All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2024-07-24)
- ecom-config: add config app data to posting deadline (79aa04f)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#68) (0d614ae)
- deps: update dependency axios to ^0.28.0 [security] (9a1d86c)
- deps: update dependency express to ^4.18.3 (2c5d93c)
- deps: update dependency express to v4.19.2 [security] (42e98c2)
- fix updating shipping lines on tag created (webhooks) (0ecaa86)
- properly handling warehouses (multi cd) optionally with multiple mandabem accounts (c4e144f)
1.1.2 (2021-10-27)
- calculate-shipping: fix mandabem ws requests timeouts (concurrent requests) (0e85756)
1.1.1 (2021-10-26)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.15.5 firestore (9fedb91)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#56) (e9b51d3)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#66) (bd1a508)
- deps: update dependency firebase-admin to v10 (#67) (9730366)
1.1.0 (2021-08-03)
1.0.7 (2021-06-18)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.15.4 and firebase-admin v9 (1b3a6ef)
1.0.6 (2020-11-05)
- create-tag: add 'bairro' field (#15) (a54ab50)
- refresh-tokens: add scheduled cloud function to run update (f2fecc6)
1.0.5 (2020-08-10)
- calculate-shipping: fix returned origin zip code (ad9541e)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (2dc55eb)
1.0.4 (2020-07-28)
- calculate-shipping: fix working with response object (fix overwrite) (6990c62)
1.0.3 (2020-07-28)
- calculate-shipping: fix handling manda bem error responses (59dbc39)
- calculate-shipping: fixing secure value range (d144322)
1.0.2 (2020-07-23)
- calculate-shipping: prevent discount/total with null value (4ac8755)
1.0.1 (2020-07-11)
- admin-settings: add admin config options to app config (3fa3d8f)
- calculate-shipping: handling calculate with Manda Bem WS (571bc14)
- create-tag: handle ecom webhook to create manda bem tag (cff4bcf)
- ecom-app: setup manda bem app config (32c011c)
- calculate-shipping: edit mandabem credential fields on app data (dd9d632)
- calculate-shipping: parse calculated price to float (number) (24d8ce2)
- calculate-shipping: preset final weight zero (d0102a1)
- calculate-shipping: setting 'package' on shipping line object (fe0be69)
- create-tag: pass order number or id as ref to manda bem tag (814a6aa)
1.0.0-starter.14 (2020-06-30)
- auth-callback: check
in place of 'settep_up' (e2a73ca) - deps: update all non-major dependencies (#31) (702bee9)
- deps: update dependency firebase-functions to ^3.7.0 (#30) (0f459a3)
- deps: update dependency firebase-tools to ^8.4.2 (#29) (cf7e61e)
- pkg: update deps, start using node 10 (172ed7f)
1.0.0-starter.13 (2020-06-03)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.13.0 (b424410)
- refresh-tokens: force appSdk update tokens task (139a350)
1.0.0-starter.12 (2020-05-29)
- deps: replace @ecomplus/application-sdk to firestore version (3d2ee85)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#21) (7a370da)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#26) (e37e0e8)
- deps: update dependency uglify-js to ^3.9.2 (#20) (adccf0a)
1.0.0-starter.11 (2020-04-27)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.11.13 (70584c2)
- setup: ensure enable token updates by default (67aea0e)
1.0.0-starter.10 (2020-04-27)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.11.11 (b8217d0)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#19) (a99797a)
- setup: do not disable updates on refresh-tokens route (b983a45)
1.0.0-starter.9 (2020-04-21)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.11.10 (8da579c)
1.0.0-starter.8 (2020-04-18)
1.0.0-starter.7 (2020-04-07)
1.0.0-starter.6 (2020-04-06)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#10) (b3c65e5)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#13) (33ff19b)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#8) (feba5b9)
- deps: update dependency firebase-functions to ^3.6.0 (#15) (5f7f0a2)
- deps: update dependency firebase-tools to ^7.16.1 (#14) (b8e4798)
- deps: update dependency firebase-tools to v8 (#16) (b72560e)
- ecom-modules: fix parsing mod names to filenames and vice versa (99c185a)
1.0.0-starter.5 (2020-03-05)
- market-publication: handle full featured app publication to Market (28379dc)
- static: handle static with server app files from public folder (827d000)
1.0.0-starter.4 (2020-02-21)
- calculate-shipping: basic setup for calculate shipping module (db77595)
- home: fix replace accets regex exps to generate slug from title (198cc0b)
- home: gen slug from pkg name or app title if not set or default (25c20bf)
1.0.0-starter.3 (2020-02-21)
1.0.0-starter.2 (2020-02-21)
- config: stop reading app from functions config (7b9aab7)
1.0.0-starter.1 (2020-02-20)
- get-auth: endpoint to return auth id and token for external usage (40a8ae2)
- server: also supporting passing Store Id from query (111f3a7)
- server: remove 'routes' path when setting filename for routes (119524c)
1.0.0-starter.0 (2020-02-18)
- router: recursive read routes dir to auto setup server routes (ff2b456)
- home: fix semver on for app.version (remove version tag if any) (ad36461)
- middlewares: update route files exports (named exports by methods) (6a22e67)
0.1.1 (2020-02-18)
- env: get 'pkg' from functions config (bf45ec3)
- home: set version and slug from root package, fix with uris (d4b61fa)
- env: firebase doesnt uppercase config (502185e)
- require: update @ecomplus/application-sdk dependency name (d4174ac)
0.1.0 (2020-02-17)
0.0.4 (2020-02-16)
- server: update routes names (refresh-tokens) (79a2910)
0.0.3 (2020-02-15)
- server: start reading env options, handle operator token (ce107b7)
- update-tokens: adding route to start update tokens service (no content) (20c62ec)
- auth-callback: fix handling docRef (desn't need to get by id again) (629ca5a)
- auth-callback: save procedures if not new, check and set 'settep_up' (#3) (4a01f86)
- ECOM_AUTH_UPDATE_INTERVAL: disable set interval (no daemons on cloud functions) (2aa2442)
- env: fixed to get appInfor variable (e9b1a3c)
- env: fixed to get appInfor variable (22687e2)
- middleware: check standard http headers for client ip (5045113)
- lib: remove unecessary/incorrect requires with new deps (69f2b77)
- routes: fix handling appSdk (param) (0cf2dde)
- setup: added initializeApp() to firebase admin (e941e59)
- setup: manually setup ecomplus-app-sdk with firestore (64e49f8)
- setup: manually setup ecomplus-app-sdk with firestore (c718bd0)
- setup: manually setup ecomplus-app-sdk with firestore (33909bf), closes /
- startup: setup routes after appSdk ready, add home route (d182555)
- firestore-app-boilerplate: Initial commit (c9963f0)
- firestore-app-boilerplate: Initial commit (be493ea)
- firestore-support: minor changes (3718cba)
- firestore-support: refactoring to use saveProcedures function (62971ef)
- firestore-support: removed sqlite error clausule (2d47996)
- routes: add home route (app json) (42a3f2b)
0.1.1 (2019-07-31)
- procedures: fix checking for procedures array to run configureSetup (1371cdc)
0.1.0 (2019-07-31)
- chain promise catch on lib getConfig (281abf9)
- fix mergin hidden data to config (8b64d58)
- fix path to require 'get-config' from lib (11425b0)
- get storeId from header and set on req object (a3bebaa)
- handle error on get config instead of directly debug (f182589)
- routes common fixes (2758a57)
- using req.url (from http module) instead of req.baseUrl (d9057ca)
- authentication callback (8f18892)
- conventional store api error handling (bcde87e)
- function to get app config from data and hidden data (ba470f5)
- getting store id from web.js (72f18c6)
- handling E-Com Plus webhooks (63ba19f)
- main js file including bin web and local (6b8a71a)
- pre-validate body for ecom modules endpoints (f06bdb0)
- setup app package dependencies and main.js (b2826ed)
- setup base app.json (015599a)
- setup daemon processes, configure store setup (db3ca8c)
- setup procedures object (c5e8627)
- setup web app with express (d128430)