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Java SDK Example

Backend Todo server app based on Java Jersey to demonstrate the usage of FeatureHub Java Jersey SDK. It currently relies on some dependencies from the main repository and so will not resolve if you don’t important that. We will fix that shortly.

Demonstrates the Feature Flag ("BOOLEAN" type) usage


If "FEATURE_TITLE_TO_UPPERCASE" is enabled - it will convert to-do 'title' property to uppercase for every to-do in the response for add/list/delete/resolve operations.

If this feature is disabled it will have to-do 'title' in whatever format it was sent when a todo was created.

The app is based on the Open API description stored in todo-api folder.

You need to setup a feature of type "Feature flag - boolean" in the FeatureHub Admin Web app. Use the feature key provided above.

Feature demo

You are required to have a Service Account created in the FeatureHub Web app with the "read" permissions for your desired environment. Once this is set, copy the SDK URL for your desired environment and set it in the properties file located here:


Include the following lines and substitute with your own keys: `feature-service.url=http://your-featurehub-url:8903/features/default/99d8bca3-4e10-4c58-a10c-509b31db3532/X8y3nRMTgtVS7Lsn8Oyk1ppT2Yeap7XGnKVZEjVDMd1XdeqtBAjE6BH4F6f91jXkdh2Sf2zk6PzHJSPa


Note, the "your-featurehub-url" and port will depend on which server you are running. If you are running SSE by itself, or the Docker with "all-separate-postgres" it will default to 8553. If you are running Party Server, it will be 8903, if you are running Docker with All-In-One-h2 it will be 8085

You will require to have valid GA Tracking ID (to be able to see events coming through in GA), e.g. 'UA-XXXXXXXXX-X'.

GA events:

name: "todo-add", value: "10"

name: "todo-delete", value: "5"

Once you launch the server, any call to "add" or "delete" to-do item will generate a GA event accordingly.

Note: You can view the events appear in the real-time console in GA. The events will also appear in "Behaviour" section with ~12 hours delay.

More on GA integration can be found here

Running the sample

You need to set 3 environment variables or system properties (at least):

  • feature-service.api-key - set this to your API key - e.g. default/ae915d4e-1a58-4d75-b839-79d0b1f94b03/eVSnkFXKLGpZtpLOHO4tnkMiX4AEWM*MrLGGGvrECRIHnL7mQLZ

  • - set this to the host of your features, e.g. http://localhost:8085

  • feature-service.sdk - set this to the implementation you wish to try, android, sse, jersey3.

There is a filter in the application that will poll for updates if you set the type to android, and it has configuration:

  • feature-service.poll-interval - it is default at 200ms but will only poll when a request comes in and will do so in the background so the current request is unlikely to be updated.

Installation Instructions

mvn clean generate-sources

run the app using runner file: todo-backend-java/src/main/java/todo/backend/

once the app is running, you should be able to do:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"title": "Hello World", "id": "456"}'

and to get the list of to-dos:

curl -X GET \ \
-H 'Postman-Token: 6bfe318a-5481-4e8e-a3e4-ab881202ba31' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'

Watch how "title" value in the response changes from lower case to upper case when you turn feature on/off from the admin console

Feature Value Interceptors

System property interceptors are loaded, e.g.


this will force the title to be upper case.