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File metadata and controls

129 lines (108 loc) · 6.33 KB


This is an example of automating the request of new or updated certificates for BIG-IP virtual servers from Let's Encrypt, using the ACME http_01 challenge protocol. Once the processing infrastructure is in place, there are two Ansible playbooks in this example;

  1. Request an updated/new certificate, prepare the challenge, retrieve the new certificates and keys
  2. Update the BIG-IP virtual servers with the new certificates



Install this repository on your automation host. Verify that it is possible to ssh to BIG-IP from your automation host. On the BIG-IP create a virtual server for each application, with pools and application servers as appropriate.

Create an inventory file

⚠️ Since the inventory and its associated group and host vars will likely contain some sensitive information, prevent inadvertent leaks to public repositories by placing your inventory.yml somewhere outside of the repository directory. You can copy the inventory.example.yml as a starting point.

For example, place the following in inventory.yml


Create group_vars and host_vars sub-directories within the directory where you placed your inventory.yml file. Place the necessary address and access information in the appropriate group_vars or host_vars. Read Using Variables in the Ansible documentation for more information. You can copy the group_vars.example and host_vars.example directories found in this repository as starting points.

This demonstration code requires the groups bigips and acmelisteners.

Managing Sensitive Values

Within this demo, passwords, passphrases and similar sensitive data is managed as clear text values. In a real-world environment, it is highly recommended you use a solution for encrypting and otherwise protecting these values, such as Ansible Vault.

Setup host variables for your BIG-IPs

For each of your BIG-IPs create a label in your inventory.yml as shown above for bigip1:. In your host_vars directory, create a file for each BIG-IP named uniformly with the label in your inventory.yml file. For example, for the bigip1: reference in the inventory above, you would create a bigip1.yml file in your host_vars directory. In the host variables file put the following;

ansible_ssh_user: admin
ansible_ssh_pass: bigippassword
  server: "{{ ansible_host }}"
  user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
  password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
  server_port: 443
  validate_certs: false  
    name: A1
    acme_staging_flag: "staging-" # staging-  set the flag to 'staging-' when using the staging API and an empty string ('') for the production API
    domain_name: ""
    organization_name: "my organization"
    country_name: "US"
    acme_email: "admin@emailaddress"
    acmechallenge_account_key: "myprivateaccountkey.key"
    template: https
    class: Service_HTTPS
    virtualAddress: ""
    serverAddresses: ","

Update the values as appropriate for your BIG-IP. You can duplicate the A1 block under applications:. Each of those blocks will be used to create / update a virtual server on the BIG-IP.

Set the location for the keys and certs

Update the acme challenge variables in group_vars/all.yml to reference the location where your keys and certificates will be placed. :warning: This must not be within the repository directories in order to avoid inadvertently committing private keys to a public source control repository.

acmechallenge_dir: "/path/to/acmechallengedirectory"
acmechallenge_keys_dir: "{{ acmechallenge_dir }}/keys"
acmechallenge_csrs_dir: "{{ acmechallenge_dir }}/csrs"
acmechallenge_certs_dir: "{{ acmechallenge_dir }}/certs"
privatekey_passphrase: "passphrase for keys"
acmechallenge_owner: "ownerofacmechallengedirectories"
acmechallenge_group: "groupofacmechallengedirectories"

Create pool for dedicated ACME Challenge listener

Set the address of the NGINX web servers that will be used to handle acme requests in host_vars/hostname.yml. You can use /host_vars.example/acmelistener1.yml as a starting point.

www_root: /var/www
nginx_root: /etc/nginx
ansible_become: true
ansible_become_password: "sudopassword"
ansible_user: admin
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /path/to/privatekeyfile

and run the following command

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml installacmelistener.yml


After the playbook completes successfully, in /Common/Shared a pool named acmelisteners and policy named forward_acme_challenge_requests are created. Add the policy to all virtual servers that host applications to will have certificates managed through these playbooks. This will create a forward policy that directs .well-known/acme-challenge requests to acmelistener pool.

Request and retrieve a certificate from Lets Encrypt

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml letsencrypt.yml


This will create a challenge to Let's Encrypt then it validates the challenge. Once succesfully validated the automation host will store the certificate and keys.

Put a file on the acme challenge listeners child

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml placechallengefiles.yml

Post certificates and keys to BIG-IPs

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml postas3.yml


Lastly the automation host will post AS3 declaration to BIG-IP updating the virtual server with cerficate and key.