e-CookBook stores your recipe and ingredient categories as well as recipe, ingredient and cooking gear lists to let you look up all you need in a flash.
e-CookBook gives you customizable options to perfectly match your needs. For example, if you are into international cuisine, you can create any number of fitting recipe categories such as 'Italian cuisine', 'Wonders of wok', 'French & Fine', etc.
Cooking is even more fun with e-CookBook! Make your own rules for your e-CookBook recipes.
- recipies,
- categories of recipies,
- ingredients,
- categories of ingredients,
- needed things to make recpipies.
- Save individual recipes, recipe & ingredient lists, utensils needed.
- Get ingredients quantities for any number of servings.
- Easily print recipes.
- Add your own categories of recipes & ingredients.
- Download e-CookBook.
- Unzip downloaded folder.
- Put e-CookBook folder on local or remote server.
- Open folder link in your browser.
- That's it! You're all set to use e-CookBook – go ahead and add the first recipe!
- Server (local or external).
- PHP v.5x or higher with enable SQLite 3.
- Browser with JavaScript enabled.
- Add any needed recipe categories to your e-CookBook: e.g. 'Soups', 'Desserts', 'Mains'.
- Add whatever ingredient categories you would like to have in your e-CookBook: 'fruits', 'vegetables', 'herbs', etc.
- Add ingredients you typically use when cooking to the appropriate ingredient categories.
- Add cooking gear that you may need to use when preparing a recipe.
- Add title of recipe.
- Add chosen category of recipe.
- Add selected ingredients needed for the recipe.
- Add needed things to making the recipe.
- Add method.
- Add an image of the dish if you like!
- Add cooking time.
- Add the number of servings the recipe yields.
- Your recipe is ready to save now!
v.1.1 - new look, better calculator for quantity ingredients when change quantity of portions, one recipe added.
v.1.0 - first simple version.
Students of Google Challenge Scholarship: Front-End Web Dev See list of workers
The MIT License - See license.md