Releases: jdavidbakr/mail-tracker
Admin panel, URL tracking
Added the admin panel and individual URL tracking within the emails
Removing references to local Event class
Laravel 5.3 no longer ships with a local Event class. This release removes the references in the events. This should be backwards compatible because the default local Event class was an empty abstract class.
Changing controller routes to explicit ones
Changed the controller route calls to explicit commands to make this work in Laravel 5.3
Explicitly setting opens and clicks to zero in database
SQLite doesn't behave like MySQL when a column does not have a default value, so we need to explicitly set the opens and clicks columns to 0 when the SentEmail object is created.
README correction
vendor:publish was incorrect in the README
Bugfix for events
Fixing a bug that caused an error if the tracking hash was invalid.
Bugfix if base64 encoding resulted in a "/" character
If base64 encoding resulted in a "/" character, this was included in the URL and caused the tracker to break and the redirect to be incorrect.
Adding events for viewed mail and clicked links
1.0.4 Adding events for view and links
Adding Lumen Support
Merge pull request #3 from incraigulous/master Adding lumen support.
Empty URL Fix
Avoids sending to a 404 page if a URL is empty in the tracking redirect.