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Signal Sciences Kubernetes Sidecar Example

This example deployment method for Kubernetes is using NGINX with the Signal Sciences Native Module and a sidecar container with the Signal Sciences Agent. The configuration shown can be used for any other type of agent/module pair and gives a simple example of how to set things up.

The two containers communicate over a Unix Socket file shared via Shared Persistent Volume. In my example I will use minikube with a host folder within the minikube VM for the Persistent Volume.

Setting up the Environment

Note: Directions for building the ingress container can be found at

  1. Download and install minikube from
  2. Download and install kubectl from
  3. Run: minikube start
    • Note on Windows you will need to do something like minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Default Switch" in order to work with Hyper-V
  4. Run: minikube addons enable dashboard
  5. Run: minikube ssh
    • In the VM run: sudo mkdir /kube
  6. Run: kubectl apply -f build_env.yaml
    • Please note you will need to update the following in the yaml:
      • The images (image:trickyhu/sigsci-debian-nginx:latest, image:trickyhu/sigsci-agent-alpine:latest) with your own unless you want to test with mine.
      • The value for SIGSCI_NGINX_PORT if you don't want to use the default 8282 if you change this you will also need to update - containerPort: 8282
      • The value for SIGSCI_HOSTNAME if you do not want to use the default
      • The value for SIGSCI_SECRETACCESSKEY
      • The value for SIGSCI_ACCESSKEYID
      • The SIGSCI_ACCESSKEYID will need to be updated for the Ingress, the Nginx Service, the Apache Service, and the Reverse Proxy Service
      • The POD Volume Mount to a Persistent Volume (PV) that exists in your kubernetes Cluster
       - name: sigsci-socket
         claimName: microservice-b
  7. Run: kubectl expose deployment nginx-ingress-controller --type=NodePort
  8. Run: kubectl expose deployment reverse-proxy --type=NodePort
  9. Run: kubectl expose deployment microservice-a
  10. Run: kubectl expose deployment microservice-b
  11. Run: minikube service sigsci-nginx-example
  12. You can access the ingress controller easily by doing minikube service ingress-nginx

At this point you should now have a browser window pop up with a simple html page.