- Intro
- Selectors a. overview b. Specificity intro c. Relational selectors & Combinators d. Selectors API e. Attribute Selectors f. UI Pseudo Class Selectors g. Structural selectors h. Other Logical Combinations: Negation, Matching and Parent i. Language based selectors j. Link, location & user action pseudo-classes k. Additional Pseudo Classes l. Specificity Revisited
- Pseudo-Elements a. first letter b. first line c. selection d. before, after and generated content e. selection f. additional pseudo elements g. browser specific pseudo elements
- Generated Content a. How before and after work b. How generated content works c. Generated content: quotes d. Generated content: Attribute Values e. Generated content: Counters f. Generated content: Images g. Generated content: Strings h. Special Characters i. Accessibility j. Design Elements
- Media Queries a. Media Type, Screen Size, Resolution b. Browser Capability @supports c. viewport d. use cases: Hyphenations, columns, svg
- Colors & Appearance a. colors b. Opacity v. Alphatransparency c. appearance d. additional pseudo elements
- Flexbox a. Purpose and goal of flexbox b. browser support and specification c. Overview d. The basics e. Flex container properties f. Flex item properties g. Flexibility