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BCS Sheffield Hackathon - Node Template (12/04)

The Challenge

Digital graphics tools often make available a "bucket fill" tool that will only paint adjacent cells. In one fill, a modified bucket tool recolours adjacent cells (connected horizontally or vertically but not diagonally) that have the same colour. Given a picture represented as a 2-dimensional array of letters representing colours, find the minimum number of fills to completely repaint the picture.


  • h and w refer to height and width of the graph.
  • 1 ≤ h ≤ 105
  • 1 ≤ w ≤ 105
  • 1 ≤ h * w ≤ 105
  • length(picture[i]) = w (where 0 ≤ i < h)
  • picture[i][j] is in the set {'a', 'b', 'c'} (where 0 ≤ i < h and 0 ≤ j < w)


Each string represents a row of the picture and each letter represents a cell's colour. The diagram below shows the 5 fills needed to repaint the picture. It takes two fills each for a and b, and one for c. The input for the picture is shown below.



A graphic of the input and expected output

Note that you will not need to read and parse the sample files yourself. samples.test.js:loadSamples will parse the input and call index.js:strokesRequired with the picture array described in the constraints.



Getting started

  1. Fork the repository

    How to fork the GitHub repository

  2. Open in Gitpod: Add in front of the url to your fork. E.g. if your fork is use to open your fork in Gitpod.

  3. Once Gitpod loads, it should automatically start Jest running in the bottom of your screen. This will watch for code changes and re-run the sample images through your solution when you save your file.

  4. Open index.js and start hacking!

Testing your code

The sample tests will tell you if your solution is valid. If you want to test parts of your solution as you go you can add extra tests. Jest will automatically pick up any file with the extension .test.js. In those files the describe (for grouping tests), test (for defining a test) and expect (for testing an assertion) functions are made available by Jest. Examples of how to use expect can be found here Jest - Using Matchers. For example, say you are adding a function that returns the adjacent cells to a given cell. You create the function in index.js.

export function getAdjacentCells(x, y, picture) {
    // TODO

To write a test for this you can add index.test.js:

import {getAdjacentCells} from './index.js'

// Both describe and test take a string label, so that you can identify what is passing/failing, and a function to run
// the group or test respectively.
describe("getAdjacentCells", () => {
   const EXAMPLE_PICTURE = [
      ['a', 'b', 'c'],
      ['a', 'a', 'c'],
      ['a', 'a', 'a'],

   test("Can find adjacent cells", () => {
      const result = getAdjacentCells(1, 1, EXAMPLE_PICTURE);
      expect(result).toContainEqual([0, 1])
      expect(result).toContainEqual([1, 0])
      expect(result).toContainEqual([2, 1])
      expect(result).toContainEqual([1, 2])
   test("Can find adjacent cells on the edge of the picture", () => {
      const result = getAdjacentCells(0, 0, EXAMPLE_PICTURE);
      // TODO: add more expect calls here to verify the result

// as you add other functions, you can add more describe / test entries here

The Jest test runner in the terminal should automatically detect the new file and run the tests it includes. The tests will fail at first because there isn't an implementation for getAdjacentCells yet. Once you add one, Jest will re-run the tests, and they should start to pass.

If you need to restart the tests for any reason, run npm test in the terminal.

Submitting your solution

You will need to allow GitPod permission to push to your repository. Go to Gitpod Integrations and add public_repo permissions:

The gitpod integrations options page

The permissions pop up on Gitpod

You can then commit your changes and push them to GitHub from within Gitpod.

  1. From the source control side panel, stage your changes to the commit and add a commit message:
  2. Commit the changes:
  3. Synchronise the commit with GitHub:

Stage a commit in Gitpod

Commit in Gitpod

Synchronise the changes to Gitpod

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