👀 see also maid-hub and maid-webui
Note that this project is pending because I'm tired of UI design
### auth via JWT
register, register-confirm, login, passwd, passwd-confirm
### user
useradd, usermod, userdel, whoami
### file
file, ls, tree, flat-tree
mkdir, rename, mv, cp, rm
download, upload, share
share-file, share-ls, share-download
- /auth/code/image fetch image code for register
- /auth/register register and check the email
- /auth/register/confirm use redirct url including in the email to confirm your register
- /auth/login login with username & password, obtain token
- root dir id is 0
- list-like API limit is 1024 typically
- tree-like API limit is 65536 typically
- path level-like API limit is 128 typically