An integrated simulation of a factory environment using ROS2, PlanSys2, Nav2, and Isaac Sim. Features three robots executing smart navigation and package handling plans.
This provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using the project. Follow the guidelines below to install dependencies, configure your environment, and avoid known bugs.
Before proceeding, ensure you have ROS Foxy and Isaac Sim installed on your system. Then, follow these steps to install the necessary dependencies:
Install required packages:
sudo apt install ros-foxy-navigation2 sudo apt install ros-foxy-nav2-bringup sudo apt install ros-foxy-plansys2-* rosdep update --include-eol-distros
Navigate to your workspace directory:
cd <workspace>
Install ROS dependencies:
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro foxy -y
To ensure a smooth development experience, follow these steps each time you start a new shell session from within the workspace folder:
Clear the
variable:unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Set the
variable:export FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=~/.ros/fastdds.xml
Source ROS Foxy:
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
Source the local workspace setup:
source install/local_setup.bash
You can also just add these commands to the bashrc file.
If you make any changes to the code, rebuild the project using the following command:
colcon build
colcon build --symlink-install ros2 launch carter_navigation ros2 launch plansys2_bt ros2 run plansys2_terminal plansys2_terminal
Do not enable the controller in RViz due to a segmentation fault issue. Enabling the controller will lead to a program crash. This issue is detailed in this GitHub issue. By default, the controller is disabled in RViz to prevent crashes.
Feel free to contribute and report any additional issues!