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Releases: hzqst/MetaHookSv


15 Feb 14:14
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[VGUI2Extension] GameConsole is now proportional and will be resized to proper size instead of a fixed size of 560x400 no matter how large the screen size is.
[VGUI2Extension] Extend OptionDialog automatically when needed.
[VGUI2Extension] Fixed a bug from Valve that vgui::Menu occasionally crashes the game. #407
[VGUI2Extension] Fixed a bug from Valve's cstrike(czero)_schinese/maps/*.txt that the txt files contain invalid characters. #406
[VGUI2Extension] Fixed a bug that cstrike(czero) has incorrect ClientUI layout. #405
[CaptionMod] Fixed a bug that TextEntry was not able to show IME language. #408

[VGUI2Extension] 控制台默认大小现在会随着分辨率进行正确缩放,而非原版固定的最大560x400。
[VGUI2Extension] 选项菜单现在会在tab项超出窗口宽度时自动进行扩展了。
[VGUI2Extension] 修复了一个V社原版就有的bug:vgui::Menu 会随机导致游戏崩溃,触发方法为:在原版游戏的视频设置中频繁切换宽屏与非宽屏但是不应用,并频繁切换分辨率,多次切换后即可导致游戏崩溃。 #407
[VGUI2Extension] 修复了一个V社原版就有的bug: cstrike(czero)_schinese/maps/*.txt 中的文件包含非法字符,该问题会导致CS队伍菜单中的地图介绍中文文本出现大量乱码。 #406
[VGUI2Extension] 修复了一个 CS和CZ 的内置VGUI2界面布局不正常的问题。 #405
[CaptionMod] 修复了一个文本输入框不会显示输入法语言的问题。 #408


06 Feb 11:09
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[Renderer] Fixed a bug that the Legacy OpenGL matrix was corrupted which might lead to inaccurate particle culling in particleman.dll
(issue: #399)

[Renderer] Fixed the broken rendering resolution on window resizing. (issue: #398)

[CaptionMod] Fixed a bug that the cvar cap_lang was empty in engine buildnum 8684. (issue: #400)

[CaptionMod] Fixed: Fatal Error Could not found GetTextColor in engine buildnum 9920. (issue: #403)

[CaptionMod] Add multi-lang support for engine hardcoded disconnection message. (Your map differs from the server's and such)

[VGUI2Extension] Fixed a bug that the GameConsole dialog got unexpectly scaled to 100x100 in engine buildnum 9920.


05 Feb 09:54
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[Renderer] Fixed a bug that the interpolation result of sprite blending might get over 1.0 #392
[VGUI2Extension] Fixed incorrect layout for messagebox in hidpi mode
[VGUI2Extension] Fixed incorrect layout for serverbrowser in hidpi mode



01 Feb 10:23
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Add missing args in KeyValues_LoadFromFile.


01 Feb 07:57
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1.Expose ServerBrowser_KeyValues hook to VGUI2Extension.

2.Add hook transaction on DllLoadNotification callbacks.


31 Jan 12:27
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  1. [CaptionMod] The VGUI2 hook framework has been ported to a new plugin called "VGUI2Extension". The VGUI2Extension.dll is mandatory to CaptionMod now. The CaptionMod.dll will refuse to load if VGUI2Extension.dll is not loaded.

  2. [CaptionMod] The stand-alone advanced graphic / subtitle setting dialogs have been removed. A new property page in the option dialog is added as replacement.

  3. [Renderer] A new property page in the option dialog is added if VGUI2Extension.dll is loaded.

  4. [SteamScreenshots] Asynchronously screenshot capturing is supported if OpenGL 3.3 is available.


  1. [CaptionMod] VGUI2 hook框架已经从CaptionMod中剥离并移植到新插件 "VGUI2Extension" 中。现在CaptionMod.dll依赖VGUI2Extension.dll才能正常运行。没有加载VGUI2Extension.dll时,CaptionMod.dll会拒绝加载。

  2. [CaptionMod] 独立的视频/字幕高级选项对话框被删除,取而代之的是融合在原版设置对话框tab页中的新字幕选项卡。

  3. [Renderer] 当VGUI2Extension.dll 存在的情况下会在原版设置对话框tab页中添加一个新的高级图形选项卡,来替代之前被删除的独立图形设置对话框。

  4. [SteamScreenshots] 在 OpenGL 3.3 特性可用的情况下,会自动使用异步方式截图,防止截图时游戏卡顿。


27 Jan 10:55
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Add stream and cookie support for UtilHttpClient.


27 Jan 09:48
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Add cookie support for UtilHttpClient.


26 Jan 12:05
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Fix a bug that game crash when quitting game because SteamAPI_Shutdow…


25 Jan 02:16
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[ThreadGuard] Fixed a bug from Valve that command "_restart" didn't shutdown server correctly before unloading engine, causing resources like CSteam3Server to be leaked, and game to be in deadlock state when creating a new listen server.

[ThreadGuard] 修复了一个V社祖传bug:"_restart"指令在卸载引擎之前没有正确关闭服务器,该问题会导致 CSteam3Server 之类的资源发生泄露,并且游戏在重启后再次创建本地服务器时会永远卡在0%进度。