This repository contains the source code for generating the website, which provides data and analysis on crime in Mexico.
The easiest way to recreate the website is to use the Docker container:
docker pull diegovalle/elcrimen-docker
docker run -it diegovalle/elcrimen-docker
Once inside the Docker container:
Change to the project directory:
cd /home/rstudio/new.crimenmexico
Get the latest version:
git pull
Build the website:
The generated website will be available in the
If you don't have the private key to deploy to, follow these steps:
cd ~/new.crimenmexico
git config --global url."".insteadOf
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
git pull
make download_csv download_inegi clean_data analysis website
- / Gatsby website for
- /clean: Python scripts for downloading data and processing or it
- /data: Raw and processed data files
- /db: SQLite database with the processed data
- /R: R scripts for data analysis and processing
Víctimas y unidades robadas, nueva metodología
MIT License
- Open the pdf presentation and copy the crime rate to /tasa-crimen/
- Open the Excel files with the 'estimaciones' and standard errors and copy table 1.20 to /envipe/
- Sometimes the 'secustro' data is only found in the main presentation pdf
- Open the SNSP and Unidades robadas pdf report and copy them to /envipe/
- Look up the car robbery data at the AMIS site and copy them to /envipe/