- Code: https://github.com/sararob/angular2base
- check out the Firebase pipe class
- Owned by Google
- NoSQL JSON database
- every piece of data is available via an URL
- has an SDK
- user authentication baked in
- live database
- any client connected to the application will see changes to the data as it happens in real-time
// create a Firebase database reference
var ref = new Firebase("https://angular-connect.firebaseio.com");
// save data
ref.set("Hello Angular Connect!");
// sync data
ref.on("value", function(snapshot) {
console.log(snapshot.val()); // snapshot of the data at this point in time
ref.push("Hello!"); // the data receives a timestamp-based unique id
Thanks to:
- Zones
- Observables
- Pipes
template: `
<li *ng-for="#key of firebaseUrl | firebaseevent:'child_added'">
{{ key }}
- Create a Firebase ref inside the pipe
- Stream data from Firebase
- All handled in the template
// Firebase configuration
firebaseUrl: string;
isLoggedIn:boolean = false;
authData: any;
constructor() {
console.log("Home component loaded");
this.firebaseUrl = "http://myMediaManager.firebaseio.com"; // root
this.firebaseRef = new Firebase(this.firebaseUrl);
this.firebaseRef.onAuth((user) => {
this.authData = user;
this.isLoggedIn = true;
this.firebaseRef.authWithOAuthPopup("google", (error) => {
console.log(error); // todo improve error handling
With the above, the component connects to Firebase and we have a function to integrate Google authentication. All that is missing is something in the template to:
- trigger the authentication (Firebase will open a popup)
- react based on the isLoggedIn and authData variables
<button [hidden]="isLoggedIn" (click)="authWithGoogle()">
The above button will only be visible while the user is not logged in and will allow him to log in.
<input type="text" [hidden]="!isLoggedIn" (keyup)="doneTyping($event)" placeholder="Type something here" #messageText>
The above input box will only be displayed if the user is logged in.
<li *ng-for="#message of firebaseUrl | firebaseevent:'child_added'">
{{message.name}}: {{message.text}}
Applications can easily be deployed on the Firebase infrastructure:
- install firebase-tools globally
- add a firebase.json file in the folder: tells Firebase what should be deployed (e.g., dist folder)
- invoke
firebase deploy
- invoke
firebase open
More expressiveness in templates:
<li *ng-for="firebase(url) | listen: childAdded | orderBy: firstName | startAt: 's' | limit: 10">