A simple project to collect metrics from a Trello board and create a web-based KPI dashboard
Clone the repository
Install npm dependencies in the client and web-services directories with this command:
npm install
Project is deployed. Any new deployment will require a new endpoint url to be entered in the /client/src/client.js file!
To sync the local client/src directory with the s3 bucket, use this command in the client directory:
npm run sync
To deploy the web-services directory and its lambda functions to AWS, use this command in the web-services directory:
npm run deploy
To remove the web-services directory and its lambda functions to AWS, use this command in the web-services directory:
npm run remove
The project has one test that tests the ping function to make sure that it returns "pong"
To run the test use this command in the web-services directory:
npm test
The project contains a /chartdb endpoint that returns created and resolved dates
The endpoint uses a private key and token to get Trello API data. In order to protect the data, you must create a file (env.yml) to store the key and token. It is ignored and won't upload on gitHub.
To create the env.yml, edit the env.yml.default file in the web-services folder with the correct info and save it as env.yml in the parent folder (interns-oct2018)
Time permitting, we will use jest mock to write tests for the endpoint
We have included a Postman collection with API requests. It will not work unless you enter the key and token for the project in the collection variables.
Pull requests are not welcome. Contributions are limited to Inventive Group interns.
Thank you to Dana and Brandon for mentoring. Thank you to Thinh, Roslyn and Camilo for your contributions.