We encourage everyone to contribute improvements and bug fixes to SymCC Runtime. Our
preferred way of accepting contributions is via GitHub pull requests. Please be
sure to run clang-format on any C/C++ code you change; an easy way to do so is
with git clang-format --style LLVM
just before committing. (On Ubuntu, you can
get git-clang-format
via apt install clang-format
.) Ideally, also add a test
to your patch (see the
docs for
details). Unfortunately, since the project is a bit short on developers at the
moment, we have to ask for your patience while we review your PR.
Please note that any contributions you make are licensed under the same terms as the code you're contributing to, as per the GitHub Terms of Service, section D.6. At the time of writing, this means LGPL (version 3 or later) for the SymCC Runtime.