It's time to do some hands-on work. In this part, you will create your own version of the course repository on the Equinor-Playground organization and then start the GitHub Codespace where you will spend most of your time in this workshop.
- Verify access to the GitHub orgs
- Navigate to the template repo
- Select "Use this template" and then add relevant information
- "Create a new repository"
- "Owner" should be "Equinor-Playground"
- "Repository Name" should be "(your initials)-appsec-secret-scanning-workshop" (example: "lksk-appsec-secret-scanning-workshop")
- "Description" should be "Appsec Workshop Repo, will be deleted 3 weeks after creation"
- Repository "visibility" should be "Internal"
- Select "Create repository"
You should now have your own copy of the course repository hosted on the Equinor-Playground.
Next up will be to start the virtual development environment, GitHub CodeSpaces.
- Navigate to your new repository on "Equinor-Playground"
- From your copy of the repository select "Code"
- Select the Tab "Codespaces"
- Select "Create Codespace on main"
It typically will take a few minutes to build your codespace. In a normal working scenario, you should investigate the "prebuilt container" feature. While it builds, we can:
- have a short introduction to GitHub Codespaces
- explore the workshop repo
- discuss pros/cons of this way of working (Codespaces)
(- have a look at the honey token demo)