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jhollinger edited this page Jan 29, 2012 · 23 revisions

This is extremely early work - one might even say speculation - on a proposed plugin API. Please add, delete, +1, or -1.

The Plugin API should be...

  • The API should be unified (no distinction between server-side and UI plugins)
  • custom js and css will remain, but should not be confused with plugins
  • It should allow easy use of templates, as should some parts of core
  • Plugins should (generally) be npm modules, but we must allow for "proprietary" plugins that aren't published
  • npm plugins should possibly have a prefix - maybe "epl-"?
  • Some existing features (e.g. timeslider, chat, import/export) should be pulled out into plugins, but would still be shipped with core
  • This helps ensure a quality API and gives plugin authors some great examples
  • This implies that plugins should be on the same "level" as core components; they will have deep access to the system
  • This moves EPLite towards a "platform" mentality, rather than "an app with some integration points"
  • Common, tedious things should be made trivial (e.g. serving custom static assets, rendering templates, adding buttons to the editor)
  • "Convention over configuration" - a plugin should be functional (though probably not finished) with but a few lines of code. The author shouldn't even have to require anything up-front.

A trivial example

This example should present the absolute minimum amount of code needed to create a plugin that does some small thing.

This plugin is an npm module named "epl-huzzah". This is its index.js file.

var plugin = module.exports; = "huzzah";
plugin.version = "1.0";

plugin.init = function() {
  // Add a button to the pad editor which takes user to the route below. Any ideas?

  // Add a route to the app'/p/:pad/huzzah', function(req, res) {
    res.send(req.params.pad + "! Huzzah!");

Examples of functionality/plugins

  • Monospace button (could also be custom JS)
  • Syntax highlighting (could also be custom JS)
  • A complete Admin UI
  • Integrated OpenID/BrowserID auth
  • Core features (chat, timeslider, import/export)

Hooks, or server.js pieces which plugins should have direct access to

  • The express app
  • SocketIORouter
  • The async object from server.js - easier if they don't have to require it
  • All the other plugins
  • the console, version, root path, server.js.exports.maxAge
  • Minify.js - they should be able to append files to pad.js/timeslider.js, or create new minified chains
  • Hooks for customizing various parts of the pad editor
  • Adding buttons
  • ...
  • Database store access, for creating new types of objects
  • Hooks into pad creation and changes, group creation, author creation, etc.

A contrived example

Litter this with code examples of how you'd like things to work.



module.exports = require('./lib/example.js');


var plugin = module.exports;

// Required settings = 'example';
plugin.version = '1.0';

// Optional settings with sensible defaults. These are the defaults.
plugin.templates = 'templates'; // Name of plugin's template dir
plugin.static = 'static'; // Name of plugin's static assets dir

// Right before this hook, the plugin is assigned a new prototype, which contains the API
plugin.init = function() {
  plugin.serveJS(); // Everything in static/js will be available under "/plugins/example/js/"
  this.serveCSS(); // Same as above. Yes, plugin == this.
  plugin.addMinifiedJS('pad.js', 'b.js'); // Appends "c.js" to the virtual pad.js minified file

  var root = this.rootPath; // The full filesystem path to the plugin's root dir
  // plugin.env holds useful info and objects from core, such as the express app, socketio handler, etc.
  var eplRoot = this.env.rootPath; // The full filesystem path to the EPL installation

  // Direct access to the Express app - it's a great framework, why not?'/some/path, function(req, res) {
    // A helper which gives "res.render" the full path to this plugin's templates
    plugin.render(res, 'huzzah');

  // Add a component to the socketio handler
  var iothing = require('./socketio_thing');
  plugin.env.socketIO.addComponent('example, iothing);

Other thoughts, concerns

  • Core will need to convert pad.html and timeslider.html to templates. Which engine should we use?
  • EJS - Simple, HTML with embedded JS, should look familiar to most everyone +1 jhollinger
  • Jade/HAML - Clean, pseudo-HTML with embedded JS, higher learning curve -1 jhollinger
  • JSDOM + Weld - Intriguing, but very high learning curve
  • How to ensure that a plugin works with a specific version of etherpad lite?
  • How to enable plugins? Live via an admin interface or in a config file?
  • How can we detect plugins that are jamming up async due to dropped callbacks?
  • We need to find a way to get a list of all etherpad lite plugins in the npm registry.
  • We need some way so etherpad lite can find the the installed plugins.



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