Built by Carl Sednaoui — Marketing Engineer at Thinkful, Co-Creator of MailCharts.
A small library enabling you to display a modal before a user leaves your website.
Quick note: Let me know if you end up using Ouibounce. I'd love to hear about your project / see Ouibounce in the wild :)
This library helps you increase landing page conversion rates. From my experience, you can expect a lift of 7% to 15% depending on your audience, traffic type (paid or unpaid) and copy.
Talking about copy... please use Ouibounce to provide value to your visitors. With tools like these it's very easy to create something spammy-looking.
Not sure what I mean by provide value? Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- Free ebook
- Upcoming webinar invite
- Exclusive access to XYZ
- A full educational course
- Valuable content
You have a few options to choose from:
- Download the minified or unminified script and include it on your page
- Get Ouibounce from cdnjs.com
- Use Bower:
curl http://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ouibounce
- Use NPM:
npm install ouibounce
Note: Ouibounce is wrapped by a umd wrapper, so if you are using requirejs/amd or commonjs/browserify, it will still work fine.
- Create a hidden modal
- Select the modal with vanilla JavaScript (or jQuery) and call
- Optional: Save the function's return value to use the public API, allowing you to
Ouibounce on demand
Example with jQuery:
Example using the public api:
var modal = ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'));
Ouibounce offers a few options, such as:
- Sensitivity
- Aggressive mode
- Timer
- Delay
- Callback
- Cookie expiration
- Cookie domain
- Sitewide cookie
- Chaining options
Ouibounce fires when the mouse cursor moves close to (or passes) the top of the viewport. You can define how far the mouse has to be before Ouibounce fires. The higher value, the more sensitive, and the more quickly the event will fire. Defaults to 20.
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { sensitivity: 40 });
By default, Ouibounce will only fire once for each visitor. When Ouibounce fires, a cookie is created to ensure a non obtrusive experience.
There are cases, however, when you may want to be more aggressive (as in, you want the modal to be elegible to fire anytime the page is loaded/ reloaded). An example use-case might be on your paid landing pages. If you enable aggressive
, the modal will fire any time the page is reloaded, for the same user.
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { aggressive: true });
By default, Ouibounce won't fire in the first second to prevent false positives, as it's unlikely the user will be able to exit the page within less than a second. If you want to change the amount of time that firing is surpressed for, you can pass in a number of milliseconds to timer
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { timer: 0 });
By default, Ouibounce will show the modal immediately. You could instead configure it to wait x
milliseconds before showing the modal. If the user's mouse re-enters the body before delay
ms have passed, the modal will not appear. This can be used to provide a "grace period" for visitors instead of immediately presenting the modal window.
// Wait 100 ms
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { delay: 100 });
You can add a callback, which is a function that will run once Ouibounce has been triggered, by using the callback
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { callback: function() { console.log('Ouibounce fired!'); } });
Ouibounce sets a cookie by default to prevent the modal from appearing more than once per user. You can add a cookie expiration (in days) using cookieExpire
to adjust the time period before the modal will appear again for a user. By default, the cookie will expire at the end of the session, which for most browsers is when the browser is closed entirely.
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { cookieExpire: 10 });
Ouibounce sets a cookie by default to prevent the modal from appearing
more than once per user. You can add a cookie domain using
to specify the domain under which the cookie should work.
By default, no extra domain information will be added. If you need a
cookie to work also in your subdomain (like blog.example.com and
example.com), then set a cookieDomain such as .example.com (notice the
dot in front).
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { cookieDomain:
'.example.com' });
You can drop sitewide cookies by using passing sitewide: true
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), { sitewide: true });
The options are just javascript objects, you can therefore combine multiple options.
ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'), {
aggressive: true,
sitewide: true,
cookieDomain: '.example.com',
timer: 0,
callback: function() { console.log('ouibounce fired!'); }
If you save the object returned by the ouibounce
function, you get access to a small public API. Use this API to fire
or disable
Ouibounce on demand.
var modal = ouibounce(document.getElementById('ouibounce-modal'));
modal.fire(); // fire the ouibounce event
modal.disable() // disable ouibounce, it will not fire on page exit
modal.disable({ cookieExpire: 50, sitewide: true }) // disable ouibounce sitewide for 50 days.
The disable
function accepts a few options:
If you want to use this library with other plugins — such as Vex — you can call ouibounce with false
. See #30 for discussion.
var _ouibounce = ouibounce(false, {
callback: function() { console.log('ouibounce fired!'); }
If you're trying to use Ouibounce with Twitter Bootstrap and are simply copying the example code I've included in the demo, you might run into some problems. See #66 to fix this.
If you'd like Ouibounce to work in legacy JS engines (IE8 and below, for example), you'll need to add a shim such as es5-shim.
Kevin Weber wrote wBounce, a WordPress plugin. I personally have not tested it, but you should check it out.
- This library provides no guarantees.
- If you are intersted in contributing, make sure to check out contributing.md.
- Licensed under MIT.
- Special thanks to Zertosh, Jenius and all other contributors.