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Contributing documentation

arturoc edited this page Nov 23, 2011 · 8 revisions

The sources for the documentation are temporarily here

To edit them fork this repository to your own account. The actual documents are in markdown format inside the _docs forlder.

To edit them you'll need to follow this guidelines:

  • The format of the document is:
# class ofClass

## Description

description of the class

## Methods

the method of the class

## Variables

the variables of the class

When editing do not modify that headers.

Don't add new functions or variables to the documents that will be autogenerated from doxygen and have a specific format:

###void setup()

_syntax: setup()_

_name: setup_

_returns: void_

_returns_description: _

_parameters: _

_access: public_

_version_started: 006_

_version_deprecated: _

_summary: _

_constant: False_

_static: no_

_visible: True_

_advanced: False_

_description: _

This function gets called once, just at the start of the app. It would be a good place, for example, to allocate variables or load in any files. 

The fields that are marked with _field: value_ shouldn't be touched by now

To modify the description the format is markdown, you can check the syntax here

There's some exceptions to pure markdown:

  • do not use headers like ## those are used to parse the methods and variables
  • to signal code use:

 instead of the normal markdown syntax

The documents can be edited directly from github just navigate to the file you want to edit and press edit file. Once you finish editing, saving will generate a commit. Send a pull request to the main repo to get your changes accepted