This drill is about how we setup a Ruby on Rail project.
Let's assume your project is called awesome-project
We usually have a Workspace
folder in our home directory to hold all our projects.
$ mkdir ~/Workspace/awesome-project
$ cd ~/Workspace/awesome-project
Make sure you are in your project directory ~/Workspace/awesome-project
for the rest of this drill.
We use RVM to manage our ruby dependencies.
$ echo ruby-2.2.3 > .ruby-version
$ echo awesome-project > .ruby-gemset
$ cd .
Please use the latest (or second latest) stable version of Ruby.
The gemset name is normally chosen as the project name.
You need to do the last step cd .
so that RVM will create your gemset.
$ gem install rails --no-rdoc --no-ri
$ rails new . -T -d=postgresql
The options -T
and -d=postgresql
will remove the test folder and set the database to be postgres respectively.
Add the following git ignore rules in your .gitignore
Alternatively, you can add the following in your global git ignore file so that you don't have to do again for each project.
# Ignore mac stupid DS_Store
# Ignore Rubymine if you use Rubymine
# Ignore VIM swp files if you use VIM
We use rspec for our test cases (not minitest) so let's install that right away.
# Gemfile
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rails' # Rails testing
gem 'shoulda' # rspec model testing
gem 'factory_girl_rails' # Generate fixtures for testing
gem 'capybara' # Feature testing
gem 'better_errors' # Display a better error page on development webpage
gem 'binding_of_caller' # Required by better_errors gem
gem 'awesome_print' # Pretty prints Ruby objects for inspection
After bundle, you need to run rails generate rspec:install
for rspec gem.
You also need to add require 'capybara/rails'
to your /spec/rails_helper.rb
You also need to add config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
to your /spec/rails_helper.rb
We use Gitlab as a remote repository to store our code.
We have Futureworkz group in Gitlab and all projects should be parked under the Futureworkz namespace.
Please approach the system administrator to create and get the respository url.
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "Inital Commit"
git remote add origin <respository_url>
git push origin master
- Set your timezone explicity in
eg.config.time_zone = 'Singapore'
Setup 3 different projects or more. You should be familiar with command line, RVM and bundling the default gems.