- CAUTION This version will not work on 14.04, If you want to run on 14.04 due to bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning Use cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) for CMakeLists.txt
- [generate.py] add feature to write const to string (#13)
- update geneus for 20.04 / Noetic (#69)
- from __future__ import print_function is required for python2
- Python 3 suppoort. Generated using 2to3
- Use setuptools instead of distutils
- Make setup.py not executable
- Drop trusty/indigo from CI
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- add test to run ubuntu/focal and debian/stable
- run rosdep update with --incldue-eol-distros for indigo
- fix bug of write_constants (#62)
- add test to check #59
- fix wrongly commited in #61 (#63)
- .travis: catkin build needs to run with geneus first, befor compiling std_msgs
- .travis.sh: fix script errors with ¥ == -> ¥
- copy std_msgs repository for geneus test codes
- .travis.sh: add comments
- fix https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/geneus/pull/61/commits/ef9868e4e621297449e5931453fbe4582a542ca4
- fix wrongly commited in #61
- add test to check #56 case (#61)
- generate.py change generator for field_type == bool
- remove unnecessary (ros::load-ros-manifeset 'euslisp') [ WARN] [1547033310.743978735]: Calling (load-ros-manifest euslisp) for the package without msg/srv will be deprecated [ WARN] [1547033310.744036587]: ACTION REQUIRED [ WARN] [1547033310.744049863]: Use (load-ros-{package,msg,srv} pkg) for the dependent packages with msg/srv [ WARN] [1547033310.744059431]: See jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot#823
- add test to check #56 case
- add test/test-geneus.test from roseus package
- run test-geneus.test within geneus package (#60)
- run rostest geneus test-geneus.test
- move test/{test-geneus.test,test-geneus.l,test_geneus_send_msgs.py} from roseus package
- add melodic test (#58)
- install tzdata with non-interactive mode
- add melodic
- when array_len is nil, do not run dotimes..., see jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_roseus#544 (#55)
- add test kinetic on travis(#54)
- pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on kinetic and that's ok for geneus test
- need to use system python, with travis-python, we can not find python modeule install by ap (#53) jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty#117
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Markus Grimm, Shane Loretz, Taichi Higashide
- [geneus_main.py] suppress warning (#52) * [geneus_main.py] do not write timestamp that makes different md5 * [geneus_main.py] write depends by alphabetical order in manifest.l
- [.travis.yml] : add jade test (#49) * .travis.yml: add BUILDER=catkin_make_isolated * .travis.yml: add indigo/jade and catkin_make/catkin test
- [geneus_main.py]: add comment : 152683d depends on comment line (#44)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
- add status badge to the README.md (#41 )
- .travis.yml: use before_script and script
- .travis.yml: rosdep install with -q (quiet)
- Use package.xml in workspace, not deb installed one (#42 )
- do not overwrite pkg_map
- add test code to check #42 isseus
- geneus_main.py: fix THIS FILE IS AUTOMAATICALLY GENERATED... comment
- use latest released code
- use indiog/14.04 on travis test #40
- add ppa:openrave/release
- default-ri-test.launch ->default-ri-test.test
- install default python, use language:generic
- ros_comm message has been move to ros_comm_msgs
- use indigo/14.04
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- [src/geneus/generate.py] bool array is list, not lisp-array
- [src/geneus/generate.py] use list for time type object
- src/geneus/generate.py fix for variable bool array case, jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_roseus#330
- [package.xml] Now doesn't depend on python-rospkg
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada
- [src/geneus/geneus_main.py] Call get_pkg_map if pkg_map is None
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
- [.travis.yml] add pr2eus test
- [src/geneus/generate.py] make intern before shadow, see jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_roseus#313
- [geneus_main.py] has_key -> in
- [geneus_main.py] generate message even if geneus is not found
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada
- [geneus_main.py] fix when pkg_map does not have geneus
- [geneus_main.py] Fix unexpected function resposes caused by python gabage collection algorightm
- [geneus_main.py] fix typo for warning
- [geneus_main.py] Yellow color for warnings
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada
- [generate.py] load roseus-add-msgs for srv too
- [geneus_main.py] add timestamp message to manifest.l
- [geneus_main.py] message loding problem start-jsk/jsk_apc#196, jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_roseus#257
- [geneus_main.py] gen msg/srv does not need get_pkg_map
- [geneus_main.py] fix comment and messages
- [geneus_main.py] use topological_order instaed of rearrange_depends
- [geneus_main.py] use catkin as a substitute for rospkg
- [geneus_main.py] see only run_depend in package.xml
- [geneus_main.py] Resolve package dependencies with attention to the order
- [geneus] treat uint8[] as string like rospy #14 * [generate.py] fixed version of #15 which did not pass test at jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_roseus#276
- [geneus_main.py] fix pakcage_dpeneds, to solve start-jsk/jsk_apc#196 issue
- [.travis.yml] use latest version of travis test
- [.travis.yml] use latest catkin for --no-jobserver option
- [.travis.yml] Add after failure
- [.gitignore] initial commit
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada
- [.travis.yml] remove hot-fix code
- fix not to use get_depends, which cause eerror when the package is not installed
- [package.xml] forget to add python-rospkg
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- [geneus_main.py] use rospack to find build(only package have msg/src) dependency
- [.travis.yml] add test code to check work with roseus
- [src/geneus/geneus_main.py] add comments
- fix ros::load-ros-package order by dependencies
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
- fix message generation for uint8(char)/int8(byte) (#4,#6)
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- [scripts/gen_eus.py] set executable
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- rewrite everything only depends on genmsg
- Contributors: Kei Okada