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536 lines (447 loc) · 20.9 KB

States for POWERKIT

version: 1.1.1














State Name
moduleSn Module SN#
kitNum Unique dynamic ID for CAN Mediation
canId Version No.


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
oilCloseSoc 50 100 % 1 Smart generator shutoff SOC
amp 0 60 A 0.001 Current mA
fullCap 0 100000 mAh 1 Capacity of full charging
soc 0 100 % 1 soc
minCellVol 0 6 V 0.001 Minimum battery cell voltage
ptcRemainTime 0 360 min 1 Remaining time of PTC heating
vol 0 60 V 0.001 Voltage
minCellTemp -30 100 °C 1 Minimum battery cell temperature
ptcChgErrCnt 0 n/a 1 Error count of PTC heating
remainCap 0 100000 mAh 1 Remaining capacity
inWatts 0 5000 W 1 Input power
temp -30 100 °C 1 Showing current temperature
maxMosTemp 0 100 °C 1 Maximum MOS temperature
maxCellTemp -30 80 °C 1 Maximum battery cell temperature
minMosTemp 0 100 °C 1 Minimum MOS temperature
lcdStandbyMin 0 3600 min 1 LCD screen standby time
maxPtcTemp -30 100 °C 1 Maximum PTC temperature
maxCellVol 0 6 V 0.001 Maximum battery cell voltage
dsgSetSoc 0 30 % 1 SOC lower limit when discharging the UPS
minPtcTemp 0 100 °C 1 Minimum PTC temperature
chgSetSoc 60 100 % 1 SOC upper limit when charging the UPS
oilOpenSoc 0 60 % 1 Smart generator startup SOC
designCap 0 100000 mAh 1 Design capacity
outWatts 0 6000 W 1 Output power
bmsChgUpline 0 100 % 1 Upper limit of UPS charging of BMS
remainTime 0 15000 min 1 Remaining time
totalFullCap 0 120000 mAh 1 Total battery capacity
totalOutWatts 0 7200 W 1 Total output power
acDcLsplShutdMin 0 7200 min 1 Time to shutoff when both AC and DC enter low power mode
totalInWatts 0 3000 W 1 Total input power
lcdOffConfirmS 0 7200 min 1 Screen shutoff time
oilStopUpline 60 100 % 1 Upper limit for the smart generator to disable
oilStartDownline 0 30 % 1 Lower limit for the smart generator to start
cycles 0 n/a 1 Cycles
totalSoc 0 100 % 1 Total SOC
totalRemainTime 0 15000 min 1 Total remaining time
bmsDsgDownline 0 30 % 1 Lower limit of UPS charging of BMS
totalAmp 0 60 A 0.1 Total current


State Name values
chgDsgMosState Status of charging and discharging MOS {0:OK?}
ptcHeatingEvent PTC stop heating event {0:OK?}
upsFlag Status of UPS mode {0:OK?}
warnCode Alarm code {0:OK?}
openBmsIdex Enable the battery or not. 0: not enabled, 1: enabled {0:not enabled,1:enabled}
ptcHeatingFlag Current status of PTC: 0: stop, 1: heating, in delay due to error {0:stop,1:heating, in delay due to error}
proChgDsgMosState Pre-discharging MOS status {0:OK?}
chgState Charging/Discharging status {0:charging?,1:discharging?}
ptcMosErr Heating MOS exception {0:OK?}
ptcAllowFlag Allow PTC heating indication: 0: not allowed, 1: allowed {0:not allowed,1:allowed}
eventCode Event code {0:OK?}
errCode Error code {0:OK?}
ptcTouchFlag PTC triggering event: 0: not triggered, 1: heating by charging, 2: heating by discharging {0:not triggered,1:heating by charging,2:heating by discharging}
balanceFlag Balancing status {0:OK?}
bmsFault BMS permanent failure {0:OK?}
bmsType 0:BP5000 1:BP2000 {0:BP5000,1:BP2000}
doubleOilErrorFlag Dual smart generator error {0:OK?}
totalChgDsgState Overall charging/discharging status, 0: idle, 1: discharging, 2: charging {0:idle,1:discharging,2:charging}
remindDsgPtcFlag HUB under-voltage reminder to heat by charging {0:OK?}
warningEvent Alarm event, 0: no warning, 1: charging, shutoff warning not allowed {0:no warning,1:charging, shutoff warning not allowed}



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
dsgEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Accumulative power discharged
ldOutCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Output current
ldOutWatts 0 7200 W 1 Output power
hs1Temp 0 60 °C 1 Radiator 1 temperature
l1Curr 0 30 A 0.001 Inductor L1 current
batCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Battery current
batWatts 0 7200 W 1 Battery power
l2Curr 0 30 A 0.001 Inductor L2 current
pcbTemp 0 100 °C 1 PCB temperature
hs2Temp 0 60 °C 1 Radiator 2 temperature(℃)
standbyTime 0 n/a min 1 Standby time with open load
batVol 0 60 V 0.001 Battery voltage
ldOutVol 0 60 V 0.001 Output voltage
dayEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Daily power discharged


State Name values
workMode Operating mode, 1: charging mode, 2: power supply mode {0:charging mode,2:power supply mode}
dcOutSta DC output status {0:OK?}
warnCode Alarm code {0:OK?}
eventCode Event code {0:OK?}
cfgVolTag Configured output voltage type {0:OK?}
errCode See the preceding details of error codes. {0:OK?}



State Name values
totalChgDsgState Overall charging/discharging status, 0: idle, 1: discharging, 2: charging {0:idle,1:discharging,2:charging}
doubleOilErrorFlag Dual smart generator error {0:OK?}
remindDsgPtcFlag HUB under-voltage reminder to heat by charging {0:OK?}
warningEvent Alarm event, 0: no warning, 1: charging, shutoff warning not allowed {0:no warning,1:charging, shutoff warning not allowed}


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
bmsChgUpline 0 100 % 1 Upper limit of UPS charging of BMS
totalFullCap 0 120000 mAh 1 Total battery capacity
totalOutWatts 0 7200 W 1 Total output power
acDcLsplShutdMin 0 7200 min 1 Time to shutoff when both AC and DC enter low power mode
totalInWatts 0 3000 W 1 Total input power
totalSoc 0 100 % 1 Total SOC
lcdOffConfirmS 0 7200 min 1 Screen shutoff time
totalAmp 0 60 A 0.1 Total current
totalRemainTime 0 15000 min 1 Total remaining time
oilStartDownline 0 30 % 1 Lower limit for the smart generator to start
oilStopUpline 60 100 % 1 Upper limit for the smart generator to disable
bmsDsgDownline 0 30 % 1 Lower limit of UPS charging of BMS



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Name values
pv2ErrCode PV2 error code {0:OK?}
pv1ErrCode PV1 error code {0:OK?}
alt1VoltLmtEn Custom restricted voltage 1 enable {0:OK?}
pv2WorkMode Operating mode, 1: solar, 2: adapter {1:solar,2:adapter}
mppt2SwSta MPPT2 button status {0:OK?}
alt2VoltLmtEn Custom restricted voltage 2 enable {0:OK?}
mppt1SwSta MPPT1 button status {0:OK?}
pv2InputFlag PV2 input status {0:OK?}
pv1InputFlag PV1 input status {0:OK?}
pv1WorkMode Operating mode, 1: solar, 2: adapter {1:solar,2:adapter}
eventCode2 Event code {0:OK?}
eventCode1 Event code {0:OK?}
alt1CableUnit ALT power charging cable length unit, 0: meter, 1: foot {0:meter,1:foot}
warnCode2 Alarm code {0:OK?}
warnCode1 Alarm code {0:OK?}
pv1_hot_out pv1_hot_out {0:OK?,1:?}
pv2_hot_out pv2_hot_out {0:OK?,1:?}


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
pv1InWatts 0 1600 W 1 PV1 input power
pv2InWatts 0 1600 W 1 PV2 input power
chgEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Accumulative power discharged
l1Curr 0 60 A 0.001 Inductor L1 current
alt2CableUnit 0 n/a Wh 1 Accumulative power discharged
batCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Battery current
batWatts 0 7200 W 0.01 Battery power
pv1InCurr 0 60 A 0.001 PV1 input current
pv2InVol 0 70 V 0.001 PV2 input voltage
alt1CableLen 1 30 m 0.01 ALT1 power charging cable length: 1 m to 30 m
hs2Temp 0 60 °C 1 Radiator 2 temperature(℃)
alt2CableLen 1 30 m 0.01 ALT2 power charging cable length: 1 m to 30 m
dayEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Daily power discharged
alt1VoltLmt 0 60 V 0.1 Custom restricted voltage value 1, unit: 100 mV
alt2VoltLmt 0 60 V 0.1 Custom restricted voltage value 2, unit: 100 mV
hs1Temp 0 60 °C 1 Radiator 1 temperature
pv2InCurr 0 60 A 0.001 PV2 input current
l2Curr 0 30 A 0.001 Inductor L2 current
pcbTemp 0 80 °C 1 PCB temperature
batVol 0 60 V 0.001 Battery voltage
pv1InVol 0 70 V 0.001 PV1 input voltage
dsgEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Accumulative power discharged



State Name
m0_customData Custom data
m0_loaderVersion Loader version
m0_moduleAddr Module static address
m0_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m0_moduleDetail Module detail
m0_moduleSn Module SN
m0_moduleType Module type
m0_moduleVersion Module version
m1_customData Custom data
m1_loaderVersion Loader version
m1_moduleAddr Module static address
m1_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m1_moduleDetail Module detail
m1_moduleSn Module SN
m1_moduleType Module type
m1_moduleVersion Module version
m2_customData Custom data
m2_loaderVersion Loader version
m2_moduleAddr Module static address
m2_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m2_moduleDetail Module detail
m2_moduleSn Module SN
m2_moduleType Module type
m2_moduleVersion Module version
m3_customData Custom data
m3_loaderVersion Loader version
m3_moduleAddr Module static address
m3_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m3_moduleDetail Module detail
m3_moduleSn Module SN
m3_moduleType Module type
m3_moduleVersion Module version
m4_customData Custom data
m4_loaderVersion Loader version
m4_moduleAddr Module static address
m4_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m4_moduleDetail Module detail
m4_moduleSn Module SN
m4_moduleType Module type
m4_moduleVersion Module version
m5_customData Custom data
m5_loaderVersion Loader version
m5_moduleAddr Module static address
m5_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m5_moduleDetail Module detail
m5_moduleSn Module SN
m5_moduleType Module type
m5_moduleVersion Module version
m6_customData Custom data
m6_loaderVersion Loader version
m6_moduleAddr Module static address
m6_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m6_moduleDetail Module detail
m6_moduleSn Module SN
m6_moduleType Module type
m6_moduleVersion Module version
m7_customData Custom data
m7_loaderVersion Loader version
m7_moduleAddr Module static address
m7_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m7_moduleDetail Module detail
m7_moduleSn Module SN
m7_moduleType Module type
m7_moduleVersion Module version
m8_customData Custom data
m8_loaderVersion Loader version
m8_moduleAddr Module static address
m8_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m8_moduleDetail Module detail
m8_moduleSn Module SN
m8_moduleType Module type
m8_moduleVersion Module version
m9_customData Custom data
m9_loaderVersion Loader version
m9_moduleAddr Module static address
m9_moduleDAddr Module dynamic address
m9_moduleDetail Module detail
m9_moduleSn Module SN
m9_moduleType Module type
m9_moduleVersion Module version



State Name
scenes Scenario



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Name values
errCode See the preceding details of error codes. {0:OK?}
workMode Operating mode, 1: charging mode, 2: power supply mode {1:charging mode,2:power supply mode}
dcInState DC input status, 0: not connected, 1: connected {0:not connected,1:connected}
bpOnlinePos BP in place information, BIT0:BP1 in place, BIT1:BP2 in place, BIT2:BP3 in place {0:OK?}
inHwTpe Input wire harness type, 0: ALT wire, 1: PV wire {0:ALT wire,1:PV wire}
chgType Charging type, 0: unknown, 1: ALT, 2: PV {0:unknown,1:ALT,2:PV}
isCarMoving Operating or not, enable after charging and operating {0:OK?}
chargeMode 0: charging, 1: discharging {0:charging,1:discharging}
warnCode Alarm code {0:OK?}
eventCode Event code {0:OK?}
workMode2 Operating mode, 0: charging mode, 1 reverse charging mode {0:charging mode,1:reverse charging mode}
allowDsgOn Operation status: 1: allow to open the discharging switch, 0: not allow to open the discharging switch {0:not allow to open the discharging switch,1:allow to open the discharging switch}
chgPause Pause of charging, 0: normal, 1: pause charging {0:normal,1:pause charging}
shakeCtrlDisable Disable vibration detection while operating, 0 enabled, 1 disabled {0:enabled,1:disabled}
altCableUnit ALT power charging cable length unit, 0: meter, 1: foot {0:meter,1:foot}
altVoltLmtEn Custom restricted voltage enable {0:OK?}


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
dcInVol 0 60 V 0.001 Input voltage
dcInCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Input current
dcInWatts 0 1600 W 1 Input power
batVol 0 60 V 0.001 Battery voltage
batCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Battery current
batWatts 0 3600 W 1 Battery power
l1Curr 0 30 A 0.001 Inductor L1 current
l2Curr 0 30 A 0.001 Inductor L2 current
hs1Temp 0 60 °C 1 Radiator 1 temperature
hs2Temp 0 60 °C 1 Radiator 2 temperature(℃)
pcbTemp 0 60 °C 1 PCB temperature
chgMaxCurr 0 70 A 0.001 Maximum charging current configured
dayEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Daily power discharged
dsgEnergy 0 n/a Wh 1 Accumulative power discharged
altCableLen 0 30 m 0.01 ALT power charging cable length
altVoltLmt 0 60 V 0.1 Custom restricted voltage value, unit: 100 mV
thirdWatts 0 7200 W 0.1 third watts


State Name
rsvd reserved



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Name values
errCode Error code {0:OK?}
warn_code Alarm keyword {0:OK?}
event_code Event keyword {0:OK?}
fanLevel Fan level: 0–3 {0:OK?}
chgType Charger type, 0: NULL, 1: AC charging, 2: adapter charging, 3: solar panel charging, 0xff: unknown charger type {0:NULL,1:AC charging,2:adapter charging,3:solar panel charging,0xff:unknown charger type}
chgDsgState Charging/discharging status, bit0~bit1: 00: idle, 01: discharging, 10: charging {0:OK?}
protectState Exception information displayed, BIT0: high temperature, BIT1: low temperature, BIT2: overload, BIT3: charging exception, BIT4: fan exception, BIT5: communication exception, BIT6: BMS failure {0:OK?}
chrgFlag 0: BMS idle or disconnected, 1: allowed to charge 2: not allowed to charge {0:BMS idle or disconnected,1:allowed to charge,2:not allowed to charge}
chgInType Input type of charging and discharging, bit0~bit1: 00: null, 01: AC, 10: MPPT, 11: AC && MPPT {0:OK?}
extKitType External accessory type, CC/PR/BC(SP), only MR500 is valid {0:OK?}
lsplFlag Low power indication, 1: enter low power mode, 0: exit low power mode {0:exit low power mode,1:enter low power mode}
warnCode Alarm code {0:OK?}
eventCode Event code {0:OK?}


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
batVol 0 60 V 0.001 Battery voltage
batCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Battery current
busVol 0 60 V 0.0001 Bus Voltage
dcTemp 0 60 °C 1 DC temperature
maxChgCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Maximum chargeable current
bmsChgCurr 0 60 A 0.001 BMS chargeable current
chgBatVol 0 60 V 0.001 Charging voltage
realSoc 0 100 5 1 Real SOC



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
inVol 0 60 V 0.001 Input voltage
inCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Input current
inWatts 0 60 W 1 Input power
outVol 0 250 V 0.001 Output voltage
outCurr 0 60 A 0.001 Output current
outWatts 0 7200 W 1 Output power
outVa 0 7200 VA 1 Output apparent power (VA)
acTemp 0 60 °C 1 AC temperature
inFreq 0 62 Hz 1 Inverter input frequency (Hz) 0,50,60
outFreq 0 62 Hz 1 Inverter output frequency (Hz) 0,50,60
cfgOutFreq 0 60 Hz 1 Output frequency (Hz)
inputWhInDay 0 n/a Wh 1 1 day input watt-hour
outputWhInDay 0 n/a Wh 1 1 day output watt-hour
acVolSet 0 250 V 1 RMS value, 220/110 V
acFreqSet 0 60 Hz 1 50/60Hz
acMaxCurrSer 0 30 A 1 Maximum AC input current (A)
passByMaxCurr 0 60 A 1 Setting bypass maximum current
standbyTime 0 60 min 1 Standby time with open load
outAmp2 0 60 A 0.001 Output current channel 2


State Name values
invType Machine type {0:OK?}
invSwSta Inverter switch, 1: on, 0: off {0:off,1:on}
powerOn Command for discharging; valid for the rising edge, 0: off, 1: on {0:off,1:on}
acChgDisable Charging not allowed {0:OK?}
acRlyCtrlDisable AC earth relay control not allowed {0:OK?}
wakeup Exit low power mode, wake up {0:OK?}
ch2Watt Channel 2 power Is the power of the standalone socket on the KIT for the MM100 project {0:OK?}
passByModeEn Use the grid power in priority when the button is disabled, 0: ignored, 1: enabled, 2: disabled {0:ignored,1:enabled,2:disabled}


State Name
appCfg Object Application configuration



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
acTemp1 0 80 °C 1 PCB temperature measurement
acTemp2 0 80 °C 1 PCB temperature measurement
acInVol 0 250 V 0.001 Input voltage
acTotalWatts 0 7200 W 1 Total active power


State Name
acChWatt 6-way channel active power
errorCodeAdd Matching of comments for error codes (supplementary)
acChCur 6-way channel current


State Name values
acChSta 6-way channel status, bot0->ch1, 0: off, 1: on {0:off,1:on}
acSetChSta Setting 6-way channel status, bot0->ch1, 0: not allowed to use, 1: allowed to use {0:not allowed to use,1:allowed to use}



State Name
moduleSn Module SN#


State Name
errorCode Error code
dcChCur 12-way channel current
dcChWatt Total power + 12-way channel active power
errorCodeAdd Error codes (supplementary)


State Min Max Unit Mult Name
dcInVol 0 60 V 0.001 Input voltage
dcTotalWatts 0 7200 W 1 Total power
dcTemp1 0 80 °C 1 PCB temperature measurement
dcTemp2 0 60 °C 1 PCB temperature measurement


State Name values
dcChRelay 6-way relay status, bit0->ch1, 0: off, 1: on {0:off,1:on}
dcChSta 12 way channel status bit0->ch1 0: off 1: on {0:off,1:on}
dcSetChSta Setting 12 way channel status bot0->ch1 0: not allowed to use 1: allowed to use {0:not allowed to use,1:allowed to use}