My Solutions to Kattis Programming Challenge Problems My Solutions to the Kattis Problems Click here to go to the Kattis archive. Problems List Problem ID Language Problem Description from Kattis 1 Air Conditioned Minions C++ airconditonedminions 2 Almost Perfect C++ almostperfect 3 Almost Union-Find C++ almostunionfind 4 Arbitrage? C++ arbitrage 5 Block Crusher C++ blockcrusher 6 Boss Battle C bossbattle 7 Coast Length C++ coastlength 8 Conservation C++ conservation 9 Cudoviste C++ cudoviste 10 Divide by 100 C++ divideby100 11 Exam C++ exam 12 FizzBuzz C fizzbuzz 13 Flow Shop C++ flowshop 14 Flowery Trails C++ flowerytrails 15 Forests C forests 16 Getting Gold C++ gettinggold 17 Grid C++ grid 18 Jumbled Compass C JumbledCompass 19 Keyboards in Concert C++ keyboardsinconcert 20 Knight Search C++ knightsearch 21 Locked Treasure C++ lockedtreasure 22 Mali C++ mali 23 Nikola C++ nikola 24 Phone List C++ phonelist 25 Prsteni C++ Prsteni 26 Quality-Adjusted Life-Year C QALY 27 Reseto C++ reseto 28 Restaurant Orders C++ restaurantorders 29 Sort of Sorting C++ sortofsorting 30 Stock Prices C stockprices 31 String Factoring C++ stringfactoring 32 Tight Words C++ tightwords 33 Toilet Seat C toiletseat 34 Where's My Internet?? C++ whereismyinternet 35 Baloni C++ baloni 36 Firefly C++ firefly 37 Lektira C++ lektira 38 Tarifa C tarifa