Errbit provides official Docker images to
make Docker deployment easy. You can pass all of Errbit's
configuration to the Docker container using
docker run -e
When running Errbit using docker run
you must specify a MONGO_URL. If you're
running in a production environment, you should also specify
RACK_ENV=production and SECRET_KEY_BASE=some-secret-key.
If you don't already have one, you can generate a suitable SECRET_KEY_BASE with:
docker run --rm errbit/errbit bundle exec rake secret
As of 2023, we are not releasing non-latest tags to docker hub (last release was v0.9.0 in 2020). Please use errbit/errbit:latest, which is updated on main builds. If you are interested in using official release tags of errbit, contributions to the CI process and shipping stable releases would be welcome.
Assuming you have a mongo host available, you can run errbit using docker run
, exposing its HTTP interface on port 8080:
docker run \
-e "RACK_ENV=production" \
-e "MONGO_URL=mongodb://my-mongo-host" \
-e "SECRET_KEY_BASE=my$ecre7key123" \
-p 8080:8080 \
Now run bundle exec rake errbit:bootstrap
to bootstrap the Errbit db within an ephemeral
Docker container:
docker run \
--rm \
-e "RACK_ENV=production" \
-e "MONGO_URL=mongodb://my-mongo-host" \
errbit/errbit:latest \
bundle exec rake errbit:bootstrap
Docker compose can take care of starting up a mongo container along with the Errbit application container and linking the two containers together:
docker-compose up -e "SECRET_KEY_BASE=my$ecre7key123"
Now run bundle exec rake errbit:bootstrap
to bootstrap the Errbit db within an ephemeral
Docker container:
docker exec errbit_errbit_1 bundle exec rake errbit:bootstrap