Due to the way we manage the source code, it is not possible to see all the contributors' info, hence we create a list here. If you have contributed to DP project before and your name is not listed here, feel free to send us a PR to update this!
Name | github | Role |
Arne Schwarck | arne182 | Release Maintainer |
cafe | cafe | Resource Provider |
cgw1968 | cgw1968 | C2/C3 Toyota Beta Tester |
Jason Wen | sunnyhaibin | Release Maintainer |
kumar | rav4kumar | Release Maintainer |
loveloveses | loveloveses | Wiki Maintainer |
Rick Lan | efinilan | Release Maintainer |
Stupefacient | Stupefacient | C2/C3 Toyota Beta Tester |
Name | github |
andy741217 | andy741217 |
berno22 | berno22 |
Bobbydough | Bobbydough |
Curtis Jenkins | actuallylemoncurd |
DFyffe | donfyffe |
dinglx | dingliangxue |
eyezenheim | eyezenheim |
Hikari1023 | Hikari1023 |
kegman | kegman |
krkeegan | krkeegan |
ihsakashi | ihsakashi |
lijunhao731 | lijunhao731 |
lirudy | lirudy |
LOVEChen | LOVEChen |
menwenliang | menwenliang |
move-fast | move-fast |
Nelson Chen | nelsonjchen |
programanichiro | nelsonjchen |
rming | Rming |
sebastian4k | sebastian4k |
Shane Smiskol | sshane |
toyboxZ | toyboxZ |