These are shortcuts, commands, and notes about using Elixir.
Prefix with MIX_DEBUG=1
Remember that anything in .iex.exs
of project root will get loaded when
starting IEx, so useful for test data and the like.
Automatic parallelism, such as with Task.async*
, defaults to the number of
logical cores. See the value with
Pass an argument to get specific line number. Defaults to -1
, last line.
IEx by default shortens long results. To get around it,
fun() |> IO.inspect(limit: :infinity)
If you have some bad syntax in IEx, like a dangling parenthesis or quote, this will dump the statement.
To quickly get a sense of how long something is taking, wrap it in
. It returns result in μs (microseconds)
{time, result} = ->
# code to test here
IO.inspect(time, label: :microseconds)
Dangerous to use, even for testing.
Ecto.Repo.query("TRUNCATE #{Module.Name.__schema__(:source)}", [])
To output the formatted docs.
h Your.Module.Name
To see the exported functions of a module.
exports Your.Module
IEx.configure(inspect: [limit: :infinity])