From d16b59dd2088c64a4efebc5bbb0184cb226d9c3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kimo Knowles Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 12:36:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] [prototype] one dimension --- src/re_demo/core.cljs | 171 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 169 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/re_demo/core.cljs b/src/re_demo/core.cljs index dd6fd2fe..16c4f67f 100644 --- a/src/re_demo/core.cljs +++ b/src/re_demo/core.cljs @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ [re-demo.config :as config] [re-demo.introduction :as introduction] [ :as radio-button] - [re-demo.checkbox :as checkbox] + [re-demo.checkbox :as checkbox] [re-demo.input-text :as input-text] [re-demo.slider :as slider] [re-demo.label :as label] @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ [re-demo.v-table :as v-table] [re-demo.simple-v-table :as simple-v-table] [re-demo.nested-grid :as nested-grid] + [re-com.nested-grid :as ng] + [reagent.core :as r] [goog.history.EventType :as EventType]) (:import [goog History])) @@ -261,9 +263,174 @@ :padding "0px 0px 0px 50px" :child [(:panel (item-for-id @selected-tab-id tabs-definition))]]]]]]))) ;; the tab panel to show, for the selected tab +#_(defn new-grid [{:keys [row-height row-count row-seq]}] + (let [cell-container-ref (r/atom nil) + cell-container-ref! (partial reset! cell-container-ref) + cell-top (r/atom nil) + container-height (r/atom nil) + prev-scroll-top (r/atom nil) + row-reaction (r/reaction (let [before (quot @cell-top row-height) + visible (inc (quot @container-height row-height)) + after (dec (- row-count visible before)) + sum (+ before visible after) + paths (take visible (drop before row-seq))] + {:before before + :visible visible + :after after + :sum sum + :paths paths}))] + (r/create-class + {:get-snapshot-before-update + (fn [] @cell-top) + + :component-did-update + (fn [_ _ snapshot] + (let [el @cell-container-ref] + (when (and el (not= snapshot (.-scrollTop el))) + (set! (.-scrollTop el) snapshot)))) + + :component-did-mount + (fn [_] (let [on-scroll! (fn [e] (let [scroll-top (-> e .-target .-scrollTop)] + (js/requestAnimationFrame #(reset! cell-top scroll-top)))) + on-resize! #(reset! container-height (.-height (.-contentRect (aget % 0))))] + (.addEventListener @cell-container-ref "scroll" on-scroll!) + (.observe (js/ResizeObserver. on-resize!) @cell-container-ref))) + :reagent-render + (fn [{:keys [row-seq column-seq row-tree column-tree row-height column-width max-height]}] + (let [column-paths (ng/header-spec->header-paths column-tree) + spacer-div (repeat (count column-paths) [:div]) + {:keys [before visible after sum paths]} @row-reaction + row-heights (concat [(* before row-height)] + (repeat visible row-height) + [(* after row-height)]) + grid-container [:div {:ref cell-container-ref! + :style {:on-scroll #(println (.-scrollTop (.-target %))) + :max-height max-height + :overflow :auto + :width :fit-content + :display :grid + :grid-template-columns (->> column-paths + (mapcat (fn [path] [path column-width])) + ng/grid-template) + :grid-template-rows (ng/grid-template row-heights)}}]] + [:<> + (js/console.log @cell-top, before, visible, after, @container-height) + (into grid-container + (concat + spacer-div + (for [row-path paths + column-path column-paths] + [:div {:style {:border "thin solid black"}} (str row-path column-path)]) + spacer-div))]))}))) + +(defn test-cell [{:keys [children]}] + (let [background-color (r/atom "#cceeff")] + (r/create-class + {:component-did-mount + (fn [] #p "hi"(reset! background-color "#fff")) + :reagent-render + (fn [{:keys [children column-path row-path]}] + (into + + [:div {:style {:transition "background-color 0.5s ease-in" + :background-color @background-color + :border "thin solid black"}}] + children))}))) + +(def fake-cell-top (r/atom 0)) + +(defn new-grid [{:keys [row-height row-count row-seq]}] + (let [cell-container-ref (r/atom nil) + cell-container-ref! (partial reset! cell-container-ref) + cell-top (r/atom 0) + prev (r/atom 0) + container-height (r/atom nil) + prev-scroll-top (r/atom nil) + row-reaction (r/reaction (let [before (quot @cell-top row-height) + visible (inc (quot @container-height row-height)) + after (dec (- row-count visible before)) + sum (+ before visible after) + paths (take visible (drop before row-seq))] + {:before before + :visible visible + :after after + :sum sum + :paths paths})) + prev-before (atom nil)] + + (r/create-class + {#_#_:get-snapshot-before-update ;; Capture the scroll position before re-render + (fn [] #p @cell-top) ;; Return the current scrollTop before the DOM update + + :component-did-update + (fn [_ _ _prev] + (let [el @cell-container-ref + top (.-scrollTop el)] + (when el + #_(cond (< #p @prev #p top) + (set! (.-scrollTop el) (- top 100)) + (> #p @prev #p top) + (set! (.-scrollTop el) top) + :else nil) + (reset! prev top)))) + + :component-did-mount + + + + (fn [_] + (let [on-scroll! (fn [e] + (reset! cell-top (-> e .-target .-scrollTop))) + + on-resize! #(reset! container-height (.-height (.-contentRect (aget % 0))))] + (.addEventListener @cell-container-ref "scroll" on-scroll!) ;; Attach scroll listener + (.observe (js/ResizeObserver. on-resize!) @cell-container-ref))) ;; Attach resize observer + + :reagent-render + (fn [{:keys [row-seq column-seq row-tree column-tree row-height column-width max-height]}] + (let [column-paths (ng/header-spec->header-paths column-tree) + spacer-div (repeat (count column-paths) [:div]) + {:keys [before visible after sum paths]} @row-reaction + row-heights (concat [(* before row-height)] + (repeat visible row-height) + [(* after row-height)]) + grid-container [:div {:ref cell-container-ref! + :style {:max-height max-height + :overflow :auto + :width :fit-content + :display :grid + :grid-template-columns (->> column-paths + (mapcat (fn [path] [path column-width])) + ng/grid-template) + :grid-template-rows (ng/grid-template row-heights)}}]] + [:<> + #_(js/console.log @cell-top before visible after @container-height) + (into grid-container + (concat + spacer-div + (for [row-path paths + column-path column-paths + :let [props {:row-path row-path + :column-path column-path + :children [(str row-path " " column-path)]}]] + ^{:key [column-path row-path]} + [test-cell props]) + spacer-div)) + [:button {:on-click #(swap! fake-cell-top + 50)} "fake-cell-top"]]))}))) + +;; Initialize +(defn test-main [] + [new-grid {:row-height 100 + :row-count 1000 + :column-width 100 + :max-height "80vh" + :max-width "30vh" + :row-seq (for [i (range 100) j (range 10)] [i j]) + :column-tree [4 5 6]}]) + (defn ^:dev/after-load mount-root [] - (rdom/render [main] (get-element-by-id "app"))) + (rdom/render [test-main] (get-element-by-id "app"))) (defn ^:export mount-demo []