In this lesson you will learn how to:
- Read from a file
- Print to the standard output
- Handle multiple return values
- Handle errors
- Create and add an element to a slice
- Range loop over a slice
- Defer a function call
- Log errors
We've got the basics covered, now it's time to get this game started!
First, we are going to read the maze data. We have a file called maze01.txt
that's basically an ASCII representation of the maze (you can open it in a text editor if you like). You may assume that:
- # represents a wall
- . represents a dot
- P represents the player
- G represents the ghosts (enemies)
- X represents the power up pills
Our first task consists of loading this ASCII representation of the maze to a slice of strings and then printing it to the screen. Looks simple, right? It is indeed!
Let's start by reading the maze01.txt
We are going to use the function Open
from the os
package to open it, and a scanner object from the buffered IO package (bufio
) to read it to memory (to a global variable called maze
). Finally we need to release the file handler by calling os.Close
All that comes together as the code below:
var maze []string
func loadMaze(file string) error {
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
maze = append(maze, line)
return nil
Now let's break it down and see what's going on.
Please note that you need to import bufio
and os
packages as shown below:
import "bufio"
import "os"
Alternatively, since you already have one import (fmt
), you can add it as a list:
import (
The os.Open()
function returns a pair of values: a file and an error. Returning multiple values from a function is a common pattern in Go, specially for returning errors.
f, err := os.Open(file)
The :=
operator is an assignment operator, but with the special property that it automatically infers the type of the variable(s) based on the value(s) on the right hand side.
Keep in mind that Go is a strongly typed language, but that nice feature saves us the trouble of specifying the type when it's possible to infer it.
In the case above, Go automatically infers the type for both f
and err
When a function returns an error it is a common pattern to check the error immediately afterwards:
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
// do something with err
Note: It is a good practice to keep the "happy path" aligned to the left, and the sad path to the right (i.e., terminating the function early).
in Go means no value is assigned to a variable.
The if
statement executes a statement if the condition is true. It can optionally have an initialization clause just like the for
statement, and an else
clause that runs if the condition is false. Please keep in mind that the scope of the variable created will just be the if statement body. For example:
// optional initialization clause
if foo := rand.Intn(2); foo == 0 {
fmt.Print(foo) // foo is valid here
} else {
fmt.Print(foo) // and here
// but you can't use foo here!
Another interesting aspect of the loadMaze
code is the use of the defer
keyword. It basically says to call the function after defer
at the end of the current function. It is very useful for cleanup purposes and in this case we are using it to close the file we've just opened:
func loadMaze(file) error {
f, err := os.Open(file)
// omitted error handling
defer f.Close() // puts f.Close() in the call stack
// rest of the code
return nil
// f.Close is called implicitly
The next part of the code just reads the file line by line and appends it to the maze slice:
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
maze = append(maze, line)
A scanner is a very convenient way to read a file. scanner.Scan()
will return true while there is something to be read from the file, and scanner.Text()
will return the next line of input.
The append
built-in function is responsible for adding a new element to the maze
Once we have the maze file loaded into memory we need to print it to the screen.
One way to do that is to iterate over each entry in the maze
slice and print it. This can be conveniently done with the range
func printScreen() {
for _, line := range maze {
Please note that we are using the :=
assignment operator to initialize two values: the underscore (_) and the line
variable. The underscore is just a placeholder for where the compiler would expect a variable name. Using the underscore means that we are ignoring that value.
In the case of the range
operator, the first return value is the index of the element, starting from zero. The second return value is the value itself.
If we did not write the underscore character to ignore the first value, the range operator would return just the index (and not the value). For example:
for idx := range maze {
Since in this case we only care about the content and not the index, we can safely ignore the index by assigning it to the underscore.
Now that we have both loadMaze
and printScreen
functions, we should update the main
function to initialize the maze and print it on the game loop. See the code below:
func main() {
// initialise game
// load resources
err := loadMaze("maze01.txt")
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to load maze:", err)
// game loop
for {
// update screen
// process input
// process movement
// process collisions
// check game over
// Temp: break infinite loop
// repeat
Like always we are keeping the happy path to the left, so if the loadMaze
function fails we use log.Println
to log it and then return
to terminate the program execution. Since we are using a new package, log
, please make sure it is added to the import section:
import (
Some IDEs, like vscode
, can be configured to do this automatically for you.
Note: one could also use log.Fatalln
for the same effect, but we need to make sure that any deferred calls are executed before exiting the main
function, and functions in the log.Fatal
family skip deferred function calls by calling os.Exit(1)
internally. We don't have any deffered calls in the main function yet, but we will add one in the next chapter.
Now that we've finished the game loop modifications we can run the program with go run
or compile it with go build
and run it as a standalone program.
go run main.go
You should see the maze printed to the terminal.