You are reading the wright guide, if you want to setup an environment to contribute to CloudUnit development.
- A MacOSX computer
- Vagrant 1.8+
- Git / Java 1.8
- Node 5.x
- VirtualBox 5.0.4+
- Maven 3
- You have to configure a local dns (see further) to send any requests from your host to VM (IP fixed at
- You use your favorite idea (intellij, Eclipse) to develop the maven project into 'cloudunit/cu-manager'.
- The backend is a spring application exposing a REST API
- The frontend is an AngularJS 1.4 consuming the backend API from Spring Java
- You run the project with an embedded tomcat via maven tasks (tomcat:run). No need to install Tomcat locally.
- Mysql is included into vagrantbox so no need to install it locally.
cloudunit/cu-manager : Maven project for backend ui
cloudunit/cu-manager-ui : Maven project for web ui
cloudunit/cu-cli : Maven project for Spring Shell CLI
cloudunit/cu-compose : Shell scripts for administration
cloudunit/cu-services : Docker images
Mac Users are invited to follow the instructions given by the npm website
Follow these instructions
cd $HOME && git clone
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && sudo npm install grunt -g
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && sudo npm install grunt-cli -g
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && sudo npm install bower -g
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && sudo npm install -g n
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && sudo n stable
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && bower install
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
1 - Start the vagrantbox and run Docker into Vagrant
cd $HOME/cloudUnit
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd cloudunit/cu-compose && ./
2 - Run the UI for development ( from Mac
$ cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager-ui && grunt serve
! Issue if you have the following issue
grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0)
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
Run the following command :
sudo npm update
3 - Start the Java Backend from Mac
cd $HOME/cloudUnit
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd $HOME/cloudUnit/cu-manager
mvn clean compile tomcat7:run -DskipTests
You can use default password and login
login: johndoe
password: abc2015
cd $HOME/cloudUnit
vagrant ssh dev
cd cloudunit/cu-compose && ./
First of all, you have to you have to install Google Chrome. Then, start the application in parallel.
cd $HOME/cloudunit/cu-manager-ui
grunt test