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Taxonomic annotation of metagenomes (taxator-tk) {#sec:synopsis_taxator-tk}

The method article in @sec:full_taxator-tk describes a high-performance tool for taxonomic annotation of metagenomes using phylogenetic principles. The procedure splits the input sequences (contigs) into smaller separate homology regions (segments), to which it applies a newly developed realignment placement algorithm (RPA) for taxonomic classification of these regions. This algorithm calculates pairwise alignment scores to estimate the phylogenetic distances and simultaneously approximates a corresponding tree structure. The alignments are non-exhaustive and are stopped once a good taxon estimate has been determined or if no phylogenetic signal can be found in the input. In a final merging step, the subregion predictions are combined for the full sequence to minimize the error of the predicted taxon. The corresponding computer program taxatork-tk is implemented in C++ and utilizes parallel computation.


In metagenomics, we study microbial communities from natural environments without obtaining cultures. Using sequencing followed by computational analyses, we can estimate the abundances of taxa, known as taxonomic profiling, and characterize their metabolic potentials by sorting nucleotide sequences into genome bins (binning) and predicting proteins therein. Taxonomic profiling is conceptually different from taxonomic binning because it only requires (partial) genes, which are taxonomically informative, and which can be obtained using amplicon sequencing whereas binning needs to deal with all parts of a genome. Universal marker genes used for profiling are usually classified by phylogenetic placement, which considers a gene reference tree of the corresponding gene as a proxy for the species phylogeny. Random genome regions, as obtained by shotgun sequencing, typically lack such reference trees. Therefore, a taxonomy is used instead and query sequences are compared to reference genomes, which are annotated with corresponding taxa. Such comparison can be done based on direct sequence matching or based on nucleotide sequence composition, for instance $k$-mers, which also allows recovering draft genomes from deep-branching lineages. However, sequence matching by alignment is more accurate, in particular for sequences shorter than 1 kb. Corresponding algorithms use alignment scores and threshold parameters to quickly determine an evolutionary neighborhood of a query but lack a well-motivated evolutionary framework. Calculating de-novo gene trees for every query in the metagenome is computationally too demanding for large metagenome samples. The software taxator-tk extends the traditional score-based approach by approximating phylogenetic gene trees using a linear number of pairwise alignments and thereby provides more accurate taxonomic assignments without requiring conservation threshold parameters.


The workflow for the taxonomic assignment of a query sequence consists of three parts ([@fig:taxatortk_workflow]): (a) a local alignment search for homologs, (b) the core assignment algorithm and (c) a post-processing step to merge subregion annotations. The initial search can be run by different aligners and using different reference sequence collections. Based on the resulting local alignments, each query sequence is split into distinct subregions (segments), omitting parts which have no similarity to any reference. This step reduces the overall number of positions for further alignments and accounts for genome arrangements. Each segment, along with its homologous reference sequences, is processed by the core algorithm to predict a taxon. The final merging step considers all segment predictions of a query sequence and determines the final taxon for assignment.

Workflow diagram for the taxonomic assignment of a nucleotide query sequence with taxator-tk: (a) Homology search for query sequence in reference collection using local alignment; (b) program taxator splits the query into distinct segments and determines a taxon ID for each; (c) program binner determines a consensus taxon ID for the entire query from the segment predictions.{#fig:taxatortk_workflow}

The core realignment placement algorithm (RPA) ([@fig:taxatortk_rpa]) assigns a taxon Q to a query segment q using a limited number of pairwise alignments among q and its homologous segments obtained by local alignment to reference sequences. It aims to identify a set of segments which form a monophyletic group or subtree in the corresponding phylogeny. First, the most similar segment s is aligned to the query q and all other segments in the set (pass 1). An outgroup segment o is determined as the first sequence with distance larger than $distance(s,q)$. The taxa of all segments with distance smaller or equal to $distance(s,o)$ are added to the neighborhood set M. Then, all segments are aligned to the outgroup segment o (pass 2), again adding taxa with distances smaller than $distance(o,q)$ to M. We assign the least common ancestor (LCA) of all taxa in M to segment q. The segments in M form a subtree among all available segment taxa. Sometimes, if no outgroup can be found or if the taxa in M are very diverse, the algorithm terminates and the predicted taxon is the taxonomy root, meaning unassigned. The RPA requires approximately $2n$ alignments, where $n$ is the number of reference segments.

Realignment placement algorithm (RPA) for labeling a query segment \textit{q} with a taxon ID. (a) Underlying taxonomy with query taxon Q and reference taxa A, B, C, D, O and S which is approximated by the query segment alignment. (b) Approximate graph representing pairwise distances between the taxa. The subgraph for clade X is highlighted. (c, d) The two alignment passes which add segment taxa to an empty set \textit{M}. Segment \textit{s} is the segment with the smallest local alignment score (distance) to \textit{q} in the initial similarity search. (c) First, all segments are aligned to segment \textit{s}. The resulting distances are ordered and the taxa with equal or smaller distances than \textit{distance(s,q)} are added to \textit{M}. The outgroup segment \textit{o} is the next most similar segment to \textit{s} after \textit{q}, with \textit{distance(o,s)} $>$ \textit{distance(s,q)}. (d) All segments are aligned to \textit{o}. From the ranked distances, taxa with distances smaller than \textit{distance(o,q)} are also added to \textit{M}. Thus, \textit{M} includes all the nearest evolutionary neighbors for the query segment \textit{q} (the taxa corresponding to segments \textit{a}, \textit{b}, \textit{c}, \textit{d}, \textit{o} and \textit{s}). The taxon ID assigned to \textit{q} is the lowest common ancestor of taxa in \textit{M}. (e) Partially resolved segment subtree at node R, which is implied by distances obtained in (c) and (d), where the exact position of some segments (\textit{a}, \textit{b}, \textit{c} and \textit{d} with dashed branches) is left unresolved by the RPA{#fig:taxatortk_rpa}


We evaluated the performance of taxonomic assignment with taxator-tk for different datasets: (a) 7176 16S rRNA genes, (b) simulated short sequences of length 100, 500 and 1000 bp, (c) simulated contigs for a synthetic microbial community and two public benchmark datasets and (d) contigs of a microbial community from cow rumen. When possible, we applied cross-validation and evaluated different taxonomic distances between sample and reference taxa. In all cases, the reference data were a diverse collection of full and partial genome sequences with taxonomic annotation. As expected, performance for 16S marker genes was best because it contained a clear phylogenetic signal. In practice, such sequences are best classified using phylogenetic placement because it makes use of reference phylogenies. The second evaluation with nucleotide sequences resembling individual reads, which were sampled from 1729 different species, showed that precision was high even for short sequences, but about 10% lower on average than for 16S data. The recall increased with the length of the sequences. Therefore, it is recommended to assemble reads prior to assignment with taxator-tk. For the validation with assembled contigs, we compared our results to other state-of-the-art assignment methods: CARMA, MEGAN, Kraken (all similarity-based) and PhyloPythiaS (composition-based). For the newly simulated community consisting of 49 different species and the two benchmark datasets, taxator-tk misassigned substantially fewer contigs at species and genus levels, resulting in a much better precision but a reduced recall. PhyloPythiaS, a classifier based on nucleotide composition ($k$-mers), had the best recall in a specific usage scenario. For the 319 Mb cow rumen dataset, taxator-tk was most consistent in assigning 2 kb sub-sequences to taxonomic bins, which confirmed the previous results on simulated contigs. In summary, taxator-tk also predicted the most realistic number of taxa in the samples compared to the other programs. Considering the runtime, it was slower than Kraken and MEGAN, due to additional computations, but faster than CARMA due to the efficient and parallel implementation: we processed $\sim$ 6 Gb per day using 10 CPU cores, including the initial local alignment step. The segmentation procedure of taxator-tk accounted for a 30 % decrease of the overall runtime and the program scaled approximately linearly with the input data size.

Family-level bin precision for the simulated metagenome sample with 49 species (simArt49e). (a-c) Each family bin's assignment precision related to logarithmic bin size for seven cross-validation experiments with simArt49e. The results of the single experiments were added to assess the taxonomic assignment performance across a range of evolutionary distances between the query and the reference sequences, excluding the least abundant bins (1\% of total bp). We calculated the precision values for (a) CARMA3, (b) MEGAN4 and (c) taxator-tk, counting assignments to lower-ranking taxa at the family level, and added a smoothed k-nearest-neighbor estimate of the mean precision in R using wapply (width=0.3) followed by smooth.spline (df=10). CARMA3 and MEGAN4 incorrectly identified many small taxonomic bins, substantially more than taxator-tk. (d) gives the amount of correct, false and undetermined family-level assignments for the different classifiers with simArt49e.{#fig:taxatortk_precision}


For all compared methods, the bin precision decreased with the bin size. Throughout all validation experiments, we could show that taxator-tk was the most precise method in assigning metagenome nucleotide sequences to corresponding taxa among the compared methods (an example shown in [@fig:taxatortk_precision]), which also resulted in the most realistic number of taxa. However, it assigned fewer data overall than other methods. This trade-off is a direct implication of the algorithm design, which is tailored towards minimization of errors. Therefore, it can confidently assign a core of sequences, for instance to train a model using nucleotide composition or to estimate taxon abundances. The use of unstructured reference data allows assigning across all domains of life, in contrast to most methods using specific gene families. From a methodological point of view, we presented an alternative phylogenetic inference algorithm which runs in linear time with respect to the number of homologs, and which applies to any nucleotide sequences with no need to select algorithm parameters. Besides taxonomic annotation of metagenomes, it can be applied to any DNA or RNA sequence, for instance to detect contamination in isolate sequencing data.
