- In each product command an event
is dispatched.
These events have three functions :
: return theCommandContext
: return the list of filtersaddFilter()
: to add filter
This event will be modified a search query parameter when a client get elements from Akeneo.
If your akeneo has an attribute with code provider
you can add filter with the previous event.
bin/console akeneo:import:products -p --filter provider=synolia
This command will be launch the symfony event dispatcher, and the following listener will be add a search parameter for akeneo
namespace App\EventSubscriber;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Synolia\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Event\FilterEvent;
class ProviderFilterSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public function onFilterEvent(FilterEvent $event)
$commandFilters = $event->getCommandContext()->getFilters();
$filters = [];
foreach ($commandFilters as $commandFilter) {
parse_str($commandFilter, $commandFilter);
$this->prepareFilter($commandFilter, $event);
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
FilterEvent::class => 'onFilterEvent',
private function prepareFilter(array $commandFilter, FilterEvent $event): void
if (!empty($commandFilter['provider'])) {
'operator' => '=',
'value' => $commandFilter['provider'],
With this, you request url from Sylius to Akeneo will be :
For more operator, you can go on Akeneo documentation.