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Deploying Databricks Dolly 2.0 on Azure Functions

Colby T. Ford, Ph.D.

This repo contains the Docker image and logic for running Databricks Dolly 2.0 model on Azure Functions.

Companion repo for the Deploying Databricks Dolly as an API on Azure Functions blog post on Medium.

Pull the Pre-Built 3B Docker Image (~25GB)

## Without the API code (Anonymous mode for local testing)
# docker pull cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest-anon

## With the API code enabled (for use on Azure Functions on the cloud)
docker pull cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest

Note: This Docker image will be quite large, so you may need to modify your resource settings in Docker desktop to allow for >5GB of RAM.

Building and Running the Docker Image Locally

docker build -t dollyaf .

## Run with GPUs
docker run --gpus all -p 8080:80 --name dollyaf -it dollyaf

Push to DockerHub

## Without the API code (Anonymous mode for local testing)
# docker tag dollyaf cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest-anon
# docker push cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest-anon

## With the API code enabled (for use on Azure Functions on the cloud)
docker tag dollyaf cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest
docker push cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest

Create an Azure Function

Here are the example Azure CLI commands for deploying the Docker image-based Function App. Alternatively, you could do similar steps via the Azure Portal at

az login

## Create Resource Group
az group create --name dolly-dev-rg --location eastus
## Create Storage Account
az storage account create --name dollyst --location eastus --resource-group dolly-dev-rg --sku Standard_LRS

## Create App Service Plan
az functionapp plan create --resource-group dolly-dev-rg --name dolly-asp --location eastus --number-of-workers 1 --sku P3mv3 --is-linux
## Create Function App
az functionapp create --name dolly-func --storage-account dollyst --resource-group dolly-dev-rg --plan dolly-asp --functions-version 4 --os-type Linux --image cford38/dolly-v2-3b-azurefunction:latest-anon

That's it! Once the Function app is deployed, you can locate the URL and App key from the service's screen in the Azure Portal.

Please read the accompanying blog post for more context into the use of this Docker image.

Dolly on GPU-enable K8s

For a walkthrough on how to deploy a GPU-enabled Azure Kubernetes cluster for Dolly, see GPU-on-AKS/