXInSource_){let y=1/0;this.triangles_.forEach(function(E,x,I){y=Math.min(y,E.source[0][0],E.source[1][0],E.source[2][0])}),this.triangles_.forEach(E=>{if(Math.max(E.source[0][0],E.source[1][0],E.source[2][0])-y>this.sourceWorldWidth_/2){const x=[[E.source[0][0],E.source[0][1]],[E.source[1][0],E.source[1][1]],[E.source[2][0],E.source[2][1]]];x[0][0]-y>this.sourceWorldWidth_/2&&(x[0][0]-=this.sourceWorldWidth_),x[1][0]-y>this.sourceWorldWidth_/2&&(x[1][0]-=this.sourceWorldWidth_),x[2][0]-y>this.sourceWorldWidth_/2&&(x[2][0]-=this.sourceWorldWidth_);const I=Math.min(x[0][0],x[1][0],x[2][0]);Math.max(x[0][0],x[1][0],x[2][0])-I.5&&u<1;let g=!1;if(h>0){if(this.targetProj_.isGlobal()&&this.targetWorldWidth_){const _=to([e,t,i,s]);g=Z(_)/this.targetWorldWidth_>qo||g}!f&&this.sourceProj_.isGlobal()&&u&&(g=u>qo||g)}if(!g&&this.maxSourceExtent_&&isFinite(c[0])&&isFinite(c[1])&&isFinite(c[2])&&isFinite(c[3])&&!Re(c,this.maxSourceExtent_))return;let m=0;if(!g&&(!isFinite(r[0])||!isFinite(r[1])||!isFinite(o[0])||!isFinite(o[1])||!isFinite(a[0])||!isFinite(a[1])||!isFinite(l[0])||!isFinite(l[1]))){if(h>0)g=!0;else if(m=(!isFinite(r[0])||!isFinite(r[1])?8:0)+(!isFinite(o[0])||!isFinite(o[1])?4:0)+(!isFinite(a[0])||!isFinite(a[1])?2:0)+(!isFinite(l[0])||!isFinite(l[1])?1:0),m!=1&&m!=2&&m!=4&&m!=8)return}if(h>0){if(!g){const _=[(e[0]+i[0])/2,(e[1]+i[1])/2],p=this.transformInv_(_);let y;f?y=(si(r[0],d)+si(a[0],d))/2-si(p[0],d):y=(r[0]+a[0])/2-p[0];const E=(r[1]+a[1])/2-p[1];g=y*y+E*E>this.errorThresholdSquared_}if(g){if(Math.abs(e[0]-i[0])<=Math.abs(e[1]-i[1])){const _=[(t[0]+i[0])/2,(t[1]+i[1])/2],p=this.transformInv_(_),y=[(s[0]+e[0])/2,(s[1]+e[1])/2],E=this.transformInv_(y);this.addQuad_(e,t,_,y,r,o,p,E,h-1),this.addQuad_(y,_,i,s,E,p,a,l,h-1)}else{const _=[(e[0]+t[0])/2,(e[1]+t[1])/2],p=this.transformInv_(_),y=[(i[0]+s[0])/2,(i[1]+s[1])/2],E=this.transformInv_(y);this.addQuad_(e,_,y,s,r,p,E,l,h-1),this.addQuad_(_,t,i,y,p,o,a,E,h-1)}return}}if(f){if(!this.canWrapXInSource_)return;this.wrapsXInSource_=!0}m&11||this.addTriangle_(e,i,s,r,a,l),m&14||this.addTriangle_(e,i,t,r,a,o),m&&(m&13||this.addTriangle_(t,s,e,o,l,r),m&7||this.addTriangle_(t,s,i,o,l,a))}calculateSourceExtent(){const e=Ue();return this.triangles_.forEach(function(t,i,s){const r=t.source;Vi(e,r[0]),Vi(e,r[1]),Vi(e,r[2])}),e}getTriangles(){return this.triangles_}}let zs;const Ci=[];function $o(n,e,t,i,s){n.beginPath(),n.moveTo(0,0),n.lineTo(e,t),n.lineTo(i,s),n.closePath(),,n.clip(),n.fillRect(0,0,Math.max(e,i)+1,Math.max(t,s)),n.restore()}function Ws(n,e){return Math.abs(n[e*4]-210)>2||Math.abs(n[e*4+3]-.75*255)>2}function uf(){if(zs===void 0){const n=pe(6,6,Ci);n.globalCompositeOperation="lighter",n.fillStyle="rgba(210, 0, 0, 0.75)",$o(n,4,5,4,0),$o(n,4,5,0,5);const e=n.getImageData(0,0,3,3).data;zs=Ws(e,0)||Ws(e,4)||Ws(e,8),ls(n),Ci.push(n.canvas)}return zs}function $n(n,e,t,i){const s=as(t,e,n);let r=ao(e,i,t);const o=e.getMetersPerUnit();o!==void 0&&(r*=o);const a=n.getMetersPerUnit();a!==void 0&&(r/=a);const l=n.getExtent();if(!l||ri(l,s)){const h=ao(n,r,s)/r;isFinite(h)&&h>0&&(r/=h)}return r}function df(n,e,t,i){const s=Rt(t);let r=$n(n,e,s,i);return(!isFinite(r)||r<=0)&&ca(t,function(o){return r=$n(n,e,o,i),isFinite(r)&&r>0}),r}function Il(n,e,t,i,s,r,o,a,l,h,c,u,d,f){const g=pe(Math.round(t*n),Math.round(t*e),Ci);if(u||(g.imageSmoothingEnabled=!1),l.length===0)return g.canvas;g.scale(t,t);function m(I){return Math.round(I*t)/t}g.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";const _=Ue();l.forEach(function(I,C,T){$l(_,I.extent)});let p;const y=t/i,E=(u?1:1+Math.pow(2,-24))/y;if(!d||l.length!==1||h!==0){if(p=pe(Math.round(Z(_)*y),Math.round(le(_)*y),Ci),u||(p.imageSmoothingEnabled=!1),s&&f){const I=(s[0]-_[0])*y,C=-(s[3]-_[3])*y,T=Z(s)*y,w=le(s)*y;p.rect(I,C,T,w),p.clip()}l.forEach(function(I,C,T){const w=(I.extent[0]-_[0])*y,S=-(I.extent[3]-_[3])*y,O=Z(I.extent)*y,P=le(I.extent)*y;I.image.width>0&&I.image.height>0&&p.drawImage(I.image,h,h,I.image.width-2*h,I.image.height-2*h,u?w:Math.round(w),u?S:Math.round(S),u?O:Math.round(w+O)-Math.round(w),u?P:Math.round(S+P)-Math.round(S))})}const x=oi(o);return a.getTriangles().forEach(function(I,C,T){const w=I.source,;let O=w[0][0],P=w[0][1],F=w[1][0],Y=w[1][1],G=w[2][0],z=w[2][1];const L=m((S[0][0]-x[0])/r),k=m(-(S[0][1]-x[1])/r),W=m((S[1][0]-x[0])/r),te=m(-(S[1][1]-x[1])/r),j=m((S[2][0]-x[0])/r),Q=m(-(S[2][1]-x[1])/r),H=O,ae=P;O=0,P=0,F-=H,Y-=ae,G-=H,z-=ae;const R=[[F,Y,0,0,W-L],[G,z,0,0,j-L],[0,0,F,Y,te-k],[0,0,G,z,Q-k]],ne=fh(R);if(!ne)return;if(,g.beginPath(),uf()||!u){g.moveTo(W,te);const ce=4,Te=L-W,Ze=k-te;for(let Se=0;Se{t&&t.getState()==D.LOADED&&e.push({extent:this.sourceTileGrid_.getTileCoordExtent(t.tileCoord),image:t.getImage()})}),this.sourceTiles_.length=0,e.length===0)this.state=D.ERROR;else{const t=this.wrappedTileCoord_[0],i=this.targetTileGrid_.getTileSize(t),s=typeof i=="number"?i:i[0],r=typeof i=="number"?i:i[1],o=this.targetTileGrid_.getResolution(t),a=this.sourceTileGrid_.getResolution(this.sourceZ_),l=this.targetTileGrid_.getTileCoordExtent(this.wrappedTileCoord_);this.canvas_=Il(s,r,this.pixelRatio_,a,this.sourceTileGrid_.getExtent(),o,l,this.triangulation_,e,this.gutter_,this.renderEdges_,this.interpolate),this.state=D.LOADED}this.changed()}load(){if(this.state==D.IDLE){this.state=D.LOADING,this.changed();let e=0;this.sourcesListenerKeys_=[],this.sourceTiles_.forEach(t=>{const i=t.getState();if(i==D.IDLE||i==D.LOADING){e++;const s=U(t,B.CHANGE,function(r){const o=t.getState();(o==D.LOADED||o==D.ERROR||o==D.EMPTY)&&(ie(s),e--,e===0&&(this.unlistenSources_(),this.reproject_()))},this);this.sourcesListenerKeys_.push(s)}}),e===0?setTimeout(this.reproject_.bind(this),0):this.sourceTiles_.forEach(function(t,i,s){t.getState()==D.IDLE&&t.load()})}}unlistenSources_(){this.sourcesListenerKeys_.forEach(ie),this.sourcesListenerKeys_=null}release(){this.canvas_&&(ls(this.canvas_.getContext("2d")),Ci.push(this.canvas_),this.canvas_=null),super.release()}}class ff extends Or{constructor(e){super(e),this.extentChanged=!0,this.renderedExtent_=null,this.renderedPixelRatio,this.renderedProjection=null,this.renderedRevision,this.renderedTiles=[],this.newTiles_=!1,this.tmpExtent=Ue(),this.tmpTileRange_=new Br(0,0,0,0)}isDrawableTile(e){const t=this.getLayer(),i=e.getState(),s=t.getUseInterimTilesOnError();return i==D.LOADED||i==D.EMPTY||i==D.ERROR&&!s}getTile(e,t,i,s){const r=s.pixelRatio,o=s.viewState.projection,a=this.getLayer();let h=a.getSource().getTile(e,t,i,r,o);return h.getState()==D.ERROR&&a.getUseInterimTilesOnError()&&a.getPreload()>0&&(this.newTiles_=!0),this.isDrawableTile(h)||(h=h.getInterimTile()),h}getData(e){const t=this.frameState;if(!t)return null;const i=this.getLayer(),s=ue(t.pixelToCoordinateTransform,e.slice()),r=i.getExtent();if(r&&!ri(r,s))return null;const o=t.pixelRatio,a=t.viewState.projection,l=t.viewState,h=i.getRenderSource(),c=h.getTileGridForProjection(l.projection),u=h.getTilePixelRatio(t.pixelRatio);for(let d=c.getZForResolution(l.resolution);d>=c.getMinZoom();--d){const f=c.getTileCoordForCoordAndZ(s,d),g=h.getTile(d,f[1],f[2],o,a);if(!(g instanceof hl||g instanceof sr)||g instanceof sr&&g.getState()===D.EMPTY)return null;if(g.getState()!==D.LOADED)continue;const m=c.getOrigin(d),_=Oe(c.getTileSize(d)),p=c.getResolution(d),y=Math.floor(u*((s[0]-m[0])/p-f[1]*_[0])),E=Math.floor(u*((m[1]-s[1])/p-f[2]*_[1])),x=Math.round(u*h.getGutterForProjection(l.projection));return this.getImageData(g.getImage(),y+x,E+x)}return null}loadedTileCallback(e,t,i){return this.isDrawableTile(i)?super.loadedTileCallback(e,t,i):!1}prepareFrame(e){return!!this.getLayer().getSource()}renderFrame(e,t){const i=e.layerStatesArray[e.layerIndex],s=e.viewState,r=s.projection,o=s.resolution,,l=s.rotation,h=e.pixelRatio,c=this.getLayer(),u=c.getSource(),d=u.getRevision(),f=u.getTileGridForProjection(r),g=f.getZForResolution(o,u.zDirection),m=f.getResolution(g);let _=e.extent;const p=e.viewState.resolution,y=u.getTilePixelRatio(h),E=Math.round(Z(_)/p*h),x=Math.round(le(_)/p*h),I=i.extent&&It(i.extent);I&&(_=ni(_,It(i.extent)));const C=m*E/2/y,T=m*x/2/y,w=[a[0]-C,a[1]-T,a[0]+C,a[1]+T],S=f.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(_,g),O={};O[g]={};const P=this.createLoadedTileFinder(u,r,O),F=this.tmpExtent,Y=this.tmpTileRange_;this.newTiles_=!1;const G=l?Vs(,p,l,e.size):void 0;for(let ae=S.minX;ae<=S.maxX;++ae)for(let R=S.minY;R<=S.maxY;++R){if(l&&!f.tileCoordIntersectsViewport([g,ae,R],G))continue;const ne=this.getTile(g,ae,R,e);if(this.isDrawableTile(ne)){const Te=J(this);if(ne.getState()==D.LOADED){O[g][ne.tileCoord.toString()]=ne;let Ze=ne.inTransition(Te);Ze&&i.opacity!==1&&(ne.endTransition(Te),Ze=!1),!this.newTiles_&&(Ze||!this.renderedTiles.includes(ne))&&(this.newTiles_=!0)}if(ne.getAlpha(Te,e.time)===1)continue}const Ae=f.getTileCoordChildTileRange(ne.tileCoord,Y,F);let ce=!1;Ae&&(ce=P(g+1,Ae)),ce||f.forEachTileCoordParentTileRange(ne.tileCoord,P,Y,F)}const z=m/o*h/y;je(this.pixelTransform,e.size[0]/2,e.size[1]/2,1/h,1/h,l,-E/2,-x/2);const L=hr(this.pixelTransform);this.useContainer(t,L,this.getBackground(e));const k=this.getRenderContext(e),W=this.context.canvas;es(this.inversePixelTransform,this.pixelTransform),je(this.tempTransform,E/2,x/2,z,z,0,-E/2,-x/2),W.width!=E||W.height!=x?(W.width=E,W.height=x):this.containerReused||k.clearRect(0,0,E,x),I&&this.clipUnrotated(k,e,I),u.getInterpolate()||(k.imageSmoothingEnabled=!1),this.preRender(k,e),this.renderedTiles.length=0;let te=Object.keys(O).map(Number);te.sort(vt);let j,Q,H;i.opacity===1&&(!this.containerReused||u.getOpaque(e.viewState.projection))?te=te.reverse():(j=[],Q=[]);for(let ae=te.length-1;ae>=0;--ae){const R=te[ae],ne=u.getTilePixelSize(R,h,r),ce=f.getResolution(R)/m,Te=ne[0]*ce*z,Ze=ne[1]*ce*z,Se=f.getTileCoordForCoordAndZ(oi(w),R),Fi=f.getTileCoordExtent(Se),Ht=ue(this.tempTransform,[y*(Fi[0]-w[0])/m,y*(w[3]-Fi[3])/m]),xs=y*u.getGutterForProjection(r),wn=O[R];for(const Cn in wn){const ke=wn[Cn],ai=ke.tileCoord,Rn=Se[1]-ai[1],Is=Math.round(Ht[0]-(Rn-1)*Te),Tn=Se[2]-ai[2],Sn=Math.round(Ht[1]-(Tn-1)*Ze),De=Math.round(Ht[0]-Rn*Te),Ve=Math.round(Ht[1]-Tn*Ze),et=Is-De,Ke=Sn-Ve,li=g===R,hi=li&&ke.getAlpha(J(this),e.time)!==1;let bt=!1;if(!hi)if(j){H=[De,Ve,De+et,Ve,De+et,Ve+Ke,De,Ve+Ke];for(let ut=0,vs=j.length;utr-s,!0),"`resolutions` must be sorted in descending order");let t;if(!{for(let s=0,r=this.resolutions_.length-1;s{const o=new Br(Math.min(0,s[0]),Math.max(s[0]-1,-1),Math.min(0,s[1]),Math.max(s[1]-1,-1));if(i){const a=this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(i,r);o.minX=Math.max(a.minX,o.minX),o.maxX=Math.min(a.maxX,o.maxX),o.minY=Math.max(a.minY,o.minY),o.maxY=Math.min(a.maxY,o.maxY)}return o}):i&&this.calculateTileRanges_(i)}forEachTileCoord(e,t,i){const s=this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(e,t);for(let r=s.minX,o=s.maxX;r<=o;++r)for(let a=s.minY,l=s.maxY;a<=l;++a)i([t,r,a])}forEachTileCoordParentTileRange(e,t,i,s){let r,o,a,l=null,h=e[0]-1;for(this.zoomFactor_===2?(o=e[1],a=e[2]):l=this.getTileCoordExtent(e,s);h>=this.minZoom;){if(o!==void 0&&a!==void 0?(o=Math.floor(o/2),a=Math.floor(a/2),r=fi(o,o,a,a,i)):r=this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(l,h,i),t(h,r))return!0;--h}return!1}getExtent(){return this.extent_}getMaxZoom(){return this.maxZoom}getMinZoom(){return this.minZoom}getOrigin(e){return this.origin_?this.origin_:this.origins_[e]}getResolution(e){return this.resolutions_[e]}getResolutions(){return this.resolutions_}getTileCoordChildTileRange(e,t,i){if(e[0]this.maxZoom||t0?i:Math.max(r/t[0],s/t[1]);const o=e+1,a=new Array(o);for(let l=0;li.highWaterMark&&(i.highWaterMark=e)}useTile(e,t,i,s){}}class vf extends ct{constructor(e,t){super(e),this.tile=t}}function wf(n,e){const t=/\{z\}/g,i=/\{x\}/g,s=/\{y\}/g,r=/\{-y\}/g;return function(o,a,l){if(o)return n.replace(t,o[0].toString()).replace(i,o[1].toString()).replace(s,o[2].toString()).replace(r,function(){const h=o[0],c=e.getFullTileRange(h);if(!c)throw new Error("The {-y} placeholder requires a tile grid with extent");return(c.getHeight()-o[2]-1).toString()})}}function Cf(n,e){const t=n.length,i=new Array(t);for(let s=0;sthis.getTileInternal(_,p,y,E,o),this.reprojectionErrorThreshold_,this.renderReprojectionEdges_,this.tileOptions);return m.key=u,h?(m.interimTile=h,m.refreshInterimChain(),a.replace(c,m)):a.set(c,m),m}getTileInternal(e,t,i,s,r){let o=null;const a=ys(e,t,i),l=this.getKey();if(!this.tileCache.containsKey(a))o=this.createTile_(e,t,i,s,r,l),this.tileCache.set(a,o);else if(o=this.tileCache.get(a),o.key!=l){const h=o;o=this.createTile_(e,t,i,s,r,l),h.getState()==D.IDLE?o.interimTile=h.interimTile:o.interimTile=h,o.refreshInterimChain(),this.tileCache.replace(a,o)}return o}setRenderReprojectionEdges(e){if(this.renderReprojectionEdges_!=e){this.renderReprojectionEdges_=e;for(const t in this.tileCacheForProjection)this.tileCacheForProjection[t].clear();this.changed()}}setTileGridForProjection(e,t){const i=ve(e);if(i){const s=J(i);s in this.tileGridForProjection||(this.tileGridForProjection[s]=t)}}clear(){super.clear();for(const e in this.tileCacheForProjection)this.tileCacheForProjection[e].clear()}}function Lf(n,e){n.getImage().src=e}class bf extends Sf{constructor(e){e=e||{};const t=e.projection!==void 0?e.projection:"EPSG:3857",i=e.tileGrid!==void 0?e.tileGrid:Ef({extent:Gr(t),maxResolution:e.maxResolution,maxZoom:e.maxZoom,minZoom:e.minZoom,tileSize:e.tileSize});super({attributions:e.attributions,cacheSize:e.cacheSize,crossOrigin:e.crossOrigin,interpolate:e.interpolate,opaque:e.opaque,projection:t,reprojectionErrorThreshold:e.reprojectionErrorThreshold,tileGrid:i,tileLoadFunction:e.tileLoadFunction,tilePixelRatio:e.tilePixelRatio,tileUrlFunction:e.tileUrlFunction,url:e.url,urls:e.urls,wrapX:e.wrapX!==void 0?e.wrapX:!0,transition:e.transition,attributionsCollapsible:e.attributionsCollapsible,zDirection:e.zDirection}),this.gutter_=e.gutter!==void 0?e.gutter:0}getGutter(){return this.gutter_}}const Mf='© OpenStreetMap contributors.';class Af extends bf{constructor(e){e=e||{};let t;e.attributions!==void 0?t=e.attributions:t=[Mf];const i=e.crossOrigin!==void 0?e.crossOrigin:"anonymous",s=e.url!==void 0?e.url:"{z}/{x}/{y}.png";super({attributions:t,attributionsCollapsible:!1,cacheSize:e.cacheSize,crossOrigin:i,interpolate:e.interpolate,maxZoom:e.maxZoom!==void 0?e.maxZoom:19,opaque:e.opaque!==void 0?e.opaque:!0,reprojectionErrorThreshold:e.reprojectionErrorThreshold,tileLoadFunction:e.tileLoadFunction,transition:e.transition,url:s,wrapX:e.wrapX,zDirection:e.zDirection})}}const Df=Af;function rr(n){return Array.isArray(n)?Math.min(...n):n}class Pf extends Oa{constructor(e,t,i,s,r,o,a){let l=e.getExtent();l&&e.canWrapX()&&(l=l.slice(),l[0]=-1/0,l[2]=1/0);let h=t.getExtent();h&&t.canWrapX()&&(h=h.slice(),h[0]=-1/0,h[2]=1/0);const c=h?ni(i,h):i,u=Rt(c),d=$n(e,t,u,s),f=El,g=new xl(e,t,c,l,d*f,s),m=g.calculateSourceExtent(),_=Ai(m)?null:o(m,d,r),p=_?b.IDLE:b.EMPTY,y=_?_.getPixelRatio():1;super(i,s,y,p),this.targetProj_=t,this.maxSourceExtent_=l,this.triangulation_=g,this.targetResolution_=s,this.targetExtent_=i,this.sourceImage_=_,this.sourcePixelRatio_=y,this.interpolate_=a,this.canvas_=null,this.sourceListenerKey_=null}disposeInternal(){this.state==b.LOADING&&this.unlistenSource_(),super.disposeInternal()}getImage(){return this.canvas_}getProjection(){return this.targetProj_}reproject_(){const e=this.sourceImage_.getState();if(e==b.LOADED){const t=Z(this.targetExtent_)/this.targetResolution_,i=le(this.targetExtent_)/this.targetResolution_;this.canvas_=Il(t,i,this.sourcePixelRatio_,rr(this.sourceImage_.getResolution()),this.maxSourceExtent_,this.targetResolution_,this.targetExtent_,this.triangulation_,[{extent:this.sourceImage_.getExtent(),image:this.sourceImage_.getImage()}],0,void 0,this.interpolate_,!0)}this.state=e,this.changed()}load(){if(this.state==b.IDLE){this.state=b.LOADING,this.changed();const e=this.sourceImage_.getState();e==b.LOADED||e==b.ERROR?this.reproject_():(this.sourceListenerKey_=U(this.sourceImage_,B.CHANGE,function(t){const i=this.sourceImage_.getState();(i==b.LOADED||i==b.ERROR)&&(this.unlistenSource_(),this.reproject_())},this),this.sourceImage_.load())}}unlistenSource_(){ie(this.sourceListenerKey_),this.sourceListenerKey_=null}}const Wt=4,Ys={IMAGELOADSTART:"imageloadstart",IMAGELOADEND:"imageloadend",IMAGELOADERROR:"imageloaderror"};class Of extends ct{constructor(e,t){super(e),this.image=t}}class kf extends kr{constructor(e){super({attributions:e.attributions,projection:e.projection,state:e.state,interpolate:e.interpolate!==void 0?e.interpolate:!0}),this.on,this.once,this.un,this.loader=e.loader||null,this.resolutions_=e.resolutions!==void 0?e.resolutions:null,this.reprojectedImage_=null,this.reprojectedRevision_=0,this.image=null,this.wantedExtent_,this.wantedResolution_,this.static_=e.loader?e.loader.length===0:!1,this.wantedProjection_=null}getResolutions(){return this.resolutions_}setResolutions(e){this.resolutions_=e}findNearestResolution(e){const t=this.getResolutions();if(t){const i=Jn(t,e,0);e=t[i]}return e}getImage(e,t,i,s){const r=this.getProjection();if(!r||!s||Nt(r,s))return r&&(s=r),this.getImageInternal(e,t,i,s);if(this.reprojectedImage_){if(this.reprojectedRevision_==this.getRevision()&&Nt(this.reprojectedImage_.getProjection(),s)&&this.reprojectedImage_.getResolution()==t&&Li(this.reprojectedImage_.getExtent(),e))return this.reprojectedImage_;this.reprojectedImage_.dispose(),this.reprojectedImage_=null}return this.reprojectedImage_=new Pf(r,s,e,t,i,(o,a,l)=>this.getImageInternal(o,a,l,r),this.getInterpolate()),this.reprojectedRevision_=this.getRevision(),this.reprojectedImage_}getImageInternal(e,t,i,s){if(this.loader){const r=Rl(e,t,i,1),o=this.findNearestResolution(t);if(this.image&&(this.static_||this.wantedProjection_===s&&(this.wantedExtent_&&rt(this.wantedExtent_,r)||rt(this.image.getExtent(),r))&&(this.wantedResolution_&&rr(this.wantedResolution_)===o||rr(this.image.getResolution())===o)))return this.image;this.wantedProjection_=s,this.wantedExtent_=r,this.wantedResolution_=o,this.image=new Oa(r,o,i,this.loader),this.image.addEventListener(B.CHANGE,this.handleImageChange.bind(this))}return this.image}handleImageChange(e){const;let i;switch(t.getState()){case b.LOADING:this.loading=!0,i=Ys.IMAGELOADSTART;break;case b.LOADED:this.loading=!1,i=Ys.IMAGELOADEND;break;case b.ERROR:this.loading=!1,i=Ys.IMAGELOADERROR;break;default:return}this.hasListener(i)&&this.dispatchEvent(new Of(i,t))}}function Ff(n,e){n.getImage().src=e}function Rl(n,e,t,i){const s=e/t,r=Rt(n),o=Bt(Z(n)/s,Wt),a=Bt(le(n)/s,Wt),l=Bt((i-1)*o/2,Wt),h=o+2*l,c=Bt((i-1)*a/2,Wt),u=a+2*c;return $i(r,s,0,[h,u])}function Tl(n,e){const t=[];Object.keys(e).forEach(function(s){e[s]!==null&&e[s]!==void 0&&t.push(s+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[s]))});const i=t.join("&");return n=n.replace(/[?&]$/,""),n+=n.includes("?")?"&":"?",n+i}const Sl="1.3.0",Jo=[101,101];function Ll(n,e,t,i,s){s.WIDTH=t[0],s.HEIGHT=t[1];const r=i.getAxisOrientation();let o;const a=fa(s.VERSION,"1.3")>=0;return s[a?"CRS":"SRS"]=i.getCode(),a&&r.substr(0,2)=="ne"?o=[e[1],e[0],e[3],e[2]]:o=e,s.BBOX=o.join(","),Tl(n,s)}function Nf(n,e,t,i,s,r,o){r=Object.assign({REQUEST:"GetMap"},r);const a=e/t,l=[ro(Z(n)/a,Wt),ro(le(n)/a,Wt)];if(t!=1)switch(o){case"geoserver":const c=90*t+.5|0;"FORMAT_OPTIONS"in r?r.FORMAT_OPTIONS+=";dpi:"+c:r.FORMAT_OPTIONS="dpi:"+c;break;case"mapserver":r.MAP_RESOLUTION=90*t;break;case"carmentaserver":case"qgis":r.DPI=90*t;break;default:throw new Error("Unknown `serverType` configured")}return Ll(s,n,l,i,r)}function bl(n,e){return Object.assign({REQUEST:e,SERVICE:"WMS",VERSION:Sl,FORMAT:"image/png",STYLES:"",TRANSPARENT:!0},n)}function Bf(n){const e=n.hidpi===void 0?!0:n.hidpi,t=ve(n.projection||"EPSG:3857"),i=n.ratio||1.5,s=n.load||Fa;return(r,o,a)=>{r=Rl(r,o,a,i),a!=1&&(!e||n.serverType===void 0)&&(a=1);const l=Nf(r,o,a,t,n.url,bl(n.params,"GetMap"),n.serverType),h=new Image;return n.crossOrigin!==null&&(h.crossOrigin=n.crossOrigin),s(h,l).then(c=>({image:c,extent:r,pixelRatio:a}))}}function Gf(n,e,t){if(n.url===void 0)return;const i=ve(n.projection||"EPSG:3857"),s=$i(e,t,0,Jo),r={QUERY_LAYERS:n.params.LAYERS,INFO_FORMAT:"application/json"};Object.assign(r,bl(n.params,"GetFeatureInfo"),n.params);const o=xi((e[0]-s[0])/t,Wt),a=xi((s[3]-e[1])/t,Wt),l=fa(r.VERSION,"1.3")>=0;return r[l?"I":"X"]=o,r[l?"J":"Y"]=a,Ll(n.url,s,Jo,i,r)}function zf(n,e){if(n.url===void 0)return;const t={SERVICE:"WMS",VERSION:Sl,REQUEST:"GetLegendGraphic",FORMAT:"image/png"};if(n.params===void 0||n.params.LAYER===void 0){const i=n.params.LAYERS;if(!(!Array.isArray(i)||i.length===1))return;t.LAYER=i}if(e!==void 0){const i=ve(n.projection||"EPSG:3857").getMetersPerUnit()||1,s=28e-5;t.SCALE=e*i/s}return Object.assign(t,n.params),Tl(n.url,t)}class Ml extends kf{constructor(e){e=e||{},super({attributions:e.attributions,interpolate:e.interpolate,projection:e.projection,resolutions:e.resolutions}),this.crossOrigin_=e.crossOrigin!==void 0?e.crossOrigin:null,this.url_=e.url,this.imageLoadFunction_=e.imageLoadFunction!==void 0?e.imageLoadFunction:Ff,this.params_=Object.assign({},e.params),this.serverType_=e.serverType,this.hidpi_=e.hidpi!==void 0?e.hidpi:!0,this.renderedRevision_=0,this.ratio_=e.ratio!==void 0?e.ratio:1.5,this.loaderProjection_=null}getFeatureInfoUrl(e,t,i,s){const r=ve(i),o=this.getProjection();o&&o!==r&&(t=$n(o,r,e,t),e=as(e,r,o));const a={url:this.url_,params:{...this.params_,...s},projection:o||r};return Gf(a,e,t)}getLegendUrl(e,t){return zf({url:this.url_,params:{...this.params_,...t}},e)}getParams(){return this.params_}getImageInternal(e,t,i,s){return this.url_===void 0?null:((!this.loader||this.loaderProjection_!==s)&&(this.loaderProjection_=s,this.loader=Bf({crossOrigin:this.crossOrigin_,params:this.params_,projection:s,serverType:this.serverType_,hidpi:this.hidpi_,url:this.url_,ratio:this.ratio_,load:(r,o)=>(this.image.setImage(r),this.imageLoadFunction_(this.image,o),Fa(r))})),super.getImageInternal(e,t,i,s))}getImageLoadFunction(){return this.imageLoadFunction_}getUrl(){return 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i=this.getLayer(),s=ue(t.pixelToCoordinateTransform,e.slice()),r=i.getExtent();if(r&&!ri(r,s))return null;const o=this.image_.getExtent(),a=this.image_.getImage(),l=Z(o),h=Math.floor(a.width*((s[0]-o[0])/l));if(h<0||h>=a.width)return null;const c=le(o),u=Math.floor(a.height*((o[3]-s[1])/c));return u<0||u>=a.height?null:this.getImageData(a,h,u)}renderFrame(e,t){const i=this.image_,s=i.getExtent(),r=i.getResolution(),[o,a]=Array.isArray(r)?r:[r,r],l=i.getPixelRatio(),h=e.layerStatesArray[e.layerIndex],c=e.pixelRatio,u=e.viewState,,f=u.resolution,g=c*o/(f*l),m=c*a/(f*l),_=e.extent,p=u.resolution,y=u.rotation,E=Math.round(Z(_)/p*c),x=Math.round(le(_)/p*c);je(this.pixelTransform,e.size[0]/2,e.size[1]/2,1/c,1/c,y,-E/2,-x/2),es(this.inversePixelTransform,this.pixelTransform);const I=hr(this.pixelTransform);this.useContainer(t,I,this.getBackground(e));const 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Leider noch kein 3D Modell vorhanden, erstelle doch bitte eins!



Um das 3D Modell wird sich bereits gekümmert


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Link zum Wikipedia Artikel '),Xr.setPosition(u)}})}});document.getElementById("createReady").addEventListener("click",tg);document.getElementById("createDenkmal").addEventListener("click",ig);document.getElementById("resetCreateDenkmal").addEventListener("click",resetCreateDenkmal);document.getElementById("editDenkmal").addEventListener("click",ng);document.getElementById("deleteDenkmal").addEventListener("click",sg);function eg(){Ye=Ye.replace("denkmaeler.","");var n=Es+""+Ye,e=new XMLHttpRequest;e.onreadystatechange=function(){if(this.readyState==4&&this.status==200)try{var t=JSON.parse(this.response);t.request==="done"?(alert(`Danke für´s Kümmern! +
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Leider noch kein 3D Modell vorhanden, erstelle doch bitte eins!



Um das 3D Modell wird sich bereits gekümmert


Link zum 3d Model

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It is meant as base class\n * for higher level events defined in the library, and works with\n * {@link module:ol/events/Target~Target}.\n */\nclass BaseEvent {\n /**\n * @param {string} type Type.\n */\n constructor(type) {\n /**\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.propagationStopped;\n\n /**\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.defaultPrevented;\n\n /**\n * The event type.\n * @type {string}\n * @api\n */\n this.type = type;\n\n /**\n * The event target.\n * @type {Object}\n * @api\n */\n = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Prevent default. This means that no emulated `click`, `singleclick` or `doubleclick` events\n * will be fired.\n * @api\n */\n preventDefault() {\n this.defaultPrevented = true;\n }\n\n /**\n * Stop event propagation.\n * @api\n */\n stopPropagation() {\n this.propagationStopped = true;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Event|import(\"./Event.js\").default} evt Event\n */\nexport function stopPropagation(evt) {\n evt.stopPropagation();\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Event|import(\"./Event.js\").default} evt Event\n */\nexport function preventDefault(evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n}\n\nexport default BaseEvent;\n","/**\n * @module ol/ObjectEventType\n */\n\n/**\n * @enum {string}\n */\nexport default {\n /**\n * Triggered when a property is changed.\n * @event module:ol/Object.ObjectEvent#propertychange\n * @api\n */\n PROPERTYCHANGE: 'propertychange',\n};\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'propertychange'} Types\n */\n","/**\n * @module ol/Disposable\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Objects that need to clean up after themselves.\n */\nclass Disposable {\n constructor() {\n /**\n * The object has already been disposed.\n * @type {boolean}\n * @protected\n */\n this.disposed = false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clean up.\n */\n dispose() {\n if (!this.disposed) {\n this.disposed = true;\n this.disposeInternal();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Extension point for disposable objects.\n * @protected\n */\n disposeInternal() {}\n}\n\nexport default Disposable;\n","/**\n * @module ol/array\n */\n\n/**\n * Performs a binary search on the provided sorted list and returns the index of the item if found. If it can't be found it'll return -1.\n *\n *\n * @param {Array<*>} haystack Items to search through.\n * @param {*} needle The item to look for.\n * @param {Function} [comparator] Comparator function.\n * @return {number} The index of the item if found, -1 if not.\n */\nexport function binarySearch(haystack, needle, comparator) {\n let mid, cmp;\n comparator = comparator || ascending;\n let low = 0;\n let high = haystack.length;\n let found = false;\n\n while (low < high) {\n /* Note that \"(low + high) >>> 1\" may overflow, and results in a typecast\n * to double (which gives the wrong results). */\n mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);\n cmp = +comparator(haystack[mid], needle);\n\n if (cmp < 0.0) {\n /* Too low. */\n low = mid + 1;\n } else {\n /* Key found or too high */\n high = mid;\n found = !cmp;\n }\n }\n\n /* Key not found. */\n return found ? low : ~low;\n}\n\n/**\n * Compare function sorting arrays in ascending order. Safe to use for numeric values.\n * @param {*} a The first object to be compared.\n * @param {*} b The second object to be compared.\n * @return {number} A negative number, zero, or a positive number as the first\n * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.\n */\nexport function ascending(a, b) {\n return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Compare function sorting arrays in descending order. Safe to use for numeric values.\n * @param {*} a The first object to be compared.\n * @param {*} b The second object to be compared.\n * @return {number} A negative number, zero, or a positive number as the first\n * argument is greater than, equal to, or less than the second.\n */\nexport function descending(a, b) {\n return a < b ? 1 : a > b ? -1 : 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * {@link module:ol/tilegrid/TileGrid~TileGrid#getZForResolution} can use a function\n * of this type to determine which nearest resolution to use.\n *\n * This function takes a `{number}` representing a value between two array entries,\n * a `{number}` representing the value of the nearest higher entry and\n * a `{number}` representing the value of the nearest lower entry\n * as arguments and returns a `{number}`. If a negative number or zero is returned\n * the lower value will be used, if a positive number is returned the higher value\n * will be used.\n * @typedef {function(number, number, number): number} NearestDirectionFunction\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} arr Array in descending order.\n * @param {number} target Target.\n * @param {number|NearestDirectionFunction} direction\n * 0 means return the nearest,\n * > 0 means return the largest nearest,\n * < 0 means return the smallest nearest.\n * @return {number} Index.\n */\nexport function linearFindNearest(arr, target, direction) {\n if (arr[0] <= target) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n const n = arr.length;\n if (target <= arr[n - 1]) {\n return n - 1;\n }\n\n if (typeof direction === 'function') {\n for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) {\n const candidate = arr[i];\n if (candidate === target) {\n return i;\n }\n if (candidate < target) {\n if (direction(target, arr[i - 1], candidate) > 0) {\n return i - 1;\n }\n return i;\n }\n }\n return n - 1;\n }\n\n if (direction > 0) {\n for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) {\n if (arr[i] < target) {\n return i - 1;\n }\n }\n return n - 1;\n }\n\n if (direction < 0) {\n for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) {\n if (arr[i] <= target) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return n - 1;\n }\n\n for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) {\n if (arr[i] == target) {\n return i;\n }\n if (arr[i] < target) {\n if (arr[i - 1] - target < target - arr[i]) {\n return i - 1;\n }\n return i;\n }\n }\n return n - 1;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array<*>} arr Array.\n * @param {number} begin Begin index.\n * @param {number} end End index.\n */\nexport function reverseSubArray(arr, begin, end) {\n while (begin < end) {\n const tmp = arr[begin];\n arr[begin] = arr[end];\n arr[end] = tmp;\n ++begin;\n --end;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} arr The array to modify.\n * @param {!Array|VALUE} data The elements or arrays of elements to add to arr.\n * @template VALUE\n */\nexport function extend(arr, data) {\n const extension = Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data];\n const length = extension.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n arr[arr.length] = extension[i];\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} arr The array to modify.\n * @param {VALUE} obj The element to remove.\n * @template VALUE\n * @return {boolean} If the element was removed.\n */\nexport function remove(arr, obj) {\n const i = arr.indexOf(obj);\n const found = i > -1;\n if (found) {\n arr.splice(i, 1);\n }\n return found;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array|Uint8ClampedArray} arr1 The first array to compare.\n * @param {Array|Uint8ClampedArray} arr2 The second array to compare.\n * @return {boolean} Whether the two arrays are equal.\n */\nexport function equals(arr1, arr2) {\n const len1 = arr1.length;\n if (len1 !== arr2.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < len1; i++) {\n if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Sort the passed array such that the relative order of equal elements is preserved.\n * See for details.\n * @param {Array<*>} arr The array to sort (modifies original).\n * @param {!function(*, *): number} compareFnc Comparison function.\n * @api\n */\nexport function stableSort(arr, compareFnc) {\n const length = arr.length;\n const tmp = Array(arr.length);\n let i;\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n tmp[i] = {index: i, value: arr[i]};\n }\n tmp.sort(function (a, b) {\n return compareFnc(a.value, b.value) || a.index - b.index;\n });\n for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {\n arr[i] = tmp[i].value;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array<*>} arr The array to test.\n * @param {Function} [func] Comparison function.\n * @param {boolean} [strict] Strictly sorted (default false).\n * @return {boolean} Return index.\n */\nexport function isSorted(arr, func, strict) {\n const compare = func || ascending;\n return arr.every(function (currentVal, index) {\n if (index === 0) {\n return true;\n }\n const res = compare(arr[index - 1], currentVal);\n return !(res > 0 || (strict && res === 0));\n });\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/functions\n */\n\nimport {equals as arrayEquals} from './array.js';\n\n/**\n * Always returns true.\n * @return {boolean} true.\n */\nexport function TRUE() {\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Always returns false.\n * @return {boolean} false.\n */\nexport function FALSE() {\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * A reusable function, used e.g. as a default for callbacks.\n *\n * @return {void} Nothing.\n */\nexport function VOID() {}\n\n/**\n * Wrap a function in another function that remembers the last return. If the\n * returned function is called twice in a row with the same arguments and the same\n * this object, it will return the value from the first call in the second call.\n *\n * @param {function(...any): ReturnType} fn The function to memoize.\n * @return {function(...any): ReturnType} The memoized function.\n * @template ReturnType\n */\nexport function memoizeOne(fn) {\n let called = false;\n\n /** @type {ReturnType} */\n let lastResult;\n\n /** @type {Array} */\n let lastArgs;\n\n let lastThis;\n\n return function () {\n const nextArgs =;\n if (!called || this !== lastThis || !arrayEquals(nextArgs, lastArgs)) {\n called = true;\n lastThis = this;\n lastArgs = nextArgs;\n lastResult = fn.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return lastResult;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * @template T\n * @param {function(): (T | Promise)} getter A function that returns a value or a promise for a value.\n * @return {Promise} A promise for the value.\n */\nexport function toPromise(getter) {\n function promiseGetter() {\n let value;\n try {\n value = getter();\n } catch (err) {\n return Promise.reject(err);\n }\n if (value instanceof Promise) {\n return value;\n }\n return Promise.resolve(value);\n }\n return promiseGetter();\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/obj\n */\n\n/**\n * Removes all properties from an object.\n * @param {Object} object The object to clear.\n */\nexport function clear(object) {\n for (const property in object) {\n delete object[property];\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if an object has any properties.\n * @param {Object} object The object to check.\n * @return {boolean} The object is empty.\n */\nexport function isEmpty(object) {\n let property;\n for (property in object) {\n return false;\n }\n return !property;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/events/Target\n */\nimport Disposable from '../Disposable.js';\nimport Event from './Event.js';\nimport {VOID} from '../functions.js';\nimport {clear} from '../obj.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {EventTarget|Target} EventTargetLike\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * A simplified implementation of the W3C DOM Level 2 EventTarget interface.\n * See\n *\n * There are two important simplifications compared to the specification:\n *\n * 1. The handling of `useCapture` in `addEventListener` and\n * `removeEventListener`. There is no real capture model.\n * 2. The handling of `stopPropagation` and `preventDefault` on `dispatchEvent`.\n * There is no event target hierarchy. When a listener calls\n * `stopPropagation` or `preventDefault` on an event object, it means that no\n * more listeners after this one will be called. Same as when the listener\n * returns false.\n */\nclass Target extends Disposable {\n /**\n * @param {*} [target] Default event target for dispatched events.\n */\n constructor(target) {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {*}\n */\n this.eventTarget_ = target;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Object|null}\n */\n this.pendingRemovals_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Object|null}\n */\n this.dispatching_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Object>|null}\n */\n this.listeners_ = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} type Type.\n * @param {import(\"../events.js\").Listener} listener Listener.\n */\n addEventListener(type, listener) {\n if (!type || !listener) {\n return;\n }\n const listeners = this.listeners_ || (this.listeners_ = {});\n const listenersForType = listeners[type] || (listeners[type] = []);\n if (!listenersForType.includes(listener)) {\n listenersForType.push(listener);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Dispatches an event and calls all listeners listening for events\n * of this type. The event parameter can either be a string or an\n * Object with a `type` property.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./Event.js\").default|string} event Event object.\n * @return {boolean|undefined} `false` if anyone called preventDefault on the\n * event object or if any of the listeners returned false.\n * @api\n */\n dispatchEvent(event) {\n const isString = typeof event === 'string';\n const type = isString ? event : event.type;\n const listeners = this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[type];\n if (!listeners) {\n return;\n }\n\n const evt = isString ? new Event(event) : /** @type {Event} */ (event);\n if (! {\n = this.eventTarget_ || this;\n }\n const dispatching = this.dispatching_ || (this.dispatching_ = {});\n const pendingRemovals =\n this.pendingRemovals_ || (this.pendingRemovals_ = {});\n if (!(type in dispatching)) {\n dispatching[type] = 0;\n pendingRemovals[type] = 0;\n }\n ++dispatching[type];\n let propagate;\n for (let i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n if ('handleEvent' in listeners[i]) {\n propagate = /** @type {import(\"../events.js\").ListenerObject} */ (\n listeners[i]\n ).handleEvent(evt);\n } else {\n propagate = /** @type {import(\"../events.js\").ListenerFunction} */ (\n listeners[i]\n ).call(this, evt);\n }\n if (propagate === false || evt.propagationStopped) {\n propagate = false;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (--dispatching[type] === 0) {\n let pr = pendingRemovals[type];\n delete pendingRemovals[type];\n while (pr--) {\n this.removeEventListener(type, VOID);\n }\n delete dispatching[type];\n }\n return propagate;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clean up.\n */\n disposeInternal() {\n this.listeners_ && clear(this.listeners_);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the listeners for a specified event type. Listeners are returned in the\n * order that they will be called in.\n *\n * @param {string} type Type.\n * @return {Array|undefined} Listeners.\n */\n getListeners(type) {\n return (this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[type]) || undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} [type] Type. If not provided,\n * `true` will be returned if this event target has any listeners.\n * @return {boolean} Has listeners.\n */\n hasListener(type) {\n if (!this.listeners_) {\n return false;\n }\n return type\n ? type in this.listeners_\n : Object.keys(this.listeners_).length > 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} type Type.\n * @param {import(\"../events.js\").Listener} listener Listener.\n */\n removeEventListener(type, listener) {\n if (!this.listeners_) {\n return;\n }\n const listeners = this.listeners_[type];\n if (!listeners) {\n return;\n }\n const index = listeners.indexOf(listener);\n if (index !== -1) {\n if (this.pendingRemovals_ && type in this.pendingRemovals_) {\n // make listener a no-op, and remove later in #dispatchEvent()\n listeners[index] = VOID;\n ++this.pendingRemovals_[type];\n } else {\n listeners.splice(index, 1);\n if (listeners.length === 0) {\n delete this.listeners_[type];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport default Target;\n","/**\n * @module ol/events/EventType\n */\n\n/**\n * @enum {string}\n * @const\n */\nexport default {\n /**\n * Generic change event. Triggered when the revision counter is increased.\n * @event module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#change\n * @api\n */\n CHANGE: 'change',\n\n /**\n * Generic error event. Triggered when an error occurs.\n * @event module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#error\n * @api\n */\n ERROR: 'error',\n\n BLUR: 'blur',\n CLEAR: 'clear',\n CONTEXTMENU: 'contextmenu',\n CLICK: 'click',\n DBLCLICK: 'dblclick',\n DRAGENTER: 'dragenter',\n DRAGOVER: 'dragover',\n DROP: 'drop',\n FOCUS: 'focus',\n KEYDOWN: 'keydown',\n KEYPRESS: 'keypress',\n LOAD: 'load',\n RESIZE: 'resize',\n TOUCHMOVE: 'touchmove',\n WHEEL: 'wheel',\n};\n","/**\n * @module ol/events\n */\nimport {clear} from './obj.js';\n\n/**\n * Key to use with {@link module:ol/Observable.unByKey}.\n * @typedef {Object} EventsKey\n * @property {ListenerFunction} listener Listener.\n * @property {import(\"./events/Target.js\").EventTargetLike} target Target.\n * @property {string} type Type.\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Listener function. This function is called with an event object as argument.\n * When the function returns `false`, event propagation will stop.\n *\n * @typedef {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event.js\").default)): (void|boolean)} ListenerFunction\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} ListenerObject\n * @property {ListenerFunction} handleEvent HandleEvent listener function.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {ListenerFunction|ListenerObject} Listener\n */\n\n/**\n * Registers an event listener on an event target. Inspired by\n *\n *\n * This function efficiently binds a `listener` to a `this` object, and returns\n * a key for use with {@link module:ol/events.unlistenByKey}.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./events/Target.js\").EventTargetLike} target Event target.\n * @param {string} type Event type.\n * @param {ListenerFunction} listener Listener.\n * @param {Object} [thisArg] Object referenced by the `this` keyword in the\n * listener. Default is the `target`.\n * @param {boolean} [once] If true, add the listener as one-off listener.\n * @return {EventsKey} Unique key for the listener.\n */\nexport function listen(target, type, listener, thisArg, once) {\n if (thisArg && thisArg !== target) {\n listener = listener.bind(thisArg);\n }\n if (once) {\n const originalListener = listener;\n listener = function () {\n target.removeEventListener(type, listener);\n originalListener.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }\n const eventsKey = {\n target: target,\n type: type,\n listener: listener,\n };\n target.addEventListener(type, listener);\n return eventsKey;\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers a one-off event listener on an event target. Inspired by\n *\n *\n * This function efficiently binds a `listener` as self-unregistering listener\n * to a `this` object, and returns a key for use with\n * {@link module:ol/events.unlistenByKey} in case the listener needs to be\n * unregistered before it is called.\n *\n * When {@link module:ol/events.listen} is called with the same arguments after this\n * function, the self-unregistering listener will be turned into a permanent\n * listener.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./events/Target.js\").EventTargetLike} target Event target.\n * @param {string} type Event type.\n * @param {ListenerFunction} listener Listener.\n * @param {Object} [thisArg] Object referenced by the `this` keyword in the\n * listener. Default is the `target`.\n * @return {EventsKey} Key for unlistenByKey.\n */\nexport function listenOnce(target, type, listener, thisArg) {\n return listen(target, type, listener, thisArg, true);\n}\n\n/**\n * Unregisters event listeners on an event target. Inspired by\n *\n *\n * The argument passed to this function is the key returned from\n * {@link module:ol/events.listen} or {@link module:ol/events.listenOnce}.\n *\n * @param {EventsKey} key The key.\n */\nexport function unlistenByKey(key) {\n if (key && {\n, key.listener);\n clear(key);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/Observable\n */\nimport EventTarget from './events/Target.js';\nimport EventType from './events/EventType.js';\nimport {listen, listenOnce, unlistenByKey} from './events.js';\n\n/***\n * @template {string} Type\n * @template {Event|import(\"./events/Event.js\").default} EventClass\n * @template Return\n * @typedef {(type: Type, listener: (event: EventClass) => ?) => Return} OnSignature\n */\n\n/***\n * @template {string} Type\n * @template Return\n * @typedef {(type: Type[], listener: (event: Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default) => ?) => Return extends void ? void : Return[]} CombinedOnSignature\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'change'|'error'} EventTypes\n */\n\n/***\n * @template Return\n * @typedef {OnSignature & CombinedOnSignature} ObservableOnSignature\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Abstract base class; normally only used for creating subclasses and not\n * instantiated in apps.\n * An event target providing convenient methods for listener registration\n * and unregistration. A generic `change` event is always available through\n * {@link module:ol/Observable~Observable#changed}.\n *\n * @fires import(\"./events/Event.js\").default\n * @api\n */\nclass Observable extends EventTarget {\n constructor() {\n super();\n\n this.on =\n /** @type {ObservableOnSignature} */ (\n this.onInternal\n );\n\n this.once =\n /** @type {ObservableOnSignature} */ (\n this.onceInternal\n );\n\n this.un = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature} */ (this.unInternal);\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.revision_ = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Increases the revision counter and dispatches a 'change' event.\n * @api\n */\n changed() {\n ++this.revision_;\n this.dispatchEvent(EventType.CHANGE);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the version number for this object. Each time the object is modified,\n * its version number will be incremented.\n * @return {number} Revision.\n * @api\n */\n getRevision() {\n return this.revision_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string|Array} type Type.\n * @param {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default)): ?} listener Listener.\n * @return {import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey|Array} Event key.\n * @protected\n */\n onInternal(type, listener) {\n if (Array.isArray(type)) {\n const len = type.length;\n const keys = new Array(len);\n for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n keys[i] = listen(this, type[i], listener);\n }\n return keys;\n }\n return listen(this, /** @type {string} */ (type), listener);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string|Array} type Type.\n * @param {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default)): ?} listener Listener.\n * @return {import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey|Array} Event key.\n * @protected\n */\n onceInternal(type, listener) {\n let key;\n if (Array.isArray(type)) {\n const len = type.length;\n key = new Array(len);\n for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n key[i] = listenOnce(this, type[i], listener);\n }\n } else {\n key = listenOnce(this, /** @type {string} */ (type), listener);\n }\n /** @type {Object} */ (listener).ol_key = key;\n return key;\n }\n\n /**\n * Unlisten for a certain type of event.\n * @param {string|Array} type Type.\n * @param {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default)): ?} listener Listener.\n * @protected\n */\n unInternal(type, listener) {\n const key = /** @type {Object} */ (listener).ol_key;\n if (key) {\n unByKey(key);\n } else if (Array.isArray(type)) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = type.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n this.removeEventListener(type[i], listener);\n }\n } else {\n this.removeEventListener(type, listener);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Listen for a certain type of event.\n * @function\n * @param {string|Array} type The event type or array of event types.\n * @param {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default)): ?} listener The listener function.\n * @return {import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey|Array} Unique key for the listener. If\n * called with an array of event types as the first argument, the return\n * will be an array of keys.\n * @api\n */\nObservable.prototype.on;\n\n/**\n * Listen once for a certain type of event.\n * @function\n * @param {string|Array} type The event type or array of event types.\n * @param {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default)): ?} listener The listener function.\n * @return {import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey|Array} Unique key for the listener. If\n * called with an array of event types as the first argument, the return\n * will be an array of keys.\n * @api\n */\nObservable.prototype.once;\n\n/**\n * Unlisten for a certain type of event.\n * @function\n * @param {string|Array} type The event type or array of event types.\n * @param {function((Event|import(\"./events/Event\").default)): ?} listener The listener function.\n * @api\n */\nObservable.prototype.un;\n\n/**\n * Removes an event listener using the key returned by `on()` or `once()`.\n * @param {import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey|Array} key The key returned by `on()`\n * or `once()` (or an array of keys).\n * @api\n */\nexport function unByKey(key) {\n if (Array.isArray(key)) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = key.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n unlistenByKey(key[i]);\n }\n } else {\n unlistenByKey(/** @type {import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey} */ (key));\n }\n}\n\nexport default Observable;\n","/**\n * @module ol/util\n */\n\n/**\n * @return {never} Any return.\n */\nexport function abstract() {\n throw new Error('Unimplemented abstract method.');\n}\n\n/**\n * Counter for getUid.\n * @type {number}\n * @private\n */\nlet uidCounter_ = 0;\n\n/**\n * Gets a unique ID for an object. This mutates the object so that further calls\n * with the same object as a parameter returns the same value. Unique IDs are generated\n * as a strictly increasing sequence. Adapted from goog.getUid.\n *\n * @param {Object} obj The object to get the unique ID for.\n * @return {string} The unique ID for the object.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getUid(obj) {\n return obj.ol_uid || (obj.ol_uid = String(++uidCounter_));\n}\n\n/**\n * OpenLayers version.\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const VERSION = '9.1.0';\n","/**\n * @module ol/Object\n */\nimport Event from './events/Event.js';\nimport ObjectEventType from './ObjectEventType.js';\nimport Observable from './Observable.js';\nimport {getUid} from './util.js';\nimport {isEmpty} from './obj.js';\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Events emitted by {@link module:ol/Object~BaseObject} instances are instances of this type.\n */\nexport class ObjectEvent extends Event {\n /**\n * @param {string} type The event type.\n * @param {string} key The property name.\n * @param {*} oldValue The old value for `key`.\n */\n constructor(type, key, oldValue) {\n super(type);\n\n /**\n * The name of the property whose value is changing.\n * @type {string}\n * @api\n */\n this.key = key;\n\n /**\n * The old value. To get the new value use `` where\n * `e` is the event object.\n * @type {*}\n * @api\n */\n this.oldValue = oldValue;\n }\n}\n\n/***\n * @template Return\n * @typedef {import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature &\n * import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature &\n * import(\"./Observable\").CombinedOnSignature} ObjectOnSignature\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Abstract base class; normally only used for creating subclasses and not\n * instantiated in apps.\n * Most non-trivial classes inherit from this.\n *\n * This extends {@link module:ol/Observable~Observable} with observable\n * properties, where each property is observable as well as the object as a\n * whole.\n *\n * Classes that inherit from this have pre-defined properties, to which you can\n * add your owns. The pre-defined properties are listed in this documentation as\n * 'Observable Properties', and have their own accessors; for example,\n * {@link module:ol/Map~Map} has a `target` property, accessed with\n * `getTarget()` and changed with `setTarget()`. Not all properties are however\n * settable. There are also general-purpose accessors `get()` and `set()`. For\n * example, `get('target')` is equivalent to `getTarget()`.\n *\n * The `set` accessors trigger a change event, and you can monitor this by\n * registering a listener. For example, {@link module:ol/View~View} has a\n * `center` property, so `view.on('change:center', function(evt) {...});` would\n * call the function whenever the value of the center property changes. Within\n * the function, `` would be the view, so ``\n * would return the new center.\n *\n * You can add your own observable properties with\n * `object.set('prop', 'value')`, and retrieve that with `object.get('prop')`.\n * You can listen for changes on that property value with\n * `object.on('change:prop', listener)`. You can get a list of all\n * properties with {@link module:ol/Object~BaseObject#getProperties}.\n *\n * Note that the observable properties are separate from standard JS properties.\n * You can, for example, give your map object a title with\n * `map.title='New title'` and with `map.set('title', 'Another title')`. The\n * first will be a `hasOwnProperty`; the second will appear in\n * `getProperties()`. Only the second is observable.\n *\n * Properties can be deleted by using the unset method. E.g.\n * object.unset('foo').\n *\n * @fires ObjectEvent\n * @api\n */\nclass BaseObject extends Observable {\n /**\n * @param {Object} [values] An object with key-value pairs.\n */\n constructor(values) {\n super();\n\n /***\n * @type {ObjectOnSignature}\n */\n this.on;\n\n /***\n * @type {ObjectOnSignature}\n */\n this.once;\n\n /***\n * @type {ObjectOnSignature}\n */\n this.un;\n\n // Call {@link module:ol/util.getUid} to ensure that the order of objects' ids is\n // the same as the order in which they were created. This also helps to\n // ensure that object properties are always added in the same order, which\n // helps many JavaScript engines generate faster code.\n getUid(this);\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Object|null}\n */\n this.values_ = null;\n\n if (values !== undefined) {\n this.setProperties(values);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets a value.\n * @param {string} key Key name.\n * @return {*} Value.\n * @api\n */\n get(key) {\n let value;\n if (this.values_ && this.values_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n value = this.values_[key];\n }\n return value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get a list of object property names.\n * @return {Array} List of property names.\n * @api\n */\n getKeys() {\n return (this.values_ && Object.keys(this.values_)) || [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Get an object of all property names and values.\n * @return {Object} Object.\n * @api\n */\n getProperties() {\n return (this.values_ && Object.assign({}, this.values_)) || {};\n }\n\n /**\n * Get an object of all property names and values.\n * @return {Object?} Object.\n */\n getPropertiesInternal() {\n return this.values_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean} The object has properties.\n */\n hasProperties() {\n return !!this.values_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} key Key name.\n * @param {*} oldValue Old value.\n */\n notify(key, oldValue) {\n let eventType;\n eventType = `change:${key}`;\n if (this.hasListener(eventType)) {\n this.dispatchEvent(new ObjectEvent(eventType, key, oldValue));\n }\n eventType = ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE;\n if (this.hasListener(eventType)) {\n this.dispatchEvent(new ObjectEvent(eventType, key, oldValue));\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} key Key name.\n * @param {import(\"./events.js\").Listener} listener Listener.\n */\n addChangeListener(key, listener) {\n this.addEventListener(`change:${key}`, listener);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} key Key name.\n * @param {import(\"./events.js\").Listener} listener Listener.\n */\n removeChangeListener(key, listener) {\n this.removeEventListener(`change:${key}`, listener);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets a value.\n * @param {string} key Key name.\n * @param {*} value Value.\n * @param {boolean} [silent] Update without triggering an event.\n * @api\n */\n set(key, value, silent) {\n const values = this.values_ || (this.values_ = {});\n if (silent) {\n values[key] = value;\n } else {\n const oldValue = values[key];\n values[key] = value;\n if (oldValue !== value) {\n this.notify(key, oldValue);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets a collection of key-value pairs. Note that this changes any existing\n * properties and adds new ones (it does not remove any existing properties).\n * @param {Object} values Values.\n * @param {boolean} [silent] Update without triggering an event.\n * @api\n */\n setProperties(values, silent) {\n for (const key in values) {\n this.set(key, values[key], silent);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Apply any properties from another object without triggering events.\n * @param {BaseObject} source The source object.\n * @protected\n */\n applyProperties(source) {\n if (!source.values_) {\n return;\n }\n Object.assign(this.values_ || (this.values_ = {}), source.values_);\n }\n\n /**\n * Unsets a property.\n * @param {string} key Key name.\n * @param {boolean} [silent] Unset without triggering an event.\n * @api\n */\n unset(key, silent) {\n if (this.values_ && key in this.values_) {\n const oldValue = this.values_[key];\n delete this.values_[key];\n if (isEmpty(this.values_)) {\n this.values_ = null;\n }\n if (!silent) {\n this.notify(key, oldValue);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport default BaseObject;\n","/**\n * @module ol/CollectionEventType\n */\n\n/**\n * @enum {string}\n */\nexport default {\n /**\n * Triggered when an item is added to the collection.\n * @event module:ol/Collection.CollectionEvent#add\n * @api\n */\n ADD: 'add',\n /**\n * Triggered when an item is removed from the collection.\n * @event module:ol/Collection.CollectionEvent#remove\n * @api\n */\n REMOVE: 'remove',\n};\n","/**\n * @module ol/Collection\n */\nimport BaseObject from './Object.js';\nimport CollectionEventType from './CollectionEventType.js';\nimport Event from './events/Event.js';\n\n/**\n * @enum {string}\n * @private\n */\nconst Property = {\n LENGTH: 'length',\n};\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Events emitted by {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection} instances are instances of this\n * type.\n * @template T\n */\nexport class CollectionEvent extends Event {\n /**\n * @param {import(\"./CollectionEventType.js\").default} type Type.\n * @param {T} element Element.\n * @param {number} index The index of the added or removed element.\n */\n constructor(type, element, index) {\n super(type);\n\n /**\n * The element that is added to or removed from the collection.\n * @type {T}\n * @api\n */\n this.element = element;\n\n /**\n * The index of the added or removed element.\n * @type {number}\n * @api\n */\n this.index = index;\n }\n}\n\n/***\n * @template T\n * @template Return\n * @typedef {import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature &\n * import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature &\n * import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature<'add'|'remove', CollectionEvent, Return> &\n * import(\"./Observable\").CombinedOnSignature} CollectionOnSignature\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {boolean} [unique=false] Disallow the same item from being added to\n * the collection twice.\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * An expanded version of standard JS Array, adding convenience methods for\n * manipulation. Add and remove changes to the Collection trigger a Collection\n * event. Note that this does not cover changes to the objects _within_ the\n * Collection; they trigger events on the appropriate object, not on the\n * Collection as a whole.\n *\n * @fires CollectionEvent\n *\n * @template T\n * @api\n */\nclass Collection extends BaseObject {\n /**\n * @param {Array} [array] Array.\n * @param {Options} [options] Collection options.\n */\n constructor(array, options) {\n super();\n\n /***\n * @type {CollectionOnSignature}\n */\n this.on;\n\n /***\n * @type {CollectionOnSignature}\n */\n this.once;\n\n /***\n * @type {CollectionOnSignature}\n */\n this.un;\n\n options = options || {};\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.unique_ = !!options.unique;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {!Array}\n */\n this.array_ = array ? array : [];\n\n if (this.unique_) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = this.array_.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n this.assertUnique_(this.array_[i], i);\n }\n }\n\n this.updateLength_();\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove all elements from the collection.\n * @api\n */\n clear() {\n while (this.getLength() > 0) {\n this.pop();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Add elements to the collection. This pushes each item in the provided array\n * to the end of the collection.\n * @param {!Array} arr Array.\n * @return {Collection} This collection.\n * @api\n */\n extend(arr) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n this.push(arr[i]);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback.\n * @param {function(T, number, Array): *} f The function to call\n * for every element. This function takes 3 arguments (the element, the\n * index and the array). The return value is ignored.\n * @api\n */\n forEach(f) {\n const array = this.array_;\n for (let i = 0, ii = array.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n f(array[i], i, array);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get a reference to the underlying Array object. Warning: if the array\n * is mutated, no events will be dispatched by the collection, and the\n * collection's \"length\" property won't be in sync with the actual length\n * of the array.\n * @return {!Array} Array.\n * @api\n */\n getArray() {\n return this.array_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the element at the provided index.\n * @param {number} index Index.\n * @return {T} Element.\n * @api\n */\n item(index) {\n return this.array_[index];\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the length of this collection.\n * @return {number} The length of the array.\n * @observable\n * @api\n */\n getLength() {\n return this.get(Property.LENGTH);\n }\n\n /**\n * Insert an element at the provided index.\n * @param {number} index Index.\n * @param {T} elem Element.\n * @api\n */\n insertAt(index, elem) {\n if (index < 0 || index > this.getLength()) {\n throw new Error('Index out of bounds: ' + index);\n }\n if (this.unique_) {\n this.assertUnique_(elem);\n }\n this.array_.splice(index, 0, elem);\n this.updateLength_();\n this.dispatchEvent(\n new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.ADD, elem, index),\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove the last element of the collection and return it.\n * Return `undefined` if the collection is empty.\n * @return {T|undefined} Element.\n * @api\n */\n pop() {\n return this.removeAt(this.getLength() - 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Insert the provided element at the end of the collection.\n * @param {T} elem Element.\n * @return {number} New length of the collection.\n * @api\n */\n push(elem) {\n if (this.unique_) {\n this.assertUnique_(elem);\n }\n const n = this.getLength();\n this.insertAt(n, elem);\n return this.getLength();\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove the first occurrence of an element from the collection.\n * @param {T} elem Element.\n * @return {T|undefined} The removed element or undefined if none found.\n * @api\n */\n remove(elem) {\n const arr = this.array_;\n for (let i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n if (arr[i] === elem) {\n return this.removeAt(i);\n }\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * Remove the element at the provided index and return it.\n * Return `undefined` if the collection does not contain this index.\n * @param {number} index Index.\n * @return {T|undefined} Value.\n * @api\n */\n removeAt(index) {\n if (index < 0 || index >= this.getLength()) {\n return undefined;\n }\n const prev = this.array_[index];\n this.array_.splice(index, 1);\n this.updateLength_();\n this.dispatchEvent(\n /** @type {CollectionEvent} */ (\n new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.REMOVE, prev, index)\n ),\n );\n return prev;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the element at the provided index.\n * @param {number} index Index.\n * @param {T} elem Element.\n * @api\n */\n setAt(index, elem) {\n const n = this.getLength();\n if (index >= n) {\n this.insertAt(index, elem);\n return;\n }\n if (index < 0) {\n throw new Error('Index out of bounds: ' + index);\n }\n if (this.unique_) {\n this.assertUnique_(elem, index);\n }\n const prev = this.array_[index];\n this.array_[index] = elem;\n this.dispatchEvent(\n /** @type {CollectionEvent} */ (\n new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.REMOVE, prev, index)\n ),\n );\n this.dispatchEvent(\n /** @type {CollectionEvent} */ (\n new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.ADD, elem, index)\n ),\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n updateLength_() {\n this.set(Property.LENGTH, this.array_.length);\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @param {T} elem Element.\n * @param {number} [except] Optional index to ignore.\n */\n assertUnique_(elem, except) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = this.array_.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n if (this.array_[i] === elem && i !== except) {\n throw new Error('Duplicate item added to a unique collection');\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport default Collection;\n","/**\n * @module ol/asserts\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {*} assertion Assertion we expected to be truthy.\n * @param {string} errorMessage Error message.\n */\nexport function assert(assertion, errorMessage) {\n if (!assertion) {\n throw new Error(errorMessage);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/Feature\n */\nimport BaseObject from './Object.js';\nimport EventType from './events/EventType.js';\nimport {assert} from './asserts.js';\nimport {listen, unlistenByKey} from './events.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {typeof Feature|typeof import(\"./render/Feature.js\").default} FeatureClass\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Feature|import(\"./render/Feature.js\").default} FeatureLike\n */\n\n/***\n * @template Return\n * @typedef {import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature &\n * import(\"./Observable\").OnSignature &\n * import(\"./Observable\").CombinedOnSignature} FeatureOnSignature\n */\n\n/***\n * @template {import(\"./geom/Geometry.js\").default} [Geometry=import(\"./geom/Geometry.js\").default]\n * @typedef {Object & { geometry?: Geometry }} ObjectWithGeometry\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * A vector object for geographic features with a geometry and other\n * attribute properties, similar to the features in vector file formats like\n * GeoJSON.\n *\n * Features can be styled individually with `setStyle`; otherwise they use the\n * style of their vector layer.\n *\n * Note that attribute properties are set as {@link module:ol/Object~BaseObject} properties on\n * the feature object, so they are observable, and have get/set accessors.\n *\n * Typically, a feature has a single geometry property. You can set the\n * geometry using the `setGeometry` method and get it with `getGeometry`.\n * It is possible to store more than one geometry on a feature using attribute\n * properties. By default, the geometry used for rendering is identified by\n * the property name `geometry`. If you want to use another geometry property\n * for rendering, use the `setGeometryName` method to change the attribute\n * property associated with the geometry for the feature. For example:\n *\n * ```js\n *\n * import Feature from 'ol/Feature.js';\n * import Polygon from 'ol/geom/Polygon.js';\n * import Point from 'ol/geom/Point.js';\n *\n * const feature = new Feature({\n * geometry: new Polygon(polyCoords),\n * labelPoint: new Point(labelCoords),\n * name: 'My Polygon',\n * });\n *\n * // get the polygon geometry\n * const poly = feature.getGeometry();\n *\n * // Render the feature as a point using the coordinates from labelPoint\n * feature.setGeometryName('labelPoint');\n *\n * // get the point geometry\n * const point = feature.getGeometry();\n * ```\n *\n * @api\n * @template {import(\"./geom/Geometry.js\").default} [Geometry=import(\"./geom/Geometry.js\").default]\n */\nclass Feature extends BaseObject {\n /**\n * @param {Geometry|ObjectWithGeometry} [geometryOrProperties]\n * You may pass a Geometry object directly, or an object literal containing\n * properties. If you pass an object literal, you may include a Geometry\n * associated with a `geometry` key.\n */\n constructor(geometryOrProperties) {\n super();\n\n /***\n * @type {FeatureOnSignature}\n */\n this.on;\n\n /***\n * @type {FeatureOnSignature}\n */\n this.once;\n\n /***\n * @type {FeatureOnSignature}\n */\n this.un;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|string|undefined}\n */\n this.id_ = undefined;\n\n /**\n * @type {string}\n * @private\n */\n this.geometryName_ = 'geometry';\n\n /**\n * User provided style.\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleLike}\n */\n this.style_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleFunction|undefined}\n */\n this.styleFunction_ = undefined;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {?import(\"./events.js\").EventsKey}\n */\n this.geometryChangeKey_ = null;\n\n this.addChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_);\n\n if (geometryOrProperties) {\n if (\n typeof (\n /** @type {?} */ (geometryOrProperties).getSimplifiedGeometry\n ) === 'function'\n ) {\n const geometry = /** @type {Geometry} */ (geometryOrProperties);\n this.setGeometry(geometry);\n } else {\n /** @type {Object} */\n const properties = geometryOrProperties;\n this.setProperties(properties);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Clone this feature. If the original feature has a geometry it\n * is also cloned. The feature id is not set in the clone.\n * @return {Feature} The clone.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const clone = /** @type {Feature} */ (\n new Feature(this.hasProperties() ? this.getProperties() : null)\n );\n clone.setGeometryName(this.getGeometryName());\n const geometry = this.getGeometry();\n if (geometry) {\n clone.setGeometry(/** @type {Geometry} */ (geometry.clone()));\n }\n const style = this.getStyle();\n if (style) {\n clone.setStyle(style);\n }\n return clone;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the feature's default geometry. A feature may have any number of named\n * geometries. The \"default\" geometry (the one that is rendered by default) is\n * set when calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setGeometry}.\n * @return {Geometry|undefined} The default geometry for the feature.\n * @api\n * @observable\n */\n getGeometry() {\n return /** @type {Geometry|undefined} */ (this.get(this.geometryName_));\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the feature identifier. This is a stable identifier for the feature and\n * is either set when reading data from a remote source or set explicitly by\n * calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setId}.\n * @return {number|string|undefined} Id.\n * @api\n */\n getId() {\n return this.id_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the name of the feature's default geometry. By default, the default\n * geometry is named `geometry`.\n * @return {string} Get the property name associated with the default geometry\n * for this feature.\n * @api\n */\n getGeometryName() {\n return this.geometryName_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the feature's style. Will return what was provided to the\n * {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setStyle} method.\n * @return {import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleLike|undefined} The feature style.\n * @api\n */\n getStyle() {\n return this.style_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the feature's style function.\n * @return {import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleFunction|undefined} Return a function\n * representing the current style of this feature.\n * @api\n */\n getStyleFunction() {\n return this.styleFunction_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n handleGeometryChange_() {\n this.changed();\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n handleGeometryChanged_() {\n if (this.geometryChangeKey_) {\n unlistenByKey(this.geometryChangeKey_);\n this.geometryChangeKey_ = null;\n }\n const geometry = this.getGeometry();\n if (geometry) {\n this.geometryChangeKey_ = listen(\n geometry,\n EventType.CHANGE,\n this.handleGeometryChange_,\n this,\n );\n }\n this.changed();\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the default geometry for the feature. This will update the property\n * with the name returned by {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#getGeometryName}.\n * @param {Geometry|undefined} geometry The new geometry.\n * @api\n * @observable\n */\n setGeometry(geometry) {\n this.set(this.geometryName_, geometry);\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the style for the feature to override the layer style. This can be a\n * single style object, an array of styles, or a function that takes a\n * resolution and returns an array of styles. To unset the feature style, call\n * `setStyle()` without arguments or a falsey value.\n * @param {import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleLike} [style] Style for this feature.\n * @api\n * @fires module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#event:change\n */\n setStyle(style) {\n this.style_ = style;\n this.styleFunction_ = !style ? undefined : createStyleFunction(style);\n this.changed();\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the feature id. The feature id is considered stable and may be used when\n * requesting features or comparing identifiers returned from a remote source.\n * The feature id can be used with the\n * {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#getFeatureById} method.\n * @param {number|string|undefined} id The feature id.\n * @api\n * @fires module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#event:change\n */\n setId(id) {\n this.id_ = id;\n this.changed();\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the property name to be used when getting the feature's default geometry.\n * When calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#getGeometry}, the value of the property with\n * this name will be returned.\n * @param {string} name The property name of the default geometry.\n * @api\n */\n setGeometryName(name) {\n this.removeChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_);\n this.geometryName_ = name;\n this.addChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_);\n this.handleGeometryChanged_();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert the provided object into a feature style function. Functions passed\n * through unchanged. Arrays of Style or single style objects wrapped\n * in a new feature style function.\n * @param {!import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleFunction|!Array|!import(\"./style/Style.js\").default} obj\n * A feature style function, a single style, or an array of styles.\n * @return {import(\"./style/Style.js\").StyleFunction} A style function.\n */\nexport function createStyleFunction(obj) {\n if (typeof obj === 'function') {\n return obj;\n }\n /**\n * @type {Array}\n */\n let styles;\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n styles = obj;\n } else {\n assert(\n typeof (/** @type {?} */ (obj).getZIndex) === 'function',\n 'Expected an `ol/style/Style` or an array of `ol/style/Style.js`',\n );\n const style = /** @type {import(\"./style/Style.js\").default} */ (obj);\n styles = [style];\n }\n return function () {\n return styles;\n };\n}\nexport default Feature;\n","/**\n * @module ol/transform\n */\nimport {assert} from './asserts.js';\n\n/**\n * An array representing an affine 2d transformation for use with\n * {@link module:ol/transform} functions. The array has 6 elements.\n * @typedef {!Array} Transform\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Collection of affine 2d transformation functions. The functions work on an\n * array of 6 elements. The element order is compatible with the [SVGMatrix\n * interface]( and is\n * a subset (elements a to f) of a 3×3 matrix:\n * ```\n * [ a c e ]\n * [ b d f ]\n * [ 0 0 1 ]\n * ```\n */\n\n/**\n * @private\n * @type {Transform}\n */\nconst tmp_ = new Array(6);\n\n/**\n * Create an identity transform.\n * @return {!Transform} Identity transform.\n */\nexport function create() {\n return [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Resets the given transform to an identity transform.\n * @param {!Transform} transform Transform.\n * @return {!Transform} Transform.\n */\nexport function reset(transform) {\n return set(transform, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);\n}\n\n/**\n * Multiply the underlying matrices of two transforms and return the result in\n * the first transform.\n * @param {!Transform} transform1 Transform parameters of matrix 1.\n * @param {!Transform} transform2 Transform parameters of matrix 2.\n * @return {!Transform} transform1 multiplied with transform2.\n */\nexport function multiply(transform1, transform2) {\n const a1 = transform1[0];\n const b1 = transform1[1];\n const c1 = transform1[2];\n const d1 = transform1[3];\n const e1 = transform1[4];\n const f1 = transform1[5];\n const a2 = transform2[0];\n const b2 = transform2[1];\n const c2 = transform2[2];\n const d2 = transform2[3];\n const e2 = transform2[4];\n const f2 = transform2[5];\n\n transform1[0] = a1 * a2 + c1 * b2;\n transform1[1] = b1 * a2 + d1 * b2;\n transform1[2] = a1 * c2 + c1 * d2;\n transform1[3] = b1 * c2 + d1 * d2;\n transform1[4] = a1 * e2 + c1 * f2 + e1;\n transform1[5] = b1 * e2 + d1 * f2 + f1;\n\n return transform1;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the transform components a-f on a given transform.\n * @param {!Transform} transform Transform.\n * @param {number} a The a component of the transform.\n * @param {number} b The b component of the transform.\n * @param {number} c The c component of the transform.\n * @param {number} d The d component of the transform.\n * @param {number} e The e component of the transform.\n * @param {number} f The f component of the transform.\n * @return {!Transform} Matrix with transform applied.\n */\nexport function set(transform, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n transform[0] = a;\n transform[1] = b;\n transform[2] = c;\n transform[3] = d;\n transform[4] = e;\n transform[5] = f;\n return transform;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set transform on one matrix from another matrix.\n * @param {!Transform} transform1 Matrix to set transform to.\n * @param {!Transform} transform2 Matrix to set transform from.\n * @return {!Transform} transform1 with transform from transform2 applied.\n */\nexport function setFromArray(transform1, transform2) {\n transform1[0] = transform2[0];\n transform1[1] = transform2[1];\n transform1[2] = transform2[2];\n transform1[3] = transform2[3];\n transform1[4] = transform2[4];\n transform1[5] = transform2[5];\n return transform1;\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms the given coordinate with the given transform returning the\n * resulting, transformed coordinate. The coordinate will be modified in-place.\n *\n * @param {Transform} transform The transformation.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate|import(\"./pixel.js\").Pixel} coordinate The coordinate to transform.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate|import(\"./pixel.js\").Pixel} return coordinate so that operations can be\n * chained together.\n */\nexport function apply(transform, coordinate) {\n const x = coordinate[0];\n const y = coordinate[1];\n coordinate[0] = transform[0] * x + transform[2] * y + transform[4];\n coordinate[1] = transform[1] * x + transform[3] * y + transform[5];\n return coordinate;\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies rotation to the given transform.\n * @param {!Transform} transform Transform.\n * @param {number} angle Angle in radians.\n * @return {!Transform} The rotated transform.\n */\nexport function rotate(transform, angle) {\n const cos = Math.cos(angle);\n const sin = Math.sin(angle);\n return multiply(transform, set(tmp_, cos, sin, -sin, cos, 0, 0));\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies scale to a given transform.\n * @param {!Transform} transform Transform.\n * @param {number} x Scale factor x.\n * @param {number} y Scale factor y.\n * @return {!Transform} The scaled transform.\n */\nexport function scale(transform, x, y) {\n return multiply(transform, set(tmp_, x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0));\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a scale transform.\n * @param {!Transform} target Transform to overwrite.\n * @param {number} x Scale factor x.\n * @param {number} y Scale factor y.\n * @return {!Transform} The scale transform.\n */\nexport function makeScale(target, x, y) {\n return set(target, x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0);\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies translation to the given transform.\n * @param {!Transform} transform Transform.\n * @param {number} dx Translation x.\n * @param {number} dy Translation y.\n * @return {!Transform} The translated transform.\n */\nexport function translate(transform, dx, dy) {\n return multiply(transform, set(tmp_, 1, 0, 0, 1, dx, dy));\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a composite transform given an initial translation, scale, rotation, and\n * final translation (in that order only, not commutative).\n * @param {!Transform} transform The transform (will be modified in place).\n * @param {number} dx1 Initial translation x.\n * @param {number} dy1 Initial translation y.\n * @param {number} sx Scale factor x.\n * @param {number} sy Scale factor y.\n * @param {number} angle Rotation (in counter-clockwise radians).\n * @param {number} dx2 Final translation x.\n * @param {number} dy2 Final translation y.\n * @return {!Transform} The composite transform.\n */\nexport function compose(transform, dx1, dy1, sx, sy, angle, dx2, dy2) {\n const sin = Math.sin(angle);\n const cos = Math.cos(angle);\n transform[0] = sx * cos;\n transform[1] = sy * sin;\n transform[2] = -sx * sin;\n transform[3] = sy * cos;\n transform[4] = dx2 * sx * cos - dy2 * sx * sin + dx1;\n transform[5] = dx2 * sy * sin + dy2 * sy * cos + dy1;\n return transform;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a composite transform given an initial translation, scale, rotation, and\n * final translation (in that order only, not commutative). The resulting transform\n * string can be applied as `transform` property of an HTMLElement's style.\n * @param {number} dx1 Initial translation x.\n * @param {number} dy1 Initial translation y.\n * @param {number} sx Scale factor x.\n * @param {number} sy Scale factor y.\n * @param {number} angle Rotation (in counter-clockwise radians).\n * @param {number} dx2 Final translation x.\n * @param {number} dy2 Final translation y.\n * @return {string} The composite css transform.\n * @api\n */\nexport function composeCssTransform(dx1, dy1, sx, sy, angle, dx2, dy2) {\n return toString(compose(create(), dx1, dy1, sx, sy, angle, dx2, dy2));\n}\n\n/**\n * Invert the given transform.\n * @param {!Transform} source The source transform to invert.\n * @return {!Transform} The inverted (source) transform.\n */\nexport function invert(source) {\n return makeInverse(source, source);\n}\n\n/**\n * Invert the given transform.\n * @param {!Transform} target Transform to be set as the inverse of\n * the source transform.\n * @param {!Transform} source The source transform to invert.\n * @return {!Transform} The inverted (target) transform.\n */\nexport function makeInverse(target, source) {\n const det = determinant(source);\n assert(det !== 0, 'Transformation matrix cannot be inverted');\n\n const a = source[0];\n const b = source[1];\n const c = source[2];\n const d = source[3];\n const e = source[4];\n const f = source[5];\n\n target[0] = d / det;\n target[1] = -b / det;\n target[2] = -c / det;\n target[3] = a / det;\n target[4] = (c * f - d * e) / det;\n target[5] = -(a * f - b * e) / det;\n\n return target;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the determinant of the given matrix.\n * @param {!Transform} mat Matrix.\n * @return {number} Determinant.\n */\nexport function determinant(mat) {\n return mat[0] * mat[3] - mat[1] * mat[2];\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {Array}\n */\nconst matrixPrecision = [1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 2, 2];\n\n/**\n * A rounded string version of the transform. This can be used\n * for CSS transforms.\n * @param {!Transform} mat Matrix.\n * @return {string} The transform as a string.\n */\nexport function toString(mat) {\n const transformString =\n 'matrix(' +\n mat\n .map(\n (value, i) =>\n Math.round(value * matrixPrecision[i]) / matrixPrecision[i],\n )\n .join(', ') +\n ')';\n return transformString;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/extent/Relationship\n */\n\n/**\n * Relationship to an extent.\n * @enum {number}\n */\nexport default {\n UNKNOWN: 0,\n INTERSECTING: 1,\n ABOVE: 2,\n RIGHT: 4,\n BELOW: 8,\n LEFT: 16,\n};\n","/**\n * @module ol/extent\n */\nimport Relationship from './extent/Relationship.js';\n\n/**\n * An array of numbers representing an extent: `[minx, miny, maxx, maxy]`.\n * @typedef {Array} Extent\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Extent corner.\n * @typedef {'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right'} Corner\n */\n\n/**\n * Build an extent that includes all given coordinates.\n *\n * @param {Array} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @return {Extent} Bounding extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function boundingExtent(coordinates) {\n const extent = createEmpty();\n for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n extendCoordinate(extent, coordinates[i]);\n }\n return extent;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} xs Xs.\n * @param {Array} ys Ys.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Destination extent.\n * @private\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nfunction _boundingExtentXYs(xs, ys, dest) {\n const minX = Math.min.apply(null, xs);\n const minY = Math.min.apply(null, ys);\n const maxX = Math.max.apply(null, xs);\n const maxY = Math.max.apply(null, ys);\n return createOrUpdate(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, dest);\n}\n\n/**\n * Return extent increased by the provided value.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {number} value The amount by which the extent should be buffered.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function buffer(extent, value, dest) {\n if (dest) {\n dest[0] = extent[0] - value;\n dest[1] = extent[1] - value;\n dest[2] = extent[2] + value;\n dest[3] = extent[3] + value;\n return dest;\n }\n return [\n extent[0] - value,\n extent[1] - value,\n extent[2] + value,\n extent[3] + value,\n ];\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a clone of an extent.\n *\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent to clone.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} The clone.\n */\nexport function clone(extent, dest) {\n if (dest) {\n dest[0] = extent[0];\n dest[1] = extent[1];\n dest[2] = extent[2];\n dest[3] = extent[3];\n return dest;\n }\n return extent.slice();\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @return {number} Closest squared distance.\n */\nexport function closestSquaredDistanceXY(extent, x, y) {\n let dx, dy;\n if (x < extent[0]) {\n dx = extent[0] - x;\n } else if (extent[2] < x) {\n dx = x - extent[2];\n } else {\n dx = 0;\n }\n if (y < extent[1]) {\n dy = extent[1] - y;\n } else if (extent[3] < y) {\n dy = y - extent[3];\n } else {\n dy = 0;\n }\n return dx * dx + dy * dy;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if the passed coordinate is contained or on the edge of the extent.\n *\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @return {boolean} The coordinate is contained in the extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function containsCoordinate(extent, coordinate) {\n return containsXY(extent, coordinate[0], coordinate[1]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if one extent contains another.\n *\n * An extent is deemed contained if it lies completely within the other extent,\n * including if they share one or more edges.\n *\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent 2.\n * @return {boolean} The second extent is contained by or on the edge of the\n * first.\n * @api\n */\nexport function containsExtent(extent1, extent2) {\n return (\n extent1[0] <= extent2[0] &&\n extent2[2] <= extent1[2] &&\n extent1[1] <= extent2[1] &&\n extent2[3] <= extent1[3]\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if the passed coordinate is contained or on the edge of the extent.\n *\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {number} x X coordinate.\n * @param {number} y Y coordinate.\n * @return {boolean} The x, y values are contained in the extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function containsXY(extent, x, y) {\n return extent[0] <= x && x <= extent[2] && extent[1] <= y && y <= extent[3];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the relationship between a coordinate and extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent The extent.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate The coordinate.\n * @return {import(\"./extent/Relationship.js\").default} The relationship (bitwise compare with\n * import(\"./extent/Relationship.js\").Relationship).\n */\nexport function coordinateRelationship(extent, coordinate) {\n const minX = extent[0];\n const minY = extent[1];\n const maxX = extent[2];\n const maxY = extent[3];\n const x = coordinate[0];\n const y = coordinate[1];\n let relationship = Relationship.UNKNOWN;\n if (x < minX) {\n relationship = relationship | Relationship.LEFT;\n } else if (x > maxX) {\n relationship = relationship | Relationship.RIGHT;\n }\n if (y < minY) {\n relationship = relationship | Relationship.BELOW;\n } else if (y > maxY) {\n relationship = relationship | Relationship.ABOVE;\n }\n if (relationship === Relationship.UNKNOWN) {\n relationship = Relationship.INTERSECTING;\n }\n return relationship;\n}\n\n/**\n * Create an empty extent.\n * @return {Extent} Empty extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function createEmpty() {\n return [Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity];\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a new extent or update the provided extent.\n * @param {number} minX Minimum X.\n * @param {number} minY Minimum Y.\n * @param {number} maxX Maximum X.\n * @param {number} maxY Maximum Y.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Destination extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function createOrUpdate(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, dest) {\n if (dest) {\n dest[0] = minX;\n dest[1] = minY;\n dest[2] = maxX;\n dest[3] = maxY;\n return dest;\n }\n return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY];\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a new empty extent or make the provided one empty.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function createOrUpdateEmpty(dest) {\n return createOrUpdate(Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity, dest);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function createOrUpdateFromCoordinate(coordinate, dest) {\n const x = coordinate[0];\n const y = coordinate[1];\n return createOrUpdate(x, y, x, y, dest);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function createOrUpdateFromCoordinates(coordinates, dest) {\n const extent = createOrUpdateEmpty(dest);\n return extendCoordinates(extent, coordinates);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function createOrUpdateFromFlatCoordinates(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n dest,\n) {\n const extent = createOrUpdateEmpty(dest);\n return extendFlatCoordinates(extent, flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array>} rings Rings.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function createOrUpdateFromRings(rings, dest) {\n const extent = createOrUpdateEmpty(dest);\n return extendRings(extent, rings);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if two extents are equivalent.\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent 2.\n * @return {boolean} The two extents are equivalent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function equals(extent1, extent2) {\n return (\n extent1[0] == extent2[0] &&\n extent1[2] == extent2[2] &&\n extent1[1] == extent2[1] &&\n extent1[3] == extent2[3]\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if two extents are approximately equivalent.\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent 2.\n * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance in extent coordinate units.\n * @return {boolean} The two extents differ by less than the tolerance.\n */\nexport function approximatelyEquals(extent1, extent2, tolerance) {\n return (\n Math.abs(extent1[0] - extent2[0]) < tolerance &&\n Math.abs(extent1[2] - extent2[2]) < tolerance &&\n Math.abs(extent1[1] - extent2[1]) < tolerance &&\n Math.abs(extent1[3] - extent2[3]) < tolerance\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Modify an extent to include another extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent1 The extent to be modified.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 The extent that will be included in the first.\n * @return {Extent} A reference to the first (extended) extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function extend(extent1, extent2) {\n if (extent2[0] < extent1[0]) {\n extent1[0] = extent2[0];\n }\n if (extent2[2] > extent1[2]) {\n extent1[2] = extent2[2];\n }\n if (extent2[1] < extent1[1]) {\n extent1[1] = extent2[1];\n }\n if (extent2[3] > extent1[3]) {\n extent1[3] = extent2[3];\n }\n return extent1;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n */\nexport function extendCoordinate(extent, coordinate) {\n if (coordinate[0] < extent[0]) {\n extent[0] = coordinate[0];\n }\n if (coordinate[0] > extent[2]) {\n extent[2] = coordinate[0];\n }\n if (coordinate[1] < extent[1]) {\n extent[1] = coordinate[1];\n }\n if (coordinate[1] > extent[3]) {\n extent[3] = coordinate[1];\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {Array} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function extendCoordinates(extent, coordinates) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n extendCoordinate(extent, coordinates[i]);\n }\n return extent;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function extendFlatCoordinates(\n extent,\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n) {\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n extendXY(extent, flatCoordinates[offset], flatCoordinates[offset + 1]);\n }\n return extent;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {Array>} rings Rings.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function extendRings(extent, rings) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = rings.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n extendCoordinates(extent, rings[i]);\n }\n return extent;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n */\nexport function extendXY(extent, x, y) {\n extent[0] = Math.min(extent[0], x);\n extent[1] = Math.min(extent[1], y);\n extent[2] = Math.max(extent[2], x);\n extent[3] = Math.max(extent[3], y);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function calls `callback` for each corner of the extent. If the\n * callback returns a truthy value the function returns that value\n * immediately. Otherwise the function returns `false`.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {function(import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate): S} callback Callback.\n * @return {S|boolean} Value.\n * @template S\n */\nexport function forEachCorner(extent, callback) {\n let val;\n val = callback(getBottomLeft(extent));\n if (val) {\n return val;\n }\n val = callback(getBottomRight(extent));\n if (val) {\n return val;\n }\n val = callback(getTopRight(extent));\n if (val) {\n return val;\n }\n val = callback(getTopLeft(extent));\n if (val) {\n return val;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the size of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {number} Area.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getArea(extent) {\n let area = 0;\n if (!isEmpty(extent)) {\n area = getWidth(extent) * getHeight(extent);\n }\n return area;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the bottom left coordinate of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Bottom left coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getBottomLeft(extent) {\n return [extent[0], extent[1]];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the bottom right coordinate of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Bottom right coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getBottomRight(extent) {\n return [extent[2], extent[1]];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the center coordinate of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Center.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getCenter(extent) {\n return [(extent[0] + extent[2]) / 2, (extent[1] + extent[3]) / 2];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a corner coordinate of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {Corner} corner Corner.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Corner coordinate.\n */\nexport function getCorner(extent, corner) {\n let coordinate;\n if (corner === 'bottom-left') {\n coordinate = getBottomLeft(extent);\n } else if (corner === 'bottom-right') {\n coordinate = getBottomRight(extent);\n } else if (corner === 'top-left') {\n coordinate = getTopLeft(extent);\n } else if (corner === 'top-right') {\n coordinate = getTopRight(extent);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Invalid corner');\n }\n return coordinate;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent 2.\n * @return {number} Enlarged area.\n */\nexport function getEnlargedArea(extent1, extent2) {\n const minX = Math.min(extent1[0], extent2[0]);\n const minY = Math.min(extent1[1], extent2[1]);\n const maxX = Math.max(extent1[2], extent2[2]);\n const maxY = Math.max(extent1[3], extent2[3]);\n return (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} center Center.\n * @param {number} resolution Resolution.\n * @param {number} rotation Rotation.\n * @param {import(\"./size.js\").Size} size Size.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Destination extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function getForViewAndSize(center, resolution, rotation, size, dest) {\n const [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3] = getRotatedViewport(\n center,\n resolution,\n rotation,\n size,\n );\n return createOrUpdate(\n Math.min(x0, x1, x2, x3),\n Math.min(y0, y1, y2, y3),\n Math.max(x0, x1, x2, x3),\n Math.max(y0, y1, y2, y3),\n dest,\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} center Center.\n * @param {number} resolution Resolution.\n * @param {number} rotation Rotation.\n * @param {import(\"./size.js\").Size} size Size.\n * @return {Array} Linear ring representing the viewport.\n */\nexport function getRotatedViewport(center, resolution, rotation, size) {\n const dx = (resolution * size[0]) / 2;\n const dy = (resolution * size[1]) / 2;\n const cosRotation = Math.cos(rotation);\n const sinRotation = Math.sin(rotation);\n const xCos = dx * cosRotation;\n const xSin = dx * sinRotation;\n const yCos = dy * cosRotation;\n const ySin = dy * sinRotation;\n const x = center[0];\n const y = center[1];\n return [\n x - xCos + ySin,\n y - xSin - yCos,\n x - xCos - ySin,\n y - xSin + yCos,\n x + xCos - ySin,\n y + xSin + yCos,\n x + xCos + ySin,\n y + xSin - yCos,\n x - xCos + ySin,\n y - xSin - yCos,\n ];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the height of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {number} Height.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getHeight(extent) {\n return extent[3] - extent[1];\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent 2.\n * @return {number} Intersection area.\n */\nexport function getIntersectionArea(extent1, extent2) {\n const intersection = getIntersection(extent1, extent2);\n return getArea(intersection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the intersection of two extents.\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent 2.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Optional extent to populate with intersection.\n * @return {Extent} Intersecting extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getIntersection(extent1, extent2, dest) {\n const intersection = dest ? dest : createEmpty();\n if (intersects(extent1, extent2)) {\n if (extent1[0] > extent2[0]) {\n intersection[0] = extent1[0];\n } else {\n intersection[0] = extent2[0];\n }\n if (extent1[1] > extent2[1]) {\n intersection[1] = extent1[1];\n } else {\n intersection[1] = extent2[1];\n }\n if (extent1[2] < extent2[2]) {\n intersection[2] = extent1[2];\n } else {\n intersection[2] = extent2[2];\n }\n if (extent1[3] < extent2[3]) {\n intersection[3] = extent1[3];\n } else {\n intersection[3] = extent2[3];\n }\n } else {\n createOrUpdateEmpty(intersection);\n }\n return intersection;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {number} Margin.\n */\nexport function getMargin(extent) {\n return getWidth(extent) + getHeight(extent);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the size (width, height) of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent The extent.\n * @return {import(\"./size.js\").Size} The extent size.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getSize(extent) {\n return [extent[2] - extent[0], extent[3] - extent[1]];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the top left coordinate of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Top left coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getTopLeft(extent) {\n return [extent[0], extent[3]];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the top right coordinate of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Top right coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getTopRight(extent) {\n return [extent[2], extent[3]];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the width of an extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {number} Width.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getWidth(extent) {\n return extent[2] - extent[0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if one extent intersects another.\n * @param {Extent} extent1 Extent 1.\n * @param {Extent} extent2 Extent.\n * @return {boolean} The two extents intersect.\n * @api\n */\nexport function intersects(extent1, extent2) {\n return (\n extent1[0] <= extent2[2] &&\n extent1[2] >= extent2[0] &&\n extent1[1] <= extent2[3] &&\n extent1[3] >= extent2[1]\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if an extent is empty.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} Is empty.\n * @api\n */\nexport function isEmpty(extent) {\n return extent[2] < extent[0] || extent[3] < extent[1];\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Extent.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n */\nexport function returnOrUpdate(extent, dest) {\n if (dest) {\n dest[0] = extent[0];\n dest[1] = extent[1];\n dest[2] = extent[2];\n dest[3] = extent[3];\n return dest;\n }\n return extent;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {number} value Value.\n */\nexport function scaleFromCenter(extent, value) {\n const deltaX = ((extent[2] - extent[0]) / 2) * (value - 1);\n const deltaY = ((extent[3] - extent[1]) / 2) * (value - 1);\n extent[0] -= deltaX;\n extent[2] += deltaX;\n extent[1] -= deltaY;\n extent[3] += deltaY;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if the segment between two coordinates intersects (crosses,\n * touches, or is contained by) the provided extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent The extent.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} start Segment start coordinate.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} end Segment end coordinate.\n * @return {boolean} The segment intersects the extent.\n */\nexport function intersectsSegment(extent, start, end) {\n let intersects = false;\n const startRel = coordinateRelationship(extent, start);\n const endRel = coordinateRelationship(extent, end);\n if (\n startRel === Relationship.INTERSECTING ||\n endRel === Relationship.INTERSECTING\n ) {\n intersects = true;\n } else {\n const minX = extent[0];\n const minY = extent[1];\n const maxX = extent[2];\n const maxY = extent[3];\n const startX = start[0];\n const startY = start[1];\n const endX = end[0];\n const endY = end[1];\n const slope = (endY - startY) / (endX - startX);\n let x, y;\n if (!!(endRel & Relationship.ABOVE) && !(startRel & Relationship.ABOVE)) {\n // potentially intersects top\n x = endX - (endY - maxY) / slope;\n intersects = x >= minX && x <= maxX;\n }\n if (\n !intersects &&\n !!(endRel & Relationship.RIGHT) &&\n !(startRel & Relationship.RIGHT)\n ) {\n // potentially intersects right\n y = endY - (endX - maxX) * slope;\n intersects = y >= minY && y <= maxY;\n }\n if (\n !intersects &&\n !!(endRel & Relationship.BELOW) &&\n !(startRel & Relationship.BELOW)\n ) {\n // potentially intersects bottom\n x = endX - (endY - minY) / slope;\n intersects = x >= minX && x <= maxX;\n }\n if (\n !intersects &&\n !!(endRel & Relationship.LEFT) &&\n !(startRel & Relationship.LEFT)\n ) {\n // potentially intersects left\n y = endY - (endX - minX) * slope;\n intersects = y >= minY && y <= maxY;\n }\n }\n return intersects;\n}\n\n/**\n * Apply a transform function to the extent.\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {import(\"./proj.js\").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform function.\n * Called with `[minX, minY, maxX, maxY]` extent coordinates.\n * @param {Extent} [dest] Destination extent.\n * @param {number} [stops] Number of stops per side used for the transform.\n * By default only the corners are used.\n * @return {Extent} Extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function applyTransform(extent, transformFn, dest, stops) {\n if (isEmpty(extent)) {\n return createOrUpdateEmpty(dest);\n }\n let coordinates = [];\n if (stops > 1) {\n const width = extent[2] - extent[0];\n const height = extent[3] - extent[1];\n for (let i = 0; i < stops; ++i) {\n coordinates.push(\n extent[0] + (width * i) / stops,\n extent[1],\n extent[2],\n extent[1] + (height * i) / stops,\n extent[2] - (width * i) / stops,\n extent[3],\n extent[0],\n extent[3] - (height * i) / stops,\n );\n }\n } else {\n coordinates = [\n extent[0],\n extent[1],\n extent[2],\n extent[1],\n extent[2],\n extent[3],\n extent[0],\n extent[3],\n ];\n }\n transformFn(coordinates, coordinates, 2);\n const xs = [];\n const ys = [];\n for (let i = 0, l = coordinates.length; i < l; i += 2) {\n xs.push(coordinates[i]);\n ys.push(coordinates[i + 1]);\n }\n return _boundingExtentXYs(xs, ys, dest);\n}\n\n/**\n * Modifies the provided extent in-place to be within the real world\n * extent.\n *\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {import(\"./proj/Projection.js\").default} projection Projection\n * @return {Extent} The extent within the real world extent.\n */\nexport function wrapX(extent, projection) {\n const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent();\n const center = getCenter(extent);\n if (\n projection.canWrapX() &&\n (center[0] < projectionExtent[0] || center[0] >= projectionExtent[2])\n ) {\n const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent);\n const worldsAway = Math.floor(\n (center[0] - projectionExtent[0]) / worldWidth,\n );\n const offset = worldsAway * worldWidth;\n extent[0] -= offset;\n extent[2] -= offset;\n }\n return extent;\n}\n\n/**\n * Fits the extent to the real world\n *\n * If the extent does not cross the anti meridian, this will return the extent in an array\n * If the extent crosses the anti meridian, the extent will be sliced, so each part fits within the\n * real world\n *\n *\n * @param {Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {import(\"./proj/Projection.js\").default} projection Projection\n * @return {Array} The extent within the real world extent.\n */\nexport function wrapAndSliceX(extent, projection) {\n if (projection.canWrapX()) {\n const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent();\n\n if (!isFinite(extent[0]) || !isFinite(extent[2])) {\n return [[projectionExtent[0], extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]]];\n }\n\n wrapX(extent, projection);\n const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent);\n\n if (getWidth(extent) > worldWidth) {\n // the extent wraps around on itself\n return [[projectionExtent[0], extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]]];\n }\n if (extent[0] < projectionExtent[0]) {\n // the extent crosses the anti meridian, so it needs to be sliced\n return [\n [extent[0] + worldWidth, extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]],\n [projectionExtent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3]],\n ];\n }\n if (extent[2] > projectionExtent[2]) {\n // the extent crosses the anti meridian, so it needs to be sliced\n return [\n [extent[0], extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]],\n [projectionExtent[0], extent[1], extent[2] - worldWidth, extent[3]],\n ];\n }\n }\n\n return [extent];\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj/Units\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'radians' | 'degrees' | 'ft' | 'm' | 'pixels' | 'tile-pixels' | 'us-ft'} Units\n * Projection units.\n */\n\n/**\n * See\n * @type {Object}\n */\nconst unitByCode = {\n '9001': 'm',\n '9002': 'ft',\n '9003': 'us-ft',\n '9101': 'radians',\n '9102': 'degrees',\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {number} code Unit code.\n * @return {Units} Units.\n */\nexport function fromCode(code) {\n return unitByCode[code];\n}\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} MetersPerUnitLookup\n * @property {number} radians Radians\n * @property {number} degrees Degrees\n * @property {number} ft Feet\n * @property {number} m Meters\n * @property {number} us-ft US feet\n */\n\n/**\n * Meters per unit lookup table.\n * @const\n * @type {MetersPerUnitLookup}\n * @api\n */\nexport const METERS_PER_UNIT = {\n // use the radius of the Normal sphere\n 'radians': 6370997 / (2 * Math.PI),\n 'degrees': (2 * Math.PI * 6370997) / 360,\n 'ft': 0.3048,\n 'm': 1,\n 'us-ft': 1200 / 3937,\n};\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj/Projection\n */\nimport {METERS_PER_UNIT} from './Units.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {string} code The SRS identifier code, e.g. `EPSG:4326`.\n * @property {import(\"./Units.js\").Units} [units] Units. Required unless a\n * proj4 projection is defined for `code`.\n * @property {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} [extent] The validity extent for the SRS.\n * @property {string} [axisOrientation='enu'] The axis orientation as specified in Proj4.\n * @property {boolean} [global=false] Whether the projection is valid for the whole globe.\n * @property {number} [metersPerUnit] The meters per unit for the SRS.\n * If not provided, the `units` are used to get the meters per unit from the {@link METERS_PER_UNIT}\n * lookup table.\n * @property {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} [worldExtent] The world extent for the SRS.\n * @property {function(number, import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate):number} [getPointResolution]\n * Function to determine resolution at a point. The function is called with a\n * `number` view resolution and a {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate} as arguments, and returns\n * the `number` resolution in projection units at the passed coordinate. If this is `undefined`,\n * the default {@link module:ol/proj.getPointResolution} function will be used.\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Projection definition class. One of these is created for each projection\n * supported in the application and stored in the {@link module:ol/proj} namespace.\n * You can use these in applications, but this is not required, as API params\n * and options use {@link module:ol/proj~ProjectionLike} which means the simple string\n * code will suffice.\n *\n * You can use {@link module:ol/proj.get} to retrieve the object for a particular\n * projection.\n *\n * The library includes definitions for `EPSG:4326` and `EPSG:3857`, together\n * with the following aliases:\n * * `EPSG:4326`: CRS:84, urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326,\n * urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84, urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:2:84,\n *,\n * urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326\n * * `EPSG:3857`: EPSG:102100, EPSG:102113, EPSG:900913,\n * urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.18:3:3857,\n *\n *\n * If you use [proj4js](, aliases can\n * be added using `proj4.defs()`. After all required projection definitions are\n * added, call the {@link module:ol/proj/proj4.register} function.\n *\n * @api\n */\nclass Projection {\n /**\n * @param {Options} options Projection options.\n */\n constructor(options) {\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {string}\n */\n this.code_ = options.code;\n\n /**\n * Units of projected coordinates. When set to `TILE_PIXELS`, a\n * `this.extent_` and `this.worldExtent_` must be configured properly for each\n * tile.\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"./Units.js\").Units}\n */\n this.units_ = /** @type {import(\"./Units.js\").Units} */ (options.units);\n\n /**\n * Validity extent of the projection in projected coordinates. For projections\n * with `TILE_PIXELS` units, this is the extent of the tile in\n * tile pixel space.\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent}\n */\n this.extent_ = options.extent !== undefined ? options.extent : null;\n\n /**\n * Extent of the world in EPSG:4326. For projections with\n * `TILE_PIXELS` units, this is the extent of the tile in\n * projected coordinate space.\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent}\n */\n this.worldExtent_ =\n options.worldExtent !== undefined ? options.worldExtent : null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {string}\n */\n this.axisOrientation_ =\n options.axisOrientation !== undefined ? options.axisOrientation : 'enu';\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.global_ = !== undefined ? : false;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.canWrapX_ = !!(this.global_ && this.extent_);\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {function(number, import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate):number|undefined}\n */\n this.getPointResolutionFunc_ = options.getPointResolution;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../tilegrid/TileGrid.js\").default}\n */\n this.defaultTileGrid_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|undefined}\n */\n this.metersPerUnit_ = options.metersPerUnit;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean} The projection is suitable for wrapping the x-axis\n */\n canWrapX() {\n return this.canWrapX_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the code for this projection, e.g. 'EPSG:4326'.\n * @return {string} Code.\n * @api\n */\n getCode() {\n return this.code_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the validity extent for this projection.\n * @return {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} Extent.\n * @api\n */\n getExtent() {\n return this.extent_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the units of this projection.\n * @return {import(\"./Units.js\").Units} Units.\n * @api\n */\n getUnits() {\n return this.units_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the amount of meters per unit of this projection. If the projection is\n * not configured with `metersPerUnit` or a units identifier, the return is\n * `undefined`.\n * @return {number|undefined} Meters.\n * @api\n */\n getMetersPerUnit() {\n return this.metersPerUnit_ || METERS_PER_UNIT[this.units_];\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the world extent for this projection.\n * @return {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} Extent.\n * @api\n */\n getWorldExtent() {\n return this.worldExtent_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the axis orientation of this projection.\n * Example values are:\n * enu - the default easting, northing, elevation.\n * neu - northing, easting, up - useful for \"lat/long\" geographic coordinates,\n * or south orientated transverse mercator.\n * wnu - westing, northing, up - some planetary coordinate systems have\n * \"west positive\" coordinate systems\n * @return {string} Axis orientation.\n * @api\n */\n getAxisOrientation() {\n return this.axisOrientation_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Is this projection a global projection which spans the whole world?\n * @return {boolean} Whether the projection is global.\n * @api\n */\n isGlobal() {\n return this.global_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set if the projection is a global projection which spans the whole world\n * @param {boolean} global Whether the projection is global.\n * @api\n */\n setGlobal(global) {\n this.global_ = global;\n this.canWrapX_ = !!(global && this.extent_);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import(\"../tilegrid/TileGrid.js\").default} The default tile grid.\n */\n getDefaultTileGrid() {\n return this.defaultTileGrid_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {import(\"../tilegrid/TileGrid.js\").default} tileGrid The default tile grid.\n */\n setDefaultTileGrid(tileGrid) {\n this.defaultTileGrid_ = tileGrid;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the validity extent for this projection.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @api\n */\n setExtent(extent) {\n this.extent_ = extent;\n this.canWrapX_ = !!(this.global_ && extent);\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the world extent for this projection.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} worldExtent World extent\n * [minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat].\n * @api\n */\n setWorldExtent(worldExtent) {\n this.worldExtent_ = worldExtent;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the getPointResolution function (see {@link module:ol/proj.getPointResolution}\n * for this projection.\n * @param {function(number, import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate):number} func Function\n * @api\n */\n setGetPointResolution(func) {\n this.getPointResolutionFunc_ = func;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the custom point resolution function for this projection (if set).\n * @return {function(number, import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate):number|undefined} The custom point\n * resolution function (if set).\n */\n getPointResolutionFunc() {\n return this.getPointResolutionFunc_;\n }\n}\n\nexport default Projection;\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj/epsg3857\n */\nimport Projection from './Projection.js';\n\n/**\n * Radius of WGS84 sphere\n *\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const RADIUS = 6378137;\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const HALF_SIZE = Math.PI * RADIUS;\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent}\n */\nexport const EXTENT = [-HALF_SIZE, -HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE];\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent}\n */\nexport const WORLD_EXTENT = [-180, -85, 180, 85];\n\n/**\n * Maximum safe value in y direction\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const MAX_SAFE_Y = RADIUS * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 2));\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Projection object for web/spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857).\n */\nclass EPSG3857Projection extends Projection {\n /**\n * @param {string} code Code.\n */\n constructor(code) {\n super({\n code: code,\n units: 'm',\n extent: EXTENT,\n global: true,\n worldExtent: WORLD_EXTENT,\n getPointResolution: function (resolution, point) {\n return resolution / Math.cosh(point[1] / RADIUS);\n },\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Projections equal to EPSG:3857.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {Array}\n */\nexport const PROJECTIONS = [\n new EPSG3857Projection('EPSG:3857'),\n new EPSG3857Projection('EPSG:102100'),\n new EPSG3857Projection('EPSG:102113'),\n new EPSG3857Projection('EPSG:900913'),\n new EPSG3857Projection(''),\n new EPSG3857Projection(''),\n];\n\n/**\n * Transformation from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857.\n *\n * @param {Array} input Input array of coordinate values.\n * @param {Array} [output] Output array of coordinate values.\n * @param {number} [dimension] Dimension (default is `2`).\n * @return {Array} Output array of coordinate values.\n */\nexport function fromEPSG4326(input, output, dimension) {\n const length = input.length;\n dimension = dimension > 1 ? dimension : 2;\n if (output === undefined) {\n if (dimension > 2) {\n // preserve values beyond second dimension\n output = input.slice();\n } else {\n output = new Array(length);\n }\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i += dimension) {\n output[i] = (HALF_SIZE * input[i]) / 180;\n let y = RADIUS * Math.log(Math.tan((Math.PI * (+input[i + 1] + 90)) / 360));\n if (y > MAX_SAFE_Y) {\n y = MAX_SAFE_Y;\n } else if (y < -MAX_SAFE_Y) {\n y = -MAX_SAFE_Y;\n }\n output[i + 1] = y;\n }\n return output;\n}\n\n/**\n * Transformation from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:4326.\n *\n * @param {Array} input Input array of coordinate values.\n * @param {Array} [output] Output array of coordinate values.\n * @param {number} [dimension] Dimension (default is `2`).\n * @return {Array} Output array of coordinate values.\n */\nexport function toEPSG4326(input, output, dimension) {\n const length = input.length;\n dimension = dimension > 1 ? dimension : 2;\n if (output === undefined) {\n if (dimension > 2) {\n // preserve values beyond second dimension\n output = input.slice();\n } else {\n output = new Array(length);\n }\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i += dimension) {\n output[i] = (180 * input[i]) / HALF_SIZE;\n output[i + 1] =\n (360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(input[i + 1] / RADIUS))) / Math.PI - 90;\n }\n return output;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj/epsg4326\n */\nimport Projection from './Projection.js';\n\n/**\n * Semi-major radius of the WGS84 ellipsoid.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const RADIUS = 6378137;\n\n/**\n * Extent of the EPSG:4326 projection which is the whole world.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent}\n */\nexport const EXTENT = [-180, -90, 180, 90];\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const METERS_PER_UNIT = (Math.PI * RADIUS) / 180;\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Projection object for WGS84 geographic coordinates (EPSG:4326).\n *\n * Note that OpenLayers does not strictly comply with the EPSG definition.\n * The EPSG registry defines 4326 as a CRS for Latitude,Longitude (y,x).\n * OpenLayers treats EPSG:4326 as a pseudo-projection, with x,y coordinates.\n */\nclass EPSG4326Projection extends Projection {\n /**\n * @param {string} code Code.\n * @param {string} [axisOrientation] Axis orientation.\n */\n constructor(code, axisOrientation) {\n super({\n code: code,\n units: 'degrees',\n extent: EXTENT,\n axisOrientation: axisOrientation,\n global: true,\n metersPerUnit: METERS_PER_UNIT,\n worldExtent: EXTENT,\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Projections equal to EPSG:4326.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {Array}\n */\nexport const PROJECTIONS = [\n new EPSG4326Projection('CRS:84'),\n new EPSG4326Projection('EPSG:4326', 'neu'),\n new EPSG4326Projection('urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84'),\n new EPSG4326Projection('urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:2:84'),\n new EPSG4326Projection(''),\n new EPSG4326Projection('', 'neu'),\n new EPSG4326Projection('', 'neu'),\n];\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj/projections\n */\n\n/**\n * @type {Object}\n */\nlet cache = {};\n\n/**\n * Clear the projections cache.\n */\nexport function clear() {\n cache = {};\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a cached projection by code.\n * @param {string} code The code for the projection.\n * @return {import(\"./Projection.js\").default} The projection (if cached).\n */\nexport function get(code) {\n return (\n cache[code] ||\n cache[code.replace(/urn:(x-)?ogc:def:crs:EPSG:(.*:)?(\\w+)$/, 'EPSG:$3')] ||\n null\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Add a projection to the cache.\n * @param {string} code The projection code.\n * @param {import(\"./Projection.js\").default} projection The projection to cache.\n */\nexport function add(code, projection) {\n cache[code] = projection;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj/transforms\n */\nimport {isEmpty} from '../obj.js';\n\n/**\n * @private\n * @type {!Object>}\n */\nlet transforms = {};\n\n/**\n * Clear the transform cache.\n */\nexport function clear() {\n transforms = {};\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers a conversion function to convert coordinates from the source\n * projection to the destination projection.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./Projection.js\").default} source Source.\n * @param {import(\"./Projection.js\").default} destination Destination.\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform.\n */\nexport function add(source, destination, transformFn) {\n const sourceCode = source.getCode();\n const destinationCode = destination.getCode();\n if (!(sourceCode in transforms)) {\n transforms[sourceCode] = {};\n }\n transforms[sourceCode][destinationCode] = transformFn;\n}\n\n/**\n * Unregisters the conversion function to convert coordinates from the source\n * projection to the destination projection. This method is used to clean up\n * cached transforms during testing.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./Projection.js\").default} source Source projection.\n * @param {import(\"./Projection.js\").default} destination Destination projection.\n * @return {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction} transformFn The unregistered transform.\n */\nexport function remove(source, destination) {\n const sourceCode = source.getCode();\n const destinationCode = destination.getCode();\n const transform = transforms[sourceCode][destinationCode];\n delete transforms[sourceCode][destinationCode];\n if (isEmpty(transforms[sourceCode])) {\n delete transforms[sourceCode];\n }\n return transform;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a transform given a source code and a destination code.\n * @param {string} sourceCode The code for the source projection.\n * @param {string} destinationCode The code for the destination projection.\n * @return {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction|undefined} The transform function (if found).\n */\nexport function get(sourceCode, destinationCode) {\n let transform;\n if (sourceCode in transforms && destinationCode in transforms[sourceCode]) {\n transform = transforms[sourceCode][destinationCode];\n }\n return transform;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/math\n */\n\n/**\n * Takes a number and clamps it to within the provided bounds.\n * @param {number} value The input number.\n * @param {number} min The minimum value to return.\n * @param {number} max The maximum value to return.\n * @return {number} The input number if it is within bounds, or the nearest\n * number within the bounds.\n */\nexport function clamp(value, min, max) {\n return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the square of the closest distance between the point (x, y) and the\n * line segment (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {number} x1 X1.\n * @param {number} y1 Y1.\n * @param {number} x2 X2.\n * @param {number} y2 Y2.\n * @return {number} Squared distance.\n */\nexport function squaredSegmentDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {\n const dx = x2 - x1;\n const dy = y2 - y1;\n if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) {\n const t = ((x - x1) * dx + (y - y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);\n if (t > 1) {\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n } else if (t > 0) {\n x1 += dx * t;\n y1 += dy * t;\n }\n }\n return squaredDistance(x, y, x1, y1);\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the square of the distance between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).\n * @param {number} x1 X1.\n * @param {number} y1 Y1.\n * @param {number} x2 X2.\n * @param {number} y2 Y2.\n * @return {number} Squared distance.\n */\nexport function squaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {\n const dx = x2 - x1;\n const dy = y2 - y1;\n return dx * dx + dy * dy;\n}\n\n/**\n * Solves system of linear equations using Gaussian elimination method.\n *\n * @param {Array>} mat Augmented matrix (n x n + 1 column)\n * in row-major order.\n * @return {Array|null} The resulting vector.\n */\nexport function solveLinearSystem(mat) {\n const n = mat.length;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n // Find max in the i-th column (ignoring i - 1 first rows)\n let maxRow = i;\n let maxEl = Math.abs(mat[i][i]);\n for (let r = i + 1; r < n; r++) {\n const absValue = Math.abs(mat[r][i]);\n if (absValue > maxEl) {\n maxEl = absValue;\n maxRow = r;\n }\n }\n\n if (maxEl === 0) {\n return null; // matrix is singular\n }\n\n // Swap max row with i-th (current) row\n const tmp = mat[maxRow];\n mat[maxRow] = mat[i];\n mat[i] = tmp;\n\n // Subtract the i-th row to make all the remaining rows 0 in the i-th column\n for (let j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {\n const coef = -mat[j][i] / mat[i][i];\n for (let k = i; k < n + 1; k++) {\n if (i == k) {\n mat[j][k] = 0;\n } else {\n mat[j][k] += coef * mat[i][k];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Solve Ax=b for upper triangular matrix A (mat)\n const x = new Array(n);\n for (let l = n - 1; l >= 0; l--) {\n x[l] = mat[l][n] / mat[l][l];\n for (let m = l - 1; m >= 0; m--) {\n mat[m][n] -= mat[m][l] * x[l];\n }\n }\n return x;\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts radians to to degrees.\n *\n * @param {number} angleInRadians Angle in radians.\n * @return {number} Angle in degrees.\n */\nexport function toDegrees(angleInRadians) {\n return (angleInRadians * 180) / Math.PI;\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts degrees to radians.\n *\n * @param {number} angleInDegrees Angle in degrees.\n * @return {number} Angle in radians.\n */\nexport function toRadians(angleInDegrees) {\n return (angleInDegrees * Math.PI) / 180;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the modulo of a / b, depending on the sign of b.\n *\n * @param {number} a Dividend.\n * @param {number} b Divisor.\n * @return {number} Modulo.\n */\nexport function modulo(a, b) {\n const r = a % b;\n return r * b < 0 ? r + b : r;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculates the linearly interpolated value of x between a and b.\n *\n * @param {number} a Number\n * @param {number} b Number\n * @param {number} x Value to be interpolated.\n * @return {number} Interpolated value.\n */\nexport function lerp(a, b, x) {\n return a + x * (b - a);\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a number with a limited number of decimal digits.\n * @param {number} n The input number.\n * @param {number} decimals The maximum number of decimal digits.\n * @return {number} The input number with a limited number of decimal digits.\n */\nexport function toFixed(n, decimals) {\n const factor = Math.pow(10, decimals);\n return Math.round(n * factor) / factor;\n}\n\n/**\n * Rounds a number to the nearest integer value considering only the given number\n * of decimal digits (with rounding on the final digit).\n * @param {number} n The input number.\n * @param {number} decimals The maximum number of decimal digits.\n * @return {number} The nearest integer.\n */\nexport function round(n, decimals) {\n return Math.round(toFixed(n, decimals));\n}\n\n/**\n * Rounds a number to the next smaller integer considering only the given number\n * of decimal digits (with rounding on the final digit).\n * @param {number} n The input number.\n * @param {number} decimals The maximum number of decimal digits.\n * @return {number} The next smaller integer.\n */\nexport function floor(n, decimals) {\n return Math.floor(toFixed(n, decimals));\n}\n\n/**\n * Rounds a number to the next bigger integer considering only the given number\n * of decimal digits (with rounding on the final digit).\n * @param {number} n The input number.\n * @param {number} decimals The maximum number of decimal digits.\n * @return {number} The next bigger integer.\n */\nexport function ceil(n, decimals) {\n return Math.ceil(toFixed(n, decimals));\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/string\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {number} number Number to be formatted\n * @param {number} width The desired width\n * @param {number} [precision] Precision of the output string (i.e. number of decimal places)\n * @return {string} Formatted string\n */\nexport function padNumber(number, width, precision) {\n const numberString =\n precision !== undefined ? number.toFixed(precision) : '' + number;\n let decimal = numberString.indexOf('.');\n decimal = decimal === -1 ? numberString.length : decimal;\n return decimal > width\n ? numberString\n : new Array(1 + width - decimal).join('0') + numberString;\n}\n\n/**\n * Adapted from\n * @param {string|number} v1 First version\n * @param {string|number} v2 Second version\n * @return {number} Value\n */\nexport function compareVersions(v1, v2) {\n const s1 = ('' + v1).split('.');\n const s2 = ('' + v2).split('.');\n\n for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(s1.length, s2.length); i++) {\n const n1 = parseInt(s1[i] || '0', 10);\n const n2 = parseInt(s2[i] || '0', 10);\n\n if (n1 > n2) {\n return 1;\n }\n if (n2 > n1) {\n return -1;\n }\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/coordinate\n */\nimport {getWidth} from './extent.js';\nimport {modulo, toFixed} from './math.js';\nimport {padNumber} from './string.js';\n\n/**\n * An array of numbers representing an `xy`, `xyz` or `xyzm` coordinate.\n * Example: `[16, 48]`.\n * @typedef {Array} Coordinate\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * A function that takes a {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate} and\n * transforms it into a `{string}`.\n *\n * @typedef {function((Coordinate|undefined)): string} CoordinateFormat\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Add `delta` to `coordinate`. `coordinate` is modified in place and returned\n * by the function.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * import {add} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * add(coord, [-2, 4]);\n * // coord is now [5.85, 51.983333]\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {Coordinate} delta Delta.\n * @return {Coordinate} The input coordinate adjusted by\n * the given delta.\n * @api\n */\nexport function add(coordinate, delta) {\n coordinate[0] += +delta[0];\n coordinate[1] += +delta[1];\n return coordinate;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculates the point closest to the passed coordinate on the passed circle.\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate The coordinate.\n * @param {import(\"./geom/Circle.js\").default} circle The circle.\n * @return {Coordinate} Closest point on the circumference.\n */\nexport function closestOnCircle(coordinate, circle) {\n const r = circle.getRadius();\n const center = circle.getCenter();\n const x0 = center[0];\n const y0 = center[1];\n const x1 = coordinate[0];\n const y1 = coordinate[1];\n\n let dx = x1 - x0;\n const dy = y1 - y0;\n if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) {\n dx = 1;\n }\n const d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);\n\n const x = x0 + (r * dx) / d;\n const y = y0 + (r * dy) / d;\n\n return [x, y];\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculates the point closest to the passed coordinate on the passed segment.\n * This is the foot of the perpendicular of the coordinate to the segment when\n * the foot is on the segment, or the closest segment coordinate when the foot\n * is outside the segment.\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate The coordinate.\n * @param {Array} segment The two coordinates\n * of the segment.\n * @return {Coordinate} The foot of the perpendicular of\n * the coordinate to the segment.\n */\nexport function closestOnSegment(coordinate, segment) {\n const x0 = coordinate[0];\n const y0 = coordinate[1];\n const start = segment[0];\n const end = segment[1];\n const x1 = start[0];\n const y1 = start[1];\n const x2 = end[0];\n const y2 = end[1];\n const dx = x2 - x1;\n const dy = y2 - y1;\n const along =\n dx === 0 && dy === 0\n ? 0\n : (dx * (x0 - x1) + dy * (y0 - y1)) / (dx * dx + dy * dy || 0);\n let x, y;\n if (along <= 0) {\n x = x1;\n y = y1;\n } else if (along >= 1) {\n x = x2;\n y = y2;\n } else {\n x = x1 + along * dx;\n y = y1 + along * dy;\n }\n return [x, y];\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a {@link module:ol/coordinate~CoordinateFormat} function that can be\n * used to format\n * a {Coordinate} to a string.\n *\n * Example without specifying the fractional digits:\n *\n * import {createStringXY} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const stringifyFunc = createStringXY();\n * const out = stringifyFunc(coord);\n * // out is now '8, 48'\n *\n * Example with explicitly specifying 2 fractional digits:\n *\n * import {createStringXY} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const stringifyFunc = createStringXY(2);\n * const out = stringifyFunc(coord);\n * // out is now '7.85, 47.98'\n *\n * @param {number} [fractionDigits] The number of digits to include\n * after the decimal point. Default is `0`.\n * @return {CoordinateFormat} Coordinate format.\n * @api\n */\nexport function createStringXY(fractionDigits) {\n return (\n /**\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @return {string} String XY.\n */\n function (coordinate) {\n return toStringXY(coordinate, fractionDigits);\n }\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} hemispheres Hemispheres.\n * @param {number} degrees Degrees.\n * @param {number} [fractionDigits] The number of digits to include\n * after the decimal point. Default is `0`.\n * @return {string} String.\n */\nexport function degreesToStringHDMS(hemispheres, degrees, fractionDigits) {\n const normalizedDegrees = modulo(degrees + 180, 360) - 180;\n const x = Math.abs(3600 * normalizedDegrees);\n const decimals = fractionDigits || 0;\n\n let deg = Math.floor(x / 3600);\n let min = Math.floor((x - deg * 3600) / 60);\n let sec = toFixed(x - deg * 3600 - min * 60, decimals);\n\n if (sec >= 60) {\n sec = 0;\n min += 1;\n }\n\n if (min >= 60) {\n min = 0;\n deg += 1;\n }\n\n let hdms = deg + '\\u00b0';\n if (min !== 0 || sec !== 0) {\n hdms += ' ' + padNumber(min, 2) + '\\u2032';\n }\n if (sec !== 0) {\n hdms += ' ' + padNumber(sec, 2, decimals) + '\\u2033';\n }\n if (normalizedDegrees !== 0) {\n hdms += ' ' + hemispheres.charAt(normalizedDegrees < 0 ? 1 : 0);\n }\n\n return hdms;\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms the given {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate} to a string\n * using the given string template. The strings `{x}` and `{y}` in the template\n * will be replaced with the first and second coordinate values respectively.\n *\n * Example without specifying the fractional digits:\n *\n * import {format} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const template = 'Coordinate is ({x}|{y}).';\n * const out = format(coord, template);\n * // out is now 'Coordinate is (8|48).'\n *\n * Example explicitly specifying the fractional digits:\n *\n * import {format} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const template = 'Coordinate is ({x}|{y}).';\n * const out = format(coord, template, 2);\n * // out is now 'Coordinate is (7.85|47.98).'\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {string} template A template string with `{x}` and `{y}` placeholders\n * that will be replaced by first and second coordinate values.\n * @param {number} [fractionDigits] The number of digits to include\n * after the decimal point. Default is `0`.\n * @return {string} Formatted coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function format(coordinate, template, fractionDigits) {\n if (coordinate) {\n return template\n .replace('{x}', coordinate[0].toFixed(fractionDigits))\n .replace('{y}', coordinate[1].toFixed(fractionDigits));\n }\n return '';\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate1 First coordinate.\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate2 Second coordinate.\n * @return {boolean} The two coordinates are equal.\n */\nexport function equals(coordinate1, coordinate2) {\n let equals = true;\n for (let i = coordinate1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n if (coordinate1[i] != coordinate2[i]) {\n equals = false;\n break;\n }\n }\n return equals;\n}\n\n/**\n * Rotate `coordinate` by `angle`. `coordinate` is modified in place and\n * returned by the function.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * import {rotate} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const rotateRadians = Math.PI / 2; // 90 degrees\n * rotate(coord, rotateRadians);\n * // coord is now [-47.983333, 7.85]\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {number} angle Angle in radian.\n * @return {Coordinate} Coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function rotate(coordinate, angle) {\n const cosAngle = Math.cos(angle);\n const sinAngle = Math.sin(angle);\n const x = coordinate[0] * cosAngle - coordinate[1] * sinAngle;\n const y = coordinate[1] * cosAngle + coordinate[0] * sinAngle;\n coordinate[0] = x;\n coordinate[1] = y;\n return coordinate;\n}\n\n/**\n * Scale `coordinate` by `scale`. `coordinate` is modified in place and returned\n * by the function.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * import {scale as scaleCoordinate} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const scale = 1.2;\n * scaleCoordinate(coord, scale);\n * // coord is now [9.42, 57.5799996]\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {number} scale Scale factor.\n * @return {Coordinate} Coordinate.\n */\nexport function scale(coordinate, scale) {\n coordinate[0] *= scale;\n coordinate[1] *= scale;\n return coordinate;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Coordinate} coord1 First coordinate.\n * @param {Coordinate} coord2 Second coordinate.\n * @return {number} Squared distance between coord1 and coord2.\n */\nexport function squaredDistance(coord1, coord2) {\n const dx = coord1[0] - coord2[0];\n const dy = coord1[1] - coord2[1];\n return dx * dx + dy * dy;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Coordinate} coord1 First coordinate.\n * @param {Coordinate} coord2 Second coordinate.\n * @return {number} Distance between coord1 and coord2.\n */\nexport function distance(coord1, coord2) {\n return Math.sqrt(squaredDistance(coord1, coord2));\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculate the squared distance from a coordinate to a line segment.\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate of the point.\n * @param {Array} segment Line segment (2\n * coordinates).\n * @return {number} Squared distance from the point to the line segment.\n */\nexport function squaredDistanceToSegment(coordinate, segment) {\n return squaredDistance(coordinate, closestOnSegment(coordinate, segment));\n}\n\n/**\n * Format a geographic coordinate with the hemisphere, degrees, minutes, and\n * seconds.\n *\n * Example without specifying fractional digits:\n *\n * import {toStringHDMS} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const out = toStringHDMS(coord);\n * // out is now '47° 58′ 60″ N 7° 50′ 60″ E'\n *\n * Example explicitly specifying 1 fractional digit:\n *\n * import {toStringHDMS} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const out = toStringHDMS(coord, 1);\n * // out is now '47° 58′ 60.0″ N 7° 50′ 60.0″ E'\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {number} [fractionDigits] The number of digits to include\n * after the decimal point. Default is `0`.\n * @return {string} Hemisphere, degrees, minutes and seconds.\n * @api\n */\nexport function toStringHDMS(coordinate, fractionDigits) {\n if (coordinate) {\n return (\n degreesToStringHDMS('NS', coordinate[1], fractionDigits) +\n ' ' +\n degreesToStringHDMS('EW', coordinate[0], fractionDigits)\n );\n }\n return '';\n}\n\n/**\n * Format a coordinate as a comma delimited string.\n *\n * Example without specifying fractional digits:\n *\n * import {toStringXY} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const out = toStringXY(coord);\n * // out is now '8, 48'\n *\n * Example explicitly specifying 1 fractional digit:\n *\n * import {toStringXY} from 'ol/coordinate.js';\n *\n * const coord = [7.85, 47.983333];\n * const out = toStringXY(coord, 1);\n * // out is now '7.8, 48.0'\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {number} [fractionDigits] The number of digits to include\n * after the decimal point. Default is `0`.\n * @return {string} XY.\n * @api\n */\nexport function toStringXY(coordinate, fractionDigits) {\n return format(coordinate, '{x}, {y}', fractionDigits);\n}\n\n/**\n * Modifies the provided coordinate in-place to be within the real world\n * extent. The lower projection extent boundary is inclusive, the upper one\n * exclusive.\n *\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {import(\"./proj/Projection.js\").default} projection Projection.\n * @return {Coordinate} The coordinate within the real world extent.\n */\nexport function wrapX(coordinate, projection) {\n if (projection.canWrapX()) {\n const worldWidth = getWidth(projection.getExtent());\n const worldsAway = getWorldsAway(coordinate, projection, worldWidth);\n if (worldsAway) {\n coordinate[0] -= worldsAway * worldWidth;\n }\n }\n return coordinate;\n}\n/**\n * @param {Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {import(\"./proj/Projection.js\").default} projection Projection.\n * @param {number} [sourceExtentWidth] Width of the source extent.\n * @return {number} Offset in world widths.\n */\nexport function getWorldsAway(coordinate, projection, sourceExtentWidth) {\n const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent();\n let worldsAway = 0;\n if (\n projection.canWrapX() &&\n (coordinate[0] < projectionExtent[0] || coordinate[0] > projectionExtent[2])\n ) {\n sourceExtentWidth = sourceExtentWidth || getWidth(projectionExtent);\n worldsAway = Math.floor(\n (coordinate[0] - projectionExtent[0]) / sourceExtentWidth,\n );\n }\n return worldsAway;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/sphere\n */\nimport {toDegrees, toRadians} from './math.js';\n\n/**\n * Object literal with options for the {@link getLength} or {@link getArea}\n * functions.\n * @typedef {Object} SphereMetricOptions\n * @property {import(\"./proj.js\").ProjectionLike} [projection='EPSG:3857']\n * Projection of the geometry. By default, the geometry is assumed to be in\n * Web Mercator.\n * @property {number} [radius=6371008.8] Sphere radius. By default, the\n * [mean Earth radius](\n * for the WGS84 ellipsoid is used.\n */\n\n/**\n * The mean Earth radius (1/3 * (2a + b)) for the WGS84 ellipsoid.\n *\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const DEFAULT_RADIUS = 6371008.8;\n\n/**\n * Get the great circle distance (in meters) between two geographic coordinates.\n * @param {Array} c1 Starting coordinate.\n * @param {Array} c2 Ending coordinate.\n * @param {number} [radius] The sphere radius to use. Defaults to the Earth's\n * mean radius using the WGS84 ellipsoid.\n * @return {number} The great circle distance between the points (in meters).\n * @api\n */\nexport function getDistance(c1, c2, radius) {\n radius = radius || DEFAULT_RADIUS;\n const lat1 = toRadians(c1[1]);\n const lat2 = toRadians(c2[1]);\n const deltaLatBy2 = (lat2 - lat1) / 2;\n const deltaLonBy2 = toRadians(c2[0] - c1[0]) / 2;\n const a =\n Math.sin(deltaLatBy2) * Math.sin(deltaLatBy2) +\n Math.sin(deltaLonBy2) *\n Math.sin(deltaLonBy2) *\n Math.cos(lat1) *\n Math.cos(lat2);\n return 2 * radius * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the cumulative great circle length of linestring coordinates (geographic).\n * @param {Array} coordinates Linestring coordinates.\n * @param {number} radius The sphere radius to use.\n * @return {number} The length (in meters).\n */\nfunction getLengthInternal(coordinates, radius) {\n let length = 0;\n for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii - 1; ++i) {\n length += getDistance(coordinates[i], coordinates[i + 1], radius);\n }\n return length;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the spherical length of a geometry. This length is the sum of the\n * great circle distances between coordinates. For polygons, the length is\n * the sum of all rings. For points, the length is zero. For multi-part\n * geometries, the length is the sum of the length of each part.\n * @param {import(\"./geom/Geometry.js\").default} geometry A geometry.\n * @param {SphereMetricOptions} [options] Options for the\n * length calculation. By default, geometries are assumed to be in 'EPSG:3857'.\n * You can change this by providing a `projection` option.\n * @return {number} The spherical length (in meters).\n * @api\n */\nexport function getLength(geometry, options) {\n options = options || {};\n const radius = options.radius || DEFAULT_RADIUS;\n const projection = options.projection || 'EPSG:3857';\n const type = geometry.getType();\n if (type !== 'GeometryCollection') {\n geometry = geometry.clone().transform(projection, 'EPSG:4326');\n }\n let length = 0;\n let coordinates, coords, i, ii, j, jj;\n switch (type) {\n case 'Point':\n case 'MultiPoint': {\n break;\n }\n case 'LineString':\n case 'LinearRing': {\n coordinates = /** @type {import(\"./geom/SimpleGeometry.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getCoordinates();\n length = getLengthInternal(coordinates, radius);\n break;\n }\n case 'MultiLineString':\n case 'Polygon': {\n coordinates = /** @type {import(\"./geom/SimpleGeometry.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getCoordinates();\n for (i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n length += getLengthInternal(coordinates[i], radius);\n }\n break;\n }\n case 'MultiPolygon': {\n coordinates = /** @type {import(\"./geom/SimpleGeometry.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getCoordinates();\n for (i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n coords = coordinates[i];\n for (j = 0, jj = coords.length; j < jj; ++j) {\n length += getLengthInternal(coords[j], radius);\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n case 'GeometryCollection': {\n const geometries =\n /** @type {import(\"./geom/GeometryCollection.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getGeometries();\n for (i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n length += getLength(geometries[i], options);\n }\n break;\n }\n default: {\n throw new Error('Unsupported geometry type: ' + type);\n }\n }\n return length;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the spherical area for a list of coordinates.\n *\n * [Reference](\n * Robert. G. Chamberlain and William H. Duquette, \"Some Algorithms for\n * Polygons on a Sphere\", JPL Publication 07-03, Jet Propulsion\n * Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, June 2007\n *\n * @param {Array} coordinates List of coordinates of a linear\n * ring. If the ring is oriented clockwise, the area will be positive,\n * otherwise it will be negative.\n * @param {number} radius The sphere radius.\n * @return {number} Area (in square meters).\n */\nfunction getAreaInternal(coordinates, radius) {\n let area = 0;\n const len = coordinates.length;\n let x1 = coordinates[len - 1][0];\n let y1 = coordinates[len - 1][1];\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n const x2 = coordinates[i][0];\n const y2 = coordinates[i][1];\n area +=\n toRadians(x2 - x1) *\n (2 + Math.sin(toRadians(y1)) + Math.sin(toRadians(y2)));\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n return (area * radius * radius) / 2.0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the spherical area of a geometry. This is the area (in meters) assuming\n * that polygon edges are segments of great circles on a sphere.\n * @param {import(\"./geom/Geometry.js\").default} geometry A geometry.\n * @param {SphereMetricOptions} [options] Options for the area\n * calculation. By default, geometries are assumed to be in 'EPSG:3857'.\n * You can change this by providing a `projection` option.\n * @return {number} The spherical area (in square meters).\n * @api\n */\nexport function getArea(geometry, options) {\n options = options || {};\n const radius = options.radius || DEFAULT_RADIUS;\n const projection = options.projection || 'EPSG:3857';\n const type = geometry.getType();\n if (type !== 'GeometryCollection') {\n geometry = geometry.clone().transform(projection, 'EPSG:4326');\n }\n let area = 0;\n let coordinates, coords, i, ii, j, jj;\n switch (type) {\n case 'Point':\n case 'MultiPoint':\n case 'LineString':\n case 'MultiLineString':\n case 'LinearRing': {\n break;\n }\n case 'Polygon': {\n coordinates = /** @type {import(\"./geom/Polygon.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getCoordinates();\n area = Math.abs(getAreaInternal(coordinates[0], radius));\n for (i = 1, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n area -= Math.abs(getAreaInternal(coordinates[i], radius));\n }\n break;\n }\n case 'MultiPolygon': {\n coordinates = /** @type {import(\"./geom/SimpleGeometry.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getCoordinates();\n for (i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n coords = coordinates[i];\n area += Math.abs(getAreaInternal(coords[0], radius));\n for (j = 1, jj = coords.length; j < jj; ++j) {\n area -= Math.abs(getAreaInternal(coords[j], radius));\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n case 'GeometryCollection': {\n const geometries =\n /** @type {import(\"./geom/GeometryCollection.js\").default} */ (\n geometry\n ).getGeometries();\n for (i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n area += getArea(geometries[i], options);\n }\n break;\n }\n default: {\n throw new Error('Unsupported geometry type: ' + type);\n }\n }\n return area;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the coordinate at the given distance and bearing from `c1`.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} c1 The origin point (`[lon, lat]` in degrees).\n * @param {number} distance The great-circle distance between the origin\n * point and the target point.\n * @param {number} bearing The bearing (in radians).\n * @param {number} [radius] The sphere radius to use. Defaults to the Earth's\n * mean radius using the WGS84 ellipsoid.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} The target point.\n */\nexport function offset(c1, distance, bearing, radius) {\n radius = radius || DEFAULT_RADIUS;\n const lat1 = toRadians(c1[1]);\n const lon1 = toRadians(c1[0]);\n const dByR = distance / radius;\n const lat = Math.asin(\n Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(dByR) +\n Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(dByR) * Math.cos(bearing),\n );\n const lon =\n lon1 +\n Math.atan2(\n Math.sin(bearing) * Math.sin(dByR) * Math.cos(lat1),\n Math.cos(dByR) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.sin(lat),\n );\n return [toDegrees(lon), toDegrees(lat)];\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/console\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'info'|'warn'|'error'|'none'} Level\n */\n\n/**\n * @type {Object}\n */\nconst levels = {\n info: 1,\n warn: 2,\n error: 3,\n none: 4,\n};\n\n/**\n * @type {number}\n */\nlet level =;\n\n/**\n * Set the logging level. By default, the level is set to 'info' and all\n * messages will be logged. Set to 'warn' to only display warnings and errors.\n * Set to 'error' to only display errors. Set to 'none' to silence all messages.\n *\n * @param {Level} l The new level.\n */\nexport function setLevel(l) {\n level = levels[l];\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {...any} args Arguments to log\n */\nexport function log(...args) {\n if (level > {\n return;\n }\n console.log(...args); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {...any} args Arguments to log\n */\nexport function warn(...args) {\n if (level > levels.warn) {\n return;\n }\n console.warn(...args); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {...any} args Arguments to log\n */\nexport function error(...args) {\n if (level > levels.error) {\n return;\n }\n console.error(...args); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/proj\n */\n\n/**\n * The ol/proj module stores:\n * * a list of {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection}\n * objects, one for each projection supported by the application\n * * a list of transform functions needed to convert coordinates in one projection\n * into another.\n *\n * The static functions are the methods used to maintain these.\n * Each transform function can handle not only simple coordinate pairs, but also\n * large arrays of coordinates such as vector geometries.\n *\n * When loaded, the library adds projection objects for EPSG:4326 (WGS84\n * geographic coordinates) and EPSG:3857 (Web or Spherical Mercator, as used\n * for example by Bing Maps or OpenStreetMap), together with the relevant\n * transform functions.\n *\n * Additional transforms may be added by using the\n * library (version 2.2 or later). You can use the full build supplied by\n * Proj4js, or create a custom build to support those projections you need; see\n * the Proj4js website for how to do this. You also need the Proj4js definitions\n * for the required projections. These definitions can be obtained from\n *, and are a JS function, so can be loaded in a script\n * tag (as in the examples) or pasted into your application.\n *\n * After all required projection definitions are added to proj4's registry (by\n * using `proj4.defs()`), simply call `register(proj4)` from the `ol/proj/proj4`\n * package. Existing transforms are not changed by this function. See\n * examples/wms-image-custom-proj for an example of this.\n *\n * Additional projection definitions can be registered with `proj4.defs()` any\n * time. Just make sure to call `register(proj4)` again; for example, with user-supplied data where you don't\n * know in advance what projections are needed, you can initially load minimal\n * support and then load whichever are requested.\n *\n * Note that Proj4js does not support projection extents. If you want to add\n * one for creating default tile grids, you can add it after the Projection\n * object has been created with `setExtent`, for example,\n * `get('EPSG:1234').setExtent(extent)`.\n *\n * In addition to Proj4js support, any transform functions can be added with\n * {@link module:ol/proj.addCoordinateTransforms}. To use this, you must first create\n * a {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} object for the new projection and add it with\n * {@link module:ol/proj.addProjection}. You can then add the forward and inverse\n * functions with {@link module:ol/proj.addCoordinateTransforms}. See\n * examples/wms-custom-proj for an example of this.\n *\n * Note that if no transforms are needed and you only need to define the\n * projection, just add a {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} with\n * {@link module:ol/proj.addProjection}. See examples/wms-no-proj for an example of\n * this.\n */\nimport Projection from './proj/Projection.js';\nimport {\n PROJECTIONS as EPSG3857_PROJECTIONS,\n fromEPSG4326,\n toEPSG4326,\n} from './proj/epsg3857.js';\nimport {PROJECTIONS as EPSG4326_PROJECTIONS} from './proj/epsg4326.js';\nimport {METERS_PER_UNIT} from './proj/Units.js';\nimport {\n add as addProj,\n clear as clearProj,\n get as getProj,\n} from './proj/projections.js';\nimport {\n add as addTransformFunc,\n clear as clearTransformFuncs,\n get as getTransformFunc,\n} from './proj/transforms.js';\nimport {applyTransform, getWidth} from './extent.js';\nimport {clamp, modulo} from './math.js';\nimport {equals, getWorldsAway} from './coordinate.js';\nimport {getDistance} from './sphere.js';\nimport {warn} from './console.js';\n\n/**\n * A projection as {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection}, SRS identifier\n * string or undefined.\n * @typedef {Projection|string|undefined} ProjectionLike\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * A transform function accepts an array of input coordinate values, an optional\n * output array, and an optional dimension (default should be 2). The function\n * transforms the input coordinate values, populates the output array, and\n * returns the output array.\n *\n * @typedef {function(Array, Array=, number=): Array} TransformFunction\n * @api\n */\n\nexport {METERS_PER_UNIT};\n\nexport {Projection};\n\nlet showCoordinateWarning = true;\n\n/**\n * @param {boolean} [disable = true] Disable console info about `useGeographic()`\n */\nexport function disableCoordinateWarning(disable) {\n const hide = disable === undefined ? true : disable;\n showCoordinateWarning = !hide;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} input Input coordinate array.\n * @param {Array} [output] Output array of coordinate values.\n * @return {Array} Output coordinate array (new array, same coordinate\n * values).\n */\nexport function cloneTransform(input, output) {\n if (output !== undefined) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = input.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n output[i] = input[i];\n }\n output = output;\n } else {\n output = input.slice();\n }\n return output;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} input Input coordinate array.\n * @param {Array} [output] Output array of coordinate values.\n * @return {Array} Input coordinate array (same array as input).\n */\nexport function identityTransform(input, output) {\n if (output !== undefined && input !== output) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = input.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n output[i] = input[i];\n }\n input = output;\n }\n return input;\n}\n\n/**\n * Add a Projection object to the list of supported projections that can be\n * looked up by their code.\n *\n * @param {Projection} projection Projection instance.\n * @api\n */\nexport function addProjection(projection) {\n addProj(projection.getCode(), projection);\n addTransformFunc(projection, projection, cloneTransform);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} projections Projections.\n */\nexport function addProjections(projections) {\n projections.forEach(addProjection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fetches a Projection object for the code specified.\n *\n * @param {ProjectionLike} projectionLike Either a code string which is\n * a combination of authority and identifier such as \"EPSG:4326\", or an\n * existing projection object, or undefined.\n * @return {Projection|null} Projection object, or null if not in list.\n * @api\n */\nexport function get(projectionLike) {\n return typeof projectionLike === 'string'\n ? getProj(/** @type {string} */ (projectionLike))\n : /** @type {Projection} */ (projectionLike) || null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the resolution of the point in degrees or distance units.\n * For projections with degrees as the unit this will simply return the\n * provided resolution. For other projections the point resolution is\n * by default estimated by transforming the `point` pixel to EPSG:4326,\n * measuring its width and height on the normal sphere,\n * and taking the average of the width and height.\n * A custom function can be provided for a specific projection, either\n * by setting the `getPointResolution` option in the\n * {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} constructor or by using\n * {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection#setGetPointResolution} to change an existing\n * projection object.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} projection The projection.\n * @param {number} resolution Nominal resolution in projection units.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} point Point to find adjusted resolution at.\n * @param {import(\"./proj/Units.js\").Units} [units] Units to get the point resolution in.\n * Default is the projection's units.\n * @return {number} Point resolution.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getPointResolution(projection, resolution, point, units) {\n projection = get(projection);\n let pointResolution;\n const getter = projection.getPointResolutionFunc();\n if (getter) {\n pointResolution = getter(resolution, point);\n if (units && units !== projection.getUnits()) {\n const metersPerUnit = projection.getMetersPerUnit();\n if (metersPerUnit) {\n pointResolution =\n (pointResolution * metersPerUnit) / METERS_PER_UNIT[units];\n }\n }\n } else {\n const projUnits = projection.getUnits();\n if ((projUnits == 'degrees' && !units) || units == 'degrees') {\n pointResolution = resolution;\n } else {\n // Estimate point resolution by transforming the center pixel to EPSG:4326,\n // measuring its width and height on the normal sphere, and taking the\n // average of the width and height.\n const toEPSG4326 = getTransformFromProjections(\n projection,\n get('EPSG:4326'),\n );\n if (toEPSG4326 === identityTransform && projUnits !== 'degrees') {\n // no transform is available\n pointResolution = resolution * projection.getMetersPerUnit();\n } else {\n let vertices = [\n point[0] - resolution / 2,\n point[1],\n point[0] + resolution / 2,\n point[1],\n point[0],\n point[1] - resolution / 2,\n point[0],\n point[1] + resolution / 2,\n ];\n vertices = toEPSG4326(vertices, vertices, 2);\n const width = getDistance(vertices.slice(0, 2), vertices.slice(2, 4));\n const height = getDistance(vertices.slice(4, 6), vertices.slice(6, 8));\n pointResolution = (width + height) / 2;\n }\n const metersPerUnit = units\n ? METERS_PER_UNIT[units]\n : projection.getMetersPerUnit();\n if (metersPerUnit !== undefined) {\n pointResolution /= metersPerUnit;\n }\n }\n }\n return pointResolution;\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers transformation functions that don't alter coordinates. Those allow\n * to transform between projections with equal meaning.\n *\n * @param {Array} projections Projections.\n * @api\n */\nexport function addEquivalentProjections(projections) {\n addProjections(projections);\n projections.forEach(function (source) {\n projections.forEach(function (destination) {\n if (source !== destination) {\n addTransformFunc(source, destination, cloneTransform);\n }\n });\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers transformation functions to convert coordinates in any projection\n * in projection1 to any projection in projection2.\n *\n * @param {Array} projections1 Projections with equal\n * meaning.\n * @param {Array} projections2 Projections with equal\n * meaning.\n * @param {TransformFunction} forwardTransform Transformation from any\n * projection in projection1 to any projection in projection2.\n * @param {TransformFunction} inverseTransform Transform from any projection\n * in projection2 to any projection in projection1..\n */\nexport function addEquivalentTransforms(\n projections1,\n projections2,\n forwardTransform,\n inverseTransform,\n) {\n projections1.forEach(function (projection1) {\n projections2.forEach(function (projection2) {\n addTransformFunc(projection1, projection2, forwardTransform);\n addTransformFunc(projection2, projection1, inverseTransform);\n });\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Clear all cached projections and transforms.\n */\nexport function clearAllProjections() {\n clearProj();\n clearTransformFuncs();\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Projection|string|undefined} projection Projection.\n * @param {string} defaultCode Default code.\n * @return {Projection} Projection.\n */\nexport function createProjection(projection, defaultCode) {\n if (!projection) {\n return get(defaultCode);\n }\n if (typeof projection === 'string') {\n return get(projection);\n }\n return /** @type {Projection} */ (projection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a {@link module:ol/proj~TransformFunction} from a simple 2D coordinate transform\n * function.\n * @param {function(import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate): import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordTransform Coordinate\n * transform.\n * @return {TransformFunction} Transform function.\n */\nexport function createTransformFromCoordinateTransform(coordTransform) {\n return (\n /**\n * @param {Array} input Input.\n * @param {Array} [output] Output.\n * @param {number} [dimension] Dimension.\n * @return {Array} Output.\n */\n function (input, output, dimension) {\n const length = input.length;\n dimension = dimension !== undefined ? dimension : 2;\n output = output !== undefined ? output : new Array(length);\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i += dimension) {\n const point = coordTransform(input.slice(i, i + dimension));\n const pointLength = point.length;\n for (let j = 0, jj = dimension; j < jj; ++j) {\n output[i + j] = j >= pointLength ? input[i + j] : point[j];\n }\n }\n return output;\n }\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers coordinate transform functions to convert coordinates between the\n * source projection and the destination projection.\n * The forward and inverse functions convert coordinate pairs; this function\n * converts these into the functions used internally which also handle\n * extents and coordinate arrays.\n *\n * @param {ProjectionLike} source Source projection.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destination Destination projection.\n * @param {function(import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate): import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} forward The forward transform\n * function (that is, from the source projection to the destination\n * projection) that takes a {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate} as argument and returns\n * the transformed {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate}.\n * @param {function(import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate): import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} inverse The inverse transform\n * function (that is, from the destination projection to the source\n * projection) that takes a {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate} as argument and returns\n * the transformed {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate}. If the transform function can only\n * transform less dimensions than the input coordinate, it is supposeed to return a coordinate\n * with only the length it can transform. The other dimensions will be taken unchanged from the\n * source.\n * @api\n */\nexport function addCoordinateTransforms(source, destination, forward, inverse) {\n const sourceProj = get(source);\n const destProj = get(destination);\n addTransformFunc(\n sourceProj,\n destProj,\n createTransformFromCoordinateTransform(forward),\n );\n addTransformFunc(\n destProj,\n sourceProj,\n createTransformFromCoordinateTransform(inverse),\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms a coordinate from longitude/latitude to a different projection.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate as longitude and latitude, i.e.\n * an array with longitude as 1st and latitude as 2nd element.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} [projection] Target projection. The\n * default is Web Mercator, i.e. 'EPSG:3857'.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Coordinate projected to the target projection.\n * @api\n */\nexport function fromLonLat(coordinate, projection) {\n disableCoordinateWarning();\n return transform(\n coordinate,\n 'EPSG:4326',\n projection !== undefined ? projection : 'EPSG:3857',\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms a coordinate to longitude/latitude.\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Projected coordinate.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} [projection] Projection of the coordinate.\n * The default is Web Mercator, i.e. 'EPSG:3857'.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Coordinate as longitude and latitude, i.e. an array\n * with longitude as 1st and latitude as 2nd element.\n * @api\n */\nexport function toLonLat(coordinate, projection) {\n const lonLat = transform(\n coordinate,\n projection !== undefined ? projection : 'EPSG:3857',\n 'EPSG:4326',\n );\n const lon = lonLat[0];\n if (lon < -180 || lon > 180) {\n lonLat[0] = modulo(lon + 180, 360) - 180;\n }\n return lonLat;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if two projections are the same, that is every coordinate in one\n * projection does represent the same geographic point as the same coordinate in\n * the other projection.\n *\n * @param {Projection} projection1 Projection 1.\n * @param {Projection} projection2 Projection 2.\n * @return {boolean} Equivalent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function equivalent(projection1, projection2) {\n if (projection1 === projection2) {\n return true;\n }\n const equalUnits = projection1.getUnits() === projection2.getUnits();\n if (projection1.getCode() === projection2.getCode()) {\n return equalUnits;\n }\n const transformFunc = getTransformFromProjections(projection1, projection2);\n return transformFunc === cloneTransform && equalUnits;\n}\n\n/**\n * Searches in the list of transform functions for the function for converting\n * coordinates from the source projection to the destination projection.\n *\n * @param {Projection} sourceProjection Source Projection object.\n * @param {Projection} destinationProjection Destination Projection\n * object.\n * @return {TransformFunction} Transform function.\n */\nexport function getTransformFromProjections(\n sourceProjection,\n destinationProjection,\n) {\n const sourceCode = sourceProjection.getCode();\n const destinationCode = destinationProjection.getCode();\n let transformFunc = getTransformFunc(sourceCode, destinationCode);\n if (!transformFunc) {\n transformFunc = identityTransform;\n }\n return transformFunc;\n}\n\n/**\n * Given the projection-like objects, searches for a transformation\n * function to convert a coordinates array from the source projection to the\n * destination projection.\n *\n * @param {ProjectionLike} source Source.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destination Destination.\n * @return {TransformFunction} Transform function.\n * @api\n */\nexport function getTransform(source, destination) {\n const sourceProjection = get(source);\n const destinationProjection = get(destination);\n return getTransformFromProjections(sourceProjection, destinationProjection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms a coordinate from source projection to destination projection.\n * This returns a new coordinate (and does not modify the original).\n *\n * See {@link module:ol/proj.transformExtent} for extent transformation.\n * See the transform method of {@link module:ol/geom/Geometry~Geometry} and its\n * subclasses for geometry transforms.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} source Source projection-like.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destination Destination projection-like.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Coordinate.\n * @api\n */\nexport function transform(coordinate, source, destination) {\n const transformFunc = getTransform(source, destination);\n return transformFunc(coordinate, undefined, coordinate.length);\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms an extent from source projection to destination projection. This\n * returns a new extent (and does not modify the original).\n *\n * @param {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} extent The extent to transform.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} source Source projection-like.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destination Destination projection-like.\n * @param {number} [stops] Number of stops per side used for the transform.\n * By default only the corners are used.\n * @return {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} The transformed extent.\n * @api\n */\nexport function transformExtent(extent, source, destination, stops) {\n const transformFunc = getTransform(source, destination);\n return applyTransform(extent, transformFunc, undefined, stops);\n}\n\n/**\n * Transforms the given point to the destination projection.\n *\n * @param {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} point Point.\n * @param {Projection} sourceProjection Source projection.\n * @param {Projection} destinationProjection Destination projection.\n * @return {import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Point.\n */\nexport function transformWithProjections(\n point,\n sourceProjection,\n destinationProjection,\n) {\n const transformFunc = getTransformFromProjections(\n sourceProjection,\n destinationProjection,\n );\n return transformFunc(point);\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {Projection|null}\n */\nlet userProjection = null;\n\n/**\n * Set the projection for coordinates supplied from and returned by API methods.\n * This includes all API methods except for those interacting with tile grids,\n * plus {@link import(\"./Map.js\").FrameState} and {@link import(\"./View.js\").State}.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} projection The user projection.\n * @api\n */\nexport function setUserProjection(projection) {\n userProjection = get(projection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Clear the user projection if set.\n * @api\n */\nexport function clearUserProjection() {\n userProjection = null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the projection for coordinates supplied from and returned by API methods.\n * @return {Projection|null} The user projection (or null if not set).\n * @api\n */\nexport function getUserProjection() {\n return userProjection;\n}\n\n/**\n * Use geographic coordinates (WGS-84 datum) in API methods.\n * This includes all API methods except for those interacting with tile grids,\n * plus {@link import(\"./Map.js\").FrameState} and {@link import(\"./View.js\").State}.\n * @api\n */\nexport function useGeographic() {\n setUserProjection('EPSG:4326');\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a coordinate transformed into the user projection. If no user projection\n * is set, the original coordinate is returned.\n * @param {Array} coordinate Input coordinate.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} sourceProjection The input coordinate projection.\n * @return {Array} The input coordinate in the user projection.\n */\nexport function toUserCoordinate(coordinate, sourceProjection) {\n if (!userProjection) {\n return coordinate;\n }\n return transform(coordinate, sourceProjection, userProjection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a coordinate transformed from the user projection. If no user projection\n * is set, the original coordinate is returned.\n * @param {Array} coordinate Input coordinate.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destProjection The destination projection.\n * @return {Array} The input coordinate transformed.\n */\nexport function fromUserCoordinate(coordinate, destProjection) {\n if (!userProjection) {\n if (\n showCoordinateWarning &&\n !equals(coordinate, [0, 0]) &&\n coordinate[0] >= -180 &&\n coordinate[0] <= 180 &&\n coordinate[1] >= -90 &&\n coordinate[1] <= 90\n ) {\n showCoordinateWarning = false;\n warn(\n 'Call useGeographic() from ol/proj once to work with [longitude, latitude] coordinates.',\n );\n }\n return coordinate;\n }\n return transform(coordinate, userProjection, destProjection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Return an extent transformed into the user projection. If no user projection\n * is set, the original extent is returned.\n * @param {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} extent Input extent.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} sourceProjection The input extent projection.\n * @return {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} The input extent in the user projection.\n */\nexport function toUserExtent(extent, sourceProjection) {\n if (!userProjection) {\n return extent;\n }\n return transformExtent(extent, sourceProjection, userProjection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Return an extent transformed from the user projection. If no user projection\n * is set, the original extent is returned.\n * @param {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} extent Input extent.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destProjection The destination projection.\n * @return {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} The input extent transformed.\n */\nexport function fromUserExtent(extent, destProjection) {\n if (!userProjection) {\n return extent;\n }\n return transformExtent(extent, userProjection, destProjection);\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the resolution in user projection units per pixel. If no user projection\n * is set, or source or user projection are missing units, the original resolution\n * is returned.\n * @param {number} resolution Resolution in input projection units per pixel.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} sourceProjection The input projection.\n * @return {number} Resolution in user projection units per pixel.\n */\nexport function toUserResolution(resolution, sourceProjection) {\n if (!userProjection) {\n return resolution;\n }\n const sourceMetersPerUnit = get(sourceProjection).getMetersPerUnit();\n const userMetersPerUnit = userProjection.getMetersPerUnit();\n return sourceMetersPerUnit && userMetersPerUnit\n ? (resolution * sourceMetersPerUnit) / userMetersPerUnit\n : resolution;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the resolution in user projection units per pixel. If no user projection\n * is set, or source or user projection are missing units, the original resolution\n * is returned.\n * @param {number} resolution Resolution in user projection units per pixel.\n * @param {ProjectionLike} destProjection The destination projection.\n * @return {number} Resolution in destination projection units per pixel.\n */\nexport function fromUserResolution(resolution, destProjection) {\n if (!userProjection) {\n return resolution;\n }\n const destMetersPerUnit = get(destProjection).getMetersPerUnit();\n const userMetersPerUnit = userProjection.getMetersPerUnit();\n return destMetersPerUnit && userMetersPerUnit\n ? (resolution * userMetersPerUnit) / destMetersPerUnit\n : resolution;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a safe coordinate transform function from a coordinate transform function.\n * \"Safe\" means that it can handle wrapping of x-coordinates for global projections,\n * and that coordinates exceeding the source projection validity extent's range will be\n * clamped to the validity range.\n * @param {Projection} sourceProj Source projection.\n * @param {Projection} destProj Destination projection.\n * @param {function(import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate): import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} transform Transform function (source to destination).\n * @return {function(import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate): import(\"./coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Safe transform function (source to destination).\n */\nexport function createSafeCoordinateTransform(sourceProj, destProj, transform) {\n return function (coord) {\n let transformed, worldsAway;\n if (sourceProj.canWrapX()) {\n const sourceExtent = sourceProj.getExtent();\n const sourceExtentWidth = getWidth(sourceExtent);\n coord = coord.slice(0);\n worldsAway = getWorldsAway(coord, sourceProj, sourceExtentWidth);\n if (worldsAway) {\n // Move x to the real world\n coord[0] = coord[0] - worldsAway * sourceExtentWidth;\n }\n coord[0] = clamp(coord[0], sourceExtent[0], sourceExtent[2]);\n coord[1] = clamp(coord[1], sourceExtent[1], sourceExtent[3]);\n transformed = transform(coord);\n } else {\n transformed = transform(coord);\n }\n if (worldsAway && destProj.canWrapX()) {\n // Move transformed coordinate back to the offset world\n transformed[0] += worldsAway * getWidth(destProj.getExtent());\n }\n return transformed;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Add transforms to and from EPSG:4326 and EPSG:3857. This function is called\n * by when this module is executed and should only need to be called again after\n * `clearAllProjections()` is called (e.g. in tests).\n */\nexport function addCommon() {\n // Add transformations that don't alter coordinates to convert within set of\n // projections with equal meaning.\n addEquivalentProjections(EPSG3857_PROJECTIONS);\n addEquivalentProjections(EPSG4326_PROJECTIONS);\n // Add transformations to convert EPSG:4326 like coordinates to EPSG:3857 like\n // coordinates and back.\n addEquivalentTransforms(\n EPSG4326_PROJECTIONS,\n EPSG3857_PROJECTIONS,\n fromEPSG4326,\n toEPSG4326,\n );\n}\n\naddCommon();\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/transform\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../transform.js\").Transform} transform Transform.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @return {Array} Transformed coordinates.\n */\nexport function transform2D(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n transform,\n dest,\n) {\n dest = dest ? dest : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) {\n const x = flatCoordinates[j];\n const y = flatCoordinates[j + 1];\n dest[i++] = transform[0] * x + transform[2] * y + transform[4];\n dest[i++] = transform[1] * x + transform[3] * y + transform[5];\n }\n if (dest && dest.length != i) {\n dest.length = i;\n }\n return dest;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} angle Angle.\n * @param {Array} anchor Rotation anchor point.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @return {Array} Transformed coordinates.\n */\nexport function rotate(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n angle,\n anchor,\n dest,\n) {\n dest = dest ? dest : [];\n const cos = Math.cos(angle);\n const sin = Math.sin(angle);\n const anchorX = anchor[0];\n const anchorY = anchor[1];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) {\n const deltaX = flatCoordinates[j] - anchorX;\n const deltaY = flatCoordinates[j + 1] - anchorY;\n dest[i++] = anchorX + deltaX * cos - deltaY * sin;\n dest[i++] = anchorY + deltaX * sin + deltaY * cos;\n for (let k = j + 2; k < j + stride; ++k) {\n dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[k];\n }\n }\n if (dest && dest.length != i) {\n dest.length = i;\n }\n return dest;\n}\n\n/**\n * Scale the coordinates.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} sx Scale factor in the x-direction.\n * @param {number} sy Scale factor in the y-direction.\n * @param {Array} anchor Scale anchor point.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @return {Array} Transformed coordinates.\n */\nexport function scale(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n sx,\n sy,\n anchor,\n dest,\n) {\n dest = dest ? dest : [];\n const anchorX = anchor[0];\n const anchorY = anchor[1];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) {\n const deltaX = flatCoordinates[j] - anchorX;\n const deltaY = flatCoordinates[j + 1] - anchorY;\n dest[i++] = anchorX + sx * deltaX;\n dest[i++] = anchorY + sy * deltaY;\n for (let k = j + 2; k < j + stride; ++k) {\n dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[k];\n }\n }\n if (dest && dest.length != i) {\n dest.length = i;\n }\n return dest;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} deltaX Delta X.\n * @param {number} deltaY Delta Y.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @return {Array} Transformed coordinates.\n */\nexport function translate(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n deltaX,\n deltaY,\n dest,\n) {\n dest = dest ? dest : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) {\n dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[j] + deltaX;\n dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[j + 1] + deltaY;\n for (let k = j + 2; k < j + stride; ++k) {\n dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[k];\n }\n }\n if (dest && dest.length != i) {\n dest.length = i;\n }\n return dest;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/Geometry\n */\nimport BaseObject from '../Object.js';\nimport {abstract} from '../util.js';\nimport {\n compose as composeTransform,\n create as createTransform,\n} from '../transform.js';\nimport {\n createEmpty,\n createOrUpdateEmpty,\n getHeight,\n returnOrUpdate,\n} from '../extent.js';\nimport {get as getProjection, getTransform} from '../proj.js';\nimport {memoizeOne} from '../functions.js';\nimport {transform2D} from './flat/transform.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'XY' | 'XYZ' | 'XYM' | 'XYZM'} GeometryLayout\n * The coordinate layout for geometries, indicating whether a 3rd or 4th z ('Z')\n * or measure ('M') coordinate is available.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'Point' | 'LineString' | 'LinearRing' | 'Polygon' | 'MultiPoint' | 'MultiLineString' | 'MultiPolygon' | 'GeometryCollection' | 'Circle'} Type\n * The geometry type. One of `'Point'`, `'LineString'`, `'LinearRing'`,\n * `'Polygon'`, `'MultiPoint'`, `'MultiLineString'`, `'MultiPolygon'`,\n * `'GeometryCollection'`, or `'Circle'`.\n */\n\n/**\n * @type {import(\"../transform.js\").Transform}\n */\nconst tmpTransform = createTransform();\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Abstract base class; normally only used for creating subclasses and not\n * instantiated in apps.\n * Base class for vector geometries.\n *\n * To get notified of changes to the geometry, register a listener for the\n * generic `change` event on your geometry instance.\n *\n * @abstract\n * @api\n */\nclass Geometry extends BaseObject {\n constructor() {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent}\n */\n this.extent_ = createEmpty();\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.extentRevision_ = -1;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = 0;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.simplifiedGeometryRevision = 0;\n\n /**\n * Get a transformed and simplified version of the geometry.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} revision The geometry revision.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction} [transform] Optional transform function.\n * @return {Geometry} Simplified geometry.\n */\n this.simplifyTransformedInternal = memoizeOne(\n (revision, squaredTolerance, transform) => {\n if (!transform) {\n return this.getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance);\n }\n const clone = this.clone();\n clone.applyTransform(transform);\n return clone.getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance);\n },\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Get a transformed and simplified version of the geometry.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction} [transform] Optional transform function.\n * @return {Geometry} Simplified geometry.\n */\n simplifyTransformed(squaredTolerance, transform) {\n return this.simplifyTransformedInternal(\n this.getRevision(),\n squaredTolerance,\n transform,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Make a complete copy of the geometry.\n * @abstract\n * @return {!Geometry} Clone.\n */\n clone() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\n closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y).\n */\n containsXY(x, y) {\n const coord = this.getClosestPoint([x, y]);\n return coord[0] === x && coord[1] === y;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the closest point of the geometry to the passed point as\n * {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate coordinate}.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} point Point.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} [closestPoint] Closest point.\n * @return {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Closest point.\n * @api\n */\n getClosestPoint(point, closestPoint) {\n closestPoint = closestPoint ? closestPoint : [NaN, NaN];\n this.closestPointXY(point[0], point[1], closestPoint, Infinity);\n return closestPoint;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns true if this geometry includes the specified coordinate. If the\n * coordinate is on the boundary of the geometry, returns false.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @return {boolean} Contains coordinate.\n * @api\n */\n intersectsCoordinate(coordinate) {\n return this.containsXY(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]);\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @protected\n * @return {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n */\n computeExtent(extent) {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the extent of the geometry.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} [extent] Extent.\n * @return {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @api\n */\n getExtent(extent) {\n if (this.extentRevision_ != this.getRevision()) {\n const extent = this.computeExtent(this.extent_);\n if (isNaN(extent[0]) || isNaN(extent[1])) {\n createOrUpdateEmpty(extent);\n }\n this.extentRevision_ = this.getRevision();\n }\n return returnOrUpdate(this.extent_, extent);\n }\n\n /**\n * Rotate the geometry around a given coordinate. This modifies the geometry\n * coordinates in place.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} angle Rotation angle in radians.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} anchor The rotation center.\n * @api\n */\n rotate(angle, anchor) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Scale the geometry (with an optional origin). This modifies the geometry\n * coordinates in place.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} sx The scaling factor in the x-direction.\n * @param {number} [sy] The scaling factor in the y-direction (defaults to sx).\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} [anchor] The scale origin (defaults to the center\n * of the geometry extent).\n * @api\n */\n scale(sx, sy, anchor) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a simplified version of this geometry. For linestrings, this uses\n * the [Douglas Peucker](\n * algorithm. For polygons, a quantization-based\n * simplification is used to preserve topology.\n * @param {number} tolerance The tolerance distance for simplification.\n * @return {Geometry} A new, simplified version of the original geometry.\n * @api\n */\n simplify(tolerance) {\n return this.getSimplifiedGeometry(tolerance * tolerance);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a simplified version of this geometry using the Douglas Peucker\n * algorithm.\n * See\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @return {Geometry} Simplified geometry.\n */\n getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance) {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the type of this geometry.\n * @abstract\n * @return {Type} Geometry type.\n */\n getType() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Apply a transform function to the coordinates of the geometry.\n * The geometry is modified in place.\n * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and\n * then use this function on the clone.\n * @abstract\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform function.\n * Called with a flat array of geometry coordinates.\n */\n applyTransform(transformFn) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect.\n * @abstract\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n */\n intersectsExtent(extent) {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Translate the geometry. This modifies the geometry coordinates in place. If\n * instead you want a new geometry, first `clone()` this geometry.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} deltaX Delta X.\n * @param {number} deltaY Delta Y.\n * @api\n */\n translate(deltaX, deltaY) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform each coordinate of the geometry from one coordinate reference\n * system to another. The geometry is modified in place.\n * For example, a line will be transformed to a line and a circle to a circle.\n * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and\n * then use this function on the clone.\n *\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").ProjectionLike} source The current projection. Can be a\n * string identifier or a {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} object.\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").ProjectionLike} destination The desired projection. Can be a\n * string identifier or a {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} object.\n * @return {this} This geometry. Note that original geometry is\n * modified in place.\n * @api\n */\n transform(source, destination) {\n /** @type {import(\"../proj/Projection.js\").default} */\n const sourceProj = getProjection(source);\n const transformFn =\n sourceProj.getUnits() == 'tile-pixels'\n ? function (inCoordinates, outCoordinates, stride) {\n const pixelExtent = sourceProj.getExtent();\n const projectedExtent = sourceProj.getWorldExtent();\n const scale = getHeight(projectedExtent) / getHeight(pixelExtent);\n composeTransform(\n tmpTransform,\n projectedExtent[0],\n projectedExtent[3],\n scale,\n -scale,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n );\n transform2D(\n inCoordinates,\n 0,\n inCoordinates.length,\n stride,\n tmpTransform,\n outCoordinates,\n );\n return getTransform(sourceProj, destination)(\n inCoordinates,\n outCoordinates,\n stride,\n );\n }\n : getTransform(sourceProj, destination);\n this.applyTransform(transformFn);\n return this;\n }\n}\n\nexport default Geometry;\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/SimpleGeometry\n */\nimport Geometry from './Geometry.js';\nimport {abstract} from '../util.js';\nimport {createOrUpdateFromFlatCoordinates, getCenter} from '../extent.js';\nimport {rotate, scale, transform2D, translate} from './flat/transform.js';\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Abstract base class; only used for creating subclasses; do not instantiate\n * in apps, as cannot be rendered.\n *\n * @abstract\n * @api\n */\nclass SimpleGeometry extends Geometry {\n constructor() {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout}\n */\n this.layout = 'XY';\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.stride = 2;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {Array}\n */\n this.flatCoordinates;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @protected\n * @return {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n */\n computeExtent(extent) {\n return createOrUpdateFromFlatCoordinates(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.flatCoordinates.length,\n this.stride,\n extent,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @return {Array<*> | null} Coordinates.\n */\n getCoordinates() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the first coordinate of the geometry.\n * @return {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} First coordinate.\n * @api\n */\n getFirstCoordinate() {\n return this.flatCoordinates.slice(0, this.stride);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Array} Flat coordinates.\n */\n getFlatCoordinates() {\n return this.flatCoordinates;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the last coordinate of the geometry.\n * @return {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Last point.\n * @api\n */\n getLastCoordinate() {\n return this.flatCoordinates.slice(\n this.flatCoordinates.length - this.stride,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the {@link import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout layout} of the geometry.\n * @return {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} Layout.\n * @api\n */\n getLayout() {\n return this.layout;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a simplified version of this geometry using the Douglas Peucker algorithm.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @return {SimpleGeometry} Simplified geometry.\n */\n getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance) {\n if (this.simplifiedGeometryRevision !== this.getRevision()) {\n this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = 0;\n this.simplifiedGeometryRevision = this.getRevision();\n }\n // If squaredTolerance is negative or if we know that simplification will not\n // have any effect then just return this.\n if (\n squaredTolerance < 0 ||\n (this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance !== 0 &&\n squaredTolerance <= this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance)\n ) {\n return this;\n }\n\n const simplifiedGeometry =\n this.getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance);\n const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = simplifiedGeometry.getFlatCoordinates();\n if (simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length < this.flatCoordinates.length) {\n return simplifiedGeometry;\n }\n // Simplification did not actually remove any coordinates. We now know\n // that any calls to getSimplifiedGeometry with a squaredTolerance less\n // than or equal to the current squaredTolerance will also not have any\n // effect. This allows us to short circuit simplification (saving CPU\n // cycles) and prevents the cache of simplified geometries from filling\n // up with useless identical copies of this geometry (saving memory).\n this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = squaredTolerance;\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @return {SimpleGeometry} Simplified geometry.\n * @protected\n */\n getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) {\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {number} Stride.\n */\n getStride() {\n return this.stride;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} layout Layout.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n */\n setFlatCoordinates(layout, flatCoordinates) {\n this.stride = getStrideForLayout(layout);\n this.layout = layout;\n this.flatCoordinates = flatCoordinates;\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @param {!Array<*>} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n */\n setCoordinates(coordinates, layout) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout|undefined} layout Layout.\n * @param {Array<*>} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {number} nesting Nesting.\n * @protected\n */\n setLayout(layout, coordinates, nesting) {\n let stride;\n if (layout) {\n stride = getStrideForLayout(layout);\n } else {\n for (let i = 0; i < nesting; ++i) {\n if (coordinates.length === 0) {\n this.layout = 'XY';\n this.stride = 2;\n return;\n }\n coordinates = /** @type {Array} */ (coordinates[0]);\n }\n stride = coordinates.length;\n layout = getLayoutForStride(stride);\n }\n this.layout = layout;\n this.stride = stride;\n }\n\n /**\n * Apply a transform function to the coordinates of the geometry.\n * The geometry is modified in place.\n * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and\n * then use this function on the clone.\n * @param {import(\"../proj.js\").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform function.\n * Called with a flat array of geometry coordinates.\n * @api\n */\n applyTransform(transformFn) {\n if (this.flatCoordinates) {\n transformFn(this.flatCoordinates, this.flatCoordinates, this.stride);\n this.changed();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Rotate the geometry around a given coordinate. This modifies the geometry\n * coordinates in place.\n * @param {number} angle Rotation angle in counter-clockwise radians.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} anchor The rotation center.\n * @api\n */\n rotate(angle, anchor) {\n const flatCoordinates = this.getFlatCoordinates();\n if (flatCoordinates) {\n const stride = this.getStride();\n rotate(\n flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n flatCoordinates.length,\n stride,\n angle,\n anchor,\n flatCoordinates,\n );\n this.changed();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Scale the geometry (with an optional origin). This modifies the geometry\n * coordinates in place.\n * @param {number} sx The scaling factor in the x-direction.\n * @param {number} [sy] The scaling factor in the y-direction (defaults to sx).\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} [anchor] The scale origin (defaults to the center\n * of the geometry extent).\n * @api\n */\n scale(sx, sy, anchor) {\n if (sy === undefined) {\n sy = sx;\n }\n if (!anchor) {\n anchor = getCenter(this.getExtent());\n }\n const flatCoordinates = this.getFlatCoordinates();\n if (flatCoordinates) {\n const stride = this.getStride();\n scale(\n flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n flatCoordinates.length,\n stride,\n sx,\n sy,\n anchor,\n flatCoordinates,\n );\n this.changed();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Translate the geometry. This modifies the geometry coordinates in place. If\n * instead you want a new geometry, first `clone()` this geometry.\n * @param {number} deltaX Delta X.\n * @param {number} deltaY Delta Y.\n * @api\n */\n translate(deltaX, deltaY) {\n const flatCoordinates = this.getFlatCoordinates();\n if (flatCoordinates) {\n const stride = this.getStride();\n translate(\n flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n flatCoordinates.length,\n stride,\n deltaX,\n deltaY,\n flatCoordinates,\n );\n this.changed();\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} layout Layout.\n */\nexport function getLayoutForStride(stride) {\n let layout;\n if (stride == 2) {\n layout = 'XY';\n } else if (stride == 3) {\n layout = 'XYZ';\n } else if (stride == 4) {\n layout = 'XYZM';\n }\n return /** @type {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} */ (layout);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} layout Layout.\n * @return {number} Stride.\n */\nexport function getStrideForLayout(layout) {\n let stride;\n if (layout == 'XY') {\n stride = 2;\n } else if (layout == 'XYZ' || layout == 'XYM') {\n stride = 3;\n } else if (layout == 'XYZM') {\n stride = 4;\n }\n return /** @type {number} */ (stride);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {SimpleGeometry} simpleGeometry Simple geometry.\n * @param {import(\"../transform.js\").Transform} transform Transform.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @return {Array} Transformed flat coordinates.\n */\nexport function transformGeom2D(simpleGeometry, transform, dest) {\n const flatCoordinates = simpleGeometry.getFlatCoordinates();\n if (!flatCoordinates) {\n return null;\n }\n const stride = simpleGeometry.getStride();\n return transform2D(\n flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n flatCoordinates.length,\n stride,\n transform,\n dest,\n );\n}\n\nexport default SimpleGeometry;\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/closest\n */\nimport {lerp, squaredDistance as squaredDx} from '../../math.js';\n\n/**\n * Returns the point on the 2D line segment flatCoordinates[offset1] to\n * flatCoordinates[offset2] that is closest to the point (x, y). Extra\n * dimensions are linearly interpolated.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset1 Offset 1.\n * @param {number} offset2 Offset 2.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {Array} closestPoint Closest point.\n */\nfunction assignClosest(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset1,\n offset2,\n stride,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n) {\n const x1 = flatCoordinates[offset1];\n const y1 = flatCoordinates[offset1 + 1];\n const dx = flatCoordinates[offset2] - x1;\n const dy = flatCoordinates[offset2 + 1] - y1;\n let offset;\n if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) {\n offset = offset1;\n } else {\n const t = ((x - x1) * dx + (y - y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);\n if (t > 1) {\n offset = offset2;\n } else if (t > 0) {\n for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n closestPoint[i] = lerp(\n flatCoordinates[offset1 + i],\n flatCoordinates[offset2 + i],\n t,\n );\n }\n closestPoint.length = stride;\n return;\n } else {\n offset = offset1;\n }\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n closestPoint[i] = flatCoordinates[offset + i];\n }\n closestPoint.length = stride;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the squared of the largest distance between any pair of consecutive\n * coordinates.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} max Max squared delta.\n * @return {number} Max squared delta.\n */\nexport function maxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, max) {\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n for (offset += stride; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n const squaredDelta = squaredDx(x1, y1, x2, y2);\n if (squaredDelta > max) {\n max = squaredDelta;\n }\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n return max;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} max Max squared delta.\n * @return {number} Max squared delta.\n */\nexport function arrayMaxSquaredDelta(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n max,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n max = maxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, max);\n offset = end;\n }\n return max;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} max Max squared delta.\n * @return {number} Max squared delta.\n */\nexport function multiArrayMaxSquaredDelta(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n max,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n max = arrayMaxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, max);\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return max;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} maxDelta Max delta.\n * @param {boolean} isRing Is ring.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {Array} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @param {Array} [tmpPoint] Temporary point object.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\nexport function assignClosestPoint(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n maxDelta,\n isRing,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n tmpPoint,\n) {\n if (offset == end) {\n return minSquaredDistance;\n }\n let i, squaredDistance;\n if (maxDelta === 0) {\n // All points are identical, so just test the first point.\n squaredDistance = squaredDx(\n x,\n y,\n flatCoordinates[offset],\n flatCoordinates[offset + 1],\n );\n if (squaredDistance < minSquaredDistance) {\n for (i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n closestPoint[i] = flatCoordinates[offset + i];\n }\n closestPoint.length = stride;\n return squaredDistance;\n }\n return minSquaredDistance;\n }\n tmpPoint = tmpPoint ? tmpPoint : [NaN, NaN];\n let index = offset + stride;\n while (index < end) {\n assignClosest(\n flatCoordinates,\n index - stride,\n index,\n stride,\n x,\n y,\n tmpPoint,\n );\n squaredDistance = squaredDx(x, y, tmpPoint[0], tmpPoint[1]);\n if (squaredDistance < minSquaredDistance) {\n minSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;\n for (i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n closestPoint[i] = tmpPoint[i];\n }\n closestPoint.length = stride;\n index += stride;\n } else {\n // Skip ahead multiple points, because we know that all the skipped\n // points cannot be any closer than the closest point we have found so\n // far. We know this because we know how close the current point is, how\n // close the closest point we have found so far is, and the maximum\n // distance between consecutive points. For example, if we're currently\n // at distance 10, the best we've found so far is 3, and that the maximum\n // distance between consecutive points is 2, then we'll need to skip at\n // least (10 - 3) / 2 == 3 (rounded down) points to have any chance of\n // finding a closer point. We use Math.max(..., 1) to ensure that we\n // always advance at least one point, to avoid an infinite loop.\n index +=\n stride *\n Math.max(\n ((Math.sqrt(squaredDistance) - Math.sqrt(minSquaredDistance)) /\n maxDelta) |\n 0,\n 1,\n );\n }\n }\n if (isRing) {\n // Check the closing segment.\n assignClosest(\n flatCoordinates,\n end - stride,\n offset,\n stride,\n x,\n y,\n tmpPoint,\n );\n squaredDistance = squaredDx(x, y, tmpPoint[0], tmpPoint[1]);\n if (squaredDistance < minSquaredDistance) {\n minSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;\n for (i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n closestPoint[i] = tmpPoint[i];\n }\n closestPoint.length = stride;\n }\n }\n return minSquaredDistance;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} maxDelta Max delta.\n * @param {boolean} isRing Is ring.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {Array} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @param {Array} [tmpPoint] Temporary point object.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\nexport function assignClosestArrayPoint(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n maxDelta,\n isRing,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n tmpPoint,\n) {\n tmpPoint = tmpPoint ? tmpPoint : [NaN, NaN];\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n minSquaredDistance = assignClosestPoint(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n maxDelta,\n isRing,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n tmpPoint,\n );\n offset = end;\n }\n return minSquaredDistance;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} maxDelta Max delta.\n * @param {boolean} isRing Is ring.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {Array} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @param {Array} [tmpPoint] Temporary point object.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\nexport function assignClosestMultiArrayPoint(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n maxDelta,\n isRing,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n tmpPoint,\n) {\n tmpPoint = tmpPoint ? tmpPoint : [NaN, NaN];\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n minSquaredDistance = assignClosestArrayPoint(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n maxDelta,\n isRing,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n tmpPoint,\n );\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return minSquaredDistance;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/deflate\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} offset Offset.\n */\nexport function deflateCoordinate(flatCoordinates, offset, coordinate, stride) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = coordinate.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n flatCoordinates[offset++] = coordinate[i];\n }\n return offset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} offset Offset.\n */\nexport function deflateCoordinates(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n coordinates,\n stride,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const coordinate = coordinates[i];\n for (let j = 0; j < stride; ++j) {\n flatCoordinates[offset++] = coordinate[j];\n }\n }\n return offset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} coordinatess Coordinatess.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array} [ends] Ends.\n * @return {Array} Ends.\n */\nexport function deflateCoordinatesArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n coordinatess,\n stride,\n ends,\n) {\n ends = ends ? ends : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = 0, jj = coordinatess.length; j < jj; ++j) {\n const end = deflateCoordinates(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n coordinatess[j],\n stride,\n );\n ends[i++] = end;\n offset = end;\n }\n ends.length = i;\n return ends;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>>} coordinatesss Coordinatesss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array>} [endss] Endss.\n * @return {Array>} Endss.\n */\nexport function deflateMultiCoordinatesArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n coordinatesss,\n stride,\n endss,\n) {\n endss = endss ? endss : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = 0, jj = coordinatesss.length; j < jj; ++j) {\n const ends = deflateCoordinatesArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n coordinatesss[j],\n stride,\n endss[i],\n );\n if (ends.length === 0) {\n ends[0] = offset;\n }\n endss[i++] = ends;\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n endss.length = i;\n return endss;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/simplify\n */\n// Based on simplify-js\n// Copyright (c) 2012, Vladimir Agafonkin\n// All rights reserved.\n//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n//\n// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n//\n// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n// AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n// IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n// ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n// LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n// CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n// SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n// INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n// CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n// ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n\nimport {squaredDistance, squaredSegmentDistance} from '../../math.js';\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {boolean} highQuality Highest quality.\n * @param {Array} [simplifiedFlatCoordinates] Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @return {Array} Simplified line string.\n */\nexport function simplifyLineString(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n highQuality,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n) {\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates =\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates !== undefined ? simplifiedFlatCoordinates : [];\n if (!highQuality) {\n end = radialDistance(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n 0,\n );\n flatCoordinates = simplifiedFlatCoordinates;\n offset = 0;\n stride = 2;\n }\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = douglasPeucker(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n 0,\n );\n return simplifiedFlatCoordinates;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function douglasPeucker(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n) {\n const n = (end - offset) / stride;\n if (n < 3) {\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = flatCoordinates[offset];\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] =\n flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n }\n /** @type {Array} */\n const markers = new Array(n);\n markers[0] = 1;\n markers[n - 1] = 1;\n /** @type {Array} */\n const stack = [offset, end - stride];\n let index = 0;\n while (stack.length > 0) {\n const last = stack.pop();\n const first = stack.pop();\n let maxSquaredDistance = 0;\n const x1 = flatCoordinates[first];\n const y1 = flatCoordinates[first + 1];\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[last];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[last + 1];\n for (let i = first + stride; i < last; i += stride) {\n const x = flatCoordinates[i];\n const y = flatCoordinates[i + 1];\n const squaredDistance = squaredSegmentDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2);\n if (squaredDistance > maxSquaredDistance) {\n index = i;\n maxSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;\n }\n }\n if (maxSquaredDistance > squaredTolerance) {\n markers[(index - offset) / stride] = 1;\n if (first + stride < index) {\n stack.push(first, index);\n }\n if (index + stride < last) {\n stack.push(index, last);\n }\n }\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\n if (markers[i]) {\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] =\n flatCoordinates[offset + i * stride];\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] =\n flatCoordinates[offset + i * stride + 1];\n }\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedEnds Simplified ends.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function douglasPeuckerArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n simplifiedEnds,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n simplifiedOffset = douglasPeucker(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n );\n simplifiedEnds.push(simplifiedOffset);\n offset = end;\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @param {Array>} simplifiedEndss Simplified endss.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function douglasPeuckerMultiArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n simplifiedEndss,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n /** @type {Array} */\n const simplifiedEnds = [];\n simplifiedOffset = douglasPeuckerArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n simplifiedEnds,\n );\n simplifiedEndss.push(simplifiedEnds);\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function radialDistance(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n) {\n if (end <= offset + stride) {\n // zero or one point, no simplification possible, so copy and return\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = flatCoordinates[offset];\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] =\n flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n }\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n // copy first point\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x1;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y1;\n let x2 = x1;\n let y2 = y1;\n for (offset += stride; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n x2 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n if (squaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) > squaredTolerance) {\n // copy point at offset\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2;\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n }\n if (x2 != x1 || y2 != y1) {\n // copy last point\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2;\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} value Value.\n * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance.\n * @return {number} Rounded value.\n */\nexport function snap(value, tolerance) {\n return tolerance * Math.round(value / tolerance);\n}\n\n/**\n * Simplifies a line string using an algorithm designed by Tim Schaub.\n * Coordinates are snapped to the nearest value in a virtual grid and\n * consecutive duplicate coordinates are discarded. This effectively preserves\n * topology as the simplification of any subsection of a line string is\n * independent of the rest of the line string. This means that, for examples,\n * the common edge between two polygons will be simplified to the same line\n * string independently in both polygons. This implementation uses a single\n * pass over the coordinates and eliminates intermediate collinear points.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function quantize(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n tolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n) {\n // do nothing if the line is empty\n if (offset == end) {\n return simplifiedOffset;\n }\n // snap the first coordinate (P1)\n let x1 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset], tolerance);\n let y1 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset + 1], tolerance);\n offset += stride;\n // add the first coordinate to the output\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x1;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y1;\n // find the next coordinate that does not snap to the same value as the first\n // coordinate (P2)\n let x2, y2;\n do {\n x2 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset], tolerance);\n y2 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset + 1], tolerance);\n offset += stride;\n if (offset == end) {\n // all coordinates snap to the same value, the line collapses to a point\n // push the last snapped value anyway to ensure that the output contains\n // at least two points\n // FIXME should we really return at least two points anyway?\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2;\n return simplifiedOffset;\n }\n } while (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1);\n while (offset < end) {\n // snap the next coordinate (P3)\n const x3 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset], tolerance);\n const y3 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset + 1], tolerance);\n offset += stride;\n // skip P3 if it is equal to P2\n if (x3 == x2 && y3 == y2) {\n continue;\n }\n // calculate the delta between P1 and P2\n const dx1 = x2 - x1;\n const dy1 = y2 - y1;\n // calculate the delta between P3 and P1\n const dx2 = x3 - x1;\n const dy2 = y3 - y1;\n // if P1, P2, and P3 are colinear and P3 is further from P1 than P2 is from\n // P1 in the same direction then P2 is on the straight line between P1 and\n // P3\n if (\n dx1 * dy2 == dy1 * dx2 &&\n ((dx1 < 0 && dx2 < dx1) || dx1 == dx2 || (dx1 > 0 && dx2 > dx1)) &&\n ((dy1 < 0 && dy2 < dy1) || dy1 == dy2 || (dy1 > 0 && dy2 > dy1))\n ) {\n // discard P2 and set P2 = P3\n x2 = x3;\n y2 = y3;\n continue;\n }\n // either P1, P2, and P3 are not colinear, or they are colinear but P3 is\n // between P3 and P1 or on the opposite half of the line to P2. add P2,\n // and continue with P1 = P2 and P2 = P3\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2;\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n x2 = x3;\n y2 = y3;\n }\n // add the last point (P2)\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2;\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2;\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedEnds Simplified ends.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function quantizeArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n tolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n simplifiedEnds,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n simplifiedOffset = quantize(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n tolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n );\n simplifiedEnds.push(simplifiedOffset);\n offset = end;\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance.\n * @param {Array} simplifiedFlatCoordinates Simplified flat\n * coordinates.\n * @param {number} simplifiedOffset Simplified offset.\n * @param {Array>} simplifiedEndss Simplified endss.\n * @return {number} Simplified offset.\n */\nexport function quantizeMultiArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n tolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n simplifiedEndss,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n /** @type {Array} */\n const simplifiedEnds = [];\n simplifiedOffset = quantizeArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n tolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n simplifiedOffset,\n simplifiedEnds,\n );\n simplifiedEndss.push(simplifiedEnds);\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return simplifiedOffset;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/inflate\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array} [coordinates] Coordinates.\n * @return {Array} Coordinates.\n */\nexport function inflateCoordinates(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n coordinates,\n) {\n coordinates = coordinates !== undefined ? coordinates : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) {\n coordinates[i++] = flatCoordinates.slice(j, j + stride);\n }\n coordinates.length = i;\n return coordinates;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array>} [coordinatess] Coordinatess.\n * @return {Array>} Coordinatess.\n */\nexport function inflateCoordinatesArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n coordinatess,\n) {\n coordinatess = coordinatess !== undefined ? coordinatess : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = 0, jj = ends.length; j < jj; ++j) {\n const end = ends[j];\n coordinatess[i++] = inflateCoordinates(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n coordinatess[i],\n );\n offset = end;\n }\n coordinatess.length = i;\n return coordinatess;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array>>} [coordinatesss]\n * Coordinatesss.\n * @return {Array>>} Coordinatesss.\n */\nexport function inflateMultiCoordinatesArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n coordinatesss,\n) {\n coordinatesss = coordinatesss !== undefined ? coordinatesss : [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let j = 0, jj = endss.length; j < jj; ++j) {\n const ends = endss[j];\n coordinatesss[i++] =\n ends.length === 1 && ends[0] === offset\n ? []\n : inflateCoordinatesArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n coordinatesss[i],\n );\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n coordinatesss.length = i;\n return coordinatesss;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/area\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} Area.\n */\nexport function linearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) {\n let twiceArea = 0;\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1];\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n twiceArea += y1 * x2 - x1 * y2;\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n return twiceArea / 2;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} Area.\n */\nexport function linearRings(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride) {\n let area = 0;\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n area += linearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride);\n offset = end;\n }\n return area;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} Area.\n */\nexport function linearRingss(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride) {\n let area = 0;\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n area += linearRings(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride);\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return area;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/LinearRing\n */\nimport SimpleGeometry from './SimpleGeometry.js';\nimport {assignClosestPoint, maxSquaredDelta} from './flat/closest.js';\nimport {closestSquaredDistanceXY} from '../extent.js';\nimport {deflateCoordinates} from './flat/deflate.js';\nimport {douglasPeucker} from './flat/simplify.js';\nimport {inflateCoordinates} from './flat/inflate.js';\nimport {linearRing as linearRingArea} from './flat/area.js';\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Linear ring geometry. Only used as part of polygon; cannot be rendered\n * on its own.\n *\n * @api\n */\nclass LinearRing extends SimpleGeometry {\n /**\n * @param {Array|Array} coordinates Coordinates.\n * For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with `layout` are also accepted.\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n */\n constructor(coordinates, layout) {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.maxDelta_ = -1;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1;\n\n if (layout !== undefined && !Array.isArray(coordinates[0])) {\n this.setFlatCoordinates(\n layout,\n /** @type {Array} */ (coordinates),\n );\n } else {\n this.setCoordinates(\n /** @type {Array} */ (\n coordinates\n ),\n layout,\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Make a complete copy of the geometry.\n * @return {!LinearRing} Clone.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n return new LinearRing(this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\n closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) {\n if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) {\n return minSquaredDistance;\n }\n if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) {\n this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt(\n maxSquaredDelta(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.flatCoordinates.length,\n this.stride,\n 0,\n ),\n );\n this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision();\n }\n return assignClosestPoint(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.flatCoordinates.length,\n this.stride,\n this.maxDelta_,\n true,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the area of the linear ring on projected plane.\n * @return {number} Area (on projected plane).\n * @api\n */\n getArea() {\n return linearRingArea(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.flatCoordinates.length,\n this.stride,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the coordinates of the linear ring.\n * @return {Array} Coordinates.\n * @api\n */\n getCoordinates() {\n return inflateCoordinates(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.flatCoordinates.length,\n this.stride,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @return {LinearRing} Simplified LinearRing.\n * @protected\n */\n getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = [];\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = douglasPeucker(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.flatCoordinates.length,\n this.stride,\n squaredTolerance,\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n 0,\n );\n return new LinearRing(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 'XY');\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the type of this geometry.\n * @return {import(\"./Geometry.js\").Type} Geometry type.\n * @api\n */\n getType() {\n return 'LinearRing';\n }\n\n /**\n * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n * @api\n */\n intersectsExtent(extent) {\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the coordinates of the linear ring.\n * @param {!Array} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n * @api\n */\n setCoordinates(coordinates, layout) {\n this.setLayout(layout, coordinates, 1);\n if (!this.flatCoordinates) {\n this.flatCoordinates = [];\n }\n this.flatCoordinates.length = deflateCoordinates(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n coordinates,\n this.stride,\n );\n this.changed();\n }\n}\n\nexport default LinearRing;\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/Point\n */\nimport SimpleGeometry from './SimpleGeometry.js';\nimport {containsXY, createOrUpdateFromCoordinate} from '../extent.js';\nimport {deflateCoordinate} from './flat/deflate.js';\nimport {squaredDistance as squaredDx} from '../math.js';\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Point geometry.\n *\n * @api\n */\nclass Point extends SimpleGeometry {\n /**\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n */\n constructor(coordinates, layout) {\n super();\n this.setCoordinates(coordinates, layout);\n }\n\n /**\n * Make a complete copy of the geometry.\n * @return {!Point} Clone.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const point = new Point(this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout);\n point.applyProperties(this);\n return point;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\n closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) {\n const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates;\n const squaredDistance = squaredDx(\n x,\n y,\n flatCoordinates[0],\n flatCoordinates[1],\n );\n if (squaredDistance < minSquaredDistance) {\n const stride = this.stride;\n for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n closestPoint[i] = flatCoordinates[i];\n }\n closestPoint.length = stride;\n return squaredDistance;\n }\n return minSquaredDistance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the coordinate of the point.\n * @return {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} Coordinates.\n * @api\n */\n getCoordinates() {\n return this.flatCoordinates.slice();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @protected\n * @return {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n */\n computeExtent(extent) {\n return createOrUpdateFromCoordinate(this.flatCoordinates, extent);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the type of this geometry.\n * @return {import(\"./Geometry.js\").Type} Geometry type.\n * @api\n */\n getType() {\n return 'Point';\n }\n\n /**\n * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n * @api\n */\n intersectsExtent(extent) {\n return containsXY(extent, this.flatCoordinates[0], this.flatCoordinates[1]);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {!Array<*>} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n * @api\n */\n setCoordinates(coordinates, layout) {\n this.setLayout(layout, coordinates, 0);\n if (!this.flatCoordinates) {\n this.flatCoordinates = [];\n }\n this.flatCoordinates.length = deflateCoordinate(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n coordinates,\n this.stride,\n );\n this.changed();\n }\n}\n\nexport default Point;\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/contains\n */\nimport {forEachCorner} from '../../extent.js';\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} Contains extent.\n */\nexport function linearRingContainsExtent(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent,\n) {\n const outside = forEachCorner(\n extent,\n /**\n * @param {import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate.\n * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y).\n */\n function (coordinate) {\n return !linearRingContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n coordinate[0],\n coordinate[1],\n );\n },\n );\n return !outside;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y).\n */\nexport function linearRingContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n x,\n y,\n) {\n //\n // Copyright 2000 softSurfer, 2012 Dan Sunday\n // This code may be freely used and modified for any purpose\n // providing that this copyright notice is included with it.\n // SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held\n // liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use.\n // Users of this code must verify correctness for their application.\n let wn = 0;\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1];\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n if (y1 <= y) {\n if (y2 > y && (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) - (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) > 0) {\n wn++;\n }\n } else if (y2 <= y && (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) - (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) < 0) {\n wn--;\n }\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n return wn !== 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y).\n */\nexport function linearRingsContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n x,\n y,\n) {\n if (ends.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!linearRingContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends[0], stride, x, y)) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 1, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n if (\n linearRingContainsXY(flatCoordinates, ends[i - 1], ends[i], stride, x, y)\n ) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y).\n */\nexport function linearRingssContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n x,\n y,\n) {\n if (endss.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n if (linearRingsContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, x, y)) {\n return true;\n }\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return false;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/interiorpoint\n */\nimport {ascending} from '../../array.js';\nimport {linearRingsContainsXY} from './contains.js';\n\n/**\n * Calculates a point that is likely to lie in the interior of the linear rings.\n * Inspired by JTS's com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry#getInteriorPoint.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array} flatCenters Flat centers.\n * @param {number} flatCentersOffset Flat center offset.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @return {Array} Destination point as XYM coordinate, where M is the\n * length of the horizontal intersection that the point belongs to.\n */\nexport function getInteriorPointOfArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n flatCenters,\n flatCentersOffset,\n dest,\n) {\n let i, ii, x, x1, x2, y1, y2;\n const y = flatCenters[flatCentersOffset + 1];\n /** @type {Array} */\n const intersections = [];\n // Calculate intersections with the horizontal line\n for (let r = 0, rr = ends.length; r < rr; ++r) {\n const end = ends[r];\n x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride];\n y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1];\n for (i = offset; i < end; i += stride) {\n x2 = flatCoordinates[i];\n y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1];\n if ((y <= y1 && y2 <= y) || (y1 <= y && y <= y2)) {\n x = ((y - y1) / (y2 - y1)) * (x2 - x1) + x1;\n intersections.push(x);\n }\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n }\n // Find the longest segment of the horizontal line that has its center point\n // inside the linear ring.\n let pointX = NaN;\n let maxSegmentLength = -Infinity;\n intersections.sort(ascending);\n x1 = intersections[0];\n for (i = 1, ii = intersections.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n x2 = intersections[i];\n const segmentLength = Math.abs(x2 - x1);\n if (segmentLength > maxSegmentLength) {\n x = (x1 + x2) / 2;\n if (linearRingsContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, x, y)) {\n pointX = x;\n maxSegmentLength = segmentLength;\n }\n }\n x1 = x2;\n }\n if (isNaN(pointX)) {\n // There is no horizontal line that has its center point inside the linear\n // ring. Use the center of the the linear ring's extent.\n pointX = flatCenters[flatCentersOffset];\n }\n if (dest) {\n dest.push(pointX, y, maxSegmentLength);\n return dest;\n }\n return [pointX, y, maxSegmentLength];\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {Array} flatCenters Flat centers.\n * @return {Array} Interior points as XYM coordinates, where M is the\n * length of the horizontal intersection that the point belongs to.\n */\nexport function getInteriorPointsOfMultiArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n flatCenters,\n) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n let interiorPoints = [];\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n interiorPoints = getInteriorPointOfArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n flatCenters,\n 2 * i,\n interiorPoints,\n );\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return interiorPoints;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/segments\n */\n\n/**\n * This function calls `callback` for each segment of the flat coordinates\n * array. If the callback returns a truthy value the function returns that\n * value immediately. Otherwise the function returns `false`.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {function(import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate, import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate): T} callback Function\n * called for each segment.\n * @return {T|boolean} Value.\n * @template T\n */\nexport function forEach(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, callback) {\n let ret;\n offset += stride;\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n ret = callback(\n flatCoordinates.slice(offset - stride, offset),\n flatCoordinates.slice(offset, offset + stride),\n );\n if (ret) {\n return ret;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/intersectsextent\n */\nimport {\n containsExtent,\n createEmpty,\n extendFlatCoordinates,\n intersects,\n intersectsSegment,\n} from '../../extent.js';\nimport {forEach as forEachSegment} from './segments.js';\nimport {linearRingContainsExtent, linearRingContainsXY} from './contains.js';\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} True if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n */\nexport function intersectsLineString(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent,\n) {\n const coordinatesExtent = extendFlatCoordinates(\n createEmpty(),\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n );\n if (!intersects(extent, coordinatesExtent)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (containsExtent(extent, coordinatesExtent)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (coordinatesExtent[0] >= extent[0] && coordinatesExtent[2] <= extent[2]) {\n return true;\n }\n if (coordinatesExtent[1] >= extent[1] && coordinatesExtent[3] <= extent[3]) {\n return true;\n }\n return forEachSegment(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n /**\n * @param {import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} point1 Start point.\n * @param {import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} point2 End point.\n * @return {boolean} `true` if the segment and the extent intersect,\n * `false` otherwise.\n */\n function (point1, point2) {\n return intersectsSegment(extent, point1, point2);\n },\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} True if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n */\nexport function intersectsLineStringArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n extent,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n if (\n intersectsLineString(flatCoordinates, offset, ends[i], stride, extent)\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n offset = ends[i];\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} True if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n */\nexport function intersectsLinearRing(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent,\n) {\n if (intersectsLineString(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (\n linearRingContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent[0],\n extent[1],\n )\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n if (\n linearRingContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent[0],\n extent[3],\n )\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n if (\n linearRingContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent[2],\n extent[1],\n )\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n if (\n linearRingContainsXY(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n extent[2],\n extent[3],\n )\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} True if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n */\nexport function intersectsLinearRingArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n extent,\n) {\n if (!intersectsLinearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, ends[0], stride, extent)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (ends.length === 1) {\n return true;\n }\n for (let i = 1, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n if (\n linearRingContainsExtent(\n flatCoordinates,\n ends[i - 1],\n ends[i],\n stride,\n extent,\n )\n ) {\n if (\n !intersectsLineString(\n flatCoordinates,\n ends[i - 1],\n ends[i],\n stride,\n extent,\n )\n ) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Endss.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {import(\"../../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} True if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n */\nexport function intersectsLinearRingMultiArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n extent,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n if (\n intersectsLinearRingArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, extent)\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n return false;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/reverse\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n */\nexport function coordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) {\n while (offset < end - stride) {\n for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) {\n const tmp = flatCoordinates[offset + i];\n flatCoordinates[offset + i] = flatCoordinates[end - stride + i];\n flatCoordinates[end - stride + i] = tmp;\n }\n offset += stride;\n end -= stride;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/orient\n */\nimport {coordinates as reverseCoordinates} from './reverse.js';\n\n/**\n * Is the linear ring oriented clockwise in a coordinate system with a bottom-left\n * coordinate origin? For a coordinate system with a top-left coordinate origin,\n * the ring's orientation is clockwise when this function returns false.\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {boolean|undefined} Is clockwise.\n */\nexport function linearRingIsClockwise(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) {\n //\n //\n let edge = 0;\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1];\n for (; offset < end; offset += stride) {\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n edge += (x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1);\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n return edge === 0 ? undefined : edge > 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if linear rings are oriented. By default, left-hand orientation\n * is tested (first ring must be clockwise, remaining rings counter-clockwise).\n * To test for right-hand orientation, use the `right` argument.\n *\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Array of end indexes.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {boolean} [right] Test for right-hand orientation\n * (counter-clockwise exterior ring and clockwise interior rings).\n * @return {boolean} Rings are correctly oriented.\n */\nexport function linearRingsAreOriented(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n right,\n) {\n right = right !== undefined ? right : false;\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n const isClockwise = linearRingIsClockwise(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n );\n if (i === 0) {\n if ((right && isClockwise) || (!right && !isClockwise)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n if ((right && !isClockwise) || (!right && isClockwise)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n offset = end;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if linear rings are oriented. By default, left-hand orientation\n * is tested (first ring must be clockwise, remaining rings counter-clockwise).\n * To test for right-hand orientation, use the `right` argument.\n *\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Array of array of end indexes.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {boolean} [right] Test for right-hand orientation\n * (counter-clockwise exterior ring and clockwise interior rings).\n * @return {boolean} Rings are correctly oriented.\n */\nexport function linearRingssAreOriented(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n right,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const ends = endss[i];\n if (!linearRingsAreOriented(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, right)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (ends.length) {\n offset = ends[ends.length - 1];\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Orient coordinates in a flat array of linear rings. By default, rings\n * are oriented following the left-hand rule (clockwise for exterior and\n * counter-clockwise for interior rings). To orient according to the\n * right-hand rule, use the `right` argument.\n *\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {boolean} [right] Follow the right-hand rule for orientation.\n * @return {number} End.\n */\nexport function orientLinearRings(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n right,\n) {\n right = right !== undefined ? right : false;\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n const isClockwise = linearRingIsClockwise(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n );\n const reverse =\n i === 0\n ? (right && isClockwise) || (!right && !isClockwise)\n : (right && !isClockwise) || (!right && isClockwise);\n if (reverse) {\n reverseCoordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride);\n }\n offset = end;\n }\n return offset;\n}\n\n/**\n * Orient coordinates in a flat array of linear rings. By default, rings\n * are oriented following the left-hand rule (clockwise for exterior and\n * counter-clockwise for interior rings). To orient according to the\n * right-hand rule, use the `right` argument.\n *\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array>} endss Array of array of end indexes.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {boolean} [right] Follow the right-hand rule for orientation.\n * @return {number} End.\n */\nexport function orientLinearRingsArray(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss,\n stride,\n right,\n) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n offset = orientLinearRings(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n endss[i],\n stride,\n right,\n );\n }\n return offset;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a two-dimensional endss\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates\n * @param {Array} ends Linear ring end indexes\n * @return {Array>} Two dimensional endss array that can\n * be used to construct a MultiPolygon\n */\nexport function inflateEnds(flatCoordinates, ends) {\n const endss = [];\n let offset = 0;\n let prevEndIndex = 0;\n let startOrientation;\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n // classifies an array of rings into polygons with outer rings and holes\n const orientation = linearRingIsClockwise(flatCoordinates, offset, end, 2);\n if (startOrientation === undefined) {\n startOrientation = orientation;\n }\n if (orientation === startOrientation) {\n endss.push(ends.slice(prevEndIndex, i + 1));\n } else {\n if (endss.length === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n endss[endss.length - 1].push(ends[prevEndIndex]);\n }\n prevEndIndex = i + 1;\n offset = end;\n }\n return endss;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/Polygon\n */\nimport LinearRing from './LinearRing.js';\nimport Point from './Point.js';\nimport SimpleGeometry from './SimpleGeometry.js';\nimport {arrayMaxSquaredDelta, assignClosestArrayPoint} from './flat/closest.js';\nimport {closestSquaredDistanceXY, getCenter, isEmpty} from '../extent.js';\nimport {deflateCoordinatesArray} from './flat/deflate.js';\nimport {extend} from '../array.js';\nimport {getInteriorPointOfArray} from './flat/interiorpoint.js';\nimport {inflateCoordinatesArray} from './flat/inflate.js';\nimport {intersectsLinearRingArray} from './flat/intersectsextent.js';\nimport {linearRingsAreOriented, orientLinearRings} from './flat/orient.js';\nimport {linearRings as linearRingsArea} from './flat/area.js';\nimport {linearRingsContainsXY} from './flat/contains.js';\nimport {modulo} from '../math.js';\nimport {quantizeArray} from './flat/simplify.js';\nimport {offset as sphereOffset} from '../sphere.js';\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Polygon geometry.\n *\n * @api\n */\nclass Polygon extends SimpleGeometry {\n /**\n * @param {!Array>|!Array} coordinates\n * Array of linear rings that define the polygon. The first linear ring of the\n * array defines the outer-boundary or surface of the polygon. Each subsequent\n * linear ring defines a hole in the surface of the polygon. A linear ring is\n * an array of vertices' coordinates where the first coordinate and the last are\n * equivalent. (For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with\n * `layout` and `ends` are also accepted.)\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n * @param {Array} [ends] Ends (for internal use with flat coordinates).\n */\n constructor(coordinates, layout, ends) {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @type {Array}\n * @private\n */\n this.ends_ = [];\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.flatInteriorPointRevision_ = -1;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate|null}\n */\n this.flatInteriorPoint_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.maxDelta_ = -1;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.orientedRevision_ = -1;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Array|null}\n */\n this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = null;\n\n if (layout !== undefined && ends) {\n this.setFlatCoordinates(\n layout,\n /** @type {Array} */ (coordinates),\n );\n this.ends_ = ends;\n } else {\n this.setCoordinates(\n /** @type {Array>} */ (\n coordinates\n ),\n layout,\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Append the passed linear ring to this polygon.\n * @param {LinearRing} linearRing Linear ring.\n * @api\n */\n appendLinearRing(linearRing) {\n if (!this.flatCoordinates) {\n this.flatCoordinates = linearRing.getFlatCoordinates().slice();\n } else {\n extend(this.flatCoordinates, linearRing.getFlatCoordinates());\n }\n this.ends_.push(this.flatCoordinates.length);\n this.changed();\n }\n\n /**\n * Make a complete copy of the geometry.\n * @return {!Polygon} Clone.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const polygon = new Polygon(\n this.flatCoordinates.slice(),\n this.layout,\n this.ends_.slice(),\n );\n polygon.applyProperties(this);\n return polygon;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point.\n * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance.\n * @return {number} Minimum squared distance.\n */\n closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) {\n if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) {\n return minSquaredDistance;\n }\n if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) {\n this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt(\n arrayMaxSquaredDelta(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n 0,\n ),\n );\n this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision();\n }\n return assignClosestArrayPoint(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n this.maxDelta_,\n true,\n x,\n y,\n closestPoint,\n minSquaredDistance,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y).\n */\n containsXY(x, y) {\n return linearRingsContainsXY(\n this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(),\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n x,\n y,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the area of the polygon on projected plane.\n * @return {number} Area (on projected plane).\n * @api\n */\n getArea() {\n return linearRingsArea(\n this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(),\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the coordinate array for this geometry. This array has the structure\n * of a GeoJSON coordinate array for polygons.\n *\n * @param {boolean} [right] Orient coordinates according to the right-hand\n * rule (counter-clockwise for exterior and clockwise for interior rings).\n * If `false`, coordinates will be oriented according to the left-hand rule\n * (clockwise for exterior and counter-clockwise for interior rings).\n * By default, coordinate orientation will depend on how the geometry was\n * constructed.\n * @return {Array>} Coordinates.\n * @api\n */\n getCoordinates(right) {\n let flatCoordinates;\n if (right !== undefined) {\n flatCoordinates = this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates().slice();\n orientLinearRings(flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, right);\n } else {\n flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates;\n }\n\n return inflateCoordinatesArray(flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Array} Ends.\n */\n getEnds() {\n return this.ends_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Array} Interior point.\n */\n getFlatInteriorPoint() {\n if (this.flatInteriorPointRevision_ != this.getRevision()) {\n const flatCenter = getCenter(this.getExtent());\n this.flatInteriorPoint_ = getInteriorPointOfArray(\n this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(),\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n flatCenter,\n 0,\n );\n this.flatInteriorPointRevision_ = this.getRevision();\n }\n return /** @type {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} */ (\n this.flatInteriorPoint_\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an interior point of the polygon.\n * @return {Point} Interior point as XYM coordinate, where M is the\n * length of the horizontal intersection that the point belongs to.\n * @api\n */\n getInteriorPoint() {\n return new Point(this.getFlatInteriorPoint(), 'XYM');\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the number of rings of the polygon, this includes the exterior\n * ring and any interior rings.\n *\n * @return {number} Number of rings.\n * @api\n */\n getLinearRingCount() {\n return this.ends_.length;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the Nth linear ring of the polygon geometry. Return `null` if the\n * given index is out of range.\n * The exterior linear ring is available at index `0` and the interior rings\n * at index `1` and beyond.\n *\n * @param {number} index Index.\n * @return {LinearRing|null} Linear ring.\n * @api\n */\n getLinearRing(index) {\n if (index < 0 || this.ends_.length <= index) {\n return null;\n }\n return new LinearRing(\n this.flatCoordinates.slice(\n index === 0 ? 0 : this.ends_[index - 1],\n this.ends_[index],\n ),\n this.layout,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the linear rings of the polygon.\n * @return {Array} Linear rings.\n * @api\n */\n getLinearRings() {\n const layout = this.layout;\n const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates;\n const ends = this.ends_;\n const linearRings = [];\n let offset = 0;\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n const linearRing = new LinearRing(\n flatCoordinates.slice(offset, end),\n layout,\n );\n linearRings.push(linearRing);\n offset = end;\n }\n return linearRings;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Array} Oriented flat coordinates.\n */\n getOrientedFlatCoordinates() {\n if (this.orientedRevision_ != this.getRevision()) {\n const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates;\n if (linearRingsAreOriented(flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride)) {\n this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = flatCoordinates;\n } else {\n this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = flatCoordinates.slice();\n this.orientedFlatCoordinates_.length = orientLinearRings(\n this.orientedFlatCoordinates_,\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n );\n }\n this.orientedRevision_ = this.getRevision();\n }\n return /** @type {Array} */ (this.orientedFlatCoordinates_);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance.\n * @return {Polygon} Simplified Polygon.\n * @protected\n */\n getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = [];\n /** @type {Array} */\n const simplifiedEnds = [];\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = quantizeArray(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n Math.sqrt(squaredTolerance),\n simplifiedFlatCoordinates,\n 0,\n simplifiedEnds,\n );\n return new Polygon(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 'XY', simplifiedEnds);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the type of this geometry.\n * @return {import(\"./Geometry.js\").Type} Geometry type.\n * @api\n */\n getType() {\n return 'Polygon';\n }\n\n /**\n * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect.\n * @api\n */\n intersectsExtent(extent) {\n return intersectsLinearRingArray(\n this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(),\n 0,\n this.ends_,\n this.stride,\n extent,\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the coordinates of the polygon.\n * @param {!Array>} coordinates Coordinates.\n * @param {import(\"./Geometry.js\").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout.\n * @api\n */\n setCoordinates(coordinates, layout) {\n this.setLayout(layout, coordinates, 2);\n if (!this.flatCoordinates) {\n this.flatCoordinates = [];\n }\n const ends = deflateCoordinatesArray(\n this.flatCoordinates,\n 0,\n coordinates,\n this.stride,\n this.ends_,\n );\n this.flatCoordinates.length = ends.length === 0 ? 0 : ends[ends.length - 1];\n this.changed();\n }\n}\n\nexport default Polygon;\n\n/**\n * Create an approximation of a circle on the surface of a sphere.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} center Center (`[lon, lat]` in degrees).\n * @param {number} radius The great-circle distance from the center to\n * the polygon vertices in meters.\n * @param {number} [n] Optional number of vertices for the resulting\n * polygon. Default is `32`.\n * @param {number} [sphereRadius] Optional radius for the sphere (defaults to\n * the Earth's mean radius using the WGS84 ellipsoid).\n * @return {Polygon} The \"circular\" polygon.\n * @api\n */\nexport function circular(center, radius, n, sphereRadius) {\n n = n ? n : 32;\n /** @type {Array} */\n const flatCoordinates = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\n extend(\n flatCoordinates,\n sphereOffset(center, radius, (2 * Math.PI * i) / n, sphereRadius),\n );\n }\n flatCoordinates.push(flatCoordinates[0], flatCoordinates[1]);\n return new Polygon(flatCoordinates, 'XY', [flatCoordinates.length]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a polygon from an extent. The layout used is `XY`.\n * @param {import(\"../extent.js\").Extent} extent The extent.\n * @return {Polygon} The polygon.\n * @api\n */\nexport function fromExtent(extent) {\n if (isEmpty(extent)) {\n throw new Error('Cannot create polygon from empty extent');\n }\n const minX = extent[0];\n const minY = extent[1];\n const maxX = extent[2];\n const maxY = extent[3];\n const flatCoordinates = [\n minX,\n minY,\n minX,\n maxY,\n maxX,\n maxY,\n maxX,\n minY,\n minX,\n minY,\n ];\n return new Polygon(flatCoordinates, 'XY', [flatCoordinates.length]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a regular polygon from a circle.\n * @param {import(\"./Circle.js\").default} circle Circle geometry.\n * @param {number} [sides] Number of sides of the polygon. Default is 32.\n * @param {number} [angle] Start angle for the first vertex of the polygon in\n * counter-clockwise radians. 0 means East. Default is 0.\n * @return {Polygon} Polygon geometry.\n * @api\n */\nexport function fromCircle(circle, sides, angle) {\n sides = sides ? sides : 32;\n const stride = circle.getStride();\n const layout = circle.getLayout();\n const center = circle.getCenter();\n const arrayLength = stride * (sides + 1);\n const flatCoordinates = new Array(arrayLength);\n for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i += stride) {\n flatCoordinates[i] = 0;\n flatCoordinates[i + 1] = 0;\n for (let j = 2; j < stride; j++) {\n flatCoordinates[i + j] = center[j];\n }\n }\n const ends = [flatCoordinates.length];\n const polygon = new Polygon(flatCoordinates, layout, ends);\n makeRegular(polygon, center, circle.getRadius(), angle);\n return polygon;\n}\n\n/**\n * Modify the coordinates of a polygon to make it a regular polygon.\n * @param {Polygon} polygon Polygon geometry.\n * @param {import(\"../coordinate.js\").Coordinate} center Center of the regular polygon.\n * @param {number} radius Radius of the regular polygon.\n * @param {number} [angle] Start angle for the first vertex of the polygon in\n * counter-clockwise radians. 0 means East. Default is 0.\n */\nexport function makeRegular(polygon, center, radius, angle) {\n const flatCoordinates = polygon.getFlatCoordinates();\n const stride = polygon.getStride();\n const sides = flatCoordinates.length / stride - 1;\n const startAngle = angle ? angle : 0;\n for (let i = 0; i <= sides; ++i) {\n const offset = i * stride;\n const angle = startAngle + (modulo(i, sides) * 2 * Math.PI) / sides;\n flatCoordinates[offset] = center[0] + radius * Math.cos(angle);\n flatCoordinates[offset + 1] = center[1] + radius * Math.sin(angle);\n }\n polygon.changed();\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/render/EventType\n */\n\n/**\n * @enum {string}\n */\nexport default {\n /**\n * Triggered before a layer is rendered.\n * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#prerender\n * @api\n */\n PRERENDER: 'prerender',\n\n /**\n * Triggered after a layer is rendered.\n * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#postrender\n * @api\n */\n POSTRENDER: 'postrender',\n\n /**\n * Triggered before layers are composed. When dispatched by the map, the event object will not have\n * a `context` set. When dispatched by a layer, the event object will have a `context` set. Only\n * WebGL layers currently dispatch this event.\n * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#precompose\n * @api\n */\n PRECOMPOSE: 'precompose',\n\n /**\n * Triggered after layers are composed. When dispatched by the map, the event object will not have\n * a `context` set. When dispatched by a layer, the event object will have a `context` set. Only\n * WebGL layers currently dispatch this event.\n * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#postcompose\n * @api\n */\n POSTCOMPOSE: 'postcompose',\n\n /**\n * Triggered when rendering is complete, i.e. all sources and tiles have\n * finished loading for the current viewport, and all tiles are faded in.\n * The event object will not have a `context` set.\n * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#rendercomplete\n * @api\n */\n RENDERCOMPLETE: 'rendercomplete',\n};\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'postrender'|'precompose'|'postcompose'|'rendercomplete'} MapRenderEventTypes\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'postrender'|'prerender'} LayerRenderEventTypes\n */\n","/**\n * @module ol/ImageState\n */\n\n/**\n * @enum {number}\n */\nexport default {\n IDLE: 0,\n LOADING: 1,\n LOADED: 2,\n ERROR: 3,\n EMPTY: 4,\n};\n","/**\n * RGB space.\n *\n * @module color-space/rgb\n */\n\nexport default {\n\tname: 'rgb',\n\tmin: [0,0,0],\n\tmax: [255,255,255],\n\tchannel: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],\n\talias: ['RGB']\n};\n","/**\n * CIE XYZ\n *\n * @module color-space/xyz\n */\nimport rgb from './rgb.js';\n\nvar xyz = {\n\tname: 'xyz',\n\tmin: [0,0,0],\n\tchannel: ['X','Y','Z'],\n\talias: ['XYZ', 'ciexyz', 'cie1931']\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Whitepoint reference values with observer/illuminant\n *\n *\n */\nxyz.whitepoint = {\n\t//1931 2°\n\t2: {\n\t\t//incadescent\n\t\tA:[109.85, 100, 35.585],\n\t\t// B:[],\n\t\tC: [98.074, 100, 118.232],\n\t\tD50: [96.422, 100, 82.521],\n\t\tD55: [95.682, 100, 92.149],\n\t\t//daylight\n\t\tD65: [95.045592705167, 100, 108.9057750759878],\n\t\tD75: [94.972, 100, 122.638],\n\t\t//flourescent\n\t\t// F1: [],\n\t\tF2: [99.187, 100, 67.395],\n\t\t// F3: [],\n\t\t// F4: [],\n\t\t// F5: [],\n\t\t// F6:[],\n\t\tF7: [95.044, 100, 108.755],\n\t\t// F8: [],\n\t\t// F9: [],\n\t\t// F10: [],\n\t\tF11: [100.966, 100, 64.370],\n\t\t// F12: [],\n\t\tE: [100,100,100]\n\t},\n\n\t//1964 10°\n\t10: {\n\t\t//incadescent\n\t\tA:[111.144, 100, 35.200],\n\t\tC: [97.285, 100, 116.145],\n\t\tD50: [96.720, 100, 81.427],\n\t\tD55: [95.799, 100, 90.926],\n\t\t//daylight\n\t\tD65: [94.811, 100, 107.304],\n\t\tD75: [94.416, 100, 120.641],\n\t\t//flourescent\n\t\tF2: [103.280, 100, 69.026],\n\t\tF7: [95.792, 100, 107.687],\n\t\tF11: [103.866, 100, 65.627],\n\t\tE: [100,100,100]\n\t}\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Top values are the whitepoint’s top values, default are D65\n */\nxyz.max = xyz.whitepoint[2].D65;\n\n\n/**\n * Transform xyz to rgb\n *\n * @param {Array} xyz Array of xyz values\n *\n * @return {Array} RGB values\n */\nxyz.rgb = function (_xyz, white) {\n\t//FIXME: make sure we have to divide like this. Probably we have to replace matrix as well then\n\twhite = white || xyz.whitepoint[2].E;\n\n\tvar x = _xyz[0] / white[0],\n\t\ty = _xyz[1] / white[1],\n\t\tz = _xyz[2] / white[2],\n\t\tr, g, b;\n\n\t// assume sRGB\n\t//\n\tr = (x * 3.240969941904521) + (y * -1.537383177570093) + (z * -0.498610760293);\n\tg = (x * -0.96924363628087) + (y * 1.87596750150772) + (z * 0.041555057407175);\n\tb = (x * 0.055630079696993) + (y * -0.20397695888897) + (z * 1.056971514242878);\n\n\tr = r > 0.0031308 ? ((1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055)\n\t\t: r = (r * 12.92);\n\n\tg = g > 0.0031308 ? ((1.055 * Math.pow(g, 1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055)\n\t\t: g = (g * 12.92);\n\n\tb = b > 0.0031308 ? ((1.055 * Math.pow(b, 1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055)\n\t\t: b = (b * 12.92);\n\n\tr = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1);\n\tg = Math.min(Math.max(0, g), 1);\n\tb = Math.min(Math.max(0, b), 1);\n\n\treturn [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];\n}\n\n\n\n/**\n * RGB to XYZ\n *\n * @param {Array} rgb RGB channels\n *\n * @return {Array} XYZ channels\n */\ = function(rgb, white) {\n\tvar r = rgb[0] / 255,\n\t\t\tg = rgb[1] / 255,\n\t\t\tb = rgb[2] / 255;\n\n\t// assume sRGB\n\tr = r > 0.04045 ? Math.pow(((r + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : (r / 12.92);\n\tg = g > 0.04045 ? Math.pow(((g + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : (g / 12.92);\n\tb = b > 0.04045 ? Math.pow(((b + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : (b / 12.92);\n\n\tvar x = (r * 0.41239079926595) + (g * 0.35758433938387) + (b * 0.18048078840183);\n\tvar y = (r * 0.21263900587151) + (g * 0.71516867876775) + (b * 0.072192315360733);\n\tvar z = (r * 0.019330818715591) + (g * 0.11919477979462) + (b * 0.95053215224966);\n\n\twhite = white || xyz.whitepoint[2].E;\n\n\treturn [x * white[0], y * white[1], z * white[2]];\n};\n\n\n\nexport default xyz;\n","/**\n * CIE LUV (C'est la vie)\n *\n * @module color-space/luv\n */\n import xyz from './xyz.js';\n\nexport default {\n\tname: 'luv',\n\t//NOTE: luv has no rigidly defined limits\n\t//easyrgb fails to get proper coords\n\t//boronine states no rigid limits\n\t//colorMine refers this ones:\n\tmin: [0,-134,-140],\n\tmax: [100,224,122],\n\tchannel: ['lightness', 'u', 'v'],\n\talias: ['LUV', 'cieluv', 'cie1976'],\n\n\txyz: function(arg, i, o){\n\t\tvar _u, _v, l, u, v, x, y, z, xn, yn, zn, un, vn;\n\t\tl = arg[0], u = arg[1], v = arg[2];\n\n\t\tif (l === 0) return [0,0,0];\n\n\t\t//get constants\n\t\t//var e = 0.008856451679035631; //(6/29)^3\n\t\tvar k = 0.0011070564598794539; //(3/29)^3\n\n\t\t//get illuminant/observer\n\t\ti = i || 'D65';\n\t\to = o || 2;\n\n\t\txn = xyz.whitepoint[o][i][0];\n\t\tyn = xyz.whitepoint[o][i][1];\n\t\tzn = xyz.whitepoint[o][i][2];\n\n\t\tun = (4 * xn) / (xn + (15 * yn) + (3 * zn));\n\t\tvn = (9 * yn) / (xn + (15 * yn) + (3 * zn));\n\t\t// un = 0.19783000664283;\n\t\t// vn = 0.46831999493879;\n\n\n\t\t_u = u / (13 * l) + un || 0;\n\t\t_v = v / (13 * l) + vn || 0;\n\n\t\ty = l > 8 ? yn * Math.pow( (l + 16) / 116 , 3) : yn * l * k;\n\n\t\t//wikipedia method\n\t\tx = y * 9 * _u / (4 * _v) || 0;\n\t\tz = y * (12 - 3 * _u - 20 * _v) / (4 * _v) || 0;\n\n\t\t//boronine method\n\t\t//\n\t\t// x = 0 - (9 * y * _u) / ((_u - 4) * _v - _u * _v);\n\t\t// z = (9 * y - (15 * _v * y) - (_v * x)) / (3 * _v);\n\n\t\treturn [x, y, z];\n\t}\n};\n\n//\n//\n//i - illuminant\n//o - observer\nxyz.luv = function(arg, i, o) {\n\tvar _u, _v, l, u, v, x, y, z, xn, yn, zn, un, vn;\n\n\t//get constants\n\tvar e = 0.008856451679035631; //(6/29)^3\n\tvar k = 903.2962962962961; //(29/3)^3\n\n\t//get illuminant/observer coords\n\ti = i || 'D65';\n\to = o || 2;\n\n\txn = xyz.whitepoint[o][i][0];\n\tyn = xyz.whitepoint[o][i][1];\n\tzn = xyz.whitepoint[o][i][2];\n\n\tun = (4 * xn) / (xn + (15 * yn) + (3 * zn));\n\tvn = (9 * yn) / (xn + (15 * yn) + (3 * zn));\n\n\n\tx = arg[0], y = arg[1], z = arg[2];\n\n\n\t_u = (4 * x) / (x + (15 * y) + (3 * z)) || 0;\n\t_v = (9 * y) / (x + (15 * y) + (3 * z)) || 0;\n\n\tvar yr = y/yn;\n\n\tl = yr <= e ? k * yr : 116 * Math.pow(yr, 1/3) - 16;\n\n\tu = 13 * l * (_u - un);\n\tv = 13 * l * (_v - vn);\n\n\treturn [l, u, v];\n};\n","/**\n * Cylindrical CIE LUV\n *\n * @module color-space/lchuv\n */\nimport luv from './luv.js';\nimport xyz from './xyz.js';\n\n//cylindrical luv\nvar lchuv = {\n\tname: 'lchuv',\n\tchannel: ['lightness', 'chroma', 'hue'],\n\talias: ['LCHuv', 'cielchuv'],\n\tmin: [0,0,0],\n\tmax: [100,100,360],\n\n\tluv: function(luv){\n\t\tvar l = luv[0],\n\t\tc = luv[1],\n\t\th = luv[2],\n\t\tu, v, hr;\n\n\t\thr = h / 360 * 2 * Math.PI;\n\t\tu = c * Math.cos(hr);\n\t\tv = c * Math.sin(hr);\n\t\treturn [l, u, v];\n\t},\n\n\txyz: function(arg) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default lchuv;\n\nluv.lchuv = function(luv){\n\tvar l = luv[0], u = luv[1], v = luv[2];\n\n\tvar c = Math.sqrt(u*u + v*v);\n\tvar hr = Math.atan2(v,u);\n\tvar h = hr * 360 / 2 / Math.PI;\n\tif (h < 0) {\n\t\th += 360;\n\t}\n\n\treturn [l,c,h]\n};\n\nxyz.lchuv = function(arg){\n return luv.lchuv(xyz.luv(arg));\n};\n","'use strict'\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = {\r\n\t\"aliceblue\": [240, 248, 255],\r\n\t\"antiquewhite\": [250, 235, 215],\r\n\t\"aqua\": [0, 255, 255],\r\n\t\"aquamarine\": [127, 255, 212],\r\n\t\"azure\": [240, 255, 255],\r\n\t\"beige\": [245, 245, 220],\r\n\t\"bisque\": [255, 228, 196],\r\n\t\"black\": [0, 0, 0],\r\n\t\"blanchedalmond\": [255, 235, 205],\r\n\t\"blue\": [0, 0, 255],\r\n\t\"blueviolet\": [138, 43, 226],\r\n\t\"brown\": [165, 42, 42],\r\n\t\"burlywood\": [222, 184, 135],\r\n\t\"cadetblue\": [95, 158, 160],\r\n\t\"chartreuse\": [127, 255, 0],\r\n\t\"chocolate\": [210, 105, 30],\r\n\t\"coral\": [255, 127, 80],\r\n\t\"cornflowerblue\": [100, 149, 237],\r\n\t\"cornsilk\": [255, 248, 220],\r\n\t\"crimson\": [220, 20, 60],\r\n\t\"cyan\": [0, 255, 255],\r\n\t\"darkblue\": [0, 0, 139],\r\n\t\"darkcyan\": [0, 139, 139],\r\n\t\"darkgoldenrod\": [184, 134, 11],\r\n\t\"darkgray\": [169, 169, 169],\r\n\t\"darkgreen\": [0, 100, 0],\r\n\t\"darkgrey\": [169, 169, 169],\r\n\t\"darkkhaki\": [189, 183, 107],\r\n\t\"darkmagenta\": [139, 0, 139],\r\n\t\"darkolivegreen\": [85, 107, 47],\r\n\t\"darkorange\": [255, 140, 0],\r\n\t\"darkorchid\": [153, 50, 204],\r\n\t\"darkred\": [139, 0, 0],\r\n\t\"darksalmon\": [233, 150, 122],\r\n\t\"darkseagreen\": [143, 188, 143],\r\n\t\"darkslateblue\": [72, 61, 139],\r\n\t\"darkslategray\": [47, 79, 79],\r\n\t\"darkslategrey\": [47, 79, 79],\r\n\t\"darkturquoise\": [0, 206, 209],\r\n\t\"darkviolet\": [148, 0, 211],\r\n\t\"deeppink\": [255, 20, 147],\r\n\t\"deepskyblue\": [0, 191, 255],\r\n\t\"dimgray\": [105, 105, 105],\r\n\t\"dimgrey\": [105, 105, 105],\r\n\t\"dodgerblue\": [30, 144, 255],\r\n\t\"firebrick\": [178, 34, 34],\r\n\t\"floralwhite\": [255, 250, 240],\r\n\t\"forestgreen\": [34, 139, 34],\r\n\t\"fuchsia\": [255, 0, 255],\r\n\t\"gainsboro\": [220, 220, 220],\r\n\t\"ghostwhite\": [248, 248, 255],\r\n\t\"gold\": [255, 215, 0],\r\n\t\"goldenrod\": [218, 165, 32],\r\n\t\"gray\": [128, 128, 128],\r\n\t\"green\": [0, 128, 0],\r\n\t\"greenyellow\": [173, 255, 47],\r\n\t\"grey\": [128, 128, 128],\r\n\t\"honeydew\": [240, 255, 240],\r\n\t\"hotpink\": [255, 105, 180],\r\n\t\"indianred\": [205, 92, 92],\r\n\t\"indigo\": [75, 0, 130],\r\n\t\"ivory\": [255, 255, 240],\r\n\t\"khaki\": [240, 230, 140],\r\n\t\"lavender\": [230, 230, 250],\r\n\t\"lavenderblush\": [255, 240, 245],\r\n\t\"lawngreen\": [124, 252, 0],\r\n\t\"lemonchiffon\": [255, 250, 205],\r\n\t\"lightblue\": [173, 216, 230],\r\n\t\"lightcoral\": [240, 128, 128],\r\n\t\"lightcyan\": [224, 255, 255],\r\n\t\"lightgoldenrodyellow\": [250, 250, 210],\r\n\t\"lightgray\": [211, 211, 211],\r\n\t\"lightgreen\": [144, 238, 144],\r\n\t\"lightgrey\": [211, 211, 211],\r\n\t\"lightpink\": [255, 182, 193],\r\n\t\"lightsalmon\": [255, 160, 122],\r\n\t\"lightseagreen\": [32, 178, 170],\r\n\t\"lightskyblue\": [135, 206, 250],\r\n\t\"lightslategray\": [119, 136, 153],\r\n\t\"lightslategrey\": [119, 136, 153],\r\n\t\"lightsteelblue\": [176, 196, 222],\r\n\t\"lightyellow\": [255, 255, 224],\r\n\t\"lime\": [0, 255, 0],\r\n\t\"limegreen\": [50, 205, 50],\r\n\t\"linen\": [250, 240, 230],\r\n\t\"magenta\": [255, 0, 255],\r\n\t\"maroon\": [128, 0, 0],\r\n\t\"mediumaquamarine\": [102, 205, 170],\r\n\t\"mediumblue\": [0, 0, 205],\r\n\t\"mediumorchid\": [186, 85, 211],\r\n\t\"mediumpurple\": [147, 112, 219],\r\n\t\"mediumseagreen\": [60, 179, 113],\r\n\t\"mediumslateblue\": [123, 104, 238],\r\n\t\"mediumspringgreen\": [0, 250, 154],\r\n\t\"mediumturquoise\": [72, 209, 204],\r\n\t\"mediumvioletred\": [199, 21, 133],\r\n\t\"midnightblue\": [25, 25, 112],\r\n\t\"mintcream\": [245, 255, 250],\r\n\t\"mistyrose\": [255, 228, 225],\r\n\t\"moccasin\": [255, 228, 181],\r\n\t\"navajowhite\": [255, 222, 173],\r\n\t\"navy\": [0, 0, 128],\r\n\t\"oldlace\": [253, 245, 230],\r\n\t\"olive\": [128, 128, 0],\r\n\t\"olivedrab\": [107, 142, 35],\r\n\t\"orange\": [255, 165, 0],\r\n\t\"orangered\": [255, 69, 0],\r\n\t\"orchid\": [218, 112, 214],\r\n\t\"palegoldenrod\": [238, 232, 170],\r\n\t\"palegreen\": [152, 251, 152],\r\n\t\"paleturquoise\": [175, 238, 238],\r\n\t\"palevioletred\": [219, 112, 147],\r\n\t\"papayawhip\": [255, 239, 213],\r\n\t\"peachpuff\": [255, 218, 185],\r\n\t\"peru\": [205, 133, 63],\r\n\t\"pink\": [255, 192, 203],\r\n\t\"plum\": [221, 160, 221],\r\n\t\"powderblue\": [176, 224, 230],\r\n\t\"purple\": [128, 0, 128],\r\n\t\"rebeccapurple\": [102, 51, 153],\r\n\t\"red\": [255, 0, 0],\r\n\t\"rosybrown\": [188, 143, 143],\r\n\t\"royalblue\": [65, 105, 225],\r\n\t\"saddlebrown\": [139, 69, 19],\r\n\t\"salmon\": [250, 128, 114],\r\n\t\"sandybrown\": [244, 164, 96],\r\n\t\"seagreen\": [46, 139, 87],\r\n\t\"seashell\": [255, 245, 238],\r\n\t\"sienna\": [160, 82, 45],\r\n\t\"silver\": [192, 192, 192],\r\n\t\"skyblue\": [135, 206, 235],\r\n\t\"slateblue\": [106, 90, 205],\r\n\t\"slategray\": [112, 128, 144],\r\n\t\"slategrey\": [112, 128, 144],\r\n\t\"snow\": [255, 250, 250],\r\n\t\"springgreen\": [0, 255, 127],\r\n\t\"steelblue\": [70, 130, 180],\r\n\t\"tan\": [210, 180, 140],\r\n\t\"teal\": [0, 128, 128],\r\n\t\"thistle\": [216, 191, 216],\r\n\t\"tomato\": [255, 99, 71],\r\n\t\"turquoise\": [64, 224, 208],\r\n\t\"violet\": [238, 130, 238],\r\n\t\"wheat\": [245, 222, 179],\r\n\t\"white\": [255, 255, 255],\r\n\t\"whitesmoke\": [245, 245, 245],\r\n\t\"yellow\": [255, 255, 0],\r\n\t\"yellowgreen\": [154, 205, 50]\r\n};\r\n","/**\n * @module color-parse\n */\nimport names from 'color-name'\n\nexport default parse\n\n/**\n * Base hues\n *\n */\n//FIXME: use external hue detector\nvar baseHues = {\n\tred: 0,\n\torange: 60,\n\tyellow: 120,\n\tgreen: 180,\n\tblue: 240,\n\tpurple: 300\n}\n\n/**\n * Parse color from the string passed\n *\n * @return {Object} A space indicator `space`, an array `values` and `alpha`\n */\nfunction parse(cstr) {\n\tvar m, parts = [], alpha = 1, space\n\n\t//numeric case\n\tif (typeof cstr === 'number') {\n\t\treturn { space: 'rgb', values: [cstr >>> 16, (cstr & 0x00ff00) >>> 8, cstr & 0x0000ff], alpha: 1 }\n\t}\n\tif (typeof cstr === 'number') return { space: 'rgb', values: [cstr >>> 16, (cstr & 0x00ff00) >>> 8, cstr & 0x0000ff], alpha: 1 }\n\n\tcstr = String(cstr).toLowerCase();\n\n\t//keyword\n\tif (names[cstr]) {\n\t\tparts = names[cstr].slice()\n\t\tspace = 'rgb'\n\t}\n\n\t//reserved words\n\telse if (cstr === 'transparent') {\n\t\talpha = 0\n\t\tspace = 'rgb'\n\t\tparts = [0, 0, 0]\n\t}\n\n\t//hex\n\telse if (cstr[0] === '#') {\n\t\tvar base = cstr.slice(1)\n\t\tvar size = base.length\n\t\tvar isShort = size <= 4\n\t\talpha = 1\n\n\t\tif (isShort) {\n\t\t\tparts = [\n\t\t\t\tparseInt(base[0] + base[0], 16),\n\t\t\t\tparseInt(base[1] + base[1], 16),\n\t\t\t\tparseInt(base[2] + base[2], 16)\n\t\t\t]\n\t\t\tif (size === 4) {\n\t\t\t\talpha = parseInt(base[3] + base[3], 16) / 255\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tparts = [\n\t\t\t\tparseInt(base[0] + base[1], 16),\n\t\t\t\tparseInt(base[2] + base[3], 16),\n\t\t\t\tparseInt(base[4] + base[5], 16)\n\t\t\t]\n\t\t\tif (size === 8) {\n\t\t\t\talpha = parseInt(base[6] + base[7], 16) / 255\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!parts[0]) parts[0] = 0\n\t\tif (!parts[1]) parts[1] = 0\n\t\tif (!parts[2]) parts[2] = 0\n\n\t\tspace = 'rgb'\n\t}\n\n\t// color space\n\telse if (m = /^((?:rgba?|hs[lvb]a?|hwba?|cmyk?|xy[zy]|gray|lab|lchu?v?|[ly]uv|lms|oklch|oklab|color))\\s*\\(([^\\)]*)\\)/.exec(cstr)) {\n\t\tvar name = m[1]\n\t\tspace = name.replace(/a$/, '')\n\t\tvar dims = space === 'cmyk' ? 4 : space === 'gray' ? 1 : 3\n\t\tparts = m[2].trim().split(/\\s*[,\\/]\\s*|\\s+/)\n\n\t\t// color(srgb-linear x x x) -> srgb-linear(x x x)\n\t\tif (space === 'color') space = parts.shift()\n\n\t\tparts = (x, i) {\n\t\t\t//\n\t\t\tif (x[x.length - 1] === '%') {\n\t\t\t\tx = parseFloat(x) / 100\n\t\t\t\t// alpha -> 0..1\n\t\t\t\tif (i === 3) return x\n\t\t\t\t// rgb -> 0..255\n\t\t\t\tif (space === 'rgb') return x * 255\n\t\t\t\t// hsl, hwb H -> 0..100\n\t\t\t\tif (space[0] === 'h') return x * 100\n\t\t\t\t// lch, lab L -> 0..100\n\t\t\t\tif (space[0] === 'l' && !i) return x * 100\n\t\t\t\t// lab A B -> -125..125\n\t\t\t\tif (space === 'lab') return x * 125\n\t\t\t\t// lch C -> 0..150, H -> 0..360\n\t\t\t\tif (space === 'lch') return i < 2 ? x * 150 : x * 360\n\t\t\t\t// oklch/oklab L -> 0..1\n\t\t\t\tif (space[0] === 'o' && !i) return x\n\t\t\t\t// oklab A B -> -0.4..0.4\n\t\t\t\tif (space === 'oklab') return x * 0.4\n\t\t\t\t// oklch C -> 0..0.4, H -> 0..360\n\t\t\t\tif (space === 'oklch') return i < 2 ? x * 0.4 : x * 360\n\t\t\t\t// color(xxx) -> 0..1\n\t\t\t\treturn x\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t//hue\n\t\t\tif (space[i] === 'h' || (i === 2 && space[space.length - 1] === 'h')) {\n\t\t\t\t//\n\t\t\t\tif (baseHues[x] !== undefined) return baseHues[x]\n\t\t\t\t//\n\t\t\t\tif (x.endsWith('deg')) return parseFloat(x)\n\t\t\t\t//\n\t\t\t\tif (x.endsWith('turn')) return parseFloat(x) * 360\n\t\t\t\tif (x.endsWith('grad')) return parseFloat(x) * 360 / 400\n\t\t\t\tif (x.endsWith('rad')) return parseFloat(x) * 180 / Math.PI\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (x === 'none') return 0\n\t\t\treturn parseFloat(x)\n\t\t});\n\n\t\talpha = parts.length > dims ? parts.pop() : 1\n\t}\n\n\t//named channels case\n\telse if (/[0-9](?:\\s|\\/|,)/.test(cstr)) {\n\t\tparts = cstr.match(/([0-9]+)/g).map(function (value) {\n\t\t\treturn parseFloat(value)\n\t\t})\n\n\t\tspace = cstr.match(/([a-z])/ig)?.join('')?.toLowerCase() || 'rgb'\n\t}\n\n\treturn {\n\t\tspace,\n\t\tvalues: parts,\n\t\talpha\n\t}\n}\n","/**\n * @module color-space/hsl\n */\nimport rgb from './rgb.js';\n\nexport default {\n\tname: 'hsl',\n\tmin: [0,0,0],\n\tmax: [360,100,100],\n\tchannel: ['hue', 'saturation', 'lightness'],\n\talias: ['HSL'],\n\n\trgb: function(hsl) {\n\t\tvar h = hsl[0]/360, s = hsl[1]/100, l = hsl[2]/100, t1, t2, t3, rgb, val, i=0;\n\n\t\tif (s === 0) return val = l * 255, [val, val, val];\n\n\t\tt2 = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;\n\t\tt1 = 2 * l - t2;\n\n\t\trgb = [0, 0, 0];\n\t\tfor (;i<3;) {\n\t\t\tt3 = h + 1 / 3 * - (i - 1);\n\t\t\tt3 < 0 ? t3++ : t3 > 1 && t3--;\n\t\t\tval = 6 * t3 < 1 ? t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3 :\n\t\t\t2 * t3 < 1 ? t2 :\n\t\t\t3 * t3 < 2 ? t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6 :\n\t\t\tt1;\n\t\t\trgb[i++] = val * 255;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn rgb;\n\t}\n};\n\n\n//extend rgb\nrgb.hsl = function(rgb) {\n\tvar r = rgb[0]/255,\n\t\t\tg = rgb[1]/255,\n\t\t\tb = rgb[2]/255,\n\t\t\tmin = Math.min(r, g, b),\n\t\t\tmax = Math.max(r, g, b),\n\t\t\tdelta = max - min,\n\t\t\th, s, l;\n\n\tif (max === min) {\n\t\th = 0;\n\t}\n\telse if (r === max) {\n\t\th = (g - b) / delta;\n\t}\n\telse if (g === max) {\n\t\th = 2 + (b - r) / delta;\n\t}\n\telse if (b === max) {\n\t\th = 4 + (r - g)/ delta;\n\t}\n\n\th = Math.min(h * 60, 360);\n\n\tif (h < 0) {\n\t\th += 360;\n\t}\n\n\tl = (min + max) / 2;\n\n\tif (max === min) {\n\t\ts = 0;\n\t}\n\telse if (l <= 0.5) {\n\t\ts = delta / (max + min);\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\ts = delta / (2 - max - min);\n\t}\n\n\treturn [h, s * 100, l * 100];\n};\n","/** @module color-rgba */\nimport parse from 'color-parse'\nimport rgb from 'color-space/rgb.js'\nimport hsl from 'color-space/hsl.js'\n\nexport default function rgba(color) {\n\t// template literals\n\tif (Array.isArray(color) && color.raw) color = String.raw(...arguments)\n\tif (color instanceof Number) color = +color\n\n\tvar values, i, l\n\n\t//attempt to parse non-array arguments\n\tvar parsed = parse(color)\n\n\tif (! return []\n\n\tconst min =[0] === 'h' ? hsl.min : rgb.min\n\tconst max =[0] === 'h' ? hsl.max : rgb.max\n\n\tvalues = Array(3)\n\tvalues[0] = Math.min(Math.max(parsed.values[0], min[0]), max[0])\n\tvalues[1] = Math.min(Math.max(parsed.values[1], min[1]), max[1])\n\tvalues[2] = Math.min(Math.max(parsed.values[2], min[2]), max[2])\n\n\tif ([0] === 'h') {\n\t\tvalues = hsl.rgb(values)\n\t}\n\n\tvalues.push(Math.min(Math.max(parsed.alpha, 0), 1))\n\n\treturn values\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/color\n */\nimport lchuv from 'color-space/lchuv.js';\nimport parseRgba from 'color-rgba';\nimport rgb from 'color-space/rgb.js';\nimport xyz from 'color-space/xyz.js';\nimport {clamp} from './math.js';\n\n/**\n * A color represented as a short array [red, green, blue, alpha].\n * red, green, and blue should be integers in the range 0..255 inclusive.\n * alpha should be a float in the range 0..1 inclusive. If no alpha value is\n * given then `1` will be used.\n * @typedef {Array} Color\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Return the color as an rgba string.\n * @param {Color|string} color Color.\n * @return {string} Rgba string.\n * @api\n */\nexport function asString(color) {\n if (typeof color === 'string') {\n return color;\n }\n return toString(color);\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {number}\n */\nconst MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 1024;\n\n/**\n * We maintain a small cache of parsed strings. Whenever the cache grows too large,\n * we delete an arbitrary set of the entries.\n *\n * @type {Object}\n */\nconst cache = {};\n\n/**\n * @type {number}\n */\nlet cacheSize = 0;\n\n/**\n * @param {Color} color A color that may or may not have an alpha channel.\n * @return {Color} The input color with an alpha channel. If the input color has\n * an alpha channel, the input color will be returned unchanged. Otherwise, a new\n * array will be returned with the input color and an alpha channel of 1.\n */\nexport function withAlpha(color) {\n if (color.length === 4) {\n return color;\n }\n const output = color.slice();\n output[3] = 1;\n return output;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Color} color RGBA color.\n * @return {Color} LCHuv color with alpha.\n */\nexport function rgbaToLcha(color) {\n const output = xyz.lchuv(;\n output[3] = color[3];\n return output;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Color} color LCHuv color with alpha.\n * @return {Color} RGBA color.\n */\nexport function lchaToRgba(color) {\n const output = xyz.rgb(;\n output[3] = color[3];\n return output;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} s String.\n * @return {Color} Color.\n */\nexport function fromString(s) {\n if (cache.hasOwnProperty(s)) {\n return cache[s];\n }\n if (cacheSize >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {\n let i = 0;\n for (const key in cache) {\n if ((i++ & 3) === 0) {\n delete cache[key];\n --cacheSize;\n }\n }\n }\n\n const color = parseRgba(s);\n if (color.length !== 4) {\n throw new Error('Failed to parse \"' + s + '\" as color');\n }\n for (const c of color) {\n if (isNaN(c)) {\n throw new Error('Failed to parse \"' + s + '\" as color');\n }\n }\n normalize(color);\n cache[s] = color;\n ++cacheSize;\n return color;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the color as an array. This function maintains a cache of calculated\n * arrays which means the result should not be modified.\n * @param {Color|string} color Color.\n * @return {Color} Color.\n * @api\n */\nexport function asArray(color) {\n if (Array.isArray(color)) {\n return color;\n }\n return fromString(color);\n}\n\n/**\n * Exported for the tests.\n * @param {Color} color Color.\n * @return {Color} Clamped color.\n */\nexport function normalize(color) {\n color[0] = clamp((color[0] + 0.5) | 0, 0, 255);\n color[1] = clamp((color[1] + 0.5) | 0, 0, 255);\n color[2] = clamp((color[2] + 0.5) | 0, 0, 255);\n color[3] = clamp(color[3], 0, 1);\n return color;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Color} color Color.\n * @return {string} String.\n */\nexport function toString(color) {\n let r = color[0];\n if (r != (r | 0)) {\n r = (r + 0.5) | 0;\n }\n let g = color[1];\n if (g != (g | 0)) {\n g = (g + 0.5) | 0;\n }\n let b = color[2];\n if (b != (b | 0)) {\n b = (b + 0.5) | 0;\n }\n const a = color[3] === undefined ? 1 : Math.round(color[3] * 1000) / 1000;\n return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')';\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} s String.\n * @return {boolean} Whether the string is actually a valid color\n */\nexport function isStringColor(s) {\n try {\n fromString(s);\n return true;\n } catch (_) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/has\n */\n\nconst ua =\n typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator.userAgent !== 'undefined'\n ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()\n : '';\n\n/**\n * User agent string says we are dealing with Firefox as browser.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const FIREFOX = ua.includes('firefox');\n\n/**\n * User agent string says we are dealing with Safari as browser.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const SAFARI = ua.includes('safari') && !ua.includes('chrom');\n\n/**\n *\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const SAFARI_BUG_237906 =\n SAFARI &&\n (ua.includes('version/15.4') ||\n /cpu (os|iphone os) 15_4 like mac os x/.test(ua));\n\n/**\n * User agent string says we are dealing with a WebKit engine.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const WEBKIT = ua.includes('webkit') && !ua.includes('edge');\n\n/**\n * User agent string says we are dealing with a Mac as platform.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const MAC = ua.includes('macintosh');\n\n/**\n * The ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels\n * (dips) on the device (`window.devicePixelRatio`).\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n * @api\n */\nexport const DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO =\n typeof devicePixelRatio !== 'undefined' ? devicePixelRatio : 1;\n\n/**\n * The execution context is a worker with OffscreenCanvas available.\n * @const\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS =\n typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined' &&\n self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope; //eslint-disable-line\n\n/**\n * Image.prototype.decode() is supported.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const IMAGE_DECODE =\n typeof Image !== 'undefined' && Image.prototype.decode;\n\n/**\n * createImageBitmap() is supported.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const CREATE_IMAGE_BITMAP = typeof createImageBitmap === 'function';\n\n/**\n * @type {boolean}\n */\nexport const PASSIVE_EVENT_LISTENERS = (function () {\n let passive = false;\n try {\n const options = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {\n get: function () {\n passive = true;\n },\n });\n\n // @ts-ignore Ignore invalid event type '_'\n window.addEventListener('_', null, options);\n // @ts-ignore Ignore invalid event type '_'\n window.removeEventListener('_', null, options);\n } catch (error) {\n // passive not supported\n }\n return passive;\n})();\n","import {WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS} from './has.js';\n\n/**\n * @module ol/dom\n */\n\n//FIXME Move this function to the canvas module\n/**\n * Create an html canvas element and returns its 2d context.\n * @param {number} [width] Canvas width.\n * @param {number} [height] Canvas height.\n * @param {Array} [canvasPool] Canvas pool to take existing canvas from.\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings} [settings] CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings\n * @return {CanvasRenderingContext2D} The context.\n */\nexport function createCanvasContext2D(width, height, canvasPool, settings) {\n /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement|OffscreenCanvas} */\n let canvas;\n if (canvasPool && canvasPool.length) {\n canvas = /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ (canvasPool.shift());\n } else if (WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS) {\n canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(width || 300, height || 300);\n } else {\n canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n }\n if (width) {\n canvas.width = width;\n }\n if (height) {\n canvas.height = height;\n }\n //FIXME Allow OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D as return type\n return /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (\n canvas.getContext('2d', settings)\n );\n}\n\n/** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */\nlet sharedCanvasContext;\n\n/**\n * @return {CanvasRenderingContext2D} Shared canvas context.\n */\nexport function getSharedCanvasContext2D() {\n if (!sharedCanvasContext) {\n sharedCanvasContext = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1);\n }\n return sharedCanvasContext;\n}\n\n/**\n * Releases canvas memory to avoid exceeding memory limits in Safari.\n * See\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context.\n */\nexport function releaseCanvas(context) {\n const canvas = context.canvas;\n canvas.width = 1;\n canvas.height = 1;\n context.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the current computed width for the given element including margin,\n * padding and border.\n * Equivalent to jQuery's `$(el).outerWidth(true)`.\n * @param {!HTMLElement} element Element.\n * @return {number} The width.\n */\nexport function outerWidth(element) {\n let width = element.offsetWidth;\n const style = getComputedStyle(element);\n width += parseInt(style.marginLeft, 10) + parseInt(style.marginRight, 10);\n\n return width;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the current computed height for the given element including margin,\n * padding and border.\n * Equivalent to jQuery's `$(el).outerHeight(true)`.\n * @param {!HTMLElement} element Element.\n * @return {number} The height.\n */\nexport function outerHeight(element) {\n let height = element.offsetHeight;\n const style = getComputedStyle(element);\n height += parseInt(style.marginTop, 10) + parseInt(style.marginBottom, 10);\n\n return height;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} newNode Node to replace old node\n * @param {Node} oldNode The node to be replaced\n */\nexport function replaceNode(newNode, oldNode) {\n const parent = oldNode.parentNode;\n if (parent) {\n parent.replaceChild(newNode, oldNode);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} node The node to remove.\n * @return {Node|null} The node that was removed or null.\n */\nexport function removeNode(node) {\n return node && node.parentNode ? node.parentNode.removeChild(node) : null;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} node The node to remove the children from.\n */\nexport function removeChildren(node) {\n while (node.lastChild) {\n node.removeChild(node.lastChild);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform the children of a parent node so they match the\n * provided list of children. This function aims to efficiently\n * remove, add, and reorder child nodes while maintaining a simple\n * implementation (it is not guaranteed to minimize DOM operations).\n * @param {Node} node The parent node whose children need reworking.\n * @param {Array} children The desired children.\n */\nexport function replaceChildren(node, children) {\n const oldChildren = node.childNodes;\n\n for (let i = 0; true; ++i) {\n const oldChild = oldChildren[i];\n const newChild = children[i];\n\n // check if our work is done\n if (!oldChild && !newChild) {\n break;\n }\n\n // check if children match\n if (oldChild === newChild) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // check if a new child needs to be added\n if (!oldChild) {\n node.appendChild(newChild);\n continue;\n }\n\n // check if an old child needs to be removed\n if (!newChild) {\n node.removeChild(oldChild);\n --i;\n continue;\n }\n\n // reorder\n node.insertBefore(newChild, oldChild);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/Image\n */\nimport EventTarget from './events/Target.js';\nimport EventType from './events/EventType.js';\nimport ImageState from './ImageState.js';\nimport {CREATE_IMAGE_BITMAP, IMAGE_DECODE} from './has.js';\nimport {listenOnce, unlistenByKey} from './events.js';\nimport {toPromise} from './functions.js';\n\n/**\n * A function that takes an {@link module:ol/Image~ImageWrapper} for the image and a\n * `{string}` for the src as arguments. It is supposed to make it so the\n * underlying image {@link module:ol/Image~ImageWrapper#getImage} is assigned the\n * content specified by the src. If not specified, the default is\n *\n * function(image, src) {\n * image.getImage().src = src;\n * }\n *\n * Providing a custom `imageLoadFunction` can be useful to load images with\n * post requests or - in general - through XHR requests, where the src of the\n * image element would be set to a data URI when the content is loaded.\n *\n * @typedef {function(import(\"./Image.js\").default, string): void} LoadFunction\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} ImageObject\n * @property {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} [extent] Extent, if different from the requested one.\n * @property {import(\"./resolution.js\").ResolutionLike} [resolution] Resolution, if different from the requested one.\n * When x and y resolution are different, use the array type (`[xResolution, yResolution]`).\n * @property {number} [pixelRatio] Pixel ratio, if different from the requested one.\n * @property {import('./DataTile.js').ImageLike} image Image.\n */\n\n/**\n * Loader function used for image sources. Receives extent, resolution and pixel ratio as arguments.\n * For images that cover any extent and resolution (static images), the loader function should not accept\n * any arguments. The function returns an {@link import(\"./DataTile.js\").ImageLike image}, an\n * {@link import(\"./Image.js\").ImageObject image object}, or a promise for the same.\n * For loaders that generate images, the promise should not resolve until the image is loaded.\n * If the returned image does not match the extent, resolution or pixel ratio passed to the loader,\n * it has to return an {@link import(\"./Image.js\").ImageObject image object} with the `image` and the\n * correct `extent`, `resolution` and `pixelRatio`.\n *\n * @typedef {function(import(\"./extent.js\").Extent, number, number, (function(HTMLImageElement, string): void)=): import(\"./DataTile.js\").ImageLike|ImageObject|Promise} Loader\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Loader function used for image sources. Receives extent, resolution and pixel ratio as arguments.\n * The function returns a promise for an {@link import(\"./Image.js\").ImageObject image object}.\n *\n * @typedef {function(import(\"./extent.js\").Extent, number, number, (function(HTMLImageElement, string): void)=): import(\"./DataTile.js\").ImageLike|ImageObject|Promise} ImageObjectPromiseLoader\n */\n\nclass ImageWrapper extends EventTarget {\n /**\n * @param {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} extent Extent.\n * @param {number|Array|undefined} resolution Resolution. If provided as array, x and y\n * resolution will be assumed.\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @param {import(\"./ImageState.js\").default|import(\"./Image.js\").Loader} stateOrLoader State.\n */\n constructor(extent, resolution, pixelRatio, stateOrLoader) {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent}\n */\n this.extent = extent;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.pixelRatio_ = pixelRatio;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {number|Array|undefined}\n */\n this.resolution = resolution;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {import(\"./ImageState.js\").default}\n */\n this.state =\n typeof stateOrLoader === 'function' ? ImageState.IDLE : stateOrLoader;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import('./DataTile.js').ImageLike|null}\n */\n this.image_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {import(\"./Image.js\").Loader}\n */\n this.loader = typeof stateOrLoader === 'function' ? stateOrLoader : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @protected\n */\n changed() {\n this.dispatchEvent(EventType.CHANGE);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import(\"./extent.js\").Extent} Extent.\n */\n getExtent() {\n return this.extent;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import('./DataTile.js').ImageLike} Image.\n */\n getImage() {\n return this.image_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {number} PixelRatio.\n */\n getPixelRatio() {\n return this.pixelRatio_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {number|Array} Resolution.\n */\n getResolution() {\n return /** @type {number} */ (this.resolution);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import(\"./ImageState.js\").default} State.\n */\n getState() {\n return this.state;\n }\n\n /**\n * Load not yet loaded URI.\n */\n load() {\n if (this.state == ImageState.IDLE) {\n if (this.loader) {\n this.state = ImageState.LOADING;\n this.changed();\n const resolution = this.getResolution();\n const requestResolution = Array.isArray(resolution)\n ? resolution[0]\n : resolution;\n toPromise(() =>\n this.loader(\n this.getExtent(),\n requestResolution,\n this.getPixelRatio(),\n ),\n )\n .then((image) => {\n if ('image' in image) {\n this.image_ = image.image;\n }\n if ('extent' in image) {\n this.extent = image.extent;\n }\n if ('resolution' in image) {\n this.resolution = image.resolution;\n }\n if ('pixelRatio' in image) {\n this.pixelRatio_ = image.pixelRatio;\n }\n if (\n image instanceof HTMLImageElement ||\n image instanceof ImageBitmap ||\n image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ||\n image instanceof HTMLVideoElement\n ) {\n this.image_ = image;\n }\n this.state = ImageState.LOADED;\n })\n .catch((error) => {\n this.state = ImageState.ERROR;\n console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n })\n .finally(() => this.changed());\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {import('./DataTile.js').ImageLike} image The image.\n */\n setImage(image) {\n this.image_ = image;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number|Array} resolution Resolution.\n */\n setResolution(resolution) {\n this.resolution = resolution;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {import('./DataTile.js').ImageLike} image Image element.\n * @param {function():any} loadHandler Load callback function.\n * @param {function():any} errorHandler Error callback function.\n * @return {function():void} Callback to stop listening.\n */\nexport function listenImage(image, loadHandler, errorHandler) {\n const img = /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (image);\n let listening = true;\n let decoding = false;\n let loaded = false;\n\n const listenerKeys = [\n listenOnce(img, EventType.LOAD, function () {\n loaded = true;\n if (!decoding) {\n loadHandler();\n }\n }),\n ];\n\n if (img.src && IMAGE_DECODE) {\n decoding = true;\n img\n .decode()\n .then(function () {\n if (listening) {\n loadHandler();\n }\n })\n .catch(function (error) {\n if (listening) {\n if (loaded) {\n loadHandler();\n } else {\n errorHandler();\n }\n }\n });\n } else {\n listenerKeys.push(listenOnce(img, EventType.ERROR, errorHandler));\n }\n\n return function unlisten() {\n listening = false;\n listenerKeys.forEach(unlistenByKey);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Loads an image.\n * @param {HTMLImageElement} image Image, not yet loaded.\n * @param {string} [src] `src` attribute of the image. Optional, not required if already present.\n * @return {Promise} Promise resolving to an `HTMLImageElement`.\n * @api\n */\nexport function load(image, src) {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n function handleLoad() {\n unlisten();\n resolve(image);\n }\n function handleError() {\n unlisten();\n reject(new Error('Image load error'));\n }\n function unlisten() {\n image.removeEventListener('load', handleLoad);\n image.removeEventListener('error', handleError);\n }\n image.addEventListener('load', handleLoad);\n image.addEventListener('error', handleError);\n if (src) {\n image.src = src;\n }\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {HTMLImageElement} image Image, not yet loaded.\n * @param {string} [src] `src` attribute of the image. Optional, not required if already present.\n * @return {Promise} Promise resolving to an `HTMLImageElement`.\n */\nexport function decodeFallback(image, src) {\n if (src) {\n image.src = src;\n }\n return image.src && IMAGE_DECODE\n ? new Promise((resolve, reject) =>\n image\n .decode()\n .then(() => resolve(image))\n .catch((e) =>\n image.complete && image.width ? resolve(image) : reject(e),\n ),\n )\n : load(image);\n}\n\n/**\n * Loads an image and decodes it to an `ImageBitmap` if `createImageBitmap()` is supported. Returns\n * the loaded image otherwise.\n * @param {HTMLImageElement} image Image, not yet loaded.\n * @param {string} [src] `src` attribute of the image. Optional, not required if already present.\n * @return {Promise} Promise resolving to an `ImageBitmap` or an\n * `HTMLImageElement` if `createImageBitmap()` is not supported.\n * @api\n */\nexport function decode(image, src) {\n if (src) {\n image.src = src;\n }\n return image.src && IMAGE_DECODE && CREATE_IMAGE_BITMAP\n ? image\n .decode()\n .then(() => createImageBitmap(image))\n .catch((e) => {\n if (image.complete && image.width) {\n return image;\n }\n throw e;\n })\n : decodeFallback(image);\n}\n\nexport default ImageWrapper;\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/IconImageCache\n */\nimport ImageState from '../ImageState.js';\nimport {asArray} from '../color.js';\nimport {getSharedCanvasContext2D} from '../dom.js';\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Singleton class. Available through {@link module:ol/style/IconImageCache.shared}.\n */\nclass IconImageCache {\n constructor() {\n /**\n * @type {!Object}\n * @private\n */\n this.cache_ = {};\n\n /**\n * @type {!Object}\n * @private\n */\n this.patternCache_ = {};\n\n /**\n * @type {number}\n * @private\n */\n this.cacheSize_ = 0;\n\n /**\n * @type {number}\n * @private\n */\n this.maxCacheSize_ = 32;\n }\n\n /**\n * FIXME empty description for jsdoc\n */\n clear() {\n this.cache_ = {};\n this.patternCache_ = {};\n this.cacheSize_ = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean} Can expire cache.\n */\n canExpireCache() {\n return this.cacheSize_ > this.maxCacheSize_;\n }\n\n /**\n * FIXME empty description for jsdoc\n */\n expire() {\n if (this.canExpireCache()) {\n let i = 0;\n for (const key in this.cache_) {\n const iconImage = this.cache_[key];\n if ((i++ & 3) === 0 && !iconImage.hasListener()) {\n delete this.cache_[key];\n delete this.patternCache_[key];\n --this.cacheSize_;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} src Src.\n * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin.\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null} color Color.\n * @return {import(\"./IconImage.js\").default} Icon image.\n */\n get(src, crossOrigin, color) {\n const key = getCacheKey(src, crossOrigin, color);\n return key in this.cache_ ? this.cache_[key] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} src Src.\n * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin.\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null} color Color.\n * @return {CanvasPattern} Icon image.\n */\n getPattern(src, crossOrigin, color) {\n const key = getCacheKey(src, crossOrigin, color);\n return key in this.patternCache_ ? this.patternCache_[key] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {string} src Src.\n * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin.\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null} color Color.\n * @param {import(\"./IconImage.js\").default|null} iconImage Icon image.\n * @param {boolean} [pattern] Also cache a `'repeat'` pattern with this `iconImage`.\n */\n set(src, crossOrigin, color, iconImage, pattern) {\n const key = getCacheKey(src, crossOrigin, color);\n const update = key in this.cache_;\n this.cache_[key] = iconImage;\n if (pattern) {\n if (iconImage.getImageState() === ImageState.IDLE) {\n iconImage.load();\n }\n if (iconImage.getImageState() === ImageState.LOADING) {\n iconImage.ready().then(() => {\n this.patternCache_[key] = getSharedCanvasContext2D().createPattern(\n iconImage.getImage(1),\n 'repeat',\n );\n });\n } else {\n this.patternCache_[key] = getSharedCanvasContext2D().createPattern(\n iconImage.getImage(1),\n 'repeat',\n );\n }\n }\n if (!update) {\n ++this.cacheSize_;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the cache size of the icon cache. Default is `32`. Change this value when\n * your map uses more than 32 different icon images and you are not caching icon\n * styles on the application level.\n * @param {number} maxCacheSize Cache max size.\n * @api\n */\n setSize(maxCacheSize) {\n this.maxCacheSize_ = maxCacheSize;\n this.expire();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} src Src.\n * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin.\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null} color Color.\n * @return {string} Cache key.\n */\nexport function getCacheKey(src, crossOrigin, color) {\n const colorString = color ? asArray(color) : 'null';\n return crossOrigin + ':' + src + ':' + colorString;\n}\n\nexport default IconImageCache;\n\n/**\n * The {@link module:ol/style/IconImageCache~IconImageCache} for\n * {@link module:ol/style/Icon~Icon} images.\n * @api\n */\nexport const shared = new IconImageCache();\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/IconImage\n */\n\nimport EventTarget from '../events/Target.js';\nimport EventType from '../events/EventType.js';\nimport ImageState from '../ImageState.js';\nimport {asString} from '../color.js';\nimport {createCanvasContext2D} from '../dom.js';\nimport {decodeFallback} from '../Image.js';\nimport {shared as iconImageCache} from './IconImageCache.js';\n\n/**\n * @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D}\n */\nlet taintedTestContext = null;\n\nclass IconImage extends EventTarget {\n /**\n * @param {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap|null} image Image.\n * @param {string|undefined} src Src.\n * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin.\n * @param {import(\"../ImageState.js\").default|undefined} imageState Image state.\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null} color Color.\n */\n constructor(image, src, crossOrigin, imageState, color) {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap}\n */\n this.hitDetectionImage_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap|null}\n */\n this.image_ = image;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {string|null}\n */\n this.crossOrigin_ = crossOrigin;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Object}\n */\n this.canvas_ = {};\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null}\n */\n this.color_ = color;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../ImageState.js\").default}\n */\n this.imageState_ = imageState === undefined ? ImageState.IDLE : imageState;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../size.js\").Size|null}\n */\n this.size_ =\n image && image.width && image.height ? [image.width, image.height] : null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {string|undefined}\n */\n this.src_ = src;\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n this.tainted_;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Promise|null}\n */\n this.ready_ = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n initializeImage_() {\n this.image_ = new Image();\n if (this.crossOrigin_ !== null) {\n this.image_.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin_;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @return {boolean} The image canvas is tainted.\n */\n isTainted_() {\n if (this.tainted_ === undefined && this.imageState_ === ImageState.LOADED) {\n if (!taintedTestContext) {\n taintedTestContext = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1, undefined, {\n willReadFrequently: true,\n });\n }\n taintedTestContext.drawImage(this.image_, 0, 0);\n try {\n taintedTestContext.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1);\n this.tainted_ = false;\n } catch (e) {\n taintedTestContext = null;\n this.tainted_ = true;\n }\n }\n return this.tainted_ === true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n dispatchChangeEvent_() {\n this.dispatchEvent(EventType.CHANGE);\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n handleImageError_() {\n this.imageState_ = ImageState.ERROR;\n this.dispatchChangeEvent_();\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n handleImageLoad_() {\n this.imageState_ = ImageState.LOADED;\n this.size_ = [this.image_.width, this.image_.height];\n this.dispatchChangeEvent_();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @return {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} Image or Canvas element or image bitmap.\n */\n getImage(pixelRatio) {\n if (!this.image_) {\n this.initializeImage_();\n }\n this.replaceColor_(pixelRatio);\n return this.canvas_[pixelRatio] ? this.canvas_[pixelRatio] : this.image_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @return {number} Image or Canvas element.\n */\n getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) {\n this.replaceColor_(pixelRatio);\n return this.canvas_[pixelRatio] ? pixelRatio : 1;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import(\"../ImageState.js\").default} Image state.\n */\n getImageState() {\n return this.imageState_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} Image element.\n */\n getHitDetectionImage() {\n if (!this.image_) {\n this.initializeImage_();\n }\n if (!this.hitDetectionImage_) {\n if (this.isTainted_()) {\n const width = this.size_[0];\n const height = this.size_[1];\n const context = createCanvasContext2D(width, height);\n context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);\n this.hitDetectionImage_ = context.canvas;\n } else {\n this.hitDetectionImage_ = this.image_;\n }\n }\n return this.hitDetectionImage_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the size of the icon (in pixels).\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Image size.\n */\n getSize() {\n return this.size_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {string|undefined} Image src.\n */\n getSrc() {\n return this.src_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Load not yet loaded URI.\n */\n load() {\n if (this.imageState_ !== ImageState.IDLE) {\n return;\n }\n if (!this.image_) {\n this.initializeImage_();\n }\n\n this.imageState_ = ImageState.LOADING;\n try {\n if (this.src_ !== undefined) {\n /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (this.image_).src = this.src_;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n this.handleImageError_();\n }\n if (this.image_ instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\n decodeFallback(this.image_, this.src_)\n .then((image) => {\n this.image_ = image;\n this.handleImageLoad_();\n })\n .catch(this.handleImageError_.bind(this));\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @private\n */\n replaceColor_(pixelRatio) {\n if (\n !this.color_ ||\n this.canvas_[pixelRatio] ||\n this.imageState_ !== ImageState.LOADED\n ) {\n return;\n }\n\n const image = this.image_;\n const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n canvas.width = Math.ceil(image.width * pixelRatio);\n canvas.height = Math.ceil(image.height * pixelRatio);\n\n const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');\n ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);\n ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);\n\n ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply';\n ctx.fillStyle = asString(this.color_);\n ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width / pixelRatio, canvas.height / pixelRatio);\n\n ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';\n ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);\n\n this.canvas_[pixelRatio] = canvas;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves when the image is loaded.\n */\n ready() {\n if (!this.ready_) {\n this.ready_ = new Promise((resolve) => {\n if (\n this.imageState_ === ImageState.LOADED ||\n this.imageState_ === ImageState.ERROR\n ) {\n resolve();\n } else {\n this.addEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, function onChange() {\n if (\n this.imageState_ === ImageState.LOADED ||\n this.imageState_ === ImageState.ERROR\n ) {\n this.removeEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, onChange);\n resolve();\n }\n });\n }\n });\n }\n return this.ready_;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap|null} image Image.\n * @param {string|undefined} cacheKey Src.\n * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin.\n * @param {import(\"../ImageState.js\").default|undefined} imageState Image state.\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|string|null} color Color.\n * @param {boolean} [pattern] Also cache a `repeat` pattern with the icon image.\n * @return {IconImage} Icon image.\n */\nexport function get(image, cacheKey, crossOrigin, imageState, color, pattern) {\n let iconImage =\n cacheKey === undefined\n ? undefined\n : iconImageCache.get(cacheKey, crossOrigin, color);\n if (!iconImage) {\n iconImage = new IconImage(\n image,\n image instanceof HTMLImageElement ? image.src || undefined : cacheKey,\n crossOrigin,\n imageState,\n color,\n );\n iconImageCache.set(cacheKey, crossOrigin, color, iconImage, pattern);\n }\n if (\n pattern &&\n iconImage &&\n !iconImageCache.getPattern(cacheKey, crossOrigin, color)\n ) {\n iconImageCache.set(cacheKey, crossOrigin, color, iconImage, pattern);\n }\n return iconImage;\n}\n\nexport default IconImage;\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/Fill\n */\n\nimport ImageState from '../ImageState.js';\nimport {get as getIconImage} from './IconImage.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike|import('../colorlike.js').PatternDescriptor|null} [color=null] A color,\n * gradient or pattern.\n * See {@link module:ol/color~Color} and {@link module:ol/colorlike~ColorLike} for possible formats. For polygon fills (not for {@link import(\"./RegularShape.js\").default} fills),\n * a pattern can also be provided as {@link module:ol/colorlike~PatternDescriptor}.\n * Default null; if null, the Canvas/renderer default black will be used.\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Set fill style for vector features.\n * @api\n */\nclass Fill {\n /**\n * @param {Options} [options] Options.\n */\n constructor(options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"./IconImage.js\").default|null}\n */\n this.patternImage_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike|import('../colorlike.js').PatternDescriptor|null}\n */\n this.color_ = null;\n if (options.color !== undefined) {\n this.setColor(options.color);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Clones the style. The color is not cloned if it is an {@link module:ol/colorlike~ColorLike}.\n * @return {Fill} The cloned style.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const color = this.getColor();\n return new Fill({\n color: Array.isArray(color) ? color.slice() : color || undefined,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the fill color.\n * @return {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike|import('../colorlike.js').PatternDescriptor|null} Color.\n * @api\n */\n getColor() {\n return this.color_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the color.\n *\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike|import('../colorlike.js').PatternDescriptor|null} color Color.\n * @api\n */\n setColor(color) {\n if (color !== null && typeof color === 'object' && 'src' in color) {\n const patternImage = getIconImage(\n null,\n color.src,\n 'anonymous',\n undefined,\n color.offset ? null : color.color ? color.color : null,\n !(color.offset && color.size),\n );\n patternImage.ready().then(() => {\n this.patternImage_ = null;\n });\n if (patternImage.getImageState() === ImageState.IDLE) {\n patternImage.load();\n }\n if (patternImage.getImageState() === ImageState.LOADING) {\n this.patternImage_ = patternImage;\n }\n }\n this.color_ = color;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {boolean} The fill style is loading an image pattern.\n */\n loading() {\n return !!this.patternImage_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Promise} `false` or a promise that resolves when the style is ready to use.\n */\n ready() {\n return this.patternImage_ ? this.patternImage_.ready() : Promise.resolve();\n }\n}\n\nexport default Fill;\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/interpolate\n */\nimport {binarySearch} from '../../array.js';\nimport {lerp} from '../../math.js';\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} fraction Fraction.\n * @param {Array} [dest] Destination.\n * @param {number} [dimension] Destination dimension (default is `2`)\n * @return {Array} Destination.\n */\nexport function interpolatePoint(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n fraction,\n dest,\n dimension,\n) {\n let o, t;\n const n = (end - offset) / stride;\n if (n === 1) {\n o = offset;\n } else if (n === 2) {\n o = offset;\n t = fraction;\n } else if (n !== 0) {\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n let length = 0;\n const cumulativeLengths = [0];\n for (let i = offset + stride; i < end; i += stride) {\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[i];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1];\n length += Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));\n cumulativeLengths.push(length);\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n const target = fraction * length;\n const index = binarySearch(cumulativeLengths, target);\n if (index < 0) {\n t =\n (target - cumulativeLengths[-index - 2]) /\n (cumulativeLengths[-index - 1] - cumulativeLengths[-index - 2]);\n o = offset + (-index - 2) * stride;\n } else {\n o = offset + index * stride;\n }\n }\n dimension = dimension > 1 ? dimension : 2;\n dest = dest ? dest : new Array(dimension);\n for (let i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) {\n dest[i] =\n o === undefined\n ? NaN\n : t === undefined\n ? flatCoordinates[o + i]\n : lerp(flatCoordinates[o + i], flatCoordinates[o + stride + i], t);\n }\n return dest;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} m M.\n * @param {boolean} extrapolate Extrapolate.\n * @return {import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate|null} Coordinate.\n */\nexport function lineStringCoordinateAtM(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n m,\n extrapolate,\n) {\n if (end == offset) {\n return null;\n }\n let coordinate;\n if (m < flatCoordinates[offset + stride - 1]) {\n if (extrapolate) {\n coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(offset, offset + stride);\n coordinate[stride - 1] = m;\n return coordinate;\n }\n return null;\n }\n if (flatCoordinates[end - 1] < m) {\n if (extrapolate) {\n coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(end - stride, end);\n coordinate[stride - 1] = m;\n return coordinate;\n }\n return null;\n }\n // FIXME use O(1) search\n if (m == flatCoordinates[offset + stride - 1]) {\n return flatCoordinates.slice(offset, offset + stride);\n }\n let lo = offset / stride;\n let hi = end / stride;\n while (lo < hi) {\n const mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;\n if (m < flatCoordinates[(mid + 1) * stride - 1]) {\n hi = mid;\n } else {\n lo = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n const m0 = flatCoordinates[lo * stride - 1];\n if (m == m0) {\n return flatCoordinates.slice((lo - 1) * stride, (lo - 1) * stride + stride);\n }\n const m1 = flatCoordinates[(lo + 1) * stride - 1];\n const t = (m - m0) / (m1 - m0);\n coordinate = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < stride - 1; ++i) {\n coordinate.push(\n lerp(\n flatCoordinates[(lo - 1) * stride + i],\n flatCoordinates[lo * stride + i],\n t,\n ),\n );\n }\n coordinate.push(m);\n return coordinate;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {Array} ends Ends.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @param {number} m M.\n * @param {boolean} extrapolate Extrapolate.\n * @param {boolean} interpolate Interpolate.\n * @return {import(\"../../coordinate.js\").Coordinate|null} Coordinate.\n */\nexport function lineStringsCoordinateAtM(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends,\n stride,\n m,\n extrapolate,\n interpolate,\n) {\n if (interpolate) {\n return lineStringCoordinateAtM(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n ends[ends.length - 1],\n stride,\n m,\n extrapolate,\n );\n }\n let coordinate;\n if (m < flatCoordinates[stride - 1]) {\n if (extrapolate) {\n coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(0, stride);\n coordinate[stride - 1] = m;\n return coordinate;\n }\n return null;\n }\n if (flatCoordinates[flatCoordinates.length - 1] < m) {\n if (extrapolate) {\n coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(flatCoordinates.length - stride);\n coordinate[stride - 1] = m;\n return coordinate;\n }\n return null;\n }\n for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const end = ends[i];\n if (offset == end) {\n continue;\n }\n if (m < flatCoordinates[offset + stride - 1]) {\n return null;\n }\n if (m <= flatCoordinates[end - 1]) {\n return lineStringCoordinateAtM(\n flatCoordinates,\n offset,\n end,\n stride,\n m,\n false,\n );\n }\n offset = end;\n }\n return null;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/geom/flat/length\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} Length.\n */\nexport function lineStringLength(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) {\n let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset];\n let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n let length = 0;\n for (let i = offset + stride; i < end; i += stride) {\n const x2 = flatCoordinates[i];\n const y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1];\n length += Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n return length;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates.\n * @param {number} offset Offset.\n * @param {number} end End.\n * @param {number} stride Stride.\n * @return {number} Perimeter.\n */\nexport function linearRingLength(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) {\n let perimeter = lineStringLength(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride);\n const dx = flatCoordinates[end - stride] - flatCoordinates[offset];\n const dy = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1] - flatCoordinates[offset + 1];\n perimeter += Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);\n return perimeter;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/Stroke\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} [color] A color, gradient or pattern.\n * See {@link module:ol/color~Color} and {@link module:ol/colorlike~ColorLike} for possible formats.\n * Default null; if null, the Canvas/renderer default black will be used.\n * @property {CanvasLineCap} [lineCap='round'] Line cap style: `butt`, `round`, or `square`.\n * @property {CanvasLineJoin} [lineJoin='round'] Line join style: `bevel`, `round`, or `miter`.\n * @property {Array} [lineDash] Line dash pattern. Default is `null` (no dash).\n * @property {number} [lineDashOffset=0] Line dash offset.\n * @property {number} [miterLimit=10] Miter limit.\n * @property {number} [width] Width.\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Set stroke style for vector features.\n * Note that the defaults given are the Canvas defaults, which will be used if\n * option is not defined. The `get` functions return whatever was entered in\n * the options; they will not return the default.\n * @api\n */\nclass Stroke {\n /**\n * @param {Options} [options] Options.\n */\n constructor(options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike}\n */\n this.color_ = options.color !== undefined ? options.color : null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {CanvasLineCap|undefined}\n */\n this.lineCap_ = options.lineCap;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Array|null}\n */\n this.lineDash_ = options.lineDash !== undefined ? options.lineDash : null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|undefined}\n */\n this.lineDashOffset_ = options.lineDashOffset;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {CanvasLineJoin|undefined}\n */\n this.lineJoin_ = options.lineJoin;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|undefined}\n */\n this.miterLimit_ = options.miterLimit;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|undefined}\n */\n this.width_ = options.width;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clones the style.\n * @return {Stroke} The cloned style.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const color = this.getColor();\n return new Stroke({\n color: Array.isArray(color) ? color.slice() : color || undefined,\n lineCap: this.getLineCap(),\n lineDash: this.getLineDash() ? this.getLineDash().slice() : undefined,\n lineDashOffset: this.getLineDashOffset(),\n lineJoin: this.getLineJoin(),\n miterLimit: this.getMiterLimit(),\n width: this.getWidth(),\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the stroke color.\n * @return {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} Color.\n * @api\n */\n getColor() {\n return this.color_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the line cap type for the stroke.\n * @return {CanvasLineCap|undefined} Line cap.\n * @api\n */\n getLineCap() {\n return this.lineCap_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the line dash style for the stroke.\n * @return {Array|null} Line dash.\n * @api\n */\n getLineDash() {\n return this.lineDash_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the line dash offset for the stroke.\n * @return {number|undefined} Line dash offset.\n * @api\n */\n getLineDashOffset() {\n return this.lineDashOffset_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the line join type for the stroke.\n * @return {CanvasLineJoin|undefined} Line join.\n * @api\n */\n getLineJoin() {\n return this.lineJoin_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the miter limit for the stroke.\n * @return {number|undefined} Miter limit.\n * @api\n */\n getMiterLimit() {\n return this.miterLimit_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the stroke width.\n * @return {number|undefined} Width.\n * @api\n */\n getWidth() {\n return this.width_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the color.\n *\n * @param {import(\"../color.js\").Color|import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} color Color.\n * @api\n */\n setColor(color) {\n this.color_ = color;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the line cap.\n *\n * @param {CanvasLineCap|undefined} lineCap Line cap.\n * @api\n */\n setLineCap(lineCap) {\n this.lineCap_ = lineCap;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the line dash.\n *\n * @param {Array|null} lineDash Line dash.\n * @api\n */\n setLineDash(lineDash) {\n this.lineDash_ = lineDash;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the line dash offset.\n *\n * @param {number|undefined} lineDashOffset Line dash offset.\n * @api\n */\n setLineDashOffset(lineDashOffset) {\n this.lineDashOffset_ = lineDashOffset;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the line join.\n *\n * @param {CanvasLineJoin|undefined} lineJoin Line join.\n * @api\n */\n setLineJoin(lineJoin) {\n this.lineJoin_ = lineJoin;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the miter limit.\n *\n * @param {number|undefined} miterLimit Miter limit.\n * @api\n */\n setMiterLimit(miterLimit) {\n this.miterLimit_ = miterLimit;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the width.\n *\n * @param {number|undefined} width Width.\n * @api\n */\n setWidth(width) {\n this.width_ = width;\n }\n}\n\nexport default Stroke;\n","/**\n * @module ol/size\n */\n\n/**\n * An array of numbers representing a size: `[width, height]`.\n * @typedef {Array} Size\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * Returns a buffered size.\n * @param {Size} size Size.\n * @param {number} num The amount by which to buffer.\n * @param {Size} [dest] Optional reusable size array.\n * @return {Size} The buffered size.\n */\nexport function buffer(size, num, dest) {\n if (dest === undefined) {\n dest = [0, 0];\n }\n dest[0] = size[0] + 2 * num;\n dest[1] = size[1] + 2 * num;\n return dest;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if a size has a positive area.\n * @param {Size} size The size to test.\n * @return {boolean} The size has a positive area.\n */\nexport function hasArea(size) {\n return size[0] > 0 && size[1] > 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a size scaled by a ratio. The result will be an array of integers.\n * @param {Size} size Size.\n * @param {number} ratio Ratio.\n * @param {Size} [dest] Optional reusable size array.\n * @return {Size} The scaled size.\n */\nexport function scale(size, ratio, dest) {\n if (dest === undefined) {\n dest = [0, 0];\n }\n dest[0] = (size[0] * ratio + 0.5) | 0;\n dest[1] = (size[1] * ratio + 0.5) | 0;\n return dest;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an `Size` array for the passed in number (meaning: square) or\n * `Size` array.\n * (meaning: non-square),\n * @param {number|Size} size Width and height.\n * @param {Size} [dest] Optional reusable size array.\n * @return {Size} Size.\n * @api\n */\nexport function toSize(size, dest) {\n if (Array.isArray(size)) {\n return size;\n }\n if (dest === undefined) {\n dest = [size, size];\n } else {\n dest[0] = size;\n dest[1] = size;\n }\n return dest;\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/Image\n */\nimport {abstract} from '../util.js';\nimport {toSize} from '../size.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {number} opacity Opacity.\n * @property {boolean} rotateWithView If the image should get rotated with the view.\n * @property {number} rotation Rotation.\n * @property {number|import(\"../size.js\").Size} scale Scale.\n * @property {Array} displacement Displacement.\n * @property {import('../style/Style.js').DeclutterMode} declutterMode Declutter mode: `declutter`, `obstacle`, `none`.\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * A base class used for creating subclasses and not instantiated in\n * apps. Base class for {@link module:ol/style/Icon~Icon}, {@link module:ol/style/Circle~CircleStyle} and\n * {@link module:ol/style/RegularShape~RegularShape}.\n * @abstract\n * @api\n */\nclass ImageStyle {\n /**\n * @param {Options} options Options.\n */\n constructor(options) {\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.opacity_ = options.opacity;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.rotateWithView_ = options.rotateWithView;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.rotation_ = options.rotation;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|import(\"../size.js\").Size}\n */\n this.scale_ = options.scale;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../size.js\").Size}\n */\n this.scaleArray_ = toSize(options.scale);\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Array}\n */\n this.displacement_ = options.displacement;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import('../style/Style.js').DeclutterMode}\n */\n this.declutterMode_ = options.declutterMode;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clones the style.\n * @return {ImageStyle} The cloned style.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const scale = this.getScale();\n return new ImageStyle({\n opacity: this.getOpacity(),\n scale: Array.isArray(scale) ? scale.slice() : scale,\n rotation: this.getRotation(),\n rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(),\n displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(),\n declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode(),\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the symbolizer opacity.\n * @return {number} Opacity.\n * @api\n */\n getOpacity() {\n return this.opacity_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Determine whether the symbolizer rotates with the map.\n * @return {boolean} Rotate with map.\n * @api\n */\n getRotateWithView() {\n return this.rotateWithView_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the symoblizer rotation.\n * @return {number} Rotation.\n * @api\n */\n getRotation() {\n return this.rotation_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the symbolizer scale.\n * @return {number|import(\"../size.js\").Size} Scale.\n * @api\n */\n getScale() {\n return this.scale_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the symbolizer scale array.\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Scale array.\n */\n getScaleArray() {\n return this.scaleArray_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the displacement of the shape\n * @return {Array} Shape's center displacement\n * @api\n */\n getDisplacement() {\n return this.displacement_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the declutter mode of the shape\n * @return {import(\"./Style.js\").DeclutterMode} Shape's declutter mode\n * @api\n */\n getDeclutterMode() {\n return this.declutterMode_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the anchor point in pixels. The anchor determines the center point for the\n * symbolizer.\n * @abstract\n * @return {Array} Anchor.\n */\n getAnchor() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the image element for the symbolizer.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @return {import('../DataTile.js').ImageLike} Image element.\n */\n getImage(pixelRatio) {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @return {import('../DataTile.js').ImageLike} Image element.\n */\n getHitDetectionImage() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the image pixel ratio.\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @return {number} Pixel ratio.\n */\n getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) {\n return 1;\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @return {import(\"../ImageState.js\").default} Image state.\n */\n getImageState() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Image size.\n */\n getImageSize() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the origin of the symbolizer.\n * @abstract\n * @return {Array} Origin.\n */\n getOrigin() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the size of the symbolizer (in pixels).\n * @abstract\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Size.\n */\n getSize() {\n return abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the displacement.\n *\n * @param {Array} displacement Displacement.\n * @api\n */\n setDisplacement(displacement) {\n this.displacement_ = displacement;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the opacity.\n *\n * @param {number} opacity Opacity.\n * @api\n */\n setOpacity(opacity) {\n this.opacity_ = opacity;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set whether to rotate the style with the view.\n *\n * @param {boolean} rotateWithView Rotate with map.\n * @api\n */\n setRotateWithView(rotateWithView) {\n this.rotateWithView_ = rotateWithView;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the rotation.\n *\n * @param {number} rotation Rotation.\n * @api\n */\n setRotation(rotation) {\n this.rotation_ = rotation;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the scale.\n *\n * @param {number|import(\"../size.js\").Size} scale Scale.\n * @api\n */\n setScale(scale) {\n this.scale_ = scale;\n this.scaleArray_ = toSize(scale);\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @param {function(import(\"../events/Event.js\").default): void} listener Listener function.\n */\n listenImageChange(listener) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * Load not yet loaded URI.\n * @abstract\n */\n load() {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @abstract\n * @param {function(import(\"../events/Event.js\").default): void} listener Listener function.\n */\n unlistenImageChange(listener) {\n abstract();\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {Promise} `false` or Promise that resolves when the style is ready to use.\n */\n ready() {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n}\n\nexport default ImageStyle;\n","/**\n * @module ol/colorlike\n */\nimport ImageState from './ImageState.js';\nimport {createCanvasContext2D} from './dom.js';\nimport {get as getIconImage} from './style/IconImage.js';\nimport {shared as iconCache} from './style/IconImageCache.js';\nimport {toString} from './color.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} PatternDescriptor\n * @property {string} src Pattern image URL\n * @property {import(\"./color.js\").Color|string} [color] Color to tint the pattern with.\n * @property {import(\"./size.js\").Size} [size] Size of the desired slice from the pattern image.\n * Use this together with `offset` when the pattern image is a sprite sheet.\n * @property {import(\"./size.js\").Size} [offset] Offset of the desired slice from the pattern image.\n * Use this together with `size` when the pattern image is a sprite sheet.\n */\n\n/**\n * A type accepted by CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillStyle\n * or CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeStyle.\n * Represents a color, [CanvasPattern](,\n * or [CanvasGradient]( The origin for\n * patterns and gradients as fill style is an increment of 512 css pixels from map coordinate\n * `[0, 0]`. For seamless repeat patterns, width and height of the pattern image\n * must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512).\n *\n * @typedef {string|CanvasPattern|CanvasGradient} ColorLike\n * @api\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {import(\"./color.js\").Color|ColorLike|PatternDescriptor|null} color Color.\n * @return {ColorLike|null} The color as an {@link ol/colorlike~ColorLike}.\n * @api\n */\nexport function asColorLike(color) {\n if (!color) {\n return null;\n }\n if (Array.isArray(color)) {\n return toString(color);\n }\n if (typeof color === 'object' && 'src' in color) {\n return asCanvasPattern(color);\n }\n return color;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {PatternDescriptor} pattern Pattern descriptor.\n * @return {CanvasPattern|null} Canvas pattern or null if the pattern referenced in the\n * PatternDescriptor was not found in the icon image cache.\n */\nfunction asCanvasPattern(pattern) {\n if (!pattern.offset || !pattern.size) {\n return iconCache.getPattern(pattern.src, 'anonymous', pattern.color);\n }\n\n const cacheKey = pattern.src + ':' + pattern.offset;\n\n const canvasPattern = iconCache.getPattern(\n cacheKey,\n undefined,\n pattern.color,\n );\n if (canvasPattern) {\n return canvasPattern;\n }\n\n const iconImage = iconCache.get(pattern.src, 'anonymous', null);\n if (iconImage.getImageState() !== ImageState.LOADED) {\n return null;\n }\n const patternCanvasContext = createCanvasContext2D(\n pattern.size[0],\n pattern.size[1],\n );\n patternCanvasContext.drawImage(\n iconImage.getImage(1),\n pattern.offset[0],\n pattern.offset[1],\n pattern.size[0],\n pattern.size[1],\n 0,\n 0,\n pattern.size[0],\n pattern.size[1],\n );\n getIconImage(\n patternCanvasContext.canvas,\n cacheKey,\n undefined,\n ImageState.LOADED,\n pattern.color,\n true,\n );\n return iconCache.getPattern(cacheKey, undefined, pattern.color);\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/css\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} FontParameters\n * @property {string} style Style.\n * @property {string} variant Variant.\n * @property {string} weight Weight.\n * @property {string} size Size.\n * @property {string} lineHeight LineHeight.\n * @property {string} family Family.\n * @property {Array} families Families.\n */\n\n/**\n * The CSS class for hidden feature.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const CLASS_HIDDEN = 'ol-hidden';\n\n/**\n * The CSS class that we'll give the DOM elements to have them selectable.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const CLASS_SELECTABLE = 'ol-selectable';\n\n/**\n * The CSS class that we'll give the DOM elements to have them unselectable.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const CLASS_UNSELECTABLE = 'ol-unselectable';\n\n/**\n * The CSS class for unsupported feature.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const CLASS_UNSUPPORTED = 'ol-unsupported';\n\n/**\n * The CSS class for controls.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const CLASS_CONTROL = 'ol-control';\n\n/**\n * The CSS class that we'll give the DOM elements that are collapsed, i.e.\n * to those elements which usually can be expanded.\n *\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const CLASS_COLLAPSED = 'ol-collapsed';\n\n/**\n * From\n * @type {RegExp}\n */\nconst fontRegEx = new RegExp(\n [\n '^\\\\s*(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\\\\s*){0,2}(italic|oblique))?)',\n '(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\\\\s*){0,2}(small-caps))?)',\n '(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\\\\s*){0,2}(bold(?:er)?|lighter|[1-9]00 ))?)',\n '(?:(?:normal|\\\\1|\\\\2|\\\\3)\\\\s*){0,3}((?:xx?-)?',\n '(?:small|large)|medium|smaller|larger|[\\\\.\\\\d]+(?:\\\\%|in|[cem]m|ex|p[ctx]))',\n '(?:\\\\s*\\\\/\\\\s*(normal|[\\\\.\\\\d]+(?:\\\\%|in|[cem]m|ex|p[ctx])?))',\n '?\\\\s*([-,\\\\\"\\\\\\'\\\\sa-z]+?)\\\\s*$',\n ].join(''),\n 'i',\n);\n/** @type {Array<'style'|'variant'|'weight'|'size'|'lineHeight'|'family'>} */\nconst fontRegExMatchIndex = [\n 'style',\n 'variant',\n 'weight',\n 'size',\n 'lineHeight',\n 'family',\n];\n\n/**\n * Get the list of font families from a font spec. Note that this doesn't work\n * for font families that have commas in them.\n * @param {string} fontSpec The CSS font property.\n * @return {FontParameters|null} The font parameters (or null if the input spec is invalid).\n */\nexport const getFontParameters = function (fontSpec) {\n const match = fontSpec.match(fontRegEx);\n if (!match) {\n return null;\n }\n const style = /** @type {FontParameters} */ ({\n lineHeight: 'normal',\n size: '1.2em',\n style: 'normal',\n weight: 'normal',\n variant: 'normal',\n });\n for (let i = 0, ii = fontRegExMatchIndex.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const value = match[i + 1];\n if (value !== undefined) {\n style[fontRegExMatchIndex[i]] = value;\n }\n }\n style.families =,\\s?/);\n return style;\n};\n","/**\n * @module ol/render/canvas\n */\nimport BaseObject from '../Object.js';\nimport {WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS} from '../has.js';\nimport {clear} from '../obj.js';\nimport {createCanvasContext2D} from '../dom.js';\nimport {getFontParameters} from '../css.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'Circle' | 'Image' | 'LineString' | 'Polygon' | 'Text' | 'Default'} BuilderType\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} FillState\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} fillStyle FillStyle.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Label\n * @property {number} width Width.\n * @property {number} height Height.\n * @property {Array} contextInstructions ContextInstructions.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} FillStrokeState\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} [currentFillStyle] Current FillStyle.\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} [currentStrokeStyle] Current StrokeStyle.\n * @property {CanvasLineCap} [currentLineCap] Current LineCap.\n * @property {Array} currentLineDash Current LineDash.\n * @property {number} [currentLineDashOffset] Current LineDashOffset.\n * @property {CanvasLineJoin} [currentLineJoin] Current LineJoin.\n * @property {number} [currentLineWidth] Current LineWidth.\n * @property {number} [currentMiterLimit] Current MiterLimit.\n * @property {number} [lastStroke] Last stroke.\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} [fillStyle] FillStyle.\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} [strokeStyle] StrokeStyle.\n * @property {CanvasLineCap} [lineCap] LineCap.\n * @property {Array} lineDash LineDash.\n * @property {number} [lineDashOffset] LineDashOffset.\n * @property {CanvasLineJoin} [lineJoin] LineJoin.\n * @property {number} [lineWidth] LineWidth.\n * @property {number} [miterLimit] MiterLimit.\n * @property {number} [fillPatternScale] Fill pattern scale.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} StrokeState\n * @property {CanvasLineCap} lineCap LineCap.\n * @property {Array} lineDash LineDash.\n * @property {number} lineDashOffset LineDashOffset.\n * @property {CanvasLineJoin} lineJoin LineJoin.\n * @property {number} lineWidth LineWidth.\n * @property {number} miterLimit MiterLimit.\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike} strokeStyle StrokeStyle.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} TextState\n * @property {string} font Font.\n * @property {CanvasTextAlign} [textAlign] TextAlign.\n * @property {number} [repeat] Repeat.\n * @property {import(\"../style/Text.js\").TextJustify} [justify] Justify.\n * @property {CanvasTextBaseline} textBaseline TextBaseline.\n * @property {import(\"../style/Text.js\").TextPlacement} [placement] Placement.\n * @property {number} [maxAngle] MaxAngle.\n * @property {boolean} [overflow] Overflow.\n * @property {import(\"../style/Fill.js\").default} [backgroundFill] BackgroundFill.\n * @property {import(\"../style/Stroke.js\").default} [backgroundStroke] BackgroundStroke.\n * @property {import(\"../size.js\").Size} [scale] Scale.\n * @property {Array} [padding] Padding.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} SerializableInstructions\n * @property {Array<*>} instructions The rendering instructions.\n * @property {Array<*>} hitDetectionInstructions The rendering hit detection instructions.\n * @property {Array} coordinates The array of all coordinates.\n * @property {!Object} [textStates] The text states (decluttering).\n * @property {!Object} [fillStates] The fill states (decluttering).\n * @property {!Object} [strokeStates] The stroke states (decluttering).\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} DeclutterImageWithText\n */\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const defaultFont = '10px sans-serif';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {string}\n */\nexport const defaultFillStyle = '#000';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {CanvasLineCap}\n */\nexport const defaultLineCap = 'round';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {Array}\n */\nexport const defaultLineDash = [];\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const defaultLineDashOffset = 0;\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {CanvasLineJoin}\n */\nexport const defaultLineJoin = 'round';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const defaultMiterLimit = 10;\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike}\n */\nexport const defaultStrokeStyle = '#000';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {CanvasTextAlign}\n */\nexport const defaultTextAlign = 'center';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {CanvasTextBaseline}\n */\nexport const defaultTextBaseline = 'middle';\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {Array}\n */\nexport const defaultPadding = [0, 0, 0, 0];\n\n/**\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\nexport const defaultLineWidth = 1;\n\n/**\n * @type {BaseObject}\n */\nexport const checkedFonts = new BaseObject();\n\n/**\n * @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D}\n */\nlet measureContext = null;\n\n/**\n * @type {string}\n */\nlet measureFont;\n\n/**\n * @type {!Object}\n */\nexport const textHeights = {};\n\n/**\n * Clears the label cache when a font becomes available.\n * @param {string} fontSpec CSS font spec.\n */\nexport const registerFont = (function () {\n const retries = 100;\n const size = '32px ';\n const referenceFonts = ['monospace', 'serif'];\n const len = referenceFonts.length;\n const text = 'wmytzilWMYTZIL@#/&?$%10\\uF013';\n let interval, referenceWidth;\n\n /**\n * @param {string} fontStyle Css font-style\n * @param {string} fontWeight Css font-weight\n * @param {*} fontFamily Css font-family\n * @return {boolean} Font with style and weight is available\n */\n function isAvailable(fontStyle, fontWeight, fontFamily) {\n let available = true;\n for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n const referenceFont = referenceFonts[i];\n referenceWidth = measureTextWidth(\n fontStyle + ' ' + fontWeight + ' ' + size + referenceFont,\n text,\n );\n if (fontFamily != referenceFont) {\n const width = measureTextWidth(\n fontStyle +\n ' ' +\n fontWeight +\n ' ' +\n size +\n fontFamily +\n ',' +\n referenceFont,\n text,\n );\n // If width and referenceWidth are the same, then the fallback was used\n // instead of the font we wanted, so the font is not available.\n available = available && width != referenceWidth;\n }\n }\n if (available) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n function check() {\n let done = true;\n const fonts = checkedFonts.getKeys();\n for (let i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const font = fonts[i];\n if (checkedFonts.get(font) < retries) {\n if (isAvailable.apply(this, font.split('\\n'))) {\n clear(textHeights);\n // Make sure that loaded fonts are picked up by Safari\n measureContext = null;\n measureFont = undefined;\n checkedFonts.set(font, retries);\n } else {\n checkedFonts.set(font, checkedFonts.get(font) + 1, true);\n done = false;\n }\n }\n }\n if (done) {\n clearInterval(interval);\n interval = undefined;\n }\n }\n\n return function (fontSpec) {\n const font = getFontParameters(fontSpec);\n if (!font) {\n return;\n }\n const families = font.families;\n for (let i = 0, ii = families.length; i < ii; ++i) {\n const family = families[i];\n const key = + '\\n' + font.weight + '\\n' + family;\n if (checkedFonts.get(key) === undefined) {\n checkedFonts.set(key, retries, true);\n if (!isAvailable(, font.weight, family)) {\n checkedFonts.set(key, 0, true);\n if (interval === undefined) {\n interval = setInterval(check, 32);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n };\n})();\n\n/**\n * @param {string} font Font to use for measuring.\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Measurement.\n */\nexport const measureTextHeight = (function () {\n /**\n * @type {HTMLDivElement}\n */\n let measureElement;\n return function (fontSpec) {\n let height = textHeights[fontSpec];\n if (height == undefined) {\n if (WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS) {\n const font = getFontParameters(fontSpec);\n const metrics = measureText(fontSpec, 'Žg');\n const lineHeight = isNaN(Number(font.lineHeight))\n ? 1.2\n : Number(font.lineHeight);\n height =\n lineHeight *\n (metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent);\n } else {\n if (!measureElement) {\n measureElement = document.createElement('div');\n measureElement.innerHTML = 'M';\n = '0';\n = 'none';\n = 'auto';\n = '0';\n = 'none';\n = 'absolute';\n = 'block';\n = '-99999px';\n }\n = fontSpec;\n document.body.appendChild(measureElement);\n height = measureElement.offsetHeight;\n document.body.removeChild(measureElement);\n }\n textHeights[fontSpec] = height;\n }\n return height;\n };\n})();\n\n/**\n * @param {string} font Font.\n * @param {string} text Text.\n * @return {TextMetrics} Text metrics.\n */\nfunction measureText(font, text) {\n if (!measureContext) {\n measureContext = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1);\n }\n if (font != measureFont) {\n measureContext.font = font;\n measureFont = measureContext.font;\n }\n return measureContext.measureText(text);\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} font Font.\n * @param {string} text Text.\n * @return {number} Width.\n */\nexport function measureTextWidth(font, text) {\n return measureText(font, text).width;\n}\n\n/**\n * Measure text width using a cache.\n * @param {string} font The font.\n * @param {string} text The text to measure.\n * @param {Object} cache A lookup of cached widths by text.\n * @return {number} The text width.\n */\nexport function measureAndCacheTextWidth(font, text, cache) {\n if (text in cache) {\n return cache[text];\n }\n const width = text\n .split('\\n')\n .reduce((prev, curr) => Math.max(prev, measureTextWidth(font, curr)), 0);\n cache[text] = width;\n return width;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {TextState} baseStyle Base style.\n * @param {Array} chunks Text chunks to measure.\n * @return {{width: number, height: number, widths: Array, heights: Array, lineWidths: Array}}} Text metrics.\n */\nexport function getTextDimensions(baseStyle, chunks) {\n const widths = [];\n const heights = [];\n const lineWidths = [];\n let width = 0;\n let lineWidth = 0;\n let height = 0;\n let lineHeight = 0;\n for (let i = 0, ii = chunks.length; i <= ii; i += 2) {\n const text = chunks[i];\n if (text === '\\n' || i === ii) {\n width = Math.max(width, lineWidth);\n lineWidths.push(lineWidth);\n lineWidth = 0;\n height += lineHeight;\n continue;\n }\n const font = chunks[i + 1] || baseStyle.font;\n const currentWidth = measureTextWidth(font, text);\n widths.push(currentWidth);\n lineWidth += currentWidth;\n const currentHeight = measureTextHeight(font);\n heights.push(currentHeight);\n lineHeight = Math.max(lineHeight, currentHeight);\n }\n return {width, height, widths, heights, lineWidths};\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context.\n * @param {number} rotation Rotation.\n * @param {number} offsetX X offset.\n * @param {number} offsetY Y offset.\n */\nexport function rotateAtOffset(context, rotation, offsetX, offsetY) {\n if (rotation !== 0) {\n context.translate(offsetX, offsetY);\n context.rotate(rotation);\n context.translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D|import(\"../render/canvas/ZIndexContext.js\").ZIndexContextProxy} context Context.\n * @param {import(\"../transform.js\").Transform|null} transform Transform.\n * @param {number} opacity Opacity.\n * @param {Label|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} labelOrImage Label.\n * @param {number} originX Origin X.\n * @param {number} originY Origin Y.\n * @param {number} w Width.\n * @param {number} h Height.\n * @param {number} x X.\n * @param {number} y Y.\n * @param {import(\"../size.js\").Size} scale Scale.\n */\nexport function drawImageOrLabel(\n context,\n transform,\n opacity,\n labelOrImage,\n originX,\n originY,\n w,\n h,\n x,\n y,\n scale,\n) {\n;\n\n if (opacity !== 1) {\n if (context.globalAlpha === undefined) {\n context.globalAlpha = (context) => (context.globalAlpha *= opacity);\n } else {\n context.globalAlpha *= opacity;\n }\n }\n if (transform) {\n context.transform.apply(context, transform);\n }\n\n if (/** @type {*} */ (labelOrImage).contextInstructions) {\n // label\n context.translate(x, y);\n context.scale(scale[0], scale[1]);\n executeLabelInstructions(/** @type {Label} */ (labelOrImage), context);\n } else if (scale[0] < 0 || scale[1] < 0) {\n // flipped image\n context.translate(x, y);\n context.scale(scale[0], scale[1]);\n context.drawImage(\n /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} */ (\n labelOrImage\n ),\n originX,\n originY,\n w,\n h,\n 0,\n 0,\n w,\n h,\n );\n } else {\n // if image not flipped translate and scale can be avoided\n context.drawImage(\n /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} */ (\n labelOrImage\n ),\n originX,\n originY,\n w,\n h,\n x,\n y,\n w * scale[0],\n h * scale[1],\n );\n }\n\n context.restore();\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Label} label Label.\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context.\n */\nfunction executeLabelInstructions(label, context) {\n const contextInstructions = label.contextInstructions;\n for (let i = 0, ii = contextInstructions.length; i < ii; i += 2) {\n if (Array.isArray(contextInstructions[i + 1])) {\n context[contextInstructions[i]].apply(\n context,\n contextInstructions[i + 1],\n );\n } else {\n context[contextInstructions[i]] = contextInstructions[i + 1];\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/RegularShape\n */\n\nimport ImageState from '../ImageState.js';\nimport ImageStyle from './Image.js';\nimport {asArray} from '../color.js';\nimport {asColorLike} from '../colorlike.js';\nimport {createCanvasContext2D} from '../dom.js';\nimport {\n defaultFillStyle,\n defaultLineCap,\n defaultLineJoin,\n defaultLineWidth,\n defaultMiterLimit,\n defaultStrokeStyle,\n} from '../render/canvas.js';\n\n/**\n * Specify radius for regular polygons, or both radius and radius2 for stars.\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {import(\"./Fill.js\").default} [fill] Fill style.\n * @property {number} points Number of points for stars and regular polygons. In case of a polygon, the number of points\n * is the number of sides.\n * @property {number} radius Radius of a regular polygon.\n * @property {number} [radius2] Second radius to make a star instead of a regular polygon.\n * @property {number} [angle=0] Shape's angle in radians. A value of 0 will have one of the shape's points facing up.\n * @property {Array} [displacement=[0, 0]] Displacement of the shape in pixels.\n * Positive values will shift the shape right and up.\n * @property {import(\"./Stroke.js\").default} [stroke] Stroke style.\n * @property {number} [rotation=0] Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise).\n * @property {boolean} [rotateWithView=false] Whether to rotate the shape with the view.\n * @property {number|import(\"../size.js\").Size} [scale=1] Scale. Unless two dimensional scaling is required a better\n * result may be obtained with appropriate settings for `radius` and `radius2`.\n * @property {import('./Style.js').DeclutterMode} [declutterMode] Declutter mode.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} RenderOptions\n * @property {import(\"../colorlike.js\").ColorLike|undefined} strokeStyle StrokeStyle.\n * @property {number} strokeWidth StrokeWidth.\n * @property {number} size Size.\n * @property {CanvasLineCap} lineCap LineCap.\n * @property {Array|null} lineDash LineDash.\n * @property {number} lineDashOffset LineDashOffset.\n * @property {CanvasLineJoin} lineJoin LineJoin.\n * @property {number} miterLimit MiterLimit.\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Set regular shape style for vector features. The resulting shape will be\n * a regular polygon when `radius` is provided, or a star when both `radius` and\n * `radius2` are provided.\n * @api\n */\nclass RegularShape extends ImageStyle {\n /**\n * @param {Options} options Options.\n */\n constructor(options) {\n super({\n opacity: 1,\n rotateWithView:\n options.rotateWithView !== undefined ? options.rotateWithView : false,\n rotation: options.rotation !== undefined ? options.rotation : 0,\n scale: options.scale !== undefined ? options.scale : 1,\n displacement:\n options.displacement !== undefined ? options.displacement : [0, 0],\n declutterMode: options.declutterMode,\n });\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Object}\n */\n this.canvases_;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {HTMLCanvasElement|null}\n */\n this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"./Fill.js\").default|null}\n */\n this.fill_ = options.fill !== undefined ? options.fill : null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {Array}\n */\n this.origin_ = [0, 0];\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.points_ = options.points;\n\n /**\n * @protected\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.radius_ = options.radius;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number|undefined}\n */\n this.radius2_ = options.radius2;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.angle_ = options.angle !== undefined ? options.angle : 0;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"./Stroke.js\").default|null}\n */\n this.stroke_ = options.stroke !== undefined ? options.stroke : null;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {import(\"../size.js\").Size}\n */\n this.size_;\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @type {RenderOptions}\n */\n this.renderOptions_;\n\n this.imageState_ =\n this.fill_ && this.fill_.loading()\n ? ImageState.LOADING\n : ImageState.LOADED;\n if (this.imageState_ === ImageState.LOADING) {\n this.ready().then(() => (this.imageState_ = ImageState.LOADED));\n }\n this.render();\n }\n\n /**\n * Clones the style.\n * @return {RegularShape} The cloned style.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const scale = this.getScale();\n const style = new RegularShape({\n fill: this.getFill() ? this.getFill().clone() : undefined,\n points: this.getPoints(),\n radius: this.getRadius(),\n radius2: this.getRadius2(),\n angle: this.getAngle(),\n stroke: this.getStroke() ? this.getStroke().clone() : undefined,\n rotation: this.getRotation(),\n rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(),\n scale: Array.isArray(scale) ? scale.slice() : scale,\n displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(),\n declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode(),\n });\n style.setOpacity(this.getOpacity());\n return style;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the anchor point in pixels. The anchor determines the center point for the\n * symbolizer.\n * @return {Array} Anchor.\n * @api\n */\n getAnchor() {\n const size = this.size_;\n const displacement = this.getDisplacement();\n const scale = this.getScaleArray();\n // anchor is scaled by renderer but displacement should not be scaled\n // so divide by scale here\n return [\n size[0] / 2 - displacement[0] / scale[0],\n size[1] / 2 + displacement[1] / scale[1],\n ];\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the angle used in generating the shape.\n * @return {number} Shape's rotation in radians.\n * @api\n */\n getAngle() {\n return this.angle_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the fill style for the shape.\n * @return {import(\"./Fill.js\").default|null} Fill style.\n * @api\n */\n getFill() {\n return this.fill_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the fill style.\n * @param {import(\"./Fill.js\").default|null} fill Fill style.\n * @api\n */\n setFill(fill) {\n this.fill_ = fill;\n this.render();\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Image element.\n */\n getHitDetectionImage() {\n if (!this.hitDetectionCanvas_) {\n this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = this.createHitDetectionCanvas_(\n this.renderOptions_,\n );\n }\n return this.hitDetectionCanvas_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the image icon.\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Image or Canvas element.\n * @api\n */\n getImage(pixelRatio) {\n let image = this.canvases_[pixelRatio];\n if (!image) {\n const renderOptions = this.renderOptions_;\n const context = createCanvasContext2D(\n renderOptions.size * pixelRatio,\n renderOptions.size * pixelRatio,\n );\n this.draw_(renderOptions, context, pixelRatio);\n\n image = context.canvas;\n this.canvases_[pixelRatio] = image;\n }\n return image;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the image pixel ratio.\n * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio.\n * @return {number} Pixel ratio.\n */\n getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) {\n return pixelRatio;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Image size.\n */\n getImageSize() {\n return this.size_;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {import(\"../ImageState.js\").default} Image state.\n */\n getImageState() {\n return this.imageState_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the origin of the symbolizer.\n * @return {Array} Origin.\n * @api\n */\n getOrigin() {\n return this.origin_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the number of points for generating the shape.\n * @return {number} Number of points for stars and regular polygons.\n * @api\n */\n getPoints() {\n return this.points_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the (primary) radius for the shape.\n * @return {number} Radius.\n * @api\n */\n getRadius() {\n return this.radius_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the secondary radius for the shape.\n * @return {number|undefined} Radius2.\n * @api\n */\n getRadius2() {\n return this.radius2_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the size of the symbolizer (in pixels).\n * @return {import(\"../size.js\").Size} Size.\n * @api\n */\n getSize() {\n return this.size_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the stroke style for the shape.\n * @return {import(\"./Stroke.js\").default|null} Stroke style.\n * @api\n */\n getStroke() {\n return this.stroke_;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the stroke style.\n * @param {import(\"./Stroke.js\").default|null} stroke Stroke style.\n * @api\n */\n setStroke(stroke) {\n this.stroke_ = stroke;\n this.render();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {function(import(\"../events/Event.js\").default): void} listener Listener function.\n */\n listenImageChange(listener) {}\n\n /**\n * Load not yet loaded URI.\n */\n load() {}\n\n /**\n * @param {function(import(\"../events/Event.js\").default): void} listener Listener function.\n */\n unlistenImageChange(listener) {}\n\n /**\n * Calculate additional canvas size needed for the miter.\n * @param {string} lineJoin Line join\n * @param {number} strokeWidth Stroke width\n * @param {number} miterLimit Miter limit\n * @return {number} Additional canvas size needed\n * @private\n */\n calculateLineJoinSize_(lineJoin, strokeWidth, miterLimit) {\n if (\n strokeWidth === 0 ||\n this.points_ === Infinity ||\n (lineJoin !== 'bevel' && lineJoin !== 'miter')\n ) {\n return strokeWidth;\n }\n // m | ^\n // i | |\\ .\n // t >| #\\\n // e | |\\ \\ .\n // r \\s\\\n // | \\t\\ . .\n // \\r\\ . .\n // | \\o\\ . . . . .\n // e \\k\\ . . . .\n // | \\e\\ . . . . .\n // d \\ \\ . . . .\n // | _ _a_ _\\# . . .\n // r1 / ` . .\n // | . .\n // b / . .\n // | . .\n // / r2 . .\n // | . .\n // / . .\n // |α . .\n // / . .\n // ° center\n let r1 = this.radius_;\n let r2 = this.radius2_ === undefined ? r1 : this.radius2_;\n if (r1 < r2) {\n const tmp = r1;\n r1 = r2;\n r2 = tmp;\n }\n const points =\n this.radius2_ === undefined ? this.points_ : this.points_ * 2;\n const alpha = (2 * Math.PI) / points;\n const a = r2 * Math.sin(alpha);\n const b = Math.sqrt(r2 * r2 - a * a);\n const d = r1 - b;\n const e = Math.sqrt(a * a + d * d);\n const miterRatio = e / a;\n if (lineJoin === 'miter' && miterRatio <= miterLimit) {\n return miterRatio * strokeWidth;\n }\n // Calculate the distance from center to the stroke corner where\n // it was cut short because of the miter limit.\n // l\n // ----+---- <= distance from center to here is maxr\n // /####|k ##\\\n // /#####^#####\\\n // /#### /+\\# s #\\\n // /### h/+++\\# t #\\\n // /### t/+++++\\# r #\\\n // /### a/+++++++\\# o #\\\n // /### p/++ fill +\\# k #\\\n ///#### /+++++^+++++\\# e #\\\n //#####/+++++/+\\+++++\\#####\\\n const k = strokeWidth / 2 / miterRatio;\n const l = (strokeWidth / 2) * (d / e);\n const maxr = Math.sqrt((r1 + k) * (r1 + k) + l * l);\n const bevelAdd = maxr - r1;\n if (this.radius2_ === undefined || lineJoin === 'bevel') {\n return bevelAdd * 2;\n }\n // If outer miter is over the miter limit the inner miter may reach through the\n // center and be longer than the bevel, same calculation as above but swap r1 / r2.\n const aa = r1 * Math.sin(alpha);\n const bb = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 - aa * aa);\n const dd = r2 - bb;\n const ee = Math.sqrt(aa * aa + dd * dd);\n const innerMiterRatio = ee / aa;\n if (innerMiterRatio <= miterLimit) {\n const innerLength = (innerMiterRatio * strokeWidth) / 2 - r2 - r1;\n return 2 * Math.max(bevelAdd, innerLength);\n }\n return bevelAdd * 2;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return {RenderOptions} The render options\n * @protected\n */\n createRenderOptions() {\n let lineCap = defaultLineCap;\n let lineJoin = defaultLineJoin;\n let miterLimit = 0;\n let lineDash = null;\n let lineDashOffset = 0;\n let strokeStyle;\n let strokeWidth = 0;\n\n if (this.stroke_) {\n strokeStyle = asColorLike(this.stroke_.getColor() ?? defaultStrokeStyle);\n strokeWidth = this.stroke_.getWidth() ?? defaultLineWidth;\n lineDash = this.stroke_.getLineDash();\n lineDashOffset = this.stroke_.getLineDashOffset() ?? 0;\n lineJoin = this.stroke_.getLineJoin() ?? defaultLineJoin;\n lineCap = this.stroke_.getLineCap() ?? defaultLineCap;\n miterLimit = this.stroke_.getMiterLimit() ?? defaultMiterLimit;\n }\n\n const add = this.calculateLineJoinSize_(lineJoin, strokeWidth, miterLimit);\n const maxRadius = Math.max(this.radius_, this.radius2_ || 0);\n const size = Math.ceil(2 * maxRadius + add);\n\n return {\n strokeStyle: strokeStyle,\n strokeWidth: strokeWidth,\n size: size,\n lineCap: lineCap,\n lineDash: lineDash,\n lineDashOffset: lineDashOffset,\n lineJoin: lineJoin,\n miterLimit: miterLimit,\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * @protected\n */\n render() {\n this.renderOptions_ = this.createRenderOptions();\n const size = this.renderOptions_.size;\n this.canvases_ = {};\n this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = null;\n this.size_ = [size, size];\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @param {RenderOptions} renderOptions Render options.\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The rendering context.\n * @param {number} pixelRatio The pixel ratio.\n */\n draw_(renderOptions, context, pixelRatio) {\n context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);\n // set origin to canvas center\n context.translate(renderOptions.size / 2, renderOptions.size / 2);\n\n this.createPath_(context);\n\n if (this.fill_) {\n let color = this.fill_.getColor();\n if (color === null) {\n color = defaultFillStyle;\n }\n context.fillStyle = asColorLike(color);\n context.fill();\n }\n if (renderOptions.strokeStyle) {\n context.strokeStyle = renderOptions.strokeStyle;\n context.lineWidth = renderOptions.strokeWidth;\n if (renderOptions.lineDash) {\n context.setLineDash(renderOptions.lineDash);\n context.lineDashOffset = renderOptions.lineDashOffset;\n }\n context.lineCap = renderOptions.lineCap;\n context.lineJoin = renderOptions.lineJoin;\n context.miterLimit = renderOptions.miterLimit;\n context.stroke();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @param {RenderOptions} renderOptions Render options.\n * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Canvas containing the icon\n */\n createHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions) {\n let context;\n if (this.fill_) {\n let color = this.fill_.getColor();\n\n // determine if fill is transparent (or pattern or gradient)\n let opacity = 0;\n if (typeof color === 'string') {\n color = asArray(color);\n }\n if (color === null) {\n opacity = 1;\n } else if (Array.isArray(color)) {\n opacity = color.length === 4 ? color[3] : 1;\n }\n if (opacity === 0) {\n // if a transparent fill style is set, create an extra hit-detection image\n // with a default fill style\n context = createCanvasContext2D(renderOptions.size, renderOptions.size);\n this.drawHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions, context);\n }\n }\n return context ? context.canvas : this.getImage(1);\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The context to draw in.\n */\n createPath_(context) {\n let points = this.points_;\n const radius = this.radius_;\n if (points === Infinity) {\n context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);\n } else {\n const radius2 = this.radius2_ === undefined ? radius : this.radius2_;\n if (this.radius2_ !== undefined) {\n points *= 2;\n }\n const startAngle = this.angle_ - Math.PI / 2;\n const step = (2 * Math.PI) / points;\n for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) {\n const angle0 = startAngle + i * step;\n const radiusC = i % 2 === 0 ? radius : radius2;\n context.lineTo(radiusC * Math.cos(angle0), radiusC * Math.sin(angle0));\n }\n context.closePath();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n * @param {RenderOptions} renderOptions Render options.\n * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The context.\n */\n drawHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions, context) {\n // set origin to canvas center\n context.translate(renderOptions.size / 2, renderOptions.size / 2);\n\n this.createPath_(context);\n\n context.fillStyle = defaultFillStyle;\n context.fill();\n if (renderOptions.strokeStyle) {\n context.strokeStyle = renderOptions.strokeStyle;\n context.lineWidth = renderOptions.strokeWidth;\n if (renderOptions.lineDash) {\n context.setLineDash(renderOptions.lineDash);\n context.lineDashOffset = renderOptions.lineDashOffset;\n }\n context.lineJoin = renderOptions.lineJoin;\n context.miterLimit = renderOptions.miterLimit;\n context.stroke();\n }\n }\n\n ready() {\n return this.fill_ ? this.fill_.ready() : Promise.resolve();\n }\n}\n\nexport default RegularShape;\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/Circle\n */\n\nimport RegularShape from './RegularShape.js';\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Object} Options\n * @property {import(\"./Fill.js\").default} [fill] Fill style.\n * @property {number} radius Circle radius.\n * @property {import(\"./Stroke.js\").default} [stroke] Stroke style.\n * @property {Array} [displacement=[0,0]] displacement\n * @property {number|import(\"../size.js\").Size} [scale=1] Scale. A two dimensional scale will produce an ellipse.\n * Unless two dimensional scaling is required a better result may be obtained with an appropriate setting for `radius`.\n * @property {number} [rotation=0] Rotation in radians\n * (positive rotation clockwise, meaningful only when used in conjunction with a two dimensional scale).\n * @property {boolean} [rotateWithView=false] Whether to rotate the shape with the view\n * (meaningful only when used in conjunction with a two dimensional scale).\n * @property {import('./Style.js').DeclutterMode} [declutterMode] Declutter mode\n */\n\n/**\n * @classdesc\n * Set circle style for vector features.\n * @api\n */\nclass CircleStyle extends RegularShape {\n /**\n * @param {Options} [options] Options.\n */\n constructor(options) {\n options = options ? options : {radius: 5};\n\n super({\n points: Infinity,\n fill: options.fill,\n radius: options.radius,\n stroke: options.stroke,\n scale: options.scale !== undefined ? options.scale : 1,\n rotation: options.rotation !== undefined ? options.rotation : 0,\n rotateWithView:\n options.rotateWithView !== undefined ? options.rotateWithView : false,\n displacement:\n options.displacement !== undefined ? options.displacement : [0, 0],\n declutterMode: options.declutterMode,\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Clones the style.\n * @return {CircleStyle} The cloned style.\n * @api\n */\n clone() {\n const scale = this.getScale();\n const style = new CircleStyle({\n fill: this.getFill() ? this.getFill().clone() : undefined,\n stroke: this.getStroke() ? this.getStroke().clone() : undefined,\n radius: this.getRadius(),\n scale: Array.isArray(scale) ? scale.slice() : scale,\n rotation: this.getRotation(),\n rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(),\n displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(),\n declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode(),\n });\n style.setOpacity(this.getOpacity());\n return style;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the circle radius.\n *\n * @param {number} radius Circle radius.\n * @api\n */\n setRadius(radius) {\n this.radius_ = radius;\n this.render();\n }\n}\n\nexport default CircleStyle;\n","/**\n * @module ol/style/Style\n */\n\nimport CircleStyle from './Circle.js';\nimport Fill from './Fill.js';\nimport Stroke from './Stroke.js';\nimport {assert} from '../asserts.js';\n\n/**\n * Defines how symbols and text are decluttered on layers ith `declutter` set to `true`\n * * **declutter**: Overlapping symbols and text are decluttered.\n * * **obstacle**: Symbols and text are rendered, but serve as obstacle for subsequent attempts\n * to place a symbol or text at the same location.\n * * **none**: No decluttering is done.\n *\n * @typedef {\"declutter\"|\"obstacle\"|\"none\"} DeclutterMode\n */\n\n/**\n * A function that takes an {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature} and a `{number}`\n * representing the view's resolution. The function should return a\n * {@link module:ol/style/Style~Style} or an array of them. This way e.g. a\n * vector layer can be styled. If the function returns `undefined`, the\n * feature will not be rendered.\n *\n * @typedef {function(import(\"../Feature.js\").FeatureLike, number):(Style|Array - + + + @@ -415,30 +477,31 @@

Denkmal 4D Köln 

Anleitung Wikipedia Artikel schreiben
Anleitung Daten in OSM einpflegen
Über CodeforCologne [OK-Lab Köln]
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Daten Downkload

Mit dieser Web Anwendung könnt Ihr Metadaten über die Denkmäler der Stadt Köln pflegen. - Der besondere Fokus liegt auf der Verlinkung von exisitierenden 3D Modellen und der Erfassung geplanter Modelle. - Ziel ist eine möglichst vollständige Erfassung aller Denkmäler als 3D Modelle. Diese sollen dann zukünftig in +

Mit dieser Web-Anwendung könnt Ihr Metadaten über die Denkmäler der Stadt Köln pflegen. + Der besondere Fokus liegt auf der Verlinkung von existierenden 3D-Modellen und der Erfassung geplanter Modelle. + Ziel ist eine möglichst vollständige Erfassung aller Denkmäler als 3D-Modelle. Diese sollen dann zukünftig in der Web-3D Anwendung erkundet werden können.

Die zugrunde liegende Denkmalliste der Stadt Köln ist ein freier Datensatz ( - Datenlizenz Deutschland – Zero – Version 2.0) der Stadt (letzte Aktualisierung 26.07.2022).
- Doch nicht alle Zeuhnisse der Geschichte stehebn unter Denkmalschutz. Der als Zeugnis der Kalker - Industriegeschichte aufgetsellt Turboverdichter aus der Sodaproduktion der vormaligen Chemischen Fabrik Kalk + Datenlizenz Deutschland - Zero - Version 2.0) der Stadt (letzte Aktualisierung 26.07.2022).
+ Doch nicht alle Zeugnisse der Geschichte stehen unter Denkmalschutz. Der als Zeugnis der Kalker + Industriegeschichte aufgestellte Turboverdichter aus der Sodaproduktion der vormaligen Chemischen Fabrik Kalk gehört z.B. dazu (Ecke Kalker Hauspstraße/Kaplellenstraße). Deswegen habt Ihr hier die Möglichkeit neue Denkmäler anzulegen, Denkmäler zu editieren und Denkmäler zu löschen.


Deine Arbeiten stehen dann wieder Allen unter freien Lizenzen zur Verfügung.


Deine Arbeiten stehen dann wieder allen unter freien Lizenzen zur Verfügung.


Auswahl der zu pflegenden Kategorien


In der linken oberen Ecke der Kartenanwendung können die Kategorien ausgewählt werden die es hier zu pflegen +

In der linken oberen Ecke der Kartenanwendung können die Kategorien ausgewählt werden, die es hier zu pflegen gibt.

Auswahl der zu pflegenden Kategorien

Der Stand der Bearbeitung ist der Legende zu entnehmen.

@@ -446,18 +509,18 @@

Auswahl der zu pflegenden Kategorien

Objektinformationen abfragen

Durch das Anklicken oder Antippen eines Denkmales öffnet sich die Detailinformationen:

FeatureInfo -

Wenn noch kein 3D Model eingeflegt wurde, hast Du hier die Möglichkeit über den Button "Klar, da kümmere ich +

Wenn noch kein 3D Model eingepflegt wurde, hast Du hier die Möglichkeit über den Button "Klar, da kümmere ich mich drum!" das Denkmal als "in Arbeit" zu markieren. Dann wissen andere, dass für dieses Denkmal zukünftig ein 3D Modell erstellt wird.

FeatureInfo in Arbeit nehmen

Hintergrundkarte wechseln


In der oberen rechten Ecke der Karte befindet isch ein Icon um zwischen der In der oberen rechten Ecke der Karte befindet sich ein Icon um zwischen der OpenStreetMap Karte und dem Luftbilddienst von Geobasis NRW zu wechseln. - Die Luftbilder besitzen eine Auflösung von 10cm und sind recht aktuell (der Aufnahmezyklus wurde ab 2020 auf 2 + Die Luftbilder besitzen eine Auflösung von 10 cm und sind recht aktuell (der Aufnahmezyklus wurde ab 2020 auf 2 Jahre verkürzt).

Karte/Luftbild umschalten @@ -488,7 +551,7 @@

Denkmal löschen

Auf meinen aktuellen Standort zoomen

Mittels des Icons könnt Ihr auf Euren aktuellen Standort zoomen:

Auf den aktuellen Standort zoomen. -

Oft ist es im Feld gar nicht so einfach den Überblick zu behalten. Hiermit könnt Ihr auf Euren aktuellen +

Oft ist es im Feld gar nicht so einfach, den Überblick zu behalten. Hiermit könnt Ihr auf Euren aktuellen Standort zoomen, sofern Ihr vorher der Anwendung dies erlaubt habt. Das GPS hat allerdings so seine Einschränkungen, besonders in Häuserschluchten. Erwartet daher keine exakte Lokalisierung. @@ -498,7 +561,7 @@

Wie kann ich 3D Modelle erstellen?

1. Meshroom:

  • Meshroom ist eine Open-Source-Software zur 3D-Rekonstruktion aus Fotos.
  • -
  • Sie verwendet Fotogrammmetrie, um aus einer Reihe von 2D-Bildern ein 3D-Modell zu erstellen.
  • +
  • Sie verwendet Fotogrammetrie, um aus einer Reihe von 2D-Bildern ein 3D-Modell zu erstellen.
  • Einfach zu bedienen: Die Benutzeroberfläche ist intuitiv und leicht verständlich.

Wie funktioniert Meshroom?

@@ -529,9 +592,8 @@

2. MeshLab:

Wie funktioniert Meshlab?

  • Laden und Anzeigen von 3D-Modellen in verschiedenen Formaten
  • -
  • Reinigen und Reparieren von 3D-Modellen: Rauschen entfernen, Löcher füllen, Decimierung, - Normalen - berechnen
  • +
  • Reinigen und Reparieren von 3D-Modellen: Rauschen entfernen, Löcher füllen, Dezimierung, + Normalen berechnen
  • Bearbeiten von 3D-Modellen: Skalieren, Drehen, Verschieben, Verformen, Punkte hinzufügen/entfernen, Polygonnetze erstellen
  • @@ -540,13 +602,14 @@

    2. MeshLab:

  • Konvertierung von 3D-Modellen zwischen verschiedenen Dateiformaten

Installation:, oder ein Ticket für StadtPC - erstellen (für AZ-Mitarbeiter ist die Nutzung der städtischen Rechner erlaubt).
+ href="">

Alternative Photogrammetrie-Software:

  • Reality Capture
  • +
  • Colab
  • Reality Capture (
  • Colmap (
  • Luma AI
  • @@ -612,11 +675,13 @@

    Anleitung Daten in OSM einpflegen

    Über CodeforCologne [OK-Lab Köln]

    CodeForCologne oder OK Lab Köln ist eine regionale Gruppe von Designern, Entwicklerinnen, Journalisten und - Anderen, die sich regelmäßig treffen, um an nützlichen Anwendungen rund um Offene Daten zu arbeiten. Unser + Anderen, die sich regelmäßig treffen, um an nützlichen Anwendungen rund um offene Daten zu arbeiten. Unser Treffen findet alle zwei Wochen statt. Schaut einfach in unserer Meetup Gruppe vorbei!

    CodeforCologne +



    Martin: contact (at)

    Daten Download

    Die Daten werden täglich um 6:10 aufbereitet, und stehen als gezipptes Geojson zur Verfügung.

    Lizenzbedingungen: @@ -659,38 +724,117 @@



    Bereitstellung der Website und Erstellung von Protokoll- oder Log-Dateien -


    Welche Daten werden verarbeitet?


    Bei jedem Zugriff auf Inhalte des Internetangebotes werden dort vorübergehend - Daten über sogenannte Protokoll- oder Log-Dateien gespeichert, die möglicherweise eine Identifizierung zulassen. - Die folgenden Daten werden hierbei erhoben:

    • Datum und Uhrzeit des Abrufs
    • -
    • Name des aufgerufenen Internetdienstes, der aufgerufenen Ressource und der - verwendeten Aktion
    • -
    • Abfrage, die der Client gestellt hat
    • -
    • übertragene Datenmenge
    • -
    • IP-Adresse des aufrufenden Rechners
    • -
    • Clientinformationen (u.a. Browser, Betriebssystem)
    • -

    Auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage werden diese Daten verarbeitet?


    Rechtsgrundlage für die vorübergehende Speicherung der Daten ist Art. 6 Abs. - 1 lit. e DS-GVO i.V.m. § 3 Abs. 1 NRWDSAnpUG-EU.


    Zu welchen Zwecken erfolgt die Verarbeitung?


    Die Daten aus den Protokoll- bzw. Logdateien dienen zur Sicherstellung der - Funktionsfähigkeit der Website. Zudem dienen sie zur Abwehr und Analyse von Angriffen. In diesen Zwecken liegt - auch unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Datenverarbeitung.


    Wie lange werden die Daten gespeichert?


    Die Daten werden bis zu einer Woche direkt und ausschließlich für - Administratoren zugänglich aufbewahrt. Mit dem Hoster des Serverswurde ein entsprechender Vertrag zur - Auftragsverarbeitung (AVV) geschlossen. Es handelt sich um einen deutschen Serverstandort




    + Unser Hoster erhebt in sog. Logfiles folgende Daten, die Ihr + Browser übermittelt: +

  • + IP-Adresse, die Adresse der vorher besuchten Website + (Referer Anfrage-Header) +
  • +
  • Datum und Uhrzeit der Anfrage
  • +
  • Zeitzonendifferenz zur Greenwich Mean Time
  • +
  • Inhalt der Anforderung
  • +
  • HTTP-Statuscode
  • +
  • übertragene Datenmenge
  • +
  • Website, von der die Anforderung kommt
  • +
  • Informationen zu Browser und Betriebssystem
  • +

    + Das ist erforderlich, um unsere Website anzuzeigen und die + Stabilität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Dies entspricht + unserem berechtigten Interesse im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. + 1 lit. f DSGVO. +


    + Es erfolgt kein Tracking und wir haben auf diese Daten + keinen direkten Zugriff, sondern erhalten lediglich eine + anonymisierte, statistische Zusammenfassung. Diese + beinhaltet die Adresse der vorher besuchten Seite, die + Häufigkeit der jeweils aufgerufenen Seiten und die Anzahl + eindeutiger Besucher. Diese Daten führen wir nicht mit + anderen Daten zusammen. +


    + Wir setzen für die Zurverfügungstellung unserer Website + folgenden Hoster ein: +


    + GitHub Inc.
    + 88 Colin P Kelly Jr St
    + San Francisco, CA 94107
    + United States +


    + Dieser ist Empfänger Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten. Dies + entspricht unserem berechtigten Interesse im Sinne des Art. + 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO, selbst keinen Server in unseren + Räumlichkeiten vorhalten zu müssen. Serverstandort ist USA. +


    + Weitere Informationen zu Widerspruchs- und + Beseitigungsmöglichkeiten gegenüber GitHub finden Sie unter: +

    + + +

    Sie haben das Recht der Verarbeitung zu widersprechen.


    + Ob der Widerspruch erfolgreich ist, ist im Rahmen einer + Interessenabwägung zu ermitteln. +


    + Die Daten werden gelöscht, sobald der Zweck der Verarbeitung + entfällt. +


    + Die Verarbeitung der unter diesem Abschnitt angegebenen + Daten ist weder gesetzlich noch vertraglich vorgeschrieben. + Die Funktionsfähigkeit der Website ist ohne die Verarbeitung + nicht gewährleistet. +


    + GitHub hat Compliance-Maßnahmen für internationale + Datenübermittlungen umgesetzt. Diese gelten für alle + weltweiten Aktivitäten, bei denen GitHub personenbezogene + Daten von natürlichen Personen in der EU verarbeitet. Diese + Maßnahmen basieren auf den EU-Standardvertragsklauseln + (SCCs). Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: +

    +–the-standard-contractual-clauses-processors + +

    Rechtliche Hinweise


    + Grundsätzlich ist ein Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag mit dem + Hoster abzuschließen. Das bayerische Landesamt für + Datenschutzaufsicht hat für das Hosting rein statischer + Websites eine Ausnahme gemacht. Für den Fall, dass die + Webseite der Selbstdarstellung dient, z.B. von Vereinen oder + Kleinunternehmen, keine personenbezogenen Daten an den + Betreiber fließen und kein Tracking stattfindet, liegt keine + Auftragsverarbeitung vor. Weiter heißt es: „Die Tatsache, + dass auch beim Hosting von statischen Webseiten zwangsläufig + IP-Adressen, d.h. personenbezogene Daten, verarbeitet werden + müssen, führt nicht zur Annahme einer Auftragsverarbeitung. + Das wäre nicht sachgerecht. Die (kurzfristige) + IP-Adressenspeicherung ist vielmehr noch der + TK-Zugangsvermittlung des Website-Hosters nach dem TKG + zuzurechnen und dient in erster Linie Sicherheitszwecken des + Hosters.“
    + ( +


    + Wir gehen davon aus, dass diese Ausnahme auf GitHub Pages + anzuwenden ist. +


    Die hier gezeigten Hintergrundkarten kommen von: @@ -698,18 +842,25 @@


    Die Werkzeug Icons wurden erstellt von: SVG Repo

    Das Weltkugel Loading Icon wurde erstellt von: Bitte die Lizenzbedingungen beachten

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