## Unreleased
- Support for Buffer and Stream parameters and results
- Validates exposed API metadata such as
- Usage of Yarn
- Reformat CHANGELOG to follow Keep a Changelog recommandations
- New documentation with latest docma v2.0.0
- Dependency updates
- Support of destructured parameters and rest parameters (previously was throwing errors)
- Parsing error on exposed API written as
async a => {}
(usage of mini-service-utils v3.0.0)
- Breaking:
used to throw synrchonous errors while validating configuration. Now all errors are thrown asynchronously - Breaking: Uses async/await instead of promise-based code. Requires node@8+
- Dependencies update, including Hapi 17
- Exposed API with single parameter and default value exposed as
(are properPOST
- Expose customizable OpenAPI descriptor (disabled by default)
- Allow documentation and validation of API result (disabled by default)
- Dependencies update
- Max request payload limit by configuring it to 1 GB.
- Allow default values for API parameters
- Disabled low-level socket timeout
- Support synchronous
and API functions - Dependencies update
- Don't wrap Boom errors to keep http status codes
- Use standard.js lint configuration
- Breaking: uses mini-client@3.0.0 that uses sub-objects for exposed groups.
- Returns CRC32 checksum of exposed API during every call, to allow mini-client checking compatibility
- Dependency update (except Joi 11 that introduced a regression in Hapi)
- Allow to declare API without groups
- Allow to declare API validation in group options
- Better documentation and code examples
- Externalized client using [mini-client][mini-client-url], to decouple clients and service code
- Breaking: Introduce new terminology, with service descriptor and API groups
- Breaking: When parsing exposed APIs, expect 'group' property instead of 'name'
- Breaking: Force name+version on local client
- More understandable error messages
- Add NSP checks, and upgrade vulnerable dependency
- Parameter detection
- Proxies that are detected as a Thenable object
- Issue related to parameter name extraction when using arrow functions
- Use proxy to delay remotely exposed Apis retrieval to the first effective usage
- Activate Travis CI and coveralls reports
- Dependencies update
- Client functions always returns a real promise (request-promise return a mixed stream + promise object that prevent direct usage in Hapi)
- Checks exposed services interface to avoid mistakes
- Dependencies update
- Use lab configuration file
- Bug preventing to specify version when creating the service
- Allows to use general logger object within exposed services
- Initial release