The following will install all of the FastCGI services in this repository (prefix, ennodb, counter). If you only need to install of them, YMMV and you need to change the install rule in the Makefile.
The services are installed into /opt. If you prefer another location, like /usr/local, then you need to change the PREFIX variable in the Makefile.
This procedure assumes that you have a Debian-based system, and requires a working compiler and the libfcgi-dev package. If you are unsure that these are installed, run:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libfcgi-dev spawn-fcgi
First, clone the git repository:
git clone
cd ennodb
git submodule update
Now, build and install the code: make make test make install
The install procedure will ask you for your sudo password, because it copies files into locations that require administrative permission.
The services are installed in /etc/init.d, so they are easy to start:
sudo service ennodb start
Next, we need to tell nginx about the service. If you want ennodb to
be available as then there is a
configuration file (fastcgi.conf) for that, which was part of the
installation process above. In your /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
file, add one line inside the server { [...] }
include /opt/share/doc/ennodb/examples/nginx.conf;
Now just run sudo service nginx reload
to activate your change, and
try it!
# store a value for key "foo":
curl --data "Hello World" http://localhost/ennodb/foo
# retrieve the value for key "foo":
curl http://localhost/ennodb/foo
If this prints "Hello World", then you've done it.
Alternatively, install the sample web applications by linking them from your web server's root directory. Depending on your distribution or web server configuration, this may be in /usr/share/nginx/www or not.
sudo ln -sf /opt/share/ennodb/www/* /usr/share/nginx/www
Now open in your browser and fiddle around with it to see the database service in action.