On your round, you can take an Attack, or one of the actions presented here. Some features, effects and traits give you additional Actions.
When you take the Dash Action, you gain an extra Move for the current turn.
You can avoid provoking an Opportunity Attack by taking the Disengage action.
You focus entirely on avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next Turn, any Attack against you has Disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you make Cunning Saves with Advantage.
You make a Cunning Stealth Check in an attempt to hide. While hidden you have Advantage on Attacks, and Attacks against you have Disadvantage.
At the GM's discretion, other actions can be improvised. You can also improvise an Improvised Attack (Melee 1d4, Ranged 1d4), such as with a sharp bunch or thrown chair.
You can ready a Reaction before the start of your next turn. Choose a trigger, and an Action you will take in response. You can use your Reaction to take you Action right after your trigger.