If you are looking to develop and test operator in your local machine, refer to Local development guide
Follow the steps below if you have Kubernetes cluster up and running.
Follow the instructions here to install and setup kubectl
- Let's first create the custom resource definition, namespace, and roles for running the flink operator.
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/deploy/crd.yaml
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/deploy/namespace.yaml
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/deploy/role.yaml
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/deploy/role-binding.yaml
- Before creating the flink operator deployment, edit/update the operator config:
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/deploy/config.yaml
Replace the {ingress_suffix}
to indicate your cluster's ingress url.
config: |-
ingressUrlFormat: "{{$jobCluster}}.{ingress_suffix}"
level: 4
Note: If ingressUrlFormat
is not set, then no ingress is created for the application.
Then create the ConfigMap on the cluster:
$ kubectl create -f config.yaml
Finally, create the operator Deployment:
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/deploy/flinkk8soperator.yaml
- Ensure that the flink operator pod is RUNNING, and check operator logs if needed.
$ kubectl get pods -n flink-operator
$ kubectl logs {pod-name} -n flink-operator
You can find sample application to run with the flink operator here.
Make sure to edit the value of sha
with the most recently pushed tag found here
image: docker.io/lyft/wordcount-operator-example:{sha}
To run a flink application, run the following command:
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator/v0.4.0/examples/wordcount/flink-operator-custom-resource.yaml
The above command will create the flink application custom resource in kubernetes. The operator will observe the custom resource, and will create a flink cluster in kubernetes.
Command below should show deployments created for the application
$ kubectl get deployments -n flink-operator
Check the phase and other status attributes in the custom resource
$ kubectl get flinkapplication.flink.k8s.io -n flink-operator wordcount-operator-example -o yaml
The output should be something like this
apiVersion: v1beta1
kind: FlinkApplication
clusterName: ""
creationTimestamp: 2019-07-30T07:35:42Z
- job.finalizers.flink.k8s.io
generation: 1
environment: development
name: wordcount-operator-example
namespace: flink-operator
resourceVersion: "1025774"
selfLink: v1beta1
uid: a2855178-b29c-11e9-9a3b-025000000001
entryClass: org.apache.flink.WordCount
state.backend.fs.checkpointdir: file:///checkpoints/flink/checkpoints
state.checkpoints.dir: file:///checkpoints/flink/externalized-checkpoints
state.savepoints.dir: file:///checkpoints/flink/savepoints
taskmanager.heap.size: 200
flinkVersion: "1.8"
image: docker.io/lyft/wordcount-operator-example:3b0347b2cdc1bda817e72b3099dac1c1b1363311
jarName: wordcount-operator-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
envConfig: {}
replicas: 1
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
parallelism: 3
restartNonce: ""
savepointInfo: {}
envConfig: {}
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
taskSlots: 2
availableTaskSlots: 4
health: Green
healthyTaskManagers: 2
numberOfTaskManagers: 2
numberOfTaskSlots: 4
deployHash: d9f8a6a8
failedDeployHash: ""
completedCheckpointCount: 0
entryClass: org.apache.flink.WordCount
failedCheckpointCount: 0
health: Green
jarName: wordcount-operator-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
jobID: acd232a002dd5204669d1041736b8fa0
jobRestartCount: 0
lastCheckpointTime: null
lastFailingTime: null
parallelism: 3
restorePath: ""
restoreTime: null
startTime: 2019-07-30T07:35:59Z
lastSeenError: null
lastUpdatedAt: 2019-07-30T07:36:09Z
phase: Running
retryCount: 0
To check events for the FlinkApplication
object, run the following command:
$ kubectl describe flinkapplication.flink.k8s.io -n flink-operator wordcount-operator-example
This will show the events similarly to the following:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal CreatingCluster 4m flinkK8sOperator Creating Flink cluster for deploy d9f8a6a8
Normal JobSubmitted 3m flinkK8sOperator Flink job submitted to cluster with id acd232a002dd5204669d1041736b8fa0