diff --git a/public/abi.html b/public/abi.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10bc967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/abi.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ ABI Encode/Decode
diff --git a/public/abi.rb b/public/abi.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509ce33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/abi.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/decode/decode_array.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def decode_array(type, data)
+ l = decode_uint256(data[0, 32])
+ raise DecodingError, "Too long length: #{l}" if l > 100_000
+ subtype = type.subtype
+ if subtype.dynamic?
+ raise DecodingError, "Not enough data for head" unless data.size >= 32 + 32 * l
+ start_positions = (1..l).map { |i| 32 + decode_uint256(data[32 * i, 32]) }
+ start_positions.push(data.size)
+ outputs = (0...l).map { |i| data[start_positions[i]...start_positions[i + 1]] }
+ outputs.map { |out| decode_type(subtype, out) }
+ else
+ (0...l).map { |i| decode_type(subtype, data[(32 + subtype.size * i)..]) }
+ end
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/decode/decode_fixed_array.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def decode_fixed_array(type, data)
+ l = type.dim
+ subtype = type.subtype
+ if subtype.dynamic?
+ start_positions = (0...l).map { |i| decode_uint256(data[32 * i, 32]) }
+ start_positions.push(data.size)
+ outputs = (0...l).map { |i| data[start_positions[i]...start_positions[i + 1]] }
+ outputs.map { |out| decode_type(subtype, out) }
+ else
+ (0...l).map { |i| decode_type(subtype, data[subtype.size * i, subtype.size]) }
+ end
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/decode/decode_primitive_type.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def decode_primitive_type(type, data)
+ case type
+ when Uint
+ decode_uint256(data[0, 32])
+ when Int
+ u = decode_uint256(data[0, 32])
+ u >= 2**(type.bits - 1) ? (u - 2**type.bits) : u
+ when Bool
+ data[31] == BYTE_ONE
+ when String
+ size = decode_uint256(data[0, 32])
+ data[32...(32 + size)].encode("UTF-8")
+ when Bytes
+ size = decode_uint256(data[0, 32])
+ data[32...(32 + size)]
+ when FixedBytes
+ data[0, type.length]
+ when Address
+ bin_to_hex(data[12...32]).encode("UTF-8")
+ else
+ raise DecodingError, "Unknown primitive type: #{type.class.name} #{type.format}"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def decode_uint256(bin)
+ bin_to_hex(bin).to_i(16)
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/decode/decode_tuple.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def decode_tuple(type, data)
+ decode_types(type.types, data)
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/decode.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def decode(types, data)
+ types = types.map { |type| type.is_a?(Type) ? type : Type.parse(type) }
+ decode_types(types, data)
+ end
+ private
+ def decode_type(type, data)
+ return nil if data.nil? || data.empty?
+ case type
+ when Tuple ## todo: support empty (unit) tuple - why? why not?
+ decode_tuple(type, data)
+ when FixedArray # static-sized arrays
+ decode_fixed_array(type, data)
+ when Array
+ decode_array(type, data)
+ else
+ decode_primitive_type(type, data)
+ end
+ end
+ def decode_types(types, data)
+ start_positions = start_positions(types, data)
+ types.map.with_index do |type, index|
+ start_position = start_positions[index]
+ decode_type(type, data[start_position..])
+ end
+ end
+ def start_positions(types, data)
+ start_positions = ::Array.new(types.size)
+ offset = 0
+ types.each_with_index do |type, index|
+ if type.dynamic?
+ start_positions[index] = decode_uint256(data[offset, 32])
+ offset += 32
+ else
+ start_positions[index] = offset
+ offset += type.size
+ end
+ end
+ start_positions
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/encode/encode_array.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def encode_array(type, args)
+ raise ArgumentError, "arg must be an array" unless args.is_a?(::Array)
+ head = "".b
+ tail = "".b # 使用二进制字符串
+ head += encode_uint256(args.size)
+ subtype = type.subtype
+ args.each do |arg|
+ if subtype.dynamic?
+ head += encode_uint256(32 * args.size + tail.size)
+ tail += encode_type(subtype, arg)
+ else
+ head += encode_type(subtype, arg)
+ end
+ end
+ head + tail
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/encode/encode_fixed_array.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def encode_fixed_array(type, args)
+ raise ArgumentError, "arg must be an array" unless args.is_a?(::Array)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Wrong array size: found #{args.size}, expecting #{type.dim}" unless args.size == type.dim
+ args.map { |arg| encode_type(type.subtype, arg) }.join
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/encode/encode_primitive_type.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def encode_primitive_type(type, arg)
+ case type
+ when Uint
+ encode_uint(arg, type.bits)
+ when Int
+ encode_int(arg, type.bits)
+ when Bool
+ encode_bool(arg)
+ when String
+ encode_string(arg)
+ when FixedBytes
+ encode_bytes(arg, type.length)
+ when Bytes
+ encode_bytes(arg)
+ when Address
+ encode_address(arg)
+ else
+ raise EncodingError, "Unknown type: #{type}"
+ end
+ end
+ def encode_uint(arg, bits)
+ raise ArgumentError, "arg is not integer: #{arg}" unless arg.is_a?(Integer)
+ raise ValueOutOfBounds, arg unless arg >= 0 && arg < 2**bits
+ lpad_int(arg)
+ end
+ def encode_uint256(arg)
+ encode_uint(arg, 256)
+ end
+ def encode_int(arg, bits)
+ raise ArgumentError, "arg is not integer: #{arg}" unless arg.is_a?(Integer)
+ raise ValueOutOfBounds, arg unless arg >= -2**(bits - 1) && arg < 2**(bits - 1)
+ lpad_int(arg % 2**bits)
+ end
+ def encode_bool(arg)
+ raise ArgumentError, "arg is not bool: #{arg}" unless arg.is_a?(TrueClass) || arg.is_a?(FalseClass)
+ lpad(arg ? BYTE_ONE : BYTE_ZERO) ## was lpad_int( arg ? 1 : 0 )
+ end
+ def encode_string(arg)
+ raise EncodingError, "Expecting string: #{arg}" unless arg.is_a?(::String)
+ arg = arg.b if arg.encoding != 'BINARY' ## was: name == 'UTF-8', wasm
+ raise ValueOutOfBounds, "Integer invalid or out of range: #{arg.size}" if arg.size > UINT_MAX
+ size = lpad_int(arg.size)
+ value = rpad(arg, ceil32(arg.size))
+ size + value
+ end
+ def encode_bytes(arg, length = nil)
+ raise EncodingError, "Expecting string: #{arg}" unless arg.is_a?(::String)
+ arg = arg.b if arg.encoding != Encoding::BINARY
+ if length # fixed length type
+ raise ValueOutOfBounds, "invalid bytes length #{length}" if arg.size > length
+ raise ValueOutOfBounds, "invalid bytes length #{length}" if length < 0 || length > 32
+ rpad(arg)
+ else # variable length type (if length is nil)
+ raise ValueOutOfBounds, "Integer invalid or out of range: #{arg.size}" if arg.size > UINT_MAX
+ size = lpad_int(arg.size)
+ value = rpad(arg, ceil32(arg.size))
+ size + value
+ end
+ end
+ def encode_address(arg)
+ if arg.is_a?(Integer)
+ lpad_int(arg)
+ elsif arg.size == 20
+ arg = arg.b if arg.encoding != Encoding::BINARY
+ lpad(arg)
+ elsif arg.size == 40
+ lpad_hex(arg)
+ elsif arg.size == 42 && arg[0, 2] == "0x" ## todo/fix: allow 0X too - why? why not?
+ lpad_hex(arg[2..-1])
+ else
+ raise EncodingError, "Could not parse address: #{arg}"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def rpad(bin, l = 32) ## note: same as builtin String#ljust !!!
+ return bin if bin.size >= l
+ bin + BYTE_ZERO * (l - bin.size)
+ end
+ def lpad(bin) ## note: same as builtin String#rjust !!!
+ l = 32 # NOTE: default l word is 32 bytes
+ return bin if bin.size >= l
+ BYTE_ZERO * (l - bin.size) + bin
+ end
+ def lpad_int(n)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Integer invalid or out of range: #{n}" unless n.is_a?(Integer) && n >= 0 && n <= UINT_MAX
+ hex = n.to_s(16)
+ hex = "0#{hex}" if hex.length % 2 != 0 # wasm, no .odd
+ bin = hex(hex)
+ lpad(bin)
+ end
+ def lpad_hex(hex)
+ raise TypeError, "Value must be a string" unless hex.is_a?(::String)
+ raise TypeError, "Non-hexadecimal digit found" unless hex =~ /\A[0-9a-fA-F]*\z/
+ bin = hex(hex)
+ lpad(bin)
+ end
+ def ceil32(x)
+ x % 32 == 0 ? x : (x + 32 - x % 32)
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/encode/encode_tuple.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def encode_tuple(tuple, args)
+ encode_types(tuple.types, args)
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/encode.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ def encode(types, args)
+ types = types.map { |type| type.is_a?(Type) ? type : Type.parse(type) }
+ encode_types(types, args)
+ end
+ private
+ def encode_type(type, arg)
+ if type.is_a?(Tuple)
+ encode_tuple(type, arg)
+ elsif type.is_a?(Array) || type.is_a?(FixedArray)
+ type.dynamic? ? encode_array(type, arg) : encode_fixed_array(type, arg)
+ else
+ encode_primitive_type(type, arg)
+ end
+ end
+ def encode_types(types, args)
+ raise ArgumentError, "args must be an array" unless args.is_a?(::Array)
+ unless args.size == types.size
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "Wrong number of args: found #{args.size}, expecting #{types.size}"
+ end
+ head_size = types.map { |type| type.size || 32 }.sum
+ head = "".b
+ tail = "".b # 使用二进制字符串
+ types.each_with_index do |type, i|
+ if type.dynamic?
+ head += encode_uint256(head_size + tail.size)
+ tail += encode_type(type, args[i])
+ else
+ head += encode_type(type, args[i])
+ end
+ end
+ head + tail
+ end
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/parser.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ class Type
+ class ParseError < StandardError; end
+ class Parser
+ TUPLE_TYPE_RX = /^\((.*)\)
+ ((\[[0-9]*\])*)
+ /x
+ def self.parse(type)
+ if type =~ TUPLE_TYPE_RX
+ types = _parse_tuple_type(::Regexp.last_match(1))
+ dims = _parse_dims(::Regexp.last_match(2))
+ parsed_types = types.map { |t| parse(t) }
+ return _parse_array_type(Tuple.new(parsed_types), dims)
+ end
+ base, sub, dims = _parse_base_type(type)
+ _validate_base_type(base, sub)
+ subtype = case base
+ when "string" then String.new
+ when "bytes" then sub ? FixedBytes.new(sub) : Bytes.new
+ when "uint" then Uint.new(sub)
+ when "int" then Int.new(sub)
+ when "address" then Address.new
+ when "bool" then Bool.new
+ else
+ raise ParseError, "Unrecognized type base: #{base}"
+ end
+ _parse_array_type(subtype, dims)
+ end
+ BASE_TYPE_RX = /([a-z]*)
+ ([0-9]*)
+ ((\[[0-9]*\])*)
+ /x
+ def self._parse_base_type(str)
+ _, base, subscript, dimension = BASE_TYPE_RX.match(str).to_a
+ sub = subscript == "" ? nil : subscript.to_i
+ dims = _parse_dims(dimension)
+ [base, sub, dims]
+ end
+ def self._parse_dims(str)
+ dims = str.scan(/\[[0-9]*\]/)
+ dims.map do |dim|
+ size = dim[1...-1]
+ size == "" ? -1 : size.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ def self._parse_array_type(subtype, dims)
+ dims.each do |dim|
+ subtype = if dim == -1
+ Array.new(subtype)
+ else
+ FixedArray.new(subtype, dim)
+ end
+ end
+ subtype
+ end
+ def self._validate_base_type(base, sub)
+ case base
+ when "string"
+ raise ParseError, "String cannot have suffix" if sub
+ when "bytes"
+ raise ParseError, "Maximum 32 bytes for fixed-length bytes" if sub && sub > 32
+ when "uint", "int"
+ raise ParseError, "Integer type must have numerical suffix" unless sub
+ raise ParseError, "Integer size out of bounds" unless sub >= 8 && sub <= 256
+ raise ParseError, "Integer size must be multiple of 8" unless sub % 8 == 0
+ when "address"
+ raise ParseError, "Address cannot have suffix" if sub
+ when "bool"
+ raise ParseError, "Bool cannot have suffix" if sub
+ else
+ raise ParseError, "Unrecognized type base: #{base}"
+ end
+ end
+ def self._parse_tuple_type(str)
+ depth = 0
+ collected = []
+ current = ""
+ str.each_char do |c|
+ case c
+ when ","
+ if depth == 0
+ collected << current
+ current = ""
+ else
+ current += c
+ end
+ when "("
+ depth += 1
+ current += c
+ when ")"
+ depth -= 1
+ current += c
+ else
+ current += c
+ end
+ end
+ collected << current unless current.empty?
+ collected
+ end
+ end # class Parser
+ end # class Type
+end # module ABI
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/types.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ class Type
+ def self.parse(type) ## convenience helper
+ Parser.parse(type)
+ end
+ def size
+ end
+ def dynamic?
+ size.nil?
+ end
+ def format
+ end
+ end
+ class Address < Type
+ def size
+ 32
+ end
+ def format
+ "address"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Address)
+ end
+ end # class Address
+ class Bytes < Type
+ def size
+ nil
+ end
+ def format
+ "bytes"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Bytes)
+ end
+ end # class Bytes
+ class FixedBytes < Type
+ attr_reader :length
+ def initialize(length)
+ @length = length # in bytes (1,2,...32)
+ end
+ def size
+ 32
+ end
+ def format
+ "bytes#{@length}"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(FixedBytes) && @length == other.length
+ end
+ end # class FixedBytes
+ class Int < Type
+ attr_reader :bits
+ def initialize(bits = 256)
+ @bits = bits # in bits (8,16,...256)
+ end
+ def size
+ 32
+ end
+ def format
+ "int#{@bits}"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Int) && @bits == other.bits
+ end
+ end # class Int
+ class Uint < Type
+ attr_reader :bits
+ def initialize(bits = 256)
+ @bits = bits # in bits (8,16,...256)
+ end
+ def size
+ 32
+ end
+ def format
+ "uint#{@bits}"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Uint) && @bits == other.bits
+ end
+ end # class Uint
+ class Bool < Type
+ def size
+ 32
+ end
+ def format
+ "bool"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Bool)
+ end
+ end # class Bool
+ class String < Type
+ def size
+ nil
+ end
+ def format
+ "string"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(String)
+ end
+ end # class String
+ class Array < Type
+ attr_reader :subtype
+ def initialize(subtype)
+ @subtype = subtype
+ end
+ def size
+ nil
+ end
+ def format
+ "#{@subtype.format}[]"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Array) && @subtype == other.subtype
+ end
+ end # class Array
+ class FixedArray < Type
+ attr_reader :subtype, :dim
+ def initialize(subtype, dim)
+ @subtype = subtype
+ @dim = dim
+ end
+ def size
+ @subtype.dynamic? ? nil : @dim * subtype.size
+ end
+ def format
+ "#{@subtype.format}[#{@dim}]"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(FixedArray) &&
+ @dim == other.dim &&
+ @subtype == other.subtype
+ end
+ end # class FixedArray
+ class Tuple < Type
+ attr_reader :types
+ def initialize(types)
+ @types = types
+ end
+ def size
+ s = 0
+ has_dynamic = false
+ @types.each do |type|
+ ts = type.size
+ if ts.nil?
+ has_dynamic = true
+ else
+ s += ts
+ end
+ end
+ return if has_dynamic
+ s
+ end
+ def format
+ "(#{@types.map { |t| t.format }.join(",")})" ## rebuild minimal string
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Tuple) && @types == other.types
+ end
+ end # class Tuple
+end # module ABI
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb/version.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ VERSION = "0.1.0"
+# ./lib/abi_coder_rb.rb
+module AbiCoderRb
+ class DecodingError < StandardError; end
+ class EncodingError < StandardError; end
+ class ValueError < StandardError; end
+ class ValueOutOfBounds < ValueError; end
+ BYTE_ZERO = "\x00".b.freeze
+ BYTE_ONE = "\x01".b.freeze ## note: used for encoding bool for now
+ UINT_MAX = 2**256 - 1 ## same as 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
+ UINT_MIN = 0
+ INT_MAX = 2**255 - 1 ## same as 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967
+ INT_MIN = -2**255 ## same as -57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968
+ def hex_to_bin(hex) # convert hex(adecimal) string to binary string
+ hex = hex[2..] if %w[0x 0X].include?(hex[0, 2]) ## cut-of leading 0x or 0X if present
+ hex.scan(/../).map { |x| x.hex.chr }.join
+ end
+ alias hex hex_to_bin
+ def bin_to_hex(bin) # convert binary string to hex string
+ bin.each_byte.map { |byte| "%02x" % byte }.join
+ end
+ alias bin bin_to_hex
diff --git a/public/index.wasm b/public/index.wasm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d10a1
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/index.wasm differ