2.1.0 (2024-11-10)
- js: add is lockable orientation method (#42) (065f01b)
- js: extend lockTo method with additional parameter (#40) (6e245cf)
2.0.0 (2024-11-02)
- android: add main module and utils tests (#34) (c0c0137)
- android: enable and disable sensors based on usage (#36) (dd7fb9e)
- implement missing device orientations on android (#32) (1c4c41e)
- improve android native structure (#29) (890a3d3)
- improve example app with navigation (#37) (0da11be)
- improve ios native structure (#30) (d3a7bc3)
- upgrade react-native to latest (#38) (8c23108)
1.3.0 (2024-09-18)
- add convert auto rotation to human readable string (#27) (178fb4b)
- upgrade react native (#28) (a39f322)
1.2.3 (2024-07-28)
- android: device orientation converted to unknown during screen rotation (#22) (0bd13e3)
- android: incorrect onHostPause callback method (#25) (aa4ff82)
1.2.2 (2024-05-28)
1.2.1 (2024-05-27)
1.2.0 (2024-05-26)
- android: interface orientation value changes even with auto rotation off (#7) (4d15f08)
- iOS: missing check if deviceOrientation is actually supported (#13) (0e9c382)
- iOS: wrong interface orientation value after reset (#15) (ce351f7)
- android: expose auto rotation status to js (#9) (3815b4d)
- reset to initial supported interface orientation (#11) (e5d4e11)
1.1.0 (2024-05-25)
1.0.1 (2024-05-22)
- broken swift header import when using use_frameworks! (2d27d4b)
- module requires main queue setup since it overrides init (4cfbd1e)
- android: gradle.properties (96e7e7e)
- android: interface orientation enum to match iOS (853a3d9)
- android: interfaceOrientation logic based on deviceOrientation (610e4cb)
- android: missing lastInterfaceOrientation set in lockTo method (2eae9ae)
- iOS: interface orientation behavior to follow device orientation (8c2f2a1)
- js: both hooks now use Orientation enum (f88d6d5)
- js: broken labels rendering (664993b)
- js: hooks listeners missing remove call (9a61173)
- add both iOS and Android app icons (a38e8a3)
- android: implement getDeviceOrientation method (1955530)
- android: implement getInterfaceOrientation (a3e7c6b)
- android: implement interface orientation update on device orientation change (959f30f)
- android: implement InterfaceOrientationDidChange event emit (9c18485)
- android: implement lifecycle event listeners to properly enable/disable sensor listener (4613976)
- android: implement lockTo given orientation (d40a7cd)
- android: implement sensor listener (1131eb7)
- android: implement unlock method (c43c4f4)
- android: improve interfaceOrientation and deviceOrientation computation (d22dcb6)
- android: setup new arch compatibility (c36cfc3)
- android: setup new arch compatibility (d896f98)
- example: showcase getDeviceOrientation usages (6e65853)
- example: showcase getInterfaceOrientation usages (4f93e56)
- example: showcase lockTo usages (7d4f2f6)
- example: showcase unlock method usages (689d915)
- example: showcase useDeviceOrientation usages (b0eca7f)
- example: showcase useInterfaceOrientation usages (ef7d2bf)
- iOS: adapt logic to android and implement interface orientation update on device orientation (f7be922)
- iOS: implement faceUp and faceDown deviceOrientation handling (83d05e4)
- iOS: implement getDeviceOrientation method (a6b700a)
- iOS: implement getInterfaceOrientation (112a9f2)
- iOS: implement InterfaceOrientationDidChange event emit (4f7843c)
- iOS: implement listeners observers to avoid sending events if js is not listening (d957dc5)
- iOS: implement lockTo given orientation (28e0cc1)
- iOS: implement sensor listener (c47a46e)
- iOS: implement unlock method (b6f7826)
- iOS: improve code structure and fix device orientation event (64a65ca)
- iOS: improve interfaceOrientation and deviceOrientation computation (914c3d5)
- iOS: setup new arch compatibility (ff37c5f)
- js: implement getDeviceOrientation method (f6f768f)
- js: implement getInterfaceOrientation (f3d581b)
- js: implement interfaceOrientationDidChange event emit (58784d5)
- js: implement listenForDeviceOrientationChanges and enhance code structure (12a8184)
- js: implement lockTo given orientation (8c42c23)
- js: implement unlock method (c063acc)