From 0ede27739e9c9b03a8ded5c7dfd8656ffce89fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rturk Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2016 12:13:38 -0200 Subject: [PATCH] Use External File - Updated up to 3.2 --- FontAwesomeIcons.js | 737 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- Icon.js | 3 + 2 files changed, 379 insertions(+), 361 deletions(-) diff --git a/FontAwesomeIcons.js b/FontAwesomeIcons.js index 5cebd39..e606100 100644 --- a/FontAwesomeIcons.js +++ b/FontAwesomeIcons.js @@ -1,362 +1,377 @@ +/* +* +* Font Awesome Icon Database mapped to font items. +* +*/ - glass: '\f000'; - music: '\f001'; - search: '\f002'; - envelopeAlt: '\f003'; - heart: '\f004'; - star: '\f005'; - starEmpty: '\f006'; - user: '\f007'; - film: '\f008'; - thLarge: '\f009'; - th: '\f00a'; - thList: '\f00b'; - ok: '\f00c'; - remove: '\f00d'; - zoomIn: '\f00e'; - zoomOut: '\f010'; - off: '\f011'; - signal: '\f012'; - cog: '\f013'; - trash: '\f014'; - home: '\f015'; - fileAlt: '\f016'; - time: '\f017'; - road: '\f018'; - downloadAlt: '\f019'; - download: '\f01a'; - upload: '\f01b'; - inbox: '\f01c'; - playCircle: '\f01d'; - repeat: '\f01e'; - refresh: '\f021'; - listAlt: '\f022'; - lock: '\f023'; - flag: '\f024'; - headphones: '\f025'; - volumeOff: '\f026'; - volumeDown: '\f027'; - volumeUp: '\f028'; - qrcode: '\f029'; - barcode: '\f02a'; - tag: '\f02b'; - tags: '\f02c'; - book: '\f02d'; - bookmark: '\f02e'; - print: '\f02f'; - camera: '\f030'; - font: '\f031'; - bold: '\f032'; - italic: '\f033'; - textHeight: '\f034'; - textWidth: '\f035'; - alignLeft: '\f036'; - alignCenter: '\f037'; - alignRight: '\f038'; - alignJustify: '\f039'; - list: '\f03a'; - indentLeft: '\f03b'; - indentRight: '\f03c'; - facetimeVideo: '\f03d'; - picture: '\f03e'; - pencil: '\f040'; - mapMarker: '\f041'; - adjust: '\f042'; - tint: '\f043'; - edit: '\f044'; - share: '\f045'; - check: '\f046'; - move: '\f047'; - stepBackward: '\f048'; - fastBackward: '\f049'; - backward: '\f04a'; - play: '\f04b'; - pause: '\f04c'; - stop: '\f04d'; - forward: '\f04e'; - fastForward: '\f050'; - stepForward: '\f051'; - eject: '\f052'; - chevronLeft: '\f053'; - chevronRight: '\f054'; - plusSign: '\f055'; - minusSign: '\f056'; - removeSign: '\f057'; - okSign: '\f058'; - questionSign: '\f059'; - infoSign: '\f05a'; - screenshot: '\f05b'; - removeCircle: '\f05c'; - okCircle: '\f05d'; - banCircle: '\f05e'; - arrowLeft: '\f060'; - arrowRight: '\f061'; - arrowUp: '\f062'; - arrowDown: '\f063'; - shareAlt: '\f064'; - resizeFull: '\f065'; - resizeSmall: '\f066'; - plus: '\f067'; - minus: '\f068'; - asterisk: '\f069'; - exclamationSign: '\f06a'; - gift: '\f06b'; - leaf: '\f06c'; - fire: '\f06d'; - eyeOpen: '\f06e'; - eyeClose: '\f070'; - warningSign: '\f071'; - plane: '\f072'; - calendar: '\f073'; - random: '\f074'; - comment: '\f075'; - magnet: '\f076'; - chevronUp: '\f077'; - chevronDown: '\f078'; - retweet: '\f079'; - shoppingCart: '\f07a'; - folderClose: '\f07b'; - folderOpen: '\f07c'; - resizeVertical: '\f07d'; - resizeHorizontal: '\f07e'; - barChart: '\f080'; - twitterSign: '\f081'; - facebookSign: '\f082'; - cameraRetro: '\f083'; - key: '\f084'; - cogs: '\f085'; - comments: '\f086'; - thumbsUpAlt: '\f087'; - thumbsDownAlt: '\f088'; - starHalf: '\f089'; - heartEmpty: '\f08a'; - signout: '\f08b'; - linkedinSign: '\f08c'; - pushpin: '\f08d'; - externalLink: '\f08e'; - signin: '\f090'; - trophy: '\f091'; - githubSign: '\f092'; - uploadAlt: '\f093'; - lemon: '\f094'; - phone: '\f095'; - checkEmpty: '\f096'; - bookmarkEmpty: '\f097'; - phoneSign: '\f098'; - twitter: '\f099'; - facebook: '\f09a'; - github: '\f09b'; - unlock: '\f09c'; - creditCard: '\f09d'; - rss: '\f09e'; - hdd: '\f0a0'; - bullhorn: '\f0a1'; - bell: '\f0a2'; - certificate: '\f0a3'; - handRight: '\f0a4'; - handLeft: '\f0a5'; - handUp: '\f0a6'; - handDown: '\f0a7'; - circleArrowLeft: '\f0a8'; - circleArrowRight: '\f0a9'; - circleArrowUp: '\f0aa'; - circleArrowDown: '\f0ab'; - globe: '\f0ac'; - wrench: '\f0ad'; - tasks: '\f0ae'; - filter: '\f0b0'; - briefcase: '\f0b1'; - fullscreen: '\f0b2'; - group: '\f0c0'; - link: '\f0c1'; - cloud: '\f0c2'; - beaker: '\f0c3'; - cut: '\f0c4'; - copy: '\f0c5'; - paperClip: '\f0c6'; - save: '\f0c7'; - signBlank: '\f0c8'; - reorder: '\f0c9'; - listUl: '\f0ca'; - listOl: '\f0cb'; - strikethrough: '\f0cc'; - underline: '\f0cd'; - table: '\f0ce'; - magic: '\f0d0'; - truck: '\f0d1'; - pinterest: '\f0d2'; - pinterestSign: '\f0d3'; - googlePlusSign: '\f0d4'; - googlePlus: '\f0d5'; - money: '\f0d6'; - caretDown: '\f0d7'; - caretUp: '\f0d8'; - caretLeft: '\f0d9'; - caretRight: '\f0da'; - columns: '\f0db'; - sort: '\f0dc'; - sortDown: '\f0dd'; - sortUp: '\f0de'; - envelope: '\f0e0'; - linkedin: '\f0e1'; - undo: '\f0e2'; - legal: '\f0e3'; - dashboard: '\f0e4'; - commentAlt: '\f0e5'; - commentsAlt: '\f0e6'; - bolt: '\f0e7'; - sitemap: '\f0e8'; - umbrella: '\f0e9'; - paste: '\f0ea'; - lightbulb: '\f0eb'; - exchange: '\f0ec'; - cloudDownload: '\f0ed'; - cloudUpload: '\f0ee'; - userMd: '\f0f0'; - stethoscope: '\f0f1'; - suitcase: '\f0f2'; - bellAlt: '\f0f3'; - coffee: '\f0f4'; - food: '\f0f5'; - fileTextAlt: '\f0f6'; - building: '\f0f7'; - hospital: '\f0f8'; - ambulance: '\f0f9'; - medkit: '\f0fa'; - fighterJet: '\f0fb'; - beer: '\f0fc'; - hSign: '\f0fd'; - plusSignAlt: '\f0fe'; - doubleAngleLeft: '\f100'; - doubleAngleRight: '\f101'; - doubleAngleUp: '\f102'; - doubleAngleDown: '\f103'; - angleLeft: '\f104'; - angleRight: '\f105'; - angleUp: '\f106'; - angleDown: '\f107'; - desktop: '\f108'; - laptop: '\f109'; - tablet: '\f10a'; - mobilePhone: '\f10b'; - circleBlank: '\f10c'; - quoteLeft: '\f10d'; - quoteRight: '\f10e'; - spinner: '\f110'; - circle: '\f111'; - reply: '\f112'; - githubAlt: '\f113'; - folderCloseAlt: '\f114'; - folderOpenAlt: '\f115'; - expandAlt: '\f116'; - collapseAlt: '\f117'; - smile: '\f118'; - frown: '\f119'; - meh: '\f11a'; - gamepad: '\f11b'; - keyboard: '\f11c'; - flagAlt: '\f11d'; - flagCheckered: '\f11e'; - terminal: '\f120'; - code: '\f121'; - replyAll: '\f122'; - mailReplyAll: '\f122'; - starHalfEmpty: '\f123'; - locationArrow: '\f124'; - crop: '\f125'; - codeFork: '\f126'; - unlink: '\f127'; - question: '\f128'; - info: '\f129'; - exclamation: '\f12a'; - superscript: '\f12b'; - subscript: '\f12c'; - eraser: '\f12d'; - puzzlePiece: '\f12e'; - microphone: '\f130'; - microphoneOff: '\f131'; - shield: '\f132'; - calendarEmpty: '\f133'; - fireExtinguisher: '\f134'; - rocket: '\f135'; - maxcdn: '\f136'; - chevronSignLeft: '\f137'; - chevronSignRight: '\f138'; - chevronSignUp: '\f139'; - chevronSignDown: '\f13a'; - html5: '\f13b'; - css3: '\f13c'; - anchor: '\f13d'; - unlockAlt: '\f13e'; - bullseye: '\f140'; - ellipsisHorizontal: '\f141'; - ellipsisVertical: '\f142'; - rssSign: '\f143'; - playSign: '\f144'; - ticket: '\f145'; - minusSignAlt: '\f146'; - checkMinus: '\f147'; - levelUp: '\f148'; - levelDown: '\f149'; - checkSign: '\f14a'; - editSign: '\f14b'; - externalLinkSign: '\f14c'; - shareSign: '\f14d'; - compass: '\f14e'; - collapse: '\f150'; - collapseTop: '\f151'; - expand: '\f152'; - eur: '\f153'; - gbp: '\f154'; - usd: '\f155'; - inr: '\f156'; - jpy: '\f157'; - cny: '\f158'; - krw: '\f159'; - btc: '\f15a'; - file: '\f15b'; - fileText: '\f15c'; - sortByAlphabet: '\f15d'; - sortByAlphabetAlt: '\f15e'; - sortByAttributes: '\f160'; - sortByAttributesAlt: '\f161'; - sortByOrder: '\f162'; - sortByOrderAlt: '\f163'; - thumbsUp: '\f164'; - thumbsDown: '\f165'; - youtubeSign: '\f166'; - youtube: '\f167'; - xing: '\f168'; - xingSign: '\f169'; - youtubePlay: '\f16a'; - dropbox: '\f16b'; - stackexchange: '\f16c'; - instagram: '\f16d'; - flickr: '\f16e'; - adn: '\f170'; - bitbucket: '\f171'; - bitbucketSign: '\f172'; - tumblr: '\f173'; - tumblrSign: '\f174'; - longArrowDown: '\f175'; - longArrowUp: '\f176'; - longArrowLeft: '\f177'; - longArrowRight: '\f178'; - apple: '\f179'; - windows: '\f17a'; - android: '\f17b'; - linux: '\f17c'; - dribbble: '\f17d'; - skype: '\f17e'; - foursquare: '\f180'; - trello: '\f181'; - female: '\f182'; - male: '\f183'; - gittip: '\f184'; - sun: '\f185'; - moon: '\f186'; - archive: '\f187'; - bug: '\f188'; - vk: '\f189'; - weibo: '\f18a'; - renren: '\f18b'; +export default const Icons = { + + glass: '\uf000', + music: '\uf001', + search: '\uf002', + envelopeAlt: '\uf003', + heart: '\uf004', + star: '\uf005', + starEmpty: '\uf006', + user: '\uf007', + film: '\uf008', + thLarge: '\uf009', + th: '\uf00a', + thList: '\uf00b', + ok: '\uf00c', + remove: '\uf00d', + zoomIn: '\uf00e', + zoomOut: '\uf010', + off: '\uf011', + signal: '\uf012', + cog: '\uf013', + trash: '\uf014', + home: '\uf015', + fileAlt: '\uf016', + time: '\uf017', + road: '\uf018', + downloadAlt: '\uf019', + download: '\uf01a', + upload: '\uf01b', + inbox: '\uf01c', + playCircle: '\uf01d', + repeat: '\uf01e', + refresh: '\uf021', + listAlt: '\uf022', + lock: '\uf023', + flag: '\uf024', + headphones: '\uf025', + volumeOff: '\uf026', + volumeDown: '\uf027', + volumeUp: '\uf028', + qrcode: '\uf029', + barcode: '\uf02a', + tag: '\uf02b', + tags: '\uf02c', + book: '\uf02d', + bookmark: '\uf02e', + print: '\uf02f', + camera: '\uf030', + font: '\uf031', + bold: '\uf032', + italic: '\uf033', + textHeight: '\uf034', + textWidth: '\uf035', + alignLeft: '\uf036', + alignCenter: '\uf037', + alignRight: '\uf038', + alignJustify: '\uf039', + list: '\uf03a', + indentLeft: '\uf03b', + indentRight: '\uf03c', + facetimeVideo: '\uf03d', + picture: '\uf03e', + pencil: '\uf040', + mapMarker: '\uf041', + adjust: '\uf042', + tint: '\uf043', + edit: '\uf044', + share: '\uf045', + check: '\uf046', + move: '\uf047', + stepBackward: '\uf048', + fastBackward: '\uf049', + backward: '\uf04a', + play: '\uf04b', + pause: '\uf04c', + stop: '\uf04d', + forward: '\uf04e', + fastForward: '\uf050', + stepForward: '\uf051', + eject: '\uf052', + chevronLeft: '\uf053', + chevronRight: '\uf054', + plusSign: '\uf055', + minusSign: '\uf056', + removeSign: '\uf057', + okSign: '\uf058', + questionSign: '\uf059', + infoSign: '\uf05a', + screenshot: '\uf05b', + removeCircle: '\uf05c', + okCircle: '\uf05d', + banCircle: '\uf05e', + arrowLeft: '\uf060', + arrowRight: '\uf061', + arrowUp: '\uf062', + arrowDown: '\uf063', + shareAlt: '\uf064', + resizeFull: '\uf065', + resizeSmall: '\uf066', + plus: '\uf067', + minus: '\uf068', + asterisk: '\uf069', + exclamationSign: '\uf06a', + gift: '\uf06b', + leaf: '\uf06c', + fire: '\uf06d', + eyeOpen: '\uf06e', + eyeClose: '\uf070', + warningSign: '\uf071', + plane: '\uf072', + calendar: '\uf073', + random: '\uf074', + comment: '\uf075', + magnet: '\uf076', + chevronUp: '\uf077', + chevronDown: '\uf078', + retweet: '\uf079', + shoppingCart: '\uf07a', + folderClose: '\uf07b', + folderOpen: '\uf07c', + resizeVertical: '\uf07d', + resizeHorizontal: '\uf07e', + barChart: '\uf080', + twitterSign: '\uf081', + facebookSign: '\uf082', + cameraRetro: '\uf083', + key: '\uf084', + cogs: '\uf085', + comments: '\uf086', + thumbsUpAlt: '\uf087', + thumbsDownAlt: '\uf088', + starHalf: '\uf089', + heartEmpty: '\uf08a', + signout: '\uf08b', + linkedinSign: '\uf08c', + pushpin: '\uf08d', + externalLink: '\uf08e', + signin: '\uf090', + trophy: '\uf091', + githubSign: '\uf092', + uploadAlt: '\uf093', + lemon: '\uf094', + phone: '\uf095', + checkEmpty: '\uf096', + bookmarkEmpty: '\uf097', + phoneSign: '\uf098', + twitter: '\uf099', + facebook: '\uf09a', + github: '\uf09b', + unlock: '\uf09c', + creditCard: '\uf09d', + rss: '\uf09e', + hdd: '\uf0a0', + bullhorn: '\uf0a1', + bell: '\uf0a2', + certificate: '\uf0a3', + handRight: '\uf0a4', + handLeft: '\uf0a5', + handUp: '\uf0a6', + handDown: '\uf0a7', + circleArrowLeft: '\uf0a8', + circleArrowRight: '\uf0a9', + circleArrowUp: '\uf0aa', + circleArrowDown: '\uf0ab', + globe: '\uf0ac', + wrench: '\uf0ad', + tasks: '\uf0ae', + filter: '\uf0b0', + briefcase: '\uf0b1', + fullscreen: '\uf0b2', + group: '\uf0c0', + link: '\uf0c1', + cloud: '\uf0c2', + beaker: '\uf0c3', + cut: '\uf0c4', + copy: '\uf0c5', + paperClip: '\uf0c6', + save: '\uf0c7', + signBlank: '\uf0c8', + reorder: '\uf0c9', + listUl: '\uf0ca', + listOl: '\uf0cb', + strikethrough: '\uf0cc', + underline: '\uf0cd', + table: '\uf0ce', + magic: '\uf0d0', + truck: '\uf0d1', + pinterest: '\uf0d2', + pinterestSign: '\uf0d3', + googlePlusSign: '\uf0d4', + googlePlus: '\uf0d5', + money: '\uf0d6', + caretDown: '\uf0d7', + caretUp: '\uf0d8', + caretLeft: '\uf0d9', + caretRight: '\uf0da', + columns: '\uf0db', + sort: '\uf0dc', + sortDown: '\uf0dd', + sortUp: '\uf0de', + envelope: '\uf0e0', + linkedin: '\uf0e1', + undo: '\uf0e2', + legal: '\uf0e3', + dashboard: '\uf0e4', + commentAlt: '\uf0e5', + commentsAlt: '\uf0e6', + bolt: '\uf0e7', + sitemap: '\uf0e8', + umbrella: '\uf0e9', + paste: '\uf0ea', + lightbulb: '\uf0eb', + exchange: '\uf0ec', + cloudDownload: '\uf0ed', + cloudUpload: '\uf0ee', + userMd: '\uf0f0', + stethoscope: '\uf0f1', + suitcase: '\uf0f2', + bellAlt: '\uf0f3', + coffee: '\uf0f4', + food: '\uf0f5', + fileTextAlt: '\uf0f6', + building: '\uf0f7', + hospital: '\uf0f8', + ambulance: '\uf0f9', + medkit: '\uf0fa', + fighterJet: '\uf0fb', + beer: '\uf0fc', + hSign: '\uf0fd', + plusSignAlt: '\uf0fe', + doubleAngleLeft: '\uf100', + doubleAngleRight: '\uf101', + doubleAngleUp: '\uf102', + doubleAngleDown: '\uf103', + angleLeft: '\uf104', + angleRight: '\uf105', + angleUp: '\uf106', + angleDown: '\uf107', + desktop: '\uf108', + laptop: '\uf109', + tablet: '\uf10a', + mobilePhone: '\uf10b', + circleBlank: '\uf10c', + quoteLeft: '\uf10d', + quoteRight: '\uf10e', + spinner: '\uf110', + circle: '\uf111', + reply: '\uf112', + githubAlt: '\uf113', + folderCloseAlt: '\uf114', + folderOpenAlt: '\uf115', + expandAlt: '\uf116', + collapseAlt: '\uf117', + smile: '\uf118', + frown: '\uf119', + meh: '\uf11a', + gamepad: '\uf11b', + keyboard: '\uf11c', + flagAlt: '\uf11d', + flagCheckered: '\uf11e', + terminal: '\uf120', + code: '\uf121', + replyAll: '\uf122', + mailReplyAll: '\uf122', + starHalfEmpty: '\uf123', + locationArrow: '\uf124', + crop: '\uf125', + codeFork: '\uf126', + unlink: '\uf127', + question: '\uf128', + info: '\uf129', + exclamation: '\uf12a', + superscript: '\uf12b', + subscript: '\uf12c', + eraser: '\uf12d', + puzzlePiece: '\uf12e', + microphone: '\uf130', + microphoneOff: '\uf131', + shield: '\uf132', + calendarEmpty: '\uf133', + fireExtinguisher: '\uf134', + rocket: '\uf135', + maxcdn: '\uf136', + chevronSignLeft: '\uf137', + chevronSignRight: '\uf138', + chevronSignUp: '\uf139', + chevronSignDown: '\uf13a', + html5: '\uf13b', + css3: '\uf13c', + anchor: '\uf13d', + unlockAlt: '\uf13e', + bullseye: '\uf140', + ellipsisHorizontal: '\uf141', + ellipsisVertical: '\uf142', + rssSign: '\uf143', + playSign: '\uf144', + ticket: '\uf145', + minusSignAlt: '\uf146', + checkMinus: '\uf147', + levelUp: '\uf148', + levelDown: '\uf149', + checkSign: '\uf14a', + editSign: '\uf14b', + externalLinkSign: '\uf14c', + shareSign: '\uf14d', + compass: '\uf14e', + collapse: '\uf150', + collapseTop: '\uf151', + expand: '\uf152', + eur: '\uf153', + gbp: '\uf154', + usd: '\uf155', + inr: '\uf156', + jpy: '\uf157', + cny: '\uf158', + krw: '\uf159', + btc: '\uf15a', + file: '\uf15b', + fileText: '\uf15c', + sortByAlphabet: '\uf15d', + sortByAlphabetAlt: '\uf15e', + sortByAttributes: '\uf160', + sortByAttributesAlt: '\uf161', + sortByOrder: '\uf162', + sortByOrderAlt: '\uf163', + thumbsUp: '\uf164', + thumbsDown: '\uf165', + youtubeSign: '\uf166', + youtube: '\uf167', + xing: '\uf168', + xingSign: '\uf169', + youtubePlay: '\uf16a', + dropbox: '\uf16b', + stackexchange: '\uf16c', + instagram: '\uf16d', + flickr: '\uf16e', + adn: '\uf170', + bitbucket: '\uf171', + bitbucketSign: '\uf172', + tumblr: '\uf173', + tumblrSign: '\uf174', + longArrowDown: '\uf175', + longArrowUp: '\uf176', + longArrowLeft: '\uf177', + longArrowRight: '\uf178', + apple: '\uf179', + windows: '\uf17a', + android: '\uf17b', + linux: '\uf17c', + dribbble: '\uf17d', + skype: '\uf17e', + foursquare: '\uf180', + trello: '\uf181', + female: '\uf182', + male: '\uf183', + gittip: '\uf184', + sun: '\uf185', + moon: '\uf186', + archive: '\uf187', + bug: '\uf188', + vk: '\uf189', + weibo: '\uf18a', + renren: '\uf18b', +//3.2 + + ccVisa: '\uf1f0', + ccMastercard: '\uf1f1', + ccAmex: '\uf1f3', + + +}; diff --git a/Icon.js b/Icon.js index 22c9414..8212489 100644 --- a/Icon.js +++ b/Icon.js @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ import React from 'react'; import { Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; +import Icons from './FontAwesomeIcons'; + export const Icons = { //Credit Cards @@ -59,4 +61,5 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({ }, }); +export Icons; export default Icon;