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Rebasing Git for Windows

nalla edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 11 revisions

To do a rebase of the Git for Windows source onto a new upstream Git release, follow this guideline.


  1. You want to rebase onto a new upstream release tagged as v2.3.4
  2. The latest rebase was done onto a upstream release tagged as v2.3.3


  1. A working Git for Windows SDK.
  2. A fetched build-extra repository.
    cd /usr/src/build-extra
    git fetch
    git checkout master
  3. Working directory set to current Git for Windows source.
    cd /usr/src/git
  4. Added upstream as a remote.
    git remote add git
    git fetch git

Starting the rebase

  1. Find the commit of the last rebase and remember it.
    BASE="$(git rev-parse ":/Start the merging-rebase")"
  2. Run the script to build up the actual rebase script.
    ../build-extra/./ --merging --onto v2.3.4 $BASE
    Note: v2.3.4 is a tag in the remote git.
  3. The rebase should start automatically and occasionally stop if it hits any merge conflicts. Resolve those conflicts and then continue the rebase.
    git rebase --continue

Verifying the rebase

  1. Generate a diff of the previous state.
    git diff v2.3.3..origin/master > prev.diff

  2. Generate a diff of the current state.
    git diff v2.3.4..master > curr.diff

  3. Diff the diffs.
    git diff --no-index prev.diff curr.diff

    Ideally, the resulting output will show changes only in the @@ lines of prev.diff vs curr.diff.
    It's a bit hard to read, though, because it is a diff of a diff.
    So meta.
    When there is a line that starts with a - or a + but then continues with a space, that's good!
    It means that the context of our changes changed.

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