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659 lines (484 loc) · 30.2 KB

Fraud Proofs

This document defines the fraud proofs used to audit block execution on the chain peg contract. While these are referred to abstractly as "fraud proofs" they are really error proofs, as they do not inherently indicate intent to defraud and could be the result of processing errors. As such, we use the term fraud proofs generally in keeping with common practice, but individual proofs are referred to as error proofs.

Error Utilities

A number of utility functions are defined to simplify code which is regularly reused in the other libraries.

Verify Account In State

Verifies that an encoded state proof is a valid merkle proof of an account's inclusion in the provided state root and returns the account struct, the index of the account in the tree, the merkle proof (which is used for updates, where necessary) and whether the account was empty.


  • stateRoot - Root hash of the state tree.
  • stateProof - Encoded StateProof struct.


  1. Decodes stateProof as a StateProof struct with fields (bytes data, uint256 accountIndex, bytes32[] siblings)
  2. Verifies the merkle proof with verifyMerkleProof(stateRoot, data, accountIndex, siblings)
  3. Decodes data as an account
    • If data is a null buffer of 32 bytes, creates a default account struct and sets a boolean empty to true
    • Otherwise, decodes it as an account struct
  4. Returns (empty, accountIndex, siblings, account)

Transaction Had Previous State

Verifies the state root prior to a transaction.


  • previousRootProof - ABI encoded form of either a block header or a transaction inclusion proof
  • blockHeader - Block header of the block with the original transaction
  • transactionIndex - Index of the original transaction


  1. If transactionIndex == 0, decodes previousRootProof as a block header and verifies that its block number is one less than blockHeader and that it exists in the set of submitted blocks, then returns blockHeader.stateRoot.

  2. Otherwise, decodes previousRootProof as (bytes, bytes32[]) and verifies it as a transaction inclusion proof in blockHeader.transactionsRoot using transactionIndex - 1 as the index, then returns the last 32 bytes of the decoded bytes as the previous state root.

Verify Previous Account State

Verifies the state of an account in the state root prior to a transaction.


  • badHeader - Header of the block with the original transaction
  • transactionIndex - Index of the original transaction
  • previousRootProof - ABI encoded form of either a block header or a transaction inclusion proof
  • stateProof - Merkle proof of the account in the previous state root.


  1. Verify the previous state proof using transactionHadPreviousState(previousStateProof, badHeader, transactionIndex) and sets the result as previousRoot.
  2. Return the result of verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)

Validate Transaction State Proof

Decodes and validates a TransactionStateProof, which contains an inclusion proof for a transaction and the state root prior to its execution.


  • header - Header of the block with the original transaction
  • proofBytes - encoded TransactionStateProof which has fields (uint256 transactionIndex, bytes32[] siblings, bytes previousRootProof)
  • transactionBytes - encoded transaction to verify inclusion proof of

Note: This struct is used because of some issues we ran into with ABIEncoderV2 when the params were provided as calldata.


  1. Decode proofBytes as (uint256 transactionIndex, bytes32[] siblings, bytes previousRootProof)
  2. Verify that header is a pending block
  3. Verify the merkle proof using verifyMerkeProof(header.transactionsRoot, transactionBytes, trasactionIndex, siblings)
  4. Return the result of transactionHadPreviousState(previousRootProof, header, transactionIndex)

Block Errors

Block error proofs are used to demonstrate that either the transactions buffer or the block header in a block were invalid in some way.

State Root Error

Proves that a block had an invalid stateRoot field by proving that it does not match the intermediateStateRoot of its last transaction.


  • header - Header of the block
  • transactionsData - Transactions buffer from the block


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Verify that header.transactionsHash == keccak256(transactionsData)
  3. Take the last 32 bytes of transactionsData as expectedRoot
  4. If expectedRoot != header.stateRoot revert the block.

State Size Error

Proves that a block had an invalid stateSize field by proving that it does not correctly increment the previous block's stateSize


  • parent - Header of the previous block
  • header - Header of the block
  • transactionsData - Transactions buffer from the block


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Verify that header.blockNumber == parent.blockNumber + 1
  3. Verify that parent is a block that has been recorded, either pending or confirmed
  4. Decode TransactionsMetadata from the first 16 bytes of transactionsData
  5. Sum meta.hardCreateCount and meta.softCreateCount as totalCreates
  6. If parent.stateSize + totalCreates != header.stateSize revert the block.

Hard Transactions Count Error

Proves that the hardTransactionsCount in the block header is not equal to the total number of hard transactions in the metadata plus the previous block's hard transactions count.


  • parent - Header of the previous block
  • header - Header of the block
  • transactionsData - Transactions buffer from the block


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Verify that header.blockNumber == parent.blockNumber + 1
  3. Verify that parent is a block that has been recorded, either pending or confirmed
  4. Verify that header.transactionsHash == keccak256(transactionsData)
  5. Decode TransactionsMetadata from the first 16 bytes of transactionsData
  6. Set meta.hardCreateCount + meta.hardDepositCount + meta.hardWithdrawCount + meta.hardAddSignerCount to totalHardTransactions
  7. If parent.hardTransactionsCount + totalHardTransactions != header.hardTransactionsCount revert the block.

Hard Transactions Range Error

Proves that a block has a missing or duplicate hard transaction index.


  • parent - Header of the previous block
  • header - Header of the block
  • transactionsData - Transactions buffer from the block


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Verify that header.blockNumber == parent.blockNumber + 1
  3. Verify that parent is a block that has been recorded, either pending or confirmed
  4. Verify that header.transactionsHash == keccak256(transactionsData)
  5. Decode TransactionsMetadata from the first 16 bytes of transactionsData
  6. Calculate totalHardTransactions as:
  meta.hardCreateCount + meta.hardDepositCount +
  meta.hardWithdrawCount + meta.hardAddSignerCount
  1. Set previousTotal to parent.hardTransactionsCount
  2. Set fraudProven = false
  3. Create variable bytes buffer = new bytes(totalHardTransactions)
  4. Set txPtr to the memory location of transactionsData plus 48 (to skip the length field that Solidity sets and the metadata)
  5. Set bufferPtr to the memory location of buffer plus 32 (to skip the length field that Solidity sets)
  6. Loop through each hard transaction type:
  7. If fraudProven, skip
  8. Set length to the appropriate length field for the transaction type in the metadata
  9. Loop from 0 to length
    1. Read hardTransactionIndex from the first 5 bytes after txPtr
    2. Set relativeIndex = hardTransactionIndex - previousTotal
    3. Read a single byte from bufferPtr + relativeIndex
    4. If the byte is not zero, set fraudProven = true and break the loop
    5. Set the byte to 1
    6. Increment txPtr by the length of the transaction type
  10. If fraudProven == true revert the block.

Hard Transactions Order Error

Proves that a block has a hard transaction which is out of order.


  • header - Header of the block
  • transactionsData - Transactions buffer from the block


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Verify that header.transactionsHash == keccak256(transactionsData)
  3. Decode TransactionsMetadata from the first 16 bytes of transactionsData
  4. Set fraudProven = false
  5. Set txPtr to the memory location of transactionsData plus 48 (to skip the length field that Solidity sets and the metadata)
  6. Loop through each hard transaction type:
    1. If fraudProven, skip
    2. Set length to the appropriate length field for the transaction type in the metadata
    3. Set last = 0
    4. Loop from 0 to length:
      1. Read hardTransactionIndex from the first 5 bytes after txPtr
      2. If (hardTransactionIndex <= last) set fraudProven = true and break the loop
      3. Set last = hardTransactionIndex
      4. Increment txPtr by the length of the transaction type
  7. If fraudProven == true revert the block.

Transactions Root Error

Transactions Data Length Error

Proves that the length of the transactions data in a block is invalid. "invalid" means that it either did not contain the transaction metadata or that the length is not consistent with the length expected from the metadata.


  • header - Header of the block
  • transactionsData - Transactions buffer from the block


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Verify that header.transactionsHash == keccak256(transactionsData)
  3. If transactionsData.length < 16 revert the block and cease execution.
  4. Decode TransactionsMetadata from the first 16 bytes of transactionsData
  5. Calculate expectedLength as:
16 +
  (meta.hardCreateCount * 88 +
    meta.hardDepositCount * 48 +
    meta.hardWithdrawCount * 68 +
    meta.hardAddSignerCount * 61 +
    meta.softWithdrawCount * 131 +
    meta.softCreateCount * 155 +
    meta.softTransferCount * 115 +
    meta.softChangeSignerCount * 125);
  1. If transactionsData.length != expectedLength revert the block.

Transaction Errors

Transaction errors are used to prove that a hard transaction does not match its source or that a soft transaction has an invalid signature.

Hard Transaction Source Error

Proves that a hard transaction in a block does not match the original hard transaction recorded on mainnet.


  • header - header of the block with the error
  • transaction - encoded transaction
  • transactionIndex - index of the transaction
  • siblings - merkle proof of the transaction
  • previousRootProof (optional) - ABI encoded proof of the previous state root for the transaction, only used for HardAddSigner and HardDeposit types
  • stateProof (optional) - encoded StateProof, only used for HardAddSigner and HardDeposit types


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Read the first byte from transaction as prefix
  3. Verify that prefix < 4
  4. Verify that the merkle proof is valid with verifyMerkleProof(header.transactionsRoot, transaction, transactionIndex, siblings)
  5. Read hardTransactionIndex from bytes 1-6 in transaction
  6. Retrieve the original hard transaction from the recorded hard transactions on the peg contract as originalTransaction
  7. Use the appropriate function listed below to handle the rest of the verification. The function will return a boolean for whether an error was found.
  8. If the result is true, revert the block.

Hard Create


  • inputData - original hard transaction from the peg contract
  • outputData - actual hard transaction in the block


  1. If outputData.length != 89 or the first byte of inputData is not 0, return true
  2. Decode inputData as an input hard deposit, with fields (address contractAddress, address signerAddress, uint56 value) and set it to input
  3. Decode outputData as an output hard create with fields uint40 hardTransactionIndex, uint32 accountIndex, uint56 value, address contractAddress, address signerAddress, bytes32 intermediateStateRoot and set it to output
  4. If any of the following checks fail, return true:
    1. output.contractAddress == input.contractAddress
    2. output.signerAddress == input.signerAddress
    3. output.value == input.value

Hard Deposit


  • header - block header with the transaction
  • inputData - original hard transaction from the peg contract
  • outputData - actual hard transaction in the block
  • transactionIndex - index of the transaction
  • previousRootProof (optional) - ABI encoded proof of the previous state root for the transaction
  • stateProof (optional) - encoded StateProof


  1. If outputData.length != 49 or the first byte of inputData is not equal to 0, return true
  2. Decode inputData as an input hard deposit, with fields (address contractAddress, address signerAddress, uint56 value) and set it to input
  3. Decode outputData as an output hard deposit with fields uint40 hardTransactionIndex, uint32 accountIndex, uint56 value, bytes32 intermediateStateRoot and set it to output
  4. If input.value != output.value return true
  5. Set previousRoot to the result of calling transactionHadPreviousState(previousRootProof, header, transactionIndex)
  6. Get the return values accountIndex, account from the result of verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  7. Set indexMatch to output.accountIndex == accountIndex
  8. Set addressMatch to account.contractAddress == input.contractAddress
  9. If indexMatch is true and addressMatch is false, or indexMatch is false and addressMatch is true, the caller has proved that the deposit was given to the wrong account. Return true.
  10. Otherwise return false.

Hard Withdrawal


  • inputData - original hard transaction from the peg contract
  • outputData - actual hard transaction in the block


  1. If outputData.length != 49 or the first byte of inputData is not 2 return true.
  2. Decode inputData as an input hard withdrawal, with fields (uint32 accountIndex, address caller, uint56 value) and set it to input
  3. Decode outputData as an output hard withdrawal with fields uint40 hardTransactionIndex, uint32 accountIndex, address withdrawalAddress, uint56 value, bytes32 intermediateStateRoot and set it to output
  4. If any of the following checks fail, return true:
    1. input.accountIndex == output.accountIndex
    2. input.value == output.value
    3. input.caller == output.withdrawalAddress
  5. Otherwise return false

Hard Add Signer


  • header - block header with the transaction
  • inputData - original hard transaction from the peg contract
  • outputData - actual hard transaction in the block
  • transactionIndex - index of the transaction
  • previousRootProof (optional) - ABI encoded proof of the previous state root for the transaction
  • stateProof (optional) - encoded StateProof


  1. If outputData.length != 94 or the first byte of inputData is not equal to 3, return true
  2. Decode inputData as an input hard add signer with fields (uint32 accountIndex, address caller, address signingAddress)
  3. Decode outputData as an output hard add signer with fields (uint40 hardTransactionIndex, uint32 accountIndex, address signingAddress, bytes32 intermediateStateRoot)
  4. If input.accountIndex != output.accountIndex or input.signingAddress != output.signingAddress are true, return true
  5. Set previousRoot to the result of calling transactionHadPreviousState(previousRootProof, header, transactionIndex)
  6. Get the return values accountIndex, account from the result of verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  7. If accountIndex != input.accountIndex revert the transaction.
  8. If output.intermediateStateRoot != previousRoot and input.caller != account.contractAddress return true
  9. Otherwise return false

Signature Error

Proves that a transaction had an invalid signature or a signature from an account not in the signers array.


  • header - header of the block with the bad transaction
  • transaction - transaction with the bad signature
  • transactionIndex - index of the transaction
  • siblings - merkle proof of the transaction
  • previousRootProof - encoded TransactionProof
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof


  1. Verify that the header is a pending block
  2. Read the first byte from transaction as prefix
  3. Verify that prefix > 3
  4. Verify that the merkle proof is valid with verifyMerkleProof(header.transactionsRoot, transaction, transactionIndex, siblings)
  5. Get the signer address by calling recoverSignature(transaction)
  6. If the address is equal to zero, it had an invalid signature, revert the block and stop execution.
  7. Get previousRoot by calling transactionHadPreviousState(previousRootProof, header, transactionIndex)
  8. Get (accountIndex, account) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  9. Get the transaction's account index from bytes 4-8
  10. Verify that the transaction's account index is equal to accountIndex, otherwise revert
  11. Check if account.signers contains the signer address from step 5.
  12. If it does not, revert the block.

Execution Errors

Execution errors are used to prove that a transaction was executed incorrectly, either because the state of the chain prior to the transaction does not allow the transaction to be executed, or because one or more output fields in the transaction are invalid.

Create Index Error

Proves that a create transaction assigned an invalid account index to the new account.


  • parent - header of the previous block
  • header - header of the block with the error
  • transactionsData - transaction buffer from the block
  • transactionsIndex - index of the transaction with the bad account index


  1. Verify that header is a pending block and that parent is a pending or confirmed block with a block number one less than header's
  2. Decode the transactions metadata from transactionsData as meta
  3. If transactionsIndex is less than meta.hardCreatesCount:
    1. Get the pointer to the beginning of the transaction as transactionsData+48 + 88 * (meta.hardCreatesCount - transactionIndex)
    2. Read the account index from the buffer as the first 4 bytes after pointer + 5
    3. If the account index is not equal to parent.stateSize + (meta.hardCreatesCount - transactionIndex) revert the block
  4. Otherwise:
    1. Calculate the sum of previous transaction counts as priorSum for the set of hard transactions and soft withdrawals.
    2. Calculate the pointer by adding transactionsData+48 to the sum of products of the count for each of aforementioned transaction types by its respective size.
    3. Get the number of previously executed soft creates as (meta.softCreatesCount - (transactionIndex - priorSum)) and sum it with meta.hardCreatesCount and parent.stateSize. Set this to expectedIndex
    4. Read the account index as the first 3 bytes after pointer + 3
    5. If expectedIndex != accountIndex revert the block

Execution Error


  • header - header of the block with the error
  • transactionProof - encoded TransactionStateProof
  • transaction - encoded transaction with the error
  • stateProof1 - encoded StateProof
  • stateProof2 (optional) - encoded StateProof


  1. Get previousRoot as the result of calling validateTransactionStateProof(header, transactionProof, transaction)
  2. Read the transaction prefix from the first byte.
  3. Use the prefix to decode transaction as the appropriate type and call the appropriate function listed below.
  4. If the call does not cause the transaction to revert, revert the block.

Hard Create

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was not executed
  • an account already existed in the state with the transaction's contract address
  • the account created was not empty before the transaction
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - HardCreate struct


  1. Get the return values (empty, accountIndex, siblings, provenAccount) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  2. Hard creates can not be rejected, so if transaction.intermediateStateRoot == previousRoot, return
  3. If the proven account index is not equal to the transaction's account index:
    1. Verify that the proven account has a contract address equal to the transaction's.
    2. If it does, return true, otherwise revert the transaction.
  4. If the proven account is not empty, return
  5. Create a new account with balance = transaction.value, signers = [transaction.signerAddress], contractAddress = transaction.contractAddress
  6. Calculate the new state root with updateAccount(newAccount, accountIndex, siblings)
  7. Return the transaction if the new state root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root.

Hard Deposit

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was not executed
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - HardDeposit struct


  1. Get the return values (empty, accountIndex, siblings, account) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  2. Hard deposits can not be rejected, so if transaction.intermediateStateRoot == previousRoot, return
  3. Verify that transaction.accountIndex == accountIndex (revert the transaction otherwise)
  4. Increase account.balance by transaction.value
  5. Recalculate the state root with updateAccount(account, accountIndex, siblings)
  6. Revert the transaction if the new state root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root.

Hard Withdrawal

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was rejected and should not have been
  • the transaction was not rejected and should have been
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - HardWithdrawal struct


  1. Get the return values (empty, accountIndex, siblings, account) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  2. Verify that accountIndex == transaction.accountIndex, revert the transaction otherwise
  3. Set rejected to transaction.intermediateStateRoot == previousRoot
  4. Set shouldReject=true if any of the following are true:
    1. empty == true
    2. account.balance < transaction.value
    3. transaction.withdrawalAddress != account.contractAddress (withdrawal address is set to the caller address from when the transaction was recorded)
  5. If shouldReject != rejected return
  6. If rejected is true, revert the transaction
  7. Subtract transaction.value from account.balance
  8. Recalculate the state root with with updateAccount(account, accountIndex, siblings)
  9. Revert the transaction if the new state root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root.

Hard Add Signer

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was rejected and should not have been
  • the transaction was not rejected and should have been
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - HardAddSigner struct


  1. Get the return values (empty, accountIndex, siblings, account) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  2. Verify that accountIndex == transaction.accountIndex, revert the transaction otherwise
  3. Set rejected to transaction.intermediateStateRoot == previousRoot
  4. Set shouldReject = true if any of the following are true:
    1. empty == true
    2. account.signers.length == 10
    3. hasSigner(account, transaction.signerAddress) == true
  5. If shouldReject != rejected return
  6. If rejected is true, revert the transaction.
  7. Call addSigner(account, transaction, signerAddress)
  8. Recalculate the state root with with updateAccount(account, accountIndex, siblings)
  9. Revert the transaction if the new state root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root.

Soft Withdrawal

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was included despite having invalid preconditions
    • the transaction nonce was not equal to the account's nonce
    • the account had an insufficient balance
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - SoftWithdrawal struct


  1. Get the return values (empty, accountIndex, siblings, account) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  2. Verify that accountIndex == transaction.accountIndex, revert the transaction otherwise
  3. If either of the following are true, return:
    1. account.balance < transaction.value
    2. account.nonce != transaction.nonce
  4. Set account.nonce += 1
  5. Set account.balance -= transaction.value
  6. Recalculate the state root with with updateAccount(account, accountIndex, siblings)
  7. Revert the transaction if the new state root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root.

Soft Create

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was included despite having invalid preconditions
    • the sender had an insufficient balance
    • the transaction nonce did not match the sender's nonce
    • the contract address for the new account already existed in the state
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • senderProof - encoded StateProof
  • receiverProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - SoftCreate struct


  1. Get the return values (senderIndex, senderSiblings, sender) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, senderProof)
  2. Verify senderIndex == transaction.fromIndex, revert otherwise
  3. If either of the following are true, return:
    1. sender.nonce != transaction.nonce
    2. sender.value < transaction.value
  4. Set sender.balance -= transaction.value
  5. Set sender.nonce += 1
  6. Recalculate the state root with updateAccount(sender, senderIndex, senderSiblings) and set it to intermediateRoot
  7. Get the return values (receiverEmpty, receiverIndex, receiverSiblings, receiver) from verifyAccountInState(intermediateRoot, receiverProof)
  8. If receiverIndex != transaction.toIndex:
    1. Verify that receiver.contractAddress == transaction.contractAddress
    2. If true, return
    3. If false, revert the transaction
  9. If receiverEmpty is false, return
  10. Create a new account with balance = transaction.value, signers = [transaction.signerAddress], contractAddress = transaction.contractAddress
  11. Recalculate the state root with updateAccount(receiver, receiverIndex, receiverSiblings)
  12. If the new root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root, revert the transaction.

Soft Deposit

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was included despite having invalid preconditions
    • the sender had an insufficient balance
    • the transaction nonce did not match the sender's nonce
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • senderProof - encoded StateProof
  • receiverProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - SoftTransfer struct


  1. Get the return values (senderIndex, senderSiblings, sender) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, senderProof)
  2. Verify senderIndex == transaction.fromIndex, revert otherwise
  3. If either of the following are true, return:
    1. sender.nonce != transaction.nonce
    2. sender.value < transaction.value
  4. Set sender.balance -= transaction.value
  5. Set sender.nonce += 1
  6. Recalculate the state root with updateAccount(sender, senderIndex, senderSiblings) and set it to intermediateRoot
  7. Get the return values (receiverIndex, receiverSiblings, receiver) from verifyAccountInState(intermediateRoot, receiverProof)
  8. Verify that receiverIndex == transaction.toIndex, otherwise revert the transaction.
  9. Set receiver.balance += transaction.value
  10. Recalculate the state root with updateAccount(receiver, receiverIndex, receiverSiblings)
  11. If the new root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root, revert the transaction.

Soft Change Signer

Prove any of the following:

  • the transaction was included despite having invalid preconditions
    • the transaction nonce was not equal to the account's nonce
    • the transaction tried to remove a signer not in the account
    • the transaction tried to add a signer already in the account
    • the transaction tried to add a signer when the signers array was full
  • the output state root does not match the expected result of applying the state transition


  • previousRoot - root hash of the state tree prior to the transaction
  • stateProof - encoded StateProof
  • transaction - SoftChangeSigner struct


  1. Get the return values (accountIndex, siblings, account) from verifyAccountInState(previousRoot, stateProof)
  2. Verify that accountIndex == transaction.accountIndex, revert the transaction otherwise
  3. If transaction.nonce != account.nonce, return
  4. If transaction.modificationCategory == 0 it is an add signer transaction:
    1. If the account already had the signer address, return.
    2. If the account's signers array was full (10 members), return.
    3. Add transaction.signerAddress to account.signers
  5. Otherwise it was a remove signer transaction:
    1. If the account did not have the signer address, return.
    2. Remove the signer address from account.signers
  6. Set account.nonce += 1
  7. Recalculate the state root with updateAccount(account, accountIndex, siblings)
  8. If the new root is equal to the transaction's intermediate state root, revert the transaction.