If you don't want to meet hackers on battle.net, do the following things:
- First of all, download and use the latest version of BWHF Agent.
- Be sure you keep the gateway on the autoscan tab synchronized to the one you play on.
- Before game starts, always use the Player checker function of BWHF Agent: press the Print Screen key on your keyboard to check the players in the game lobby. If BWHF Agent alerts for hackers, either ban them or leave the game.
- Check the records of the players in the game lobby. If you see small accounts like 5-4-0, don't play with them. New accounts mostly just want to hack. Every decent player who doesn't hack has an account with at least a few hundred games on it (if you don't then start building one... sorry folks who just visit another gateway with a new account). If someone with a big record hacks, he/she eventually will end up in the hacker database, and you can filter them out with the Player checker feature.
- Also avoid suspicious records with surreal win ratio like 100-5-0 and surreal disconnect ratio like 54-23-32.
- Type
"/whereis name"
or"/whois name"
to check if the player is online and if he/she is in the same game with you. If not, you can be sure he is a hacker spoofing a name. Ban him or leave the game (don't mistake similar letters like the small L and capital i, the letter O with the number zero etc.). - If certain rules apply to a username, that also means he is probably a hacker and you should have no reason to play with him. First rule: if you see a random meaningless name, don't play with him. For example: "pofahiqwefkla" or "987314523". Second rule: if the username contains the word hacker in any form, then he is a hacker (a normal, legit player would never name himself like that). For example: "i_hack", "i_never_hack", "h6x0r", "i_dr0hax_u".
If you follow these steps, you can filter out more than 95 % of the hackers.
If your have other tips, post them below.