A simple api using express.js and sqlite with async/await
- node.js (https://nodejs.dev/learn/making-http-requests-with-nodejs)
- express.js (https://expressjs.com/)
- graphql (https://github.com/graphql/express-graphql)
- sqlite (https://sqlite.org/index.html)
- sqlite3 (https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3)
- Postman (optional for testing api)
- SQLiteStudio (optional for managing database) (https://sqlite.org/index.html)
config (config.js)
- configuration file
server (server.js)
- creates server and listens on a port 3000
- defines resolver (resolver.js)
Controller (taskController.js)
- handles requests
Service (taskService.js)
- handles business logic
Schema (taskSchema.js)
- defines schema for Task, Query (getall, getone) and Mutation (add, update, delete)
dbContext (dbContext.js)
- handles db connection
database (sqlite)
- sqlite database
Run the following command from the root directory:
node .\server.js
Try the following urls in Postman.
GetTasks (GET)
- body -> GraphQL
query { getTasks { id name description priority status } }
GetTask (GET)
- body -> GraphQL
query { getTask(id:1) { id name description priority status } }
AddTask (POST)
- body -> GraphQL
mutation { addTask(name: "task2", description: "task2", priority: "low", status: "none") }
UpdateTask (POST)
- body -> GraphQL
mutation { updateTask(id: 2, name: "task22", description: "task22", priority: "medium", status: "none") }
DeleteTask (POST)
- body -> GraphQL
mutation { deleteTask(id:3) }