Releases: kc-ml2/meent
meent 0.7.0
Optimized JAX code (jit was applied in broad range).
Added JAX vmap and pmap.
Example code for TPU backend development(on hold due to 'NotImplementedError')
Added Citation file
host_callback was replaced by pure_callback in eig in JAX due to slow speed in pmap
meent 0.6.0
Supports Numpy, JAX and PyTorch as a backend for EM simulation and its optimization.
meent 0.5.0
support Field Distribution for 1D and 2D (Not for 1D_conical).
fixed not to contain other folders than meent.
meent 0.4.2
bug fix: change so that it contains nk_data folder.
change argument 'wls' to 'wavelength' since Meent instance changed to deal with only on single wavelength.
meent 0.3.8
bug fix: adding nk_data folder.
meent 0.3.7
bug fix: adding nk_data in PyPI package
meent 0.3.6
bug fix: adding file to all subfolders of nk_data folder for PyPI packaging.
meent 0.4.1
Adding a method creating unit cell with objects.
meent 0.4.0
change Fourier Transform from DFT to CFT.
Using Fourier Transform on piecewise constant function can save memory.
meent 0.3.5
nk table in meent package.
can choose refractive index as complex or real number by this option '__real'.