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OpenNews Code and projects

A key element to the OpenNews project is to put code out into the world that will help make better journalism. Our Knight-Mozilla Fellows are pushing commits to GitHub regularly, and the hack days we're sponsoring around the world are creating code to solve specific problems.

Projects by the Knight-Mozilla Fellows

  • Amo
    Cole Gillespie's Amo was born out of a need to be able to track multiple stories across the web in real time. It works by checking to see how many times a url has been shared on Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. Once you have the number of shares for a particular url at any given time then you can record those and really start to see which stories the social world likes and it talking about the most.
    Key libraries : jsdom, node and jQuery
    On Github
  • Arrow
    Laurian Gridinoc’s work in progress on how to play sound slides created with in a Flash-free environment. The current example is a proof-of-concept based on the Siegfried Sassoon BBC SoundSlides-authored audio slideshow. This project might merge later with Mark Boas’ YouSlide.
    Key libraries: Popcorn.js, MediaElement.js
    On the web | On GitHub
  • Contextual Video Player
    Mark Boas created the Contextual Video Player to enrich the experience of a web-based video player by augmenting additional info, various viewing modes and integrating social media sharing. The editor's role should be fast and straightforward and to this end, an editor edits and stores data in a Google Docs Spreadsheet. The ongoing aim is to create a framework that can evolve for use with similar projects and also create a general web-based stand-alone player linked to AJE's documentary material.
    Key libraries : Popcorn.js, jPlayer and Tabletop.js
    On the web | On Github
  • Hyperaudio Pad
    Mark Boas' Hyperaudio Pad is a tool to facilitate the easy assemblage of audio and video programs from their underlying transcripts. The ongoing aims are to create something usable that works with both audio and video and allows transitions and overlaying to be specified via in-pad natural language instructions and to build up a library of material and to integrate with other third-parties such as Amara (formerly Universal Subtitles)
    Key libraries: Popcorn.js, jPlayer
    On the web | On Github
  • IE6 Compatible Choropleth Map with D3 & Raphaël
    Laurian Gridinoc’s experiment in creating a choropleth map with D3.js and Raphaël.js that works even in Internet Explorer 6. Based on Riley Strong’s D3/IE6 work.
    Key libraries: D3.js, Raphaël.js
    On the web | On GitHub
  • NewsJack
    Dan Schultz's project leverages Hackasaurus to let anyone remix the news. NewsJack instigates questions about what it means to be credible online, reminds us how important it is to challenge digital messages regardless of their appearance, and promotes conversation about brand and media literacy.
    On the web | On Github
  • Truth Goggles
    Dan Schultz has built a credibility layer / automatic BS detector for the internet. It helps catalyze critical thinking by reminding people when it is most important to be cautious.
    On the web | On Github
  • YouSlide
    Mark Boas sought to make image-based slideshows more compelling by allowing images to be zoomed and faded and an audio track to be added. The ongoing aim is to create a tool that will allow anybody to create audio slideshows from YouTube based audio and Creative Commons licensed images.
    Key libraries : Popcorn.js, jPlayer
    On the web | On Github

Code from Hack Days

The global hack days we're helping to sponsor are producing all sorts of interesting code. Feel free to explore the many projects spawned at OpenNews Hack Days.

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loading data

').prependTo($('#hackcode')); window.onload = function() { init() }; var public_spreadshseet_url = ''; $(document).ready( function() { Tabletop.init( { key: public_spreadshseet_url, callback: showInfo, debug: true } ) }); function showInfo() { $('#preload').hide(); $.each( Tabletop.sheets("projects").all(), function(i, codeday) { var code_li = $('
  • ' + + '
    ' + codeday.description + '
    Created at ' + codeday.hackday +'
  • ') code_li.appendTo("#daycode"); }); }; </script>