This project was accomplished using Python programming language & Microsoft PowerBI.
The following was observed during analysis;
The standard version of Stationwagon is mostly stolen more than the luxury version
Across all vehicle types, 2022 shows a high rate of car thefts.
The top five vehicle types namely; Stationwagon, Saloon, Hatchback, Trailer and Utility have thefts above 100 in the month of March.
Standard Vehicle models of year 2005 were more stolen in the year 2022 than 2021
More standard vehicles were stolen across all regions with Auckland being the highest
In the month of March, more vehicles were stolen across all regions with Auckland being the highest
More vehicles were stolen in the year 2022 for all regions with Auckland being the highest
Vehicle types in cluster 0 are the most stolen vehicle types with Stationwagon being the most stolen
Vehicle make types in cluster 0 are the most stolen vehicles with Standard make types being stolen the most
2005 model cars in cluster 0 are the most stolen vehicles.
Cars in cluster 0 across the years, are the most stolen vehicles
Much cars are stolen in the month of March with cluster 0 being the highest across all months
Cars in cluster 0 are the most stolen in the Auckland region
Each region has one cluster type
There are five regions which cluster 0
PowerBI visuals:
Tableau (visuals): Below is some images from the Tableau implementation:
Google Looker visuals:
- Action should be taken to reduce car theft, especially in the month of March
- Seeing that there was a 73.4% increase in car theft in 2022, more security measures should be taken to address this issue.
- Action should be taken to reduce car thefts for those in cluster 0, because it's clear they are the most stolen vehicles; 2413 thefts.