diff --git a/docs/3.1/_toc.yml b/docs/3.1/_toc.yml
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title: "Participant Node Migration to KMS"
- file: canton/usermanual/kms/external_key_storage/manual_kms_key_rotation
title: "Manual KMS key rotation"
+ - file: canton/usermanual/kms/kms_driver_guide
+ title: "Canton KMS Driver API Developer Guide"
- file: canton/usermanual/performance
title: "Scaling and Performance"
diff --git a/docs/3.1/docs/canton/usermanual/kms/kms_driver_guide.rst b/docs/3.1/docs/canton/usermanual/kms/kms_driver_guide.rst
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+ Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
+ Proprietary code. All rights reserved.
+.. _kms_driver_guide:
+Canton KMS Driver Developer Guide
+.. enterprise-only::
+The Canton protocol relies on a number of cryptographic operations such as
+asymmetric encryption and digital signatures. To maximize the
+operational security of a Canton node the corresponding private keys should not
+be stored or processed in cleartext. A Key Management System (KMS) or Hardware
+Security Module (HSM) allows us to perform such cryptographic operations where
+the private key resides securely inside the KMS/HSM. All nodes in Canton can
+make use of a KMS.
+AWS KMS and Google Cloud KMS are supported as of Canton v2.7. To broaden the
+support of other KMSs and HSMs, Canton v2.9 introduces a plugin approach, called
+KMS Drivers, which allows the implementation of custom integrations. This
+document explains the APIs that must be implemented for a KMS Driver,
+provides a guide on the implementation, and describes how to configure Canton to
+run with a KMS driver. An implementation needs to be developed for the JVM,
+currently only Scala is supported.
+KMS Driver API
+The two main APIs that are required for a KMS Driver are:
+1. Driver Factory: Implements how a driver is instantiated and the main entry
+ point for Canton to load a driver.
+2. KMS Driver: The actual KMS driver API that offers cryptographic operations
+ based on the KMS.
+The stable APIs are versioned with a single major version number. A breaking
+change to either the factory or driver APIs will result in a new major version
+of those APIs. The current and only version is **v1**, which is part of the
+module path for the respective API interfaces.
+KMS Driver Factory API v1
+The factory consists of two interfaces: a generic v1 DriverFactory and a
+specific v1 KmsDriverFactory.
+The ``v1.DriverFactory`` defines the following aspects for a generic driver:
+- The type of the driver
+- A name that uniquely identifies the driver
+- The version of the API the driver implements and optional build
+ information (driver version number or commit hash)
+- A driver-specific configuration object with configuration parser and
+ writer
+- A create method that instantiates a driver with that factory
+Concretely the interface is defined as the following in Scala:
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/kms-driver-api/src/main/scala/com/digitalasset/canton/driver/api/v1/DriverFactory.scala
+ :language: Scala
+A specialization of the generic DriverFactory is the ``v1.KmsDriverFactory`` which
+defines the driver type to be a KmsDriver and the API version to be 1.
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/kms-driver-api/src/main/scala/com/digitalasset/canton/crypto/kms/driver/api/v1/KmsDriverFactory.scala
+ :language: Scala
+Driver Configuration Reading & Parsing
+Canton uses `pureconfig `__ configuration library
+to read its configuration. Given that the configuration of the driver can be
+embedded inside a Canton configuration file, the factory of the driver needs to
+specify the type of configuration, as well as configuration readers and writers.
+A ``ConfigType`` can be a case class or as basic as a ``Map[String, String]``.
+In the latter case, the config reader and writer can be defined as:
+- ``val configReader = pureconfig.ConfigReader.mapReader[String]``
+- ``val configWriter = pureconfig.ConfigWriter.mapWriter[String]``
+KMS Driver API v1
+The main part of the API is the ``v1.KmsDriver`` API that defines the following
+operations for a KMS Driver:
+- Key Generation: Asymmetric signing and encryption key pairs as well
+ as symmetric encryption keys
+- Supported Key and Algorithm Specifications: The specs that are
+ supported by the driver, for example, RSA 2048 keys and RSA OAEP
+ SHA256 asymmetric encryption.
+- Signing: Sign data with a key from the KMS and the specified
+ algorithm.
+- Asymmetric Decryption: Decrypt a ciphertext with a private key from
+ the KMS and the specified algorithm.
+- Symmetric Encryption and Decryption: Encrypt or decrypt with a
+ symmetric encryption key from the KMS. The default symmetric
+ encryption algorithm of the KMS is used.
+- Key Management: Get the public key of a private key stored in the
+ KMS, check if a key exists, and delete a key.
+- Health: Return the health of the KMS Driver instance.
+The API is designed as an asynchronous API using Futures. An
+OpenTelemetry trace context is passed in from Canton into the KMS driver
+operations to be able to link a Canton request to operations in the KMS.
+The driver is responsible for propagating the trace context into the
+Concretely the Scala interface is defined as the following:
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/kms-driver-api/src/main/scala/com/digitalasset/canton/crypto/kms/driver/api/v1/KmsDriver.scala
+ :language: Scala
+Error Handling and Health
+In case the driver experiences an error the ``Future`` of the operation should be
+failed with a ``KmsDriverException``. When the exception's flag retryable is
+true the caller side, i.e., Canton, performs a retry with exponential
+backoff. This behavior is suitable for transient errors, such as network issues,
+resource exhaustion etc.
+In case of permanent errors, a non-retryable exception should be thrown, which
+either fails the current operation from where the cryptographic operation is
+called or causes a fatal error in the Canton node.
+The driver should report its health through the health method. A Canton node
+periodically queries the health of the driver and reports it as part of the
+node's overall health.
+Develop and Test a KMS Driver
+Set Up API Dependency
+The Canton KMS Driver API is published as an artifact on Digital Asset's JFrog
+You must have a Canton enterprise license and account to access the artifact.
+You may need to configure your build system to authenticate with a personal
+access token towards JFrog Artifactory.
+In your build system of choice, you need to depend on the API as a regular
+Maven-style artifact with:
+- organization: com.digitalasset.canton
+- artifact: kms-driver-api
+- version: the Canton release version, e.g., 2.9.0
+Implement the API and Build the Driver
+Implement the ``v1.KmsDriverFactory`` by specifying the driver's name,
+configuration type with readers/writers, and the create method to instantiate a
+driver by creating a new class instance of your ``KmsDriver`` implementation.
+Specify the fully qualified name of the factory class in the file:
+and in the following file for the base driver factory (without v1):
+The major part of the implementation is the ``v1.KmsDriver`` that is specific to
+the KMS/HSM to be integrated with. The supported key and algorithm
+specifications can be defined statically depending on the capabilities of the
+underlying KMS/HSM. To ensure the best compatibility with other Canton nodes,
+all currently specified key and algorithm specifications should be supported.
+Any credentials required by the underlying KMS/HSM can either be passed
+through the Canton configuration file as part of the driver-specific
+configuration, where secrets can be resolved from the environment, or retrieved by the driver directly from the environment or any other
+driver-specific means.
+Bundle your driver into a self-contained jar, that is, with all required
+libraries included in the jar. That way you only need a single driver jar when
+starting Canton with your KMS Driver.
+KMS Driver Testing
+The reusable test suite for KMS Drivers is published at
+Configure your build system to depend on this maven artifact in the test scope
+of your project (e.g. for sbt append % Test to limit the dependency to the test
+The main part of the test suite is the ``KmsDriverTest`` that tests the
+functionality of a driver against the ``KmsDriver`` API.
+In the simplest form the specific driver test class extends the
+``KmsDriverTest`` and allows the generation of new keys as part of the test:
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/aws-kms-driver/src/test/scala/com/digitalasset/canton/nightly/AwsKmsDriverTest.scala
+ :language: Scala
+ :start-after: user-manual-entry-begin: AwsKmsDriverTest
+ :end-before: user-manual-entry-end: AwsKmsDriverTest
+Generating new keys can be expensive when running tests during
+development, in particular when using cloud-based KMSs. To mitigate this, the test
+suite can also be configured to use predefined keys to test most parts (except
+key generation) of the KMS Driver API:
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/aws-kms-driver/src/test/scala/com/digitalasset/canton/nightly/AwsKmsDriverTest.scala
+ :language: Scala
+ :start-after: user-manual-entry-begin: AwsKmsDriverWithPredefinedKeysTest
+ :end-before: user-manual-entry-end: AwsKmsDriverWithPredefinedKeysTest
+For each supported signing/encryption key specification an existing key alias/ID
+can be configured as part of the predefined keys maps. When running the test
+suite the generation of new keys is not allowed.
+The test suite for the KMS driver factory is structured similarly to the above:
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/aws-kms-driver/src/test/scala/com/digitalasset/canton/nightly/AwsKmsDriverTest.scala
+ :language: Scala
+ :start-after: user-manual-entry-begin: AwsKmsDriverFactoryTest
+ :end-before: user-manual-entry-end: AwsKmsDriverFactoryTest
+The ``KmsDriverFactory`` can write the driver-specific configuration with a
+confidential flag being true, which means any sensitive information in the
+configuration such as credentials should be omitted from the written
+configuration. A specific test case should be added if your driver-specific
+configuration contains any confidential information, asserting that the
+sensitive information is omitted.
+Run Canton with a KMS Driver
+Configure Canton to run with a KMS driver, for example, for a
+participant participant1:
+.. literalinclude:: /canton/includes/mirrored/enterprise/app/src/test/resources/aws-kms-driver.conf
+ :language: none
+ :start-after: user-manual-entry-begin: AwsKmsDriverConfig
+ :end-before: user-manual-entry-end: AwsKmsDriverConfig
+Run Canton with your driver jar on its class path:
+``java -cp driver.jar:canton.jar com.digitalasset.canton.CantonEnterpriseApp -c canton.conf # further canton arguments``
+Where canton.jar depends on the Canton version, e.g.,
+``lib/canton-enterprise-2.9.0.jar``. The ``canton.conf`` is a configuration file
+that needs to configure at least one of the nodes to use the driver KMS as
+outlined above. Run a ping for example with
+``participant1.health.ping(participant1)`` to validate that the participant can
+use the configured KMS and driver.