diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ace45bec --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +docs/src/examples +docs/src/index.rst + +*build* +*egg-info/ diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b diff --git a/.readthedocs.yml b/.readthedocs.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b1193ae --- /dev/null +++ b/.readthedocs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# .readthedocs.yml +# Read the Docs configuration file +# See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details + +# Required +version: 2 + +# Set the version of Python and other tools we need +build: + os: ubuntu-22.04 + apt_packages: + - cmake + tools: + python: "3.10" + rust: "1.64" + +# Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx +sphinx: + configuration: docs/src/conf.py + +# Declare the Python requirements required to build the docs +python: + install: + - method: pip + path: . + - requirements: docs/requirements.txt + - requirements: docs/requirements-rascal.txt + diff --git a/CONDUCT.md b/CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f5562bc --- /dev/null +++ b/CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + +# Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team. The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant, version 1.4](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4). diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4522c39c --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.rst @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +Contributing +============ + +Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit +helps, and credit will always be given. You can contribute in the ways listed below. + +Requirements for new contributions +---------------------------------- + +All code included in this repository is executed in each pull request. +This ensures that the code in this repository stays executable for a longer time frame. +Because of that we do not want to have examples with heavy calculations that take more +than 30 seconds to execute. If heavy calculations are needed, it might be a better option +to put your example in an external repository and link to it on the `Wiki page `_. +If you feel unsure if a contribution is suitable, feel free to contact one of the `support`_ before. + +Adding an sphinx-gallery examples +--------------------------------- + +To visualize examples on our readthedocs page we use `sphinx-gallery`. +When building the doc the examples are run and compiled automatically into HTML files +and moved to the documentation folder `docs/src `_. +You will find all the examples Python scripts in the `examples/` folder of the repository. +Each example is put into one of the example category folders, e.g. `examples/sample_selection `_. +If you do not know where to put your example, just put in the `examples/uncategorized `_ +folder and when doing a pull request, we will figure out where to put it. + +Converting a Jupyter notebook to a sphinx-gallery compatible Python script +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Often it is more convenient to work in a Jupyter notebook and convert in later to +sphinx-gallery example. To convert your Jupyter notebook you can just use the +`ipynb_to_gallery.py `_ file that is root folder of the repository + +.. code-block:: bash + + python ipynb_to_gallery.py + +Building the cookbook locally +----------------------------- + +When you add a new example, you can build the doc and check if your code runs with + +.. code-block:: bash + + tox + +To visualize the generated cookbook open in a browser the file +``docs/build/html/index.html``. + +When you generate the examples locally all the notebook will be automatically generated +in the folder ``docs/src/examples/`` + +Known issues +------------ + +Sometimes the doc preview from readthedocs is not correcty rendered. If something works in your local build but not in the readthedocs PR preview. It could that the issue is fixed once you merge with the main branch. + +Chemiscope widgets are not currently integrated into our sphinx gallery. + +Support +------- + +If you still have problems adding your example to the repository, please feel free to contact one of the people + +`@agoscinski (Alexander Goscinski) `_ + +`@davidetisi (Davide Tisi) `_ + +Code of Conduct +--------------- + +Please note that the COSMO cookbook project is released with a `Contributor Code of Conduct `_. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms. diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100755 index 00000000..d627fbeb --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +BSD 3-Clause License + +Copyright (c) 2023, cosmo software cookbook developers + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this + list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" +AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE +FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR +SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER +CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, +OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce4497e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +COSMO Software Cookbook +======================= + +`COSMO Software Cookbook `_ + +.. marker-intro-start + +The COSMO cookbook contains recipes for atomic-scale modelling for materials and molecules, with a particular focus on machine learning and statistical sampling methods. +Rather than focusing on the usage of a specific package (see the `COSMO github page `_ for a list of available tools, and their documentations) this cookbook provides concrete examples of the solution of modeling problems using a combination of the various tools. + +.. marker-intro-end + +Contributors +------------ + +If you want contribute an example, recipe or tutorial that combines multiple software tools together, check out the `contributing guidelines `_ first. diff --git a/docs/requirements-rascal.txt b/docs/requirements-rascal.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..450b6599 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/requirements-rascal.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# rascal needs to be in a separate requirements file because we need to specify +# the packages index-url for it te use the prebuilt from +# from https://github.com/Luthaf/nightly-wheels +# extra-url does not work here because there is another rascal package on pypi +--index-url https://luthaf.fr/nightly-wheels/ +rascal diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4c54e99 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--extra-index-url https://luthaf.fr/nightly-wheels/ +# Sphinx +sphinx +sphinx_rtd_theme +sphinx-gallery +sphinx-toggleprompt +furo + +# Jupyter widgets +ipywidgets +jupyter_sphinx + +# Scientific libraries +matplotlib +numpy +ase +scipy + +# COSMO stack and friends +scikit-learn +skmatter +chemiscope +equisolve @ git+https://github.com/lab-cosmo/equisolve.git@71b3dfd + +metatensor +rascaline diff --git a/docs/src/conf.py b/docs/src/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ddbb71f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +# Sphinx documentation build configuration file +import os + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. +extensions = [ + 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', # import the modules you are documenting + 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', # generate links to the documentation of objects in external projects + "sphinx.ext.viewcode", # add links to highlighted source code + "sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery", # provides a source parser for *.ipynb files +] + +examples_root = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../../examples/') +examples_subdirs = [] +for path in os.listdir(examples_root): + # ignores files and hidden directories + if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(examples_root, path)) and path[0] != ".": + examples_subdirs.append(path) + +sphinx_gallery_conf = { + "filename_pattern": "/*", + "examples_dirs": [f"../../examples/{subdir}" for subdir in examples_subdirs], + "gallery_dirs": [f"{subdir}" for subdir in examples_subdirs], + "min_reported_time": 60, + # Make the code snippet for own functions clickable + "reference_url": {"cosmo-software-cookbook": None}, +} + +templates_path = ["_templates"] +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] + +project = "cosmo-software-cookbook" +copyright = "BSD 3-Clause License, Copyright (c) 2023, COSMO software cookbook team" + +htmlhelp_basename = "COSMO software-cookbook" +html_theme = "furo" + +# We create the index.rst here because sphinx is not able to automatically +# include all subdirectories using regex expression +root_index_rst_content = r""" +COSMO Software Cookbook +======================= + +.. include:: ../../README.rst + :start-after: marker-intro-start + :end-before: marker-intro-end + +.. toctree:: + :caption: Table of Contents + +""" +root_index_rst_content += ''.join([f" {subdir}/index\n" for subdir in examples_subdirs]) +print("Creating index.rst including all examples") +print(root_index_rst_content) + +with open('index.rst', 'w') as f: + f.write(root_index_rst_content) + +# Configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library +# and other packages used by the cookbook + +intersphinx_mapping = { + "ase": ("https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/", None), + "chemiscope": ('https://chemiscope.org/docs/', None), + "metatensor": ("https://lab-cosmo.github.io/metatensor/latest/", None), + "equisolve": ("https://lab-cosmo.github.io/equisolve/latest/", None), + "matplotlib": ("https://matplotlib.org/stable/", None), + "numpy": ("https://numpy.org/doc/stable/", None), + "python": ("https://docs.python.org/3", None), + "rascaline": ("https://luthaf.fr/rascaline/latest/", None), + "rascal": ("https://lab-cosmo.github.io/librascal/", None), + "scipy": ("https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/", None), + "sklearn": ('http://scikit-learn.org/stable', + (None, './_intersphinx/sklearn-objects.inv')), + "skmatter": ("https://scikit-matter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", None), +} diff --git a/examples/README.rst b/examples/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce68152a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Examples +======== + diff --git a/examples/lode_linear/README.rst b/examples/lode_linear/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3634a913 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/lode_linear/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +LODE Tutorial +============= + diff --git a/examples/lode_linear/dataset/charge-charge.xyz b/examples/lode_linear/dataset/charge-charge.xyz new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a988fbef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/lode_linear/dataset/charge-charge.xyz @@ -0,0 +1,2834 @@ +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13961.0350892859 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=5.690705127008064 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.69902091 -0.75330680 0.65287932 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.54022160 0.53450759 2.35559299 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 -0.00837973 1.27218157 0.31933751 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.50291940 -0.34870639 -0.02343831 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.57339954 -1.76724206 -1.26909466 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.83030176 -0.47050530 -1.21950425 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 0.06849366 0.32652106 0.12670392 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.10233027 0.49301737 0.10937452 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01467466 -0.39767784 -1.07630033 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.11033169 -0.31861290 0.30138773 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.10855604 0.19049848 0.00342126 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.22091234 -0.23467575 0.19009341 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.01703936 -0.08269867 -0.25912284 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.31374409 -0.01402229 0.04784428 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.03445105 -0.04352040 -0.18461387 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.77852330 1.71978297 -0.03157711 +C -22.52196163 -10.66596984 -22.58440081 0.67844879 0.45513050 0.69215040 +C -23.75496163 -11.32196984 -23.10140081 -1.41995788 0.36313342 0.41516871 +O -23.59396163 -12.32196984 -23.84240081 0.39560261 -1.34439497 -0.95728857 +O -24.85896163 -10.80696984 -22.79340081 -0.21273266 0.08620314 0.02113320 +H -22.77396163 -9.97896984 -21.77140081 0.06436973 0.13775077 0.08472735 +H -22.12296163 -10.08296984 -23.41640081 0.46007946 0.12838107 -0.09540760 +H -21.78879163 -11.39985984 -22.21854081 0.13187423 0.06825543 -0.20346705 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.96607249 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=5.938169769300996 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.71626918 -0.62875277 0.74237584 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.52146335 0.54145183 2.37445557 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.00393734 1.11123760 0.32053830 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.49389956 -0.15183579 0.05331357 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.58367599 -1.76230288 -1.24239030 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.82846171 -0.44531577 -1.21831345 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 0.03729579 0.33371354 0.09958739 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.07541075 0.46959704 0.14304573 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01656850 -0.38322802 -1.08039145 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.09568127 -0.31448025 0.29896098 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.10666562 0.19232739 -0.00310737 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.24997072 -0.23959417 0.15674722 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.01486768 -0.08399832 -0.26191257 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.31981202 -0.00432644 0.03592510 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.02957950 -0.03933131 -0.18534281 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.77958345 1.71121348 -0.02134425 +C -22.53898081 -10.46498492 -22.43670041 0.66644017 0.46625930 0.69552265 +C -23.77198081 -11.12098492 -22.95370041 -1.21986379 0.20100662 0.28916554 +O -23.61098081 -12.12098492 -23.69470041 0.36676191 -1.43014162 -1.03444633 +O -24.87598081 -10.60598492 -22.64570041 -0.30788599 0.11486968 0.04462620 +H -22.79098081 -9.77798492 -21.62370041 0.06685115 0.14662875 0.09341913 +H -22.13998081 -9.88198492 -23.26870041 0.45616763 0.12659108 -0.09362564 +H -21.80581081 -11.19887492 -22.07084041 0.12050533 0.06841100 -0.20680905 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.8603277197 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=6.1858383159671995 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.70547678 -0.58427283 0.76671805 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.50693550 0.54781072 2.38910848 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.02060908 0.97210181 0.32119482 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48832579 0.00467286 0.11241690 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.59347735 -1.75953655 -1.21571875 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.83002452 -0.42569276 -1.22144544 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 0.01697074 0.32672377 0.06652661 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.04178485 0.42205364 0.14926218 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01743056 -0.37181913 -1.08460068 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.08491410 -0.31186775 0.29600139 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.10464933 0.19244052 -0.00945134 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.27822575 -0.24340234 0.12529564 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.01291253 -0.08520727 -0.26480484 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.32532711 0.00475613 0.02483899 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.02564346 -0.03771626 -0.18724774 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78078009 1.70101486 -0.01218748 +C -22.55600000 -10.26400000 -22.28900000 0.65505122 0.47353723 0.69573435 +C -23.78900000 -10.92000000 -22.80600000 -1.06277215 0.08294978 0.19952989 +O -23.62800000 -11.92000000 -23.54700000 0.30723446 -1.39073858 -1.01161090 +O -24.89300000 -10.40500000 -22.49800000 -0.38491795 0.13597450 0.06185559 +H -22.80800000 -9.57700000 -21.47600000 0.06827835 0.15314491 0.10013787 +H -22.15700000 -9.68100000 -23.12100000 0.45285394 0.12505242 -0.09226530 +H -21.82283000 -10.99789000 -21.92314000 0.11161512 0.06802031 -0.20928827 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.7507448301 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=6.433687211666039 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.68476151 -0.57599922 0.76274801 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.49548813 0.55399478 2.40090980 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.03752905 0.85183262 0.32181887 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48521588 0.13398972 0.16123563 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.60253400 -1.75854863 -1.19052420 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.83456967 -0.41031061 -1.22799791 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 0.00228684 0.31623853 0.03643256 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.01218289 0.37379521 0.14584601 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01777484 -0.36280174 -1.08865745 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.07682597 -0.31032845 0.29286134 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.10226063 0.19134244 -0.01534518 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.30474037 -0.24637973 0.09631972 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.01111682 -0.08590484 -0.26726353 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.32974542 0.01252088 0.01483242 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.02262799 -0.03694988 -0.18907464 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78186517 1.69074235 -0.00420570 +C -22.57301919 -10.06301508 -22.14129959 0.64497964 0.47721485 0.69335910 +C -23.80601919 -10.71901508 -22.65829959 -0.93707216 0.00010578 0.13817158 +O -23.64501919 -11.71901508 -23.39929959 0.24524802 -1.31252213 -0.95695555 +O -24.91001919 -10.20401508 -22.35029959 -0.44663559 0.14899386 0.07242799 +H -22.82501919 -9.37601508 -21.32829959 0.06851378 0.15778750 0.10536343 +H -22.17401919 -9.48001508 -22.97329959 0.45024377 0.12384684 -0.09123206 +H -21.83984919 -10.79690508 -21.77543959 0.10499860 0.06733986 -0.21107026 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.6493933514 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=6.681696379133143 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.66195394 -0.58328058 0.74742585 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.48640282 0.55997206 2.41067572 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.05305687 0.74839629 0.32225233 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48364856 0.24241464 0.20269700 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.61033992 -1.75857087 -1.16740477 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.84059345 -0.39801217 -1.23603199 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.00921016 0.30621217 0.01130738 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.01163295 0.33201812 0.14013720 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01784286 -0.35569530 -1.09244773 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.07067116 -0.30952773 0.28969258 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.09981870 0.18971171 -0.02069580 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.32916115 -0.24869515 0.07029520 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00946701 -0.08631773 -0.26930136 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.33331702 0.01902783 0.00595183 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.02038113 -0.03658373 -0.19064609 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78278831 1.68110543 0.00266012 +C -22.59003837 -9.86203016 -21.99359919 0.63656811 0.47819749 0.68947325 +C -23.82303837 -10.51803016 -22.51059919 -0.83607798 -0.05719009 0.09676844 +O -23.66203837 -11.51803016 -23.25159919 0.18986082 -1.22938460 -0.89722547 +O -24.92703837 -10.00303016 -22.20259919 -0.49557835 0.15572437 0.07793578 +H -22.84203837 -9.17503016 -21.18059919 0.06784851 0.16096417 0.10933931 +H -22.19103837 -9.27903016 -22.82559919 0.44822726 0.12284057 -0.09041154 +H -21.85686837 -10.59592016 -21.62773919 0.10009773 0.06667311 -0.21244724 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.5595813796 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=6.929848617797843 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.64008304 -0.59620009 0.72920693 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.47932023 0.56581458 2.41903695 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.06668602 0.65841712 0.32269886 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48235712 0.33513921 0.23830875 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.61660321 -1.75910056 -1.14626097 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.84742471 -0.38787908 -1.24481239 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.01864106 0.29776901 -0.00906174 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.02998949 0.29732975 0.13412940 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01776794 -0.35001365 -1.09589830 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.06596081 -0.30931833 0.28642907 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.09732741 0.18757829 -0.02535566 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.35184487 -0.25049123 0.04696045 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00794878 -0.08650499 -0.27095000 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.33618957 0.02449654 -0.00196501 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01860219 -0.03637924 -0.19202150 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78355704 1.67240161 0.00850732 +C -22.60705756 -9.66104525 -21.84589878 0.62949184 0.47750625 0.68479653 +C -23.84005756 -10.31704525 -22.36289878 -0.75317229 -0.09732489 0.06855334 +O -23.67905756 -11.31704525 -23.10389878 0.14236631 -1.15285980 -0.84167504 +O -24.94405756 -9.80204525 -22.05489878 -0.53502529 0.15838894 0.08023232 +H -22.85905756 -8.97404525 -21.03289878 0.06663558 0.16316133 0.11241672 +H -22.20805756 -9.07804525 -22.67789878 0.44665845 0.12197991 -0.08975935 +H -21.87388756 -10.39493525 -21.48003878 0.09637208 0.06608934 -0.21351668 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.481386365 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=7.17812909420908 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.62017865 -0.61009750 0.71230305 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.47399619 0.57157018 2.42629536 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.07823437 0.57906109 0.32309125 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48028528 0.41602952 0.26923682 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.62115639 -1.75981053 -1.12676156 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.85464139 -0.37919095 -1.25387685 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.02673980 0.29105364 -0.02547279 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.04356398 0.26868861 0.12800013 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01761369 -0.34546262 -1.09905935 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.06237400 -0.30959899 0.28305932 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.09474106 0.18486830 -0.02925328 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.37321448 -0.25191997 0.02595313 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00654285 -0.08654616 -0.27225052 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.33852216 0.02913080 -0.00909490 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01706885 -0.03630397 -0.19335016 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78425421 1.66472578 0.01353677 +C -22.62407675 -9.46006033 -21.69819838 0.62353674 0.47574605 0.67979094 +C -23.85707675 -10.11606033 -22.21519837 -0.68421115 -0.12574346 0.04908345 +O -23.69607675 -11.11606033 -22.95619837 0.10254849 -1.08616333 -0.79300852 +O -24.96107675 -9.60106033 -21.90719838 -0.56734209 0.15844511 0.08051510 +H -22.87607675 -8.77306033 -20.88519838 0.06509633 0.16465624 0.11480690 +H -22.22507675 -8.87706033 -22.53019838 0.44539130 0.12122287 -0.08921919 +H -21.89090675 -10.19395033 -21.33233837 0.09348603 0.06563930 -0.21432509 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.4138280991 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=7.426524940834331 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.60222955 -0.62327841 0.69662702 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.46981137 0.57696393 2.43272206 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.08825387 0.50999638 0.32350356 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.47873745 0.48591354 0.29656668 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.62490013 -1.76071942 -1.10914518 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.86185284 -0.37204672 -1.26264824 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.03379493 0.28589148 -0.03846988 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.05380654 0.24584240 0.12287815 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01748063 -0.34180168 -1.10196073 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.05949445 -0.31010511 0.27988215 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.09233792 0.18226022 -0.03278756 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.39262716 -0.25301586 0.00723835 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00525947 -0.08653037 -0.27338994 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.34046252 0.03311969 -0.01544643 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01582744 -0.03623806 -0.19451013 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78480075 1.65803809 0.01791924 +C -22.64109593 -9.25907541 -21.55049797 0.61865057 0.47309260 0.67466794 +C -23.87409593 -9.91507541 -22.06749797 -0.62707783 -0.14472566 0.03663413 +O -23.71309593 -10.91507541 -22.80849797 0.06937417 -1.03056292 -0.75229081 +O -24.97809593 -9.40007541 -21.75949797 -0.59353357 0.15648274 0.07909394 +H -22.89309593 -8.57207541 -20.73749797 0.06337223 0.16555420 0.11664152 +H -22.24209593 -8.67607541 -22.38249797 0.44440124 0.12051808 -0.08875259 +H -21.90792593 -9.99296541 -21.18463797 0.09126629 0.06535088 -0.21497325 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.3555221732 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=7.675024962343216 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.58598204 -0.63537898 0.68129553 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.46623023 0.58163875 2.43816496 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.09755859 0.45064052 0.32445514 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.47897342 0.54555830 0.32110623 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.62869232 -1.76184832 -1.09366922 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.86875150 -0.36653748 -1.27090824 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.03986340 0.28191972 -0.04859707 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.06198432 0.22825553 0.11952419 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01742389 -0.33887194 -1.10465863 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.05703351 -0.31062899 0.27713125 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.09034559 0.18029627 -0.03637560 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.40965322 -0.25377779 -0.00928174 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00412883 -0.08646444 -0.27446931 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.34208903 0.03667262 -0.02101609 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01490253 -0.03603347 -0.19533711 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78517651 1.65227676 0.02186449 +C -22.65811512 -9.05809049 -21.40279756 0.61463604 0.46999669 0.66962347 +C -23.89111512 -9.71409049 -21.91979756 -0.57867033 -0.15631088 0.02986932 +O -23.73011512 -10.71409049 -22.66079756 0.04105244 -0.98548362 -0.71918575 +O -24.99511512 -9.19909049 -21.61179756 -0.61481587 0.15295411 0.07627671 +H -22.91011512 -8.37109049 -20.58979756 0.06150334 0.16607312 0.11807822 +H -22.25911512 -8.47509049 -22.23479756 0.44359667 0.11987176 -0.08837101 +H -21.92494512 -9.79198049 -21.03693756 0.08950541 0.06518177 -0.21551974 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.3049514433 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=7.923619347117433 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.57138678 -0.64639787 0.66621438 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.46307460 0.58567496 2.44289863 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.10647737 0.40001414 0.32584042 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48105578 0.59579812 0.34296525 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.63248693 -1.76288834 -1.08027952 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.87477776 -0.36233754 -1.27807537 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.04506127 0.27891177 -0.05644408 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.06882184 0.21494426 0.11789997 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01745173 -0.33652491 -1.10715766 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.05488625 -0.31110280 0.27482686 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.08893635 0.17918301 -0.04005838 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.42438994 -0.25420285 -0.02367633 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00315301 -0.08648275 -0.27561592 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.34360080 0.03998675 -0.02588091 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01420917 -0.03582350 -0.19596792 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78538152 1.64736049 0.02548846 +C -22.67513431 -8.85710557 -21.25509716 0.61130087 0.46672057 0.66491409 +C -23.90813431 -9.51310557 -21.77209716 -0.53739031 -0.16288203 0.02684169 +O -23.74713431 -10.51310557 -22.51309716 0.01655816 -0.94912746 -0.69244703 +O -25.01213431 -8.99810557 -21.46409716 -0.63205298 0.14846400 0.07256879 +H -22.92713431 -8.17010557 -20.44209716 0.05966563 0.16633241 0.11920264 +H -22.27613431 -8.27410557 -22.08709716 0.44292695 0.11925481 -0.08803883 +H -21.94196431 -9.59099557 -20.88923716 0.08804098 0.06512478 -0.21601923 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.2606417846 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=8.172299487318071 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.55843067 -0.65628138 0.65167889 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.46030499 0.58909421 2.44698443 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.11512831 0.35646699 0.32772534 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48454006 0.63830213 0.36238061 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.63622293 -1.76378992 -1.06871782 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.87994711 -0.35916174 -1.28427551 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.04952912 0.27662451 -0.06255188 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.07471526 0.20504050 0.11777345 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01753986 -0.33463643 -1.10947963 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.05297433 -0.31154512 0.27285380 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.08803113 0.17874660 -0.04381618 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.43722125 -0.25435837 -0.03627358 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00232740 -0.08657439 -0.27681572 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.34502789 0.04312722 -0.03015474 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01367386 -0.03560975 -0.19643988 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78545573 1.64317687 0.02880207 +C -22.69215350 -8.65612066 -21.10739675 0.60842442 0.46342708 0.66053496 +C -23.92515350 -9.31212066 -21.62439675 -0.50128231 -0.16607654 0.02628681 +O -23.76415350 -10.31212066 -22.36539675 -0.00515640 -0.91956843 -0.67069845 +O -25.02915350 -8.79712066 -21.31639675 -0.64628308 0.14338771 0.06833935 +H -22.94415350 -7.96912066 -20.29439675 0.05793303 0.16643937 0.12011776 +H -22.29315350 -8.07312066 -21.93939675 0.44235020 0.11866386 -0.08775864 +H -21.95898350 -9.39001066 -20.74153675 0.08677214 0.06510503 -0.21649541 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.2213962842 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=8.421057793623207 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.54693588 -0.66506306 0.63792631 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.45785906 0.59203519 2.45053631 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.12348087 0.31877257 0.32995114 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.48893428 0.67435420 0.37955969 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.63975809 -1.76448675 -1.05871776 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.88424257 -0.35671815 -1.28951341 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.05334176 0.27478396 -0.06737561 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.07986155 0.19760934 0.11863866 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01767196 -0.33311125 -1.11162741 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.05129175 -0.31196296 0.27113235 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.08755411 0.17886153 -0.04757566 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.44849779 -0.25431021 -0.04731553 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00163138 -0.08676074 -0.27806563 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.34641564 0.04613908 -0.03392833 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01323905 -0.03544127 -0.19682850 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78545213 1.63959371 0.03188073 +C -22.70917268 -8.45513574 -20.95969634 0.60587659 0.46026295 0.65651729 +C -23.94217268 -9.11113574 -21.47669634 -0.46922584 -0.16708173 0.02730668 +O -23.78117268 -10.11113574 -22.21769634 -0.02461664 -0.89517586 -0.65280536 +O -25.04617268 -8.59613574 -21.16869634 -0.65816630 0.13802219 0.06388094 +H -22.96117268 -7.76813574 -20.14669634 0.05630500 0.16645034 0.12087478 +H -22.31017268 -7.87213574 -21.79169634 0.44181528 0.11809898 -0.08750787 +H -21.97600268 -9.18902574 -20.59383634 0.08561133 0.06512794 -0.21694382 +23 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-13960.1863991973 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-7738.76386157005 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.47808514827 distance=8.66988752780838 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 -0.53673052 -0.67296236 0.62511120 +C -23.86700000 -15.59000000 -25.01000000 0.45573037 0.59458549 2.45372114 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.13150622 0.28573323 0.33249909 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.49382060 0.70531780 0.39474295 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -0.64301524 -1.76496214 -1.04997970 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.88783692 -0.35480473 -1.29400868 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.05666182 0.27334560 -0.07121152 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 0.08436408 0.19184761 0.12004352 +H -23.24100000 -16.45200000 -24.76000000 -0.01782941 -0.33184931 -1.11361488 +H -24.75600000 -15.73900000 -25.63000000 -0.04979994 -0.31235824 0.26958918 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.08738034 0.17932953 -0.05124162 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.45855222 -0.25407636 -0.05707936 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00104698 -0.08699287 -0.27932095 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.34775153 0.04902795 -0.03729019 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.01286436 -0.03529542 -0.19714973 +H -24.16288000 -15.59000000 -23.95054000 -0.78538928 1.63653120 0.03470286 +C -22.72619187 -8.25415082 -20.81199594 0.60353015 0.45725253 0.65280571 +C -23.95919187 -8.91015082 -21.32899594 -0.44028562 -0.16657505 0.02939262 +O -23.79819187 -9.91015082 -22.06999594 -0.04229297 -0.87479017 -0.63794649 +O -25.06319187 -8.39515082 -21.02099594 -0.66827740 0.13253483 0.05933952 +H -22.97819187 -7.56715082 -19.99899594 0.05479071 0.16641521 0.12152328 +H -22.32719187 -7.67115082 -21.64399594 0.44131444 0.11756688 -0.08727917 +H -21.99302187 -8.98804082 -20.44613594 0.08453894 0.06517880 -0.21734877 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.2536467192 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.757384076215318 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.46704201 -0.03983473 -0.24562320 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 1.66391618 0.22064471 -1.54156675 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 -0.63664611 0.78933999 -0.41746617 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.92009781 0.71643666 0.85550961 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.49956884 -1.23795130 0.81955374 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.86940879 -0.29312383 0.34150156 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.52504776 -0.23739517 0.03455365 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.21333428 -0.00007333 0.03900492 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.42832907 -0.05632656 0.18398620 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00720252 -0.06895854 -0.06978714 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.27183123 0.16800967 -0.05271055 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.04260650 0.04239585 0.25431125 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23811495 0.13020756 -0.04203499 +C -16.70261563 -18.18981609 -27.33383433 0.87620755 -0.80061141 -0.07577325 +C -17.78861563 -17.17981609 -27.26383433 0.21318894 0.85632542 0.25474292 +O -18.97661563 -17.54281609 -27.25883433 -2.27086765 -2.08638034 -0.28552868 +O -17.47461563 -15.99081609 -27.17283433 1.06630481 2.45378448 -0.04069842 +H -16.76661563 -18.73181609 -28.28083433 0.00556479 -0.23604465 -0.16393823 +H -16.85661563 -18.90781609 -26.52683433 0.08395533 -0.32973933 0.13463769 +H -15.69915563 -17.74717609 -27.24931433 -0.15934070 0.00929485 0.01732586 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.1677077876 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.006824184225634 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.43459402 -0.03173257 -0.22774235 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 1.49835516 0.25958179 -1.29451915 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 -0.18717521 0.52843518 -0.38081269 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.91183757 0.61930150 0.77731645 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.41850674 -1.15378383 0.75038878 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.89823352 -0.29221301 0.29907890 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.52133713 -0.25459785 -0.00899593 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.21577552 0.01551702 0.03570694 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.43871202 -0.05582822 0.20362604 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 0.00061863 -0.08455770 -0.07419726 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.26262378 0.16254165 -0.05603738 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.03637901 0.03977624 0.24647374 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23946776 0.13125252 -0.04208502 +C -16.47380781 -18.28640804 -27.36241716 0.87627377 -0.81692989 -0.07414438 +C -17.55980781 -17.27640804 -27.29241716 0.05112542 0.94756008 0.24418272 +O -18.74780781 -17.63940804 -27.28741716 -2.57880759 -1.90639979 -0.36739250 +O -17.24580781 -16.08740804 -27.20141716 1.16233982 2.45323382 -0.01960352 +H -16.53780781 -18.82840804 -28.30941716 0.00616419 -0.23738196 -0.16645320 +H -16.62780781 -19.00440804 -26.55541716 0.08651762 -0.33337084 0.13703914 +H -15.47034781 -17.84376804 -27.27789716 -0.15676063 0.00959585 0.01817065 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.0140684553 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.256317487073673 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.41158763 -0.02468405 -0.21547798 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 1.35062895 0.28656367 -1.09642632 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 0.10613625 0.37195257 -0.40298376 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.89997220 0.56344393 0.72730295 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.35266404 -1.10133591 0.70012725 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.88088158 -0.26483479 0.24977420 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.48237148 -0.25272983 -0.05354677 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.21253444 0.03101796 0.03137098 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.46009605 -0.05154162 0.21301411 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.00807123 -0.09671485 -0.07872654 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25621082 0.15799530 -0.05757257 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.03152778 0.03933612 0.24259566 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.24017265 0.13179811 -0.04285599 +C -16.24500000 -18.38300000 -27.39100000 0.87427010 -0.82974543 -0.07750313 +C -17.33100000 -17.37300000 -27.32100000 -0.05515903 0.98217868 0.24061288 +O -18.51900000 -17.73600000 -27.31600000 -2.65661035 -1.83634477 -0.36663795 +O -17.01700000 -16.18400000 -27.23000000 1.22001474 2.45621565 -0.00269790 +H -16.30900000 -18.92500000 -28.33800000 0.00717407 -0.23836723 -0.16838877 +H -16.39900000 -19.10100000 -26.58400000 0.08827673 -0.33523638 0.13920060 +H -15.24154000 -17.94036000 -27.30648000 -0.15373712 0.01103285 0.01881904 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8432321992 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.505856757751566 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.39916149 -0.01775610 -0.21100499 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 1.21187915 0.28761816 -0.90582456 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 0.34247310 0.26248459 -0.47747201 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.88620730 0.55585509 0.70173161 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.29678044 -1.07783474 0.66445600 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.83115590 -0.23044869 0.20069474 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.43044640 -0.23523314 -0.08845599 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.20135023 0.04548187 0.02640477 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.50312557 -0.04176843 0.21021251 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.01922541 -0.10311262 -0.08309552 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25273296 0.15369223 -0.05628033 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02768290 0.04167217 0.24354047 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23987710 0.13146855 -0.04487909 +C -16.01619219 -18.47959196 -27.41958284 0.86839836 -0.83356499 -0.08342671 +C -17.10219219 -17.46959196 -27.34958284 -0.10983998 0.92858483 0.23620820 +O -18.29019219 -17.83259196 -27.34458284 -2.61015343 -1.77460085 -0.33681106 +O -16.78819219 -16.28059196 -27.25858284 1.23294218 2.46681259 0.01294300 +H -16.08019219 -19.02159196 -28.36658284 0.00825872 -0.23771487 -0.16954308 +H -16.17019219 -19.19759196 -26.61258284 0.08918367 -0.33456246 0.14121553 +H -15.01273219 -18.03695196 -27.33506284 -0.14937828 0.01292680 0.01938652 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.6802966608 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.755436022115563 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.39585643 -0.01166427 -0.21145672 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 1.08143934 0.27259669 -0.73119528 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 0.54949599 0.17811848 -0.58285530 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.86892282 0.58540200 0.69671693 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.25394322 -1.07622043 0.64104568 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.76691508 -0.19973567 0.15755589 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.37995502 -0.21128882 -0.11200805 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.18458223 0.05677178 0.02271150 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.55527662 -0.03120370 0.19863231 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.03142416 -0.10372944 -0.08477388 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25157037 0.15013553 -0.05349515 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02566511 0.04540745 0.24755385 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23889101 0.13049322 -0.04735936 +C -15.78738437 -18.57618391 -27.44816567 0.86382406 -0.82897871 -0.08976581 +C -16.87338437 -17.56618391 -27.37816567 -0.14106434 0.81436523 0.22889266 +O -18.06138437 -17.92918391 -27.37316567 -2.50953910 -1.70118986 -0.30090879 +O -16.55938437 -16.37718391 -27.28716567 1.22186878 2.48367929 0.02804914 +H -15.85138437 -19.11818391 -28.39516567 0.00888631 -0.23532718 -0.17000482 +H -15.94138437 -19.29418391 -26.64116567 0.08908399 -0.33153462 0.14289505 +H -14.78392437 -18.13354391 -27.36364567 -0.14339249 0.01390302 0.01977016 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5339723581 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.005050284242796 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.39689196 -0.00686499 -0.21320060 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.96523630 0.25576767 -0.58668993 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 0.72567633 0.11171094 -0.68853059 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.85011706 0.62809883 0.70282425 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.22368477 -1.08502279 0.62644191 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.70342904 -0.17413269 0.12248202 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.33607645 -0.18855338 -0.12800625 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.16738239 0.06537495 0.02022106 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.60243318 -0.02280613 0.18450814 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.04277174 -0.10200798 -0.08437340 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25150594 0.14750779 -0.05068322 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02508880 0.04909797 0.25223791 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23781440 0.12943566 -0.04954432 +C -15.55857656 -18.67277587 -27.47674851 0.86192402 -0.82106256 -0.09545328 +C -16.64457656 -17.66277587 -27.40674851 -0.16282297 0.68844292 0.22099805 +O -17.83257656 -18.02577587 -27.40174851 -2.40075290 -1.62967567 -0.26849785 +O -16.33057656 -16.47377587 -27.31574851 1.20426760 2.50088031 0.04123542 +H -15.62257656 -19.21477587 -28.42374851 0.00911333 -0.23247144 -0.17018306 +H -15.71257656 -19.39077587 -26.66974851 0.08842270 -0.32780174 0.14422008 +H -14.55511656 -18.23013587 -27.39222851 -0.13705716 0.01408233 0.01999365 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.4055809716 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.254695358424409 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.39953935 -0.00299888 -0.21528385 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.86458025 0.23955575 -0.46770449 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 0.87395583 0.05815390 -0.78518880 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.83193864 0.67290016 0.71364403 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.20127527 -1.09772419 0.61723851 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.64634932 -0.15310071 0.09442263 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.29927973 -0.16844914 -0.13883028 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.15156478 0.07225845 0.01835971 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.64372570 -0.01601356 0.17038524 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.05284621 -0.09958786 -0.08318201 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25191530 0.14548234 -0.04810467 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02518228 0.05250554 0.25688219 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23673788 0.12846061 -0.05142423 +C -15.32976875 -18.76936783 -27.50533135 0.86193304 -0.81204704 -0.10022343 +C -16.41576875 -17.75936783 -27.43533135 -0.17827399 0.56582351 0.21310211 +O -17.60376875 -18.12236783 -27.43033135 -2.29888822 -1.56195371 -0.24156360 +O -16.10176875 -16.57036783 -27.34433135 1.18448726 2.51650990 0.05224500 +H -15.39376875 -19.31136783 -28.45233135 0.00903563 -0.22953644 -0.17023660 +H -15.48376875 -19.48736783 -26.69833135 0.08749948 -0.32401895 0.14530842 +H -14.32630875 -18.32672783 -27.42081135 -0.13091695 0.01378031 0.02015411 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.2940038267 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.504367695780043 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.40220503 0.00038620 -0.21770373 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.77965074 0.22295095 -0.36584244 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 0.99772235 0.01382563 -0.87045310 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.81618073 0.71430208 0.72495303 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.18237162 -1.11049799 0.61065966 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.59745735 -0.13525144 0.07154627 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.26852095 -0.15060917 -0.14615601 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.13776989 0.07835927 0.01640100 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.68142259 -0.00959743 0.15735459 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.06167584 -0.09725480 -0.08236416 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25242442 0.14368223 -0.04564938 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02519567 0.05573715 0.26132899 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23566621 0.12761077 -0.05315764 +C -15.10096094 -18.86595979 -27.53391418 0.86251015 -0.80275378 -0.10412090 +C -16.18696094 -17.85595979 -27.46391418 -0.18670198 0.45092710 0.20550798 +O -17.37496094 -18.21895979 -27.45891418 -2.20848540 -1.49759882 -0.21985699 +O -15.87296094 -16.66695979 -27.37291418 1.16291050 2.52960146 0.06125702 +H -15.16496094 -19.40795979 -28.48091418 0.00879190 -0.22668912 -0.17024868 +H -15.25496094 -19.58395979 -26.72691418 0.08649815 -0.32042983 0.14625022 +H -14.09750094 -18.42331979 -27.44939418 -0.12524497 0.01329954 0.02029427 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.197751642 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.754064280802951 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.40400951 0.00343135 -0.22054431 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.71177254 0.20638074 -0.27691827 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.10090951 -0.02364758 -0.94100700 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.80415099 0.74896781 0.73424430 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.16653463 -1.12206883 0.60551292 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.55688604 -0.11860021 0.05224756 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.24200218 -0.13489310 -0.15207903 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.12652209 0.08460412 0.01365610 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.71513904 -0.00302406 0.14611771 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.06925562 -0.09568847 -0.08291832 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25288266 0.14195932 -0.04323936 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02476313 0.05876782 0.26535824 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23473242 0.12696447 -0.05478713 +C -14.87215312 -18.96255174 -27.56249702 0.86142660 -0.79509014 -0.10736012 +C -15.95815312 -17.95255174 -27.49249702 -0.18405997 0.35280421 0.19895104 +O -17.14615312 -18.31555174 -27.48749702 -2.13392745 -1.44075963 -0.20268495 +O -15.64415312 -16.76355174 -27.40149702 1.13882622 2.53854930 0.06817521 +H -14.93615312 -19.50455174 -28.50949702 0.00865789 -0.22438435 -0.17030191 +H -15.02615312 -19.68055174 -26.75549702 0.08574245 -0.31758612 0.14710002 +H -13.86869312 -18.51991174 -27.47797702 -0.12077395 0.01331335 0.02047731 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.1146266445 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.003782507908067 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.40518715 0.00610771 -0.22358198 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.65800758 0.19074523 -0.19981885 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.18781631 -0.05570305 -0.99875100 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.79513011 0.77778003 0.74180506 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.15393191 -1.13274083 0.60161844 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.52329199 -0.10308997 0.03588731 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.21903688 -0.12120639 -0.15717378 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.11741457 0.09083881 0.01036549 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.74455621 0.00338389 0.13650909 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.07572741 -0.09473217 -0.08449395 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25328384 0.14034423 -0.04091483 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02404759 0.06154357 0.26895157 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23397468 0.12649261 -0.05627295 +C -14.64334531 -19.05914370 -27.59107986 0.85886853 -0.78934905 -0.11002960 +C -15.72934531 -18.04914370 -27.52107986 -0.17363782 0.27207620 0.19346736 +O -16.91734531 -18.41214370 -27.51607986 -2.07384912 -1.39217323 -0.18911137 +O -15.41534531 -16.86014370 -27.43007986 1.11415688 2.54394316 0.07337092 +H -14.70734531 -19.60114370 -28.53807986 0.00862741 -0.22259695 -0.17040025 +H -14.79734531 -19.77714370 -26.78407986 0.08523012 -0.31545791 0.14787677 +H -13.63988531 -18.61650370 -27.50655986 -0.11744807 0.01379411 0.02069656 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.0423757153 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.253520146110052 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.40594325 0.00843692 -0.22659869 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.61499923 0.17645209 -0.13329925 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.26124616 -0.08320451 -1.04635254 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.78830588 0.80187238 0.74814004 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.14395319 -1.14249604 0.59872877 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.49564480 -0.08902593 0.02210883 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.19932915 -0.10947395 -0.16155152 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.10997363 0.09685930 0.00684815 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.77006938 0.00939249 0.12828739 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.08125841 -0.09416850 -0.08662819 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25365325 0.13887875 -0.03874626 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02321979 0.06407154 0.27214809 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23333309 0.12615880 -0.05760007 +C -14.41453750 -19.15573566 -27.61966269 0.85560410 -0.78500721 -0.11219418 +C -15.50053750 -18.14573566 -27.54966269 -0.15977293 0.20569993 0.18869983 +O -16.68853750 -18.50873566 -27.54466269 -2.02499867 -1.35087255 -0.17835032 +O -15.18653750 -16.95673566 -27.45866269 1.09063827 2.54677632 0.07734492 +H -14.47853750 -19.69773566 -28.56666269 0.00863049 -0.22111645 -0.17050005 +H -14.56853750 -19.87373566 -26.81266269 0.08487203 -0.31378060 0.14858018 +H -13.41107750 -18.71309566 -27.53514269 -0.11498270 0.01454722 0.02093488 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12891.9790977749 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.503275268555756 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.40638588 0.01046042 -0.22951060 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.58032544 0.16343747 -0.07557086 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.32345992 -0.10696109 -1.08600098 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.78316506 0.82206752 0.75347464 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.13586690 -1.15121262 0.59652640 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.47301248 -0.07638548 0.01047380 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.18247461 -0.09949056 -0.16529332 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.10388532 0.10253966 0.00325707 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.79233772 0.01496042 0.12122890 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.08598903 -0.09388519 -0.08906118 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25397198 0.13754339 -0.03674904 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02232651 0.06636538 0.27498928 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23278647 0.12592457 -0.05879412 +C -14.18572968 -19.25232762 -27.64824553 0.85210772 -0.78165919 -0.11394346 +C -15.27172968 -18.24232762 -27.57824553 -0.14520282 0.15082281 0.18456141 +O -16.45972968 -18.60532762 -27.57324553 -1.98470925 -1.31552534 -0.16980311 +O -14.95772968 -17.05332762 -27.48724553 1.06904064 2.54781462 0.08042895 +H -14.24972968 -19.79432762 -28.59524553 0.00862223 -0.21982524 -0.17059389 +H -14.33972968 -19.97032762 -26.84124553 0.08459992 -0.31239507 0.14921124 +H -13.18226968 -18.80968762 -27.56372553 -0.11313136 0.01540350 0.02116887 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12891.9232148018 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.753046163349467 pbc="T T T" +C -23.00700000 -14.39400000 -25.47600000 0.40654714 0.01223187 -0.23226766 +C -22.00600000 -15.99600000 -27.05600000 0.55221727 0.15157930 -0.02509914 +N -21.03500000 -16.32600000 -27.87900000 1.37621044 -0.12759814 -1.11925263 +N -22.00900000 -14.81000000 -26.46800000 -0.77940039 0.83891969 0.75790966 +N -22.97400000 -16.87300000 -26.85700000 -1.12913732 -1.15882431 0.59476385 +H -20.27200000 -15.69400000 -28.06100000 0.45438155 -0.06488567 0.00052484 +H -20.98400000 -17.25100000 -28.27500000 0.16795737 -0.09100135 -0.16852461 +H -21.30800000 -14.13600000 -26.74300000 0.09892791 0.10788269 -0.00032066 +H -23.91000000 -16.51500000 -26.79400000 -0.81193389 0.02012717 0.11517325 +H -22.88300000 -17.78900000 -27.27300000 -0.09003959 -0.09382681 -0.09166970 +H -23.65000000 -13.61700000 -25.89000000 -0.25423753 0.13631859 -0.03490068 +H -22.47300000 -13.98600000 -24.61600000 -0.02138898 0.06844753 0.27753199 +H -23.61928000 -15.24549000 -25.14423000 0.23230863 0.12576843 -0.05985997 +C -13.95692187 -19.34891957 -27.67682837 0.84864266 -0.77905687 -0.11534825 +C -15.04292187 -18.33891957 -27.60682837 -0.13077907 0.10486906 0.18094197 +O -16.23092187 -18.70191957 -27.60182837 -1.95098282 -1.28502217 -0.16294364 +O -14.72892187 -17.14991957 -27.51582837 1.04946204 2.54761573 0.08281733 +H -14.02092187 -19.89091957 -28.62382837 0.00859288 -0.21864627 -0.17066608 +H -14.11092187 -20.06691957 -26.86982837 0.08438080 -0.31120311 0.14978517 +H -12.95346187 -18.90627957 -27.59230837 -0.11172908 0.01630464 0.02140497 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.7854046654 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.169831093811181 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 0.06990787 -0.17685370 -0.19036263 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 1.40153631 -1.42415412 0.49266099 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 -1.77378893 2.39057157 -1.89035931 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.25583760 0.77562824 0.99548626 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -1.15466944 0.81960625 -1.55275017 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 1.15708786 -1.28425261 1.45116420 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.06603431 -0.26617592 -0.12233835 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.09461352 -0.01015467 0.01063562 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.09418678 0.04881645 -0.25688032 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.06203831 0.01366501 -0.12933965 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.15758637 0.11788689 -0.06214826 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.15699889 -0.18360150 0.07973422 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.04646349 0.02598078 -0.07165629 +C 13.40355816 31.21451667 8.58561965 0.20503098 -0.34846444 -0.05087109 +C 14.31455816 32.43651667 8.49761965 0.75751356 -0.11434983 2.56531413 +O 14.41755816 33.00851667 7.38861965 0.38171586 -0.25719196 -1.43453057 +O 14.90855816 32.84051667 9.52061965 -0.28958907 -0.29080009 0.40282403 +H 13.60955816 30.55151667 7.74161965 -0.03634911 -0.14276449 -0.22895696 +H 12.36755816 31.54351667 8.49061965 -0.33471873 0.03289626 0.00997757 +H 13.52358816 30.63377667 9.51207965 0.01108872 0.27371190 -0.01760341 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.8928427033 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.41568261761627 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 0.06074110 -0.19442319 -0.14713490 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 1.17847026 -1.10377940 0.72902239 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 -0.76842058 1.24633289 -0.67847781 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.20204879 0.67677610 0.91548796 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -1.00467213 0.69524642 -1.46523217 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 1.00583324 -1.36000377 1.13805591 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.10037594 -0.32066066 -0.09165506 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.10229299 -0.00487636 0.00392576 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.07831889 0.04403933 -0.23509207 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.07122643 0.00317275 -0.15550044 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.15090405 0.11559264 -0.06939287 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.16814267 -0.17581282 0.08284082 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.04771037 0.02579786 -0.08258382 +C 13.46977908 31.00525834 8.70530982 0.18028299 -0.38470245 -0.03477122 +C 14.38077908 32.22725834 8.61730982 0.70160868 0.11206593 2.13237768 +O 14.48377908 32.79925834 7.50830982 -0.49478014 0.78137643 -2.40075389 +O 14.97477908 32.63125834 9.64030982 -0.20822175 -0.29923480 0.57983147 +H 13.67577908 30.34225834 7.86130982 -0.03530167 -0.14412599 -0.22732823 +H 12.43377908 31.33425834 8.61030982 -0.33303101 0.03091557 0.01436199 +H 13.58980908 30.42451834 9.63176982 0.00605319 0.25630352 -0.00798147 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.7226339314 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.6619754095544765 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 0.04831058 -0.20660842 -0.12353301 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.99753844 -0.86262700 0.85385801 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 -0.24744139 0.60854695 -0.10178887 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.16079261 0.60643679 0.86471234 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.89813542 0.61010616 -1.39475844 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.75855209 -1.16640088 0.82801878 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.11756340 -0.35443868 -0.08696340 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.10884580 0.00034048 0.00022271 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.07324854 0.04540823 -0.22279593 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.07814894 -0.00484925 -0.17480180 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.14383282 0.11186488 -0.07265111 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.17621416 -0.15728766 0.08517367 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.04465929 0.02640740 -0.08717925 +C 13.53600000 30.79600000 8.82500000 0.15911221 -0.40897513 -0.02023662 +C 14.44700000 32.01800000 8.73700000 0.66340735 0.25780530 1.81621061 +O 14.55000000 32.59000000 7.62800000 -0.74693881 1.07046139 -2.67447860 +O 15.04100000 32.42200000 9.76000000 -0.14318544 -0.30327619 0.71979599 +H 13.74200000 30.13300000 7.98100000 -0.03421153 -0.14472515 -0.22633218 +H 12.50000000 31.12500000 8.73000000 -0.33250326 0.02926547 0.01720684 +H 13.65603000 30.21526000 9.75146000 0.00192705 0.24254528 0.00032025 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.4738142045 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.908643036894216 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 0.03388287 -0.21565397 -0.11420084 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.85505530 -0.67261095 0.91105836 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.04675998 0.23215382 0.19300604 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.12922847 0.55628259 0.83824206 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.82125812 0.54971716 -1.33978547 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.53912770 -0.92620950 0.56757542 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.12493700 -0.37421211 -0.09633163 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.11548088 0.00574833 -0.00175461 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.07537974 0.05007156 -0.21523871 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.08342180 -0.01182594 -0.18974212 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.13735327 0.10777393 -0.07310087 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.18264087 -0.13507132 0.08546422 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.03907927 0.02807481 -0.08721817 +C 13.60222092 30.58674166 8.94469018 0.14188322 -0.42478482 -0.00549583 +C 14.51322092 31.80874166 8.85669018 0.62969373 0.34935027 1.55919906 +O 14.61622092 32.38074166 7.74769018 -0.77800875 1.06699784 -2.66555079 +O 15.10722092 32.21274166 9.87969018 -0.08654672 -0.30113701 0.83256988 +H 13.80822092 29.92374166 8.10069018 -0.03263262 -0.14410327 -0.22543553 +H 12.56622092 30.91574166 8.84969018 -0.33201714 0.02837143 0.01915216 +H 13.72225092 30.00600166 9.87115018 -0.00173241 0.23106715 0.00758736 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.2236393787 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.155631685807265 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 0.01668301 -0.22393470 -0.11742629 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.74579141 -0.50511208 0.92253707 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.23618893 -0.02064479 0.36418774 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.10242486 0.51744745 0.83690392 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.76036900 0.50189584 -1.29600466 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.36514194 -0.70734887 0.35925323 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.12579504 -0.38522412 -0.11450360 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.12661511 0.01429431 -0.00449645 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.08784592 0.06191251 -0.20863132 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.08704686 -0.02204468 -0.20385405 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.13224187 0.10444248 -0.07143746 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.18820004 -0.11258797 0.08338766 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.03250063 0.03106753 -0.08328690 +C 13.66844184 30.37748333 9.06438035 0.12960861 -0.43187420 0.01186273 +C 14.57944184 31.59948333 8.97638035 0.57947305 0.38982992 1.31532504 +O 14.68244184 32.17148333 7.86738035 -0.72927298 0.96602282 -2.52910929 +O 15.17344184 32.00348333 9.99938035 -0.02882387 -0.28631835 0.92392022 +H 13.87444184 29.71448333 8.22038035 -0.02953631 -0.14122651 -0.22374509 +H 12.63244184 30.70648333 8.96938035 -0.33003436 0.02857311 0.02095541 +H 13.78847184 29.79674333 9.99084035 -0.00517153 0.22083030 0.01416210 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.9993584234 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.402897354813886 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.00110551 -0.23405947 -0.12964229 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.65678054 -0.34464517 0.90136182 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.36946528 -0.20847160 0.48022556 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.06868728 0.47195187 0.85156904 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.69884535 0.45481154 -1.24585979 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.23170432 -0.52518459 0.19760647 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.12182941 -0.39053286 -0.14101929 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.14886182 0.03315851 -0.01272847 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.11535635 0.09021345 -0.20007080 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.08664618 -0.04163778 -0.22321209 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.12927856 0.10307108 -0.06884708 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.19300536 -0.09151808 0.07965748 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.02568620 0.03536330 -0.07658480 +C 13.73466276 30.16822499 9.18407053 0.12302743 -0.42925553 0.03199809 +C 14.64566276 31.39022499 9.09607053 0.50381350 0.37970005 1.06697445 +O 14.74866276 31.96222499 7.98707053 -0.65063382 0.84575121 -2.32923071 +O 15.23966276 31.79422499 10.11907053 0.03274916 -0.25419942 0.99591658 +H 13.94066276 29.50522499 8.34007053 -0.02438421 -0.13602586 -0.22115788 +H 12.69866276 30.49722499 9.08907053 -0.32603593 0.02988371 0.02313221 +H 13.85469276 29.58748499 10.11053053 -0.00822620 0.21162563 0.01991150 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8071395579 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.650403657431074 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.01510686 -0.24491575 -0.14383599 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.57584340 -0.20455484 0.86756718 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.46427009 -0.34516843 0.56204377 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 -0.02821288 0.41834707 0.86723767 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.63793821 0.40838198 -1.18608153 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.13396526 -0.38235923 0.07992456 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.11619291 -0.39175091 -0.17160657 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.17699770 0.06019238 -0.02519916 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.14859979 0.12888783 -0.19093385 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.08158943 -0.06624299 -0.24700627 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.12799610 0.10325799 -0.06640284 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.19713997 -0.07325430 0.07588030 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.01870899 0.04001729 -0.06973249 +C 13.80088368 29.95896666 9.30376071 0.11974623 -0.42069828 0.04913041 +C 14.71188368 31.18096666 9.21576071 0.42471610 0.34219486 0.84932484 +O 14.81488368 31.75296666 8.10676071 -0.57184392 0.73723429 -2.12913014 +O 15.30588368 31.58496666 10.23876071 0.08883936 -0.21430102 1.04770599 +H 14.00688368 29.29596666 8.45976071 -0.01897360 -0.13103354 -0.21881227 +H 12.76488368 30.28796666 9.20876071 -0.32193338 0.03140562 0.02530873 +H 13.92091368 29.37822666 10.23022071 -0.01023044 0.20435999 0.02461767 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.6447062465 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.898120314460774 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.02320110 -0.25204725 -0.15930411 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.48229462 -0.10616813 0.84040354 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.54583311 -0.44801227 0.61790001 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 0.01094197 0.37604280 0.88600319 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.59235042 0.36809692 -1.13306466 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.06360007 -0.27200055 -0.00608961 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.11263493 -0.38788191 -0.20048945 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.19986427 0.09009064 -0.03822269 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.17331740 0.16719115 -0.18419056 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.07144319 -0.08649894 -0.27156542 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.12696300 0.10340387 -0.06441010 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.20060338 -0.05754684 0.07407749 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 0.01065406 0.04315474 -0.06422181 +C 13.86710460 29.74970832 9.42345089 0.11777134 -0.40952196 0.06077980 +C 14.77810460 30.97170832 9.33545089 0.35562779 0.29539817 0.67729419 +O 14.88110460 31.54370832 8.22645089 -0.50419221 0.64590046 -1.95551209 +O 15.37210460 31.37570832 10.35845089 0.13528377 -0.17414187 1.08239147 +H 14.07310460 29.08670832 8.57945089 -0.01435867 -0.12742858 -0.21727410 +H 12.83110460 30.07870832 9.32845089 -0.31860576 0.03271467 0.02716351 +H 13.98713460 29.16896832 10.34991089 -0.01094903 0.19925490 0.02833139 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5086361853 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.146021878892945 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.02097832 -0.24773868 -0.18148748 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.32401811 -0.08982086 0.84512506 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.65173958 -0.53645624 0.65058430 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 0.04390051 0.37707711 0.92091203 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.58353856 0.33964815 -1.11024945 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 0.01296828 -0.18347559 -0.07807125 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.11798761 -0.37379482 -0.22207755 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.20315932 0.12206693 -0.04973922 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.17068191 0.19778710 -0.18400926 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.05162477 -0.09043743 -0.29539248 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.12365439 0.10054478 -0.06321870 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.20300063 -0.04265622 0.07818092 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 -0.00158513 0.04069981 -0.06123205 +C 13.93332552 29.54044998 9.54314106 0.11639007 -0.39702832 0.06679567 +C 14.84432552 30.76244998 9.45514106 0.30064041 0.24798095 0.54666103 +O 14.94732552 31.33444998 8.34614106 -0.45011430 0.56734370 -1.81131217 +O 15.43832552 31.16644998 10.47814106 0.17176443 -0.13613153 1.10515943 +H 14.13932552 28.87744998 8.69914106 -0.01064396 -0.12536323 -0.21650453 +H 12.89732552 29.86944998 9.44814106 -0.31600325 0.03373764 0.02868921 +H 14.05335552 28.95970998 10.46960106 -0.01042572 0.19601675 0.03118650 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.3948027872 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.39408684611913 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.01766446 -0.24085947 -0.20374689 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.17577043 -0.09422127 0.85492474 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.74776549 -0.61181756 0.67345688 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 0.06963267 0.39182226 0.95802618 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.58566394 0.32001467 -1.10159433 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 -0.02387524 -0.11507083 -0.13452792 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.12523081 -0.35912616 -0.23945246 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.20105148 0.14879688 -0.05829534 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.16228509 0.22053214 -0.18543049 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.03327904 -0.08969005 -0.31472613 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.12027037 0.09744811 -0.06215271 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.20496836 -0.03010153 0.08284091 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 -0.01335833 0.03710148 -0.05867742 +C 13.99954644 29.33119165 9.66283124 0.11509613 -0.38558817 0.06947516 +C 14.91054644 30.55319165 9.57483124 0.25623692 0.20480479 0.45033307 +O 15.01354644 31.12519165 8.46583124 -0.40653383 0.50541677 -1.69564060 +O 15.50454644 30.95719165 10.59783124 0.20043383 -0.10394727 1.11809603 +H 14.20554644 28.66819165 8.81883124 -0.00789997 -0.12410955 -0.21604063 +H 12.96354644 29.66019165 9.56783124 -0.31387186 0.03452290 0.02976592 +H 14.11957644 28.75045165 10.58929124 -0.00938103 0.19407186 0.03336602 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.29873128 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.642296918599837 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.01511531 -0.23429258 -0.22418866 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 0.05232253 -0.10101692 0.86230120 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.82835895 -0.67601277 0.69175862 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 0.09032688 0.40886258 0.99335003 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.58995029 0.30563416 -1.09876551 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 -0.05151677 -0.06211267 -0.17837238 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.13180595 -0.34605157 -0.25420255 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.19856134 0.17049287 -0.06492345 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.15474007 0.23821547 -0.18671049 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.01817799 -0.08836067 -0.33019172 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.11753242 0.09491711 -0.06118806 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.20653406 -0.01980753 0.08675605 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 -0.02360296 0.03378243 -0.05622836 +C 14.06576736 29.12193331 9.78252142 0.11408843 -0.37511540 0.07031475 +C 14.97676736 30.34393331 9.69452142 0.21712748 0.16356892 0.37823636 +O 15.07976736 30.91593331 8.58552142 -0.36984120 0.45838873 -1.60204618 +O 15.57076736 30.74793331 10.71752142 0.22425524 -0.07600218 1.12419560 +H 14.27176736 28.45893331 8.93852142 -0.00572715 -0.12327635 -0.21580468 +H 13.02976736 29.45093331 9.68752142 -0.31202231 0.03526631 0.03053077 +H 14.18579736 28.54119331 10.70898142 -0.00803171 0.19292006 0.03517866 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.2168235929 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.89063640189919 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.01335346 -0.22864111 -0.24214162 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 -0.04754046 -0.10608141 0.86640891 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.89365510 -0.72965672 0.70723282 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 0.10740139 0.42389479 1.02454679 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.59354545 0.29462263 -1.09728289 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 -0.07240448 -0.02094746 -0.21204151 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.13741327 -0.33518642 -0.26741047 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.19697119 0.18839070 -0.07013859 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.14927784 0.25261478 -0.18762504 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 -0.00589482 -0.08770571 -0.34294042 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.11541889 0.09306068 -0.06027720 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.20791333 -0.01149586 0.08984473 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 -0.03227005 0.03092612 -0.05387919 +C 14.13198828 28.91267498 9.90221159 0.11332216 -0.36591438 0.07016476 +C 15.04298828 30.13467497 9.81421159 0.18352516 0.12689287 0.32344314 +O 15.14598828 30.70667497 8.70521159 -0.33925155 0.42221297 -1.52584073 +O 15.63698828 30.53867497 10.83721159 0.24369936 -0.05251778 1.12581849 +H 14.33798828 28.24967498 9.05821159 -0.00403013 -0.12266965 -0.21561322 +H 13.09598828 29.24167497 9.80721159 -0.31032183 0.03591167 0.03110253 +H 14.25201828 28.33193497 10.82867159 -0.00664962 0.19228930 0.03662870 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.1462454998 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.139091798074071 pbc="T T T" +C 12.78700000 35.93500000 8.14300000 -0.01212884 -0.22402504 -0.25760757 +C 12.50200000 35.31700000 5.75900000 -0.12805809 -0.10875171 0.86762839 +N 13.33700000 34.30300000 5.87400000 0.94578127 -0.77382602 0.72086420 +N 12.22000000 36.09300000 6.79800000 0.12221456 0.43552016 1.05118074 +N 11.93800000 35.55500000 4.59100000 -0.59547688 0.28575250 -1.09507374 +H 13.73100000 34.01500000 6.77000000 -0.08837701 0.01149879 -0.23790529 +H 13.57300000 33.74600000 5.07200000 0.14210402 -0.32656632 -0.27980034 +H 11.60800000 36.88200000 6.64200000 -0.19663265 0.20359134 -0.07451880 +H 11.31200000 36.33700000 4.47600000 -0.14606530 0.26507165 -0.18806708 +H 12.19300000 35.00900000 3.78400000 0.00421805 -0.08812489 -0.35378877 +H 12.75000000 36.88800000 8.67500000 -0.11389326 0.09185342 -0.05948652 +H 13.83900000 35.65300000 8.06400000 0.20909560 -0.00480072 0.09218596 +H 12.25752000 35.16852000 8.72794600 -0.03955012 0.02854896 -0.05172631 +C 14.19820920 28.70341664 10.02190177 0.11280996 -0.35778359 0.06945968 +C 15.10920920 29.92541664 9.93390177 0.15360337 0.09354648 0.28126945 +O 15.21220920 30.49741664 8.82490177 -0.31296488 0.39452982 -1.46281826 +O 15.70320920 30.32941664 10.95690177 0.25997992 -0.03240543 1.12437065 +H 14.40420920 28.04041664 9.17790177 -0.00264994 -0.12214997 -0.21547680 +H 13.16220920 29.03241664 9.92690177 -0.30873082 0.03654846 0.03151866 +H 14.31823920 28.12267664 10.94836177 -0.00527896 0.19197213 0.03779176 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8843.17939441773 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=3.6724529766326075 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.40746773 0.29747564 0.47079174 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 -0.57387493 -0.81380253 2.83617368 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.90699854 0.67531803 -2.75174464 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.09993156 0.63338325 -0.13775987 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.47010459 -0.29670214 0.37623674 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.12104733 0.10119776 -0.17680947 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.20260583 -0.04307181 -0.07106855 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.00497881 -0.17568191 -0.08543737 +C 7.98350924 -5.26600874 17.56955611 -0.26752230 -0.68147795 -0.56611454 +C 8.54350924 -5.05900874 18.96355611 0.54464488 2.19622657 0.64249524 +O 8.74450924 -6.08900874 19.65755611 0.07009357 -3.37059713 -0.32617580 +O 8.83650924 -3.96200874 19.46955611 -0.41922618 1.42451488 -0.79628583 +H 7.05450924 -5.82900874 17.69255611 -0.21970298 -0.25066759 -0.02057564 +H 8.66750924 -5.94800874 17.05855611 0.12963246 -0.27327296 -0.10745433 +H 7.75328024 -4.48120174 16.83397611 0.32015733 0.57715791 0.71372864 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8843.07650806844 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=3.9205187003526993 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.54812534 0.27540558 0.51544675 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 -0.06067138 -0.54472055 1.47589351 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.71357011 0.67446814 -2.48421272 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.13732947 0.67735084 -0.16143501 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.46440763 -0.32070373 0.24175500 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.11658090 0.09966175 -0.16086919 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.20533470 -0.03823069 -0.07816330 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.03626796 -0.17498244 -0.11527447 +C 7.96475462 -5.18650437 17.33327806 -0.26812990 -0.69031791 -0.59508119 +C 8.52475462 -4.97950437 18.72727806 0.59762984 1.95215844 0.93232784 +O 8.72575462 -6.00950437 19.42127806 -0.39722459 -3.60342175 0.69265250 +O 8.81775462 -3.88250437 19.23327806 -0.40216503 1.62861663 -0.82973478 +H 7.03575462 -5.74950437 17.45627806 -0.21791878 -0.24585297 -0.01791503 +H 8.64875462 -5.86850437 16.82227806 0.12939239 -0.27141376 -0.11302176 +H 7.73452562 -4.40169737 16.59769806 0.31731266 0.58198241 0.69763185 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8842.78849688106 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=4.168815535073765 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.64774412 0.25668288 0.54941939 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.18202216 -0.37980439 0.75844397 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.51292151 0.53902424 -2.11029287 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.17907264 0.71311489 -0.16113871 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.47528399 -0.34206048 0.16039896 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.10860071 0.09824887 -0.14349252 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.20752633 -0.03556506 -0.08285730 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.05754685 -0.17336874 -0.13577409 +C 7.94600000 -5.10700000 17.09700000 -0.27418356 -0.69440530 -0.61993680 +C 8.50600000 -4.90000000 18.49100000 0.64604293 1.74010010 1.14954230 +O 8.70700000 -5.93000000 19.18500000 -0.52588423 -3.59185276 0.94253094 +O 8.79900000 -3.80300000 18.99700000 -0.38590898 1.79491832 -0.85688799 +H 7.01700000 -5.67000000 17.22000000 -0.21740770 -0.24239732 -0.01562195 +H 8.63000000 -5.78900000 16.58600000 0.12945317 -0.26916200 -0.11701609 +H 7.71577100 -4.32219300 16.36142000 0.31323110 0.58652673 0.68268277 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8842.4565332665 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=4.417304501123408 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.72003425 0.24211448 0.57661482 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.30455446 -0.28001401 0.36785462 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.35992237 0.38534256 -1.75969783 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.22032949 0.74306367 -0.14609954 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.49477121 -0.36258151 0.11254981 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.09980091 0.09686244 -0.12695898 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.20932759 -0.03426544 -0.08612859 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.07205299 -0.17152876 -0.14993600 +C 7.92724538 -5.02749563 16.86072194 -0.28329447 -0.69308950 -0.64266724 +C 8.48724538 -4.82049563 18.25472194 0.68765089 1.53754768 1.31630832 +O 8.68824538 -5.85049563 18.94872194 -0.54475303 -3.48465745 0.87958791 +O 8.78024538 -3.72349563 18.76072194 -0.36940292 1.93626686 -0.87793532 +H 6.99824538 -5.59049563 16.98372194 -0.21687147 -0.23941790 -0.01302497 +H 8.61124538 -5.70949563 16.34972194 0.12982837 -0.26639370 -0.11911015 +H 7.69701638 -4.24268863 16.12514194 0.30861374 0.59075057 0.66864312 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8842.13744870909 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=4.665954893108933 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.77549461 0.23142476 0.59885428 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.37855809 -0.21657085 0.14426968 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.25290152 0.24767983 -1.47168891 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.26059053 0.77137473 -0.12133384 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.52241703 -0.38716676 0.08604644 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.09167839 0.09512682 -0.11153279 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.21128831 -0.03423650 -0.08854748 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.08267146 -0.16960697 -0.15964246 +C 7.90849076 -4.94799126 16.62444389 -0.29396286 -0.68311190 -0.66481105 +C 8.46849076 -4.74099126 18.01844389 0.71623630 1.31116537 1.44129558 +O 8.66949076 -5.77099126 18.71244389 -0.53109846 -3.32605451 0.70878563 +O 8.76149076 -3.64399126 18.52444389 -0.34837868 2.06410203 -0.88924900 +H 6.97949076 -5.51099126 16.74744389 -0.21519048 -0.23591940 -0.00887228 +H 8.59249076 -5.62999126 16.11344389 0.13072098 -0.26252610 -0.11830781 +H 7.67826176 -4.16318426 15.88886389 0.30336471 0.59431946 0.65473402 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8841.85170585896 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=4.914742227116861 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.82437430 0.22607920 0.61297675 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.45851501 -0.16368776 -0.00439814 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.17563529 0.12726944 -1.23604553 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.30517729 0.80712766 -0.08420595 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.57436453 -0.43533799 0.07856918 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.08482225 0.09219269 -0.09498728 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.21515732 -0.03708693 -0.09064185 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.09344173 -0.16669544 -0.16531000 +C 7.88973614 -4.86848689 16.38816583 -0.30408848 -0.65071799 -0.68528607 +C 8.44973614 -4.66148689 17.78216583 0.70486499 0.97606763 1.48930070 +O 8.65073614 -5.69148689 18.47616583 -0.49807056 -3.06806079 0.51992508 +O 8.74273614 -3.56448689 18.28816583 -0.30633267 2.18237148 -0.86557739 +H 6.96073614 -5.43148689 16.51116583 -0.21075819 -0.22988312 -0.00022253 +H 8.57373614 -5.55048689 15.87716583 0.13321911 -0.25552192 -0.11173140 +H 7.65950714 -4.08367989 15.65258583 0.29560433 0.59588383 0.63763443 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8841.6098275333 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=5.1636466922846544 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.87825891 0.22390718 0.61768678 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.59321339 -0.09997745 -0.14573967 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.12104425 0.02693960 -1.01973371 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.35800741 0.86582123 -0.03085598 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.68388969 -0.54112307 0.11439831 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.08015467 0.08976506 -0.07752276 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.22378701 -0.04508525 -0.09188898 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.11026215 -0.16122666 -0.16624893 +C 7.87098152 -4.78898252 16.15188778 -0.31050779 -0.63940539 -0.66950481 +C 8.43098152 -4.58198252 17.54588778 0.66183417 0.77842571 1.34225243 +O 8.63198152 -5.61198252 18.23988778 -0.44566668 -2.77309147 0.37421893 +O 8.72398152 -3.48498252 18.05188778 -0.26063067 2.16045573 -0.77151558 +H 6.94198152 -5.35198252 16.27488778 -0.21187272 -0.22679236 0.00197496 +H 8.55498152 -5.47098252 15.64088778 0.13771604 -0.25258775 -0.11013374 +H 7.64075252 -4.00417552 15.41630778 0.29271205 0.59397489 0.63261274 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8841.41457610454 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=5.412652146732347 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.92201804 0.21935019 0.62739256 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.68941340 -0.06309745 -0.22989421 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.09139508 -0.04888169 -0.87626260 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.40332886 0.92228456 0.01436725 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.76923102 -0.62306613 0.14501826 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.07663673 0.08857951 -0.06528276 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.23009505 -0.05074169 -0.09301661 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.12277075 -0.15677957 -0.16712058 +C 7.85222690 -4.70947815 15.91560972 -0.31510743 -0.63508705 -0.64976259 +C 8.41222690 -4.50247815 17.30960972 0.62143319 0.64943159 1.18822378 +O 8.61322690 -5.53247815 18.00360972 -0.40221967 -2.53377437 0.26705063 +O 8.70522690 -3.40547815 17.81560972 -0.22385026 2.11606646 -0.68332862 +H 6.92322690 -5.27247815 16.03860972 -0.21388217 -0.22503540 0.00216490 +H 8.53622690 -5.39147815 15.40460972 0.14162848 -0.25128073 -0.11018508 +H 7.62199790 -3.92467115 15.18002972 0.29123374 0.59203178 0.63063567 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8841.25689226691 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=5.661745248606425 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.95542590 0.21370102 0.64013150 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.75220813 -0.04497492 -0.27078171 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.07718661 -0.10680136 -0.78896074 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.44048916 0.97127065 0.05025132 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.83010789 -0.68105479 0.16633331 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.07377726 0.08811779 -0.05723168 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.23421691 -0.05417766 -0.09400649 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.13114381 -0.15368544 -0.16822250 +C 7.83347228 -4.62997378 15.67933167 -0.31813130 -0.62876149 -0.63338286 +C 8.39347228 -4.42297378 17.07333167 0.58105721 0.53509716 1.05383528 +O 8.59447228 -5.45297378 17.76733167 -0.36604656 -2.33300249 0.18893382 +O 8.68647228 -3.32597378 17.57933167 -0.19134877 2.07724439 -0.60846830 +H 6.90447228 -5.19297378 15.80233167 -0.21511829 -0.22335202 0.00291625 +H 8.51747228 -5.31197378 15.16833167 0.14492105 -0.24997186 -0.10968661 +H 7.60324328 -3.84516678 14.94375167 0.28958106 0.59035103 0.62833941 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8841.12862125546 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=5.910914934526397 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.98039135 0.20784383 0.65378493 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.79252864 -0.03760861 -0.28410172 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.07220453 -0.15129169 -0.73974234 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.47041804 1.01227401 0.07797136 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.87357192 -0.72203922 0.18096794 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.07134261 0.08815780 -0.05214669 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.23679433 -0.05608811 -0.09474408 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.13655288 -0.15170370 -0.16939514 +C 7.81471766 -4.55046941 15.44305361 -0.31991754 -0.62066830 -0.62068308 +C 8.37471766 -4.34346941 16.83705361 0.54176178 0.43202167 0.94036629 +O 8.57571766 -5.37346941 17.53105361 -0.33544519 -2.16463188 0.13284808 +O 8.66771766 -3.24646941 17.34305361 -0.16267374 2.04497903 -0.54668903 +H 6.88571766 -5.11346941 15.56605361 -0.21561421 -0.22163280 0.00434242 +H 8.49871766 -5.23246941 14.93205361 0.14765766 -0.24852546 -0.10857215 +H 7.58448866 -3.76566241 14.70747361 0.28778648 0.58891342 0.62579320 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8841.0230520496 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=6.160151893959503 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 0.99880688 0.20228146 0.66702899 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.81818717 -0.03614648 -0.28081085 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.07257315 -0.18551308 -0.71544014 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.49434497 1.04597750 0.09905022 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.90496499 -0.75132394 0.19113609 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.06926411 0.08845546 -0.04905032 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.23833029 -0.05701763 -0.09523325 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.13992636 -0.15052965 -0.17053214 +C 7.79596304 -4.47096504 15.20677556 -0.32087668 -0.61165770 -0.61125505 +C 8.35596304 -4.26396504 16.60077556 0.50465262 0.33998271 0.84611657 +O 8.55696304 -5.29396504 17.29477556 -0.30923199 -2.02371960 0.09305910 +O 8.64896304 -3.16696504 17.10677556 -0.13761568 2.01837523 -0.49657092 +H 6.86696304 -5.03396504 15.32977556 -0.21556359 -0.21990432 0.00631511 +H 8.47996304 -5.15296504 14.69577556 0.14992580 -0.24696666 -0.10701752 +H 7.56573404 -3.68615804 14.47119556 0.28597303 0.58770670 0.62320408 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8840.93510219809 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=6.409448296386224 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 1.01236474 0.19722218 0.67922393 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.83444611 -0.03786511 -0.26808493 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.07585743 -0.21216835 -0.70676198 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.51346972 1.07363216 0.11505371 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.92801907 -0.77246748 0.19825712 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.06746238 0.08885868 -0.04721492 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.23918014 -0.05736288 -0.09549417 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.14195225 -0.14989289 -0.17154052 +C 7.77720842 -4.39146067 14.97049750 -0.32123871 -0.60258101 -0.60435810 +C 8.33720842 -4.18446067 16.36449750 0.47034456 0.25943928 0.76786903 +O 8.53820842 -5.21446067 17.05849750 -0.28669362 -1.90584957 0.06486696 +O 8.63020842 -3.08746067 16.87049750 -0.11600802 1.99597804 -0.45604424 +H 6.84820842 -4.95446067 15.09349750 -0.21514474 -0.21821635 0.00864446 +H 8.46120842 -5.07346067 14.45949750 0.15185670 -0.24540766 -0.10520761 +H 7.54697942 -3.60665367 14.23491750 0.28429911 0.58668098 0.62079125 +15 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-8840.86093540257 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-2617.69985845671 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.46984312555 distance=6.658797447914187 pbc="T T T" +C 9.12400000 -6.69000000 22.74000000 1.02242634 0.19276023 0.69009719 +N 7.96000000 -6.55600000 21.83900000 0.84470249 -0.04109437 -0.25060115 +H 8.24600000 -6.67200000 20.86300000 0.08065637 -0.23306627 -0.70758217 +H 7.55700000 -5.63000000 21.88900000 -0.52886986 1.09641136 0.12732508 +H 7.23800000 -7.23200000 22.05200000 -0.94528858 -0.78808615 0.20346985 +H 9.98100000 -6.18400000 22.28300000 -0.06591994 0.08931362 -0.04621500 +H 9.39500000 -7.74000000 22.88700000 -0.23959724 -0.05738984 -0.09562062 +H 8.91513100 -6.21360700 23.70924000 -0.14315947 -0.14957435 -0.17241809 +C 7.75845380 -4.31195630 14.73421945 -0.32123249 -0.59420243 -0.59916849 +C 8.31845380 -4.10495630 16.12821945 0.43942449 0.19085698 0.70260448 +O 8.51945380 -5.13495630 16.82221945 -0.26731479 -1.80756239 0.04476866 +O 8.61145380 -3.00795630 16.63421945 -0.09760420 1.97633991 -0.42305189 +H 6.82945380 -4.87495630 14.85721945 -0.21456238 -0.21662830 0.01105290 +H 8.44245380 -4.99395630 14.22321945 0.15350223 -0.24391784 -0.10338040 +H 7.52822480 -3.52714930 13.99863945 0.28283702 0.58583985 0.61871965 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.1967352065 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.05795004937235 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.09596403 0.15255510 0.05400508 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 2.83373346 0.95364648 1.97596119 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -0.92649065 -0.50553497 -2.94148067 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 -0.07613523 0.25968668 -0.56152555 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16357722 0.13194912 -0.20479328 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.11998623 -0.14168116 -0.24527435 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.12216062 -0.22743281 0.16978040 +C 30.51697621 11.41297253 28.35997957 0.08565697 -0.61685292 -0.42877017 +C 30.16897621 9.79197253 26.50897957 0.60343895 2.15410928 1.48065485 +N 30.79097621 10.81897253 27.04797957 -3.66416739 -0.84971192 2.61568844 +N 29.15897621 9.19897253 27.11897957 -1.55395699 -1.41582101 0.25064672 +N 30.54197621 9.36997253 25.32397957 -0.10503581 -1.36240184 -1.83284048 +H 31.59297621 11.18497253 26.53097957 2.07128206 0.76246596 -0.74650431 +H 31.44097621 11.87297253 28.71697957 0.23203588 0.05709405 -0.09157744 +H 30.26097621 10.63497253 29.08197957 -0.12066892 -0.14241685 0.33583627 +H 28.84197621 9.53397253 28.01297957 -0.17909829 -0.03347993 0.10973836 +H 28.66897621 8.43897253 26.64597957 0.04338233 0.26423010 0.50750842 +H 31.31397621 9.83297253 24.86997957 0.41795808 0.23537352 -0.24998174 +H 29.98497621 8.65997253 24.84397957 0.51089590 0.38950867 0.06083216 +H 29.73228621 12.18382253 28.36726957 -0.10304274 -0.06528555 -0.25790390 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.4106882566 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.3057211284280745 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.12677755 0.17294793 0.02621724 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 2.28488395 0.71268902 1.93532021 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -2.69264398 -1.06148470 -1.62569457 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.11420749 0.28699666 -0.39755942 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16210101 0.13508546 -0.20479421 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12227685 -0.13991225 -0.24444028 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.11039968 -0.21439235 0.16263254 +C 30.30998811 11.30148626 28.44498978 0.16755655 -0.47643389 -0.34426973 +C 29.96198811 9.68048626 26.59398978 0.52342111 1.79372014 1.12575180 +N 30.58398811 10.70748626 27.13298978 -1.80508966 -0.15064038 1.53837691 +N 28.95198811 9.08748626 27.20398978 -1.42650939 -1.26122220 0.25763596 +N 30.33498811 9.25848626 25.40898978 -0.10022213 -1.23453464 -1.65580923 +H 31.38598811 11.07348626 26.61598978 2.08663810 0.77829344 -0.82484725 +H 31.23398811 11.76148626 28.80198978 0.21441133 0.05336081 -0.10043201 +H 30.05398811 10.52348626 29.16698978 -0.10025681 -0.15405788 0.27433054 +H 28.63498811 9.42248626 28.09798978 -0.19093850 -0.04048683 0.12487170 +H 28.46198811 8.32748626 26.73098978 0.05584200 0.27782763 0.49229983 +H 31.10698811 9.72148626 24.95498978 0.45197766 0.21577684 -0.30268485 +H 29.77798811 8.54848626 24.92898978 0.52309851 0.38471884 0.04731413 +H 29.52529811 12.07233626 28.45227978 -0.08292993 -0.07825166 -0.28421932 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.2327176419 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.553735864227719 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.15339310 0.19396425 0.00357428 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 1.88604410 0.53380831 1.89714902 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -3.17425174 -1.23706404 -1.22029190 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.26723492 0.30860333 -0.27420580 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16133506 0.13770826 -0.20483260 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12399168 -0.13931820 -0.24352590 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.09848164 -0.20210491 0.15638205 +C 30.10300000 11.19000000 28.53000000 0.20676249 -0.38141943 -0.27137453 +C 29.75500000 9.56900000 26.67900000 0.44547743 1.53236715 0.89175696 +N 30.37700000 10.59600000 27.21800000 -0.85094689 0.24486238 1.05533267 +N 28.74500000 8.97600000 27.28900000 -1.32511891 -1.14784488 0.25506355 +N 30.12800000 9.14700000 25.49400000 -0.09334150 -1.14654773 -1.54035708 +H 31.17900000 10.96200000 26.70100000 1.73385682 0.70731707 -0.63980266 +H 31.02700000 11.65000000 28.88700000 0.19882782 0.05351958 -0.09986070 +H 29.84700000 10.41200000 29.25200000 -0.08572171 -0.16256749 0.23636145 +H 28.42800000 9.31100000 28.18300000 -0.20048190 -0.04443449 0.13713395 +H 28.25500000 8.21600000 26.81600000 0.06079211 0.28160167 0.48048799 +H 30.90000000 9.61000000 25.04000000 0.45000344 0.17553284 -0.34944199 +H 29.57100000 8.43700000 25.01400000 0.53161793 0.37842667 0.03317835 +H 29.31831000 11.96085000 28.53729000 -0.06832250 -0.08641032 -0.30272709 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.9362699469 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.801956498056273 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.17759417 0.21395224 -0.01458299 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 1.58115037 0.39798793 1.85539350 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -3.17118630 -1.23616714 -1.12653995 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.39242751 0.32624318 -0.17715378 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16098163 0.13959278 -0.20459917 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12507379 -0.13939182 -0.24254670 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.08720083 -0.19105308 0.15085592 +C 29.89601189 11.07851374 28.61501022 0.22337661 -0.31627090 -0.21247484 +C 29.54801189 9.45751374 26.76401022 0.37139372 1.33987015 0.73929747 +N 30.17001189 10.48451374 27.30301022 -0.33830685 0.47677755 0.83372148 +N 28.53801189 8.86451374 27.37401022 -1.24457314 -1.06420692 0.24729619 +N 29.92101189 9.03551374 25.57901022 -0.08543396 -1.08518262 -1.46324957 +H 30.97201189 10.85051374 26.78601022 1.34382302 0.60648469 -0.43811532 +H 30.82001189 11.53851374 28.97201022 0.18522753 0.05549477 -0.09378384 +H 29.64001189 10.30051374 29.33701022 -0.07487552 -0.16789587 0.21220875 +H 28.22101189 9.19951374 28.26801022 -0.20839002 -0.04658746 0.14712836 +H 28.04801189 8.10451374 26.90101022 0.06158585 0.28043917 0.47112663 +H 30.69301189 9.49851374 25.12501022 0.42989847 0.13036786 -0.38827642 +H 29.36401189 8.32551374 25.09901022 0.53695483 0.37115754 0.01948519 +H 29.11132189 11.84936374 28.62230022 -0.05755761 -0.09161207 -0.31519091 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.6272234885 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.05035266446833 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.20038562 0.23237943 -0.02834430 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 1.33488111 0.29192980 1.80396066 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -3.00238466 -1.16610089 -1.12786282 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.49679178 0.34079941 -0.09646774 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16098506 0.14067625 -0.20369900 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12560099 -0.13991843 -0.24131018 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.07673916 -0.18123972 0.14586673 +C 29.68902379 10.96702747 28.70002043 0.22849011 -0.27031880 -0.16653350 +C 29.34102379 9.34602747 26.84902043 0.30266235 1.19197852 0.63871736 +N 29.96302379 10.37302747 27.38802043 -0.04348732 0.62218610 0.72842417 +N 28.33102379 8.75302747 27.45902043 -1.17921075 -1.00027194 0.23783424 +N 29.71402379 8.92402747 25.66402043 -0.07657454 -1.04100162 -1.40966930 +H 30.76502379 10.73902747 26.87102043 1.00785409 0.50695394 -0.27482113 +H 30.61302379 11.42702747 29.05702043 0.17337848 0.05805346 -0.08485322 +H 29.43302379 10.18902747 29.42202043 -0.06656037 -0.17088774 0.19635273 +H 28.01402379 9.08802747 28.35302043 -0.21548968 -0.04746849 0.15578140 +H 27.84102379 7.99302747 26.98602043 0.05961216 0.27611878 0.46255307 +H 30.48602379 9.38702747 25.21002043 0.40249877 0.08839189 -0.41922660 +H 29.15702379 8.21402747 25.18402043 0.53879745 0.36281187 0.00653803 +H 28.90433379 11.73787747 28.70731043 -0.04952138 -0.09507183 -0.32324060 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.3428113505 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.298899690066014 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.22358625 0.24910193 -0.03573556 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 1.11966275 0.20810561 1.72518491 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -2.78572228 -1.07573462 -1.13785499 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.58466631 0.35121202 -0.02263007 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16142566 0.14058869 -0.20102662 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12561553 -0.14075263 -0.23900365 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.06677027 -0.17217878 0.14079085 +C 29.48203568 10.85554121 28.78503065 0.22846074 -0.23621421 -0.13283664 +C 29.13403568 9.23454121 26.93403065 0.24052674 1.06652370 0.57177460 +N 29.75603568 10.26154121 27.47303065 0.14180422 0.72702704 0.67816192 +N 28.12403568 8.64154121 27.54403065 -1.12403762 -0.94794312 0.23047674 +N 29.50703568 8.81254121 25.74903065 -0.06348843 -1.00654642 -1.37185921 +H 30.55803568 10.62754121 26.95603065 0.73980378 0.41999885 -0.15386355 +H 30.40603568 11.31554121 29.14203065 0.16295967 0.06071738 -0.07463633 +H 29.22603568 10.07754121 29.50703065 -0.06037661 -0.17258896 0.18560065 +H 27.80703568 8.97654121 28.43803065 -0.22298191 -0.04642603 0.16466587 +H 27.63403568 7.88154121 27.07103065 0.05400220 0.26771554 0.45092416 +H 30.27903568 9.27554121 25.29503065 0.37294859 0.05340207 -0.44381961 +H 28.95003568 8.10254121 25.26903065 0.53421022 0.35154059 -0.00666637 +H 28.69734568 11.62639121 28.79232065 -0.04344423 -0.09754866 -0.32764708 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.093822762 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.547577292653992 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.24955379 0.26281744 -0.03059913 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.91407621 0.14989443 1.57178808 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -2.54457017 -0.98238518 -1.10561234 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.65207969 0.35038473 0.05883232 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16269121 0.13865580 -0.19449129 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12501701 -0.14189723 -0.23413162 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.05648092 -0.16295964 0.13449153 +C 29.27504757 10.74405495 28.87004087 0.22823046 -0.20774040 -0.11433068 +C 28.92704757 9.12305495 27.01904087 0.18616515 0.93377730 0.53210867 +N 29.54904757 10.15005495 27.55804087 0.27972182 0.83384150 0.65787340 +N 27.91704757 8.53005495 27.62904087 -1.07582101 -0.90166553 0.23263615 +N 29.30004757 8.70105495 25.83404087 -0.03542975 -0.97465434 -1.35168432 +H 30.35104757 10.51605495 27.04104087 0.52208657 0.34386190 -0.06219683 +H 30.19904757 11.20405495 29.22704087 0.15249094 0.06332756 -0.06344695 +H 29.01904757 9.96605495 29.59204087 -0.05703793 -0.17483834 0.17844318 +H 27.60004757 8.86505495 28.52304087 -0.23322155 -0.04174058 0.17562626 +H 27.42704757 7.77005495 27.15604087 0.03958420 0.25162478 0.42838383 +H 30.07204757 9.16405495 25.38004087 0.33950664 0.02540473 -0.46304717 +H 28.74304757 7.99105495 25.35404087 0.51594035 0.33386166 -0.02328015 +H 28.49035757 11.51490495 28.87733087 -0.03920030 -0.09957059 -0.32736293 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8818535478 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.796368659594933 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.27228437 0.27102798 -0.01562898 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.74295234 0.12400795 1.36432653 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -2.30919976 -0.89914903 -1.03218822 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.68905494 0.33493382 0.14217442 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16437219 0.13642433 -0.18663589 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12454083 -0.14305864 -0.22857444 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.04661718 -0.15409448 0.12806145 +C 29.06805947 10.63256868 28.95505108 0.23023971 -0.18245888 -0.11032731 +C 28.72005947 9.01156868 27.10405108 0.14138891 0.79340333 0.51484451 +N 29.34205947 10.03856868 27.64305108 0.39604929 0.95486726 0.65680482 +N 27.71005947 8.41856868 27.71405108 -1.03948408 -0.86594508 0.24592752 +N 29.09305947 8.58956868 25.91905108 0.00646566 -0.94676323 -1.35417270 +H 30.14405947 10.40456868 27.12605108 0.34463306 0.27845549 0.00985037 +H 29.99205947 11.09256868 29.31205108 0.14141589 0.06548840 -0.05206413 +H 28.81205947 9.85456868 29.67705108 -0.05613934 -0.17833406 0.17418277 +H 27.39305947 8.75356868 28.60805108 -0.24501117 -0.03563513 0.18552900 +H 27.22005947 7.65856868 27.24105108 0.01834548 0.23301672 0.39943044 +H 29.86505947 9.05256868 25.46505108 0.30086589 -0.00009940 -0.47617043 +H 28.53605947 7.87956868 25.43905108 0.48944553 0.31486633 -0.04234863 +H 28.28336947 11.40341868 28.96234108 -0.03685819 -0.10095366 -0.32302109 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.7032612584 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.045259757225575 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.28204096 0.27139536 -0.00131447 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.64595500 0.13069910 1.17252926 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -2.11404875 -0.83310908 -0.95299350 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.69084474 0.30838080 0.20841025 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16542414 0.13590792 -0.18188273 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12479687 -0.14370019 -0.22519778 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.03976138 -0.14763889 0.12467458 +C 28.86107136 10.52108242 29.04006130 0.23278800 -0.16009525 -0.11280737 +C 28.51307136 8.90008242 27.18906130 0.10233042 0.65926268 0.51228017 +N 29.13507136 9.92708242 27.72806130 0.49244191 1.07070171 0.66712951 +N 27.50307136 8.30708242 27.79906130 -1.00684380 -0.83282641 0.26304112 +N 28.88607136 8.47808242 26.00406130 0.05308922 -0.92087685 -1.36859514 +H 29.93707136 10.29308242 27.21106130 0.20382814 0.22635204 0.06421928 +H 29.78507136 10.98108242 29.39706130 0.13142627 0.06733317 -0.04193324 +H 28.60507136 9.74308242 29.76206130 -0.05647250 -0.18212668 0.17128550 +H 27.18607136 8.64208242 28.69306130 -0.25581213 -0.02972708 0.19427574 +H 27.01307136 7.54708242 27.32606130 -0.00775156 0.21077231 0.36642475 +H 29.65807136 8.94108242 25.55006130 0.26169527 -0.02475908 -0.48208220 +H 28.32907136 7.76808242 25.52406130 0.46044582 0.29609445 -0.06076750 +H 28.07638136 11.29193242 29.04735130 -0.03556835 -0.10204005 -0.31669623 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5541097392 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.294238740464477 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.28112699 0.26662576 0.00895844 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.60810956 0.15570400 1.02000819 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -1.96415658 -0.78367510 -0.88374008 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.67145598 0.27866475 0.25472000 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16577869 0.13676313 -0.18014957 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12548679 -0.14384833 -0.22382116 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.03588994 -0.14361758 0.12428119 +C 28.65408326 10.40959616 29.12507152 0.23355202 -0.14102288 -0.11653362 +C 28.30608326 8.78859616 27.27407152 0.07064863 0.54009464 0.51729150 +N 28.92808326 9.81559616 27.81307152 0.56721498 1.16783716 0.68189694 +N 27.29608326 8.19559616 27.88407152 -0.97693021 -0.80023998 0.27785834 +N 28.67908326 8.36659616 26.08907152 0.09634369 -0.89754288 -1.38322767 +H 29.73008326 10.18159616 27.29607152 0.09569514 0.18712089 0.10244753 +H 29.57808326 10.86959616 29.48207152 0.12406120 0.06926285 -0.03357271 +H 28.39808326 9.63159616 29.84707152 -0.05726221 -0.18550218 0.16890269 +H 26.97908326 8.53059616 28.77807152 -0.26507467 -0.02385619 0.20281213 +H 26.80608326 7.43559616 27.41107152 -0.03378719 0.18744895 0.33339558 +H 29.45108326 8.82959616 25.63507152 0.22812147 -0.04443558 -0.48427610 +H 28.12208326 7.65659616 25.60907152 0.43143317 0.27738415 -0.07732331 +H 27.86939326 11.18044616 29.13236152 -0.03437013 -0.10316558 -0.30992831 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.4294141671 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.543295591227622 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.27886581 0.26146631 0.01798379 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.58839560 0.18310720 0.89060892 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -1.84608960 -0.74692893 -0.81995802 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.64896858 0.25186697 0.29033722 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16609520 0.13762921 -0.17895563 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12607699 -0.14394351 -0.22287097 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.03292703 -0.14042950 0.12428503 +C 28.44709515 10.29810989 29.21008173 0.23284009 -0.12565334 -0.12094915 +C 28.09909515 8.67710990 27.35908173 0.04803283 0.43992029 0.52456950 +N 28.72109515 9.70410990 27.89808173 0.62417490 1.24750093 0.69706924 +N 27.08909515 8.08410990 27.96908173 -0.95608662 -0.77469308 0.28974248 +N 28.47209515 8.25510990 26.17408173 0.13225042 -0.88027283 -1.39610574 +H 29.52309515 10.07010989 27.38108173 0.01409910 0.15726350 0.12906794 +H 29.37109515 10.75810990 29.56708173 0.11883081 0.07111770 -0.02651389 +H 28.19109515 9.52010990 29.93208173 -0.05811827 -0.18824810 0.16715658 +H 26.77209515 8.41910990 28.86308173 -0.27310983 -0.01846811 0.21020280 +H 26.59909515 7.32410990 27.49608173 -0.05456552 0.16902813 0.30636388 +H 29.24409515 8.71810990 25.72008173 0.20218496 -0.05713356 -0.48674303 +H 27.91509515 7.54510990 25.69408173 0.40557995 0.26102345 -0.09171917 +H 27.66240515 11.06895990 29.21737173 -0.03330795 -0.10415274 -0.30357179 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.3242671172 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.792421743531683 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.27713178 0.25678691 0.02626196 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.57557534 0.20903733 0.77834247 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -1.75109155 -0.71910547 -0.76127557 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.62750776 0.22868713 0.31888917 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16648832 0.13824975 -0.17771510 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12650847 -0.14408928 -0.22194567 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.03039716 -0.13769190 0.12419576 +C 28.24010704 10.18662363 29.29509195 0.23101225 -0.11340096 -0.12530067 +C 27.89210704 8.56562363 27.44409195 0.03198110 0.35639080 0.53232861 +N 28.51410704 9.59262363 27.98309195 0.66726098 1.31191194 0.71157774 +N 26.88210704 7.97262363 28.05409195 -0.94133069 -0.75409548 0.29899221 +N 28.26510704 8.14362363 26.25909195 0.16127474 -0.86764955 -1.40612998 +H 29.31610704 9.95862363 27.46609195 -0.04748983 0.13444625 0.14725618 +H 29.16410704 10.64662363 29.65209195 0.11530177 0.07284590 -0.02065490 +H 27.98410704 9.40862363 30.01709195 -0.05894440 -0.19035780 0.16583792 +H 26.56510704 8.30762363 28.94809195 -0.28004687 -0.01355564 0.21667798 +H 26.39210704 7.21262363 27.58109195 -0.07104990 0.15420450 0.28422335 +H 29.03710704 8.60662363 25.80509195 0.18287597 -0.06419835 -0.48969186 +H 27.70810704 7.43362363 25.77909195 0.38278753 0.24664154 -0.10404461 +H 27.45541704 10.95747363 29.30238195 -0.03237896 -0.10505761 -0.29782499 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.2347035084 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=7.041609824729907 pbc="T T T" +C 34.44500000 12.62500000 24.95900000 0.27599875 0.25269523 0.03375284 +C 33.70500000 11.92700000 26.09800000 0.56603163 0.23227723 0.68114442 +O 32.60000000 11.42900000 25.81100000 -1.67343429 -0.69750892 -0.70845425 +O 34.21200000 11.87200000 27.24800000 0.60799781 0.20892873 0.34199464 +H 33.75000000 13.28700000 24.44000000 -0.16693773 0.13862907 -0.17633818 +H 34.76300000 11.86300000 24.24500000 0.12680674 -0.14428208 -0.22096438 +H 35.32079000 13.21299000 25.27085000 -0.02821235 -0.13533772 0.12402072 +C 28.03311894 10.07513737 29.38010217 0.22842656 -0.10364073 -0.12920875 +C 27.68511894 8.45413737 27.52910217 0.02036697 0.28676369 0.53982052 +N 28.30711894 9.48113737 28.06810217 0.69956216 1.36340293 0.72526948 +N 26.67511894 7.86113737 28.13910217 -0.93016014 -0.73663251 0.30595560 +N 28.05811894 8.03213737 26.34410217 0.18444056 -0.85836094 -1.41317791 +H 29.10911894 9.84713737 27.55110217 -0.09387802 0.11713094 0.15913065 +H 28.95711894 10.53513737 29.73710217 0.11310006 0.07448553 -0.01582396 +H 27.77711894 9.29713737 30.10210217 -0.05969446 -0.19192111 0.16479446 +H 26.35811894 8.19613737 29.03310217 -0.28598595 -0.00908837 0.22247774 +H 26.18511894 7.10113737 27.66610217 -0.08443872 0.14169433 0.26567785 +H 28.83011894 8.49513737 25.89010217 0.16886290 -0.06716863 -0.49284753 +H 27.50111894 7.32213737 25.86410217 0.36269104 0.23383206 -0.11451176 +H 27.24842894 10.84598737 29.38739217 -0.03154351 -0.10589872 -0.29271220 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.9081401654 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=3.8469731647434418 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.27871526 0.83805596 -0.08501017 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.75686203 -1.64218955 -0.34753908 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -2.47585134 0.59150633 0.75754521 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.40186327 0.54489228 0.86122298 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 -0.05259618 0.90846800 -0.15170747 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 2.00780774 -0.85537331 -0.61464997 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.19107998 0.09063558 -0.05904077 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.32550022 -0.13290884 -0.00963159 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.17968762 -0.09757325 0.15115497 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18650498 0.01409089 0.07628546 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 1.20344768 -0.42954919 -0.49675778 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 -0.01331460 0.12686702 0.00167823 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.06319372 -0.13675644 0.07364080 +C 5.22238506 -11.13416331 1.22314191 0.11556106 0.15913358 -0.28653108 +C 3.74238506 -10.97116331 0.90714191 0.50154241 0.42455941 -0.42503432 +O 2.95038506 -11.86716331 1.27514191 -0.16053482 -1.59349250 0.62578125 +O 3.36238506 -9.95116331 0.29014191 -0.23870651 1.48865656 -0.42578625 +H 5.56238506 -12.11816331 0.89214191 0.06385927 -0.21641990 0.06217914 +H 5.36138506 -11.06516331 2.30514191 0.09449032 -0.04180280 0.18136849 +H 5.82695106 -10.36379331 0.72211221 -0.11561249 -0.04079983 0.11083195 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.7856852073 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.09611684385743 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.25491825 0.72592295 -0.04404492 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.79406799 -1.43290988 -0.35208236 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -1.38027710 0.10461000 0.45682441 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.29412298 0.45795589 0.78255904 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.15869282 0.70185850 -0.24460526 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 1.83358777 -0.62122385 -0.51212069 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.18440642 0.09199461 -0.05556416 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.30295145 -0.11780312 -0.01989939 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.18552092 -0.10248745 0.16372461 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18062966 0.01566042 0.06742378 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 1.06995869 -0.27772880 -0.42048099 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.03556961 0.13987524 -0.02365366 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.04864065 -0.12559934 0.05599310 +C 5.46519253 -11.16558166 1.17257095 0.15568265 0.14569168 -0.29126635 +C 3.98519253 -11.00258166 0.85657095 0.05438858 0.39468804 -0.39556537 +O 3.19319253 -11.89858166 1.22457095 -0.92220637 -1.40708597 0.89318804 +O 3.60519253 -9.98258166 0.23957095 -0.29071724 1.60351670 -0.41372977 +H 5.80519253 -12.14958166 0.84157095 0.07049872 -0.21827959 0.06139273 +H 5.60419253 -11.09658166 2.25457095 0.09655392 -0.04026474 0.18218849 +H 6.06975853 -10.39521166 0.67154125 -0.10325907 -0.03839130 0.10971870 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.4793121379 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.345358884358125 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.23199080 0.64503438 -0.01176249 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.78382393 -1.27256677 -0.33936878 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -0.79158783 -0.15386765 0.28736116 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.20687295 0.39676234 0.72083339 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.28269201 0.57890389 -0.29839661 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 1.51140510 -0.42355706 -0.42542087 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.17403801 0.08766981 -0.05139897 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.28550229 -0.10780310 -0.02832798 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.19120436 -0.10646360 0.17331055 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.17869759 0.02047459 0.06337946 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.91866532 -0.15025521 -0.35171983 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.06583088 0.15368490 -0.04005130 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.03756462 -0.11793908 0.04316551 +C 5.70800000 -11.19700000 1.12200000 0.19224199 0.13903683 -0.28731225 +C 4.22800000 -11.03400000 0.80600000 -0.24424548 0.37507589 -0.39011169 +O 3.43600000 -11.93000000 1.17400000 -1.07880010 -1.40109161 1.01601713 +O 3.84800000 -10.01400000 0.18900000 -0.22835513 1.63175584 -0.43369923 +H 6.04800000 -12.18100000 0.79100000 0.07533486 -0.21992801 0.06021524 +H 5.84700000 -11.12800000 2.20400000 0.09936409 -0.03928974 0.18441278 +H 6.31256600 -10.42663000 0.62097030 -0.09255665 -0.03563665 0.10887476 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.1362840472 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.594683282918175 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.21187625 0.58536858 0.01400584 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.75015433 -1.14897869 -0.31917633 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -0.45410179 -0.30003416 0.18452044 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.13473989 0.35207481 0.67108242 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.35988417 0.50190798 -0.33127802 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 1.19422426 -0.28270454 -0.34897591 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.16283712 0.08102074 -0.04739034 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.27181339 -0.10131339 -0.03515917 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.19665080 -0.10978085 0.18093258 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.17887294 0.02665003 0.06193576 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.78434189 -0.05224822 -0.29705991 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.08498385 0.16727850 -0.05112246 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.02928296 -0.11268443 0.03358914 +C 5.95080747 -11.22841834 1.07142905 0.22494613 0.13654844 -0.27916908 +C 4.47080747 -11.06541834 0.75542905 -0.45389516 0.35947509 -0.39420639 +O 3.67880747 -11.96141834 1.12342905 -1.01869764 -1.43876663 1.06508204 +O 4.09080747 -10.04541834 0.13842905 -0.13307559 1.62934801 -0.46189776 +H 6.29080747 -12.21241834 0.74042905 0.07884203 -0.22160090 0.05889935 +H 6.08980747 -11.15941834 2.15342905 0.10238580 -0.03872416 0.18724363 +H 6.55537347 -10.45804834 0.57039935 -0.08334567 -0.03283622 0.10814417 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.8103597466 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.844077326852206 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.19484373 0.54023270 0.03483092 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.70635610 -1.05243339 -0.29650765 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -0.24829009 -0.38899989 0.11867135 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.07386264 0.31795944 0.63010618 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.41107338 0.45141540 -0.35227953 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.92876135 -0.18821418 -0.28450865 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.15211577 0.07383949 -0.04387704 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.26087269 -0.09713053 -0.04066304 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.20186661 -0.11274337 0.18721374 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18017728 0.03350505 0.06188431 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.67448778 0.02160489 -0.25596588 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.09730845 0.18031163 -0.05890711 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.02307157 -0.10909262 0.02628397 +C 6.19361494 -11.25983669 1.02085809 0.25374746 0.13641898 -0.26914728 +C 4.71361494 -11.09683669 0.70485809 -0.60585840 0.34512657 -0.40097059 +O 3.92161494 -11.99283669 1.07285809 -0.89901259 -1.47720995 1.07858794 +O 4.33361494 -10.07683669 0.08785809 -0.03713262 1.61721277 -0.48994733 +H 6.53361494 -12.24383669 0.68985809 0.08145174 -0.22335860 0.05752385 +H 6.33261494 -11.19083669 2.10285809 0.10538798 -0.03835977 0.19026034 +H 6.79818094 -10.48946669 0.51982839 -0.07538927 -0.03008460 0.10741150 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.5175321924 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.093530768699262 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.18065925 0.50533632 0.05185515 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.65920699 -0.97579775 -0.27357359 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -0.11558934 -0.44778056 0.07452684 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.02190775 0.29085691 0.59603204 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.44778176 0.41713067 -0.36648453 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.72009955 -0.12579905 -0.23210568 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.14242202 0.06694356 -0.04095650 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.25200223 -0.09440450 -0.04507038 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.20700827 -0.11557129 0.19252082 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18209514 0.04095679 0.06262700 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.58665376 0.07743150 -0.22577561 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.10507333 0.19284196 -0.06450385 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.01847636 -0.10666892 0.02064770 +C 6.43642240 -11.29125503 0.97028714 0.27869209 0.13781936 -0.25856043 +C 4.95642240 -11.12825503 0.65428714 -0.71877295 0.33078100 -0.40717513 +O 4.16442240 -12.02425503 1.02228714 -0.77657072 -1.50603337 1.07534924 +O 4.57642240 -10.10825503 0.03728714 0.04881952 1.60263482 -0.51537380 +H 6.77642240 -12.27525503 0.63928714 0.08335611 -0.22514572 0.05612747 +H 6.57542240 -11.22225503 2.05228714 0.10819445 -0.03810727 0.19321012 +H 7.04098840 -10.52088503 0.46925744 -0.06853608 -0.02742447 0.10668311 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.2597247755 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.343035312018525 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.16944016 0.47837498 0.06506596 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.61156187 -0.91306944 -0.24910022 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 -0.02375924 -0.49442608 0.04137971 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -0.97911968 0.26924563 0.56911735 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.47898003 0.39576555 -0.37839335 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.55802502 -0.08376926 -0.18877884 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.13371388 0.06059650 -0.03849119 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.24470080 -0.09263366 -0.04844279 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.21282501 -0.11856896 0.19668450 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18421827 0.04899149 0.06383088 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.51495515 0.12039127 -0.20418663 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.10921543 0.20505579 -0.06884771 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.01532505 -0.10515189 0.01664628 +C 6.67922987 -11.32267338 0.91971619 0.29959559 0.14039102 -0.24823353 +C 5.19922987 -11.15967338 0.60371619 -0.79990729 0.31344175 -0.40981500 +O 4.40722987 -12.05567338 0.97171619 -0.66828993 -1.52204206 1.06259369 +O 4.81922987 -10.13967338 -0.01328381 0.12006977 1.58689108 -0.53745230 +H 7.01922987 -12.30667338 0.58871619 0.08453174 -0.22678956 0.05464426 +H 6.81822987 -11.25367338 2.00171619 0.11062746 -0.03781801 0.19585916 +H 7.28379587 -10.55230338 0.41868649 -0.06257083 -0.02487616 0.10591977 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.0362784048 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.592584108580483 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.16831355 0.46505913 0.06474451 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.56110563 -0.85273512 -0.20016527 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 0.07162184 -0.59395285 -0.00644920 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -0.97734329 0.26445506 0.57163380 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.54054164 0.41949058 -0.41500056 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.41193190 -0.05304473 -0.13880030 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.12341992 0.05453220 -0.03538503 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.23961836 -0.09319367 -0.04955163 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.22265234 -0.11881532 0.19533430 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18640106 0.05123369 0.06434747 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.43775442 0.16031591 -0.18650669 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.11127671 0.21289031 -0.07632241 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.01538372 -0.10471238 0.01857574 +C 6.92203734 -11.35409172 0.86914523 0.30676639 0.14469313 -0.23711566 +C 5.44203734 -11.19109172 0.55314523 -0.79133285 0.28175194 -0.39426286 +O 4.65003734 -12.08709172 0.92114523 -0.58957174 -1.49788618 1.02245850 +O 5.06203734 -10.17109172 -0.06385477 0.14991436 1.54662940 -0.55190651 +H 7.26203734 -12.33809172 0.53814523 0.08455048 -0.22773721 0.05235331 +H 7.06103734 -11.28509172 1.95114523 0.11291567 -0.03698868 0.19755732 +H 7.52660334 -10.58372172 0.36811553 -0.05780915 -0.02198520 0.10446117 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8479373626 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.84217148588387 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.17869348 0.46563235 0.05252726 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.50682943 -0.79724078 -0.13944070 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 0.18267041 -0.75185983 -0.06041678 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.02280238 0.27773256 0.60730366 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.63176732 0.49060771 -0.48228664 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.27365439 -0.02998609 -0.08775623 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.11171108 0.04895178 -0.03182754 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.23802456 -0.09668886 -0.04888891 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.23085674 -0.11230169 0.19016857 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.18979825 0.04454146 0.06256199 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.35529877 0.20072245 -0.16294764 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.11615783 0.21216133 -0.08644051 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.01834418 -0.10500978 0.02558714 +C 7.16484481 -11.38551007 0.81857428 0.30041631 0.14982025 -0.22657267 +C 5.68484481 -11.22251007 0.50257428 -0.69704796 0.24073050 -0.35940348 +O 4.89284481 -12.11851007 0.87057428 -0.54594407 -1.43817654 0.95590175 +O 5.30484481 -10.20251007 -0.11442572 0.14000176 1.48277404 -0.55888250 +H 7.50484481 -12.36951007 0.48757428 0.08412973 -0.22805545 0.04963771 +H 7.30384481 -11.31651007 1.90057428 0.11531425 -0.03572598 0.19854906 +H 7.76941081 -10.61514007 0.31754458 -0.05382660 -0.01862943 0.10262647 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.690310812 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.0917926914911416 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.18940231 0.46893452 0.03919691 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.46065519 -0.75068723 -0.08196819 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 0.27724825 -0.89832732 -0.10604519 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.07024616 0.29200411 0.64447949 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.71488716 0.56104845 -0.54709227 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.16140222 -0.01299473 -0.04770598 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.10138901 0.04427428 -0.02901039 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.23686390 -0.10077037 -0.04751407 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.23739565 -0.10562697 0.18547946 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.19431330 0.03844501 0.05905206 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.28585002 0.23388847 -0.14107102 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.11989167 0.21016805 -0.09548777 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.02163759 -0.10487630 0.03296324 +C 7.40765227 -11.41692841 0.76800333 0.29171574 0.15458204 -0.21802825 +C 5.92765227 -11.25392841 0.45200333 -0.59490336 0.20272401 -0.32334818 +O 5.13565227 -12.14992841 0.82000333 -0.51962673 -1.37896830 0.89227427 +O 5.54765227 -10.23392841 -0.16499667 0.12167092 1.42446101 -0.56364163 +H 7.74765227 -12.40092841 0.43700333 0.08375221 -0.22842239 0.04714620 +H 7.54665227 -11.34792841 1.85000333 0.11737027 -0.03449468 0.19944266 +H 8.01221827 -10.64655841 0.26697363 -0.05024828 -0.01536167 0.10087866 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5579822972 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.3414437515680655 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.19672700 0.47058428 0.02677320 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.42683777 -0.70963639 -0.02347742 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 0.34919017 -1.01592302 -0.14538482 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.10304379 0.30091889 0.67135156 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.78246428 0.61505312 -0.59857853 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.07482433 -0.00058210 -0.01773273 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.09294074 0.04025670 -0.02713966 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.23494415 -0.10473019 -0.04579002 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.24542935 -0.10297140 0.18221639 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.20029266 0.03768293 0.05413116 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.23109900 0.25873892 -0.12623238 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.11980221 0.21163400 -0.10346127 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.02450779 -0.10383654 0.04010354 +C 7.65045974 -11.44834676 0.71743238 0.28330100 0.15842143 -0.21098962 +C 6.17045974 -11.28534676 0.40143238 -0.50691588 0.17223905 -0.29330929 +O 5.37845974 -12.18134676 0.76943238 -0.50104615 -1.32706045 0.83842532 +O 5.79045974 -10.26534676 -0.21556762 0.10357001 1.37412089 -0.56570268 +H 7.99045974 -12.43234676 0.38643238 0.08360380 -0.22870225 0.04521270 +H 7.78945974 -11.37934676 1.79943238 0.11922170 -0.03345633 0.20009488 +H 8.25502574 -10.67797676 0.21640268 -0.04740223 -0.01275152 0.09948966 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.4458455952 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.591121264724983 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.20079415 0.47089814 0.01453532 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.40449073 -0.67137989 0.03928867 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 0.40406813 -1.11234425 -0.18175670 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.12445840 0.30485611 0.68980861 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.83858941 0.65555883 -0.63996828 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 0.00606558 0.00931846 0.00535103 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.08594250 0.03693497 -0.02610333 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.23188516 -0.10858825 -0.04336800 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.25480534 -0.10361776 0.17957438 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.20746595 0.04188755 0.04754512 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.18671109 0.27678957 -0.11726342 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.11562405 0.21595767 -0.11047764 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.02710037 -0.10187204 0.04696485 +C 7.89326721 -11.47976510 0.66686142 0.27452727 0.16138362 -0.20511345 +C 6.41326721 -11.31676510 0.35086142 -0.42407604 0.14662122 -0.26666535 +O 5.62126721 -12.21276510 0.71886142 -0.48982031 -1.28085954 0.79190373 +O 6.03326721 -10.29676510 -0.26613858 0.08389369 1.33036312 -0.56634942 +H 8.23326721 -12.46376510 0.33586142 0.08345693 -0.22906646 0.04339697 +H 8.03226721 -11.41076510 1.74886142 0.12063989 -0.03247313 0.20062866 +H 8.49783321 -10.70939510 0.16583172 -0.04519186 -0.01036794 0.09806826 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.3502094055 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.840822332851757 pbc="T T T" +C 0.01900000 -12.24500000 2.37200000 0.20171431 0.46937381 0.00343342 +C 0.22300000 -9.83900000 1.84900000 0.39095826 -0.63518641 0.10344824 +N 0.66900000 -11.08600000 1.75700000 0.44433145 -1.18751832 -0.21400308 +N -0.87800000 -9.57200000 2.52900000 -1.13342234 0.30289572 0.69882410 +N 0.87600000 -8.85300000 1.26400000 0.88330443 0.68157361 -0.67084088 +H 1.57500000 -11.24100000 1.31700000 -0.04837342 0.01738490 0.02219075 +H 0.56800000 -13.14900000 2.09900000 0.08036152 0.03411721 -0.02582823 +H -1.00300000 -12.34300000 1.99900000 -0.22803668 -0.11220655 -0.04056073 +H -1.44200000 -10.32000000 2.89200000 -0.26518225 -0.10751286 0.17802857 +H -1.21900000 -8.62500000 2.58900000 -0.21568250 0.05153275 0.03986342 +H 1.72400000 -9.06300000 0.75200000 0.15174450 0.28921488 -0.11329110 +H 0.52800000 -7.90900000 1.29900000 0.10779590 0.22365360 -0.11634670 +H 0.01611679 -12.14697000 3.46761900 -0.02927588 -0.09914488 0.05316309 +C 8.13607468 -11.51118345 0.61629047 0.26612719 0.16366842 -0.20026703 +C 6.65607468 -11.34818345 0.30029047 -0.35026230 0.12508483 -0.24368593 +O 5.86407468 -12.24418345 0.66829047 -0.48246824 -1.24010348 0.75213565 +O 6.27607468 -10.32818345 -0.31670953 0.06497741 1.29237407 -0.56573821 +H 8.47607468 -12.49518345 0.28529047 0.08327780 -0.22934906 0.04175715 +H 8.27507468 -11.44218345 1.69829047 0.12164936 -0.03153099 0.20096322 +H 8.74064068 -10.74081345 0.11526077 -0.04353852 -0.00832125 0.09675427 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.1115388962 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.704493481824777 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.40439544 0.08914220 0.57535744 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 0.16019653 -2.31726166 -0.64039693 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 -3.11130508 0.82437598 0.74434870 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.79074637 0.31341570 -0.30796675 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.29120695 1.70245664 0.55313784 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.31680885 -0.21576103 -0.14273722 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 2.63842974 -0.52530405 -0.10186304 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.36890377 0.31839094 0.07850719 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21336658 -0.31717796 -0.10944353 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.53745365 -0.09515022 0.02705853 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.12380943 -0.29276866 0.12196133 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.06822676 0.05875477 -0.34612732 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.34621342 0.25978349 -0.06359272 +C 10.78436703 -0.25434056 8.77464597 0.22825679 0.93541833 -0.28019153 +C 9.75136703 0.15865944 9.81364597 1.51591460 -1.15509802 2.11686077 +O 8.73736703 0.78465944 9.43564597 -0.71510592 1.46641871 -2.18779487 +O 9.94136703 -0.14134056 11.01164597 0.43822550 -0.29227316 0.13684542 +H 10.76336703 0.47265944 7.96064597 -0.05849142 0.15445200 -0.33131613 +H 10.52736703 -1.20934056 8.33264597 0.01263351 -0.55869397 -0.01546639 +H 11.81150703 -0.23918246 9.16803397 -0.23289509 -0.35312002 0.17281920 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.1325079383 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.953620894759154 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.37888400 0.04463359 0.55514750 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 0.15154001 -1.80967718 -0.53664104 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 -1.29274741 0.53900417 0.33856233 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.62538969 0.18499881 -0.29948065 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.23297236 1.55684924 0.49712791 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.19213749 -0.26823870 -0.16142720 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 2.26787578 -0.57861006 -0.20911902 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.34249680 0.31696609 0.09170678 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21086533 -0.30546035 -0.10983505 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.57923186 -0.07742589 0.03881227 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.13217237 -0.28473010 0.12532683 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.07251918 0.06538812 -0.34952809 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.35275626 0.25410894 -0.06426086 +C 11.01568351 -0.34017028 8.73432298 0.26795480 0.91517326 -0.29836194 +C 9.98268351 0.07282972 9.77332298 1.06981857 -0.91336664 2.00851760 +O 8.96868351 0.69882972 9.39532298 -2.15803649 1.50820145 -1.74604301 +O 10.17268351 -0.22717028 10.97132298 0.56024954 -0.38590733 0.29878620 +H 10.99468351 0.38682972 7.92032298 -0.05659098 0.15655890 -0.33104201 +H 10.75868351 -1.29517028 8.29232298 0.01621570 -0.56297290 -0.01553040 +H 12.04282351 -0.32501218 9.12771098 -0.21627379 -0.35549340 0.16728187 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.8976680601 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.202832026952576 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.35925429 0.01074807 0.54026134 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 0.11243039 -1.45123740 -0.45959956 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 -0.35156154 0.32046186 0.13504399 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.49915397 0.09575973 -0.29694833 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.19864494 1.45229206 0.45801406 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.12415238 -0.30899058 -0.17400101 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 1.70787868 -0.56381673 -0.16040867 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.32692571 0.32076929 0.10003298 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21056084 -0.29340729 -0.10849500 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.60170260 -0.05010476 0.05564895 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.13761320 -0.27870287 0.12814576 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.07639135 0.07047833 -0.35204344 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.35714911 0.25082701 -0.06483867 +C 11.24700000 -0.42600000 8.69400000 0.30148954 0.89447292 -0.31361860 +C 10.21400000 -0.01300000 9.73300000 0.75193029 -0.73064867 1.91589351 +O 9.20000000 0.61300000 9.35500000 -2.49982183 1.48654937 -1.64298006 +O 10.40400000 -0.31300000 10.93100000 0.65286275 -0.45957319 0.42380868 +H 11.22600000 0.30100000 7.88000000 -0.05536759 0.15836486 -0.33049230 +H 10.99000000 -1.38100000 8.25200000 0.01903172 -0.56707172 -0.01648819 +H 12.27414000 -0.41084190 9.08738800 -0.20194758 -0.35717031 0.16306455 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.6002785534 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.4521153909805475 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.34414440 -0.01502930 0.52899160 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 0.05705550 -1.19428300 -0.40130021 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 0.16331685 0.15975693 0.02717455 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.40154337 0.03264753 -0.29688434 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.18061872 1.37697758 0.43020242 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.08912151 -0.33969764 -0.18227821 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 1.20022936 -0.51698942 -0.09157667 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.31796585 0.32683760 0.10559126 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21108064 -0.28161129 -0.10641640 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.61044778 -0.01989693 0.07322318 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.14136851 -0.27421738 0.13060811 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.07979265 0.07439611 -0.35393197 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36011547 0.24889686 -0.06531599 +C 11.47831649 -0.51182972 8.65367702 0.33097677 0.87492896 -0.32549802 +C 10.44531649 -0.09882972 9.69267702 0.51360441 -0.58583595 1.82877328 +O 9.43131649 0.52717028 9.31467702 -2.44451601 1.42145593 -1.63801061 +O 10.63531649 -0.39882972 10.89067702 0.72596925 -0.51889098 0.52407775 +H 11.45731649 0.21517028 7.83967702 -0.05486274 0.15985913 -0.32942705 +H 11.22131649 -1.46682972 8.21167702 0.02108925 -0.57071547 -0.01767102 +H 12.50545649 -0.49667162 9.04706502 -0.18947775 -0.35858929 0.15966835 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.3115292232 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.7014615040648895 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.33341623 -0.03316118 0.52044273 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.00653237 -1.00453795 -0.35331860 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 0.47104796 0.03291116 -0.03767565 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.33084774 -0.01286014 -0.29962581 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.17778874 1.32678990 0.41154460 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.07205139 -0.36226978 -0.18775851 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 0.79353080 -0.46154196 -0.03588224 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.31301525 0.33351272 0.10946953 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21187158 -0.27058884 -0.10435613 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.60915547 0.00976008 0.08927126 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.14410078 -0.27151816 0.13304260 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.08294422 0.07716246 -0.35547103 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36206729 0.24772247 -0.06576772 +C 11.70963297 -0.59765944 8.61335403 0.35744935 0.85657248 -0.33287152 +C 10.67663297 -0.18465944 9.65235403 0.32753481 -0.46546125 1.73372422 +O 9.66263297 0.44134056 9.27435403 -2.26754680 1.33658044 -1.64321075 +O 10.86663297 -0.48465944 10.85035403 0.78426036 -0.56660461 0.60764578 +H 11.68863297 0.12934056 7.79935403 -0.05531267 0.16119141 -0.32723107 +H 11.45263297 -1.55265944 8.17135403 0.02252734 -0.57372773 -0.01858201 +H 12.73677297 -0.58250134 9.00674203 -0.17829873 -0.35993152 0.15661032 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.0558351795 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.950862494024427 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.33239374 -0.03260084 0.51995435 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.08240113 -0.85131495 -0.31501166 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 0.71457998 -0.12870005 -0.09229459 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.33308522 -0.03750281 -0.31340883 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.21857970 1.33470233 0.41498292 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.06045866 -0.37491968 -0.18873586 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 0.45312926 -0.40473079 -0.00077446 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.30993549 0.33319002 0.11196196 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21621137 -0.26563177 -0.10149813 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.58985666 0.04153468 0.10490527 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.14768959 -0.27431826 0.13580133 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.08604623 0.07695946 -0.35861025 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36291639 0.24577354 -0.06636495 +C 11.94094946 -0.68348916 8.57303105 0.37943500 0.83634352 -0.32615146 +C 10.90794946 -0.27048916 9.61203105 0.19272743 -0.35793831 1.55409552 +O 9.89394946 0.35551084 9.23403105 -2.04870609 1.22741194 -1.58383376 +O 11.09794946 -0.57048916 10.81003105 0.81030589 -0.59456990 0.69107617 +H 11.91994946 0.04351084 7.75903105 -0.05847885 0.16319620 -0.32061736 +H 11.68394946 -1.63848916 8.13103105 0.02369628 -0.57563579 -0.01834808 +H 12.96808946 -0.66833106 8.96641905 -0.16703044 -0.36124852 0.15287188 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8404623106 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.20031171854279 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.33839452 -0.01941137 0.52991258 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.15818724 -0.71530628 -0.31094276 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 0.92241453 -0.32109975 -0.12772385 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.38870820 -0.04868368 -0.33334668 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.28932217 1.38260043 0.43651110 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.05062105 -0.38049547 -0.18508076 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 0.17521852 -0.35396026 0.01908812 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.30831020 0.32768769 0.11597183 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.22119804 -0.26493482 -0.09362987 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.55905558 0.07204777 0.12176243 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.15316018 -0.28052822 0.13687446 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.08716849 0.07462977 -0.36441078 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36293453 0.24312416 -0.06651286 +C 12.17226594 -0.76931887 8.53270807 0.39153733 0.81704238 -0.30866266 +C 11.13926594 -0.35631887 9.57170807 0.11187139 -0.26881974 1.31963101 +O 10.12526594 0.26968113 9.19370807 -1.83072233 1.11143527 -1.48263349 +O 11.32926594 -0.65631887 10.76970807 0.79896296 -0.60288334 0.77475475 +H 12.15126594 -0.04231887 7.71870807 -0.06241186 0.16605810 -0.31297256 +H 11.91526594 -1.72431887 8.09070807 0.02499737 -0.57673609 -0.01791320 +H 13.19940594 -0.75416077 8.92609607 -0.15661738 -0.36176655 0.14932322 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.6614529744 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.44980360654561 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.34578585 -0.00383099 0.53906116 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.22774561 -0.60987211 -0.30451012 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 1.07968766 -0.49217433 -0.15109173 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.44889759 -0.05444518 -0.35354415 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.35859479 1.43343715 0.46283321 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.04385167 -0.38298999 -0.18086601 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 -0.02951935 -0.31255280 0.02776123 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.30728099 0.32365742 0.11591371 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.22576028 -0.26421628 -0.08769937 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.52857041 0.09847872 0.13514679 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.15691221 -0.28683225 0.13860407 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.08906844 0.07162956 -0.36993109 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36270046 0.24100626 -0.06698838 +C 12.40358243 -0.85514859 8.49238508 0.39568919 0.80214417 -0.29190314 +C 11.37058243 -0.44214859 9.53138508 0.06861251 -0.20391619 1.11285359 +O 10.35658243 0.18385141 9.15338508 -1.64709792 1.01248660 -1.39145650 +O 11.56058243 -0.74214859 10.72938508 0.77245197 -0.60206212 0.84460441 +H 12.38258243 -0.12814859 7.67838508 -0.06515899 0.16892689 -0.30779636 +H 12.14658243 -1.81014859 8.05038508 0.02620888 -0.57748656 -0.01799426 +H 13.43072243 -0.83999049 8.88577308 -0.14852921 -0.36138795 0.14700297 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5130935556 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.69933336882864 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.35374022 0.01218831 0.54194124 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.29365954 -0.53888379 -0.26987506 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 1.19829668 -0.63007213 -0.17751501 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.50186573 -0.05806003 -0.37392216 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.42040056 1.47911109 0.48810210 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.03978192 -0.38349495 -0.17825621 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 -0.17609655 -0.27872691 0.02815756 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.30671580 0.32328042 0.11033049 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.23039129 -0.26256523 -0.08808989 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.50118675 0.12110309 0.14309914 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.15760594 -0.29298710 0.14263788 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.09345589 0.06838630 -0.37344316 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36234278 0.23982147 -0.06826090 +C 12.63489891 -0.94097831 8.45206210 0.39576870 0.79090710 -0.27773254 +C 11.60189891 -0.52797831 9.49106210 0.05213831 -0.16092360 0.94349705 +O 10.58789891 0.09802169 9.11306210 -1.50490665 0.93376099 -1.30990758 +O 11.79189891 -0.82797831 10.68906210 0.74205155 -0.59557770 0.89657890 +H 12.61389891 -0.21397831 7.63806210 -0.06699924 0.17141020 -0.30450809 +H 12.37789891 -1.89597831 8.01006210 0.02718557 -0.57802938 -0.01837073 +H 13.66203891 -0.92582021 8.84545010 -0.14241516 -0.36064813 0.14553697 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.389301489 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.948896944752651 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.36201778 0.02632900 0.53765622 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.35735533 -0.49500614 -0.20594762 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 1.28614612 -0.73396490 -0.20909149 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.53801286 -0.06556456 -0.39436338 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.47213638 1.51154539 0.50865186 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.03863434 -0.38298168 -0.17793478 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 -0.27860140 -0.25035947 0.02359613 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.30757421 0.33048744 0.10134203 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.23248318 -0.25697632 -0.09433757 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.47859576 0.13977947 0.14587069 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.15542504 -0.29858462 0.14884982 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.10034840 0.06523998 -0.37457863 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.36148485 0.24017084 -0.07013562 +C 12.86621540 -1.02680803 8.41173911 0.39401719 0.78212346 -0.26548929 +C 11.83321540 -0.61380803 9.45073911 0.05137299 -0.13270778 0.80246933 +O 10.81921540 0.01219197 9.07273911 -1.39567559 0.87103837 -1.23523439 +O 12.02321540 -0.91380803 10.64873911 0.71156854 -0.58595215 0.93498178 +H 12.84521540 -0.29980803 7.59773911 -0.06842743 0.17355678 -0.30211152 +H 12.60921540 -1.98180803 7.96973911 0.02792528 -0.57837258 -0.01873862 +H 13.89335540 -1.01164993 8.80512711 -0.13769347 -0.35980051 0.14454506 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.2850015633 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.198490797924341 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.37025873 0.03679320 0.52726109 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.41874010 -0.46961901 -0.12040590 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 1.34751112 -0.80634360 -0.24293597 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.55215781 -0.08038552 -0.41480523 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.51246308 1.52573121 0.52245485 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.04051190 -0.38227501 -0.17992099 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 -0.34726553 -0.22579504 0.01649408 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.31033252 0.34691896 0.09153114 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.22989670 -0.24535900 -0.10444081 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.46163630 0.15441190 0.14439421 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.15109713 -0.30323069 0.15641170 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.10900300 0.06248358 -0.37354656 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.35989764 0.24229754 -0.07224353 +C 13.09753188 -1.11263775 8.37141613 0.39169488 0.77482976 -0.25428975 +C 12.06453188 -0.69963775 9.41041613 0.05855810 -0.11324835 0.68078827 +O 11.05053188 -0.07363775 9.03241613 -1.31009938 0.81985723 -1.16603783 +O 12.25453188 -0.99963775 10.60841613 0.68249918 -0.57500845 0.96441802 +H 13.07653188 -0.38563775 7.55741613 -0.06978467 0.17546626 -0.29992190 +H 12.84053188 -2.06763775 7.92941613 0.02845336 -0.57854165 -0.01893824 +H 14.12467188 -1.09747965 8.76480413 -0.13387705 -0.35898331 0.14373335 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.1962812111 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.448111902988495 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.37754720 0.04359837 0.51512072 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.47367109 -0.45303108 -0.03487791 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 1.38861066 -0.85680080 -0.27239639 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.55122778 -0.09896012 -0.43428794 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.54284081 1.52685641 0.53011787 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.04442488 -0.38195291 -0.18311568 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 -0.39197710 -0.20464706 0.00900612 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.31420362 0.36755733 0.08382543 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.22365429 -0.23011075 -0.11440689 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.44973989 0.16517788 0.14117202 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.14643947 -0.30690576 0.16358271 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.11741531 0.06036758 -0.37152548 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.35787965 0.24533246 -0.07406850 +C 13.32884837 -1.19846747 8.33109315 0.38951719 0.76854351 -0.24401572 +C 12.29584837 -0.78546747 9.37009315 0.06823686 -0.09870700 0.57508989 +O 11.28184837 -0.15946747 8.99209315 -1.24176287 0.77751437 -1.10303557 +O 12.48584837 -1.08546747 10.56809315 0.65619671 -0.56414546 0.98744130 +H 13.30784837 -0.47146747 7.51709315 -0.07118391 0.17716960 -0.29769075 +H 13.07184837 -2.15346747 7.88909315 0.02879423 -0.57858633 -0.01892994 +H 14.35598837 -1.18330937 8.72448115 -0.13071147 -0.35827024 0.14299471 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.1201126211 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=7.697757592338221 pbc="T T T" +C 3.69000000 1.17800000 9.65700000 0.38350043 0.04787129 0.50399312 +C 5.89300000 2.10500000 10.26700000 -0.52018448 -0.44024597 0.03892637 +N 6.46800000 0.95000000 9.98900000 1.41572337 -0.89417673 -0.29492878 +N 4.58400000 2.24900000 10.11300000 -1.54381014 -0.11717377 -0.45207714 +N 6.62900000 3.10900000 10.69900000 0.56579697 1.52207410 0.53385264 +H 5.91600000 0.16800000 9.69300000 -0.04928940 -0.38205144 -0.18657280 +H 7.49000000 0.89000000 9.89100000 -0.42072231 -0.18652066 0.00197465 +H 4.18700000 3.12900000 10.38500000 -0.31823617 0.38776721 0.07881884 +H 6.22600000 4.01600000 10.92500000 0.21581989 -0.21424380 -0.12238360 +H 7.61200000 2.96300000 10.84200000 0.44168674 0.17276817 0.13778616 +H 3.74200000 0.36200000 10.38300000 -0.14240354 -0.30984250 0.16956974 +H 4.02000000 0.78400000 8.69500000 -0.12455528 0.05884660 -0.36934326 +H 2.63834300 1.49675000 9.60785000 0.35581531 0.24846438 -0.07543273 +C 13.56016485 -1.28429719 8.29077016 0.38748686 0.76318281 -0.23499964 +C 12.52716485 -0.87129719 9.32977016 0.07871107 -0.08787234 0.48493287 +O 11.51316485 -0.24529719 8.95177016 -1.18652256 0.74248316 -1.04749047 +O 12.71716485 -1.17129719 10.52777016 0.63287983 -0.55387046 1.00532110 +H 13.53916485 -0.55729719 7.47677016 -0.07253754 0.17868370 -0.29555378 +H 13.30316485 -2.23929719 7.84877016 0.02897402 -0.57854115 -0.01876909 +H 14.58730485 -1.26913909 8.68415816 -0.12813309 -0.35760260 0.14237580 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.434099606 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.234635908871504 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 0.01478298 -0.02673130 -0.06649977 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -2.19596691 -0.40845873 -0.24091970 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.95246173 0.09947169 0.01044332 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -0.61717201 -0.07186745 -0.23253201 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.34482881 -0.12896995 -0.16052409 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.14184215 -0.08356096 0.07285538 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.05570445 0.10000252 -0.02955307 +C 25.01868999 0.94028982 1.66744602 -0.33311378 -0.17561577 -0.54357879 +C 25.44768999 -0.19971018 -0.47955398 0.73865200 -1.41414437 1.40217655 +N 25.98668999 -1.23271018 0.14444602 -0.41403746 2.77828796 1.25253205 +N 24.98468999 0.83728982 0.20644602 -0.45419181 1.50420659 0.82713143 +N 25.36468999 -0.21271018 -1.79455398 -0.10012869 0.42692558 -1.37512881 +H 26.14768999 -1.20471018 1.13444602 -0.16631449 0.09122990 0.34376481 +H 26.25868999 -2.06271018 -0.39055398 0.26146095 -2.30380404 -1.30570976 +H 24.60468999 1.61828982 -0.31055398 -0.05992581 0.06060549 0.01899363 +H 25.01468999 0.59228982 -2.29355398 -0.04795805 -0.12465318 -0.11495049 +H 25.78768999 -0.97071018 -2.31055398 -0.08126554 -0.33622536 -0.05168432 +H 24.80868999 1.97128982 1.96044602 -0.04016367 0.08190611 -0.06323108 +H 26.00868999 0.68128982 2.04844602 0.17548997 -0.05440713 0.11839257 +H 24.25272999 0.28405892 2.10637702 0.10869947 -0.01419760 0.13802216 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.4095196711 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.484376426240713 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 0.00273026 -0.06174100 -0.08231323 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -1.81793911 -0.07845036 -0.05356085 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.62227439 1.03002551 0.59781226 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -0.84403718 -0.04452061 -0.24893233 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.34135003 -0.12680825 -0.16074181 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.14454553 -0.09783094 0.06523007 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.05243828 0.09605397 -0.02907044 +C 25.00884500 1.16864491 1.76872301 -0.33555583 -0.18236146 -0.49605107 +C 25.43784500 0.02864491 -0.37827699 0.58372835 -1.17442642 1.04663712 +N 25.97684500 -1.00435509 0.24572301 -0.09256694 1.41052472 0.51007664 +N 24.97484500 1.06564491 0.30772301 -0.37042039 1.35013080 0.82855842 +N 25.35484500 0.01564491 -1.69327699 -0.08450647 0.38053229 -1.23111975 +H 26.13784500 -0.97635509 1.23572301 -0.11643521 -0.03844047 0.30546144 +H 26.24884500 -1.83435509 -0.28927699 0.13851684 -2.02093547 -1.02508585 +H 24.59484500 1.84664491 -0.20927699 -0.04913269 0.04519536 0.00257139 +H 25.00484500 0.82064491 -2.19227699 -0.05461016 -0.11775466 -0.12248771 +H 25.77784500 -0.74235509 -2.20927699 -0.07967461 -0.39083589 -0.09935094 +H 24.79884500 2.19964491 2.06172301 -0.03379450 0.07387408 -0.06191496 +H 25.99884500 0.90964491 2.14972301 0.17708496 -0.04464721 0.12127108 +H 24.24288500 0.51241401 2.20765401 0.10509551 -0.00758397 0.13301053 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.1715863393 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.734144335052735 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.00720444 -0.09229022 -0.09735001 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -1.54048458 0.16397162 0.08479951 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.46330385 1.19829533 0.71225161 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.01079428 -0.04135087 -0.26208442 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.33869880 -0.12485425 -0.16116924 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.14782331 -0.10965738 0.05846671 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.05013175 0.09318524 -0.02808354 +C 24.99900000 1.39700000 1.87000000 -0.33619998 -0.18683754 -0.45816277 +C 25.42800000 0.25700000 -0.27700000 0.46832267 -0.97267440 0.82186186 +N 25.96700000 -0.77600000 0.34700000 0.06757647 0.67119693 0.15651319 +N 24.96500000 1.29400000 0.40900000 -0.30904297 1.23247290 0.82032107 +N 25.34500000 0.24400000 -1.59200000 -0.07478063 0.34361838 -1.13265661 +H 26.12800000 -0.74800000 1.33700000 -0.08394056 -0.11621515 0.29214431 +H 26.23900000 -1.60600000 -0.18800000 0.05142474 -1.60578117 -0.70496041 +H 24.58500000 2.07500000 -0.10800000 -0.04377883 0.03941582 -0.01019538 +H 24.99500000 1.04900000 -2.09100000 -0.05891874 -0.11196327 -0.13300817 +H 25.76800000 -0.51400000 -2.10800000 -0.07705718 -0.40911834 -0.14881912 +H 24.78900000 2.42800000 2.16300000 -0.02975249 0.06857294 -0.06153557 +H 25.98900000 1.13800000 2.25100000 0.17795814 -0.03760176 0.12273814 +H 24.23304000 0.74076910 2.30893100 0.10236157 -0.00238481 0.12892885 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.8815163103 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.983935517010137 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.01628402 -0.11935261 -0.11233664 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -1.32446867 0.34499724 0.18986761 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.36636784 1.10438470 0.67714523 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.13936889 -0.05125087 -0.27278601 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.33676363 -0.12311210 -0.16167538 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.15126033 -0.11971344 0.05236338 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.04850762 0.09109153 -0.02686815 +C 24.98915500 1.62535509 1.97127699 -0.33583574 -0.18990243 -0.42749986 +C 25.41815500 0.48535509 -0.17572301 0.38089171 -0.80276037 0.67964239 +N 25.95715500 -0.54764491 0.44827699 0.15428052 0.24205869 -0.01982784 +N 24.95515500 1.52235509 0.51027699 -0.26272221 1.13981087 0.80712334 +N 25.33515500 0.47235509 -1.49072301 -0.06919197 0.31168821 -1.06489448 +H 26.11815500 -0.51964491 1.43827699 -0.06168949 -0.16292551 0.29095501 +H 26.22915500 -1.37764491 -0.08672301 -0.00108426 -1.22736215 -0.43940677 +H 24.57515500 2.30335509 -0.00672301 -0.04144604 0.03862284 -0.02034127 +H 24.98515500 1.27735509 -1.98972301 -0.06187873 -0.10687129 -0.14467866 +H 25.75815500 -0.28564491 -2.00672301 -0.07319776 -0.40375402 -0.19414486 +H 24.77915500 2.65635509 2.26427699 -0.02709212 0.06487330 -0.06161683 +H 25.97915500 1.36635509 2.35227699 0.17852724 -0.03232098 0.12339590 +H 24.22319500 0.96912419 2.41020799 0.10018167 0.00179838 0.12558389 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.5976487247 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.233746639606387 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.02457583 -0.14287467 -0.12667042 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -1.15024785 0.48192575 0.27112924 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.29370442 0.94059550 0.60532708 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.24157638 -0.06804811 -0.28187319 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.33543428 -0.12157948 -0.16227024 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.15462966 -0.12830728 0.04690626 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.04738910 0.08948846 -0.02548417 +C 24.97931001 1.85371018 2.07255398 -0.33498138 -0.19215461 -0.40221457 +C 25.40831001 0.71371018 -0.07444602 0.31332548 -0.65862905 0.58879798 +N 25.94731001 -0.31928982 0.54955398 0.20462919 -0.02606294 -0.11121301 +N 24.94531001 1.75071018 0.61155398 -0.22652446 1.06428609 0.79205350 +N 25.32531001 0.70071018 -1.38944602 -0.06647447 0.28276270 -1.01819820 +H 26.10831001 -0.29128982 1.53955398 -0.04553189 -0.19128515 0.29543094 +H 26.21931001 -1.14928982 0.01455398 -0.02858454 -0.92366379 -0.23850401 +H 24.56531001 2.53171018 0.09455398 -0.04096362 0.04070778 -0.02880251 +H 24.97531001 1.50571018 -1.88844602 -0.06414620 -0.10195896 -0.15637197 +H 25.74831001 -0.05728982 -1.90544602 -0.06824883 -0.38457340 -0.23259449 +H 24.76931001 2.88471018 2.36555398 -0.02535085 0.06228181 -0.06192792 +H 25.96931001 1.59471018 2.45355398 0.17897296 -0.02822307 0.12362162 +H 24.21335001 1.19747928 2.51148498 0.09838052 0.00531242 0.12285808 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.3385023881 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.483574974256216 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.03179903 -0.16367972 -0.14063061 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -1.00776979 0.58684647 0.33490802 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.23286206 0.77721388 0.53437628 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.32358341 -0.08816560 -0.28971796 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.33452822 -0.12031318 -0.16289057 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.15786723 -0.13558667 0.04214258 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.04659999 0.08817127 -0.02394025 +C 24.96946501 2.08206527 2.17383096 -0.33395748 -0.19402607 -0.38110997 +C 25.39846501 0.94206527 0.02683096 0.26045338 -0.53503745 0.53019406 +N 25.93746501 -0.09093473 0.65083096 0.23535818 -0.20539944 -0.15910069 +N 24.93546501 1.97906527 0.71283096 -0.19738079 1.00074262 0.77720470 +N 25.31546501 0.92906527 -1.28816904 -0.06582195 0.25574602 -0.98650037 +H 26.09846501 -0.06293473 1.64083096 -0.03316942 -0.20869137 0.30241715 +H 26.20946501 -0.92093473 0.11583096 -0.04012098 -0.69141430 -0.09193791 +H 24.55546501 2.76006527 0.19583096 -0.04177162 0.04485904 -0.03642289 +H 24.96546501 1.73406527 -1.78716904 -0.06617361 -0.09678583 -0.16746794 +H 25.73846501 0.17106527 -1.80416904 -0.06245884 -0.35846910 -0.26344718 +H 24.75946501 3.11306527 2.46683096 -0.02424537 0.06059665 -0.06240015 +H 25.95946501 1.82306527 2.55483096 0.17943472 -0.02496715 0.12363763 +H 24.20350501 1.42583437 2.61276196 0.09688298 0.00835993 0.12068609 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.1076496113 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.733418286779269 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.03777314 -0.18073865 -0.15283819 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.88773952 0.66251515 0.38374356 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.17605209 0.63439949 0.47262313 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.38753233 -0.10665508 -0.29504592 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.33377386 -0.11920578 -0.16358126 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.16100694 -0.14153399 0.03803804 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.04594276 0.08717550 -0.02240545 +C 24.95962002 2.31042037 2.27510795 -0.33278054 -0.19593390 -0.36478750 +C 25.38862002 1.17042037 0.12810795 0.21747811 -0.42529171 0.49234322 +N 25.92762002 0.13742037 0.75210795 0.25582104 -0.34037708 -0.18139179 +N 24.92562002 2.20742037 0.81410795 -0.17417951 0.94917803 0.76663104 +N 25.30562002 1.15742037 -1.18689205 -0.06822013 0.22810978 -0.97065838 +H 26.08862002 0.16542037 1.74210795 -0.02306738 -0.21933524 0.30996659 +H 26.19962002 -0.69257963 0.21710795 -0.04185409 -0.51295236 0.01539898 +H 24.54562002 2.98842037 0.29710795 -0.04296012 0.05178889 -0.04401425 +H 24.95562002 1.96242037 -1.68589205 -0.06766195 -0.09098860 -0.17750288 +H 25.72862002 0.39942037 -1.70289205 -0.05604282 -0.32840941 -0.28677314 +H 24.74962002 3.34142037 2.56810795 -0.02358620 0.05979909 -0.06297609 +H 25.94962002 2.05142037 2.65610795 0.17985177 -0.02221663 0.12393525 +H 24.19366002 1.65418947 2.71403895 0.09548503 0.01067252 0.11929501 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.9073116316 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.983274680706614 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.04697711 -0.17864904 -0.15518480 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.72530526 0.60405922 0.37206550 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 2.04035619 0.53956199 0.42669274 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.40770419 -0.07921543 -0.27002536 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.33105578 -0.11695696 -0.16402126 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.16596953 -0.14771955 0.03273865 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.04320332 0.08795534 -0.02080123 +C 24.94977502 2.53877546 2.37638494 -0.32482020 -0.19427369 -0.37457700 +C 25.37877502 1.39877546 0.22938494 0.12605606 -0.32510601 0.47145518 +N 25.91777502 0.36577546 0.85338494 0.32746196 -0.53348284 -0.15948086 +N 24.91577502 2.43577546 0.91538494 -0.17445264 0.95928571 0.79830500 +N 25.29577502 1.38577546 -1.08561506 -0.07873289 0.18322050 -1.03749556 +H 26.07877502 0.39377546 1.84338494 -0.00779484 -0.22572562 0.30856380 +H 26.18977502 -0.46422454 0.31838494 -0.04256240 -0.33638276 0.12095249 +H 24.53577502 3.21677546 0.39838494 -0.03501628 0.06578787 -0.05124595 +H 24.94577502 2.19077546 -1.58461506 -0.05847545 -0.07583416 -0.18883457 +H 25.71877502 0.62777546 -1.60161506 -0.04742696 -0.27470674 -0.29907204 +H 24.73977502 3.56977546 2.66938494 -0.02180874 0.05983711 -0.06255187 +H 25.93977502 2.27977546 2.75738494 0.17887311 -0.01804756 0.13047981 +H 24.18381502 1.88254456 2.81531594 0.09004007 0.00639264 0.12203734 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.7385235753 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.233142590610293 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.05580857 -0.17108762 -0.15378602 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.58131702 0.51109991 0.33964965 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 1.90181014 0.47931435 0.39802489 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.40785744 -0.04363963 -0.23943019 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.32846862 -0.11484266 -0.16463427 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.17072528 -0.15318664 0.02760716 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.04051124 0.08872440 -0.01949925 +C 24.93993003 2.76713055 2.47766193 -0.31509757 -0.19157025 -0.38930336 +C 25.36893003 1.62713055 0.33066193 0.02798797 -0.24639176 0.46036261 +N 25.90793003 0.59413055 0.95466193 0.40814117 -0.70515029 -0.12851091 +N 24.90593003 2.66413055 1.01666193 -0.18011326 0.98079719 0.83549321 +N 25.28593003 1.61413055 -0.98433807 -0.08651364 0.14011066 -1.11429129 +H 26.06893003 0.62213055 1.94466193 0.00721208 -0.22943826 0.30588142 +H 26.17993003 -0.23586945 0.41966193 -0.04441689 -0.19281672 0.20676410 +H 24.52593003 3.44513055 0.49966193 -0.02713037 0.07930055 -0.05830437 +H 24.93593003 2.41913055 -1.48333807 -0.04840547 -0.05633948 -0.20070586 +H 25.70893003 0.85613055 -1.50033807 -0.03837376 -0.22167502 -0.30623660 +H 24.72993003 3.79813055 2.77066193 -0.02003956 0.06016482 -0.06202049 +H 25.92993003 2.50813055 2.85866193 0.17765801 -0.01428161 0.13769663 +H 24.17397003 2.11089965 2.91659293 0.08400960 0.00090806 0.12524293 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5961329345 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.48302068543071 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.06303104 -0.16249435 -0.15099462 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.46299967 0.41553878 0.30336215 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 1.78280394 0.43911967 0.37890457 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.40217679 -0.00869193 -0.21064581 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.32641089 -0.11289306 -0.16555923 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.17532078 -0.15767561 0.02314488 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.03829224 0.08916945 -0.01819089 +C 24.93008503 2.99548564 2.57893892 -0.30554053 -0.18940464 -0.40305294 +C 25.35908503 1.85548564 0.43193892 -0.06026893 -0.18323461 0.45475419 +N 25.89808503 0.82248564 1.05593892 0.47910854 -0.84670485 -0.09780572 +N 24.89608503 2.89248564 1.11793892 -0.18517059 1.00140448 0.86982123 +N 25.27608503 1.84248564 -0.88306108 -0.09314183 0.10068928 -1.18331049 +H 26.05908503 0.85048564 2.04593892 0.02016475 -0.23080588 0.30356841 +H 26.17008503 -0.00751436 0.52093892 -0.04528960 -0.08029537 0.27207594 +H 24.51608503 3.67348564 0.60093892 -0.02033887 0.09204692 -0.06543985 +H 24.92608503 2.64748564 -1.38206108 -0.03971947 -0.03640469 -0.21113276 +H 25.69908503 1.08448564 -1.39906108 -0.02953805 -0.17518621 -0.30980275 +H 24.72008503 4.02648564 2.87193892 -0.01868199 0.06079203 -0.06182397 +H 25.92008503 2.73648564 2.95993892 0.17586066 -0.01080067 0.14413321 +H 24.16412503 2.33925474 3.01786992 0.07857712 -0.00416875 0.12799445 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.4753909764 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.732907830696661 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.06874745 -0.15532656 -0.14871687 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.37059648 0.34096991 0.27492736 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 1.68474690 0.40744213 0.36365850 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.39254489 0.01869988 -0.18749397 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.32470813 -0.11164204 -0.16612752 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.17849777 -0.16129036 0.01957414 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.03649125 0.08944626 -0.01745855 +C 24.92024004 3.22384073 2.68021591 -0.29691993 -0.18784774 -0.41277065 +C 25.34924004 2.08384073 0.53321591 -0.13495099 -0.13206680 0.45151490 +N 25.88824004 1.05084073 1.15721591 0.53289749 -0.95506663 -0.07370039 +N 24.88624004 3.12084073 1.21921591 -0.18547521 1.01091849 0.89545232 +N 25.26624004 2.07084073 -0.78178409 -0.09869449 0.06665803 -1.23369191 +H 26.04924004 1.07884073 2.14721591 0.03117697 -0.23131608 0.30487829 +H 26.16024004 0.22084073 0.62221591 -0.04416944 0.00478574 0.31981766 +H 24.50624004 3.90184073 0.70221591 -0.01621432 0.10547350 -0.07344623 +H 24.91624004 2.87584073 -1.28078409 -0.03400802 -0.01624068 -0.22160120 +H 25.68924004 1.31284073 -1.29778409 -0.02028770 -0.13888479 -0.31270429 +H 24.71024004 4.25484073 2.97321591 -0.01745588 0.06187800 -0.06172835 +H 25.91024004 2.96484073 3.06121591 0.17472244 -0.00797236 0.14948695 +H 24.15428004 2.56760983 3.11914691 0.07381939 -0.00861789 0.13012980 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.3722607997 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.982803051457227 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.07341265 -0.14803780 -0.14575823 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.29297357 0.26850244 0.24610376 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 1.60027063 0.38605706 0.35292650 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.38161765 0.04465404 -0.16637260 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.32322971 -0.11028653 -0.16679780 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.18161418 -0.16426097 0.01648803 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.03489391 0.08968838 -0.01660099 +C 24.91039504 3.45219582 2.78149289 -0.28820582 -0.18681857 -0.42121584 +C 25.33939504 2.31219582 0.63449289 -0.20388508 -0.09139960 0.45013052 +N 25.87839504 1.27919582 1.25849289 0.57970589 -1.04478346 -0.05138096 +N 24.87639504 3.34919582 1.32049289 -0.18424074 1.01861396 0.91878489 +N 25.25639504 2.29919582 -0.68050711 -0.10344678 0.03594690 -1.27646054 +H 26.03939504 1.30719582 2.24849289 0.04077274 -0.23041907 0.30632760 +H 26.15039504 0.44919582 0.72349289 -0.04239163 0.07290146 0.35612796 +H 24.49639504 4.13019582 0.80349289 -0.01262108 0.11856202 -0.08177028 +H 24.90639504 3.10419582 -1.17950711 -0.02934563 0.00427515 -0.23080539 +H 25.67939504 1.54119582 -1.19650711 -0.01102302 -0.10843248 -0.31380274 +H 24.70039504 4.48319582 3.07449289 -0.01651246 0.06319122 -0.06195931 +H 25.90039504 3.19319582 3.16249289 0.17289808 -0.00519888 0.15424830 +H 24.14443504 2.79596492 3.22042389 0.06951933 -0.01275528 0.13178712 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.283584221 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=7.232705517383349 pbc="T T T" +C 25.65400000 -5.20500000 -2.23100000 -0.07701164 -0.14144769 -0.14280134 +C 25.43700000 -3.85300000 -1.56500000 -0.22954974 0.20492092 0.22045168 +O 26.43300000 -3.22700000 -1.14000000 1.52868993 0.37040271 0.34462456 +O 24.27400000 -3.40300000 -1.47500000 -1.36979711 0.06708799 -0.14825066 +H 26.34900000 -5.06000000 -3.05900000 0.32191463 -0.10900815 -0.16738145 +H 24.71500000 -5.57700000 -2.64500000 -0.18428671 -0.16659603 0.01392968 +H 26.07672000 -5.94638300 -1.53698600 0.03347384 0.08995873 -0.01583419 +C 24.90055005 3.68055091 2.88276988 -0.27967752 -0.18626508 -0.42746477 +C 25.32955005 2.54055091 0.73576988 -0.26637601 -0.05916111 0.44949244 +N 25.86855005 1.50755091 1.35976988 0.61775732 -1.11624141 -0.03256894 +N 24.86655005 3.57755091 1.42176988 -0.18025487 1.02148660 0.93806925 +N 25.24655005 2.52755091 -0.57923012 -0.10744427 0.00894870 -1.30882863 +H 26.02955005 1.53555091 2.34976988 0.04912671 -0.22873752 0.30893427 +H 26.14055005 0.67755091 0.82476988 -0.03959243 0.12672612 0.38287074 +H 24.48655005 4.35855091 0.90476988 -0.01002740 0.13167916 -0.09057240 +H 24.89655005 3.33255091 -1.07823012 -0.02615095 0.02497777 -0.23928534 +H 25.66955005 1.76955091 -1.09523012 -0.00152467 -0.08439543 -0.31424625 +H 24.69055005 4.71155091 3.17576988 -0.01575815 0.06476085 -0.06241988 +H 25.89055005 3.42155091 3.26376988 0.17081394 -0.00258637 0.15834054 +H 24.13459005 3.02432001 3.32170088 0.06567511 -0.01651077 0.13294069 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.2894487694 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=3.911637245564241 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.91749302 -0.01307912 0.97976456 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.15930957 1.14094872 -1.01979669 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.23949050 -0.99774146 1.18252303 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 2.78575208 -2.02478630 -1.05462080 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.70977221 -0.85360608 0.33862873 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.34430883 0.92659963 -0.10477047 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 0.01447233 0.03338724 -0.07806569 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -1.41575420 1.35014656 0.57428387 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.12649005 -0.18983316 0.02378014 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.33426279 -0.07741387 -0.15765094 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.03030579 0.01446144 -0.14272433 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.19682963 -0.06530720 -0.06155264 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.44226853 -0.00741592 -0.31050909 +C 29.25927182 -8.35837272 57.78753400 0.28862041 0.37609784 -0.48575306 +C 28.87927182 -8.31037272 59.24853400 -2.99015733 2.07112234 -1.13011838 +O 29.49027182 -9.07537272 60.01553400 1.28772129 -1.43524387 1.80178795 +O 27.90127182 -7.60237272 59.55853400 0.22997245 0.08453952 0.03079462 +H 28.71627182 -9.18237272 57.31853400 -0.12557445 -0.15546186 -0.14890725 +H 30.32527182 -8.55737272 57.68153400 0.39825686 -0.01187292 -0.30469341 +H 28.99992182 -7.42286772 57.27026400 0.02874434 -0.16554152 0.06759986 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.3603857223 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.158329697640593 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.90172371 0.12871010 0.92032356 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.17600159 1.01636289 -0.93118290 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.24451297 -0.57300723 1.03535432 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 1.94256997 -1.35900971 -0.72477895 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.64149945 -0.76740453 0.29703589 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.40832903 0.83122077 -0.10602299 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.04405607 0.08643057 -0.06936744 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -1.36441762 1.42380935 0.28936412 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.13211265 -0.19358611 0.02260982 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.33184594 -0.08539067 -0.15573867 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.02059284 0.01689826 -0.13274990 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.13770921 -0.06887196 -0.04132607 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.43186679 -0.01598132 -0.31629966 +C 29.11013591 -8.17968636 57.69626700 0.28731099 0.37458746 -0.51406445 +C 28.73013591 -8.13168636 59.15726700 -2.61724985 1.69236590 -1.03996204 +O 29.34113591 -8.89668636 59.92426700 2.05590837 -2.34871777 1.78653479 +O 27.75213591 -7.42368636 59.46726700 0.11966767 0.18560274 0.04988769 +H 28.56713591 -9.00368636 57.22726700 -0.13385219 -0.15498115 -0.15039346 +H 30.17613591 -8.37868636 57.59026700 0.41480759 -0.03474115 -0.25924159 +H 28.85078591 -7.24418136 57.17899700 0.02224841 -0.15429644 0.04001794 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.1700065143 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.40539507967846 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.87100741 0.22908970 0.86816072 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.18443116 0.90051754 -0.85458082 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.25285790 -0.33649210 0.95389649 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 1.42094902 -0.91036104 -0.56976584 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.58348227 -0.68449169 0.26050929 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.44451662 0.67564855 -0.06876312 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.08655168 0.11454391 -0.06068137 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -1.13455971 1.30397346 0.04296863 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.13836881 -0.19653967 0.02032466 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.32825666 -0.09280612 -0.15195979 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.01358948 0.01721160 -0.12458035 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.09502809 -0.07214661 -0.02615546 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.42405268 -0.02278433 -0.32054946 +C 28.96100000 -8.00100000 57.60500000 0.28842676 0.38067258 -0.55285192 +C 28.58100000 -7.95300000 59.06600000 -2.31597445 1.39380103 -0.93543962 +O 29.19200000 -8.71800000 59.83300000 2.33878729 -2.64306908 1.81861959 +O 27.60300000 -7.24500000 59.37600000 0.00203537 0.28858500 0.06466103 +H 28.41800000 -8.82500000 57.13600000 -0.13894671 -0.15551101 -0.15334135 +H 30.02700000 -8.20000000 57.49900000 0.41252555 -0.04603752 -0.23067550 +H 28.70165000 -7.06549500 57.08773000 0.01448134 -0.14380421 0.02020421 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.8790231591 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.652773983572788 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.83526613 0.29950260 0.82425804 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.19323442 0.79824747 -0.79242718 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.26086408 -0.19966722 0.90778704 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 1.10377667 -0.61579259 -0.50382294 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.53487977 -0.60919410 0.22971529 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.45751204 0.51621801 -0.01867909 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.11773083 0.12807091 -0.05198146 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -0.86179519 1.11018593 -0.12781882 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.14477215 -0.19884630 0.01745339 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.32392248 -0.10079831 -0.14614695 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00876132 0.01653565 -0.11836809 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.06464319 -0.07433943 -0.01515722 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.41905905 -0.02804159 -0.32357040 +C 28.81186409 -7.82231364 57.51373300 0.29197922 0.38824577 -0.59010748 +C 28.43186409 -7.77431364 58.97473300 -2.07095515 1.15553756 -0.83449341 +O 29.04286409 -8.53931364 59.74173300 2.36361062 -2.62866791 1.82892596 +O 27.45386409 -7.06631364 59.28473300 -0.11190680 0.38513074 0.07798340 +H 28.26886409 -8.64631364 57.04473300 -0.14203949 -0.15647777 -0.15658864 +H 29.87786409 -8.02131364 57.40773300 0.40220156 -0.05148013 -0.21244290 +H 28.55251409 -6.88680864 56.99646300 0.00722927 -0.13436929 0.00548146 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.5702881476 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=4.900418928698813 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.79966515 0.34917884 0.78818312 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.20578081 0.70768154 -0.74257051 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.26809388 -0.11633240 0.88004502 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.91017946 -0.42237577 -0.48101333 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.49440814 -0.54107819 0.20282650 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.45550678 0.37758047 0.03005677 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.14074351 0.13202686 -0.04269193 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -0.61137768 0.90970119 -0.23130381 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.15145228 -0.20063354 0.01408882 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.31807652 -0.11102448 -0.13704734 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00554855 0.01548165 -0.11415784 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.04276203 -0.07507642 -0.00737357 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.41645736 -0.03204815 -0.32549582 +C 28.66272818 -7.64362728 57.42246600 0.29636601 0.39534135 -0.62149377 +C 28.28272818 -7.59562728 58.88346600 -1.86416250 0.95868067 -0.74606550 +O 28.89372818 -8.36062728 59.65046600 2.27064035 -2.48234520 1.80654346 +O 27.30472818 -6.88762728 59.19346600 -0.21801292 0.47247527 0.09280700 +H 28.11972818 -8.46762728 56.95346600 -0.14391037 -0.15748904 -0.15942968 +H 29.72872818 -7.84262728 57.31646600 0.38883778 -0.05386563 -0.19997531 +H 28.40337818 -6.70812228 56.90519600 0.00096353 -0.12587902 -0.00593228 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.2810237195 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.148291523570566 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.76642732 0.38517155 0.75871653 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.22295109 0.62361295 -0.70056300 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.27538847 -0.06100909 0.86086519 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.79006408 -0.29182939 -0.47996261 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.46045961 -0.47519486 0.17603910 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.44466307 0.26628662 0.07170912 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.15725325 0.12741491 -0.03149843 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -0.40505101 0.73166711 -0.28666056 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.16013025 -0.20193247 0.00908375 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.30796338 -0.12716287 -0.12088727 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00345050 0.01434229 -0.11203416 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.02630155 -0.07428898 -0.00187481 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.41584524 -0.03496600 -0.32630742 +C 28.51359227 -7.46494092 57.33119900 0.29886075 0.40196018 -0.64498167 +C 28.13359227 -7.41694092 58.79219900 -1.67367778 0.78362585 -0.67721402 +O 28.74459227 -8.18194092 59.55919900 2.12820022 -2.28804172 1.75866015 +O 27.15559227 -6.70894092 59.10219900 -0.31695946 0.55094860 0.11339635 +H 27.97059227 -8.28894092 56.86219900 -0.14496588 -0.15806069 -0.16135899 +H 29.57959227 -7.66394092 57.22519900 0.37436291 -0.05440806 -0.18979288 +H 28.25424227 -6.52943592 56.81392900 -0.00420335 -0.11813593 -0.01533436 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.0250648029 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.396360398172885 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.73702783 0.41307297 0.73428376 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.24650699 0.53960751 -0.65997370 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.28393199 -0.01795957 0.84392951 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.71266265 -0.19712316 -0.49218280 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.42959576 -0.40417716 0.14564445 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.42923901 0.18053110 0.10490997 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.16811410 0.11349872 -0.01717985 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -0.24212000 0.58238843 -0.31090727 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.17484675 -0.20308260 -0.00035795 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.29017382 -0.15392282 -0.09322909 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00220386 0.01305681 -0.11189160 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.01334698 -0.07301651 0.00235286 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.41688868 -0.03687851 -0.32586982 +C 28.36445636 -7.28625456 57.23993200 0.29598510 0.40883590 -0.65877894 +C 27.98445636 -7.23825456 58.70093200 -1.47891402 0.61319768 -0.63261512 +O 28.59545636 -8.00325456 59.46793200 1.96284126 -2.07732544 1.69251224 +O 27.00645636 -6.53025456 59.01093200 -0.41208647 0.62208698 0.14389820 +H 27.82145636 -8.11025456 56.77093200 -0.14554446 -0.15783212 -0.16189161 +H 29.43045636 -7.48525456 57.13393200 0.36009813 -0.05387210 -0.17919288 +H 28.10510636 -6.35074956 56.72266200 -0.00817211 -0.11108612 -0.02346035 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8051596708 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.6445996742594495 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.71341569 0.43614239 0.71404428 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.27679472 0.45797867 -0.61668560 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.29447375 0.01918983 0.82785179 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.66052126 -0.12402373 -0.51293902 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.39880414 -0.32991500 0.11387645 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.41249575 0.11452297 0.13084679 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.17499845 0.09374845 -0.00145217 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -0.11618746 0.46090719 -0.31757379 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.19619265 -0.20468174 -0.01485454 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.26662391 -0.18827466 -0.05837366 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00175158 0.01155821 -0.11322541 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 0.00332296 -0.07265593 0.00594588 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.41908751 -0.03781941 -0.32431010 +C 28.21532045 -7.10756820 57.14866500 0.28753211 0.41510978 -0.66309397 +C 27.83532045 -7.05956820 58.60966500 -1.28651775 0.45137298 -0.60913816 +O 28.44632045 -7.82456820 59.37666500 1.79668971 -1.87311633 1.61778377 +O 26.85732045 -6.35156820 58.91966500 -0.50075767 0.68459614 0.18120303 +H 27.67232045 -7.93156820 56.67966500 -0.14587412 -0.15689988 -0.16140570 +H 29.28132045 -7.30656820 57.04266500 0.34831318 -0.05307887 -0.16820781 +H 27.95597045 -6.17206320 56.63139500 -0.01091309 -0.10466108 -0.03029206 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.6187222884 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=5.892987817628019 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.69578274 0.45507072 0.69757015 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.31102319 0.38600186 -0.57097927 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.30622107 0.05044476 0.81358437 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.62471507 -0.06759684 -0.53811556 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.36907741 -0.26084889 0.08494493 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.39708639 0.06424461 0.15051835 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.17963305 0.07284470 0.01326890 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 -0.02135687 0.36497238 -0.31554307 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.22008330 -0.20702850 -0.03183463 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.24228397 -0.22314818 -0.02449740 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00209260 0.00974930 -0.11518223 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 -0.00416539 -0.07316804 0.00887730 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.42186746 -0.03796336 -0.32197359 +C 28.06618454 -6.92888184 57.05739800 0.27708708 0.41898586 -0.66060350 +C 27.68618454 -6.88088184 58.51839800 -1.11632586 0.31220609 -0.59993626 +O 28.29718454 -7.64588184 59.28539800 1.64827593 -1.69317091 1.54474468 +O 26.70818454 -6.17288184 58.82839800 -0.57745808 0.73584055 0.21922462 +H 27.52318454 -7.75288184 56.58839800 -0.14600652 -0.15575964 -0.16044485 +H 29.13218454 -7.12788184 56.95139800 0.34021068 -0.05269692 -0.15828856 +H 27.80683454 -5.99337684 56.54012800 -0.01268072 -0.09897955 -0.03533438 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.4610685095 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.141506759716005 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.68333797 0.46999934 0.68424615 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.34783159 0.32738940 -0.52287693 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.31927437 0.07591202 0.80205960 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.59953176 -0.02397709 -0.56611966 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.34214774 -0.20160055 0.06018444 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.38408029 0.02588988 0.16497004 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.18312841 0.05320462 0.02581607 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 0.04937226 0.28998742 -0.30992996 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.24322269 -0.21010667 -0.04926215 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.21951807 -0.25518371 0.00455295 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00318239 0.00761205 -0.11719264 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 -0.00979166 -0.07382722 0.01106741 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.42496558 -0.03728320 -0.31902491 +C 27.91704864 -6.75019548 56.96613100 0.26693544 0.42040020 -0.65397015 +C 27.53704864 -6.70219548 58.42713100 -0.97521493 0.19954534 -0.60011525 +O 28.14804864 -7.46719548 59.19413100 1.52346396 -1.54249538 1.47878760 +O 26.55904864 -5.99419548 58.73713100 -0.64079166 0.77604896 0.25482319 +H 27.37404864 -7.57419548 56.49713100 -0.14598836 -0.15465307 -0.15934813 +H 28.98304864 -6.94919548 56.86013100 0.33525464 -0.05280325 -0.15007651 +H 27.65769864 -5.81469048 56.44886100 -0.01381846 -0.09405908 -0.03859114 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.3275196466 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.3901412514497204 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.67556998 0.48114604 0.67347096 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.38828894 0.28425424 -0.47011248 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.33538414 0.09614740 0.79443829 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.58084385 0.01058843 -0.59785043 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.31923276 -0.15448540 0.03963439 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.37336100 -0.00462049 0.17515359 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.18609565 0.03626210 0.03522690 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 0.10239633 0.23070009 -0.30375034 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.26375376 -0.21403760 -0.06626089 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.19904988 -0.28348659 0.02706955 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00503816 0.00513439 -0.11888807 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 -0.01416576 -0.07410003 0.01249732 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.42838078 -0.03557061 -0.31543481 +C 27.76791273 -6.57150912 56.87486400 0.25802719 0.41988910 -0.64518376 +C 27.38791273 -6.52350912 58.33586400 -0.86125989 0.11045906 -0.60585572 +O 27.99891273 -7.28850912 59.10286400 1.42097744 -1.41874006 1.42112226 +O 26.40991273 -5.81550912 58.64586400 -0.69223185 0.80717743 0.28685402 +H 27.22491273 -7.39550912 56.40586400 -0.14584059 -0.15369059 -0.15820966 +H 28.83391273 -6.77050912 56.76886400 0.33245571 -0.05321003 -0.14350648 +H 27.50856273 -5.63600412 56.35759400 -0.01453594 -0.08981689 -0.04041461 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.214086767 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.638878304932434 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.67313950 0.48939384 0.66604829 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.43282771 0.25632200 -0.41267337 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.36179148 0.11119109 0.79418219 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.56605728 0.04407773 -0.63863942 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.30504744 -0.12688244 0.02555156 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.36385494 -0.03155397 0.18292552 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.18888442 0.02469834 0.04044140 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 0.14409190 0.18210800 -0.29829108 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.27891798 -0.21905009 -0.08105782 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.18306222 -0.30547520 0.04019923 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.00789150 0.00236691 -0.12015259 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 -0.01765861 -0.07374205 0.01319539 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.43282367 -0.03286116 -0.31155952 +C 27.61877682 -6.39282276 56.78359700 0.25049808 0.41803862 -0.63555507 +C 27.23877682 -6.34482276 58.24459700 -0.76936472 0.03994866 -0.61400106 +O 27.84977682 -7.10982276 59.01159700 1.33738234 -1.31731664 1.37097444 +O 26.26077682 -5.63682276 58.55459700 -0.73431825 0.83155262 0.31485757 +H 27.07577682 -7.21682276 56.31459700 -0.14561116 -0.15287019 -0.15701509 +H 28.68477682 -6.59182276 56.67759700 0.33102850 -0.05378677 -0.13821878 +H 27.35942682 -5.45731776 56.26632700 -0.01500554 -0.08615931 -0.04121179 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.1173661601 label=CC chargeA=1 energyA=-6669.20645149176 chargeB=-1 energyB=-6220.48400518575 distance=6.887706811428899 pbc="T T T" +C 32.59000000 -10.26800000 58.76100000 -0.67547662 0.49796535 0.66590576 +C 31.01900000 -11.54600000 60.23100000 0.46521004 0.22648834 -0.37384505 +N 29.86200000 -11.49700000 60.84900000 -1.40736197 0.12035287 0.80438725 +N 31.29100000 -10.55900000 59.39400000 0.55668522 0.09258687 -0.69156763 +N 31.82000000 -12.58200000 60.45800000 0.31136931 -0.13106384 0.02447997 +H 29.30600000 -10.65300000 60.75300000 -0.35299860 -0.05510572 0.19301531 +H 29.60200000 -12.19700000 61.53200000 -0.19068326 0.02157441 0.04430828 +H 30.57700000 -9.82700000 59.36500000 0.18089925 0.14212448 -0.29102685 +H 32.67200000 -12.69900000 59.93600000 0.28439606 -0.22365073 -0.08737639 +H 31.49700000 -13.30000000 61.09500000 0.17777444 -0.31322752 0.04305616 +H 32.42700000 -9.97000000 57.72400000 0.01150713 0.00006915 -0.12186087 +H 33.27200000 -11.11900000 58.79900000 -0.02002494 -0.07333594 0.01365877 +H 32.99285000 -9.42516400 59.34181000 0.43975783 -0.03147117 -0.30989358 +C 27.46964091 -6.21413640 56.69232999 0.24398758 0.41570973 -0.62611045 +C 27.08964091 -6.16613640 58.15332999 -0.69450481 -0.01714453 -0.62155422 +O 27.70064091 -6.93113640 58.92032999 1.26904250 -1.23366099 1.32712521 +O 26.11164091 -5.45813640 58.46332999 -0.76948126 0.85136322 0.33848566 +H 26.92664091 -7.03813640 56.22332999 -0.14533983 -0.15216913 -0.15583608 +H 28.53564091 -6.41313640 56.58632999 0.33050273 -0.05443052 -0.13385341 +H 27.21029091 -5.27863140 56.17505999 -0.01526082 -0.08297435 -0.04149787 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.9246626702 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=3.7613583409405105 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.52452169 -0.28619317 0.72096010 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 2.21408214 2.18812285 -0.75915466 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 2.11413223 -1.98302672 2.53485071 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 -0.31893391 0.09595292 -0.18811490 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.04176507 0.11901159 -0.01327467 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.20824339 -0.20295969 0.07853017 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.23600879 -0.11427064 0.10019126 +C 9.28616557 17.04075360 21.75593517 0.01022189 -0.12868529 0.99347384 +C 8.54316557 16.94475360 24.13793517 0.94362085 -0.02263722 -1.95547121 +N 9.48016557 16.99175360 23.21193517 -4.76491835 0.16219278 -3.78728209 +N 7.24016557 16.97575360 23.84493517 -1.08905422 0.01892054 -0.14788854 +N 8.95616557 16.84975360 25.37793517 -1.26679211 -0.10628742 2.36376708 +H 10.43916557 16.97275360 23.55593517 1.83562408 0.22322149 0.42177608 +H 6.93016557 16.99275360 22.88193517 -0.03790231 0.01379012 0.18836515 +H 6.55916557 16.94475360 24.58693517 -0.20231265 0.01379429 -0.07250211 +H 9.96316557 16.79375360 25.50893517 0.79494405 -0.07357183 0.02776080 +H 8.29516557 16.74375360 26.13893517 0.12777807 0.02702250 -0.07874070 +H 8.24616557 17.20875360 21.47893517 -0.22676782 0.23887852 -0.26094684 +H 9.58716557 16.07675360 21.34093517 0.06292919 -0.20953657 -0.23925543 +H 9.93345657 17.81936360 21.32608517 -0.15814667 0.02626095 0.07295594 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.5346918468 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.008434058469108 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.45717832 -0.30604280 0.73336053 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 1.66946977 1.86026438 -0.88454898 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -0.81338486 -1.85076209 0.84621153 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 -0.19513729 0.28617674 -0.23703278 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.04877554 0.12391231 -0.00905760 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.22160478 -0.19708773 0.08591396 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.22814364 -0.10946904 0.08665593 +C 9.06558278 16.99637680 21.64696759 0.23083977 -0.14607193 0.87946333 +C 8.32258278 16.90037680 24.02896759 0.76661121 -0.04386949 -1.49594302 +N 9.25958278 16.94737680 23.10296759 -2.48404797 0.09573326 -2.43095769 +N 7.01958278 16.93137680 23.73596759 -0.92983502 0.02406594 -0.22286162 +N 8.73558278 16.80537680 25.26896759 -0.92892864 -0.11999976 1.89718002 +H 10.21858278 16.92837680 23.44696759 1.93394680 0.24604376 0.85246024 +H 6.70958278 16.94837680 22.77296759 -0.05777762 0.01691414 0.18881534 +H 6.33858278 16.90037680 24.47796759 -0.18649488 0.01245309 -0.06367508 +H 9.74258278 16.74937680 25.39996759 1.03561195 0.02643897 0.13224594 +H 8.07458278 16.69937680 26.02996759 0.20468454 0.02546569 -0.04866066 +H 8.02558278 17.16437680 21.36996759 -0.18146010 0.23442168 -0.15601577 +H 9.36658278 16.03237680 21.23196759 0.06194954 -0.19564380 -0.23116086 +H 9.71287378 17.77498680 21.21711759 -0.16739282 0.01705669 0.07760723 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.5274231876 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.255851334685677 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.40132950 -0.31446027 0.74982442 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 1.26542010 1.58882507 -0.97075617 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -1.96690723 -1.81005264 0.30919771 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 -0.09240703 0.45134851 -0.28006818 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.05565854 0.12994510 -0.00223809 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.23155387 -0.19346702 0.09088397 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.22145245 -0.10632285 0.07844984 +C 8.84500000 16.95200000 21.53800000 0.36092414 -0.15640932 0.77987018 +C 8.10200000 16.85600000 23.92000000 0.61176197 -0.05370538 -1.21445212 +N 9.03900000 16.90300000 22.99400000 -1.34600571 0.10282110 -1.80568371 +N 6.79900000 16.88700000 23.62700000 -0.79340257 0.02368493 -0.25965070 +N 8.51500000 16.76100000 25.16000000 -0.64408202 -0.12590001 1.62094082 +H 9.99800000 16.88400000 23.33800000 1.70755109 0.26043800 0.74690600 +H 6.48900000 16.90400000 22.66400000 -0.07036194 0.01965125 0.18574545 +H 6.11800000 16.85600000 24.36900000 -0.18206345 0.01110527 -0.05461514 +H 9.52200000 16.70500000 25.29100000 1.04864592 0.08905143 0.27528163 +H 7.85400000 16.65500000 25.92100000 0.26447430 0.02552964 -0.01551448 +H 7.80500000 17.12000000 21.26100000 -0.15696822 0.23294433 -0.09273930 +H 9.14600000 15.98800000 21.12300000 0.06102331 -0.18657038 -0.22259280 +H 9.49229100 17.73061000 21.10815000 -0.17493800 0.01154325 0.08121065 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12894.280031935 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.503553881387339 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.35575176 -0.31589437 0.76694120 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.95525929 1.35221535 -1.03847820 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -2.29128963 -1.76045920 0.18225512 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 -0.00507030 0.59766514 -0.31911878 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.06184794 0.13602021 0.00537219 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.23907087 -0.19129135 0.09412720 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.21582576 -0.10429758 0.07343542 +C 8.62441722 16.90762320 21.42903241 0.43728495 -0.16337958 0.69830249 +C 7.88141722 16.81162320 23.81103241 0.48126016 -0.05831989 -1.04739221 +N 8.81841722 16.85862320 22.88503241 -0.75736343 0.12568904 -1.51508035 +N 6.57841722 16.84262320 23.51803241 -0.67959141 0.02106224 -0.27391103 +N 8.29441722 16.71662320 25.05103241 -0.42916165 -0.12687640 1.46400579 +H 9.77741722 16.83962320 23.22903241 1.40546307 0.25034604 0.53613276 +H 6.26841722 16.85962320 22.55503241 -0.07861232 0.02166134 0.18113630 +H 5.89741722 16.81162320 24.26003241 -0.18333030 0.01006571 -0.04607384 +H 9.30141722 16.66062320 25.18203241 0.94051350 0.11892595 0.40858788 +H 7.63341722 16.61062320 25.81203241 0.30730104 0.02617990 0.01633883 +H 7.58441722 17.07562320 21.15203241 -0.14223176 0.23278413 -0.05381600 +H 8.92541722 15.94362320 21.01403241 0.05994826 -0.18056810 -0.21551611 +H 9.27170822 17.68623320 20.99918241 -0.18137227 0.00847143 0.08275133 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.9610992283 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.751497090066203 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.31869302 -0.31248010 0.78320767 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.71018168 1.13963358 -1.09219769 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -2.25709526 -1.69050868 0.19641113 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.07062387 0.72734557 -0.35525506 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.06746731 0.14181234 0.01316363 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.24491367 -0.19001164 0.09616522 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.21099152 -0.10297925 0.07020133 +C 8.40383443 16.86324640 21.32006483 0.48319671 -0.16876882 0.63280836 +C 7.66083443 16.76724640 23.70206483 0.36970116 -0.06073945 -0.94869559 +N 8.59783443 16.81424640 22.77606483 -0.43251767 0.14817694 -1.37459707 +N 6.35783443 16.79824640 23.40906483 -0.58448359 0.01785566 -0.27639383 +N 8.07383443 16.67224640 24.94206483 -0.27499824 -0.12486786 1.37605163 +H 9.55683443 16.79524640 23.12006483 1.12161120 0.22682018 0.33822668 +H 6.04783443 16.81524640 22.44606483 -0.08459904 0.02298974 0.17570959 +H 5.67683443 16.76724640 24.15106483 -0.18741804 0.00927191 -0.03797811 +H 9.08083443 16.61624640 25.07306483 0.78528118 0.12602404 0.51473331 +H 7.41283443 16.56624640 25.70306483 0.33636392 0.02683060 0.04507434 +H 7.36383443 17.03124640 21.04306483 -0.13226724 0.23318188 -0.02908268 +H 8.70483443 15.89924640 20.90506483 0.05871704 -0.17654692 -0.21013258 +H 9.05112543 17.64185640 20.89021483 -0.18697717 0.00696028 0.08257973 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.6417526352 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=4.999645142729246 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.28811898 -0.30568602 0.79825392 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.51062320 0.94459191 -1.13281032 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -2.08743016 -1.60679740 0.25293453 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.13685490 0.84193762 -0.38925819 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.07265372 0.14721934 0.02075202 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.24961557 -0.18922421 0.09726704 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.20655691 -0.10197987 0.06754006 +C 8.18325165 16.81886961 21.21109724 0.51198318 -0.17337082 0.58036133 +C 7.44025165 16.72286961 23.59309724 0.27233828 -0.06193547 -0.88954246 +N 8.37725165 16.76986961 22.66709724 -0.24015890 0.16707170 -1.30390492 +N 6.13725165 16.75386961 23.30009724 -0.50409794 0.01481735 -0.27340795 +N 7.85325165 16.62786961 24.83309724 -0.16654766 -0.12103506 1.32695728 +H 9.33625165 16.75086961 23.01109724 0.88659457 0.19894469 0.18147458 +H 5.82725165 16.77086961 22.33709724 -0.08964785 0.02370175 0.16945893 +H 5.45625165 16.72286961 24.04209724 -0.19305701 0.00855014 -0.02985300 +H 8.86025165 16.57186961 24.96409724 0.62652264 0.11967150 0.59125694 +H 7.19225165 16.52186961 25.59409724 0.35482764 0.02711708 0.07030344 +H 7.14325165 16.98686961 20.93409724 -0.12485611 0.23377607 -0.01275032 +H 8.48425165 15.85486961 20.79609724 0.05730635 -0.17382975 -0.20622745 +H 8.83054265 17.59747961 20.78124724 -0.19196235 0.00645945 0.08119454 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.3487761903 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.247968996564185 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.26214910 -0.29555882 0.81086678 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.34186037 0.75825628 -1.15724763 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -1.88051904 -1.51331328 0.31440509 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.19510784 0.94356250 -0.42263603 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.07766337 0.15218788 0.02817619 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.25343543 -0.18864217 0.09766410 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.20204296 -0.10081794 0.06426360 +C 7.96266886 16.77449281 21.10212966 0.53134956 -0.17766572 0.53829803 +C 7.21966886 16.67849281 23.48412966 0.18455214 -0.06057164 -0.85264148 +N 8.15666886 16.72549281 22.55812966 -0.11680591 0.18210251 -1.26840912 +N 5.91666886 16.70949281 23.19112966 -0.43434197 0.01216932 -0.26831748 +N 7.63266886 16.58349281 24.72412966 -0.08919987 -0.11582051 1.30018792 +H 9.11566886 16.70649281 22.90212966 0.70177637 0.17135634 0.06539813 +H 5.60666886 16.72649281 22.22812966 -0.09476899 0.02359951 0.16112187 +H 5.23566886 16.67849281 23.93312966 -0.20022341 0.00745750 -0.02026001 +H 8.63966886 16.52749281 24.85512966 0.48526670 0.10605556 0.64255380 +H 6.97166886 16.47749281 25.48512966 0.36461892 0.02660435 0.09258376 +H 6.92266886 16.94249281 20.82512966 -0.11906271 0.23433519 -0.00143067 +H 8.26366886 15.81049281 20.68712966 0.05569782 -0.17197901 -0.20355794 +H 8.60995986 17.55310281 20.67227966 -0.19630050 0.00668215 0.07898108 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12893.0896501194 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.496444811251947 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.23863500 -0.28001340 0.81897402 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.19187624 0.55994359 -1.14972697 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -1.66813568 -1.40103290 0.36259613 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.24473620 1.03550299 -0.46193218 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.08308216 0.15686928 0.03592068 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.25641209 -0.18791731 0.09729401 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.19654636 -0.09850820 0.05818435 +C 7.74208608 16.73011601 20.99316207 0.54694955 -0.18261069 0.50494457 +C 6.99908608 16.63411601 23.37516207 0.09704433 -0.04896869 -0.82700123 +N 7.93608608 16.68111601 22.44916207 -0.02368459 0.19196933 -1.25552057 +N 5.69608608 16.66511601 23.08216207 -0.37051152 0.00996477 -0.26284114 +N 7.41208608 16.53911601 24.61516207 -0.02700958 -0.10945606 1.28969508 +H 8.89508608 16.66211601 22.79316207 0.55455688 0.14546255 -0.02003825 +H 5.38608608 16.68211601 22.11916207 -0.10180087 0.02141181 0.14613025 +H 5.01508608 16.63411601 23.82416207 -0.21099944 0.00445347 -0.00511924 +H 8.41908608 16.48311601 24.74616207 0.36587270 0.08701041 0.67466966 +H 6.75108608 16.43311601 25.37616207 0.36538692 0.02420252 0.11322315 +H 6.70208608 16.89811601 20.71616207 -0.11519815 0.23460244 0.00709593 +H 8.04308608 15.76611601 20.57816207 0.05336809 -0.17049229 -0.20242199 +H 8.38937708 17.50872601 20.56331207 -0.19985670 0.00760640 0.07587373 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.8656952745 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.74505288404184 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.21841617 -0.25773311 0.81765747 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.06368914 0.33431113 -1.08389305 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -1.45620914 -1.25698468 0.38285305 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.27780293 1.11619368 -0.51722346 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.08908107 0.16152544 0.04447157 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.25855307 -0.18697689 0.09638655 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.18943276 -0.09461980 0.04862264 +C 7.52150329 16.68573921 20.88419448 0.56460656 -0.19020991 0.48159778 +C 6.77850329 16.58973921 23.26619448 -0.00253807 -0.01159939 -0.80686964 +N 7.71550329 16.63673921 22.34019448 0.07338768 0.19333257 -1.26744401 +N 5.47550329 16.62073921 22.97319448 -0.31713790 0.00911639 -0.25859072 +N 7.19150329 16.49473921 24.50619448 0.03874044 -0.10410267 1.30382415 +H 8.67450329 16.61773921 22.68419448 0.42772330 0.12144033 -0.08727429 +H 5.16550329 16.63773921 22.01019448 -0.11217448 0.01440414 0.12198086 +H 4.79450329 16.58973921 23.71519448 -0.22680930 -0.00335257 0.01716738 +H 8.19850329 16.43873921 24.63719448 0.25981863 0.06206905 0.69279918 +H 6.53050329 16.38873921 25.26719448 0.35828146 0.01810604 0.13237445 +H 6.48150329 16.85373921 20.60719448 -0.11472301 0.23436341 0.01432358 +H 7.82250329 15.72173921 20.46919448 0.04917858 -0.16859704 -0.20403341 +H 8.16879429 17.46434921 20.45434448 -0.20228754 0.00931389 0.07126991 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.6773656391 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=5.9937767370030866 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.17755875 -0.18954708 0.72681690 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 0.12093818 -0.05925948 -0.47097423 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -1.26513527 -1.01531755 0.20007969 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.23840123 1.22876233 -0.77880250 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.09707844 0.19379480 0.05660562 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.26455416 -0.19502315 0.08302623 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.14235947 -0.09265902 0.03773811 +C 7.30092051 16.64136241 20.77522690 0.62197895 -0.22450392 0.49211641 +C 6.55792051 16.54536241 23.15722690 -0.16883942 0.24378298 -0.77252562 +N 7.49492051 16.59236241 22.23122690 0.32085341 0.10585654 -1.41364654 +N 5.25492051 16.57636241 22.86422690 -0.34687004 -0.00326828 -0.27834801 +N 6.97092051 16.45036241 24.39722690 0.21696832 -0.14119585 1.45930807 +H 8.45392051 16.57336241 22.57522690 0.22136113 0.09804013 -0.15989885 +H 4.94492051 16.59336241 21.90122690 -0.13229592 -0.02571329 0.07775715 +H 4.57392051 16.54536241 23.60622690 -0.23688651 -0.04037733 0.06031952 +H 7.97792051 16.39436241 24.52822690 0.09671188 0.00322368 0.68294141 +H 6.30992051 16.34436241 25.15822690 0.31762238 0.00394836 0.10795693 +H 6.26092051 16.80936241 20.49822690 -0.13305450 0.23694503 0.03834569 +H 7.60192051 15.67736241 20.36022690 0.01212386 -0.13895713 -0.21175425 +H 7.94821151 17.41997241 20.34537690 -0.21031101 0.01146825 0.06293827 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.5157633701 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.242602554777832 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.19902086 -0.21962487 0.79759456 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 -0.07212314 -0.04678756 -0.86501817 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -1.10840021 -0.97359089 0.36308635 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.28353617 1.21417220 -0.64199958 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.09755719 0.16998956 0.05852058 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.26133120 -0.18608930 0.09462405 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.17708639 -0.08818795 0.03422642 +C 7.08033772 16.59698561 20.66625931 0.60250224 -0.21079416 0.46195515 +C 6.33733772 16.50098561 23.04825931 -0.19954284 0.10334833 -0.78388242 +N 7.27433772 16.54798561 22.12225931 0.28330326 0.18351434 -1.34550810 +N 5.03433772 16.53198561 22.75525931 -0.28067357 0.01214492 -0.25972692 +N 6.75033772 16.40598561 24.28825931 0.17517426 -0.10358347 1.40189714 +H 8.23333772 16.52898561 22.46625931 0.22866139 0.08124412 -0.18486193 +H 4.72433772 16.54898561 21.79225931 -0.13145976 -0.00628563 0.08230926 +H 4.35333772 16.50098561 23.49725931 -0.25482322 -0.02607318 0.05285152 +H 7.75733772 16.34998561 24.41925931 0.07905647 0.01324028 0.70439672 +H 6.08933772 16.29998561 25.04925931 0.34399691 0.00023920 0.15957650 +H 6.04033772 16.76498561 20.38925931 -0.11863734 0.23346324 0.02503616 +H 7.38133772 15.63298561 20.25125931 0.03751118 -0.16408846 -0.21421672 +H 7.72762872 17.37559561 20.23640931 -0.20503571 0.01374927 0.05913944 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.3810554246 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.49151858631955 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.20049264 -0.21222207 0.78578852 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 -0.08114254 -0.16115964 -0.76188208 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -0.98509251 -0.86818306 0.34591765 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.26454304 1.23176054 -0.69412000 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.09825999 0.17334000 0.06188686 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.26194532 -0.18634940 0.09387513 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.17371919 -0.08685246 0.03241141 +C 6.85975494 16.55260882 20.55729173 0.61783355 -0.22130036 0.45552224 +C 6.11675494 16.45660882 22.93929173 -0.28356764 0.16168982 -0.77976292 +N 7.05375494 16.50360882 22.01329173 0.36629609 0.17819733 -1.38439953 +N 4.81375494 16.48760882 22.64629173 -0.26694977 0.01236471 -0.26285313 +N 6.52975494 16.36160882 24.17929173 0.23442561 -0.10523413 1.45146182 +H 8.01275494 16.48460882 22.35729173 0.15921619 0.06282215 -0.21722171 +H 4.50375494 16.50460882 21.68329173 -0.13920475 -0.01489227 0.06483187 +H 4.13275494 16.45660882 23.38829173 -0.27045244 -0.03830225 0.07291924 +H 7.53675494 16.30560882 24.31029173 0.01014500 -0.00506237 0.70163248 +H 5.86875494 16.25560882 24.94029173 0.33376884 -0.00869694 0.17022065 +H 5.81975494 16.72060882 20.28029173 -0.12073234 0.23283155 0.02921484 +H 7.16075494 15.58860882 20.14229173 0.03197443 -0.16152666 -0.21925355 +H 7.50704594 17.33121882 20.12744173 -0.20449260 0.01677551 0.05381023 +20 +Lattice="30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-12892.2676780833 label=CC chargeA=-1 energyA=-6220.48891391419 chargeB=1 energyB=-6669.20926086133 distance=6.7405148650607 pbc="T T T" +C 12.98100000 17.69200000 25.94800000 -0.20465684 -0.20879396 0.77489349 +C 12.12100000 17.80500000 24.71700000 -0.07406187 -0.24280278 -0.67109250 +O 11.25200000 16.92500000 24.47100000 -0.88911534 -0.78339650 0.32763136 +O 12.41100000 18.73500000 23.94100000 0.24234614 1.23858709 -0.73741840 +H 13.24200000 18.68100000 26.32900000 0.09790387 0.17615115 0.06389835 +H 13.90100000 17.18800000 25.64900000 0.26225113 -0.18674535 0.09316017 +H 12.47004000 17.11600000 26.73359000 0.17139489 -0.08603439 0.03199290 +C 6.63917215 16.50823202 20.44832414 0.62928346 -0.23076605 0.44868090 +C 5.89617215 16.41223202 22.83032414 -0.35358521 0.21491756 -0.77655509 +N 6.83317215 16.45923202 21.90432414 0.42730570 0.17333066 -1.41507016 +N 4.59317215 16.44323202 22.53732414 -0.24885732 0.01007956 -0.26579087 +N 6.30917215 16.31723202 24.07032414 0.28102862 -0.10445439 1.48792934 +H 7.79217215 16.44023202 22.24832414 0.10759492 0.04630070 -0.23998216 +H 4.28317215 16.46023202 21.57432414 -0.14595726 -0.02196272 0.04750568 +H 3.91217215 16.41223202 23.27932414 -0.28573770 -0.04903540 0.09395175 +H 7.31617215 16.26123202 24.20132414 -0.03970395 -0.02142110 0.69643279 +H 5.64817215 16.21123202 24.83132414 0.32055445 -0.01705460 0.18072457 +H 5.59917215 16.67623202 20.17132414 -0.12215852 0.23214034 0.03270120 +H 6.94017215 15.54423202 20.03332414 0.02732817 -0.15908053 -0.22313365 +H 7.28646315 17.28684202 20.01847414 -0.20315733 0.02004071 0.04954034 diff --git a/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.py b/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e6c0e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.py @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +""" +LODE Tutorial +============= + +This tutorial explains how Long range equivariant descriptors can be constructed using +rascaline and the resulting descriptors be used to construct a linear model with +equisolve + +First, import all the necessary packages +""" + +# %% + +import numpy as np +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import ase.io + +from equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model import Ridge +from equisolve.utils.convert import ase_to_tensormap +import metatensor +from rascaline import AtomicComposition, LodeSphericalExpansion, SphericalExpansion +from rascaline.utils import PowerSpectrum + + +# %% Step 0: Prepare Data Set +# ------------------------ +# +# Get structures +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# We take a small subset of the dimer dataset from `A. Grisafi et al., +# 2021 `_ +# for which we additionally calculated the forces. Each structure in the +# dataset contains two small organic molecules which are extended along a +# certain direction in the subsequent structures. +# +# For speeding up the calculations we already selected the first 130 +# structures of the charge-charge structures. +# + +frames = ase.io.read("dataset/charge-charge.xyz", ":") + + +# %% Convert target properties to metatensor format +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# If we want to train models using the +# `equisolve `_ package, we need to +# convert the target properties (in this case, the energies and forces) +# into the appropriate format #justmetatensorthings +# + +y = ase_to_tensormap(frames, energy="energy", forces="forces") + + +# %% Step 1: Compute short-range (SR) and LODE features +# -------------------------------------------------- +# +# Define hypers and get the expansion coefficients :math:`\langle anlm | \rho_i \rangle` +# and :math:`\langle anlm | V_i \rangle` +# +# The short-range and long-range descriptors have very similar hyperparameters. We +# highlight the differences below. +# +# We first define the hyperparameters for the short-range part. These will be used to +# create SOAP features. +# + +SR_HYPERS = { + "cutoff": 3., + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 2, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {}}, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, +} + + +# %% And next the hyperparaters for the LODE / long-range (lr) part + + +LR_HYPERS = { + # Cutoff on which to project potential density + 'cutoff': 3., + # keep max_radial slightly smaller than for SR part + 'max_radial': 3, + # max_angular should be <= 4, more precisely, max_angular + potential_exponent < 10 + 'max_angular': 2, + # keep at >=1, WARNING: CUBIC SCALING, do not use values <0.5 + 'atomic_gaussian_width': 3., + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {}}, + # the exponent p that determines the 1/r^p potential + 'potential_exponent': 1, +} + + +# %% We then use the above defined hyperparaters to define the per atom short range (sr) +# and long range (sr) descriptors. + +calculator_sr = SphericalExpansion(**SR_HYPERS) +calculator_lr = LodeSphericalExpansion(**LR_HYPERS) + + +# %% Note that LODE requires periodic systems. Therefore, if the data set does not come +# with periodic boundary conditions by default you can not use the data set and you will +# face an error if you try to compute the features. +# +# As you notices the calculation of the long range features takes significant more time +# compared to the sr features. +# +# Taking a look at the output we find that the resulting :py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` +# are quite similar in their structure. The short range :py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` +# contains more blocks due to the higher ``max_angular`` paramater we choosed above. +# +# Generate the rotational invariants (power spectra) +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# Rotationally invariant features can be obtained by taking two of the calculators that +# were defines above. +# +# For the short-range part, we use the SOAP vector which is obtained by computing the +# invariant combinations of the form :math:`\rho \otimes \rho`. + +ps_calculator_sr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_sr) +ps_sr = ps_calculator_sr.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + +# %% We calculate gradients with respect to pistions by providing the +# ``gradients=["positions"]`` option to the +# :py:meth:`rascaline.calculators.CalculatorBase.compute()` method. + + +# %% For the long-range part, we combine the long-range descriptor :math:`V` with one a +# short-range density :math:`\rho` to get :math:`\rho \otimes V` features. + +ps_calculator_lr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_lr) +ps_lr = ps_calculator_lr.compute(systems=frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + +# %% Step 2: Building a Simple Linear SR + LR Model with energy baselining +# --------------------------------------------------------------------- +# +# Preprocessing (model dependent) +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# For our current model, we do not wish to treat the individual center and +# neighbor species separately. Thus, we move the ``"species_center"`` key +# into the ``sample`` direction, over which we will later sum over. + +ps_sr = ps_sr.keys_to_samples("species_center") +ps_lr = ps_lr.keys_to_samples("species_center") + + +# %% For linear models only: Sum features up over atoms (``samples``) in the same +# structure. +# + +samples_names_to_sum = ['center', 'species_center'] + +ps_sr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_sr, samples_names=samples_names_to_sum) +ps_lr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_lr, samples_names=samples_names_to_sum) + + +# %% Initialize tensormaps for energy baselining +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# We add a simple extra descriptor :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` that stores how +# many atoms of each chemical species are contained in the structures. +# This is used for energy baselining. +# + +calculator_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=False) +descriptor_co = calculator_co.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"]) + +co = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]) +co = metatensor.sum_over_samples(co, samples_names=['center']) + + +# %% +# +# The :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` calculator also allows to directly perform +# the the sum over center atoms by using the following lines. +# +# .. code:: python +# +# descriptor_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=True).compute(**compute_args) co = +# descriptor_co.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]) +# +# Stack all the features together for linear model +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# A linear model on SR + LR features can be thought of as a linear model +# built on a feature vector that is simply the concatenation of the SR and +# LR features. +# +# Furthermore, energy baselining can be performed by concatenating the +# information about chemical species as well. There is an metatensor +# function called :py:func:`metatensor.join()` for this purpose. Formally, we can write for +# the SR model +# +# X_sr: :math:`1 \oplus \left(\rho \otimes \rho\right)` + +X_sr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr], axis="properties") + + +# %% +# +# We used the ``axis="properties"`` parameter since we want to concatenate along the +# features/properties dimensions. +# +# For the long range model we can formerly write +# +# X_lr: :math:`1 \oplus \left(\rho \otimes \rho\right) \oplus \left(\rho \otimes +# V\right)` + +X_lr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr, ps_lr], axis="properties") + + +# %% +# +# The features are now ready! Let us now perform some actual learning. Below we +# initialize two instances of the :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` +# class. :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` will perform a regression +# with respect to ``"values"`` (energies) and ``"positions"`` gradients (forces). +# +# If you only want a fit with respect to energies you can remove the gradients with +# ``metatensor.remove_gradients()`` + +clf_sr = Ridge() +clf_lr = Ridge() + + +# %% +# +# Split training and target data into train and test dat +# ------------------------------------------------------ +# +# Split the training and the test data by the distance :math:`r_{\rm +# train}=6\,\mathrm{Å}` between the center of mass of the two molecules. A structure +# with a :math:`r_{\rm train}<6 {\rm Å}` is used for training. + +r_cut = 6.0 + + +# %% +# +# We calculate the indices from the dataset by list comprehension. The center of mass +# distance is stored in the ``"distance""`` attribute. + +idx_train = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info["distance"] < r_cut] +idx_test = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info["distance"] >= r_cut] + + +# %% +# +# For doing the split we define two ``Labels`` instances + +samples_train = metatensor.Labels(["structure"], np.reshape(idx_train, (-1, 1))) +samples_test = metatensor.Labels(["structure"], np.reshape(idx_test, (-1, 1))) + + +# %% +# +# That we use as input to the ``slice`` function + +X_sr_train = metatensor.slice(X_sr, axis="samples", labels=samples_train) +X_sr_test = metatensor.slice(X_sr, axis="samples", labels=samples_test) + +X_lr_train = metatensor.slice(X_lr, axis="samples", labels=samples_train) +X_lr_test = metatensor.slice(X_lr, axis="samples", labels=samples_test) + +y_train = metatensor.slice(y, axis="samples", labels=samples_train) +y_test = metatensor.slice(y, axis="samples", labels=samples_test) + + +# %% +# +# Fit the model +# ------------- +# +# For this model, we use a very simple regularization scheme where all features are +# regularized in the same way (the amount being controlled by the parameter alpha). For +# more advanced regularization schemes (regularizing energies and forces differently +# and/or the SR and LR parts differently), see further down. + +clf_sr.fit(X_sr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6) +clf_lr.fit(X_lr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6) + + +# %% +# +# Evaluation +# ---------- +# +# For evaluating the model we calculate the RMSEs using the ``score()`` method. With the +# ``parameter_key`` parameter we select which RMSE should be calculated. + +print( + "SR: RMSE energies = " + f"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV") +print( + "SR: RMSE forces = " + f"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å") + +print( + "LR: RMSE energies = " + f"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV") +print( + "LR: RMSE forces = " + f"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å") + + +# %% +# +# We find that the RMSE of the energy and the force of the LR model is smaller compared +# to the SR model. From this we conclude that the LR model performs better for the +# selection of the dataset. +# +# We additionally, can plot of the binding energy as a function of the distance. For the +# plot we select some properties from the dataset + +dist = np.array([f.info["distance"] for f in frames]) +energies = np.array([f.info["energy"] for f in frames]) +monomer_energies = np.array( + [f.info["energyA"] + f.info["energyB"] for f in frames]) + + +# %% +# +# and select only the indices corresponding to our test set. + + +# %% +# +# Next we calculate the predicted SR and LR ``TensorMaps``. + +y_sr_pred = clf_sr.predict(X_sr) +y_lr_pred = clf_lr.predict(X_lr) + + +# %% +# +# And, finally perform the plot. + +plt.scatter( + dist, + y.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="target data", + color="black") + +plt.scatter( + dist, + y_sr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="short range model", + marker="x") + +plt.scatter( + dist, + y_lr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="long range model", + marker="s", + facecolor="None", + edgecolor="orange") + +plt.xlabel("center of mass distance in Å") +plt.ylabel("$E - E_\mathrm{monomer}$ in eV") +plt.axvline(r_cut, c="red", label="$r_\mathrm{train}$") + +plt.legend() +plt.tight_layout() +plt.show() diff --git a/examples/mlp_models/README.rst b/examples/mlp_models/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..572a37d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/mlp_models/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Machine Learning Potentials +=========================== + diff --git a/examples/mlp_models/linear_model.py b/examples/mlp_models/linear_model.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f4b7647 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/mlp_models/linear_model.py @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# coding: utf-8 + +""" +MLP with Linear Model +===================== +""" +# %% +# + + +import numpy as np +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + +# %% +# Explanation + +X = np.random.rand(10000)*400 +Y = 0.1*X+10.1 +Y_p = Y + np.random.randn(10000)*1.5 diff --git a/examples/roy_gch/README.rst b/examples/roy_gch/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7326467d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/roy_gch/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Generalized Convex Hull analysis of the polymorphs of ROY +========================================================= + +This is an example of the construction of a generalized convex hull +based on SOAP figures, for a dataset containing known (and hypothetical) +polymorphs of 5-methyl-2-[(2-nitrophenyl)amino]-3-thiophenecabonitrile +(ROY). + +It showcases the use of ``rascaline`` to compute descriptors for a +database of atomic structures, and ``scikit-matter`` to compute the +convex hull. The structures are visualized using ``chemiscope`` widgets. diff --git a/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.py b/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..121c020c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.py @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +""" +Generalized Convex Hull construction for the polymorphs of ROY +============================================================== + +This notebook analyzes the structures of 264 polymorphs of ROY, from +`Beran et Al, Chemical Science +(2022) `__, comparing the +conventional density-energy convex hull with a Generalized Convex Hull +(GCH) analysis (see `Anelli et al., Phys. Rev. Materials +(2018) `__). +It uses features computed with `rascaline ` +and uses the directional convex hull function from +`scikit-matter ` +to make the figure. +""" +import matplotlib.tri as mtri +import numpy as np +from matplotlib import pyplot as plt +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA + +from skmatter.datasets import load_roy_dataset +from skmatter.sample_selection import DirectionalConvexHull + + +# %% +# Loads the structures (that also contain properties in the ``info`` +# field) +# + +roy_data = load_roy_dataset() + +structures = roy_data["structures"] + +density = np.array([s.info["density"] for s in structures]) +energy = np.array([s.info["energy"] for s in structures]) +structype = np.array([s.info["type"] for s in structures]) +iknown = np.where(structype == "known")[0] +iothers = np.where(structype != "known")[0] + + +# %% +# Energy-density hull +# =================== +# +# The Directional Convex Hull routines can be used to compute a +# conventional density-energy hull +# + +dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0]) +dch_builder.fit(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy) + + +# %% +# We can get the indices of the selection, and compute the distance from +# the hull +# + +sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_ +dch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy) + + +# %% +# Hull energies +# ------------- +# +# Structures on the hull are stable with respect to synthesis at constant +# molar volume. Any other structure would lower the energy by decomposing +# into a mixture of the two nearest structures along the hull. Given that +# the lattice energy is an imperfect proxy for the free energy, and that +# synthesis can be performed in other ways than by fixing the density, +# structures that are not exactly on the hull might also be stable. One +# can compute a “hull energy” as an indication of how close these +# structures are to being stable . +# + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +ax.scatter(density, energy, c=dch_dist, marker=".") +ssel = sel[np.argsort(density[sel])] +ax.plot(density[ssel], energy[ssel], "k--") +ax.set_xlabel("density / g/cm$^3$") +ax.set_ylabel("energy / kJ/mol") + +print( + f"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol" +) +print(f"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol") + + +# %% +# Interactive visualization +# ------------------------- +# +# You can also visualize the hull with ``chemiscope``. +# This runs only in a notebook, and +# requires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed. +# + +import chemiscope +if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + chemiscope.show( + structures, + dict( + energy=energy, density=density, + hull_energy=dch_dist, structure_type=structype + ), + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "density"}, + "y": {"property": "energy"}, + "color": {"property": "hull_energy"}, + "symbol": "structure_type", + "size": {"factor": 35}, + }, + "structure": [{"unitCell": True, "supercell": {"0": 2, "1": 2, "2": 2}}], + }, + ) + + + +# %% +# Generalized Convex Hull +# ======================= +# +# A GCH is a similar construction, in which generic structural descriptors +# are used in lieu of composition, density or other thermodynamic +# constraints. The idea is that configurations that are found close to the +# GCH are locally stable with respect to structurally-similar +# configurations. In other terms, one can hope to find a thermodynamic +# constraint (i.e. synthesis conditions) that act differently on these +# structures in comparison with the others, and may potentially stabilize +# them. +# + + +# %% +# Compute structural descriptors +# ------------------------------ +# +# A first step is to computes suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used +# ``rascaline`` to evaluate average SOAP features for the structures. +# If you don't want to install these dependencies for this example you +# can also use the pre-computed features, but you can use this as a stub +# to apply this analysis to other chemical systems +# + +from rascaline import SoapPowerSpectrum +from metatensor import mean_over_samples +hypers = { + "cutoff": 4, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 4, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.7, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {"accuracy": 1e-6}}, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0 +} +calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers) +rho2i = calculator.compute(structures) +rho2i=rho2i.keys_to_samples(['species_center']).keys_to_properties( + ['species_neighbor_1', 'species_neighbor_2']) +rho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, + samples_names=["center", "species_center"]) +np.savez("roy_features.npz", feats=rho2i_structure.block(0).values) + + +#features = roy_data["features"] +features = rho2i_structure.block(0).values + + +# %% +# PCA projection +# -------------- +# +# Computes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that +# reflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme +# could be used in a similar fashion. +# + +pca = PCA(n_components=4) +pca_features = pca.fit_transform(features) + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +scatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=energy) +ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") +ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") +cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) +cbar.set_label("energy / kJ/mol") + + +# %% +# Builds the Generalized Convex Hull +# ---------------------------------- +# +# Builds a convex hull on the first two PCA features +# + +dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0, 1]) +dch_builder.fit(pca_features, energy) +sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_ +dch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(pca_features, energy) + + +# %% +# Generates a 3D Plot +# + +triang = mtri.Triangulation(pca_features[sel, 0], pca_features[sel, 1]) +fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), tight_layout=True) +ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d") +ax.plot_trisurf(triang, energy[sel], color="gray") +ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], energy, c=dch_dist) +ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") +ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") +ax.set_zlabel("energy / kJ/mol\n \n", labelpad=11) +ax.view_init(25, 110) + + +# %% +# The GCH construction improves the separation between the hull energies +# of “known” and hypothetical polymorphs (compare with the density-energy +# values above) +# + +print( + f"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol" +) +print(f"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol") + + +# %% +# Visualize in ``chemiscope``. This runs only in a notebook, and +# requires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed. +# + +import chemiscope +for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pca_features[i])): + f.info["pca_" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j] +structure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures) +structure_properties.update({"per_atom_energy": energy, "hull_energy": dch_dist}) + +# shows chemiscope if not run in terminal +if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + chemiscope.show( + frames=structures, + properties=structure_properties, + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "pca_1"}, + "y": {"property": "pca_2"}, + "z": {"property": "energy"}, + "symbol": "type", + "symbol": "type", + "color": {"property": "hull_energy"}, + "size": {"factor": 35, "mode": "linear", + "property": "", "reverse": True}, + }, + "structure": [ + { + "bonds": True, + "unitCell": True, + "keepOrientation": True, + } + ], + }, + ) diff --git a/examples/sample_selection/README.rst b/examples/sample_selection/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7462e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sample_selection/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Sample Selection +================ + diff --git a/examples/sample_selection/dataset/input-fps.xyz b/examples/sample_selection/dataset/input-fps.xyz new file mode 100755 index 00000000..94414eca --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sample_selection/dataset/input-fps.xyz @@ -0,0 +1,21000 @@ +40 +Lattice="7.77345020413335 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.037141181957962 0.0 0.0 0.06848409629841481 8.036838017400001" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.075045239035 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90123036 0.13396764 8.02872953 -0.01778406 -0.22361167 -0.10579164 +Ba 3.87825049 0.05835063 4.01542001 0.04901063 0.11108374 -0.05085102 +Ba 3.88220018 4.05428027 0.00212759 0.18164047 0.00436008 -0.27661959 +Ba 3.86373979 4.07895009 3.99807978 0.20534964 0.04347067 0.17126658 +Ba 0.00873036 0.12886670 8.02188112 0.00341031 -0.26996069 -0.02343895 +Ba 7.75912995 0.06117861 3.99750998 0.20647372 0.01524150 -0.03002097 +Ba 0.00144975 4.06557043 0.01162131 -0.02495590 0.01200988 -0.20849641 +Ba 7.74926622 4.10588043 4.00892996 0.22716828 -0.04697971 -0.00722943 +Ti 1.95243028 2.14688003 2.04345039 -0.08341019 -0.52217331 -0.12731691 +Ti 1.91425020 2.12886972 6.06698044 0.52843420 0.19241879 0.05825786 +Ti 1.94607004 6.15453048 2.04565027 -0.10324470 -0.12206621 0.06024069 +Ti 1.94553989 6.17001985 6.08354022 0.11433104 -0.06445447 -0.15279938 +Ti 5.84590041 2.11760988 2.04187004 -0.07081898 0.10397207 0.11480181 +Ti 5.83860036 2.14715987 6.05982031 -0.41242860 0.24951039 -0.11325967 +Ti 5.83034029 6.15982031 2.04468015 0.07300287 -0.31499176 -0.15875174 +Ti 5.83913051 6.17473989 6.06197978 -0.15886435 -0.36628681 0.30190922 +O 1.93391004 2.02894979 3.88722027 -0.00362526 -0.02727786 0.28611313 +O 1.96907013 2.02930038 7.93148056 -0.13299314 0.21653291 -0.06932645 +O 1.96671011 6.05991049 3.92438980 -0.01654659 -0.05013831 -0.09582939 +O 1.93849015 6.05834025 7.93594019 0.14960658 0.15014754 0.10171156 +O 5.81201049 2.04852023 3.91200048 0.25850488 -0.16984373 -0.12868551 +O 5.85445042 2.05566014 7.91500007 -0.10673909 0.02243570 0.20580524 +O 5.83061003 6.04643987 3.92386043 0.06251920 0.06814452 -0.07280850 +O 5.85451028 6.07896010 7.94585989 -0.00565874 0.02085190 -0.02174073 +O 1.96320040 3.97639030 1.93278988 0.02245062 0.32424362 0.07202328 +O 1.91352028 3.99958005 5.98986004 0.07535929 0.03750057 -0.14128700 +O 1.92405019 7.98047040 1.92664030 0.14447466 0.16980259 0.10901760 +O 2.00129030 8.04718992 5.98815999 -0.12164095 -0.24655388 -0.10788837 +O 5.86223009 3.97664993 1.94330036 -0.26913845 -0.06593851 0.02653044 +O 5.88424994 4.00876982 5.97561986 -0.00137297 -0.10221215 -0.04604743 +O 5.85930028 8.00873000 1.94128004 -0.01255881 0.14211696 0.10689233 +O 5.83280992 8.00979030 5.98740052 -0.04644878 0.41660587 -0.19836909 +O 7.77319446 2.00523999 1.87875041 -0.06612517 -0.05657944 0.24429105 +O 0.03313511 1.95718996 5.90986035 -0.33734236 0.15530980 0.08686935 +O 0.02994722 6.00302982 1.93829037 -0.16284313 0.00073431 0.02465071 +O 0.01850003 6.07656044 5.94724054 0.09331433 -0.06125345 -0.09053317 +O 3.86695022 1.95506004 1.91919023 0.44120516 0.18857011 -0.02095938 +O 3.91631008 2.04054001 5.91016041 -0.07227602 -0.02438691 0.13251054 +O 3.93054015 6.02787998 1.90629019 -0.37682551 -0.05104874 0.08989785 +O 3.91141047 5.99073999 5.94634038 -0.23261336 0.14069411 0.05526149 +40 +Lattice="7.955584598 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955584598 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955584598" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216246470478 stress="0.00019373125680708432 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00019373125680708432 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00019373125680708432" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98910859 1.98910859 1.98910859 -0.00453491 -0.00453491 -0.00453491 +Ba 5.96647601 5.96647601 1.98910859 0.00453491 0.00453491 -0.00453491 +Ba 5.96647601 1.98910859 5.96647601 0.00453491 -0.00453491 0.00453491 +Ba 1.98910859 5.96647601 5.96647601 -0.00453491 0.00453491 0.00453491 +Ba 5.96635125 1.98923335 1.98923335 0.00529442 -0.00529442 -0.00529442 +Ba 1.98923335 5.96635125 1.98923335 -0.00529442 0.00529442 -0.00529442 +Ba 1.98923335 1.98923335 5.96635125 -0.00529442 -0.00529442 0.00529442 +Ba 5.96635125 5.96635125 5.96635125 0.00529442 0.00529442 0.00529442 +Ti 3.97779230 3.97779230 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97779230 0.00000000 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97779230 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97779230 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97779230 3.97779230 1.98869460 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00684659 +O 3.97779230 3.97779230 5.96688999 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00684659 +O 3.97779230 1.98869460 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00684659 0.00000000 +O 3.97779230 5.96688999 3.97779230 0.00000000 -0.00684659 0.00000000 +O 1.98869460 3.97779230 3.97779230 0.00684659 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96688999 3.97779230 3.97779230 -0.00684659 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97779230 1.98890518 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00369133 +O 0.00000000 3.97779230 5.96667941 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00369133 +O 3.97779230 1.98890518 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00369133 0.00000000 +O 3.97779230 5.96667941 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00369133 0.00000000 +O 1.98890518 0.00000000 3.97779230 0.00369133 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96667941 0.00000000 3.97779230 -0.00369133 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97779230 0.00000000 1.98857966 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00661313 +O 3.97779230 0.00000000 5.96700494 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00661313 +O 0.00000000 1.98857966 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00661313 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96700494 3.97779230 0.00000000 -0.00661313 0.00000000 +O 1.98857966 3.97779230 0.00000000 0.00661313 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96700494 3.97779230 0.00000000 -0.00661313 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98860299 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00956270 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96698161 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00956270 +O 0.00000000 1.98860299 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00956270 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96698161 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00956270 0.00000000 +O 1.98860299 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00956270 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96698161 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00956270 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.95538979520063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95538979520063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95538979520063" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29609.225180711834 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90274001 3.87650950 0.04940377 1.09319681 0.56385809 0.77253140 +Ba 4.01421014 0.06290486 4.07315958 0.10864608 0.07043563 -1.69571118 +Ba 0.05466785 4.14643985 3.74971013 -1.36227021 -3.20748179 3.17479921 +Ba 7.95281782 7.86557901 4.05011997 -0.39018085 1.02442906 -1.07559195 +Ba 0.11002861 3.95406023 7.90043794 -2.12268914 0.96044150 -0.30817937 +Ba 3.98534957 7.87381523 0.10365316 0.11622466 0.28661938 0.09640840 +Ba 3.95924953 4.03140014 4.03240014 1.00120351 -0.26539107 -1.21066897 +Ba 7.87556382 0.00847885 0.03499496 1.03548789 0.38240480 -0.77018475 +Ti 6.05777953 1.94806017 2.04934978 -0.03007522 0.40083421 -0.71273679 +Ti 2.01594987 5.94940962 1.79505018 0.43775345 1.36620092 1.31604949 +Ti 1.93725993 1.96392958 6.06845964 -0.82892186 0.22021884 -0.17354046 +Ti 5.91852998 6.08925026 5.89348959 1.02192635 -1.87794480 -1.05901888 +Ti 2.04908009 5.88301950 5.78728991 -0.57423661 1.25287569 0.37304367 +Ti 5.84057989 2.06346025 6.15168018 2.12017332 0.36029923 0.37252559 +Ti 6.11619993 5.91879967 1.81245975 -2.21903995 0.04654005 1.53757368 +Ti 1.98302967 2.05164968 2.10963970 -0.18423034 -1.15552010 -0.54932725 +O 1.86377997 2.02591002 3.93784953 0.48743411 1.15553501 0.28096013 +O 6.04071999 1.86895018 3.82613995 -1.23061148 0.55256349 2.64474624 +O 2.00842964 5.79753009 3.92231982 0.52055429 0.77673489 0.84118679 +O 5.90525959 6.02863973 3.93949948 0.09358507 -0.40534110 0.48016920 +O 1.94732986 3.94591948 1.88579969 0.62813207 0.45389792 0.29158418 +O 2.30291033 4.15457981 6.11055956 -1.41974285 -0.97930311 -1.13612318 +O 5.83705008 3.88895968 1.73320020 1.24998217 0.21585054 1.44305659 +O 5.69346007 4.06611985 5.98950956 0.45207475 -2.17883612 0.11155888 +O 3.82519008 1.85111022 1.93171025 0.13074548 0.45225525 0.24094759 +O 4.16327982 5.92805019 2.05548020 -1.68631946 0.23873644 -0.99455233 +O 3.90402003 1.89586963 6.23232953 0.51274713 0.16390140 -1.01943315 +O 3.91780991 6.28043975 5.86827021 -0.71082261 -0.89285620 0.85659670 +O 6.05585989 5.85183995 7.95340095 -0.14302378 0.92323249 -0.46976703 +O 1.81275967 6.17259012 7.91189768 0.86183661 -1.06910763 -0.17545362 +O 5.97964010 1.82818994 0.10020529 -0.98387762 0.87316412 -2.99225500 +O 1.72185979 2.24787017 7.92252767 1.72021894 -2.41112707 -0.51523750 +O 6.09497018 7.86337378 5.99399958 -1.22138250 2.07128353 0.22222045 +O 6.22723013 0.00233172 1.84495990 -1.40786256 -1.82954610 0.65166898 +O 1.95520967 0.26902105 5.63334994 -0.06710296 -1.99173772 1.71440028 +O 1.99805024 7.85667932 1.96141010 -0.29559150 -0.22946916 0.28862124 +O 7.82068516 5.93915989 5.75546994 1.90012108 -0.59359907 1.03936717 +O 7.78882303 1.94634976 6.08608003 0.29770495 0.95905722 -0.63748240 +O 0.09291895 5.72186001 2.19581010 -0.43484554 2.56289491 -3.09333535 +O 7.88909992 1.91589016 1.99305028 1.52307858 0.75299538 -0.16141617 +40 +Lattice="7.955037176 1e-09 1e-09 1e-09 7.955037176 1e-09 1e-09 1e-09 7.955037176" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21656198647 stress="-4.1317092683975326e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.1317092683975326e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.1317092683975326e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98875929 1.98875929 5.96627788 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875929 5.96627788 1.98875929 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 1.98875929 1.98875929 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 5.96627788 1.98875930 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 1.98875930 5.96627788 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875930 5.96627788 5.96627788 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875929 1.98875929 1.98875929 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 5.96627788 5.96627788 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 3.97751859 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97751859 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 0.00000000 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97614721 3.97909298 1.98877753 0.00240347 -0.00497123 -0.00059701 +O 0.00137138 3.97909298 1.98874087 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 0.00059984 +O 3.97614721 -0.00157440 1.98874113 0.00240347 0.00497123 0.00059778 +O 0.00137138 -0.00157439 1.98877754 -0.00240347 0.00497123 -0.00059675 +O 3.97909298 1.98877753 3.97614721 -0.00497123 -0.00059701 0.00240347 +O 3.97909298 1.98874087 0.00137138 -0.00497123 0.00059984 -0.00240347 +O -0.00157440 1.98874113 3.97614721 0.00497123 0.00059778 0.00240347 +O -0.00157439 1.98877754 0.00137138 0.00497123 -0.00059675 -0.00240347 +O 1.98877753 3.97614721 3.97909298 -0.00059701 0.00240347 -0.00497123 +O 1.98874087 0.00137138 3.97909298 0.00059984 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 +O 1.98874113 3.97614721 -0.00157440 0.00059778 0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 1.98877754 0.00137138 -0.00157439 -0.00059675 -0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 3.97888997 3.97594419 5.96625965 -0.00240347 0.00497123 0.00059701 +O -0.00137137 3.97594420 5.96629631 0.00240347 0.00497123 -0.00059984 +O 3.97888997 0.00157440 5.96629605 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 -0.00059778 +O -0.00137137 0.00157439 5.96625963 0.00240347 -0.00497123 0.00059675 +O 3.97594419 5.96625965 3.97888997 0.00497123 0.00059701 -0.00240347 +O 3.97594420 5.96629631 -0.00137137 0.00497123 -0.00059984 0.00240347 +O 0.00157440 5.96629605 3.97888997 -0.00497123 -0.00059778 -0.00240347 +O 0.00157439 5.96625963 -0.00137137 -0.00497123 0.00059675 0.00240347 +O 5.96625965 3.97888997 3.97594419 0.00059701 -0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 5.96629631 -0.00137137 3.97594420 -0.00059984 0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 5.96629605 3.97888997 0.00157440 -0.00059778 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 +O 5.96625963 -0.00137137 0.00157439 0.00059675 0.00240347 -0.00497123 +40 +Lattice="7.95934396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95934396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95934396" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.708052107682 stress="0.000768497923921941 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000768497923921941 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000768497923921941" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98983599 -1.98983599 1.98983599 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 -1.98983599 -1.98983599 0.00000103 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ba -1.98983599 1.98983599 -1.98983599 -0.00000103 0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 1.98983599 1.98983599 0.00000103 0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 1.98983599 -1.98983599 0.00000103 0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ba -1.98983599 1.98983599 1.98983599 -0.00000103 0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 -1.98983599 1.98983599 0.00000103 -0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba -1.98983599 -1.98983599 -1.98983599 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 3.97967198 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 0.00000000 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97967198 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97967198 0.07644721 1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 4.05611919 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 -0.07644721 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000051 +O 3.97967198 3.90322478 -1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 -0.00000026 +O 0.07644721 1.98983599 3.97967198 -0.55212821 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.05611919 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O -0.07644721 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 3.90322478 -1.98983599 3.97967198 0.55212821 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98983599 3.97967198 0.07644721 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 0.00000000 4.05611919 -0.00000026 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +O 1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.07644721 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 3.97967198 3.90322478 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O 0.00000000 3.90322477 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000026 +O 3.97967198 -0.07644721 -1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000000 +O 3.97967198 4.05611918 1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 0.07644721 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000051 +O 3.90322477 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O -0.07644721 -1.98983599 3.97967198 0.55212821 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.05611918 1.98983599 3.97967198 -0.55212821 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.07644721 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 1.98983599 0.00000000 3.90322477 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 3.97967198 -0.07644721 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O 1.98983599 3.97967198 4.05611918 0.00000026 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 0.00000000 0.07644721 -0.00000051 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +40 +Lattice="7.826749990913134 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.826749990913134 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.21019029971796" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.047884604395 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97329977 1.92648016 0.00797546 -0.09235145 0.23208166 0.08234601 +Ba 1.95346992 1.96850980 4.10350006 0.01787739 -0.09874990 -0.03598156 +Ba 1.95072038 5.88186993 8.20279089 0.02469519 -0.08881927 0.15627859 +Ba 1.95622024 5.85875988 4.12412981 -0.01952161 0.09385941 -0.13511636 +Ba 5.85924984 1.96670026 0.00432506 0.05907135 -0.15285723 0.10860443 +Ba 5.85466962 1.97915027 4.12501971 0.12521658 -0.29134918 -0.16519312 +Ba 5.87727015 5.86059995 0.00408243 -0.04699977 0.19464125 0.08025364 +Ba 5.87625032 5.86081988 4.14212977 -0.02321809 0.13354156 -0.19097974 +Ti 0.01725720 7.78907123 2.15724014 -0.19709845 0.36417954 -0.43622313 +Ti 7.80490162 0.02256217 6.24176033 0.02629699 -0.28398400 -0.33198495 +Ti 0.00953063 3.89065003 2.13530019 0.02955586 -0.16228855 0.01956867 +Ti 7.81695012 3.90743997 6.26327998 0.00184965 0.19297826 -0.81713438 +Ti 3.92739975 0.00556638 2.12119013 0.02216085 -0.12123934 -0.03485773 +Ti 3.88982978 7.81688985 6.23724038 0.15124206 0.12566627 -0.16432717 +Ti 3.93083961 3.92413991 2.14996987 -0.12074389 0.04052573 -0.40602604 +Ti 3.89338000 3.91473998 6.24398000 0.14033364 -0.11259632 -0.38261769 +O 0.01843982 1.97346022 1.96818969 -0.07107532 0.05487248 -0.01738709 +O 1.97583016 0.02672992 1.91906979 -0.09072112 -0.03826367 0.18410590 +O 0.00637019 7.81414031 3.96004982 0.05538516 0.13833152 0.38868626 +O 0.01086353 1.95052002 6.05081033 -0.07304273 0.05998641 0.12723824 +O 1.95680020 0.01807197 6.04122021 -0.07924500 -0.09557973 0.18810756 +O 7.81357992 0.00212027 8.05423996 0.09456749 0.00643804 0.04784797 +O 0.01887029 5.88896018 1.98917008 -0.01798127 -0.21244845 -0.21111765 +O 1.95270994 3.91660979 1.96491028 0.16645322 0.06303548 -0.00806889 +O 7.79784346 3.91597974 3.95487008 0.13842459 -0.03102036 0.03149833 +O 7.82674060 5.87275020 6.04258989 -0.06170956 -0.10154392 0.28657670 +O 1.94342037 3.92688005 6.03611012 0.15842623 -0.14217018 0.19527991 +O 0.01249071 3.90043973 8.06144996 -0.07122881 0.07937767 0.36245304 +O 3.93858965 1.97584973 1.96671983 -0.08372926 0.00875178 -0.09431295 +O 5.91078977 0.02420970 1.95846026 -0.39037008 -0.11751098 -0.02538424 +O 3.90692027 0.00394233 3.93575011 0.03250363 0.02250589 0.29514439 +O 3.91812035 1.95417981 6.07633023 -0.15227101 0.07953219 0.03171353 +O 5.84326996 7.82022561 6.06728016 0.32949253 0.05831596 -0.02217499 +O 3.91203036 7.79539133 8.06459005 0.02165383 0.17314246 0.06970955 +O 3.90078019 5.89189991 1.96524996 0.12216802 -0.20148373 -0.03571956 +O 5.86061013 3.93639034 1.94225027 0.13072131 0.01933855 0.02444553 +O 3.94336006 3.92089963 3.95950038 -0.18672380 0.00299482 0.23937408 +O 3.89447026 5.86984021 6.06357028 0.08865986 -0.07613911 -0.01249428 +O 5.86825999 3.87615019 6.04238013 0.08534777 0.26237876 0.27516486 +O 3.93842999 3.93590977 8.04505996 -0.24407174 -0.07843202 0.33270486 +40 +Lattice="7.955677667601975 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955677667601975 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955677667601975" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216167557464 stress="0.00022953940379986294 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00022953940379986294 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00022953940379986294" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97783883 3.97783883 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97783883 0.00000000 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97783883 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97783883 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97783883 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96641775 1.98925992 1.98925992 0.01086291 -0.01086291 -0.01086291 +Ti 1.98925992 5.96641775 1.98925992 -0.01086291 0.01086291 -0.01086291 +Ti 5.96641775 5.96641775 5.96641775 0.01086291 0.01086291 0.01086291 +Ti 1.98925992 1.98925992 5.96641775 -0.01086291 -0.01086291 0.01086291 +Ti 1.98925992 5.96641775 5.96641775 -0.01086291 0.01086291 0.01086291 +Ti 5.96641775 1.98925992 5.96641775 0.01086291 -0.01086291 0.01086291 +Ti 5.96641775 5.96641775 1.98925992 0.01086291 0.01086291 -0.01086291 +Ti 1.98925992 1.98925992 1.98925992 -0.01086291 -0.01086291 -0.01086291 +O 5.96844645 5.96844645 3.97783883 -0.02351094 -0.02351094 0.00000000 +O 1.98723122 5.96844645 3.97783883 0.02351094 -0.02351094 0.00000000 +O 5.96844645 1.98723122 3.97783883 -0.02351094 0.02351094 0.00000000 +O 1.98723122 1.98723122 3.97783883 0.02351094 0.02351094 0.00000000 +O 5.96844645 3.97783883 5.96844645 -0.02351094 0.00000000 -0.02351094 +O 5.96844645 3.97783883 1.98723122 -0.02351094 0.00000000 0.02351094 +O 1.98723122 3.97783883 5.96844645 0.02351094 0.00000000 -0.02351094 +O 1.98723122 3.97783883 1.98723122 0.02351094 0.00000000 0.02351094 +O 3.97783883 5.96844645 5.96844645 0.00000000 -0.02351094 -0.02351094 +O 3.97783883 1.98723122 5.96844645 0.00000000 0.02351094 -0.02351094 +O 3.97783883 5.96844645 1.98723122 0.00000000 -0.02351094 0.02351094 +O 3.97783883 1.98723122 1.98723122 0.00000000 0.02351094 0.02351094 +O 5.96515757 5.96515757 0.00000000 0.01787122 0.01787122 0.00000000 +O 1.99052010 5.96515757 0.00000000 -0.01787122 0.01787122 0.00000000 +O 5.96515757 1.99052010 0.00000000 0.01787122 -0.01787122 0.00000000 +O 1.99052010 1.99052010 0.00000000 -0.01787122 -0.01787122 0.00000000 +O 5.96515757 0.00000000 5.96515757 0.01787122 0.00000000 0.01787122 +O 5.96515757 0.00000000 1.99052010 0.01787122 0.00000000 -0.01787122 +O 1.99052010 0.00000000 5.96515757 -0.01787122 0.00000000 0.01787122 +O 1.99052010 0.00000000 1.99052010 -0.01787122 0.00000000 -0.01787122 +O 0.00000000 5.96515757 5.96515757 0.00000000 0.01787122 0.01787122 +O 0.00000000 1.99052010 5.96515757 0.00000000 -0.01787122 0.01787122 +O 0.00000000 5.96515757 1.99052010 0.00000000 0.01787122 -0.01787122 +O 0.00000000 1.99052010 1.99052010 0.00000000 -0.01787122 -0.01787122 +40 +Lattice="7.96111266 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.96111266 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.96111266" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.440349778575 stress="0.0006638279557892036 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0006638279557892036 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0006638279557892036" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98055633 3.98055633 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98055633 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98055633 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98055633 0.00000000 3.98055633 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.92298142 6.03813124 2.05757491 0.26642285 -0.26642285 -0.26642285 +Ti 2.05757491 1.92298142 6.03813124 -0.26642285 0.26642285 -0.26642285 +Ti 6.03813124 2.05757491 1.92298142 -0.26642285 -0.26642285 0.26642285 +Ti 5.90353775 5.90353775 5.90353775 0.26642285 0.26642285 0.26642285 +Ti 6.03813124 1.92298142 5.90353775 -0.26642285 0.26642285 0.26642285 +Ti 5.90353775 6.03813124 1.92298142 0.26642285 -0.26642285 0.26642285 +Ti 1.92298142 5.90353775 6.03813124 0.26642285 0.26642285 -0.26642285 +Ti 2.05757491 2.05757491 2.05757491 -0.26642285 -0.26642285 -0.26642285 +O 6.04999166 2.03426554 3.91884337 -0.18101955 -0.34567582 0.29789033 +O 1.91112100 6.01482187 0.06171296 0.18101955 -0.34567582 -0.29789033 +O 2.06943533 1.94629078 4.04226929 -0.18101955 0.34567582 -0.29789033 +O 5.89167733 5.92684712 -0.06171296 0.18101955 0.34567582 0.29789033 +O 2.03426554 3.91884337 6.04999166 -0.34567582 0.29789033 -0.18101955 +O 6.01482187 0.06171296 1.91112100 -0.34567582 -0.29789033 0.18101955 +O 1.94629078 4.04226929 2.06943533 0.34567582 -0.29789033 -0.18101955 +O 5.92684712 -0.06171296 5.89167733 0.34567582 0.29789033 0.18101955 +O 3.91884337 6.04999166 2.03426554 0.29789033 -0.18101955 -0.34567582 +O 0.06171296 1.91112100 6.01482187 -0.29789033 0.18101955 -0.34567582 +O 4.04226929 2.06943533 1.94629078 -0.29789033 -0.18101955 0.34567582 +O -0.06171296 5.89167733 5.92684712 0.29789033 0.18101955 0.34567582 +O 1.91112100 5.92684712 4.04226929 0.18101955 0.34567582 -0.29789033 +O 6.04999166 1.94629078 -0.06171296 -0.18101955 0.34567582 0.29789033 +O 5.89167733 6.01482187 3.91884337 0.18101955 -0.34567582 0.29789033 +O 2.06943533 2.03426554 0.06171296 -0.18101955 -0.34567582 -0.29789033 +O 5.92684712 4.04226929 1.91112100 0.34567582 -0.29789033 0.18101955 +O 1.94629078 -0.06171296 6.04999166 0.34567582 0.29789033 -0.18101955 +O 6.01482187 3.91884337 5.89167733 -0.34567582 0.29789033 0.18101955 +O 2.03426554 0.06171296 2.06943533 -0.34567582 -0.29789033 -0.18101955 +O 4.04226929 1.91112100 5.92684712 -0.29789033 0.18101955 0.34567582 +O -0.06171296 6.04999166 1.94629078 0.29789033 -0.18101955 0.34567582 +O 3.91884337 5.89167733 6.01482187 0.29789033 0.18101955 -0.34567582 +O 0.06171296 2.06943533 2.03426554 -0.29789033 -0.18101955 -0.34567582 +40 +Lattice="7.983405415 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983405415 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983405415" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.31043554642 stress="-0.00014598706081671281 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014598706081671281 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014598706081671281" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 3.99170271 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99170271 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 0.00000000 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.05479633 5.92860909 1.93690638 0.00054379 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 +Ti 1.93690638 2.05479633 5.92860909 -0.00054379 0.00054379 -0.00054379 +Ti 5.92860909 1.93690638 2.05479633 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 6.04649904 6.04649904 6.04649904 0.00054379 0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 5.92860909 2.05479633 6.04649904 -0.00054379 0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 6.04649904 5.92860909 2.05479633 0.00054379 -0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 2.05479633 6.04649904 5.92860909 0.00054379 0.00054379 -0.00054379 +Ti 1.93690638 1.93690638 1.93690638 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 +O 6.01185469 1.99489320 3.95036504 -0.00428551 0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 1.97155073 5.98659591 0.04133767 0.00428551 0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 2.02015198 1.99680951 4.03304037 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 5.96325344 5.98851221 -0.04133767 0.00428551 -0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 1.99489320 3.95036504 6.01185469 0.00664656 0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 5.98659591 0.04133767 1.97155073 0.00664656 -0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 1.99680951 4.03304037 2.02015198 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 5.98851221 -0.04133767 5.96325344 -0.00664656 0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 3.95036504 6.01185469 1.99489320 0.00171004 -0.00428551 0.00664656 +O 0.04133767 1.97155073 5.98659591 -0.00171004 0.00428551 0.00664656 +O 4.03304037 2.02015198 1.99680951 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O -0.04133767 5.96325344 5.98851221 0.00171004 0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O 1.97155073 5.98851221 4.03304037 0.00428551 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 6.01185469 1.99680951 -0.04133767 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 5.96325344 5.98659591 3.95036504 0.00428551 0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 2.02015198 1.99489320 0.04133767 -0.00428551 0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 5.98851221 4.03304037 1.97155073 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 1.99680951 -0.04133767 6.01185469 -0.00664656 0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 5.98659591 3.95036504 5.96325344 0.00664656 0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 1.99489320 0.04133767 2.02015198 0.00664656 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 4.03304037 1.97155073 5.98851221 -0.00171004 0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O -0.04133767 6.01185469 1.99680951 0.00171004 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O 3.95036504 5.96325344 5.98659591 0.00171004 0.00428551 0.00664656 +O 0.04133767 2.02015198 1.99489320 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 0.00664656 +40 +Lattice="7.954470316 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954470316 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954470316" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.20648425046 stress="-0.00033329121431740095 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00033329121431740095 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00033329121431740095" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98861758 1.98861758 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98861758 5.96585274 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 1.98861758 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 5.96585274 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 1.98861758 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98861758 5.96585274 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98861758 1.98861758 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 5.96585274 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 3.97723516 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97723516 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 0.00000000 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97296415 3.98360701 1.99306410 0.00007379 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O 0.00427101 3.98360701 1.98417105 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 0.14518325 +O 3.97296415 -0.00637186 1.98417105 0.00007379 0.02671016 0.14518325 +O 0.00427101 -0.00637186 1.99306410 -0.00007379 0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O 3.98360701 1.99306410 3.97296415 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 0.00007379 +O 3.98360701 1.98417105 0.00427101 -0.02671016 0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O -0.00637186 1.98417105 3.97296415 0.02671016 0.14518325 0.00007379 +O -0.00637186 1.99306410 0.00427101 0.02671016 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O 1.99306410 3.97296415 3.98360701 -0.14518325 0.00007379 -0.02671016 +O 1.98417105 0.00427101 3.98360701 0.14518325 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 +O 1.98417105 3.97296415 -0.00637186 0.14518325 0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 1.99306410 0.00427101 -0.00637186 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 3.98150616 3.97086330 5.96140621 -0.00007379 0.02671016 0.14518325 +O -0.00427101 3.97086330 5.97029926 0.00007379 0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O 3.98150616 0.00637186 5.97029926 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O -0.00427101 0.00637186 5.96140621 0.00007379 -0.02671016 0.14518325 +O 3.97086330 5.96140621 3.98150616 0.02671016 0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O 3.97086330 5.97029926 -0.00427101 0.02671016 -0.14518325 0.00007379 +O 0.00637186 5.97029926 3.98150616 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O 0.00637186 5.96140621 -0.00427101 -0.02671016 0.14518325 0.00007379 +O 5.96140621 3.98150616 3.97086330 0.14518325 -0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 5.97029926 -0.00427101 3.97086330 -0.14518325 0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 5.97029926 3.98150616 0.00637186 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 +O 5.96140621 -0.00427101 0.00637186 0.14518325 0.00007379 -0.02671016 +40 +Lattice="7.907919953725276 0.0 0.0 -0.02167560859316098 7.907888322045461 0.0 -0.02167560859316098 0.021620253153484904 7.907856690365646" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.81463638777 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96212490 0.03311204 0.07370972 0.26190440 0.48460795 0.31852163 +Ba 4.03511026 7.87884965 3.98966028 -0.85741920 0.64750251 -0.12535182 +Ba 3.94859999 4.04789025 7.89554959 0.05523244 -0.75534846 0.20524319 +Ba 3.97761968 3.98498986 4.01479007 -0.02384467 -0.15934155 0.17847390 +Ba 0.10667310 0.02372218 0.00971962 -0.41221134 0.31643878 0.67856118 +Ba 7.85073383 7.88454968 3.89692964 0.85195406 0.73846942 0.39431132 +Ba 0.10048752 4.08468185 0.02766032 -0.44709633 -0.96867109 0.04676682 +Ba 7.86847999 4.09137986 4.01578014 0.47870290 -0.79795575 0.24884705 +O 1.88722035 4.00464025 2.03601973 0.42351777 -0.29858221 0.15636472 +O 1.98162036 3.91874996 5.97988999 -0.15851262 0.30288572 0.00038181 +O 1.96282718 0.04434999 2.04473979 0.28518265 -0.58415798 -0.08427639 +O 2.04512965 7.84471986 6.01643012 -0.23347725 1.21390111 -0.08130600 +O 5.95355029 3.96672020 1.95011995 -0.09366015 1.62626929 0.56055962 +O 6.00049012 3.95095971 6.05054963 -0.15674679 0.90590994 -0.32051372 +O 5.82165014 7.83390024 2.06301974 0.50954328 0.59784499 -0.44490601 +O 5.89531004 7.91140972 5.99158027 0.06538315 0.17953525 0.13065189 +O 1.95614974 1.98571033 4.00582012 0.05648019 0.13333330 0.09131941 +O 1.88698707 2.02074242 0.08567994 0.66019887 -0.03901598 -0.52711703 +O 2.04405971 5.92740987 4.03364018 -0.36031568 0.06181960 0.05405590 +O 2.00172703 5.94231234 0.10121030 0.06465836 0.01075467 -0.45575837 +O 5.88926997 2.01903035 4.00927983 0.45993925 -0.04642050 0.50369711 +O 5.99956727 2.07398170 0.12321014 -0.29594374 -0.75491188 -1.48523374 +O 5.92339976 6.01384027 3.98466010 0.02495076 -0.83893065 0.54503865 +O 5.94252744 6.00170241 0.05839999 0.02823148 -0.25920756 -0.14912013 +O 7.89216263 1.92122994 1.96819034 -0.02127819 0.55264397 0.68668226 +O 0.03145296 1.84374973 5.91769025 -0.58948454 0.39226781 0.15333931 +O -0.01883350 5.94650987 2.05746996 -0.08028013 -0.01262900 -0.18345567 +O 0.01435367 6.00529972 6.04129973 -0.26124105 -0.15670720 -0.34097533 +O 3.95986008 1.98532996 2.00379970 -0.15433150 0.55175900 0.00101301 +O 3.94020969 2.01550975 5.93527034 0.28508058 -0.34747765 0.48641055 +O 3.92015995 5.91188979 2.04701964 0.54550247 -0.23596659 -0.21897031 +O 3.96398010 5.97508988 6.06099994 0.23969572 -0.35778855 -0.25490765 +Ti 1.92201994 2.06970984 1.93033038 0.37240887 -1.05883273 0.52268985 +Ti 2.01096981 2.05350019 5.85094028 -0.08398251 0.21571093 0.00870935 +Ti 2.10840962 5.93617026 2.07108977 -0.93025366 1.00874893 0.32793470 +Ti 2.02905997 6.06370999 6.04919975 0.19162072 -0.90294083 -0.88004927 +Ti 5.92711965 2.21225010 1.93729014 -0.13713416 -2.57985005 0.28201839 +Ti 5.99197962 1.85307000 5.90621032 0.10170487 1.59212709 -0.03648215 +Ti 6.02588957 6.04093992 2.08843975 -0.29545318 0.13888045 -0.27025611 +Ti 5.98492022 5.91433966 6.12257971 -0.36922533 -0.51667526 -0.72291219 +40 +Lattice="7.827029925656354 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.827029925656354 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.21049177577411" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.836579092866 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.89181035 1.94946034 0.02265456 0.58151309 0.07902800 0.13417353 +Ba 1.90491984 1.96710012 4.07364034 0.47637528 -0.09735431 0.31398209 +Ba 1.96438962 5.87756958 8.16743294 0.08142838 -0.26634058 0.50279208 +Ba 1.98101971 5.83394015 4.10768009 -0.05202807 0.30316032 0.04467395 +Ba 5.86383002 1.94727034 0.00035456 -0.09832258 0.04725251 0.11980364 +Ba 5.89428969 1.97517996 4.12954960 -0.22143369 -0.10534658 0.05682267 +Ba 5.89042000 5.85653992 8.19905962 -0.25991642 -0.03271960 0.11927116 +Ba 5.90106007 5.90969015 4.11879996 -0.31265617 -0.22329028 0.21885333 +Ti 0.02356719 7.80413038 2.15864006 0.31731938 -0.09655341 -0.26098677 +Ti 0.03334002 7.79990927 6.25520030 -0.81032687 0.20512827 -0.31056201 +Ti 0.01442600 3.91678979 2.16197986 -0.42547129 0.14259055 0.02009780 +Ti 7.81175000 3.91866984 6.26046006 0.09068075 -0.20858306 -0.54026025 +Ti 3.96749016 0.00090794 2.15686020 -0.61025596 0.52268933 -0.26150613 +Ti 3.87838960 7.81435014 6.26745977 0.77115894 -0.24377786 -0.62828557 +Ti 3.92163003 3.94834994 2.16564995 0.35494465 -0.55380739 -0.45505569 +Ti 3.89384016 3.87748010 6.24248998 0.03086995 0.39964456 0.08752601 +O 7.77419982 1.97426029 1.99034014 0.23386394 -0.17453034 0.01184456 +O 1.96072970 0.01419980 1.97838983 -0.48673888 0.15381985 0.02090744 +O 0.00614030 7.80563004 3.98546024 0.02274861 0.15812876 0.05021107 +O 7.80780517 1.95879016 6.10566959 0.19683055 -0.29991636 -0.04082140 +O 1.95294963 7.80619437 6.06988988 -0.22012448 0.34600312 0.04474414 +O 7.79934963 7.75896999 8.08014981 0.27942749 0.34351584 0.05718391 +O 0.03224032 5.87824975 1.99660019 -0.15273150 -0.13721566 -0.07970805 +O 1.95331985 3.92884968 2.02735025 -0.01465426 -0.18828497 -0.04606954 +O 7.77658472 3.93383002 4.01657973 0.32611821 -0.11452439 -0.54704385 +O 0.02956269 5.84746996 6.05834032 -0.09262425 0.41376480 0.19324951 +O 1.96734980 3.92693988 6.07618986 -0.21383505 -0.24883933 -0.08081234 +O 0.07254248 3.89672990 8.07889984 -0.43820674 0.18147669 0.34726091 +O 3.94305026 1.96555976 1.91749005 -0.13607126 0.20213087 0.17804658 +O 5.86849023 7.77589985 1.97761025 0.24119673 0.18377654 -0.06641288 +O 3.92437027 0.10094990 3.96203003 -0.08001736 -0.40296797 0.27650003 +O 3.92084028 1.99075966 6.07532967 -0.14396841 -0.60558967 0.18453296 +O 5.86276006 7.81238086 6.09780029 0.01038957 -0.00799973 0.00236541 +O 3.86099011 7.76504768 8.07253959 0.28216700 0.38192940 0.09167963 +O 3.87146972 5.90504011 1.99966996 0.19446102 -0.55403905 0.05908652 +O 5.87387992 3.94390967 1.94408004 0.00399164 0.12482552 0.15879185 +O 3.95556020 3.89889016 3.99669985 -0.15872680 0.04959169 -0.33170239 +O 3.84256998 5.87368033 6.02816007 0.41278187 0.35325723 0.17096242 +O 5.87234974 3.95208970 6.07295965 0.15204707 -0.06605061 0.28067499 +O 3.92117997 3.92803958 8.08536027 -0.13220355 0.03601730 -0.09681103 +40 +Lattice="7.955992887 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955992887 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955992887" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.215231757975 stress="0.000361754100388584 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000361754100388584 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000361754100388584" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.96469419 1.99129870 5.96929514 0.01442312 -0.01442312 -0.01442312 +Ba 5.96929514 5.96469419 1.99129870 -0.01442312 0.01442312 -0.01442312 +Ba 1.99129870 5.96929514 5.96469419 -0.01442312 -0.01442312 0.01442312 +Ba 1.98669775 1.98669775 1.98669775 0.01442312 0.01442312 0.01442312 +Ba 1.99129870 5.96469419 1.98669775 -0.01442312 0.01442312 0.01442312 +Ba 1.98669775 1.99129870 5.96469419 0.01442312 -0.01442312 0.01442312 +Ba 5.96469419 1.98669775 1.99129870 0.01442312 0.01442312 -0.01442312 +Ba 5.96929514 5.96929514 5.96929514 -0.01442312 -0.01442312 -0.01442312 +Ti 3.97799644 3.97799644 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97799644 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97799644 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97799644 0.00000000 3.97799644 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97610957 0.00000089 5.96608274 0.01350189 0.00176146 0.02972144 +O 3.97988332 3.97799733 5.96790659 -0.01350189 0.00176146 -0.02972144 +O -0.00188688 3.97799555 1.98991014 0.01350189 -0.00176146 -0.02972144 +O 0.00188688 -0.00000089 1.98808630 -0.01350189 -0.00176146 0.02972144 +O 0.00000089 5.96608274 3.97610957 0.00176146 0.02972144 0.01350189 +O 3.97799733 5.96790659 3.97988332 0.00176146 -0.02972144 -0.01350189 +O 3.97799555 1.98991014 -0.00188688 -0.00176146 -0.02972144 0.01350189 +O -0.00000089 1.98808630 0.00188688 -0.00176146 0.02972144 -0.01350189 +O 5.96608274 3.97610957 0.00000089 0.02972144 0.01350189 0.00176146 +O 5.96790659 3.97988332 3.97799733 -0.02972144 -0.01350189 0.00176146 +O 1.98991014 -0.00188688 3.97799555 -0.02972144 0.01350189 -0.00176146 +O 1.98808630 0.00188688 -0.00000089 0.02972144 -0.01350189 -0.00176146 +O 3.97988332 -0.00000089 1.98991014 -0.01350189 -0.00176146 -0.02972144 +O 3.97610957 3.97799555 1.98808630 0.01350189 -0.00176146 0.02972144 +O 0.00188688 3.97799733 5.96608274 -0.01350189 0.00176146 0.02972144 +O -0.00188688 0.00000089 5.96790659 0.01350189 0.00176146 -0.02972144 +O -0.00000089 1.98991014 3.97988332 -0.00176146 -0.02972144 -0.01350189 +O 3.97799555 1.98808630 3.97610957 -0.00176146 0.02972144 0.01350189 +O 3.97799733 5.96608274 0.00188688 0.00176146 0.02972144 -0.01350189 +O 0.00000089 5.96790659 -0.00188688 0.00176146 -0.02972144 0.01350189 +O 1.98991014 3.97988332 -0.00000089 -0.02972144 -0.01350189 -0.00176146 +O 1.98808630 3.97610957 3.97799555 0.02972144 0.01350189 -0.00176146 +O 5.96608274 0.00188688 3.97799733 0.02972144 -0.01350189 0.00176146 +O 5.96790659 -0.00188688 0.00000089 -0.02972144 0.01350189 0.00176146 +40 +Lattice="7.762379816934593 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.025679740325014 0.0 0.0 0.06838656618719377 8.02539253227179" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.87368888973 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89835020 0.00478007 0.02517262 -0.01344173 0.29900901 -0.51775873 +Ba 3.86750018 0.07467875 4.01160953 0.07828341 0.01714720 0.16704072 +Ba 3.90576017 4.04828988 0.04123687 -0.23369245 0.05878879 -0.64958381 +Ba 3.86030988 4.09103964 3.98516000 0.02521121 0.04465338 0.31653828 +Ba 7.75446995 0.11399443 8.00666501 -0.10655063 0.09108544 -0.02389275 +Ba 7.74192983 0.08009301 4.00280001 0.12603496 0.10487504 -0.00027228 +Ba 7.75914290 4.09371921 7.99443694 0.13620702 0.08461886 0.09391494 +Ba 0.03301651 4.08761953 3.96260020 -0.14750342 0.00261661 0.22642111 +Ti 1.96196013 2.13953000 2.02776958 -0.33705697 -0.23311061 0.12414160 +Ti 1.96752032 2.15480015 6.05465005 0.25423917 -0.10608372 -0.09383678 +Ti 1.90946005 6.20295963 2.04088024 0.01903105 -0.81765400 0.02345617 +Ti 1.92761005 6.18131967 6.06990002 0.64329207 -0.17245057 -0.14481841 +Ti 5.82076954 2.13602994 2.04987995 0.26280480 -0.28047599 0.11280741 +Ti 5.85218001 2.15242021 6.02758962 -0.50052179 0.11651725 0.01910201 +Ti 5.79795979 6.12931017 2.08569013 0.17126170 -0.00553867 0.00994426 +Ti 5.85225997 6.14973998 6.08611020 -0.72999018 -0.17797845 -0.59548369 +O 1.95115024 2.07179004 3.89766013 0.01201477 -0.26960562 -0.07837777 +O 1.95023971 2.00579972 7.90558020 -0.01854717 0.31786240 0.32796658 +O 1.96119010 6.04429969 3.91116977 -0.12289950 0.19659632 -0.28437995 +O 1.88887034 6.06885986 7.93049977 -0.04212058 0.15608987 0.05836250 +O 5.79749948 2.06993017 3.91171003 0.16275366 -0.24084115 0.01766708 +O 5.79170952 2.09156005 7.89399951 0.31139453 -0.17264598 0.31834217 +O 5.73444955 6.02459955 3.92799007 0.34443578 0.08071798 -0.40043466 +O 5.85791020 6.03297981 7.91702971 -0.04270525 0.16873584 0.48863019 +O 1.95746959 3.96698982 1.92201026 -0.07674563 0.21664912 -0.06097860 +O 1.94221962 4.01441020 5.98194993 -0.06088012 0.09985779 -0.00779533 +O 1.85975986 8.02581015 1.91775027 0.38509392 -0.03000477 0.22853585 +O 1.95113006 8.03527948 5.97177966 -0.12683818 -0.04717769 -0.08845932 +O 5.81915963 3.99124027 1.96951991 -0.10583046 0.21525867 -0.11947068 +O 5.79904963 4.00576989 5.93243992 0.31913921 0.10447781 0.09611272 +O 5.82391020 8.00442013 2.01473965 0.01524099 -0.22610898 -0.35930498 +O 5.84710963 7.99228986 5.98028024 -0.15564661 0.54890893 -0.09942662 +O 7.75864301 2.00478984 1.92822017 -0.11901431 0.09080982 -0.14293045 +O 0.02876893 2.02097983 5.88298968 -0.43392714 0.03066092 0.24141527 +O 7.75019133 5.97458964 1.95592022 -0.19055860 0.19399950 -0.03412522 +O 7.75015019 6.09258014 5.85659991 0.18788645 -0.42532834 0.24422703 +O 3.89642979 1.98447025 1.90821962 -0.20550879 -0.04234093 0.00278656 +O 3.89322004 2.00177958 5.90670996 -0.04832543 0.05999952 0.04777932 +O 3.84109955 6.04615956 1.85621012 0.37410374 -0.02954249 0.26757573 +O 3.86556967 6.05033960 5.93294990 -0.01012398 -0.02304788 0.26856252 +40 +Lattice="7.925229869387729 0.0 0.0 -0.021723055071991765 7.925198168468251 0.0 -0.021723055071991765 0.02166757846290605 7.925166467548774" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.10683044835 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01679894 0.05131507 0.01692037 0.04038972 -0.14967806 0.09992644 +Ba 4.01539459 0.04667009 4.00609988 -0.19899233 -0.02269436 -0.12760308 +Ba 4.00661502 4.00584469 0.03023000 -0.03872107 -0.03336675 -0.02205029 +Ba 3.95482998 4.02540970 3.99480960 0.15033934 -0.12718939 -0.03647341 +Ba 0.05083242 0.02376459 0.05793977 -0.16792235 0.10520131 -0.13411285 +Ba 0.02641241 0.06214965 4.03666987 0.06079373 -0.10803236 -0.34854620 +Ba 0.04385981 3.98799469 0.04144974 -0.11861502 -0.00177072 -0.07579586 +Ba 0.02726358 3.99983974 3.99900997 -0.04574378 0.02319546 -0.10287369 +O 1.99410988 3.96280990 2.00355993 0.02440183 0.09137906 0.06135398 +O 1.98119968 3.96861988 5.97926021 -0.00297708 0.18454736 -0.01844946 +O 2.01745444 0.01407996 1.99724986 -0.05316219 -0.09704295 0.07009881 +O 1.97619490 0.01775965 6.00381970 0.09651664 -0.14879822 -0.11433413 +O 5.96780984 4.01655009 1.99208974 -0.11997204 -0.19444379 0.20738312 +O 5.93022998 4.01349967 5.96895979 0.05783799 -0.09592143 0.11763285 +O 5.96552499 0.05346994 2.04097969 -0.02130442 0.08213980 -0.03591111 +O 5.95507479 0.04183016 5.95766000 -0.02130930 -0.17021783 0.11828463 +O 1.99080031 1.99315965 4.00606976 0.05116161 0.03028142 -0.06148819 +O 2.00922488 2.01207479 0.03073008 0.05637478 -0.11654605 0.09429752 +O 1.96722988 5.94712023 3.98611958 0.06187051 0.15583302 0.01228730 +O 1.99466465 5.94891450 0.02511030 -0.06274983 -0.02427404 -0.05476655 +O 5.95575002 2.03988997 4.02247974 0.00862219 0.03650684 -0.31498353 +O 5.99541421 2.01366460 0.04204968 -0.23135378 0.00754542 0.02084496 +O 5.91825972 5.96690953 3.99590011 0.10443590 0.06499877 0.15548001 +O 5.96126439 5.97812452 0.05236992 -0.07142576 0.06181755 -0.16144368 +O 0.00961964 2.02406963 1.99910991 -0.05597009 -0.07272211 0.19156081 +O -0.00012205 2.02257969 5.98855016 0.02546343 0.02213026 -0.04454231 +O -0.00366938 5.95861023 2.01207004 0.09726766 0.12370477 0.05562145 +O -0.02851418 5.98763956 5.95060020 0.08191997 -0.10226563 0.15140789 +O 3.97509004 2.02258999 2.00321994 0.03709896 -0.00931202 0.09628807 +O 3.97635966 2.01242985 5.97157987 -0.18994513 0.04128292 0.09648964 +O 3.95926970 5.96058995 2.01385005 -0.12895214 0.06257705 -0.02980191 +O 3.93785018 5.97805003 5.97180019 -0.06367003 0.03733653 0.04127700 +Ti 2.05000970 2.03663984 1.99420974 -0.24202977 0.09656215 0.03968086 +Ti 2.01491995 2.06377028 5.96847952 0.02059068 -0.09965107 -0.00328664 +Ti 2.01152003 6.00226002 2.02281031 0.15023779 0.10277419 0.21181134 +Ti 2.00088992 6.01501964 6.00148969 0.08326363 0.26714070 -0.11838002 +Ti 5.98939975 2.00292987 2.01399032 0.37561452 -0.25882858 -0.17503659 +Ti 5.97586980 2.06746977 5.96706962 0.07557963 -0.08589619 0.10593845 +Ti 5.97974999 5.93892000 1.98771977 0.03023077 0.23151344 -0.08251339 +Ti 5.96537996 6.00951953 5.93432970 0.14480479 0.09018350 0.11472751 +40 +Lattice="7.910609761475337 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.910609761475337 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.910609761475337" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.075636678455 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96380008 3.97420966 0.01161910 0.05939891 -0.04694166 -0.03120908 +Ba 3.95343956 0.01155661 3.97197016 0.02674899 0.02760285 -0.00882300 +Ba 0.01445031 3.95508022 3.96219977 -0.01677259 0.08578871 -0.04817733 +Ba 7.90269203 0.00454306 3.96696987 0.21241349 0.01762620 0.01230350 +Ba 0.01714862 3.94745993 7.91055834 -0.09119651 0.14715400 0.09221853 +Ba 3.96163020 0.02232611 0.01766993 0.00001414 -0.10390702 -0.12871559 +Ba 3.96526988 3.97863010 3.97058976 0.03815826 -0.10882811 -0.07603729 +Ba 0.01854405 0.00161772 0.01734085 -0.03177472 0.01258632 -0.10299788 +Ti 5.93872020 1.97568982 2.01467014 0.06110124 0.19306774 0.22845203 +Ti 1.99335975 5.92356980 1.96385001 -0.16467787 -0.26210468 0.14448546 +Ti 1.96935975 1.97473026 5.96691994 -0.05313185 -0.19773377 -0.09274509 +Ti 5.95962003 5.93778991 5.96157949 0.05818921 -0.21604697 0.02620828 +Ti 2.00778000 5.92397957 5.93164970 -0.04664213 0.05369698 -0.10198692 +Ti 5.92085963 1.96505005 5.97899944 0.03880592 0.06612363 -0.15637809 +Ti 5.93635018 5.95143967 2.00271958 0.10943104 -0.23123782 0.06429378 +Ti 1.98880007 1.95530022 2.00157966 -0.10388954 0.18504409 0.21185710 +O 2.00598983 2.02005014 3.94055950 -0.04947060 -0.05792155 -0.15176219 +O 5.97024002 1.98777960 3.93463999 -0.17952702 0.07177337 -0.15289142 +O 2.01584961 5.95881948 3.96876953 -0.18390355 0.00818639 -0.17824224 +O 5.94145015 5.95252975 3.94226978 -0.02345129 0.00838411 -0.07796330 +O 1.99516020 3.98580977 1.96269031 -0.03607001 0.12517904 0.05424076 +O 1.97593979 3.99747001 5.95151007 0.05536768 0.04038560 -0.09571857 +O 5.95644946 3.97443985 1.94309969 -0.02620957 -0.08632170 0.10587340 +O 5.95193013 3.99290955 5.90949999 -0.04876663 -0.06561867 0.13753474 +O 3.97832001 1.99430981 1.95280996 0.04132457 0.01664918 0.05822006 +O 3.96868963 5.94178002 1.97506013 -0.02403467 0.10588446 -0.00553661 +O 3.95736955 2.01325018 5.91848961 0.36071780 -0.00664527 0.06852376 +O 3.95254012 5.96715014 5.92813976 0.13316875 -0.03346985 0.07930439 +O 5.92143947 5.96043957 7.90201093 0.11695588 0.03933145 -0.19482971 +O 1.98365026 5.96206995 0.00349965 0.06017358 0.02850248 0.09810378 +O 5.95870003 1.95811956 7.87819762 -0.05221165 0.19485722 0.03159269 +O 1.98395957 2.01464957 7.89246994 0.06334633 -0.05895488 0.17281156 +O 5.93641979 0.04007436 5.90265969 -0.01125449 -0.10751145 0.10121790 +O 5.94681987 0.00862968 1.97155969 -0.06855409 0.09732654 -0.01646714 +O 1.98636993 0.04053634 5.94184964 0.03768749 -0.02560742 -0.03116460 +O 2.00553971 0.04168021 1.97393999 -0.01572332 -0.09872291 0.00152775 +O 0.00313023 5.96560995 5.92514955 -0.13141345 0.01310363 0.07150829 +O 0.03408286 1.98618957 5.92712008 -0.25181950 0.12623037 -0.03335852 +O 0.01974014 5.96607984 1.97132000 0.03237173 -0.05064482 0.05057514 +O 0.01129002 1.97387987 1.98105005 0.10511930 0.09373368 -0.12584881 +40 +Lattice="7.954555631 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954555631 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954555631" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.083864176424 stress="-0.0012128862096784758 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0012128862096784758 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0012128862096784758" pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.02138626 2.02138626 2.02138626 -0.12163349 -0.12163349 -0.12163349 +Ba 5.93316937 5.93316937 2.02138626 0.12163349 0.12163349 -0.12163349 +Ba 5.93316937 2.02138626 5.93316937 0.12163349 -0.12163349 0.12163349 +Ba 2.02138626 5.93316937 5.93316937 -0.12163349 0.12163349 0.12163349 +Ba 6.01066515 1.94389048 1.94389048 -0.35621194 0.35621194 0.35621194 +Ba 1.94389048 6.01066515 1.94389048 0.35621194 -0.35621194 0.35621194 +Ba 1.94389048 1.94389048 6.01066515 0.35621194 0.35621194 -0.35621194 +Ba 6.01066515 6.01066515 6.01066515 -0.35621194 -0.35621194 -0.35621194 +Ti 3.97727781 3.97727781 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97727781 0.00000000 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97727781 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97727781 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97727781 3.97727781 1.99689765 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.24618878 +O 3.97727781 3.97727781 5.95765798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.24618878 +O 3.97727781 1.99689765 3.97727781 0.00000000 -0.24618878 0.00000000 +O 3.97727781 5.95765798 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.24618878 0.00000000 +O 1.99689765 3.97727781 3.97727781 -0.24618878 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95765798 3.97727781 3.97727781 0.24618878 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97727781 1.99430113 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.17690321 +O 0.00000000 3.97727781 5.96025450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.17690321 +O 1.99430113 0.00000000 3.97727781 -0.17690321 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96025450 0.00000000 3.97727781 0.17690321 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97727781 1.99430113 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.17690321 0.00000000 +O 3.97727781 5.96025450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.17690321 0.00000000 +O 3.97727781 0.00000000 1.99430113 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.17690321 +O 3.97727781 0.00000000 5.96025450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.17690321 +O 0.00000000 1.99430113 3.97727781 0.00000000 -0.17690321 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96025450 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.17690321 0.00000000 +O 1.99430113 3.97727781 0.00000000 -0.17690321 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96025450 3.97727781 0.00000000 0.17690321 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99226487 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.12647308 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96229076 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.12647308 +O 0.00000000 1.99226487 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.12647308 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96229076 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.12647308 0.00000000 +O 1.99226487 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.12647308 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96229076 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.12647308 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.956101378 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.956101378 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.956101378" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21624728682 stress="0.00041317092683975325 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00041317092683975325 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00041317092683975325" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98902534 5.96707603 5.96707603 0.00000206 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ba 5.96707603 1.98902534 5.96707603 -0.00000206 0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ba 1.98902534 1.98902534 1.98902534 0.00000206 0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 5.96707603 5.96707603 1.98902534 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 5.96707603 1.98902534 1.98902534 -0.00000206 0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98902534 5.96707603 1.98902534 0.00000206 -0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98902534 1.98902534 5.96707603 0.00000206 0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ba 5.96707603 5.96707603 5.96707603 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ti 3.97805069 3.97805069 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97805069 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97805069 0.00000000 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97805069 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97805069 3.97805069 1.98891672 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00353475 +O 3.97805069 3.97805069 5.96718466 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00353475 +O 3.97805069 5.96696766 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00352730 0.00000000 +O 3.97805069 1.98913372 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00352730 0.00000000 +O 5.96696766 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00352730 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98913372 3.97805069 0.00000000 -0.00352730 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97805069 0.00000000 5.96696766 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00352730 +O 3.97805069 0.00000000 1.98913372 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00352730 +O 3.97805069 1.98891672 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00353475 0.00000000 +O 3.97805069 5.96718466 3.97805069 0.00000000 -0.00353475 0.00000000 +O 5.96696766 0.00000000 3.97805069 0.00352730 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98913372 0.00000000 3.97805069 -0.00352730 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97805069 5.96696766 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00352730 +O 0.00000000 3.97805069 1.98913372 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00352730 +O 0.00000000 5.96696766 3.97805069 0.00000000 0.00352730 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 1.98913372 3.97805069 0.00000000 -0.00352730 0.00000000 +O 1.98891672 3.97805069 3.97805069 0.00353475 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96718466 3.97805069 3.97805069 -0.00353475 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98891673 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00353887 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96718465 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00353887 +O 0.00000000 1.98891673 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00353887 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96718465 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00353887 0.00000000 +O 1.98891673 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00353887 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96718465 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00353887 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.112133674953 stress="0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 5.96912210 -0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 5.96912210 0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 1.98970737 0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 1.98970737 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 1.98970737 0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 1.98970737 -0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 5.96912210 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 5.96912210 0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 +O 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 5.92948276 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.02934671 0.00000000 3.97941473 -0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 1.95006775 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37231194 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 6.00876172 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37231194 +O 0.00000000 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 5.97887856 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 1.97995091 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 5.97887856 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 1.97995091 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 5.97887856 3.97941473 3.97941473 -0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.97995091 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.961721223 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961721223 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961721223" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.149939560262 stress="-0.000977837860187416 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.000977837860187416 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.000977837860187416" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086061 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086061 0.00000000 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98086061 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086061 3.98086061 3.98086061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.90047564 2.06124559 5.90047564 0.64156840 -0.64156840 0.64156840 +Ti 2.06124559 5.90047564 5.90047564 -0.64156840 0.64156840 0.64156840 +Ti 2.06124559 2.06124559 2.06124559 -0.64156840 -0.64156840 -0.64156840 +Ti 5.90047564 5.90047564 2.06124559 0.64156840 0.64156840 -0.64156840 +Ti 6.09321806 1.86850316 1.86850316 0.05691754 -0.05691754 -0.05691754 +Ti 1.86850316 6.09321806 1.86850316 -0.05691754 0.05691754 -0.05691754 +Ti 1.86850316 1.86850316 6.09321806 -0.05691754 -0.05691754 0.05691754 +Ti 6.09321806 6.09321806 6.09321806 0.05691754 0.05691754 0.05691754 +O 1.90632805 1.90632805 0.06939374 0.72778495 0.72778495 -1.02737194 +O 6.05539317 1.90632805 -0.06939374 -0.72778495 0.72778495 1.02737194 +O 1.90632805 6.05539317 -0.06939374 0.72778495 -0.72778495 1.02737194 +O 6.05539317 6.05539317 0.06939374 -0.72778495 -0.72778495 -1.02737194 +O 1.90632805 0.06939374 1.90632805 0.72778495 -1.02737194 0.72778495 +O 1.90632805 -0.06939374 6.05539317 0.72778495 1.02737194 -0.72778495 +O 6.05539317 -0.06939374 1.90632805 -0.72778495 1.02737194 0.72778495 +O 6.05539317 0.06939374 6.05539317 -0.72778495 -1.02737194 -0.72778495 +O 0.06939374 1.90632805 1.90632805 -1.02737194 0.72778495 0.72778495 +O -0.06939374 6.05539317 1.90632805 1.02737194 -0.72778495 0.72778495 +O -0.06939374 1.90632805 6.05539317 1.02737194 0.72778495 -0.72778495 +O 0.06939374 6.05539317 6.05539317 -1.02737194 -0.72778495 -0.72778495 +O 1.91581597 1.91581597 4.02827061 0.61009347 0.61009347 -0.60583084 +O 6.04590525 1.91581597 3.93345062 -0.61009347 0.61009347 0.60583084 +O 1.91581597 6.04590525 3.93345062 0.61009347 -0.61009347 0.60583084 +O 6.04590525 6.04590525 4.02827061 -0.61009347 -0.61009347 -0.60583084 +O 1.91581597 4.02827061 1.91581597 0.61009347 -0.60583084 0.61009347 +O 1.91581597 3.93345062 6.04590525 0.61009347 0.60583084 -0.61009347 +O 6.04590525 3.93345062 1.91581597 -0.61009347 0.60583084 0.61009347 +O 6.04590525 4.02827061 6.04590525 -0.61009347 -0.60583084 -0.61009347 +O 4.02827061 1.91581597 1.91581597 -0.60583084 0.61009347 0.61009347 +O 3.93345062 6.04590525 1.91581597 0.60583084 -0.61009347 0.61009347 +O 3.93345062 1.91581597 6.04590525 0.60583084 0.61009347 -0.61009347 +O 4.02827061 6.04590525 6.04590525 -0.60583084 -0.61009347 -0.61009347 +40 +Lattice="7.957069411 -4e-09 -4e-09 -4e-09 7.957069411 -4e-09 -4e-09 -4e-09 7.957069411" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.197475105488 stress="0.0007097358365491763 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0007097358365491763 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0007097358365491763" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98109706 -1.99743767 1.98109716 -0.01245417 0.01245417 0.01245391 +Ba 1.98109716 -1.98109706 -1.99743767 0.01245391 -0.01245417 0.01245417 +Ba -1.99743767 1.98109716 -1.98109706 0.01245417 0.01245391 -0.01245417 +Ba 1.99743757 1.99743757 1.99743757 -0.01245365 -0.01245365 -0.01245365 +Ba 1.99743766 1.98109708 -1.99743757 -0.01245417 0.01245442 0.01245340 +Ba -1.99743757 1.99743766 1.98109708 0.01245340 -0.01245417 0.01245442 +Ba 1.98109708 -1.99743757 1.99743766 0.01245442 0.01245340 -0.01245417 +Ba -1.98109714 -1.98109714 -1.98109714 -0.01245391 -0.01245391 -0.01245391 +Ti 0.00827129 3.97026335 -0.00827132 -0.06450718 0.06450666 0.06451052 +Ti -0.00827132 0.00827129 3.97026335 0.06451052 -0.06450718 0.06450666 +Ti 3.97026335 -0.00827132 0.00827129 0.06450666 0.06451052 -0.06450718 +Ti 3.98680603 3.98680603 3.98680603 -0.06450924 -0.06450924 -0.06450924 +Ti 3.98680583 -0.00827102 3.97026356 -0.06451078 0.06450924 0.06451052 +Ti 3.97026356 3.98680583 -0.00827102 0.06451052 -0.06451078 0.06450924 +Ti -0.00827102 3.97026356 3.98680583 0.06450924 0.06451052 -0.06451078 +Ti 0.00827110 0.00827110 0.00827110 -0.06450975 -0.06450975 -0.06450975 +O -0.00000000 0.01773460 1.98926735 -0.00000077 -0.07575653 0.00000077 +O 3.97853470 3.99626934 -1.98926736 0.00000103 -0.07575550 -0.00000026 +O 3.97853470 -0.01773466 1.98926735 0.00000026 0.07575601 -0.00000129 +O -0.00000000 3.96080005 -1.98926735 -0.00000077 0.07575730 0.00000026 +O 0.01773460 1.98926735 -0.00000000 -0.07575653 0.00000077 -0.00000077 +O 3.99626934 -1.98926736 3.97853470 -0.07575550 -0.00000026 0.00000103 +O -0.01773466 1.98926735 3.97853470 0.07575601 -0.00000129 0.00000026 +O 3.96080005 -1.98926735 -0.00000000 0.07575730 0.00000026 -0.00000077 +O 1.98926735 -0.00000000 0.01773460 0.00000077 -0.00000077 -0.07575653 +O -1.98926736 3.97853470 3.99626934 -0.00000026 0.00000103 -0.07575550 +O 1.98926735 3.97853470 -0.01773466 -0.00000129 0.00000026 0.07575601 +O -1.98926735 -0.00000000 3.96080005 0.00000026 -0.00000077 0.07575730 +O -0.00000000 3.96600172 1.98926735 0.00000077 0.04003156 -0.00000129 +O 3.97853471 -0.01253297 -1.98926735 -0.00000026 0.04003233 0.00000077 +O 3.97853470 3.99106774 1.98926735 -0.00000051 -0.04003285 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 0.01253294 -1.98926735 0.00000077 -0.04003105 0.00000000 +O 3.96600172 1.98926735 -0.00000000 0.04003156 -0.00000129 0.00000077 +O -0.01253297 -1.98926735 3.97853471 0.04003233 0.00000077 -0.00000026 +O 3.99106774 1.98926735 3.97853470 -0.04003285 -0.00000026 -0.00000051 +O 0.01253294 -1.98926735 0.00000000 -0.04003105 0.00000000 0.00000077 +O 1.98926735 -0.00000000 3.96600172 -0.00000129 0.00000077 0.04003156 +O -1.98926735 3.97853471 -0.01253297 0.00000077 -0.00000026 0.04003233 +O 1.98926735 3.97853470 3.99106774 -0.00000026 -0.00000051 -0.04003285 +O -1.98926735 0.00000000 0.01253294 0.00000000 0.00000077 -0.04003105 +40 +Lattice="7.75539996955641 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.018470891923734 0.0 0.0 0.06832507373179197 8.01817618672489" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.465010911546 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89959968 0.13992060 7.91668282 -0.34866190 -0.29175927 0.63674167 +Ba 3.79728036 0.04729786 3.98395982 0.75124626 0.13310267 0.02531945 +Ba 3.89752977 4.10370785 7.96779788 -0.27201294 -0.03441344 0.46220104 +Ba 3.87863994 4.07889988 4.06682007 -0.04549310 -0.01184816 -0.67494646 +Ba 0.00101984 0.11798523 7.96701692 0.24537503 -0.10702500 0.45413627 +Ba 0.04329995 0.05041786 4.00357013 -0.41484132 0.10144879 -0.25243297 +Ba 7.72622571 4.02420027 0.05046904 0.48867492 0.08617052 -0.32052426 +Ba 7.74472544 4.10780968 3.97258032 0.20663210 -0.28354100 -0.01996744 +Ti 1.97448993 1.99003020 1.99080962 -0.24554627 0.31091785 -0.79490488 +Ti 1.96156013 2.08700993 5.93118022 -0.32825711 -0.13481759 0.39982377 +Ti 1.94795018 6.01481988 1.90969977 -0.04947728 -0.31799301 0.59213509 +Ti 1.94437029 6.05648034 5.96370016 -0.41158322 -0.18590927 -0.14200743 +Ti 5.82702985 1.97584015 1.94262997 0.08410593 0.15415332 0.40766203 +Ti 5.87681021 2.00725029 5.96646961 -0.23280928 0.32213969 -0.49634478 +Ti 5.79700016 5.98846005 1.91112987 -0.00016918 0.16210677 0.25676450 +Ti 5.83629988 6.03709029 5.88966013 0.16552248 0.94901397 0.49597428 +O 1.86773995 2.11587010 4.04382996 0.58085668 -0.16716824 0.12515847 +O 1.96650032 2.05350195 0.07505986 -0.12211712 0.19428258 0.33659880 +O 1.93526002 6.15876010 4.14360008 -0.10162722 -0.23159160 -0.43506408 +O 1.93564003 5.98825221 0.10368970 0.14931939 0.46253914 -1.06686692 +O 5.87006999 2.12572023 4.11104989 -0.31382294 -0.11681807 -0.01820418 +O 5.91087968 2.09971250 0.07087970 -0.65441595 -0.03372567 -0.23633400 +O 5.88752972 6.09298966 4.04760994 -0.48782312 0.44098996 -0.04316368 +O 5.80114000 6.06783192 0.05990038 -0.03523414 0.08072544 0.13978265 +O 1.97125981 4.12298002 2.06091999 -0.21917600 -0.16568163 0.01384128 +O 1.85844976 4.12908972 5.98101021 0.38241971 0.41487115 0.38638461 +O 1.94434004 0.07979996 2.00041003 0.05964599 0.47958067 0.17025202 +O 1.91073977 0.19351972 6.01007978 0.19426844 -0.15131688 0.27429351 +O 5.79343035 4.12385018 2.03951974 0.01353660 0.25557511 -0.13460342 +O 5.77965987 4.26117970 6.00440981 0.30427592 -1.28310698 0.33729094 +O 5.72576992 0.13600024 1.98686988 0.38290771 -0.31426208 0.19768569 +O 5.78500023 0.18405038 6.07138001 0.14731624 -0.23665462 -0.25773535 +O 7.74865200 2.07175971 2.06967971 0.19978577 0.11971185 -0.02076603 +O 0.00229405 2.16866964 6.05291983 -0.18974510 -0.04989149 0.26176916 +O 0.01311981 6.08980994 2.06823023 -0.56840612 0.22361553 -0.15910886 +O 0.00776005 6.24995973 6.07301020 -0.37939198 -0.41244917 0.11726622 +O 3.90392022 2.16526036 2.15101990 -0.41081395 -0.34059378 -0.38306120 +O 3.86496019 2.16471981 6.13475016 0.21937192 0.11270534 -0.52309222 +O 3.83633035 6.13204973 2.13139021 0.84665861 -0.13456434 -0.26688154 +O 3.84424009 6.17304012 6.04181022 0.40950449 0.00148044 0.15492748 +40 +Lattice="7.811410201997382 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.811410201997382 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.194106810613636" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.00485388252 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94907027 1.95467027 0.01233578 -0.02796872 0.00992754 -0.01234207 +Ba 1.92933005 1.93964970 4.11028984 0.19140063 0.06707237 -0.00107858 +Ba 1.96243012 5.86969047 0.02754225 -0.07480907 -0.10455160 -0.03537504 +Ba 1.97425035 5.85115009 4.08036042 -0.13816954 0.02568275 0.10132538 +Ba 5.83551009 1.96209032 8.14661500 0.19030226 0.01317099 0.36641614 +Ba 5.86064017 1.92843018 4.11402994 0.00297862 0.17735058 -0.05341055 +Ba 5.84958000 5.88331982 0.03300399 0.02820397 -0.20569854 -0.09593403 +Ba 5.87963987 5.85606034 4.10231986 -0.11111048 -0.02873722 -0.00240012 +Ti 0.00899718 7.80705456 2.12262027 0.15342544 0.03036319 -0.02253161 +Ti 7.79800660 0.01050713 6.23023002 0.13203258 0.09714322 0.03328319 +Ti 0.00160134 3.89884981 2.13379996 0.02171682 -0.02243982 -0.14954770 +Ti 7.78948045 3.94105017 6.23303978 0.13673409 -0.23833895 -0.17170084 +Ti 3.92785045 0.00447828 2.13605980 -0.26260245 -0.15719622 -0.12309439 +Ti 3.89232025 7.79216054 6.23203055 -0.04619732 0.22963654 -0.17294448 +Ti 3.91761984 3.89012993 2.14383997 -0.04308346 0.22040679 -0.28784785 +Ti 3.88768027 3.90545045 6.22764053 -0.01048419 -0.13794894 -0.17634425 +O 0.03078008 1.95866033 1.96331984 -0.29162172 -0.17261204 -0.07810677 +O 1.94282036 7.79492032 2.00866976 0.07657928 0.08270005 -0.26296292 +O 7.80385032 0.00148026 3.96102004 0.00816891 -0.08447874 0.08312402 +O 7.80689286 1.94726974 6.03996984 -0.01647280 0.02998780 0.25254429 +O 1.94857971 0.00678109 6.09455051 0.04853266 -0.02592983 -0.13017984 +O 0.00088972 7.80230054 8.07638027 -0.07462987 0.11802263 -0.06059165 +O 0.00476027 5.85318028 1.95261977 0.01985200 0.14326007 0.13628261 +O 1.96889016 3.89374036 1.97465966 -0.12139926 0.04515680 -0.00418473 +O 0.01633756 3.88002978 3.96097005 -0.12521478 0.22160132 0.10270760 +O 0.00052493 5.86541998 6.06038028 0.03627724 -0.14030484 -0.03585558 +O 1.95861034 3.90035038 6.02831053 0.01820238 0.03870564 0.21476913 +O 7.80175686 3.92104046 8.06360002 0.09690231 -0.09291016 -0.11393484 +O 3.90624018 1.94398035 1.96922995 0.07652194 -0.05262123 -0.05103717 +O 5.84265050 7.80011022 1.98121031 0.18455147 0.07977259 -0.06756191 +O 3.89490036 7.80473223 3.95867037 0.09760705 -0.05063839 0.22080994 +O 3.93373010 1.95322984 6.04778047 -0.15173262 0.06383278 0.08563008 +O 5.85764997 7.80424480 6.07203021 0.05002184 -0.01562485 -0.01162653 +O 3.91494990 0.00954711 8.06113005 -0.08924556 -0.00187511 0.16827150 +O 3.89034006 5.83228007 1.94418970 0.06410352 0.40691358 0.12859347 +O 5.86818053 3.94978020 1.96834023 0.04839125 -0.36401113 -0.05481361 +O 3.95549034 3.91070987 3.95760020 -0.23898404 -0.03344645 0.31578032 +O 3.89450979 5.87502020 6.06910015 0.08152711 -0.23503380 -0.04107749 +O 5.86228994 3.90300001 6.04995985 0.05611330 0.11206513 0.10152952 +O 3.90541998 3.90432014 8.05630026 0.00357949 -0.04837453 -0.09458266 +40 +Lattice="7.763220150341459 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.026556341061193 0.0 0.0 0.06839396952450826 8.026269101915629" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.06018551047 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89949032 0.11600347 8.01046008 -0.18233081 -0.18404985 -0.05162544 +Ba 3.86683977 0.05139873 4.00136007 0.15497273 0.07110977 -0.09253529 +Ba 3.89178999 4.11234695 8.00163330 -0.06603647 -0.00653960 0.07008904 +Ba 3.87434991 4.07413017 4.01033979 0.15367715 0.00993988 -0.17649363 +Ba 7.74919046 0.13197086 7.99026018 0.09924792 -0.36384478 0.10901349 +Ba 0.00487996 0.07635438 3.99982994 -0.12700658 -0.20067049 -0.06670419 +Ba 0.00124444 4.12517645 8.02422194 -0.09332539 0.01219397 -0.13278617 +Ba 0.01996390 4.07590019 4.00371000 -0.24413139 0.11605934 -0.08875191 +Ti 1.93601979 2.00182007 1.91992042 0.23357624 -0.17025228 0.20695221 +Ti 1.94147035 2.01331972 5.93559044 0.32252021 0.00433797 0.16009848 +Ti 1.91385968 6.00356985 1.93751033 0.29951706 0.34972788 -0.15035246 +Ti 1.93761979 6.02562982 5.94233978 -0.07953013 0.33845668 0.17549965 +Ti 5.83252981 1.99857038 1.93850014 -0.27845381 0.08182921 -0.05382502 +Ti 5.85093020 2.05591030 5.94452047 -0.44682508 -0.20820485 0.00581146 +Ti 5.80729003 6.01938974 1.93524036 -0.09496267 -0.06619022 0.18518730 +Ti 5.81438018 6.05359993 5.94736026 0.13883006 0.03618134 -0.24098127 +O 1.94666006 2.10468972 4.07784021 -0.12520090 0.04242166 0.14877123 +O 1.91276972 2.09232369 0.07440037 0.25384630 -0.08039711 -0.20278651 +O 1.94740999 6.11754014 4.07263032 -0.03919981 -0.01386339 0.08193772 +O 1.92962988 6.09852335 0.05267034 -0.10750194 -0.06033891 0.14013489 +O 5.84293020 2.12245042 4.07038985 0.02955997 -0.06162214 0.02827931 +O 5.81317999 2.06627343 0.05169994 0.09391983 0.14647266 0.16526254 +O 5.79967975 6.13326997 4.05893988 0.01853791 -0.04772070 0.19792635 +O 5.81464025 6.07846319 0.05261988 0.07767354 0.09139192 0.05318224 +O 1.95097020 4.14797004 2.02754971 -0.10545894 -0.13609389 0.03636620 +O 1.92954992 4.17325019 6.04797004 0.14698405 -0.17091563 -0.01889247 +O 1.92503017 0.12881977 2.04531040 -0.00454880 0.25671514 -0.12664997 +O 1.92755012 0.13868993 6.05438013 -0.01849446 0.38022142 -0.08696525 +O 5.82233981 4.15148988 2.02596989 -0.04930399 -0.01193249 0.00456037 +O 5.81962035 4.15846980 6.03984040 -0.02534953 0.07572079 -0.01122312 +O 5.81152021 0.12843006 1.99837009 0.13501325 0.11564231 0.18006798 +O 5.83249022 0.15443995 6.03540993 0.06623779 0.17879426 0.01044691 +O 0.00198506 2.15502023 2.03421987 -0.06519958 -0.16090658 0.14326495 +O 0.01036390 2.17559975 6.08743049 0.03857709 -0.13850558 -0.10030516 +O 7.75092709 6.15035993 2.12612009 0.04064708 -0.10156783 -0.44121981 +O 7.74480036 6.14997021 6.04485000 0.21324884 0.04192904 0.04387613 +O 3.88922036 2.12927972 2.08409002 -0.10565357 -0.03084732 -0.21027356 +O 3.89447994 2.12766031 6.07726999 -0.31714917 0.11707158 -0.08398843 +O 3.85696030 6.15746017 2.04362966 0.23581515 -0.12724724 0.00466784 +O 3.88494981 6.17716012 6.04158013 -0.17673917 -0.12450670 0.18496336 +40 +Lattice="7.954815669 1.7e-08 1.7e-08 1.7e-08 7.954815669 1.7e-08 1.7e-08 1.7e-08 7.954815669" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216283341902 stress="-0.00013405101181911995 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00013405101181911995 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00013405101181911995" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98870392 -1.98870392 1.98870391 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98870391 -1.98870392 -1.98870392 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba -1.98870392 1.98870391 -1.98870392 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98870393 1.98870393 1.98870393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98870392 1.98870392 -1.98870391 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba -1.98870391 1.98870392 1.98870392 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98870392 -1.98870391 1.98870392 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba -1.98870393 -1.98870393 -1.98870393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000001 3.97740783 0.00000001 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000001 0.00000001 3.97740783 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97740783 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97740785 3.97740785 3.97740785 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97740784 0.00000002 3.97740784 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97740784 3.97740784 0.00000002 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000002 3.97740784 3.97740784 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97740784 0.00017951 1.98870393 0.00000000 -0.00128169 0.00000077 +O 0.00000000 3.97758733 -1.98870391 0.00000000 -0.00128169 -0.00000077 +O 0.00000000 -0.00017949 1.98870392 0.00000000 0.00128169 -0.00000103 +O 3.97740784 3.97722835 -1.98870390 0.00000000 0.00128144 0.00000051 +O 0.00017951 1.98870393 3.97740784 -0.00128169 0.00000077 0.00000000 +O 3.97758733 -1.98870391 0.00000000 -0.00128169 -0.00000077 0.00000000 +O -0.00017949 1.98870392 0.00000000 0.00128169 -0.00000103 0.00000000 +O 3.97722835 -1.98870390 3.97740784 0.00128144 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 1.98870393 3.97740784 0.00017951 0.00000077 0.00000000 -0.00128169 +O -1.98870391 0.00000000 3.97758733 -0.00000077 0.00000000 -0.00128169 +O 1.98870392 0.00000000 -0.00017949 -0.00000103 0.00000000 0.00128169 +O -1.98870390 3.97740784 3.97722835 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00128144 +O 0.00000001 3.97722834 1.98870393 0.00000000 0.00128169 0.00000077 +O 3.97740783 -0.00017950 -1.98870391 0.00000000 0.00128169 -0.00000077 +O 3.97740785 3.97758733 1.98870393 0.00000000 -0.00128144 -0.00000051 +O -0.00000000 0.00017949 -1.98870392 0.00000000 -0.00128169 0.00000103 +O 3.97722834 1.98870393 0.00000001 0.00128169 0.00000077 0.00000000 +O -0.00017950 -1.98870391 3.97740783 0.00128169 -0.00000077 0.00000000 +O 3.97758733 1.98870393 3.97740785 -0.00128144 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 0.00017949 -1.98870392 -0.00000000 -0.00128169 0.00000103 0.00000000 +O 1.98870393 0.00000001 3.97722834 0.00000077 0.00000000 0.00128169 +O -1.98870391 3.97740783 -0.00017950 -0.00000077 0.00000000 0.00128169 +O 1.98870393 3.97740785 3.97758733 -0.00000051 0.00000000 -0.00128144 +O -1.98870392 -0.00000000 0.00017949 0.00000103 0.00000000 -0.00128169 +40 +Lattice="7.955115137 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955115137 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955115137" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21670049242 stress="-7.345260921595614e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -7.345260921595614e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -7.345260921595614e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 0.00000000 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755757 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 3.97755757 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 1.98877878 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 5.96633635 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 1.98877878 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 5.96633635 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 1.98877878 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 5.96633635 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 1.98877878 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 5.96633635 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96626847 5.96629608 -0.00001160 0.00076619 0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 5.96626847 1.98881906 0.00001160 0.00076619 -0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 1.98884666 5.96629608 0.00001160 -0.00076619 0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 1.98884666 1.98881906 -0.00001160 -0.00076619 -0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 0.00001160 5.96626847 1.98881906 0.00000000 0.00076619 -0.00059572 +O -0.00001160 5.96626847 5.96629608 0.00000000 0.00076619 0.00059572 +O -0.00001160 1.98884666 1.98881906 0.00000000 -0.00076619 -0.00059572 +O 0.00001160 1.98884666 5.96629608 0.00000000 -0.00076619 0.00059572 +O 5.96629608 0.00001160 1.98884666 0.00059572 0.00000000 -0.00076619 +O 1.98881906 -0.00001160 1.98884666 -0.00059572 0.00000000 -0.00076619 +O 5.96629608 -0.00001160 5.96626847 0.00059572 0.00000000 0.00076619 +O 1.98881906 0.00001160 5.96626847 -0.00059572 0.00000000 0.00076619 +O 1.98873851 1.98871091 3.97756917 0.00059572 0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 5.96637663 1.98871091 3.97754597 -0.00059572 0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 1.98873851 5.96640423 3.97754597 0.00059572 -0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 5.96637663 5.96640423 3.97756917 -0.00059572 -0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 1.98871091 3.97756917 1.98873851 0.00076619 0.00000000 0.00059572 +O 1.98871091 3.97754597 5.96637663 0.00076619 0.00000000 -0.00059572 +O 5.96640423 3.97754597 1.98873851 -0.00076619 0.00000000 0.00059572 +O 5.96640423 3.97756917 5.96637663 -0.00076619 0.00000000 -0.00059572 +O 3.97756917 1.98873851 1.98871091 0.00000000 0.00059572 0.00076619 +O 3.97754597 5.96637663 1.98871091 0.00000000 -0.00059572 0.00076619 +O 3.97754597 1.98873851 5.96640423 0.00000000 0.00059572 -0.00076619 +O 3.97756917 5.96637663 5.96640423 0.00000000 -0.00059572 -0.00076619 +40 +Lattice="7.9351699340694415 0.0 0.0 -0.02175030078928434 7.935138193389705 0.0 -0.02175030078928434 0.021694754599745854 7.935106452709969" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.90331202917 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97539159 7.86805744 0.02275013 0.13874084 0.55823895 0.02399122 +Ba 3.97193185 0.06492001 4.04339996 0.36262145 -0.16922821 -0.27275316 +Ba 3.94127194 3.97968769 0.11826022 0.56812072 0.14344982 -0.12358059 +Ba 3.98701979 3.96190973 4.09101019 0.39885009 0.36291224 -1.08731207 +Ba 0.10950376 0.04447742 0.02675025 -0.43682657 -0.17584623 -0.28000368 +Ba 0.00789787 0.11927989 3.98689996 -0.23314712 -0.57661694 0.08462709 +Ba 0.01179008 4.20261994 7.89502988 -0.24999736 -1.28599690 0.80909094 +Ba 0.10687880 3.94913966 3.99570007 -1.01354558 0.63819074 -0.27375872 +O 2.04939015 3.98078988 2.02599013 -0.17752182 -0.38842067 -0.15218437 +O 2.01212025 4.00103012 5.93898033 -0.13172173 -0.15695454 0.03042026 +O 1.98867182 0.01823978 2.03006960 0.06367286 1.10171076 -0.33948229 +O 2.01008170 0.04882034 5.91752998 0.28599692 0.49443008 0.21898626 +O 6.02704961 4.09149027 1.93217976 -0.30083732 -0.43744261 0.15687303 +O 6.00779968 4.03494028 5.94954998 0.13366137 0.36921813 0.10464441 +O 6.06317209 0.02831031 1.85441985 -0.14672437 0.47161745 0.65953784 +O 6.03946180 0.06548975 5.93554996 -0.50253085 0.04010278 0.18749153 +O 2.01973960 1.92777971 3.89243018 -0.34369761 0.60854464 1.04269957 +O 2.12184222 1.99203792 0.00312963 -0.27932542 -0.01491034 -0.67063729 +O 2.15933035 5.94629021 3.93690998 -0.67357761 0.20746643 1.22216000 +O 2.05713964 5.96217008 7.90361018 -0.47395176 0.22716365 0.06391480 +O 6.03122986 2.06158968 4.00390979 0.09922967 -0.21119967 -0.24023051 +O 5.92933196 2.05962732 0.02300961 0.15605722 -0.13925223 -0.50495181 +O 5.97808961 5.98180962 3.92106979 0.01985560 0.29204364 0.71789468 +O 6.06070029 6.03438012 7.91072961 -0.26845608 0.02575448 -0.56265713 +O 0.07490959 2.01893021 1.85036022 -0.63833035 0.23368268 0.51027090 +O 0.00493568 1.97233013 5.95579020 1.27002906 0.56028554 0.30723243 +O 0.07746630 5.93754010 1.99113014 -0.13369017 0.47612511 0.24808832 +O 0.08132121 6.08653958 5.90286023 -0.09584970 -0.63277703 0.02090744 +O 4.07963036 2.00146966 2.07362972 -0.12001087 -0.07275271 -0.37960513 +O 4.02504988 2.07966997 5.88786991 -0.52037431 -0.33902129 0.46795697 +O 3.94393975 6.08068977 2.01044037 1.13753729 -0.27886133 -0.38368444 +O 4.02456028 6.01666009 6.07424959 0.00088343 -0.20700183 -0.68688435 +Ti 1.86368972 2.14756963 2.01556967 1.54873690 -0.14124304 -0.46106153 +Ti 1.91799961 1.97630010 5.98658024 0.02743624 -0.78443200 0.64223509 +Ti 2.00465960 6.18262021 2.15168005 0.13245166 -2.20008218 -0.66714034 +Ti 2.02994026 5.89235962 6.07100966 0.13983150 1.21280170 -0.72669094 +Ti 5.89431961 1.91486998 1.88758966 0.04120424 0.69015274 0.91123547 +Ti 5.87755974 1.99769966 5.96137973 0.69450870 0.06659569 -0.57608960 +Ti 5.98153030 5.95310970 2.08026987 -0.07960264 -0.61854083 -0.41451042 +Ti 6.00882015 5.97341024 6.01194978 -0.39970653 0.05009306 0.37296011 +40 +Lattice="7.915869782926372 0.0 0.0 -0.021697399075001185 7.91583811944724 0.0 -0.021697399075001185 0.0216419879865207 7.9158064559681085" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.041048152372 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01188788 0.03336064 0.02695987 -0.09917105 0.02530943 -0.00330644 +Ba 4.01114933 0.03356012 4.00107005 -0.11087985 0.11915212 -0.09343672 +Ba 3.97758920 4.00225980 0.07382973 0.05236926 -0.04687301 -0.41275539 +Ba 3.98111018 4.03662022 4.00639980 -0.07488955 -0.20838020 -0.03943455 +Ba 0.02310959 0.06315993 0.04008992 0.18071230 -0.19294741 -0.06538598 +Ba 0.05237219 0.05971020 3.97623005 -0.15803440 -0.10151050 0.05836558 +Ba 0.03568395 3.95892992 0.02561971 0.05056794 0.22997284 0.08353900 +Ba 0.01140281 3.96899969 4.00702991 0.13001195 0.25211389 -0.18364670 +O 2.00788966 3.97698997 2.00989000 -0.08380716 0.09086947 0.02184564 +O 1.96831031 4.00364983 5.98474981 0.02510477 0.00357743 -0.14256870 +O 2.01620924 0.03981999 1.97654994 0.02128308 -0.10549493 0.19576379 +O 2.00907941 0.04498035 5.97540988 -0.10338252 0.06896933 -0.04743171 +O 5.94126002 4.03150024 2.01118979 0.12019573 -0.10033936 0.05197691 +O 5.97967970 3.97675012 5.99312005 -0.21708724 0.31693320 -0.05136910 +O 5.95410906 0.06352011 2.02531961 0.02808699 -0.16342780 -0.00132360 +O 5.93628886 0.05007975 5.98612005 0.09789012 -0.15601017 -0.09360050 +O 2.01905024 2.03248031 3.99294995 -0.08379714 -0.15528178 -0.01448739 +O 2.04191919 2.01181039 0.02371990 -0.18080075 -0.03633149 0.11020699 +O 1.93824030 6.00091006 3.98057982 0.19391054 -0.07681659 -0.06068163 +O 2.01310938 5.96630979 0.02664007 -0.09450990 0.03210485 0.06456246 +O 5.94094022 2.05312965 3.97326951 0.07496874 -0.13969883 0.12499289 +O 5.97781868 2.01723039 0.03721013 -0.10010307 -0.02061382 -0.05249961 +O 5.96825947 5.96602007 4.03427000 -0.06325505 0.12024355 -0.17662964 +O 5.94968884 5.96126026 0.05159010 -0.03184697 0.12622985 0.04400135 +O 0.02221668 1.99184973 2.02842976 0.14198377 0.21466012 -0.10359309 +O 0.00187606 2.00804006 5.97376971 0.18865598 -0.04701982 -0.09156367 +O 0.01008007 5.99259998 1.99258987 -0.08548121 -0.04715455 0.04761143 +O -0.00963915 5.97913984 5.98688947 -0.09387818 0.12070044 0.03209585 +O 3.98914004 2.03077998 2.01300964 -0.07607791 -0.06898347 -0.02161629 +O 3.97111956 2.04119964 5.95336972 -0.00771125 -0.07263212 0.09846708 +O 3.96714026 5.99068988 2.01387010 -0.09274740 -0.00183757 0.11799564 +O 3.93598973 5.98010003 5.93859000 0.10902172 -0.04343005 0.16360881 +Ti 2.02042998 2.04659985 2.00725956 -0.08442937 0.08741391 -0.04580857 +Ti 2.00478980 2.01695966 5.95699994 0.24781449 0.28100769 0.15721447 +Ti 2.01308009 6.01949969 2.01060005 -0.02124657 -0.06335481 0.05817044 +Ti 2.00974989 5.99555022 5.97964962 0.04014700 -0.23238299 0.03484668 +Ti 5.94652962 2.00086987 2.03773961 0.15726050 -0.03379689 0.12503815 +Ti 5.95650995 2.03318007 6.00048973 -0.14128212 0.16566106 -0.07391382 +Ti 5.98354977 5.95638963 1.94478989 0.07320471 -0.09428415 0.04141276 +Ti 5.98950013 5.99078962 5.91367005 0.07123010 -0.04631662 0.14333643 +40 +Lattice="7.932000162591403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.932000162591403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.932000162591403" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.700807484896 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00574971 3.95292021 7.91031883 -0.40880257 0.23389557 0.34153660 +Ba 3.90619994 0.04203088 4.00432037 0.73231806 -0.22844020 -0.06717984 +Ba 7.91821038 3.96774036 3.96140983 0.16697618 0.16473135 0.02505797 +Ba 0.04632764 0.01981810 3.95384984 -0.42721527 -0.24973099 0.14270702 +Ba 7.91934307 3.95274016 0.05249398 0.39363487 0.15041313 -0.26251375 +Ba 3.93999026 0.06553181 0.00443557 0.25712831 -0.43767143 0.04792639 +Ba 4.01104036 3.99454973 3.97196019 -0.13294686 -0.10209542 -0.02019704 +Ba 0.02687600 7.88227128 7.92597343 -0.07670989 0.33716084 0.09988890 +Ti 5.95634991 2.04163021 1.90007970 -0.06339286 -0.40571854 0.73831876 +Ti 1.98744989 5.95972022 1.95342003 0.12528729 0.24946566 0.35775255 +Ti 1.98963992 2.02728043 5.99391031 0.48941977 -0.28152320 0.66713391 +Ti 5.96570016 5.88070005 6.00892004 0.02853410 1.18491295 0.13893522 +Ti 2.01035037 5.95844000 5.94804035 -0.13245166 0.33466610 -0.56186832 +Ti 5.98830001 1.94563001 5.92533976 -0.30955594 -0.95884047 -0.50233159 +Ti 5.92085976 6.02871038 2.03585968 -0.27599584 0.41268700 -0.02934889 +Ti 2.00042030 2.01462968 2.06699040 0.21855225 -0.06674121 -0.83607775 +O 1.97784979 1.92080999 3.97637038 -0.27160105 0.31071447 -0.02044078 +O 5.96046979 2.02170979 3.96545991 0.00687616 0.00192190 0.47994320 +O 2.06556978 5.94019005 4.02032000 -0.15470276 0.05201162 0.32920739 +O 5.95532986 5.97543986 3.89872006 0.11335377 -0.41135414 0.60347596 +O 2.07707991 3.93851015 2.07081997 -0.48924931 -0.07107763 -0.16236208 +O 1.94324010 3.95422027 5.93879005 0.16623365 -0.09829405 0.12985639 +O 6.01709000 3.92853011 1.95254037 -0.24872415 0.60302576 0.03786284 +O 5.94475016 4.00212003 6.02665044 0.09580727 -0.29277126 -0.45817007 +O 3.97064982 2.03069992 1.97969002 0.01305709 -0.29364184 0.22042530 +O 3.99825001 6.00855992 2.00605995 0.65943011 -0.43848159 -0.23476100 +O 3.93192976 1.98428027 5.95145032 -0.11729938 0.27839468 -0.19790655 +O 3.99900037 6.01298043 6.00577976 -0.29833127 -0.54680911 -0.21580169 +O 6.01205000 6.00221988 7.89781404 -0.03819605 -0.33282416 0.32848208 +O 2.02580984 5.87641042 0.06757985 -0.16267293 0.06296272 -0.56205729 +O 5.85688025 1.99425000 0.00167920 0.46019533 -0.09497347 -0.10705405 +O 2.02582015 1.96254976 0.00456011 -0.35670997 0.40166391 -0.16645425 +O 5.91614022 0.00546356 5.96369019 0.26606727 0.58899294 -0.19236865 +O 6.02023028 7.92754000 2.02231976 -0.25964208 -0.08401645 -0.30666447 +O 1.97076017 0.00004918 6.04492021 -0.01444112 -0.33415317 -0.38691812 +O 2.06013002 7.91176008 2.00176001 -0.33027157 0.22188980 0.00455702 +O 0.02141402 5.95410992 5.89787997 -0.01980341 -0.07197546 0.24022511 +O 7.88191275 1.93945971 5.98095974 0.32281331 0.41433585 -0.00699109 +O 0.10224983 5.97230037 2.02053030 -0.49313579 -0.29426121 -0.06882175 +O 7.91826987 1.96817989 1.88943020 0.56616720 0.09154824 0.43299588 +40 +Lattice="7.783999880959086 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0480409409211 0.0 0.0 0.06857703895124954 8.047752932925503" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.181511138977 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87826974 0.08973006 8.00414697 0.06545900 -0.00571299 0.22365024 +Ba 3.88357999 0.07606291 4.01159020 0.01215592 -0.05534454 -0.09771246 +Ba 3.91545002 4.13035925 8.03198333 -0.16233765 0.02446508 0.02911903 +Ba 3.90965016 4.11531978 4.00983958 -0.14631608 -0.14668915 -0.03481145 +Ba 7.77691955 0.10191980 8.03718849 0.07368807 -0.08731543 -0.02894419 +Ba 7.77286020 0.06794965 4.02077999 0.08102472 0.04490663 -0.08319036 +Ba 0.01354961 4.10587001 8.01489511 -0.06647947 0.17429277 0.06396493 +Ba 7.77424186 4.09144003 4.00182984 0.07375107 -0.03189762 0.06655969 +Ti 1.94803004 1.98170985 1.93303961 0.02898456 0.24274916 0.09943819 +Ti 1.94694028 2.02974024 5.96313004 -0.25866455 0.19820994 -0.12750923 +Ti 1.95328969 6.00077969 1.93027006 -0.10533578 0.29563264 0.06520240 +Ti 1.94723996 6.06132987 5.94995018 0.00496351 -0.17757633 0.05132102 +Ti 5.83919008 2.00767027 1.93538026 -0.04857971 0.05452564 0.19565118 +Ti 5.81909024 2.06096965 5.97581952 0.31212987 -0.20794362 -0.17438019 +Ti 5.84710018 6.04650992 1.95251985 0.05947630 -0.18001656 -0.08997010 +Ti 5.84284000 6.09968008 5.97068986 -0.00096956 -0.14749133 -0.03815440 +O 1.93075968 2.11825989 4.10219985 0.15017814 -0.01394309 -0.14776233 +O 1.93563013 2.08613065 0.07121971 0.03374290 0.01633293 -0.00539392 +O 1.91840024 6.13314973 4.08221988 0.10763692 0.09745047 0.18640652 +O 1.94603033 6.10278045 0.06498005 -0.03859072 0.02805922 -0.07166230 +O 5.81930975 2.11228022 4.11817028 0.00385280 0.09233808 -0.00375844 +O 5.83411025 2.10163015 0.07904963 0.01733386 -0.05009820 -0.09088978 +O 5.83903985 6.16062958 4.09761975 -0.05931792 0.05398365 0.09637600 +O 5.82411014 6.12077005 0.07972995 0.01449614 0.02513048 0.01630259 +O 1.92764997 4.17357991 2.02845977 0.04253762 -0.30306210 0.05744153 +O 1.99338974 4.17707960 6.05170963 -0.18133091 0.30726045 0.07141110 +O 1.95877974 0.14132007 2.01115983 -0.03811789 -0.02995155 0.17160957 +O 1.94453969 0.15898975 6.05601029 -0.09343620 -0.06805144 0.04647320 +O 5.85893965 4.17069983 2.06567975 -0.09667245 -0.05445494 -0.11296167 +O 5.82160992 4.21989004 6.07148021 -0.01944217 -0.29855213 -0.00232788 +O 5.83515953 0.13583002 2.05665965 -0.07594242 0.16252586 -0.09569672 +O 5.88028026 0.16737001 6.08121021 -0.24142402 0.18152760 -0.01053150 +O 7.77681058 2.14370033 2.08029966 0.01322858 -0.14298213 -0.08546424 +O 0.00720487 2.17787988 6.07761011 -0.22686540 -0.00316451 0.12562307 +O 7.77152135 6.16937958 2.07796990 0.12917197 0.02477232 -0.11345661 +O 7.77053979 6.18000006 6.09669025 0.28241768 -0.02661375 -0.00479768 +O 3.88934015 2.16338996 2.07134961 0.00939635 -0.11405902 -0.02865340 +O 3.87851027 2.13024024 6.10289955 0.36528614 0.07937613 0.00742252 +O 3.88382985 6.13648984 2.08533980 -0.00205148 0.09723655 -0.06442542 +O 3.88444012 6.22086996 6.08395018 -0.01903748 -0.05585465 -0.06151853 +40 +Lattice="7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.33173487022 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.10693025 4.01758985 3.96446007 -0.60632937 -0.16093923 0.68976013 +Ba 3.90985966 7.88756188 3.94615008 0.55827366 0.50768489 0.53525046 +Ba 0.11489268 3.96555966 4.06623030 -1.08098021 0.19079617 -0.87019115 +Ba 4.01322022 3.99215008 0.10347866 -0.01811316 0.08547247 -0.83197222 +Ba 0.09073125 0.05214270 3.96513036 -0.88018631 -0.14610062 0.14478370 +Ba 7.94541158 4.00403011 7.84975214 0.02684746 -0.00941461 1.59659156 +Ba 3.94962999 7.92433108 0.01977824 0.02911697 0.25723990 -0.58837690 +Ba 7.90132350 7.97446930 7.97891872 0.40388508 0.16086878 0.14443043 +Ti 1.86695035 5.93097030 1.95188042 0.34686830 -0.23929797 0.07776507 +Ti 5.89012033 1.86498019 1.96147988 1.00760993 0.95949122 0.75785837 +Ti 6.05220037 6.01073039 6.02363021 -1.15732887 -1.05363499 -0.10501825 +Ti 2.05759018 2.14361984 6.00374026 1.34882771 -0.54480750 0.41981255 +Ti 2.02180008 6.07162990 6.00650040 0.81376829 0.10684862 -0.10411759 +Ti 6.08429991 1.98518009 5.98908971 -1.23438586 0.71243572 -0.65401691 +Ti 5.90926977 5.88871033 2.03610032 0.41502079 -0.48868521 -0.19047658 +Ti 1.99751975 1.93391037 1.99602038 -0.91335483 0.01280641 -0.56507577 +O 5.91866017 5.95908003 4.03125012 0.46388615 0.52218411 -0.74820979 +O 1.77251018 6.00692013 3.98812996 0.61328832 0.13775277 -0.07572182 +O 5.97484054 2.15668963 3.93107981 0.48324038 -1.01433619 1.15840642 +O 2.04033988 1.97638019 4.05647045 -0.52326680 0.19228869 -1.06638560 +O 6.00853999 4.06529988 6.11576028 -0.52294490 -0.49711225 -0.60420770 +O 6.00318009 4.01983052 2.02964003 -0.25227176 0.75026513 -0.35714680 +O 2.08601032 4.03926005 6.09134031 -0.81479699 -0.14830380 -0.54264006 +O 1.87357980 4.09084018 1.93946018 0.47462796 -0.99761862 0.26996969 +O 3.95126979 6.01600012 5.87100998 -1.09994596 0.48794499 0.52200670 +O 3.97931011 2.16940991 5.96930988 -0.01855128 -1.04979633 0.25580394 +O 3.91840980 5.96663991 1.98296017 -0.02885421 -0.16692347 0.26743484 +O 4.01581997 2.09701020 2.10393011 -1.39674382 -0.25451273 -0.75895237 +O 5.87123980 6.02391987 0.00052187 0.02106119 0.16561093 -0.15657118 +O 1.98630043 6.03574005 7.95235064 -0.27853892 -0.05567390 0.08152942 +O 5.98716025 2.02734031 0.08061710 -0.27878497 -0.21102818 -1.04069591 +O 1.99273039 1.94339971 7.92920741 0.21423229 0.32159024 1.24595659 +O 6.09215982 0.07683397 5.96943995 -0.42380136 0.35266896 -0.01610590 +O 5.78165043 0.00876240 1.92803020 0.77183308 0.20645650 0.71267663 +O 1.85330044 0.01920849 6.05040017 0.37334012 -0.55542205 -0.54525153 +O 2.12861022 7.96336409 1.97884988 -0.96212223 1.32132205 0.18412338 +O 7.84918080 5.90384045 6.02168000 1.71671710 0.75009415 -0.12194717 +O 7.94351723 2.14536977 6.02464043 0.18711795 -0.56752629 -0.37876900 +O 7.85276922 5.99436982 1.84400022 0.94252502 0.66750363 0.64870681 +O 7.97381098 2.02341036 1.92559004 1.27921433 -0.70819211 0.60898327 +40 +Lattice="7.925660090458121 0.0 0.0 -0.02172423430794571 7.925628387817759 0.0 -0.02172423430794571 0.0216687546873125 7.925596685177397" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.058190099695 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00872199 0.04021321 0.05004975 0.01563051 -0.05651953 -0.00176223 +Ba 3.97702570 0.02279975 3.99494006 0.18508832 0.20099650 -0.10077156 +Ba 4.03286593 3.98448374 0.02093008 -0.14474385 0.15760297 0.16346688 +Ba 3.97418038 4.01141038 3.99021003 0.08850328 -0.04657939 -0.05509617 +Ba 0.03736632 0.01597338 0.02993997 0.05094332 0.28422646 -0.03107461 +Ba 0.02129704 0.06459968 4.01844995 0.06593543 -0.04145955 -0.14221954 +Ba 0.07470014 4.02259349 0.05477027 -0.32149974 -0.25103583 -0.30066403 +Ba -0.01299808 4.01055996 3.99879986 0.24673077 -0.06588555 0.13794148 +O 1.99042967 3.99863976 2.01530990 -0.05935700 -0.18679964 -0.09648502 +O 2.00359974 3.97631001 5.96365025 -0.05837073 -0.00927680 -0.11151877 +O 1.99954576 0.04306011 1.97608977 -0.00704122 -0.17961392 0.06927529 +O 1.98136985 7.93740037 5.93578997 0.04609808 0.01330366 0.19818757 +O 5.96120994 4.05229014 1.99792021 0.10999205 -0.33076908 -0.10260758 +O 5.95294031 4.01206979 5.98643019 0.02433189 0.03870359 -0.07078838 +O 5.97775634 0.07420003 2.03249986 -0.00645347 -0.03145179 -0.12172528 +O 5.98685579 0.05017022 5.95088043 -0.18098895 -0.26408803 -0.05867077 +O 1.99683994 1.99771969 3.98115021 0.00576364 0.11636761 0.03884937 +O 2.02206573 2.02860361 0.02067012 0.01929382 -0.12791778 -0.07490652 +O 1.97611989 5.97493005 3.95034000 -0.12518418 0.03699972 0.30305876 +O 1.97540975 5.98236987 7.91218013 0.02402465 0.02362535 0.01820958 +O 5.96501981 2.04552965 3.96644969 0.07393901 0.05032523 -0.04408259 +O 5.97011046 2.01559998 7.91263031 -0.10687562 0.14364753 0.35797958 +O 5.95864044 5.97679021 3.96786997 -0.00146193 0.12846825 0.31227308 +O 5.94067614 6.02829352 0.03846006 0.09028223 -0.13612294 -0.19173976 +O 0.01758625 2.02685997 1.99176039 0.11189801 0.08693465 0.03337575 +O 0.01002596 2.00795964 5.98596971 0.35007935 0.10338534 -0.16552119 +O 0.00135212 6.01138967 2.00129971 0.06013759 -0.11116807 -0.03017909 +O -0.02153323 5.96798004 5.99020993 0.12170548 0.05310305 -0.16195970 +O 3.99675029 2.01051963 2.01012018 -0.08658884 0.16960899 -0.10120736 +O 4.00279043 2.00500971 5.95783995 -0.40899284 0.00591508 0.03147647 +O 3.94146009 5.97376974 2.03567964 -0.11267243 0.15766005 -0.22834173 +O 3.96704967 5.95641967 5.97276001 -0.19348400 0.19623251 -0.11489180 +Ti 1.99842032 2.06510999 2.00077028 0.08694365 -0.16858132 0.17968232 +Ti 2.00654967 2.05161022 5.97112019 -0.05924336 0.21486298 -0.03660634 +Ti 2.01501982 6.02205999 2.05817980 0.76689657 0.06665225 0.01504095 +Ti 2.02839992 6.01779995 6.01303980 -0.11277347 -0.04795030 0.11572870 +Ti 5.97177009 1.99607036 2.03280025 -0.03585352 -0.23037419 0.11572150 +Ti 5.96696001 2.03283988 5.99370039 0.04069928 0.08791656 0.14700308 +Ti 6.03738029 5.96156977 2.02115032 -0.75150929 0.04022491 0.01021139 +Ti 5.97369999 6.00535032 5.98126979 0.18817724 -0.09116926 0.09533676 +40 +Lattice="7.7910098914381445 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.055288737965618 0.0 0.0 0.06863879714357006 8.055000470599635" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.003129361066 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88713974 0.06440672 0.01383995 0.08291653 -0.24713598 -0.24808163 +Ba 3.88741009 0.08172691 4.06216010 0.07085215 -0.14186524 -0.46582167 +Ba 3.88681018 4.07761980 0.03178342 0.20190822 -0.06960516 -0.39687034 +Ba 3.89254982 4.09667973 4.05524013 0.14158525 0.10147990 -0.41636470 +Ba 0.01306007 0.14054514 8.04493059 0.01168464 -0.16059393 -0.24579103 +Ba 0.00038020 0.03540858 3.98001013 0.09380567 0.26578368 0.22664531 +Ba 7.78550243 4.16141133 8.04339187 0.06669133 -0.23942087 -0.25109419 +Ba 7.75552574 4.07693965 3.99131022 0.27706439 0.05431378 0.17682196 +Ti 1.96681006 2.12026023 2.04692969 -0.15509460 -0.03824953 -0.09202235 +Ti 1.95402034 2.18810980 6.05757953 -0.47676480 -0.17839342 0.27288892 +Ti 1.95176017 6.13070984 2.02068022 0.47050596 -0.08961117 0.42431841 +Ti 1.97850982 6.20924011 6.06333007 -0.39859889 -0.43675689 -0.11547467 +Ti 5.84844000 2.12272998 2.04182035 0.04033778 0.16411634 0.21654988 +Ti 5.82754996 2.14485022 6.09073028 0.44916169 -0.17382894 -0.14339325 +Ti 5.87094978 6.17215023 2.03977988 -0.59425830 -0.48976327 0.00782978 +Ti 5.86200960 6.20957980 6.06995010 0.13620316 0.03138006 0.10476680 +O 1.95979971 2.02559012 3.89145985 0.03983462 -0.18783066 0.44741257 +O 1.93402004 2.08407021 7.92832021 0.12105191 0.02212640 0.10853166 +O 1.96087020 6.05882999 3.92188998 -0.07447766 0.02826928 -0.31269937 +O 1.92773971 6.08828001 7.93186979 0.22068138 -0.13223595 0.01736189 +O 5.85943000 2.01552958 3.88937030 -0.12448150 0.00423692 0.25526092 +O 5.85345975 2.03734987 7.93445952 -0.06006585 0.15511620 0.37935496 +O 5.88980013 6.09123981 3.89903973 -0.18886450 -0.14818347 0.07012581 +O 5.87941004 6.13147025 7.92347965 -0.16963779 -0.13802659 0.19053520 +O 1.99942011 3.94622987 1.99039968 -0.35371592 0.48999853 -0.30330378 +O 1.96029989 4.02562026 5.94220013 -0.11318099 -0.04093582 0.11819207 +O 1.99053992 7.95747027 1.89026962 -0.11262589 0.52104177 0.29499758 +O 1.92330974 8.03050008 5.96522022 0.18778566 0.24184028 0.02431904 +O 5.89500998 3.98848987 1.97813975 -0.14125152 -0.11389524 -0.29262162 +O 5.82719002 3.98530958 5.98698986 0.05039748 0.29803636 -0.05176865 +O 5.79173002 8.00039017 1.95984022 0.34466563 0.31457679 -0.14974233 +O 5.79435013 8.06985014 5.96853997 0.26813289 -0.18176851 -0.05195017 +O 0.03216518 1.98922012 1.93194997 -0.20434614 -0.16712839 -0.12558142 +O 7.78193726 1.98252998 5.95278967 0.03956002 0.22061659 -0.14854369 +O 0.01791075 6.01800977 1.86567964 -0.10918035 0.04358791 0.29535265 +O 7.78648020 6.04669004 5.92492980 0.03602553 0.03589723 0.05268036 +O 3.92654978 2.00636034 1.91269994 -0.13316746 -0.10733944 -0.03987318 +O 3.86434013 2.00298995 5.97215968 0.24677294 0.08369635 -0.16725232 +O 3.90117992 5.94099953 1.88330991 0.17718372 0.33691864 0.19077251 +O 3.92569978 6.04615012 5.92632984 -0.36509639 0.06953548 0.14353235 +40 +Lattice="7.975076329 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.975076329 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.975076329" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.27607015368 stress="-8.35523429831501e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -8.35523429831501e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -8.35523429831501e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98753816 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98753816 0.00000000 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98753816 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98753816 3.98753816 3.98753816 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.03488718 1.94018915 1.94018915 0.03425326 -0.03425326 -0.03425326 +Ti 1.94018915 6.03488718 1.94018915 -0.03425326 0.03425326 -0.03425326 +Ti 1.94018915 1.94018915 6.03488718 -0.03425326 -0.03425326 0.03425326 +Ti 6.03488718 6.03488718 6.03488718 0.03425326 0.03425326 0.03425326 +Ti 2.04734859 5.92772774 5.92772774 0.03426458 -0.03426458 -0.03426458 +Ti 5.92772774 2.04734859 5.92772774 -0.03426458 0.03426458 -0.03426458 +Ti 5.92772774 5.92772774 2.04734859 -0.03426458 -0.03426458 0.03426458 +Ti 2.04734859 2.04734859 2.04734859 0.03426458 0.03426458 0.03426458 +O 1.99254869 1.99131695 3.95825213 0.02085782 0.02374851 0.01207133 +O 5.98252764 1.99131695 4.01682420 -0.02085782 0.02374851 -0.01207133 +O 1.99254869 5.98375937 4.01682420 0.02085782 -0.02374851 -0.01207133 +O 5.98252764 5.98375937 3.95825213 -0.02085782 -0.02374851 0.01207133 +O 1.99131695 3.95825213 1.99254869 0.02374851 0.01207133 0.02085782 +O 1.99131695 4.01682420 5.98252764 0.02374851 -0.01207133 -0.02085782 +O 5.98375937 4.01682420 1.99254869 -0.02374851 -0.01207133 0.02085782 +O 5.98375937 3.95825213 5.98252764 -0.02374851 0.01207133 -0.02085782 +O 3.95825213 1.99254869 1.99131695 0.01207133 0.02085782 0.02374851 +O 4.01682420 5.98252764 1.99131695 -0.01207133 -0.02085782 0.02374851 +O 4.01682420 1.99254869 5.98375937 -0.01207133 0.02085782 -0.02374851 +O 3.95825213 5.98252764 5.98375937 0.01207133 -0.02085782 -0.02374851 +O 5.98008676 5.97885502 -0.02928579 0.02086090 0.02375159 0.01206413 +O 1.99498957 5.97885502 0.02928579 -0.02086090 0.02375159 -0.01206413 +O 5.98008676 1.99622131 0.02928579 0.02086090 -0.02375159 -0.01206413 +O 1.99498957 1.99622131 -0.02928579 -0.02086090 -0.02375159 0.01206413 +O 5.97885502 -0.02928579 5.98008676 0.02375159 0.01206413 0.02086090 +O 5.97885502 0.02928579 1.99498957 0.02375159 -0.01206413 -0.02086090 +O 1.99622131 0.02928579 5.98008676 -0.02375159 -0.01206413 0.02086090 +O 1.99622131 -0.02928579 1.99498957 -0.02375159 0.01206413 -0.02086090 +O -0.02928579 5.98008676 5.97885502 0.01206413 0.02086090 0.02375159 +O 0.02928579 1.99498957 5.97885502 -0.01206413 -0.02086090 0.02375159 +O 0.02928579 5.98008676 1.99622131 -0.01206413 0.02086090 -0.02375159 +O -0.02928579 1.99498957 1.99622131 0.01206413 -0.02086090 -0.02375159 +40 +Lattice="7.983711657 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983711657 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983711657" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.32741408938 stress="-6.427103306396162e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -6.427103306396162e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -6.427103306396162e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00024621 3.99160962 0.00024621 0.00012856 0.00012856 -0.00012856 +Ba 3.99210204 3.99210204 3.99210204 -0.00012856 -0.00012856 -0.00012856 +Ba 0.00024621 -0.00024621 3.99160962 -0.00012856 0.00012856 0.00012856 +Ba 3.99160962 0.00024621 -0.00024621 0.00012856 -0.00012856 0.00012856 +Ba 3.99203530 3.99167636 -0.00017947 0.00035224 -0.00035224 -0.00035224 +Ba -0.00017947 3.99203530 3.99167636 -0.00035224 0.00035224 -0.00035224 +Ba 3.99167636 -0.00017947 3.99203530 -0.00035224 -0.00035224 0.00035224 +Ba 0.00017947 0.00017947 0.00017947 0.00035224 0.00035224 0.00035224 +Ti 5.92820393 1.93634810 2.05550773 0.00334680 0.00334680 -0.00334680 +Ti 6.04736356 6.04736356 6.04736356 -0.00334680 -0.00334680 -0.00334680 +Ti 2.05550773 5.92820393 1.93634810 -0.00334680 0.00334680 0.00334680 +Ti 1.93634810 2.05550773 5.92820393 0.00334680 -0.00334680 0.00334680 +Ti 5.92871359 2.05499806 6.04685389 -0.00243612 0.00243612 0.00243612 +Ti 6.04685389 5.92871359 2.05499806 0.00243612 -0.00243612 0.00243612 +Ti 2.05499806 6.04685389 5.92871359 0.00243612 0.00243612 -0.00243612 +Ti 1.93685777 1.93685777 1.93685777 -0.00243612 -0.00243612 -0.00243612 +O 2.01944864 1.99602585 4.03257986 -0.00249860 0.00082610 0.00370753 +O 5.96426302 5.98788168 -0.04072403 0.00249860 0.00082610 -0.00370753 +O 6.01130447 1.99582998 3.95113180 -0.00249860 -0.00082610 -0.00370753 +O 1.97240719 5.98768581 0.04072403 0.00249860 -0.00082610 0.00370753 +O 1.99602585 4.03257986 2.01944864 0.00082610 0.00370753 -0.00249860 +O 5.98788168 -0.04072403 5.96426302 0.00082610 -0.00370753 0.00249860 +O 1.99582998 3.95113180 6.01130447 -0.00082610 -0.00370753 -0.00249860 +O 5.98768581 0.04072403 1.97240719 -0.00082610 0.00370753 0.00249860 +O 4.03257986 2.01944864 1.99602585 0.00370753 -0.00249860 0.00082610 +O -0.04072403 5.96426302 5.98788168 -0.00370753 0.00249860 0.00082610 +O 3.95113180 6.01130447 1.99582998 -0.00370753 -0.00249860 -0.00082610 +O 0.04072403 1.97240719 5.98768581 0.00370753 0.00249860 -0.00082610 +O 1.97251729 5.98738784 4.03285426 0.00179849 0.00120405 -0.00140948 +O 6.01119437 1.99553201 -0.04099843 -0.00179849 0.00120405 0.00140948 +O 5.96437312 5.98817964 3.95085740 0.00179849 -0.00120405 0.00140948 +O 2.01933854 1.99632381 0.04099843 -0.00179849 -0.00120405 -0.00140948 +O 5.98738784 4.03285426 1.97251729 0.00120405 -0.00140948 0.00179849 +O 1.99553201 -0.04099843 6.01119437 0.00120405 0.00140948 -0.00179849 +O 5.98817964 3.95085740 5.96437312 -0.00120405 0.00140948 0.00179849 +O 1.99632381 0.04099843 2.01933854 -0.00120405 -0.00140948 -0.00179849 +O 4.03285426 1.97251729 5.98738784 -0.00140948 0.00179849 0.00120405 +O -0.04099843 6.01119437 1.99553201 0.00140948 -0.00179849 0.00120405 +O 3.95085740 5.96437312 5.98817964 0.00140948 0.00179849 -0.00120405 +O 0.04099843 2.01933854 1.99632381 -0.00140948 -0.00179849 -0.00120405 +40 +Lattice="7.822880117988445 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.822880117988445 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2061230149687" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.08938359747 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95381985 1.96532966 0.01370960 0.06276269 -0.05351263 -0.00350107 +Ba 1.95140024 1.94349991 4.08534972 0.06444059 0.10582481 0.21506687 +Ba 1.92914023 5.86598040 0.01635764 0.20014418 0.00088857 -0.00757833 +Ba 1.96987006 5.85131015 4.10554997 -0.09754045 0.13932757 0.09485391 +Ba 5.88465987 1.93656023 0.00882108 -0.23405523 0.18750644 0.03899695 +Ba 5.86584976 1.95853001 4.12502972 -0.03546143 0.00345428 -0.03728228 +Ba 5.86704040 5.88633006 8.19448805 -0.08687115 -0.16465268 0.16207900 +Ba 5.87833038 5.86741042 4.11488970 -0.07704593 0.02948155 0.02803994 +Ti 7.82243500 0.00256825 2.14045030 -0.12370014 0.00007045 -0.20980665 +Ti 7.81008814 0.00725494 6.24370034 0.11660827 -0.03570362 -0.26678435 +Ti 7.81932071 3.91504015 2.14948025 0.01892332 -0.04325058 -0.38726881 +Ti 7.81718975 3.91554003 6.24657994 -0.12637152 -0.01300207 -0.21624237 +Ti 3.90574031 0.00035829 2.14461990 0.16681960 0.04884068 -0.22223639 +Ti 3.89389021 7.80474042 6.23949007 -0.02361970 0.07508932 -0.24942966 +Ti 3.92024002 3.91918002 2.15322037 -0.03170787 -0.11356537 -0.66256377 +Ti 3.89840010 3.89488997 6.26496997 0.18928256 0.02440080 -0.26617037 +O 7.80709980 1.95454034 1.95735971 0.08267099 -0.01436912 0.13254577 +O 1.96855972 0.01707031 1.96095041 -0.23979214 -0.02245576 0.07815459 +O 7.81398003 0.00062974 3.95923003 0.06215333 0.03289547 0.13060973 +O 0.00577485 1.96800977 6.05046034 0.02051046 -0.15602534 0.10645370 +O 1.96506994 0.00958303 6.05516033 -0.18602446 0.01751513 0.06611669 +O 0.00301963 0.00825001 8.07463996 0.04349510 -0.04597904 -0.07544182 +O 0.00532034 5.87525990 1.97301016 0.01014943 0.02229635 -0.02194128 +O 1.94870995 3.89541020 1.95750990 0.00824244 0.11670880 0.05927138 +O 0.00603770 3.91713042 3.96583020 -0.04140273 -0.04813414 0.13431571 +O 0.02101226 5.86492979 6.05576034 -0.06400196 0.16076517 0.12918971 +O 1.96531010 3.92266042 6.06674992 -0.02996107 -0.08489346 0.12538267 +O 7.79985034 3.90860974 8.06982028 0.16317789 0.04978324 -0.03504542 +O 3.90892031 1.97242031 1.93601028 0.06327691 -0.13448772 0.24663693 +O 5.85381034 0.00536962 1.95537973 0.15644083 -0.06058727 0.08817033 +O 3.91855027 0.00498396 3.97476002 -0.02555137 0.02937974 -0.13584655 +O 3.94146036 1.96004999 6.07715044 -0.16295755 0.13419462 -0.02655358 +O 5.87911971 0.00201283 6.06641041 0.18536471 -0.00974551 0.04170535 +O 3.90985045 7.81418655 8.05341023 -0.04068539 0.02746092 0.25784308 +O 3.89090030 5.87260012 1.94859964 0.07327567 0.01376183 0.14060026 +O 5.87926991 3.92755989 1.94033008 -0.18046059 -0.00214610 0.27914261 +O 3.89416010 3.92654995 3.96073985 0.14693649 -0.10921352 0.17523225 +O 3.92075007 5.88398006 6.04953020 -0.01603854 -0.20479479 0.13661248 +O 5.86505026 3.92411000 6.05992994 0.12336641 0.01554643 0.02783939 +O 3.93011014 3.91353972 8.08051025 -0.13479343 0.08132605 -0.07116608 +40 +Lattice="7.928049854731044 0.0 0.0 -0.02173078465181779 7.9280181425316245 0.0 -0.02173078465181779 0.02167528830283467 7.927986430332206" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.027044221835 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96700508 0.02230715 0.06908978 0.39614426 0.24270365 -0.39642066 +Ba 4.01822266 0.04875989 4.03410968 -0.14840999 -0.02099949 -0.04981924 +Ba 4.02607222 4.01122695 0.02138036 -0.14536169 -0.15335550 0.18321681 +Ba 3.98828000 4.00249024 3.97802983 0.02081591 0.09365783 0.10874249 +Ba 0.04063443 0.02748734 0.04148986 -0.06614163 0.20530464 -0.11809411 +Ba 0.04333948 0.05967998 3.99475008 -0.01495894 -0.09032003 0.17656794 +Ba 0.02900715 4.01440689 0.03625973 0.02734445 -0.13521406 0.11298713 +Ba 0.01589574 3.98097985 3.95962010 0.04388873 0.21602023 0.19895942 +O 2.00729977 4.04093018 2.00085030 -0.04108391 -0.02251926 0.03506599 +O 1.95500001 4.01951018 5.91904952 -0.00041806 0.57458911 0.14606309 +O 1.98662262 0.08817973 1.96976997 -0.00608194 -0.18557246 0.12601851 +O 1.93423249 0.10154008 6.01171018 0.13524363 -0.29738459 -0.28109100 +O 5.94781962 4.06168978 1.98062030 -0.12322989 0.13878146 -0.00767217 +O 5.92513984 4.03972988 5.98121018 -0.12681555 0.05699210 -0.18162170 +O 5.96049260 0.08574027 1.98626031 -0.03398433 -0.51658476 0.15005215 +O 5.93135226 0.09438026 5.94388017 -0.01393049 -0.19553677 -0.05374865 +O 1.99666033 2.04583009 3.97390962 -0.20225403 -0.12888889 -0.14858020 +O 1.93245264 2.11567701 0.01744012 0.36413454 -0.39124451 -0.13833332 +O 1.96003036 5.98434969 3.94664981 0.10933693 0.38204999 0.02386189 +O 2.00912005 6.00209980 7.91724947 -0.36489610 0.01537597 -0.10150484 +O 5.90899992 2.03693958 3.94697011 0.11936295 0.09609935 0.21477530 +O 5.95530211 1.99476711 0.01020974 -0.20438085 0.23128127 -0.14947751 +O 5.95384018 5.99343999 3.95629984 -0.18045468 0.17344456 -0.18009498 +O 5.92243004 6.03919990 7.89366987 -0.02330114 0.04576692 0.21756521 +O 7.88399923 2.06360002 1.99316009 0.47026145 -0.13433680 0.17208779 +O 7.85575397 2.06792002 5.98437982 0.30977576 -0.02507366 -0.30444947 +O -0.00797562 6.02128965 1.97653973 -0.13196881 0.05741453 -0.01147201 +O 7.86723378 6.00524010 5.93079017 0.56219022 0.05950767 0.10388285 +O 3.96179001 2.01107987 2.00659021 -0.38177591 0.17632060 -0.11452233 +O 3.91141994 2.05791006 5.96077009 0.08321221 -0.02576323 0.09301120 +O 3.94839002 6.02552957 1.95288005 0.11779921 0.08228790 0.31143130 +O 3.91153014 6.02625974 5.93927001 -0.13074805 -0.06741201 -0.05475036 +Ti 2.07554997 2.02268970 2.06645967 -0.01168181 0.31799687 -0.44722565 +Ti 2.03913961 2.01389987 6.01776959 -0.19659452 0.15680027 0.38403848 +Ti 2.04830999 6.00848981 2.03019994 -0.31537408 -0.60467333 0.35658244 +Ti 2.04749023 5.95648022 6.00819013 0.03324822 -0.17335277 -0.21116882 +Ti 6.02449020 1.95700977 2.06006015 -0.16382144 0.50696344 -0.27503862 +Ti 5.98750981 2.02793014 6.03121002 0.27981804 -0.34087969 0.17231585 +Ti 5.98884965 5.97386960 2.06583019 0.34818496 -0.51274225 -0.19758311 +Ti 6.02902980 5.97363018 6.01101965 -0.39309262 0.19249489 0.13544289 +40 +Lattice="7.9172800401866334 0.0 0.0 -0.02170126459015156 7.9172483710664725 0.0 -0.02170126459015156 0.021645843629870255 7.9172167019463116" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.073906034442 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00627592 0.06274682 0.02662027 0.00748937 -0.21938760 0.10057050 +Ba 4.00085258 0.06736972 4.01671010 -0.10912379 -0.19635772 -0.21452411 +Ba 4.00602257 3.99467631 0.02529017 -0.15220699 -0.00859237 0.05324857 +Ba 3.96664993 3.98407032 4.00302983 -0.00362963 0.16630358 -0.07951831 +Ba 0.05544392 0.03010625 0.04641030 -0.14375295 -0.02629776 -0.08141604 +Ba 0.05556189 0.04692018 3.97131004 -0.13968855 -0.05796861 0.11203068 +Ba 0.02107817 3.99052687 0.04690988 0.12838289 0.02601339 -0.08313945 +Ba 0.00735674 4.00702014 4.00399020 0.17687878 -0.00691884 -0.11051913 +O 2.03659995 3.99135976 1.99801033 -0.07943423 0.05597266 -0.02300443 +O 1.98831008 4.00508041 5.96607033 -0.02035594 0.03553110 0.05359979 +O 1.99897307 0.02662977 2.01319963 0.13223723 0.06793703 -0.01891561 +O 1.99385297 0.06365968 5.96910028 0.07743777 -0.04884607 -0.07895215 +O 5.97525042 4.01019022 1.99468983 -0.11912101 0.05541936 0.22474167 +O 5.95835969 4.01977963 5.96877013 -0.02613012 0.05812467 0.02769875 +O 6.00578262 0.06124966 2.00050982 -0.09520409 -0.13401335 0.15485806 +O 5.95672319 0.07278039 5.97725982 0.02835464 -0.15693731 0.00902200 +O 1.98564037 2.02629007 4.00473997 0.15493493 -0.04209693 0.14080312 +O 2.02184293 1.99065676 0.05347964 0.05941871 0.10299454 -0.15450710 +O 1.96944004 5.97438981 3.94850986 0.10839874 0.04228462 0.11474782 +O 1.97208995 6.00879989 7.91049018 -0.02995824 -0.07112957 0.07841479 +O 5.98122005 2.02118975 4.01376012 0.00752588 0.08337188 0.01415469 +O 5.97222285 2.01379660 0.07248982 0.06917553 0.08245656 -0.14576535 +O 5.92712998 5.99739030 3.99420998 0.02510682 -0.01020239 -0.15371032 +O 5.92386331 5.97444682 0.02419996 0.17308512 0.06823579 -0.13739667 +O 0.06340554 2.04108034 2.01590022 -0.24003999 -0.06366437 0.04300247 +O 0.03022501 2.02943006 5.99864994 -0.09744532 0.01947354 -0.02575268 +O 0.01059886 5.94723037 1.98518988 -0.09250264 0.14887844 0.07153246 +O -0.00582870 5.98683023 5.94807040 -0.20937804 0.10737390 0.08404139 +O 3.99877034 2.01633013 2.03580980 0.12983274 -0.04555378 0.02147360 +O 4.00015982 2.05435999 5.97955029 -0.12592209 -0.12085625 -0.00472414 +O 3.97435978 5.98426978 1.99053009 0.04921914 0.05736748 0.09228769 +O 3.92608021 5.99357021 5.96637040 0.28519550 0.03823153 -0.11375897 +Ti 2.00594978 2.02145023 1.98601011 -0.09789835 0.05608270 0.13052951 +Ti 1.98509012 2.01677983 5.96074992 0.00147890 0.33870119 -0.16253280 +Ti 2.01274993 5.97234003 2.05789981 0.07120182 0.04228719 0.02331399 +Ti 2.00114003 5.99617975 6.02172010 0.02091181 -0.31528590 0.03552185 +Ti 5.96309027 1.99609039 1.97990985 0.01340265 0.06918684 -0.18766945 +Ti 5.96623976 2.02917037 5.92576979 -0.07773936 -0.16879369 0.17239581 +Ti 5.96087976 5.95986002 2.02690999 -0.01569633 -0.11495968 -0.03918284 +Ti 5.95895032 5.98347014 5.98310990 0.15555894 0.08563496 0.05699981 +40 +Lattice="7.942739814034939 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.942739814034939 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.942739814034939" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.025091668984 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97650965 3.97712998 0.00982279 -0.02525697 -0.04663904 -0.11590636 +Ba 3.97953028 7.93681691 3.92888975 0.16034196 0.07814302 0.35162381 +Ba 7.91615149 3.99331014 4.00051976 0.14936130 -0.05683655 -0.07799956 +Ba 0.00203096 0.07122175 3.99988990 -0.15094432 -0.48435470 -0.08592601 +Ba 0.01179576 4.02783961 7.89936848 0.15273587 -0.41212264 0.22162909 +Ba 4.01412965 0.00355438 0.04585344 -0.15956626 -0.02123371 -0.34194772 +Ba 3.98641028 3.97160025 4.00788983 -0.06122105 -0.03608338 -0.13639394 +Ba 0.01628738 7.92347390 0.04958414 -0.01241046 0.21052218 -0.29121677 +Ti 5.91572005 2.01925018 2.02279979 0.18873723 -0.22201836 0.40295074 +Ti 1.92420974 6.01107979 2.02293005 0.23696649 -0.31432456 0.31024242 +Ti 2.04018962 2.02855033 5.98137950 0.18775944 0.20096205 0.61151092 +Ti 5.97671950 5.99992977 5.99480988 0.23158877 0.35386144 -0.17541454 +Ti 2.04496003 6.03475948 5.97974012 -0.09933714 -0.34128823 -0.13244524 +Ti 6.01790975 2.01730977 6.04156958 -0.25784128 -0.15344961 -0.43784267 +Ti 5.91826967 5.95069987 2.02542010 -0.08308057 0.54516977 0.24096225 +Ti 1.94601971 2.05861996 2.03123021 -0.03670841 0.08146206 -0.59486380 +O 2.03686956 1.96977962 3.86884979 -0.17998082 -0.10655037 0.52954749 +O 5.98974956 1.93416993 3.95586012 -0.09978040 0.24840070 -0.14666498 +O 1.94265993 5.93951014 3.93339011 0.29901698 -0.02068350 -0.48155168 +O 5.92441020 5.93185016 3.95435020 0.24715886 -0.27003345 -0.10888776 +O 2.06392015 3.93590001 1.91661965 -0.26409009 -0.10200338 0.14003848 +O 1.96721967 3.92388027 5.88986961 0.03949060 -0.15701367 0.03840740 +O 6.02497958 3.88301963 1.97016961 -0.18458361 0.46763404 -0.01735238 +O 5.94839013 3.92024964 5.97257021 0.05707283 -0.06511344 -0.02010320 +O 4.03142973 1.93682996 1.94684019 -0.01751615 0.14007884 -0.00842808 +O 4.03335981 5.88203965 1.96797026 -0.21694223 0.09925872 -0.04140556 +O 3.96457966 1.97294003 5.95222965 0.00899115 -0.06700192 -0.12391380 +O 3.96182988 5.91511958 5.92182007 -0.13896530 0.01655893 0.04378332 +O 5.98791955 5.95876017 7.92791548 -0.17248503 -0.20978068 -0.04924871 +O 2.01515967 5.91351991 7.85377001 -0.19401339 0.14428414 0.42641283 +O 5.99224993 1.93379027 7.93575815 -0.02007260 -0.00385306 -0.12015048 +O 1.99058006 1.93010960 7.84878991 0.09476495 0.15735254 0.26630484 +O 5.89862012 7.90322945 5.94309947 0.26617680 -0.03696706 0.07978982 +O 5.99799968 7.86390018 2.04128969 0.04279678 0.04833545 -0.42463466 +O 1.99927022 7.89164179 5.89257967 -0.05648225 0.16546180 0.04355706 +O 2.07209005 7.87891990 1.91046959 -0.39625996 -0.09317729 0.19031768 +O 7.89011122 5.93070006 5.90311015 0.18355285 0.14946234 0.19424119 +O 0.00263620 1.93754957 5.95895953 -0.21655836 0.04066560 -0.18829757 +O 0.03206961 5.88967978 1.95848981 0.33115809 0.15860518 -0.01506306 +O 0.05758963 1.96150011 1.94969005 0.16642648 -0.08568973 0.04433867 +40 +Lattice="7.95538979520063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95538979520063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95538979520063" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29606.58032018807 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.09670992 3.96050012 0.20368741 -0.24096353 0.40046989 -0.93521126 +Ba 4.24429990 7.69653414 3.92324025 -5.83026901 5.05667935 1.78655520 +Ba 7.86762593 4.03741999 3.67318008 0.78993237 -0.11408833 2.00568467 +Ba 7.83121412 0.07097242 4.15708973 2.05729622 0.90111587 -1.31919318 +Ba 0.28614901 3.73410007 0.11372787 -2.67960577 1.31146059 -0.79067516 +Ba 3.93769997 7.93074082 7.80224138 0.51030767 0.48900351 0.44260075 +Ba 3.81049965 4.06269028 4.07669018 0.73702909 -0.37757396 -1.13436634 +Ba 7.68700438 0.08235420 7.77298384 2.22286909 1.04412217 2.48307116 +Ti 5.98480951 2.01605011 2.19090958 -4.08074335 -0.31189204 -1.42322953 +Ti 1.90975019 6.20616982 1.92464029 -0.84301665 -0.37930456 1.66642169 +Ti 2.03669037 2.12394986 5.84366976 -0.94325727 -4.05346086 -0.24064574 +Ti 6.34646949 6.04735956 6.11749985 -5.39331337 -2.82371945 -0.06599919 +Ti 2.03078985 5.80791028 6.13581952 1.87853359 2.69229082 0.04408002 +Ti 5.84512003 2.21266995 5.94838974 1.80058391 0.44132986 1.23048909 +Ti 5.85955986 6.01793019 2.25139997 2.10085791 -1.06223327 -12.18350554 +Ti 2.11628961 1.96948960 1.91641999 1.54408706 -1.67179452 1.15043985 +O 2.07812999 1.85867022 4.04743980 -0.60968158 0.87729614 -0.73026657 +O 5.81561985 1.89442015 4.03545978 0.42244356 0.18550175 0.00670878 +O 1.77623011 6.12169950 3.77925009 0.96889143 -0.52972798 1.11656583 +O 5.75452962 6.15294986 3.80779959 3.11535968 -2.78142788 8.71363599 +O 1.86748002 3.70696025 2.09395008 0.32842063 2.03733366 0.23474069 +O 2.01263009 4.05643973 5.90458020 -0.80713922 -0.08920854 0.21390807 +O 5.69904952 3.94680014 2.15201011 1.13940879 0.82449185 0.42918962 +O 6.07338960 4.02380991 5.81093970 -0.21702553 0.93851873 -0.48658256 +O 3.94278983 1.88218954 2.15546036 -0.65861713 -0.08752806 -0.77255119 +O 3.87921990 5.96573010 1.88844963 0.77493486 0.34604555 0.53575388 +O 4.02040977 2.14822016 5.99374023 -0.74784983 0.22006432 -0.02531662 +O 3.96313017 5.87085969 6.07040951 -1.65066288 0.33842994 -0.50656286 +O 6.08362977 5.89485951 7.81790793 0.03647547 -0.04014649 0.82281035 +O 1.91008989 5.84438018 0.11520996 0.14188273 -0.54219218 -3.73936024 +O 5.94306997 2.22126973 7.88959077 0.16534842 -1.00685043 0.06874153 +O 2.14999978 2.12387030 0.06589529 -0.26700906 -0.44492914 -0.72380771 +O 6.00876956 7.86810246 5.99706956 -0.70251563 0.62891214 -0.80380064 +O 6.04150996 0.03063700 1.91350991 -1.16074226 -1.22988848 0.37636502 +O 2.11105974 0.24604032 5.97652954 -0.59856336 -1.36397768 0.78029021 +O 1.95178965 7.95351710 1.60980972 -0.56061387 0.52363755 0.93606821 +O 0.10498569 6.08862974 5.85304996 2.03010500 -0.47292152 0.12016848 +O 7.92446163 2.10747981 5.89932010 0.82528529 -0.19717353 0.13252108 +O 7.86416932 5.92349971 1.82278982 -0.49516979 -0.03248640 0.92881230 +O 7.65761558 1.91199997 2.09430012 4.89670582 0.35582191 -0.34454736 +40 +Lattice="7.95538979520063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95538979520063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95538979520063" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29605.708047441312 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98074022 4.01721966 0.01918204 0.51144564 -0.59530886 -0.02289182 +Ba 3.88632963 7.83503509 4.04073977 1.04317471 -0.08317236 1.12630671 +Ba 0.02044853 4.01798020 3.96383024 -0.36912274 0.12826437 0.49297201 +Ba 7.92619511 7.88510074 3.84373011 0.48615550 -0.12130233 1.10281197 +Ba 7.92811872 3.86627012 0.10456723 0.05611715 0.25845526 -0.80552868 +Ba 3.92270963 0.04936478 0.14184540 0.67390954 -0.37773593 -1.13842586 +Ba 4.07662972 4.08051990 3.82626962 -0.03995032 0.31277933 1.13970627 +Ba 0.00224740 0.15658116 7.72442096 -0.88873677 -3.12747472 2.42385840 +Ti 6.18331001 1.78696989 2.03847953 -3.20411982 1.88885477 -0.52642643 +Ti 2.14983988 6.09780946 1.85760022 -3.94539328 -0.99458215 -0.55545418 +Ti 1.80894029 1.74171963 6.21109978 1.29902905 1.36350589 -1.79045865 +Ti 6.12265971 6.22241950 5.78295979 -1.20234734 -5.67291441 4.00240544 +Ti 2.08953007 5.78507991 6.01890950 -1.02014611 7.94595215 -0.03634537 +Ti 5.74624010 1.99370978 5.94822983 3.00767853 -0.12578582 0.24491017 +Ti 6.13618944 5.98611977 1.60182967 -3.97862299 -0.45958315 2.78756074 +Ti 2.31996032 1.90538984 2.37239986 -4.15337470 0.15650639 -4.91631228 +O 2.07365986 2.23692992 4.01619023 0.13982173 0.11673348 3.31035806 +O 5.79500028 1.98530969 3.91154981 0.53791695 0.32365432 0.58094642 +O 1.96235998 5.99711968 4.26775955 -0.59608636 -0.68176477 -3.83365031 +O 5.96478977 5.82339943 4.11517994 0.07384645 0.27337743 -2.85167248 +O 1.80126015 4.25840003 1.98079978 1.11717081 -1.15564248 0.09447030 +O 2.05385969 4.25033008 6.44723961 -0.85182088 -9.13949269 0.64877803 +O 5.80861990 4.12965955 2.03147959 1.15513263 0.00107215 -1.29432393 +O 5.93687988 3.73366968 6.18134980 -0.48605445 1.15503210 -0.51241855 +O 3.96283980 1.94034980 1.85832019 1.59371912 0.93081571 0.85134522 +O 3.83832999 6.13881949 2.01182023 2.85739807 -0.54058807 0.33684280 +O 4.06696949 1.65518010 6.10929943 -3.71394669 0.65457715 -0.59374357 +O 3.88067017 6.02758962 6.02735016 1.81988107 0.27510547 -0.42118141 +O 5.57318014 6.03837952 7.87240235 1.99767414 -0.10466267 0.17724491 +O 1.93696001 6.32695969 0.01331334 0.41146727 -0.50430106 1.73000070 +O 5.98062020 1.54770995 7.86148597 -0.17240327 2.07364509 1.81921515 +O 1.94497984 1.62669026 0.05852860 0.20319763 1.96505147 0.05376562 +O 6.12279973 7.86926156 5.89688018 -0.35009966 4.31044314 -0.76604759 +O 5.93791010 0.06253891 2.25811989 -0.30787932 -2.55775091 -1.23839806 +O 1.66458019 0.03355186 5.80688006 1.35500993 0.48502010 0.18797387 +O 1.98823011 0.08495879 2.29935029 0.10376072 0.02010963 -0.29256917 +O 7.88736803 5.86492020 6.13700010 -0.14599932 -0.11665635 -0.30484387 +O 7.94840496 1.97832008 6.09795027 0.73923664 1.25874397 -1.38351087 +O 7.81004164 6.08078015 1.80017026 2.54346277 0.22260611 0.24673566 +O 7.90637505 1.98040996 2.10463019 1.69989771 0.23841351 -0.07400509 +40 +Lattice="7.955130966 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130966 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130966" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216352594874 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756548 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756548 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633246 1.98879850 1.98879850 0.00050779 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 5.96633246 1.98879850 -0.00050779 0.00050779 -0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 1.98879850 5.96633246 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 5.96633246 5.96633246 5.96633246 0.00050779 0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 5.96633246 5.96633246 -0.00050779 0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 5.96633246 1.98879850 5.96633246 0.00050779 -0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 5.96633246 5.96633246 1.98879850 0.00050779 0.00050779 -0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 1.98879850 1.98879850 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 +O 5.96632969 5.96639593 3.97756548 -0.00009950 -0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 1.98880127 5.96639593 3.97756548 0.00009950 -0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 5.96632969 1.98873504 3.97756548 -0.00009950 0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 1.98880127 1.98873504 3.97756548 0.00009950 0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 5.96639593 3.97756548 5.96632969 -0.00047617 0.00000000 -0.00009950 +O 5.96639593 3.97756548 1.98880127 -0.00047617 0.00000000 0.00009950 +O 1.98873504 3.97756548 5.96632969 0.00047617 0.00000000 -0.00009950 +O 1.98873504 3.97756548 1.98880127 0.00047617 0.00000000 0.00009950 +O 3.97756548 5.96632969 5.96639593 0.00000000 -0.00009950 -0.00047617 +O 3.97756548 1.98880127 5.96639593 0.00000000 0.00009950 -0.00047617 +O 3.97756548 5.96632969 1.98873504 0.00000000 -0.00009950 0.00047617 +O 3.97756548 1.98880127 1.98873504 0.00000000 0.00009950 0.00047617 +O 5.96631445 5.96636314 0.00000000 0.00018101 -0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 1.98881652 5.96636314 0.00000000 -0.00018101 -0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 5.96631445 1.98876783 0.00000000 0.00018101 0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 1.98881652 1.98876783 0.00000000 -0.00018101 0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 5.96636314 0.00000000 5.96631445 -0.00015170 0.00000000 0.00018101 +O 5.96636314 0.00000000 1.98881652 -0.00015170 0.00000000 -0.00018101 +O 1.98876783 0.00000000 5.96631445 0.00015170 0.00000000 0.00018101 +O 1.98876783 0.00000000 1.98881652 0.00015170 0.00000000 -0.00018101 +O 0.00000000 5.96631445 5.96636314 0.00000000 0.00018101 -0.00015170 +O 0.00000000 1.98881652 5.96636314 0.00000000 -0.00018101 -0.00015170 +O 0.00000000 5.96631445 1.98876783 0.00000000 0.00018101 0.00015170 +O 0.00000000 1.98881652 1.98876783 0.00000000 -0.00018101 0.00015170 +40 +Lattice="7.8229700781138645 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8229700781138645 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.206217382240663" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.058849431527 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.93524008 1.94691039 0.00029023 0.17492218 0.16347511 0.09114509 +Ba 1.97339036 1.96396994 4.10267999 -0.19151453 0.00066592 0.10577338 +Ba 1.96284969 5.86376981 8.18605055 -0.08386553 -0.05867232 0.20741038 +Ba 1.96805040 5.87215994 4.10267999 -0.16514298 -0.08418280 0.10601430 +Ba 5.85689967 1.94531998 0.01758291 -0.01588428 0.14653565 0.09624128 +Ba 5.86977002 1.93189967 4.13272020 -0.01749841 0.23667982 -0.14708947 +Ba 5.87563021 5.86183988 0.00030431 -0.08590878 -0.03190379 0.16140589 +Ba 5.87191039 5.90001988 4.11621999 0.00115314 -0.30295951 -0.03541746 +Ti 7.82168555 0.00791450 2.15913035 -0.31087928 -0.17946583 -0.47509307 +Ti 7.81429362 0.00866159 6.26050000 0.31485112 -0.19290216 -0.39640883 +Ti 7.81759335 3.90767995 2.16083029 0.08319730 0.18802889 -0.27839211 +Ti 0.00628967 3.90282970 6.25352973 -0.14041566 0.18235086 -0.44186053 +Ti 3.87366020 7.81830602 2.13361026 0.45675879 -0.08581571 -0.14348890 +Ti 3.90876969 0.02073009 6.23736044 -0.28959852 -0.20169302 -0.13306950 +Ti 3.91195989 3.90314028 2.15343993 -0.01780540 0.14589391 -0.49580793 +Ti 3.90640011 3.92193966 6.23211044 0.11231478 0.03856552 0.07801987 +O 0.00329973 1.95071000 1.96330968 -0.04118753 -0.16550988 0.12980343 +O 1.95810036 7.82030010 1.93668029 -0.16926061 -0.05169357 0.15682264 +O 0.01207006 7.81475987 3.97582975 -0.04237512 0.10061524 -0.03314975 +O 0.00522887 1.96200011 6.05052992 0.03204829 -0.19428541 0.18997856 +O 1.94769034 0.01029738 6.04369968 0.03269132 -0.01196694 0.25846220 +O 7.81539040 0.01288991 8.08439027 0.02863412 -0.08485257 -0.14914275 +O 7.79131991 5.85207994 1.97473982 0.23479777 0.23719584 0.03685779 +O 1.95056997 3.90751019 1.94749007 0.11264054 -0.01624732 0.20134000 +O 0.00880554 3.90342973 3.97809998 -0.03754531 -0.01670677 -0.00557852 +O 0.01332330 5.86328009 6.04554981 -0.08077969 0.17177437 0.26120840 +O 1.97140019 3.92141004 6.05052992 -0.03697941 -0.02179858 0.10570474 +O 0.01791225 3.90477997 8.07366028 -0.09216299 -0.00119351 -0.02529580 +O 3.90110005 1.94876991 1.97501988 0.02249484 -0.01713177 -0.00466295 +O 5.86283027 7.81045020 1.95348012 -0.01082692 0.08624817 0.20728311 +O 3.86995993 7.81629630 3.97370973 0.22942339 0.02705829 -0.16024580 +O 3.88749981 1.96883974 6.06078036 0.20784361 -0.16206306 0.06370037 +O 5.87210987 0.00361265 6.06053002 -0.08396349 0.08136076 0.10285750 +O 3.89647980 7.82002786 8.06418980 0.08169706 0.10809689 0.00766729 +O 3.89545030 5.85735028 1.93612016 0.06859780 0.08804486 0.23180552 +O 5.87115000 3.90311994 1.96842981 -0.18150394 -0.06420662 0.03715218 +O 3.91770978 3.90813994 3.97218033 0.01800749 0.06596962 0.10427546 +O 3.91471984 5.88698995 6.06681030 0.04660227 -0.16499437 0.02266813 +O 5.88903018 3.89592985 6.05700030 -0.25088593 0.09790478 0.12061739 +O 3.90537999 3.91460015 8.06621986 0.08730875 -0.05621897 -0.15951098 +40 +Lattice="7.930789934315899 0.0 0.0 -0.02173829520995988 7.930758211156162 0.0 -0.02173829520995988 0.021682779680419668 7.9307264879964245" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.19337135669 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01817993 0.04575986 0.02738978 -0.00938504 -0.08105223 0.08303532 +Ba 3.97593975 0.03960002 4.00322008 0.15523318 0.08353283 -0.08372617 +Ba 4.01379023 3.98793982 0.03175964 -0.07877217 0.07893878 0.01649517 +Ba 3.97739980 4.00808958 3.98923968 0.07045928 -0.02086707 0.05163418 +Ba 0.06331308 0.03751977 0.04503023 -0.14267874 -0.04908827 -0.04227151 +Ba 0.02812020 0.04697962 4.02632009 0.03960399 -0.02954043 -0.20922738 +Ba 0.03900045 4.01301936 0.02605027 -0.01766271 -0.09575508 0.07991066 +Ba 0.01712337 4.01954006 4.00271964 0.05552863 -0.05336787 -0.03999454 +O 1.96115984 4.03190971 2.06247964 0.15146549 0.06179492 -0.11593670 +O 1.98432012 4.04899025 6.00240964 0.04457316 -0.07800856 0.05097366 +O 1.97455970 0.07169038 2.02518986 0.13445661 0.06063947 0.10190233 +O 1.99750982 0.07619031 6.00269990 0.00329333 0.06189134 0.09513596 +O 5.94185013 4.06551960 2.03308972 0.03077970 -0.08292450 0.09601476 +O 5.94457990 4.06480980 6.01113033 0.01741897 -0.10909242 0.00276496 +O 5.94149007 0.08998036 2.04700985 0.10162285 -0.11214663 0.00219084 +O 5.96170962 0.09983992 5.99314013 -0.00883765 0.02269281 0.13218787 +O 2.00149028 2.05352975 4.02896977 -0.06238988 -0.08673411 0.34806412 +O 2.01226030 2.04293976 0.07045000 -0.03851590 0.00101507 -0.12032274 +O 1.98747023 6.00892002 4.04878009 -0.05896594 0.09517015 0.16932154 +O 2.00609014 5.98426954 0.09312016 -0.00715307 0.10328096 -0.19307108 +O 5.96359001 2.05690985 4.03341021 -0.03193104 0.06597759 0.15019048 +O 5.96071985 2.05269939 0.08678981 0.07407143 -0.05553480 -0.17098890 +O 5.95784018 6.02149033 4.05145990 -0.05921688 0.03672692 0.00096648 +O 5.93551025 6.01137936 0.07864013 0.08422060 0.10687767 0.06275626 +O -0.00243555 2.03812974 2.05260978 -0.10044477 0.04473591 -0.06116912 +O 0.00824802 2.04715022 6.00192031 0.06114675 0.06955605 0.07876497 +O -0.00564989 6.00363019 2.04319038 -0.27593850 0.12068193 0.01387162 +O -0.01547535 6.02394015 6.05694016 -0.01173400 0.04200643 -0.19122451 +O 3.95513966 2.04702016 2.05521980 -0.01628820 0.00849313 -0.07406577 +O 3.98276022 2.04436969 5.99757027 -0.16372528 0.08221359 0.07018289 +O 3.94705977 6.01248967 2.05401035 0.04529281 0.01491420 0.03411134 +O 3.95482005 6.02781989 6.02581023 -0.12826591 0.01808437 -0.06527722 +Ti 2.04377012 1.99287982 1.97529013 0.06950489 -0.04081343 0.21962697 +Ti 2.00187017 2.02344033 5.95070961 -0.03549511 0.17961110 -0.25281914 +Ti 2.05472968 5.95040031 1.97969013 -0.22212763 0.00598373 0.01674817 +Ti 2.03293983 6.00202024 5.95260983 -0.03702131 -0.34512715 -0.08130060 +Ti 6.01744007 1.97276020 1.99354998 0.01437067 0.14783200 0.04176294 +Ti 5.96127977 2.00389014 5.95324033 0.10217667 -0.13484510 -0.16199390 +Ti 6.00670971 5.95480983 1.98248970 0.17522145 -0.16091532 -0.06228446 +Ti 5.98537985 5.96562029 5.95198964 0.07610928 0.02316153 0.00706051 +40 +Lattice="7.81511973422794 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.81511973422794 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.197990265127501" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.882254625198 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94155005 1.97695020 0.04908677 0.03043312 -0.29002918 -0.19417408 +Ba 1.99134956 1.96737980 4.10127949 -0.35342795 -0.10371547 0.02328751 +Ba 1.99746958 5.86131948 0.02789138 -0.49135787 0.05758166 -0.13692847 +Ba 1.94263010 5.84742967 4.05337984 -0.09092166 -0.00720269 0.44966512 +Ba 5.86357961 1.94173996 8.17596413 -0.01990368 0.17388396 0.26187920 +Ba 5.90621969 1.93196012 4.09552991 -0.21727596 0.24237815 0.03828681 +Ba 5.80986004 5.91742970 8.19492908 0.49553437 -0.53915545 0.07807180 +Ba 5.81531969 5.85172017 4.11943011 0.50974151 -0.14147032 -0.06580816 +Ti 0.00504857 7.80293127 2.11292000 -0.07723774 -0.01716109 0.00267780 +Ti 7.76899021 0.03219595 6.22173952 0.11431048 -0.18319856 0.33261822 +Ti 7.80996879 3.90300990 2.10648972 -0.41662027 0.06214176 0.19428284 +Ti 0.01334979 3.95056960 6.25968974 -0.19319192 -0.08298415 -0.19461888 +Ti 3.92189983 7.81218438 2.14896958 0.02426196 0.45147003 -0.15206378 +Ti 3.83758954 7.81064011 6.23686959 0.31881576 0.05521418 -0.19060436 +Ti 3.90028008 3.91733971 2.13764000 0.54829572 -0.48515148 -0.09712985 +Ti 3.91012010 3.88685996 6.24733951 0.11155760 0.10304210 -0.40705088 +O 7.78726977 1.95380025 1.95895979 0.10740938 -0.24185828 0.01912464 +O 1.94926983 7.81375990 2.00967992 0.08964923 -0.03412034 -0.21465343 +O 7.80727961 7.78778948 3.95908964 0.10177558 0.03299214 0.12998212 +O 0.05504423 1.91714031 6.09072998 -0.12204153 0.03089438 -0.06589017 +O 1.94411966 7.75732771 6.10026989 0.41118342 -0.04712241 -0.13692127 +O 7.79900965 7.80716003 8.09593965 0.03766383 -0.00533787 -0.30981176 +O 7.81078000 5.84047968 1.94985987 0.08385396 0.17227497 0.07427660 +O 1.95813999 3.90456980 1.94763959 -0.05680313 -0.04341591 0.15014805 +O 0.01842962 3.87591020 3.96071987 -0.03844622 0.18886373 -0.12298718 +O 7.80781650 5.82734950 6.12268991 0.11321904 0.17706210 -0.27525048 +O 1.98350005 3.89360988 6.07339995 -0.06446630 0.20187299 0.02945687 +O 0.02216446 3.90293957 8.09092938 -0.02402310 -0.03599004 0.03907511 +O 3.93389995 1.95605023 1.95674968 -0.20920655 -0.38769690 0.17419661 +O 5.85354969 7.78098954 1.97578966 -0.05387181 0.09716996 0.08465049 +O 3.90143985 7.80827056 3.98017952 -0.04440629 -0.04550287 0.02815898 +O 3.86911964 1.94064975 6.01721002 0.28146586 -0.29132707 0.32618326 +O 5.86714956 7.79201433 6.02095971 0.02799649 0.25328889 0.32597114 +O 3.92762988 0.00947583 8.09250959 -0.23051714 -0.02467642 -0.39079920 +O 3.90202989 5.84290003 1.98831964 -0.08229150 0.34127152 -0.08156825 +O 5.83523965 3.89166001 1.95599005 0.38801212 0.15729443 -0.01268891 +O 3.93333960 3.89786990 3.96661013 -0.19292453 0.02312836 0.09548820 +O 4.00614995 5.84232014 6.06891016 -0.61781861 0.15531520 0.15840927 +O 5.89587950 3.86672977 6.09602941 -0.13459751 -0.16103410 -0.07653814 +O 3.91725999 3.86604986 8.06461978 -0.06382789 0.19100982 0.10959687 +40 +Lattice="7.917519757462018 0.0 0.0 -0.02170192165520339 7.9174880873829885 0.0 -0.02170192165520339 0.021646499016901157 7.917456417303958" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.21660567137 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03613701 0.00426596 0.04595012 -0.42609299 0.10552604 0.11246339 +Ba 4.03138333 0.07825993 4.01450951 -0.43436962 -0.08936538 -0.30531516 +Ba 4.03076339 4.02427577 0.07446982 -0.49475584 -0.34495360 -0.40197450 +Ba 3.93509995 4.04482015 4.04569979 -0.01385902 -0.69511548 -0.25006755 +Ba 7.87995350 7.89483527 0.02061010 0.24039737 0.32146040 0.08946462 +Ba 0.14790323 0.03419023 3.84194004 -0.91280410 0.23571360 1.06552763 +Ba 0.04796829 4.04830544 0.03192977 -0.10498406 -0.53014347 0.01928687 +Ba -0.00127235 4.02383001 4.06102019 0.26573740 -0.46526554 -0.42940508 +O 2.07352954 4.04176953 1.94537023 -0.28780183 -0.55371586 0.33280334 +O 2.01047996 3.99752010 5.97396976 -0.13252417 0.20783564 0.02466614 +O 1.97468327 0.00829994 1.98961017 0.23519912 0.66056808 -0.27085852 +O 1.97902365 0.06634011 5.90333994 0.10242349 -0.42948324 0.53993603 +O 5.94807947 3.92673985 2.04802959 0.07485047 0.77356807 -0.15094227 +O 5.99140968 3.94070952 5.99148965 -0.21988717 0.30862828 -0.31374761 +O 5.92545991 7.88697001 2.03412009 0.49251589 0.19706374 -0.49858961 +O 5.94730989 7.91807003 5.99872943 0.07095782 -0.08835750 -0.08472865 +O 1.93453986 2.08732028 3.99468958 0.16068495 -0.12628127 -0.68481050 +O 2.02484392 2.08113590 0.05883034 0.02838369 -0.50119825 -0.35001224 +O 2.08972958 5.97244010 3.96954987 -0.52030618 -0.04770013 0.00727519 +O 2.05998979 5.95282998 7.88670952 -0.26962465 0.43965941 0.02211123 +O 6.02413992 2.02928961 3.93700016 -0.13538941 -0.24888664 1.10680180 +O 6.02064354 1.97200556 0.04728976 -0.44162373 0.09195062 -0.31691212 +O 5.93350965 6.04138982 3.94912980 0.41861519 -0.77791246 0.58988640 +O 5.93418343 5.85256568 0.01472025 0.43817434 0.51736355 -0.07537060 +O 0.05612096 1.99753956 1.95480000 -0.17379089 0.21771279 0.04780298 +O 0.02703912 2.04429014 5.92893966 -0.27522785 -0.28445246 0.52566281 +O 0.05812726 5.96016953 1.99408990 -0.42350414 -0.29792966 -0.00856692 +O 0.05866011 5.95947991 5.96109983 -0.46883963 0.09444485 -0.13319651 +O 3.98101999 1.95973974 2.11245999 0.46980765 0.26664705 -0.77284121 +O 3.92984985 1.98636002 5.91933017 1.18503687 0.20640071 0.37532887 +O 3.99542987 6.05536978 2.01963023 0.07264369 -0.73685965 -0.20452406 +O 4.01932970 5.92568952 5.94289983 0.25771427 0.29614120 0.10032830 +Ti 1.89864024 1.99951973 1.99661005 0.83102168 -0.46779602 1.06842012 +Ti 1.92980993 2.01682981 6.06344961 0.10003982 0.61942246 -1.26618577 +Ti 2.03612955 5.89342008 2.07115033 0.34910542 1.03718970 -0.31114333 +Ti 1.92844970 6.01687005 6.00129946 0.66447976 -0.47557078 0.27658488 +Ti 5.87871962 2.04175970 1.96230027 -0.10951331 -0.48868958 0.53456423 +Ti 5.90645945 2.06890017 5.91155991 0.31226408 -0.39254112 -0.11871349 +Ti 5.97931963 5.94862974 2.05663989 -0.45189632 0.88201694 0.02573366 +Ti 5.90775000 6.00476020 5.97898947 -0.47325782 0.56290498 0.08325798 +40 +Lattice="7.76024987867097 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.02347755455549 0.0 0.0 0.06836780143109124 8.023190425309979" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.02159405376 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87485030 0.08297259 8.00177446 0.10185477 0.21480538 0.01961700 +Ba 3.84824971 0.05945593 3.96790966 0.23825642 0.10134749 0.26527305 +Ba 3.86838989 4.09041995 8.01327593 0.13080847 0.26359618 0.06205897 +Ba 3.90314029 4.08861957 3.98962983 -0.14665984 0.06237368 0.05729163 +Ba 0.01356026 0.10718612 8.00470939 -0.02715393 0.10577930 0.05909732 +Ba 7.72655022 0.06682196 4.01138025 0.29557865 0.11127066 -0.03050203 +Ba 0.00579070 4.10851065 8.02065748 -0.07851841 0.08384959 0.04254790 +Ba 0.01140446 4.11903975 4.01180008 -0.03666393 -0.23912853 -0.11275342 +Ti 1.94486994 2.09277022 2.07458019 -0.21479896 0.07798542 -0.21070268 +Ti 1.93375028 2.18339985 6.07895993 -0.06163269 -0.42533220 -0.28296379 +Ti 1.93719971 6.10065991 2.02290003 -0.05802440 0.14337937 0.20911785 +Ti 1.97382033 6.16801966 6.03663009 -0.11059266 -0.05484883 0.06235568 +Ti 5.82418006 2.13582021 2.06721028 0.11715926 -0.06602824 -0.24335954 +Ti 5.80586975 2.15810997 6.06459027 0.15029589 -0.19174413 0.03143431 +Ti 5.82507016 6.15374002 2.05278010 0.02425399 -0.21303055 -0.15479532 +Ti 5.85530021 6.15459986 6.07752971 -0.21094230 0.10218541 -0.11191164 +O 1.91753990 2.03207963 3.91530991 0.23959185 0.05032549 0.01171240 +O 1.94377963 2.09392029 7.93142004 -0.01550992 -0.07889867 -0.03216219 +O 1.94133981 6.05644977 3.92624022 0.07433214 -0.00982341 -0.16277191 +O 1.92063003 6.06136977 7.92207980 0.20692495 0.09093503 0.10071165 +O 5.82895028 2.03615997 3.91809972 -0.12265448 -0.00212193 0.10670875 +O 5.83548985 2.09094966 7.92926967 -0.08443683 -0.05836841 -0.11533840 +O 5.85322978 6.06041991 3.90216017 -0.19931115 0.00680854 0.12148694 +O 5.85078995 6.05363978 7.92195021 -0.11588785 0.12022144 0.29166543 +O 1.90051003 4.01937021 1.95583983 0.31888030 -0.15361416 0.05902507 +O 1.94585006 4.02213984 5.94721960 0.00795242 0.10909036 0.04690463 +O 1.95099977 8.02956004 1.94978994 -0.06926578 -0.12774963 -0.03362206 +O 1.96741968 8.01501966 5.97477003 -0.10929117 0.14486315 -0.04979918 +O 5.77413964 4.00506962 1.97287979 0.31768036 0.03407894 -0.08196703 +O 5.81102954 4.02370974 5.95555022 0.08866783 -0.03213416 -0.01865310 +O 5.83249982 8.01592994 1.95338992 -0.09188866 -0.04509098 -0.07975125 +O 5.81815966 8.03353018 5.99498005 0.02775172 -0.03948623 -0.14860951 +O 0.00548727 2.01713960 1.93407000 -0.06197413 -0.02331194 -0.06065284 +O 0.00402291 2.01123017 5.92211984 -0.01186873 0.16255671 0.12126300 +O 0.00914157 6.04414977 1.92969012 -0.16488793 -0.09012848 -0.05872631 +O 0.01286029 6.02470026 5.93710954 -0.01946531 0.10873401 -0.02450338 +O 3.89821020 2.01836960 1.89369963 -0.34743086 -0.06864511 0.24868790 +O 3.86898976 2.03691970 5.91645020 0.14649734 -0.01490648 0.08784740 +O 3.87054025 6.04608984 1.91839973 0.16210548 -0.10017532 -0.00547542 +O 3.91138012 6.04071974 5.93281968 -0.28973144 -0.05961874 0.01421486 +40 +Lattice="7.916379909755224 0.0 0.0 -0.021698797332639068 7.916348244235585 0.0 -0.021698797332639068 0.021643382673270782 7.916316578715946" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.485589520595 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01337108 0.05906886 0.00370962 -0.42780174 -0.55012480 0.22285448 +Ba 4.00535020 0.08301037 3.89912980 -0.42157504 -0.46275563 0.83516938 +Ba 4.04373990 3.98880972 7.89547988 -0.68708618 0.61151760 0.62661846 +Ba 4.01016020 4.01396006 3.99964012 -0.46451735 0.16954188 0.00166787 +Ba 7.89211858 0.04377916 0.03889001 0.40415891 -0.03752448 0.10430991 +Ba 0.06635430 0.03393990 3.99446993 -0.13700303 0.02120826 -0.01052584 +Ba 0.03822187 4.01254857 0.12597019 -0.19072726 -0.01386904 -0.46155544 +Ba 0.04926838 3.91803966 3.99875982 -0.19558305 0.71441547 0.05617346 +O 1.97513995 3.98706970 2.05592978 0.35192206 0.27475451 -0.21724613 +O 2.05530993 4.03242027 5.99949026 -0.33019187 -0.08607719 -0.20196247 +O 1.94192045 0.06401976 1.98094979 0.34638005 -0.03991612 0.12257194 +O 1.98124032 0.06004020 5.95229993 0.07620056 0.32908552 0.23644302 +O 5.92521958 4.01701024 1.98224016 0.19818886 -0.11777067 0.44411153 +O 5.96555987 4.02310981 5.93579982 0.07163119 -0.19734579 0.00262638 +O 6.01885056 0.05789961 1.93463025 -0.16699521 -0.16265853 0.50259513 +O 6.00866060 0.05589993 5.88980961 -0.13449801 0.58217617 0.55426865 +O 1.93680963 2.04461965 3.92363971 0.35221337 -0.16629355 0.72018759 +O 2.02823036 2.09904872 0.03189034 -0.09499249 -0.46558873 -0.38948382 +O 2.10657007 5.97536984 4.02541981 -0.53886106 0.12112930 0.10970743 +O 1.93819025 5.98897889 0.09325021 0.33936119 -0.03135126 -0.59435369 +O 5.94892993 1.99466016 3.98935991 0.17480673 0.25718256 -0.17984944 +O 5.95798072 2.08628909 0.02355994 -0.01189907 -0.56079051 -0.54113417 +O 5.92152025 5.99416966 3.98764997 0.32725130 0.05979769 -0.48837487 +O 5.98279066 5.97992889 0.02961993 0.28866547 0.05234072 -0.22457172 +O -0.01036175 2.06848991 1.94863987 -0.14865579 -0.20535967 0.37142028 +O 0.05401425 2.09440022 6.00596032 -0.54219372 -0.24507730 -0.10196507 +O 0.07194802 5.94888005 2.07483013 -0.70358701 0.17115448 0.10343702 +O 0.02868659 5.95604992 5.93065021 0.20558721 0.09269290 0.03149679 +O 3.98791992 2.02247991 1.99977019 -0.06621902 -0.09195653 0.08473508 +O 3.97765000 2.05361028 5.99883004 0.35429416 -0.27831935 -0.35366064 +O 4.00242985 6.03460970 1.98254969 0.13484253 -0.10461407 0.09934228 +O 4.02687009 5.98737978 5.97416972 -0.11985069 0.16902998 0.23543797 +Ti 2.05122032 2.04005031 2.06003996 -0.25520384 0.20808992 -0.34973405 +Ti 1.86212967 2.03942017 6.05830976 1.03401696 -0.32096289 0.10358769 +Ti 1.95387022 5.99848013 1.96341025 0.59812756 -0.20035013 0.19975852 +Ti 1.92330983 5.95168958 5.93233957 0.73000432 0.30060310 -0.30002177 +Ti 5.98745024 2.07820014 2.12362037 0.37209545 -0.12091435 -0.74474548 +Ti 5.83194958 1.94806989 6.06914966 0.50450932 0.45363464 -0.37998539 +Ti 5.94391965 6.02867954 2.07912002 -0.55189269 -0.16248883 -0.54376724 +Ti 5.93953002 5.91506999 5.98671006 -0.67492332 0.03375447 0.31441712 +40 +Lattice="7.979615734 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979615734 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979615734" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.29571282718 stress="-1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 0.00000000 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98980787 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 3.98980787 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.92213219 2.05748355 5.92213219 0.00086543 -0.00086543 0.00086543 +Ti 2.05748355 5.92213219 5.92213219 -0.00086543 0.00086543 0.00086543 +Ti 2.05748355 2.05748355 2.05748355 -0.00086543 -0.00086543 -0.00086543 +Ti 5.92213219 5.92213219 2.05748355 0.00086543 0.00086543 -0.00086543 +Ti 6.04718570 1.93243003 1.93243003 -0.00009744 0.00009744 0.00009744 +Ti 1.93243003 6.04718570 1.93243003 0.00009744 -0.00009744 0.00009744 +Ti 1.93243003 1.93243003 6.04718570 0.00009744 0.00009744 -0.00009744 +Ti 6.04718570 6.04718570 6.04718570 -0.00009744 -0.00009744 -0.00009744 +O 1.99477616 1.99477616 -0.02923885 -0.00124699 -0.00124699 -0.00087829 +O 5.98483957 1.99477616 0.02923885 0.00124699 -0.00124699 0.00087829 +O 1.99477616 5.98483957 0.02923885 -0.00124699 0.00124699 0.00087829 +O 5.98483957 5.98483957 -0.02923885 0.00124699 0.00124699 -0.00087829 +O 1.99477616 -0.02923885 1.99477616 -0.00124699 -0.00087829 -0.00124699 +O 1.99477616 0.02923885 5.98483957 -0.00124699 0.00087829 0.00124699 +O 5.98483957 0.02923885 1.99477616 0.00124699 0.00087829 -0.00124699 +O 5.98483957 -0.02923885 5.98483957 0.00124699 -0.00087829 0.00124699 +O -0.02923885 1.99477616 1.99477616 -0.00087829 -0.00124699 -0.00124699 +O 0.02923885 5.98483957 1.99477616 0.00087829 0.00124699 -0.00124699 +O 0.02923885 1.99477616 5.98483957 0.00087829 -0.00124699 0.00124699 +O -0.02923885 5.98483957 5.98483957 -0.00087829 0.00124699 0.00124699 +O 1.99521228 1.99521228 3.96057357 0.00012701 0.00012701 0.00004011 +O 5.98440346 1.99521228 4.01904217 -0.00012701 0.00012701 -0.00004011 +O 1.99521228 5.98440346 4.01904217 0.00012701 -0.00012701 -0.00004011 +O 5.98440346 5.98440346 3.96057357 -0.00012701 -0.00012701 0.00004011 +O 1.99521228 3.96057357 1.99521228 0.00012701 0.00004011 0.00012701 +O 1.99521228 4.01904217 5.98440346 0.00012701 -0.00004011 -0.00012701 +O 5.98440346 4.01904217 1.99521228 -0.00012701 -0.00004011 0.00012701 +O 5.98440346 3.96057357 5.98440346 -0.00012701 0.00004011 -0.00012701 +O 3.96057357 1.99521228 1.99521228 0.00004011 0.00012701 0.00012701 +O 4.01904217 5.98440346 1.99521228 -0.00004011 -0.00012701 0.00012701 +O 4.01904217 1.99521228 5.98440346 -0.00004011 0.00012701 -0.00012701 +O 3.96057357 5.98440346 5.98440346 0.00004011 -0.00012701 -0.00012701 +40 +Lattice="7.773589906916355 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.037277850148865 0.0 0.0 0.06848532707993309 8.036982453732403" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.093688982626 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87575957 0.09789282 8.03697079 0.03818551 -0.09703780 -0.02793941 +Ba 3.88754977 0.07171914 4.01207024 -0.03224189 -0.11263617 -0.26576208 +Ba 3.87164034 4.10584772 8.00641825 0.18856573 0.10353472 0.06907757 +Ba 3.89385959 4.11009987 4.00475996 -0.00562429 -0.15055120 -0.11170903 +Ba 7.76630994 0.03525168 0.00414799 0.08407482 -0.02741027 -0.22897293 +Ba 7.77204996 0.06592548 4.00835991 0.08435147 0.01086960 -0.06821959 +Ba 0.00367846 4.13067812 7.99444304 -0.06102770 -0.16547363 0.03640939 +Ba 0.00590326 4.10911962 4.01164969 -0.00200700 -0.26263742 -0.02018727 +Ti 1.93070009 2.00973030 1.94119988 0.04448266 -0.39354179 0.18985206 +Ti 1.95675017 2.05115032 5.95122023 -0.42121715 -0.19111293 -0.16811929 +Ti 1.94256026 5.97983015 1.92058976 0.19104274 0.68049876 0.28066445 +Ti 1.95337022 6.08116978 5.93976973 -0.03676215 0.00731325 0.03466387 +Ti 5.83013957 1.98372997 1.92660030 -0.02644482 0.19249927 0.20135414 +Ti 5.81416018 2.02834027 5.93658023 0.41194960 0.15583533 0.25485289 +Ti 5.85240002 5.99378996 1.92227974 -0.28944271 0.13860329 0.11686024 +Ti 5.83780977 6.04659984 5.94031000 -0.03575787 0.18322375 0.12725264 +O 1.92277026 2.13619961 4.07063025 0.14981664 0.02671299 0.29403856 +O 1.94048005 2.06572191 0.05784017 0.14445177 0.07747017 0.12056494 +O 1.91807967 6.10552988 4.08349010 0.05244408 0.15351671 -0.04245071 +O 1.93006966 6.13119205 0.07456039 0.11348901 -0.14936875 -0.15780917 +O 5.84083992 2.13622993 4.11095031 0.01001290 -0.09764356 -0.40531204 +O 5.81446024 2.08385225 0.08296986 0.02866831 0.01994662 -0.09307702 +O 5.86441955 6.11882971 4.07608964 -0.17549707 0.14104943 0.05379751 +O 5.81291019 6.09301206 0.05621005 0.02017108 -0.00260838 0.01729401 +O 1.95110966 4.14153005 2.02745019 0.01795376 -0.30185471 -0.09440808 +O 1.96639020 4.21042971 6.06622971 -0.09534396 -0.24818422 0.03410825 +O 1.93468017 0.12842981 2.07226028 -0.00675634 0.28376854 -0.18302218 +O 1.97863982 0.15938969 6.02554974 -0.13266764 0.24665647 0.09446104 +O 5.86989993 4.14507015 2.05498036 -0.26839797 -0.11996973 -0.16586495 +O 5.83630014 4.19648001 6.04848028 -0.06067366 -0.09071083 0.08788005 +O 5.86228025 0.10905025 2.03171012 -0.09063910 0.23959159 0.04278470 +O 5.80500989 0.18151021 6.03839016 0.10184500 -0.18416761 0.13078019 +O 0.00759791 2.13942021 2.07169980 -0.05859698 -0.08888406 -0.12361144 +O 0.01399246 2.14563986 6.09694006 -0.03033825 0.06591743 -0.05650076 +O 7.77175923 6.09618991 2.03703970 0.08331531 0.19755817 0.03982999 +O 7.76789964 6.18515009 6.08085028 0.01532120 0.08803380 0.04218820 +O 3.90194957 2.12135983 2.09831035 -0.06761359 0.00159151 -0.19592397 +O 3.89354010 2.19421002 6.04991995 -0.16290432 -0.09966264 0.16513167 +O 3.87843990 6.13330958 2.07889970 0.11693171 -0.03771654 -0.11615216 +O 3.88025970 6.21163005 6.05059003 0.16288067 -0.19301940 0.09119600 +40 +Lattice="7.955386352 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955386352 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955386352" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.219088835576 stress="-4.2235250299174776e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.2235250299174776e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.2235250299174776e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769318 3.97769318 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769318 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97769318 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769318 0.00000000 3.97769318 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.99624252 5.95914384 1.98145066 0.01665432 -0.01665432 -0.01665432 +Ti 1.98145066 1.99624252 5.95914384 -0.01665432 0.01665432 -0.01665432 +Ti 5.95914384 1.98145066 1.99624252 -0.01665432 -0.01665432 0.01665432 +Ti 5.97393569 5.97393569 5.97393569 0.01665432 0.01665432 0.01665432 +Ti 5.95914384 1.99624252 5.97393569 -0.01665432 0.01665432 0.01665432 +Ti 5.97393569 5.95914384 1.99624252 0.01665432 -0.01665432 0.01665432 +Ti 1.99624252 5.97393569 5.95914384 0.01665432 0.01665432 -0.01665432 +Ti 1.98145066 1.98145066 1.98145066 -0.01665432 -0.01665432 -0.01665432 +O 5.96831496 1.98964618 3.97388367 0.00361446 -0.00573767 -0.01905290 +O 1.98707140 5.96733935 0.00380950 -0.00361446 -0.00573767 0.01905290 +O 1.99062178 1.98804700 3.98150268 0.00361446 0.00573767 0.01905290 +O 5.96476457 5.96574018 -0.00380950 -0.00361446 0.00573767 -0.01905290 +O 1.98964618 3.97388367 5.96831496 -0.00573767 -0.01905290 0.00361446 +O 5.96733935 0.00380950 1.98707140 -0.00573767 0.01905290 -0.00361446 +O 1.98804700 3.98150268 1.99062178 0.00573767 0.01905290 0.00361446 +O 5.96574018 -0.00380950 5.96476457 0.00573767 -0.01905290 -0.00361446 +O 3.97388367 5.96831496 1.98964618 -0.01905290 0.00361446 -0.00573767 +O 0.00380950 1.98707140 5.96733935 0.01905290 -0.00361446 -0.00573767 +O 3.98150268 1.99062178 1.98804700 0.01905290 0.00361446 0.00573767 +O -0.00380950 5.96476457 5.96574018 -0.01905290 -0.00361446 0.00573767 +O 1.98707140 5.96574018 3.98150268 -0.00361446 0.00573767 0.01905290 +O 5.96831496 1.98804700 -0.00380950 0.00361446 0.00573767 -0.01905290 +O 5.96476457 5.96733935 3.97388367 -0.00361446 -0.00573767 -0.01905290 +O 1.99062178 1.98964618 0.00380950 0.00361446 -0.00573767 0.01905290 +O 5.96574018 3.98150268 1.98707140 0.00573767 0.01905290 -0.00361446 +O 1.98804700 -0.00380950 5.96831496 0.00573767 -0.01905290 0.00361446 +O 5.96733935 3.97388367 5.96476457 -0.00573767 -0.01905290 -0.00361446 +O 1.98964618 0.00380950 1.99062178 -0.00573767 0.01905290 0.00361446 +O 3.98150268 1.98707140 5.96574018 0.01905290 -0.00361446 0.00573767 +O -0.00380950 5.96831496 1.98804700 -0.01905290 0.00361446 0.00573767 +O 3.97388367 5.96476457 5.96733935 -0.01905290 -0.00361446 -0.00573767 +O 0.00380950 1.99062178 1.98964618 0.01905290 0.00361446 -0.00573767 +40 +Lattice="7.75817021224214 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.021342862181818 0.0 0.0 0.06834947956985325 8.021048051713754" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.027615660892 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.85199978 0.09683593 7.99019148 0.25516913 0.10519849 0.11967303 +Ba 3.90876011 0.06093577 4.00359986 -0.16487070 0.08319524 0.05823703 +Ba 3.87138978 4.10491225 7.99257246 0.09851747 0.06685742 0.11711658 +Ba 3.86276036 4.09487008 4.00726016 0.20632074 -0.04461687 0.02054337 +Ba 7.74490995 0.10290592 8.01760885 0.09274175 0.10530647 -0.03370665 +Ba 0.01084980 0.07965003 3.99639019 -0.01850654 0.01974504 0.06776734 +Ba 7.75122044 4.11738196 8.01655064 0.03929237 -0.07791008 -0.02704261 +Ba 0.00669142 4.09235022 3.96821019 -0.09225992 -0.00905105 0.25270165 +Ti 1.93521970 2.13508025 2.06279040 -0.08084551 -0.25292276 0.03186702 +Ti 1.93732992 2.12588992 6.06729020 0.04447211 0.38366438 -0.20453177 +Ti 1.93079987 6.16526038 2.04658979 0.01914623 -0.34233981 -0.09619705 +Ti 1.93599009 6.15820044 6.06977049 0.24469009 -0.23973634 -0.01432927 +Ti 5.80727978 2.10712989 2.05943033 0.15462203 0.22982654 -0.13342560 +Ti 5.83393996 2.14217975 6.06666024 -0.11688029 0.11015454 0.01023968 +Ti 5.80881047 6.14587038 2.02308020 0.06580764 -0.41801329 0.27184968 +Ti 5.84480993 6.16443025 6.05166990 -0.36273483 -0.14006856 -0.17881765 +O 1.95034037 2.05394996 3.94428011 -0.09353082 -0.03995906 -0.15510694 +O 1.95048002 2.07059977 7.92444021 0.08989682 -0.11396055 0.17588737 +O 1.93879001 6.04458049 3.90826979 -0.00060292 0.02847497 0.13448875 +O 1.93902043 6.09343989 7.94845020 0.01800646 0.02246990 -0.19309473 +O 5.85909040 2.01398995 3.93829003 -0.10607266 -0.01441643 -0.16179489 +O 5.84531033 2.06610003 7.96191993 -0.23957128 0.04019277 -0.27922926 +O 5.84234051 6.07802053 3.91053983 -0.10585180 -0.09707637 -0.09064630 +O 5.81918004 6.05156051 7.90542028 0.01523687 0.07945146 0.34014615 +O 1.91583979 3.97483024 1.94450002 0.16094720 0.07908585 0.02297486 +O 1.94297011 4.03286988 6.00499054 -0.06970492 -0.16646993 -0.19985211 +O 1.92315032 8.00835025 1.96679002 0.18089253 -0.02728789 -0.03748720 +O 1.95943993 8.03137030 5.97171032 -0.04352209 0.08099643 -0.06031062 +O 5.81406042 3.97581009 1.96519029 0.04430371 -0.08981326 0.01169261 +O 5.85935029 4.00833002 5.95008054 -0.13781704 0.04324287 0.02600054 +O 5.82285043 7.98786015 1.91838990 -0.10696149 0.10602561 0.08873031 +O 5.82541994 8.02619017 5.99428039 -0.02570229 0.08298235 -0.10481256 +O 0.00695365 1.95596970 1.93019008 0.04382497 0.20842005 0.07919563 +O 0.00910033 2.02969016 5.96537035 0.19035419 -0.13150396 -0.08827163 +O 0.00424837 6.00396026 1.90993039 -0.05392349 0.03988064 0.03725811 +O 0.00193023 6.08814029 5.92558024 0.20415639 -0.24900337 0.06306530 +O 3.88059019 1.97510988 1.96511969 -0.01677233 0.03476954 -0.12369449 +O 3.90835979 2.00338997 5.90943006 -0.20994574 0.17492320 0.26331542 +O 3.88568033 5.98686048 1.92458015 -0.10069366 0.14629988 -0.03429286 +O 3.87980972 6.01178981 5.93236011 -0.02162838 0.18298593 0.02389403 +40 +Lattice="7.761519903971019 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.024798420633621 0.0 0.0 0.06837899035398468 8.024511244397173" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.044042356996 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86802019 0.08258180 8.02127624 0.03475360 0.10480459 -0.10036507 +Ba 3.88524999 0.05797079 4.00010031 0.00039132 0.04416795 -0.09675035 +Ba 3.90238976 4.13145161 7.98229479 -0.26465059 -0.14883396 0.12767841 +Ba 3.87531990 4.07933999 4.01032999 0.08673231 -0.05906338 -0.07185153 +Ba 7.76102006 0.10652608 8.02355735 0.02474661 -0.03401852 -0.04475879 +Ba 7.75804973 0.08252048 3.99915961 -0.08233598 -0.08240206 -0.10917033 +Ba 0.02022264 4.13220137 7.99539390 -0.12578299 -0.18790753 -0.01050938 +Ba 0.00619136 4.08308027 3.97722012 -0.20881831 -0.09668016 0.20231342 +Ti 1.94842013 1.99517010 1.92627031 0.16915005 0.03112860 0.20011436 +Ti 1.97038989 2.02157013 5.93602983 -0.30742706 0.28969673 0.17783704 +Ti 1.91030021 5.98255005 1.94698969 0.05710137 0.47880960 -0.10981670 +Ti 1.91023967 6.05756979 5.93324965 0.42517202 -0.18826312 0.21671777 +Ti 5.83734986 2.00547972 1.91215987 -0.30104481 -0.03805516 0.29600339 +Ti 5.84861028 2.03349027 5.94517988 0.04056738 0.02586890 0.05946139 +Ti 5.79033989 6.00748005 1.91427022 0.25602660 0.12308951 0.20319608 +Ti 5.82065018 6.05107961 5.94300976 -0.28626817 0.04052984 0.08553623 +O 1.92697971 2.12671001 4.08203013 0.00605958 -0.11165015 0.21099810 +O 1.93527988 2.08815854 0.08259033 0.08837010 0.00499000 -0.22613778 +O 1.92204028 6.12093019 4.07435011 0.10717669 0.08361922 -0.07657465 +O 1.93604982 6.10265802 0.07508029 -0.07392976 -0.11080889 0.06752694 +O 5.82657998 2.12246989 4.09508967 0.00976299 -0.01844381 -0.06443544 +O 5.81468001 2.06981807 0.07379964 -0.03543109 0.03275045 -0.10554533 +O 5.78190001 6.11430961 4.10588982 0.24454533 0.02347854 -0.42533991 +O 5.83396972 6.12637800 0.06390991 -0.05788967 -0.21496042 0.01747013 +O 1.90205980 4.14777021 2.05490974 0.07544054 -0.09447159 -0.11106086 +O 1.93103976 4.17248987 6.03845007 0.12331242 0.16686485 0.03470964 +O 1.93252997 0.14683011 2.05869969 0.08919954 -0.21222271 -0.08373492 +O 1.90927025 0.15014971 6.06114009 0.11843890 0.11375126 -0.15078492 +O 5.83114996 4.12734965 2.01553012 -0.02881204 0.16318226 0.00707825 +O 5.79042992 4.17423000 6.06848016 0.18468131 0.02021710 -0.03475900 +O 5.77252021 0.11520967 2.02391023 0.17161805 0.19473021 0.12448125 +O 5.85643001 0.15660962 6.03513978 -0.15081757 0.11732689 0.08606279 +O 7.74782470 2.11924964 2.06335971 -0.10290300 -0.06821008 -0.03450446 +O 0.00453118 2.16858030 6.11381986 -0.04905022 -0.02853873 -0.20259727 +O 7.75192434 6.16954990 2.08310967 -0.01206413 -0.18831402 -0.07981681 +O 7.75983953 6.14544960 6.06961024 -0.00806195 0.07412568 -0.02944582 +O 3.85582995 2.14041996 2.08930026 0.27887059 0.00801953 -0.14792456 +O 3.88328012 2.16073962 6.08238958 -0.13544186 -0.20829484 -0.05335939 +O 3.88449014 6.09847999 2.03677029 -0.20785646 0.06417808 0.12263674 +O 3.87785016 6.19971970 6.05878991 -0.15353111 -0.11419066 0.12942085 +40 +Lattice="7.951896699 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951896699 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951896699" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.81783317052 stress="-0.0025120792351857 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0025120792351857 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0025120792351857" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97594835 3.97594835 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97594835 0.00000000 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97594835 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97594835 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.95401914 1.99787756 1.99787756 -0.32893768 0.32893768 0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 5.95401914 1.99787756 0.32893768 -0.32893768 0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 1.99787756 5.95401914 0.32893768 0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 5.95401914 5.95401914 5.95401914 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 5.95401914 5.95401914 0.32893768 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 5.95401914 1.99787756 5.95401914 -0.32893768 0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 5.95401914 5.95401914 1.99787756 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 1.99787756 1.99787756 0.32893768 0.32893768 0.32893768 +O 5.92591019 5.91308471 3.97594835 0.38738837 0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 2.02598651 5.91308471 3.97594835 -0.38738837 0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 5.92591019 2.03881199 3.97594835 0.38738837 -0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 2.02598651 2.03881199 3.97594835 -0.38738837 -0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 5.91308471 3.97594835 5.92591019 0.42192908 0.00000000 0.38738837 +O 5.91308471 3.97594835 2.02598651 0.42192908 0.00000000 -0.38738837 +O 2.03881199 3.97594835 5.92591019 -0.42192908 0.00000000 0.38738837 +O 2.03881199 3.97594835 2.02598651 -0.42192908 0.00000000 -0.38738837 +O 3.97594835 5.92591019 5.91308471 0.00000000 0.38738837 0.42192908 +O 3.97594835 2.02598651 5.91308471 0.00000000 -0.38738837 0.42192908 +O 3.97594835 5.92591019 2.03881199 0.00000000 0.38738837 -0.42192908 +O 3.97594835 2.02598651 2.03881199 0.00000000 -0.38738837 -0.42192908 +O 5.91224639 5.92402602 0.00000000 0.41926516 0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 2.03965031 5.92402602 0.00000000 -0.41926516 0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 5.91224639 2.02787067 0.00000000 0.41926516 -0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 2.03965031 2.02787067 0.00000000 -0.41926516 -0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 5.92402602 0.00000000 5.91224639 0.38853277 0.00000000 0.41926516 +O 5.92402602 0.00000000 2.03965031 0.38853277 0.00000000 -0.41926516 +O 2.02787067 0.00000000 5.91224639 -0.38853277 0.00000000 0.41926516 +O 2.02787067 0.00000000 2.03965031 -0.38853277 0.00000000 -0.41926516 +O 0.00000000 5.91224639 5.92402602 0.00000000 0.41926516 0.38853277 +O 0.00000000 2.03965031 5.92402602 0.00000000 -0.41926516 0.38853277 +O 0.00000000 5.91224639 2.02787067 0.00000000 0.41926516 -0.38853277 +O 0.00000000 2.03965031 2.02787067 0.00000000 -0.41926516 -0.38853277 +40 +Lattice="7.9294400032573895 0.0 0.0 -0.021734595048928503 7.929408285497376 0.0 -0.021734595048928503 0.0216790889689057 7.929376567737363" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.82928916313 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04327221 0.02271309 0.06346010 -0.13824359 0.21870883 -0.26697204 +Ba 4.00282651 0.06086004 4.03060968 -0.26597908 0.12328620 -0.30516809 +Ba 4.00242607 3.96257350 0.02730027 0.21512832 0.13523771 0.01866724 +Ba 3.92745005 4.02872010 3.95328020 0.34425297 -0.23286584 0.20216481 +Ba 0.07464061 0.02661358 0.04805003 -0.24785383 -0.08371486 -0.30559309 +Ba 0.06329993 0.02203988 4.02052026 0.05651542 0.16972418 -0.10387103 +Ba 0.00441670 4.00297321 0.08713027 -0.01954321 0.09843803 -0.55428588 +Ba -0.01308358 4.05506011 3.98518034 0.33515101 -0.24242006 0.15114050 +O 2.05125970 3.94538961 2.05166013 -0.07683202 0.12795712 -0.12892565 +O 2.05496037 4.00774039 6.02197991 -0.20535812 0.19981842 0.09546660 +O 2.00773976 7.91548022 2.05215969 0.20285953 0.17033584 -0.08244242 +O 2.03025620 0.03978993 5.98461004 0.12776172 -0.23067141 0.37407057 +O 6.00383973 4.02688998 2.04423976 0.03914633 -0.61577998 0.01062431 +O 6.00301031 3.95910992 5.94209001 -0.10024268 0.82372669 0.29529840 +O 6.03437997 7.92176034 2.07854966 -0.17185331 0.32215845 -0.20643799 +O 6.01339629 0.05801020 5.91776962 -0.19934020 -0.50609440 0.45918823 +O 2.06666026 2.01843975 4.07795003 -0.30627726 0.05885744 -0.25895560 +O 2.10953632 1.98670296 0.10220969 -0.17940644 0.03538429 -0.05875999 +O 2.01764997 5.98750032 4.05360030 0.09715967 -0.19873290 0.03640451 +O 2.04973645 5.96063300 0.09899034 0.02093315 -0.08056732 -0.72942659 +O 6.05435978 2.04559015 4.00387003 -0.01638950 -0.11859959 0.11199880 +O 6.05472612 1.98789316 0.10004971 -0.28054335 0.04413273 -0.01134268 +O 6.01178978 6.00568015 4.02690029 -0.28283677 -0.22869628 0.11529958 +O 6.00767599 5.96102313 0.07131025 -0.13469778 0.16204429 -0.34254576 +O 0.08872409 1.97350995 2.02524003 -0.08334102 0.22395697 0.15335113 +O 0.08545637 2.04328982 6.06338031 -0.03715244 0.01047262 -0.18755992 +O 0.09962707 5.90720999 2.06360029 -0.15982209 0.26595260 -0.19334721 +O 0.01883876 6.01023006 6.00134988 0.28047187 -0.24735375 0.08224213 +O 4.06427967 1.99255012 2.10851025 0.26445442 -0.05802106 -0.38211221 +O 4.04485016 2.07754976 5.99833987 0.20845116 -0.33554233 0.04183622 +O 4.03528012 5.94197027 2.01401036 -0.06344891 0.21493677 0.20520926 +O 3.98204028 6.02392024 5.95807972 0.52050467 -0.23759744 0.34256659 +Ti 1.94358028 2.02093038 1.99525010 0.65767636 -0.23215262 0.20989895 +Ti 1.96115033 2.09218988 5.98058030 0.02785790 -0.46273969 -0.38472214 +Ti 1.99225039 5.96450019 1.90592020 -0.27983527 0.49579636 1.05066691 +Ti 1.98002002 6.01217991 5.90195990 -0.51556095 0.41909316 -0.02214697 +Ti 5.95797030 2.01419987 1.96176011 -0.45137464 0.15497941 0.13869353 +Ti 5.93829022 2.10259965 5.85634025 -0.02263316 -0.39916017 0.57172464 +Ti 5.93060976 5.99876013 2.03139011 0.17166690 -0.19037271 -0.53929326 +Ti 5.90102026 6.05394031 5.93723005 0.66857321 0.22608353 0.39739562 +40 +Lattice="7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29604.754642865097 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.92761967 4.07325993 3.96603963 -0.38307483 -0.64318022 0.54543177 +Ba 4.08657010 0.12639078 3.95813013 -1.09948830 -0.09316572 -0.36214168 +Ba 0.07717985 4.00580975 4.08401021 0.97297357 0.43584492 0.71276893 +Ba 3.95461027 3.86072967 0.01677337 0.51849972 0.52351311 -0.38475145 +Ba 0.03953472 0.08119046 4.00952990 0.83665291 -1.70678081 0.20345011 +Ba 0.01844831 4.11282976 7.95545425 0.81698937 -1.16121097 -0.92748253 +Ba 3.91755964 7.82622667 0.03891151 0.65316845 1.68852418 -0.26557850 +Ba 7.85672038 7.87977458 7.88624773 1.17064872 0.46332899 0.34886296 +Ti 1.90308018 5.72743988 1.83882987 1.34637745 5.58648241 1.49930538 +Ti 6.03213989 2.31125003 2.21703028 -2.84989559 -18.33207044 -5.27681746 +Ti 6.07021991 6.01529949 5.80431012 -0.80658694 -0.56791889 1.41481302 +Ti 1.93928018 1.86109967 6.03823002 -0.02211586 0.26395022 -0.92930493 +Ti 2.23845024 6.07570996 5.88897015 -0.48192681 -0.85975401 0.13636308 +Ti 5.92728957 2.02364018 6.09342973 0.54262284 0.08553392 1.49142110 +Ti 5.80159940 6.17893961 1.81810973 2.81958126 -8.79033226 3.07108811 +Ti 1.67428964 1.76530952 1.79264963 8.64316025 4.28502110 0.29016056 +O 5.92128962 6.09631998 4.05496961 0.78696968 -0.03104093 -1.66603602 +O 1.99951030 6.25304008 4.08144952 0.51867173 -0.99823080 -0.41036375 +O 6.15783963 1.54544031 3.88385011 -0.71127024 1.55098970 2.23513377 +O 1.87724025 1.98695022 4.03083016 0.45568536 0.14400826 0.59062251 +O 6.04631986 3.86882031 5.84482954 -0.43005403 -0.52446134 -0.22169234 +O 6.12702993 3.74646966 2.45706983 0.90701706 16.61692712 2.11512033 +O 2.00737033 4.30213026 6.03635957 -0.31813211 -1.81138434 -0.35308985 +O 2.12966991 4.06505997 1.96209021 -0.73959428 -3.62098074 0.47991620 +O 4.12262008 5.96090015 6.01043984 -1.52012386 0.04983981 0.17295400 +O 3.95995988 1.93499028 5.99866976 1.07337643 0.31917083 -0.35851308 +O 4.11432995 6.00680987 2.15573965 -3.55250532 -0.32491828 -0.39191840 +O 4.13486975 1.99120980 2.01460953 0.74822882 0.60002349 0.33374822 +O 5.99768985 5.27021949 0.23703837 -0.60377550 2.32824987 -0.58266340 +O 2.03667026 6.09521000 0.07786451 0.13993589 -0.76810679 -0.60678934 +O 6.15080950 1.96982974 0.02454482 -0.77514981 1.00257391 -1.05429448 +O 2.17248030 2.24005018 7.88185569 -1.95986041 -1.74268010 0.88443738 +O 5.95729970 7.77579006 6.30731016 -0.73947704 2.02286169 -0.96886726 +O 6.06913946 7.70751877 1.60882961 0.44681402 7.64312788 -0.24153894 +O 2.02424025 7.94836825 6.19801991 -0.33438199 2.20818938 -0.57219644 +O 2.14570994 0.17443987 1.87348978 -0.28955532 -3.31304974 0.44290517 +O 7.84200098 6.17684014 6.11840944 1.64040573 -1.59987486 -0.79498201 +O 0.02301910 2.08765030 6.11929998 0.56742113 -0.78798707 -0.62597954 +O 0.19767841 6.13342967 2.06037003 -1.81598559 -0.94597622 0.02856624 +O 0.07994323 1.87357038 2.05002033 -6.17224681 0.80494375 -0.00206768 +40 +Lattice="7.955037176 1e-09 1e-09 1e-09 7.955037176 1e-09 1e-09 1e-09 7.955037176" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21656198647 stress="-4.1317092683975326e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.1317092683975326e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.1317092683975326e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98875929 1.98875929 5.96627788 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875929 5.96627788 1.98875929 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 1.98875929 1.98875929 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 5.96627788 1.98875930 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 1.98875930 5.96627788 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875930 5.96627788 5.96627788 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875929 1.98875929 1.98875929 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96627788 5.96627788 5.96627788 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 3.97751859 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97751859 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 0.00000000 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97751859 3.97751859 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97614721 3.97909298 1.98877753 0.00240347 -0.00497123 -0.00059701 +O 0.00137138 3.97909298 1.98874087 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 0.00059984 +O 3.97614721 -0.00157440 1.98874113 0.00240347 0.00497123 0.00059778 +O 0.00137138 -0.00157439 1.98877754 -0.00240347 0.00497123 -0.00059675 +O 3.97909298 1.98877753 3.97614721 -0.00497123 -0.00059701 0.00240347 +O 3.97909298 1.98874087 0.00137138 -0.00497123 0.00059984 -0.00240347 +O -0.00157440 1.98874113 3.97614721 0.00497123 0.00059778 0.00240347 +O -0.00157439 1.98877754 0.00137138 0.00497123 -0.00059675 -0.00240347 +O 1.98877753 3.97614721 3.97909298 -0.00059701 0.00240347 -0.00497123 +O 1.98874087 0.00137138 3.97909298 0.00059984 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 +O 1.98874113 3.97614721 -0.00157440 0.00059778 0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 1.98877754 0.00137138 -0.00157439 -0.00059675 -0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 3.97888997 3.97594419 5.96625965 -0.00240347 0.00497123 0.00059701 +O -0.00137137 3.97594420 5.96629631 0.00240347 0.00497123 -0.00059984 +O 3.97888997 0.00157440 5.96629605 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 -0.00059778 +O -0.00137137 0.00157439 5.96625963 0.00240347 -0.00497123 0.00059675 +O 3.97594419 5.96625965 3.97888997 0.00497123 0.00059701 -0.00240347 +O 3.97594420 5.96629631 -0.00137137 0.00497123 -0.00059984 0.00240347 +O 0.00157440 5.96629605 3.97888997 -0.00497123 -0.00059778 -0.00240347 +O 0.00157439 5.96625963 -0.00137137 -0.00497123 0.00059675 0.00240347 +O 5.96625965 3.97888997 3.97594419 0.00059701 -0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 5.96629631 -0.00137137 3.97594420 -0.00059984 0.00240347 0.00497123 +O 5.96629605 3.97888997 0.00157440 -0.00059778 -0.00240347 -0.00497123 +O 5.96625963 -0.00137137 0.00157439 0.00059675 0.00240347 -0.00497123 +40 +Lattice="7.983613593 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983613593 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983613593" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.3105521472 stress="-8.5388658213549e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -8.5388658213549e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -8.5388658213549e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180680 3.99180680 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180680 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99180680 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180680 0.00000000 3.99180680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.05493251 5.92868108 1.93687428 0.00067620 -0.00067620 -0.00067620 +Ti 1.93687428 2.05493251 5.92868108 -0.00067620 0.00067620 -0.00067620 +Ti 5.92868108 1.93687428 2.05493251 -0.00067620 -0.00067620 0.00067620 +Ti 6.04673931 6.04673931 6.04673931 0.00067620 0.00067620 0.00067620 +Ti 5.92868108 2.05493251 6.04673931 -0.00067620 0.00067620 0.00067620 +Ti 6.04673931 5.92868108 2.05493251 0.00067620 -0.00067620 0.00067620 +Ti 2.05493251 6.04673931 5.92868108 0.00067620 0.00067620 -0.00067620 +Ti 1.93687428 1.93687428 1.93687428 -0.00067620 -0.00067620 -0.00067620 +O 6.01151953 1.99569096 3.95045989 -0.00174475 0.00180183 0.00290920 +O 1.97209406 5.98749776 0.04134690 0.00174475 0.00180183 -0.00290920 +O 2.01971273 1.99611584 4.03315370 -0.00174475 -0.00180183 -0.00290920 +O 5.96390086 5.98792263 -0.04134690 0.00174475 -0.00180183 0.00290920 +O 1.99569096 3.95045989 6.01151953 0.00180183 0.00290920 -0.00174475 +O 5.98749776 0.04134690 1.97209406 0.00180183 -0.00290920 0.00174475 +O 1.99611584 4.03315370 2.01971273 -0.00180183 -0.00290920 -0.00174475 +O 5.98792263 -0.04134690 5.96390086 -0.00180183 0.00290920 0.00174475 +O 3.95045989 6.01151953 1.99569096 0.00290920 -0.00174475 0.00180183 +O 0.04134690 1.97209406 5.98749776 -0.00290920 0.00174475 0.00180183 +O 4.03315370 2.01971273 1.99611584 -0.00290920 -0.00174475 -0.00180183 +O -0.04134690 5.96390086 5.98792263 0.00290920 0.00174475 -0.00180183 +O 1.97209406 5.98792263 4.03315370 0.00174475 -0.00180183 -0.00290920 +O 6.01151953 1.99611584 -0.04134690 -0.00174475 -0.00180183 0.00290920 +O 5.96390086 5.98749776 3.95045989 0.00174475 0.00180183 0.00290920 +O 2.01971273 1.99569096 0.04134690 -0.00174475 0.00180183 -0.00290920 +O 5.98792263 4.03315370 1.97209406 -0.00180183 -0.00290920 0.00174475 +O 1.99611584 -0.04134690 6.01151953 -0.00180183 0.00290920 -0.00174475 +O 5.98749776 3.95045989 5.96390086 0.00180183 0.00290920 0.00174475 +O 1.99569096 0.04134690 2.01971273 0.00180183 -0.00290920 -0.00174475 +O 4.03315370 1.97209406 5.98792263 -0.00290920 0.00174475 -0.00180183 +O -0.04134690 6.01151953 1.99611584 0.00290920 -0.00174475 -0.00180183 +O 3.95045989 5.96390086 5.98749776 0.00290920 0.00174475 0.00180183 +O 0.04134690 2.01971273 1.99569096 -0.00290920 -0.00174475 0.00180183 +40 +Lattice="7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.77400890301 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90229021 3.85909983 4.13605020 0.60856006 -0.74070294 -1.29830554 +Ba 3.94814019 0.10277805 3.99884976 0.16790024 1.12563385 0.14450320 +Ba 0.09122119 3.84264030 3.95968029 -0.91041632 0.89762636 -0.13023049 +Ba 3.82249979 4.08379021 7.85430929 1.00475061 0.04507452 0.92745733 +Ba 7.90115912 7.97181449 3.86986032 -1.32010952 0.37195969 1.20490970 +Ba 0.18408698 4.18500026 7.93719579 -1.52955133 -0.00067466 0.82321941 +Ba 4.13616032 0.04159686 7.93469977 -0.39020116 -0.43397367 -0.06602027 +Ba 0.06031381 7.72110981 0.27411283 -0.86616660 1.10375659 -2.33750456 +Ti 2.01604040 5.93225022 2.22166033 -1.83358993 0.36120477 -0.69597809 +Ti 5.95443990 2.25108032 1.68331980 1.07795917 0.28359114 3.49063790 +Ti 6.19644042 5.79532986 6.00569047 -1.10122071 1.51658037 0.22997952 +Ti 1.96653017 2.01435032 6.12236978 -2.49979876 -1.12502424 -0.27707442 +Ti 2.14857039 6.00171025 5.95763014 -2.29721100 0.75013297 -0.87573599 +Ti 6.15994014 1.94401015 5.99393014 0.21101455 0.85447914 -1.93399305 +Ti 5.53592982 5.99776035 2.29641004 8.29181489 -0.70384463 -3.11511697 +Ti 1.69124993 1.88615006 1.91002982 3.11780043 0.36726460 1.31575819 +O 5.92710019 6.07136977 3.96370999 -0.16673964 -0.21799355 2.86140719 +O 1.65380007 6.30704008 3.96549981 2.99776205 -1.44055516 -0.01657822 +O 5.95829005 1.97442998 4.12968009 -0.76574831 0.23026620 -0.76906606 +O 1.80516031 1.78317013 3.81617995 1.66253958 1.24879200 0.96824917 +O 5.97522995 4.01940042 5.74879044 -0.02500089 0.41566356 1.09440806 +O 6.18734049 4.09787021 2.08793979 -1.16683449 -1.09955824 -0.65286326 +O 1.79680966 4.12680025 6.08411000 1.23474530 -0.14130192 -1.63048178 +O 1.98685022 3.98993973 1.95277973 0.64959718 0.12631547 0.60864928 +O 3.89802033 5.92900971 5.63971010 1.00073506 0.30721315 0.69328974 +O 3.71532020 2.26969992 6.08412037 2.28327279 -0.59499004 0.10989589 +O 3.94616046 5.88610021 1.90609029 -5.21718175 -0.16189877 -0.42489459 +O 4.23316034 1.87705970 1.86453971 -0.56962636 0.98461913 -0.41553321 +O 5.94355014 5.95199016 7.88240626 -0.21973368 -0.56999789 -1.27740761 +O 2.08639015 6.11431039 7.70528387 0.39125222 -0.08194491 1.92942883 +O 6.39838974 2.20412995 7.95315100 -1.40001324 -0.20474774 -0.32811493 +O 1.67209968 2.10938018 0.05815134 0.87650424 -0.07773525 -1.38926525 +O 5.98791990 0.18243600 6.05512011 -0.36881421 -1.68110732 0.19280240 +O 6.02605042 7.69566925 1.93502033 -0.54674509 1.56714137 -0.15159970 +O 2.02368007 0.23327324 6.08012020 0.04446543 -1.41620373 -0.28552615 +O 2.23296982 0.07415682 1.74285001 -0.79724098 -0.86862638 0.85967071 +O 7.96336888 6.09363046 5.78412969 -0.51987192 -0.43929329 1.20181846 +O 7.92614085 2.16880027 5.85307982 1.26186478 -0.48160387 0.51149912 +O 0.27361411 5.97427000 1.91914970 -0.34644561 -0.19211617 -0.02552668 +O 7.94400478 1.87724004 2.13445049 -2.02427683 0.11657896 -1.07076728 +40 +Lattice="7.9194697754748 0.0 0.0 -0.021707266654576427 7.919438097595698 0.0 -0.021707266654576427 0.021651830366148102 7.919406419716596" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.89029831027 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01390802 0.04966062 0.04763007 -0.02377062 -0.07070842 -0.11741251 +Ba 3.95260974 7.91362996 3.98094956 0.03742601 0.29906558 0.17761746 +Ba 4.01721915 4.02850044 0.03388028 0.02887169 -0.23263110 -0.00581635 +Ba 3.93531995 4.02055958 4.01785984 0.46336370 -0.06015584 -0.12019547 +Ba 0.07264450 0.09301021 0.04085021 -0.17779795 -0.23193536 -0.06896341 +Ba 0.00371344 7.92676994 3.94852963 0.12740433 0.36888620 0.38906833 +Ba 0.07254709 3.99306002 0.02639005 -0.44419509 -0.10083481 0.12991810 +Ba -0.00184920 3.98283994 4.01712966 -0.00565797 0.01853483 -0.18057115 +O 2.03012994 4.00588956 1.97930991 -0.15391626 -0.04719311 -0.02322812 +O 1.97926002 3.99025969 6.00536957 -0.02719430 0.22207004 -0.09264122 +O 2.01944895 0.05724034 2.02038979 -0.02134967 -0.43988438 -0.01634527 +O 2.03094882 0.04498021 5.99520018 -0.05331877 -0.07684179 -0.30684291 +O 5.91115956 3.98834952 1.96388991 0.46768315 -0.17056698 0.24807417 +O 5.98858980 4.00036018 5.97439969 -0.00675352 0.09984751 -0.22985482 +O 5.99312844 0.01248980 2.00198019 -0.06038801 0.34234419 -0.17978645 +O 5.93643850 0.04219969 5.96178001 0.19683517 -0.23874184 -0.01250739 +O 2.04382983 2.02893014 3.95565003 -0.18203256 0.13635691 0.30236327 +O 2.04496865 2.01503068 0.01897980 -0.14284201 0.05118192 0.13765841 +O 1.96875960 5.91108986 3.99196000 -0.00538029 0.34716449 -0.27339208 +O 2.00064892 6.03976066 0.02581034 0.00171570 -0.46698561 0.11860705 +O 5.89464984 2.02354966 3.98569966 0.41275873 -0.02816129 -0.28511271 +O 5.94205974 2.05203995 7.90508960 0.16120225 -0.17685385 0.44620595 +O 5.93180007 5.99812009 3.93713985 0.33517646 -0.23211765 0.42279683 +O 5.97986888 5.94482997 0.00543038 0.02510297 0.22492036 -0.16813832 +O 0.02199078 2.01499029 2.01306032 0.09243759 0.17737347 -0.02119437 +O 0.04046136 1.96291028 5.96151946 -0.04125849 0.33467484 -0.16232223 +O 0.02706875 5.96117972 1.99756983 0.21784160 -0.09700001 -0.03401544 +O 0.01104608 6.03151966 5.98227006 -0.12967256 -0.23987338 -0.11764185 +O 4.00326980 2.00243001 1.99686025 -0.10670567 0.02339601 -0.09168065 +O 3.99137951 2.02418955 5.98769014 -0.22862866 0.12167154 -0.14973616 +O 3.99982958 5.93969974 2.02011023 -0.40654926 0.30546454 -0.20908597 +O 3.96161972 5.99957964 5.97023009 -0.15887155 -0.26134287 0.03001017 +Ti 2.02148980 2.05537008 2.00624007 -0.08117873 -0.35115870 0.11996356 +Ti 2.01246002 2.04593008 5.96674948 0.12315867 -0.68185424 0.10675375 +Ti 1.96701018 5.98080971 2.03417996 0.36912865 0.19459214 0.40467055 +Ti 2.01871957 5.98104017 6.04508017 0.20395482 0.75761668 -0.51340996 +Ti 5.93896957 2.00852009 2.01622969 0.11576058 0.28108200 0.24612733 +Ti 5.95667988 2.05092013 5.97846951 -0.20386123 -0.01806174 -0.03773042 +Ti 5.95942952 5.96560987 2.03995959 -0.45519350 -0.12204178 0.03604430 +Ti 6.00701999 6.03057962 6.02019006 -0.26330565 0.03870153 0.10174652 +40 +Lattice="7.979540774 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979540774 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979540774" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.29608630342 stress="-0.00013588732704951885 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00013588732704951885 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00013588732704951885" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98977039 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98977039 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98977039 0.00000000 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98977039 3.98977039 3.98977039 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93242790 6.04711287 1.93242790 0.00017612 -0.00017612 0.00017612 +Ti 6.04711287 1.93242790 1.93242790 -0.00017612 0.00017612 0.00017612 +Ti 1.93242790 1.93242790 6.04711287 0.00017612 0.00017612 -0.00017612 +Ti 6.04711287 6.04711287 6.04711287 -0.00017612 -0.00017612 -0.00017612 +Ti 2.05734249 5.92219829 5.92219829 -0.00017612 0.00017612 0.00017612 +Ti 5.92219829 2.05734249 5.92219829 0.00017612 -0.00017612 0.00017612 +Ti 5.92219829 5.92219829 2.05734249 0.00017612 0.00017612 -0.00017612 +Ti 2.05734249 2.05734249 2.05734249 -0.00017612 -0.00017612 -0.00017612 +O 1.99515187 1.99487205 3.96006941 0.00058853 0.00223172 0.00434311 +O 1.99515187 5.98466872 4.01947136 0.00058853 -0.00223172 -0.00434311 +O 5.98438891 1.99487205 4.01947136 -0.00058853 0.00223172 -0.00434311 +O 5.98438891 5.98466872 3.96006941 -0.00058853 -0.00223172 0.00434311 +O 3.96006941 1.99515187 1.99487205 0.00434311 0.00058853 0.00223172 +O 4.01947136 1.99515187 5.98466872 -0.00434311 0.00058853 -0.00223172 +O 4.01947136 5.98438891 1.99487205 -0.00434311 -0.00058853 0.00223172 +O 3.96006941 5.98438891 5.98466872 0.00434311 -0.00058853 -0.00223172 +O 1.99487205 3.96006941 1.99515187 0.00223172 0.00434311 0.00058853 +O 5.98466872 4.01947136 1.99515187 -0.00223172 -0.00434311 0.00058853 +O 1.99487205 4.01947136 5.98438891 0.00223172 -0.00434311 -0.00058853 +O 5.98466872 3.96006941 5.98438891 -0.00223172 0.00434311 -0.00058853 +O 5.98464244 5.98492225 -0.02970098 0.00223172 0.00058853 0.00434311 +O 1.99489833 5.98492225 0.02970098 -0.00223172 0.00058853 -0.00434311 +O 5.98464244 1.99461852 0.02970098 0.00223172 -0.00058853 -0.00434311 +O 1.99489833 1.99461852 -0.02970098 -0.00223172 -0.00058853 0.00434311 +O 5.98492225 -0.02970098 5.98464244 0.00058853 0.00434311 0.00223172 +O 5.98492225 0.02970098 1.99489833 0.00058853 -0.00434311 -0.00223172 +O 1.99461852 0.02970098 5.98464244 -0.00058853 -0.00434311 0.00223172 +O 1.99461852 -0.02970098 1.99489833 -0.00058853 0.00434311 -0.00223172 +O -0.02970098 5.98464244 5.98492225 0.00434311 0.00223172 0.00058853 +O 0.02970098 1.99489833 5.98492225 -0.00434311 -0.00223172 0.00058853 +O 0.02970098 5.98464244 1.99461852 -0.00434311 0.00223172 -0.00058853 +O -0.02970098 1.99489833 1.99461852 0.00434311 -0.00223172 -0.00058853 +40 +Lattice="7.921490174056294 0.0 0.0 -0.021712804567088302 7.921458488095598 0.0 -0.021712804567088302 0.021657354135869906 7.921426802134902" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.068734374887 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00233925 0.04157515 0.04367989 0.03413397 0.04688664 -0.05528849 +Ba 4.00011489 0.07616038 4.01481005 -0.04703216 -0.12321832 -0.18547038 +Ba 3.98447470 4.00606472 0.03893967 0.12386675 -0.11292516 -0.07018675 +Ba 3.99956039 4.00985991 4.00697015 -0.10440761 -0.04992131 -0.10522600 +Ba 0.05065238 0.01474506 0.04302003 -0.10820719 0.06628792 -0.08222285 +Ba 0.01828993 0.03157981 3.97066992 0.06971186 0.03400464 0.13249512 +Ba 0.06549013 3.99002529 0.04742992 -0.33511193 0.15463540 -0.14415327 +Ba 0.02022198 3.98712048 3.99339985 -0.04465955 0.24724011 0.01397343 +O 1.97341035 4.01227042 2.01483023 0.07405291 -0.06590226 0.05836147 +O 1.96418023 4.00540011 5.96628975 0.08681561 -0.02183329 0.08952941 +O 2.00720422 0.04412032 2.00645009 -0.05352600 0.11364019 0.13131267 +O 1.98021491 0.03917969 5.99984994 0.04335703 0.14465875 -0.18731875 +O 5.95533037 4.00309971 2.01611035 -0.03462042 0.01080763 -0.03706322 +O 5.93496026 4.00649011 5.96139031 0.05267830 0.02616432 0.08165772 +O 5.94318435 0.05057000 2.00473033 0.07613294 0.27262204 0.09770963 +O 5.95662474 0.03412023 5.96083976 -0.02525363 -0.05716668 0.03502125 +O 1.95140999 2.02538007 4.02583043 0.16362038 -0.06359367 -0.15458218 +O 2.00029430 2.00405542 0.04845021 -0.07713515 0.12326820 0.01506486 +O 1.99651020 6.00167980 3.98041969 -0.12611210 -0.04030641 -0.03390977 +O 2.00099456 5.98889531 0.02534005 0.04464823 -0.13843565 -0.15549801 +O 5.95703032 2.05631983 4.00585005 0.01348878 -0.22248810 -0.23598896 +O 5.96318453 2.04474495 0.03284012 -0.01523816 -0.16246235 0.18861639 +O 5.96384043 5.98159011 3.96555026 -0.14963975 0.07130800 0.33760847 +O 5.91464480 5.98092550 0.03968983 0.18740282 -0.03768132 -0.29453247 +O -0.00141795 2.01513996 1.99518019 0.09682389 0.01294525 0.15286417 +O -0.01689179 2.04206036 6.00619030 0.30059230 -0.13772448 -0.10809920 +O -0.00484003 5.99513031 2.00768980 0.12940234 -0.03284070 -0.04018609 +O -0.02425243 5.98811029 5.95903050 0.00866333 -0.02163995 0.06237882 +O 3.94810001 2.03573980 1.99747979 -0.00218415 -0.01036566 0.23108432 +O 3.98084032 2.02812012 5.98627012 -0.47850235 -0.02779980 -0.06200652 +O 3.97390981 5.99582027 2.01613015 -0.29477492 -0.11664349 0.03902240 +O 3.94168994 5.96753976 5.92071029 -0.13259642 0.15102197 0.22358750 +Ti 2.00193009 2.01656029 1.99358004 0.52338584 -0.15808016 -0.14398589 +Ti 1.99619968 2.02881008 5.95557039 0.13130135 0.00625575 0.06979362 +Ti 2.02244992 5.97501052 2.05628973 -0.12432826 0.11585699 -0.05788890 +Ti 2.04349969 5.99215025 5.99723980 -0.00227620 0.05612924 0.08344901 +Ti 5.99117036 2.00406968 2.00443011 -0.24294611 -0.01235929 -0.23179241 +Ti 5.97468019 2.07742981 5.96832003 -0.01535540 0.17309438 0.23048963 +Ti 5.95498974 5.95442019 2.00138984 0.28369141 0.01380605 0.03283247 +Ti 6.00456005 6.03899002 5.95719033 -0.02986311 -0.22724541 0.07854823 +40 +Lattice="7.784520062154897 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.048578767183255 0.0 0.0 0.06858162174758464 8.048290739940954" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.678642996398 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90383016 0.12751277 8.02987179 -0.11277707 -0.20323362 0.16995969 +Ba 3.89611025 0.08042499 4.05834977 -0.16853067 -0.09322974 -0.59486200 +Ba 3.89551007 4.12729415 7.96860839 0.18173483 -0.08213980 0.35612916 +Ba 3.88492001 4.11424029 4.01938981 0.04695811 -0.42779994 -0.28493119 +Ba 7.75627004 0.07180052 8.03238852 0.14227714 0.00948351 0.19140295 +Ba 7.78085044 0.14480764 4.03107982 0.26991004 -0.63751120 -0.56185186 +Ba 7.78442743 3.99292010 0.00095049 -0.18349218 0.44631060 -0.05643314 +Ba 7.77783939 4.14018999 4.04331008 0.19587512 -0.37740272 -0.55349089 +Ti 1.98659006 2.18268990 1.88254995 -0.36273766 -0.49468179 0.47533938 +Ti 1.90226969 2.00386002 5.93376988 0.59548703 0.22543510 -0.00921689 +Ti 1.88746976 6.17882968 1.89033992 0.67222752 0.26568443 0.36591349 +Ti 1.97864985 6.00648975 5.94329969 -0.40368248 0.41980355 0.17092617 +Ti 5.85125007 1.98276007 2.01633004 0.17503428 -0.06037182 -0.06321700 +Ti 5.83991036 2.00746970 6.01545985 -0.47244946 0.64559578 -0.00814680 +Ti 5.76833014 5.99992039 1.98954039 -0.03534855 0.11905725 -0.63426235 +Ti 5.86133025 6.03581015 5.96165014 0.14206656 -0.11282181 0.42725770 +O 1.99069017 2.11125993 3.99103002 -0.00361883 -0.13791115 0.91279047 +O 1.95016006 2.13350964 8.02527036 -0.16663345 -0.07368602 0.02551974 +O 2.00112999 6.10666018 4.10030989 -0.37177406 0.04555506 0.04672954 +O 1.98804966 6.07762547 0.05067022 -0.10614825 -0.02437226 -0.28086345 +O 5.88433973 2.11305037 3.97503984 -0.42761379 -0.10985835 0.77402726 +O 5.85177008 2.08588550 0.04738982 0.28039525 -0.08415349 -0.64908425 +O 5.86446040 6.13230005 4.11461006 -0.02272521 0.18730281 -0.33690707 +O 5.76691025 6.04988612 0.07458037 0.39181375 0.24470989 0.10696766 +O 1.98809014 4.02616000 1.93200033 -0.06131618 0.28679319 0.26893276 +O 1.92960971 4.15197030 6.05042013 0.24417510 -0.08312197 -0.05120095 +O 1.96617983 8.06107993 1.97128024 -0.04548539 0.05413303 0.12735960 +O 1.90952020 0.16496021 6.07673025 0.11012935 -0.06392534 -0.30107978 +O 5.84238039 4.14035969 2.07082012 0.02556628 -0.00095774 -0.08025750 +O 5.88959039 4.17776042 6.01538979 -0.37897829 -0.11459304 0.12634504 +O 5.87827014 0.07329982 2.02906006 -0.15921016 0.19710900 0.05652982 +O 5.84977024 0.18454995 6.04608026 0.13452217 -0.49326563 0.01533432 +O 0.04016890 2.07921028 2.05144990 -0.07129772 0.00155012 -0.33657849 +O 7.76274987 2.12505020 5.94168985 0.43502320 0.12543152 0.49974301 +O 0.04054723 6.07975999 2.06421963 -0.54201529 -0.02675130 -0.05280352 +O 0.02555969 6.10373008 6.08070036 -0.22832373 0.46625465 0.12098789 +O 3.93483980 2.07987041 1.97771026 -0.25817321 -0.09024058 0.11406031 +O 3.91417968 2.10855013 6.07316027 -0.08544984 0.19697890 -0.34390202 +O 3.87249981 6.08645001 2.14245016 0.62604665 0.02812375 -0.24380254 +O 3.90960005 6.19603036 6.05515001 -0.00146142 -0.17328258 0.09063627 +40 +Lattice="7.955226894 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955226894 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955226894" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21669491408 stress="4.0398935068775876e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 4.0398935068775876e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 4.0398935068775876e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98880672 5.96642017 5.96642017 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96642017 1.98880672 5.96642017 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98880672 1.98880672 1.98880672 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96642017 5.96642017 1.98880672 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96642017 1.98880672 1.98880672 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98880672 5.96642017 1.98880672 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98880672 1.98880672 5.96642017 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96642017 5.96642017 5.96642017 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ti 3.97761345 3.97761345 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97761345 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97761345 0.00000000 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97761345 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97761345 3.97761345 1.98884852 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136448 +O 3.97761345 3.97761345 5.96637837 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136448 +O 3.97761345 5.96646206 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136371 0.00000000 +O 3.97761345 1.98876483 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136371 0.00000000 +O 5.96646206 3.97761345 0.00000000 -0.00136371 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98876483 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00136371 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97761345 0.00000000 5.96646206 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136371 +O 3.97761345 0.00000000 1.98876483 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136371 +O 3.97761345 1.98884852 3.97761345 0.00000000 -0.00136448 0.00000000 +O 3.97761345 5.96637837 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00136448 0.00000000 +O 5.96646206 0.00000000 3.97761345 -0.00136371 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98876483 0.00000000 3.97761345 0.00136371 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97761345 5.96646206 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136371 +O 0.00000000 3.97761345 1.98876483 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136371 +O 0.00000000 5.96646206 3.97761345 0.00000000 -0.00136371 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 1.98876483 3.97761345 0.00000000 0.00136371 0.00000000 +O 1.98884852 3.97761345 3.97761345 -0.00136448 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96637837 3.97761345 3.97761345 0.00136448 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98884862 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136603 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96637827 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136603 +O 0.00000000 1.98884862 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136603 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96637827 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136603 0.00000000 +O 1.98884862 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00136603 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96637827 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00136603 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.927649796761529 0.0 0.0 -0.02172968809292335 7.927618086162342 0.0 -0.02172968809292335 0.02167419454434602 7.9275863755631555" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.185280187754 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00446282 0.02691833 0.02688028 0.04005856 0.13396347 0.02216214 +Ba 4.01383093 0.04266978 3.98396985 -0.11163858 0.06703586 0.14711544 +Ba 3.99105162 3.99664775 0.04559984 0.04203857 -0.10110118 -0.00596907 +Ba 3.98522004 4.01529992 3.99875967 -0.00571788 -0.10614825 -0.01177385 +Ba 0.03357043 0.04373843 0.02885982 0.11997667 -0.08498216 0.06673787 +Ba 0.01547398 0.04846965 4.00126005 0.20835192 -0.06792315 -0.00338743 +Ba 0.05024148 4.00161838 0.03333022 -0.07930182 -0.03764301 0.10250705 +Ba 0.01761365 4.02174986 4.00196958 0.12555185 -0.05734434 -0.06090918 +O 1.98305007 4.04524028 2.06569027 0.06346742 0.12637178 -0.03803202 +O 1.95732960 4.03912964 6.03367956 0.03624818 -0.05411349 -0.14415378 +O 2.01012141 0.07204014 2.03555013 -0.04389310 -0.07019832 0.10169973 +O 1.97134172 0.07520961 6.02598023 -0.00258936 0.08579591 -0.04404300 +O 5.96962019 4.03596968 2.06252000 -0.07920129 0.08412907 -0.07742517 +O 5.90632979 4.03311018 6.03073999 0.16308147 0.14659787 -0.02388478 +O 5.95066121 0.07645029 2.05721957 0.13861974 0.04721908 0.04448754 +O 5.94753137 0.08259026 6.00356004 -0.04797087 -0.06833118 0.04248722 +O 2.00034978 2.04206032 4.02931997 -0.16948301 0.00240270 0.28947253 +O 2.01889097 2.04964787 0.08881029 -0.16637943 -0.06955528 -0.08944354 +O 1.97801997 6.00310024 4.06654980 0.03987498 0.10123282 -0.15823726 +O 1.97222169 5.98584808 0.09601969 0.06294652 0.09321226 -0.02244573 +O 5.95215002 2.05237023 4.04508014 0.02087813 0.00430017 0.05228827 +O 5.94089118 2.02215796 0.08624966 0.12708423 0.07487387 -0.00177869 +O 5.92174986 5.99997991 4.06304023 0.06819568 0.04045605 -0.02527266 +O 5.96678129 6.01433768 0.09598006 -0.05406156 -0.07749202 -0.09772403 +O 0.00577054 2.05382020 2.03190024 -0.18092056 -0.11385565 0.09551905 +O 7.90523833 2.04574034 6.01204976 0.00515300 0.08721619 0.02122009 +O 0.00674009 6.00922989 2.07556019 -0.12976152 0.08562185 -0.06383021 +O 7.89005688 6.01292022 6.01067986 -0.18464789 -0.02505514 0.02003609 +O 3.95579974 2.05431964 2.05696034 0.12601157 -0.02077169 0.00083252 +O 3.93462023 2.05478024 6.02065998 -0.03990404 -0.03520740 -0.11473908 +O 3.98287980 6.01053954 2.03926979 -0.22376337 -0.03365703 0.06414568 +O 3.91438966 6.01489024 6.01712980 0.28297356 0.00996791 0.09804979 +Ti 2.05654017 1.97694023 1.99578980 0.08660555 0.18916557 -0.16053480 +Ti 2.04586956 2.02527986 5.94591968 0.26987816 -0.13844388 0.06224924 +Ti 2.01664031 5.95741002 1.96510980 -0.13393416 -0.20403298 0.13453940 +Ti 2.04255976 5.98336990 5.93394021 -0.21976119 0.05114516 -0.00428706 +Ti 6.02579948 1.98710982 1.99244988 -0.11192089 0.04232447 -0.13130290 +Ti 6.02305017 2.02298957 5.95482006 -0.32745287 -0.10270966 -0.01219628 +Ti 5.97451947 5.94763998 1.98394034 0.14707584 -0.03540923 -0.07574881 +Ti 5.99558958 5.97393996 5.95023946 0.13823202 0.03094374 0.00157069 +40 +Lattice="7.955188256 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955188256 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955188256" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.214274733604 stress="1.0099733767193969e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.0099733767193969e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.0099733767193969e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99338167 1.99338167 1.99338167 -0.04593790 -0.04593790 -0.04593790 +Ba 5.96180659 5.96180659 1.99338167 0.04593790 0.04593790 -0.04593790 +Ba 5.96180659 1.99338167 5.96180659 0.04593790 -0.04593790 0.04593790 +Ba 1.99338167 5.96180659 5.96180659 -0.04593790 0.04593790 0.04593790 +Ba 5.96379734 1.99139091 1.99139091 0.03380281 -0.03380281 -0.03380281 +Ba 1.99139091 5.96379734 1.99139091 -0.03380281 0.03380281 -0.03380281 +Ba 1.99139091 1.99139091 5.96379734 -0.03380281 -0.03380281 0.03380281 +Ba 5.96379734 5.96379734 5.96379734 0.03380281 0.03380281 0.03380281 +Ti 3.97759413 3.97759413 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97759413 0.00000000 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97759413 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97759413 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97759413 3.97759413 1.99002277 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00795139 +O 3.97759413 3.97759413 5.96516549 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00795139 +O 3.97759413 1.99002277 3.97759413 0.00000000 -0.00795139 0.00000000 +O 3.97759413 5.96516549 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00795139 0.00000000 +O 1.99002277 3.97759413 3.97759413 -0.00795139 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96516549 3.97759413 3.97759413 0.00795139 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97759413 1.99091462 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.01794064 +O 0.00000000 3.97759413 5.96427363 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01794064 +O 3.97759413 1.99091462 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.01794064 0.00000000 +O 3.97759413 5.96427363 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01794064 0.00000000 +O 1.99091462 0.00000000 3.97759413 -0.01794064 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96427363 0.00000000 3.97759413 0.01794064 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97759413 0.00000000 1.98933163 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00370753 +O 3.97759413 0.00000000 5.96585662 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00370753 +O 0.00000000 1.98933163 3.97759413 0.00000000 -0.00370753 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96585662 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00370753 0.00000000 +O 1.98933163 3.97759413 0.00000000 -0.00370753 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96585662 3.97759413 0.00000000 0.00370753 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99031769 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.01675279 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96487057 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01675279 +O 0.00000000 1.99031769 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.01675279 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96487057 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01675279 0.00000000 +O 1.99031769 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.01675279 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96487057 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01675279 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.8053998072649025 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.070166774127136 0.0 0.0 0.0687655723020038 8.06987016893446" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.97173818321 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90948982 0.04566705 0.03895129 -0.13598282 -0.36551342 -0.10659151 +Ba 3.91431980 0.03746358 3.94004952 -0.00718443 0.41231393 0.46636803 +Ba 3.84893007 4.00444953 0.08601394 0.42322261 0.19436923 -0.80117991 +Ba 3.94890007 4.22403963 3.98270993 -0.63390086 -1.18833688 -0.04391778 +Ba 7.75956962 0.12775878 7.97674316 0.12281054 -0.25246845 0.40645927 +Ba 0.05301974 0.08275519 4.03359021 -0.60271286 -0.01415804 0.13456100 +Ba 0.09025540 4.15994793 8.04565079 -0.59833864 -0.51895172 -0.01956430 +Ba 7.77743384 4.15065014 4.10346025 0.20898081 -0.89112841 -0.59079631 +Ti 1.95263004 2.02213010 2.09668962 0.03493024 -0.01135219 0.45011532 +Ti 2.00171976 1.97091965 6.11108011 0.16388957 0.93162869 -0.66257097 +Ti 1.87037986 6.05162950 2.11448983 1.22132414 -0.00478868 -0.54104161 +Ti 1.96782013 6.07563969 6.14411022 0.39870380 -0.30400595 -0.35114276 +Ti 5.89841965 1.88292001 2.07976985 -0.22684715 1.95225123 0.14460013 +Ti 5.84637949 2.08761974 6.15563021 -0.36900370 -0.47700546 -0.44288306 +Ti 5.87080024 5.93516981 1.82963957 -1.07356618 1.13804096 0.36001692 +Ti 5.82142953 6.03151967 5.85986020 -0.27049805 0.82726530 0.68382140 +O 1.87815013 2.03803984 3.98476978 0.50553107 0.24815414 -0.36447984 +O 1.92408023 2.12864024 7.95394983 -0.07547576 -0.01705618 0.30812435 +O 1.81907965 6.06655967 3.93596027 0.19217608 0.57865248 -0.07321730 +O 2.04985956 6.04882970 7.98497005 -0.36433380 0.80389294 -0.03747743 +O 5.82471014 2.16988007 3.89736960 0.06679160 -0.36925309 0.46263659 +O 5.79506991 2.18566962 8.04013003 0.53614829 -0.24415761 -0.40661739 +O 5.83495004 6.19471965 4.00239984 0.72802303 -0.36106490 0.39645177 +O 5.70427984 6.17609987 8.06419955 0.54599895 -0.06992089 -0.43131721 +O 2.02645975 4.12206988 1.94491986 -0.64957662 0.29166157 0.41565996 +O 1.91975994 4.24132000 5.94572974 -0.09536067 -0.14480607 0.30101782 +O 1.85617013 0.09654031 1.95611983 0.35605896 0.01350318 -0.00905131 +O 2.00114996 0.12568021 6.04684011 -0.28296173 -0.04603175 -0.04791354 +O 5.78261015 4.15306981 1.94358982 0.62993287 -0.06942261 0.13204517 +O 5.81478947 4.17923976 5.95552005 0.19392134 0.44985255 0.29960037 +O 5.92871007 0.10153967 2.02808015 -0.00613799 -0.44698731 -0.35320118 +O 5.66310012 0.23345014 6.04038973 0.88162922 -0.02389686 -0.05414949 +O 0.01810384 2.13279974 2.04269967 -0.17365334 0.17147150 -0.65340139 +O 7.77305111 2.17361964 6.00835949 -0.03674158 -0.26283591 0.10350644 +O 0.01405206 6.13189009 1.88271005 -0.21187716 -0.22648693 0.01975224 +O 7.72978968 6.26634981 6.06361001 0.23198164 -0.19241930 0.00249628 +O 3.89558996 2.14145983 1.93784973 -0.39266196 -0.78244120 0.23743958 +O 3.88589019 2.23824991 5.98388956 -0.49978080 -0.06041193 0.12009160 +O 3.95456991 6.25109962 2.07290969 -0.71687781 -0.42625702 -0.28173994 +O 3.85748010 6.21780022 5.79928951 -0.01858111 -0.24189916 0.82748950 +40 +Lattice="7.972839942823297 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.972839942823297 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.972839942823297" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.68595156593 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99487995 4.01255016 7.95427519 -0.10113743 -0.10087106 0.13576093 +Ba 3.95541998 7.92012831 4.08526007 0.12877062 0.35762657 -0.49281183 +Ba 0.05397932 4.03096981 3.97851968 -0.27691655 -0.15948939 -0.29596740 +Ba 0.03965451 0.02134728 4.00730961 -0.08257252 -0.06626581 -0.34263549 +Ba 7.94750624 3.90344025 0.00530513 0.21398366 0.67429777 0.35900211 +Ba 4.02377033 0.01085183 0.02284538 -0.27810774 0.06662371 -0.06086778 +Ba 4.00459007 4.00953961 3.98949988 -0.21190724 0.09320660 0.00372810 +Ba 0.01409199 0.04209739 7.94446301 0.07896912 -0.14001354 0.64471080 +Ti 5.97609002 2.05069018 2.09192969 0.45400103 0.17673635 -0.59229269 +Ti 2.02660024 6.00082974 2.03904983 -0.20128678 0.22149874 -0.18129388 +Ti 1.95878007 2.02212987 6.02635000 0.42620971 0.17463807 0.12606196 +Ti 6.11975023 5.98381968 6.08118002 -0.91809286 0.23150521 -0.83601476 +Ti 2.04223976 5.99818993 6.06636967 0.21920223 -0.12097220 0.15440863 +Ti 5.98836022 2.02889961 6.00454987 -0.31960663 0.01860065 0.20483696 +Ti 6.00421022 6.06997021 2.07981018 0.33636303 -0.57544965 0.06297300 +Ti 2.03375985 2.03119977 2.04055032 -0.31270811 -0.43846848 -0.16146348 +O 1.93815992 2.02800027 3.92814011 0.32896159 -0.07596941 0.15637552 +O 5.98370009 1.99825998 3.91772997 -0.06225618 -0.10335655 0.02946253 +O 1.98898996 5.95292971 3.94296959 0.09518018 0.30623407 -0.05392966 +O 5.95935024 5.92415015 3.93872006 -0.12202430 0.41013055 -0.34606072 +O 2.04188019 4.01283000 1.89127962 -0.12844126 -0.22242639 0.40113992 +O 1.88966990 4.01056014 5.90686982 0.73065610 -0.40944381 0.56108490 +O 5.90528960 4.02175002 1.90168019 0.22243385 -0.87055033 0.28588970 +O 5.94188972 3.94906961 5.86508975 0.08156259 -0.14039843 0.50322814 +O 3.97104993 1.92380004 1.92308966 0.38019417 0.39290416 0.37210342 +O 3.95735977 5.99763024 1.91064007 0.25348480 0.29275326 0.39347777 +O 3.95409967 1.99531960 5.86407002 -0.01785914 -0.09166214 0.42633518 +O 3.90305994 6.06593994 5.98960956 -0.02845286 -0.64251919 -0.11827409 +O 5.89660000 5.95653025 7.88655867 0.60443370 0.04725816 0.43892331 +O 1.94976997 6.04269034 7.96174016 -0.03495183 -0.33945195 -0.57959376 +O 5.97367983 1.95684028 7.86430009 -0.05174294 0.23420899 -0.16106162 +O 1.94892006 2.01639979 0.00543030 0.26077594 -0.01525384 -1.25483975 +O 6.01011969 7.91694874 5.94059972 0.05533374 0.29264939 -0.14085043 +O 6.05010029 7.97247957 1.96598991 -0.42935520 -0.09281554 0.04950659 +O 1.90826974 7.96516848 5.99208034 0.11535049 0.32196614 -0.27533969 +O 1.95098024 0.03278990 1.97258983 0.20755976 -0.20659380 0.13594837 +O 7.93742060 5.86080993 5.93191969 0.03718227 0.65387704 0.30671050 +O 0.01930623 2.01692998 5.91261026 -0.49685643 -0.13399073 0.17017129 +O 0.00652976 5.98270030 2.00397970 -0.58237492 -0.08370149 -0.25288034 +O 7.96401959 2.02719980 1.93307962 -0.57395790 0.06294832 0.22433826 +40 +Lattice="7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29604.984526132623 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94192967 3.96752982 3.83779030 0.11262949 0.73865197 0.23704877 +Ba 3.96893024 7.83503217 4.06450032 -0.36125876 0.16037796 -0.15182827 +Ba 0.01840974 4.11313040 3.80452973 0.56573551 0.27290717 1.33928069 +Ba 4.04704016 3.96049022 0.28711878 -0.48344067 -0.48491186 -0.66627593 +Ba 7.82292153 7.72703147 4.06460006 2.36348350 -0.14448134 0.85816662 +Ba 7.94141141 3.84697004 0.31139432 0.56097023 1.45302501 -2.00170460 +Ba 3.94158974 0.20750073 7.82261112 0.64899812 -0.50223852 0.22994841 +Ba 7.92193799 0.24203883 7.78568233 1.05823032 -1.81562075 0.08594144 +Ti 1.92201039 6.13914051 1.65312020 0.51884990 -1.87394031 0.34519965 +Ti 6.31342056 1.90498990 2.39912026 -2.14400744 1.82759823 -28.11357274 +Ti 6.02628024 5.88633002 6.28087975 0.09136518 0.49381070 -1.49463755 +Ti 2.09017966 2.12870039 5.76746988 -0.17557524 -0.94519949 0.04814879 +Ti 2.27607004 5.77017018 6.02519022 -4.87404463 0.21321799 -1.30135949 +Ti 6.16682015 2.15803020 6.06246054 -1.26272610 0.70205489 -2.96497842 +Ti 5.94631028 6.18569031 1.99281976 -0.79929684 -0.48520779 -1.94851336 +Ti 2.06043012 1.73950975 1.94831993 -0.24723497 2.31648270 0.80043944 +O 6.07604023 5.89836006 3.69900032 -0.67748260 0.14631788 2.15135489 +O 1.83276973 5.87194041 4.22970996 0.61108052 1.18036441 -0.64235156 +O 6.23201029 1.76311979 3.76794008 -1.44773523 -2.18379527 27.12142414 +O 1.84644038 2.20875971 3.95810033 -0.10076436 -0.30080519 -0.99533677 +O 5.90616012 4.02899030 5.81700006 -0.57631560 -1.65557189 0.07018623 +O 5.96299004 3.66738993 2.09720969 0.15422762 1.94246407 -0.28365027 +O 2.18532044 3.99984002 6.21549012 -0.27686384 -0.83892988 -0.00440816 +O 1.92889040 4.37483016 1.96076012 0.55653071 -1.88178886 -0.04216686 +O 3.93829018 5.94829002 6.09461993 4.16030151 0.71110980 -0.90061553 +O 3.95780987 1.97414032 5.59685007 1.34618668 0.26384121 0.85764931 +O 3.91949024 6.14772018 1.90814025 1.26413686 -0.30541646 0.39754500 +O 3.83937984 1.96181024 2.22869994 1.18077450 -0.34171889 -0.37922666 +O 5.81965009 5.85125010 0.06128413 0.42015322 -0.23345565 0.57694681 +O 2.13340037 6.16698054 7.80415511 -1.08776021 0.62131171 2.26806266 +O 6.01846023 2.03298029 7.73747039 -0.62479247 -0.07100718 1.82367910 +O 2.05315033 2.08167022 0.15577696 0.18532357 -0.02037059 -0.66422316 +O 6.04038019 7.81803402 6.01913052 -0.51394064 0.80518441 -0.56704523 +O 6.05965970 7.96330504 1.88107025 -0.43105933 0.66003278 0.23747403 +O 1.94536029 0.33536185 6.01583973 -0.08435275 -1.46582988 -0.17499622 +O 2.11058988 7.96166683 1.94341008 -0.59645505 0.21270145 0.81728350 +O 7.75952440 5.71939040 6.12604998 1.61324408 0.61189504 -0.05794598 +O 0.02205482 2.20051998 5.81213011 -1.04336729 -0.15231395 0.78357094 +O 0.03167343 6.08800005 1.75371982 -1.02243568 0.48957584 0.28402797 +O 0.03600715 1.84821983 1.72694986 1.41868844 -0.12032146 2.02145761 +40 +Lattice="7.8399000445407205 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8399000445407205 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.223992427522859" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.901900428 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97216998 1.94923984 0.00046412 -0.11294162 0.11173989 -0.09320712 +Ba 2.02722019 1.96565972 4.14020966 -0.57815368 0.02332248 -0.10680285 +Ba 1.89100976 5.85810032 0.03176022 0.37324550 0.04133511 -0.32844454 +Ba 1.99249021 5.86924003 4.12043979 -0.20508919 0.05651773 0.01964863 +Ba 5.87457038 1.94538025 0.03655197 0.25991436 -0.01304758 -0.18112188 +Ba 5.80653024 1.99318012 4.11664998 0.77778467 -0.38861787 -0.03824799 +Ba 5.83745002 5.88028018 8.22385288 0.45980915 0.07256193 0.04656859 +Ba 5.88866966 5.90422010 4.12248992 0.16389420 -0.00764132 -0.10726128 +Ti 0.08424365 0.04498064 2.16023036 -0.91452083 -0.26476140 0.32225281 +Ti 0.04719855 7.81824154 6.24668967 -0.45948699 -0.12254520 -0.27205511 +Ti 0.02354871 3.95068008 2.12492964 -0.25600063 -0.00862785 0.26324523 +Ti 7.81718001 3.88338002 6.21788039 0.18920337 0.20430166 -0.06155478 +Ti 3.93340015 7.80828957 2.11837000 0.49829805 -0.01582745 -0.18244265 +Ti 3.93035984 0.00403990 6.25465030 0.26465805 -0.16182832 -0.07484481 +Ti 3.91870975 3.89676038 2.12059967 0.17774602 0.21882428 -0.37794728 +Ti 3.91114033 3.94035023 6.25476006 -0.14380360 0.04701674 -0.09989507 +O 0.04178980 1.93210025 2.00491018 -0.36791946 0.39733108 -0.14273402 +O 1.93325036 0.02678972 1.99916981 0.47882991 -0.20515552 -0.29287205 +O 0.03985962 7.81947005 4.00688981 -0.15239777 0.19937439 -0.25685166 +O 0.03861778 1.97346983 6.11634976 -0.02249201 -0.29445739 -0.36112327 +O 1.97735999 7.80168602 6.06567971 0.05593538 0.21731890 0.10329098 +O 0.03949036 7.81553991 8.07335972 -0.09609704 0.20831849 0.23927972 +O 7.81708986 5.88940034 1.94122981 0.19458289 -0.39332325 0.11125806 +O 1.96668989 3.89059979 1.89695005 -0.25850308 0.15608756 0.31519025 +O 0.03532032 3.94722033 3.96686006 -0.13947746 -0.19242136 -0.35950064 +O 7.81783386 5.89361036 6.06792035 0.07128743 -0.11965554 0.14734401 +O 1.98468010 3.96895018 6.00500985 0.06335815 -0.16566415 0.42847486 +O 0.01904939 3.87490980 8.04291034 -0.07426811 0.26992598 0.36433715 +O 3.88492997 1.98029995 1.93364000 0.15750167 -0.29017342 0.16869548 +O 5.84462980 7.82301996 1.99760967 0.00975836 0.12134450 -0.15255589 +O 3.90476022 7.82720960 3.92506007 0.04916926 0.20362494 0.57251551 +O 3.88977973 1.99364973 6.09406014 0.12110333 -0.42915080 -0.07197546 +O 5.87363038 7.83688639 6.11957980 -0.07830012 0.26169639 -0.25881084 +O 3.93881988 0.00942513 8.07016967 -0.30373084 -0.11912050 0.29114787 +O 3.84131974 5.86733023 1.96306001 0.22489362 0.25124023 -0.11110919 +O 5.89221016 3.91649968 1.93492026 0.02182558 -0.05615418 0.14688610 +O 3.95825969 3.92601027 3.93748004 -0.16842551 -0.04501127 0.18654408 +O 3.93169027 5.88752974 6.04515014 0.14514469 0.03745326 0.18270105 +O 5.89965022 3.87910963 6.04026040 -0.19740287 0.22134499 0.10478274 +O 3.96250030 3.94232039 8.07695981 -0.22893231 -0.02749615 -0.08280521 +40 +Lattice="7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.815848854727 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.82734029 1.95367969 6.23859032 0.93115458 0.38118173 -2.46065474 +Ba 1.97779009 6.07244982 1.89539006 0.45673231 -1.54103465 -0.10088340 +Ba 5.73206969 1.86750017 1.83772969 0.96156944 0.34616279 2.05862059 +Ba 6.00047021 6.00252979 2.21740975 -1.17409606 0.26556976 -0.83219333 +Ba 6.15474007 2.03721014 5.94473021 -2.17520470 -0.82957621 -2.38246441 +Ba 2.04918977 5.99069972 5.99367017 -1.02879993 -1.04546968 0.20172798 +Ba 2.13435023 1.96785016 1.86292995 -0.70699012 0.65017928 0.80262205 +Ba 6.02427037 5.93202030 5.99567009 -0.39352251 1.16506043 -0.74696795 +Ti 0.03573444 4.12883974 0.12419310 -1.00627218 1.38737241 -0.26332364 +Ti 3.91909955 7.85176578 0.03244738 0.91774062 -0.94293229 -1.51390385 +Ti 3.96271037 3.73777987 4.04045029 0.19670199 1.42224351 0.50748434 +Ti 0.32105870 7.82129286 3.87723966 -2.93970937 1.68273097 1.14049071 +Ti 0.06600371 3.93018980 3.88154020 0.95040854 -0.99352851 0.88742783 +Ti 3.89672018 7.83630101 4.22073024 1.93287745 0.23432443 -2.48907623 +Ti 4.26241989 3.96359975 7.89358590 -3.07172420 1.05948014 0.39906401 +Ti 7.83244516 0.16713092 0.01146414 0.49914368 -3.76833683 -0.69605779 +O 4.21402009 4.11616005 1.78392994 -1.77420799 -0.80153781 1.65349778 +O 7.88399122 4.26988976 1.97134007 0.35887715 -1.44295529 -1.14013153 +O 3.88152986 7.74233581 1.77080000 0.21769685 1.43534765 1.35654874 +O 0.00813253 0.05243147 1.85646004 -0.13445893 -0.49993275 2.11430503 +O 3.83413956 1.88170008 4.00448992 -0.26053297 2.71326408 -0.75608328 +O 3.92242002 2.15433034 7.85839638 0.46302508 -1.93320038 0.18422854 +O 0.31817099 1.96226964 3.81740038 -1.40318109 0.69354762 0.30829198 +O 7.44299620 1.85327958 7.87411254 2.68211620 3.65675250 1.23141649 +O 1.96071998 4.26844988 3.90818034 0.06448121 -2.23209344 -0.21752073 +O 2.02979994 0.13135988 3.77118982 -0.56434763 -0.92946253 0.06740970 +O 1.80138031 3.84138987 7.78783518 -0.40345417 0.73065018 0.94731473 +O 1.84401026 0.01817429 0.01978759 1.10826065 0.47134492 -0.11484449 +O 3.93320957 4.09453960 5.93518007 0.44429588 -1.05288320 -1.55927714 +O 7.59416992 4.11344020 5.63397976 1.96730067 -1.28566574 2.06894974 +O 3.78978971 0.17372890 5.92105017 -0.16762281 -0.65248042 2.68755819 +O 0.11532075 7.93251672 5.98794009 -0.56570594 0.26353242 -1.41969040 +O 3.58869039 6.05481011 3.91986006 2.11325705 -0.16854892 0.37376949 +O 3.97819026 5.91800017 7.76377886 -0.55943245 1.78056607 0.25979583 +O 7.94629421 5.93011982 3.98695999 0.32965296 2.63675191 -0.74176249 +O 7.91511964 5.94333010 7.80859568 0.09058125 -0.70305685 0.58403765 +O 5.89311016 3.86615975 3.91016992 -1.39833533 -0.01279998 -0.57865788 +O 5.70098980 0.08083287 4.01078004 1.32386436 -0.50255245 -0.34693078 +O 5.97591988 4.11772006 0.00938546 2.49363814 -0.63232837 -0.73300326 +O 5.87185008 0.01854420 0.03683066 -0.77577716 -1.00568674 -0.74113386 +40 +Lattice="7.955180241026122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955180241026122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955180241026122" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.880556394604 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.83359022 3.99531028 3.97566019 1.13397117 -0.38853123 -0.46550645 +Ba 4.07942995 7.94998233 3.96248005 -0.65261412 0.63486682 0.14528507 +Ba 0.03518258 3.88632988 3.99210992 -0.26429938 0.09156187 -0.32644140 +Ba 4.02287021 4.05058049 0.07825272 -0.32897034 -0.29392620 -0.59040628 +Ba 7.92157517 7.87332700 4.11482971 0.94582889 0.79470305 -0.95303287 +Ba 7.82778519 4.10358029 0.00438808 0.91842633 -0.93978680 0.43646225 +Ba 3.95084003 0.06725389 7.82803419 0.92337956 -0.34970088 0.93818732 +Ba 7.94945649 7.85809443 7.82479404 0.07711741 0.92202690 1.58733430 +Ti 6.00581980 1.97831013 1.98767020 -0.26586209 0.53727597 1.16182701 +Ti 1.91509986 6.07548014 1.94563025 1.30687965 -0.79539339 0.60725806 +Ti 5.84226050 5.92261021 5.99769041 0.34401309 0.00815734 -0.54570276 +Ti 2.03316985 1.80239007 5.96968022 0.47635651 0.90532502 0.46127648 +Ti 1.93332995 5.81993031 5.99315038 0.28030809 0.40740492 -0.31380057 +Ti 6.06187996 1.97573981 6.10165029 -1.58817685 -0.00971029 -1.29316976 +Ti 5.94801985 6.09055998 2.12518981 -1.02050401 -1.32799098 -0.55034977 +Ti 2.05862006 1.94468040 1.96044041 -0.55624506 0.72707378 -0.39603191 +O 6.18599032 6.04706025 3.99070980 -0.53110764 -0.44898609 -1.18240766 +O 1.77215005 5.75953061 3.90627034 1.10835784 0.70769846 1.02885058 +O 6.09955012 2.06610032 3.90110981 -0.17665021 -0.16383069 -0.32709574 +O 2.07425995 2.09867042 3.99841042 -0.53284468 -0.42853296 0.65018057 +O 5.96412989 4.06624026 6.01371055 1.30615152 -1.19668269 -0.39039270 +O 5.83468001 4.07939018 1.87323016 1.23357107 -0.05613824 0.67979839 +O 1.97070975 4.00977996 6.19707029 -0.42782797 -0.20187582 -0.56949549 +O 2.24465036 3.99385051 1.81036037 -1.31175806 0.01214486 0.62001279 +O 4.03952995 5.86418975 5.74211035 -1.09260906 0.62640866 0.39231872 +O 4.07271021 2.28222984 5.97753039 -0.28388630 -1.78664159 0.01963346 +O 4.09974987 6.14811014 2.01633987 0.40636388 -0.12041222 0.46888308 +O 3.98777036 1.87684022 1.97464041 1.12783009 0.42718159 -0.21978510 +O 5.85369051 6.08810023 7.77693409 0.53527565 0.02676596 1.88598927 +O 2.22248007 6.17502012 0.03551113 -0.94154826 -0.72602580 -0.35847040 +O 6.00211030 1.92687035 7.93835106 0.22301106 0.46648450 -0.13274888 +O 2.01772010 1.73056991 7.92061180 0.37572148 0.69563433 -0.40770214 +O 5.92498006 0.03230837 5.87531030 0.04410470 1.05251013 0.34676725 +O 5.98142047 0.11120865 2.00362988 0.86862381 -1.11640899 -0.15093198 +O 2.11750033 7.86223510 5.91654041 0.01810057 1.24381435 -0.65336436 +O 2.03016041 0.04807952 2.22654994 -0.27973834 -1.06029415 -0.54323630 +O 0.09066996 6.06459029 6.13885985 0.08506649 -0.85129946 -0.90718675 +O 0.08187392 1.79860977 6.05737017 -0.41748210 1.14868533 -0.66898330 +O 0.11342098 5.94074007 1.90175982 -1.53928578 0.32030880 -0.38600923 +O 0.16925123 1.99463018 1.79033002 -1.52704733 0.50613528 0.90218724 +40 +Lattice="7.924569985408912 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924569985408912 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924569985408912" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.183205455793 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97372966 3.96378987 0.01800859 -0.03799062 0.08442012 0.01484555 +Ba 3.97897968 0.01808070 3.96562995 -0.11286680 0.00091171 0.00310975 +Ba 7.91413729 3.97950984 3.97790987 0.13406066 -0.03229408 -0.10677097 +Ba 0.02148430 0.00475078 3.97309014 -0.05526201 0.09194933 -0.01121567 +Ba 0.00557810 3.95706983 0.00933118 0.00969640 0.13595068 0.09931914 +Ba 3.97427011 0.02018467 7.90617310 -0.11648254 -0.05904693 0.22431461 +Ba 3.98537006 3.97352996 3.97934976 -0.13535084 0.00358309 -0.09682466 +Ba 0.00626358 7.91779369 0.00868454 0.07847393 0.11714100 0.01503067 +Ti 5.93714014 2.00922004 1.97316008 -0.15468785 0.19318601 -0.07583340 +Ti 1.94576008 5.98181014 1.96915975 0.02354848 -0.04757646 -0.15451764 +Ti 1.93989986 2.04713990 5.93016968 0.04495471 -0.16189028 -0.16733871 +Ti 5.91756011 5.97788986 5.92003020 -0.05368746 -0.12864592 -0.09169042 +Ti 1.95495021 5.99034966 5.91767026 0.04945157 0.05739782 0.08737251 +Ti 5.91056034 2.01153005 5.92790960 0.06041938 0.20126287 -0.06862480 +Ti 5.90197010 5.98501009 1.95371001 0.04905331 -0.14240698 0.08876348 +Ti 1.96627997 2.01755035 1.96960987 0.00006196 0.02049529 0.03427435 +O 2.01776986 1.98522999 4.01120019 0.02082208 -0.06686848 0.12643271 +O 5.97853967 1.96760020 4.01026034 0.04885456 -0.04581732 0.05898599 +O 2.02797987 5.94195986 4.00950988 -0.02615146 0.00056976 0.01779203 +O 5.98444031 5.90749987 4.00424004 -0.02988882 0.16014245 0.15790173 +O 2.02020983 3.95330962 2.03531961 0.02475947 0.01079349 -0.09950324 +O 2.01122971 3.94270021 5.98308996 0.09929163 -0.13343126 0.00463133 +O 5.96659021 3.94630985 2.02558982 0.05723970 -0.08964125 -0.08423937 +O 5.99443002 3.92945033 5.98785976 -0.08395372 -0.09230543 -0.02436814 +O 4.01558010 1.96897987 2.01338995 0.02107482 -0.00255928 0.02518113 +O 4.01194035 5.95748013 2.02663032 0.08603271 -0.04932199 -0.11707493 +O 4.02816036 1.96225032 5.96628036 -0.08365855 0.06157843 0.10714867 +O 4.01399994 5.90971003 5.97050971 0.16458634 0.09153050 0.05697642 +O 5.99171982 5.91085037 0.03816631 -0.06407549 0.14584917 0.12228012 +O 2.01718978 5.92803005 0.04565979 0.01195692 0.05352034 0.19159706 +O 5.97732008 1.96138971 0.06007458 0.06021626 -0.03976365 -0.16383944 +O 2.01369029 1.97183033 0.05384983 0.03084887 0.05969562 -0.11861322 +O 5.98667979 7.88952120 5.96777969 0.02112958 -0.00429888 0.06881043 +O 5.99069993 7.89931993 2.02072018 -0.01719091 -0.00072325 -0.02692793 +O 2.02799969 7.90236693 5.98774010 -0.06789821 -0.07450646 -0.05392966 +O 2.01498992 0.00652034 2.02085014 -0.00886234 -0.25634130 -0.02300932 +O 0.06225225 5.90667967 5.97223013 -0.09930475 0.17340754 0.00852295 +O 0.05544822 1.97731017 5.96649037 -0.00001414 -0.10846224 0.11405491 +O 0.05452976 5.94901035 2.03789985 0.05594489 -0.04470660 -0.14498116 +O 0.04662975 1.98910986 2.01909009 -0.00515172 -0.08277692 0.00195687 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.505759006486 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98465993 3.98337966 7.89643599 0.14307058 -0.04355320 0.62046607 +Ba 7.88168666 3.95492987 3.94502011 0.66870537 0.04986475 0.31794930 +Ba 4.04330022 7.94413833 3.94363010 -0.90195456 0.46668942 0.53505788 +Ba 7.91075989 0.03358837 3.92655004 0.97430437 -0.12616789 0.56513567 +Ba 7.92266242 3.99604001 7.92566270 0.32039236 0.21218389 0.08681998 +Ba 3.93715958 7.90354029 0.08842920 0.04544245 0.15891192 -0.61525727 +Ba 3.98862956 3.97866016 4.00756004 0.02231383 -0.34676443 -0.37751045 +Ba 7.92862084 0.02515847 0.03296811 0.56507962 -0.55962991 -0.45035340 +Ti 6.01910955 2.01035989 1.92992959 -0.60642193 1.07899429 0.22538805 +Ti 1.96455966 5.96031977 2.02999969 -0.59232740 -0.09545966 -0.65228939 +Ti 2.09103988 2.01574020 5.92994956 -0.57717101 -0.77880515 -1.13401487 +Ti 5.96728968 5.98950989 6.02674981 0.35368352 -0.53820105 0.17033070 +Ti 2.02507025 5.94381941 5.94440944 -0.69922642 1.02502710 0.33860632 +Ti 6.02818991 1.95649000 5.95291965 0.26500515 0.84070240 -0.44494509 +Ti 5.90618984 6.02906940 2.07979021 0.27481442 -1.27709522 -0.48086365 +Ti 2.00743992 2.02382975 1.86766956 0.50822662 -0.18399791 1.45126432 +O 1.97734009 2.03207993 3.96413985 -0.02208089 -0.41629117 0.51304152 +O 1.98342971 5.95461024 4.02813022 0.34288515 0.05047281 0.04000919 +O 6.03062004 1.93581008 4.02066968 -0.25958809 0.05763462 -0.27749017 +O 6.00219966 5.94224969 3.97786974 -0.19252343 0.22612955 0.15233503 +O 4.01338964 1.96879966 5.94015991 -0.26375148 -0.02717605 0.33033816 +O 3.96538990 1.99753016 2.04542971 0.08688220 -0.05668948 -0.49508031 +O 3.99095949 5.91044972 6.00229986 0.28767970 0.04650277 -0.22621208 +O 3.98987007 5.95392955 2.08521983 0.44993534 0.19374651 -0.26690236 +O 1.99072963 3.89000990 5.96523966 0.25259366 0.68325832 0.25747798 +O 5.95861963 3.93082980 5.96798945 0.02868606 0.19924687 0.00112460 +O 2.00292956 4.02286999 2.00717989 -0.05748292 -0.76978109 -0.18315768 +O 5.99630963 3.98233000 1.99932015 -0.19311067 -0.46520846 0.13450623 +O 5.95755963 5.89112959 0.03138567 0.09733682 0.54453882 -0.36590475 +O 2.01341027 5.91814008 0.04212641 0.10188151 0.07779593 -0.17297174 +O 6.02519997 2.03185011 0.03761843 -0.58356611 -0.58365096 -0.08333357 +O 2.00186956 1.92840996 0.00921078 0.11172986 0.54311083 -0.02371354 +O 5.94627021 7.90983110 5.97965978 0.13194130 -0.18159547 0.21584720 +O 5.93425954 7.92430768 2.02217017 0.26600093 0.22132853 -0.27934933 +O 2.08327000 7.92542494 6.04902012 -0.38024327 -0.33482731 -0.41942020 +O 1.94766966 0.02531036 1.95628006 0.31382294 -0.00399138 0.30314643 +O 0.03897106 5.89939965 5.95246957 -0.50249229 0.33192376 0.22585573 +O 0.00145283 1.98387025 5.97715967 -0.21601123 -0.36202495 0.19310913 +O 0.07993807 5.97211971 2.04900015 -0.78279833 0.13907200 -0.16471901 +O 7.92087879 1.98307983 1.90691974 0.21833628 0.00377566 0.43567909 +40 +Lattice="7.955614702 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955614702 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955614702" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.214565623297 stress="0.00019740388726788213 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00019740388726788213 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00019740388726788213" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98890367 1.98890367 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98890367 5.96671103 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 1.98890367 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 5.96671103 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 1.98890367 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98890367 5.96671103 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98890367 1.98890367 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 5.96671103 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 3.97780735 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97780735 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 0.00000000 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97246903 3.98239839 1.98960524 0.01708755 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O 0.00533832 3.98239839 1.98820211 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 0.02286713 +O 3.97246903 -0.00459104 1.98820211 0.01708755 0.00778864 0.02286713 +O 0.00533832 -0.00459104 1.98960524 -0.01708755 0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O 3.98239839 1.98960524 3.97246903 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 0.01708755 +O 3.98239839 1.98820211 0.00533832 -0.00778864 0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O -0.00459104 1.98820211 3.97246903 0.00778864 0.02286713 0.01708755 +O -0.00459104 1.98960524 0.00533832 0.00778864 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O 1.98960524 3.97246903 3.98239839 -0.02286713 0.01708755 -0.00778864 +O 1.98820211 0.00533832 3.98239839 0.02286713 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 +O 1.98820211 3.97246903 -0.00459104 0.02286713 0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 1.98960524 0.00533832 -0.00459104 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 3.98314568 3.97321631 5.96600946 -0.01708755 0.00778864 0.02286713 +O -0.00533832 3.97321631 5.96741259 0.01708755 0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O 3.98314568 0.00459104 5.96741259 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O -0.00533832 0.00459104 5.96600946 0.01708755 -0.00778864 0.02286713 +O 3.97321631 5.96600946 3.98314568 0.00778864 0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O 3.97321631 5.96741259 -0.00533832 0.00778864 -0.02286713 0.01708755 +O 0.00459104 5.96741259 3.98314568 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O 0.00459104 5.96600946 -0.00533832 -0.00778864 0.02286713 0.01708755 +O 5.96600946 3.98314568 3.97321631 0.02286713 -0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 5.96741259 -0.00533832 3.97321631 -0.02286713 0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 5.96741259 3.98314568 0.00459104 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 +O 5.96600946 -0.00533832 0.00459104 0.02286713 0.01708755 -0.00778864 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29610.120369661578 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.00237037 2.07148998 2.19257997 -0.66000912 -0.86753546 -1.10635340 +Ba 5.91195990 6.15555036 1.99555007 0.54270511 -0.73935954 -0.24980401 +Ba 6.06068012 2.01316999 5.85227985 -0.06751948 -0.61588128 1.44758044 +Ba 2.05190002 5.95971002 5.90750989 0.20396381 -0.09736485 0.66443194 +Ba 6.20768966 1.90065021 1.96421030 -0.63833035 0.30410468 -0.26824242 +Ba 1.96466979 5.88470991 1.96694002 -0.02238891 1.32232555 0.54036258 +Ba 1.95068977 2.02323954 5.84969982 -0.08590698 -0.47088777 1.09650942 +Ba 5.95105976 6.04743016 6.23285993 -0.05629533 -0.07994717 -0.85950487 +Ti 4.01071972 3.84524974 3.91506978 -0.82636027 1.02221868 0.30268183 +Ti 0.04954325 4.09650984 7.97843071 -1.05303104 -0.91409017 -0.76779877 +Ti 3.83461983 0.30227309 7.90309118 0.55050815 0.32385487 1.64975580 +Ti 0.07359523 7.80759494 4.15821036 -0.11812831 2.40066499 -1.03189040 +Ti 4.11018967 7.94111117 3.91821977 -0.25167115 -0.70404312 -0.66001889 +Ti 7.66861927 4.18128972 4.06001962 2.50793321 -2.00914306 2.11503600 +Ti 3.96877966 4.15517965 8.00282130 -0.24207502 -3.85873271 -0.15050595 +Ti 7.95167783 0.02765585 7.92787402 0.23969238 0.97927817 1.48843682 +O 4.10920985 4.03664007 2.08754010 -0.93222904 -0.27671832 0.06024635 +O 4.05799995 3.72789010 6.16122995 0.38217160 1.92138873 -0.37892378 +O 4.01784021 1.95019026 3.84613990 0.13665465 -0.11666586 0.65333043 +O 4.19280018 6.01817971 4.09912029 -0.77938082 0.09888180 0.32014245 +O 2.14200966 3.89724974 4.27203017 0.07464555 1.04167319 -1.52712164 +O 5.93493999 3.90620979 4.00583984 -0.79418754 -0.06131438 0.85092562 +O 7.89087548 4.05677037 2.38464993 1.66472271 -0.95555178 -3.61182967 +O 8.00068235 4.02530012 6.12083006 -0.29859892 0.04189330 -1.11995428 +O 1.91217027 7.84612805 4.00506976 0.92446894 -0.48451719 0.11662575 +O 5.99002034 0.03233240 3.92477991 -0.91165585 -0.44076499 0.63610738 +O 4.04160000 2.13877002 7.97904229 -0.38445243 -2.25073934 1.25854600 +O 4.21767027 5.85301952 0.13250119 -0.92659190 2.57025701 -0.85397932 +O 3.79592982 7.87886310 2.05818959 0.89119475 0.60062410 0.27657511 +O 3.95954984 0.11310415 6.13837953 -0.10749268 -0.59273595 -1.89615361 +O 0.04413104 1.59999974 3.94961958 -0.41375992 2.14244370 -0.00168716 +O 7.83385150 5.92039962 4.04367971 0.15395226 1.35568613 0.45305846 +O 2.01298027 4.08903953 0.13071606 0.88584737 -0.34703825 0.05663163 +O 6.26171974 3.95865007 0.33640021 -1.00243970 0.09013491 -1.00925055 +O 7.85778980 7.81901094 1.75802023 0.84063246 0.31095744 1.09516448 +O 0.03199458 7.90663982 5.99728973 -0.23110181 -1.02773884 -0.70157383 +O 0.12562165 1.89943024 7.70707633 -0.42213194 0.44621598 1.45756121 +O 0.03766456 5.91762027 7.96205078 0.18256375 0.63950406 0.00623775 +O 1.95397024 0.04748436 0.05927579 1.49239015 -0.35554834 -0.45848143 +O 5.99850009 0.10781601 7.90231309 -0.44830732 -0.34578895 0.10712553 +40 +Lattice="7.955135413 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955135413 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955135413" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.217043355853 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.96632622 1.98880919 5.96637690 0.00014630 -0.00014630 -0.00014630 +Ba 5.96637690 5.96632622 1.98880919 -0.00014630 0.00014630 -0.00014630 +Ba 1.98880919 5.96637690 5.96632622 -0.00014630 -0.00014630 0.00014630 +Ba 1.98875852 1.98875852 1.98875852 0.00014630 0.00014630 0.00014630 +Ba 1.98880919 5.96632622 1.98875852 -0.00014630 0.00014630 0.00014630 +Ba 1.98875852 1.98880919 5.96632622 0.00014630 -0.00014630 0.00014630 +Ba 5.96632622 1.98875852 1.98880919 0.00014630 0.00014630 -0.00014630 +Ba 5.96637690 5.96637690 5.96637690 -0.00014630 -0.00014630 -0.00014630 +Ti 3.97756771 3.97756771 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756771 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756771 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756771 0.00000000 3.97756771 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757364 0.00001601 5.96635790 -0.00004242 -0.00008562 -0.00020697 +O 3.97756178 3.97758372 5.96634522 0.00004242 -0.00008562 0.00020697 +O 0.00000593 3.97755170 1.98877751 -0.00004242 0.00008562 0.00020697 +O -0.00000593 -0.00001601 1.98879019 0.00004242 0.00008562 -0.00020697 +O 0.00001601 5.96635790 3.97757364 -0.00008562 -0.00020697 -0.00004242 +O 3.97758372 5.96634522 3.97756178 -0.00008562 0.00020697 0.00004242 +O 3.97755170 1.98877751 0.00000593 0.00008562 0.00020697 -0.00004242 +O -0.00001601 1.98879019 -0.00000593 0.00008562 -0.00020697 0.00004242 +O 5.96635790 3.97757364 0.00001601 -0.00020697 -0.00004242 -0.00008562 +O 5.96634522 3.97756178 3.97758372 0.00020697 0.00004242 -0.00008562 +O 1.98877751 0.00000593 3.97755170 0.00020697 -0.00004242 0.00008562 +O 1.98879019 -0.00000593 -0.00001601 -0.00020697 0.00004242 0.00008562 +O 3.97756178 -0.00001601 1.98877751 0.00004242 0.00008562 0.00020697 +O 3.97757364 3.97755170 1.98879019 -0.00004242 0.00008562 -0.00020697 +O -0.00000593 3.97758372 5.96635790 0.00004242 -0.00008562 -0.00020697 +O 0.00000593 0.00001601 5.96634522 -0.00004242 -0.00008562 0.00020697 +O -0.00001601 1.98877751 3.97756178 0.00008562 0.00020697 0.00004242 +O 3.97755170 1.98879019 3.97757364 0.00008562 -0.00020697 -0.00004242 +O 3.97758372 5.96635790 -0.00000593 -0.00008562 -0.00020697 0.00004242 +O 0.00001601 5.96634522 0.00000593 -0.00008562 0.00020697 -0.00004242 +O 1.98877751 3.97756178 -0.00001601 0.00020697 0.00004242 0.00008562 +O 1.98879019 3.97757364 3.97755170 -0.00020697 -0.00004242 0.00008562 +O 5.96635790 -0.00000593 3.97758372 -0.00020697 0.00004242 -0.00008562 +O 5.96634522 0.00000593 0.00001601 0.00020697 -0.00004242 -0.00008562 +40 +Lattice="7.896080142865573 0.0 0.0 -0.021643155671594534 7.896048558545002 0.0 -0.021643155671594534 0.021587883110594477 7.89601697422443" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.996815922463 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03129002 0.01293457 0.00239962 -0.26490513 0.35569798 0.03153149 +Ba 3.95314489 0.02009000 3.99979019 0.10118808 0.41523419 -0.11114776 +Ba 3.97129482 3.93248479 0.10249981 0.01676359 0.30226274 -0.77992460 +Ba 3.98545012 4.01210018 3.96605972 -0.28707832 -0.45723727 0.20028225 +Ba 0.02069405 0.06044449 0.03753007 -0.00447501 -0.50662508 0.06008462 +Ba 0.01817836 0.06770968 3.99777037 0.17578247 -0.42538825 -0.28469157 +Ba 0.00289786 4.02446465 0.09879970 0.12853279 -0.01609433 -0.36078285 +Ba 0.11892207 4.00742017 3.93642020 -0.45063417 0.06272309 0.07101927 +O 2.04157021 3.98152024 1.88559025 -0.54931439 -0.37974551 0.67886611 +O 1.95451040 3.91883010 5.97528995 -0.10292460 0.04417361 -0.16748603 +O 2.05837465 0.01908009 1.99284982 -0.29807982 -0.27157946 -0.31464106 +O 2.03797039 7.88520013 5.86522017 -0.48568036 0.19522823 0.63862577 +O 5.86132978 4.02606993 1.99770038 0.39803685 0.13154741 -0.03068277 +O 5.82624039 3.93695003 6.07676011 0.81310006 0.34930725 -0.65634942 +O 5.83362480 0.08413037 2.13127995 0.50688065 -0.55687498 -0.67304976 +O 5.91790045 7.88995042 5.89673975 -0.13048400 0.48027333 0.28945608 +O 2.07660986 1.90086996 3.84524969 -0.51492949 0.75555466 0.67774099 +O 1.92237020 1.91296991 7.86223044 0.07971268 0.17226623 -0.13920107 +O 1.95715006 5.94574993 3.98047006 0.31504421 -0.12720919 -0.49044358 +O 1.96238516 5.94030479 0.06103986 -0.02159675 0.30534035 -0.78953976 +O 5.98326026 2.09022981 3.90456031 -0.38714206 -0.02263368 0.80822268 +O 5.95163488 1.98025478 0.01450036 0.38775090 -0.25476984 -0.30836526 +O 5.85646974 5.96720989 3.99756034 0.20313206 -0.34661582 0.00527488 +O 5.86678518 6.01540441 0.04326025 0.34838602 -0.08664155 -0.02783168 +O 0.04164393 1.87832033 2.03784010 -0.21948351 0.78692083 -0.62206247 +O 7.86228413 2.04416013 5.82951015 0.49138538 -0.30878975 0.45310731 +O 7.82910322 5.98765048 1.97179018 -0.09664520 0.10660771 0.19922681 +O 0.02437757 5.97026015 5.89802997 -0.46149399 -0.26426441 0.46001175 +O 3.96948977 2.00473974 1.87471972 -0.03306516 -0.10844039 0.38158848 +O 3.91386031 2.02348029 5.84927009 0.34969291 -0.29628416 0.47858000 +O 3.92021034 6.02821975 1.93582038 0.46887589 -0.35398897 0.42835633 +O 3.93279985 5.83794001 5.95814046 0.09184983 0.70355436 0.00131640 +Ti 2.01131006 2.00557988 1.98566991 0.68742531 0.22696130 0.73338558 +Ti 2.07484035 2.03653014 6.00320023 -0.00138300 0.60920772 -0.59429198 +Ti 2.08739985 6.03957984 2.01552973 -1.38055256 -0.38033429 0.11576855 +Ti 1.94312031 6.02770018 6.00442017 0.20429471 -0.69851654 -0.23000240 +Ti 5.96932999 1.93346972 2.07030010 -0.60987287 0.32902613 -0.10491849 +Ti 6.04127039 2.09796007 6.00851034 -0.88849252 0.31833162 -0.23383823 +Ti 5.89435987 5.92636031 1.97367024 1.41682311 -0.08137002 0.04666167 +Ti 5.87331050 6.03632981 5.90544044 0.00357589 -0.70681631 0.16014373 +40 +Lattice="7.7807300949886695 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.04466024054078 0.0 0.0 0.06854823213685018 8.044372353527265" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.434571033045 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.93112985 0.08994757 0.05818352 -0.42075820 -0.13325693 -0.52040054 +Ba 3.95881991 0.05051172 4.01362037 -0.85787917 0.02714854 0.29486080 +Ba 3.88127015 4.11116116 7.91591328 -0.01133265 -0.10165988 0.78920089 +Ba 3.88248006 4.05756982 3.99744034 0.06720324 0.31811257 0.20601401 +Ba 7.76932977 0.13161183 7.95053286 0.22405210 -0.03034673 0.71964380 +Ba 7.70799972 8.05074866 3.99692993 0.88525730 0.24668269 0.02398248 +Ba 7.77760302 4.13205009 0.01748641 0.01205565 -0.52441994 -0.06934419 +Ba 0.00813086 4.05400003 4.00388979 -0.07793271 0.46442608 0.18094241 +Ti 2.02842000 2.17811035 2.00584965 -0.52604179 -0.24746842 -0.53393765 +Ti 1.94172010 2.03515966 5.97983032 0.46042673 0.08344412 -0.08288594 +Ti 1.93288041 6.20028019 1.94811975 -0.30707328 0.02866292 0.26918422 +Ti 1.95814989 6.06386998 5.99579015 -0.35144795 -0.28632705 -0.82091107 +Ti 5.89182015 2.13312995 2.01769037 -0.05122460 0.45583474 -0.49610515 +Ti 5.85553004 1.98562987 5.98969006 -0.59123057 0.68552115 0.08364981 +Ti 5.77770018 6.15352033 1.99286984 0.48820801 -0.53482648 -0.52163801 +Ti 5.83164009 6.02099038 6.03603987 0.23243415 -0.34244677 -0.40427255 +O 1.89896966 2.15868965 4.06385043 0.23135763 -0.44520554 -0.07625018 +O 1.98541979 2.07545918 0.02756012 -0.36804673 -0.21254924 0.14602786 +O 1.87401997 6.03421996 4.05836035 0.49271284 0.44746168 0.28320624 +O 1.87949993 6.07414911 0.05219003 0.49979417 0.13163688 -0.01842684 +O 5.81810006 2.04849973 4.04581003 0.05692962 0.04831489 -0.18214595 +O 5.77737027 2.08660896 0.02297027 0.37844942 -0.19791401 0.48838336 +O 5.86329988 6.16845000 4.16590015 -0.35460758 -0.26868774 -0.79364864 +O 5.75637008 6.01778939 0.05791975 0.46209049 0.43263130 0.25051955 +O 1.97082003 4.04080002 2.01243993 0.07883002 -0.17148487 -0.08784585 +O 1.93571026 4.12855031 6.01785008 -0.19760830 0.22900636 0.34334126 +O 2.00236000 0.03755992 2.01980984 -0.11186767 -0.27514583 0.10384840 +O 1.92075025 0.12037023 5.98412995 -0.08903422 0.17935219 0.26790329 +O 5.82542017 4.09446994 2.07062034 0.22965171 -0.68814651 -0.01483475 +O 5.79912986 4.13155990 5.99134035 0.09908337 0.37182651 0.28001370 +O 5.77005016 8.05794973 2.05145018 0.57273663 0.06218830 -0.26668536 +O 5.82313030 0.12272001 6.05176006 -0.08512460 -0.03392005 0.26921610 +O 0.01899976 2.05303978 2.08769982 -0.45852565 -0.13013176 -0.40231362 +O 7.69284908 2.15376989 6.04686987 0.99355988 -0.18680170 0.18418817 +O 0.04420777 6.12362988 2.04869969 -0.71633942 -0.15618912 -0.08433038 +O 7.76587046 6.13965040 6.09720030 -0.21784494 0.02546909 0.23199192 +O 3.92707998 2.00895028 2.07021030 -0.38359008 0.31804212 0.04946648 +O 3.85318016 2.11137036 6.01530033 -0.07760284 -0.09493310 0.04286183 +O 3.92555029 6.05945987 2.08064970 -0.45871591 0.06337666 0.05582893 +O 3.84384017 6.09395029 6.11148027 0.24899617 0.44272314 -0.18829885 +40 +Lattice="7.928870079403993 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.928870079403993 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.928870079403993" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.848573326646 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97902020 3.99194980 7.89809338 -0.02701638 -0.02284451 0.37263152 +Ba 3.96058002 0.00247856 4.02935980 -0.00322416 0.17459179 -0.52318530 +Ba 0.04471328 3.92890022 3.96343997 -0.32195585 0.28108662 0.03415839 +Ba 0.00302486 0.02503065 3.98549015 0.12074415 0.00013755 -0.15755617 +Ba 7.90000344 3.96938979 0.05042999 0.24893164 -0.07896912 -0.09603327 +Ba 3.97781025 0.00751657 7.89716649 -0.05903587 0.07584780 0.41322230 +Ba 3.96476012 3.98689039 3.94287010 0.10506736 -0.03957133 0.13132089 +Ba 0.04000749 7.91216316 0.01124393 -0.13069612 0.36708591 0.12204487 +Ti 5.90556040 2.03287031 1.97246025 0.13554393 0.17185151 0.23590463 +Ti 2.00456980 5.99845028 1.91777008 0.00391039 0.40931294 0.73785724 +Ti 2.04602986 2.00740992 6.00036035 -0.16756034 -0.09535939 -0.01468948 +Ti 6.03014990 5.95364979 6.00871024 0.06271023 -0.15118498 0.10261093 +Ti 2.03459009 5.95228999 5.90847029 -0.17584494 -0.14136774 -0.55252750 +Ti 5.98324985 1.99852007 5.96994044 0.28587890 -0.08551129 -0.45706141 +Ti 5.95062968 6.03764031 2.05115032 0.23829678 -0.47868773 -0.12909123 +Ti 1.98292002 2.04120990 2.02039979 -0.04640044 -0.54825150 0.07889944 +O 1.99845981 1.92587973 3.89474027 -0.19042798 0.43393357 0.56639012 +O 5.95385039 1.97168005 4.00648025 -0.09576151 0.01509572 -0.24051950 +O 1.94011998 5.95686019 3.98887023 0.03073008 -0.12305814 0.47289503 +O 5.93799027 5.97873039 3.93909992 0.08416378 -0.17176358 0.71429642 +O 1.97181008 3.91364983 1.99022013 0.07840682 0.23049066 -0.05919965 +O 2.02872034 3.98464018 5.95160017 -0.49483426 0.00581686 -0.13293478 +O 5.87237015 3.91341038 1.99628968 0.31943900 0.00082018 -0.00075308 +O 5.91878972 3.99506030 5.99120012 0.00799459 0.24399152 -0.22452904 +O 3.95505994 1.93572025 1.97246025 0.27057647 0.09214062 -0.04953590 +O 3.92039017 5.95124972 2.03462022 0.44986541 -0.21944417 -0.30648012 +O 3.93720016 2.04298993 5.89588004 0.03999917 -0.21369415 0.37032936 +O 3.89203970 5.98009019 5.94551001 0.67315852 0.00117139 0.17933625 +O 6.02026974 5.94622044 7.91901291 -0.70196310 0.01371246 -0.14983309 +O 2.00484969 5.91868030 0.05658993 -0.19067070 0.11338591 -0.63088701 +O 5.95617989 1.97896034 0.04932312 -0.23179061 0.00734538 -0.35234732 +O 1.99370962 1.99272010 7.87803016 0.02287819 -0.03583295 0.03772374 +O 5.91422031 0.04538802 6.00515969 0.11082997 -0.53692836 -0.17772262 +O 5.92089007 7.86819995 1.95794963 0.05016197 0.47159688 0.11134008 +O 1.96674988 0.05604125 5.91378977 -0.06692299 -0.42700573 0.32780640 +O 2.02472023 7.89755976 1.97364007 -0.38716726 -0.22747707 -0.15667557 +O 7.91956951 5.94158998 6.02227971 -0.25891086 0.12091153 -0.43431383 +O 7.87005214 2.01479011 5.96615044 0.37701088 0.07013764 -0.04979070 +O 7.90591045 5.89983020 2.01841995 -0.03220564 0.14880748 -0.13105993 +O 0.00467010 1.92896009 1.97481037 -0.13390922 0.14768031 0.01795838 +40 +Lattice="7.762379816934593 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.025679740325014 0.0 0.0 0.06838656618719377 8.02539253227179" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.87368888973 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89835020 0.00478007 0.02517262 -0.01344173 0.29900901 -0.51775873 +Ba 3.86750018 0.07467875 4.01160953 0.07828341 0.01714720 0.16704072 +Ba 3.90576017 4.04828988 0.04123687 -0.23369245 0.05878879 -0.64958381 +Ba 3.86030988 4.09103964 3.98516000 0.02521121 0.04465338 0.31653828 +Ba 7.75446995 0.11399443 8.00666501 -0.10655063 0.09108544 -0.02389275 +Ba 7.74192983 0.08009301 4.00280001 0.12603496 0.10487504 -0.00027228 +Ba 7.75914290 4.09371921 7.99443694 0.13620702 0.08461886 0.09391494 +Ba 0.03301651 4.08761953 3.96260020 -0.14750342 0.00261661 0.22642111 +Ti 1.96196013 2.13953000 2.02776958 -0.33705697 -0.23311061 0.12414160 +Ti 1.96752032 2.15480015 6.05465005 0.25423917 -0.10608372 -0.09383678 +Ti 1.90946005 6.20295963 2.04088024 0.01903105 -0.81765400 0.02345617 +Ti 1.92761005 6.18131967 6.06990002 0.64329207 -0.17245057 -0.14481841 +Ti 5.82076954 2.13602994 2.04987995 0.26280480 -0.28047599 0.11280741 +Ti 5.85218001 2.15242021 6.02758962 -0.50052179 0.11651725 0.01910201 +Ti 5.79795979 6.12931017 2.08569013 0.17126170 -0.00553867 0.00994426 +Ti 5.85225997 6.14973998 6.08611020 -0.72999018 -0.17797845 -0.59548369 +O 1.95115024 2.07179004 3.89766013 0.01201477 -0.26960562 -0.07837777 +O 1.95023971 2.00579972 7.90558020 -0.01854717 0.31786240 0.32796658 +O 1.96119010 6.04429969 3.91116977 -0.12289950 0.19659632 -0.28437995 +O 1.88887034 6.06885986 7.93049977 -0.04212058 0.15608987 0.05836250 +O 5.79749948 2.06993017 3.91171003 0.16275366 -0.24084115 0.01766708 +O 5.79170952 2.09156005 7.89399951 0.31139453 -0.17264598 0.31834217 +O 5.73444955 6.02459955 3.92799007 0.34443578 0.08071798 -0.40043466 +O 5.85791020 6.03297981 7.91702971 -0.04270525 0.16873584 0.48863019 +O 1.95746959 3.96698982 1.92201026 -0.07674563 0.21664912 -0.06097860 +O 1.94221962 4.01441020 5.98194993 -0.06088012 0.09985779 -0.00779533 +O 1.85975986 8.02581015 1.91775027 0.38509392 -0.03000477 0.22853585 +O 1.95113006 8.03527948 5.97177966 -0.12683818 -0.04717769 -0.08845932 +O 5.81915963 3.99124027 1.96951991 -0.10583046 0.21525867 -0.11947068 +O 5.79904963 4.00576989 5.93243992 0.31913921 0.10447781 0.09611272 +O 5.82391020 8.00442013 2.01473965 0.01524099 -0.22610898 -0.35930498 +O 5.84710963 7.99228986 5.98028024 -0.15564661 0.54890893 -0.09942662 +O 7.75864301 2.00478984 1.92822017 -0.11901431 0.09080982 -0.14293045 +O 0.02876893 2.02097983 5.88298968 -0.43392714 0.03066092 0.24141527 +O 7.75019133 5.97458964 1.95592022 -0.19055860 0.19399950 -0.03412522 +O 7.75015019 6.09258014 5.85659991 0.18788645 -0.42532834 0.24422703 +O 3.89642979 1.98447025 1.90821962 -0.20550879 -0.04234093 0.00278656 +O 3.89322004 2.00177958 5.90670996 -0.04832543 0.05999952 0.04777932 +O 3.84109955 6.04615956 1.85621012 0.37410374 -0.02954249 0.26757573 +O 3.86556967 6.05033960 5.93294990 -0.01012398 -0.02304788 0.26856252 +40 +Lattice="7.802730108248759 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.802730108248759 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.185001461712082" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.554180847736 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.93372017 1.97401035 0.05413144 0.25416049 0.20852881 -0.26711139 +Ba 1.92175000 1.89279017 4.13241013 0.64049471 0.67195395 -0.29826442 +Ba 1.97494980 5.89056030 8.17533544 -0.15513419 -0.41253222 0.19895710 +Ba 1.93645035 5.84642025 4.05638033 0.22940437 -0.03399255 0.18182919 +Ba 5.80382047 1.94862027 8.14091604 0.45000785 0.14550104 0.15679564 +Ba 5.92805007 1.94676009 4.06905977 -0.60124502 0.01453445 0.43339029 +Ba 5.80996980 5.82461006 0.03200212 0.57522828 0.17270871 -0.29210303 +Ba 5.81473024 5.82507042 4.12839017 0.31111968 0.31707616 0.06314706 +Ti 0.00150437 7.77585360 2.12924020 0.20930528 0.08365984 -0.04610039 +Ti 0.05369293 0.00509752 6.23926977 -0.79019230 -0.24643767 -0.96584519 +Ti 0.00144663 3.88522979 2.13149987 0.58904873 0.00495786 -0.33043818 +Ti 7.79313977 3.90525003 6.20102000 -0.03221052 0.21001953 0.10079804 +Ti 3.91542011 0.00439918 2.16060016 -0.30146622 0.02545983 -0.24413884 +Ti 3.88865987 0.02763961 6.26562037 0.57045683 0.12259817 -0.72483049 +Ti 3.92738014 3.88396028 2.11818998 -0.72964694 0.02915528 0.12082051 +Ti 3.85141978 3.94787011 6.21029979 0.29920133 -0.44278510 -0.04044500 +O 0.02415023 2.00564028 1.91992026 -0.15409470 -0.80816277 0.24890798 +O 1.98118028 0.05216983 1.91632008 -0.27780204 -0.38066905 0.30634951 +O 0.04618982 0.02332002 3.97567982 -0.13989115 -0.23443447 -0.72529252 +O 0.09575042 1.96592984 6.02933029 -0.48941771 0.03233599 0.14821021 +O 1.97716967 0.03167986 6.06008007 0.14535989 -0.27875798 0.17615399 +O 0.06981025 0.03029020 8.01077976 -0.36370645 -0.11932875 1.18979110 +O 0.01888027 5.82684008 1.92330041 -0.15386818 0.83744532 0.20375684 +O 1.97135976 3.93771017 1.92163999 -0.01074515 -0.08355494 0.09216942 +O 0.11526193 3.89092968 3.96120029 -0.69177176 0.10119194 0.00513938 +O 0.03313819 5.85742990 6.03457997 0.02292267 0.11617375 0.02465097 +O 1.99536018 3.95953987 6.05934037 -0.47630740 -0.19607516 0.03324334 +O 7.80116878 3.90539985 8.01647029 -0.00621230 0.01344044 0.28463680 +O 3.90654997 1.93563964 1.97390969 0.18377140 0.20626187 -0.08756457 +O 5.91040030 0.02687026 1.97889018 -0.17558938 -0.04895123 0.05545792 +O 3.85863028 0.05220495 3.98506026 0.47409163 -0.30641919 -0.19185135 +O 3.86847030 1.97513004 6.10699008 0.29763887 -0.28930824 -0.10766880 +O 5.88218016 7.80037056 6.04560991 -0.25274715 0.17001780 0.10324959 +O 3.97102003 7.78377181 8.08883047 -0.31919603 0.09952123 -0.13001092 +O 3.94001978 5.86320002 1.95564975 -0.00968817 0.25237280 0.24598592 +O 5.84311970 3.86267990 2.00481007 0.45556991 0.23126199 -0.10184551 +O 3.90517981 3.93207036 3.95099978 -0.00920044 -0.26153956 0.13648084 +O 3.86161014 5.86773029 6.01910013 0.31431685 0.32519621 0.24343693 +O 5.86056972 3.92798017 6.05377000 0.24895992 -0.16806170 -0.19470244 +O 3.94006972 3.93957971 8.06355041 -0.13092546 -0.08036240 -0.00514581 +40 +Lattice="7.912359750503362 0.0 0.0 -0.021687778076129715 7.91232810106436 0.0 -0.021687778076129715 0.02163239155787619 7.912296451625358" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.940552974273 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01452878 0.03104019 0.04373003 -0.02895088 0.07782524 -0.10110169 +Ba 3.99227923 0.03782029 4.00169019 0.10450917 -0.16854275 -0.06932465 +Ba 3.97915895 4.01298983 0.00842983 0.00574976 -0.22388729 0.29129442 +Ba 3.97112949 3.98974015 3.99892956 0.06688313 0.27994994 -0.22347952 +Ba 0.04152802 0.02272984 0.03782978 0.05258832 0.29723007 -0.06225669 +Ba 0.00651425 0.06042986 3.99665951 0.15959814 -0.19470090 -0.02757251 +Ba 0.03967178 4.00276943 0.04070988 0.09334210 -0.30462405 0.04399929 +Ba 0.01444480 4.00816962 4.00716000 0.11549498 0.01832142 -0.23710302 +O 1.99483961 4.02119020 2.02814986 0.12625068 0.19724346 -0.07212484 +O 2.00501965 4.02072020 5.93032946 0.05336170 -0.04379077 0.30813566 +O 2.09495945 0.07021032 2.00930974 -0.34614453 -0.01670240 0.17595859 +O 2.05291950 0.05074038 5.96025005 -0.14878743 0.05146526 0.01977924 +O 5.99330947 4.01784010 2.00283030 -0.02123706 -0.00780664 0.06431769 +O 5.99292967 3.99582950 5.99336960 -0.12728349 0.35877148 -0.00013061 +O 5.99035895 0.04081037 2.04930988 -0.08917331 0.57907362 -0.09571934 +O 5.96816953 0.04196003 5.98399979 0.08801657 0.42535816 -0.10354167 +O 2.07402018 2.03538017 3.98778975 -0.16975066 -0.13900746 -0.12406858 +O 2.02966903 1.98448945 0.03082022 -0.06562895 0.30094274 -0.11692632 +O 2.01383007 6.01397972 4.01198021 -0.14419441 -0.03625410 -0.22172217 +O 2.00419914 6.00969992 0.05323990 0.12025667 -0.18239457 -0.14479579 +O 5.91788965 2.04799959 3.99699024 0.22545155 -0.08441857 0.09845191 +O 5.98532906 2.04307019 0.03179028 0.10469532 -0.23787255 0.14618187 +O 5.95924992 5.95779009 4.00246006 0.12705389 0.06831807 0.14275125 +O 5.97944939 6.00841970 0.07137028 -0.04540980 -0.26410654 -0.59915034 +O 0.05232206 2.02954955 2.04686021 0.13234445 -0.13010553 -0.02816566 +O 0.05658366 2.05602985 5.88795007 -0.12397397 -0.22733874 0.31555612 +O 0.02595491 6.03023012 1.97609998 0.38072047 -0.12680989 0.31903688 +O 0.03553599 5.99433966 5.98087994 -0.01262566 0.01985072 0.01177617 +O 4.02575009 2.05657026 2.00302020 -0.07743109 -0.07164790 -0.01976304 +O 3.98825975 2.07804994 5.97730988 0.21911507 -0.22318307 -0.03286847 +O 3.99740010 5.98725018 1.98717966 -0.18268742 -0.07404417 0.18719019 +O 4.00590985 5.98832943 5.95168966 -0.00888882 -0.12107633 0.27286681 +Ti 2.00924011 1.97763023 2.04559028 -0.15940634 0.26627167 -0.34137334 +Ti 2.01270018 2.06116972 5.96506946 -0.35970299 -0.06707854 0.34991428 +Ti 2.00202008 5.96554974 1.99491003 0.00588963 -0.32701244 -0.01261615 +Ti 1.96834033 6.02628977 5.94512953 0.07533409 -0.01970365 -0.06542403 +Ti 5.94573957 1.97082956 1.99782969 0.02060482 0.09851747 -0.40389125 +Ti 5.93768004 2.00347991 5.92363956 0.17421512 -0.05992033 0.49975072 +Ti 5.95992010 5.92167967 2.01076957 -0.10186274 0.04557023 0.27568911 +Ti 5.93918972 5.93677961 5.99433966 -0.23833638 0.26731991 -0.41953179 +40 +Lattice="7.961126154 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961126154 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961126154" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.641838239153 stress="0.0014075356241007595 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0014075356241007595 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0014075356241007595" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98056308 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98056308 0.00000000 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98056308 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98056308 3.98056308 3.98056308 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.97084462 1.99028154 1.99028154 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.99028154 5.97084462 1.99028154 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.99028154 1.99028154 5.97084462 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.97084462 5.97084462 5.97084462 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.99028154 5.97084462 5.97084462 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.97084462 1.99028154 5.97084462 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.97084462 5.97084462 1.99028154 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.99028154 1.99028154 1.99028154 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.95370971 1.94002618 3.98056308 0.52838921 0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 6.00741644 1.94002618 3.98056308 -0.52838921 0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 1.95370971 6.02109997 3.98056308 0.52838921 -0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 6.00741644 6.02109997 3.98056308 -0.52838921 -0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 1.94002618 3.98056308 1.95370971 0.56763967 0.00000000 0.52838921 +O 1.94002618 3.98056308 6.00741644 0.56763967 0.00000000 -0.52838921 +O 6.02109997 3.98056308 1.95370971 -0.56763967 0.00000000 0.52838921 +O 6.02109997 3.98056308 6.00741644 -0.56763967 0.00000000 -0.52838921 +O 3.98056308 1.95370971 1.94002618 0.00000000 0.52838921 0.56763967 +O 3.98056308 6.00741644 1.94002618 0.00000000 -0.52838921 0.56763967 +O 3.98056308 1.95370971 6.02109997 0.00000000 0.52838921 -0.56763967 +O 3.98056308 6.00741644 6.02109997 0.00000000 -0.52838921 -0.56763967 +O 5.93427279 5.92058926 0.00000000 0.52838921 0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 2.02685337 5.92058926 0.00000000 -0.52838921 0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 5.93427279 2.04053690 0.00000000 0.52838921 -0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 2.02685337 2.04053690 0.00000000 -0.52838921 -0.56763967 0.00000000 +O 5.92058926 0.00000000 5.93427279 0.56763967 0.00000000 0.52838921 +O 5.92058926 0.00000000 2.02685337 0.56763967 0.00000000 -0.52838921 +O 2.04053690 0.00000000 5.93427279 -0.56763967 0.00000000 0.52838921 +O 2.04053690 0.00000000 2.02685337 -0.56763967 0.00000000 -0.52838921 +O 0.00000000 5.93427279 5.92058926 0.00000000 0.52838921 0.56763967 +O 0.00000000 2.02685337 5.92058926 0.00000000 -0.52838921 0.56763967 +O 0.00000000 5.93427279 2.04053690 0.00000000 0.52838921 -0.56763967 +O 0.00000000 2.02685337 2.04053690 0.00000000 -0.52838921 -0.56763967 +40 +Lattice="7.9408300134899905 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9408300134899905 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9408300134899905" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.270321487347 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87618038 3.94829027 0.10936032 0.67053111 0.23184357 -0.96665406 +Ba 3.98140988 0.06949656 3.95279986 0.39465508 -0.63671056 0.08515931 +Ba 0.05383486 3.99354982 3.99241031 -0.71809600 -0.22471493 -0.24781424 +Ba 7.91350244 7.86673413 3.96569974 -0.09662026 0.63892556 -0.12610310 +Ba 0.12480920 4.01165015 7.91821532 -0.90485425 0.11969411 0.10723763 +Ba 4.05434005 0.03459899 0.03824621 -0.62603894 -0.37760712 -0.38026410 +Ba 3.94202019 3.95603972 4.05968026 0.44765194 0.22306634 -0.45716245 +Ba 7.93969050 0.06406185 7.90609682 0.26233531 -0.71272419 0.41222908 +Ti 5.90227998 2.08164968 1.99867039 0.23362303 0.25436335 1.24914759 +Ti 2.11812032 5.99775020 1.94788004 -0.00777836 0.05463414 -0.49389709 +Ti 2.01580035 1.89662040 5.86426008 0.19946747 0.60444938 0.19149422 +Ti 5.88761010 5.89219037 6.06950037 -0.71529504 -0.11174040 -0.32315887 +Ti 1.90406016 5.96776007 5.88213013 1.02367418 -0.66535548 0.67623870 +Ti 6.03509037 1.93788016 6.04273024 -0.15961126 0.26945058 -1.16521341 +Ti 6.07124973 6.02919986 2.03836024 -0.78049770 -0.46697378 -0.01654531 +Ti 1.88487988 2.00105025 1.91685999 0.00243766 -0.03330967 0.40563909 +O 1.94671989 1.97166998 4.00423024 -0.07103932 -0.14040074 -0.41801895 +O 6.03017976 1.97134996 3.92824999 -0.18710021 -0.12226881 0.00550345 +O 2.03711036 5.98462004 4.01298024 -0.30451272 0.33671244 -0.74037795 +O 5.90401982 5.99873010 3.89658990 0.31820127 -0.08280392 0.24355469 +O 1.97799008 3.97653024 2.04839031 0.13549019 -0.26933745 -0.26442099 +O 1.91733008 4.03274020 5.87275995 0.40600856 -0.39284014 0.60928614 +O 5.90081967 3.96488025 1.97787018 0.33370297 -0.53603233 -0.20007322 +O 5.93286012 3.98784036 5.89030998 0.26830490 -0.36574122 0.42534402 +O 4.01015013 1.91871020 2.04406017 -0.43998826 0.33260690 -0.49922313 +O 3.98944997 5.90229031 1.88926004 -0.96226544 0.47565460 0.71890281 +O 3.94637017 1.92876011 5.84438975 0.08842769 0.27103181 0.84341363 +O 3.97255982 5.92485021 5.93721011 0.21638996 0.36376765 0.08160810 +O 5.80736007 5.90416990 7.92147186 0.93788830 0.08515057 -0.38383433 +O 2.03202028 6.01233036 0.02407977 -0.29544366 -0.36416360 0.00904103 +O 5.98460972 1.95841991 7.92777529 -0.19925510 0.42739782 -0.09874810 +O 1.92264964 2.04804011 7.93017977 0.45074858 -0.25243554 0.60814894 +O 6.05281033 7.94072678 5.97642987 -0.55103214 0.19115149 -0.03996137 +O 6.00230983 7.90183022 1.89317011 -0.09408438 0.43465733 0.21340182 +O 2.00346030 0.01881897 5.97206003 -0.26799225 0.03831766 -0.05305883 +O 1.96971971 7.92454019 1.94046966 0.11212915 0.52514679 0.38445474 +O 0.00227505 5.92586981 5.96015990 -0.03138520 0.40692721 0.05383839 +O 7.92922370 1.96838009 5.99112993 0.00993346 0.18337262 -0.18098844 +O 7.92014971 5.97809982 1.92501998 0.41200488 -0.32295858 0.19895016 +O 0.01485015 2.05306031 2.02838021 0.48928505 -0.39020424 -0.46707663 +40 +Lattice="7.955130913 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130913 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130913" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635232276 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878273 5.96634818 5.96634818 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634818 1.98878273 5.96634818 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634818 5.96634818 1.98878273 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878273 1.98878273 1.98878273 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634818 1.98878273 1.98878273 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878273 5.96634818 1.98878273 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878273 1.98878273 5.96634818 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634818 5.96634818 5.96634818 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756546 0.00000000 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756546 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756546 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756546 3.97756546 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756546 5.96645765 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00098525 +O 0.00000000 3.97756546 1.98867326 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00098525 +O 3.97756546 5.96645765 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00098525 0.00000000 +O 3.97756546 1.98867326 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00098525 0.00000000 +O 5.96645765 0.00000000 3.97756546 -0.00098525 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98867326 0.00000000 3.97756546 0.00098525 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756546 0.00000000 1.98889217 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00098268 +O 3.97756546 0.00000000 5.96623874 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00098268 +O 0.00000000 1.98889217 3.97756546 0.00000000 -0.00098268 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96623874 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00098268 0.00000000 +O 1.98889217 3.97756546 0.00000000 -0.00098268 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96623874 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00098268 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756546 3.97756546 5.96634169 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00019206 +O 3.97756546 3.97756546 1.98878922 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00019206 +O 3.97756546 5.96634169 3.97756546 0.00000000 0.00019206 0.00000000 +O 3.97756546 1.98878922 3.97756546 0.00000000 -0.00019206 0.00000000 +O 5.96634169 3.97756546 3.97756546 0.00019206 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878922 3.97756546 3.97756546 -0.00019206 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98877629 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00019026 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635462 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00019026 +O 0.00000000 1.98877629 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00019026 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635462 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00019026 0.00000000 +O 1.98877629 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00019026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635462 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00019026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.953578101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.953578101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.953578101" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.99757470128 stress="-0.001349691694343194 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.001349691694343194 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.001349691694343194" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98839452 1.98839452 5.96518358 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98839452 5.96518358 1.98839452 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96518358 1.98839452 1.98839452 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96518358 5.96518358 1.98839452 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96518358 1.98839452 5.96518358 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98839452 5.96518358 5.96518358 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98839452 1.98839452 1.98839452 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96518358 5.96518358 5.96518358 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97678905 3.97678905 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97678905 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97678905 0.00000000 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97678905 3.97678905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.99300346 4.00562641 2.00099532 -0.26729060 -0.30253477 -0.41209127 +O -0.01621441 4.00562641 1.97579373 0.26729060 -0.30253477 0.41209127 +O 3.99300346 -0.02883736 1.97579373 -0.26729060 0.30253477 0.41209127 +O -0.01621441 -0.02883736 2.00099532 0.26729060 0.30253477 -0.41209127 +O 4.00562641 2.00099532 3.99300346 -0.30253477 -0.41209127 -0.26729060 +O 4.00562641 1.97579373 -0.01621441 -0.30253477 0.41209127 0.26729060 +O -0.02883736 1.97579373 3.99300346 0.30253477 0.41209127 -0.26729060 +O -0.02883736 2.00099532 -0.01621441 0.30253477 -0.41209127 0.26729060 +O 2.00099532 3.99300346 4.00562641 -0.41209127 -0.26729060 -0.30253477 +O 1.97579373 -0.01621441 4.00562641 0.41209127 0.26729060 -0.30253477 +O 1.97579373 3.99300346 -0.02883736 0.41209127 -0.26729060 0.30253477 +O 2.00099532 -0.01621441 -0.02883736 -0.41209127 0.26729060 0.30253477 +O 3.96057464 3.94795169 5.95258278 0.26729060 0.30253477 0.41209127 +O 0.01621441 3.94795169 5.97778437 -0.26729060 0.30253477 -0.41209127 +O 3.96057464 0.02883736 5.97778437 0.26729060 -0.30253477 -0.41209127 +O 0.01621441 0.02883736 5.95258278 -0.26729060 -0.30253477 0.41209127 +O 3.94795169 5.95258278 3.96057464 0.30253477 0.41209127 0.26729060 +O 3.94795169 5.97778437 0.01621441 0.30253477 -0.41209127 -0.26729060 +O 0.02883736 5.97778437 3.96057464 -0.30253477 -0.41209127 0.26729060 +O 0.02883736 5.95258278 0.01621441 -0.30253477 0.41209127 -0.26729060 +O 5.95258278 3.96057464 3.94795169 0.41209127 0.26729060 0.30253477 +O 5.97778437 0.01621441 3.94795169 -0.41209127 -0.26729060 0.30253477 +O 5.97778437 3.96057464 0.02883736 -0.41209127 0.26729060 -0.30253477 +O 5.95258278 0.01621441 0.02883736 0.41209127 -0.26729060 -0.30253477 +40 +Lattice="7.953695536 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.953695536 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.953695536" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.211675230104 stress="-0.000648219276330813 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.000648219276330813 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.000648219276330813" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99586829 1.99586829 1.99586829 -0.06399887 -0.06399887 -0.06399887 +Ba 5.95782725 5.95782725 1.99586829 0.06399887 0.06399887 -0.06399887 +Ba 5.95782725 1.99586829 5.95782725 0.06399887 -0.06399887 0.06399887 +Ba 1.99586829 5.95782725 5.95782725 -0.06399887 0.06399887 0.06399887 +Ba 5.96310758 1.99058795 1.99058795 0.03172227 -0.03172227 -0.03172227 +Ba 1.99058795 5.96310758 1.99058795 -0.03172227 0.03172227 -0.03172227 +Ba 1.99058795 1.99058795 5.96310758 -0.03172227 -0.03172227 0.03172227 +Ba 5.96310758 5.96310758 5.96310758 0.03172227 0.03172227 0.03172227 +Ti 3.97684777 3.97684777 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97684777 0.00000000 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97684777 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97684777 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97684777 3.97684777 1.99135318 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.04493543 +O 3.97684777 3.97684777 5.96234236 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.04493543 +O 3.97684777 1.99135318 3.97684777 0.00000000 -0.04493543 0.00000000 +O 3.97684777 5.96234236 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.04493543 0.00000000 +O 1.99135318 3.97684777 3.97684777 -0.04493543 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96234236 3.97684777 3.97684777 0.04493543 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97684777 1.99104402 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.03512538 +O 0.00000000 3.97684777 5.96265152 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03512538 +O 1.99104402 0.00000000 3.97684777 -0.03512538 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96265152 0.00000000 3.97684777 0.03512538 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97684777 1.99104402 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.03512538 0.00000000 +O 3.97684777 5.96265152 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03512538 0.00000000 +O 3.97684777 0.00000000 1.99104402 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.03512538 +O 3.97684777 0.00000000 5.96265152 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03512538 +O 0.00000000 1.99104402 3.97684777 0.00000000 -0.03512538 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96265152 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.03512538 0.00000000 +O 1.99104402 3.97684777 0.00000000 -0.03512538 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96265152 3.97684777 0.00000000 0.03512538 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99114000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.03858146 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96255553 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03858146 +O 0.00000000 1.99114000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.03858146 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96255553 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03858146 0.00000000 +O 1.99114000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.03858146 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96255553 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03858146 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.90447977269377 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.90447977269377 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.90447977269377" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.745122448032 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94239960 3.99312027 0.02154919 0.20779887 -0.09087050 -0.22413926 +Ba 3.94435991 0.00756696 3.91279021 0.11329720 0.06285807 0.25268725 +Ba 0.02626501 3.90563982 4.01475009 -0.29750466 0.17658722 -0.33389374 +Ba 0.02212464 0.01583583 3.96145967 -0.13311450 0.15796729 -0.10938578 +Ba 0.01049557 3.98813966 0.04535432 -0.17585189 -0.30344417 -0.26941536 +Ba 3.98842976 7.89919800 7.86443805 -0.24184928 0.08157442 0.31626446 +Ba 3.96285955 3.98105013 3.98355981 0.07743674 -0.23102699 -0.05763282 +Ba 0.01863481 7.89172906 0.00382498 -0.07630983 0.34958930 0.11329669 +Ti 5.87309013 1.95410992 1.96332022 0.59988516 0.26054660 0.13455586 +Ti 1.98200009 5.96439951 1.93945027 0.11778352 0.37954239 -0.10939093 +Ti 2.02052968 1.99009981 6.00431002 -0.36155547 0.27352681 -0.42412326 +Ti 5.93978971 5.89399985 5.97437971 -0.12361787 -0.37417959 -0.19414349 +Ti 1.96492957 5.96239968 5.84258990 0.19020661 -0.31409213 0.40078099 +Ti 5.94818980 1.90925990 5.91001986 0.23403415 0.58146372 -0.07400046 +Ti 5.95365021 5.90975980 2.05941024 -0.09392831 -0.30133432 0.08962094 +Ti 1.96189978 2.03388983 2.03546994 -0.44563363 -0.38975301 0.23174433 +O 2.06902999 1.95595008 3.91313010 -0.27676100 0.06858983 0.17503788 +O 5.91476966 2.02273029 3.95689009 -0.03510276 -0.14290269 0.01031912 +O 1.94400957 5.85492010 3.96079016 0.16449969 0.51172101 -0.01492088 +O 5.93061972 5.96605946 3.97937992 0.11953470 -0.01306635 -0.52511414 +O 1.92792001 3.89826019 1.99259999 0.26067772 1.14116306 -0.28744316 +O 1.95860994 3.96431003 5.91061981 0.23703000 0.09120680 0.29492636 +O 5.92949017 3.99919961 1.98608986 0.17707496 0.32355945 -0.09149913 +O 5.93324006 3.97756979 5.90915985 -0.00693504 0.30989481 0.33653349 +O 3.95609964 2.06869010 1.93592962 0.29165052 -0.45140987 -0.11999596 +O 3.97552965 5.89594988 2.01273982 -0.53443722 0.32361010 -0.09754971 +O 3.96341998 2.01269002 5.91255008 0.06706286 -0.24809963 0.31337017 +O 3.96692009 5.96895961 5.89213992 -0.41001588 -0.05454930 0.18074881 +O 5.90742956 6.02612955 7.88455258 0.15383193 -0.33663402 0.31102815 +O 1.99895994 5.98802996 0.03222973 -0.07696083 -0.46487499 0.13111032 +O 5.99214977 2.01404010 0.00138486 -0.26244818 -0.15588213 -0.01944808 +O 1.95404985 1.98338969 7.85652013 0.23088301 -0.07397475 0.29592472 +O 5.94405022 0.02672742 5.89900022 -0.04439730 0.27326276 0.12776429 +O 5.93560982 0.06882035 2.03749981 -0.22309462 -0.27045203 -0.34365930 +O 1.97366007 0.00250809 5.91625965 0.09990793 -0.16922795 -0.05651130 +O 1.97083975 7.89831981 1.98779960 0.26443230 -0.44105244 -0.05030980 +O 7.89943592 5.93705950 5.94064971 0.31751299 0.11924417 0.05951024 +O 0.03187086 1.99353984 5.87874973 -0.26454569 -0.14748439 0.17662527 +O 7.89031969 5.99142967 2.02548026 0.23883106 -0.30160917 -0.32587447 +O 0.02262974 2.01172014 2.02038977 -0.07930773 -0.20998688 -0.22339775 +40 +Lattice="7.829790113975125 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.829790113975125 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.213379361448881" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.00567484997 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96035003 1.93643002 0.00443010 -0.13020066 0.10790303 0.06137249 +Ba 1.94907983 1.97682000 4.11399018 0.01459512 -0.10657043 -0.08673308 +Ba 1.96090986 5.89385024 0.05730232 -0.05173240 -0.12635069 -0.27954165 +Ba 1.97092964 5.86458013 4.10299010 -0.11828463 -0.02492890 0.06516178 +Ba 5.86425989 1.92046038 8.19663457 0.01900251 0.21523065 0.04786237 +Ba 5.90542032 1.96063973 4.11385002 -0.28898402 0.05950355 0.02845851 +Ba 5.85456035 5.88645970 0.01008399 0.03437899 -0.08104888 -0.08168318 +Ba 5.89267029 5.89481017 4.14462032 -0.19776077 -0.36346888 -0.11776989 +Ti 7.77734226 7.80104226 2.15260035 0.53059059 0.58381037 -0.48703764 +Ti 0.01057648 7.82142712 6.22797009 -0.23900589 -0.03284996 -0.10372087 +Ti 7.82401564 3.91138026 2.13532000 -0.13283065 -0.46867765 -0.46160069 +Ti 7.81954014 3.90346983 6.26753010 0.07824253 0.13017084 -0.13363257 +Ti 3.90261012 0.01007772 2.15970980 -0.24836445 -0.17740046 -0.27546028 +Ti 3.89580994 0.01531977 6.20808007 0.22301492 0.11501162 0.07061226 +Ti 3.92112992 3.89841022 2.14090969 0.16183089 0.19630141 0.01287326 +Ti 3.90105042 3.93595015 6.24350048 0.05881321 -0.24528247 -0.62845063 +O 7.77578022 1.94756007 1.93102982 0.26608192 0.01780977 0.18605017 +O 1.94086012 0.02512971 1.95089008 0.13560538 -0.17509418 0.24208068 +O 7.79143980 7.80492035 3.95965014 0.23875341 0.13280622 0.25118264 +O 7.79168174 1.93939986 6.08410004 0.19444559 0.35066428 -0.05730269 +O 1.97271014 0.06155311 6.02086979 -0.14400337 -0.29580568 0.14006804 +O 7.82974000 0.01131013 8.03562042 0.07047085 -0.26232297 0.41978427 +O 7.81768996 5.86809023 1.97688028 0.06210217 0.03807598 -0.06546851 +O 1.97102987 3.88496020 1.95943003 -0.05868723 0.17189907 0.03195187 +O 7.82956305 3.87645000 3.94195011 0.03389151 0.21121201 0.32522809 +O 0.05671430 5.85570037 6.07157003 -0.17444909 0.01887807 -0.02835130 +O 1.93889014 3.88831997 6.06047991 0.15363627 0.01224256 0.05404845 +O 0.00264177 3.93526034 8.08922003 -0.09074426 -0.10544608 -0.14168270 +O 3.92001026 1.94004973 1.96559991 0.04271836 0.20415690 0.07454168 +O 5.86827971 0.00640007 1.95572028 -0.14316519 -0.14373675 0.03562109 +O 3.91095041 7.81323715 3.98468041 0.05699570 0.10700340 -0.18446585 +O 3.94061044 1.95589018 6.01859993 -0.05662572 0.05054789 0.19981045 +O 5.89732040 7.80661394 6.06678994 -0.23538732 -0.01488952 0.01514123 +O 3.89505985 0.00317263 8.05319047 0.07452780 -0.01322858 -0.12142369 +O 3.92821979 5.88571978 1.94627990 -0.10868387 -0.17650520 0.10994063 +O 5.87655031 3.90999987 1.95556994 -0.20850927 0.06072457 -0.01790491 +O 3.92581996 3.92758010 3.96207972 -0.10765363 -0.07474814 -0.19071209 +O 3.90843000 5.88544026 6.01616017 -0.10634186 -0.21917832 0.35675265 +O 5.85413989 3.91371041 6.03102033 0.31682496 0.16352833 0.31685813 +O 3.90222019 3.89396994 8.04311040 0.07489135 0.16005374 0.41754201 +40 +Lattice="7.955383212 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955383212 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955383212" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216691784775 stress="0.0001065062833631364 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0001065062833631364 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0001065062833631364" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98884580 1.98884580 5.96653741 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96653741 1.98884580 1.98884580 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98884580 5.96653741 1.98884580 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96653741 5.96653741 1.98884580 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96653741 1.98884580 5.96653741 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98884580 5.96653741 5.96653741 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98884580 1.98884580 1.98884580 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96653741 5.96653741 5.96653741 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97769161 3.97769161 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97769161 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97769161 0.00000000 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97769161 3.97769161 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00007245 0.00007245 1.98885647 -0.00091223 -0.00091223 -0.00034761 +O 0.00007245 3.97761916 1.98883513 -0.00091223 0.00091223 0.00034761 +O 3.97761916 0.00007245 1.98883513 0.00091223 -0.00091223 0.00034761 +O 3.97761916 3.97761916 1.98885647 0.00091223 0.00091223 -0.00034761 +O 1.98883513 0.00007245 3.97761916 0.00034761 -0.00091223 0.00091223 +O 1.98885647 0.00007245 0.00007245 -0.00034761 -0.00091223 -0.00091223 +O 1.98885647 3.97761916 3.97761916 -0.00034761 0.00091223 0.00091223 +O 1.98883513 3.97761916 0.00007245 0.00034761 0.00091223 -0.00091223 +O 0.00007245 1.98883513 3.97761916 -0.00091223 0.00034761 0.00091223 +O 3.97761916 1.98885647 3.97761916 0.00091223 -0.00034761 0.00091223 +O 0.00007245 1.98885647 0.00007245 -0.00091223 -0.00034761 -0.00091223 +O 3.97761916 1.98883513 0.00007245 0.00091223 0.00034761 -0.00091223 +O 3.97776405 3.97776405 5.96652674 -0.00091223 -0.00091223 0.00034761 +O -0.00007245 3.97776405 5.96654808 0.00091223 -0.00091223 -0.00034761 +O 3.97776405 -0.00007245 5.96654808 -0.00091223 0.00091223 -0.00034761 +O -0.00007245 -0.00007245 5.96652674 0.00091223 0.00091223 0.00034761 +O 3.97776405 5.96652674 3.97776405 -0.00091223 0.00034761 -0.00091223 +O 3.97776405 5.96654808 -0.00007245 -0.00091223 -0.00034761 0.00091223 +O -0.00007245 5.96654808 3.97776405 0.00091223 -0.00034761 -0.00091223 +O -0.00007245 5.96652674 -0.00007245 0.00091223 0.00034761 0.00091223 +O 5.96652674 3.97776405 3.97776405 0.00034761 -0.00091223 -0.00091223 +O 5.96654808 -0.00007245 3.97776405 -0.00034761 0.00091223 -0.00091223 +O 5.96654808 3.97776405 -0.00007245 -0.00034761 -0.00091223 0.00091223 +O 5.96652674 -0.00007245 -0.00007245 0.00034761 0.00091223 0.00091223 +40 +Lattice="7.955132533 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132533 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132533" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216695866482 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878437 5.96634817 5.96634817 -0.00003420 0.00003420 0.00003420 +Ba 5.96634817 1.98878437 5.96634817 0.00003420 -0.00003420 0.00003420 +Ba 5.96634817 5.96634817 1.98878437 0.00003420 0.00003420 -0.00003420 +Ba 1.98878437 1.98878437 1.98878437 -0.00003420 -0.00003420 -0.00003420 +Ba 5.96634817 1.98878437 1.98878437 0.00003420 -0.00003420 -0.00003420 +Ba 1.98878437 5.96634817 1.98878437 -0.00003420 0.00003420 -0.00003420 +Ba 1.98878437 1.98878437 5.96634817 -0.00003420 -0.00003420 0.00003420 +Ba 5.96634817 5.96634817 5.96634817 0.00003420 0.00003420 0.00003420 +Ti 3.97756627 3.97756627 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756627 0.00000000 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756627 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756627 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756627 3.97756627 1.98878516 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00006659 +O 3.97756627 3.97756627 5.96634737 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006659 +O 3.97756627 1.98878516 3.97756627 0.00000000 -0.00006659 0.00000000 +O 3.97756627 5.96634737 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00006659 0.00000000 +O 1.98878516 3.97756627 3.97756627 -0.00006659 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634737 3.97756627 3.97756627 0.00006659 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756627 1.98876389 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00022703 +O 0.00000000 3.97756627 5.96636864 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00022703 +O 3.97756627 1.98876389 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00022703 0.00000000 +O 3.97756627 5.96636864 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00022703 0.00000000 +O 1.98876389 0.00000000 3.97756627 0.00022703 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96636864 0.00000000 3.97756627 -0.00022703 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756627 0.00000000 1.98879654 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00006633 +O 3.97756627 0.00000000 5.96633599 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006633 +O 0.00000000 1.98879654 3.97756627 0.00000000 -0.00006633 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96633599 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00006633 0.00000000 +O 1.98879654 3.97756627 0.00000000 -0.00006633 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633599 3.97756627 0.00000000 0.00006633 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98877537 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00022446 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635717 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00022446 +O 0.00000000 1.98877537 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00022446 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635717 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00022446 0.00000000 +O 1.98877537 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00022446 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635717 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00022446 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.748459810468853 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.011303064159577 0.0 0.0 0.0682639309302306 8.011000874226971" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.46785368482 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90253968 0.11872887 7.91971549 -0.28783551 -0.02167466 0.57236279 +Ba 3.82242990 0.08478365 3.95868967 0.33335509 -0.07790648 0.10776059 +Ba 3.87450962 4.01304666 7.92272887 0.17798050 0.66644305 0.64637688 +Ba 3.89014989 4.03438979 4.02979961 0.04257027 0.28866547 -0.30807318 +Ba 0.02351967 8.01100165 0.00064157 -0.00506867 0.12382870 -0.04824264 +Ba 7.73163016 0.09638697 3.97865977 0.13820194 -0.51320196 0.00013138 +Ba 7.73341153 4.08912027 0.08306891 0.02978135 -0.08649860 -0.58228647 +Ba 0.00150475 4.13405978 4.02392008 -0.18296844 0.00614982 -0.12201041 +Ti 1.84254965 2.14238018 2.07954017 0.84283050 -0.51243063 -0.30972460 +Ti 1.94784967 2.17280993 6.07324977 0.26154547 -0.68826812 -0.31053630 +Ti 1.91943994 6.10812017 1.98267977 0.08893112 0.40210485 0.48789176 +Ti 1.98914973 6.12198991 6.01701998 -0.56651687 0.73105667 0.01453290 +Ti 5.75277967 2.14157976 2.04834022 0.06264904 0.06027360 0.02761699 +Ti 5.91927006 2.08886001 6.05475962 -0.65926916 0.20923689 -0.05445519 +Ti 5.73841016 6.14483004 2.05990015 0.37696769 -0.45497547 -0.06600459 +Ti 5.82082975 6.13784016 6.08020014 0.45874677 0.03605355 -0.18988882 +O 1.96566958 1.99312005 3.91164954 -0.17557472 0.31737826 0.10408057 +O 1.89272015 2.09060962 7.91733982 0.01242177 0.06777634 0.03991175 +O 1.97689012 6.04988972 3.88069987 -0.22497513 -0.10919784 0.48649694 +O 1.95880987 6.10029965 7.93878988 0.31593690 -0.40499554 -0.34440133 +O 5.83426015 2.03254963 3.93478954 -0.22964091 0.26142283 -0.26795394 +O 5.89797961 2.03754971 7.90758993 -0.18018934 0.10071397 0.30936953 +O 5.79619972 5.99882969 3.92560994 0.23395368 0.32156144 -0.03589466 +O 5.78323964 6.11069963 7.92084987 -0.04354986 -0.04183468 0.26835375 +O 1.97115006 3.99181976 2.00693013 -0.11418372 0.06285756 -0.28785171 +O 1.90086998 4.03084023 5.90921023 0.22341678 0.18547244 0.25776338 +O 1.92764014 8.01483016 1.92481970 -0.03368017 -0.16935677 0.01972550 +O 1.98806960 7.98196972 5.91239950 -0.12575446 0.03419207 0.25354780 +O 5.82795988 4.05009980 1.93149964 -0.34993331 -0.90068701 0.08151631 +O 5.87360993 4.02247964 6.08011956 -0.05677381 -0.28702022 -0.65746964 +O 5.79892020 8.00897000 1.92286011 0.15331180 0.15328146 0.25411318 +O 5.79052010 8.05931949 5.96222984 0.20058796 -0.00882274 -0.13511713 +O 7.73080882 2.05347977 1.96791973 0.06315144 -0.11927810 -0.06225155 +O 0.05423225 1.95566012 5.86823947 -0.48520419 0.24348038 0.19235785 +O 0.00845279 5.95413967 1.93675000 0.03715013 0.45565373 -0.01717086 +O 0.00863023 6.09990990 6.03614007 0.28262414 -0.23999423 -0.59125217 +O 3.88248976 2.03327024 1.89316026 0.17840833 -0.04084737 0.05275158 +O 3.85410018 2.02243014 5.96546017 0.31208564 0.31567439 -0.05767473 +O 3.88065028 6.01385008 1.92576966 -0.11115239 -0.03935793 -0.08695959 +O 3.94074966 6.04711964 5.87386021 -0.99433815 -0.32692914 0.35855679 +40 +Lattice="7.936529919494911 0.0 0.0 -0.02175402850933555 7.936498173375233 0.0 -0.02175402850933555 0.021698472799899084 7.936466427255555" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.12338884755 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00836110 0.05179379 0.05446999 0.12362661 -0.06927812 -0.10614645 +Ba 3.97708562 0.03935963 3.99631028 0.09696607 0.09112247 0.06263207 +Ba 3.99780552 4.02964370 0.02990961 0.10791280 -0.15288576 0.00264258 +Ba 4.00511030 4.03153974 4.00066981 -0.14719283 -0.17099224 0.09391803 +Ba 0.06764146 0.02961357 0.04453028 -0.14221029 -0.05480435 0.02494073 +Ba 0.01620639 0.03833026 4.01135000 0.24856963 0.02870097 -0.11479693 +Ba 0.00876828 3.97545387 0.02570007 0.19697607 0.27968126 0.06800619 +Ba 0.01856672 4.01456033 3.99981981 0.14863933 0.02454041 0.07305764 +O 2.08592959 3.97661974 1.98753963 -0.13808212 -0.04055092 -0.01367775 +O 1.98763963 3.96026018 5.94126963 0.19454509 0.15616932 0.17636714 +O 2.04366995 7.93269975 1.96401020 -0.10368128 0.04282944 0.05165758 +O 2.03818977 7.92559021 5.92547990 0.05496504 0.08124223 0.41295696 +O 6.03280957 3.97909991 1.98794995 -0.22150285 0.02430901 -0.17580329 +O 6.03660005 3.98216976 6.00033011 -0.05317196 -0.25874862 -0.09747232 +O 6.05621598 0.00748970 2.00541032 -0.11440843 -0.01425805 -0.00697695 +O 6.00016027 7.93697992 5.94559980 -0.18723519 0.26297834 -0.02468799 +O 2.05478982 2.02368973 3.96908957 0.03248949 -0.12473836 -0.18443680 +O 2.07703591 2.02700403 0.00735002 -0.05910015 -0.17200809 -0.13934942 +O 2.03196991 5.98683007 3.95869985 -0.10370905 -0.14660559 -0.38357337 +O 2.02633974 5.96654986 7.93092990 0.01579120 0.03033979 -0.08845880 +O 6.01223015 2.04845012 3.94576014 0.09450013 -0.17731227 0.10287087 +O 6.04110007 1.98993964 7.92116004 -0.14498219 0.07613859 0.12922313 +O 6.01141030 5.96888955 3.96721019 -0.08017831 -0.04055452 -0.23868631 +O 5.96783955 6.04230007 7.92567989 0.00264798 -0.28687623 0.02690891 +O 0.10554791 1.98879995 1.99823014 -0.08335619 0.15568210 -0.09035448 +O 0.09689471 1.95416017 5.94437996 -0.30771965 0.16676998 0.14912270 +O 0.06257001 5.93581009 1.94221967 0.10788580 0.08235783 0.19988733 +O 0.04898109 6.00118011 5.94049979 0.16281562 -0.14976393 0.24242263 +O 4.06345014 1.98028009 2.00523968 0.11802726 0.11095210 -0.19723729 +O 4.05406996 2.01658019 5.95617999 0.10652080 -0.01468588 0.14508555 +O 4.02630004 6.00444996 1.98883964 0.29052180 -0.24759158 -0.02304788 +O 4.01515001 5.93469025 5.92724023 0.09830459 0.14277644 0.22639669 +Ti 1.97358007 2.05798030 2.02103972 0.05108756 -0.01299024 0.50700663 +Ti 1.99348012 2.07655972 6.00921982 0.02163738 -0.00252200 -0.38886058 +Ti 1.98484994 6.00751029 2.05870967 -0.15319764 0.13965950 0.48261535 +Ti 1.95424986 6.03808022 6.06878030 -0.12257734 0.08743216 -0.79482235 +Ti 5.93672994 2.04535963 2.07520019 0.06333707 -0.25564736 0.20741912 +Ti 5.97531020 2.06815017 6.06126996 -0.35196217 0.14397766 -0.45662098 +Ti 5.95304982 5.99829995 2.04223026 0.03668887 0.43191165 0.02007826 +Ti 5.91902989 6.06033028 6.00854998 0.13981196 -0.16675789 0.11979387 +40 +Lattice="7.976843778 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.976843778 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.976843778" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.803427055733 stress="0.00028279254548143116 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00028279254548143116 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00028279254548143116" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98842189 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98842189 0.00000000 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98842189 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98842189 3.98842189 3.98842189 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.94555057 2.03129321 5.94555057 -0.56692439 0.56692439 -0.56692439 +Ti 2.03129321 5.94555057 5.94555057 0.56692439 -0.56692439 -0.56692439 +Ti 2.03129321 2.03129321 2.03129321 0.56692439 0.56692439 0.56692439 +Ti 5.94555057 5.94555057 2.03129321 -0.56692439 -0.56692439 0.56692439 +Ti 6.09491760 1.88192618 1.88192618 -0.77962944 0.77962944 0.77962944 +Ti 1.88192618 6.09491760 1.88192618 0.77962944 -0.77962944 0.77962944 +Ti 1.88192618 1.88192618 6.09491760 0.77962944 0.77962944 -0.77962944 +Ti 6.09491760 6.09491760 6.09491760 -0.77962944 -0.77962944 -0.77962944 +O 1.96048295 1.96048295 0.00194462 0.07674434 0.07674434 -0.07248505 +O 6.01636083 1.96048295 -0.00194462 -0.07674434 0.07674434 0.07248505 +O 1.96048295 6.01636083 -0.00194462 0.07674434 -0.07674434 0.07248505 +O 6.01636083 6.01636083 0.00194462 -0.07674434 -0.07674434 -0.07248505 +O 1.96048295 0.00194462 1.96048295 0.07674434 -0.07248505 0.07674434 +O 1.96048295 -0.00194462 6.01636083 0.07674434 0.07248505 -0.07674434 +O 6.01636083 -0.00194462 1.96048295 -0.07674434 0.07248505 0.07674434 +O 6.01636083 0.00194462 6.01636083 -0.07674434 -0.07248505 -0.07674434 +O 0.00194462 1.96048295 1.96048295 -0.07248505 0.07674434 0.07674434 +O -0.00194462 6.01636083 1.96048295 0.07248505 -0.07674434 0.07674434 +O -0.00194462 1.96048295 6.01636083 0.07248505 0.07674434 -0.07674434 +O 0.00194462 6.01636083 6.01636083 -0.07248505 -0.07674434 -0.07674434 +O 1.96198565 1.96198565 3.98679416 0.09930063 0.09930063 -0.44422466 +O 6.01485813 1.96198565 3.99004962 -0.09930063 0.09930063 0.44422466 +O 1.96198565 6.01485813 3.99004962 0.09930063 -0.09930063 0.44422466 +O 6.01485813 6.01485813 3.98679416 -0.09930063 -0.09930063 -0.44422466 +O 1.96198565 3.98679416 1.96198565 0.09930063 -0.44422466 0.09930063 +O 1.96198565 3.99004962 6.01485813 0.09930063 0.44422466 -0.09930063 +O 6.01485813 3.99004962 1.96198565 -0.09930063 0.44422466 0.09930063 +O 6.01485813 3.98679416 6.01485813 -0.09930063 -0.44422466 -0.09930063 +O 3.98679416 1.96198565 1.96198565 -0.44422466 0.09930063 0.09930063 +O 3.99004962 6.01485813 1.96198565 0.44422466 -0.09930063 0.09930063 +O 3.99004962 1.96198565 6.01485813 0.44422466 0.09930063 -0.09930063 +O 3.98679416 6.01485813 6.01485813 -0.44422466 -0.09930063 -0.09930063 +40 +Lattice="7.946839879045262 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.946839879045262 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.946839879045262" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.856626682387 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02956993 3.97245996 0.07325397 -0.34058298 -0.03981430 -0.21270968 +Ba 3.94948008 0.09287790 4.02252028 -0.24192692 -0.73232037 -0.40671972 +Ba 0.11770223 4.05108997 3.94516972 -0.88691283 -0.62907978 0.44354589 +Ba 7.88120057 7.91842516 3.90217016 0.87757227 0.42924722 0.48109300 +Ba 0.00896086 4.06736986 0.01217059 -0.18970885 -0.58851883 0.01910355 +Ba 4.06810018 7.89623838 7.89309143 -0.69050241 0.37115340 0.75817384 +Ba 3.87674981 3.93791028 4.05096997 0.72414683 0.18807774 -0.40779393 +Ba 0.03989075 0.01182013 7.88982289 -0.14176934 -0.29769878 0.54660573 +Ti 5.97553009 2.05718970 2.07037986 0.14993671 -0.63486682 -0.18226165 +Ti 1.96738961 5.98882992 1.94896963 0.24847475 0.94459193 0.44288975 +Ti 2.03824999 1.94356022 5.96127028 -0.23948180 0.10856226 -0.22900610 +Ti 5.93696010 6.01052956 5.91278025 -0.21177920 -0.34133220 0.67373547 +Ti 1.98055991 5.89381989 5.93739956 0.12604473 0.60728994 -0.31142333 +Ti 6.04299956 2.05855020 6.03097996 0.12564236 0.05663009 0.04866018 +Ti 5.93139016 6.01668995 1.98429016 0.12962217 0.46374962 -0.78048896 +Ti 1.94126994 2.04613008 1.92918995 0.52583970 -0.94930914 0.07992068 +O 1.98391030 1.93734976 4.07101985 -0.22095983 0.35066839 0.02686649 +O 5.92051014 1.84113022 3.95909020 -0.23146022 0.55430053 0.02703798 +O 1.95593981 5.97820976 4.02177964 0.06277143 -0.22318307 0.61144587 +O 6.10899011 6.03886005 4.06421020 -0.67525628 -0.30674958 -0.48887727 +O 2.01902023 4.00775982 2.05771975 -0.18747919 -1.13572774 -0.15301715 +O 2.00948959 3.96046977 6.01542005 -0.35311197 -0.42381962 -0.02427301 +O 5.99703980 3.93478002 1.98554019 -0.48735440 -0.10550625 0.46230286 +O 5.93384017 3.93245001 5.87750026 0.65760926 -0.13901929 0.24100467 +O 3.87523991 1.84905004 2.01280024 0.34164845 0.76007389 -0.23785018 +O 3.96817026 5.94690955 2.18797005 0.94834086 0.17594805 -0.50892956 +O 3.90895994 2.10397036 6.04446972 0.07590745 -1.00504448 -0.00896929 +O 3.99821964 5.79053004 6.03332030 0.67644079 0.80924418 -0.40467364 +O 5.92620008 5.92536010 0.05430235 -0.02526212 -0.30123353 0.20036041 +O 2.05276967 5.96508000 0.12679978 0.06678723 -0.23937793 -0.77836600 +O 5.91547026 1.98179008 7.91338130 0.22097346 0.41900805 0.20850310 +O 1.76560028 2.03530966 0.06312016 0.87657983 -0.08027318 0.06688751 +O 5.97616981 7.90383317 6.10916018 -0.31030773 -0.53778325 -0.89583713 +O 6.07907980 7.94421027 1.82547018 -0.74059778 -0.84312463 0.92529915 +O 2.07407991 7.85559665 6.01038970 -0.02476924 0.87975437 0.17618304 +O 1.94150993 7.92761012 2.01381982 -0.12854410 0.06968332 0.04835654 +O 0.10605296 5.84289972 6.08493026 -0.95731478 0.57841876 -0.27940847 +O 7.91192146 1.84055010 5.98118983 -0.09703909 0.75681733 -0.28855234 +O 7.92346981 5.85219990 1.96023984 0.13574962 0.41783152 0.38520525 +O 7.88684998 1.93345979 2.09844969 0.41203394 0.61273219 -0.27402252 +40 +Lattice="7.781149732514893 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.045086331441798 0.0 0.0 0.06855192914345622 8.044798428901696" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.177763859298 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87555958 0.09315048 8.00389370 0.11337948 0.12632473 0.16718058 +Ba 3.87716950 0.09052356 3.99635960 0.12322243 -0.10715278 0.09470170 +Ba 3.91544965 4.11562439 8.04116619 -0.24980376 0.08803894 -0.00467298 +Ba 3.90876019 4.08528958 4.01106986 -0.17161008 0.06912385 -0.03783944 +Ba 7.77664989 0.04318071 0.00536355 -0.02461651 -0.02689040 -0.11311234 +Ba 0.00319027 0.07412323 4.00741972 -0.04482410 -0.03060924 0.03584966 +Ba 7.77409534 4.14158464 8.02841755 0.10165345 -0.01214049 0.15835604 +Ba 0.00432398 4.09983955 4.03244001 -0.02060791 -0.00183063 -0.24913630 +Ti 1.94047012 2.11330969 2.05009018 0.07183637 0.32696719 -0.16859392 +Ti 1.93777006 2.15967990 6.05433987 0.19298829 -0.03012613 0.34538477 +Ti 1.96496985 6.15353941 2.04457024 -0.15672905 -0.32039082 0.18242517 +Ti 1.94091987 6.19225997 6.07868942 0.11042502 -0.12666823 -0.14445152 +Ti 5.84133945 2.11215030 2.04733955 -0.06954834 0.22585650 0.16417496 +Ti 5.84265991 2.16827962 6.08880958 -0.21337945 -0.22690165 -0.11281846 +Ti 5.84747956 6.15459998 2.07936987 0.00531961 -0.23109127 -0.33369911 +Ti 5.83264013 6.19672012 6.07686007 -0.10600864 -0.08931550 0.13578253 +O 1.94297021 2.01681021 3.92106997 -0.03379664 0.06950926 0.06506948 +O 1.93752963 2.06505022 7.93344940 -0.01784011 0.01986151 -0.06861374 +O 1.95308959 6.05129977 3.91705957 -0.01428042 0.10226460 -0.00168202 +O 1.94403000 6.10479984 7.94141963 0.04781301 -0.06957508 -0.00650026 +O 5.85184945 2.01321998 3.92051984 -0.11433747 0.09518867 -0.02331271 +O 5.84099941 2.06775962 7.97144008 -0.02403904 0.04066534 -0.21648997 +O 5.83338945 6.06258944 3.93281951 0.05155448 0.02416991 0.06850550 +O 5.83718976 6.08698957 7.94591947 0.00363863 0.04771479 -0.09853573 +O 1.92451021 3.98727977 1.96952961 0.13803096 -0.16182086 -0.12049886 +O 1.92423009 4.01649955 5.97520946 0.09511282 -0.00375278 -0.03304228 +O 1.92018000 8.00939964 1.93523030 0.12571178 0.16449018 0.09098748 +O 1.94108017 8.05690979 5.96542000 -0.03058533 -0.13379635 0.02487697 +O 5.82398982 3.99808001 1.98028004 0.03285356 -0.17803244 -0.08212438 +O 5.79122962 4.01813981 5.97833982 0.31085846 0.02933166 0.02492659 +O 5.81610985 8.01132937 1.96393029 0.12664534 0.05442691 -0.03983642 +O 5.82526982 8.04566992 5.98355941 0.05192446 -0.01127557 -0.00905902 +O 7.77776882 2.01316007 1.92925982 0.00885025 -0.15645728 -0.01374589 +O 7.75362703 2.01728019 5.94569012 0.27004425 0.10840928 0.02930312 +O 0.00338558 6.02705993 1.92290029 -0.21564202 -0.00424181 0.06838466 +O 0.00935995 6.04212969 5.95757971 -0.15000896 0.08096044 -0.05330797 +O 3.88553968 1.97405979 1.91309993 -0.07110926 0.10608860 0.09707071 +O 3.89464985 2.02610012 5.94124941 -0.19117669 0.00978845 0.05410090 +O 3.88532959 6.01742998 1.91601008 0.06587835 0.05109759 0.06294909 +O 3.89458994 6.04531996 5.94354018 -0.12779694 0.08179039 0.06104313 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.88022527456 stress="-0.03015964134407159 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.03015964134407159 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.03015964134407159" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.85461306 2.10002425 6.07734290 0.53746495 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ba 6.07734290 5.85461306 2.10002425 -0.53746495 0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ba 2.10002425 6.07734290 5.85461306 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 1.87729440 1.87729440 1.87729440 0.53746495 0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 2.10002425 5.85461306 1.87729440 -0.53746495 0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 1.87729440 2.10002425 5.85461306 0.53746495 -0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 5.85461306 1.87729440 2.10002425 0.53746495 0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ba 6.07734290 6.07734290 6.07734290 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.06481966 0.10341028 5.85461306 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 3.81920148 +O 3.88981764 4.08072894 6.07734290 0.69687694 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O 0.08750101 3.87390837 2.10002425 -0.69687694 0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O -0.08750101 -0.10341028 1.87729440 0.69687694 0.71677574 3.81920148 +O 0.10341028 5.85461306 4.06481966 -0.71677574 3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O 4.08072894 6.07734290 3.88981764 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 3.87390837 2.10002425 0.08750101 0.71677574 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O -0.10341028 1.87729440 -0.08750101 0.71677574 3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 5.85461306 4.06481966 0.10341028 3.81920148 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 +O 6.07734290 3.88981764 4.08072894 -3.81920148 0.69687694 -0.71677574 +O 2.10002425 0.08750101 3.87390837 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 1.87729440 -0.08750101 -0.10341028 3.81920148 0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 3.88981764 -0.10341028 2.10002425 0.69687694 0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O 4.06481966 3.87390837 1.87729440 -0.69687694 0.71677574 3.81920148 +O -0.08750101 4.08072894 5.85461306 0.69687694 -0.71677574 3.81920148 +O 0.08750101 0.10341028 6.07734290 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O -0.10341028 2.10002425 3.88981764 0.71677574 -3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 3.87390837 1.87729440 4.06481966 0.71677574 3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O 4.08072894 5.85461306 -0.08750101 -0.71677574 3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 0.10341028 6.07734290 0.08750101 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O 2.10002425 3.88981764 -0.10341028 -3.81920148 0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 1.87729440 4.06481966 3.87390837 3.81920148 -0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 5.85461306 -0.08750101 4.08072894 3.81920148 0.69687694 -0.71677574 +O 6.07734290 0.08750101 0.10341028 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 +40 +Lattice="7.979681626 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979681626 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979681626" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.296117324397 stress="2.570841322558465e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.570841322558465e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.570841322558465e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98984081 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98984081 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98984081 0.00000000 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98984081 3.98984081 3.98984081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93243272 6.04724890 1.93243272 0.00009976 -0.00009976 0.00009976 +Ti 6.04724890 1.93243272 1.93243272 -0.00009976 0.00009976 0.00009976 +Ti 1.93243272 1.93243272 6.04724890 0.00009976 0.00009976 -0.00009976 +Ti 6.04724890 6.04724890 6.04724890 -0.00009976 -0.00009976 -0.00009976 +Ti 2.05740809 5.92227354 5.92227354 -0.00009976 0.00009976 0.00009976 +Ti 5.92227354 2.05740809 5.92227354 0.00009976 -0.00009976 0.00009976 +Ti 5.92227354 5.92227354 2.05740809 0.00009976 0.00009976 -0.00009976 +Ti 2.05740809 2.05740809 2.05740809 -0.00009976 -0.00009976 -0.00009976 +O 1.99523427 1.99517364 3.96057497 -0.00033193 0.00002391 -0.00006968 +O 1.99523427 5.98450799 4.01910666 -0.00033193 -0.00002391 0.00006968 +O 5.98444736 1.99517364 4.01910666 0.00033193 0.00002391 0.00006968 +O 5.98444736 5.98450799 3.96057497 0.00033193 -0.00002391 -0.00006968 +O 3.96057497 1.99523427 1.99517364 -0.00006968 -0.00033193 0.00002391 +O 4.01910666 1.99523427 5.98450799 0.00006968 -0.00033193 -0.00002391 +O 4.01910666 5.98444736 1.99517364 0.00006968 0.00033193 0.00002391 +O 3.96057497 5.98444736 5.98450799 -0.00006968 0.00033193 -0.00002391 +O 1.99517364 3.96057497 1.99523427 0.00002391 -0.00006968 -0.00033193 +O 5.98450799 4.01910666 1.99523427 -0.00002391 0.00006968 -0.00033193 +O 1.99517364 4.01910666 5.98444736 0.00002391 0.00006968 0.00033193 +O 5.98450799 3.96057497 5.98444736 -0.00002391 -0.00006968 0.00033193 +O 5.98501445 5.98507508 -0.02926584 0.00002391 -0.00033193 -0.00006968 +O 1.99466718 5.98507508 0.02926584 -0.00002391 -0.00033193 0.00006968 +O 5.98501445 1.99460654 0.02926584 0.00002391 0.00033193 0.00006968 +O 1.99466718 1.99460654 -0.02926584 -0.00002391 0.00033193 -0.00006968 +O 5.98507508 -0.02926584 5.98501445 -0.00033193 -0.00006968 0.00002391 +O 5.98507508 0.02926584 1.99466718 -0.00033193 0.00006968 -0.00002391 +O 1.99460654 0.02926584 5.98501445 0.00033193 0.00006968 0.00002391 +O 1.99460654 -0.02926584 1.99466718 0.00033193 -0.00006968 -0.00002391 +O -0.02926584 5.98501445 5.98507508 -0.00006968 0.00002391 -0.00033193 +O 0.02926584 1.99466718 5.98507508 0.00006968 -0.00002391 -0.00033193 +O 0.02926584 5.98501445 1.99460654 0.00006968 0.00002391 0.00033193 +O -0.02926584 1.99466718 1.99460654 -0.00006968 -0.00002391 0.00033193 +40 +Lattice="7.931510144496468 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931510144496468 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931510144496468" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.203766649553 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96912041 3.99582977 7.92986436 0.12924190 -0.11815607 0.02589872 +Ba 3.97243975 0.00852320 3.97764996 0.04073424 0.09780656 -0.01476019 +Ba 0.00289976 3.97154032 3.98710987 -0.03679223 -0.03742961 -0.14728796 +Ba 0.02484308 7.92602551 3.95708038 -0.12526080 0.22122671 0.08070976 +Ba 0.02732247 3.96366988 0.00681079 -0.25311816 0.13507548 0.02026158 +Ba 3.97532999 7.92230245 0.03050062 0.00846279 0.14950451 -0.17000391 +Ba 3.96480012 3.99108038 3.96958044 0.13184257 -0.13035416 0.02492556 +Ba 0.02071710 0.01406812 0.02146505 -0.13250232 -0.04651331 -0.06563024 +Ti 5.96398008 2.03493997 1.95958031 0.05773721 0.13463505 0.02865186 +Ti 1.98401016 5.97556009 1.95818992 -0.10039541 0.11509363 -0.13414782 +Ti 2.01794036 2.03229005 5.91407026 0.05275698 -0.13307593 -0.07778358 +Ti 5.99952038 6.00842033 5.91813992 -0.11912461 -0.06549371 0.11007175 +Ti 2.01921972 5.99625974 5.91382994 0.15756851 0.12345280 0.15723710 +Ti 5.97439019 2.02931018 5.92910047 0.09974235 0.07255756 -0.13742469 +Ti 5.94401012 5.99656034 1.96414014 0.19807162 -0.11315271 -0.14926462 +Ti 2.00704009 2.02401035 1.93820013 0.05790947 -0.05804882 0.16881709 +O 1.98328997 1.96478973 4.01357970 -0.05322081 0.03627467 0.11415775 +O 5.94317018 1.96267043 4.02645968 -0.03684648 -0.04733041 0.04967166 +O 1.97899030 5.90772029 4.01704022 0.00139791 0.12029857 0.07768228 +O 5.94868020 5.96059015 4.00574019 -0.05367306 -0.13737044 0.24433425 +O 1.97481040 3.94228018 2.00562987 0.06916473 -0.16513193 0.06577088 +O 1.97297029 3.92387035 5.98801018 -0.04441915 0.10930299 0.00629020 +O 5.94091049 3.95026007 2.03809036 -0.00057670 -0.26826016 -0.02070124 +O 5.93207003 3.93048999 5.98360026 0.03277411 0.01376723 -0.01597169 +O 3.96105010 1.95646006 2.01679981 -0.14648783 0.09950041 0.03585969 +O 3.96019032 5.92943042 2.02255967 -0.09165597 0.01898605 0.00028848 +O 3.94128002 1.96904022 5.98564024 -0.00028025 -0.06463548 0.04738415 +O 3.94443041 5.93529022 5.98967976 -0.13658548 -0.01929536 -0.09100291 +O 5.93851042 5.92220006 0.05353373 0.07226754 0.03349530 -0.03540152 +O 1.97371030 5.91692005 0.05288969 0.00118065 0.09369357 0.03274043 +O 5.93994998 1.97703043 0.07166992 -0.01827977 -0.05276804 -0.08623660 +O 1.98251031 1.95188992 0.04548007 -0.03493204 0.08167083 0.20748134 +O 5.93677976 7.89635611 6.00498995 -0.00626938 -0.00327559 -0.03208891 +O 5.94671001 7.88724042 2.02296973 -0.00194350 0.20183340 -0.02402336 +O 1.96726991 7.89975000 6.00903026 0.01681913 -0.21443617 -0.19199122 +O 1.98616991 7.90705016 2.03765017 -0.03055653 -0.13530122 -0.10974342 +O 7.90847387 5.93212000 5.96385000 0.06256497 -0.02109127 0.12179650 +O 7.90235312 1.95738011 6.00239000 0.06465090 0.03289392 -0.06920818 +O 0.00180997 5.93146010 2.01776984 0.06568474 -0.00567288 0.02958054 +O 7.91596994 1.97677027 2.03025007 0.10234842 -0.05427624 -0.07693975 +40 +Lattice="7.937289817966106 0.0 0.0 -0.021756111391045097 7.937258068806834 0.0 -0.021756111391045097 0.021700550362319333 7.9372263196475625" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.70671983833 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96217522 0.04769200 0.00347018 0.22288251 -0.26593023 0.30570494 +Ba 4.01226746 0.07741001 4.03244961 -0.09519947 -0.03786284 -0.22930666 +Ba 4.00201804 3.96694157 0.04128978 0.24783840 0.51578052 0.12084725 +Ba 4.01253971 4.02298994 4.01405018 0.02069687 -0.14894221 -0.04453588 +Ba 7.89167421 7.91548132 0.04168030 0.68343187 0.37671006 -0.14740854 +Ba 0.08504885 0.02471990 3.98150014 -0.08862541 0.21017920 0.24545756 +Ba 0.00165889 4.02848176 0.03979995 0.17282056 -0.08085837 -0.11071942 +Ba 0.03138643 4.03384974 3.97413989 -0.02040659 -0.20028585 0.38694203 +O 2.03197001 4.04346974 2.03148980 0.06327922 -0.58983086 0.21149997 +O 2.05987990 4.05592017 6.10481962 -0.22082537 0.14149475 -0.34256067 +O 2.09341812 0.01760015 1.98681000 -0.25489043 0.14845318 0.48840264 +O 1.94155792 0.09825968 6.06132963 0.23081590 -0.06759919 0.00427189 +O 6.05941991 4.03269011 2.02685998 -0.32663320 0.20564249 -0.02928255 +O 5.95051950 4.05069029 5.95251970 -0.22880838 0.33510884 0.37696897 +O 6.00294768 0.08589973 1.98976982 0.01406856 -0.33904160 0.27164091 +O 5.98067803 0.10346972 6.02872959 0.05599811 0.05535688 -0.14541491 +O 1.95036990 2.05403964 4.09669006 0.33660420 0.13866576 -0.28370118 +O 2.08138757 2.05725186 0.15223008 -0.39362535 0.03920752 -0.51189661 +O 2.04105979 6.00508996 4.05876014 -0.08956335 -0.07255422 -0.24046602 +O 1.98210795 5.97744200 0.06418966 0.38021139 0.03138134 -0.13289004 +O 6.03920999 2.02290959 4.09076011 -0.40868636 0.07842970 -0.38495611 +O 5.91403734 2.03823173 0.07587017 0.31619632 0.13117640 -0.07943269 +O 5.99221964 6.02573009 4.00386028 -0.06975120 0.11557957 -0.48627403 +O 5.96203016 6.07485953 7.93718981 -0.02303297 -0.45878893 0.40059973 +O 0.03734812 2.04082961 2.07358998 0.44891153 -0.05439734 -0.37335837 +O -0.00434090 2.18193002 6.04649007 -0.06033916 -0.52477321 0.36597262 +O 0.07580667 5.94005022 1.96107969 -0.30415251 0.51829069 0.50071231 +O -0.00387975 6.01333998 5.97243992 -0.00184657 -0.10804161 0.08574166 +O 4.03573961 2.06580032 2.10153956 -0.07390996 0.04198869 -0.00025608 +O 3.92097990 2.06620989 6.03017021 0.48610690 -0.05978843 -0.04835294 +O 4.04779001 5.94177023 1.99125012 -0.00151747 0.18260360 0.15223887 +O 3.99154955 6.07231960 5.97071991 -0.33857598 -0.17473037 0.20230622 +Ti 1.96708980 2.09393960 2.01017976 -0.11325529 -0.70105756 0.50844156 +Ti 2.05261966 2.08314965 6.05088971 -0.51423143 -0.79783876 -1.11869881 +Ti 2.01473974 5.98566979 1.99278996 -0.00833346 0.73954929 -0.33299283 +Ti 2.06824977 5.98032958 5.98573964 -0.46746229 0.49165894 0.00815631 +Ti 5.93471001 1.98275960 1.92366965 0.13857346 -0.00460433 0.75089274 +Ti 6.03645019 1.98315964 5.94304020 0.37816865 0.04367893 -0.38195743 +Ti 5.97492984 5.95233952 2.02163962 -0.40366320 -0.07014818 0.12241176 +Ti 5.99986008 5.93656019 5.99278002 0.31072990 0.21613773 -0.08474896 +40 +Lattice="7.955136485 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955136485 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955136485" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216232728726 stress="1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756824 3.97756824 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756824 0.00000000 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756824 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756824 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756824 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96649549 1.98864100 1.98864100 -0.00490387 0.00490387 0.00490387 +Ti 1.98864100 5.96649549 1.98864100 0.00490387 -0.00490387 0.00490387 +Ti 1.98864100 1.98864100 5.96649549 0.00490387 0.00490387 -0.00490387 +Ti 5.96649549 5.96649549 5.96649549 -0.00490387 -0.00490387 -0.00490387 +Ti 1.98864100 5.96649549 5.96649549 0.00490387 -0.00490387 -0.00490387 +Ti 5.96649549 1.98864100 5.96649549 -0.00490387 0.00490387 -0.00490387 +Ti 5.96649549 5.96649549 1.98864100 -0.00490387 -0.00490387 0.00490387 +Ti 1.98864100 1.98864100 1.98864100 0.00490387 0.00490387 0.00490387 +O 5.96774103 5.96507933 3.97756824 -0.00314317 0.00347767 0.00000000 +O 1.98739545 5.96507933 3.97756824 0.00314317 0.00347767 0.00000000 +O 5.96774103 1.99005716 3.97756824 -0.00314317 -0.00347767 0.00000000 +O 1.98739545 1.99005716 3.97756824 0.00314317 -0.00347767 0.00000000 +O 5.96507933 3.97756824 5.96774103 0.00347767 0.00000000 -0.00314317 +O 5.96507933 3.97756824 1.98739545 0.00347767 0.00000000 0.00314317 +O 1.99005716 3.97756824 5.96774103 -0.00347767 0.00000000 -0.00314317 +O 1.99005716 3.97756824 1.98739545 -0.00347767 0.00000000 0.00314317 +O 3.97756824 5.96774103 5.96507933 0.00000000 -0.00314317 0.00347767 +O 3.97756824 1.98739545 5.96507933 0.00000000 0.00314317 0.00347767 +O 3.97756824 5.96774103 1.99005716 0.00000000 -0.00314317 -0.00347767 +O 3.97756824 1.98739545 1.99005716 0.00000000 0.00314317 -0.00347767 +O 5.96486732 5.96755257 0.00000000 0.00607912 -0.00068391 0.00000000 +O 1.99026917 5.96755257 0.00000000 -0.00607912 -0.00068391 0.00000000 +O 5.96486732 1.98758392 0.00000000 0.00607912 0.00068391 0.00000000 +O 1.99026917 1.98758392 0.00000000 -0.00607912 0.00068391 0.00000000 +O 5.96755257 0.00000000 5.96486732 -0.00068391 0.00000000 0.00607912 +O 5.96755257 0.00000000 1.99026917 -0.00068391 0.00000000 -0.00607912 +O 1.98758392 0.00000000 5.96486732 0.00068391 0.00000000 0.00607912 +O 1.98758392 0.00000000 1.99026917 0.00068391 0.00000000 -0.00607912 +O 0.00000000 5.96486732 5.96755257 0.00000000 0.00607912 -0.00068391 +O 0.00000000 1.99026917 5.96755257 0.00000000 -0.00607912 -0.00068391 +O 0.00000000 5.96486732 1.98758392 0.00000000 0.00607912 0.00068391 +O 0.00000000 1.99026917 1.98758392 0.00000000 -0.00607912 0.00068391 +40 +Lattice="7.930479836471804 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.930479836471804 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.930479836471804" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.12541500719 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98914001 3.98008974 0.04215605 -0.07313580 -0.10828304 -0.27053713 +Ba 3.98674024 7.92812686 3.98077018 -0.15271813 0.07620030 -0.02228169 +Ba 0.01812432 3.97498965 3.94120977 -0.09007963 0.02066550 0.28330060 +Ba 0.00331256 0.00246083 3.98768000 0.12986668 0.01715414 -0.08682101 +Ba 0.00790590 3.98654991 7.92913403 0.00104747 -0.07205928 -0.01448174 +Ba 3.96705996 0.01001858 0.01901729 0.07047677 0.10170796 -0.15825834 +Ba 3.95774006 3.96072985 3.99793015 0.12989522 0.09405584 -0.13721695 +Ba 0.00786228 0.02992170 7.91543175 0.04132560 -0.12827979 0.11291231 +Ti 5.97528982 1.97879985 1.97289957 0.09421293 0.20068232 -0.26912354 +Ti 2.03819993 6.00584993 1.93570958 -0.29426070 -0.08154768 0.16013782 +Ti 1.96514991 2.01779005 5.97705990 -0.11396518 0.06514584 0.17276733 +Ti 5.98193953 5.96268987 5.92229994 0.18332454 -0.09067252 0.11704896 +Ti 2.04118972 5.97668955 5.91388967 -0.10199823 -0.05452230 -0.08837730 +Ti 5.91296021 1.99108020 5.92500027 0.11444392 0.13641142 0.14814619 +Ti 5.98298001 5.96107999 1.97103987 0.32997924 -0.04536506 -0.11981984 +Ti 2.01380974 2.03211012 2.02597986 -0.03999531 0.10640536 -0.27123236 +O 2.00658983 1.96590013 4.00572026 -0.04795802 0.04772173 -0.35543187 +O 5.93015984 1.97331989 4.01171015 0.13723674 0.02835335 -0.23954120 +O 1.99502006 5.93163015 4.00465995 -0.06149050 0.09073269 -0.05565950 +O 5.91831012 5.94287954 3.97957981 0.03048840 0.01820547 0.19436743 +O 1.97266007 3.92896987 1.99710974 0.09974080 0.05511494 0.10774799 +O 1.99797020 3.97488021 5.97107953 -0.08927384 -0.21287911 -0.04824084 +O 5.90105974 3.95162011 2.00573969 0.18730975 -0.07539426 -0.02016516 +O 5.94449973 3.96448969 5.98850993 0.01129229 -0.01311571 -0.05256929 +O 3.94714970 1.96152012 1.98693017 0.14660944 -0.04414173 0.13416813 +O 3.93346962 5.93603950 2.00143978 0.07250331 0.09298986 -0.00377952 +O 3.98587027 1.99192003 5.96877017 0.03245246 -0.04845270 0.07430025 +O 3.95347981 5.94785988 5.96915004 0.01469771 0.01888321 0.02903521 +O 5.94149963 5.98827995 0.02837129 -0.00804190 -0.21124903 0.16258294 +O 1.98445031 5.92843020 0.02439971 -0.08217297 0.08481504 0.20225403 +O 5.97823996 1.94065027 0.03611223 -0.12942111 0.21134597 0.24403060 +O 1.99774021 2.00758035 0.00585983 -0.06202478 -0.18754809 0.11669826 +O 5.94037985 0.00188111 5.97459987 0.00467144 -0.10648507 -0.12385287 +O 5.94841025 7.91950009 2.01372013 -0.01825638 0.07272340 0.08351997 +O 2.00146992 7.92648446 5.97123972 -0.05936523 -0.11149357 0.02838498 +O 1.95433035 7.90298010 1.99362984 0.07713335 -0.03041281 0.02532819 +O 7.90149393 5.94257025 5.94346956 0.00253845 0.08714908 0.09550054 +O 0.01760408 1.97530013 5.96277949 0.05743073 0.06917707 -0.03503899 +O 7.91131980 5.91593970 2.02804971 -0.19382750 0.09262271 -0.15079649 +O 0.00864026 1.99923987 2.01459010 -0.35069256 -0.16636066 0.03099336 +40 +Lattice="7.926219959944557 0.0 0.0 -0.02172576891020803 7.926188255064718 0.0 -0.02172576891020803 0.02167028537048842 7.926156550184878" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.90768679273 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02373447 0.03671187 0.03976030 -0.20147961 0.05672291 0.22477715 +Ba 3.98368724 0.02563022 4.01723021 0.07539297 0.19674030 -0.20687662 +Ba 4.02241713 4.03008178 0.04557022 -0.19968473 -0.14845832 -0.10371804 +Ba 3.96327960 4.02242981 3.99507960 0.16749092 -0.04641330 0.16906700 +Ba 0.04311467 0.06347238 0.02836002 0.13360712 -0.15385687 0.32518027 +Ba 0.06066491 0.01551003 4.01637021 -0.14001405 0.26983393 -0.21185067 +Ba 0.00240482 4.01413027 7.89941983 0.05529492 0.04716097 0.43048649 +Ba 0.00220349 3.97615020 3.98572032 0.04003876 0.14641867 0.10934825 +O 1.98580978 4.01301029 2.04241964 0.52545018 0.11527155 -0.08325412 +O 2.02086032 4.05844972 5.97883966 0.18182739 -0.67247615 0.04090728 +O 2.01990759 0.05704976 2.01293965 -0.02577557 -0.09440345 0.03291526 +O 2.07049748 0.03514010 6.03811986 -0.19380204 0.66623891 -0.23501683 +O 5.97149998 4.00034974 1.98796968 -0.09487885 -0.02362690 0.03788726 +O 5.96909992 3.97665034 5.89826012 0.10308298 0.14967703 0.34837959 +O 5.99300699 0.04635016 1.98669990 0.26726077 -0.39755117 0.00379675 +O 6.09824737 0.05427004 5.97461974 -0.55989911 -0.34699917 -0.10856612 +O 2.04810036 2.01546019 3.98165971 -0.16527231 0.02113961 -0.02454247 +O 2.07409757 2.04657219 0.01059973 -0.06405415 -0.05147863 -0.26202678 +O 2.03908984 5.99627021 4.05231959 -0.01450565 0.11031961 -0.59735237 +O 2.04259719 5.97067169 0.05222983 0.05102971 0.01684098 0.36729906 +O 5.95668033 2.01590009 3.94565010 0.26926906 -0.08838476 -0.26581787 +O 5.98600972 2.03381969 7.89352985 -0.16336275 0.02741387 0.38897988 +O 5.99312033 5.98691965 3.97594015 0.06083667 0.12577862 -0.12197159 +O 6.03991753 5.94138193 0.00420010 -0.16285213 0.25161433 -0.15367741 +O 0.04698425 2.09572981 1.95329009 0.14598467 -0.45169372 0.27493912 +O 0.06635673 2.03293037 5.93361027 0.39862126 -0.06506151 0.12628873 +O 0.07233785 5.92365969 2.03123020 -0.14272862 0.45765456 -0.06607041 +O 0.07980435 6.00445958 5.99937015 -0.46779731 -0.01961417 -0.19744015 +O 4.00543996 2.00347971 2.01343028 0.05400191 0.22853379 -0.21274233 +O 4.03256982 2.00584965 5.91912035 -0.23271260 0.01048856 0.25627882 +O 4.04103978 6.01147032 1.97193018 -0.19712725 -0.18235961 0.24832794 +O 4.05008994 6.01209966 5.95571967 0.04489815 0.06382918 0.24643124 +Ti 2.00003973 2.00774005 2.09903029 -0.22653116 0.06511910 -0.36824059 +Ti 1.98838977 1.98541981 6.05213976 -0.06057956 -0.12099920 0.02435915 +Ti 1.99125985 5.95993008 1.95452975 -0.26265130 -0.13073905 -0.09971381 +Ti 1.91084994 5.94046011 5.93350961 0.38002782 0.28997827 0.14889438 +Ti 5.93942970 2.09121979 2.07213979 0.22911460 -0.41653002 0.32299303 +Ti 5.92879034 2.05125024 6.04562995 0.02582493 0.67374833 -0.68519205 +Ti 5.96846027 6.03023010 2.06932995 -0.05540290 0.18501273 -0.13986827 +Ti 5.88666961 6.07905958 6.02111019 0.42205687 -0.76489008 0.01640158 +40 +Lattice="7.967229947 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.967229947 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.967229947" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.261484579813 stress="-0.00014323258797111448 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014323258797111448 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014323258797111448" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98361497 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98361497 0.00000000 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98361497 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98361497 3.98361497 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.01643493 1.95079502 1.95079502 0.05969279 -0.05969279 -0.05969279 +Ti 1.95079502 6.01643493 1.95079502 -0.05969279 0.05969279 -0.05969279 +Ti 1.95079502 1.95079502 6.01643493 -0.05969279 -0.05969279 0.05969279 +Ti 6.01643493 6.01643493 6.01643493 0.05969279 0.05969279 0.05969279 +Ti 2.03281969 5.93441026 5.93441026 0.05969304 -0.05969304 -0.05969304 +Ti 5.93441026 2.03281969 5.93441026 -0.05969304 0.05969304 -0.05969304 +Ti 5.93441026 5.93441026 2.03281969 -0.05969304 -0.05969304 0.05969304 +Ti 2.03281969 2.03281969 2.03281969 0.05969304 0.05969304 0.05969304 +O 1.99218287 1.98768941 3.95973146 0.01680653 0.02765736 -0.00095028 +O 5.97504708 1.98768941 4.00749849 -0.01680653 0.02765736 0.00095028 +O 1.99218287 5.97954053 4.00749849 0.01680653 -0.02765736 0.00095028 +O 5.97504708 5.97954053 3.95973146 -0.01680653 -0.02765736 -0.00095028 +O 1.98768941 3.95973146 1.99218287 0.02765736 -0.00095028 0.01680653 +O 1.98768941 4.00749849 5.97504708 0.02765736 0.00095028 -0.01680653 +O 5.97954053 4.00749849 1.99218287 -0.02765736 0.00095028 0.01680653 +O 5.97954053 3.95973146 5.97504708 -0.02765736 -0.00095028 -0.01680653 +O 3.95973146 1.99218287 1.98768941 -0.00095028 0.01680653 0.02765736 +O 4.00749849 5.97504708 1.98768941 0.00095028 -0.01680653 0.02765736 +O 4.00749849 1.99218287 5.97954053 0.00095028 0.01680653 -0.02765736 +O 3.95973146 5.97504708 5.97954053 -0.00095028 -0.01680653 -0.02765736 +O 5.97579791 5.97130445 -0.02388341 0.01680910 0.02765993 -0.00095131 +O 1.99143204 5.97130445 0.02388341 -0.01680910 0.02765993 0.00095131 +O 5.97579791 1.99592550 0.02388341 0.01680910 -0.02765993 0.00095131 +O 1.99143204 1.99592550 -0.02388341 -0.01680910 -0.02765993 -0.00095131 +O 5.97130445 -0.02388341 5.97579791 0.02765993 -0.00095131 0.01680910 +O 5.97130445 0.02388341 1.99143204 0.02765993 0.00095131 -0.01680910 +O 1.99592550 0.02388341 5.97579791 -0.02765993 0.00095131 0.01680910 +O 1.99592550 -0.02388341 1.99143204 -0.02765993 -0.00095131 -0.01680910 +O -0.02388341 5.97579791 5.97130445 -0.00095131 0.01680910 0.02765993 +O 0.02388341 1.99143204 5.97130445 0.00095131 -0.01680910 0.02765993 +O 0.02388341 5.97579791 1.99592550 0.00095131 0.01680910 -0.02765993 +O -0.02388341 1.99143204 1.99592550 -0.00095131 -0.01680910 -0.02765993 +40 +Lattice="7.955227738 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955227738 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955227738" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.214851070716 stress="3.397183176237971e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.397183176237971e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.397183176237971e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97761387 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97761387 0.00000000 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97761387 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97761387 3.97761387 3.97761387 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642080 1.98880693 1.98880693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880693 5.96642080 1.98880693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880693 1.98880693 5.96642080 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642080 5.96642080 5.96642080 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880693 5.96642080 5.96642080 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642080 1.98880693 5.96642080 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642080 5.96642080 1.98880693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880693 1.98880693 1.98880693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.99382430 1.98405856 3.97761387 -0.01388061 0.01060606 0.00000000 +O 5.96140344 1.98405856 3.97761387 0.01388061 0.01060606 0.00000000 +O 1.99382430 5.97116918 3.97761387 -0.01388061 -0.01060606 0.00000000 +O 5.96140344 5.97116918 3.97761387 0.01388061 -0.01060606 0.00000000 +O 1.98405856 3.97761387 1.99382430 0.01060606 0.00000000 -0.01388061 +O 1.98405856 3.97761387 5.96140344 0.01060606 0.00000000 0.01388061 +O 5.97116918 3.97761387 1.99382430 -0.01060606 0.00000000 -0.01388061 +O 5.97116918 3.97761387 5.96140344 -0.01060606 0.00000000 0.01388061 +O 3.97761387 1.99382430 1.98405856 0.00000000 -0.01388061 0.01060606 +O 3.97761387 5.96140344 1.98405856 0.00000000 0.01388061 0.01060606 +O 3.97761387 1.99382430 5.97116918 0.00000000 -0.01388061 -0.01060606 +O 3.97761387 5.96140344 5.97116918 0.00000000 0.01388061 -0.01060606 +O 5.97143818 5.96167244 0.00000000 -0.01388087 0.01060580 0.00000000 +O 1.98378956 5.96167244 0.00000000 0.01388087 0.01060580 0.00000000 +O 5.97143818 1.99355530 0.00000000 -0.01388087 -0.01060580 0.00000000 +O 1.98378956 1.99355530 0.00000000 0.01388087 -0.01060580 0.00000000 +O 5.96167244 0.00000000 5.97143818 0.01060580 0.00000000 -0.01388087 +O 5.96167244 0.00000000 1.98378956 0.01060580 0.00000000 0.01388087 +O 1.99355530 0.00000000 5.97143818 -0.01060580 0.00000000 -0.01388087 +O 1.99355530 0.00000000 1.98378956 -0.01060580 0.00000000 0.01388087 +O 0.00000000 5.97143818 5.96167244 0.00000000 -0.01388087 0.01060580 +O 0.00000000 1.98378956 5.96167244 0.00000000 0.01388087 0.01060580 +O 0.00000000 5.97143818 1.99355530 0.00000000 -0.01388087 -0.01060580 +O 0.00000000 1.98378956 1.99355530 0.00000000 0.01388087 -0.01060580 +40 +Lattice="7.920249782679913 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.920249782679913 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.920249782679913" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.96230453002 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96637001 3.99155957 0.06501099 0.22413643 -0.12113495 -0.40867582 +Ba 3.95371028 7.90501360 3.96656960 0.19602502 0.20275360 0.00234613 +Ba 7.90707603 3.96721985 3.96637001 0.13917639 0.01346872 -0.06092589 +Ba 0.06276640 0.00225806 3.96202021 -0.32669080 0.11479667 0.06300411 +Ba 0.01219164 3.98492953 7.91312789 -0.07152320 -0.00856537 0.28530092 +Ba 3.95181972 0.02677282 7.90645746 0.21104772 -0.16935085 0.13000063 +Ba 3.94120975 3.95585984 3.99298997 0.33170368 -0.02512636 -0.13964407 +Ba 7.91735176 0.01279912 7.90337094 0.15947113 -0.06854047 0.25777417 +Ti 5.97562966 2.00356024 2.05733003 0.05749655 0.07012324 -0.52373114 +Ti 2.05138984 5.92200957 2.01789985 -0.32322932 0.19961968 -0.54699037 +Ti 2.06664028 1.99773965 5.95830966 -0.20162488 -0.51676474 -0.24742600 +Ti 5.97663949 6.01889007 6.00294977 -0.07654894 -0.16623082 -0.09157884 +Ti 2.01674983 5.91615017 5.94895981 0.13863928 0.48993939 0.54111617 +Ti 6.02627966 2.05340000 5.99187013 -0.21446111 -0.13112780 0.27402020 +Ti 5.98599965 5.97180973 2.05247016 0.17232793 0.09458343 -0.15644906 +Ti 2.01308989 1.96574976 1.96671999 0.01981961 -0.12512299 0.37334680 +O 1.98824961 2.02898028 3.94444992 -0.04832928 -0.15519744 0.04472563 +O 5.94681975 1.98782033 3.90916996 -0.15571269 -0.17351527 0.30136209 +O 1.95312013 5.95363988 3.96684998 0.15800432 -0.09133021 -0.17738555 +O 5.87159956 5.88982960 3.93329980 0.20338043 0.12223127 -0.00695509 +O 1.97833029 3.98484954 1.99019007 -0.00189619 -0.12426913 -0.06489490 +O 1.96197972 3.98864967 5.97345001 0.11777812 -0.30070234 -0.19666805 +O 5.87274007 3.91025979 1.93446002 0.15208332 0.19595380 0.24753219 +O 5.93598010 3.92462000 5.90645975 -0.13432883 0.11804089 0.12370426 +O 3.92767008 1.94056020 1.91992003 -0.17728296 0.08064008 0.22613521 +O 3.93041999 5.98691998 1.91586011 -0.19444096 -0.30314180 0.39625662 +O 3.96555977 1.92329960 5.89784014 -0.51364856 0.46814955 0.19441988 +O 3.92861972 5.94670016 5.90730008 -0.09265150 -0.12082077 0.16688182 +O 5.96590993 5.91789975 7.89145809 -0.29788647 0.05472362 -0.19350174 +O 1.99252971 5.96872004 7.91994961 -0.24953379 -0.12771955 -0.17425317 +O 5.98615013 1.97287957 7.88408355 -0.27728216 -0.08226373 -0.24204031 +O 1.96462984 2.01270972 7.91264001 0.04494571 -0.04455722 -0.13787206 +O 5.91647015 7.90065984 5.92815965 0.14167473 -0.13369582 -0.13155204 +O 5.92614949 7.86731004 1.98838980 -0.01700245 0.28444037 -0.06510882 +O 1.96248028 0.01488532 5.94532996 -0.00403303 0.20868462 -0.04961561 +O 1.93882963 7.91582949 1.97942011 0.04606234 0.32726055 0.04621841 +O 7.87763250 5.94470980 5.92014990 0.20946495 -0.04889261 -0.06476223 +O 7.90914242 1.99209014 5.90409001 0.15425822 -0.07215750 0.00988949 +O 7.87085990 5.91698021 1.98800962 0.17248554 -0.03622556 0.00426212 +O 7.88254939 1.96574026 1.96970989 0.32812599 0.10104384 -0.00826661 +40 +Lattice="7.819280125440017 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.819280125440017 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.202346658785324" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.069463095744 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96884000 1.96525017 8.20083206 -0.07420641 -0.15004084 0.17176049 +Ba 1.95247972 1.96333992 4.12218999 -0.04181385 -0.12836310 -0.09369897 +Ba 1.95549014 5.87305974 0.00331068 0.00752510 0.00332135 0.01897320 +Ba 1.95772020 5.86068025 4.09876968 -0.11043479 0.06211400 0.18505464 +Ba 5.87336000 1.95546981 8.19728367 -0.11232713 -0.06143728 0.25849228 +Ba 5.86880996 1.96938031 4.11232988 -0.05291047 -0.14515703 -0.08780240 +Ba 5.86759015 5.84334022 8.19969905 -0.10082761 0.19262833 0.12830422 +Ba 5.85394003 5.85515046 4.11165038 0.09689202 0.04888644 0.03033182 +Ti 7.80844182 7.79620856 2.15398022 0.06308202 0.23010499 -0.45996958 +Ti 7.79520925 7.81551592 6.24572037 0.34961218 -0.06746369 -0.33943087 +Ti 0.00788340 3.89541992 2.13797025 -0.08079820 -0.11466195 -0.28997750 +Ti 7.79756051 3.90040002 6.25468987 0.26539210 0.13009525 -0.31980641 +Ti 3.90872990 0.00585039 2.16188004 -0.05198976 0.12539450 -0.20880777 +Ti 3.90208038 0.00223006 6.23781039 -0.19547866 -0.15391343 -0.31883248 +Ti 3.91197021 3.92666029 2.14573010 0.06328745 -0.18812788 -0.41111631 +Ti 3.89336970 3.90260036 6.23046027 -0.07244726 0.21127860 -0.04391830 +O 0.02125984 1.96110986 1.95354002 -0.15502184 0.03893422 0.10319534 +O 1.96783991 0.00101963 1.98687986 -0.09492410 -0.01755086 -0.00668513 +O 7.79564010 7.80565034 3.96006034 0.11280972 0.04438547 0.24848735 +O 0.00130817 1.96194027 6.05061995 -0.01376054 -0.00332264 0.11786914 +O 1.93660971 7.81703990 6.05799979 0.19744427 -0.04532649 0.03513181 +O 0.00414969 0.01682005 8.05448016 -0.09003695 -0.03923735 0.24188424 +O 7.81217005 5.88448996 1.93396992 0.11601615 -0.25198791 0.16479126 +O 1.96493974 3.89565997 1.95924027 -0.07399403 0.16661854 0.09363778 +O 0.00063571 3.90657021 3.95897034 0.02749589 0.09603662 0.06148433 +O 7.80935511 5.85562040 6.08329985 -0.05671031 0.02768641 -0.03579130 +O 1.95201995 3.92852988 6.07014000 0.04229079 -0.14559720 -0.00522422 +O 0.01628365 3.90582034 8.07866989 -0.15311845 -0.02892183 -0.00724280 +O 3.93111024 1.94857008 1.98449967 -0.06009285 0.05892429 -0.00530496 +O 5.86102039 0.00361016 1.97314999 0.05743125 -0.02725164 -0.03139266 +O 3.90593998 7.79828379 3.99369029 0.05010129 0.05557517 -0.15611250 +O 3.88723001 1.94300041 6.03860015 0.11142801 0.13227246 0.14820790 +O 5.86916026 0.00494491 6.05028998 -0.20309787 0.00890707 0.15889777 +O 3.89595007 0.00725786 8.05902004 0.12760256 -0.02743084 0.05374737 +O 3.91615978 5.85928999 1.94869988 -0.03814566 0.06407266 0.12422208 +O 5.86403003 3.92747037 1.96361985 0.15522984 -0.10458502 0.01611850 +O 3.92046977 3.92649999 3.96299023 -0.10078210 -0.07884853 0.22953832 +O 3.90686969 5.85055976 6.05726008 0.07092851 0.13104476 0.09870028 +O 5.86254984 3.88776015 6.05338016 0.01742642 0.05862295 0.15503315 +O 3.91540991 3.91192016 8.05962994 0.00092328 -0.10767857 -0.02274938 +40 +Lattice="7.776660193079222 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.040452283488662 0.0 0.0 0.06851237630102794 8.040156770401326" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.11315981624 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.85230005 0.01266118 0.00588615 0.32669722 0.14988349 -0.12034845 +Ba 3.87752987 0.04159502 4.01864981 0.22949358 0.30536864 -0.04510075 +Ba 3.88332037 4.12368527 8.02843657 0.06711145 0.03579875 0.00879472 +Ba 3.90293000 4.13508975 4.01722046 -0.05940200 -0.31325035 -0.02567658 +Ba 0.00998990 0.11863762 8.02907503 -0.16106804 -0.08496365 -0.03421341 +Ba 0.02763981 0.06491878 3.99418988 -0.25271553 0.18239817 0.12470853 +Ba 7.77616871 4.12550501 8.02180463 -0.01825638 0.01516617 0.00130098 +Ba 7.76110843 4.10720031 3.97693036 0.10470689 -0.19965310 0.28771544 +Ti 1.96413007 2.12647018 2.06529975 0.08472556 -0.07581720 -0.03224703 +Ti 1.94437968 2.17330978 6.07979994 -0.34244497 -0.03376578 -0.12028392 +Ti 1.95571028 6.12742032 2.04978998 -0.15722964 0.17776993 -0.13105247 +Ti 1.94372022 6.17264004 6.07504995 -0.03016238 -0.00618865 0.09808167 +Ti 5.84424023 2.12834980 2.03607040 -0.20105333 -0.08095015 0.22389655 +Ti 5.80894042 2.13958008 6.07815984 0.45577380 0.09127313 -0.07537960 +Ti 5.84080995 6.13325981 2.06385018 0.06484734 0.15332054 -0.24445920 +Ti 5.84703050 6.15017016 6.08198051 -0.03440959 0.23370711 0.13251440 +O 1.99689003 2.05578967 3.93191983 -0.24018166 -0.06600845 -0.09770475 +O 1.91828977 2.09616998 7.94895988 0.12742413 -0.06875438 -0.21008612 +O 1.92499014 6.07144003 3.91410973 0.03375190 -0.06489490 0.10288526 +O 1.95166019 6.08811008 7.94732989 -0.00215896 -0.00931048 -0.04786468 +O 5.83117000 2.04683018 3.90713017 -0.09835035 -0.03770831 -0.02478235 +O 5.86972046 2.09715995 7.95525042 -0.24539843 -0.09520924 -0.21246671 +O 5.86961003 6.07139026 3.93871974 -0.17646638 -0.03468264 -0.14795233 +O 5.82134030 6.05081010 7.94831053 -0.02058579 0.23941984 -0.09010971 +O 1.97336019 3.99647000 1.93709995 -0.18536085 0.05317581 0.13688219 +O 1.95013986 4.03895001 5.95668996 0.05106751 -0.05634495 0.05641206 +O 1.93375988 8.01548998 1.92508035 0.02553594 -0.12379399 0.18719251 +O 1.93365023 8.04225025 5.97807034 -0.06577705 0.06190394 -0.01879502 +O 5.80119020 4.01028990 1.94032027 0.13794997 -0.23362200 0.12124448 +O 5.81066995 4.05353980 5.96590997 -0.01113056 -0.37114723 -0.00836611 +O 5.81043043 7.99128046 1.91863038 0.13565963 0.15354757 0.14290037 +O 5.87141033 8.05216005 5.97076027 -0.19351974 0.00645733 0.09532802 +O 0.00071623 1.98775012 1.93565038 0.01631931 0.15085331 0.11338616 +O 7.76260932 2.05768018 5.92939000 0.24796439 -0.00730810 0.03204134 +O 7.76741608 6.00936984 1.93040036 0.12795249 -0.00341751 -0.04108057 +O 7.77321047 6.01998031 5.97891021 0.17548987 0.12434909 -0.10216124 +O 3.88311040 1.98351028 1.91650969 0.07978853 0.04241626 -0.05663986 +O 3.88468984 2.02486034 5.97116000 0.06683171 0.01406291 0.03946875 +O 3.88022993 6.03602045 1.95659993 -0.01950696 -0.10206534 -0.00936833 +O 3.88389973 6.08918015 5.94452027 -0.04391239 -0.12201581 -0.00861397 +40 +Lattice="7.799330144685087 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.799330144685087 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.181427127803355" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.587273836165 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98235028 1.93913030 0.02759013 -0.26482723 0.20111735 -0.16503088 +Ba 1.97028004 1.93431967 4.06613008 -0.04803643 0.12973787 0.25180793 +Ba 1.92187974 5.84342973 0.04073200 0.08588102 0.03433374 -0.14740006 +Ba 1.95905992 5.85862984 4.06682032 -0.13043978 0.03723394 0.15160664 +Ba 5.85753014 1.90931034 0.01710315 -0.15776957 0.36087361 -0.11618172 +Ba 5.83401984 1.97255043 4.12549000 0.00201189 -0.26151642 0.02246810 +Ba 5.83505013 5.84366995 8.16412821 0.05592741 -0.02515413 0.14806932 +Ba 5.88450022 5.85271015 4.09635014 -0.31533578 0.16042578 0.03583578 +Ti 0.03207864 0.02899245 2.16028966 -0.15889957 -0.45500941 -0.34061075 +Ti 7.78429616 0.04051596 6.24099044 0.05623620 -0.42856639 -0.56383572 +Ti 7.78691985 3.89034019 2.12755041 0.10486784 0.41051236 -0.11181676 +Ti 7.75642993 3.91575977 6.21849016 0.11239295 0.12376339 -0.83482126 +Ti 3.94071997 7.79904547 2.09660033 -0.06674584 -0.20695761 0.19294098 +Ti 3.85661979 0.01307012 6.24052015 0.21582714 0.01162679 -0.12375002 +Ti 3.90173969 3.89889996 2.15864010 -0.06194636 0.13555807 -0.37371550 +Ti 3.82405993 3.93632036 6.21043033 0.36184060 -0.26504217 -0.68776881 +O 7.79672049 1.93853989 1.96905009 -0.00683271 0.01274136 -0.10157400 +O 1.97484967 0.02867034 1.95887976 -0.67797625 -0.07462833 0.18171272 +O 0.01879015 0.03932968 3.98000987 -0.17441824 -0.21581583 -0.17417244 +O 0.05147012 1.94136012 6.00886990 -0.33619025 0.09376299 0.25155185 +O 1.97830009 0.00901213 5.98155041 -0.15756286 -0.25070107 0.56928415 +O 0.01830035 7.77820020 8.05138032 0.20721729 0.20391651 0.38685204 +O 0.00781025 5.81361991 1.98159999 -0.09277492 0.53895927 -0.11157122 +O 1.95382033 3.95045041 1.96134981 0.02994204 -0.40772323 -0.04991411 +O 7.78810223 3.89618033 3.93138027 -0.04923740 -0.14320942 0.14353543 +O 7.71950010 5.86341005 6.04080036 0.54103235 -0.13819551 0.09196399 +O 1.90958019 3.93602009 5.99578028 0.15964134 -0.14901394 0.23212356 +O 0.00842952 3.86890997 8.00273044 -0.12022067 0.05052732 0.84556487 +O 3.90244007 1.97670981 1.89242011 0.06334735 0.13340323 0.51720388 +O 5.85565986 7.76732013 1.96833021 0.54202326 0.28236189 -0.06330622 +O 3.95045041 7.77350968 3.94243036 -0.08678939 0.35368764 0.26270529 +O 3.85470973 1.92002038 6.05134973 0.19493050 -0.08690200 0.10803210 +O 5.86959024 7.79517466 6.15947029 -0.49995692 0.18675131 -0.42684992 +O 3.88413037 7.78437259 8.13705986 -0.04107106 -0.05161464 -1.13833304 +O 3.89339987 5.89279013 1.96458029 0.01587373 -0.88102912 -0.01885313 +O 5.82705036 3.90229969 1.91103009 0.14071725 -0.00904591 0.29808162 +O 3.87814984 3.88598973 3.98958979 0.16672653 -0.01307817 -0.54346847 +O 3.84571009 5.82440014 5.98969993 0.33648130 0.55460906 0.49382227 +O 5.82431045 3.90419024 6.00346029 0.15758394 -0.21771999 0.25338273 +O 3.89018031 3.87585996 7.99903979 -0.10347070 0.26501980 0.65442829 +40 +Lattice="7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29603.92559159201 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.85248023 4.02931003 4.15011979 0.79179950 -1.27686408 -0.96842812 +Ba 4.09167952 7.94929789 3.89797980 0.62364164 0.15782974 0.60394262 +Ba 7.95897011 4.01934974 3.98239965 1.02659110 -0.55623477 0.65758792 +Ba 3.92370961 3.91676007 7.94754235 -0.47370570 0.28209990 0.46661589 +Ba 0.12424583 7.87246835 3.96439022 -0.25979403 1.38804012 -0.95897648 +Ba 7.94667735 4.26717031 0.09504963 0.55822635 -3.76080196 -4.06385480 +Ba 3.96505972 7.94556019 0.03227956 -0.81767071 0.24489501 -0.56822871 +Ba 7.91688986 0.00580844 7.90200848 0.55724316 0.38040165 0.91989135 +Ti 1.93204018 5.86782948 1.66649026 3.11898648 -0.22070067 2.14269284 +Ti 6.40175972 2.27002999 2.16098951 -2.29705030 -5.78181991 -1.07752697 +Ti 6.21479009 6.26078999 5.57678995 -9.28863082 -3.41348243 5.03801082 +Ti 1.72182004 2.06715997 6.12355955 3.91547181 -0.06978848 -0.24963509 +Ti 2.09440992 6.13883992 5.79641977 0.67116848 -2.24144326 3.06036712 +Ti 5.73531028 1.97606030 6.43654970 1.38335197 0.28694437 -4.46565601 +Ti 5.83735015 6.07523996 1.71527987 0.29345800 -3.46786846 6.33489943 +Ti 2.24953009 1.64319986 2.27356021 -4.98086908 3.20842898 -1.84379978 +O 6.07311974 5.77428004 3.99935017 -0.48290254 -0.30826858 -4.84005028 +O 1.91532985 5.89320978 4.08117980 -0.66362204 0.78741988 -1.99110857 +O 5.92502971 2.16436014 3.86211016 0.10911890 -0.84027122 0.66082133 +O 2.00914023 2.01305987 4.06272989 0.35769316 -1.24214210 -0.46419159 +O 5.96487963 3.68320005 6.17563999 0.12771106 2.07527929 -0.00480745 +O 6.14718990 3.86463973 1.75307022 -0.67222726 4.32862906 0.05356739 +O 2.01836000 3.84411988 6.14835972 -0.58490771 2.42311149 -1.22514351 +O 2.02539013 4.11359981 2.01219008 0.23929848 -1.35499579 -0.03829478 +O 3.87911016 5.81728993 5.82537019 1.07498132 1.81468230 0.37890116 +O 3.94807010 1.95261987 6.20068993 0.50268204 -1.09509351 -0.84609117 +O 4.07683963 5.89471954 2.22721001 -0.73050954 0.68604360 -1.03846317 +O 3.84043006 2.03917031 1.95485021 3.39811880 -0.25440834 -0.05317118 +O 5.88009990 6.13077003 0.09094167 0.18651219 -0.67299319 -6.32332689 +O 2.21647968 5.90975014 7.85381975 -0.85487046 0.17866622 0.54033996 +O 5.96630960 1.71488008 0.15722681 0.25163001 0.20797859 2.13795687 +O 2.04361022 1.93967996 7.84364002 -0.41217458 -0.67285975 3.12077314 +O 5.97233987 7.91328143 5.92344973 -0.24797622 4.09250589 -0.11869652 +O 6.19988956 7.70397657 2.01040023 -0.01685204 3.57517577 1.45974305 +O 1.80379970 7.87437710 6.17961948 0.58794136 0.37414462 -1.69066694 +O 1.97217976 7.87108467 1.91463002 0.80118840 -0.57994523 0.70086884 +O 7.73621464 5.90435027 5.82968961 8.90269846 -1.31973748 2.20019993 +O 0.03942460 2.05962951 6.00752006 -4.19259688 -1.06889603 -0.30041721 +O 0.19798164 5.79750980 1.69064009 -2.99523157 2.71978800 2.37968736 +O 0.14401319 1.78532026 2.00478011 0.49207881 0.98655054 0.27366873 +40 +Lattice="7.942700125744312 0.0 0.0 -0.02177094104466516 7.942668354943809 0.0 -0.02177094104466516 0.021715342143784948 7.942636584143306" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.09427648703 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01403254 0.06931038 7.91338997 -0.38896446 -0.03504311 0.35812279 +Ba 3.99422027 7.92718009 3.97784004 0.03527991 0.41120193 0.27388831 +Ba 3.89302233 4.06971723 0.17964005 0.85984760 -0.29767384 -0.95238495 +Ba 4.00879036 4.07416990 3.97397036 -0.08788648 -0.26975577 0.12074029 +Ba 7.91168626 0.02229675 0.05901029 0.62257412 0.47182468 -0.68582017 +Ba 0.14410361 7.90850998 4.05903986 -0.99738979 0.76940699 0.22117761 +Ba 0.07144062 3.99833698 0.06477034 -0.46060156 -0.19603813 -0.53082713 +Ba 0.03636724 4.00266019 3.87717982 -0.01700888 0.02175076 1.13471010 +O 2.03145993 4.03872005 2.01483983 -0.54971445 -0.25685989 0.38543305 +O 2.07422978 3.98656986 5.97586994 -0.19396531 0.25412192 0.05860393 +O 1.98652252 0.03166040 1.89431968 -0.07533281 -0.02516981 0.79720627 +O 1.99218010 7.92626986 6.03593026 0.09467059 0.25731343 -0.06501471 +O 5.88747008 4.00715973 1.99531985 0.71808289 -0.04370618 0.12013557 +O 5.88947005 4.00600009 6.18289007 0.36204038 0.11699856 -0.28243311 +O 5.97932264 0.03214014 2.18825995 0.23240793 0.08227247 -0.37162134 +O 5.91454277 0.06728976 6.02810035 0.51972511 0.11686461 -0.33338338 +O 1.96402005 2.02022022 3.96711025 0.26369414 -0.18400871 -0.00081504 +O 2.05197275 2.04739696 0.04447991 0.01842427 -0.04779732 -0.60659908 +O 2.07054040 5.99777988 4.07567028 -0.35055757 0.07556986 -0.77834903 +O 1.93368291 5.94255747 0.05096036 0.04477936 0.06196616 -0.08601780 +O 6.05377989 2.17768028 4.09380029 -0.22078988 -0.46213934 -0.70928329 +O 5.99011279 1.89250716 0.14560002 -0.08950524 0.54438764 -0.25722087 +O 5.99105003 6.02217033 4.04402021 -0.19643460 -0.49260717 -0.19849045 +O 5.96580257 6.09509702 0.10115029 0.43131207 -0.29736376 -0.02353228 +O 0.02882724 2.01324017 2.03118035 -0.37635937 0.12822734 -0.10114591 +O 0.08870249 2.10335964 6.00926026 -0.14346113 -0.35035549 0.08826751 +O 0.02852859 5.99926040 2.03706033 -0.37960281 0.02529811 0.12703975 +O -0.03036177 5.92198031 5.95004028 0.55230638 0.07023714 0.31496065 +O 3.94449977 2.05826972 2.03354966 0.60826233 -0.43389294 0.27425752 +O 4.00850045 2.02142036 5.85908048 -0.29699841 -0.02711974 0.53970335 +O 3.93968013 6.05047017 1.90410986 0.04741294 0.05954135 0.86448124 +O 4.02838024 5.93045994 6.01533007 -0.65415961 0.36861906 0.09861158 +Ti 2.00119030 2.05202041 2.08740037 0.46885609 -0.06032014 -0.07926094 +Ti 2.03691974 2.04565036 6.06961049 -0.97689296 -0.06665662 -0.05957837 +Ti 1.98286967 6.07077012 1.96339973 1.31348867 -0.17758507 -0.68455210 +Ti 1.99513002 5.94077989 5.94924045 -0.02571900 0.38829211 0.57681877 +Ti 5.98520023 2.09672033 1.95507975 -0.25890289 -0.07888582 0.06967998 +Ti 5.91883977 2.05397987 5.88962016 0.62488425 -0.32480592 0.58246902 +Ti 6.05316036 6.11447006 2.01637992 -1.15269985 -0.32577188 0.24101521 +Ti 5.94662016 5.93862980 6.02959993 0.07489778 0.22966302 -0.44099176 +40 +Lattice="7.790819916820346 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.055100110038726 0.0 0.0 0.06863712346718724 8.05479626806197" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.55070799487 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.85090957 8.11162017 8.00395883 0.20326267 0.26867745 0.43249915 +Ba 3.90424007 0.08560709 4.02112964 -0.13992663 0.04602043 -0.15826348 +Ba 3.94606976 4.07163986 7.93984584 -0.20691107 0.01176794 0.67269829 +Ba 3.88723973 4.15084991 4.07312012 0.04453433 -0.35055295 -0.40405040 +Ba 7.73914964 0.14553563 8.01700066 0.36620659 -0.38157845 0.53602976 +Ba 7.78292003 0.08822402 4.00492006 0.13810038 -0.02042561 -0.24376115 +Ba 0.05699141 4.07731937 8.03680415 -0.54765757 0.24763400 0.25545324 +Ba 0.02064489 4.14819012 4.02671020 -0.23086527 -0.40557327 -0.24877351 +Ti 2.00257027 2.03196036 1.99663990 -0.66187600 0.12612624 -0.57062524 +Ti 1.91496016 2.17863968 5.97003986 0.05143389 0.19075940 0.22085005 +Ti 1.91629006 5.99764975 1.89027028 -0.30071520 0.02697576 0.68955958 +Ti 1.91078974 6.23417982 5.97086958 -0.20346013 -0.34358269 -0.33147048 +Ti 5.85309965 1.96220993 1.96620973 0.55083031 0.66513050 0.32571069 +Ti 5.82954956 2.00598966 5.98466011 0.19390026 0.37442050 -0.73179150 +Ti 5.76942001 5.98572979 1.97057961 0.83676347 0.01737346 -0.32987536 +Ti 5.82418013 6.07196014 5.95711021 0.49093672 -0.25433455 0.33338698 +O 1.94654960 2.21710997 4.14202992 0.08577509 -0.71003713 -0.57519177 +O 1.91667960 2.08069038 0.11184969 0.32249501 -0.00879369 -0.30547585 +O 1.86723983 6.10968018 4.08433968 0.51384448 0.15620506 0.56125999 +O 1.93768988 6.10142035 0.04700981 0.30766566 -0.10509436 -0.08397274 +O 5.87942016 2.10656993 4.10963959 -0.42132308 -0.14857891 0.42406336 +O 5.90348990 2.02867030 0.09664980 -0.51751319 0.38499750 -0.61938364 +O 5.87311972 6.15159011 4.11681026 -0.15229621 0.14654877 0.06971572 +O 5.76830982 6.11515011 0.13150982 0.20600270 -0.16771692 -0.49408889 +O 1.95555968 4.13969034 2.03543974 0.25365552 0.40655234 -0.13546268 +O 1.89161030 4.05527992 6.07430986 0.29458517 0.31529052 0.22308665 +O 1.97902018 0.20548989 2.03251974 0.10431943 -0.71285789 0.31926622 +O 2.02989034 8.07209968 6.03433983 -0.42849877 0.52551317 0.03928543 +O 5.90312996 4.13807998 2.10507019 -0.48580634 0.55465920 -0.28309620 +O 5.97664024 4.15129009 6.01679023 -0.81095525 0.42021442 0.46667014 +O 5.88588966 0.13671019 2.04819020 -0.34242183 -0.52552937 0.19119623 +O 5.79438024 0.14840032 6.06137008 0.10349539 -0.58108963 0.08862156 +O 7.78243466 2.09402982 2.10376990 0.41121170 0.24426714 0.06100508 +O 7.76700416 2.04773989 6.05773956 0.47106749 -0.13155358 0.30111629 +O 0.04196136 6.11099994 2.04066972 -0.20514164 0.32150977 -0.02439977 +O 7.78774955 6.22307011 6.15797002 -0.15838073 -0.18656670 -0.15248159 +O 3.94027963 2.22339015 2.13683025 -0.41261012 -0.43222712 -0.23356364 +O 3.86032011 2.05265979 6.09923970 0.39928384 0.48773364 0.11678902 +O 3.90353968 6.21038977 2.13782981 -0.27009464 -0.37314626 -0.12904238 +O 3.90141980 6.09491969 6.11773978 0.14708356 -0.09913814 -0.27349287 +40 +Lattice="7.790280156067825 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.054526458961647 0.0 0.0 0.06863236817495755 8.054238218595872" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.632825556702 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89402996 0.14531755 8.01241532 0.33974377 0.00594928 0.18933449 +Ba 3.90024972 8.08816800 4.04854004 0.17729607 0.23185128 -0.37815194 +Ba 3.82782972 4.15999480 8.03961586 0.48531655 -0.32274184 -0.16482340 +Ba 3.87608973 4.09941992 4.04031039 0.07947048 0.04805083 -0.27382249 +Ba 0.00561991 0.05175005 0.00334748 -0.38851091 0.08386681 -0.23538038 +Ba 0.02235031 8.07672408 3.95469989 -0.37892558 0.36458577 0.29134430 +Ba 0.01363455 4.02929026 0.03683868 -0.25516759 0.15199282 -0.49330317 +Ba 0.06154945 4.07600000 4.01894009 -0.47017686 0.21710806 -0.08346032 +Ti 1.98186986 2.11928028 1.89376024 -0.00269426 0.26876050 0.10015372 +Ti 1.89678988 2.06952999 5.91234977 -0.38111925 0.00605803 0.66001118 +Ti 1.93208997 6.20886030 2.04669980 0.01021011 -0.33223487 0.63940867 +Ti 1.96268007 6.16067975 6.14128974 -0.16846382 -0.79829282 -0.66206909 +Ti 5.86519988 1.99841019 1.94335004 -0.18756917 -0.32795861 -0.22896625 +Ti 5.77271990 2.07926005 5.95669049 0.94074196 -0.07163376 0.03541489 +Ti 5.78255981 5.97411033 1.88629014 0.35536888 0.39508085 0.26485756 +Ti 5.86878029 6.08952021 5.92464984 -0.01177848 -0.50476771 0.21880499 +O 1.95188040 2.12468985 4.07830982 0.03331867 -0.31083017 -0.22244259 +O 1.89328036 2.01874515 0.00885989 0.22867263 0.28693923 0.62996424 +O 1.96166967 6.08372035 4.01340977 0.02139749 0.52175499 -0.22376671 +O 1.97542029 6.18601997 8.05373029 -0.09892037 -0.00316246 -0.15876305 +O 5.86787973 2.12441018 4.02796981 -0.42405564 -0.20086358 0.48511729 +O 5.88189990 2.06809502 0.03028004 -0.31981464 0.23513535 0.08975593 +O 5.89277046 6.13964989 4.06936035 -0.32453955 0.05268705 -0.03214496 +O 5.79169001 6.04339475 0.06365983 0.31288294 0.17205488 -0.35487600 +O 1.94215969 3.98598020 2.05481026 -0.13068609 0.27945063 -0.46303948 +O 1.94150998 4.24268006 6.03228035 0.10317014 0.05374557 0.28985511 +O 2.02223987 0.04542980 2.04309991 -0.21389599 -0.23041018 -0.04667735 +O 1.96038038 0.17770019 6.05712044 -0.14672154 -0.49128665 -0.25653490 +O 5.86916980 4.10814971 1.99260020 -0.05726258 0.17521451 0.21812674 +O 5.77839980 4.16283981 6.01597997 0.33250817 0.49614475 0.16015530 +O 5.82762034 0.07562025 1.96519009 -0.13716784 0.03467621 0.34399483 +O 5.91345988 0.20579038 6.09168046 -0.49277172 -0.31039771 -0.33848290 +O 7.74024942 2.06346993 2.04526015 0.90282822 -0.12670139 -0.01575186 +O 7.78690385 2.20627979 6.07409001 0.33466481 -0.03436845 -0.23475689 +O 0.05168539 6.13988048 1.98706988 -0.25611993 -0.22590149 0.01465992 +O 7.76645047 6.25710005 6.03863021 0.53995455 -0.32931821 0.33721124 +O 3.88499012 2.08895973 1.97872025 -0.13740464 -0.06617171 0.22042145 +O 3.87241038 2.12981975 6.07743983 0.13030634 0.14362337 -0.10318068 +O 3.88089010 6.00415043 2.03036981 0.18115247 0.32312879 0.02093958 +O 3.93454020 6.22365014 6.08776039 -0.52523730 0.13918204 -0.23913753 +40 +Lattice="7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.683568969038 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94870036 4.04679040 4.11020029 0.39264499 -0.72324052 -0.99326086 +Ba 3.97705029 7.91815806 4.08813031 0.13363926 0.39037522 -0.26065201 +Ba 7.93342463 3.76374041 4.07516984 0.25638064 1.00340103 -1.93688632 +Ba 3.95748032 4.21560043 7.96941342 0.36898493 -1.56962634 0.74394741 +Ba 0.14989918 0.03861648 3.95754974 -0.81056470 0.21529492 -0.13193462 +Ba 7.91451697 4.03608018 7.89165222 -0.05351854 -0.91952522 2.10720082 +Ba 4.07992010 7.97166607 7.86778603 -0.49761593 0.01442157 0.53356998 +Ba 7.97328034 7.93817967 7.88106489 0.19672616 0.66715396 1.00431403 +Ti 2.06932019 5.93954996 2.11771008 -1.92646641 1.09506240 -1.63452433 +Ti 6.01009043 1.89652035 2.16457028 0.06537133 2.59457733 -1.18235187 +Ti 6.21894050 5.82111035 5.81782036 -1.46037348 2.19285481 1.08365056 +Ti 2.08554990 1.95997014 5.99011031 -0.11046333 2.84754792 1.17806173 +Ti 1.94478975 5.78449995 6.04782037 -0.48585108 2.18017901 0.62768779 +Ti 6.03267030 1.91181006 6.04089009 -0.17057881 -0.46184443 0.14523288 +Ti 6.00468983 6.07004036 2.00597972 0.43207491 -1.97265036 -0.66490116 +Ti 2.17812044 1.96818035 1.97629002 -1.00020052 0.93188014 -1.14643742 +O 5.82412983 5.95627999 4.05943008 0.48364147 0.00795011 -0.12755011 +O 1.89602961 6.14001986 3.92850000 0.23040992 -0.38617224 1.13666465 +O 6.00844024 1.95183015 3.99446975 -0.44910976 -0.31369284 0.37766163 +O 1.98467020 2.10034009 3.89509979 0.04759523 -0.03973923 0.50075525 +O 6.03713010 4.00023023 6.00616047 -0.36801922 0.53442256 -0.68851237 +O 5.78387036 3.91426041 2.16247005 0.16287681 0.71358089 -0.14100624 +O 1.81915015 4.05433990 6.06273983 0.39882027 -1.42850235 -1.20535553 +O 1.94818028 4.20874995 1.98339027 0.33062793 -2.17771641 0.36531828 +O 3.68368028 6.00211003 5.97561057 2.78773120 0.15820152 -0.24289006 +O 3.97919041 2.01819010 5.91518984 -0.29213671 0.33223692 -0.21726747 +O 3.82179041 6.19633988 1.93408991 1.35137851 -0.18274579 0.37496454 +O 3.99453040 2.00129011 1.89665042 -0.69517564 -0.31139273 0.24724268 +O 5.94405046 5.87093019 0.15611290 -0.19215602 0.83460554 -1.33427167 +O 1.82982047 5.96009983 7.93573153 0.17312035 0.71718223 -0.10520414 +O 5.82581034 2.12808995 7.80162717 0.34918435 -0.91100870 0.84359772 +O 1.87094972 2.24490012 7.93245431 0.93597000 -0.70173556 0.09847531 +O 5.99825030 7.88031640 5.94828044 -0.22144706 0.40430751 0.35520741 +O 5.93069979 0.00485479 2.01744002 -0.16623185 -0.47324213 0.05081708 +O 1.98512982 0.28657697 6.03384011 -0.36431349 -3.73866553 -0.18991608 +O 1.85330044 0.23288224 1.88833967 0.33452700 -1.56923528 0.14264660 +O 0.03620584 6.09619989 5.94915979 -1.42171258 -0.41240109 -0.61179194 +O 7.90229062 2.02214001 5.96883988 0.18115170 -0.35463920 -0.13567917 +O 7.78924682 5.93530003 2.00326027 0.74906725 0.60985256 0.61072365 +O 7.80473123 2.00029027 1.87398038 0.32401196 0.20268829 0.42265285 +40 +Lattice="7.9202598370468715 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9202598370468715 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9202598370468715" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.05954087279 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98864998 3.96615011 0.00055917 -0.20385326 0.02431647 0.10689233 +Ba 3.99015958 0.01917257 3.98058953 -0.12876779 -0.13517086 -0.09075223 +Ba 0.01133231 3.98053964 3.97278016 -0.05920993 -0.10354038 -0.11213352 +Ba 0.01530669 0.00516955 3.97243959 -0.08432936 0.02215545 -0.00970463 +Ba 0.00007841 3.98805992 0.01074700 0.10151178 -0.19717327 0.06908246 +Ba 3.93846959 0.01809859 7.90992231 0.24107306 -0.08164152 0.15015294 +Ba 3.96230007 3.96608991 3.98139978 0.08621989 0.02994384 -0.17778484 +Ba 0.02555551 7.91293518 0.01394916 -0.20120939 0.16055279 -0.02002349 +Ti 5.89761952 1.99331001 2.00671030 0.16283670 -0.34255553 0.10786858 +Ti 1.98346988 5.93538966 1.99057990 -0.07824407 -0.20354678 0.11813293 +Ti 2.01571959 2.03995004 5.94628001 -0.17573747 -0.32443620 0.05195377 +Ti 5.94001984 5.94075959 5.93736972 -0.13109952 0.15225944 -0.16528080 +Ti 1.97843972 5.96892958 5.94693977 -0.02147617 0.27750251 0.00998796 +Ti 5.97020949 1.98490028 5.97061976 0.15153542 -0.04768445 0.01269919 +Ti 5.92365975 5.94036992 1.96811012 0.10511750 0.29168034 0.13652738 +Ti 1.94296013 1.96478995 1.99310963 -0.10539723 0.29121446 0.00201215 +O 2.01077022 1.95775992 3.95825995 -0.06197516 0.17152575 0.00705074 +O 5.93431963 1.97570961 3.95487958 0.11112025 0.06739813 0.09636006 +O 2.01577979 5.91370002 3.95819975 -0.11307712 0.19789010 0.20572399 +O 5.98068958 5.96265990 3.97688998 -0.13361689 -0.05109913 0.11745802 +O 2.00344002 3.96433003 1.99516018 -0.06218856 -0.17616839 -0.04071625 +O 2.00189003 3.95616979 5.93273954 -0.08040637 0.05733740 0.06174710 +O 5.94273966 4.00104994 2.01601027 0.06535024 -0.36644776 -0.17346642 +O 5.97777968 3.94966013 5.94230959 -0.04972488 0.18903342 0.01945168 +O 4.00630979 1.99060999 1.97691982 -0.25097721 -0.04599549 -0.00854943 +O 3.95980994 5.94508960 1.97485026 0.19278749 0.07092439 0.03426689 +O 3.95367015 1.99342010 5.94137975 0.21502984 0.03264992 0.02015591 +O 4.00493958 5.90588986 5.93391966 -0.13624584 0.16969872 0.08699276 +O 5.94492961 5.94968018 0.01738893 0.09199356 -0.06632186 -0.08763991 +O 1.98373996 5.92355996 7.90817986 0.13468672 0.07111851 0.04479684 +O 5.94380018 1.99353970 7.90476068 0.07075753 0.05001516 0.12875390 +O 2.00486012 2.00043032 0.01335989 -0.08442192 -0.08184850 0.10081655 +O 5.93474019 0.00555289 5.97122962 0.10910785 -0.01139719 -0.08935303 +O 5.95577957 0.00648986 1.98813016 -0.05146757 0.08080977 -0.05858927 +O 2.01192024 0.00736505 5.96872999 -0.01560480 -0.39563801 -0.15172825 +O 1.98477989 7.91404006 2.01638965 0.09376479 0.18126046 -0.24186573 +O 0.03188301 5.96350024 5.95048013 0.02096606 -0.13213388 -0.01874643 +O 0.02427005 1.99251957 5.94997957 -0.18952398 -0.08392132 -0.06422153 +O 0.01947037 5.93517977 1.98588001 0.07923420 0.06124368 -0.03558381 +O 0.00508005 1.96651973 2.00331963 0.38546184 0.19618931 -0.14274431 +40 +Lattice="7.828989998036095 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.828989998036095 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.212547876019878" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.11843773625 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95860974 1.96701964 0.02492672 0.04100627 -0.10618707 -0.06586164 +Ba 1.94718020 1.97154010 4.09721971 0.04565276 -0.11987486 0.15804983 +Ba 1.96393972 5.86326997 8.18652040 -0.00243612 0.03690536 0.28698422 +Ba 1.95635969 5.87223024 4.11549023 -0.02535056 0.00564846 0.00118065 +Ba 5.86999037 1.96691004 0.00937365 -0.07420744 -0.11976019 0.06860346 +Ba 5.86156011 1.95636987 4.13566005 0.13274657 -0.00834863 -0.12599048 +Ba 5.87668964 5.86163997 0.00171063 -0.10512598 0.03351022 0.07889301 +Ba 5.87615022 5.87169004 4.10932020 0.07377678 0.00712221 0.07210659 +Ti 0.00278477 0.00141392 2.13937016 -0.02012120 -0.14588311 -0.09188069 +Ti 7.82408670 7.80331091 6.27753001 -0.02975795 0.14380463 -0.45857862 +Ti 0.00765362 3.90862012 2.13242037 -0.11959049 0.19746869 0.22135090 +Ti 7.81328035 3.88785999 6.23516969 0.05205353 0.04402731 -0.27642264 +Ti 3.92127021 7.82282467 2.15114027 -0.01203302 0.07255550 -0.23071409 +Ti 3.90647968 0.00151021 6.23713007 0.01713255 -0.09924715 -0.06057828 +Ti 3.92571003 3.91625965 2.15635985 0.07893904 -0.01937506 -0.40216013 +Ti 3.90025015 3.90600994 6.25352006 0.02480857 0.11354326 -0.38945631 +O 7.82560005 1.96965019 1.95331970 0.04621892 -0.24920829 0.07694438 +O 1.96422000 7.82446014 1.98273008 -0.11813448 -0.04533189 -0.08713057 +O 0.00781020 0.00166992 3.96168032 -0.02641783 0.02670013 -0.00126395 +O 0.02187968 1.95848996 6.06235022 0.01869063 0.00160617 0.20464953 +O 1.97719029 7.82468170 6.07970005 -0.29335593 -0.00598167 0.04292997 +O 7.81566975 7.82337035 8.10359965 0.14240929 0.03132092 -0.08446742 +O 7.80693965 5.85925996 1.97851965 0.08424965 0.20973928 -0.04948062 +O 1.94799990 3.92357976 1.97693036 0.06466864 -0.04799890 -0.01187078 +O 7.82827130 3.92034012 3.98494025 -0.00960410 -0.07073413 -0.26093920 +O 7.82780391 5.87779979 6.07431996 0.03487110 0.15185964 0.07374515 +O 1.97161996 3.93316009 6.04685978 -0.09603944 0.02007697 0.17849447 +O 7.82245592 3.92856996 8.06658967 0.08927976 -0.11407676 0.06657409 +O 3.90373014 1.95671983 1.97899017 -0.00925700 -0.13345440 -0.03098308 +O 5.86152019 7.82764967 1.96543036 0.07881151 0.03812483 0.05654036 +O 3.91994006 0.00023096 3.98053018 -0.00956245 -0.05858824 -0.06376927 +O 3.88440976 1.97521033 6.07197988 0.19681383 -0.11388419 0.01409119 +O 5.89171973 0.03388387 6.06964997 -0.01370218 -0.08633944 0.09448830 +O 3.91343965 7.82631640 8.05805998 0.04026116 0.08199222 0.18985360 +O 3.92656026 5.85245970 1.93409013 -0.06883537 0.26880961 0.23213411 +O 5.86603986 3.88463993 1.95758023 0.04491254 0.12033688 0.05248341 +O 3.94391008 3.92003009 3.96635031 -0.16669156 0.02234109 0.16574617 +O 3.94288996 5.87752029 6.07283011 -0.04952125 0.02641731 0.01153217 +O 5.88522010 3.91181983 6.04789008 -0.04676117 -0.04300324 0.21050907 +O 3.91411999 3.91787008 8.06843026 -0.01079760 -0.06663374 0.13366317 +40 +Lattice="7.913980091115341 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.913980091115341 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.913980091115341" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.801585944122 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.83643006 3.93805981 7.83684728 0.60751105 0.13056756 0.53100479 +Ba 4.04859041 7.88412618 3.97559977 -0.59320775 0.28537008 0.05726567 +Ba 7.90369983 4.02176993 3.83654006 0.25493053 -0.21723096 1.17448250 +Ba 7.87432630 0.03212601 4.06108975 0.57628012 -0.66973638 -0.80141260 +Ba 7.88470153 3.93181014 0.09761024 0.58665015 0.42316964 -0.78054064 +Ba 4.00860028 0.05243566 7.88320262 -0.50479317 -0.32921536 0.14689509 +Ba 4.04455982 3.98105013 3.96924010 -0.55094113 -0.25942765 -0.09338144 +Ba 7.88791540 0.02352351 0.07956636 0.76301549 -0.33733542 -0.59940025 +Ti 5.97263013 1.94391964 2.09565992 -0.81127406 0.24451860 -0.02329214 +Ti 2.03278967 5.98771971 2.06102992 -0.08570875 0.39081462 -1.00705097 +Ti 2.05019014 1.91975034 5.88305970 0.04145672 0.35370486 0.58654139 +Ti 5.91666008 5.93076992 5.93864987 0.14802098 0.55154508 -0.06093437 +Ti 1.94199970 5.93293993 5.93682016 -0.37248883 -0.14741034 0.61944714 +Ti 6.05445039 2.00840037 6.02022005 -0.55968134 -0.37216435 -0.92494768 +Ti 5.95146973 5.96266009 1.94784972 0.00121459 -0.21202242 0.18758563 +Ti 2.01372015 1.98058036 2.00801021 0.52328557 -0.50718249 -0.44955302 +O 2.11132010 1.98072993 4.03710010 -0.50848939 -0.03401312 -1.47658377 +O 5.85035043 1.98472966 3.96296985 0.52692625 0.53186920 -0.71605403 +O 1.96053029 5.94569015 3.98018988 -0.00350261 -0.03777928 -0.64013732 +O 5.96640024 5.91024976 3.95894005 0.34914398 -0.15190206 -0.87760621 +O 1.96915969 3.93220979 2.02451007 0.16777862 0.21005116 -0.11007021 +O 1.92480025 3.94106000 5.93312987 0.28433727 -0.04300813 0.16258834 +O 5.88025024 3.97433986 1.89129008 0.38649491 0.15768987 0.18950264 +O 5.96917013 4.04457011 6.04088979 0.07236498 -1.44601027 -0.40515161 +O 4.01624993 1.96690025 1.94468967 -0.56142120 0.07291289 -0.12923162 +O 3.95812016 6.04044027 2.02993035 0.13298054 -0.54487692 -0.15959840 +O 3.96853021 1.88445003 5.93554996 -0.12107479 0.64303959 0.31128757 +O 4.00415024 5.89648023 5.77351993 -0.40084372 0.15229750 1.00182803 +O 5.93900996 6.11248044 7.87529814 -0.22493193 -0.72666137 0.69158356 +O 2.05560964 5.98818980 0.05878030 -0.04773202 -0.34416633 -0.36574919 +O 5.97890987 1.97700007 7.82349956 0.13971452 -0.17073411 0.94553142 +O 1.92098967 1.87751976 7.90748034 0.19209843 0.83306982 0.50636077 +O 5.95899038 7.88042323 5.78435970 -0.02151088 0.73785236 0.96575006 +O 5.98922020 0.00780002 2.01957966 -0.34275376 0.21907136 -0.13246375 +O 1.92353006 7.87759240 5.92658975 0.51116950 0.17598147 0.05502186 +O 2.00507017 0.06745006 1.98670024 -0.06414362 -0.63472027 0.46405378 +O 0.05729247 5.93723010 5.95325987 -0.20396536 -0.16699418 0.04600578 +O 7.90527867 1.90236966 5.77465004 -0.26853450 0.77466336 0.79026224 +O 0.00759030 5.98345012 1.92573964 -0.15254098 -0.32792544 0.27739606 +O 7.90421978 1.89767983 2.04088014 0.13416505 0.79232735 0.04276439 +40 +Lattice="7.935719749188921 0.0 0.0 -0.021751807832526834 7.935688006309925 0.0 -0.021751807832526834 0.02169625779428251 7.935656263430928" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.190307763034 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01808663 0.02129630 0.03015018 0.03190739 0.14255790 -0.00701577 +Ba 3.99779341 0.04563991 3.99440962 0.05727081 0.01943420 0.05573560 +Ba 3.98523355 3.98932600 0.04234024 0.15046147 0.12053640 0.00349747 +Ba 3.99942975 4.01170949 4.01221975 -0.01318745 0.04548153 -0.14211978 +Ba 0.04614700 0.03841603 0.02837020 -0.01977950 -0.03129495 0.02985411 +Ba 0.02279694 0.06017974 3.99834018 0.08726247 -0.16635860 0.07213178 +Ba 0.00881976 4.00688616 0.04216962 0.14919803 0.04591425 0.03081776 +Ba 0.04279575 4.01758986 4.02021023 -0.14302353 0.07971937 -0.14720877 +O 2.03542006 3.98849989 2.00641977 -0.00334012 -0.18513588 -0.03504876 +O 2.02416007 3.98673975 5.93666989 -0.01332500 -0.01134808 0.05242608 +O 2.04340340 0.00909037 1.98043028 0.01609742 0.04918932 -0.02809933 +O 2.04667371 0.01761016 5.97071015 -0.03810838 -0.02907583 -0.04067100 +O 5.99356979 3.97286969 1.99618983 0.04561086 -0.05879882 0.11579477 +O 5.96292998 3.98999974 6.00271015 0.20583609 -0.02030066 -0.13129570 +O 6.01877364 0.01864021 2.02715977 -0.02813275 -0.08072107 -0.05955703 +O 5.97941961 7.94739002 5.98142020 -0.04575921 0.04847506 -0.03330427 +O 2.02840965 1.98798033 3.95253997 0.02336387 0.08162121 0.04308989 +O 2.03733019 2.05356985 7.91560984 -0.03256019 -0.17083104 0.06931746 +O 2.04809023 5.98560947 3.95187019 -0.10466627 0.02586016 0.21732404 +O 2.03548355 5.96929601 0.00267037 -0.01684201 -0.07091154 -0.09887486 +O 6.00919998 2.02653999 3.98204021 0.02658341 -0.04226868 -0.00255465 +O 5.99262306 2.01512605 0.00665013 0.11855048 -0.17800364 0.05091273 +O 5.97157991 5.97339957 4.01614952 0.07899175 -0.02991479 -0.06683660 +O 6.01128311 5.98067583 0.04610018 -0.07870095 -0.01453445 -0.00592922 +O 0.07594881 2.00488024 1.99863006 -0.01397266 -0.00003445 -0.06781156 +O 0.05513024 1.99645012 5.98270976 0.02435297 0.13851613 -0.10313800 +O 0.03791766 5.95942001 2.03312981 0.10185451 0.08437538 -0.09158681 +O 0.04349092 5.98202967 5.98543012 0.18016620 -0.03330581 -0.11896777 +O 4.03852984 2.00440013 1.99730956 -0.01382765 -0.05714611 0.04174880 +O 4.02583983 2.02989997 5.94759975 -0.02766121 -0.14504647 0.02392000 +O 4.02405985 5.97082998 2.00014023 -0.03434531 0.05409627 0.00329847 +O 4.01021995 5.99012965 5.97389000 -0.03379149 -0.07409739 0.07811937 +Ti 1.99154029 2.04209956 2.07533991 -0.04916463 0.09173388 -0.09892602 +Ti 1.99156965 2.06554961 6.03772017 -0.06296683 0.03433091 0.05132565 +Ti 2.01827018 6.00943964 2.03959980 -0.24770111 0.02451110 0.17075005 +Ti 1.97646957 6.03388007 6.01392015 -0.21307400 0.06571868 0.05146320 +Ti 5.95890974 2.04979959 2.03342978 -0.11727830 0.29185440 -0.01695411 +Ti 5.95370946 2.07212991 5.99576957 -0.12311625 -0.10531470 0.17724722 +Ti 5.97372017 6.03052961 2.00019975 0.07809752 -0.18596969 -0.09349174 +Ti 5.92550988 6.02388979 5.96169994 0.09871905 0.24648600 0.05061859 +40 +Lattice="7.967229947 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.967229947 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.967229947" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.261484579813 stress="-0.00014323258797111448 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014323258797111448 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014323258797111448" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98361497 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98361497 0.00000000 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98361497 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98361497 3.98361497 3.98361497 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.01643493 1.95079502 1.95079502 0.05969279 -0.05969279 -0.05969279 +Ti 1.95079502 6.01643493 1.95079502 -0.05969279 0.05969279 -0.05969279 +Ti 1.95079502 1.95079502 6.01643493 -0.05969279 -0.05969279 0.05969279 +Ti 6.01643493 6.01643493 6.01643493 0.05969279 0.05969279 0.05969279 +Ti 2.03281969 5.93441026 5.93441026 0.05969304 -0.05969304 -0.05969304 +Ti 5.93441026 2.03281969 5.93441026 -0.05969304 0.05969304 -0.05969304 +Ti 5.93441026 5.93441026 2.03281969 -0.05969304 -0.05969304 0.05969304 +Ti 2.03281969 2.03281969 2.03281969 0.05969304 0.05969304 0.05969304 +O 1.99218287 1.98768941 3.95973146 0.01680653 0.02765736 -0.00095028 +O 5.97504708 1.98768941 4.00749849 -0.01680653 0.02765736 0.00095028 +O 1.99218287 5.97954053 4.00749849 0.01680653 -0.02765736 0.00095028 +O 5.97504708 5.97954053 3.95973146 -0.01680653 -0.02765736 -0.00095028 +O 1.98768941 3.95973146 1.99218287 0.02765736 -0.00095028 0.01680653 +O 1.98768941 4.00749849 5.97504708 0.02765736 0.00095028 -0.01680653 +O 5.97954053 4.00749849 1.99218287 -0.02765736 0.00095028 0.01680653 +O 5.97954053 3.95973146 5.97504708 -0.02765736 -0.00095028 -0.01680653 +O 3.95973146 1.99218287 1.98768941 -0.00095028 0.01680653 0.02765736 +O 4.00749849 5.97504708 1.98768941 0.00095028 -0.01680653 0.02765736 +O 4.00749849 1.99218287 5.97954053 0.00095028 0.01680653 -0.02765736 +O 3.95973146 5.97504708 5.97954053 -0.00095028 -0.01680653 -0.02765736 +O 5.97579791 5.97130445 -0.02388341 0.01680910 0.02765993 -0.00095131 +O 1.99143204 5.97130445 0.02388341 -0.01680910 0.02765993 0.00095131 +O 5.97579791 1.99592550 0.02388341 0.01680910 -0.02765993 0.00095131 +O 1.99143204 1.99592550 -0.02388341 -0.01680910 -0.02765993 -0.00095131 +O 5.97130445 -0.02388341 5.97579791 0.02765993 -0.00095131 0.01680910 +O 5.97130445 0.02388341 1.99143204 0.02765993 0.00095131 -0.01680910 +O 1.99592550 0.02388341 5.97579791 -0.02765993 0.00095131 0.01680910 +O 1.99592550 -0.02388341 1.99143204 -0.02765993 -0.00095131 -0.01680910 +O -0.02388341 5.97579791 5.97130445 -0.00095131 0.01680910 0.02765993 +O 0.02388341 1.99143204 5.97130445 0.00095131 -0.01680910 0.02765993 +O 0.02388341 5.97579791 1.99592550 0.00095131 0.01680910 -0.02765993 +O -0.02388341 1.99143204 1.99592550 -0.00095131 -0.01680910 -0.02765993 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.167072957247 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97581017 3.97061992 7.91290534 0.86014251 0.45833668 -0.35160453 +Ba 7.76485777 3.96542012 4.06542024 0.90798045 -0.12672428 -0.89912557 +Ba 3.95174987 7.83107311 3.80538970 0.73251218 0.91835023 2.25776770 +Ba 0.14042003 0.03812179 4.03725989 -0.60482374 0.19610009 -0.47962155 +Ba 7.94663923 3.93082980 0.05273117 0.36842648 0.30465104 -0.76414497 +Ba 4.04028960 0.13597011 0.07651077 0.28656539 -1.60317847 -2.03785739 +Ba 3.66577998 3.96827011 4.01103983 2.79180511 -0.06481777 -0.46066198 +Ba 0.01376170 0.00996701 0.09884470 0.45424759 0.11737600 -0.95245771 +Ti 5.94893969 1.90345029 2.05174994 1.25015058 0.51779986 -0.67168039 +Ti 1.95169018 5.95385003 1.92053035 -0.42216408 -0.78298833 -0.67212828 +Ti 2.09856961 2.05788967 5.95859021 -0.36588135 -2.88311579 0.03755610 +Ti 6.04200012 6.04825991 5.83235969 -1.38320362 -1.36315313 1.81969363 +Ti 1.99233991 5.98045020 5.85230007 0.96053997 0.50795100 2.36077175 +Ti 6.02924991 1.93082021 5.98643009 -0.34258818 1.76758894 0.55057269 +Ti 5.91037974 5.94709006 1.93070968 2.53138167 1.74011182 -0.66729589 +Ti 2.11131981 1.88107978 1.93567012 -2.22566954 1.27435031 0.46039742 +O 2.06167004 1.97126000 3.91466024 0.25996167 -0.25402191 -0.10295494 +O 1.91565022 5.90389013 4.08415987 0.33897938 -0.18195029 -1.89677171 +O 5.88067989 1.99416966 3.87678019 0.31694374 0.23407092 0.32379111 +O 6.00916957 5.95687020 4.01409021 -0.54676180 0.87503691 -1.61358346 +O 4.04229986 1.94863980 6.03552005 -0.43047775 -0.23969341 -0.62041593 +O 4.07531012 1.85892000 1.88371030 -0.30816574 1.52979867 0.30286875 +O 3.90580015 5.81793957 5.89074948 -0.02788413 0.62019636 0.42563584 +O 4.17764017 6.15286026 1.95233986 -2.39570559 -0.89140481 -0.07353381 +O 2.14671010 3.76482984 6.02033018 -1.19362307 3.31192257 -0.06170133 +O 5.90938972 3.98653978 5.86285951 0.27385591 0.06087190 0.50394702 +O 2.18146025 4.06306009 1.86357986 -0.22141183 -0.66139521 0.66280520 +O 6.22051968 4.25252953 1.84870011 -0.92717065 -3.07309228 0.68992057 +O 6.16051960 6.17288970 7.90068553 -1.00606855 -0.78431271 0.76196339 +O 1.86844965 5.96043984 0.11096988 0.64130589 0.08507755 -1.04192953 +O 6.10798008 2.04476969 7.92808249 -0.58874714 0.07212819 0.03566891 +O 2.03774014 1.90359025 7.81989342 -0.00512524 0.04201568 1.50190194 +O 6.04195956 0.10877672 5.98723006 -0.32176019 -1.39510192 -0.72640375 +O 6.08890010 0.14163987 1.93398033 -0.00898086 -0.99689717 0.57828867 +O 2.05791034 7.75083286 5.98966019 -0.37624032 1.27036305 -0.23873464 +O 2.20002971 0.04863828 1.98620018 -0.75320441 -0.55305560 -0.05830028 +O 7.83353345 5.94693976 5.83332983 2.01386694 -0.21265234 0.61309549 +O 0.00806251 2.01882000 5.84623987 0.37171621 -0.17501911 0.22185201 +O 0.18177431 6.09877964 2.12740985 -0.81550867 0.02805562 -0.10084072 +O 0.18014733 1.96707010 1.92818969 -0.08921471 0.31042060 0.38325044 +40 +Lattice="7.937930122388214 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.937930122388214 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.937930122388214" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.7462996125 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97490978 4.04473975 7.93288874 0.04073939 -0.49591875 0.06205717 +Ba 3.95598020 0.03458000 3.99613025 0.12394157 -0.38163090 -0.04658402 +Ba 0.08364673 3.94813038 3.93465018 -0.44910642 0.17360346 0.43580379 +Ba 7.91749472 0.03534760 3.94594030 0.20203909 -0.30463664 0.10196147 +Ba 0.00886984 3.95670017 0.04147092 0.09318295 0.13798468 -0.44843664 +Ba 3.98261989 0.02821299 0.05307300 -0.09517144 -0.31121944 -0.26507482 +Ba 4.00107002 3.94298025 4.03289001 -0.07525825 0.20490869 -0.33133652 +Ba 7.88416890 0.06027905 7.90305641 0.45443760 -0.66555602 0.43117657 +Ti 5.94848004 1.92741040 2.02262984 0.48014169 0.30833132 -0.06297609 +Ti 2.04479016 5.97658983 2.02426029 0.40096200 0.30247409 0.02808776 +Ti 1.98003967 1.99443987 6.05765991 0.50669167 0.37404512 -0.27388496 +Ti 5.96320013 5.93190008 5.91047005 0.49167077 0.04007810 0.15144338 +Ti 1.99716020 5.99930025 5.98401974 -0.68739471 -0.02688191 0.24573550 +Ti 5.98600977 1.97846002 6.00405031 -0.35455667 0.46360692 0.10910296 +Ti 6.06011035 5.86858001 1.95366034 -0.49863898 0.01293959 -0.13499963 +Ti 2.02619000 2.03286977 2.05369017 -0.41372727 -0.20389671 -0.07562977 +O 1.94923018 2.02160982 3.93115988 0.10478248 -0.19821560 0.00755647 +O 6.00142047 2.02496994 3.92633996 -0.28038009 -0.37341622 0.31352983 +O 2.07361040 5.88223007 3.91648026 -0.12145788 0.20187814 0.38665329 +O 5.89504983 5.91850006 4.00389037 0.11865615 0.18791447 -0.64605883 +O 1.94764022 3.98424002 1.89695018 0.02852305 -0.51139396 0.19334773 +O 1.99975987 3.90986003 5.93840998 -0.00998488 0.10230445 0.26466550 +O 6.01869023 3.96215035 1.95144010 -0.20984778 0.54687801 0.25213729 +O 5.92656976 3.93977967 5.95836990 0.07458590 -0.10259884 -0.05880601 +O 3.95103010 2.04529978 1.99338968 0.11120407 -0.12889454 0.07104498 +O 3.93390005 5.88569974 1.89298995 0.44762906 0.25542727 0.19690639 +O 3.94614034 1.94782041 5.91062008 -0.06385849 -0.20896384 0.17594290 +O 4.00026035 5.96813038 6.02647020 -0.49153862 0.07933550 -0.22451644 +O 6.06424046 5.90095009 7.92693926 -0.27521988 0.22425496 0.57061135 +O 1.89944984 6.01288046 7.88417049 0.25073424 -0.20402398 -0.13608643 +O 5.89297009 2.02428966 0.00530889 0.14685498 -0.23992069 -0.52016605 +O 1.97886009 1.91433028 0.00523030 0.11508592 0.13943452 -0.56187474 +O 5.99462005 7.89361663 5.97959990 -0.20159609 0.63884483 -0.17545517 +O 5.89263035 0.02385030 1.94078026 0.13038887 -0.17510395 0.29162506 +O 1.87724983 7.91677713 5.88594026 0.55503227 0.13668396 0.00790846 +O 2.03050030 7.91101975 2.03296026 -0.06468176 0.25584173 -0.17622547 +O 0.02523547 5.92124976 5.86257972 -0.03492175 -0.14264146 0.06423618 +O 7.89889218 2.00656982 5.98173996 0.13936845 -0.12525360 -0.05176839 +O 0.00080014 5.98705996 2.05222006 -0.50775122 -0.03266227 -0.13737533 +O 0.00235995 1.94762037 1.95296022 -0.18155999 0.04605951 -0.03427820 +40 +Lattice="7.949980016599632 0.0 0.0 -0.021790895225499592 7.949948216679566 0.0 -0.021790895225499592 0.021735245365383394 7.949916416759499" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.86703952659 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94145540 0.10932733 0.02236965 0.10398415 -0.18808160 0.30276668 +Ba 4.04121255 0.03231031 4.05116036 -0.31581323 0.23423933 -0.28288100 +Ba 3.90589991 4.07242973 7.90563980 0.55809934 -0.45636721 0.53954677 +Ba 4.17773040 3.96477985 4.00798004 -1.11936010 0.11265623 -0.13926792 +Ba 0.01031510 7.89429677 0.00871000 0.35215989 0.75031038 0.31710547 +Ba 7.83916286 7.96041993 3.95178004 0.83580933 0.08116021 0.58050110 +Ba 0.14620888 4.10426702 0.11037991 -0.72145386 -0.74899963 -0.61030379 +Ba 0.02681051 4.02852040 4.02263026 -0.27142776 -0.10432328 0.13637517 +O 2.01073995 3.96076034 2.02186992 0.01006253 0.53811467 0.24676368 +O 2.03211029 4.00144993 5.94031967 -0.13706602 0.32110019 0.28706932 +O 1.99297970 7.94581025 2.14926994 0.44931802 -0.06024609 -0.38689549 +O 2.01232279 0.05528019 6.05713986 0.08327495 -0.18025413 -0.70741050 +O 5.99993021 4.05310015 1.95718968 0.30769934 -0.10601430 0.55574266 +O 5.99839984 4.01484008 5.94198996 -0.08140678 -0.37685867 0.86992736 +O 6.06735240 0.01539037 2.05722030 -0.75274753 0.52902864 -0.00436728 +O 5.92940038 7.94909995 6.10982040 0.08607719 0.75661447 -0.36243376 +O 2.02748976 2.08688963 4.01772036 -0.29135638 -0.47815500 -0.05960229 +O 1.99141275 2.13055728 0.05374027 0.71026622 -0.83400519 -0.35035651 +O 1.94052970 5.85471985 4.02016020 0.57130195 0.90127347 0.10401655 +O 2.06541276 5.99394706 0.01330986 -0.30683417 0.02779080 0.69081917 +O 6.06823008 1.99461024 4.03932999 -0.11151749 -0.10329330 -0.07060404 +O 5.92929226 2.03310722 0.10908009 0.34819730 -0.18115042 -1.36815547 +O 5.86842005 6.00335029 4.10562964 0.53563098 0.30225375 -0.53498795 +O 5.97985254 6.06730709 0.12943998 -0.20628012 -0.38589585 -0.65964017 +O 0.03458559 2.03377025 1.93884033 0.42885075 -0.10685479 0.67295540 +O 0.05625167 2.12054984 6.10016992 -0.63387695 -0.62696891 -0.44465764 +O 0.01502546 6.03470025 2.12125978 -0.27736341 -0.40341071 -0.42493188 +O -0.02641222 6.00416994 5.98961034 0.59674944 0.09338170 0.09043084 +O 4.08650994 2.09624040 2.00977005 -0.47248494 -0.67547662 0.43616297 +O 4.02503990 2.09585005 5.88743005 -0.01701248 -0.64113774 0.75251793 +O 3.98060985 5.88157012 2.06154032 -0.12106656 0.75961597 -0.00351804 +O 3.96195999 5.98377029 5.97767027 0.00149792 0.29644280 0.23226497 +Ti 1.92014993 2.07991988 2.13184995 0.21404100 -0.10193576 -1.48609763 +Ti 2.03336003 2.06621968 5.97449028 -0.61261058 0.56515367 1.09795515 +Ti 2.14311030 6.00489021 2.02850975 -0.81573056 0.27195175 0.02961731 +Ti 1.93423968 6.03240986 5.90673975 -0.03948957 -0.36746566 0.22762028 +Ti 5.94648965 1.91866964 2.03700986 -0.04824958 0.48368493 -0.18345361 +Ti 6.01571013 2.08028002 6.08933966 0.44020217 0.71064931 -0.15425950 +Ti 6.04239026 5.91043013 1.96409026 0.26676404 -0.00221115 0.03323537 +Ti 5.87237040 6.06731981 5.97112982 0.45316156 -0.60631755 0.03043003 +40 +Lattice="7.934269803638032 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.934269803638032 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.934269803638032" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.904096114566 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00973003 3.99809998 0.00972265 -0.23101336 -0.06198775 0.09112838 +Ba 3.96383028 0.07329202 3.98066997 0.11461515 -0.55115067 0.03840431 +Ba 7.92410124 3.93441953 3.92977957 0.19597720 0.23067835 0.44335872 +Ba 7.91639945 7.92726622 3.95434962 0.16152081 0.04790582 0.25724016 +Ba 0.06859176 3.99791987 0.04903299 -0.32952929 -0.02661735 -0.23679449 +Ba 3.97198988 7.90775347 0.00046019 -0.02969804 0.08306334 -0.00350261 +Ba 3.96032016 3.99266024 4.00031999 0.13404729 -0.07397012 -0.15119089 +Ba 7.92537152 0.01917316 0.00173205 0.15220442 -0.19542004 -0.01233770 +Ti 5.96185000 1.94519018 2.02533979 -0.44474583 -0.32265134 -0.04702111 +Ti 2.04114962 5.93956978 2.00469006 0.24416378 0.47005962 -0.37862014 +Ti 2.01004966 2.02354982 5.97691956 0.16872582 0.10935724 0.21783620 +Ti 5.95217971 5.96899005 5.96274023 -0.36609784 0.61555861 0.16931974 +Ti 1.94231004 5.97795022 5.92531983 0.42223916 0.10307758 0.33002732 +Ti 5.99707975 2.05076992 6.00660960 -0.13268229 -0.44661553 -0.07124990 +Ti 6.01922985 5.91819010 2.02377992 -0.36752300 0.24269774 -0.04255433 +Ti 1.98603977 1.97743029 2.01070027 0.42368078 -0.37124698 -0.10044194 +O 1.97152006 1.97811026 3.96640019 0.08500530 0.13650244 -0.04646498 +O 5.94446998 1.97374959 3.95971001 0.03914273 0.29558816 -0.23029885 +O 2.05381986 5.96978983 3.98537023 -0.51139010 -0.29579925 0.08953455 +O 5.99356963 5.93318983 3.94925026 -0.13101468 0.15801794 -0.02709351 +O 2.02063001 3.97409960 1.99612978 -0.31785057 -0.16579759 0.09699769 +O 1.91197019 3.96487998 6.01157962 0.23790315 -0.53982753 -0.44969417 +O 5.99256991 4.04659027 2.00976958 0.00043297 -0.59857338 -0.23024280 +O 5.94422005 3.95498992 5.94201988 0.23493532 -0.45402571 0.05498176 +O 3.97240960 1.99216979 1.92680013 -0.02137564 0.15388361 0.39778334 +O 3.97286979 5.95837955 2.03148013 0.05275467 0.04177220 -0.27621875 +O 3.95217960 1.97521028 5.92856019 -0.26897544 0.16670699 0.15597854 +O 3.98133010 5.86462981 5.96042977 -0.15314262 0.26975732 -0.07048294 +O 5.95466949 5.98666998 7.91629551 0.14716815 -0.22128354 0.21757369 +O 1.96635961 5.93568992 0.02206996 0.14590239 0.09814158 0.06980442 +O 5.91983963 1.99367968 0.01266706 0.36453486 0.14372929 -0.44882180 +O 1.97597991 1.98868029 7.91632011 -0.07455659 -0.10330744 0.04124487 +O 5.90921009 7.90171073 5.91637949 0.15969096 0.16897007 0.17480108 +O 5.93519958 0.05300013 1.97261975 0.11806454 -0.02158441 0.10122202 +O 1.98389990 7.87555938 5.96211025 -0.04164236 0.42022470 0.00591739 +O 2.00406008 7.92788986 2.01759991 0.04124718 0.43785424 -0.17758095 +O 7.90824302 5.93979987 5.93868987 0.41929962 -0.07196363 -0.02645768 +O 7.91770384 1.93583012 5.92192952 -0.16137812 0.20503236 0.19837732 +O 0.03078973 6.04015966 1.99552995 -0.33302214 -0.46526657 0.03869665 +O 0.01868997 1.94776961 1.99655030 -0.14761835 0.38850937 -0.16315912 +40 +Lattice="7.926520003421694 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.926520003421694 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.926520003421694" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.115708162342 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96637037 3.98664007 0.00158768 0.06246881 -0.16229883 0.01491960 +Ba 3.96277965 0.02129143 3.96433008 0.14388536 -0.05306423 -0.05833756 +Ba 0.00056675 3.97100976 3.97551995 0.13599002 -0.03407432 0.04492386 +Ba 7.91927120 0.00574435 3.99243039 0.16971338 0.05632593 -0.16200084 +Ba 0.00736770 3.97108982 0.01389598 0.08243754 -0.01015714 -0.15686506 +Ba 3.96686023 7.92629013 0.00620012 0.11288763 0.10088983 0.05024193 +Ba 3.97178973 3.98147990 3.97824984 0.04931864 -0.11535486 -0.07955610 +Ba 0.02044408 0.00582124 0.02702309 -0.03754453 0.03090235 -0.15986580 +Ti 5.94467995 2.02441022 1.97734968 -0.24855934 -0.00723997 0.06205075 +Ti 1.98715003 5.93936997 1.95808982 -0.04171641 0.03384163 0.05881321 +Ti 2.04086964 1.95300972 5.93433029 -0.27579504 0.27805966 0.14634488 +Ti 5.98819020 5.97814968 5.95812016 0.02807927 -0.01922080 0.05882761 +Ti 2.02431986 5.93657984 5.91899010 -0.01502064 -0.23751440 -0.05876385 +Ti 5.99483976 2.00598978 5.95349979 0.17747657 0.04629477 -0.08901313 +Ti 5.95395001 5.98390988 1.99942028 -0.09770243 0.09485468 -0.09471661 +Ti 1.96107971 1.98356011 1.97562963 0.18517085 0.01609871 -0.00209519 +O 1.98799024 1.96305024 3.96803969 0.01169415 0.10036404 0.06013682 +O 5.97890032 1.97997970 3.99464030 -0.16519929 0.00252688 -0.25644877 +O 2.01532009 5.96104029 3.98474008 -0.07677725 0.03259439 0.11551478 +O 5.93188972 5.96703987 3.97233983 0.06073023 -0.13384726 0.02470110 +O 2.01876020 3.95668020 2.00856986 -0.16630975 0.06656740 -0.03288749 +O 1.96859008 3.97939998 5.94602984 0.07663687 0.17541351 -0.03913939 +O 5.97405008 3.94924988 1.98731015 -0.03350045 -0.06099762 0.05040725 +O 5.93019978 3.96556028 5.94677968 0.13626461 0.07714055 0.05181287 +O 3.98922966 1.97349977 2.00124972 0.08291345 0.02404213 -0.06242870 +O 3.98248023 5.91741034 1.97922034 0.06794731 0.21393172 0.05614672 +O 3.95796984 2.00416034 5.96713974 -0.05933155 -0.14958370 -0.10467038 +O 3.95342002 5.96130979 5.97499968 -0.00270274 0.00446523 0.00311798 +O 5.97484036 5.93771016 0.02330001 -0.06222558 0.05486400 -0.15464029 +O 1.97102035 5.93837995 0.02787995 0.05612641 0.03928723 0.05432072 +O 5.95578025 1.97219031 0.00047876 -0.00344656 0.06479360 0.22424622 +O 1.97731005 2.01702033 7.91786979 0.09349868 -0.14920806 0.38403000 +O 5.95114006 0.00510864 5.94120021 -0.11381528 -0.15673651 0.14081649 +O 5.98408981 7.91257012 1.96888971 -0.13459211 -0.09317009 0.14455848 +O 1.98059004 0.00885234 5.97622037 0.08114144 0.02970473 -0.07233130 +O 1.99775968 0.01380007 1.97844037 0.02550611 -0.10668150 0.00046897 +O 7.91602608 5.97150012 5.95075008 -0.09539410 -0.10344011 -0.00713764 +O 0.01042972 1.98151982 5.96138985 -0.27875181 0.04979250 -0.00597216 +O 0.03518979 5.93873030 2.02775997 -0.11237778 -0.02889174 -0.07843587 +O 0.00828004 1.98236003 1.99989032 0.18087531 0.02872514 -0.07109486 +40 +Lattice="7.985959298 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.985959298 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.985959298" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.30605628236 stress="0.00026902018125343936 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00026902018125343936 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00026902018125343936" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00082789 3.99215176 0.00082789 -0.01188107 -0.01188107 0.01188107 +Ba 3.99380754 3.99380754 3.99380754 0.01188107 0.01188107 0.01188107 +Ba 0.00082789 -0.00082789 3.99215176 0.01188107 -0.01188107 -0.01188107 +Ba 3.99215176 0.00082789 -0.00082789 -0.01188107 0.01188107 -0.01188107 +Ba 3.99723222 3.98872708 -0.00425257 -0.01055566 0.01055566 0.01055566 +Ba -0.00425257 3.99723222 3.98872708 0.01055566 -0.01055566 0.01055566 +Ba 3.98872708 -0.00425257 3.99723222 0.01055566 0.01055566 -0.01055566 +Ba 0.00425257 0.00425257 0.00425257 -0.01055566 -0.01055566 -0.01055566 +Ti 5.92713416 1.93415451 2.05882513 0.01749456 0.01749456 -0.01749456 +Ti 6.05180478 6.05180478 6.05180478 -0.01749456 -0.01749456 -0.01749456 +Ti 2.05882513 5.92713416 1.93415451 -0.01749456 0.01749456 0.01749456 +Ti 1.93415451 2.05882513 5.92713416 0.01749456 -0.01749456 0.01749456 +Ti 5.93359829 2.05236101 6.04534066 -0.02424756 0.02424756 0.02424756 +Ti 6.04534066 5.93359829 2.05236101 0.02424756 -0.02424756 0.02424756 +Ti 2.05236101 6.04534066 5.93359829 0.02424756 0.02424756 -0.02424756 +Ti 1.94061864 1.94061864 1.94061864 -0.02424756 -0.02424756 -0.02424756 +O 2.02225632 2.00366275 4.03475374 -0.00504373 -0.02954429 0.00972957 +O 5.96370298 5.99664240 -0.04177409 0.00504373 -0.02954429 -0.00972957 +O 6.01523596 1.98931690 3.95120555 -0.00504373 0.02954429 -0.00972957 +O 1.97072333 5.98229655 0.04177409 0.00504373 0.02954429 0.00972957 +O 2.00366275 4.03475374 2.02225632 -0.02954429 0.00972957 -0.00504373 +O 5.99664240 -0.04177409 5.96370298 -0.02954429 -0.00972957 0.00504373 +O 1.98931690 3.95120555 6.01523596 0.02954429 -0.00972957 -0.00504373 +O 5.98229655 0.04177409 1.97072333 0.02954429 0.00972957 0.00504373 +O 4.03475374 2.02225632 2.00366275 0.00972957 -0.00504373 -0.02954429 +O -0.04177409 5.96370298 5.99664240 -0.00972957 0.00504373 -0.02954429 +O 3.95120555 6.01523596 1.98931690 -0.00972957 -0.00504373 0.02954429 +O 0.04177409 1.97072333 5.98229655 0.00972957 0.00504373 0.02954429 +O 1.97362173 5.98402735 4.03820731 -0.01359574 0.01449022 -0.04649352 +O 6.01233757 1.99104770 -0.04522766 0.01359574 0.01449022 0.04649352 +O 5.96660138 5.99491160 3.94775199 -0.01359574 -0.01449022 0.04649352 +O 2.01935792 2.00193195 0.04522766 0.01359574 -0.01449022 -0.04649352 +O 5.98402735 4.03820731 1.97362173 0.01449022 -0.04649352 -0.01359574 +O 1.99104770 -0.04522766 6.01233757 0.01449022 0.04649352 0.01359574 +O 5.99491160 3.94775199 5.96660138 -0.01449022 0.04649352 -0.01359574 +O 2.00193195 0.04522766 2.01935792 -0.01449022 -0.04649352 0.01359574 +O 4.03820731 1.97362173 5.98402735 -0.04649352 -0.01359574 0.01449022 +O -0.04522766 6.01233757 1.99104770 0.04649352 0.01359574 0.01449022 +O 3.94775199 5.96660138 5.99491160 0.04649352 -0.01359574 -0.01449022 +O 0.04522766 2.01935792 2.00193195 -0.04649352 0.01359574 -0.01449022 +40 +Lattice="7.772039946873087 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.035667541871021 0.0 0.0 0.0684716719319519 8.035379976392989" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.12718238657 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87341994 0.03138039 0.01079148 0.18721488 0.08704058 -0.16485528 +Ba 3.87165025 0.05961232 4.00290990 0.11154680 0.06289870 0.06999777 +Ba 3.87992980 4.13580401 8.01950325 0.03374110 -0.02952706 0.04566922 +Ba 3.90712961 4.06874996 4.00145964 -0.24617181 0.24975233 0.06124959 +Ba 7.76330029 0.11458318 8.01206774 0.00069600 -0.05695636 0.02493430 +Ba 0.02783012 0.07713750 3.98343006 -0.20706996 -0.06539190 0.20186785 +Ba 7.74248910 4.05940019 0.01283319 0.22869551 0.08297078 -0.23244547 +Ba 0.01347749 4.07841993 3.98623032 0.02714494 0.21984449 0.26138169 +Ti 1.92970969 2.14677034 2.04865999 0.25186732 -0.03317032 -0.04678174 +Ti 1.94590973 2.15286983 6.07400000 -0.12216005 0.18391049 0.05049672 +Ti 1.95291001 6.14955977 2.04091981 -0.02311139 -0.18415912 0.17365745 +Ti 1.95961029 6.17262019 6.08156996 -0.15866869 -0.11126166 -0.19893679 +Ti 5.82246025 2.12721977 2.06054966 -0.15306317 -0.31748085 -0.18659396 +Ti 5.82621026 2.16397996 6.06948988 0.13903266 -0.34280261 0.09388075 +Ti 5.83887014 6.14068021 2.06375018 -0.06537827 0.15189358 -0.21267805 +Ti 5.84544995 6.16589971 6.06329013 0.01228987 0.26475961 0.13440236 +O 1.93767992 2.06661029 3.93203978 0.01048136 -0.14190201 -0.20787369 +O 1.95990018 2.09152978 7.95656994 -0.16158869 -0.00588577 -0.13138054 +O 1.95570017 6.06668962 3.91318014 -0.07642733 -0.00213350 0.05476733 +O 1.95079990 6.08440987 7.95179013 -0.09693290 0.02274449 -0.20483876 +O 5.79612003 2.02051976 3.91592989 0.21229033 0.02234314 0.08013254 +O 5.85663003 2.06947973 7.93891031 -0.23916196 0.08597923 -0.03175518 +O 5.82307969 6.06205981 3.93358019 0.00016815 -0.05513088 -0.13178935 +O 5.82530016 6.08988993 7.95212977 0.01633268 -0.15839564 -0.16754851 +O 1.94101024 4.02701022 1.96431004 -0.03540486 -0.46025061 -0.08146643 +O 1.94935974 4.02903017 5.96746010 -0.03810838 -0.08743319 0.05962054 +O 1.92797964 8.01007033 1.92499984 0.04419829 0.21588422 0.16656198 +O 1.93516023 8.04414995 5.96748963 0.04691209 0.02497930 0.07600078 +O 5.83215976 3.98405959 1.96346988 -0.07485844 0.06506639 0.00497508 +O 5.85208028 4.01418013 5.95563027 -0.17378035 0.06562921 0.05668434 +O 5.82215015 7.99997989 1.92758016 0.02529631 0.10482979 0.20276234 +O 5.84292015 8.01855973 5.98320003 -0.11573872 0.23085472 -0.11943108 +O 7.76602827 2.00601014 1.92669026 0.05547824 0.02104731 0.10396358 +O 7.76991896 2.02523972 5.94199034 0.05915208 0.02462243 -0.01099661 +O 7.76867776 6.03052010 1.93358017 -0.10405769 -0.09645211 0.01812062 +O 7.76276013 6.05581031 5.93464965 0.25413864 -0.11878548 0.08571055 +O 3.87016035 1.98849974 1.93790997 0.11094156 0.14034135 -0.03806415 +O 3.88183007 2.02077002 5.95328001 0.11394846 0.04695606 0.00815991 +O 3.87929016 6.01695011 1.91952988 0.16760739 -0.00563946 0.08087791 +O 3.87988006 6.05526005 5.94348024 -0.01749147 -0.10158994 0.05156039 +40 +Lattice="7.924059858580059 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924059858580059 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924059858580059" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.0428832881 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00230000 3.95342995 0.00945182 -0.19393317 0.03883163 -0.05863272 +Ba 3.94115003 0.01618410 3.97877030 0.16446884 0.03919210 0.04593636 +Ba 0.00964200 3.97979012 3.94687992 -0.02919076 0.04875532 0.24424092 +Ba 7.89561011 7.91828480 3.93853985 0.26489305 0.01704873 0.22540964 +Ba 0.03543798 3.96604030 0.03397441 -0.15384221 0.09830253 -0.18374723 +Ba 3.96047998 0.04137072 0.01374349 0.02964353 -0.09668094 -0.02597971 +Ba 4.00099015 3.95634996 3.97419019 -0.17575650 0.06516949 0.12173659 +Ba 0.00347312 7.91994252 7.91790049 0.13318700 0.05438886 0.15423045 +Ti 6.01887973 1.97276998 1.98787958 -0.05049235 -0.12106476 -0.19707043 +Ti 1.99108961 5.93357960 1.93141986 -0.11571635 0.24895786 -0.03895144 +Ti 1.96489980 1.93177961 5.94215978 0.28934218 0.01368547 -0.04121118 +Ti 5.89363997 5.92687981 5.94333016 0.20759833 -0.05040545 -0.23409894 +Ti 1.94884011 5.88854955 5.88169999 -0.09957471 0.28527264 0.33121671 +Ti 5.97647016 1.96165966 5.93960981 -0.46480017 -0.08940343 0.02462140 +Ti 5.92379022 5.93620009 1.95757005 0.04226739 0.03234576 -0.01321110 +Ti 2.04506989 1.99103969 1.98961019 -0.14685421 -0.36297960 -0.17094082 +O 1.97777006 2.03080025 4.02433998 -0.02943090 0.09969350 -0.01777352 +O 5.98765973 1.99934015 4.00092993 -0.09536967 0.08938029 0.03323382 +O 2.03367034 5.98278009 4.00733019 -0.08381719 -0.18289080 0.17458125 +O 5.93031014 6.03108992 4.03919997 0.16872710 -0.25816215 -0.41739212 +O 1.97409964 4.00223978 2.01993002 0.06145554 0.07503585 0.02175642 +O 1.99169977 4.04386962 6.04485955 0.14938984 -0.24755121 -0.40633791 +O 5.93812009 3.98977999 2.01531030 0.01369267 0.36172259 0.15058308 +O 5.95060999 4.01806967 5.94004009 0.10685093 -0.01361862 0.16145602 +O 3.92151025 2.03456021 2.05892987 0.20794105 -0.05970179 -0.19847117 +O 3.99121979 5.99719950 2.00960022 0.02819240 -0.23248558 0.02315638 +O 3.99768978 1.99226000 5.98215013 -0.10448115 0.27140951 -0.05113101 +O 4.00833972 5.99272954 6.01037959 -0.20509587 -0.01171755 -0.03493486 +O 5.99764959 5.95383984 0.05110385 -0.19855601 0.11000979 0.17742566 +O 2.03858009 5.98100986 0.07089022 -0.16583744 0.06215539 -0.08236452 +O 5.96045960 2.02756961 0.04311322 0.02680426 0.02666414 0.16262485 +O 1.96857974 2.01417002 0.04880983 0.18795973 -0.01255213 0.18802709 +O 5.95354982 0.07107882 5.99814009 0.18595144 -0.08986160 0.00464264 +O 5.87450970 0.05837021 2.00450029 0.41008350 -0.10578855 -0.03572882 +O 1.98780034 0.06372212 5.97006990 -0.00843605 -0.07078016 0.06721326 +O 1.94314034 0.04114964 2.02904031 0.27276962 0.15900859 -0.01207596 +O 0.03442687 5.99007974 5.97592023 0.18820681 -0.03468341 -0.02916557 +O 0.04075582 2.04037014 6.00041984 -0.31799198 -0.04212315 -0.12509394 +O 0.02260021 5.99005993 2.00865963 -0.24301527 -0.10736130 0.14177937 +O 7.91376017 2.01383008 2.03322976 -0.25723321 -0.00721812 -0.07955970 +40 +Lattice="7.777430145917376 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.04124835389704 0.0 0.0 0.06851915958553208 8.04096058898164" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.90618554068 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90869996 0.08556495 8.00054128 -0.25385761 0.21488972 0.18142912 +Ba 3.93592019 0.08287630 4.04221977 -0.30710310 0.12719556 -0.34625509 +Ba 3.86461982 4.10230197 8.02849726 -0.10851341 0.05545484 0.05117807 +Ba 3.88464981 4.16810992 4.02142992 0.00578961 -0.67821639 -0.25389567 +Ba 0.00282010 8.02603103 0.01157126 0.07322090 0.43570686 -0.35928210 +Ba 0.03272976 0.07449223 3.98918003 -0.30591037 0.01131851 0.22465554 +Ba 7.74392031 4.06018019 0.00701446 0.35924250 -0.07758561 -0.12436272 +Ba 7.76786157 4.11945976 4.01822017 0.04274536 -0.19924430 -0.16550628 +Ti 1.86947022 2.11898029 2.06445972 1.06498513 0.12481086 0.01113930 +Ti 1.92248040 2.15644028 6.08127996 0.00063840 0.11806403 -0.21879394 +Ti 1.93050982 6.15625050 2.07725982 0.20013236 -0.12492090 -0.87349759 +Ti 1.95954997 6.18703979 6.09218003 -0.09977372 -0.29479318 -0.07983738 +Ti 5.79821028 2.10968004 2.04397008 -0.54607300 0.40482071 0.18144841 +Ti 5.82825994 2.18969968 6.09215047 0.07671529 -0.59718653 -0.37525893 +Ti 5.81516974 6.13875983 2.00549980 0.07148952 -0.45959497 0.59284394 +Ti 5.86738974 6.17072041 6.06200982 -0.06928917 -0.14370358 -0.50392336 +O 1.93014039 2.03393020 3.91801032 -0.06145811 0.04265126 -0.17826358 +O 1.94176999 2.03688018 7.91444047 -0.04865401 0.22321084 0.30121656 +O 1.98163009 6.09631995 3.87993980 -0.14606206 -0.08166081 0.47265644 +O 1.91917966 6.09725013 7.91822030 0.10498843 0.05396026 0.21384071 +O 5.85768973 2.01084990 3.90271989 -0.07093571 0.16835095 0.01809979 +O 5.79082016 2.06396975 7.93436002 0.25257258 -0.12217188 0.17527030 +O 5.89644000 6.03430039 3.89521000 -0.48214612 0.04827066 -0.07745937 +O 5.83189044 6.05974037 7.89601029 0.10244432 0.16774468 0.49148308 +O 1.96667021 4.01406003 1.95282016 -0.25042288 -0.27588528 0.01564516 +O 1.88256041 4.04201989 5.94245983 0.25478655 -0.30756462 0.12945890 +O 1.96473985 8.04036017 1.92803971 -0.19096097 -0.23520452 0.07883002 +O 1.95903977 8.04994041 5.94611989 0.05595080 -0.02282754 0.06570608 +O 5.80178012 3.99267987 1.93300016 0.19416843 -0.27167150 0.01347824 +O 5.89399011 4.00721044 5.99147009 -0.28856802 0.32575440 -0.18189578 +O 5.87674988 7.97657047 1.93687020 -0.25090882 0.46850025 -0.11319693 +O 5.82048017 7.99721021 5.91655010 0.04574352 0.27833632 0.34489138 +O 7.76107032 2.00798003 1.88998008 0.15110836 -0.03006288 0.04534063 +O 7.77515914 2.02392998 5.96677986 -0.16962596 -0.17495637 -0.05335270 +O 0.00308997 6.01011025 1.88580982 0.26568572 0.03788649 0.13112703 +O 0.01913014 6.06521023 5.91624989 -0.27398627 0.02968236 0.09547869 +O 3.87809033 1.99741983 1.91947987 0.20727205 -0.14668015 0.06182218 +O 3.88856030 2.02704017 5.95288003 0.12393154 0.20604101 -0.14068768 +O 3.90614041 6.00429973 1.86163990 -0.14715426 0.23442213 0.25155622 +O 3.86707982 5.95836001 5.95802014 0.41779244 0.46685860 -0.10312720 +40 +Lattice="7.955897141 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955897141 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955897141" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21269293586 stress="0.0003057464858614174 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0003057464858614174 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0003057464858614174" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.96238096 1.99351619 5.97146476 0.02928666 -0.02928666 -0.02928666 +Ba 5.97146476 5.96238096 1.99351619 -0.02928666 0.02928666 -0.02928666 +Ba 1.99351619 5.97146476 5.96238096 -0.02928666 -0.02928666 0.02928666 +Ba 1.98443239 1.98443239 1.98443239 0.02928666 0.02928666 0.02928666 +Ba 1.99351619 5.96238096 1.98443239 -0.02928666 0.02928666 0.02928666 +Ba 1.98443239 1.99351619 5.96238096 0.02928666 -0.02928666 0.02928666 +Ba 5.96238096 1.98443239 1.99351619 0.02928666 0.02928666 -0.02928666 +Ba 5.97146476 5.97146476 5.97146476 -0.02928666 -0.02928666 -0.02928666 +Ti 3.97794857 3.97794857 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97794857 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97794857 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97794857 0.00000000 3.97794857 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97349422 -0.00080316 5.96622052 0.03198401 0.00881348 0.02294093 +O 3.98240292 3.97714541 5.96762519 -0.03198401 0.00881348 -0.02294093 +O -0.00445435 3.97875173 1.98967662 0.03198401 -0.00881348 -0.02294093 +O 0.00445435 0.00080316 1.98827195 -0.03198401 -0.00881348 0.02294093 +O -0.00080316 5.96622052 3.97349422 0.00881348 0.02294093 0.03198401 +O 3.97714541 5.96762519 3.98240292 0.00881348 -0.02294093 -0.03198401 +O 3.97875173 1.98967662 -0.00445435 -0.00881348 -0.02294093 0.03198401 +O 0.00080316 1.98827195 0.00445435 -0.00881348 0.02294093 -0.03198401 +O 5.96622052 3.97349422 -0.00080316 0.02294093 0.03198401 0.00881348 +O 5.96762519 3.98240292 3.97714541 -0.02294093 -0.03198401 0.00881348 +O 1.98967662 -0.00445435 3.97875173 -0.02294093 0.03198401 -0.00881348 +O 1.98827195 0.00445435 0.00080316 0.02294093 -0.03198401 -0.00881348 +O 3.98240292 0.00080316 1.98967662 -0.03198401 -0.00881348 -0.02294093 +O 3.97349422 3.97875173 1.98827195 0.03198401 -0.00881348 0.02294093 +O 0.00445435 3.97714541 5.96622052 -0.03198401 0.00881348 0.02294093 +O -0.00445435 -0.00080316 5.96762519 0.03198401 0.00881348 -0.02294093 +O 0.00080316 1.98967662 3.98240292 -0.00881348 -0.02294093 -0.03198401 +O 3.97875173 1.98827195 3.97349422 -0.00881348 0.02294093 0.03198401 +O 3.97714541 5.96622052 0.00445435 0.00881348 0.02294093 -0.03198401 +O -0.00080316 5.96762519 -0.00445435 0.00881348 -0.02294093 0.03198401 +O 1.98967662 3.98240292 0.00080316 -0.02294093 -0.03198401 -0.00881348 +O 1.98827195 3.97349422 3.97875173 0.02294093 0.03198401 -0.00881348 +O 5.96622052 0.00445435 3.97714541 0.02294093 -0.03198401 0.00881348 +O 5.96762519 -0.00445435 -0.00080316 -0.02294093 0.03198401 0.00881348 +40 +Lattice="7.954639951096393 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954639951096393 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954639951096393" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.42905059791 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91958997 4.00895956 7.85043974 0.47444952 0.64769328 1.71834563 +Ba 7.94520973 4.00406984 4.01019968 -0.71070536 -0.11681344 -0.78777830 +Ba 4.03046015 0.00480381 3.98026956 0.75790516 -0.23643762 -0.27938327 +Ba 0.06811399 7.86043792 3.93973987 -1.66686263 0.95067131 -0.24457490 +Ba 7.94607917 3.94367026 7.82166701 -0.29820452 1.11295651 1.55327747 +Ba 3.99718987 7.93948000 0.16394274 -0.78005830 0.23182429 -1.15496731 +Ba 3.97457006 3.91206011 4.13706028 0.45119107 0.46832901 -2.87646486 +Ba 0.08292076 7.92862191 7.92886294 -0.95806220 0.20846427 -0.05990130 +Ti 2.10412000 6.04098983 2.18728019 0.87560127 -2.85031648 -16.79961145 +Ti 5.78757012 2.07208984 1.77744998 0.94183057 0.58793673 3.37717074 +Ti 1.97535028 1.79605986 5.81407020 0.03254605 2.35794071 2.85465727 +Ti 5.94996011 5.89730040 5.91523970 0.97620956 1.74841854 0.27532118 +Ti 2.07040028 5.90697006 6.12619993 -0.79058234 1.37992341 -0.44287201 +Ti 5.75580008 2.03126981 5.89433968 1.43083691 -1.80268039 2.48838512 +Ti 6.05091961 6.05336964 1.85133983 -1.69877285 -1.38406391 0.74628455 +Ti 1.78432995 2.06233984 1.94901008 0.28037520 -0.51669635 2.81435600 +O 1.86173973 1.98286026 4.11051008 0.27098245 -0.46800145 -1.75930793 +O 2.02928990 6.25974959 3.64144962 -0.41055272 1.89827477 16.59559030 +O 5.97338016 1.83442031 4.20055024 0.26747109 -0.08704495 -1.56884704 +O 6.03309962 6.01434020 3.89812040 -0.36100114 0.61795153 0.69914928 +O 4.00014025 1.90999974 2.28991016 -0.57304619 1.04978913 -0.63108447 +O 3.95818032 2.08843026 6.20735954 -1.02121955 -0.36566718 -1.70212737 +O 3.99242027 5.90086010 1.72299013 -0.80186794 0.86550994 1.68421398 +O 4.11588026 5.92512971 5.86536013 -2.21704606 0.29210020 0.16619277 +O 1.89704958 4.18481039 2.26050981 -0.16717056 -1.99333874 -0.48277887 +O 5.91551970 4.06260963 2.03289017 0.21779095 -1.24250231 0.13367345 +O 2.05006026 4.21849989 5.60911016 -0.59832836 -1.01070579 1.12955272 +O 5.96562996 3.96695985 5.71447970 0.42964882 -0.12633321 1.53138632 +O 5.98134992 5.73518006 7.91567256 0.11000285 0.54268172 -1.32642158 +O 2.03991969 5.76877967 7.87327910 -0.58141101 0.68627603 -0.65383359 +O 5.74934012 2.17942975 0.07778524 0.72096252 -0.06949820 -2.37629787 +O 2.08283020 2.27321973 0.32678934 0.13757844 -0.03638831 -3.65986816 +O 5.80789979 7.94994115 6.30406012 0.82835827 0.65488260 -1.44439793 +O 5.81038005 0.06877264 1.77860977 1.20618574 -0.60672250 0.99410572 +O 2.10581990 0.07867218 6.19124025 -0.03441190 -1.82702334 -0.96815712 +O 1.98087955 0.13692163 1.87577967 -0.36825319 -0.20760218 0.55154431 +O 7.95348653 6.12413968 5.85083973 1.10020024 -0.70939744 0.45392081 +O 0.24255606 2.08974994 6.32825972 -0.82762911 -0.88506961 -1.53237851 +O 7.82174655 6.12742018 1.78508007 2.30771241 -0.16697155 0.98596895 +O 7.80972471 1.96343980 1.99711020 1.04734633 0.40765123 -0.00204223 +40 +Lattice="7.955306938 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955306938 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955306938" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216692192946 stress="7.437076683115559e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 7.437076683115559e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 7.437076683115559e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98889352 5.96641341 5.96641341 -0.00048440 0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 1.98889352 5.96641341 0.00048440 -0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ba 1.98889352 1.98889352 1.98889352 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 5.96641341 1.98889352 0.00048440 0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 1.98889352 1.98889352 0.00048440 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 1.98889352 5.96641341 1.98889352 -0.00048440 0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 1.98889352 1.98889352 5.96641341 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 5.96641341 5.96641341 0.00048440 0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ti 3.97765347 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765347 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 3.97765347 1.98881420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00109632 +O 3.97765347 3.97765347 5.96649274 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00109632 +O 3.97765347 1.98881420 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00109632 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 5.96649274 3.97765347 0.00000000 -0.00109632 0.00000000 +O 1.98881420 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00109632 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96649274 3.97765347 3.97765347 -0.00109632 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97765347 5.96641412 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00122744 +O 0.00000000 3.97765347 1.98889282 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00122744 +O 1.98889282 0.00000000 3.97765347 -0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641412 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 1.98889282 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 5.96641412 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 0.00000000 1.98889282 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00122744 +O 3.97765347 0.00000000 5.96641412 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00122744 +O 0.00000000 1.98889282 3.97765347 0.00000000 -0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96641412 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 1.98889282 3.97765347 0.00000000 -0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641412 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98897518 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00367822 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96633176 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00367822 +O 0.00000000 1.98897518 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00367822 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96633176 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00367822 0.00000000 +O 1.98897518 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00367822 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633176 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00367822 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.937479792583905 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.937479792583905 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.937479792583905" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.14305614735 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96785963 3.93861954 0.00258682 0.08948262 0.35302172 0.03332715 +Ba 3.97219984 0.04705338 3.97680993 0.02258714 -0.19105585 -0.02623734 +Ba 0.01714893 3.97522005 3.98559990 -0.01480364 0.03721878 -0.05827277 +Ba 7.92157308 0.00316150 3.98073025 0.19023052 0.16292824 -0.05534505 +Ba 0.00039449 3.96912010 0.01635359 0.02295918 0.04801355 -0.12328208 +Ba 4.00075969 7.91847588 0.01241342 -0.06101254 0.16725669 -0.07059941 +Ba 3.97348016 4.00067000 3.99757994 0.00200006 -0.06237831 -0.17416679 +Ba 0.03073313 7.93747106 0.02884083 -0.22402767 0.11019877 -0.18472451 +Ti 5.95880975 2.03237979 2.04168014 0.06413823 -0.02082028 0.11650877 +Ti 1.95955977 5.99057951 1.99793034 0.03242392 -0.10483262 0.25161793 +Ti 1.97222005 1.95758969 5.99062952 -0.13719252 0.01776169 0.13835235 +Ti 5.92323952 5.94665985 5.99610955 0.04480019 0.06183503 0.26827199 +Ti 1.95429007 5.93783020 5.98417000 -0.06940924 -0.09027606 0.03727097 +Ti 5.93290023 1.98801960 6.01027002 0.23182300 -0.17521580 -0.13329499 +Ti 5.92408010 5.98670999 2.04425982 -0.11001982 -0.04332257 -0.29800500 +Ti 1.99977977 2.02666957 2.01658024 -0.12241948 0.00106598 0.09499326 +O 2.01078032 1.98988015 3.92564970 -0.04732732 0.09470710 -0.01895649 +O 6.00168008 2.01837014 3.95184973 -0.28818030 -0.08790730 -0.41894198 +O 2.02731013 5.96189981 3.91172022 0.01969105 0.06561815 -0.01036566 +O 5.99058983 6.00056010 3.90672992 0.02288513 -0.22446965 0.01815250 +O 2.02883015 3.96698016 1.93434001 0.00470512 -0.01015586 0.14878717 +O 2.01890989 4.00676995 5.94771950 -0.08552260 -0.09366169 -0.15237000 +O 5.98694970 3.97286024 1.95756032 -0.08424297 0.06127967 0.06893847 +O 5.98871024 4.00625957 5.92684949 -0.04823364 -0.16147325 -0.11338822 +O 4.00942027 2.01108989 1.95245017 -0.13300497 -0.07939721 0.13132912 +O 4.03243976 5.96896972 1.94541994 -0.03362309 -0.05826557 0.04423017 +O 3.97857999 2.03115980 5.93475998 0.12420639 -0.16550448 -0.10461022 +O 4.03056016 5.97541019 5.91534014 -0.13160731 0.02471087 0.00398624 +O 6.01155986 5.93964947 7.87637310 -0.07413313 0.20759807 0.03476491 +O 2.03222978 5.96079015 7.90051019 -0.05885358 0.08199994 -0.09647113 +O 5.94817988 1.99619997 7.88746732 0.13995234 0.00975888 0.00253099 +O 2.00938015 1.99721993 7.89287989 -0.08284994 -0.06579427 -0.06385155 +O 5.98956986 0.01629326 5.89148008 -0.12453987 0.24740260 0.25517685 +O 5.98081959 0.01513995 1.92610964 0.10906877 -0.13560589 0.18801629 +O 2.02056009 0.01459306 5.93850012 -0.03729411 0.27240349 -0.07142782 +O 2.04094989 0.02763037 1.94231956 -0.20154209 -0.26351571 0.04470634 +O 0.05330732 5.98477960 5.89950963 0.18841173 -0.04214732 0.10913253 +O 0.00566101 2.01006992 5.92077970 0.46232137 -0.06264699 0.12988750 +O 0.06466030 5.92077970 1.93903979 0.03308084 0.31685375 0.10102661 +O 0.00609995 2.02495031 1.96015984 0.36507145 -0.20318606 -0.04669715 +40 +Lattice="7.834329925245591 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.834329925245591 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.218149416943222" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.0175250101 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.87165981 1.94870966 8.17556278 0.78224888 0.29268436 0.39836364 +Ba 1.91306032 1.93369987 4.06028015 0.10381549 0.07814328 0.31626806 +Ba 2.02707959 5.95377972 8.21553980 -0.23596865 -1.03581673 0.03596999 +Ba 2.01515966 5.84543015 4.16326007 -0.18147180 -0.20554041 -0.40594788 +Ba 5.83911960 1.98252028 0.04002794 0.07806538 -0.50155589 -0.00533812 +Ba 5.97851975 1.97158982 4.16667035 -0.53751226 -0.14005570 -0.42053195 +Ba 5.83839023 5.93937004 8.17112072 0.07262467 -0.49570535 0.37441330 +Ba 5.84501964 5.90985028 4.12326973 0.18175540 -0.50140291 -0.13827316 +Ti 0.06345416 7.77148920 2.19726004 -0.49715159 0.42247647 -0.31972233 +Ti 0.01043298 0.03043245 6.31381027 -0.41966086 -0.19971687 -0.84271608 +Ti 7.78431086 3.91615982 1.78635962 0.17084878 0.03757102 1.09904119 +Ti 7.82780001 3.96429002 5.99412025 0.28743982 0.08491197 -0.05406541 +Ti 3.95590024 7.81237422 2.17665967 0.14112117 -0.81699297 -0.19988527 +Ti 3.88851012 0.00703993 6.25164016 0.39610981 -0.70998186 0.18105091 +Ti 3.84574016 3.80071000 2.19489016 0.44979984 1.36622251 -0.65048550 +Ti 3.93528968 3.82169974 6.29375987 -0.50653766 1.00454363 0.35628085 +O 7.78063970 1.90122970 1.98286029 0.03328910 0.53181238 0.07424317 +O 1.94667978 7.81686015 2.00443995 0.06801262 0.26405949 0.55111931 +O 7.73527971 7.78906003 4.02507032 0.66123065 0.13606689 -0.10055173 +O 0.07419110 1.92379962 6.12639978 0.26672701 0.24570285 -0.05059314 +O 2.01716995 7.70029629 5.96025009 -0.40118260 0.66526677 0.71870098 +O 0.16211031 0.00996997 8.11423957 -0.73393734 -0.29991867 0.02881050 +O 7.82183965 5.88559990 2.01227976 0.10887311 -0.83029714 -0.21727082 +O 1.92487998 3.84905016 1.94671974 -0.26952797 0.12575703 0.44676003 +O 7.81030830 3.90995033 4.11552001 0.33534333 0.08799421 0.66434400 +O 0.00683859 5.86501990 6.11700015 -0.20159634 -0.08917588 0.09447313 +O 2.03619014 3.94098994 6.13050967 -0.58605571 -0.01161496 -0.14654234 +O 0.02686705 3.92820980 8.16920992 -0.37091686 -0.03232751 0.47328019 +O 3.84315013 1.96802990 1.98469979 0.33659083 -1.00092532 0.12378216 +O 5.86047990 7.71718006 1.98554981 -0.45829708 0.61002585 -0.03810863 +O 3.98511994 0.04067192 4.07901987 -0.13966464 -0.01516488 -0.84806578 +O 3.84872974 1.93381973 6.21254999 0.28534669 -0.08434298 -0.42715331 +O 5.91647029 0.11112762 6.22128997 0.16569217 -0.38463446 -0.14931296 +O 3.89484966 7.74500760 8.15790969 -0.00785806 0.91097167 -0.55977081 +O 3.78610994 5.87587984 1.96504032 0.57514858 0.07784786 0.73765310 +O 5.84442031 3.88041020 2.05672000 0.36210260 0.23329033 -0.41773639 +O 3.93404011 3.84511968 4.03520011 -0.23969803 0.02139184 -0.00450766 +O 4.06034988 5.88599005 6.13703018 -0.28182916 -0.25298704 -0.12332013 +O 5.92388000 3.83360008 6.16945021 -0.09772635 0.02639829 -0.09812898 +O 3.90332013 3.83455979 8.15031979 0.30440704 0.38501884 -0.45652662 +40 +Lattice="7.772970240405372 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.036637163930163 0.0 0.0 0.06847986781797133 8.036349564031267" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.128697652483 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89752973 0.01896216 0.00531438 -0.06115935 0.08231850 -0.15861341 +Ba 3.88185010 0.05691291 3.99026982 0.02362561 0.01879271 0.06386440 +Ba 3.88551039 4.07750975 0.01261631 0.02490730 -0.08551309 -0.12694179 +Ba 3.87979026 4.11251999 4.02924038 0.10513549 -0.09723064 -0.18805666 +Ba 0.02064035 0.10514575 8.00115511 -0.13966412 0.03612888 0.12105551 +Ba 7.75753001 0.09804825 4.01549000 0.06913285 -0.16735979 -0.09151919 +Ba 0.00775354 4.10839254 8.00698251 -0.08860253 0.05191006 0.09750266 +Ba 7.77079148 4.09211983 4.01248030 -0.09003232 -0.01190781 -0.07912159 +Ti 1.92205033 2.10138986 2.04718971 -0.04888413 0.11088397 -0.08083548 +Ti 1.97268968 2.17327973 6.04215985 -0.30716712 -0.23754782 0.26502726 +Ti 1.92786996 6.11886041 2.05812006 0.11521242 0.14498399 -0.02515002 +Ti 1.95076990 6.17580053 6.07978025 -0.00902046 0.03017447 -0.15640509 +Ti 5.79653010 2.12110988 2.05571977 0.27616656 0.00908139 0.01889272 +Ti 5.82867988 2.13365002 6.08066015 0.20849384 0.20063141 -0.16521395 +Ti 5.83415983 6.13281989 2.05304043 -0.08771087 0.10856689 -0.12528034 +Ti 5.84256008 6.15300007 6.06488024 -0.06858829 0.12853510 0.14713883 +O 1.92630992 2.03652986 3.90688994 0.07028085 0.00224637 0.08132296 +O 1.94540034 2.06606015 7.90682001 0.14973951 0.10882194 0.06186280 +O 1.94503034 6.04786987 3.91018024 0.00133800 0.06625270 0.06398422 +O 1.93008992 6.07484985 7.93957997 0.04935567 0.06595728 0.00582458 +O 5.84038986 2.04853988 3.92400991 -0.06558190 0.01133059 -0.28026053 +O 5.83711045 2.08275028 7.93151007 -0.16712068 -0.10935596 0.01436424 +O 5.80197040 6.05735989 3.92243044 0.18916866 -0.03938956 -0.01527724 +O 5.84024995 6.12191985 7.94505059 0.02760542 -0.18803326 -0.22984660 +O 1.96481022 4.00058999 1.96702008 -0.07821347 -0.25261397 -0.12748275 +O 1.93892001 4.03872030 5.95599025 0.15490357 -0.20102196 -0.00423486 +O 1.92815989 8.01648030 1.93340043 -0.01671243 -0.06682374 0.08402005 +O 1.93926980 8.03070017 5.94836031 0.04771942 0.14579003 0.06309359 +O 5.79731051 3.99333004 1.91560032 0.09993724 -0.06140463 0.20698460 +O 5.82714006 4.04130015 5.96599018 -0.02699324 -0.12850116 0.07967077 +O 5.83511046 8.00324992 1.93622979 0.06785321 0.08294353 0.11978050 +O 5.83074983 8.04337011 5.94806027 0.05009023 0.02205261 0.09562781 +O 7.76370952 2.00645002 1.89795024 0.18364593 0.03313843 0.11811442 +O 7.77148327 2.05148972 5.94723012 0.11265571 -0.07628257 -0.05412121 +O 7.76989914 5.99516991 1.92906000 0.00584592 0.02214080 0.05089062 +O 0.01544023 6.05065026 5.92370056 -0.24684827 -0.00799844 0.08126537 +O 3.88835996 1.96369014 1.92415992 -0.12236008 0.14133020 0.00025017 +O 3.90128019 2.00326000 5.90542009 -0.28316382 0.20834266 0.14463329 +O 3.88703001 6.03842027 1.93126985 -0.08190326 -0.07868013 -0.05949918 +O 3.89128027 6.05322001 5.96288022 -0.04308680 -0.02269024 -0.01731098 +40 +Lattice="7.7732099576807565 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.036877239445287 0.0 0.0 0.06848197972716746 8.036589630676854" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.13405366917 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89391024 0.09724908 8.00959094 -0.01589533 0.05987251 0.01673634 +Ba 3.89300000 0.04297886 4.01475023 0.01037594 0.15479738 -0.08013871 +Ba 3.88125001 4.11595432 8.01287512 0.01493888 0.00630383 -0.00269734 +Ba 3.86769975 4.09068983 4.01859020 0.14359097 0.00561426 -0.08644023 +Ba 0.02006965 0.11000180 8.01723278 -0.13125327 0.03624793 0.00083998 +Ba 0.00529977 0.08829201 3.98281011 -0.09588492 -0.13532770 0.10868567 +Ba 7.77074896 4.11708454 8.02006068 0.04363625 -0.08093061 -0.02281648 +Ba 7.76066788 4.08269975 3.99961035 0.03893807 0.03823128 -0.01504147 +Ti 1.96992962 2.01048012 1.93423038 -0.18224699 0.04413659 0.03439750 +Ti 1.92918012 2.04455010 5.93538993 0.08335594 0.07299748 0.34174975 +Ti 1.93757985 6.02274992 1.92524999 -0.07115759 0.05927113 0.09799580 +Ti 1.93121981 6.05292008 5.96603969 0.09470479 -0.00501545 0.01019777 +Ti 5.83240966 2.00954967 1.92171007 0.06904209 -0.01798847 0.27653474 +Ti 5.81075972 2.03551997 5.95280969 0.09928958 0.04078772 -0.02587430 +Ti 5.81953023 6.00661974 1.91575967 0.12587735 0.16846459 0.37512241 +Ti 5.83242987 6.04512977 5.95309963 -0.04362956 0.12879607 -0.10663470 +O 1.95675014 2.13099986 4.09559006 -0.07664998 0.07782781 -0.23491321 +O 1.97567014 2.09268571 0.08526978 -0.21139379 -0.04015703 0.00135420 +O 1.95449980 6.12828991 4.11513968 -0.11639153 0.06702994 -0.26934980 +O 1.94102027 6.12249575 0.05841023 0.08651376 0.01052867 0.19423450 +O 5.82803024 2.15317994 4.09813035 -0.05860367 -0.19537376 0.02716653 +O 5.82282996 2.10147565 0.06679986 0.01926322 -0.04590345 0.04882448 +O 5.85186990 6.15011008 4.09126971 -0.05003907 -0.08728715 0.11020314 +O 5.82717985 6.08862555 0.06766968 0.03328807 0.07248197 -0.05018716 +O 1.92408012 4.17120007 2.00542987 0.04466212 0.00479845 0.18558248 +O 1.95546989 4.17726007 6.06654030 -0.03086198 0.23645382 0.00832575 +O 1.93682974 0.15657965 2.06277984 0.18446894 -0.28116607 -0.12057111 +O 1.96416034 0.19374026 6.05482996 -0.20712781 -0.37119248 0.01020008 +O 5.82353965 4.15480016 2.05243991 0.08783017 -0.00293517 -0.11841807 +O 5.83328026 4.17528023 6.05545959 -0.06769226 0.18521662 0.00702451 +O 5.81502022 0.14940965 2.04101018 -0.02340501 -0.00722351 -0.08519145 +O 5.85936016 0.16737975 6.05582027 -0.11178822 0.05319587 0.03558921 +O 7.77061371 2.11872985 2.08329023 -0.04304927 0.12024047 -0.14364085 +O 0.00093512 2.16836024 6.09241965 -0.00072145 -0.00469098 -0.02247298 +O 7.76954800 6.16113016 2.07014962 0.15563222 -0.03309138 -0.10115388 +O 0.00730993 6.16713030 6.11358999 0.04242217 0.04913661 -0.11968100 +O 3.88260022 2.18105000 2.08596033 0.08208375 -0.20589574 -0.07986875 +O 3.87307027 2.15743965 6.10689026 0.36905435 0.00977662 -0.14336086 +O 3.89547965 6.14043011 2.07694962 -0.25488400 0.04156985 -0.10301176 +O 3.90010005 6.21636970 6.08021027 -0.03629266 -0.22959797 0.04069953 +40 +Lattice="7.955181018 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955181018 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955181018" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21659042237 stress="2.0199467534387938e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.0199467534387938e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.0199467534387938e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97759051 3.97759051 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97759051 0.00000000 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97759051 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97759051 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97759051 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96626865 1.98891237 1.98891237 0.00331647 -0.00331647 -0.00331647 +Ti 1.98891237 5.96626865 1.98891237 -0.00331647 0.00331647 -0.00331647 +Ti 5.96626865 5.96626865 5.96626865 0.00331647 0.00331647 0.00331647 +Ti 1.98891237 1.98891237 5.96626865 -0.00331647 -0.00331647 0.00331647 +Ti 1.98891237 5.96626865 5.96626865 -0.00331647 0.00331647 0.00331647 +Ti 5.96626865 1.98891237 5.96626865 0.00331647 -0.00331647 0.00331647 +Ti 5.96626865 5.96626865 1.98891237 0.00331647 0.00331647 -0.00331647 +Ti 1.98891237 1.98891237 1.98891237 -0.00331647 -0.00331647 -0.00331647 +O 5.96758959 5.96758959 3.97759051 -0.01600537 -0.01600537 0.00000000 +O 1.98759143 5.96758959 3.97759051 0.01600537 -0.01600537 0.00000000 +O 5.96758959 1.98759143 3.97759051 -0.01600537 0.01600537 0.00000000 +O 1.98759143 1.98759143 3.97759051 0.01600537 0.01600537 0.00000000 +O 5.96758959 3.97759051 5.96758959 -0.01600537 0.00000000 -0.01600537 +O 5.96758959 3.97759051 1.98759143 -0.01600537 0.00000000 0.01600537 +O 1.98759143 3.97759051 5.96758959 0.01600537 0.00000000 -0.01600537 +O 1.98759143 3.97759051 1.98759143 0.01600537 0.00000000 0.01600537 +O 3.97759051 5.96758959 5.96758959 0.00000000 -0.01600537 -0.01600537 +O 3.97759051 1.98759143 5.96758959 0.00000000 0.01600537 -0.01600537 +O 3.97759051 5.96758959 1.98759143 0.00000000 -0.01600537 0.01600537 +O 3.97759051 1.98759143 1.98759143 0.00000000 0.01600537 0.01600537 +O 5.96515332 5.96515332 0.00000000 0.01466712 0.01466712 0.00000000 +O 1.99002770 5.96515332 0.00000000 -0.01466712 0.01466712 0.00000000 +O 5.96515332 1.99002770 0.00000000 0.01466712 -0.01466712 0.00000000 +O 1.99002770 1.99002770 0.00000000 -0.01466712 -0.01466712 0.00000000 +O 5.96515332 0.00000000 5.96515332 0.01466712 0.00000000 0.01466712 +O 5.96515332 0.00000000 1.99002770 0.01466712 0.00000000 -0.01466712 +O 1.99002770 0.00000000 5.96515332 -0.01466712 0.00000000 0.01466712 +O 1.99002770 0.00000000 1.99002770 -0.01466712 0.00000000 -0.01466712 +O 0.00000000 5.96515332 5.96515332 0.00000000 0.01466712 0.01466712 +O 0.00000000 1.99002770 5.96515332 0.00000000 -0.01466712 0.01466712 +O 0.00000000 5.96515332 1.99002770 0.00000000 0.01466712 -0.01466712 +O 0.00000000 1.99002770 1.99002770 0.00000000 -0.01466712 -0.01466712 +40 +Lattice="7.777959852302938 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.041788250493052 0.0 0.0 0.06852382629878888 8.041500465978519" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.18517215856 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88692966 0.10546680 8.02174678 0.06481854 -0.02213514 -0.04379977 +Ba 3.88858014 0.07539099 3.99599999 0.04905356 -0.04237409 0.05360236 +Ba 3.88813991 4.12740629 8.01918472 -0.02695365 -0.11981032 -0.00637634 +Ba 3.89023996 4.08134987 4.01907019 -0.08095118 -0.02514128 -0.10399367 +Ba 7.76958999 0.10387621 8.03764415 0.02261260 -0.04853703 -0.12718013 +Ba 0.00245006 0.06410439 3.99469018 -0.05435801 0.01348055 0.05718802 +Ba 0.00541890 4.13408600 8.03782849 0.04370053 -0.12150699 -0.15685529 +Ba 7.77212560 4.10409030 3.99144988 0.12859475 -0.18779620 0.11165813 +Ti 1.94971986 1.99550016 1.94131033 0.07051842 0.29446073 -0.11488537 +Ti 1.92932994 2.03440007 5.96007952 0.22576445 0.11976199 0.03121474 +Ti 1.94216980 6.02893002 1.93060008 0.15893377 -0.24685136 0.21614827 +Ti 1.94614978 6.06167990 5.94755000 -0.12654738 -0.08639087 -0.02730074 +Ti 5.83803011 2.00139974 1.93006963 -0.12941545 -0.06777248 0.02340449 +Ti 5.83922013 2.04070022 5.95205967 -0.20507119 0.00529956 0.07042483 +Ti 5.82974969 6.00022001 1.94221024 -0.13958622 0.31869055 0.02777743 +Ti 5.83094983 6.05843960 5.94764023 0.14496677 -0.04282044 0.05921225 +O 1.94467975 2.12584010 4.08430005 -0.00718983 -0.12227318 0.07531095 +O 1.94887984 2.09543372 0.06073964 -0.03018475 -0.05510723 0.12097220 +O 1.93970963 6.17215960 4.08920017 0.01687724 -0.11377903 0.14221929 +O 1.94596000 6.10034336 0.07429974 0.02839809 0.05334036 -0.08940626 +O 5.81512013 2.10887014 4.09556021 0.18322144 0.13556167 -0.17098093 +O 5.82919979 2.10352357 0.07030031 0.09024598 -0.12211377 0.04406254 +O 5.83818956 6.13523995 4.08460962 0.02620854 -0.00989078 0.01215180 +O 5.83220986 6.10652373 0.07983998 0.00370059 -0.00991906 0.01084054 +O 1.94918007 4.14666996 2.05126968 -0.02434295 0.22158024 -0.05325500 +O 1.96532012 4.18136977 6.03231966 -0.07878014 0.23392591 0.11303161 +O 1.95150024 0.13094973 2.04115989 -0.00758398 -0.06304062 -0.08715808 +O 1.93898006 0.16510975 6.07739993 0.00491261 -0.02595092 -0.08782323 +O 5.82896956 4.14526993 2.04827984 0.07875675 -0.02391254 -0.04410008 +O 5.85900026 4.18096998 6.06823983 -0.14885350 0.13225960 -0.08244319 +O 5.82654984 0.13078017 2.03149967 0.06044561 0.10562915 0.02239199 +O 5.84568984 0.16529020 6.02881024 0.04111323 -0.03977522 0.23254420 +O 0.01353909 2.11258023 2.05037989 -0.25783331 0.05111559 0.07020012 +O 0.00801285 2.17764987 6.08828985 -0.03022975 -0.10960484 -0.02973455 +O 0.01009968 6.13190010 2.09136973 -0.18387373 0.07775453 -0.18723545 +O 0.00116981 6.16475964 6.09683005 0.12866083 0.09221184 -0.06898553 +O 3.88930971 2.14407008 2.05299017 0.08226476 -0.13617154 0.02493919 +O 3.89914961 2.15339974 6.09546969 -0.07216521 -0.00059315 -0.06229140 +O 3.88583996 6.14629010 2.08462002 0.11730427 -0.03636491 -0.10807709 +O 3.90447984 6.17955955 6.06129956 -0.16715307 0.02456123 0.13258639 +40 +Lattice="7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216695866482 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878354 5.96634883 5.96634883 -0.00000283 0.00000283 0.00000283 +Ba 5.96634883 1.98878354 5.96634883 0.00000283 -0.00000283 0.00000283 +Ba 5.96634883 5.96634883 1.98878354 0.00000283 0.00000283 -0.00000283 +Ba 1.98878354 1.98878354 1.98878354 -0.00000283 -0.00000283 -0.00000283 +Ba 5.96634967 1.98878270 1.98878270 -0.00000231 0.00000231 0.00000231 +Ba 1.98878270 5.96634967 1.98878270 0.00000231 -0.00000231 0.00000231 +Ba 1.98878270 1.98878270 5.96634967 0.00000231 0.00000231 -0.00000231 +Ba 5.96634967 5.96634967 5.96634967 -0.00000231 -0.00000231 -0.00000231 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 1.98878309 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 0.00000000 3.97756619 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 5.96634312 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018255 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 1.98878925 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018255 +O 3.97756619 5.96634312 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00018255 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878925 3.97756619 0.00000000 -0.00018255 0.00000000 +O 5.96634312 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00018255 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878925 3.97756619 3.97756619 -0.00018255 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018203 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018203 +O 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018203 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018203 0.00000000 +O 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018203 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018203 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.112133674953 stress="0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 5.96912210 -0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 5.96912210 0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 1.98970737 0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 1.98970737 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 1.98970737 0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 1.98970737 -0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 5.96912210 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 5.96912210 0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 +O 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 5.92948276 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.02934671 0.00000000 3.97941473 -0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 1.95006775 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37231194 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 6.00876172 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37231194 +O 0.00000000 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 5.97887856 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 1.97995091 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 5.97887856 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 1.97995091 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 5.97887856 3.97941473 3.97941473 -0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.97995091 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29603.41522018245 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.85456033 2.06728012 2.19363023 1.10147808 -2.78708225 -1.72573370 +Ba 6.13190024 5.84922992 2.01099021 0.63827225 3.19223875 -3.89249515 +Ba 5.75197017 2.17254973 5.72326966 3.65144651 -0.67368379 3.64339613 +Ba 2.13316969 6.03032016 6.14239006 -1.01796505 0.65092593 -0.99918442 +Ba 6.06755966 1.83276018 1.95056009 -0.27105521 1.37149122 1.19930315 +Ba 1.87523017 6.07561994 1.61761966 0.02836158 0.81537266 3.25482403 +Ba 2.27406977 2.05070967 6.14206986 -2.44141595 -0.33961033 -2.09543005 +Ba 5.93016978 5.97598028 6.20910015 0.28364024 -0.77172098 -1.17011805 +Ti 4.10093023 4.10207975 3.98789012 0.79808096 -0.29433655 -0.22944216 +Ti 7.83230813 3.56825980 7.88649271 2.02843610 2.25401955 -1.06463006 +Ti 4.02758956 0.46833384 7.92598322 1.66602651 -3.86249552 1.88224266 +Ti 7.82590889 7.94129048 3.98909968 1.31651460 0.00950100 2.94453121 +Ti 4.01729027 7.67171562 3.70297999 -0.31945494 7.53070537 3.27045376 +Ti 0.34822928 3.95019034 3.95245016 -3.50913235 1.28414673 3.06343676 +Ti 3.63781007 4.16543012 0.37263427 2.88706860 -3.69182929 -3.67185953 +Ti 7.77925066 7.88873813 7.76376089 0.90809153 -0.36082939 0.78267363 +O 3.90927012 4.13785032 2.03684973 -0.36134361 0.03849019 2.16566796 +O 3.75343021 4.06259004 5.75981992 1.04075171 0.64709550 1.70479463 +O 4.48237006 2.33571026 4.04682970 -2.53919114 -0.73362109 -3.88352020 +O 3.85205003 6.10939965 4.10837012 -0.95532758 -5.33440605 0.64481082 +O 2.05127002 3.63821993 3.89356982 1.81443701 1.58185502 1.47614514 +O 5.94689954 4.64075957 3.65825977 -1.54738733 -4.32436283 5.70774180 +O 0.07604877 3.85619984 2.26278986 -0.49096218 -0.11368930 -3.59819383 +O 7.91177266 3.96911988 6.07393007 0.26575385 -0.25432941 0.76207472 +O 2.28918011 0.33588709 3.95753977 -0.05971079 -1.05582326 0.37516483 +O 6.02794987 7.89403827 4.29326996 -0.77231748 -0.39260874 -0.91129743 +O 4.16201997 2.19625028 0.07246892 -0.11359339 2.05774873 0.16972855 +O 4.09150028 5.76817960 7.97588190 -0.40243190 2.13836387 -0.28829908 +O 4.22040960 7.91413175 2.03355004 0.29320912 0.20649738 -3.01291690 +O 3.98527007 0.23191110 6.19518977 0.73143411 -1.12297970 -1.52227305 +O 7.86225102 1.98705992 4.21798967 0.36232963 0.06722818 -0.25165444 +O 0.30552073 5.94313957 4.04471957 0.12068450 0.61736275 -0.21742688 +O 1.91906982 3.74876967 0.06514350 -1.09972896 1.09890466 0.16403098 +O 6.20150976 3.99748977 0.23270840 -1.55191453 -0.50646619 -0.31526558 +O 7.93839505 0.19885104 2.31122041 0.45653330 -1.07492372 -3.40405651 +O 0.05163737 7.84330627 6.01695974 0.16489282 0.12304297 0.75805429 +O 7.95564433 1.73786031 0.00354944 0.40402778 1.08585143 0.08537785 +O 0.09325803 6.00850960 0.10696908 -0.76962194 0.88228511 -0.91551199 +O 2.34843989 0.07881772 0.20390543 -2.80334525 -0.07668341 -0.25003567 +O 6.00311020 7.93830219 0.06475205 0.06442953 0.11835456 -0.63510825 +40 +Lattice="7.95125004189968 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95125004189968 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95125004189968" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.019305032147 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98372019 3.99130966 7.93385032 -0.03111498 -0.19092215 0.21788711 +Ba 3.97513999 0.03053121 4.01067970 0.01783729 -0.19279597 -0.26672161 +Ba 0.01007741 4.04471025 3.94161037 0.05651619 -0.48060037 0.36561216 +Ba 0.02069233 7.94347610 4.04292997 -0.08316336 0.17508338 -0.40220590 +Ba 7.92085559 3.99834969 7.91070503 0.31359437 -0.16657226 0.24410542 +Ba 4.03736012 7.92218822 0.04493887 -0.34817545 0.33643836 -0.10445904 +Ba 3.96232974 3.97900033 3.96865973 0.08560694 0.08524313 0.05076875 +Ba 0.03454182 0.00555474 0.03455534 -0.21653599 0.07852509 -0.06928712 +Ti 6.09216032 2.06786013 2.01602037 -0.28391947 -0.37442075 0.07838625 +Ti 1.90849004 6.00594968 2.02409009 0.44892001 0.08876348 0.28720611 +Ti 1.97362032 2.02168006 6.05540964 -0.00314112 0.01024636 -0.45875628 +Ti 5.97011976 5.97694034 6.01022984 0.28820344 0.28233798 -0.03509864 +Ti 2.01621040 5.99430985 6.03055006 -0.28897785 0.15403299 -0.21679105 +Ti 5.95117034 2.00449026 5.98520010 0.12677158 -0.03358504 0.09143897 +Ti 5.90766985 6.00164011 2.02610971 -0.20109781 0.27917732 0.18140418 +Ti 2.09675974 2.04833027 2.05445989 -0.57694192 -0.19808910 0.13254320 +O 1.94825981 1.93691974 3.92850989 0.23552025 0.31173777 -0.07379760 +O 6.02042971 1.93240979 3.92649027 -0.36351054 0.16661648 0.23989447 +O 1.98637015 5.94710964 3.90514991 0.22171600 0.00677614 0.36702626 +O 5.91510983 5.94342980 3.91005981 0.15857819 -0.05732814 0.49165046 +O 1.97473032 3.98828977 1.96891000 -0.03240104 -0.53764158 -0.09106307 +O 2.00503015 3.94189979 5.94144994 -0.04563811 -0.00381603 0.00480436 +O 5.98813968 3.93941980 1.98564977 -0.06592848 -0.11450768 -0.07603266 +O 5.98058043 3.92547967 5.94023976 -0.09976677 0.07384388 -0.12309388 +O 3.92699040 2.00231002 1.95160013 0.45730129 -0.02378862 0.19051052 +O 3.98708039 5.89233030 1.89598988 0.05953389 0.20403555 0.12354613 +O 3.95909994 1.94768017 5.89649993 0.49395700 0.10665270 0.16152519 +O 4.00436004 5.93903992 5.94895035 -0.23609360 0.01953396 0.06324734 +O 6.01648032 5.90170005 7.91277076 -0.17903620 0.11938275 -0.36619014 +O 1.93570002 5.91885964 7.89872011 0.23755708 0.16761767 -0.09658940 +O 5.96109986 1.98730999 7.93108170 -0.04516014 -0.08081749 -0.30441450 +O 2.03213039 1.95016970 7.90741003 -0.23831787 0.13771317 0.06951106 +O 5.98794010 7.93186012 5.98468009 -0.16930072 -0.32082559 -0.11280715 +O 5.92211011 7.87869011 1.96056040 0.21986454 0.29777386 -0.07140802 +O 1.99622970 7.90126133 5.96929999 0.07591645 -0.20731602 -0.04714015 +O 1.98616024 7.93864015 1.99367974 0.07099741 -0.24791065 -0.31390316 +O 7.94808306 5.94727025 5.90704965 -0.00767577 -0.08737508 0.05667663 +O 0.01855424 1.93717020 5.93747034 -0.08750441 0.22639180 0.24211024 +O 0.00613996 5.95284965 1.98796040 0.02935531 0.02325614 -0.19826419 +O 7.93149993 1.98094979 1.96429033 0.00565360 -0.03286693 -0.23183174 +40 +Lattice="7.8218302304070715 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8218302304070715 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.205029515224945" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.6839639104 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.93895037 1.92145997 0.00893801 0.19719436 0.38052558 0.07201197 +Ba 1.98464002 1.93453025 4.08521991 -0.04846915 0.30216119 0.22217828 +Ba 1.94551992 5.87558053 8.19043867 0.15328506 -0.24171995 0.04440604 +Ba 1.92956026 5.88944003 4.11938019 0.29478032 -0.12241228 0.12615889 +Ba 5.80724042 2.00068025 0.02445573 0.41666604 -0.21595107 0.07306355 +Ba 5.88835045 1.94023002 4.07812003 -0.10108961 0.11591819 0.24474048 +Ba 5.83368994 5.84446998 8.18623913 0.34639136 0.19888126 0.18228299 +Ba 5.87817034 5.83734039 4.12033993 0.06050937 0.30936876 0.17736987 +Ti 7.78172771 0.01388766 2.10654012 -0.48485478 -0.21150280 0.10937704 +Ti 0.02177519 0.03976071 6.22273995 -0.50559895 -0.12246524 -0.34321193 +Ti 0.06922554 3.93112985 2.14614987 -0.58545767 0.05289916 -0.27269352 +Ti 0.06529977 3.92265021 6.22277984 -0.39867577 -0.12561793 0.19133481 +Ti 3.82743037 7.81024532 2.17036000 1.06624471 0.67459988 -0.35752115 +Ti 3.89966028 0.00792039 6.26145019 0.40802687 -0.09824314 -0.56214600 +Ti 3.93449011 3.96958979 2.19599996 0.22346100 -0.90884949 -0.59769895 +Ti 3.92032008 3.89180013 6.27041010 0.14902320 0.13742932 -0.20862265 +O 0.01261035 1.93473988 1.96309010 0.25279652 0.57031902 -0.07482707 +O 1.97072029 7.73245018 1.91599017 0.10266903 0.36248235 0.24802944 +O 0.06003020 0.03490961 3.93964000 -0.26596211 -0.17552921 0.20028714 +O 0.06251207 1.95717992 6.03456001 -0.13660811 -0.20444281 0.15396280 +O 2.00659981 0.00148145 6.05938024 -0.35277567 0.10093200 0.07706470 +O 0.02997012 7.75290035 8.01849998 -0.02332196 0.43022989 0.62706944 +O 7.80666057 5.90619987 2.00186995 0.06542301 -0.73772946 -0.22458869 +O 1.97644979 3.94844973 1.97602975 -0.31904768 0.02819215 0.13386526 +O 0.02924426 3.93358982 3.96860033 0.09102245 -0.18756146 0.16490490 +O 0.10599206 5.84327012 6.05947020 -0.51321996 0.03319886 -0.06639848 +O 1.97826993 3.85944982 6.05669032 -0.27911922 0.29106276 0.07014792 +O 0.03485720 3.89921991 8.07360008 -0.11420892 0.11539574 -0.05310999 +O 3.86541005 1.96233999 1.95631014 0.05513756 -0.28994433 0.34221512 +O 5.87348037 0.04387030 1.93384037 -0.05238160 -0.22386929 0.20895458 +O 3.91839982 0.02584880 4.01005994 -0.06255905 -0.10695352 -0.48428142 +O 3.89865987 2.00490013 6.13902056 0.09257565 -0.86008929 -0.30496754 +O 5.90191038 0.01953033 6.10157041 0.07156306 -0.09337964 -0.22970698 +O 3.92912043 0.02621174 8.06471057 -0.12872022 -0.27017126 0.46117260 +O 3.96894997 5.86067994 2.00430019 -0.20081781 0.35957495 -0.01489003 +O 5.88145003 3.92917048 2.07546008 0.03489116 -0.15870237 -0.46025806 +O 3.92229979 3.90659981 4.00638994 -0.15450196 0.08220922 0.05797323 +O 3.92208000 5.87946016 6.06827054 0.01408090 -0.00643881 0.20587671 +O 5.84669999 3.84875972 6.08950993 0.62412706 0.43635117 -0.02406913 +O 3.90264040 3.89233045 8.11562991 0.00752202 0.37984218 -0.11545642 +40 +Lattice="7.955095043495578 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955095043495578 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955095043495578" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216353275162 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98877376 -1.98877376 1.98877376 0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 -1.98877376 -1.98877376 -0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ba -1.98877376 1.98877376 -1.98877376 0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 1.98877376 1.98877376 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 1.98877376 -1.98877376 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ba -1.98877376 1.98877376 1.98877376 0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 -1.98877376 1.98877376 -0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba -1.98877376 -1.98877376 -1.98877376 0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 3.97754752 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 0.00000000 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754752 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97754752 -0.00000080 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000154 +O 0.00000000 3.97754673 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000154 +O 0.00000000 0.00000080 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000129 +O 3.97754752 3.97754832 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -0.00000080 1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 3.97754673 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 0.00000080 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000129 0.00000000 +O 3.97754832 -1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 3.97754752 -0.00000080 0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 0.00000000 3.97754673 -0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000080 -0.00000129 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 3.97754752 3.97754832 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97754832 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000154 +O 3.97754752 0.00000080 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000154 +O 3.97754752 3.97754673 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 -0.00000080 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000129 +O 3.97754832 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 0.00000080 -1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 -0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 3.97754673 1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -0.00000080 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000129 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 0.00000000 3.97754832 0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000080 -0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 3.97754752 3.97754673 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 0.00000000 -0.00000080 0.00000129 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.979615734 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979615734 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979615734" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.29571282718 stress="-1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 0.00000000 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98980787 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980787 3.98980787 3.98980787 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.92213219 2.05748355 5.92213219 0.00086543 -0.00086543 0.00086543 +Ti 2.05748355 5.92213219 5.92213219 -0.00086543 0.00086543 0.00086543 +Ti 2.05748355 2.05748355 2.05748355 -0.00086543 -0.00086543 -0.00086543 +Ti 5.92213219 5.92213219 2.05748355 0.00086543 0.00086543 -0.00086543 +Ti 6.04718570 1.93243003 1.93243003 -0.00009744 0.00009744 0.00009744 +Ti 1.93243003 6.04718570 1.93243003 0.00009744 -0.00009744 0.00009744 +Ti 1.93243003 1.93243003 6.04718570 0.00009744 0.00009744 -0.00009744 +Ti 6.04718570 6.04718570 6.04718570 -0.00009744 -0.00009744 -0.00009744 +O 1.99477616 1.99477616 -0.02923885 -0.00124699 -0.00124699 -0.00087829 +O 5.98483957 1.99477616 0.02923885 0.00124699 -0.00124699 0.00087829 +O 1.99477616 5.98483957 0.02923885 -0.00124699 0.00124699 0.00087829 +O 5.98483957 5.98483957 -0.02923885 0.00124699 0.00124699 -0.00087829 +O 1.99477616 -0.02923885 1.99477616 -0.00124699 -0.00087829 -0.00124699 +O 1.99477616 0.02923885 5.98483957 -0.00124699 0.00087829 0.00124699 +O 5.98483957 0.02923885 1.99477616 0.00124699 0.00087829 -0.00124699 +O 5.98483957 -0.02923885 5.98483957 0.00124699 -0.00087829 0.00124699 +O -0.02923885 1.99477616 1.99477616 -0.00087829 -0.00124699 -0.00124699 +O 0.02923885 5.98483957 1.99477616 0.00087829 0.00124699 -0.00124699 +O 0.02923885 1.99477616 5.98483957 0.00087829 -0.00124699 0.00124699 +O -0.02923885 5.98483957 5.98483957 -0.00087829 0.00124699 0.00124699 +O 1.99521228 1.99521228 3.96057357 0.00012701 0.00012701 0.00004011 +O 5.98440346 1.99521228 4.01904217 -0.00012701 0.00012701 -0.00004011 +O 1.99521228 5.98440346 4.01904217 0.00012701 -0.00012701 -0.00004011 +O 5.98440346 5.98440346 3.96057357 -0.00012701 -0.00012701 0.00004011 +O 1.99521228 3.96057357 1.99521228 0.00012701 0.00004011 0.00012701 +O 1.99521228 4.01904217 5.98440346 0.00012701 -0.00004011 -0.00012701 +O 5.98440346 4.01904217 1.99521228 -0.00012701 -0.00004011 0.00012701 +O 5.98440346 3.96057357 5.98440346 -0.00012701 0.00004011 -0.00012701 +O 3.96057357 1.99521228 1.99521228 0.00004011 0.00012701 0.00012701 +O 4.01904217 5.98440346 1.99521228 -0.00004011 -0.00012701 0.00012701 +O 4.01904217 1.99521228 5.98440346 -0.00004011 0.00012701 -0.00012701 +O 3.96057357 5.98440346 5.98440346 0.00004011 -0.00012701 -0.00012701 +40 +Lattice="7.9432599952307505 0.0 0.0 -0.021772475646927487 7.943228222190769 0.0 -0.021772475646927487 0.02171687282696087 7.943196449150789" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.97228852282 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03694822 0.08092514 0.00283972 -0.11883485 -0.16930894 0.39661297 +Ba 4.00100417 0.04795982 4.01069972 -0.08418949 0.14528430 -0.11177177 +Ba 3.98297377 4.00153558 0.00405027 0.28378577 -0.00288992 0.25198148 +Ba 3.98447981 3.97040991 3.98902018 0.09105125 0.22054332 0.16220370 +Ba 0.03927227 7.93762584 0.08430023 -0.10967426 0.24928465 -0.25089185 +Ba 0.01977157 0.04797014 3.99197030 0.20381778 -0.02857653 0.13512638 +Ba 0.05426438 4.00473512 0.03219006 -0.34613168 0.16985607 0.03275457 +Ba 0.02674813 4.02985012 4.00899033 -0.04397872 0.04335728 0.09984776 +O 1.97361971 4.00536026 2.03899989 0.39502120 -0.06972086 0.21128452 +O 1.98389035 4.03701971 6.02939981 0.05745027 0.23207471 -0.09694962 +O 1.97733001 7.93477024 2.07101997 -0.01417321 0.20531570 -0.10072631 +O 2.04957396 0.10251015 6.06019027 -0.30253862 0.02109487 -0.19609135 +O 5.97137986 3.93777026 2.03431019 -0.21801695 0.36293589 0.01387856 +O 5.91232966 3.99603964 6.07290981 0.20833340 0.21298273 -0.47092120 +O 5.98160998 7.93170970 2.04919030 -0.06128096 -0.05711834 0.11633188 +O 5.93486390 0.04495965 5.99311977 0.05486426 -0.08008781 -0.05075281 +O 2.01303020 2.05131989 4.03981971 -0.07936533 -0.09947058 0.20179560 +O 2.01964375 2.05399518 0.11386028 0.14189507 -0.19863546 -0.42228878 +O 1.98131038 6.04317025 4.06146986 0.12457715 -0.24203028 0.04940066 +O 2.01586435 6.01276583 0.06762018 -0.04116439 -0.13782861 0.33453549 +O 6.02430977 2.02740035 3.98490001 -0.15548695 -0.09702546 0.61234087 +O 6.00869412 1.94465541 0.04376021 -0.10453283 0.20007322 -0.09172668 +O 5.99766013 5.99247001 4.06788007 -0.51077561 -0.17217778 -0.00530316 +O 5.98311444 5.97368579 0.09127997 -0.27236878 0.09380541 0.04355526 +O 0.04301514 2.04634026 2.01198963 0.07933910 -0.28052715 0.21065537 +O 0.01260357 2.04542996 6.04867969 0.04991437 -0.14313048 -0.27965066 +O 7.91386040 5.93930021 2.10234024 0.13445353 0.19431524 -0.26527228 +O -0.02607455 6.08851991 6.02637025 -0.26186891 -0.34856857 -0.01561997 +O 4.01223991 1.96638976 2.03307978 -0.15234275 0.23254780 0.11184453 +O 3.98747998 2.03753992 5.98451007 0.00069317 0.08340273 0.05932126 +O 3.96891976 6.00215999 2.08077032 0.05540984 -0.24257510 -0.02079945 +O 3.91490003 6.04363969 6.02501037 0.69190726 -0.18489754 -0.09352233 +Ti 1.99626992 2.08206983 2.00945970 -0.05876591 -0.11147841 -0.23228323 +Ti 1.99801029 1.99460978 5.97594008 -0.05278089 -0.05883661 -0.07760129 +Ti 2.05696040 6.03842971 2.00273017 -0.46611246 0.11943905 -0.15574123 +Ti 2.06511018 5.97726025 5.96628982 -0.73033317 0.00233662 -0.01134988 +Ti 5.98269027 2.08554978 2.03428001 0.00472749 -0.05608682 -0.49587247 +Ti 5.98133038 2.02832018 5.98680011 0.13330990 0.41709438 0.50796822 +Ti 5.96986031 6.06228967 2.00555003 0.71504282 -0.14818142 -0.55236706 +Ti 5.98697009 6.04061013 5.94419961 0.75912232 -0.27659131 0.44606454 +40 +Lattice="7.955127995 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955127995 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955127995" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635191459 stress="-9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878200 5.96634600 5.96634600 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96634600 1.98878200 5.96634600 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96634600 5.96634600 1.98878200 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98878200 1.98878200 1.98878200 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96634600 1.98878200 1.98878200 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98878200 5.96634600 1.98878200 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98878200 1.98878200 5.96634600 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96634600 5.96634600 5.96634600 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756400 0.00000000 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756400 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756400 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756400 3.97756400 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756400 5.96648035 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00120919 +O 0.00000000 3.97756400 1.98864764 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00120919 +O 3.97756400 5.96648035 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00120919 0.00000000 +O 3.97756400 1.98864764 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00120919 0.00000000 +O 5.96648035 0.00000000 3.97756400 -0.00120919 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98864764 0.00000000 3.97756400 0.00120919 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756400 0.00000000 1.98891625 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00120533 +O 3.97756400 0.00000000 5.96621174 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00120533 +O 0.00000000 1.98891625 3.97756400 0.00000000 -0.00120533 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96621174 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00120533 0.00000000 +O 1.98891625 3.97756400 0.00000000 -0.00120533 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96621174 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00120533 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756400 3.97756400 5.96632934 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00049391 +O 3.97756400 3.97756400 1.98879866 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00049391 +O 3.97756400 5.96632934 3.97756400 0.00000000 0.00049391 0.00000000 +O 3.97756400 1.98879866 3.97756400 0.00000000 -0.00049391 0.00000000 +O 5.96632934 3.97756400 3.97756400 0.00049391 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98879866 3.97756400 3.97756400 -0.00049391 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98876550 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00048877 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96636250 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00048877 +O 0.00000000 1.98876550 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00048877 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96636250 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00048877 0.00000000 +O 1.98876550 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00048877 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96636250 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00048877 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955144396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955144396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955144396" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21669505014 stress="4.590788075997259e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 4.590788075997259e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 4.590788075997259e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98884289 5.96630151 5.96630151 -0.00050908 0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 1.98884289 5.96630151 0.00050908 -0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ba 1.98884289 1.98884289 1.98884289 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 5.96630151 1.98884289 0.00050908 0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 1.98884289 1.98884289 0.00050908 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 1.98884289 5.96630151 1.98884289 -0.00050908 0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 1.98884289 1.98884289 5.96630151 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 5.96630151 5.96630151 0.00050908 0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ti 3.97757220 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757220 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 3.97757220 1.98879608 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00024554 +O 3.97757220 3.97757220 5.96634832 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00024554 +O 3.97757220 1.98879608 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00024554 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 5.96634832 3.97757220 0.00000000 -0.00024554 0.00000000 +O 1.98879608 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00024554 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634832 3.97757220 3.97757220 -0.00024554 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97757220 5.96631732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00067234 +O 0.00000000 3.97757220 1.98882707 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00067234 +O 1.98882707 0.00000000 3.97757220 -0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631732 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 1.98882707 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 5.96631732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 0.00000000 1.98882707 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00067234 +O 3.97757220 0.00000000 5.96631732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00067234 +O 0.00000000 1.98882707 3.97757220 0.00000000 -0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96631732 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 1.98882707 3.97757220 0.00000000 -0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631732 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98885853 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00160103 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96628587 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00160103 +O 0.00000000 1.98885853 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00160103 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96628587 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00160103 0.00000000 +O 1.98885853 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00160103 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96628587 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00160103 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955130966 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130966 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130966" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216352594874 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756548 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756548 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633246 1.98879850 1.98879850 0.00050779 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 5.96633246 1.98879850 -0.00050779 0.00050779 -0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 1.98879850 5.96633246 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 5.96633246 5.96633246 5.96633246 0.00050779 0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 5.96633246 5.96633246 -0.00050779 0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 5.96633246 1.98879850 5.96633246 0.00050779 -0.00050779 0.00050779 +Ti 5.96633246 5.96633246 1.98879850 0.00050779 0.00050779 -0.00050779 +Ti 1.98879850 1.98879850 1.98879850 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 -0.00050779 +O 5.96632969 5.96639593 3.97756548 -0.00009950 -0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 1.98880127 5.96639593 3.97756548 0.00009950 -0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 5.96632969 1.98873504 3.97756548 -0.00009950 0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 1.98880127 1.98873504 3.97756548 0.00009950 0.00047617 0.00000000 +O 5.96639593 3.97756548 5.96632969 -0.00047617 0.00000000 -0.00009950 +O 5.96639593 3.97756548 1.98880127 -0.00047617 0.00000000 0.00009950 +O 1.98873504 3.97756548 5.96632969 0.00047617 0.00000000 -0.00009950 +O 1.98873504 3.97756548 1.98880127 0.00047617 0.00000000 0.00009950 +O 3.97756548 5.96632969 5.96639593 0.00000000 -0.00009950 -0.00047617 +O 3.97756548 1.98880127 5.96639593 0.00000000 0.00009950 -0.00047617 +O 3.97756548 5.96632969 1.98873504 0.00000000 -0.00009950 0.00047617 +O 3.97756548 1.98880127 1.98873504 0.00000000 0.00009950 0.00047617 +O 5.96631445 5.96636314 0.00000000 0.00018101 -0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 1.98881652 5.96636314 0.00000000 -0.00018101 -0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 5.96631445 1.98876783 0.00000000 0.00018101 0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 1.98881652 1.98876783 0.00000000 -0.00018101 0.00015170 0.00000000 +O 5.96636314 0.00000000 5.96631445 -0.00015170 0.00000000 0.00018101 +O 5.96636314 0.00000000 1.98881652 -0.00015170 0.00000000 -0.00018101 +O 1.98876783 0.00000000 5.96631445 0.00015170 0.00000000 0.00018101 +O 1.98876783 0.00000000 1.98881652 0.00015170 0.00000000 -0.00018101 +O 0.00000000 5.96631445 5.96636314 0.00000000 0.00018101 -0.00015170 +O 0.00000000 1.98881652 5.96636314 0.00000000 -0.00018101 -0.00015170 +O 0.00000000 5.96631445 1.98876783 0.00000000 0.00018101 0.00015170 +O 0.00000000 1.98881652 1.98876783 0.00000000 -0.00018101 0.00015170 +40 +Lattice="7.851639840908043 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.851639840908043 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.23629952835397" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.3933391197 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98043011 2.06443009 0.04187044 -0.47765235 -0.79974652 -0.42293670 +Ba 1.96588024 1.93056984 4.13595964 -0.03238742 0.12296687 0.21740143 +Ba 1.91839980 5.79934995 0.00517030 0.37430223 0.58611022 0.16373685 +Ba 2.00357988 5.95618018 4.12348024 -0.07236164 -0.44917429 0.05466937 +Ba 5.81736004 1.90943009 8.13729192 0.62569518 0.37804112 0.51917952 +Ba 5.92629998 1.97229031 4.08145984 -0.43063021 -0.44842430 0.43547854 +Ba 5.86838000 5.90683969 0.06254695 -0.04279910 -0.35086508 -0.28806923 +Ba 5.97521020 5.92157015 4.12106979 -0.84574562 -0.04587234 0.15559391 +Ti 7.83904817 7.82028903 2.11983990 -0.38330520 0.12215440 0.08284660 +Ti 7.84480028 7.78620113 6.33601974 0.16938710 0.95300484 -0.54521117 +Ti 0.00270489 3.89047027 2.20938000 0.11496534 0.15084148 -1.73785028 +Ti 0.02948997 3.92761009 6.28267963 -0.50870870 -0.75993659 0.41112197 +Ti 3.85291980 0.01236005 2.10663030 0.68817170 -0.31922945 0.70056339 +Ti 3.88349016 7.85120015 6.27400985 -0.05965782 0.01283572 -0.68382962 +Ti 3.95536957 3.93156968 2.10541958 -0.23283833 0.42205533 0.64993091 +Ti 3.94377976 3.94669979 6.21667953 0.18925273 -0.11660004 0.26174884 +O 0.04261006 1.94252004 1.92741034 -0.36036299 0.27967329 0.41919009 +O 1.91551982 7.84447993 1.94387994 0.43270226 -0.14282401 0.39045467 +O 7.79699007 7.80351007 3.99687962 0.43410711 0.31778192 -0.47846610 +O 7.82453834 1.95963975 6.22862972 0.23630109 0.21824578 -0.64554127 +O 1.91516963 0.00076475 6.13767005 0.31664704 -0.02899125 -0.54611851 +O 0.04430994 7.81266980 8.11861994 -0.40498834 0.05357151 0.86623679 +O 7.83162994 5.87288998 1.95964996 0.27712095 -0.20579881 0.33722563 +O 2.01011009 3.92933981 1.98672006 -0.43562098 -0.14584506 0.20847404 +O 7.80854140 3.88027020 3.97916004 0.56961788 0.21326607 0.98580697 +O 0.03448911 5.87996981 6.23384007 -0.21588422 -0.03034724 -0.90039698 +O 2.00573987 3.94637002 6.14834985 -0.55789725 -0.02525697 -0.52175139 +O 7.81057891 3.97958010 8.08535018 0.17639645 -0.36907080 0.34912984 +O 3.91136976 1.88722957 1.93779963 0.19331302 0.90968792 0.18651117 +O 5.87335951 7.77728952 1.96804022 0.07505462 0.45450908 -0.22715131 +O 3.95185988 0.02086495 3.98055998 -0.43030188 -0.03391054 -0.36413171 +O 3.85105975 1.97237982 6.07111955 0.46940450 0.05799843 -0.01357954 +O 5.86965982 0.00808562 6.14645996 -0.12996207 -0.12927610 0.06271229 +O 3.79188979 7.84652999 8.06548946 0.57387768 -0.04414198 0.84017352 +O 3.89283989 5.88890968 2.05461005 0.15798015 -0.36969841 -0.61502613 +O 5.93584993 3.92618031 2.00016992 -0.56505160 -0.22853996 -0.13708171 +O 3.95204989 3.96280978 3.95521018 -0.02800497 -0.45293505 0.07443138 +O 3.89061003 5.90589985 6.09409973 0.21950459 -0.25457469 -0.04330843 +O 5.91768987 3.93079001 6.10409015 -0.55024282 0.07725805 -0.20225403 +O 3.91163986 3.87735018 8.09893980 0.47060135 0.42105722 0.00008639 +40 +Lattice="7.97732997 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.97732997 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.97732997" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.26243167203 stress="-0.00022494861572386565 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00022494861572386565 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00022494861572386565" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98866499 3.98866499 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98866499 0.00000000 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98866499 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98866499 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98866499 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.94524079 6.03208918 1.94524079 -0.09381287 0.09381287 -0.09381287 +Ti 6.03208918 1.94524079 1.94524079 0.09381287 -0.09381287 -0.09381287 +Ti 6.03208918 6.03208918 6.03208918 0.09381287 0.09381287 0.09381287 +Ti 1.94524079 1.94524079 6.03208918 -0.09381287 -0.09381287 0.09381287 +Ti 2.05449694 5.92283303 5.92283303 -0.02031454 0.02031454 0.02031454 +Ti 5.92283303 2.05449694 5.92283303 0.02031454 -0.02031454 0.02031454 +Ti 5.92283303 5.92283303 2.05449694 0.02031454 0.02031454 -0.02031454 +Ti 2.05449694 2.05449694 2.05449694 -0.02031454 -0.02031454 -0.02031454 +O 5.98329718 5.97405748 3.95957947 -0.01030472 0.01239580 -0.03480605 +O 1.99403279 5.97405748 4.01775049 0.01030472 0.01239580 0.03480605 +O 5.98329718 2.00327249 4.01775049 -0.01030472 -0.01239580 0.03480605 +O 1.99403279 2.00327249 3.95957947 0.01030472 -0.01239580 -0.03480605 +O 5.97405748 3.95957947 5.98329718 0.01239580 -0.03480605 -0.01030472 +O 5.97405748 4.01775049 1.99403279 0.01239580 0.03480605 0.01030472 +O 2.00327249 4.01775049 5.98329718 -0.01239580 0.03480605 -0.01030472 +O 2.00327249 3.95957947 1.99403279 -0.01239580 -0.03480605 0.01030472 +O 3.95957947 5.98329718 5.97405748 -0.03480605 -0.01030472 0.01239580 +O 4.01775049 1.99403279 5.97405748 0.03480605 0.01030472 0.01239580 +O 4.01775049 5.98329718 2.00327249 0.03480605 -0.01030472 -0.01239580 +O 3.95957947 1.99403279 2.00327249 -0.03480605 0.01030472 -0.01239580 +O 5.96991518 5.97844671 -0.03621189 0.06112952 0.04195655 0.10823496 +O 2.00741478 5.97844671 0.03621189 -0.06112952 0.04195655 -0.10823496 +O 5.96991518 1.99888326 0.03621189 0.06112952 -0.04195655 -0.10823496 +O 2.00741478 1.99888326 -0.03621189 -0.06112952 -0.04195655 0.10823496 +O 5.97844671 -0.03621189 5.96991518 0.04195655 0.10823496 0.06112952 +O 5.97844671 0.03621189 2.00741478 0.04195655 -0.10823496 -0.06112952 +O 1.99888326 0.03621189 5.96991518 -0.04195655 -0.10823496 0.06112952 +O 1.99888326 -0.03621189 2.00741478 -0.04195655 0.10823496 -0.06112952 +O -0.03621189 5.96991518 5.97844671 0.10823496 0.06112952 0.04195655 +O 0.03621189 2.00741478 5.97844671 -0.10823496 -0.06112952 0.04195655 +O 0.03621189 5.96991518 1.99888326 -0.10823496 0.06112952 -0.04195655 +O -0.03621189 2.00741478 1.99888326 0.10823496 -0.06112952 -0.04195655 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.505759006486 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98465993 3.98337966 7.89643599 0.14307058 -0.04355320 0.62046607 +Ba 7.88168666 3.95492987 3.94502011 0.66870537 0.04986475 0.31794930 +Ba 4.04330022 7.94413833 3.94363010 -0.90195456 0.46668942 0.53505788 +Ba 7.91075989 0.03358837 3.92655004 0.97430437 -0.12616789 0.56513567 +Ba 7.92266242 3.99604001 7.92566270 0.32039236 0.21218389 0.08681998 +Ba 3.93715958 7.90354029 0.08842920 0.04544245 0.15891192 -0.61525727 +Ba 3.98862956 3.97866016 4.00756004 0.02231383 -0.34676443 -0.37751045 +Ba 7.92862084 0.02515847 0.03296811 0.56507962 -0.55962991 -0.45035340 +Ti 6.01910955 2.01035989 1.92992959 -0.60642193 1.07899429 0.22538805 +Ti 1.96455966 5.96031977 2.02999969 -0.59232740 -0.09545966 -0.65228939 +Ti 2.09103988 2.01574020 5.92994956 -0.57717101 -0.77880515 -1.13401487 +Ti 5.96728968 5.98950989 6.02674981 0.35368352 -0.53820105 0.17033070 +Ti 2.02507025 5.94381941 5.94440944 -0.69922642 1.02502710 0.33860632 +Ti 6.02818991 1.95649000 5.95291965 0.26500515 0.84070240 -0.44494509 +Ti 5.90618984 6.02906940 2.07979021 0.27481442 -1.27709522 -0.48086365 +Ti 2.00743992 2.02382975 1.86766956 0.50822662 -0.18399791 1.45126432 +O 1.97734009 2.03207993 3.96413985 -0.02208089 -0.41629117 0.51304152 +O 1.98342971 5.95461024 4.02813022 0.34288515 0.05047281 0.04000919 +O 6.03062004 1.93581008 4.02066968 -0.25958809 0.05763462 -0.27749017 +O 6.00219966 5.94224969 3.97786974 -0.19252343 0.22612955 0.15233503 +O 4.01338964 1.96879966 5.94015991 -0.26375148 -0.02717605 0.33033816 +O 3.96538990 1.99753016 2.04542971 0.08688220 -0.05668948 -0.49508031 +O 3.99095949 5.91044972 6.00229986 0.28767970 0.04650277 -0.22621208 +O 3.98987007 5.95392955 2.08521983 0.44993534 0.19374651 -0.26690236 +O 1.99072963 3.89000990 5.96523966 0.25259366 0.68325832 0.25747798 +O 5.95861963 3.93082980 5.96798945 0.02868606 0.19924687 0.00112460 +O 2.00292956 4.02286999 2.00717989 -0.05748292 -0.76978109 -0.18315768 +O 5.99630963 3.98233000 1.99932015 -0.19311067 -0.46520846 0.13450623 +O 5.95755963 5.89112959 0.03138567 0.09733682 0.54453882 -0.36590475 +O 2.01341027 5.91814008 0.04212641 0.10188151 0.07779593 -0.17297174 +O 6.02519997 2.03185011 0.03761843 -0.58356611 -0.58365096 -0.08333357 +O 2.00186956 1.92840996 0.00921078 0.11172986 0.54311083 -0.02371354 +O 5.94627021 7.90983110 5.97965978 0.13194130 -0.18159547 0.21584720 +O 5.93425954 7.92430768 2.02217017 0.26600093 0.22132853 -0.27934933 +O 2.08327000 7.92542494 6.04902012 -0.38024327 -0.33482731 -0.41942020 +O 1.94766966 0.02531036 1.95628006 0.31382294 -0.00399138 0.30314643 +O 0.03897106 5.89939965 5.95246957 -0.50249229 0.33192376 0.22585573 +O 0.00145283 1.98387025 5.97715967 -0.21601123 -0.36202495 0.19310913 +O 0.07993807 5.97211971 2.04900015 -0.78279833 0.13907200 -0.16471901 +O 7.92087879 1.98307983 1.90691974 0.21833628 0.00377566 0.43567909 +40 +Lattice="7.9030298271428805 0.0 0.0 -0.021662204756198636 7.902998215023572 0.0 -0.021662204756198636 0.021606883547408633 7.902966602904264" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.41411011323 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.05971371 7.89991524 0.02142986 -0.86625916 0.29179990 0.00171544 +Ba 3.96601381 0.07623025 3.97537969 0.08560179 -0.19647239 0.18885498 +Ba 3.96680412 3.99544549 0.08012013 -0.06705900 -0.09178941 -0.58432742 +Ba 4.02828969 3.95863001 3.93380027 -0.49451415 0.38983375 0.51069128 +Ba 0.03377360 0.06126508 0.06005987 0.35388741 -0.26343960 -0.51260701 +Ba 7.89164788 0.05595029 4.00549024 0.29909077 0.00691678 0.00594490 +Ba 0.02309502 3.95069537 0.08310984 0.31765054 0.34426274 -0.61219792 +Ba 7.87031998 4.02433975 3.98155986 0.63297680 -0.21495991 0.19528377 +O 2.05525957 4.01551997 2.00760983 -0.54357106 -0.49528574 -0.25383139 +O 2.00941962 3.97572980 5.93948966 -0.04123484 0.34947514 -0.19413757 +O 1.98920367 0.02012032 1.93507029 0.11797481 0.47714301 0.43673478 +O 1.89847373 0.02488032 5.86963004 0.27530241 0.29990247 0.06763853 +O 5.95477966 3.91617968 1.95717032 0.16268192 0.89806834 0.44640727 +O 5.95354994 3.98927954 5.96433995 -0.28434164 0.01546493 -0.12043073 +O 5.90311992 7.90368973 1.99814990 0.40378661 -0.30290706 0.02726038 +O 5.96219349 0.07583036 5.98691970 0.25396149 -0.31787962 -0.19312739 +O 2.12273959 2.07695022 3.95630968 -0.78378794 -0.40703006 -0.43278480 +O 1.95719008 1.98359963 7.86011954 -0.11356923 0.27454857 0.66492482 +O 1.97156016 5.99862013 3.94349018 0.06088475 -0.20949271 0.17952162 +O 2.06276033 6.01019965 7.85738983 -0.56988733 -0.20510795 0.46918776 +O 5.89531015 1.99458959 3.92661958 0.19382493 0.08944714 0.36273303 +O 5.88898377 2.00764539 0.02981971 0.78701776 -0.05672753 -0.21631796 +O 5.92498998 5.96414949 4.03356970 0.25464797 -0.05775623 -0.63834424 +O 5.92022366 5.89773559 0.04958993 0.38795273 0.23636948 0.48078704 +O 0.04093611 2.00246970 1.99750027 0.00449480 0.00478482 0.14752887 +O -0.00947731 2.04485997 5.92399973 0.13012970 0.04220543 -0.13645384 +O 0.02979600 5.97503986 2.04602962 -0.61572599 -0.16731865 -0.31074996 +O -0.00473075 5.91834985 5.97243977 -0.20077230 0.20768189 -0.00240064 +O 3.96533968 2.02031000 1.91300029 0.07071305 -0.17442544 0.41502644 +O 3.95832970 1.99020024 6.01486007 0.34456099 0.11682244 -0.49279383 +O 3.96651012 5.96464975 2.06761990 0.24910056 -0.02822686 -0.15310662 +O 3.97358017 6.08580952 5.97607990 -0.21496248 -0.65654636 -0.45818704 +Ti 1.97087971 2.02386004 1.99663015 0.69486660 0.12963014 -0.09986782 +Ti 1.92388987 2.03145011 5.92506980 0.47074893 -0.25676373 0.59797920 +Ti 2.09712033 6.00935956 2.07868968 -0.01677491 -0.29808624 -0.45674208 +Ti 2.05884991 5.95967005 5.96986970 -0.02617640 0.44407348 0.61919569 +Ti 5.92763986 2.05825007 2.02897014 -0.45327186 -0.49240534 -0.44396832 +Ti 5.88259970 2.03324014 5.98971974 -0.25319401 0.03082187 0.48067673 +Ti 6.06206012 6.00350974 1.98541022 -0.77986470 0.33393848 -0.12566138 +Ti 6.00355953 5.97672953 5.94116985 -0.22689034 -0.09056968 0.13994617 +40 +Lattice="7.955147802 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955147802 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955147802" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216467018745 stress="5.5089456911967096e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 5.5089456911967096e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 5.5089456911967096e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97757390 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97757390 0.00000000 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97757390 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97757390 3.97757390 3.97757390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96636085 1.98878695 5.96636085 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878695 5.96636085 5.96636085 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878695 1.98878695 1.98878695 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96636085 5.96636085 1.98878695 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96636085 1.98878695 1.98878695 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878695 5.96636085 1.98878695 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878695 1.98878695 5.96636085 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96636085 5.96636085 5.96636085 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96520111 5.96770354 -0.00001160 0.00658665 -0.00885616 0.00000000 +O 5.96520111 1.98744426 0.00001160 0.00658665 0.00885616 0.00000000 +O 1.98994670 5.96770354 0.00001160 -0.00658665 -0.00885616 0.00000000 +O 1.98994670 1.98744426 -0.00001160 -0.00658665 0.00885616 0.00000000 +O 0.00001160 5.96520111 1.98744426 0.00000000 0.00658665 0.00885616 +O -0.00001160 5.96520111 5.96770354 0.00000000 0.00658665 -0.00885616 +O -0.00001160 1.98994670 1.98744426 0.00000000 -0.00658665 0.00885616 +O 0.00001160 1.98994670 5.96770354 0.00000000 -0.00658665 -0.00885616 +O 5.96770354 0.00001160 1.98994670 -0.00885616 0.00000000 -0.00658665 +O 1.98744426 -0.00001160 1.98994670 0.00885616 0.00000000 -0.00658665 +O 5.96770354 -0.00001160 5.96520111 -0.00885616 0.00000000 0.00658665 +O 1.98744426 0.00001160 5.96520111 0.00885616 0.00000000 0.00658665 +O 1.99012964 1.98762720 3.97758550 -0.00885616 0.00658665 0.00000000 +O 5.96501817 1.98762720 3.97756230 0.00885616 0.00658665 0.00000000 +O 1.99012964 5.96752060 3.97756230 -0.00885616 -0.00658665 0.00000000 +O 5.96501817 5.96752060 3.97758550 0.00885616 -0.00658665 0.00000000 +O 1.98762720 3.97758550 1.99012964 0.00658665 0.00000000 -0.00885616 +O 1.98762720 3.97756230 5.96501817 0.00658665 0.00000000 0.00885616 +O 5.96752060 3.97756230 1.99012964 -0.00658665 0.00000000 -0.00885616 +O 5.96752060 3.97758550 5.96501817 -0.00658665 0.00000000 0.00885616 +O 3.97758550 1.99012964 1.98762720 0.00000000 -0.00885616 0.00658665 +O 3.97756230 5.96501817 1.98762720 0.00000000 0.00885616 0.00658665 +O 3.97756230 1.99012964 5.96752060 0.00000000 -0.00885616 -0.00658665 +O 3.97758550 5.96501817 5.96752060 0.00000000 0.00885616 -0.00658665 +40 +Lattice="7.950837869 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.950837869 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.950837869" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.174927072534 stress="-0.0020686091070443646 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0020686091070443646 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0020686091070443646" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.94502408 2.00581379 5.98123273 0.10969637 -0.10969637 -0.10969637 +Ba 5.98123273 5.94502408 2.00581379 -0.10969637 0.10969637 -0.10969637 +Ba 2.00581379 5.98123273 5.94502408 -0.10969637 -0.10969637 0.10969637 +Ba 1.96960514 1.96960514 1.96960514 0.10969637 0.10969637 0.10969637 +Ba 2.00581379 5.94502408 1.96960514 -0.10969637 0.10969637 0.10969637 +Ba 1.96960514 2.00581379 5.94502408 0.10969637 -0.10969637 0.10969637 +Ba 5.94502408 1.96960514 2.00581379 0.10969637 0.10969637 -0.10969637 +Ba 5.98123273 5.98123273 5.98123273 -0.10969637 -0.10969637 -0.10969637 +Ti 3.97541893 3.97541893 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97541893 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97541893 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97541893 0.00000000 3.97541893 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97413295 0.00634573 5.96920953 0.01140824 -0.02762085 -0.19955720 +O 3.97670492 3.98176467 5.95704728 -0.01140824 -0.02762085 0.19955720 +O -0.00128598 3.96907320 1.98162834 0.01140824 0.02762085 0.19955720 +O 0.00128598 -0.00634573 1.99379059 -0.01140824 0.02762085 -0.19955720 +O 0.00634573 5.96920953 3.97413295 -0.02762085 -0.19955720 0.01140824 +O 3.98176467 5.95704728 3.97670492 -0.02762085 0.19955720 -0.01140824 +O 3.96907320 1.98162834 -0.00128598 0.02762085 0.19955720 0.01140824 +O -0.00634573 1.99379059 0.00128598 0.02762085 -0.19955720 -0.01140824 +O 5.96920953 3.97413295 0.00634573 -0.19955720 0.01140824 -0.02762085 +O 5.95704728 3.97670492 3.98176467 0.19955720 -0.01140824 -0.02762085 +O 1.98162834 -0.00128598 3.96907320 0.19955720 0.01140824 0.02762085 +O 1.99379059 0.00128598 -0.00634573 -0.19955720 -0.01140824 0.02762085 +O 3.97670492 -0.00634573 1.98162834 -0.01140824 0.02762085 0.19955720 +O 3.97413295 3.96907320 1.99379059 0.01140824 0.02762085 -0.19955720 +O 0.00128598 3.98176467 5.96920953 -0.01140824 -0.02762085 -0.19955720 +O -0.00128598 0.00634573 5.95704728 0.01140824 -0.02762085 0.19955720 +O -0.00634573 1.98162834 3.97670492 0.02762085 0.19955720 -0.01140824 +O 3.96907320 1.99379059 3.97413295 0.02762085 -0.19955720 0.01140824 +O 3.98176467 5.96920953 0.00128598 -0.02762085 -0.19955720 -0.01140824 +O 0.00634573 5.95704728 -0.00128598 -0.02762085 0.19955720 0.01140824 +O 1.98162834 3.97670492 -0.00634573 0.19955720 -0.01140824 0.02762085 +O 1.99379059 3.97413295 3.96907320 -0.19955720 0.01140824 0.02762085 +O 5.96920953 0.00128598 3.98176467 -0.19955720 -0.01140824 -0.02762085 +O 5.95704728 -0.00128598 0.00634573 0.19955720 0.01140824 -0.02762085 +40 +Lattice="7.868489901576437 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.868489901576437 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.253982958834468" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.08180700643 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97416005 1.98481005 0.09661404 -0.13136229 0.14324953 -0.58192215 +Ba 1.94642992 1.96114006 4.14133023 0.08101752 -0.08661327 -0.02075677 +Ba 2.00189018 5.98938986 8.24777787 -0.31174086 -0.72570827 0.25025216 +Ba 1.95516001 5.81699990 4.04363034 0.43694844 0.86352685 0.32990545 +Ba 5.93313960 1.95229981 8.15351887 -0.06750097 -0.00588217 0.20017889 +Ba 5.87295982 1.97943981 4.04254999 0.17807795 -0.40908874 0.89741271 +Ba 5.90692022 5.91272008 0.00815097 0.18792630 -0.13754168 0.09846785 +Ba 5.84996022 5.85893974 4.25188959 0.11747345 0.57332078 -0.50161426 +Ti 7.83645256 0.07336187 1.99451033 0.47961898 -0.64339825 -0.57304542 +Ti 0.08483648 7.80359768 6.06760029 -1.10125696 0.94156523 -0.10696843 +Ti 0.00088678 4.00150008 2.28704977 0.50248329 0.02075934 -1.78473692 +Ti 0.04567029 3.91566981 6.29262022 0.38889787 -0.57608163 0.34743266 +Ti 3.95911961 0.03643504 1.90758004 -0.40235836 -0.35513851 0.77410928 +Ti 3.94780000 0.02921020 6.04307972 0.53070038 0.34820296 0.75560840 +Ti 4.00349002 3.92002029 2.19047979 -1.02939926 0.49653170 -0.50415296 +Ti 3.97702986 3.95866009 6.30768995 -0.58887338 -0.44295505 0.52282174 +O 7.82449009 1.92776980 2.12959027 -0.01465837 0.40342331 -0.00943903 +O 1.94081969 0.00664022 2.06771010 0.03200046 -0.01808000 0.15650433 +O 7.83363957 7.81749973 4.19317020 -0.19533236 -0.15224736 -0.24104349 +O 7.84928764 1.92126964 6.13503010 0.00526305 0.66222516 -0.04031438 +O 1.91446969 7.85547227 6.12127992 0.99144900 -0.12388475 0.63098728 +O 7.81550979 7.83507006 0.08466967 0.38412307 0.34600081 0.62805417 +O 0.05708039 5.85384017 2.07771017 -0.76253803 0.24519840 -0.12756246 +O 1.88897972 3.91772978 1.95877007 0.07992917 -0.22155222 0.52098392 +O 7.85084560 4.05716021 4.07325992 -0.23460571 -0.66685160 0.64165068 +O 0.04458758 5.94227964 6.27709018 -0.45158265 -1.00129016 -0.26035145 +O 1.94348002 3.93305996 6.02019972 -0.14787314 0.22986819 0.59159670 +O 0.00589429 3.81634979 8.10032001 -0.08238689 0.54990060 0.17102850 +O 3.94881975 1.94912960 2.06122961 -0.30048071 -0.06393048 -0.04344264 +O 5.85021988 0.04484016 2.03815999 0.49931492 -0.48290280 0.50502431 +O 3.90591996 0.07579795 4.26730003 0.22973141 -0.63949712 -0.88594121 +O 3.83719028 1.99554031 6.14453996 0.36944130 -0.48141413 0.43901458 +O 5.84657992 7.84770686 6.29678973 -0.21525687 0.13052822 -0.47656040 +O 3.93119985 7.86013671 0.12397986 -0.26294055 0.10171130 -0.71277073 +O 3.93825001 5.84357966 2.11869005 -0.06494041 0.66988422 -0.21563894 +O 5.83460014 3.90202034 2.12826994 1.34145739 0.09440834 -0.43217287 +O 3.89900985 3.89715997 4.01612996 0.10566617 0.08810322 0.45205444 +O 4.01405976 5.88305981 6.30687005 -0.75364947 0.41759189 -0.75829314 +O 5.86374031 3.91900998 6.20855012 0.52427904 0.02741490 -0.69056488 +O 3.96512012 3.92136974 8.16114973 -0.34706216 -0.11935652 0.05420503 +40 +Lattice="7.970654495 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.970654495 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.970654495" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.00442761619 stress="0.0034017739643139684 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0034017739643139684 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0034017739643139684" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99266362 5.97799087 5.97799087 -0.00000360 0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 1.99266362 5.97799087 0.00000360 -0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 5.97799087 1.99266362 0.00000360 0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 1.99266362 1.99266362 1.99266362 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 1.99266362 1.99266362 0.00000360 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 1.99266362 5.97799087 1.99266362 -0.00000360 0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 1.99266362 1.99266362 5.97799087 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 5.97799087 5.97799087 0.00000360 0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ti 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.98532725 5.91690296 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.57072782 +O 0.00000000 3.98532725 2.05375153 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.57072782 +O 3.98532725 5.91690296 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.57072782 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 2.05375153 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.57072782 0.00000000 +O 5.91690296 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.57072782 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.05375153 0.00000000 3.98532725 -0.57072782 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 0.00000000 1.93157554 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.57072474 +O 3.98532725 0.00000000 6.03907896 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.57072474 +O 0.00000000 1.93157554 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.57072474 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.03907896 3.98532725 0.00000000 -0.57072474 0.00000000 +O 1.93157554 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.57072474 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.03907896 3.98532725 0.00000000 -0.57072474 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 3.98532725 5.97993242 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583649 +O 3.98532725 3.98532725 1.99072208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583649 +O 3.98532725 5.97993242 3.98532725 0.00000000 -0.07583649 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 1.99072208 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.07583649 0.00000000 +O 5.97993242 3.98532725 3.98532725 -0.07583649 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.99072208 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.07583649 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99460493 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583520 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.97604957 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583520 +O 0.00000000 1.99460493 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583520 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.97604957 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583520 0.00000000 +O 1.99460493 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583520 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.97604957 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583520 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.979668166 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979668166 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979668166" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.296113786917 stress="-1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98983408 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983408 0.00000000 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98983408 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983408 3.98983408 3.98983408 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04723372 1.93243445 1.93243445 -0.00003240 0.00003240 0.00003240 +Ti 1.93243445 6.04723372 1.93243445 0.00003240 -0.00003240 0.00003240 +Ti 1.93243445 1.93243445 6.04723372 0.00003240 0.00003240 -0.00003240 +Ti 6.04723372 6.04723372 6.04723372 -0.00003240 -0.00003240 -0.00003240 +Ti 2.05739968 5.92226848 5.92226848 -0.00003780 0.00003780 0.00003780 +Ti 5.92226848 2.05739968 5.92226848 0.00003780 -0.00003780 0.00003780 +Ti 5.92226848 5.92226848 2.05739968 0.00003780 0.00003780 -0.00003780 +Ti 2.05739968 2.05739968 2.05739968 -0.00003780 -0.00003780 -0.00003780 +O 1.99505015 1.99543106 3.96048078 -0.00028051 -0.00115468 0.00089860 +O 5.98461802 1.99543106 4.01918739 0.00028051 -0.00115468 -0.00089860 +O 1.99505015 5.98423711 4.01918739 -0.00028051 0.00115468 -0.00089860 +O 5.98461802 5.98423711 3.96048078 0.00028051 0.00115468 0.00089860 +O 1.99543106 3.96048078 1.99505015 -0.00115468 0.00089860 -0.00028051 +O 1.99543106 4.01918739 5.98461802 -0.00115468 -0.00089860 0.00028051 +O 5.98423711 4.01918739 1.99505015 0.00115468 -0.00089860 -0.00028051 +O 5.98423711 3.96048078 5.98461802 0.00115468 0.00089860 0.00028051 +O 3.96048078 1.99505015 1.99543106 0.00089860 -0.00028051 -0.00115468 +O 4.01918739 5.98461802 1.99543106 -0.00089860 0.00028051 -0.00115468 +O 4.01918739 1.99505015 5.98423711 -0.00089860 -0.00028051 0.00115468 +O 3.96048078 5.98461802 5.98423711 0.00089860 0.00028051 0.00115468 +O 5.98488435 5.98526525 -0.02935325 -0.00028205 -0.00115623 0.00089783 +O 1.99478382 5.98526525 0.02935325 0.00028205 -0.00115623 -0.00089783 +O 5.98488435 1.99440291 0.02935325 -0.00028205 0.00115623 -0.00089783 +O 1.99478382 1.99440291 -0.02935325 0.00028205 0.00115623 0.00089783 +O 5.98526525 -0.02935325 5.98488435 -0.00115623 0.00089783 -0.00028205 +O 5.98526525 0.02935325 1.99478382 -0.00115623 -0.00089783 0.00028205 +O 1.99440291 0.02935325 5.98488435 0.00115623 -0.00089783 -0.00028205 +O 1.99440291 -0.02935325 1.99478382 0.00115623 0.00089783 0.00028205 +O -0.02935325 5.98488435 5.98526525 0.00089783 -0.00028205 -0.00115623 +O 0.02935325 1.99478382 5.98526525 -0.00089783 0.00028205 -0.00115623 +O 0.02935325 5.98488435 1.99440291 -0.00089783 -0.00028205 0.00115623 +O -0.02935325 1.99478382 1.99440291 0.00089783 0.00028205 0.00115623 +40 +Lattice="7.931269898043876 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931269898043876 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931269898043876" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.165540641727 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97896979 3.98629987 0.00767112 -0.00429580 -0.09135875 0.10853526 +Ba 3.98493966 7.93066078 3.97676014 -0.07589588 0.08383030 -0.00205457 +Ba 0.00850074 3.97740019 3.96961010 0.06644296 -0.04836194 0.08932732 +Ba 0.02339249 0.01416128 3.96200005 -0.05622591 -0.01560454 0.18505181 +Ba 7.92725350 3.97094969 7.92678556 0.10013316 -0.00738267 0.09899159 +Ba 3.96285980 0.01115533 0.00412664 0.13193359 -0.01877291 0.11248191 +Ba 3.98291005 3.97908956 3.99321991 -0.09267104 -0.04956058 -0.14267694 +Ba 7.93115093 0.00634581 0.00804389 0.02941368 0.02170577 -0.01611105 +Ti 5.99678955 1.98145012 2.02667978 -0.08234241 0.03107435 -0.06457480 +Ti 1.98891979 5.91988954 1.99968015 0.17145504 -0.03149884 0.13411877 +Ti 2.02414018 1.97893036 5.96012011 -0.10011310 -0.03481222 -0.10147244 +Ti 5.96534999 5.94156967 6.00901005 0.08675648 -0.06456889 -0.11845664 +Ti 1.99853011 5.94539968 5.96919031 -0.03185005 -0.09605821 -0.03440547 +Ti 5.98126964 1.97906995 5.98374023 0.17146867 -0.11706284 0.06567060 +Ti 5.96459970 5.94790992 2.05110016 -0.08471888 -0.01246985 0.01787431 +Ti 2.02509035 1.95585988 1.98260968 0.16491904 -0.02975075 0.15088133 +O 1.96729994 2.00837996 3.97222980 0.01741228 -0.04778112 -0.11997564 +O 5.93893966 2.00022027 3.96604024 0.06523223 -0.00264438 -0.28247271 +O 1.98102977 6.00587958 3.95184009 -0.04450091 -0.12192171 0.06523223 +O 5.96025019 5.98057010 3.95577955 0.00387517 -0.01807048 -0.19951195 +O 1.99197016 4.01465971 1.99744036 -0.11160876 -0.12519216 -0.07636896 +O 1.97321033 4.00291033 5.93388982 0.09875016 0.06405852 0.05612024 +O 5.95140999 3.97600984 1.98316962 -0.05522601 0.16416237 0.02376085 +O 5.93988982 3.99698012 5.90324022 -0.01862867 0.16903486 0.25745382 +O 3.94334967 2.00637969 1.99978008 -0.13223672 -0.04747156 -0.12202224 +O 3.96857983 5.97307981 2.00387975 -0.03223315 -0.01906190 -0.17170367 +O 3.95397995 2.00670963 5.96015025 -0.21768296 0.03815826 -0.03133172 +O 3.96609972 5.97912026 5.93097984 -0.10746543 -0.01974864 0.09071032 +O 5.95116968 5.96099969 7.90727146 -0.06405826 0.03197424 -0.09078745 +O 1.98878020 5.96342983 7.92584967 0.00812314 0.03805258 -0.11157919 +O 5.94419016 2.01373991 7.92380657 -0.09216891 -0.00911430 -0.00253691 +O 1.97402011 2.02603021 7.92567994 0.05680235 -0.03026240 0.15328171 +O 5.93188004 0.05581711 5.94728970 0.10219801 -0.31815859 0.00856254 +O 5.94189009 0.01328964 1.98460994 0.02833099 0.13261236 -0.06037850 +O 1.96759023 0.02950591 5.96962971 0.05099912 0.06612877 -0.05682858 +O 1.96412030 0.02873023 1.97104033 0.06467224 0.30463510 -0.02619543 +O 7.92486223 5.94674958 5.93641989 -0.02615480 0.20911553 0.05663292 +O 7.91694206 2.01166985 5.96188006 -0.04877691 -0.00401323 -0.07032070 +O 7.91972990 5.96344014 1.96399974 0.04178017 0.01338645 0.06717367 +O 7.91053994 2.00057004 1.95968989 0.01815559 0.01277401 0.15990488 +40 +Lattice="7.955108908 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955108908 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955108908" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21560822747 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97755445 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755445 0.00000000 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755445 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755445 3.97755445 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633168 1.98877723 1.98877723 -0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 5.96633168 1.98877723 0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 1.98877723 5.96633168 0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.96633168 5.96633168 5.96633168 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 5.96633168 5.96633168 0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.96633168 1.98877723 5.96633168 -0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.96633168 5.96633168 1.98877723 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 1.98877723 1.98877723 0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +O 1.99308612 1.98458211 3.97755445 -0.01133137 0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 5.96202279 1.98458211 3.97755445 0.01133137 0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 1.99308612 5.97052680 3.97755445 -0.01133137 -0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 5.96202279 5.97052680 3.97755445 0.01133137 -0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 1.98458211 3.97755445 1.99308612 0.00998514 0.00000000 -0.01133137 +O 1.98458211 3.97755445 5.96202279 0.00998514 0.00000000 0.01133137 +O 5.97052680 3.97755445 1.99308612 -0.00998514 0.00000000 -0.01133137 +O 5.97052680 3.97755445 5.96202279 -0.00998514 0.00000000 0.01133137 +O 3.97755445 1.99308612 1.98458211 0.00000000 -0.01133137 0.00998514 +O 3.97755445 5.96202279 1.98458211 0.00000000 0.01133137 0.00998514 +O 3.97755445 1.99308612 5.97052680 0.00000000 -0.01133137 -0.00998514 +O 3.97755445 5.96202279 5.97052680 0.00000000 0.01133137 -0.00998514 +O 5.97064057 5.96213656 0.00000000 -0.01133111 0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 1.98446834 5.96213656 0.00000000 0.01133111 0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 5.97064057 1.99297235 0.00000000 -0.01133111 -0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 1.98446834 1.99297235 0.00000000 0.01133111 -0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 5.96213656 0.00000000 5.97064057 0.00998539 0.00000000 -0.01133111 +O 5.96213656 0.00000000 1.98446834 0.00998539 0.00000000 0.01133111 +O 1.99297235 0.00000000 5.97064057 -0.00998539 0.00000000 -0.01133111 +O 1.99297235 0.00000000 1.98446834 -0.00998539 0.00000000 0.01133111 +O 0.00000000 5.97064057 5.96213656 0.00000000 -0.01133111 0.00998539 +O 0.00000000 1.98446834 5.96213656 0.00000000 0.01133111 0.00998539 +O 0.00000000 5.97064057 1.99297235 0.00000000 -0.01133111 -0.00998539 +O 0.00000000 1.98446834 1.99297235 0.00000000 0.01133111 -0.00998539 +40 +Lattice="7.925970188302214 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.925970188302214 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.925970188302214" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.120927713935 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97553983 3.97146033 0.01580121 0.00354349 -0.06051066 -0.11647869 +Ba 3.96718982 0.01306675 3.98205973 0.10851804 -0.09019944 -0.03873470 +Ba 0.00606971 3.98674002 3.98902983 0.05919039 -0.10759861 -0.17568245 +Ba 0.02565320 0.02826401 3.96841993 -0.15352263 -0.20700466 -0.04042803 +Ba 0.03077496 3.98675032 0.00780233 -0.17103415 -0.17523791 0.01150234 +Ba 3.96749022 0.01149186 0.02820139 0.11492111 -0.05067079 -0.19492690 +Ba 3.96173992 3.97261990 3.97153008 0.02333508 -0.05480743 0.03832332 +Ba 7.92451894 0.00429271 7.91909837 -0.00263949 0.00843270 0.10886539 +Ti 5.96087013 2.01163026 2.03313024 0.22409427 -0.01225156 -0.06391223 +Ti 2.00132015 5.91701019 1.98541035 0.02070175 -0.09966367 0.14405145 +Ti 1.99480025 1.98926000 5.93713978 0.21968380 0.17317331 -0.06769278 +Ti 5.95761018 5.96902992 5.97353980 -0.07459233 0.14010610 0.03719229 +Ti 1.99955980 5.96007991 5.95814994 0.03210768 0.01877651 0.03976237 +Ti 5.97207983 2.01392007 5.98876004 -0.25810919 0.05602974 0.15576489 +Ti 5.96391053 5.96040012 2.00787018 0.09285976 0.11186176 0.23491655 +Ti 2.00180998 1.94579001 1.96049982 -0.16787247 0.20114357 0.03399924 +O 1.96743980 1.98598974 3.99322980 0.05698876 -0.06199907 -0.25497579 +O 5.95308049 1.98486980 3.94463013 0.04277390 -0.04373935 -0.14973025 +O 1.97938028 5.93340982 3.94233002 0.00761252 0.11135808 0.14704165 +O 5.92609018 5.91758007 3.92961993 0.14753093 0.13770520 0.05731915 +O 1.97393989 3.96640991 1.96918034 0.09394554 0.14225014 0.07594190 +O 1.98981006 3.95012996 5.95201048 0.07824047 0.14875760 0.02133938 +O 5.93710015 3.97256046 1.97536022 -0.03647907 -0.32160130 -0.05721604 +O 5.94329984 3.94091047 5.93471998 0.08396837 -0.03826444 -0.08091724 +O 3.95740046 1.97084004 2.00195978 -0.05013703 0.08527089 -0.09113044 +O 3.95544987 5.95910026 1.98433004 -0.22082537 -0.05339770 -0.16679569 +O 3.97258027 1.95941000 5.94032998 -0.03336675 0.08797518 0.02272855 +O 3.98169989 5.95249000 5.94675002 -0.29999452 -0.12729609 -0.06892279 +O 5.94543985 5.92272006 7.88042756 -0.01333246 0.06718370 0.21604131 +O 1.97152009 5.94267052 7.92156018 0.11707981 0.04814236 -0.07457279 +O 5.93551020 2.00007974 7.90164380 0.05310305 -0.13703311 0.06230991 +O 1.97439009 1.97708016 0.00878039 0.13492532 -0.00509104 0.09587232 +O 5.96680034 7.90345092 5.93270044 -0.00586726 0.07925785 -0.04849486 +O 5.93539052 7.91269023 1.96690004 0.09213291 0.15996504 -0.00800744 +O 2.02084023 7.91243739 5.95740014 -0.22991730 -0.10754899 -0.06030060 +O 1.95571016 0.01681019 1.97265985 0.11377414 -0.03311529 0.08289674 +O 0.00998831 5.93736012 5.93859023 0.10445955 0.02487465 -0.09448778 +O 0.01758535 1.97585005 5.94615002 -0.18460186 -0.04911990 0.02398634 +O 7.91074995 5.93882008 1.95780024 0.06910637 0.07408762 0.08416660 +O 7.92465051 1.99409008 1.95783987 -0.19230489 -0.04020177 0.15938654 +40 +Lattice="7.834229910753211 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.834229910753211 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.21802883408101" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.9934320402 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95934012 1.92946977 0.01696267 0.06021061 0.25742322 0.07682456 +Ba 1.97717004 1.97897035 4.08573970 -0.02477464 0.01943394 0.27383457 +Ba 1.94127987 5.88389994 0.02015904 0.20577978 -0.18277638 -0.02453064 +Ba 1.96054972 5.90931027 4.09966975 -0.00547774 -0.37127321 0.28675102 +Ba 5.83661018 1.92012980 0.01175448 0.24437153 0.30644953 0.02805896 +Ba 5.86273029 1.96293995 4.06840020 0.05920454 -0.06076442 0.41766800 +Ba 5.91096956 5.88338993 0.01609856 -0.28535208 -0.13507650 -0.02229249 +Ba 5.85680996 5.87445969 4.12004971 0.21971516 0.03062184 0.18705007 +Ti 0.03144817 0.00271378 2.18236027 -0.30467752 -0.20947626 -0.64797533 +Ti 0.01979867 7.81697737 6.28329995 -0.43141054 -0.11860139 -0.91677697 +Ti 0.03201145 3.90663981 2.16758022 0.00368156 0.29030866 -0.70818903 +Ti 7.82505994 3.86386021 6.26195011 -0.06179826 0.28240277 -0.07306098 +Ti 3.92790034 7.83308298 2.15990972 0.11845766 0.09810198 -0.91221943 +Ti 3.91508981 0.03257003 6.24743015 0.39513948 -0.25219668 0.08519068 +Ti 3.95621011 3.94403024 2.14151965 -0.29663897 -0.15448988 -0.43006688 +Ti 3.90115976 3.93375016 6.27454990 0.14058998 0.08550126 -0.27764315 +O 0.01104000 1.92203978 1.96002013 -0.08027421 0.27237933 0.13607898 +O 1.95987990 7.81009970 1.96351028 -0.24080515 0.15931764 0.01833582 +O 0.00334992 7.81921953 3.96959960 0.08848889 0.16152750 0.38230633 +O 0.00536723 1.95616020 6.06709009 0.02634147 -0.02222127 0.10318634 +O 1.96551976 0.02501548 6.08981014 -0.29484203 -0.15824831 0.06792417 +O 7.79810001 7.80914001 8.08407995 0.17717035 0.11922411 0.18907121 +O 0.03152024 5.84998008 2.01544025 -0.16481877 0.20457934 -0.18227296 +O 1.96521971 3.91588028 1.99441005 -0.16368877 -0.07285349 -0.03599442 +O 7.80638784 3.91243009 3.96160006 0.11821521 -0.15858719 0.51486649 +O 7.83280956 5.88400022 6.05943996 -0.02658161 -0.05626294 0.17533355 +O 1.96146006 3.89665978 6.07780027 -0.18751904 0.15490511 -0.03709742 +O 0.01058404 3.90517011 8.08919022 -0.03670070 -0.03683619 -0.18505901 +O 3.90866025 1.96572972 1.96665024 0.03421187 0.04640841 0.03701926 +O 5.85616990 7.82944006 1.98547981 0.29067581 -0.07042920 0.10607883 +O 3.87787016 0.00889420 3.94999992 0.09893168 -0.03179452 0.68460841 +O 3.90075003 1.95479000 6.07739994 -0.00608092 0.07728762 0.00802878 +O 5.85866980 0.03384936 6.02486986 0.29225678 -0.07336694 0.23265244 +O 3.94893995 0.00201261 8.08214020 -0.20940170 0.00759684 -0.18532589 +O 3.89265962 5.89979011 1.93909020 0.13642325 -0.34255424 0.20425229 +O 5.87925973 3.94399028 1.95752023 -0.03972689 -0.17049216 0.03151967 +O 3.92716000 3.92255034 3.95281006 -0.00390036 0.07995642 0.21209930 +O 3.95036029 5.88031030 6.07624987 -0.25469142 -0.09553885 0.01319310 +O 5.85132991 3.86863987 6.08747006 0.39573546 0.18480318 0.04121967 +O 3.90106027 3.93078020 8.08949967 0.01355948 -0.06438865 0.12535156 +40 +Lattice="7.81511973422794 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.81511973422794 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.197990265127501" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.882254625198 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94155005 1.97695020 0.04908677 0.03043312 -0.29002918 -0.19417408 +Ba 1.99134956 1.96737980 4.10127949 -0.35342795 -0.10371547 0.02328751 +Ba 1.99746958 5.86131948 0.02789138 -0.49135787 0.05758166 -0.13692847 +Ba 1.94263010 5.84742967 4.05337984 -0.09092166 -0.00720269 0.44966512 +Ba 5.86357961 1.94173996 8.17596413 -0.01990368 0.17388396 0.26187920 +Ba 5.90621969 1.93196012 4.09552991 -0.21727596 0.24237815 0.03828681 +Ba 5.80986004 5.91742970 8.19492908 0.49553437 -0.53915545 0.07807180 +Ba 5.81531969 5.85172017 4.11943011 0.50974151 -0.14147032 -0.06580816 +Ti 0.00504857 7.80293127 2.11292000 -0.07723774 -0.01716109 0.00267780 +Ti 7.76899021 0.03219595 6.22173952 0.11431048 -0.18319856 0.33261822 +Ti 7.80996879 3.90300990 2.10648972 -0.41662027 0.06214176 0.19428284 +Ti 0.01334979 3.95056960 6.25968974 -0.19319192 -0.08298415 -0.19461888 +Ti 3.92189983 7.81218438 2.14896958 0.02426196 0.45147003 -0.15206378 +Ti 3.83758954 7.81064011 6.23686959 0.31881576 0.05521418 -0.19060436 +Ti 3.90028008 3.91733971 2.13764000 0.54829572 -0.48515148 -0.09712985 +Ti 3.91012010 3.88685996 6.24733951 0.11155760 0.10304210 -0.40705088 +O 7.78726977 1.95380025 1.95895979 0.10740938 -0.24185828 0.01912464 +O 1.94926983 7.81375990 2.00967992 0.08964923 -0.03412034 -0.21465343 +O 7.80727961 7.78778948 3.95908964 0.10177558 0.03299214 0.12998212 +O 0.05504423 1.91714031 6.09072998 -0.12204153 0.03089438 -0.06589017 +O 1.94411966 7.75732771 6.10026989 0.41118342 -0.04712241 -0.13692127 +O 7.79900965 7.80716003 8.09593965 0.03766383 -0.00533787 -0.30981176 +O 7.81078000 5.84047968 1.94985987 0.08385396 0.17227497 0.07427660 +O 1.95813999 3.90456980 1.94763959 -0.05680313 -0.04341591 0.15014805 +O 0.01842962 3.87591020 3.96071987 -0.03844622 0.18886373 -0.12298718 +O 7.80781650 5.82734950 6.12268991 0.11321904 0.17706210 -0.27525048 +O 1.98350005 3.89360988 6.07339995 -0.06446630 0.20187299 0.02945687 +O 0.02216446 3.90293957 8.09092938 -0.02402310 -0.03599004 0.03907511 +O 3.93389995 1.95605023 1.95674968 -0.20920655 -0.38769690 0.17419661 +O 5.85354969 7.78098954 1.97578966 -0.05387181 0.09716996 0.08465049 +O 3.90143985 7.80827056 3.98017952 -0.04440629 -0.04550287 0.02815898 +O 3.86911964 1.94064975 6.01721002 0.28146586 -0.29132707 0.32618326 +O 5.86714956 7.79201433 6.02095971 0.02799649 0.25328889 0.32597114 +O 3.92762988 0.00947583 8.09250959 -0.23051714 -0.02467642 -0.39079920 +O 3.90202989 5.84290003 1.98831964 -0.08229150 0.34127152 -0.08156825 +O 5.83523965 3.89166001 1.95599005 0.38801212 0.15729443 -0.01268891 +O 3.93333960 3.89786990 3.96661013 -0.19292453 0.02312836 0.09548820 +O 4.00614995 5.84232014 6.06891016 -0.61781861 0.15531520 0.15840927 +O 5.89587950 3.86672977 6.09602941 -0.13459751 -0.16103410 -0.07653814 +O 3.91725999 3.86604986 8.06461978 -0.06382789 0.19100982 0.10959687 +40 +Lattice="7.79194018497043 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.79194018497043 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.173667334632132" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.366605023508 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96785995 1.91415010 8.17073289 -0.23511633 0.17831989 0.29565270 +Ba 1.88139980 1.95982022 4.12170026 0.40949574 0.02637181 -0.28322707 +Ba 1.98876027 5.85097022 8.09082966 -0.08394420 0.05995221 0.53815580 +Ba 1.94215979 5.81349021 4.12437991 0.00599170 0.17941826 0.10283564 +Ba 5.80713978 1.96216014 0.04458314 0.52262583 -0.33066058 0.18019551 +Ba 5.86697019 1.97728040 4.05865022 0.01868601 -0.18981889 0.02737736 +Ba 5.85843023 5.85850035 8.16874127 -0.10787218 0.10857512 0.18629442 +Ba 5.78929000 5.81604051 4.08027987 0.64678080 0.15831619 0.25401856 +Ti 0.10937780 7.75988258 2.13886031 -0.58668717 0.89535659 -0.60619105 +Ti 7.73660416 7.78701256 6.20656009 0.32860858 0.05281946 0.17409608 +Ti 7.77978398 3.94303029 2.13708998 0.00422818 -0.81663121 -0.30079130 +Ti 0.02759983 3.88628004 6.26231999 0.12450798 0.00361831 -0.45970939 +Ti 3.94602006 7.77661578 2.20832000 -0.16367977 0.76894471 -1.56330554 +Ti 3.84426044 0.01893987 6.18289051 0.23117200 -0.06096651 -0.03942452 +Ti 3.82203003 3.92728045 2.15709968 0.43412254 -0.88340019 -0.47811952 +Ti 3.94815973 3.85922019 6.23174052 -0.46960942 0.11873380 -0.23784478 +O 0.07300035 1.97576020 1.94041985 -0.25771375 0.33282365 0.28995539 +O 1.98907039 0.01730980 1.93583975 0.14821227 -0.07740949 0.17196489 +O 0.06439026 7.76589017 3.95493015 -0.34428948 0.07508110 0.31659999 +O 7.77068923 1.95485988 6.04855980 0.17527159 0.20993032 0.15082734 +O 1.91866008 0.01486391 6.02052985 0.69549446 -0.16753617 0.18415064 +O 0.00832023 7.77112012 8.04692052 -0.00324370 0.11500005 -0.17995357 +O 0.12478013 5.90914017 1.96263000 -0.62069901 -1.23811036 -0.08896865 +O 1.96800020 3.94352976 1.99894979 -0.27456605 0.07769360 -0.20700800 +O 0.06277343 3.96028009 3.97754002 -0.46051749 -0.18088842 -0.23689399 +O 7.78484796 5.83232021 6.08819039 -0.03404398 -0.08210329 -0.17874798 +O 1.98486040 3.87464044 6.06789005 -0.43195124 0.21079009 0.19245401 +O 0.01505715 3.93315011 8.08302993 -0.02977003 -0.10283076 0.05064122 +O 3.84174988 1.96916977 2.00957020 0.36981411 -0.24744143 0.02906915 +O 5.87384035 7.78469991 1.92999969 -0.30876532 0.08453710 0.46952792 +O 3.89266008 7.76458814 3.98653036 0.14101447 0.03816211 0.61968883 +O 3.83209021 1.95638008 5.96301988 0.53942464 -0.31912841 0.35876865 +O 5.88690042 0.03756572 6.00644047 -0.93284791 -0.17882614 0.02426093 +O 3.91333989 0.03825687 8.00403991 -0.01534152 -0.09698201 -0.30016807 +O 3.89436028 5.89177038 1.90532028 0.13125430 -0.62167526 0.40699483 +O 5.84405020 3.86811001 1.99047995 0.48134574 0.59027926 0.08603708 +O 3.88562006 3.85574031 3.98050018 0.11909350 0.53762153 0.03237430 +O 3.91120022 5.83321005 6.03117988 0.08227067 0.06403461 0.26132744 +O 5.86889013 3.85773972 6.02999005 -0.28721716 0.15204681 0.22235929 +O 3.91098984 3.80362002 8.08227021 0.03846036 0.55598255 -0.46527506 +40 +Lattice="7.970654495 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.970654495 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.970654495" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.00442761619 stress="0.0034017739643139684 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0034017739643139684 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0034017739643139684" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99266362 5.97799087 5.97799087 -0.00000360 0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 1.99266362 5.97799087 0.00000360 -0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 5.97799087 1.99266362 0.00000360 0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 1.99266362 1.99266362 1.99266362 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 1.99266362 1.99266362 0.00000360 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 1.99266362 5.97799087 1.99266362 -0.00000360 0.00000360 -0.00000360 +Ba 1.99266362 1.99266362 5.97799087 -0.00000360 -0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ba 5.97799087 5.97799087 5.97799087 0.00000360 0.00000360 0.00000360 +Ti 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.98532725 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.98532725 5.91690296 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.57072782 +O 0.00000000 3.98532725 2.05375153 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.57072782 +O 3.98532725 5.91690296 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.57072782 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 2.05375153 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.57072782 0.00000000 +O 5.91690296 0.00000000 3.98532725 0.57072782 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.05375153 0.00000000 3.98532725 -0.57072782 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 0.00000000 1.93157554 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.57072474 +O 3.98532725 0.00000000 6.03907896 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.57072474 +O 0.00000000 1.93157554 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.57072474 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.03907896 3.98532725 0.00000000 -0.57072474 0.00000000 +O 1.93157554 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.57072474 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.03907896 3.98532725 0.00000000 -0.57072474 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 3.98532725 5.97993242 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583649 +O 3.98532725 3.98532725 1.99072208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583649 +O 3.98532725 5.97993242 3.98532725 0.00000000 -0.07583649 0.00000000 +O 3.98532725 1.99072208 3.98532725 0.00000000 0.07583649 0.00000000 +O 5.97993242 3.98532725 3.98532725 -0.07583649 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.99072208 3.98532725 3.98532725 0.07583649 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99460493 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583520 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.97604957 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583520 +O 0.00000000 1.99460493 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583520 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.97604957 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583520 0.00000000 +O 1.99460493 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.07583520 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.97604957 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07583520 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.926679814938617 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.926679814938617 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.926679814938617" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.376051466043 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00237009 3.98242973 7.90746951 -0.37009127 -0.20133820 0.78275127 +Ba 3.97287015 0.09461364 3.92271012 -0.34039143 -0.42307837 0.17340214 +Ba 0.05435641 3.88676025 4.04959962 -0.25599574 0.29750543 -1.38006508 +Ba 0.04284846 0.01834630 4.04804996 -0.30737204 0.01517002 -0.77176418 +Ba 7.80444803 3.98382007 0.02865733 0.61842462 -0.57342877 0.65686929 +Ba 4.00906020 7.86949754 7.86083051 -0.46399002 0.59049498 0.47909936 +Ba 4.03641993 4.13040023 4.08183030 -0.60852767 -0.99134539 -1.57640840 +Ba 0.06792451 7.83661054 7.89273222 -0.63256157 1.07840448 0.30229103 +Ti 5.97676018 1.90977021 1.96425979 1.19049970 0.96790001 0.39085782 +Ti 1.84116004 5.98056974 2.04589984 0.30984493 -1.28216081 0.24981018 +Ti 2.01116989 1.95975031 5.96474016 -0.53287244 -0.60136612 -0.05498330 +Ti 5.83575009 5.96914977 5.92439019 1.23480315 0.18289311 -0.34872489 +Ti 1.83799016 5.80769995 6.04614954 0.81042946 1.14550796 -0.45249436 +Ti 5.91666960 1.99243993 5.90852018 0.85366333 -0.04776056 -0.14230439 +Ti 5.80665997 5.95144950 1.98634987 1.58940044 -0.77988989 0.46381107 +Ti 2.07680993 1.93527985 1.93365013 -1.31069620 1.19294430 0.89232938 +O 1.88652998 1.89640028 3.84006973 0.49822837 0.28004867 0.85840778 +O 6.06449980 2.07190014 3.91782967 -0.86557551 -0.36642745 0.81264215 +O 1.90163030 6.03985972 3.93270963 0.65579920 -0.31654445 0.73082707 +O 5.96375012 5.96482973 3.96788982 -0.09913814 0.21140947 0.52095435 +O 1.96656963 3.98536974 1.99854031 0.07689912 0.26158378 0.00287886 +O 2.16696006 4.01504009 5.88773960 -0.85103643 -0.10287601 0.04852263 +O 5.96554947 4.03892001 2.12167018 -0.08454970 0.40839737 -1.05362959 +O 5.98293982 3.98177974 5.99152996 -0.61691769 0.06103979 -0.13369428 +O 3.91735962 2.07239001 2.01457994 1.10645496 -0.45875628 -0.20068026 +O 4.01600001 6.06149004 2.02330008 -0.27817125 -0.26661106 -0.29581390 +O 3.93715016 2.02203023 5.74972025 0.68507249 -0.17399246 0.58670749 +O 4.03565025 6.07508985 6.01025991 -0.83030100 -0.50884446 -0.54849035 +O 5.96948983 5.97796979 0.01752747 -0.15296701 0.19822023 -0.16043092 +O 2.04251990 5.82540974 0.00831984 -0.41422323 0.52306343 -1.07504868 +O 5.84348019 1.95692999 7.90295051 0.11737626 0.09385349 -0.25814056 +O 2.07307963 2.09269975 7.85579944 -0.15476730 -0.33253620 -0.20026323 +O 6.00148983 0.01294982 5.87574970 -0.17765140 0.26689593 0.42122923 +O 6.04557961 0.10202033 2.08613012 -0.91884645 -0.87605121 -0.45818190 +O 1.92361019 0.09270569 6.02608949 0.47431120 -0.53760122 -0.20183957 +O 2.05489979 7.87055971 1.91935991 0.07072231 1.10526686 -0.51059126 +O 0.01118217 5.84270020 5.87049986 0.51946517 0.35184467 0.85205485 +O 7.91558326 2.04373982 5.91112965 0.16700395 0.07254985 0.53742664 +O 0.02465990 6.09981950 1.87511001 -0.14841822 -0.57194447 0.45799601 +O 0.01960981 1.96225989 1.88729015 -0.56333719 0.10755979 -0.39731977 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29612.830704040283 stress="-0.01969539900364344 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.01969539900364344 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.01969539900364344" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98865933 5.96597798 5.96597798 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96597798 1.98865933 5.96597798 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96597798 5.96597798 1.98865933 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98865933 1.98865933 1.98865933 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96597798 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98865933 5.96597798 1.98865933 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98865933 1.98865933 5.96597798 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96597798 5.96597798 5.96597798 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97731865 5.85461306 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.16245102 +O 0.00000000 3.97731865 2.10002425 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.16245102 +O 3.97731865 5.85461306 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.16245102 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 2.10002425 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.16245102 0.00000000 +O 5.85461306 0.00000000 3.97731865 1.16245102 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.10002425 0.00000000 3.97731865 -1.16245102 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 0.00000000 1.87729440 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.16244073 +O 3.97731865 0.00000000 6.07734290 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.16244073 +O 0.00000000 1.87729440 3.97731865 0.00000000 1.16244073 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.07734290 3.97731865 0.00000000 -1.16244073 0.00000000 +O 1.87729440 3.97731865 0.00000000 1.16244073 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.07734290 3.97731865 0.00000000 -1.16244073 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 3.97731865 5.87052233 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.97796661 +O 3.97731865 3.97731865 2.08411497 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.97796661 +O 3.97731865 5.87052233 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.97796661 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 2.08411497 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.97796661 0.00000000 +O 5.87052233 3.97731865 3.97731865 2.97796661 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.08411497 3.97731865 3.97731865 -2.97796661 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.97797329 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.97797329 +O 0.00000000 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.97797329 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.97797329 0.00000000 +O 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.97797329 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.97797329 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.837329830839747 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.837329830839747 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.221288456582418" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.07539136783 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96682024 1.97386992 0.04071728 -0.21090296 -0.19230797 -0.25585690 +Ba 1.96825996 1.95174984 4.09533009 -0.07636896 -0.04693472 0.24220229 +Ba 1.94295009 5.86998997 0.00493752 0.00203143 0.18254704 0.10333058 +Ba 1.96002998 5.85940958 4.11254008 0.11298919 0.21916675 0.02762393 +Ba 5.89881959 1.95290977 0.00036992 0.01436887 0.13658034 0.00873044 +Ba 5.88469986 1.98675998 4.11718997 -0.07152578 -0.13777796 0.13548120 +Ba 5.83668994 5.86923994 8.21549275 0.35022359 0.01045462 0.12691197 +Ba 5.90005005 5.87070004 4.14054991 -0.26515376 -0.00242661 -0.10346119 +Ti 7.81847165 7.81243455 2.16637982 0.24267023 0.08366498 -0.56887534 +Ti 7.83631176 0.00020534 6.25582015 0.09256049 0.15506863 -0.21227902 +Ti 7.82825420 3.90931968 2.14893001 -0.16739167 -0.01523816 -0.29895836 +Ti 0.01818966 3.92502961 6.24310957 -0.18800935 -0.18213155 -0.19473175 +Ti 3.93537959 0.01187591 2.14649025 -0.14767028 -0.36709748 -0.27589582 +Ti 3.91793996 0.02021012 6.28040978 -0.08340144 0.06856104 -0.50071334 +Ti 3.90290013 3.91514987 2.13455007 0.26852396 0.34711487 -0.22339338 +Ti 3.91489986 3.93458959 6.26463950 0.11407162 -0.22213971 -0.56865037 +O 0.00069987 1.99047017 1.94545960 -0.13190119 -0.10772434 0.12706058 +O 1.92823001 0.00546967 2.00431011 0.24453916 -0.05654679 -0.03851950 +O 7.78517945 0.02155031 3.97238981 0.19487111 -0.05555614 0.22671782 +O 7.83286412 1.96806011 6.08513016 0.01299950 -0.21813856 -0.01428891 +O 1.96349957 0.03259075 6.07762984 0.16917139 -0.20241601 -0.05345246 +O 0.01714965 7.82155015 8.06407946 -0.09832644 0.04665241 0.17231996 +O 7.78422017 5.90380021 1.95432989 0.28521504 -0.15861804 0.18353074 +O 1.94599959 3.93013955 1.93534004 0.02150188 0.08780574 0.21506892 +O 7.82571412 3.91154000 3.97582962 0.21581737 0.06081225 -0.12233695 +O 0.03440588 5.87072982 6.04590981 -0.05557337 0.20619399 0.07291906 +O 1.97086979 3.89597976 6.06414023 0.06282336 0.07777381 0.02953375 +O 0.01685653 3.95224004 8.05393952 -0.09503903 -0.09567692 0.34599927 +O 3.88312968 1.95822034 1.94019997 0.22323089 -0.03696218 0.15673805 +O 5.87407009 0.00413968 1.93739969 -0.19686603 0.14776207 0.07987672 +O 3.96116989 7.83042044 3.95172983 -0.16920507 0.08940188 0.21617913 +O 3.92086956 1.96200969 6.08180949 0.10122793 -0.29067170 -0.00334475 +O 5.88160960 7.81904299 6.08569994 -0.12781571 0.06277117 0.10244998 +O 3.93029003 7.82072331 8.09554947 -0.13582058 0.08236478 -0.03046372 +O 3.90490021 5.86227020 1.96118990 -0.03874138 0.23712230 -0.02956974 +O 5.88236982 3.95846993 1.96848019 -0.14503027 -0.32630899 -0.04094842 +O 3.91596966 3.91797993 3.94041978 -0.07640419 -0.09946647 0.25677736 +O 3.90820992 5.86169965 6.05301984 -0.00336557 0.20467550 0.22015816 +O 5.89294003 3.90809001 6.06040025 -0.22135296 0.12972090 0.12018905 +O 3.92685963 3.89118018 8.06599960 -0.02297024 0.17792574 0.36593997 +40 +Lattice="7.922289760818116 0.0 0.0 -0.021714996234402456 7.922258071659073 0.0 -0.021714996234402456 0.02165954020607673 7.922226382500029" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.00739161618 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00044340 0.03626270 0.04039972 -0.05706461 -0.01749456 -0.17060169 +Ba 3.98958669 0.06933984 4.01761021 0.03351176 -0.17141185 -0.08671714 +Ba 3.96869641 4.00135288 0.03861007 0.20265872 -0.04725199 -0.07365336 +Ba 3.99638006 4.00948986 3.99575023 -0.06026897 0.03272552 -0.01294011 +Ba 0.05505199 0.03199258 0.02423032 -0.00454237 0.06536258 -0.01341267 +Ba 0.00758401 7.93017006 4.02617975 0.02258714 0.31200543 -0.22259531 +Ba 0.07073654 4.01422264 0.07410985 -0.29676958 -0.13726991 -0.42621151 +Ba 0.00805380 4.01072970 3.96144989 0.05613978 -0.11526718 0.31716229 +O 2.02971995 3.95288985 2.00864983 0.00748937 0.46183903 0.00824604 +O 2.04096960 4.04124002 5.94466996 -0.22213406 -0.07793939 -0.07513843 +O 2.00259641 0.05414014 1.96486967 0.08875577 -0.38732949 0.19926461 +O 2.04687646 0.06299013 5.96439012 -0.07329058 0.00522165 -0.07584214 +O 5.98034957 3.98324965 1.99080962 -0.06680934 -0.29950318 -0.03072880 +O 6.00056013 4.00775013 5.92398011 -0.04064143 -0.15419317 0.07460184 +O 5.99309971 7.91022966 1.97567963 -0.05191520 0.27614908 -0.00185094 +O 6.00895617 0.03819970 5.93501982 -0.16767809 -0.13533310 0.07832480 +O 2.03506987 2.02027975 3.97102001 -0.08395012 0.01160956 -0.34644484 +O 1.97811970 2.07297011 7.89478991 0.15528152 -0.13918538 0.26004086 +O 2.02912023 6.01248000 3.97484014 -0.14265843 -0.08955975 -0.28456481 +O 2.08636670 5.99332232 0.01178995 -0.43068112 -0.16558676 0.08426765 +O 5.98567969 1.98858980 3.96425992 -0.05665246 0.09359998 -0.45778955 +O 5.96439963 2.00498973 7.89005000 0.10810409 0.12620440 0.30055939 +O 5.94042995 5.98776008 3.94378001 0.24846524 -0.07182762 0.07771031 +O 5.94261016 5.96926946 7.91335976 0.11872660 0.09241702 0.00136937 +O 0.05306587 2.03550005 1.97220016 -0.05510928 -0.20573325 0.15110065 +O 0.04484808 2.00055008 5.92219997 0.03872416 0.24944303 0.04798758 +O 0.03877089 5.96121962 2.00071011 0.16655786 -0.04388127 -0.05410964 +O 0.06094855 5.97788970 5.97740961 -0.26918216 0.09886097 -0.14898977 +O 4.03398954 1.95429975 1.97212966 -0.03861591 0.23731411 0.06654683 +O 3.98350950 2.06878001 5.95567956 0.53067672 -0.20639608 -0.06683326 +O 3.96570020 5.95339002 1.99239012 0.32337382 0.16556773 0.08180145 +O 4.00608961 5.99192959 5.94658953 0.13057296 0.00316246 -0.03925123 +Ti 1.99623005 2.02620958 2.04679961 -0.31187558 -0.00749168 -0.05901299 +Ti 1.94073996 2.02684970 5.98180015 0.16274312 -0.16802699 0.30493104 +Ti 1.97697968 6.00338997 2.04311971 0.44576758 0.13700792 -0.20245432 +Ti 2.01952000 5.96951980 5.97799982 -0.07599744 0.09770681 0.35636904 +Ti 5.94855980 2.02623018 2.04309990 0.20789606 0.14782301 0.11201705 +Ti 5.91317965 2.05554028 6.00669990 0.01210578 0.18624197 0.04542908 +Ti 5.94197955 6.00221985 2.02828998 -0.33498543 0.01096987 0.07511298 +Ti 5.96800982 6.01566001 5.99455979 -0.21931613 -0.17054950 0.20629966 +40 +Lattice="7.8053998072649025 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.070166774127136 0.0 0.0 0.0687655723020038 8.06987016893446" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.97173818321 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90948982 0.04566705 0.03895129 -0.13598282 -0.36551342 -0.10659151 +Ba 3.91431980 0.03746358 3.94004952 -0.00718443 0.41231393 0.46636803 +Ba 3.84893007 4.00444953 0.08601394 0.42322261 0.19436923 -0.80117991 +Ba 3.94890007 4.22403963 3.98270993 -0.63390086 -1.18833688 -0.04391778 +Ba 7.75956962 0.12775878 7.97674316 0.12281054 -0.25246845 0.40645927 +Ba 0.05301974 0.08275519 4.03359021 -0.60271286 -0.01415804 0.13456100 +Ba 0.09025540 4.15994793 8.04565079 -0.59833864 -0.51895172 -0.01956430 +Ba 7.77743384 4.15065014 4.10346025 0.20898081 -0.89112841 -0.59079631 +Ti 1.95263004 2.02213010 2.09668962 0.03493024 -0.01135219 0.45011532 +Ti 2.00171976 1.97091965 6.11108011 0.16388957 0.93162869 -0.66257097 +Ti 1.87037986 6.05162950 2.11448983 1.22132414 -0.00478868 -0.54104161 +Ti 1.96782013 6.07563969 6.14411022 0.39870380 -0.30400595 -0.35114276 +Ti 5.89841965 1.88292001 2.07976985 -0.22684715 1.95225123 0.14460013 +Ti 5.84637949 2.08761974 6.15563021 -0.36900370 -0.47700546 -0.44288306 +Ti 5.87080024 5.93516981 1.82963957 -1.07356618 1.13804096 0.36001692 +Ti 5.82142953 6.03151967 5.85986020 -0.27049805 0.82726530 0.68382140 +O 1.87815013 2.03803984 3.98476978 0.50553107 0.24815414 -0.36447984 +O 1.92408023 2.12864024 7.95394983 -0.07547576 -0.01705618 0.30812435 +O 1.81907965 6.06655967 3.93596027 0.19217608 0.57865248 -0.07321730 +O 2.04985956 6.04882970 7.98497005 -0.36433380 0.80389294 -0.03747743 +O 5.82471014 2.16988007 3.89736960 0.06679160 -0.36925309 0.46263659 +O 5.79506991 2.18566962 8.04013003 0.53614829 -0.24415761 -0.40661739 +O 5.83495004 6.19471965 4.00239984 0.72802303 -0.36106490 0.39645177 +O 5.70427984 6.17609987 8.06419955 0.54599895 -0.06992089 -0.43131721 +O 2.02645975 4.12206988 1.94491986 -0.64957662 0.29166157 0.41565996 +O 1.91975994 4.24132000 5.94572974 -0.09536067 -0.14480607 0.30101782 +O 1.85617013 0.09654031 1.95611983 0.35605896 0.01350318 -0.00905131 +O 2.00114996 0.12568021 6.04684011 -0.28296173 -0.04603175 -0.04791354 +O 5.78261015 4.15306981 1.94358982 0.62993287 -0.06942261 0.13204517 +O 5.81478947 4.17923976 5.95552005 0.19392134 0.44985255 0.29960037 +O 5.92871007 0.10153967 2.02808015 -0.00613799 -0.44698731 -0.35320118 +O 5.66310012 0.23345014 6.04038973 0.88162922 -0.02389686 -0.05414949 +O 0.01810384 2.13279974 2.04269967 -0.17365334 0.17147150 -0.65340139 +O 7.77305111 2.17361964 6.00835949 -0.03674158 -0.26283591 0.10350644 +O 0.01405206 6.13189009 1.88271005 -0.21187716 -0.22648693 0.01975224 +O 7.72978968 6.26634981 6.06361001 0.23198164 -0.19241930 0.00249628 +O 3.89558996 2.14145983 1.93784973 -0.39266196 -0.78244120 0.23743958 +O 3.88589019 2.23824991 5.98388956 -0.49978080 -0.06041193 0.12009160 +O 3.95456991 6.25109962 2.07290969 -0.71687781 -0.42625702 -0.28173994 +O 3.85748010 6.21780022 5.79928951 -0.01858111 -0.24189916 0.82748950 +40 +Lattice="8.001080013724291 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.001080013724291 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.001080013724291" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.28694682655 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02123000 4.01256003 0.02711566 0.18365313 0.32141104 0.16808844 +Ba 3.93152989 7.94449078 4.03126975 0.83181898 0.24901443 -0.26189694 +Ba 0.10259385 3.88015976 4.07687991 -0.66508602 0.91392176 -0.56336367 +Ba 0.07812655 0.03112340 4.07091991 -0.69210266 -0.22618432 -0.68629043 +Ba 0.03692258 4.08179017 7.99955501 -0.31968403 -0.30324182 0.45413652 +Ba 3.98843997 0.03180269 7.93769626 0.34913601 -0.36422427 0.67435974 +Ba 3.96827965 4.02084035 3.98857999 0.39838369 0.08638572 0.04780221 +Ba 7.93619446 0.06226120 7.92103561 0.20370490 -0.30241598 0.88469757 +Ti 6.00921995 2.09478036 2.12354984 -0.02438306 -0.99742965 -0.32677538 +Ti 1.98236999 6.07195961 2.03942009 -0.57856043 -0.15431170 -0.31637064 +Ti 1.99715998 2.08808986 6.11140014 -0.07354126 -0.43280279 0.32838747 +Ti 6.07357023 6.01566962 5.91148995 -0.56006957 0.24710950 0.01857314 +Ti 2.00307998 6.05025028 6.05208013 0.57262221 0.25332591 0.44006050 +Ti 5.96015972 2.07068991 6.06002040 0.26394534 0.10815783 0.11215589 +Ti 6.01580003 6.07411991 1.98837000 -0.12068553 0.75782366 -0.54657051 +Ti 2.00360005 2.02742007 2.07371992 -0.28173557 0.06701015 -0.72685678 +O 2.04991991 1.82634013 3.88468997 -0.21203142 0.81918509 0.76565010 +O 5.97580023 1.98947015 4.01840962 0.28824123 0.13821582 -0.19697196 +O 1.94676038 5.99464998 3.98111018 0.56598388 0.12680295 -0.01597452 +O 6.00187975 5.94821971 4.00344040 0.31510540 -0.29449698 0.81336051 +O 1.93864969 3.99399032 2.07022025 0.56168191 -0.99995858 -0.25577026 +O 2.07163964 3.94858019 5.93193031 -0.34056807 -0.10678408 0.02565292 +O 6.05089997 3.90509032 1.96083988 0.15298527 0.41509612 0.27147790 +O 6.01796033 3.98781989 5.99009976 -0.04199383 0.02088379 0.08397043 +O 4.09969979 1.99565978 1.97875030 -1.17019081 0.03495569 -0.06168514 +O 4.09517998 5.97554020 1.99569019 -0.92028961 -0.27036975 0.24916818 +O 3.98757986 1.99467965 6.00873028 0.07093365 -0.19085916 -0.16273669 +O 3.97820019 5.93894966 6.09153026 0.58487763 0.44848781 -0.70122545 +O 6.06364009 5.99651983 0.09866052 -0.04909213 -0.12388835 -1.26838741 +O 2.03976974 5.94028024 7.98097010 -0.10517740 0.00862708 -0.11630179 +O 6.02017982 1.93334017 7.91158953 -0.32366641 0.14719206 -0.07470829 +O 1.97783978 2.03107016 7.94774962 0.40437334 -0.01104983 0.24553701 +O 6.09416021 7.92402241 5.86860977 -0.48763851 -0.09802125 0.61961221 +O 5.98409975 7.93698016 2.01706987 0.22675767 -0.00036998 0.21473596 +O 1.91367031 7.96738747 6.03974967 0.69359030 0.10271197 -0.16250220 +O 2.06424024 7.96788993 1.93950020 0.02214311 -0.03060950 -0.05998384 +O 0.09134033 6.01385977 5.98074010 -1.20938471 -0.64708239 0.08351612 +O 0.00091212 2.08046963 6.09290964 0.44309826 -0.31016606 -0.92434115 +O 0.06299010 5.98415016 1.93527963 0.26029797 0.20714993 0.57054527 +O 7.99130029 1.89162014 1.95630967 0.78254661 0.39079842 0.35722470 +40 +Lattice="7.822110165150291 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.822110165150291 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.205323164251169" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.030710139472 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94965001 1.98627000 8.19543132 0.12602802 -0.29862309 0.14800787 +Ba 1.93404020 1.96064007 4.12471993 0.23444810 -0.15003107 -0.05889446 +Ba 1.96949001 5.85685035 8.19561436 -0.17547213 0.05713943 0.13954740 +Ba 1.95324974 5.87322047 4.10521003 -0.01412693 -0.04597390 0.08126537 +Ba 5.85888019 1.96430004 0.00581496 -0.02625045 -0.10834397 0.06174221 +Ba 5.86731008 1.95445982 4.13290030 -0.08168420 -0.06205486 -0.08036729 +Ba 5.88031981 5.85091024 0.01848678 -0.04416101 0.04343262 -0.09869308 +Ba 5.86876030 5.88424026 4.07946042 0.04904662 -0.16799331 0.28373615 +Ti 7.80631889 0.00862075 2.15936000 0.32006043 -0.14711338 -0.50234239 +Ti 0.02220306 0.01120674 6.28652043 -0.29557556 -0.35694857 -0.48883896 +Ti 0.01770065 3.90289975 2.12703044 -0.11576469 0.21626166 0.20377304 +Ti 0.00057023 3.89796009 6.23116023 0.15504729 0.40393702 -0.11828386 +Ti 3.90406994 7.81780800 2.11835024 -0.30750368 0.03509324 0.04735124 +Ti 3.91884982 7.80641041 6.24918002 0.19889026 0.19808910 -0.15306163 +Ti 3.91295977 3.90094970 2.13354000 0.04740651 0.02003764 0.03990455 +Ti 3.92333971 3.90830014 6.22650998 -0.16744001 -0.12876136 -0.17316148 +O 0.00054989 1.94559972 1.99964972 -0.08738485 0.06533944 -0.10647324 +O 1.96885016 0.01011008 1.92675000 -0.11955810 -0.09767338 0.24759441 +O 0.01847035 0.00095977 3.97507045 -0.05979075 -0.09078771 0.10343060 +O 7.80667949 1.92375022 6.06517974 -0.03160246 0.19697427 0.11170569 +O 1.96023019 0.01482681 6.11602033 -0.18304120 -0.14509044 -0.14313074 +O 7.79680016 7.82000993 8.09539983 0.09954977 0.07428071 0.05270299 +O 7.80435006 5.85681985 1.96265974 0.20314569 0.02345206 0.10816991 +O 1.93325017 3.89863044 1.92303997 0.34377166 0.03598773 0.27550964 +O 0.03495153 3.91900000 3.98633976 -0.24264118 -0.07394261 -0.23984613 +O 0.00703129 5.85670017 6.07582016 -0.03278131 -0.04304952 0.06135475 +O 1.93626012 3.85576997 6.07945979 0.08444043 0.25420420 -0.04694474 +O 0.01084770 3.89435018 8.06962050 -0.16922615 -0.04900368 0.04105255 +O 3.91852989 1.95898022 1.96135971 0.03462119 -0.03340094 -0.03053776 +O 5.88006012 7.79077010 1.97355985 -0.22027849 0.18268845 0.05226693 +O 3.89644025 7.80867022 3.96233997 0.04735741 0.04245071 -0.17464270 +O 3.91815991 1.95597027 6.06128042 -0.01903542 -0.20923252 0.11807123 +O 5.85176989 7.79997750 6.08149041 0.16253074 0.07239095 0.01396983 +O 3.89389024 7.79254415 8.07846027 0.23319571 0.16345171 0.04089262 +O 3.89650987 5.85411027 1.93293025 0.07532844 -0.07838419 0.27468458 +O 5.87310001 3.90947971 1.96502984 -0.27275831 -0.05955909 0.08198605 +O 3.88685973 3.88255992 3.98011024 0.08946308 0.21652442 -0.35551440 +O 3.92365024 5.85704982 6.04691042 -0.20142793 -0.03835315 0.04829946 +O 5.85537041 3.87729016 6.09159032 0.18383773 0.13916713 -0.12360630 +O 3.88457020 3.91657045 8.05195036 0.17933522 -0.05658124 0.25732012 +40 +Lattice="7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29602.210423236396 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04753010 3.89120974 4.22478017 -0.79480409 -0.57520926 -0.63856561 +Ba 3.84779991 0.13324257 4.08623037 2.19005256 -0.66334847 -1.05110528 +Ba 0.05121467 3.96790008 4.00769035 -0.30707225 -1.00424153 -0.66892005 +Ba 3.75837014 4.25860968 0.15849960 6.26661890 -1.32929067 -5.96520256 +Ba 0.06380648 7.88601144 3.63907033 -1.28687390 1.86882999 3.05150093 +Ba 0.01011893 4.12229976 7.90934140 -1.21899009 -1.04951763 1.33072355 +Ba 3.98673991 7.90410518 7.65837260 1.12948716 0.69802417 2.31495547 +Ba 0.11935407 7.84776282 0.21079391 -1.29850943 0.62086742 -0.76254549 +Ti 1.94747010 6.15242016 2.29152014 1.39429073 -3.20088845 -3.30806026 +Ti 6.15403044 1.91919040 2.08109010 -0.21961823 5.28461690 -2.06007455 +Ti 5.98092020 5.74180031 5.64102993 1.47186991 3.21299912 7.36391559 +Ti 2.06710027 1.76926967 5.88807995 -3.07890426 1.46134125 2.51764453 +Ti 1.74328011 5.93339051 6.16219038 0.95045122 -0.29554574 -4.77537444 +Ti 6.34057036 1.92425026 6.19908007 -7.36136326 0.86788487 0.60056368 +Ti 5.67849016 5.78695048 1.94976982 7.56984167 -0.69442360 0.68788708 +Ti 2.18767043 2.29830998 1.68594988 -5.34166531 -9.21828749 1.89266180 +O 5.95826053 5.88552009 4.02914989 0.60021529 0.59200627 -6.69765791 +O 1.89682996 5.73400983 3.96391028 1.54074205 0.96294730 2.15333438 +O 6.12025998 2.13429010 3.84240969 -1.07673044 0.18161321 3.69422530 +O 1.96399027 1.88310026 4.16150992 -0.01867958 1.03419874 -2.85242607 +O 5.84933978 4.04800010 6.04966047 0.94194833 -2.43951770 -0.06211991 +O 5.78408022 3.96414009 2.10498980 -0.61135202 1.32106803 -0.34077376 +O 1.90228003 4.07736024 5.94272026 0.32451821 -0.16758965 0.63507816 +O 2.39970995 3.90096001 1.71750999 -2.96270146 7.05590155 4.50525048 +O 4.30638993 6.16202999 5.89486021 -3.26683622 -0.31488326 0.28932855 +O 3.73282983 1.99422976 6.21951025 2.38611743 0.42930044 -0.79903844 +O 4.11456992 6.20116993 2.05041013 -6.46284395 0.63641745 0.43249735 +O 3.68022991 1.56349972 1.88727040 3.93160934 0.79112176 0.59991550 +O 6.14666049 6.05521028 0.24298681 -0.51811097 -0.08362076 -0.96750021 +O 2.14010004 5.95441995 7.82649719 -1.12237215 1.30142506 3.02179338 +O 5.92204990 2.21401987 0.13001881 0.92869609 -0.70476097 -2.01369854 +O 1.80990977 1.77230990 0.00214172 0.09622019 0.93196422 -1.28131954 +O 6.06843008 0.21823568 5.91640034 0.12585293 -1.34967824 0.02068375 +O 6.03863026 0.29275398 2.10654024 -0.48735338 -7.05079919 -0.41807654 +O 1.89932997 7.86281953 5.84256989 0.19483306 0.14084580 0.51951273 +O 2.09239001 7.82299574 1.95886976 -1.14397404 0.94804004 0.51272682 +O 7.94497510 6.07753002 5.97735970 -0.50383903 -0.37874226 0.34068762 +O 7.92043623 2.16329036 5.96845048 5.79274916 0.32959511 0.00094308 +O 0.13791702 5.89373030 2.16519030 -0.31137705 -0.44673406 -1.41782018 +O 0.02113317 2.08368028 2.03631976 1.55785686 0.29607050 -0.40555039 +40 +Lattice="7.955720309 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955720309 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955720309" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216227150395 stress="0.00025157518656464977 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00025157518656464977 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00025157518656464977" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98924168 1.98924168 1.98924168 -0.00584900 -0.00584900 -0.00584900 +Ba 5.96647863 5.96647863 1.98924168 0.00584900 0.00584900 -0.00584900 +Ba 5.96647863 1.98924168 5.96647863 0.00584900 -0.00584900 0.00584900 +Ba 1.98924168 5.96647863 5.96647863 -0.00584900 0.00584900 0.00584900 +Ba 5.96640671 1.98931360 1.98931360 0.00628660 -0.00628660 -0.00628660 +Ba 1.98931360 5.96640671 1.98931360 -0.00628660 0.00628660 -0.00628660 +Ba 1.98931360 1.98931360 5.96640671 -0.00628660 -0.00628660 0.00628660 +Ba 5.96640671 5.96640671 5.96640671 0.00628660 0.00628660 0.00628660 +Ti 3.97786016 3.97786016 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97786016 0.00000000 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97786016 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97786016 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97786016 3.97786016 1.98858339 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01145298 +O 3.97786016 3.97786016 5.96713692 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.01145298 +O 3.97786016 1.98858339 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.01145298 0.00000000 +O 3.97786016 5.96713692 3.97786016 0.00000000 -0.01145298 0.00000000 +O 1.98858339 3.97786016 3.97786016 0.01145298 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96713692 3.97786016 3.97786016 -0.01145298 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97786016 1.98874728 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00631900 +O 0.00000000 3.97786016 5.96697303 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00631900 +O 1.98874728 0.00000000 3.97786016 0.00631900 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96697303 0.00000000 3.97786016 -0.00631900 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97786016 1.98874728 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00631900 0.00000000 +O 3.97786016 5.96697303 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00631900 0.00000000 +O 3.97786016 0.00000000 1.98874728 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00631900 +O 3.97786016 0.00000000 5.96697303 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00631900 +O 0.00000000 1.98874728 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00631900 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96697303 3.97786016 0.00000000 -0.00631900 0.00000000 +O 1.98874728 3.97786016 0.00000000 0.00631900 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96697303 3.97786016 0.00000000 -0.00631900 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98872374 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00729551 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96699657 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00729551 +O 0.00000000 1.98872374 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00729551 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96699657 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00729551 0.00000000 +O 1.98872374 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00729551 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96699657 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00729551 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.826929911163974 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.826929911163974 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.210379034441809" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.099477932432 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96469012 1.96117974 0.00357065 -0.07206185 -0.01736009 0.08319550 +Ba 1.94597984 1.96738023 4.09156988 0.12480366 -0.04535786 0.15744304 +Ba 1.97547015 5.86915019 0.01350224 -0.12207006 -0.03919390 0.05393146 +Ba 1.93692017 5.87161019 4.11596016 0.18357162 -0.04354317 -0.02557451 +Ba 5.86626988 1.96667033 8.20202379 0.06988593 -0.10362240 0.15316216 +Ba 5.85459993 1.93198999 4.12594967 0.08282629 0.16529776 -0.02751800 +Ba 5.88185956 5.87784982 0.00685796 -0.01461338 -0.06313550 0.03503565 +Ba 5.86182027 5.86680994 4.12612969 0.04223577 0.00425235 -0.04271965 +Ti 0.00000861 0.00783789 2.14762973 -0.12363175 -0.12348494 -0.48476376 +Ti 7.82331700 0.00057137 6.24694984 0.13456331 -0.16477095 -0.07360966 +Ti 7.81239452 3.91306030 2.15218031 0.20719775 0.08662535 -0.36226021 +Ti 0.00726026 3.90743978 6.24328996 -0.10358820 0.16729140 -0.25838713 +Ti 3.91090007 7.81165331 2.14953011 0.06332293 -0.01431153 -0.29983588 +Ti 3.90867018 0.00184011 6.25256018 -0.11962854 0.01925628 -0.34502610 +Ti 3.93087987 3.89483999 2.14891022 -0.25837144 0.08866501 -0.24436716 +Ti 3.91327007 3.91962005 6.25596959 0.10556872 -0.05874636 -0.36288473 +O 0.00064964 1.95732967 1.95844971 0.01409659 0.00404717 0.04698460 +O 1.97078025 0.01518033 1.95268987 -0.02861972 -0.08143944 0.11193632 +O 0.00020976 0.00900019 3.95872966 0.07554775 -0.02275992 0.26917753 +O 0.00323252 1.95711991 6.07130961 -0.00833629 -0.07020757 0.02136278 +O 1.97226032 7.82520642 6.06150012 -0.20796779 0.04356709 0.07898223 +O 0.00428994 7.80449010 8.07629981 -0.00510441 0.12946456 -0.21575669 +O 0.01500031 5.86862031 1.95632000 0.02726295 -0.03995494 0.14803615 +O 1.96874995 3.91464995 1.94897990 0.02268921 0.01442003 0.21498588 +O 7.81612483 3.90422996 3.97278995 -0.00203426 -0.00906725 -0.01051247 +O 0.01614461 5.87135973 6.03405969 -0.10908882 0.13411414 0.21375689 +O 1.95413002 3.94122003 6.04687003 -0.02790110 -0.16754285 0.15559776 +O 7.81833281 3.90082994 8.05778991 0.10402041 0.10372139 0.10208514 +O 3.91798031 1.96336971 1.95934980 0.13670890 -0.06556262 0.10837277 +O 5.88422016 7.80733989 1.96681983 -0.08481067 0.21323521 0.05049081 +O 3.90567012 7.82071220 3.96880996 0.02447099 -0.00420015 0.03619162 +O 3.90590962 1.96640030 6.04613977 0.02847677 -0.17113648 0.18601211 +O 5.87075001 0.00386102 6.05117014 0.09690745 -0.00781075 0.16582767 +O 3.91242006 0.01137801 8.06998974 0.06925446 -0.02041842 0.05040211 +O 3.95097004 5.87730976 1.94748966 -0.18702976 -0.08649525 0.15042882 +O 5.88847018 3.92138033 1.93786018 -0.11314654 -0.06288044 0.15927316 +O 3.94830027 3.89294979 3.97465981 -0.15861932 0.15870134 -0.18113936 +O 3.91892972 5.86128021 6.07568017 -0.05605211 0.24387839 0.06442259 +O 5.85683999 3.94299988 6.07161956 0.23746863 -0.20550853 0.06298509 +O 3.91968971 3.88936975 8.07734001 -0.04820433 0.11197437 0.05427547 +40 +Lattice="7.979808432 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979808432 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979808432" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.294506410475 stress="1.0099733767193969e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.0099733767193969e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.0099733767193969e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98990422 3.98990422 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98990422 0.00000000 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98990422 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98990422 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98990422 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93234292 6.04746551 1.93234292 0.00050651 -0.00050651 0.00050651 +Ti 6.04746551 1.93234292 1.93234292 -0.00050651 0.00050651 0.00050651 +Ti 6.04746551 6.04746551 6.04746551 -0.00050651 -0.00050651 -0.00050651 +Ti 1.93234292 1.93234292 6.04746551 0.00050651 0.00050651 -0.00050651 +Ti 2.05765275 5.92215568 5.92215568 -0.00094462 0.00094462 0.00094462 +Ti 5.92215568 2.05765275 5.92215568 0.00094462 -0.00094462 0.00094462 +Ti 5.92215568 5.92215568 2.05765275 0.00094462 0.00094462 -0.00094462 +Ti 2.05765275 2.05765275 2.05765275 -0.00094462 -0.00094462 -0.00094462 +O 5.98468813 5.98425653 3.96050366 0.00044866 0.00140794 0.00123413 +O 1.99512030 5.98425653 4.01930478 -0.00044866 0.00140794 -0.00123413 +O 5.98468813 1.99555190 4.01930478 0.00044866 -0.00140794 -0.00123413 +O 1.99512030 1.99555190 3.96050366 -0.00044866 -0.00140794 0.00123413 +O 5.98425653 3.96050366 5.98468813 0.00140794 0.00123413 0.00044866 +O 5.98425653 4.01930478 1.99512030 0.00140794 -0.00123413 -0.00044866 +O 1.99555190 4.01930478 5.98468813 -0.00140794 -0.00123413 0.00044866 +O 1.99555190 3.96050366 1.99512030 -0.00140794 0.00123413 -0.00044866 +O 3.96050366 5.98468813 5.98425653 0.00123413 0.00044866 0.00140794 +O 4.01930478 1.99512030 5.98425653 -0.00123413 -0.00044866 0.00140794 +O 4.01930478 5.98468813 1.99555190 -0.00123413 0.00044866 -0.00140794 +O 3.96050366 1.99512030 1.99555190 0.00123413 -0.00044866 -0.00140794 +O 5.98484817 5.98529600 -0.02941445 0.00068031 -0.00037435 0.00074613 +O 1.99496026 5.98529600 0.02941445 -0.00068031 -0.00037435 -0.00074613 +O 5.98484817 1.99451243 0.02941445 0.00068031 0.00037435 -0.00074613 +O 1.99496026 1.99451243 -0.02941445 -0.00068031 0.00037435 0.00074613 +O 5.98529600 -0.02941445 5.98484817 -0.00037435 0.00074613 0.00068031 +O 5.98529600 0.02941445 1.99496026 -0.00037435 -0.00074613 -0.00068031 +O 1.99451243 0.02941445 5.98484817 0.00037435 -0.00074613 0.00068031 +O 1.99451243 -0.02941445 1.99496026 0.00037435 0.00074613 -0.00068031 +O -0.02941445 5.98484817 5.98529600 0.00074613 0.00068031 -0.00037435 +O 0.02941445 1.99496026 5.98529600 -0.00074613 -0.00068031 -0.00037435 +O 0.02941445 5.98484817 1.99451243 -0.00074613 0.00068031 0.00037435 +O -0.02941445 1.99496026 1.99451243 0.00074613 -0.00068031 0.00037435 +40 +Lattice="7.958419863895663 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958419863895663 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958419863895663" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.2086662059 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97280977 3.97678023 7.95723008 0.27899863 0.11333088 0.25084968 +Ba 3.93654962 7.88658398 3.94322992 0.25659044 0.43739813 0.47751865 +Ba 0.06482372 3.98711026 3.94393981 -0.44055390 0.01804220 0.42093150 +Ba 0.04053621 0.05360712 3.95513014 -0.29481837 -0.08843052 0.29495773 +Ba 7.92291735 4.01943974 0.03780090 -0.19329965 -0.27100327 -0.04763174 +Ba 4.01490981 7.92750379 0.03187984 0.15051392 0.23403518 -0.25002461 +Ba 3.99962965 3.94156024 4.02562980 0.06536078 0.30345137 -0.30554964 +Ba 0.03577071 0.09000495 7.93915571 -0.36926466 -0.30660045 0.20376095 +Ti 5.92269028 1.99478033 2.02505018 0.06149102 0.25670717 -0.61701668 +Ti 1.98567032 6.01560006 1.92125965 0.21235384 -0.60611623 0.16726877 +Ti 2.01488011 1.95551030 5.99223016 0.19309756 -0.42866049 -0.11676048 +Ti 6.03014009 6.06801978 5.97905022 -0.12567244 -0.16858235 -0.09346731 +Ti 2.01651000 5.86550983 5.92883020 0.37660928 0.51902191 -0.04352132 +Ti 5.97141014 2.06386976 5.96534025 -0.15875714 -0.04448471 0.13246606 +Ti 5.98995007 5.98614993 2.01999976 -0.43461928 -0.14907899 -0.24940189 +Ti 1.99052973 2.03361025 1.96533974 0.24557969 0.91606786 -0.30450809 +O 2.09844034 1.99645000 4.06374029 -0.42030543 -0.12977875 -0.21524042 +O 5.86492011 1.84189988 3.99836028 0.21407468 0.72279083 0.82495825 +O 1.95917993 5.99119955 4.02783986 0.20894224 0.01207107 0.32404487 +O 5.95703962 6.13465006 4.03772023 -0.06153370 -0.71788028 -0.17480648 +O 2.03446976 3.92718972 2.08173004 -0.04426977 0.45059637 0.00663216 +O 1.97175980 4.01901954 5.96852999 0.22433698 0.01750870 0.01962497 +O 5.97879953 3.95554000 2.17711966 -0.13961836 0.66334770 -0.25179816 +O 5.95574956 4.00066026 5.97500973 -0.09371028 -0.70685411 -0.26670284 +O 3.95262006 1.98162028 1.84909031 -0.30142148 0.08592627 1.00324677 +O 4.02421957 5.90258015 1.92521021 -0.41603792 0.29253832 0.66793609 +O 4.02824972 1.96742962 6.12446010 -0.39164046 0.34728482 -0.49485200 +O 3.92529960 6.02591019 6.06467964 -0.27097319 -0.38103903 -0.38105909 +O 6.01066982 5.92321952 0.05345273 -0.05976992 0.34179397 0.43198878 +O 1.92823998 5.84091991 0.07693962 -0.00997948 0.69398085 -0.22358879 +O 5.91093968 2.07350979 0.10854966 0.76515233 -0.35983283 -0.62972898 +O 1.87048015 2.14178985 0.03799986 0.41946777 -0.68370338 0.02414034 +O 6.05271972 7.95613261 6.05425013 -0.27808743 0.16951155 0.18207601 +O 5.89283029 0.02894000 2.04070996 0.71279387 -0.55621472 -0.38695103 +O 2.09676031 0.08707466 6.05621984 -0.97656103 -0.34160911 0.04900291 +O 2.06266963 7.93034972 1.94771025 -0.51992874 0.03451346 0.16228932 +O 7.87832076 5.91489979 6.00721029 1.20074477 0.50339012 -0.07799467 +O 7.94175493 2.01228010 6.01144974 0.12569686 -0.01349109 -0.29750183 +O 0.02161029 5.98347988 2.09506995 -0.03261933 0.10475986 -0.35988939 +O 7.94891990 2.13552021 2.04582006 0.32163832 -1.28470826 0.14430085 +40 +Lattice="7.868489901576437 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.868489901576437 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.253982958834468" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.08180700643 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97416005 1.98481005 0.09661404 -0.13136229 0.14324953 -0.58192215 +Ba 1.94642992 1.96114006 4.14133023 0.08101752 -0.08661327 -0.02075677 +Ba 2.00189018 5.98938986 8.24777787 -0.31174086 -0.72570827 0.25025216 +Ba 1.95516001 5.81699990 4.04363034 0.43694844 0.86352685 0.32990545 +Ba 5.93313960 1.95229981 8.15351887 -0.06750097 -0.00588217 0.20017889 +Ba 5.87295982 1.97943981 4.04254999 0.17807795 -0.40908874 0.89741271 +Ba 5.90692022 5.91272008 0.00815097 0.18792630 -0.13754168 0.09846785 +Ba 5.84996022 5.85893974 4.25188959 0.11747345 0.57332078 -0.50161426 +Ti 7.83645256 0.07336187 1.99451033 0.47961898 -0.64339825 -0.57304542 +Ti 0.08483648 7.80359768 6.06760029 -1.10125696 0.94156523 -0.10696843 +Ti 0.00088678 4.00150008 2.28704977 0.50248329 0.02075934 -1.78473692 +Ti 0.04567029 3.91566981 6.29262022 0.38889787 -0.57608163 0.34743266 +Ti 3.95911961 0.03643504 1.90758004 -0.40235836 -0.35513851 0.77410928 +Ti 3.94780000 0.02921020 6.04307972 0.53070038 0.34820296 0.75560840 +Ti 4.00349002 3.92002029 2.19047979 -1.02939926 0.49653170 -0.50415296 +Ti 3.97702986 3.95866009 6.30768995 -0.58887338 -0.44295505 0.52282174 +O 7.82449009 1.92776980 2.12959027 -0.01465837 0.40342331 -0.00943903 +O 1.94081969 0.00664022 2.06771010 0.03200046 -0.01808000 0.15650433 +O 7.83363957 7.81749973 4.19317020 -0.19533236 -0.15224736 -0.24104349 +O 7.84928764 1.92126964 6.13503010 0.00526305 0.66222516 -0.04031438 +O 1.91446969 7.85547227 6.12127992 0.99144900 -0.12388475 0.63098728 +O 7.81550979 7.83507006 0.08466967 0.38412307 0.34600081 0.62805417 +O 0.05708039 5.85384017 2.07771017 -0.76253803 0.24519840 -0.12756246 +O 1.88897972 3.91772978 1.95877007 0.07992917 -0.22155222 0.52098392 +O 7.85084560 4.05716021 4.07325992 -0.23460571 -0.66685160 0.64165068 +O 0.04458758 5.94227964 6.27709018 -0.45158265 -1.00129016 -0.26035145 +O 1.94348002 3.93305996 6.02019972 -0.14787314 0.22986819 0.59159670 +O 0.00589429 3.81634979 8.10032001 -0.08238689 0.54990060 0.17102850 +O 3.94881975 1.94912960 2.06122961 -0.30048071 -0.06393048 -0.04344264 +O 5.85021988 0.04484016 2.03815999 0.49931492 -0.48290280 0.50502431 +O 3.90591996 0.07579795 4.26730003 0.22973141 -0.63949712 -0.88594121 +O 3.83719028 1.99554031 6.14453996 0.36944130 -0.48141413 0.43901458 +O 5.84657992 7.84770686 6.29678973 -0.21525687 0.13052822 -0.47656040 +O 3.93119985 7.86013671 0.12397986 -0.26294055 0.10171130 -0.71277073 +O 3.93825001 5.84357966 2.11869005 -0.06494041 0.66988422 -0.21563894 +O 5.83460014 3.90202034 2.12826994 1.34145739 0.09440834 -0.43217287 +O 3.89900985 3.89715997 4.01612996 0.10566617 0.08810322 0.45205444 +O 4.01405976 5.88305981 6.30687005 -0.75364947 0.41759189 -0.75829314 +O 5.86374031 3.91900998 6.20855012 0.52427904 0.02741490 -0.69056488 +O 3.96512012 3.92136974 8.16114973 -0.34706216 -0.11935652 0.05420503 +40 +Lattice="7.77345020413335 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.037141181957962 0.0 0.0 0.06848409629841481 8.036838017400001" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.075045239035 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90123036 0.13396764 8.02872953 -0.01778406 -0.22361167 -0.10579164 +Ba 3.87825049 0.05835063 4.01542001 0.04901063 0.11108374 -0.05085102 +Ba 3.88220018 4.05428027 0.00212759 0.18164047 0.00436008 -0.27661959 +Ba 3.86373979 4.07895009 3.99807978 0.20534964 0.04347067 0.17126658 +Ba 0.00873036 0.12886670 8.02188112 0.00341031 -0.26996069 -0.02343895 +Ba 7.75912995 0.06117861 3.99750998 0.20647372 0.01524150 -0.03002097 +Ba 0.00144975 4.06557043 0.01162131 -0.02495590 0.01200988 -0.20849641 +Ba 7.74926622 4.10588043 4.00892996 0.22716828 -0.04697971 -0.00722943 +Ti 1.95243028 2.14688003 2.04345039 -0.08341019 -0.52217331 -0.12731691 +Ti 1.91425020 2.12886972 6.06698044 0.52843420 0.19241879 0.05825786 +Ti 1.94607004 6.15453048 2.04565027 -0.10324470 -0.12206621 0.06024069 +Ti 1.94553989 6.17001985 6.08354022 0.11433104 -0.06445447 -0.15279938 +Ti 5.84590041 2.11760988 2.04187004 -0.07081898 0.10397207 0.11480181 +Ti 5.83860036 2.14715987 6.05982031 -0.41242860 0.24951039 -0.11325967 +Ti 5.83034029 6.15982031 2.04468015 0.07300287 -0.31499176 -0.15875174 +Ti 5.83913051 6.17473989 6.06197978 -0.15886435 -0.36628681 0.30190922 +O 1.93391004 2.02894979 3.88722027 -0.00362526 -0.02727786 0.28611313 +O 1.96907013 2.02930038 7.93148056 -0.13299314 0.21653291 -0.06932645 +O 1.96671011 6.05991049 3.92438980 -0.01654659 -0.05013831 -0.09582939 +O 1.93849015 6.05834025 7.93594019 0.14960658 0.15014754 0.10171156 +O 5.81201049 2.04852023 3.91200048 0.25850488 -0.16984373 -0.12868551 +O 5.85445042 2.05566014 7.91500007 -0.10673909 0.02243570 0.20580524 +O 5.83061003 6.04643987 3.92386043 0.06251920 0.06814452 -0.07280850 +O 5.85451028 6.07896010 7.94585989 -0.00565874 0.02085190 -0.02174073 +O 1.96320040 3.97639030 1.93278988 0.02245062 0.32424362 0.07202328 +O 1.91352028 3.99958005 5.98986004 0.07535929 0.03750057 -0.14128700 +O 1.92405019 7.98047040 1.92664030 0.14447466 0.16980259 0.10901760 +O 2.00129030 8.04718992 5.98815999 -0.12164095 -0.24655388 -0.10788837 +O 5.86223009 3.97664993 1.94330036 -0.26913845 -0.06593851 0.02653044 +O 5.88424994 4.00876982 5.97561986 -0.00137297 -0.10221215 -0.04604743 +O 5.85930028 8.00873000 1.94128004 -0.01255881 0.14211696 0.10689233 +O 5.83280992 8.00979030 5.98740052 -0.04644878 0.41660587 -0.19836909 +O 7.77319446 2.00523999 1.87875041 -0.06612517 -0.05657944 0.24429105 +O 0.03313511 1.95718996 5.90986035 -0.33734236 0.15530980 0.08686935 +O 0.02994722 6.00302982 1.93829037 -0.16284313 0.00073431 0.02465071 +O 0.01850003 6.07656044 5.94724054 0.09331433 -0.06125345 -0.09053317 +O 3.86695022 1.95506004 1.91919023 0.44120516 0.18857011 -0.02095938 +O 3.91631008 2.04054001 5.91016041 -0.07227602 -0.02438691 0.13251054 +O 3.93054015 6.02787998 1.90629019 -0.37682551 -0.05104874 0.08989785 +O 3.91141047 5.99073999 5.94634038 -0.23261336 0.14069411 0.05526149 +40 +Lattice="7.922119894934235 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.922119894934235 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.922119894934235" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.727774646595 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91424022 3.95969021 7.91354024 0.40540563 -0.08886401 0.25910112 +Ba 3.96491010 7.89350520 3.93930026 -0.03424144 0.36431658 0.30239027 +Ba 7.90768421 3.98339003 3.98168994 0.27200215 -0.13674489 -0.14215295 +Ba 7.88287054 0.00647950 4.00599976 0.34663150 -0.01778124 -0.25866275 +Ba 0.01693828 4.01981990 0.00721864 -0.13672510 -0.50952863 -0.07118305 +Ba 4.00607026 7.90700053 0.03177166 -0.13456845 0.22848314 -0.21444877 +Ba 3.99056034 4.03423023 3.99910989 -0.26486322 -0.58954598 -0.26552194 +Ba 0.09833411 7.91138621 7.89189463 -0.79570398 0.28918534 0.21789534 +Ti 5.94426997 1.91472013 2.03108023 -0.32989465 -0.05691805 0.21665786 +Ti 1.96489963 5.91827988 1.93663034 0.21323933 -0.27061555 0.73796549 +Ti 1.99069960 1.99931966 5.91684993 0.21267523 -0.18372075 -0.20216558 +Ti 5.94805992 5.97196016 5.93922992 0.07789568 -0.11326069 0.34059069 +Ti 1.98587027 5.94969980 5.93789980 -0.06640774 0.10705791 -0.81967694 +Ti 5.96419965 2.02214012 6.02216976 -0.44199912 -0.16874381 -0.19933891 +Ti 5.95600976 5.85932980 1.96813978 -0.15624800 0.45951193 -0.29919388 +Ti 1.95731024 1.92030998 1.97921015 0.32886389 0.26659177 0.26580630 +O 2.04705994 2.01623972 3.96219994 -0.38372763 0.02727246 -0.10449709 +O 6.02688026 1.98366000 3.95428970 -0.30582295 -0.02013225 0.05716976 +O 1.93952983 5.98676026 4.01069995 0.43968152 -0.09352748 -0.34819447 +O 5.97252025 6.01951981 3.97947016 -0.26581761 -0.10184037 0.17153089 +O 1.97895030 4.04380015 1.97479990 -0.03941090 -0.32748038 0.00233122 +O 1.98810986 3.98477006 5.92521965 0.12797306 -0.18577840 0.30215630 +O 5.90822987 3.99517973 2.05897005 0.24457850 0.09167988 -0.29711128 +O 5.93482998 4.02463021 5.97371966 0.12409121 -0.45985826 -0.25178813 +O 3.98258989 1.99873976 2.04930982 -0.14710387 -0.01067625 -0.41592324 +O 3.96083021 5.97238003 1.99653979 -0.16333627 -0.06379370 -0.10247697 +O 4.00951955 1.96378024 5.91208953 -0.04965752 0.24536372 0.14514237 +O 3.97046984 5.90869966 6.02815017 -0.00355301 0.40463559 -0.40535241 +O 5.97006994 5.94393012 0.01840071 0.03725066 -0.10803493 0.20432068 +O 1.94145966 6.01018993 0.00362992 0.22065002 -0.18626023 0.20463487 +O 5.95590995 2.08759029 7.91449723 0.07036724 -0.16484268 0.10245718 +O 2.01766016 1.99379002 7.91951986 -0.03499091 0.03493281 0.21877465 +O 5.96467023 0.02984342 6.08211011 0.12239505 -0.11322084 -0.59410095 +O 5.90700987 0.01557964 1.93914007 0.33552999 0.42882195 0.16623133 +O 1.98677973 0.01774396 5.92357977 0.03008036 0.09341718 0.15423611 +O 1.96598971 0.03310020 2.01422988 0.04796059 0.18096915 -0.10817094 +O 0.01712762 5.89249971 5.88326965 -0.22551917 0.41727770 0.62610887 +O 0.04106510 2.01833988 5.90734973 -0.09155081 -0.05959534 0.31117779 +O 7.92073986 5.93966009 1.96807006 -0.01719965 0.19930755 0.13195004 +O 7.92203988 1.96972024 1.96646980 0.43107038 0.19194056 -0.03866862 +40 +Lattice="7.950787192 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.950787192 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.950787192" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.09041640555 stress="-0.002697547073455989 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.002697547073455989 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.002697547073455989" pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.01640709 5.93438010 5.93438010 -0.18089485 0.18089485 0.18089485 +Ba 5.93438010 2.01640709 5.93438010 0.18089485 -0.18089485 0.18089485 +Ba 5.93438010 5.93438010 2.01640709 0.18089485 0.18089485 -0.18089485 +Ba 2.01640709 2.01640709 2.01640709 -0.18089485 -0.18089485 -0.18089485 +Ba 5.99180057 1.95898662 1.95898662 -0.18089356 0.18089356 0.18089356 +Ba 1.95898662 5.99180057 1.95898662 0.18089356 -0.18089356 0.18089356 +Ba 1.95898662 1.95898662 5.99180057 0.18089356 0.18089356 -0.18089356 +Ba 5.99180057 5.99180057 5.99180057 -0.18089356 -0.18089356 -0.18089356 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97539360 0.00000000 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97539360 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97539360 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97539360 3.97539360 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97539360 5.96030560 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02593755 +O 0.00000000 3.97539360 1.99048159 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02593755 +O 3.97539360 5.96030560 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02593755 0.00000000 +O 3.97539360 1.99048159 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02593755 0.00000000 +O 5.96030560 0.00000000 3.97539360 0.02593755 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.99048159 0.00000000 3.97539360 -0.02593755 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97539360 0.00000000 1.98491196 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02593935 +O 3.97539360 0.00000000 5.96587523 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02593935 +O 0.00000000 1.98491196 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.02593935 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96587523 3.97539360 0.00000000 -0.02593935 0.00000000 +O 1.98491196 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.02593935 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96587523 3.97539360 0.00000000 -0.02593935 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97539360 3.97539360 5.98182302 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.56090210 +O 3.97539360 3.97539360 1.96896417 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.56090210 +O 3.97539360 5.98182302 3.97539360 0.00000000 -0.56090210 0.00000000 +O 3.97539360 1.96896417 3.97539360 0.00000000 0.56090210 0.00000000 +O 5.98182302 3.97539360 3.97539360 -0.56090210 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.96896417 3.97539360 3.97539360 0.56090210 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.00642957 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.56090801 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.94435762 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.56090801 +O 0.00000000 2.00642957 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.56090801 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.94435762 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.56090801 0.00000000 +O 2.00642957 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.56090801 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.94435762 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.56090801 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.901489921466572 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.901489921466572 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.901489921466572" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.17116034735 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02623975 3.97099964 7.88680421 -0.56089335 -0.03429646 0.21865176 +Ba 3.94992005 7.85356739 4.02509008 -0.28343044 0.30205089 -0.79692422 +Ba 0.17355623 3.94690958 3.97128014 -1.13601956 0.16500697 -0.17601052 +Ba 0.06079406 0.01881266 3.92317982 -0.47424126 0.04744688 0.02959520 +Ba 0.00086363 3.95713015 7.83247831 -0.13621833 0.06752000 0.33457688 +Ba 3.89231976 0.01184749 0.07231128 0.43770820 -0.09852133 -0.13459365 +Ba 4.04459965 3.93574003 3.98912961 -0.96652781 0.27440381 -0.28081280 +Ba 7.77691661 0.08381426 0.02954525 0.55560408 -0.53127553 -0.14913195 +Ti 5.87741029 2.03093971 2.02957986 -0.44848832 -0.85213121 -0.80881249 +Ti 1.97511963 5.96702029 2.00739959 0.12146868 0.29478623 -0.14819119 +Ti 1.99546992 1.93281031 5.85503959 -0.84578984 0.11065771 -0.23289207 +Ti 6.00183979 5.95607989 5.86613960 -0.11870320 0.16709959 0.53714613 +Ti 2.03665960 5.89176018 5.97440029 -0.24252650 0.05107882 0.10439193 +Ti 5.85364972 1.98351022 5.89318956 1.47579316 -0.20555121 0.46425253 +Ti 5.91573014 5.89484967 1.96049002 0.08099618 1.18760643 -0.29397762 +Ti 1.91695993 2.07399019 1.84770969 0.69206230 -0.56840535 1.05200902 +O 1.97284005 2.04788998 3.94298017 0.23886397 -0.53465036 0.71095039 +O 5.80462966 1.87876965 3.98657032 0.57746617 0.46178350 0.31728801 +O 1.99290036 5.95113988 3.97164993 -0.16632338 -0.12332733 -0.52424434 +O 5.83095980 5.99488016 4.04813003 0.48894926 -0.56461785 -0.76974741 +O 2.04284014 3.93703983 1.98898991 -0.37207668 0.58358411 -0.19060693 +O 1.90654971 3.94415986 5.91762018 0.42242274 0.19434429 0.14450628 +O 5.92800985 3.95249988 2.06650036 0.19091907 0.01073281 0.14129960 +O 5.91484992 3.93970026 5.93970010 -0.22668568 -0.19407818 -0.06775705 +O 3.97477023 2.03282026 1.99124025 0.08448671 -0.20731730 -0.01582231 +O 3.92139962 5.91878960 1.95378008 0.13352407 -0.12891666 0.33301828 +O 3.90640022 1.94847976 5.98038961 0.16907009 0.11630719 -0.13270415 +O 3.88575995 5.93453016 5.95345028 0.22901510 -0.02757997 0.08561748 +O 5.89298017 5.91280027 0.10493732 0.20288472 -0.15840412 -0.51061543 +O 1.97453966 5.87334023 7.85019977 -0.16968047 0.29836290 0.71290006 +O 5.93255004 1.97962980 0.07945659 -0.20698435 0.09559259 -0.35935640 +O 2.01234987 1.99920021 0.01180009 -0.37129892 0.08258049 -0.32717005 +O 5.84870022 7.86570960 5.97149017 0.14938341 0.50691073 0.22850371 +O 5.88674985 7.85225969 2.02754997 0.22348440 0.34783606 0.05202807 +O 1.80955971 0.04375371 5.93058968 0.84181157 -0.15657273 0.10832006 +O 1.97926001 0.02404028 1.94775993 -0.04356811 -0.45377271 0.11788097 +O 7.85401224 5.94259995 5.93900003 -0.10064892 -0.08177676 -0.03918644 +O 7.83689050 1.98511028 5.91315031 -0.12957640 -0.02118923 0.03755045 +O 0.02889970 5.94726973 1.97528003 -0.19194005 -0.32803060 0.22978026 +O 0.01332981 2.02869964 2.00516979 -0.12429175 -0.09527737 -0.00171133 +40 +Lattice="7.936950086198342 0.0 0.0 -0.021755180186269655 7.936918338397997 0.0 -0.021755180186269655 0.021699621535666267 7.936886590597653" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.859458288363 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04700402 0.08223236 0.03993000 -0.36086513 -0.28945737 -0.04183185 +Ba 4.01397678 0.04053004 4.06413037 -0.15953181 0.21573381 -0.46406278 +Ba 3.95123996 4.06400021 7.91843001 0.05592972 -0.32650490 0.33204949 +Ba 4.04299031 4.03310007 3.98798010 -0.39450776 -0.41843110 0.08782271 +Ba 0.08622703 0.01072282 0.03143032 -0.10758935 0.13514207 0.14525524 +Ba 0.02588398 0.02886034 4.01751984 0.10740912 0.03889513 -0.25678379 +Ba 7.91574891 4.04127275 0.06722994 0.47679617 -0.32338667 -0.27885028 +Ba -0.01301819 3.97268004 3.99210969 0.30383317 0.17960878 0.08196728 +O 2.03921995 3.95402979 2.03337042 -0.20564737 0.20115977 -0.05395460 +O 1.94602984 4.01676027 5.98853043 0.05815167 -0.15660949 -0.22355382 +O 1.94255980 7.92361998 2.03770002 -0.04560854 -0.14975185 -0.22830136 +O 1.98154690 0.03091998 5.99523001 0.14691772 -0.13524903 -0.08952144 +O 5.90697986 3.95684027 1.94649970 -0.15595618 0.49681375 0.46719130 +O 5.98446989 4.05412981 6.02708020 -0.19316467 -0.13737636 -0.36269241 +O 6.00869664 0.03026994 2.00304968 -0.25105203 -0.27526668 -0.04524473 +O 6.01061658 0.07215005 5.97699011 -0.45058429 0.10633723 0.17944320 +O 2.00571967 1.97884992 3.95100978 -0.27502319 0.23338006 0.55620572 +O 2.00421721 2.02059272 0.00130007 -0.00112409 -0.07859554 -0.12001395 +O 1.96885968 5.97692026 3.98671019 -0.06653038 -0.07603832 0.37016789 +O 1.91890690 5.96159242 0.04730978 0.30313358 0.00775573 -0.25743890 +O 5.90457972 1.98337001 4.02574014 0.37407597 0.41867175 0.10981644 +O 5.93201697 2.02572237 0.02661974 0.08431084 -0.16898087 -0.09826293 +O 5.86809991 6.01116027 3.98155990 0.24548713 -0.22780334 -0.08846292 +O 5.93990709 6.00045253 0.01044979 -0.19839763 0.06048340 0.10978508 +O 7.89053877 2.02964005 1.99711999 0.27450460 -0.02815666 0.07393233 +O 0.01174034 2.04412022 5.98386986 -0.37869470 -0.02663380 -0.10140071 +O 7.84886978 5.89921038 2.01322009 0.11222120 0.17453240 0.20863371 +O 7.87194567 6.03572036 6.01376993 0.28508083 -0.14121656 -0.39263394 +O 3.93388026 1.90317983 2.02289999 0.22210166 0.38735932 -0.13613374 +O 3.95986028 2.08787980 5.96124002 -0.05589501 -0.21129583 0.13657854 +O 3.90698987 5.97680041 1.97629978 0.94131326 0.05938965 0.07325896 +O 3.91990011 5.99050991 6.00417019 -0.00866025 0.13278102 -0.05084511 +Ti 2.07315994 2.04233996 2.06800012 0.22169106 -0.27667255 -0.11058160 +Ti 2.04073988 2.12847968 6.02501024 -0.16744361 -0.02228118 0.19967033 +Ti 2.11632028 5.98775023 2.02238012 -1.21864428 0.51922323 0.00106649 +Ti 1.99985982 6.08166975 5.98505008 -0.09311456 -0.27700937 0.05578934 +Ti 6.03684027 1.97581007 1.91927993 -0.29348191 0.05713068 0.56261754 +Ti 6.01917976 1.99189033 5.94827978 0.14029482 -0.03911779 -0.33354124 +Ti 6.01842019 5.95393009 2.05390013 0.27443467 0.29504052 -0.24828680 +Ti 5.96479975 5.96644984 6.02838027 0.45382979 0.06639720 0.23114603 +40 +Lattice="7.982289566 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982289566 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982289566" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.25813363395 stress="-0.0007308534616987636 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0007308534616987636 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0007308534616987636" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 0.00000000 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99114478 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 3.99114478 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.93246131 2.04982826 5.93246131 -0.07822710 0.07822710 -0.07822710 +Ti 2.04982826 5.93246131 5.93246131 0.07822710 -0.07822710 -0.07822710 +Ti 2.04982826 2.04982826 2.04982826 0.07822710 0.07822710 0.07822710 +Ti 5.93246131 5.93246131 2.04982826 -0.07822710 -0.07822710 0.07822710 +Ti 6.05327739 1.92901217 1.92901217 -0.04268803 0.04268803 0.04268803 +Ti 1.92901217 6.05327739 1.92901217 0.04268803 -0.04268803 0.04268803 +Ti 1.92901217 1.92901217 6.05327739 0.04268803 0.04268803 -0.04268803 +Ti 6.05327739 6.05327739 6.05327739 -0.04268803 -0.04268803 -0.04268803 +O 1.98918649 1.98918649 -0.03294249 0.02226652 0.02226652 -0.02495821 +O 5.99310307 1.98918649 0.03294249 -0.02226652 0.02226652 0.02495821 +O 1.98918649 5.99310307 0.03294249 0.02226652 -0.02226652 0.02495821 +O 5.99310307 5.99310307 -0.03294249 -0.02226652 -0.02226652 -0.02495821 +O 1.98918649 -0.03294249 1.98918649 0.02226652 -0.02495821 0.02226652 +O 1.98918649 0.03294249 5.99310307 0.02226652 0.02495821 -0.02226652 +O 5.99310307 0.03294249 1.98918649 -0.02226652 0.02495821 0.02226652 +O 5.99310307 -0.03294249 5.99310307 -0.02226652 -0.02495821 -0.02226652 +O -0.03294249 1.98918649 1.98918649 -0.02495821 0.02226652 0.02226652 +O 0.03294249 5.99310307 1.98918649 0.02495821 -0.02226652 0.02226652 +O 0.03294249 1.98918649 5.99310307 0.02495821 0.02226652 -0.02226652 +O -0.03294249 5.99310307 5.99310307 -0.02495821 -0.02226652 -0.02226652 +O 1.98812116 1.98812116 3.94857860 0.02611212 0.02611212 0.18122189 +O 5.99416841 1.98812116 4.03371097 -0.02611212 0.02611212 -0.18122189 +O 1.98812116 5.99416841 4.03371097 0.02611212 -0.02611212 -0.18122189 +O 5.99416841 5.99416841 3.94857860 -0.02611212 -0.02611212 0.18122189 +O 1.98812116 3.94857860 1.98812116 0.02611212 0.18122189 0.02611212 +O 1.98812116 4.03371097 5.99416841 0.02611212 -0.18122189 -0.02611212 +O 5.99416841 4.03371097 1.98812116 -0.02611212 -0.18122189 0.02611212 +O 5.99416841 3.94857860 5.99416841 -0.02611212 0.18122189 -0.02611212 +O 3.94857860 1.98812116 1.98812116 0.18122189 0.02611212 0.02611212 +O 4.03371097 5.99416841 1.98812116 -0.18122189 -0.02611212 0.02611212 +O 4.03371097 1.98812116 5.99416841 -0.18122189 0.02611212 -0.02611212 +O 3.94857860 5.99416841 5.99416841 0.18122189 -0.02611212 -0.02611212 +40 +Lattice="7.818410158109483 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.818410158109483 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.201434071755267" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.065551595366 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94092970 1.97364037 0.00154179 0.05414460 -0.14013798 0.06788792 +Ba 1.96276027 1.97378032 4.07353008 -0.01420329 -0.12606350 0.24069948 +Ba 1.94512975 5.84326005 0.00548227 0.04393167 0.19759699 0.01698239 +Ba 1.96739033 5.87841006 4.10975043 -0.01850809 -0.09170534 0.03614585 +Ba 5.87013037 1.94545969 0.00643690 0.00909631 0.07523331 0.02276892 +Ba 5.85946996 1.94664027 4.11017028 -0.01133342 0.04351926 0.01614936 +Ba 5.86026041 5.84965004 0.02832845 0.04809840 0.11529598 -0.14887536 +Ba 5.85877022 5.85096041 4.12558974 -0.01125680 0.10754127 -0.01145529 +Ti 7.81719987 7.80440582 2.14605977 0.09119394 0.11899477 -0.45047990 +Ti 0.01809571 0.00295770 6.23027996 -0.19685523 -0.11329360 -0.00752999 +Ti 0.00093274 3.91278044 2.14791039 -0.06485762 -0.12897656 -0.36256951 +Ti 0.01343985 3.90200980 6.24376984 -0.00341134 0.11873277 -0.34937924 +Ti 3.91450987 0.01570093 2.11852020 -0.10095951 -0.18437175 0.06854330 +Ti 3.91192041 0.01012015 6.25677030 0.11491803 0.01971702 -0.44163685 +Ti 3.91220969 3.92289042 2.13788015 0.05187201 0.06580559 -0.02319855 +Ti 3.92924992 3.91505012 6.24480031 -0.14555349 -0.06496972 -0.32132850 +O 7.80312048 1.96421997 1.94826025 0.06794757 -0.30832052 0.11301901 +O 1.94850027 7.80244027 1.96065008 -0.06825122 0.17476997 0.01843121 +O 7.81643054 7.80277021 3.96591044 -0.04661410 0.07996388 0.04691286 +O 0.00714446 1.96563979 6.04712041 0.03082984 -0.24785126 0.12424753 +O 1.95475969 7.81036345 6.06368997 -0.08548789 0.01584802 0.01514508 +O 7.81371051 7.81074030 8.05785991 0.05935880 0.06434443 -0.08493279 +O 7.81529999 5.85948013 1.92986040 -0.06307970 0.18060046 0.28395058 +O 1.92992998 3.92379032 1.94594991 0.33411974 -0.09303897 0.15705558 +O 7.81106945 3.88717045 3.95827029 0.04407385 0.19050897 0.22603211 +O 7.81085757 5.85535044 6.04888033 -0.01906473 0.13447307 0.07035335 +O 1.95479018 3.90172990 6.04810006 -0.03797237 0.06487896 0.19114944 +O 7.80693273 3.92341973 8.06522017 0.02375159 -0.12936454 -0.01267014 +O 3.91177030 1.97798975 1.94994980 -0.09819352 -0.19793741 0.09241727 +O 5.85596028 7.80789987 1.93502993 0.07049194 0.06694587 0.18622860 +O 3.90448041 7.81766194 3.95017980 0.04395815 0.06464319 -0.06098322 +O 3.89789028 1.94478027 6.05290994 -0.03239641 0.06619099 0.14423606 +O 5.85201980 0.03052386 6.06733022 0.13626513 -0.16518464 0.04009764 +O 3.89626014 0.00099763 8.07230990 0.00657071 0.01640852 0.18505001 +O 3.89840004 5.87176989 1.97003999 0.03858583 -0.12255215 -0.03743500 +O 5.86062005 3.90994001 1.97903976 -0.22640132 0.07817285 -0.00561760 +O 3.89273013 3.92321020 3.98003988 0.06216490 -0.08759543 -0.26843885 +O 3.93040001 5.85271017 6.06155007 -0.09420291 0.12209886 0.11151980 +O 5.86007980 3.88301028 6.06095039 -0.01062586 0.06251997 0.06359701 +O 3.90647020 3.91447000 8.07349986 0.01785580 -0.04344162 0.04791071 +40 +Lattice="7.759700063551491 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.022916849407222 0.0 0.0 0.06836295755988864 8.022621980804807" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.85910903025 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.85682002 0.04843527 0.01877459 0.07245857 0.06158306 -0.50494306 +Ba 3.89725969 0.03477742 3.96494989 -0.18646231 0.21219443 0.28272982 +Ba 3.87363994 4.07057027 0.01108861 -0.01546699 -0.31824112 -0.29518475 +Ba 3.91541041 4.09006031 3.98647995 -0.18755760 -0.16084179 -0.04382522 +Ba 0.00510976 0.11985555 8.01675177 -0.12432749 -0.07503327 -0.29349965 +Ba 0.01388986 0.05461355 3.99947978 -0.08229433 0.01732152 0.01174608 +Ba 7.71809255 4.03578974 0.01417387 0.24796490 0.03646981 -0.30812717 +Ba 0.02955204 4.07850999 3.99722015 -0.26455572 -0.03963715 -0.12087373 +Ti 1.89505998 2.00153005 1.91444992 0.13517035 0.48080555 -0.01148743 +Ti 1.95507971 2.01528024 5.89051015 0.14043391 0.15867460 0.56022949 +Ti 1.94043017 6.01312970 1.89317981 -0.24321093 -0.42080320 0.30431011 +Ti 1.97429971 6.01451015 5.90727032 -0.49392460 0.27145579 0.30811483 +Ti 5.77705014 2.00729008 1.97595020 0.23884391 0.46906718 -0.42157376 +Ti 5.83490026 2.03262006 5.97104031 -0.23366340 -0.04262118 0.01427708 +Ti 5.82679990 6.05410014 1.91306016 0.12634581 -0.69731686 -0.06592643 +Ti 5.84416999 6.04939000 5.93298985 0.26486785 0.07038961 0.42643726 +O 1.98355005 2.07510985 4.03888974 -0.19972149 0.07126841 0.01427554 +O 1.91059025 2.10306417 0.06825975 0.05259166 -0.17531838 -0.09811458 +O 1.92423025 6.08861994 4.04436033 -0.08919131 0.23624041 0.16793649 +O 1.89245971 6.09696473 0.03468974 0.37525791 -0.14146544 0.24306849 +O 5.77953014 2.13190000 4.07810028 0.14830817 -0.18759026 -0.21001696 +O 5.84916026 2.04345416 0.08073968 -0.23085138 0.11226079 -0.19084605 +O 5.86213991 6.10595977 4.09019998 -0.24578615 0.11776887 -0.52089624 +O 5.79091983 6.08801469 0.04108994 -0.08834593 0.20598444 0.42328868 +O 1.93064985 4.11333010 2.02255030 0.04196195 0.43779356 -0.03196190 +O 1.92057000 4.16243037 6.03295030 0.08071850 0.22631827 -0.07683099 +O 1.91111015 0.11870013 2.00695020 0.00669695 -0.11299253 0.07778924 +O 1.92956038 0.17116967 6.06841989 0.10003700 0.02295198 -0.28415832 +O 5.80002971 4.13671007 1.98497007 -0.09563681 0.33271798 0.28359756 +O 5.84019004 4.18201974 6.06909033 -0.17570868 0.03494746 -0.09184700 +O 5.80524967 0.11417002 2.02533991 0.03394730 -0.19323306 0.19798163 +O 5.80598994 0.16783998 6.05730024 -0.03620036 0.16653652 -0.13660914 +O 7.74685776 2.19013034 2.03731003 0.03782633 -0.51638936 0.30878435 +O 7.74511726 2.15942986 6.01200998 0.11105829 -0.07133217 0.06869473 +O 7.72357866 6.08732019 2.03985987 0.10361546 0.28660755 -0.02979137 +O 0.00015985 6.23355019 6.05999984 -0.00572996 -0.29815798 -0.06028954 +O 3.88218027 2.15157006 2.00671974 -0.07812708 -0.31410062 0.14792508 +O 3.85459997 2.19099011 6.06184975 0.24575452 -0.13423832 0.12251127 +O 3.82462968 6.10795013 2.09684012 0.56791067 0.19808319 -0.36362392 +O 3.87283992 6.22195021 6.00621038 -0.05500721 -0.32812753 0.19673002 +40 +Lattice="7.795389891191687 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0598173116908 0.0 0.0 0.06867738494139876 8.059528882264827" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.9315476389 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88768021 0.05771083 0.03586815 0.27429968 -0.08364364 -0.29089538 +Ba 3.89201990 0.06572527 3.96054995 0.19700975 0.20878103 0.48202502 +Ba 3.85162965 4.12449012 7.98444680 0.52164983 0.06121565 0.58528284 +Ba 3.90304024 4.11642969 4.01786010 -0.05964214 -0.27007767 -0.24531538 +Ba 0.01136022 0.00035547 0.03027574 -0.16986250 0.40263398 -0.26895127 +Ba 0.04833999 0.08117573 4.08493008 -0.40715784 0.08577252 -0.27011856 +Ba 0.01665563 4.17011030 8.01186865 -0.30855269 -0.33072768 0.18545727 +Ba 7.74977517 4.09437965 4.00094956 0.40799551 -0.11312185 0.16229909 +Ti 1.96281993 2.08908966 2.06744030 -0.14283172 0.60597199 0.16259425 +Ti 1.90704002 2.16880999 6.09809965 0.14145284 -0.31183548 -0.26402350 +Ti 1.95215973 6.12269021 2.08061996 0.52245510 -0.16008588 -0.00577341 +Ti 1.96713000 6.18610025 6.08843960 -0.13378941 0.33218319 -0.26708440 +Ti 5.87459023 2.14772970 2.03993972 -0.06198004 -0.02306408 0.30232368 +Ti 5.78956981 2.16385992 6.06140987 0.31007041 -0.33686465 0.02678061 +Ti 5.88753993 6.17133968 2.11077019 -0.68833265 -0.13774762 -0.38427785 +Ti 5.82892016 6.20849017 6.09513974 0.17628897 0.32928221 -0.01411973 +O 1.93593987 2.03801972 3.92752011 0.04039794 -0.09569697 0.06401507 +O 2.00801994 2.07533001 7.95901980 -0.25761965 -0.03909748 0.05360647 +O 1.91492973 6.03517994 3.92031015 0.17313243 0.18337108 0.12286916 +O 2.02101018 6.13264024 7.95062962 -0.35636467 -0.17877574 -0.26778399 +O 5.92594002 2.06990988 3.92137968 -0.35963408 -0.17324093 -0.04797807 +O 5.84150971 2.09433985 7.92097986 -0.00872298 -0.11593053 0.64051733 +O 5.86783007 6.07243957 3.95128981 0.06460000 -0.00402686 -0.23840734 +O 5.82584020 6.12374025 7.95677005 0.11275521 -0.03865962 -0.13241001 +O 1.90786009 3.96920985 1.99060972 -0.00851935 0.23230791 -0.34574704 +O 1.98084989 4.03188011 5.97027007 -0.19831741 0.28420332 0.16698518 +O 1.98113988 8.00899994 1.97910996 -0.14235787 0.06081147 -0.08588873 +O 1.97851984 8.06966990 5.96389967 -0.01081175 -0.43310053 0.18753806 +O 5.84648006 3.99739019 1.97442960 0.27258244 0.20236664 -0.21148121 +O 5.85946016 4.00554962 5.95691968 -0.03866476 0.61869252 0.15804005 +O 5.83325985 8.03526963 2.03581986 0.02805691 -0.21990902 -0.43342757 +O 5.81089020 8.09040019 5.97489975 0.25604794 -0.48544510 0.04556046 +O 7.78843952 1.94365029 1.94107001 0.19111036 0.14652331 -0.32777477 +O 0.02373073 2.01595019 6.02422976 0.23958362 0.11665429 -0.18043102 +O 0.00742979 6.03539977 1.91660028 -0.10562786 0.01071379 -0.05445134 +O 7.79384017 6.04212953 5.94137022 0.40504799 0.22498772 0.31831568 +O 3.89628008 2.07023962 1.94765010 0.07535698 -0.42628196 -0.02378502 +O 3.91485961 2.07054988 5.91768003 -0.30823850 -0.18060714 0.06910611 +O 3.89950971 5.98792974 1.93038019 -0.00728625 0.18313351 0.19415377 +O 3.93679974 6.08075958 5.86236004 -0.63557927 -0.13166594 0.43265547 +40 +Lattice="7.816650114714499 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.816650114714499 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.199587803834364" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.199566855194 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94502017 1.95807007 0.05148202 -0.06435343 -0.05293156 -0.28763780 +Ba 1.94455977 2.00077009 4.21316972 0.21804240 -0.27570171 -0.60446738 +Ba 1.96552012 5.85549012 8.15708555 -0.13322248 0.01855359 0.24128440 +Ba 2.01103022 5.85483978 4.05976015 -0.38832425 -0.04527687 0.22328848 +Ba 5.75899983 1.94565020 0.04771987 0.98539663 0.18311525 -0.22673479 +Ba 5.86580028 1.94281979 4.12489004 -0.18316822 0.28751772 -0.28769590 +Ba 5.86019027 5.87393038 8.14654402 0.16285727 -0.27098296 0.50862026 +Ba 5.88632993 5.88233015 4.05219988 -0.05160950 -0.50786435 -0.13468930 +Ti 7.79137888 0.07469982 2.10785976 -0.08388147 -0.68389107 -0.16844171 +Ti 7.77729641 0.02863239 6.17474009 0.47125364 -0.82500247 0.83910677 +Ti 0.04970530 3.93325001 2.14247032 -0.86081639 0.26765775 0.05715871 +Ti 0.04873994 3.88233001 6.28748980 -0.15911143 0.90881195 0.11381040 +Ti 3.86169014 0.04654346 2.12322026 0.36313078 -0.61526036 0.56061645 +Ti 3.89425040 0.02323030 6.23795021 -0.36840617 -0.05480589 -0.90953983 +Ti 3.92929009 3.90624036 1.97461010 0.57580884 0.51175803 0.07438176 +Ti 3.95980004 3.93093003 6.07983032 -0.25638141 -0.07512198 -0.69486068 +O 7.78920976 1.95291030 1.96906966 0.34130752 -0.23715907 0.06555670 +O 1.94473018 7.81375014 1.84630995 0.37313135 0.06531065 0.65942086 +O 0.03112981 7.79397010 3.97506987 0.03565657 0.23621368 -0.15583122 +O 7.79120457 1.88719025 6.12591026 -0.05543247 0.53289044 -0.12453987 +O 1.94459026 0.01093393 6.04597016 0.25810790 -0.21950433 0.22800363 +O 7.80027032 7.75642048 8.08012985 -0.24821224 0.26760813 -0.79652442 +O 0.01254963 5.86952023 1.96148986 0.17944320 -0.63973058 0.30768032 +O 2.06414983 3.78616020 2.08744032 -1.70442362 0.28654790 0.06782184 +O 7.81285044 3.86359975 4.01219974 0.20153489 0.04547562 -0.04989843 +O 0.02987055 5.76217026 6.06257976 -0.22232766 0.27812317 0.10126316 +O 1.95378029 3.87451023 6.16470976 -0.50791937 -0.20868513 0.13466538 +O 7.81217196 3.91044024 8.17707038 0.21526638 -0.23775325 -0.69252972 +O 4.00311992 1.90494030 1.98047025 -0.60770054 -0.52299735 0.51384834 +O 5.84146002 0.00901963 1.97691992 0.32550526 -0.30950837 0.05212397 +O 3.89747008 7.73471442 4.00374994 -0.25875968 0.51466466 -0.69974784 +O 3.88772037 1.98583012 6.11262039 0.14214112 -1.26857124 0.23787204 +O 5.86615985 7.71529787 5.91116030 -0.17721740 0.41985729 0.91724722 +O 3.93589985 7.78488794 8.04475013 -0.02976129 0.18913446 0.30542752 +O 3.92055030 5.80309981 1.95112967 -0.00385254 0.66860406 0.34785123 +O 5.90049996 3.83129979 2.05886030 0.24200817 0.34841379 0.01167769 +O 3.89091034 3.88328989 4.15028008 0.31722862 0.10772022 0.34171864 +O 3.86881033 5.82291970 6.14303029 0.13496775 0.39857653 0.09509379 +O 5.81417991 3.84118003 6.19773980 0.72937286 0.22596474 -0.05717979 +O 3.89136996 3.82701001 0.12612009 0.09272092 0.28822915 -1.11522114 +40 +Lattice="7.921700257408011 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.921700257408011 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.921700257408011" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.95565760529 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99606050 3.95658984 7.90938281 -0.28572181 0.05652622 0.12627433 +Ba 3.95892991 7.91147413 3.95964999 -0.00256236 0.09488528 0.07664381 +Ba 0.00657343 3.94941040 3.95172037 -0.07065829 0.23903752 0.22165686 +Ba 0.03488321 0.01182868 3.97199992 -0.20524062 -0.10095437 0.04170458 +Ba 7.92101978 3.96489020 7.91691634 0.09390671 0.09414866 0.14603995 +Ba 3.95942026 0.05245433 0.01791730 -0.16201498 -0.26879572 -0.02057422 +Ba 3.99417989 3.97021992 3.95852036 -0.15242759 -0.04466238 0.12330368 +Ba 0.01018731 0.02706290 0.04774884 0.10763615 -0.09512413 -0.17519908 +Ti 5.92909003 1.94735038 2.00008989 -0.24016340 0.33002449 0.06004966 +Ti 1.96541027 5.92320025 2.04548044 -0.02137667 0.33319157 -0.18511557 +Ti 1.95390004 2.02270001 5.98639007 0.15462563 -0.05009846 -0.08354671 +Ti 5.93417022 5.94532001 5.90593015 0.04796959 -0.08912498 -0.39541767 +Ti 1.97543043 5.98401039 6.01546033 0.12549092 -0.08633045 0.09945618 +Ti 5.91962994 1.96703977 5.96289985 -0.07962938 0.08066476 -0.13743318 +Ti 5.91100004 5.92350048 1.90110983 -0.08200893 -0.30453946 0.57978068 +Ti 1.96876987 2.00699999 2.02553043 0.21463235 -0.31645729 -0.10041649 +O 2.02962041 1.93678046 3.97664045 -0.18710535 0.50228686 0.09029534 +O 5.94735985 1.99099024 3.97231045 0.12669342 -0.05988485 0.00235282 +O 1.99514041 5.92179019 3.93764034 0.01729812 0.07677931 0.29427818 +O 5.96267012 5.93608014 3.96784024 -0.04636702 0.14755381 0.22200370 +O 2.02839017 3.97342979 1.95162018 -0.12659495 -0.12617637 0.30945258 +O 2.00167978 3.97794991 5.96089012 -0.09633486 0.03049483 -0.09842620 +O 5.99094029 3.97770988 2.01798977 -0.15563813 0.16088729 -0.25901268 +O 5.96730035 3.96019025 5.99371051 -0.11296065 0.39799469 -0.29196702 +O 3.97395975 1.98977980 1.99548976 0.56289239 0.06950103 -0.01641984 +O 3.98394981 5.92721021 1.93221043 0.43488076 0.14189198 0.33514381 +O 3.97913975 1.98613027 5.96358032 0.17273108 0.10851109 -0.00685405 +O 3.96349043 5.96491038 5.90760005 0.06966147 0.00726157 0.16262485 +O 5.90273058 5.93762012 7.92140715 0.38277195 0.17188699 0.21050779 +O 2.02310006 5.96437012 0.00051016 -0.19049149 -0.00776396 -0.55806360 +O 5.99129043 1.99721036 0.02341259 -0.14185239 -0.06354919 0.11063405 +O 2.02804003 2.01763012 0.03640972 -0.25504418 -0.21177791 -0.44942703 +O 5.93993009 0.03320698 5.96469015 0.09738645 -0.16416956 0.00752716 +O 5.93847012 0.02841039 1.97689991 0.22620000 -0.17401509 0.05280429 +O 1.98735021 0.03506303 5.95627018 -0.05866075 -0.30891650 0.04675885 +O 1.99376045 0.00323998 2.01391009 0.06618945 0.08986674 -0.20258545 +O 7.91076673 6.00882036 5.95414003 0.29761445 -0.24412856 0.06116294 +O 0.01437234 2.04208045 5.97351018 0.28610850 -0.32485940 -0.12665306 +O 0.05534971 5.94610030 1.98905021 -0.49088710 0.05737314 -0.23009342 +O 0.05234026 2.01631037 2.01248973 -0.32094875 -0.14943869 -0.04325161 +40 +Lattice="7.93033007932184 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.93033007932184 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.93033007932184" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.071065982313 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98912970 3.96967026 0.03721625 0.04798038 -0.02317490 -0.24354646 +Ba 3.95693018 0.00673126 3.96956003 0.08062928 0.02570795 0.03981533 +Ba 7.91629340 3.96347984 3.97157037 0.27344093 0.16541166 0.06530499 +Ba 0.01811843 0.01520244 3.96660043 0.03562263 -0.10022109 0.07183199 +Ba 7.92680584 3.98525970 0.02027072 -0.01983298 -0.11297144 -0.09487962 +Ba 3.93658968 0.00091992 7.91847027 0.34292217 0.10570525 0.17922389 +Ba 4.01068038 3.99366982 3.96716031 -0.26173702 -0.13080333 0.11654836 +Ba 0.01440148 0.01183998 0.02181792 -0.06286964 0.04915075 -0.12743879 +Ti 5.96416969 2.05506970 2.03502024 -0.14390464 -0.32154910 -0.41173723 +Ti 1.96444030 5.95804985 1.95255036 -0.36544298 0.05422637 0.21312517 +Ti 1.94032020 2.05585005 5.97606042 0.04363239 -0.26249549 -0.14444560 +Ti 5.91939029 6.00883013 5.95888016 0.12504072 -0.14409516 -0.02651424 +Ti 1.95680974 5.98103988 5.93377987 -0.18420669 0.21135856 -0.26684374 +Ti 5.90570967 2.01044018 5.98016040 0.08408690 0.16896004 0.42863504 +Ti 5.92295021 6.02424987 1.99204023 0.25856890 0.03508887 0.04607777 +Ti 2.00296981 1.99971996 2.00083021 -0.17811214 0.11617298 -0.07304221 +O 2.02226034 1.96244979 4.01236002 0.01761514 0.01587656 -0.33002397 +O 5.97980037 1.94157002 3.92794007 0.14979581 -0.03962301 0.18488032 +O 2.03154041 5.91257972 3.99287996 -0.12468693 0.05697513 -0.13783555 +O 5.99953975 5.93103994 3.97692968 0.03968729 0.03529456 -0.22671885 +O 2.00027033 3.92749994 1.94786036 0.24039943 0.30302688 0.39621831 +O 2.03576966 3.92385040 5.91888036 0.02952192 0.04382728 0.39698553 +O 6.00240974 3.92882034 2.02677032 -0.08600289 -0.00851781 -0.32513399 +O 5.98236979 3.90752026 5.91613013 -0.00642262 -0.06540861 0.13314715 +O 4.02000010 1.96543001 1.98492990 -0.04187453 0.04116696 0.06472367 +O 4.04194015 5.94253971 1.99978975 -0.42534094 -0.13930700 -0.06938636 +O 4.05416000 1.90703978 5.97229035 -0.49485405 0.30410288 -0.16266521 +O 4.03162993 5.91001981 5.93479971 -0.26421299 -0.00219984 0.23472758 +O 5.99192981 5.94853028 7.92049806 -0.12355745 -0.23172556 0.13332198 +O 2.00311018 5.92146010 0.04060963 0.28650882 -0.04550801 -0.12397371 +O 5.97431972 1.94114972 7.91818240 0.07546316 0.14928596 0.01994662 +O 2.03750006 1.98604014 0.02590997 0.01970905 -0.09086947 -0.28398143 +O 5.97196044 7.88568549 5.91934032 0.19045498 0.08504592 0.07511632 +O 6.00207032 7.87183993 1.95741007 -0.03774071 0.31140713 0.20913893 +O 2.03494966 7.86658291 5.98495984 -0.11013295 0.01881636 -0.09731600 +O 2.01852040 7.92683994 2.00427990 0.04049539 -0.34059198 -0.03965001 +O 0.04520923 5.91534027 5.98777987 0.33437222 0.00404486 -0.19291784 +O 0.06083198 1.95865037 5.98157042 0.13491195 -0.04308115 -0.15076538 +O 0.05644016 5.94073001 1.96698039 0.24585814 -0.06347360 0.23281622 +O 0.06193033 1.98292987 1.95414991 -0.16578576 -0.13503588 0.28723156 +40 +Lattice="7.924770014393669 0.0 0.0 -0.021721794609453046 7.924738315313611 0.0 -0.021721794609453046 0.02166632121935229 7.9247066162335535" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.079420965616 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00207701 0.05370617 0.03268968 0.02227732 -0.19864009 -0.09071700 +Ba 3.99824380 0.05461038 4.00150009 0.06816534 0.00406209 0.09439137 +Ba 3.96156321 3.98627581 0.03560995 0.24211564 0.20946469 -0.07314788 +Ba 4.00950014 4.01669029 3.96683001 -0.07616790 -0.06786658 0.31796164 +Ba 0.03567573 0.06037565 0.02101015 0.21636116 -0.21984398 0.09213111 +Ba -0.01172707 7.92818004 3.98845988 0.21687769 0.32205407 0.08077969 +Ba 0.03043112 4.01754616 0.07403003 0.18379017 -0.01450231 -0.19490376 +Ba 0.02086513 3.97195020 3.99718029 0.11163241 0.23018084 0.02378142 +O 1.99114998 4.03329030 2.07646013 0.07361197 -0.30013233 -0.18476230 +O 1.98783980 4.04412029 6.03671971 -0.13004717 -0.15712166 -0.23927097 +O 1.99542381 0.06155010 2.00265991 0.07467538 -0.01789848 0.32703275 +O 1.99129342 0.07152977 5.98435996 -0.03150296 0.06149873 0.12614423 +O 5.93651971 4.04200993 2.03542012 0.06047337 -0.19409669 0.09260214 +O 5.93947010 4.03688022 6.01043008 -0.00128838 -0.04248671 -0.00630409 +O 5.95814324 0.08416977 2.04387030 0.01511217 -0.05861730 -0.10181980 +O 5.93397348 0.06711963 6.02669012 0.11440149 0.37760404 -0.06834069 +O 1.99045022 2.02929982 4.05421011 0.07285144 0.11241840 -0.26703477 +O 2.02643343 2.02840591 0.06751032 -0.08011018 0.09179301 0.28168363 +O 1.96029013 5.99229028 4.03465019 0.13873467 0.08793430 0.01129511 +O 1.98859345 5.99412566 0.07800034 -0.06111872 -0.00249937 0.31799661 +O 5.98154984 2.05528039 4.02852038 -0.10666556 -0.04324955 0.22556777 +O 5.98371330 2.05335625 0.06635014 -0.08955409 -0.02924270 0.17556058 +O 5.92962992 6.03480984 4.05935963 -0.03423450 -0.20326987 -0.08312582 +O 5.96287353 5.98295569 0.09315012 -0.10911685 0.10239778 -0.02868143 +O 0.03592219 2.02981018 2.04636977 -0.18887632 0.10308658 -0.08301346 +O -0.00362558 2.05368037 6.01201028 -0.12150108 -0.00420427 0.03494978 +O 7.89769504 6.00134037 2.08381035 -0.05471745 -0.00494115 -0.17757221 +O -0.02894998 6.00149965 6.03870962 0.00414513 0.00366999 -0.15595515 +O 3.98703025 2.01463979 2.06333988 -0.10382783 0.20002154 -0.12188032 +O 3.96358006 2.05326987 6.00981036 -0.02675079 0.01719374 -0.06338052 +O 3.94987972 6.00165974 2.04584040 0.00899938 0.07217189 0.07373461 +O 3.92619971 5.99756976 6.03417031 0.01052095 0.03520663 -0.14465155 +Ti 2.02593972 2.04015992 2.00561030 -0.11977664 -0.33951032 -0.10097545 +Ti 2.05512031 2.02040981 5.96276972 -0.09027272 -0.06023683 -0.11779252 +Ti 2.06626015 6.00100039 1.98578015 -0.42577288 0.12226110 -0.33754162 +Ti 2.04287020 5.97778003 5.92371962 0.13434734 -0.06923544 0.36654315 +Ti 5.98500028 2.01555985 1.93895982 0.06017050 -0.09777931 0.42042370 +Ti 6.01770977 2.00107020 5.92516035 -0.03049123 -0.28191349 -0.13881103 +Ti 5.99614013 5.98458027 2.00734028 0.34938361 -0.13110518 -0.16536821 +Ti 6.01925035 5.92943972 5.98356035 -0.29685469 0.38537391 -0.11752821 +40 +Lattice="8.000280909 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.000280909 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.000280909" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.296664273214 stress="0.005767866138682956 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.005767866138682956 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.005767866138682956" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00014045 4.00014045 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00014045 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 4.00014045 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00014045 0.00000000 4.00014045 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.05854910 5.94173181 1.94159136 0.03635077 -0.03635077 -0.03635077 +Ti 1.94159136 2.05854910 5.94173181 -0.03635077 0.03635077 -0.03635077 +Ti 5.94173181 1.94159136 2.05854910 -0.03635077 -0.03635077 0.03635077 +Ti 6.05868955 6.05868955 6.05868955 0.03635077 0.03635077 0.03635077 +Ti 5.94173181 2.05854910 6.05868955 -0.03635077 0.03635077 0.03635077 +Ti 6.05868955 5.94173181 2.05854910 0.03635077 -0.03635077 0.03635077 +Ti 2.05854910 6.05868955 5.94173181 0.03635077 0.03635077 -0.03635077 +Ti 1.94159136 1.94159136 1.94159136 -0.03635077 -0.03635077 -0.03635077 +O 6.02346946 1.99365597 3.95491408 0.01957278 0.04604537 0.01358031 +O 1.97681145 5.99379643 0.04522638 -0.01957278 0.04604537 -0.01358031 +O 2.02332901 2.00648448 4.04536683 0.01957278 -0.04604537 -0.01358031 +O 5.97695190 6.00662493 -0.04522638 -0.01957278 -0.04604537 0.01358031 +O 1.99365597 3.95491408 6.02346946 0.04604537 0.01358031 0.01957278 +O 5.99379643 0.04522638 1.97681145 0.04604537 -0.01358031 -0.01957278 +O 2.00648448 4.04536683 2.02332901 -0.04604537 -0.01358031 0.01957278 +O 6.00662493 -0.04522638 5.97695190 -0.04604537 0.01358031 -0.01957278 +O 3.95491408 6.02346946 1.99365597 0.01358031 0.01957278 0.04604537 +O 0.04522638 1.97681145 5.99379643 -0.01358031 -0.01957278 0.04604537 +O 4.04536683 2.02332901 2.00648448 -0.01358031 0.01957278 -0.04604537 +O -0.04522638 5.97695190 6.00662493 0.01358031 -0.01957278 -0.04604537 +O 1.97681145 6.00662493 4.04536683 -0.01957278 -0.04604537 -0.01358031 +O 6.02346946 2.00648448 -0.04522638 0.01957278 -0.04604537 0.01358031 +O 5.97695190 5.99379643 3.95491408 -0.01957278 0.04604537 0.01358031 +O 2.02332901 1.99365597 0.04522638 0.01957278 0.04604537 -0.01358031 +O 6.00662493 4.04536683 1.97681145 -0.04604537 -0.01358031 -0.01957278 +O 2.00648448 -0.04522638 6.02346946 -0.04604537 0.01358031 0.01957278 +O 5.99379643 3.95491408 5.97695190 0.04604537 0.01358031 -0.01957278 +O 1.99365597 0.04522638 2.02332901 0.04604537 -0.01358031 0.01957278 +O 4.04536683 1.97681145 6.00662493 -0.01358031 -0.01957278 -0.04604537 +O -0.04522638 6.02346946 2.00648448 0.01358031 0.01957278 -0.04604537 +O 3.95491408 5.97695190 5.99379643 0.01358031 -0.01957278 0.04604537 +O 0.04522638 2.02332901 1.99365597 -0.01358031 0.01957278 0.04604537 +40 +Lattice="7.763559882109221 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.026907596870249 0.0 0.0 0.06839696256138224 8.02662034515461" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.054440915228 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88525025 0.12985408 8.02136597 -0.03986058 -0.14095276 -0.10761789 +Ba 3.90879014 0.07722335 4.01591019 -0.22746627 0.03851230 -0.02712694 +Ba 3.88447001 4.10308953 8.00035467 -0.02513202 0.08378968 0.11055949 +Ba 3.86356973 4.07587981 4.00773982 -0.01971342 -0.08301295 -0.13192279 +Ba 7.74493976 0.08403588 8.01796087 0.13603630 0.14537043 -0.05820875 +Ba 0.01819002 0.09670523 4.01651031 -0.08556683 -0.15972567 -0.10194527 +Ba 0.01509158 4.12362958 8.01902525 -0.06208983 -0.02907635 -0.02420308 +Ba 7.73151967 4.10822978 3.97390001 0.37459559 -0.22726906 0.12069530 +Ti 1.93633975 2.10432999 2.00363972 -0.10382089 0.23697678 0.30676063 +Ti 1.93838001 2.14054001 6.02439980 -0.05320538 0.20018069 0.09607261 +Ti 1.94651001 6.14646005 2.05329001 -0.22235080 -0.14813488 0.05221551 +Ti 1.95905981 6.16417959 6.05030991 -0.15477938 -0.14547636 0.04584226 +Ti 5.81990997 2.08739999 2.04741999 0.11566339 0.40387737 -0.09623125 +Ti 5.83303970 2.15787992 6.04901961 0.01798924 -0.15910063 0.20961356 +Ti 5.80713969 6.10797996 2.07539986 0.20991643 -0.02410384 -0.26165166 +Ti 5.83145981 6.15648979 6.06564993 0.03836883 0.14428105 0.08189375 +O 1.92872991 2.01325023 3.93424996 0.05861421 0.01699602 -0.07196209 +O 1.91543015 2.09202009 7.95644009 0.13431417 -0.15969507 -0.22393589 +O 1.94017960 6.05611006 3.92835975 0.09378716 0.09289884 -0.23019447 +O 1.96254021 6.07410988 7.91324986 0.02646514 0.00939353 0.30007499 +O 5.81650021 2.04528035 3.92348967 0.00444364 -0.17458485 -0.01708909 +O 5.83601004 2.09362016 7.93644970 -0.12445271 -0.05347869 -0.09217148 +O 5.82374982 6.06519964 3.93630963 0.02448693 0.03376116 -0.24131757 +O 5.82984965 6.08088980 7.92795016 -0.05390703 -0.07862948 0.07517417 +O 1.92375968 3.97392020 1.96909964 0.13188114 0.15484392 -0.07450003 +O 1.95192975 4.00198003 5.94861970 -0.06339800 -0.01133419 0.04848432 +O 1.91089002 8.02644023 1.93707030 0.19631632 -0.40457105 0.07002219 +O 1.93640030 8.02056011 5.98157989 0.14184288 0.12983454 -0.07512866 +O 5.80284954 3.99494004 1.98146001 0.03835417 0.01567627 -0.13930288 +O 5.83535013 4.01325971 5.94301984 -0.04938961 0.10657043 0.08718894 +O 5.82598029 8.00310996 1.92552977 -0.09724452 -0.10979099 0.23417659 +O 5.81303999 8.04263967 5.98647016 0.10460765 -0.20999485 -0.11893280 +O 7.74377678 2.02083989 1.91781978 -0.07388039 -0.18204336 0.13131627 +O 0.00378784 2.00503017 5.93167029 -0.13219455 0.09419185 0.06975326 +O 0.02029627 6.00207025 1.94017029 -0.32743462 0.05500592 -0.04823749 +O 0.02342965 6.01466973 5.93707994 -0.29245476 0.15305906 0.01316508 +O 3.86377003 1.98876008 1.93456034 0.24040637 -0.04301070 -0.04227434 +O 3.87733996 2.01466009 5.94508029 0.09538176 0.03200612 0.06107193 +O 3.87665987 5.97893019 1.94132007 0.11946631 0.27748014 -0.02973455 +O 3.90516999 6.01401992 5.91721998 -0.09459551 0.11927887 0.09960814 +40 +Lattice="7.94945983540382 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.94945983540382 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.94945983540382" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.42742613998 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97176000 4.05863965 7.92777371 0.16381372 -0.51123275 0.07501888 +Ba 3.96292020 0.02007159 3.90687969 0.05768347 -0.02726346 0.66997703 +Ba 7.91623666 3.95343967 4.01545977 0.39211509 0.01401483 0.19371540 +Ba 0.01096231 7.93052740 4.04494988 0.17348159 0.54121336 -0.31863347 +Ba 0.02032995 3.96458959 0.03284955 -0.15342364 0.27005171 -0.37477762 +Ba 4.00049014 7.86956617 0.02724677 -0.20283947 0.67202903 -0.32752666 +Ba 4.01559014 3.97762988 3.92575966 -0.35675162 -0.00198541 0.60111363 +Ba 0.02763471 0.08396617 0.03446568 0.04901988 -0.59983425 -0.30764098 +Ti 6.03483005 2.13284007 2.01939015 -0.36460351 -1.02442314 -0.09382110 +Ti 1.95034035 5.88781989 2.08819034 0.00589708 0.27091714 -0.38454190 +Ti 1.99723978 1.95324985 5.98064971 -0.18505438 -0.24770805 -0.60299671 +Ti 5.99795966 6.03502004 5.88838987 -0.12986539 -0.55262109 0.35465103 +Ti 1.99250031 5.89541958 6.02195987 0.36873193 0.42714971 0.16410940 +Ti 5.92008993 1.98058009 6.00212995 0.34054801 0.62655007 -0.03597333 +Ti 5.95669958 6.07859024 1.92558017 -0.05344269 -0.97506208 -0.03976751 +Ti 2.04236012 1.90399023 1.96624006 0.27282233 0.34572724 0.33865285 +O 1.97823977 2.05627962 4.03121003 -0.15312076 0.02534902 -0.64456708 +O 5.98162988 2.08141979 3.99459005 -0.20439473 -0.62166421 -0.73051006 +O 1.93702023 5.97343955 4.00311028 0.37384688 0.09496755 -0.41790659 +O 5.92322997 5.92074974 4.03897030 0.40149396 0.15006398 -0.29730926 +O 1.97985033 4.04144973 1.97081975 -0.14295282 -0.17586911 0.16340800 +O 1.97364976 4.04565023 6.02049002 0.11402971 -0.16847051 -0.09537739 +O 5.98361963 3.93938026 1.97026965 0.19171379 0.25429676 -0.06617531 +O 6.01441981 3.95129968 5.98107978 -0.49087707 0.34733675 0.32531551 +O 3.90901968 2.02241015 1.99590029 0.49042636 -0.01259506 0.01249916 +O 4.04586009 5.93279953 2.00788013 -0.39072720 -0.00392402 0.09012359 +O 3.98879013 1.88825984 5.89693951 0.27170955 0.93353593 0.56262988 +O 3.91360016 6.01134019 5.95631005 0.81909356 -0.09630581 -0.06923929 +O 5.97472021 5.95927997 0.03188131 0.10617345 0.04936004 -0.24783095 +O 2.06419013 6.04256964 7.94110972 -0.53557930 -0.24441138 0.12314350 +O 5.97172962 1.84554024 0.03076759 -0.32911252 0.75045231 0.03564629 +O 1.98589033 2.04588968 0.02310034 0.00893870 -0.06009774 0.30627881 +O 6.00223965 0.03532581 5.90269969 -0.18954481 -0.91360448 0.19045370 +O 5.95263025 7.83808949 1.99720003 0.01897166 1.54748400 0.40884937 +O 2.05915971 0.13168201 5.98209015 -0.63425078 -0.86878784 0.00824244 +O 2.04060011 0.04188014 2.02324008 -0.12986668 0.21735232 -0.07284887 +O 0.00186653 6.02275005 5.95215964 -0.29035905 -0.08195366 0.24917204 +O 7.92567664 2.00491975 5.98423015 0.42897005 -0.01315119 0.09494518 +O 0.08302018 6.08677023 1.99787017 -0.52928370 -0.65585191 0.01303061 +O 7.89133021 1.93229985 1.98765988 0.41656936 0.31896540 0.14646778 +40 +Lattice="8.009950082090713 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.009950082090713 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.009950082090713" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29610.241075822923 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97568025 3.91021973 4.15449037 -0.03820839 -0.16206435 0.10595953 +Ba 3.94594011 0.13589521 3.89272040 0.16064535 -0.41888053 0.60122908 +Ba 0.16973325 4.21673970 4.12285027 -0.35024596 -0.73285285 -0.14614665 +Ba 4.05007026 3.92063027 7.87723402 0.52008275 -0.42171440 0.30848096 +Ba 0.06276036 7.93145177 3.90521031 0.35073935 -0.49017028 -0.73666091 +Ba 7.84689794 4.08502969 7.96061199 0.25129808 -0.12628179 -0.37545305 +Ba 3.95120985 0.12078124 0.12022935 1.14361743 0.03219407 -0.02366932 +Ba 7.91642270 7.76947616 0.04925238 -0.22638126 0.86094212 0.39906606 +Ti 6.00221044 2.22182959 1.96599979 -0.26088212 -1.62037195 -0.59794861 +Ti 2.05025966 5.66478969 2.02820026 -0.03652483 1.54909274 -0.50306899 +Ti 6.04247966 6.28952014 6.03161977 -1.35215472 -1.88451269 -0.32120740 +Ti 2.01088035 1.74367963 5.95875005 1.45661813 1.89950762 0.10170050 +Ti 2.30256028 6.02352011 6.27637020 -1.25857634 1.07938407 -2.89841539 +Ti 6.39287012 1.97889982 5.69780991 -2.31651124 0.60187982 2.03811142 +Ti 5.69724040 5.92753047 2.27761969 2.39195898 1.14033722 -1.40361098 +Ti 1.69914991 1.97323038 1.76408017 1.48082018 1.50190503 1.70616786 +O 5.80299977 6.03902977 4.08312973 0.28235958 -0.75763185 -0.53980105 +O 2.29486031 6.14297970 3.73076001 -0.82834850 -0.41029407 1.20119240 +O 6.35875014 1.89300993 3.90955971 -0.58007096 0.13171170 0.53203529 +O 2.00137974 2.10470009 4.16230007 -0.55445608 -0.56287567 -0.23357701 +O 5.99057999 3.73290027 5.90706985 0.27186716 0.48374535 0.04719183 +O 5.92137963 4.02074022 2.12049011 0.62342207 0.41957370 -0.26561861 +O 2.01926997 4.30264962 6.17979023 -0.42926727 -1.77003715 -1.17411328 +O 2.19125000 3.87636969 2.14429007 -0.29082134 0.16939867 -0.49170188 +O 4.04361023 6.12427006 5.89042037 -0.27950797 -0.18277304 0.72964668 +O 3.89514981 1.94516031 6.10633018 -0.42819203 -0.30841231 -0.44413185 +O 4.02505999 5.87251973 1.79841962 -1.33440640 0.44704748 0.11459870 +O 4.23796046 1.91108037 2.18858990 -1.08805718 0.33029831 -0.55872951 +O 5.88794049 5.91346019 7.79942376 0.35226119 0.15464234 0.88244271 +O 2.12847042 6.08053974 8.00102379 -0.10811566 0.17448355 2.11229752 +O 6.03514976 1.91680028 0.15007282 0.44712821 0.26745206 -0.25309065 +O 1.93216977 2.17075014 0.00576716 0.04209590 -0.23441107 -0.86288922 +O 5.97862033 0.04012344 5.87802978 0.23536855 1.88258025 0.44069582 +O 6.06624999 7.68307443 2.03031969 0.02363307 0.86927481 -0.27439327 +O 1.86254969 7.97638599 5.99604037 0.15239931 -0.55229456 0.13537629 +O 1.86759035 0.24011507 1.82867961 0.62121323 -1.73991745 0.66490296 +O 7.81523540 6.13056989 5.86898975 1.97783191 -0.57483670 0.29482043 +O 0.12803505 2.12550033 6.11983015 -0.54815508 -0.45769493 -0.27905365 +O 0.23458340 5.92019015 1.89558993 -0.75326869 -0.53251609 0.53538210 +O 7.96759106 2.17230006 2.07483019 0.27679134 -0.05490796 -0.56801762 +40 +Lattice="7.959140074076232 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.959140074076232 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.959140074076232" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29606.693233825423 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99217992 6.04344987 6.03720991 0.15064865 -0.35394243 -1.26014188 +Ba 6.11261003 1.98785970 6.02405027 -0.78024188 0.08805540 -0.72174337 +Ba 5.78093037 5.98311004 2.37459989 1.78111963 -0.78754664 -2.61940930 +Ba 1.92826962 1.98666026 1.96782973 0.00146913 0.22622237 0.17239607 +Ba 5.97343014 2.17208992 1.88919979 0.58942951 -0.62248567 0.57640071 +Ba 1.96516024 5.95237980 1.89837987 -0.03575530 -0.20082784 1.62787905 +Ba 2.10997042 1.78498998 5.85976008 -1.09903553 1.56489834 0.85272822 +Ba 5.90244973 5.91733969 5.82932035 0.59542584 0.59477689 0.89809713 +Ti 0.15004014 4.01140978 0.02988259 -0.10536664 2.76281901 -0.54569813 +Ti 4.24112011 0.09368783 7.81511307 -0.45172071 -0.90976197 2.05348147 +Ti 7.84564274 7.89369843 4.15744965 1.41986138 1.13921699 -0.45882313 +Ti 3.96641039 7.89773690 3.73097983 -1.98315820 0.37393019 14.18754342 +Ti 7.89131069 3.99279972 4.02248015 1.14055139 -0.14256304 -0.25469631 +Ti 4.14267988 4.30342028 7.75751675 -0.57728568 -5.34295574 0.49660755 +Ti 3.88263010 3.77126024 3.84379029 -0.47784466 0.77624407 3.68909569 +Ti 0.06663949 7.78885746 0.18714883 -2.76704873 0.12009880 -6.16720591 +O 7.86314887 4.30638984 1.81884020 0.12883849 -0.98090954 1.68256693 +O 7.93861584 3.91246016 5.73100030 0.24097047 0.46056068 2.43188050 +O 2.05919986 7.90594516 4.02469995 -0.61392210 0.42878596 -0.95571633 +O 5.99718976 0.06859824 3.96652023 -0.40131732 -0.85440098 0.41067948 +O 4.14806981 1.84144973 0.12346298 -0.65901873 1.25037940 0.40426715 +O 3.86531021 5.97190039 0.08932304 0.66432832 2.80686586 0.01521090 +O 4.05885979 7.89921889 2.22848043 0.44792114 0.43133906 -13.57295412 +O 3.87947032 0.10508134 6.15025994 -0.00286627 -1.27050240 -1.98375856 +O 0.06733990 1.81090971 4.02196042 -0.21323393 1.99429339 -1.13098277 +O 0.12628608 6.00180049 4.12000031 -0.99883681 -1.09719771 -1.23315610 +O 2.07194006 4.07163023 0.04852210 -0.42673088 -0.55252493 -0.26535996 +O 5.96341037 3.93034992 7.83595089 -0.69876593 1.64793957 0.47688667 +O 4.04290012 3.86120966 6.00019036 -0.63133824 0.92298310 0.22773289 +O 3.97506039 3.96500004 2.13444000 0.13516264 0.06151133 -2.44746112 +O 3.84117014 5.98302010 4.06310997 0.87736273 -0.59436783 -0.18988677 +O 4.05963023 1.88144998 4.10919976 -0.32550680 1.53577185 -1.14177832 +O 5.90948004 4.04166008 4.11619027 0.62026475 -0.81100024 -1.49413875 +O 1.95770013 3.93509038 4.05507999 0.51306389 -0.42657815 -0.88188607 +O 7.65084119 0.04549922 1.76515023 -1.02181013 0.18434604 6.03184350 +O 7.95446488 7.92435624 5.93099041 0.31323750 0.51493874 0.47810537 +O 7.83658603 2.34714006 7.89751802 0.75396803 -4.32425845 0.45326878 +O 0.01237089 6.04192013 7.71781417 0.18019294 -1.58971206 0.54310261 +O 1.75184971 0.09590366 0.38920911 4.16205963 0.20652849 -1.40047732 +O 6.00512980 7.76414592 7.67001078 -0.44507133 0.76903033 1.01550039 +40 +Lattice="7.857920116016783 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.857920116016783 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.242879622500446" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.318800064328 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.00731041 1.95635965 8.21470269 0.12714671 -0.26970615 0.02304763 +Ba 2.02565001 1.98724992 4.15912011 -0.45959060 -0.18571284 0.22551711 +Ba 1.93665042 5.86188032 8.20858609 0.31389930 0.20924743 0.24003305 +Ba 1.82765007 5.87234000 4.05391042 0.71595890 0.20535272 0.54990369 +Ba 5.88108979 1.95986036 0.04408922 -0.22823349 0.04642101 -0.23016464 +Ba 5.94513970 2.05626997 4.12240005 -0.27051810 -0.73101168 0.36843343 +Ba 5.84958032 5.88549023 0.05677583 0.13255245 -0.04226379 -0.07511709 +Ba 5.93736036 5.89103006 4.12428988 -0.13320166 0.11497819 -0.04998482 +Ti 0.00419692 0.02570954 2.14495995 -0.31187764 -0.13749231 -1.08849144 +Ti 7.81158118 7.78970158 6.33022022 0.78519614 0.01304706 -0.47758653 +Ti 0.01051311 3.90098036 2.13486017 0.52264871 0.34502945 -0.69998849 +Ti 7.85505040 3.84382028 6.29165040 0.29026598 0.66048941 -0.45178833 +Ti 3.89111003 0.04901928 2.22079988 0.43256600 -0.34299725 -0.59305374 +Ti 3.96386022 7.74658989 6.18931985 -0.56600316 1.05733404 0.68244020 +Ti 3.95120976 3.97776010 2.26373006 -0.80623599 0.16637994 -0.79847794 +Ti 3.92478986 3.91813027 6.26270025 -0.27195458 -0.72663875 -0.49283471 +O 0.12502029 2.00060996 1.83836984 -0.41698922 -0.25424251 0.68112354 +O 1.96282987 7.77465995 1.91424985 0.57997711 0.19575994 0.25884144 +O 0.04246970 0.06030011 3.90755037 -0.14956287 0.12008672 0.90573459 +O 0.04094998 1.95019983 6.15299033 -0.20590011 -0.03869690 -0.29655927 +O 1.89366995 7.76643271 6.11550019 0.46616466 0.28270822 0.02458077 +O 7.78228999 0.01645999 8.14426980 0.06765010 -0.50440262 -0.25023313 +O 7.78344982 5.86775019 1.98894016 0.23007131 0.55671942 -0.15703141 +O 2.00868004 4.03156014 2.01143032 -0.12607739 -0.32301206 0.01457815 +O 0.01306772 3.91298019 3.93440010 -0.18595221 -0.42960614 0.42095592 +O 7.79183108 5.86747045 6.00162007 0.23233619 0.50624276 0.70284165 +O 1.99146020 3.98251021 5.97955032 -0.32408421 -0.10572196 0.59420559 +O 0.12794423 3.91562988 8.08050985 -0.50002686 0.22680164 0.37764286 +O 3.87397976 1.97435036 2.08254999 0.13981556 -0.29211280 0.01505458 +O 5.90243033 0.12630035 2.06453021 -0.34975565 -0.32711451 -0.20858177 +O 3.91036979 7.79639103 4.02751016 -0.15315882 0.32127117 -0.11414978 +O 3.93857029 2.00132032 6.07122003 0.05819563 -0.12510319 -0.29752034 +O 5.89056016 7.85367055 6.07054975 0.09560519 0.16837358 -0.19231440 +O 3.97285990 0.07046904 8.03502035 -0.08108719 -0.62719079 0.09462894 +O 4.02951000 5.85103011 2.01722003 -0.22310336 0.83975803 -0.12436297 +O 5.90917007 3.93788980 1.96581037 -0.16549883 -0.59898759 0.17802627 +O 3.86443003 3.99547971 4.07391983 0.84888570 -0.23308387 -0.55890512 +O 3.99391991 5.89674984 6.03870003 -0.13545806 0.01273519 0.46403090 +O 5.94841017 3.94511044 6.14325044 -0.36066561 -0.22163501 -0.04880288 +O 3.85357982 3.87927993 8.06627994 0.38600023 0.46799657 0.38432773 +40 +Lattice="7.98051694 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.98051694 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.98051694" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2808231661 stress="0.00023963913756705688 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00023963913756705688 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00023963913756705688" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99025847 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025847 0.00000000 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99025847 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025847 3.99025847 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04776359 1.93275335 1.93275335 0.00164319 -0.00164319 -0.00164319 +Ti 1.93275335 6.04776359 1.93275335 -0.00164319 0.00164319 -0.00164319 +Ti 1.93275335 1.93275335 6.04776359 -0.00164319 -0.00164319 0.00164319 +Ti 6.04776359 6.04776359 6.04776359 0.00164319 0.00164319 0.00164319 +Ti 2.05750521 5.92301174 5.92301174 0.00163805 -0.00163805 -0.00163805 +Ti 5.92301174 2.05750521 5.92301174 -0.00163805 0.00163805 -0.00163805 +Ti 5.92301174 5.92301174 2.05750521 -0.00163805 -0.00163805 0.00163805 +Ti 2.05750521 2.05750521 2.05750521 0.00163805 0.00163805 0.00163805 +O 1.99484202 1.99484202 3.96023735 0.00627838 0.00627838 0.00496763 +O 5.98567492 1.99484202 4.02027959 -0.00627838 0.00627838 -0.00496763 +O 1.99484202 5.98567492 4.02027959 0.00627838 -0.00627838 -0.00496763 +O 5.98567492 5.98567492 3.96023735 -0.00627838 -0.00627838 0.00496763 +O 1.99484202 3.96023735 1.99484202 0.00627838 0.00496763 0.00627838 +O 1.99484202 4.02027959 5.98567492 0.00627838 -0.00496763 -0.00627838 +O 5.98567492 4.02027959 1.99484202 -0.00627838 -0.00496763 0.00627838 +O 5.98567492 3.96023735 5.98567492 -0.00627838 0.00496763 -0.00627838 +O 3.96023735 1.99484202 1.99484202 0.00496763 0.00627838 0.00627838 +O 4.02027959 5.98567492 1.99484202 -0.00496763 -0.00627838 0.00627838 +O 4.02027959 1.99484202 5.98567492 -0.00496763 0.00627838 -0.00627838 +O 3.96023735 5.98567492 5.98567492 0.00496763 -0.00627838 -0.00627838 +O 5.98510079 5.98510079 -0.03002143 0.00627426 0.00627426 0.00497817 +O 1.99541615 5.98510079 0.03002143 -0.00627426 0.00627426 -0.00497817 +O 5.98510079 1.99541615 0.03002143 0.00627426 -0.00627426 -0.00497817 +O 1.99541615 1.99541615 -0.03002143 -0.00627426 -0.00627426 0.00497817 +O 5.98510079 -0.03002143 5.98510079 0.00627426 0.00497817 0.00627426 +O 5.98510079 0.03002143 1.99541615 0.00627426 -0.00497817 -0.00627426 +O 1.99541615 0.03002143 5.98510079 -0.00627426 -0.00497817 0.00627426 +O 1.99541615 -0.03002143 1.99541615 -0.00627426 0.00497817 -0.00627426 +O -0.03002143 5.98510079 5.98510079 0.00497817 0.00627426 0.00627426 +O 0.03002143 1.99541615 5.98510079 -0.00497817 -0.00627426 0.00627426 +O 0.03002143 5.98510079 1.99541615 -0.00497817 0.00627426 -0.00627426 +O -0.03002143 1.99541615 1.99541615 0.00497817 -0.00627426 -0.00627426 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29604.95452952756 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.06921014 2.11082999 1.95863959 -0.45704650 -0.57014830 1.95718080 +Ba 6.04779999 6.14980034 1.84446036 -0.66664951 -1.03231283 0.53079011 +Ba 6.31470997 1.96702968 6.09309016 -1.45825978 -0.00799279 -1.87887632 +Ba 1.86832982 6.03075003 6.10579017 1.14556915 -1.48642056 -0.42833036 +Ba 6.01372970 2.13751003 1.84081966 -0.51882162 0.42587110 2.63362442 +Ba 1.81077031 5.87674008 1.98772994 1.48662162 0.90595674 0.89735486 +Ba 2.09561960 1.94489011 6.01323979 -0.62620400 -0.48279147 -1.59476787 +Ba 5.88974028 5.89295031 6.11532019 0.30561212 0.67457237 -0.18526932 +Ti 4.24785972 4.25710955 3.90344965 -2.73454253 -2.61202715 0.60813352 +Ti 0.19735410 4.02999028 0.12632289 -0.93462788 0.01781723 -3.85569906 +Ti 3.76953957 7.85460299 7.85010656 -0.40225320 6.59396507 3.00168195 +Ti 7.98844903 7.63389896 4.35244009 -0.24343668 1.97267556 -7.12552136 +Ti 4.19739989 0.13361229 3.66435962 -1.89502567 -0.70714644 6.84600234 +Ti 0.02518229 4.01518974 4.16571990 0.83847608 -1.49665689 -0.34421029 +Ti 4.00441975 3.66459017 7.74138677 -1.93794458 1.45606251 2.86442747 +Ti 7.85558761 0.31889077 0.32969518 3.88725987 -2.78386400 -6.58476232 +O 3.75500000 4.09047003 2.18443002 0.73527534 -0.13784095 -1.20857712 +O 3.92540030 3.88226028 6.03243990 0.72016728 0.10788580 -2.22616859 +O 3.77934976 1.83294990 4.07102016 0.66450855 0.94866662 -0.78233501 +O 4.05925034 5.95107017 4.18140980 0.18161553 2.47489505 -0.46203392 +O 1.80478013 4.24927981 4.23210018 1.01682245 -0.09895405 -1.10570703 +O 6.00262990 4.04156958 3.78530952 -0.10541883 -0.61344156 0.20788937 +O 0.05065195 3.87377973 1.80777962 -0.54933059 -0.05610610 3.22609940 +O 7.78126073 4.18811002 5.94304991 -0.00115185 -1.12509135 1.82740334 +O 1.74758965 7.68973019 4.18939964 1.17677438 0.45560308 -1.14675906 +O 5.95046979 0.12482434 3.90529001 1.84642899 -0.24766125 -0.20662285 +O 3.81527963 1.93631030 0.17187322 0.50504128 0.17892050 -0.72523004 +O 4.20337005 6.29812030 7.91990899 1.23084853 -7.92035219 1.54322343 +O 3.82008026 0.03952734 2.05647971 -0.27084463 -0.73346785 -4.16867559 +O 3.94585960 0.02508542 6.20504959 1.57578722 0.85886467 -4.88566011 +O 0.12977787 2.19654967 3.99211038 -0.84556821 -1.62205628 0.30024828 +O 7.63662789 5.87245017 4.00945973 0.25831668 1.76231458 -0.71678911 +O 2.00418992 4.01069010 7.93465669 0.58332057 0.32943519 0.25859667 +O 5.71629006 3.73423010 0.01467806 2.94357759 1.27711682 0.06566135 +O 0.12036393 7.81350587 1.85942020 0.07688370 0.19799885 4.90021024 +O 7.94556678 7.79741252 5.96503978 -1.33702429 0.89612458 5.84111315 +O 0.26642327 2.00894012 7.88824582 -0.73958348 1.03620214 0.49579148 +O 7.88279678 5.79131979 0.08645214 -0.24435482 1.46101035 -0.38402023 +O 1.99689012 7.81951766 7.72619879 -2.66159648 0.91271385 2.18038033 +O 6.15633006 0.35413300 0.08466461 -2.54922127 -1.21034039 -0.16979668 +40 +Lattice="7.92459009414283 0.0 0.0 -0.021721301448045495 7.924558395782453 0.0 -0.021721301448045495 0.021665829317386497 7.924526697422077" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.06712999169 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99702615 0.04622651 0.04127998 0.01856079 -0.07505436 0.07666567 +Ba 3.99301314 0.03439034 3.99116988 -0.03256456 -0.05534377 -0.08963868 +Ba 4.00616320 4.00329688 0.04478978 -0.07172581 -0.17481419 -0.07373307 +Ba 4.01486044 4.00578995 4.02545007 -0.24122758 0.04692829 -0.26262045 +Ba 0.04232999 0.05628678 0.05368038 0.05759477 -0.14689946 -0.12535696 +Ba 0.00780572 0.04782966 4.00958979 0.29114401 -0.08007778 -0.03169039 +Ba 0.03753403 3.99027677 0.00313021 -0.01376646 -0.00735053 0.05107239 +Ba 0.01377928 4.04097038 3.97441016 0.14638422 -0.21448477 0.24546142 +O 1.95940007 4.00766967 2.04987036 0.15142641 0.19886789 0.03214985 +O 1.99423974 4.02512991 5.97388013 -0.08526447 -0.02803068 0.12965045 +O 2.02406314 0.05908971 2.04436990 -0.11834274 -0.19117669 -0.11736649 +O 1.98198278 0.06181973 6.06101020 0.03876349 -0.04113739 -0.22552303 +O 5.97034972 3.96103028 2.04490006 -0.03581521 -0.05565358 0.07558683 +O 5.96801989 3.96337041 5.97276038 -0.26894356 -0.01032426 0.17513815 +O 5.94465979 7.92014995 2.05401017 -0.04622124 -0.01029855 -0.11953573 +O 5.95126018 7.93305990 6.01605004 -0.25140221 0.04738852 0.09408515 +O 2.00989001 1.99366996 4.05349044 -0.16620794 0.14686244 0.08701024 +O 1.99651330 2.04227623 0.09373998 0.10521700 -0.04819919 -0.09989507 +O 2.02115006 6.00798994 4.02457995 -0.23625096 -0.00251043 0.18853591 +O 1.97058325 5.96173649 0.07215022 0.03363517 0.04542754 0.06627635 +O 5.97483980 1.94998011 4.05325032 -0.13197010 0.26200030 -0.09308833 +O 5.95279279 1.97176639 0.10837035 -0.01581794 0.09937391 -0.20495729 +O 5.94399016 5.98008984 4.04584004 -0.15557977 -0.07762623 -0.24348167 +O 5.94777336 5.92350668 0.05464005 0.05599477 0.18222617 0.11452645 +O 0.01277919 1.99730022 2.04145999 -0.16403432 0.05327454 0.10883017 +O -0.01329191 2.01145036 6.02952026 0.13157106 0.03294020 -0.08319447 +O -0.01225617 5.96793986 2.05716019 0.11045228 0.10900835 -0.13423755 +O 7.88988831 5.99415995 5.98829971 0.17888759 -0.04519151 0.08332843 +O 3.95673040 2.03228015 2.07485025 0.25327834 -0.02414806 -0.08519453 +O 3.96528024 2.00268973 6.01897025 -0.01541196 0.06755831 -0.03930163 +O 3.97363989 5.95105969 2.01132991 -0.29466436 0.02474995 0.06394591 +O 3.91639027 5.98961044 6.00934029 0.41019714 0.06189751 0.10093740 +Ti 2.03016983 1.97822969 1.96531974 -0.03372747 -0.07707704 0.03987164 +Ti 2.03044006 1.98121013 5.91347970 -0.06238396 0.28297227 0.20149890 +Ti 2.03863963 5.91730014 1.95227032 0.31445492 0.20779810 0.40702003 +Ti 2.01412016 5.97029980 5.93699037 -0.35275767 -0.22579685 -0.29134687 +Ti 5.99066996 2.06246016 1.97295033 0.15026170 0.12456635 0.05368026 +Ti 5.98764990 2.08514033 5.92190036 0.14423452 -0.09406484 0.13715524 +Ti 6.02220983 6.03417992 2.01688980 -0.41930142 -0.15815215 0.04322050 +Ti 5.94551010 6.06775007 6.00176042 0.62132276 -0.15042830 -0.25548512 +40 +Lattice="7.916379909755224 0.0 0.0 -0.021698797332639068 7.916348244235585 0.0 -0.021698797332639068 0.021643382673270782 7.916316578715946" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.485589520595 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01337108 0.05906886 0.00370962 -0.42780174 -0.55012480 0.22285448 +Ba 4.00535020 0.08301037 3.89912980 -0.42157504 -0.46275563 0.83516938 +Ba 4.04373990 3.98880972 7.89547988 -0.68708618 0.61151760 0.62661846 +Ba 4.01016020 4.01396006 3.99964012 -0.46451735 0.16954188 0.00166787 +Ba 7.89211858 0.04377916 0.03889001 0.40415891 -0.03752448 0.10430991 +Ba 0.06635430 0.03393990 3.99446993 -0.13700303 0.02120826 -0.01052584 +Ba 0.03822187 4.01254857 0.12597019 -0.19072726 -0.01386904 -0.46155544 +Ba 0.04926838 3.91803966 3.99875982 -0.19558305 0.71441547 0.05617346 +O 1.97513995 3.98706970 2.05592978 0.35192206 0.27475451 -0.21724613 +O 2.05530993 4.03242027 5.99949026 -0.33019187 -0.08607719 -0.20196247 +O 1.94192045 0.06401976 1.98094979 0.34638005 -0.03991612 0.12257194 +O 1.98124032 0.06004020 5.95229993 0.07620056 0.32908552 0.23644302 +O 5.92521958 4.01701024 1.98224016 0.19818886 -0.11777067 0.44411153 +O 5.96555987 4.02310981 5.93579982 0.07163119 -0.19734579 0.00262638 +O 6.01885056 0.05789961 1.93463025 -0.16699521 -0.16265853 0.50259513 +O 6.00866060 0.05589993 5.88980961 -0.13449801 0.58217617 0.55426865 +O 1.93680963 2.04461965 3.92363971 0.35221337 -0.16629355 0.72018759 +O 2.02823036 2.09904872 0.03189034 -0.09499249 -0.46558873 -0.38948382 +O 2.10657007 5.97536984 4.02541981 -0.53886106 0.12112930 0.10970743 +O 1.93819025 5.98897889 0.09325021 0.33936119 -0.03135126 -0.59435369 +O 5.94892993 1.99466016 3.98935991 0.17480673 0.25718256 -0.17984944 +O 5.95798072 2.08628909 0.02355994 -0.01189907 -0.56079051 -0.54113417 +O 5.92152025 5.99416966 3.98764997 0.32725130 0.05979769 -0.48837487 +O 5.98279066 5.97992889 0.02961993 0.28866547 0.05234072 -0.22457172 +O -0.01036175 2.06848991 1.94863987 -0.14865579 -0.20535967 0.37142028 +O 0.05401425 2.09440022 6.00596032 -0.54219372 -0.24507730 -0.10196507 +O 0.07194802 5.94888005 2.07483013 -0.70358701 0.17115448 0.10343702 +O 0.02868659 5.95604992 5.93065021 0.20558721 0.09269290 0.03149679 +O 3.98791992 2.02247991 1.99977019 -0.06621902 -0.09195653 0.08473508 +O 3.97765000 2.05361028 5.99883004 0.35429416 -0.27831935 -0.35366064 +O 4.00242985 6.03460970 1.98254969 0.13484253 -0.10461407 0.09934228 +O 4.02687009 5.98737978 5.97416972 -0.11985069 0.16902998 0.23543797 +Ti 2.05122032 2.04005031 2.06003996 -0.25520384 0.20808992 -0.34973405 +Ti 1.86212967 2.03942017 6.05830976 1.03401696 -0.32096289 0.10358769 +Ti 1.95387022 5.99848013 1.96341025 0.59812756 -0.20035013 0.19975852 +Ti 1.92330983 5.95168958 5.93233957 0.73000432 0.30060310 -0.30002177 +Ti 5.98745024 2.07820014 2.12362037 0.37209545 -0.12091435 -0.74474548 +Ti 5.83194958 1.94806989 6.06914966 0.50450932 0.45363464 -0.37998539 +Ti 5.94391965 6.02867954 2.07912002 -0.55189269 -0.16248883 -0.54376724 +Ti 5.93953002 5.91506999 5.98671006 -0.67492332 0.03375447 0.31441712 +40 +Lattice="7.770249740377227 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.033832152070303 0.0 0.0 0.06845590021272337 8.033529112330429" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.97390896073 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89363951 0.10161311 8.00398973 -0.19835572 -0.14252730 0.12432646 +Ba 3.86782985 0.09895646 4.00729961 0.14768134 -0.19415274 -0.07883517 +Ba 3.89271019 4.13572863 7.99590323 -0.12953089 -0.06620951 0.13888225 +Ba 3.90351006 4.08052023 4.00362973 -0.00977713 0.00361934 -0.04179842 +Ba 0.01877992 0.13143611 8.01890706 -0.11456861 -0.35426845 0.07292883 +Ba 0.00556972 0.05596212 4.01165018 -0.09854319 -0.01707958 -0.12679344 +Ba 7.73887736 4.14764820 8.02992682 0.16793777 -0.05172263 -0.06616528 +Ba 0.02291524 4.01712976 3.98354985 -0.30470812 0.45593964 0.08648265 +Ti 1.91398967 1.98185970 1.94704975 0.19640040 0.35631890 -0.30039227 +Ti 1.97732032 2.05760021 5.97294979 -0.02412903 -0.33168208 0.06819388 +Ti 1.94524006 6.02218987 1.95319991 0.01347978 -0.13282036 -0.10792206 +Ti 1.94885012 6.04065975 5.95190951 -0.12281208 0.30692390 -0.09885866 +Ti 5.79289990 2.01735031 1.90817986 0.08538119 -0.36192751 0.45429130 +Ti 5.87645961 2.00093022 5.96482988 -0.38971908 0.42229804 -0.30176035 +Ti 5.82282002 6.03779952 1.97931028 0.00161928 0.07677957 -0.19810890 +Ti 5.83741954 6.07636016 5.96620988 0.05589424 -0.39963659 -0.23276351 +O 1.94946009 2.11350016 4.06319957 -0.09922581 0.06883177 0.14706376 +O 1.91696024 2.10078181 0.04387005 0.18859453 0.01142444 -0.04424226 +O 1.96113022 6.21385007 4.06386004 -0.19589132 -0.47717104 0.12366029 +O 1.90718993 6.07485118 0.04226006 0.08273527 0.19775177 0.24417124 +O 5.84452000 2.07616022 4.08859974 -0.03310732 0.21790434 0.10296754 +O 5.78758971 2.04441176 0.06421024 0.22242074 0.23424498 -0.27269094 +O 5.76689986 6.14636001 4.07935003 0.21818870 0.01881945 0.07056727 +O 5.80638983 6.10293131 0.08094968 0.02571103 0.05395486 -0.00580349 +O 1.91714983 4.16854007 2.01194999 0.10728288 -0.03151941 0.21133157 +O 1.91397025 4.17671981 5.99546953 -0.01849112 -0.13003123 0.11558240 +O 1.93324979 0.14482036 2.01288009 -0.01753338 -0.34717092 -0.04032055 +O 1.90933996 0.17631007 6.03212957 0.26281431 0.26718236 0.16090632 +O 5.78610948 4.13796025 2.03117980 0.19662177 -0.15796498 0.02855853 +O 5.85220944 4.20676970 6.03310007 -0.10875072 -0.20589060 0.12699167 +O 5.83764954 0.13180985 2.03475956 -0.15574277 0.07444732 -0.02457049 +O 5.80719016 0.14059024 6.05595005 0.03713110 0.08134148 0.05522190 +O 0.01906275 2.11423989 2.04388028 -0.42821183 0.10400781 -0.03742318 +O 7.74208802 2.15983027 6.13354998 0.27650518 -0.03474255 -0.30570751 +O 7.72349848 6.15102993 2.10399015 0.42648097 -0.12986539 -0.13034799 +O 7.75643968 6.20108976 6.05889963 0.05385407 -0.09073166 -0.00251582 +O 3.87891022 2.08324980 2.00994993 0.04737540 0.22926733 0.25113224 +O 3.89042962 2.16330979 6.06365969 -0.25898336 -0.01216723 0.06257268 +O 3.85954987 6.12456990 2.09260984 -0.10091117 0.18240409 -0.28294630 +O 3.86058021 6.11923951 6.07823979 -0.00511727 0.30582012 0.05413355 +40 +Lattice="7.938679966492451 0.0 0.0 -0.02175992178815581 7.938648211772585 0.0 -0.02175992178815581 0.02170435102839036 7.938616457052719" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.041973883646 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02891343 0.02626830 0.04041979 -0.05855173 -0.00936036 -0.06707597 +Ba 3.99653155 0.05117035 4.01459999 0.02366803 0.02451110 -0.03107204 +Ba 3.98341129 3.99851781 0.04316975 0.04299347 0.10557721 -0.12049064 +Ba 4.01340998 3.99376016 3.97448980 -0.24742651 0.05046407 0.23136303 +Ba 0.04608959 0.02114785 0.06693022 -0.08091467 0.07453834 -0.18426814 +Ba 0.02846176 0.07903035 4.05313037 0.01047982 -0.11354326 -0.34765788 +Ba -0.00097090 4.00999793 0.00618979 0.28571950 0.01177488 0.20047817 +Ba 0.05638051 4.03505003 3.97673963 -0.05074098 -0.22211349 0.12218962 +O 2.04530007 3.97819002 1.97459025 -0.17180548 0.08392286 0.19958677 +O 2.02986966 3.95547984 5.96696987 -0.09078282 0.32534354 0.18643300 +O 2.05446131 0.02777030 1.99481007 -0.19520535 -0.22197516 0.10394404 +O 1.98770177 0.02100019 5.99539034 0.12649339 -0.13967621 0.03514415 +O 5.99890003 3.98092966 2.02738009 -0.11572098 0.01934549 -0.17708267 +O 5.97099002 4.00444959 5.97509035 -0.02999398 0.17530476 0.10628940 +O 5.99611991 7.94230000 2.04377029 -0.11228959 -0.14235813 -0.12259174 +O 5.96905139 0.04594987 5.99150992 0.18749821 -0.20559826 -0.06674867 +O 1.99422022 1.99885006 3.97183987 0.17551147 0.02891951 -0.07673843 +O 1.97803167 1.98946813 0.02998995 0.16089218 0.04207225 -0.18840787 +O 2.02429988 5.99186001 4.03702993 -0.13636128 -0.06585547 -0.14564271 +O 2.00215176 5.98484778 0.04981998 0.04880777 -0.13311964 0.01458870 +O 5.98817964 2.00089983 3.98290004 -0.13063801 0.14850872 0.08024053 +O 6.01022139 1.99346764 0.00804982 -0.04928393 0.11779715 0.12038239 +O 5.98512960 5.95695999 4.00970023 -0.09602016 0.12016976 0.22657230 +O 5.94301173 5.99311829 0.05535006 0.28156356 -0.21755852 -0.02568609 +O 7.92667986 2.00428012 2.00089983 0.23635894 0.05454210 -0.02774220 +O 0.06035858 2.05864976 5.95882002 -0.42640255 -0.18751492 0.15781534 +O 0.06710487 5.99843959 2.06052964 -0.37778324 -0.11777864 -0.17711713 +O 0.00149168 5.99174967 5.97901999 -0.04883322 -0.10505887 0.18878402 +O 3.98003021 1.99152028 1.97823013 0.24147569 0.10449040 0.05777037 +O 4.01466985 2.00218986 6.00277014 0.00990492 0.10215610 -0.05970847 +O 4.00338025 6.00845979 2.08018025 0.03336495 -0.20695632 -0.25638938 +O 3.95016966 5.98614972 6.00944022 0.52114101 -0.00781410 -0.07586246 +Ti 2.04513971 2.03192022 2.01923024 -0.17771439 0.10846199 0.29180658 +Ti 1.97692978 2.06870965 6.02526995 0.14476339 0.13754785 -0.17714129 +Ti 2.02101009 6.02531996 2.00218986 0.14542648 0.03356729 0.11126295 +Ti 1.97087018 6.04974966 5.98017031 0.14221286 0.04142716 -0.25233295 +Ti 6.00253992 2.06990998 2.00674032 0.42184835 -0.21511572 0.46886252 +Ti 5.96490978 2.02436974 6.00351003 -0.33589946 -0.17293780 -0.27540731 +Ti 6.00250023 6.03294030 2.02925997 -0.33561124 0.32307762 -0.11456887 +Ti 5.93226990 5.97362010 5.96686984 0.02785533 0.25081548 0.06621928 +40 +Lattice="7.899919852689387 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.899919852689387 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.899919852689387" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.591851879384 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.95278968 3.90144968 0.01978298 0.16797403 0.22620180 -0.05174731 +Ba 3.91157975 7.88941296 3.93695982 0.58974704 0.26661260 0.23346877 +Ba 7.88877386 4.02643984 3.95050028 0.09539538 -0.32631053 0.16700498 +Ba 0.01454612 0.04579742 3.96766997 -0.18553440 -0.42573920 0.21300741 +Ba 7.88944772 3.99733970 0.02703748 0.15618732 -0.23011373 -0.27626426 +Ba 3.95421956 0.01800313 7.89152619 0.22620977 -0.05249241 0.03624278 +Ba 3.95582009 3.91020990 3.96241020 0.13311321 0.15153311 -0.09162306 +Ba 0.07732758 0.01449398 0.03068329 -0.54612751 -0.12965225 -0.44380609 +Ti 6.00298004 1.98524986 1.99050015 -0.64039546 -0.34546216 -0.12565161 +Ti 2.07744034 5.84578980 2.01682031 -0.12871611 0.82382028 -0.25644260 +Ti 2.02449034 2.04061961 5.90873952 0.20447546 -0.60621573 0.08021122 +Ti 5.83345961 5.88956010 5.87177975 0.86946379 0.35773378 -0.19545423 +Ti 1.97013968 5.95709967 5.95517999 -0.71186313 0.38197851 0.11000362 +Ti 5.97746962 1.94943004 5.92337018 -0.36467756 -0.25228641 -0.01069168 +Ti 5.98631990 5.94163953 1.90466989 -0.26710137 0.42910375 0.66166903 +Ti 2.02548020 1.87749021 1.96521961 0.23779233 0.63136472 0.12211506 +O 1.96762988 1.96539973 3.93914020 -0.15591195 0.40102884 0.20996683 +O 5.88474984 2.05742985 4.01120011 0.11752821 -0.36619220 -0.44454502 +O 1.99074030 5.97389964 3.97239965 0.03224523 -0.29614712 -0.25185190 +O 5.90279957 5.90248990 3.99259974 0.15218642 0.03255428 0.26171773 +O 2.01418964 4.04794974 1.94024007 -0.35983077 -0.83791532 0.37820413 +O 2.01995026 3.93865988 5.93345995 -0.00449943 0.25834007 -0.12226238 +O 5.89850992 3.94897007 2.03180962 0.14343105 0.16506431 -0.32836073 +O 5.89375970 3.96343008 5.97047977 0.06272566 0.37166685 0.18113473 +O 3.89079980 1.99209988 1.98556981 0.07294965 0.03654977 0.08845855 +O 3.95272964 6.04052994 1.99518006 -0.33547343 -0.59431975 0.01726676 +O 3.94986987 1.92909012 5.94114974 -0.62183030 0.43726340 -0.06976328 +O 3.98986953 5.98242998 5.92729960 -0.42094152 -0.30799091 0.14738797 +O 5.92454015 5.95495958 0.05964439 -0.02146563 -0.12926710 -0.43924701 +O 2.03488032 5.91345973 0.01298036 -0.20991643 0.24729822 -0.18378503 +O 5.81858011 1.93949984 0.04924336 0.77026883 0.27419607 0.32214894 +O 1.94542004 1.99366011 7.88361995 -0.11602669 0.08536551 0.32545821 +O 5.96215009 0.01950648 5.94550970 0.00789869 -0.20905100 -0.00936910 +O 5.90783024 0.00335036 2.07506010 0.10932562 0.44583752 -0.24193052 +O 2.00443007 0.02882128 5.91751949 -0.27992449 -0.36862240 0.20446107 +O 1.95766018 0.06566966 1.98365013 -0.03997011 -0.49229324 -0.14405942 +O 0.06705847 5.90652992 5.94600977 -0.03551285 0.04787034 0.10645113 +O 7.84252851 2.02791970 5.93437950 0.72800298 -0.00288272 0.12226033 +O 7.86648976 6.01030958 1.98207014 0.43446476 -0.43117323 0.07731281 +O 7.86466962 1.97279011 2.04308991 0.13433294 0.33274394 -0.37909682 +40 +Lattice="7.932000162591403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.932000162591403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.932000162591403" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.700807484896 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00574971 3.95292021 7.91031883 -0.40880257 0.23389557 0.34153660 +Ba 3.90619994 0.04203088 4.00432037 0.73231806 -0.22844020 -0.06717984 +Ba 7.91821038 3.96774036 3.96140983 0.16697618 0.16473135 0.02505797 +Ba 0.04632764 0.01981810 3.95384984 -0.42721527 -0.24973099 0.14270702 +Ba 7.91934307 3.95274016 0.05249398 0.39363487 0.15041313 -0.26251375 +Ba 3.93999026 0.06553181 0.00443557 0.25712831 -0.43767143 0.04792639 +Ba 4.01104036 3.99454973 3.97196019 -0.13294686 -0.10209542 -0.02019704 +Ba 0.02687600 7.88227128 7.92597343 -0.07670989 0.33716084 0.09988890 +Ti 5.95634991 2.04163021 1.90007970 -0.06339286 -0.40571854 0.73831876 +Ti 1.98744989 5.95972022 1.95342003 0.12528729 0.24946566 0.35775255 +Ti 1.98963992 2.02728043 5.99391031 0.48941977 -0.28152320 0.66713391 +Ti 5.96570016 5.88070005 6.00892004 0.02853410 1.18491295 0.13893522 +Ti 2.01035037 5.95844000 5.94804035 -0.13245166 0.33466610 -0.56186832 +Ti 5.98830001 1.94563001 5.92533976 -0.30955594 -0.95884047 -0.50233159 +Ti 5.92085976 6.02871038 2.03585968 -0.27599584 0.41268700 -0.02934889 +Ti 2.00042030 2.01462968 2.06699040 0.21855225 -0.06674121 -0.83607775 +O 1.97784979 1.92080999 3.97637038 -0.27160105 0.31071447 -0.02044078 +O 5.96046979 2.02170979 3.96545991 0.00687616 0.00192190 0.47994320 +O 2.06556978 5.94019005 4.02032000 -0.15470276 0.05201162 0.32920739 +O 5.95532986 5.97543986 3.89872006 0.11335377 -0.41135414 0.60347596 +O 2.07707991 3.93851015 2.07081997 -0.48924931 -0.07107763 -0.16236208 +O 1.94324010 3.95422027 5.93879005 0.16623365 -0.09829405 0.12985639 +O 6.01709000 3.92853011 1.95254037 -0.24872415 0.60302576 0.03786284 +O 5.94475016 4.00212003 6.02665044 0.09580727 -0.29277126 -0.45817007 +O 3.97064982 2.03069992 1.97969002 0.01305709 -0.29364184 0.22042530 +O 3.99825001 6.00855992 2.00605995 0.65943011 -0.43848159 -0.23476100 +O 3.93192976 1.98428027 5.95145032 -0.11729938 0.27839468 -0.19790655 +O 3.99900037 6.01298043 6.00577976 -0.29833127 -0.54680911 -0.21580169 +O 6.01205000 6.00221988 7.89781404 -0.03819605 -0.33282416 0.32848208 +O 2.02580984 5.87641042 0.06757985 -0.16267293 0.06296272 -0.56205729 +O 5.85688025 1.99425000 0.00167920 0.46019533 -0.09497347 -0.10705405 +O 2.02582015 1.96254976 0.00456011 -0.35670997 0.40166391 -0.16645425 +O 5.91614022 0.00546356 5.96369019 0.26606727 0.58899294 -0.19236865 +O 6.02023028 7.92754000 2.02231976 -0.25964208 -0.08401645 -0.30666447 +O 1.97076017 0.00004918 6.04492021 -0.01444112 -0.33415317 -0.38691812 +O 2.06013002 7.91176008 2.00176001 -0.33027157 0.22188980 0.00455702 +O 0.02141402 5.95410992 5.89787997 -0.01980341 -0.07197546 0.24022511 +O 7.88191275 1.93945971 5.98095974 0.32281331 0.41433585 -0.00699109 +O 0.10224983 5.97230037 2.02053030 -0.49313579 -0.29426121 -0.06882175 +O 7.91826987 1.96817989 1.88943020 0.56616720 0.09154824 0.43299588 +40 +Lattice="7.979600135 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600135 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600135" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.294513213325 stress="-9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98980007 3.98980007 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980007 0.00000000 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98980007 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980007 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98980007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93238585 6.04721429 1.93238585 0.00030365 -0.00030365 0.00030365 +Ti 6.04721429 1.93238585 1.93238585 -0.00030365 0.00030365 0.00030365 +Ti 6.04721429 6.04721429 6.04721429 -0.00030365 -0.00030365 -0.00030365 +Ti 1.93238585 1.93238585 6.04721429 0.00030365 0.00030365 -0.00030365 +Ti 2.05740206 5.92219807 5.92219807 -0.00039775 0.00039775 0.00039775 +Ti 5.92219807 2.05740206 5.92219807 0.00039775 -0.00039775 0.00039775 +Ti 5.92219807 5.92219807 2.05740206 0.00039775 0.00039775 -0.00039775 +Ti 2.05740206 2.05740206 2.05740206 -0.00039775 -0.00039775 -0.00039775 +O 5.98449917 5.98434183 3.96058107 -0.00003497 0.00033219 -0.00064355 +O 1.99510097 5.98434183 4.01901907 0.00003497 0.00033219 0.00064355 +O 5.98449917 1.99525830 4.01901907 -0.00003497 -0.00033219 0.00064355 +O 1.99510097 1.99525830 3.96058107 0.00003497 -0.00033219 -0.00064355 +O 5.98434183 3.96058107 5.98449917 0.00033219 -0.00064355 -0.00003497 +O 5.98434183 4.01901907 1.99510097 0.00033219 0.00064355 0.00003497 +O 1.99525830 4.01901907 5.98449917 -0.00033219 0.00064355 -0.00003497 +O 1.99525830 3.96058107 1.99510097 -0.00033219 -0.00064355 0.00003497 +O 3.96058107 5.98449917 5.98434183 -0.00064355 -0.00003497 0.00033219 +O 4.01901907 1.99510097 5.98434183 0.00064355 0.00003497 0.00033219 +O 4.01901907 5.98449917 1.99525830 0.00064355 -0.00003497 -0.00033219 +O 3.96058107 1.99510097 1.99525830 -0.00064355 0.00003497 -0.00033219 +O 5.98494347 5.98509718 -0.02923070 -0.00031830 -0.00066412 -0.00008845 +O 1.99465667 5.98509718 0.02923070 0.00031830 -0.00066412 0.00008845 +O 5.98494347 1.99450295 0.02923070 -0.00031830 0.00066412 0.00008845 +O 1.99465667 1.99450295 -0.02923070 0.00031830 0.00066412 -0.00008845 +O 5.98509718 -0.02923070 5.98494347 -0.00066412 -0.00008845 -0.00031830 +O 5.98509718 0.02923070 1.99465667 -0.00066412 0.00008845 0.00031830 +O 1.99450295 0.02923070 5.98494347 0.00066412 0.00008845 -0.00031830 +O 1.99450295 -0.02923070 1.99465667 0.00066412 -0.00008845 0.00031830 +O -0.02923070 5.98494347 5.98509718 -0.00008845 -0.00031830 -0.00066412 +O 0.02923070 1.99465667 5.98509718 0.00008845 0.00031830 -0.00066412 +O 0.02923070 5.98494347 1.99450295 0.00008845 -0.00031830 0.00066412 +O -0.02923070 1.99465667 1.99450295 -0.00008845 0.00031830 0.00066412 +40 +Lattice="7.955132692 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132692 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132692" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216695594372 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878317 1.98878317 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 1.98878317 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878317 5.96634952 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 5.96634952 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 1.98878317 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878317 5.96634952 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878317 1.98878317 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 5.96634952 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 3.97756635 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756635 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 0.00000000 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00002945 0.00002945 1.98878356 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 -0.00001337 +O 0.00002945 3.97753689 1.98878279 -0.00037101 0.00037101 0.00001337 +O 3.97753689 0.00002945 1.98878279 0.00037101 -0.00037101 0.00001337 +O 3.97753689 3.97753689 1.98878355 0.00037101 0.00037101 -0.00001311 +O 1.98878279 0.00002945 3.97753689 0.00001337 -0.00037101 0.00037101 +O 1.98878356 0.00002945 0.00002945 -0.00001337 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 1.98878355 3.97753689 3.97753689 -0.00001311 0.00037101 0.00037101 +O 1.98878279 3.97753689 0.00002945 0.00001337 0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 0.00002945 1.98878279 3.97753689 -0.00037101 0.00001337 0.00037101 +O 3.97753689 1.98878355 3.97753689 0.00037101 -0.00001311 0.00037101 +O 0.00002945 1.98878356 0.00002945 -0.00037101 -0.00001337 -0.00037101 +O 3.97753689 1.98878279 0.00002945 0.00037101 0.00001337 -0.00037101 +O 3.97759580 3.97759580 5.96634914 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 0.00001311 +O -0.00002945 3.97759580 5.96634990 0.00037101 -0.00037101 -0.00001337 +O 3.97759580 -0.00002945 5.96634990 -0.00037101 0.00037101 -0.00001337 +O -0.00002945 -0.00002945 5.96634914 0.00037101 0.00037101 0.00001337 +O 3.97759580 5.96634914 3.97759580 -0.00037101 0.00001311 -0.00037101 +O 3.97759580 5.96634990 -0.00002945 -0.00037101 -0.00001337 0.00037101 +O -0.00002945 5.96634990 3.97759580 0.00037101 -0.00001337 -0.00037101 +O -0.00002945 5.96634914 -0.00002945 0.00037101 0.00001337 0.00037101 +O 5.96634914 3.97759580 3.97759580 0.00001311 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 5.96634990 -0.00002945 3.97759580 -0.00001337 0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 5.96634990 3.97759580 -0.00002945 -0.00001337 -0.00037101 0.00037101 +O 5.96634914 -0.00002945 -0.00002945 0.00001337 0.00037101 0.00037101 +40 +Lattice="7.830349983461564 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.830349983461564 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.21396665950133" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.056646806057 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96533015 1.94827016 0.00322062 -0.05842189 0.04707433 0.16040753 +Ba 1.95085966 1.95640981 4.14422996 0.09535656 0.03568614 -0.05365070 +Ba 1.93344966 5.90039971 8.21061527 0.15528409 -0.22900430 0.22321752 +Ba 1.98254987 5.85846035 4.07779022 -0.25937957 0.04273508 0.29323663 +Ba 5.87822964 1.94512001 8.19462178 0.02524798 0.04649403 0.32322443 +Ba 5.86870010 1.96814985 4.11627012 -0.13802607 0.04575767 0.07124167 +Ba 5.88327003 5.85860991 8.21215472 -0.01449691 0.09360512 0.27545437 +Ba 5.86440985 5.89908969 4.10005034 0.05094255 -0.30675703 0.09589006 +Ti 7.82063017 0.00821012 2.17514985 -0.04644107 -0.25444151 -0.48235309 +Ti 0.01136810 7.81580589 6.26609036 -0.02727966 0.07397681 -0.40974720 +Ti 7.82536127 3.88903024 2.16550991 -0.23328185 0.37790846 -0.57204886 +Ti 0.01485966 3.91025988 6.26511000 -0.16681986 0.03934945 -0.35118647 +Ti 3.90099971 0.03622477 2.16050005 0.07801190 0.04716637 -0.48100172 +Ti 3.92727993 7.81217026 6.26389004 -0.05466705 0.10681468 -0.22505817 +Ti 3.89344969 3.95094012 2.12228011 0.29068224 -0.26706408 -0.24988654 +Ti 3.92415014 3.90596024 6.28760034 0.06668490 -0.00979616 -0.39312604 +O 0.02188974 1.93971002 1.96001021 0.03440522 -0.08432884 0.11757912 +O 1.96311964 7.78630975 1.96591977 -0.01670497 0.18898122 0.15185707 +O 7.81255003 7.82565960 3.98903007 0.13484973 0.07536083 0.07431285 +O 7.80635153 1.94767036 6.07671961 0.11589042 0.04304489 0.12793938 +O 1.95403017 0.00334513 6.06027979 -0.13922138 -0.13420053 0.18703439 +O 0.01110030 0.00429025 8.09313026 -0.06365152 -0.14415764 -0.15744639 +O 0.00145018 5.84289988 1.99798975 -0.03427615 0.31853037 0.00299739 +O 1.95194025 3.90465961 1.92931993 0.19268567 0.02603396 0.20285773 +O 7.82820368 3.88406971 3.97259965 0.08510917 0.04345473 0.32168074 +O 7.79705220 5.86547008 6.04386973 0.26043989 0.10798042 0.20146110 +O 1.96502006 3.90671978 6.09273973 -0.15245845 0.08803149 0.01336357 +O 7.82146097 3.94331022 8.07804979 0.08901802 -0.19714885 -0.05317761 +O 3.93161011 1.94731016 1.96333027 -0.19288262 -0.11773364 0.07521942 +O 5.88184961 0.02082012 1.98729036 -0.02858552 -0.17285552 0.03882391 +O 3.87708974 0.00257227 3.98346034 0.23251180 -0.03955128 0.05414460 +O 3.89321008 1.96412975 6.08742997 0.16575388 -0.04568825 0.01274779 +O 5.86311002 7.81637516 6.09217986 -0.02519707 0.09822694 -0.00156503 +O 3.90893968 0.01739669 8.08598977 0.01051787 -0.12393077 -0.08035443 +O 3.94221006 5.87160986 1.93266976 -0.07851146 -0.01950670 0.20844088 +O 5.88699963 3.88097985 1.96051996 -0.10263432 0.05183550 0.07580306 +O 3.90204036 3.91291985 3.94013971 0.01729144 0.06973912 0.22343169 +O 3.92076038 5.86610982 6.08323995 -0.09872368 0.05542116 0.09031848 +O 5.87408034 3.91699007 6.08663988 -0.18022173 -0.05018819 0.02067064 +O 3.91673010 3.90300036 8.10731964 0.01119973 0.07314403 -0.13275351 +40 +Lattice="7.830509794978486 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.830509794978486 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.214126469834483" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.11796548269 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95487033 1.95914030 0.01177865 0.10068851 0.02913137 0.03685574 +Ba 1.95156977 1.95693993 4.11888965 0.05880781 0.03506496 -0.00702580 +Ba 1.96815009 5.88261959 8.21022061 -0.03358066 -0.05065253 0.10415770 +Ba 1.96002985 5.88183967 4.13097996 -0.04649763 -0.15685092 -0.05301152 +Ba 5.85175015 1.94393032 8.21283365 0.17200526 0.12057908 0.11902254 +Ba 5.86536976 1.95186028 4.09582959 0.13802222 0.05102329 0.12201093 +Ba 5.84709021 5.87681953 0.00500526 0.24004385 -0.01984095 0.04826038 +Ba 5.87883980 5.86870007 4.13183975 0.08525418 -0.03498166 -0.06530936 +Ti 0.00831444 7.80473646 2.14215028 0.06146196 0.07034461 -0.25440809 +Ti 0.02200530 0.01576282 6.25704011 -0.08371075 -0.08900491 -0.36481923 +Ti 0.00066481 3.89250962 2.13942996 -0.11856334 0.08064522 -0.48228085 +Ti 0.01706973 3.92235952 6.26218006 -0.08170606 0.02908175 -0.15653596 +Ti 3.92024998 7.81222555 2.16275000 -0.12176590 0.11932284 -0.60660371 +Ti 3.93469962 0.00282995 6.23438018 -0.11011135 -0.03553779 -0.08913963 +Ti 3.90819961 3.90814010 2.15518025 0.11495736 -0.00329513 -0.20439396 +Ti 3.93670971 3.90894977 6.25138022 -0.08027267 0.06837797 -0.31138399 +O 0.01539008 1.96752991 1.92798975 -0.08509812 0.05350157 0.21291819 +O 1.95783026 0.01967964 1.94606022 0.07317617 -0.11838285 0.16530291 +O 0.02573027 0.01142002 3.96603967 -0.14900648 -0.01794553 -0.05599708 +O 7.81175964 1.95355010 6.07796966 0.04057355 0.05490539 0.01626840 +O 1.96489964 0.00551894 6.05173980 -0.12244519 0.04655882 0.10902943 +O 0.01740018 0.01087971 8.06948991 -0.10448706 -0.08900825 0.10170024 +O 0.01257032 5.88153976 1.95279994 -0.01746088 0.02015436 0.11210755 +O 1.98830974 3.93016967 1.97421012 -0.24296025 -0.06341575 -0.00004397 +O 0.01667429 3.90163999 3.94898012 -0.15261271 0.04171512 0.21217155 +O 7.82692342 5.87642017 6.06355996 0.06525614 -0.03109184 0.07237938 +O 1.94466012 3.89760023 6.06388023 0.08504541 0.06228137 0.08907124 +O 7.82548496 3.92695994 8.07857956 0.10341080 -0.01657153 0.02051329 +O 3.92550973 1.94724028 1.98329978 -0.01125732 0.21983858 0.04764126 +O 5.87528005 0.00747031 1.95317972 0.01720814 -0.03616719 0.14916152 +O 3.90777989 7.82254930 3.96943028 0.07006128 -0.01890404 0.23195284 +O 3.93339975 1.96578997 6.05603014 -0.06386620 -0.04364011 0.03543854 +O 5.87154020 7.82517330 6.04871018 -0.01986434 0.01001110 0.13599670 +O 3.89365992 0.02313211 8.05545998 0.16011596 -0.10962927 0.04290168 +O 3.91827982 5.87690958 1.94467030 -0.00373298 0.09544758 0.17778458 +O 5.87317991 3.93399957 1.92930998 0.11870706 -0.09922376 0.26381550 +O 3.93821004 3.93592979 3.98518996 -0.05527486 -0.08960449 -0.13879843 +O 3.90252014 5.87119957 6.06228985 0.04044268 0.06562612 0.11753284 +O 5.87455964 3.92968966 6.08257009 -0.04495934 -0.06243821 -0.01934061 +O 3.90945014 3.92228983 8.07098945 0.00399627 -0.08742419 0.06509750 +40 +Lattice="7.924320213766569 0.0 0.0 -0.021720561705934165 7.9242885164857135 0.0 -0.021720561705934165 0.021665091464437798 7.924256819204858" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.083636145035 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98978429 0.01744698 0.03498033 0.09778600 0.06159258 0.04245508 +Ba 3.98782223 0.03519983 3.99553972 -0.01261563 0.15836916 -0.00129609 +Ba 4.01203261 3.98896729 0.05145974 0.03750751 0.00758424 -0.05068107 +Ba 3.99401984 4.01277036 3.99396040 -0.03352384 -0.16918553 -0.01117453 +Ba 0.02921459 0.05857737 0.05445989 0.09813747 -0.20348585 -0.27518286 +Ba 0.05407794 0.04677964 3.99463001 -0.02969161 0.04753481 0.10229648 +Ba 0.04475022 4.02770691 0.02917972 -0.17858111 -0.15687432 -0.02603576 +Ba 0.00002219 4.01392018 3.99266002 0.21010875 -0.07304016 0.02895371 +O 1.93558970 4.01712002 2.00662014 0.20634697 -0.12520861 0.04685218 +O 2.00575005 3.98058019 5.96468020 -0.10616008 0.18301575 -0.00940690 +O 1.99782256 0.03135020 1.98855982 0.02220302 0.26417648 0.04584894 +O 1.97754264 0.02880966 5.98153998 -0.02676493 -0.08154305 0.01571510 +O 5.97953989 3.99004975 2.02908004 -0.10060290 -0.12673842 0.04745022 +O 5.92168046 3.95983036 6.00884006 -0.05896362 0.28897425 -0.01159002 +O 5.93377218 0.02050973 2.07254969 0.09372854 -0.05183087 -0.14626183 +O 5.91133209 0.02684997 6.00617036 0.26543323 -0.31748599 -0.12224284 +O 1.97646968 2.02828998 3.99813018 -0.00765597 -0.07008596 -0.09933457 +O 1.98667225 2.03226720 0.03605011 0.08681921 -0.09104122 0.01281206 +O 1.99612041 5.98074993 3.97583986 -0.04962152 -0.02480523 -0.03276537 +O 1.98093028 5.95578991 7.91660985 -0.13241875 0.14061517 0.06658951 +O 5.97958030 2.03955044 4.03116033 -0.18048553 -0.18818650 -0.18808494 +O 5.92556259 1.97704737 0.08629030 0.15633284 0.05584796 -0.11895106 +O 5.93960052 5.96449002 4.00935974 -0.09348480 0.03499477 0.07491475 +O 5.96157228 5.94594711 0.05652972 -0.03609289 0.20650432 0.04116696 +O -0.00796315 2.00268017 1.98080983 0.07355772 -0.03303713 0.22794989 +O 7.89829041 2.03080992 5.98281025 0.09383909 -0.08718585 0.16710551 +O 0.00393997 6.01734999 2.01826017 -0.13053851 -0.10294260 -0.00969923 +O 7.87912465 5.95367015 5.92735031 0.23023612 0.10922689 0.24867041 +O 3.94885042 2.02209000 2.02475019 -0.18456793 0.06678595 0.06481597 +O 3.95468985 1.98863035 5.98061046 -0.26054145 0.11829800 0.01701710 +O 3.95673036 5.95501015 2.01624026 -0.03377915 0.03680508 -0.03764712 +O 3.94663002 5.98092981 5.97451032 -0.13125713 -0.07544079 -0.04241575 +Ti 2.03771042 1.98503984 1.99307034 0.30568308 -0.08599337 0.29335644 +Ti 2.07698969 2.04362988 5.98128007 -0.19665571 -0.11570530 -0.28765811 +Ti 2.01476000 5.92892012 2.06003006 -0.03780010 0.21052193 -0.02553440 +Ti 2.02229999 5.97956049 6.01101053 0.07133294 0.28455170 0.09075094 +Ti 6.02396046 2.04420994 2.00400036 -0.23697909 0.19999634 -0.22527055 +Ti 6.02233042 2.08689984 5.95635016 -0.01916912 -0.14977447 0.05981543 +Ti 5.97532019 6.02372986 1.99420035 0.15246590 -0.17505484 -0.14929702 +Ti 5.97056005 6.05272019 5.93744986 0.07643273 0.02924964 0.17599381 +40 +Lattice="7.932000162591403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.932000162591403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.932000162591403" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.700807484896 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00574971 3.95292021 7.91031883 -0.40880257 0.23389557 0.34153660 +Ba 3.90619994 0.04203088 4.00432037 0.73231806 -0.22844020 -0.06717984 +Ba 7.91821038 3.96774036 3.96140983 0.16697618 0.16473135 0.02505797 +Ba 0.04632764 0.01981810 3.95384984 -0.42721527 -0.24973099 0.14270702 +Ba 7.91934307 3.95274016 0.05249398 0.39363487 0.15041313 -0.26251375 +Ba 3.93999026 0.06553181 0.00443557 0.25712831 -0.43767143 0.04792639 +Ba 4.01104036 3.99454973 3.97196019 -0.13294686 -0.10209542 -0.02019704 +Ba 0.02687600 7.88227128 7.92597343 -0.07670989 0.33716084 0.09988890 +Ti 5.95634991 2.04163021 1.90007970 -0.06339286 -0.40571854 0.73831876 +Ti 1.98744989 5.95972022 1.95342003 0.12528729 0.24946566 0.35775255 +Ti 1.98963992 2.02728043 5.99391031 0.48941977 -0.28152320 0.66713391 +Ti 5.96570016 5.88070005 6.00892004 0.02853410 1.18491295 0.13893522 +Ti 2.01035037 5.95844000 5.94804035 -0.13245166 0.33466610 -0.56186832 +Ti 5.98830001 1.94563001 5.92533976 -0.30955594 -0.95884047 -0.50233159 +Ti 5.92085976 6.02871038 2.03585968 -0.27599584 0.41268700 -0.02934889 +Ti 2.00042030 2.01462968 2.06699040 0.21855225 -0.06674121 -0.83607775 +O 1.97784979 1.92080999 3.97637038 -0.27160105 0.31071447 -0.02044078 +O 5.96046979 2.02170979 3.96545991 0.00687616 0.00192190 0.47994320 +O 2.06556978 5.94019005 4.02032000 -0.15470276 0.05201162 0.32920739 +O 5.95532986 5.97543986 3.89872006 0.11335377 -0.41135414 0.60347596 +O 2.07707991 3.93851015 2.07081997 -0.48924931 -0.07107763 -0.16236208 +O 1.94324010 3.95422027 5.93879005 0.16623365 -0.09829405 0.12985639 +O 6.01709000 3.92853011 1.95254037 -0.24872415 0.60302576 0.03786284 +O 5.94475016 4.00212003 6.02665044 0.09580727 -0.29277126 -0.45817007 +O 3.97064982 2.03069992 1.97969002 0.01305709 -0.29364184 0.22042530 +O 3.99825001 6.00855992 2.00605995 0.65943011 -0.43848159 -0.23476100 +O 3.93192976 1.98428027 5.95145032 -0.11729938 0.27839468 -0.19790655 +O 3.99900037 6.01298043 6.00577976 -0.29833127 -0.54680911 -0.21580169 +O 6.01205000 6.00221988 7.89781404 -0.03819605 -0.33282416 0.32848208 +O 2.02580984 5.87641042 0.06757985 -0.16267293 0.06296272 -0.56205729 +O 5.85688025 1.99425000 0.00167920 0.46019533 -0.09497347 -0.10705405 +O 2.02582015 1.96254976 0.00456011 -0.35670997 0.40166391 -0.16645425 +O 5.91614022 0.00546356 5.96369019 0.26606727 0.58899294 -0.19236865 +O 6.02023028 7.92754000 2.02231976 -0.25964208 -0.08401645 -0.30666447 +O 1.97076017 0.00004918 6.04492021 -0.01444112 -0.33415317 -0.38691812 +O 2.06013002 7.91176008 2.00176001 -0.33027157 0.22188980 0.00455702 +O 0.02141402 5.95410992 5.89787997 -0.01980341 -0.07197546 0.24022511 +O 7.88191275 1.93945971 5.98095974 0.32281331 0.41433585 -0.00699109 +O 0.10224983 5.97230037 2.02053030 -0.49313579 -0.29426121 -0.06882175 +O 7.91826987 1.96817989 1.88943020 0.56616720 0.09154824 0.43299588 +40 +Lattice="7.758740136095537 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.02193211899217 0.0 0.0 0.06835450059900168 8.021637286866998" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.392625501154 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.83549982 0.07145489 8.00596230 0.42611921 0.15187892 -0.01935244 +Ba 3.90602988 0.06523316 4.01968999 -0.24954099 -0.07420178 -0.27979207 +Ba 3.95304008 4.06824030 0.00404230 -0.58452668 -0.16207052 -0.11144755 +Ba 3.80926985 4.16456972 4.06296979 0.41938369 -0.56898050 -0.45139778 +Ba 7.70757978 0.11267320 0.00121812 0.26407389 -0.35879693 -0.08164435 +Ba 0.03698979 0.07042143 3.95945035 -0.10115054 0.17195975 0.05630227 +Ba 0.01140845 4.04240758 7.96719421 0.06380115 0.24724448 0.23007131 +Ba 7.75509353 4.05395026 3.96005010 0.07624041 -0.03387274 0.11622106 +Ti 2.00050968 1.99720989 1.88861002 -0.43251509 0.40010736 0.44817028 +Ti 1.95360033 2.05420016 5.90298993 -0.25648631 0.16458685 -0.06673684 +Ti 1.95960017 6.00080049 1.97083017 0.34599361 -0.51573450 -0.15497530 +Ti 1.89129998 6.09171042 6.01362025 0.77485824 -0.28368781 -0.11219009 +Ti 5.81733033 2.14313006 1.96039001 0.13621602 -0.39449953 -0.36885097 +Ti 5.79893048 2.00242997 5.92709013 0.22976998 -0.08628391 0.27150129 +Ti 5.87491027 6.14265974 1.98396028 -0.69926935 0.36526917 -0.32041885 +Ti 5.83551992 6.02703977 5.98449006 -0.75287351 0.28729070 -0.16583590 +O 1.94250999 2.09147004 3.97838013 -0.03731159 -0.04041774 1.22506535 +O 1.97805976 2.10084260 0.03042978 -0.07760566 -0.03126461 -0.20325753 +O 1.93257027 6.09968020 4.02317987 -0.08169526 0.26122537 0.82079075 +O 1.91878997 6.04841277 0.05218994 -0.11931873 0.06506074 -0.34413239 +O 5.88508043 2.09491027 4.06363006 -0.46188094 -0.16534584 -0.16954806 +O 5.79481990 2.06195269 0.02942968 0.02435015 0.01737294 0.02139929 +O 5.78989000 6.18376011 4.03258036 0.29922833 -0.53936654 0.16772746 +O 5.78397008 6.08382289 0.04232005 0.48049033 -0.21962003 0.08913398 +O 1.90575994 4.09052030 2.06854995 0.07409919 0.44160522 -0.44020397 +O 1.97564990 4.09996036 6.07536974 -0.23297537 0.55987803 -0.42530931 +O 1.99916974 0.14282987 1.92440032 -0.46259854 -1.09078023 0.46257720 +O 1.90205980 0.13678969 6.05416976 0.02921647 -0.66336030 -0.20744766 +O 5.81067023 4.02206028 1.97076034 0.13254217 0.48756575 0.42496221 +O 5.76836027 4.11390980 5.95157981 0.31547667 0.38333605 0.37533735 +O 5.77357026 0.06776018 1.97630008 0.24932939 -0.81553053 0.25838404 +O 5.81607031 0.09674994 6.03288986 0.19339735 0.25675782 -0.11328743 +O 7.75015975 2.06501041 1.99242973 -0.19047195 -0.12668082 0.09640068 +O 0.01949073 2.06939022 6.00517021 -0.29949984 0.31542371 0.24978473 +O 0.01030283 6.09001979 2.06374031 -0.54470132 0.06753954 -0.13392491 +O 7.75186977 6.09220000 6.04245018 0.10032804 0.01673840 0.03782324 +O 3.86827041 2.00377999 2.10770986 0.66412443 0.63493238 -0.27624858 +O 3.86298982 2.01730037 6.06186022 0.36978840 0.35570518 -0.36429806 +O 3.85975985 5.97363015 2.07273967 0.28770644 0.54066777 -0.22442491 +O 3.88812969 6.13257027 6.09595988 -0.37211242 -0.02165203 -0.31692755 +40 +Lattice="7.955115137 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955115137 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955115137" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21670049242 stress="-7.345260921595614e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -7.345260921595614e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -7.345260921595614e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 0.00000000 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755757 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755757 3.97755757 3.97755757 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 1.98877878 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 5.96633635 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 1.98877878 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 5.96633635 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 1.98877878 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 5.96633635 1.98877878 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98877878 1.98877878 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633635 5.96633635 5.96633635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96626847 5.96629608 -0.00001160 0.00076619 0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 5.96626847 1.98881906 0.00001160 0.00076619 -0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 1.98884666 5.96629608 0.00001160 -0.00076619 0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 1.98884666 1.98881906 -0.00001160 -0.00076619 -0.00059572 0.00000000 +O 0.00001160 5.96626847 1.98881906 0.00000000 0.00076619 -0.00059572 +O -0.00001160 5.96626847 5.96629608 0.00000000 0.00076619 0.00059572 +O -0.00001160 1.98884666 1.98881906 0.00000000 -0.00076619 -0.00059572 +O 0.00001160 1.98884666 5.96629608 0.00000000 -0.00076619 0.00059572 +O 5.96629608 0.00001160 1.98884666 0.00059572 0.00000000 -0.00076619 +O 1.98881906 -0.00001160 1.98884666 -0.00059572 0.00000000 -0.00076619 +O 5.96629608 -0.00001160 5.96626847 0.00059572 0.00000000 0.00076619 +O 1.98881906 0.00001160 5.96626847 -0.00059572 0.00000000 0.00076619 +O 1.98873851 1.98871091 3.97756917 0.00059572 0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 5.96637663 1.98871091 3.97754597 -0.00059572 0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 1.98873851 5.96640423 3.97754597 0.00059572 -0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 5.96637663 5.96640423 3.97756917 -0.00059572 -0.00076619 0.00000000 +O 1.98871091 3.97756917 1.98873851 0.00076619 0.00000000 0.00059572 +O 1.98871091 3.97754597 5.96637663 0.00076619 0.00000000 -0.00059572 +O 5.96640423 3.97754597 1.98873851 -0.00076619 0.00000000 0.00059572 +O 5.96640423 3.97756917 5.96637663 -0.00076619 0.00000000 -0.00059572 +O 3.97756917 1.98873851 1.98871091 0.00000000 0.00059572 0.00076619 +O 3.97754597 5.96637663 1.98871091 0.00000000 -0.00059572 0.00076619 +O 3.97754597 1.98873851 5.96640423 0.00000000 0.00059572 -0.00076619 +O 3.97756917 5.96637663 5.96640423 0.00000000 -0.00059572 -0.00076619 +40 +Lattice="7.928559981559897 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.928559981559897 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.928559981559897" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.192239771288 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98579969 3.97453003 0.01014935 -0.09128470 -0.06452595 0.07761389 +Ba 3.96966983 0.02245685 3.96924961 0.04531981 -0.08389535 0.05701730 +Ba 0.01713124 3.97288010 3.96421022 -0.06571894 -0.01728218 0.08562236 +Ba 0.00938266 0.00780408 3.97492963 -0.05295933 0.01617790 0.01955273 +Ba 0.04268657 3.98332994 0.00026719 -0.22765036 -0.08924248 0.15235560 +Ba 3.95424006 7.92514594 7.91939932 0.13424270 0.11168872 0.17458999 +Ba 3.97237981 3.98249982 3.98502983 0.00714201 -0.07283575 -0.04841233 +Ba 0.00661004 0.01369024 0.00886572 -0.04493388 -0.01408039 0.09146699 +Ti 5.98115025 2.03585995 2.04070034 -0.00085875 0.02894291 -0.17482679 +Ti 2.03670038 5.97534972 2.02789017 0.00801284 -0.01053355 -0.16634832 +Ti 2.03176961 2.02931968 5.96829964 -0.05121637 0.07833406 0.06944910 +Ti 5.96814979 5.99362980 6.01019019 0.10735307 -0.05178587 -0.10398081 +Ti 1.99751982 5.99574990 5.98187968 0.06900609 -0.05443540 0.12699373 +Ti 5.99769002 2.03102987 5.99798972 0.04056455 0.06393768 0.04052033 +Ti 5.99150019 6.00095976 2.04395977 -0.00309946 -0.05365070 -0.04437724 +Ti 2.01955011 1.99625997 2.00649019 0.15664035 0.24712492 0.00292514 +O 1.96709000 1.95798009 3.94818977 -0.08233058 -0.02936945 -0.03845136 +O 5.91279021 1.97376981 3.95912008 0.03625075 -0.08800269 -0.38998801 +O 1.96423017 5.91764011 3.94031988 0.01770924 0.02052949 0.13252186 +O 5.90957993 5.92637024 3.93680991 0.09072909 -0.06779228 0.01703587 +O 1.94947036 3.91343969 1.96715977 0.04012901 0.19707069 0.04317036 +O 1.96898017 3.91888026 5.95025027 -0.03817085 0.07932907 -0.08064522 +O 5.92854980 3.92237993 1.94973994 0.00301359 -0.03342845 0.15149608 +O 5.94279981 3.91697979 5.93814019 -0.09945824 0.11224048 -0.01382714 +O 3.91549001 1.97215001 1.95664016 0.13028551 -0.05735797 0.11452516 +O 3.93450032 5.92009003 1.98801030 -0.13501351 -0.03754376 -0.08909875 +O 3.92409012 1.96423969 5.91568017 -0.03910314 -0.12513945 0.13145793 +O 3.93037033 5.92213005 5.95405995 -0.03161094 0.03901623 -0.10160717 +O 5.93122966 5.90923980 7.90248374 0.00347382 0.11576829 -0.08243857 +O 1.97056033 5.93313965 0.00179978 -0.07201300 -0.03714447 -0.26505477 +O 5.90432964 1.94836037 7.90174718 0.10470278 -0.00734179 -0.05921919 +O 1.95615969 1.94799962 7.90593029 0.00034530 -0.01905779 -0.09342566 +O 5.94124977 7.87801303 5.91780026 -0.07361814 0.03006751 0.10744409 +O 5.90456036 7.88585993 1.96238995 0.05297784 0.08070770 0.05993627 +O 1.92680975 7.87536807 5.93528036 0.21631771 0.06141774 -0.01826537 +O 1.98992029 7.90116998 1.97273038 -0.17052842 -0.14331226 0.05094898 +O 7.90317908 5.91596004 5.93120984 0.00141205 -0.02795535 0.02440131 +O 7.89427372 1.96224962 5.92505965 -0.01821858 -0.03391671 0.06589300 +O 7.89070031 5.93576004 1.98873973 0.04536532 0.00608272 -0.06194867 +O 7.88032976 1.95541996 1.97035023 -0.01320570 -0.06880581 0.03497729 +40 +Lattice="7.761470161313433 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.024746990655347 0.0 0.0 0.06837855212117135 8.024452054789217" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.501914854285 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86372039 0.11225337 8.01169996 0.11507744 0.12282700 -0.14137571 +Ba 3.86352014 8.01068398 3.95204980 0.15426773 1.00354527 0.37902072 +Ba 3.87156025 4.07588017 0.02559578 0.09781891 -0.20475031 -0.35452042 +Ba 3.92441974 4.03143023 4.09495010 -0.40094708 0.25864218 -0.65531018 +Ba 7.73134013 0.03479545 0.01855224 0.32421405 0.00105672 -0.46045064 +Ba 7.75105039 8.04235233 3.98279997 0.05959020 0.68311306 0.18347058 +Ba 0.02138130 4.13926111 7.97505340 -0.08169063 0.05558828 0.12372483 +Ba 7.75124831 4.12898027 3.97490034 0.23334381 -0.25815676 0.18085114 +Ti 1.93610028 2.15437999 1.97926027 0.34895963 0.01830445 0.09270370 +Ti 1.93652018 2.12507966 5.99169042 0.01667849 -0.24069588 0.65823223 +Ti 1.98029021 6.16067005 2.05081016 -0.72520819 -0.41407179 0.16217130 +Ti 1.92126967 6.15642995 6.05771026 -0.03037167 0.08118053 -0.23217473 +Ti 5.85976018 2.10591970 2.02935978 -0.46195576 0.07892978 0.60943141 +Ti 5.83364981 2.11348015 6.09030999 -0.09214988 -0.27244232 -0.67540335 +Ti 5.82950985 6.09881035 2.05498039 0.42296267 0.23174870 -0.50982482 +Ti 5.79041998 6.12852048 6.05125039 0.19296001 0.28353946 0.56508631 +O 1.96089042 2.07428007 3.88307982 -0.01502964 0.03072957 0.36101888 +O 1.95472005 2.01439023 7.95266001 -0.18847600 0.56707094 -0.38700708 +O 1.95829033 6.07449987 4.00555970 0.10237516 -0.02072952 -1.19071541 +O 1.94405967 6.09474024 7.92397051 0.06698598 0.28979315 0.46784513 +O 5.84125994 2.07205020 3.91320985 -0.07168390 -0.09258825 -0.29658935 +O 5.85841046 2.11235008 7.90910031 -0.03067969 -0.07864619 0.39368089 +O 5.75118031 6.11911048 3.90655982 0.47229725 -0.44109332 0.25992285 +O 5.85911985 6.13093042 7.93890047 -0.22497847 -0.24910981 -0.05191057 +O 1.93491976 4.04161018 1.88869012 -0.03379689 -0.12222382 0.35513002 +O 1.88328969 4.10636024 6.01850009 0.24117642 -0.43049420 -0.31754924 +O 1.87750972 8.02852993 1.92164998 0.69008075 -0.54554798 0.35352591 +O 1.95611013 0.09643006 5.97753040 0.10944286 -0.24150295 -0.16642211 +O 5.85898015 3.99865044 1.90781982 -0.00179540 0.17481419 0.26434257 +O 5.81464973 4.11594022 5.98324051 0.26946550 -0.29101160 -0.11631439 +O 5.91238993 8.00041012 1.94747006 -0.74731864 0.28221148 -0.01656973 +O 5.74312003 0.06668034 6.01293977 0.29770932 0.34289646 -0.32773646 +O 0.03186472 2.04094998 1.90512969 -0.41790788 0.00197384 0.03766435 +O 0.00939914 2.06202005 5.88496012 -0.32000361 0.11838953 0.24970888 +O 0.01403429 6.09018037 1.98054013 0.17152498 -0.63111095 -0.02092055 +O 0.00616028 6.17440009 5.89630040 -0.21081452 -0.32569629 0.20699977 +O 3.90151021 2.02222000 1.89175978 0.19542878 -0.11790565 0.09370103 +O 3.86409992 2.12963021 5.97549999 0.30137211 -0.11244463 -0.15076538 +O 3.89763025 5.95930025 1.96587018 -0.40476311 0.56866863 -0.16322597 +O 3.90633008 6.09632979 5.92602994 -0.42416106 -0.10480125 0.23655358 +40 +Lattice="7.936809854238129 0.0 0.0 -0.02175479581046671 7.9367781069987124 0.0 -0.02175479581046671 0.021699238141487043 7.9367463597592955" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.06236337358 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02125297 0.04776293 0.06728986 -0.12059399 -0.09635235 -0.21232247 +Ba 3.98651673 0.01391005 3.96096972 -0.00719575 0.24092702 0.22621028 +Ba 4.02307605 4.02711272 0.05649977 -0.13545368 -0.13432986 -0.27116834 +Ba 4.01709964 4.00321974 4.00920013 -0.20912016 0.00426597 0.03483151 +Ba 0.05446080 0.03242346 0.03466005 -0.03535781 0.07386111 0.05664295 +Ba 0.02120874 0.04064996 4.00468964 0.16458865 0.19213957 -0.06412203 +Ba 0.02898205 4.01304313 0.01359020 -0.00190750 -0.15411449 0.06883409 +Ba 0.01037341 4.04067990 4.03680991 0.06487947 -0.39010603 -0.15686018 +O 2.01299007 4.02323955 1.98745021 -0.08761651 -0.07575627 -0.06729528 +O 1.96021028 4.04995009 5.96720953 0.10791974 -0.02759951 -0.00230165 +O 2.00609615 0.07320993 1.98837008 -0.00110120 0.06801596 0.04045374 +O 1.99867682 0.06128011 5.96975011 -0.03872107 0.01153731 -0.11107397 +O 6.01715985 3.99802986 2.00318017 -0.30695141 0.16959639 0.20422170 +O 5.96187997 4.00790960 6.01592964 -0.09474104 0.47501285 -0.09617289 +O 6.03621613 0.02376995 2.05505992 -0.31907570 -0.02155870 -0.14868021 +O 5.94086647 0.06308018 6.01633997 0.03700820 -0.21863761 -0.10147270 +O 2.03037962 2.03971965 3.97774973 -0.18908690 0.00997202 -0.11824066 +O 1.97137975 2.05140978 7.91857980 -0.01189855 0.01011601 0.22655121 +O 1.97684980 5.95434952 3.93827997 -0.03522566 0.36714633 0.19887149 +O 1.96997970 6.01704952 7.93015960 0.04053653 0.04969248 -0.09947958 +O 5.91063992 2.04213959 3.98575956 0.20019561 -0.14348478 -0.14877303 +O 5.97334627 2.03769339 0.03387034 -0.01729530 -0.25518662 -0.10576541 +O 5.96336970 6.00124019 4.04014020 -0.01949230 -0.02573211 -0.18273422 +O 5.93574643 6.00018301 0.07217021 0.16262305 0.03552082 -0.23716318 +O 0.00588514 2.05355034 2.01475998 0.13628029 -0.12238862 -0.00317737 +O 7.89819410 2.01189002 5.96224982 0.14462815 0.05050495 -0.03865011 +O 0.01056072 5.96865959 1.99264961 -0.00574770 0.13509476 0.06978745 +O -0.01752051 6.02871029 5.97372010 -0.13708196 0.05843706 0.06783213 +O 3.98119986 2.05667030 1.96083015 -0.12899405 -0.17395004 0.12155147 +O 3.95682988 2.04781996 5.96980011 -0.13365546 -0.06672810 0.12528909 +O 3.96755013 5.98371969 1.98902963 0.30280885 0.10799996 0.20616545 +O 3.95022963 6.03837970 5.93227011 -0.04490149 -0.14742937 0.23400201 +Ti 2.04329995 2.00655014 2.00343018 0.08565296 -0.29537450 0.33738247 +Ti 2.05137010 2.00300000 5.98536022 -0.06014093 0.32572046 -0.06702043 +Ti 1.98061026 5.92001964 2.04671992 -0.01736292 0.26195505 0.06712996 +Ti 2.00588027 6.00521019 6.02136001 0.45702336 -0.45156131 0.13242133 +Ti 6.02693006 2.05057007 2.05914023 0.03191485 0.36160483 0.11907499 +Ti 5.98381016 2.01275990 6.04351005 0.31535892 0.16958842 -0.14313691 +Ti 5.96129978 6.02519983 1.99212023 0.21397749 -0.28771081 -0.24791965 +Ti 5.98768015 6.00943971 5.95495986 -0.30667759 -0.09070878 0.08627774 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.486748485306 stress="-0.023277131860536503 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.023277131860536503 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.023277131860536503" pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.10002425 2.10002425 2.10002425 -1.35854571 -1.35854571 -1.35854571 +Ba 5.85461306 5.85461306 2.10002425 1.35854571 1.35854571 -1.35854571 +Ba 5.85461306 2.10002425 5.85461306 1.35854571 -1.35854571 1.35854571 +Ba 2.10002425 5.85461306 5.85461306 -1.35854571 1.35854571 1.35854571 +Ba 6.06143363 1.89320368 1.89320368 0.00193373 -0.00193373 -0.00193373 +Ba 1.89320368 6.06143363 1.89320368 -0.00193373 0.00193373 -0.00193373 +Ba 1.89320368 1.89320368 6.06143363 -0.00193373 -0.00193373 0.00193373 +Ba 6.06143363 6.06143363 6.06143363 0.00193373 0.00193373 0.00193373 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 3.97731865 1.87729440 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.82828393 +O 3.97731865 3.97731865 6.07734290 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.82828393 +O 3.97731865 1.87729440 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.82828393 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 6.07734290 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.82828393 0.00000000 +O 1.87729440 3.97731865 3.97731865 2.82828393 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.07734290 3.97731865 3.97731865 -2.82828393 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97731865 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.51276046 +O 0.00000000 3.97731865 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.51276046 +O 1.89320368 0.00000000 3.97731865 2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.06143363 0.00000000 3.97731865 -2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 0.00000000 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.51276046 +O 3.97731865 0.00000000 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.51276046 +O 0.00000000 1.89320368 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.06143363 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 1.89320368 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.06143363 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.90911295 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.05471637 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.04552435 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.05471637 +O 0.00000000 1.90911295 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.05471637 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.04552435 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.05471637 0.00000000 +O 1.90911295 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.05471637 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.04552435 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.05471637 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.76850980571616 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.032017658326053 0.0 0.0 0.06844057138835938 8.031730223463242" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.080983579333 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90582029 0.12552747 8.01315727 -0.16036639 -0.24178577 -0.05237517 +Ba 3.89880998 0.07995350 4.01999019 -0.05829771 -0.13638442 -0.19909929 +Ba 3.87982996 4.11197323 8.01652803 -0.03790912 0.06050628 -0.16137503 +Ba 3.87029955 4.06803998 3.98213968 0.09262811 0.10102121 0.07171270 +Ba 7.75992016 0.08821221 8.03132005 0.01127094 0.02516724 -0.22897011 +Ba 0.01636980 0.08692030 3.99971982 -0.21939763 -0.19825057 -0.01999778 +Ba 7.75619283 4.12438343 8.03097590 0.13389662 -0.04390416 -0.21858928 +Ba 0.00418723 4.08744960 4.00627955 -0.04936158 -0.03392622 -0.08799858 +Ti 1.93573008 1.99944973 1.91703983 0.05658844 -0.01040037 0.24886145 +Ti 1.94663008 2.01514989 5.93348991 -0.09383575 0.22075029 0.15284643 +Ti 1.94241023 6.03919990 1.89644007 -0.02474044 -0.05353165 0.44334586 +Ti 1.92711015 6.02911949 5.91202008 0.19905532 0.09540181 0.37322853 +Ti 5.83566961 2.01138993 1.92476017 -0.07217524 0.01971111 0.18706035 +Ti 5.83558959 2.04147970 5.95338972 0.07876652 0.06379370 -0.09140143 +Ti 5.82030971 6.00236008 1.94437022 0.04123021 0.09772120 0.11182525 +Ti 5.81842973 6.05624013 5.95540953 -0.08230410 -0.09717999 -0.15674859 +O 1.96721974 2.10656971 4.07693026 -0.09716790 0.01830703 0.00993783 +O 1.93677029 2.08773651 0.08002031 0.03261676 -0.08784560 -0.27244875 +O 1.93937973 6.11201958 4.07841016 -0.11928067 0.12000521 0.02738019 +O 1.93500994 6.09283680 0.07132968 0.02939954 0.12258017 -0.35083063 +O 5.83730022 2.14938974 4.09223966 -0.05719085 -0.14238641 -0.18201688 +O 5.83627011 2.10412652 0.04041023 0.02388838 -0.14096999 0.34197086 +O 5.79730016 6.13680968 4.07403960 0.16038002 -0.04610014 0.01429353 +O 5.79920966 6.08306635 0.05580975 0.00319614 0.10968326 0.27199263 +O 1.91395961 4.17654975 2.01085002 0.15121609 -0.38233538 0.12246241 +O 1.94608007 4.15392008 6.04186994 -0.08291988 0.16566646 0.03246121 +O 1.88697025 0.11923963 2.02930023 0.33003991 0.16069215 -0.03255942 +O 1.93058966 0.15235990 6.04274001 0.10808609 0.07727913 0.06318666 +O 5.83854007 4.12815970 2.04436026 -0.15828277 0.23493404 -0.10246026 +O 5.85611011 4.18290982 6.04000006 -0.20182851 0.06788072 0.05784802 +O 5.82546955 0.15736981 2.05498992 0.00815991 -0.11528338 -0.19773095 +O 5.83228021 0.15804023 6.02672989 -0.06718293 0.04967191 0.15759628 +O 0.01719637 2.12146972 2.07321018 -0.26542166 0.07854103 -0.08691383 +O 0.00268946 2.13951985 6.06374995 0.20536069 0.03754865 0.04655059 +O 7.73837576 6.14025967 2.04847990 -0.06280202 0.02819806 0.01952624 +O 7.75703960 6.17866019 6.08581019 0.14849355 -0.06098811 -0.09221570 +O 3.89005021 2.12309023 2.04963974 -0.05419320 -0.01422360 -0.04881625 +O 3.89729978 2.15422020 6.07597991 -0.21118810 -0.04355449 0.03660351 +O 3.86125001 6.16199985 2.08530963 0.28673405 -0.08039531 -0.21465060 +O 3.86668020 6.17108978 6.07433998 0.07483993 -0.02561487 0.00650798 +40 +Lattice="7.95595137 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95595137 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95595137" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2155045521 stress="0.0003452272633149938 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0003452272633149938 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0003452272633149938" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99168000 1.99168000 1.99168000 -0.03060924 -0.03060924 -0.03060924 +Ba 5.96427137 5.96427137 1.99168000 0.03060924 0.03060924 -0.03060924 +Ba 5.96427137 1.99168000 5.96427137 0.03060924 -0.03060924 0.03060924 +Ba 1.99168000 5.96427137 5.96427137 -0.03060924 0.03060924 0.03060924 +Ba 5.96512137 1.99083000 1.99083000 0.02543669 -0.02543669 -0.02543669 +Ba 1.99083000 5.96512137 1.99083000 -0.02543669 0.02543669 -0.02543669 +Ba 1.99083000 1.99083000 5.96512137 -0.02543669 -0.02543669 0.02543669 +Ba 5.96512137 5.96512137 5.96512137 0.02543669 0.02543669 0.02543669 +Ti 3.97797569 3.97797569 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97797569 0.00000000 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97797569 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97797569 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97797569 3.97797569 1.98922860 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00873738 +O 3.97797569 3.97797569 5.96672277 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00873738 +O 3.97797569 1.98922860 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00873738 0.00000000 +O 3.97797569 5.96672277 3.97797569 0.00000000 -0.00873738 0.00000000 +O 1.98922860 3.97797569 3.97797569 0.00873738 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96672277 3.97797569 3.97797569 -0.00873738 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97797569 1.98941114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00308275 +O 0.00000000 3.97797569 5.96654023 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00308275 +O 1.98941114 0.00000000 3.97797569 0.00308275 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96654023 0.00000000 3.97797569 -0.00308275 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97797569 1.98941114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00308275 0.00000000 +O 3.97797569 5.96654023 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00308275 0.00000000 +O 3.97797569 0.00000000 1.98941114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00308275 +O 3.97797569 0.00000000 5.96654023 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00308275 +O 0.00000000 1.98941114 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00308275 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96654023 3.97797569 0.00000000 -0.00308275 0.00000000 +O 1.98941114 3.97797569 0.00000000 0.00308275 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96654023 3.97797569 0.00000000 -0.00308275 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98944137 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00239421 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96651000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00239421 +O 0.00000000 1.98944137 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00239421 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96651000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00239421 0.00000000 +O 1.98944137 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00239421 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96651000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00239421 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="8.009948283 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.009948283 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.009948283" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.867556678942 stress="0.012517242768014124 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.012517242768014124 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.012517242768014124" pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00497414 4.00497414 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00497414 0.00000000 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 4.00497414 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00497414 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00497414 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.94452552 2.06542276 2.06542276 0.72525807 -0.72525807 -0.72525807 +Ti 2.06542276 5.94452552 2.06542276 -0.72525807 0.72525807 -0.72525807 +Ti 5.94452552 5.94452552 5.94452552 0.72525807 0.72525807 0.72525807 +Ti 2.06542276 2.06542276 5.94452552 -0.72525807 -0.72525807 0.72525807 +Ti 2.06542276 5.94452552 5.94452552 -0.72525807 0.72525807 0.72525807 +Ti 5.94452552 2.06542276 5.94452552 0.72525807 -0.72525807 0.72525807 +Ti 5.94452552 5.94452552 2.06542276 0.72525807 0.72525807 -0.72525807 +Ti 2.06542276 2.06542276 2.06542276 -0.72525807 -0.72525807 -0.72525807 +O 5.92367463 5.92367463 4.00497414 0.45192537 0.45192537 0.00000000 +O 2.08627365 5.92367463 4.00497414 -0.45192537 0.45192537 0.00000000 +O 5.92367463 2.08627365 4.00497414 0.45192537 -0.45192537 0.00000000 +O 2.08627365 2.08627365 4.00497414 -0.45192537 -0.45192537 0.00000000 +O 5.92367463 4.00497414 5.92367463 0.45192537 0.00000000 0.45192537 +O 5.92367463 4.00497414 2.08627365 0.45192537 0.00000000 -0.45192537 +O 2.08627365 4.00497414 5.92367463 -0.45192537 0.00000000 0.45192537 +O 2.08627365 4.00497414 2.08627365 -0.45192537 0.00000000 -0.45192537 +O 4.00497414 5.92367463 5.92367463 0.00000000 0.45192537 0.45192537 +O 4.00497414 2.08627365 5.92367463 0.00000000 -0.45192537 0.45192537 +O 4.00497414 5.92367463 2.08627365 0.00000000 0.45192537 -0.45192537 +O 4.00497414 2.08627365 2.08627365 0.00000000 -0.45192537 -0.45192537 +O 5.93430270 5.93430270 0.00000000 0.28178699 0.28178699 0.00000000 +O 2.07564558 5.93430270 0.00000000 -0.28178699 0.28178699 0.00000000 +O 5.93430270 2.07564558 0.00000000 0.28178699 -0.28178699 0.00000000 +O 2.07564558 2.07564558 0.00000000 -0.28178699 -0.28178699 0.00000000 +O 5.93430270 0.00000000 5.93430270 0.28178699 0.00000000 0.28178699 +O 5.93430270 0.00000000 2.07564558 0.28178699 0.00000000 -0.28178699 +O 2.07564558 0.00000000 5.93430270 -0.28178699 0.00000000 0.28178699 +O 2.07564558 0.00000000 2.07564558 -0.28178699 0.00000000 -0.28178699 +O 0.00000000 5.93430270 5.93430270 0.00000000 0.28178699 0.28178699 +O 0.00000000 2.07564558 5.93430270 0.00000000 -0.28178699 0.28178699 +O 0.00000000 5.93430270 2.07564558 0.00000000 0.28178699 -0.28178699 +O 0.00000000 2.07564558 2.07564558 0.00000000 -0.28178699 -0.28178699 +40 +Lattice="7.912710065815292 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.912710065815292 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.912710065815292" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.084315885397 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.95530976 3.96112007 0.00320069 0.02705212 0.02430567 0.05526329 +Ba 3.97980989 0.01145919 3.96732996 -0.00953828 -0.05824680 0.00567828 +Ba 7.90911453 3.95809979 3.95613031 0.11609019 0.08833693 0.11475708 +Ba 0.01471527 0.01882592 3.96605997 -0.08939083 -0.14117979 0.03528608 +Ba 0.01247201 3.97524030 0.00891129 0.05402042 -0.04349921 -0.05987251 +Ba 3.95588977 7.91048818 0.01693636 0.07152063 0.04797216 -0.09318038 +Ba 3.97082975 3.96123005 3.96798988 -0.02904652 0.03965824 -0.02503252 +Ba 0.00525325 0.03532709 0.02116492 0.06067032 -0.23678420 -0.15273124 +Ti 5.96239004 2.02067985 1.97756982 -0.12719427 -0.08833591 0.16979977 +Ti 1.96237979 5.92484977 1.98112025 0.09344057 -0.21741737 0.01572255 +Ti 1.97629983 1.96830008 5.89222012 0.04692752 0.09332899 0.11434621 +Ti 5.93878009 5.92346979 5.92738025 0.21465240 0.03806672 -0.13624404 +Ti 1.98993976 5.92881008 5.93169030 -0.27419735 -0.03641402 -0.13921675 +Ti 5.93316998 1.96861026 5.95180995 -0.08603837 -0.03983873 -0.16872582 +Ti 5.92559989 5.97058998 1.96276989 -0.12567475 0.04295105 0.02498495 +Ti 2.01323003 1.95608998 1.95166994 0.04209564 0.22140695 -0.09356553 +O 2.00238012 1.99926964 3.99526974 -0.07345925 -0.10780558 -0.01859319 +O 5.94696025 1.99280020 3.97314026 0.03276331 -0.01305066 -0.03119031 +O 1.99556965 5.95738999 3.99159983 0.01806354 0.01504378 0.05090116 +O 5.94754975 5.92807024 3.99311986 0.02887477 0.09979300 -0.03099722 +O 2.01566002 3.97907005 2.03434985 -0.13931317 0.07381791 -0.16588500 +O 1.98070009 3.96195011 5.94740020 0.08800526 0.18668986 0.09051234 +O 5.94814004 3.97270032 2.00274965 0.00351007 -0.25804286 -0.14805620 +O 5.93702980 3.96925038 5.96966973 0.07720766 -0.03903989 0.01248116 +O 3.97369969 1.98167968 2.00089016 0.03216039 0.05796629 -0.00675326 +O 3.97292979 5.94574011 2.00880999 0.18469674 0.04801612 -0.09858509 +O 3.97088989 1.99667981 5.95787979 0.04002025 -0.09456775 -0.01523481 +O 3.97993966 5.94955008 5.96852001 -0.10200260 -0.02406578 0.02286559 +O 5.98366019 5.94914970 0.03590630 -0.19805799 -0.01096293 0.04193495 +O 1.98300981 5.95988012 0.03060003 0.06186460 -0.09008194 0.03778416 +O 5.93232016 1.95651964 0.00605639 0.09945104 0.22764007 0.28727990 +O 2.00716969 2.01053021 0.04436973 -0.07853383 -0.10252171 0.08144124 +O 5.95840994 0.01708829 5.94820967 -0.06772749 -0.03453943 0.01862327 +O 5.94304979 0.00206996 1.99435980 0.08687578 0.04423326 0.06391531 +O 1.98595967 0.01252028 5.95533032 0.04818762 0.04500999 0.04811948 +O 2.00384002 0.02396997 2.01196004 -0.07695672 0.09430858 -0.01904570 +O 0.01246410 5.92332973 5.94820967 0.09270550 0.14062135 0.05469328 +O 0.02068462 1.97203013 5.95997982 -0.02946381 0.13648367 -0.00300176 +O 0.02969007 5.95342968 1.99882019 -0.02170731 -0.02386935 0.09113404 +O 0.01352994 2.00757007 1.99750035 -0.09255354 -0.10538669 -0.03161197 +40 +Lattice="7.924059858580059 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924059858580059 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924059858580059" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.936324199793 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03797967 4.00380003 7.85373858 -0.58973933 -0.57708051 0.82271445 +Ba 3.91099978 7.85170765 3.97866015 0.39543181 0.83838815 -0.21006916 +Ba 7.91738542 3.97314976 4.00589990 -0.04590268 0.12413672 -0.39059402 +Ba 0.01069352 7.91553674 4.02151030 0.08195700 0.01558988 -0.32594286 +Ba 0.03532625 3.97501984 0.01272762 0.07157154 -0.17368959 0.34788054 +Ba 3.97603967 0.06886404 7.88594989 -0.36391446 -0.05376280 0.44213847 +Ba 3.95105986 3.92483994 3.93208966 0.20671155 0.22849420 0.28394055 +Ba 7.91453276 0.04463702 0.01826100 0.44716986 -0.10192110 0.16338872 +Ti 5.90895004 1.99426003 2.01028961 0.88328141 0.67097076 0.07121030 +Ti 2.01825963 5.94555999 1.98711966 -0.15980589 0.32520264 -0.22391815 +Ti 1.96807973 1.99861034 5.91022027 0.35617801 0.53097728 0.91716778 +Ti 5.89231982 5.86761973 6.03497984 0.54441695 0.52295313 -1.43596292 +Ti 2.00200976 5.96942013 5.96127023 -0.62103171 -0.35210024 0.10781535 +Ti 5.96738998 1.91428963 5.93792991 -0.07038832 0.27858340 -0.04500973 +Ti 5.96453019 6.05446985 2.02551965 -0.25612815 -0.81634762 0.90881349 +Ti 1.97528032 2.01120959 2.00437985 -0.80050783 -0.61812611 -0.67273480 +O 1.91676035 2.00037027 3.93839959 0.27315194 -0.00618067 0.69661161 +O 5.92953992 1.99203020 3.89976029 0.00761535 -0.03402289 1.51412419 +O 2.09153975 5.84851958 4.00349020 -0.52174779 0.45839710 -0.45556246 +O 5.98600994 6.06474974 4.02204993 0.28028727 -0.43566006 -0.36413840 +O 2.04734965 3.97109030 2.01444023 -0.08934455 0.30075222 -0.31202239 +O 2.00182989 3.92887962 6.01440977 0.36473232 -0.09989404 -0.36967347 +O 5.89039982 3.99439020 2.16465030 0.18940391 0.28304143 -1.03848168 +O 5.95896988 4.02929965 5.97263967 -0.29754606 -0.32644885 -0.10912533 +O 3.92206018 1.95745990 1.96547985 0.52308400 -0.05723558 -0.18911518 +O 3.99257956 6.12962956 1.99834964 0.48270174 -0.67062855 -0.07114602 +O 3.92721003 1.93151970 5.92089952 0.38864050 0.53566338 0.11076004 +O 4.03673004 6.05053952 5.84089980 0.16760019 -0.76504666 0.92886347 +O 5.96200004 5.96892963 0.01687983 -0.10284978 0.20090574 0.21868955 +O 2.20760029 5.93315012 0.00353968 -0.64018746 0.08417946 0.10269475 +O 6.06776960 2.02767024 0.03831521 -1.00026429 -0.02601339 -0.28624323 +O 1.88025975 1.98280026 7.89436999 0.61007341 -0.08207270 0.08449005 +O 5.95211953 0.10624896 5.97739966 0.20558721 -0.71661916 0.11921383 +O 6.04633977 0.02991016 2.12351016 -0.43403050 -0.42469405 -0.96847748 +O 2.03559985 7.89401341 5.93817001 -0.53067338 0.07858860 0.02718170 +O 1.87209005 0.04651978 1.98790969 0.70652115 -0.71094628 0.13975694 +O 0.10703899 5.82153023 5.99559013 -0.27406623 0.95412096 -0.01465863 +O 7.88742535 2.00992986 5.98729998 0.16113515 -0.10463644 -0.73079905 +O 0.08209009 5.93455981 1.93501025 -0.43478357 -0.00479048 0.20875275 +O 7.92236966 1.94012999 2.01078011 -0.11434056 0.72697299 -0.00253357 +40 +Lattice="7.939149875853468 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.939149875853468 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.939149875853468" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.856012385393 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90999003 3.97121993 0.03013146 0.51572936 0.24181354 -0.32086082 +Ba 3.94005956 0.07544892 3.90952956 0.35109956 -0.47916518 0.44664818 +Ba 0.08244569 3.80707959 4.02593973 -0.66017702 1.46985108 -0.42332879 +Ba 7.84558144 7.92617254 3.99374965 0.61161273 -0.32382324 -0.14757438 +Ba 0.01526381 4.08803023 0.01170707 0.06626298 -0.44451931 0.21432459 +Ba 3.99379014 0.04039836 0.00535972 -0.02914217 -0.34157774 -0.17575701 +Ba 3.99857030 3.93555012 4.00923020 0.04212033 0.53266316 -0.11491726 +Ba 0.10158063 0.03198207 7.93412757 -0.70716907 -0.06938430 0.41653620 +Ti 6.06387028 2.03878004 1.98309008 -0.20658017 -0.33770720 -0.52668920 +Ti 1.98325998 6.03376978 1.96368997 -0.71109052 -0.44905551 -0.46061185 +Ti 1.94851984 1.99111021 5.91671972 -0.08572675 -0.10234919 0.55688449 +Ti 5.86933014 5.95241017 5.94870973 0.22718962 0.01541402 -0.58656582 +Ti 1.85986018 5.98259005 5.89276969 0.68713683 0.26937165 0.79153262 +Ti 5.92008989 1.97587022 5.96808999 0.13128361 0.06278994 0.70689525 +Ti 5.89019979 5.93744011 1.96233000 0.86651730 0.91226700 0.59192683 +Ti 2.07127022 2.05170021 1.94972977 -0.12742079 0.36890780 -0.60916376 +O 1.94920976 1.92592026 4.01378012 0.38125243 0.08950576 -0.19705063 +O 5.95120977 2.10900976 3.96077995 0.11448762 -0.37677434 0.04490946 +O 1.96486020 5.98844994 4.07645019 0.14554244 -0.13428409 -0.73301148 +O 6.12894987 5.82242009 3.98927991 -0.58011775 -0.22292261 0.71869918 +O 2.12523976 3.96371981 2.03052015 -0.17990369 0.09001201 0.51913941 +O 1.96432987 3.92093971 5.96929992 -0.13557813 0.24317519 -0.26029360 +O 5.91834963 3.94887996 1.90860021 0.20694784 -0.29882184 -0.03298957 +O 6.11961025 3.95013990 6.12377990 -0.54966663 -0.28364436 -0.51809040 +O 3.97788961 1.97226981 1.96219979 -0.01764008 -0.19202155 0.24973459 +O 4.08048963 6.04214956 2.12911963 -0.93917873 -0.43696052 -0.11943546 +O 4.01588003 2.03547973 6.03710026 -0.34703748 -0.07078144 -0.45743499 +O 4.03937991 5.84239975 6.00071990 -0.21391655 0.16360624 -0.42007532 +O 5.88942969 6.09459002 0.05909744 0.44975691 -0.43189648 -0.22713742 +O 2.07686970 6.00088027 0.05441017 -0.00531678 -0.57470172 0.06808538 +O 5.94823021 1.78995994 7.93593293 0.29519555 0.59281129 0.25759445 +O 1.92233018 2.18651968 0.06649991 0.42558339 -1.21713787 -0.36441891 +O 5.88495995 7.92661793 5.78452970 0.06256805 0.15130839 0.52235920 +O 6.10875029 7.85230987 2.16397011 -0.54365976 1.06416443 -0.63729985 +O 2.08119971 7.90271394 5.97121008 0.00241812 0.50100490 0.30030408 +O 2.04896994 7.91467983 1.88989002 -0.17961855 0.83416434 0.70325405 +O 7.93763667 6.06327008 6.09735999 0.73063681 -0.36256565 -0.38516925 +O 0.03030691 1.84393980 5.97982008 0.22606913 0.45022048 -0.13167005 +O 0.13306015 5.94335001 1.99519966 0.03983050 -0.30961456 -0.01095007 +O 0.01841962 2.12142977 1.90059993 -0.36030000 -0.59334273 0.75166741 +40 +Lattice="7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29604.46239083364 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.22826998 4.15395963 3.95141998 -0.13895476 -0.42101326 0.60572311 +Ba 3.88387963 7.89924111 4.16168959 0.18926662 0.82541385 -0.58813059 +Ba 7.82877699 4.16480008 3.91320989 -0.05183473 -0.27081147 -0.04083477 +Ba 4.01300985 3.76408010 0.15631393 -1.07032402 3.05318603 -2.90705558 +Ba 7.91809479 0.13376085 3.86064030 0.56788110 -1.56785228 0.33682248 +Ba 0.07725247 3.81498991 0.08999608 -0.62795929 1.10458448 0.15366044 +Ba 3.66840007 7.81087688 7.82363087 2.47294410 -0.06978154 -0.05206201 +Ba 0.32199685 0.11959286 0.17773310 -2.79704759 -2.71408452 -2.24194256 +Ti 1.99410963 5.93448967 2.09358960 -0.56603222 -0.98076144 -1.52158091 +Ti 5.48351979 2.08235974 1.59695020 12.49668185 -1.99601475 1.18059555 +Ti 6.20464946 6.05959970 6.27872999 -0.77772785 -2.53562682 -1.91819054 +Ti 2.09527013 2.44332955 5.64699952 0.65719274 -8.69644277 2.86525459 +Ti 1.95856955 6.01371951 6.05103986 -0.55593678 0.36657015 0.25362081 +Ti 6.36100968 1.67375979 5.85341013 -4.77112723 4.00964901 2.19255527 +Ti 5.85518003 6.32683015 1.97388024 1.83378354 -3.41489962 0.24214830 +Ti 1.92813011 1.85255020 1.94381984 -0.05292539 1.18912339 1.17904132 +O 5.96916953 6.18559948 3.78495026 0.62683238 -0.64950514 1.98848707 +O 1.97228988 6.05794950 3.83753023 0.02631550 -0.74666867 2.34399016 +O 6.13434973 2.16855987 4.19109964 -0.71748485 -0.68792976 -1.56333717 +O 2.14580011 2.09546963 3.97447978 -0.71605249 -0.31704119 -3.25421262 +O 6.16287962 4.08969017 6.16407977 -0.72146980 1.05156654 -0.23852304 +O 5.98682945 3.80615956 2.00053969 -0.27631286 0.29501609 -0.83979763 +O 1.72603972 3.99243016 5.91225976 -0.66438900 6.03328100 0.59430741 +O 2.16968022 4.02207003 1.94964025 -0.52588598 -1.59492882 0.60176258 +O 3.71624966 5.91138998 5.82908954 2.14465999 -0.20183777 0.51771219 +O 3.80135018 2.07808980 6.05404023 0.44060969 0.42632747 -0.47008842 +O 4.12425991 5.98614000 1.96006016 -2.34087836 -0.04377252 -0.18521662 +O 3.98824958 1.87023007 1.99812981 -7.94470748 -0.89007272 2.53036275 +O 5.94571953 6.13442953 0.02599314 0.31088905 -0.28904702 -0.04359974 +O 2.06065012 5.70667984 0.01660500 -0.34159831 1.19973021 -1.27401607 +O 5.75842992 1.72938003 7.85503665 0.57998739 0.65073901 -0.64581458 +O 2.19706024 1.65732955 0.16775206 -0.93082085 3.11427519 -0.45436921 +O 5.79912011 0.00180501 5.93042959 0.61222054 -2.43180902 -0.11918272 +O 5.96564010 0.02043686 1.88356019 -0.21050470 3.96289581 0.17738838 +O 1.78513992 7.84369747 5.87082986 0.57483619 -0.11056978 0.30446412 +O 2.10695005 7.93205292 2.01721970 0.10867950 0.19525086 0.55087351 +O 7.97787008 5.97014944 6.07644968 -0.67719592 0.55319084 -0.11254181 +O 0.04389803 1.96602979 6.08830994 3.25265376 -0.19802199 0.17481907 +O 0.10783793 5.92842987 2.01614961 -0.42463414 0.53548263 -0.77775099 +O 0.06779809 1.69718027 1.93236974 1.00637169 2.26221006 0.45465923 +40 +Lattice="7.955134462 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955134462 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955134462" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21581108834 stress="-9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756723 3.97756723 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756723 0.00000000 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756723 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756723 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96618610 1.98894836 1.98894836 0.00571171 -0.00571171 -0.00571171 +Ti 1.98894836 5.96618610 1.98894836 -0.00571171 0.00571171 -0.00571171 +Ti 1.98894836 1.98894836 5.96618610 -0.00571171 -0.00571171 0.00571171 +Ti 5.96618610 5.96618610 5.96618610 0.00571171 0.00571171 0.00571171 +Ti 1.98894836 5.96618610 5.96618610 -0.00571171 0.00571171 0.00571171 +Ti 5.96618610 1.98894836 5.96618610 0.00571171 -0.00571171 0.00571171 +Ti 5.96618610 5.96618610 1.98894836 0.00571171 0.00571171 -0.00571171 +Ti 1.98894836 1.98894836 1.98894836 -0.00571171 -0.00571171 -0.00571171 +O 5.96908183 5.96339928 3.97756723 -0.00707696 0.00777142 0.00000000 +O 1.98605263 5.96339928 3.97756723 0.00707696 0.00777142 0.00000000 +O 5.96908183 1.99173518 3.97756723 -0.00707696 -0.00777142 0.00000000 +O 1.98605263 1.99173518 3.97756723 0.00707696 -0.00777142 0.00000000 +O 5.96339928 3.97756723 5.96908183 0.00777142 0.00000000 -0.00707696 +O 5.96339928 3.97756723 1.98605263 0.00777142 0.00000000 0.00707696 +O 1.99173518 3.97756723 5.96908183 -0.00777142 0.00000000 -0.00707696 +O 1.99173518 3.97756723 1.98605263 -0.00777142 0.00000000 0.00707696 +O 3.97756723 5.96908183 5.96339928 0.00000000 -0.00707696 0.00777142 +O 3.97756723 1.98605263 5.96339928 0.00000000 0.00707696 0.00777142 +O 3.97756723 5.96908183 1.99173518 0.00000000 -0.00707696 -0.00777142 +O 3.97756723 1.98605263 1.99173518 0.00000000 0.00707696 -0.00777142 +O 5.96389850 5.96923957 0.00000000 0.00261790 -0.01012938 0.00000000 +O 1.99123596 5.96923957 0.00000000 -0.00261790 -0.01012938 0.00000000 +O 5.96389850 1.98589489 0.00000000 0.00261790 0.01012938 0.00000000 +O 1.99123596 1.98589489 0.00000000 -0.00261790 0.01012938 0.00000000 +O 5.96923957 0.00000000 5.96389850 -0.01012938 0.00000000 0.00261790 +O 5.96923957 0.00000000 1.99123596 -0.01012938 0.00000000 -0.00261790 +O 1.98589489 0.00000000 5.96389850 0.01012938 0.00000000 0.00261790 +O 1.98589489 0.00000000 1.99123596 0.01012938 0.00000000 -0.00261790 +O 0.00000000 5.96389850 5.96923957 0.00000000 0.00261790 -0.01012938 +O 0.00000000 1.99123596 5.96923957 0.00000000 -0.00261790 -0.01012938 +O 0.00000000 5.96389850 1.98589489 0.00000000 0.00261790 0.01012938 +O 0.00000000 1.99123596 1.98589489 0.00000000 -0.00261790 0.01012938 +40 +Lattice="7.798930086715572 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.063469795256964 0.0 0.0 0.06870857406396419 8.063181234843757" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.67153606322 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.93916004 0.05310681 0.02300606 -0.33986641 -0.12310468 -0.28004044 +Ba 3.85853002 8.08353176 3.94037043 0.08295279 0.18850428 0.20718566 +Ba 3.88999012 4.11857130 8.03876824 0.04482230 0.04194935 -0.03165105 +Ba 3.92696017 4.05897968 3.96536990 -0.38708112 0.20596336 0.40049894 +Ba 0.06204985 0.15134214 8.05968341 -0.36182235 -0.52134799 -0.25908364 +Ba 7.78961972 0.06761516 4.05138976 -0.02695133 -0.26616908 -0.32998258 +Ba 7.79371104 4.16738091 8.04038964 -0.04695786 -0.06444187 0.03012947 +Ba 0.00274444 4.13268035 4.12276011 -0.01666229 -0.04372521 -0.42417829 +Ti 1.96521028 2.05023967 1.86729003 0.31627577 -0.11072044 0.18937717 +Ti 1.93498007 1.99367013 5.90792039 0.19122143 0.65282238 0.48792699 +Ti 1.86804029 6.04955988 2.07955975 -0.00994246 -0.17442595 0.03398356 +Ti 1.96117979 6.07959980 6.17715037 0.06452723 -0.14468266 -0.64899683 +Ti 5.92996017 1.97504005 1.87124019 -0.67245043 0.20088003 0.48314139 +Ti 5.78814988 1.99223981 5.93233026 0.09221673 0.18548272 0.27865616 +Ti 5.75322003 6.02231977 2.07183023 0.87491504 0.71928951 -0.32974372 +Ti 5.80292027 6.08744006 6.13586986 0.05381576 -0.01493708 0.12750795 +O 1.95228979 2.13975033 4.05923003 -0.19675110 -0.00158071 0.00220883 +O 1.96105969 2.17070975 8.06154034 -0.07684667 0.05491799 0.35194109 +O 1.96971026 6.09606022 3.95582011 -0.26763616 0.42893097 -0.37368208 +O 1.98169020 6.19471045 8.01728999 0.05831133 0.17812268 0.21815553 +O 5.81867021 2.13448996 4.09991002 0.31905076 -0.09850745 -0.15541059 +O 5.83926017 2.05920844 0.03098983 0.11251430 0.13590466 -0.09306699 +O 5.79285030 6.19408029 3.92208038 0.40943327 -0.23714236 0.51152612 +O 5.81486979 6.17645003 8.00804046 0.05449942 0.28013275 -0.31440786 +O 1.92769976 4.18532001 1.94353003 0.21008253 -0.15428213 0.22098889 +O 1.97507982 4.24774030 6.05517043 -0.18445197 -0.53043967 -0.08960166 +O 1.89580994 0.19328010 1.94017025 0.06059190 -0.41873989 0.39705238 +O 2.03853036 0.16657969 6.01967984 -0.31496322 -0.18367113 -0.04581037 +O 5.84634004 4.22733986 1.95403987 -0.10955445 -1.11016609 0.24216501 +O 5.90799994 4.23126974 6.07138986 -0.29787593 -0.37487893 -0.31204759 +O 5.91732044 0.14587977 1.97757002 -0.10255282 0.19733757 0.10729265 +O 5.72759041 0.11488994 6.00969019 0.59478718 0.68825089 0.01038623 +O 0.01303747 2.17685998 2.05029973 -0.34014641 0.02548092 -0.04561188 +O 0.00262356 2.11732997 6.12987014 -0.26595183 -0.09712599 -0.49609281 +O 7.78274809 6.19055985 1.95030964 0.39296972 -0.07764037 0.13645616 +O 0.05494970 6.19693002 6.08426980 -0.63686534 0.40750622 -0.47457654 +O 3.90492039 2.06873016 2.02861012 0.07176155 0.38722793 -0.05236977 +O 3.86221969 2.21227024 6.05724026 0.75437324 -0.07383566 0.05179616 +O 3.88642991 6.23032036 1.94738972 -0.23338135 -0.17999111 0.03825287 +O 3.91340017 6.16072973 5.96397988 0.12959003 0.02285222 0.22972601 +40 +Lattice="7.955134226 -2e-09 -2e-09 -2e-09 7.955134226 -2e-09 -2e-09 -2e-09 7.955134226" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216695866482 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878355 1.98878355 5.96635067 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878355 5.96635067 1.98878355 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635067 1.98878355 1.98878355 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635067 5.96635067 1.98878355 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635067 1.98878355 5.96635067 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878355 5.96635067 5.96635067 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878355 1.98878355 1.98878355 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635067 5.96635067 5.96635067 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti -0.00000000 3.97756711 -0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756711 -0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756711 3.97756711 3.97756711 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti -0.00000000 -0.00000000 3.97756711 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti -0.00000000 3.97756711 3.97756711 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756711 -0.00000000 3.97756711 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756711 3.97756711 -0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756739 3.97756710 1.98878254 -0.00000206 -0.00000129 0.00003471 +O -0.00000027 3.97756710 1.98878453 0.00000206 -0.00000129 -0.00003420 +O 3.97756739 0.00000001 1.98878459 -0.00000206 0.00000129 -0.00003471 +O -0.00000027 0.00000001 1.98878254 0.00000206 0.00000129 0.00003471 +O 3.97756710 1.98878254 3.97756739 -0.00000129 0.00003471 -0.00000206 +O 3.97756710 1.98878453 -0.00000027 -0.00000129 -0.00003420 0.00000206 +O 0.00000001 1.98878459 3.97756739 0.00000129 -0.00003471 -0.00000206 +O 0.00000001 1.98878254 -0.00000027 0.00000129 0.00003471 0.00000206 +O 1.98878254 3.97756739 3.97756710 0.00003471 -0.00000206 -0.00000129 +O 1.98878453 -0.00000027 3.97756710 -0.00003420 0.00000206 -0.00000129 +O 1.98878459 3.97756739 0.00000001 -0.00003471 -0.00000206 0.00000129 +O 1.98878254 -0.00000027 0.00000001 0.00003471 0.00000206 0.00000129 +O 3.97756684 3.97756712 5.96635168 0.00000206 0.00000129 -0.00003471 +O 0.00000027 3.97756713 5.96634969 -0.00000206 0.00000129 0.00003420 +O 3.97756684 -0.00000001 5.96634963 0.00000206 -0.00000129 0.00003471 +O 0.00000027 -0.00000002 5.96635169 -0.00000206 -0.00000129 -0.00003471 +O 3.97756712 5.96635168 3.97756684 0.00000129 -0.00003471 0.00000206 +O 3.97756713 5.96634969 0.00000027 0.00000129 0.00003420 -0.00000206 +O -0.00000001 5.96634963 3.97756684 -0.00000129 0.00003471 0.00000206 +O -0.00000002 5.96635169 0.00000027 -0.00000129 -0.00003471 -0.00000206 +O 5.96635168 3.97756684 3.97756712 -0.00003471 0.00000206 0.00000129 +O 5.96634969 0.00000027 3.97756713 0.00003420 -0.00000206 0.00000129 +O 5.96634963 3.97756684 -0.00000001 0.00003471 0.00000206 -0.00000129 +O 5.96635169 0.00000027 -0.00000002 -0.00003471 -0.00000206 -0.00000129 +40 +Lattice="7.955129073 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129073 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129073" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2166951862 stress="-1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878227 1.98878227 5.96634680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878227 5.96634680 1.98878227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634680 1.98878227 1.98878227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634680 5.96634680 1.98878227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634680 1.98878227 5.96634680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878227 5.96634680 5.96634680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878227 1.98878227 1.98878227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634680 5.96634680 5.96634680 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756454 3.97756454 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756454 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756454 0.00000000 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756454 3.97756454 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97761286 3.97761742 1.98878262 -0.00063146 -0.00064303 -0.00001234 +O -0.00004832 3.97761742 1.98878183 0.00063172 -0.00064303 0.00001286 +O 3.97761286 -0.00005289 1.98878199 -0.00063172 0.00064303 0.00001131 +O -0.00004832 -0.00005288 1.98878263 0.00063146 0.00064303 -0.00001234 +O 3.97761742 1.98878262 3.97761286 -0.00064303 -0.00001234 -0.00063146 +O 3.97761742 1.98878183 -0.00004832 -0.00064303 0.00001286 0.00063172 +O -0.00005289 1.98878199 3.97761286 0.00064303 0.00001131 -0.00063172 +O -0.00005288 1.98878263 -0.00004832 0.00064303 -0.00001234 0.00063146 +O 1.98878262 3.97761286 3.97761742 -0.00001234 -0.00063146 -0.00064303 +O 1.98878183 -0.00004832 3.97761742 0.00001286 0.00063172 -0.00064303 +O 1.98878199 3.97761286 -0.00005289 0.00001131 -0.00063172 0.00064303 +O 1.98878263 -0.00004832 -0.00005288 -0.00001234 0.00063146 0.00064303 +O 3.97751622 3.97751165 5.96634645 0.00063146 0.00064303 0.00001234 +O 0.00004832 3.97751165 5.96634724 -0.00063172 0.00064303 -0.00001286 +O 3.97751622 0.00005289 5.96634708 0.00063172 -0.00064303 -0.00001131 +O 0.00004832 0.00005288 5.96634645 -0.00063146 -0.00064303 0.00001234 +O 3.97751165 5.96634645 3.97751622 0.00064303 0.00001234 0.00063146 +O 3.97751165 5.96634724 0.00004832 0.00064303 -0.00001286 -0.00063172 +O 0.00005289 5.96634708 3.97751622 -0.00064303 -0.00001131 0.00063172 +O 0.00005288 5.96634645 0.00004832 -0.00064303 0.00001234 -0.00063146 +O 5.96634645 3.97751622 3.97751165 0.00001234 0.00063146 0.00064303 +O 5.96634724 0.00004832 3.97751165 -0.00001286 -0.00063172 0.00064303 +O 5.96634708 3.97751622 0.00005289 -0.00001131 0.00063172 -0.00064303 +O 5.96634645 0.00004832 0.00005288 0.00001234 -0.00063146 -0.00064303 +40 +Lattice="7.81852022696882 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.81852022696882 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.201572988448705" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.444144406058 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97195042 1.93464045 0.02115926 -0.24996034 0.19129470 -0.01849652 +Ba 1.95632980 2.00910012 4.08816975 -0.12960185 -0.48535717 0.28635636 +Ba 1.97834988 5.86236009 8.14485275 -0.28255190 -0.07281313 0.64627249 +Ba 2.01779041 5.79639992 4.06715044 -0.78950376 0.67777416 0.07274499 +Ba 5.81395015 1.92652013 8.18165218 0.22698547 0.33312318 0.11525433 +Ba 5.84614995 1.97177998 4.06933024 0.08786719 -0.05950433 0.45722802 +Ba 5.89309000 5.83660041 0.02924752 -0.28464220 0.11880425 0.13142939 +Ba 5.87443032 5.92090986 4.16818996 0.09557716 -0.29086556 -0.30036758 +Ti 7.79734376 0.01398811 2.15554023 0.14894503 -0.54314271 -0.25038688 +Ti 7.76676084 0.02976511 6.27180035 0.33302059 -0.06262667 0.23605504 +Ti 7.80650629 3.87878039 2.13063042 0.28495279 0.66178730 0.01667489 +Ti 7.79457054 3.91364005 6.25594987 -0.24754427 -0.09727306 -0.30793485 +Ti 3.87347006 7.80947967 2.13306042 0.21502007 -0.60032353 0.28171783 +Ti 3.85905036 0.02037975 6.24325024 0.05307374 0.14369458 -0.17633937 +Ti 3.92895027 3.87641998 2.10413971 -0.23487850 0.86685540 -0.10947526 +Ti 3.87506034 3.93858973 6.17593982 0.53926292 -0.24931242 0.78456596 +O 7.81098005 1.96905992 1.95417971 0.27714487 -0.34225651 0.36265513 +O 1.93997971 7.71998029 2.02136973 0.42677870 0.82026727 -0.29740259 +O 0.08150964 0.00450034 4.00775001 -0.54233924 0.19499118 -0.09320892 +O 0.00666451 1.97429989 6.10600003 -0.08479524 -0.31578032 -0.18610776 +O 1.96880034 0.02455484 6.15654051 -0.15731192 -0.00281407 -0.20810766 +O 7.74944047 0.03032022 8.16605032 0.46633332 -0.11381348 -0.93787287 +O 0.03527013 5.85995980 1.99418004 -0.67370205 -0.08801400 -0.12604242 +O 1.93981005 3.89822036 1.90458996 -0.14730904 -0.09218048 0.59834867 +O 7.73349226 3.94978976 3.97746028 0.60283319 -0.34209736 -0.13613683 +O 0.00440886 5.87767031 6.12132042 0.15597597 -0.00557081 0.03248409 +O 1.97205988 3.84750006 6.08072041 -0.16978794 0.23617022 -0.08380716 +O 0.00457931 3.83980976 8.06807019 -0.14777467 0.47239058 0.27081198 +O 3.87992033 1.99471014 2.11852031 -0.29811041 -0.86904701 -0.50320448 +O 5.84546035 0.07173023 1.95103041 0.03388045 -0.43217930 0.45665132 +O 3.94949031 7.79200137 3.99052034 -0.34999090 0.04320713 -0.13130161 +O 3.94688987 1.92251001 6.05957053 -0.15150508 0.45570258 -0.07325381 +O 5.88135049 0.02787459 6.10738000 0.04052367 -0.31049799 -0.12631650 +O 3.93811984 0.03446091 8.09179002 -0.20717744 -0.15350231 0.21282692 +O 3.87155999 5.84992004 1.95846973 0.47388414 0.44503893 0.04336525 +O 5.82878032 3.79270005 2.01005007 0.39031069 0.67399515 -0.33763187 +O 3.92443039 4.02374983 4.01287974 -0.05610070 -0.64709524 -0.02401873 +O 3.84459001 5.85588010 6.11870044 0.37339540 0.12206081 -0.06425392 +O 5.85905989 3.94869047 6.08232008 0.04013621 -0.11474911 0.04522622 +O 3.91943044 3.90947043 8.11393050 -0.06131413 -0.16634086 -0.55900128 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29606.435563925377 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.06311990 1.99744006 1.76690023 -1.73890880 0.57977785 1.77447641 +Ba 5.97991957 5.90069999 2.12645985 -0.19238742 -0.26297783 -0.39785070 +Ba 6.00549971 1.94698984 5.91807976 1.01287349 -0.21971285 0.15536045 +Ba 1.86139984 6.11426992 6.08431022 1.18451314 -0.86218988 -0.73620402 +Ba 6.05312975 2.12224039 2.19873985 0.58344167 -0.76423110 -0.78265769 +Ba 2.02776960 5.98509003 1.89951029 0.06618148 -1.05811437 -0.00953236 +Ba 1.99502974 2.01213013 6.04130950 -0.96800903 -0.09125411 -0.28215980 +Ba 5.90846970 6.07917018 6.08212004 1.48172547 0.67699255 -1.15917518 +Ti 3.75349025 3.58215977 3.93442039 4.44672883 3.49541115 0.82181070 +Ti 0.15415084 4.13749970 0.12115963 -2.29079095 -4.14402771 -0.98561748 +Ti 3.87166960 0.25770497 7.96119343 3.35905372 -1.23979469 -1.02197134 +Ti 7.93848711 7.73705764 3.94873982 3.37438649 5.90848942 1.26952358 +Ti 3.80746990 7.79885663 3.66451012 3.54681264 2.27540804 3.73542594 +Ti 7.92852803 4.00079026 4.14564964 0.66779597 -0.91470132 0.44660268 +Ti 4.38345005 4.20186991 7.71256059 -4.78645666 -7.65624796 0.10001437 +Ti 7.79005988 0.10560022 0.27899600 1.72807520 -1.33388549 -3.63615359 +O 4.21394953 3.75045954 2.13625003 -0.92746453 1.47308887 -0.17874463 +O 3.97680953 4.07726970 5.88541995 0.39438100 -0.57671695 0.89283126 +O 3.94318031 1.86180010 4.11942029 0.14963666 -1.74025657 -0.38876725 +O 4.31797995 6.18988963 4.15021972 -1.31813697 -1.16271430 -1.11989180 +O 2.12775027 3.94440989 4.11731977 -3.35221561 0.87001683 -0.93246250 +O 6.16903967 4.11199961 4.32878997 -1.42870623 -0.22741176 -1.24740361 +O 0.03791992 4.04637982 1.99032998 -0.13338806 -0.07340962 0.44422415 +O 0.16800038 4.01276981 6.03217974 -0.04192261 0.14805955 -0.52993444 +O 2.11253987 7.91752589 3.79301999 -2.25889745 -0.16349105 -0.08580825 +O 6.30095969 0.07693653 3.95332992 -4.13834429 0.35123275 -0.35301838 +O 3.83597028 2.03818977 0.14689667 1.07789669 0.08692026 -1.34652426 +O 4.19664021 5.78381026 7.97434093 -1.16604851 6.32043492 1.63559391 +O 4.33775963 7.97883897 1.98687980 -1.25358351 -0.08542722 -1.88039815 +O 4.22340029 0.07616245 6.14009021 -1.12110382 -0.05991107 0.75738374 +O 7.95460928 2.22169994 3.96308007 0.82455227 -0.71894035 -0.14925794 +O 7.96789526 6.09279958 3.72858014 0.99403939 -5.38328761 0.53357667 +O 1.87415989 4.00311973 0.01220290 2.95695658 -0.21991699 0.10835683 +O 6.03446998 3.84150017 7.80276629 2.74719210 0.03588129 0.66671610 +O 0.21890289 7.96929935 1.95237964 -0.04492514 -0.04758778 1.56177239 +O 0.27927298 0.05801340 5.75794034 -0.77458699 -0.47517483 1.05528512 +O 7.81523976 1.82120969 0.02670565 1.34977928 2.05907799 0.01436655 +O 7.98880765 5.78609009 7.92703028 -0.59120897 5.41861637 0.37155346 +O 2.15535008 7.84229203 7.95778649 -1.40209789 0.31273073 0.89693319 +O 6.08108019 7.97466753 0.10015118 -2.01683863 -0.53075463 -0.01827412 +40 +Lattice="7.955252515 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955252515 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955252515" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.181445967708 stress="-0.001369891161877582 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.001369891161877582 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.001369891161877582" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97762626 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97762626 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97762626 0.00000000 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97762626 3.97762626 3.97762626 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.95210113 6.00315139 1.95210113 0.01016383 -0.01016383 0.01016383 +Ti 6.00315139 1.95210113 1.95210113 -0.01016383 0.01016383 0.01016383 +Ti 1.95210113 1.95210113 6.00315139 0.01016383 0.01016383 -0.01016383 +Ti 6.00315139 6.00315139 6.00315139 -0.01016383 -0.01016383 -0.01016383 +Ti 2.02552513 5.92972739 5.92972739 -0.01016383 0.01016383 0.01016383 +Ti 5.92972739 2.02552513 5.92972739 0.01016383 -0.01016383 0.01016383 +Ti 5.92972739 5.92972739 2.02552513 0.01016383 0.01016383 -0.01016383 +Ti 2.02552513 2.02552513 2.02552513 -0.01016383 -0.01016383 -0.01016383 +O 1.99766742 2.00023124 3.97875826 -0.11390424 -0.12926093 -0.15876125 +O 1.99766742 5.95502128 3.97649425 -0.11390424 0.12926093 0.15876125 +O 5.95758510 2.00023124 3.97649425 0.11390424 -0.12926093 0.15876125 +O 5.95758510 5.95502128 3.97875826 0.11390424 0.12926093 -0.15876125 +O 3.97875826 1.99766742 2.00023124 -0.15876125 -0.11390424 -0.12926093 +O 3.97649425 1.99766742 5.95502128 0.15876125 -0.11390424 0.12926093 +O 3.97649425 5.95758510 2.00023124 0.15876125 0.11390424 -0.12926093 +O 3.97875826 5.95758510 5.95502128 -0.15876125 0.11390424 0.12926093 +O 2.00023124 3.97875826 1.99766742 -0.12926093 -0.15876125 -0.11390424 +O 5.95502128 3.97649425 1.99766742 0.12926093 0.15876125 -0.11390424 +O 2.00023124 3.97649425 5.95758510 -0.12926093 0.15876125 0.11390424 +O 5.95502128 3.97875826 5.95758510 0.12926093 -0.15876125 0.11390424 +O 5.97785750 5.97529367 0.00113200 -0.12926093 -0.11390424 -0.15876125 +O 1.97739502 5.97529367 -0.00113200 0.12926093 -0.11390424 0.15876125 +O 5.97785750 1.97995884 -0.00113200 -0.12926093 0.11390424 0.15876125 +O 1.97739502 1.97995884 0.00113200 0.12926093 0.11390424 -0.15876125 +O 5.97529367 0.00113200 5.97785750 -0.11390424 -0.15876125 -0.12926093 +O 5.97529367 -0.00113200 1.97739502 -0.11390424 0.15876125 0.12926093 +O 1.97995884 -0.00113200 5.97785750 0.11390424 0.15876125 -0.12926093 +O 1.97995884 0.00113200 1.97739502 0.11390424 -0.15876125 0.12926093 +O 0.00113200 5.97785750 5.97529367 -0.15876125 -0.12926093 -0.11390424 +O -0.00113200 1.97739502 5.97529367 0.15876125 0.12926093 -0.11390424 +O -0.00113200 5.97785750 1.97995884 0.15876125 -0.12926093 0.11390424 +O 0.00113200 1.97739502 1.97995884 -0.15876125 0.12926093 0.11390424 +40 +Lattice="7.919309963957877 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.919309963957877 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.919309963957877" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.7555860521 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96601973 3.98115037 7.85842393 -0.67327576 0.11047182 0.62524369 +Ba 4.06017003 7.88034300 4.03219032 -0.56048995 0.49207598 -0.40796439 +Ba 7.89594879 3.98479008 3.93494990 0.55544724 -0.81335100 0.37405129 +Ba 7.91324852 0.09291568 3.97535977 0.10963595 0.04159968 -0.18869429 +Ba 0.00131461 4.05701973 0.01178710 0.67091523 -0.73676375 0.18588459 +Ba 3.93658999 7.87968728 0.03957517 0.14042106 -0.00788069 0.14995342 +Ba 3.94714010 3.98418029 3.93348008 -0.13286278 -0.49942676 0.13170990 +Ba 0.04456988 7.87841465 7.85185724 -0.17561586 0.51716403 1.00919399 +Ti 5.79969002 1.84365971 2.07465014 1.05164521 0.39884983 0.17544822 +Ti 1.94098011 6.04986023 2.06492998 1.01525690 0.19296978 -0.77079513 +Ti 2.11301999 2.01964024 5.89151996 -1.13944144 0.43713973 -0.33409634 +Ti 5.91474017 6.00529986 5.98701021 0.00198978 -0.20387125 0.24664387 +Ti 1.94437036 6.05735031 5.93495025 0.12692482 -0.88159734 0.79968507 +Ti 6.04004979 2.08493020 6.18597020 0.41491203 -0.68932767 -2.28824222 +Ti 5.93245963 5.79143018 2.02316037 -1.01486867 0.87034130 -0.36919782 +Ti 1.93360010 2.03300011 1.88876018 -0.64184068 -0.09135207 0.78179431 +O 1.98496000 1.94353013 4.00787012 0.38020034 0.15916260 0.63378336 +O 5.98470015 2.00606971 3.90949962 -0.37174167 0.00239164 0.43452569 +O 1.98059962 5.98473975 4.02073979 -0.03946849 -0.27572073 -1.04152509 +O 5.99554010 5.77976979 3.91059011 0.19036731 0.65240457 0.17253285 +O 2.03811995 3.91030976 1.94346994 -0.15146857 1.03845134 0.38569838 +O 1.96197974 3.90458964 5.97603009 0.64400195 -0.13135046 -0.08624663 +O 5.82669962 3.93488021 1.88323012 0.58553249 0.53286679 0.18871152 +O 5.94834972 3.93241968 6.02876002 0.16691910 -0.16875178 -0.24482327 +O 3.93770028 1.90779028 2.00351969 0.74999233 0.19273298 0.12927275 +O 3.96582016 5.98089967 2.00842966 0.13199478 -0.24297825 0.28106066 +O 3.98327036 1.85336007 6.02477027 0.56409283 0.48866772 -0.27949151 +O 4.05508979 5.91053027 5.82433967 -0.31350232 0.19339529 0.34818419 +O 5.82385976 5.96068959 7.89826361 0.90138377 -0.21490771 -0.17512298 +O 2.06126017 5.95169009 7.89721034 0.00563663 0.10721346 0.33952034 +O 5.97359015 1.93712024 0.02171633 -0.14109983 -0.00138557 0.63261633 +O 2.09368975 1.83214028 0.08918964 -0.49306585 0.66489576 -1.01657562 +O 6.06797961 7.85905352 5.91560971 -0.38727061 -0.01121027 -0.00082018 +O 5.91528977 7.89552986 1.97080027 0.26600145 -0.07184305 0.19928132 +O 1.91882029 7.91683676 5.97708969 0.55546061 -0.43132724 -0.27791851 +O 1.96449967 0.05931009 2.06080006 0.07092877 -1.89129809 -0.04651563 +O 0.11115702 5.84566003 6.01427006 -1.17571765 0.39818572 -0.45085091 +O 0.06579838 1.95625012 6.06328980 -1.06620743 0.26963005 -0.20494238 +O 0.07322986 5.96410994 1.90685026 -0.79219314 -0.32733049 0.42056949 +O 0.01474971 2.01573998 2.02970014 -0.02952989 -0.06893565 -0.46154181 +40 +Lattice="7.98051694 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.98051694 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.98051694" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.295968342074 stress="0.0002166851971870706 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0002166851971870706 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0002166851971870706" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99025847 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025847 0.00000000 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99025847 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025847 3.99025847 3.99025847 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04776359 1.93275335 1.93275335 0.00168947 -0.00168947 -0.00168947 +Ti 1.93275335 6.04776359 1.93275335 -0.00168947 0.00168947 -0.00168947 +Ti 1.93275335 1.93275335 6.04776359 -0.00168947 -0.00168947 0.00168947 +Ti 6.04776359 6.04776359 6.04776359 0.00168947 0.00168947 0.00168947 +Ti 2.05750521 5.92301174 5.92301174 0.00168664 -0.00168664 -0.00168664 +Ti 5.92301174 2.05750521 5.92301174 -0.00168664 0.00168664 -0.00168664 +Ti 5.92301174 5.92301174 2.05750521 -0.00168664 -0.00168664 0.00168664 +Ti 2.05750521 2.05750521 2.05750521 0.00168664 0.00168664 0.00168664 +O 1.99484202 1.99484202 3.96023735 0.00627812 0.00627812 0.00489718 +O 5.98567492 1.99484202 4.02027959 -0.00627812 0.00627812 -0.00489718 +O 1.99484202 5.98567492 4.02027959 0.00627812 -0.00627812 -0.00489718 +O 5.98567492 5.98567492 3.96023735 -0.00627812 -0.00627812 0.00489718 +O 1.99484202 3.96023735 1.99484202 0.00627812 0.00489718 0.00627812 +O 1.99484202 4.02027959 5.98567492 0.00627812 -0.00489718 -0.00627812 +O 5.98567492 4.02027959 1.99484202 -0.00627812 -0.00489718 0.00627812 +O 5.98567492 3.96023735 5.98567492 -0.00627812 0.00489718 -0.00627812 +O 3.96023735 1.99484202 1.99484202 0.00489718 0.00627812 0.00627812 +O 4.02027959 5.98567492 1.99484202 -0.00489718 -0.00627812 0.00627812 +O 4.02027959 1.99484202 5.98567492 -0.00489718 0.00627812 -0.00627812 +O 3.96023735 5.98567492 5.98567492 0.00489718 -0.00627812 -0.00627812 +O 5.98510079 5.98510079 -0.03002143 0.00627452 0.00627452 0.00490644 +O 1.99541615 5.98510079 0.03002143 -0.00627452 0.00627452 -0.00490644 +O 5.98510079 1.99541615 0.03002143 0.00627452 -0.00627452 -0.00490644 +O 1.99541615 1.99541615 -0.03002143 -0.00627452 -0.00627452 0.00490644 +O 5.98510079 -0.03002143 5.98510079 0.00627452 0.00490644 0.00627452 +O 5.98510079 0.03002143 1.99541615 0.00627452 -0.00490644 -0.00627452 +O 1.99541615 0.03002143 5.98510079 -0.00627452 -0.00490644 0.00627452 +O 1.99541615 -0.03002143 1.99541615 -0.00627452 0.00490644 -0.00627452 +O -0.03002143 5.98510079 5.98510079 0.00490644 0.00627452 0.00627452 +O 0.03002143 1.99541615 5.98510079 -0.00490644 -0.00627452 0.00627452 +O 0.03002143 5.98510079 1.99541615 -0.00490644 0.00627452 -0.00627452 +O -0.03002143 1.99541615 1.99541615 0.00490644 -0.00627452 -0.00627452 +40 +Lattice="7.955130955 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130955 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130955" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216356268415 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98875305 5.96637790 5.96637790 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96637790 1.98875305 5.96637790 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96637790 5.96637790 1.98875305 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98875305 1.98875305 1.98875305 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96631851 1.98881245 1.98881245 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98881245 5.96631851 1.98881245 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98881245 1.98881245 5.96631851 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96631851 5.96631851 5.96631851 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756548 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756548 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756548 5.96628637 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00055587 +O 0.00000000 3.97756548 1.98884459 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00055587 +O 3.97756548 5.96628637 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00055587 0.00000000 +O 3.97756548 1.98884459 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00055587 0.00000000 +O 5.96628637 0.00000000 3.97756548 0.00055587 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98884459 0.00000000 3.97756548 -0.00055587 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756548 0.00000000 1.98872092 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00055587 +O 3.97756548 0.00000000 5.96641003 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00055587 +O 0.00000000 1.98872092 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00055587 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96641003 3.97756548 0.00000000 -0.00055587 0.00000000 +O 1.98872092 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00055587 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641003 3.97756548 0.00000000 -0.00055587 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756548 3.97756548 5.96634908 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00002494 +O 3.97756548 3.97756548 1.98878187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00002494 +O 3.97756548 5.96634908 3.97756548 0.00000000 -0.00002494 0.00000000 +O 3.97756548 1.98878187 3.97756548 0.00000000 0.00002494 0.00000000 +O 5.96634908 3.97756548 3.97756548 -0.00002494 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878187 3.97756548 3.97756548 0.00002494 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98878362 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00002700 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96634734 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00002700 +O 0.00000000 1.98878362 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00002700 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634734 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00002700 0.00000000 +O 1.98878362 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00002700 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634734 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00002700 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.799340199052046 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.063901617944092 0.0 0.0 0.06871218715364852 8.063613042356726" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.770848362452 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90743980 0.15253872 8.02316254 0.09238668 -0.26659666 0.26166117 +Ba 3.88980003 0.09455374 4.01994996 0.24372824 0.02336181 -0.03657934 +Ba 3.92228975 4.08135495 8.05518508 -0.22749146 0.41219746 0.03561723 +Ba 3.87598974 4.06837997 4.04773043 0.09234811 0.33649364 -0.15752686 +Ba 0.01794004 8.03135653 0.00094918 -0.29307388 0.60899844 -0.01588736 +Ba 0.03380000 0.07400794 4.05317047 -0.43362812 0.13063672 -0.25899493 +Ba 7.79427843 4.17520519 8.02870242 0.04901088 -0.20331872 0.05541062 +Ba 7.77859083 4.10584020 3.97834048 0.09563372 0.13434580 0.43760047 +Ti 1.94668022 2.08856971 2.05416994 0.02785379 0.56577716 0.03965747 +Ti 1.95820998 2.18581969 6.06550008 -0.37241555 -0.11155322 0.30243089 +Ti 1.99003987 6.15556998 2.07426026 -0.10741915 -0.31843935 -0.08246479 +Ti 1.91586970 6.27514010 6.09490983 -0.04972514 -0.92028035 -0.03706965 +Ti 5.86564042 2.18527997 2.07422985 -0.08887712 -0.37173781 -0.23913882 +Ti 5.85430018 2.12828005 6.09857006 0.46013259 0.17679214 0.28058706 +Ti 5.85600980 6.21143041 2.07836038 -0.04952742 -0.43955117 -0.24716915 +Ti 5.78181000 6.18675018 6.07470018 0.55252004 0.19739362 0.12725367 +O 1.97976034 2.06052017 3.97251984 -0.15051264 -0.28522070 -0.33158155 +O 1.98051999 2.05070002 7.94966000 -0.22772672 0.05973033 0.44428508 +O 1.90212025 6.01477005 3.94723984 0.38075621 0.45766279 -0.32064665 +O 1.94787976 6.12071005 7.95960026 -0.29797080 -0.05963134 -0.12033406 +O 5.82213025 2.12024985 3.93472033 0.16667613 -0.35945719 0.13968341 +O 5.91770024 2.04619044 8.00587999 -0.39841069 0.23980911 -0.47374607 +O 5.82544029 6.11170025 3.92966012 -0.30688045 -0.12821732 -0.06678749 +O 5.80891036 6.14894990 7.94072040 0.14626672 -0.08939006 -0.28401408 +O 1.96180002 3.95799045 2.01453994 -0.29650759 -0.07451263 -0.39175539 +O 1.94675041 4.00451975 6.04398014 -0.12725469 0.43038184 -0.22241868 +O 2.00532034 8.01769989 1.96368980 -0.04769319 0.08654822 0.17634477 +O 1.92201012 8.09531034 6.01755051 0.10370725 0.03874035 -0.23477823 +O 5.91337005 4.03971973 1.99243037 -0.16271535 -0.31539054 -0.31085049 +O 5.82156011 4.05501034 6.06167996 0.01932158 -0.01809054 -0.31451045 +O 5.82887043 8.03019053 1.91556007 -0.12722693 0.14470606 0.40337292 +O 5.87230028 8.09561997 5.92399977 -0.52294233 -0.01881096 0.32129791 +O 0.00181413 1.93017993 1.99035028 0.42500258 0.28706830 -0.13945046 +O 7.76422367 2.03787010 5.98514035 0.37888445 0.12964556 -0.18905964 +O 7.78376024 6.06979985 1.94176039 0.22652139 -0.07951548 -0.10854683 +O 7.73667016 6.17359035 5.86467019 0.51895635 -0.62382907 0.68569599 +O 3.93011014 2.03342994 1.93740992 -0.25578646 -0.10936290 0.02364361 +O 3.90491984 2.02764985 5.94516016 0.01459127 -0.01663118 0.23536521 +O 3.87854013 5.96030024 1.84260972 0.04546430 0.33346488 0.62427747 +O 3.82548044 6.11211049 5.93670021 0.50402364 0.01578323 -0.01087397 +40 +Lattice="7.954470316 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954470316 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954470316" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.20648425046 stress="-0.00033329121431740095 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00033329121431740095 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00033329121431740095" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98861758 1.98861758 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98861758 5.96585274 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 1.98861758 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 5.96585274 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 1.98861758 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98861758 5.96585274 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98861758 1.98861758 1.98861758 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96585274 5.96585274 5.96585274 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 3.97723516 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97723516 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 0.00000000 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97723516 3.97723516 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97296415 3.98360701 1.99306410 0.00007379 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O 0.00427101 3.98360701 1.98417105 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 0.14518325 +O 3.97296415 -0.00637186 1.98417105 0.00007379 0.02671016 0.14518325 +O 0.00427101 -0.00637186 1.99306410 -0.00007379 0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O 3.98360701 1.99306410 3.97296415 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 0.00007379 +O 3.98360701 1.98417105 0.00427101 -0.02671016 0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O -0.00637186 1.98417105 3.97296415 0.02671016 0.14518325 0.00007379 +O -0.00637186 1.99306410 0.00427101 0.02671016 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O 1.99306410 3.97296415 3.98360701 -0.14518325 0.00007379 -0.02671016 +O 1.98417105 0.00427101 3.98360701 0.14518325 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 +O 1.98417105 3.97296415 -0.00637186 0.14518325 0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 1.99306410 0.00427101 -0.00637186 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 3.98150616 3.97086330 5.96140621 -0.00007379 0.02671016 0.14518325 +O -0.00427101 3.97086330 5.97029926 0.00007379 0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O 3.98150616 0.00637186 5.97029926 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 +O -0.00427101 0.00637186 5.96140621 0.00007379 -0.02671016 0.14518325 +O 3.97086330 5.96140621 3.98150616 0.02671016 0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O 3.97086330 5.97029926 -0.00427101 0.02671016 -0.14518325 0.00007379 +O 0.00637186 5.97029926 3.98150616 -0.02671016 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 +O 0.00637186 5.96140621 -0.00427101 -0.02671016 0.14518325 0.00007379 +O 5.96140621 3.98150616 3.97086330 0.14518325 -0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 5.97029926 -0.00427101 3.97086330 -0.14518325 0.00007379 0.02671016 +O 5.97029926 3.98150616 0.00637186 -0.14518325 -0.00007379 -0.02671016 +O 5.96140621 -0.00427101 0.00637186 0.14518325 0.00007379 -0.02671016 +40 +Lattice="7.960035894 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.960035894 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.960035894" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.735474787944 stress="0.001110052556776137 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.001110052556776137 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.001110052556776137" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98001795 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98001795 0.00000000 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98001795 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98001795 3.98001795 3.98001795 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.97002692 1.99000897 1.99000897 -0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.99000897 5.97002692 1.99000897 0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 5.97002692 5.97002692 5.97002692 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 1.99000897 1.99000897 5.97002692 0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 1.99000897 5.97002692 5.97002692 0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.97002692 1.99000897 5.97002692 -0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.97002692 5.97002692 1.99000897 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.99000897 1.99000897 1.99000897 0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +O 1.95017356 1.95017356 3.98001795 0.50325462 0.50325462 0.00000000 +O 6.00986234 1.95017356 3.98001795 -0.50325462 0.50325462 0.00000000 +O 1.95017356 6.00986234 3.98001795 0.50325462 -0.50325462 0.00000000 +O 6.00986234 6.00986234 3.98001795 -0.50325462 -0.50325462 0.00000000 +O 1.95017356 3.98001795 1.95017356 0.50325462 0.00000000 0.50325462 +O 1.95017356 3.98001795 6.00986234 0.50325462 0.00000000 -0.50325462 +O 6.00986234 3.98001795 1.95017356 -0.50325462 0.00000000 0.50325462 +O 6.00986234 3.98001795 6.00986234 -0.50325462 0.00000000 -0.50325462 +O 3.98001795 1.95017356 1.95017356 0.00000000 0.50325462 0.50325462 +O 3.98001795 6.00986234 1.95017356 0.00000000 -0.50325462 0.50325462 +O 3.98001795 1.95017356 6.00986234 0.00000000 0.50325462 -0.50325462 +O 3.98001795 6.00986234 6.00986234 0.00000000 -0.50325462 -0.50325462 +O 5.93019144 5.93019144 0.00000000 0.50325668 0.50325668 0.00000000 +O 2.02984445 5.93019144 0.00000000 -0.50325668 0.50325668 0.00000000 +O 5.93019144 2.02984445 0.00000000 0.50325668 -0.50325668 0.00000000 +O 2.02984445 2.02984445 0.00000000 -0.50325668 -0.50325668 0.00000000 +O 5.93019144 0.00000000 5.93019144 0.50325668 0.00000000 0.50325668 +O 5.93019144 0.00000000 2.02984445 0.50325668 0.00000000 -0.50325668 +O 2.02984445 0.00000000 5.93019144 -0.50325668 0.00000000 0.50325668 +O 2.02984445 0.00000000 2.02984445 -0.50325668 0.00000000 -0.50325668 +O 0.00000000 5.93019144 5.93019144 0.00000000 0.50325668 0.50325668 +O 0.00000000 2.02984445 5.93019144 0.00000000 -0.50325668 0.50325668 +O 0.00000000 5.93019144 2.02984445 0.00000000 0.50325668 -0.50325668 +O 0.00000000 2.02984445 2.02984445 0.00000000 -0.50325668 -0.50325668 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.13656828378 stress="-0.0024000640061313666 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0024000640061313666 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0024000640061313666" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98865933 -1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000051 0.00000103 -0.00000077 +Ba 1.98865933 -1.98865933 -1.98865933 -0.00000077 0.00000051 0.00000103 +Ba -1.98865933 1.98865933 -1.98865933 0.00000103 -0.00000077 0.00000051 +Ba 1.98865933 1.98865933 1.98865933 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98865933 1.98865933 -1.98865933 -0.00000051 -0.00000103 0.00000077 +Ba -1.98865933 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000077 -0.00000051 -0.00000103 +Ba 1.98865933 -1.98865933 1.98865933 -0.00000103 0.00000077 -0.00000051 +Ba -1.98865933 -1.98865933 -1.98865933 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 0.11136492 1.98865933 -0.00000026 -0.80892176 -0.00000180 +O 0.00000000 4.08868357 -1.98865933 0.00000026 -0.80892176 0.00000180 +O 0.00000000 -0.11136492 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.80892151 -0.00001208 +O 3.97731865 3.86595373 -1.98865933 0.00000000 0.80892253 0.00000309 +O 0.11136492 1.98865933 3.97731865 -0.80892176 -0.00000180 -0.00000026 +O 4.08868357 -1.98865933 0.00000000 -0.80892176 0.00000180 0.00000026 +O -0.11136492 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.80892151 -0.00001208 0.00000000 +O 3.86595373 -1.98865933 3.97731865 0.80892253 0.00000309 0.00000000 +O 1.98865933 3.97731865 0.11136492 -0.00000180 -0.00000026 -0.80892176 +O -1.98865933 0.00000000 4.08868357 0.00000180 0.00000026 -0.80892176 +O 1.98865933 0.00000000 -0.11136492 -0.00001208 0.00000000 0.80892151 +O -1.98865933 3.97731865 3.86595373 0.00000309 0.00000000 0.80892253 +O 0.00000000 3.86595373 1.98865933 -0.00000026 0.80892176 -0.00000180 +O 3.97731865 -0.11136492 -1.98865933 0.00000026 0.80892176 0.00000180 +O 3.97731865 4.08868357 1.98865933 0.00000000 -0.80892253 -0.00000309 +O 0.00000000 0.11136492 -1.98865933 0.00000000 -0.80892151 0.00001208 +O 3.86595373 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.80892176 -0.00000180 -0.00000026 +O -0.11136492 -1.98865933 3.97731865 0.80892176 0.00000180 0.00000026 +O 4.08868357 1.98865933 3.97731865 -0.80892253 -0.00000309 0.00000000 +O 0.11136492 -1.98865933 0.00000000 -0.80892151 0.00001208 0.00000000 +O 1.98865933 0.00000000 3.86595373 -0.00000180 -0.00000026 0.80892176 +O -1.98865933 3.97731865 -0.11136492 0.00000180 0.00000026 0.80892176 +O 1.98865933 3.97731865 4.08868357 -0.00000309 0.00000000 -0.80892253 +O -1.98865933 0.00000000 0.11136492 0.00001208 0.00000000 -0.80892151 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29612.4406874931 stress="-0.005555771729571882 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.005555771729571882 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.005555771729571882" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 5.96597798 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 1.98865933 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 5.96597798 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 5.96597798 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 1.98865933 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 5.96597798 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.88524904 1.90115832 3.97731865 1.27448144 1.13694002 0.00000000 +O 1.88524904 6.05347899 3.97731865 1.27448144 -1.13694002 0.00000000 +O 6.06938826 1.90115832 3.97731865 -1.27448144 1.13694002 0.00000000 +O 6.06938826 6.05347899 3.97731865 -1.27448144 -1.13694002 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 1.88524904 6.05347899 0.00000000 1.27448144 -1.13694002 +O 3.97731865 1.88524904 1.90115832 0.00000000 1.27448144 1.13694002 +O 3.97731865 6.06938826 6.05347899 0.00000000 -1.27448144 -1.13694002 +O 3.97731865 6.06938826 1.90115832 0.00000000 -1.27448144 1.13694002 +O 1.90115832 3.97731865 6.06938826 1.13694002 0.00000000 -1.27448144 +O 6.05347899 3.97731865 6.06938826 -1.13694002 0.00000000 -1.27448144 +O 1.90115832 3.97731865 1.88524904 1.13694002 0.00000000 1.27448144 +O 6.05347899 3.97731865 1.88524904 -1.13694002 0.00000000 1.27448144 +O 5.87847697 5.86256769 0.00000000 1.13694002 1.27448144 0.00000000 +O 2.07616034 5.86256769 0.00000000 -1.13694002 1.27448144 0.00000000 +O 5.87847697 2.09206961 0.00000000 1.13694002 -1.27448144 0.00000000 +O 2.07616034 2.09206961 0.00000000 -1.13694002 -1.27448144 0.00000000 +O 5.86256769 0.00000000 5.87847697 1.27448144 0.00000000 1.13694002 +O 5.86256769 0.00000000 2.07616034 1.27448144 0.00000000 -1.13694002 +O 2.09206961 0.00000000 5.87847697 -1.27448144 0.00000000 1.13694002 +O 2.09206961 0.00000000 2.07616034 -1.27448144 0.00000000 -1.13694002 +O 0.00000000 5.87847697 5.86256769 0.00000000 1.13694002 1.27448144 +O 0.00000000 2.07616034 5.86256769 0.00000000 -1.13694002 1.27448144 +O 0.00000000 5.87847697 2.09206961 0.00000000 1.13694002 -1.27448144 +O 0.00000000 2.07616034 2.09206961 0.00000000 -1.13694002 -1.27448144 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.88022527456 stress="-0.03015964134407159 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.03015964134407159 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.03015964134407159" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.85461306 2.10002425 6.07734290 0.53746495 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ba 6.07734290 5.85461306 2.10002425 -0.53746495 0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ba 2.10002425 6.07734290 5.85461306 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 1.87729440 1.87729440 1.87729440 0.53746495 0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 2.10002425 5.85461306 1.87729440 -0.53746495 0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 1.87729440 2.10002425 5.85461306 0.53746495 -0.53746495 0.53746495 +Ba 5.85461306 1.87729440 2.10002425 0.53746495 0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ba 6.07734290 6.07734290 6.07734290 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 -0.53746495 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.06481966 0.10341028 5.85461306 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 3.81920148 +O 3.88981764 4.08072894 6.07734290 0.69687694 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O 0.08750101 3.87390837 2.10002425 -0.69687694 0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O -0.08750101 -0.10341028 1.87729440 0.69687694 0.71677574 3.81920148 +O 0.10341028 5.85461306 4.06481966 -0.71677574 3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O 4.08072894 6.07734290 3.88981764 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 3.87390837 2.10002425 0.08750101 0.71677574 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O -0.10341028 1.87729440 -0.08750101 0.71677574 3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 5.85461306 4.06481966 0.10341028 3.81920148 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 +O 6.07734290 3.88981764 4.08072894 -3.81920148 0.69687694 -0.71677574 +O 2.10002425 0.08750101 3.87390837 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 1.87729440 -0.08750101 -0.10341028 3.81920148 0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 3.88981764 -0.10341028 2.10002425 0.69687694 0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O 4.06481966 3.87390837 1.87729440 -0.69687694 0.71677574 3.81920148 +O -0.08750101 4.08072894 5.85461306 0.69687694 -0.71677574 3.81920148 +O 0.08750101 0.10341028 6.07734290 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 +O -0.10341028 2.10002425 3.88981764 0.71677574 -3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 3.87390837 1.87729440 4.06481966 0.71677574 3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O 4.08072894 5.85461306 -0.08750101 -0.71677574 3.81920148 0.69687694 +O 0.10341028 6.07734290 0.08750101 -0.71677574 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 +O 2.10002425 3.88981764 -0.10341028 -3.81920148 0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 1.87729440 4.06481966 3.87390837 3.81920148 -0.69687694 0.71677574 +O 5.85461306 -0.08750101 4.08072894 3.81920148 0.69687694 -0.71677574 +O 6.07734290 0.08750101 0.10341028 -3.81920148 -0.69687694 -0.71677574 +40 +Lattice="7.830509794978486 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.830509794978486 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.214126469834483" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.11796548269 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95487033 1.95914030 0.01177865 0.10068851 0.02913137 0.03685574 +Ba 1.95156977 1.95693993 4.11888965 0.05880781 0.03506496 -0.00702580 +Ba 1.96815009 5.88261959 8.21022061 -0.03358066 -0.05065253 0.10415770 +Ba 1.96002985 5.88183967 4.13097996 -0.04649763 -0.15685092 -0.05301152 +Ba 5.85175015 1.94393032 8.21283365 0.17200526 0.12057908 0.11902254 +Ba 5.86536976 1.95186028 4.09582959 0.13802222 0.05102329 0.12201093 +Ba 5.84709021 5.87681953 0.00500526 0.24004385 -0.01984095 0.04826038 +Ba 5.87883980 5.86870007 4.13183975 0.08525418 -0.03498166 -0.06530936 +Ti 0.00831444 7.80473646 2.14215028 0.06146196 0.07034461 -0.25440809 +Ti 0.02200530 0.01576282 6.25704011 -0.08371075 -0.08900491 -0.36481923 +Ti 0.00066481 3.89250962 2.13942996 -0.11856334 0.08064522 -0.48228085 +Ti 0.01706973 3.92235952 6.26218006 -0.08170606 0.02908175 -0.15653596 +Ti 3.92024998 7.81222555 2.16275000 -0.12176590 0.11932284 -0.60660371 +Ti 3.93469962 0.00282995 6.23438018 -0.11011135 -0.03553779 -0.08913963 +Ti 3.90819961 3.90814010 2.15518025 0.11495736 -0.00329513 -0.20439396 +Ti 3.93670971 3.90894977 6.25138022 -0.08027267 0.06837797 -0.31138399 +O 0.01539008 1.96752991 1.92798975 -0.08509812 0.05350157 0.21291819 +O 1.95783026 0.01967964 1.94606022 0.07317617 -0.11838285 0.16530291 +O 0.02573027 0.01142002 3.96603967 -0.14900648 -0.01794553 -0.05599708 +O 7.81175964 1.95355010 6.07796966 0.04057355 0.05490539 0.01626840 +O 1.96489964 0.00551894 6.05173980 -0.12244519 0.04655882 0.10902943 +O 0.01740018 0.01087971 8.06948991 -0.10448706 -0.08900825 0.10170024 +O 0.01257032 5.88153976 1.95279994 -0.01746088 0.02015436 0.11210755 +O 1.98830974 3.93016967 1.97421012 -0.24296025 -0.06341575 -0.00004397 +O 0.01667429 3.90163999 3.94898012 -0.15261271 0.04171512 0.21217155 +O 7.82692342 5.87642017 6.06355996 0.06525614 -0.03109184 0.07237938 +O 1.94466012 3.89760023 6.06388023 0.08504541 0.06228137 0.08907124 +O 7.82548496 3.92695994 8.07857956 0.10341080 -0.01657153 0.02051329 +O 3.92550973 1.94724028 1.98329978 -0.01125732 0.21983858 0.04764126 +O 5.87528005 0.00747031 1.95317972 0.01720814 -0.03616719 0.14916152 +O 3.90777989 7.82254930 3.96943028 0.07006128 -0.01890404 0.23195284 +O 3.93339975 1.96578997 6.05603014 -0.06386620 -0.04364011 0.03543854 +O 5.87154020 7.82517330 6.04871018 -0.01986434 0.01001110 0.13599670 +O 3.89365992 0.02313211 8.05545998 0.16011596 -0.10962927 0.04290168 +O 3.91827982 5.87690958 1.94467030 -0.00373298 0.09544758 0.17778458 +O 5.87317991 3.93399957 1.92930998 0.11870706 -0.09922376 0.26381550 +O 3.93821004 3.93592979 3.98518996 -0.05527486 -0.08960449 -0.13879843 +O 3.90252014 5.87119957 6.06228985 0.04044268 0.06562612 0.11753284 +O 5.87455964 3.92968966 6.08257009 -0.04495934 -0.06243821 -0.01934061 +O 3.90945014 3.92228983 8.07098945 0.00399627 -0.08742419 0.06509750 +40 +Lattice="7.916089920645046 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.916089920645046 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.916089920645046" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.929703931586 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.93352012 3.95676018 7.91493813 0.41780761 0.06795297 0.09906795 +Ba 3.95290979 0.02874095 3.99711957 0.20079699 0.13219121 -0.15831876 +Ba 0.00942094 3.95684963 3.96343028 -0.09561444 0.14183285 -0.03253705 +Ba 0.02086285 7.88836144 3.94745956 -0.07454194 0.23119437 0.25552112 +Ba 0.01555274 3.94987001 0.04221492 -0.15487991 0.31522933 -0.17986126 +Ba 3.97660028 0.01791886 7.90098365 0.01052764 0.08319678 0.09738567 +Ba 3.95481995 3.99350034 3.93652032 0.24477185 -0.32336096 0.16313624 +Ba 0.00956976 7.91276516 0.04590461 0.05410372 -0.02221125 -0.39826054 +Ti 5.93931957 2.01339018 1.98942026 -0.72224062 0.36019021 0.11011392 +Ti 2.03989009 6.00127960 1.93559006 -0.72404296 -0.15592429 -0.02151191 +Ti 1.94049962 1.96787029 5.92840961 -0.02943759 -0.25056352 -0.16374379 +Ti 5.96037003 5.96840012 5.97521983 -0.06650030 -0.17063538 0.13887248 +Ti 2.00324017 5.89697007 5.89595998 -0.08075758 0.12407167 0.14926257 +Ti 5.90402014 2.01606028 5.96005022 0.00443027 0.12584727 -0.12820780 +Ti 5.93176999 5.99705003 2.01470030 0.56553060 -0.39945764 -0.08806851 +Ti 1.94860965 2.01726986 1.96134981 0.48250813 0.15277084 0.22765242 +O 1.98355998 2.01385011 3.95864025 0.16193630 -0.04545248 0.32039314 +O 5.96470014 1.98042996 3.97200973 0.24270571 -0.03647958 -0.17420150 +O 2.02999023 5.90267995 4.02917974 -0.24237430 0.22830830 -0.30475466 +O 5.96323962 5.92044998 3.93532024 -0.05419834 0.06741047 0.28300621 +O 1.98969020 3.92187001 1.98789008 0.05115724 0.32983603 0.00920275 +O 2.01737989 4.00251993 5.96961999 -0.06588992 -0.17836205 0.06693327 +O 5.92718024 3.95608019 1.96237019 0.24987420 -0.21226513 0.10712064 +O 5.94664987 3.95951973 5.96171973 0.28214926 0.03778879 -0.14093811 +O 4.02503962 1.99761025 1.97347013 -0.21932667 -0.28622575 0.19276100 +O 3.94549004 5.97959980 2.03426016 0.35518839 -0.16544663 -0.17262644 +O 4.03956960 2.03541987 5.95033956 -0.46624899 -0.24514672 -0.07212407 +O 3.98792978 5.95580008 5.95513987 0.09611041 0.09186449 -0.00883560 +O 5.95251015 5.89595998 0.01248842 -0.09291761 0.34652403 -0.20374630 +O 2.04033022 5.96712008 0.04382031 -0.15582119 0.00182368 0.05645063 +O 5.92968964 1.94669000 0.00375777 0.40761807 0.08878302 0.01972396 +O 2.04058987 1.97385961 0.03595963 -0.12720044 -0.05744462 -0.11344607 +O 5.98870014 0.00484702 5.91175970 -0.09235711 -0.27218727 0.21080732 +O 5.97052004 7.89242002 1.96659976 -0.13001606 0.14243140 0.09540978 +O 2.01728965 0.07046824 5.92889962 0.04934538 -0.37548699 0.12485071 +O 1.99862984 7.89815998 2.05461006 0.07214156 0.10481025 -0.22714694 +O 0.02385751 5.93918974 5.97630987 0.06944755 0.07205851 -0.09121348 +O 0.08271364 1.98896034 5.99363028 -0.29068327 0.19282477 -0.13670298 +O 0.02834039 5.96467955 1.98926986 -0.01834714 -0.22078808 0.07975485 +O 0.03631981 1.96969020 1.97367991 -0.11475399 -0.02150291 0.00881966 +40 +Lattice="7.773589906916355 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.037277850148865 0.0 0.0 0.06848532707993309 8.036982453732403" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.093688982626 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87575957 0.09789282 8.03697079 0.03818551 -0.09703780 -0.02793941 +Ba 3.88754977 0.07171914 4.01207024 -0.03224189 -0.11263617 -0.26576208 +Ba 3.87164034 4.10584772 8.00641825 0.18856573 0.10353472 0.06907757 +Ba 3.89385959 4.11009987 4.00475996 -0.00562429 -0.15055120 -0.11170903 +Ba 7.76630994 0.03525168 0.00414799 0.08407482 -0.02741027 -0.22897293 +Ba 7.77204996 0.06592548 4.00835991 0.08435147 0.01086960 -0.06821959 +Ba 0.00367846 4.13067812 7.99444304 -0.06102770 -0.16547363 0.03640939 +Ba 0.00590326 4.10911962 4.01164969 -0.00200700 -0.26263742 -0.02018727 +Ti 1.93070009 2.00973030 1.94119988 0.04448266 -0.39354179 0.18985206 +Ti 1.95675017 2.05115032 5.95122023 -0.42121715 -0.19111293 -0.16811929 +Ti 1.94256026 5.97983015 1.92058976 0.19104274 0.68049876 0.28066445 +Ti 1.95337022 6.08116978 5.93976973 -0.03676215 0.00731325 0.03466387 +Ti 5.83013957 1.98372997 1.92660030 -0.02644482 0.19249927 0.20135414 +Ti 5.81416018 2.02834027 5.93658023 0.41194960 0.15583533 0.25485289 +Ti 5.85240002 5.99378996 1.92227974 -0.28944271 0.13860329 0.11686024 +Ti 5.83780977 6.04659984 5.94031000 -0.03575787 0.18322375 0.12725264 +O 1.92277026 2.13619961 4.07063025 0.14981664 0.02671299 0.29403856 +O 1.94048005 2.06572191 0.05784017 0.14445177 0.07747017 0.12056494 +O 1.91807967 6.10552988 4.08349010 0.05244408 0.15351671 -0.04245071 +O 1.93006966 6.13119205 0.07456039 0.11348901 -0.14936875 -0.15780917 +O 5.84083992 2.13622993 4.11095031 0.01001290 -0.09764356 -0.40531204 +O 5.81446024 2.08385225 0.08296986 0.02866831 0.01994662 -0.09307702 +O 5.86441955 6.11882971 4.07608964 -0.17549707 0.14104943 0.05379751 +O 5.81291019 6.09301206 0.05621005 0.02017108 -0.00260838 0.01729401 +O 1.95110966 4.14153005 2.02745019 0.01795376 -0.30185471 -0.09440808 +O 1.96639020 4.21042971 6.06622971 -0.09534396 -0.24818422 0.03410825 +O 1.93468017 0.12842981 2.07226028 -0.00675634 0.28376854 -0.18302218 +O 1.97863982 0.15938969 6.02554974 -0.13266764 0.24665647 0.09446104 +O 5.86989993 4.14507015 2.05498036 -0.26839797 -0.11996973 -0.16586495 +O 5.83630014 4.19648001 6.04848028 -0.06067366 -0.09071083 0.08788005 +O 5.86228025 0.10905025 2.03171012 -0.09063910 0.23959159 0.04278470 +O 5.80500989 0.18151021 6.03839016 0.10184500 -0.18416761 0.13078019 +O 0.00759791 2.13942021 2.07169980 -0.05859698 -0.08888406 -0.12361144 +O 0.01399246 2.14563986 6.09694006 -0.03033825 0.06591743 -0.05650076 +O 7.77175923 6.09618991 2.03703970 0.08331531 0.19755817 0.03982999 +O 7.76789964 6.18515009 6.08085028 0.01532120 0.08803380 0.04218820 +O 3.90194957 2.12135983 2.09831035 -0.06761359 0.00159151 -0.19592397 +O 3.89354010 2.19421002 6.04991995 -0.16290432 -0.09966264 0.16513167 +O 3.87843990 6.13330958 2.07889970 0.11693171 -0.03771654 -0.11615216 +O 3.88025970 6.21163005 6.05059003 0.16288067 -0.19301940 0.09119600 +40 +Lattice="7.8283798567148635 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8283798567148635 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.211900014275182" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.87917225569 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95066004 1.95890019 0.00240566 0.09117029 0.00732276 -0.04150686 +Ba 1.98652967 1.96164012 4.08136028 -0.28086680 -0.02362844 0.05342675 +Ba 1.90673969 5.86698007 0.04581403 0.35729232 0.09702829 -0.45834156 +Ba 1.96585022 5.84044969 4.16176009 -0.14609677 0.20718721 -0.17921900 +Ba 5.89145002 1.95564985 0.05854924 -0.30215399 -0.02845568 -0.39036956 +Ba 5.90474965 1.94657988 4.09817016 -0.22433389 0.01812679 -0.03793303 +Ba 5.81765971 5.88521001 0.01317438 0.27861759 0.07183071 -0.28922648 +Ba 5.91633017 5.87931994 4.13012013 -0.29866166 -0.02291984 -0.06445061 +Ti 0.01709483 7.79936005 2.10322029 -0.38664249 0.24076916 0.14309732 +Ti 7.80080361 0.00543994 6.22020987 0.31455545 -0.16506302 0.32584285 +Ti 7.79178140 3.90314017 2.10697008 0.28024665 -0.13667933 0.12848060 +Ti 0.00050023 3.88243019 6.26453964 -0.16626759 0.25774846 -0.44507416 +Ti 3.89545975 7.81797751 2.12737005 0.36065353 0.20493261 0.09602556 +Ti 3.89793978 0.02264985 6.22846960 -0.26065510 -0.38938612 -0.19210229 +Ti 3.90576972 3.92540956 2.14163023 -0.20277416 -0.15561268 -0.21296807 +Ti 3.91752012 3.89088954 6.23450998 0.07371687 0.30393602 -0.28750693 +O 0.02325029 1.99749958 1.89911015 -0.05112664 -0.12057471 0.38447531 +O 1.92770957 0.03215977 1.97217008 0.50809446 -0.27060809 -0.07618436 +O 0.01224985 0.02383977 3.95479965 -0.09822745 -0.09083502 -0.09969915 +O 7.82524772 1.99288005 6.04920988 0.02425887 -0.32084951 0.18392489 +O 1.96103029 0.03377554 6.02125003 -0.20663031 -0.01316019 0.25098389 +O 7.79521962 0.05082028 8.08961994 0.26043681 -0.24314228 -0.46954926 +O 0.01064033 5.86412975 1.93580960 -0.06654838 0.38534049 0.14724322 +O 2.00539998 3.93757017 1.94051994 -0.40200458 -0.01008901 0.14563371 +O 7.78565413 3.90996965 3.94620957 0.30335084 0.08898948 -0.23057653 +O 0.02290193 5.90381025 6.10773954 -0.02588432 -0.15542396 -0.12100049 +O 1.96618998 3.87363970 6.05458014 -0.07383206 0.22480158 0.14471891 +O 7.81830160 3.93302971 8.08653008 0.04416821 -0.06185406 -0.11741688 +O 3.89522959 1.94368965 1.95423995 0.17235416 0.16355276 0.18941343 +O 5.89412028 0.04538973 1.92647974 -0.35953047 -0.27516486 0.26998897 +O 3.92070001 7.81266204 3.96143968 -0.02102417 -0.01536543 -0.47130763 +O 3.91566010 1.94182023 6.00488950 0.17002294 0.43717136 0.20310532 +O 5.87701996 0.00053938 6.03809984 0.10132872 0.11334837 0.16314447 +O 3.86906010 0.03556668 8.05896948 0.18471988 -0.14832566 0.07942395 +O 3.93559976 5.86973957 1.89820989 -0.13105993 0.34639624 0.32613955 +O 5.87301966 3.94535001 1.88010989 -0.00288838 -0.16352268 0.46741164 +O 3.90344000 3.95183974 3.96972993 0.24872235 -0.16452798 -0.24043311 +O 3.90393005 5.89739019 6.01940958 0.12915217 -0.43467456 0.41861519 +O 5.89398015 3.90018026 5.99847023 -0.26379390 0.17035333 0.48714306 +O 3.91232991 3.89252019 8.05251968 0.06814118 0.07102775 -0.18337236 +40 +Lattice="7.935239785460944 0.0 0.0 -0.021750492251948448 7.9352080445018025 0.0 -0.021750492251948448 0.02169494557345022 7.935176303542661" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.17645580808 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00587410 0.04124738 0.02315027 0.05617243 -0.00982187 -0.00087675 +Ba 3.97947197 0.06393026 3.99444021 0.07722925 -0.12224721 0.16704380 +Ba 4.01848240 3.99353718 0.04408978 -0.14970120 0.10464750 -0.00431405 +Ba 3.99547973 3.99997980 4.01269999 -0.12717345 0.15013211 -0.04365348 +Ba 0.05693455 0.04511739 0.04513009 -0.11846435 -0.02079637 -0.12157461 +Ba 0.04710914 0.02277017 4.00524959 -0.11493474 0.23190631 0.08540253 +Ba 0.02747974 4.00798725 0.03166002 0.05105157 -0.02941162 0.13655437 +Ba 0.02430167 4.01698026 3.99306027 -0.01717471 -0.04756978 0.03131449 +O 2.03483989 3.95328012 2.00133016 0.01430819 0.25005110 -0.11516382 +O 2.05020013 3.95725012 5.99928965 -0.06205512 0.38524510 -0.24085195 +O 2.05920187 0.01597999 1.97399009 0.07304890 -0.23706008 0.13914913 +O 2.02161025 7.93638960 5.94531970 0.02899536 -0.18555292 0.07352352 +O 5.98790020 3.97599951 1.96445986 0.20158760 -0.09261422 0.23735139 +O 5.98818984 3.99094950 5.95317956 0.12562307 -0.30213805 -0.09698638 +O 6.02851196 0.01546023 1.95515024 -0.14381054 -0.11546644 0.14103375 +O 5.97461978 7.93385985 5.93842001 0.14481739 0.16266650 0.14809117 +O 2.00329969 1.99982961 3.96509014 0.16554073 0.03990789 -0.11855922 +O 2.04470974 2.01515018 7.91082940 -0.00279762 -0.09346551 0.20881163 +O 2.00525969 5.95568948 3.96514013 0.22413489 0.03613763 -0.06623085 +O 2.05154991 6.00601001 7.93452006 -0.07531507 -0.18053669 -0.01400583 +O 6.01971972 2.00108972 3.93155978 -0.02098406 0.04017323 0.14047274 +O 5.99247963 2.02638965 7.90751961 -0.03205754 -0.04965957 -0.02959211 +O 5.99913015 6.00041011 3.96758974 0.11494271 -0.17762929 -0.21617167 +O 6.03723200 5.94038716 0.01247023 -0.14944871 0.18388607 -0.24274891 +O 0.08583470 1.99653014 1.97219990 -0.22663117 0.01892383 -0.01549990 +O 0.07244318 2.01005020 5.97078944 -0.28046442 0.01962934 -0.09138832 +O 0.09786214 6.00018951 1.98621988 -0.23685259 -0.20032596 0.04618447 +O 0.07363664 5.94629018 5.98064977 -0.04132560 0.06916113 -0.06080350 +O 4.02618990 2.00708956 1.99527002 0.31736026 -0.07896681 -0.02430592 +O 4.03597960 2.01050013 5.92933972 0.15027841 -0.04948808 0.05248187 +O 4.04356966 5.94935001 2.00583024 -0.00116162 0.18831582 -0.01039060 +O 4.04487977 5.96028001 5.95609021 -0.17347387 0.03440907 0.04909393 +Ti 1.95269032 2.05749976 2.04975020 0.08219251 0.13276585 0.11909298 +Ti 1.99588024 2.07136976 6.02423011 -0.13683102 -0.19243524 -0.06548883 +Ti 1.97035971 6.03772954 2.06528026 -0.00595750 -0.13911545 -0.00520803 +Ti 1.94824023 6.01411982 6.04743989 0.15137987 0.32257086 -0.14613893 +Ti 5.91332006 2.05967957 2.05161022 0.22313936 -0.00489718 -0.02038885 +Ti 5.96586959 2.08018026 6.01659958 -0.06470798 -0.07675566 0.08884730 +Ti 5.92376997 6.03808980 2.06631978 0.02807233 -0.02805871 -0.18097018 +Ti 5.91714960 6.03931976 6.03159004 -0.04855271 0.06348388 0.06686334 +40 +Lattice="7.826310244652992 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.826310244652992 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.209729009848788" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.401546627923 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99925991 2.04008038 8.19833468 -0.04130452 -1.10345166 -0.25803103 +Ba 1.81202013 1.97569019 4.05557049 0.99550595 -0.19859484 0.61386271 +Ba 1.99825971 5.84520033 0.03421115 0.01097912 0.82350146 -0.42658818 +Ba 1.92709037 5.82708008 4.24130996 0.46850976 0.25466134 -0.65366930 +Ba 5.81124980 1.86600993 0.03232266 0.67112220 0.25216043 -0.26450507 +Ba 5.86650042 2.00355968 4.13706977 0.32491828 -0.42917677 -0.18898328 +Ba 5.85321995 5.82897013 0.02179158 0.23183817 0.63780970 -0.33441593 +Ba 5.89811010 5.92648048 4.04765026 -0.18586608 -0.34367139 0.41976216 +Ti 0.04940515 7.77195809 2.22149034 -0.51428002 0.09202955 -2.19761520 +Ti 0.02383111 7.80296906 6.29402983 0.06883949 0.68442586 0.46079979 +Ti 0.10327990 3.87897997 1.99784022 -0.31380468 0.52467834 1.19791656 +Ti 0.03268972 3.89913977 6.22385053 -0.82552286 -0.41895612 -1.13239816 +Ti 3.90502985 0.02583778 2.20150977 0.37091660 -0.58440789 -0.76643505 +Ti 3.94024981 0.00262025 6.22749054 -0.17066546 -0.59690217 -0.31826966 +Ti 4.00031987 3.89249992 2.16273979 -0.98630525 0.54867573 -1.00285082 +Ti 3.96329986 3.87186977 6.18537012 0.36747492 0.53960025 0.52050364 +O 0.02580021 1.96924992 2.09532004 -0.17734673 0.69363041 -0.71192458 +O 1.91703982 0.03956982 1.91186037 0.68549595 -0.19223316 0.63756879 +O 0.07203962 7.78448018 3.99625019 -0.53184683 -0.16726954 0.40075502 +O 7.78449427 1.91177976 6.05564042 -0.17049062 0.62367198 -0.20952562 +O 1.91431001 0.02882430 5.97013016 0.45148983 -0.19686088 0.48741842 +O 0.07535015 0.03891007 8.13457060 -0.35924610 -0.02447305 -0.64038544 +O 7.76782032 5.88540017 1.89484989 0.38640878 -0.21342110 0.18979266 +O 2.05678016 4.01586997 1.75588984 -1.65385234 -0.43062558 1.05610762 +O 0.04297818 4.00533027 3.84545989 0.03882803 -0.22339878 -0.20717075 +O 7.74647718 5.87551007 6.12470057 0.50317492 -0.61763426 -0.12455015 +O 1.87161044 3.74868991 6.07914988 1.19511971 1.02152140 -0.41608702 +O 0.05884994 3.83474019 7.97296043 -0.77759056 0.17649183 2.27145034 +O 3.92281983 2.02236005 1.80330006 -0.25087719 -0.61391773 0.73505423 +O 5.82817028 0.06790968 1.97623021 0.53461796 0.11780718 0.33157024 +O 3.90875047 0.15710379 4.00013047 -0.14177448 -0.23032559 -0.22367003 +O 3.92178050 1.93683022 6.20393022 -0.05630202 0.69451461 -0.33546597 +O 5.88410022 0.04018967 6.09518990 -0.32397442 -0.16922718 -0.14606386 +O 3.90115974 7.64303449 8.01789988 -0.06417499 0.91331806 0.45498987 +O 4.06566017 5.93740053 2.01677989 -1.20542546 0.28674562 0.43089478 +O 5.78602012 4.00532010 1.93153024 2.12097010 -0.80756859 0.02573494 +O 3.85560983 3.85799998 3.95702003 -0.02386524 -0.07879017 0.75551532 +O 3.93467982 5.91119021 5.95901053 -0.35330274 -0.87547682 -0.04944000 +O 5.84368985 3.89316986 5.92145990 -0.09932506 0.12080277 0.47800047 +O 3.98238979 4.03650012 8.02748007 -0.19906638 -0.48966248 -0.85965297 +40 +Lattice="7.83217987824805 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.83217987824805 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2158862026633" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.064629537625 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95230007 1.93116963 0.00689310 -0.04305749 0.26417519 0.01060760 +Ba 1.94631001 1.94963008 4.11872018 0.03227094 0.12378808 -0.04367739 +Ba 1.97971035 5.86062988 0.01991253 -0.14802355 0.13803739 -0.09061210 +Ba 1.95438029 5.87818963 4.08410978 0.00245206 -0.01801418 0.16160078 +Ba 5.88172977 1.94408959 8.19406418 -0.07736886 0.13601161 0.20348585 +Ba 5.89473981 1.94190990 4.14322002 -0.14215552 0.17280179 -0.21472619 +Ba 5.89381013 5.89433018 0.02303131 -0.28376751 -0.06684354 -0.04399980 +Ba 5.86207962 5.88442953 4.14521018 0.01452750 -0.06247266 -0.20504136 +Ti 7.81752195 0.02638818 2.13637979 0.19463431 -0.14437593 0.05732737 +Ti 7.82795990 7.82794580 6.21990999 0.10655577 0.06102848 0.13632400 +Ti 7.80391589 3.93964992 2.12530979 -0.09924175 -0.08113142 -0.21599015 +Ti 7.82164011 3.92679966 6.24831965 0.21585208 -0.12128536 -0.30177938 +Ti 3.90789983 0.00919576 2.14511972 -0.09444665 -0.31837148 -0.23281699 +Ti 3.89133007 0.01008002 6.25038970 -0.00106084 -0.20470841 -0.16281099 +Ti 3.88828962 3.89582026 2.15833966 0.29219405 0.27086469 -0.44121210 +Ti 3.90916003 3.91365961 6.24740955 -0.10777242 0.14805286 -0.02794378 +O 7.81752979 1.95766981 1.98578968 0.00904951 0.16456963 -0.12643066 +O 1.94120970 0.05387992 1.99723015 0.17485636 -0.11581251 -0.15541959 +O 0.01403997 7.81488016 3.98370985 -0.20308193 0.09128727 -0.12203330 +O 0.04967873 1.95132026 6.06080003 -0.28930104 0.19602476 0.03548431 +O 1.96032962 0.00872270 6.03737007 0.19502949 -0.10449760 0.22725364 +O 0.01366010 0.00091010 8.06781963 -0.01892460 0.02498804 -0.04668506 +O 7.82233953 5.89084017 1.94730000 0.12946044 -0.16690522 0.05262663 +O 1.98061026 3.93501014 1.94977967 -0.38102978 -0.16874921 0.00287449 +O 0.01336953 3.92981975 3.92779983 -0.13880820 0.00054636 0.39699787 +O 0.01488114 5.88360010 6.06534975 -0.09734119 -0.29292347 0.04534603 +O 1.95950959 3.90538022 6.05774000 0.09325597 0.14317985 0.16671701 +O 7.81272239 3.90860003 8.05574005 0.13038476 0.04403451 0.27263464 +O 3.93657970 1.99141006 1.94883981 -0.08053852 -0.32479461 0.20805752 +O 5.87813010 0.00588980 1.96881970 -0.22699936 0.02317001 0.07038395 +O 3.88910965 7.81011741 3.96641013 0.24354312 0.20987967 0.03595328 +O 3.92132027 1.94782006 6.04265992 0.00278142 0.15989151 0.17703588 +O 5.88529028 0.01385434 6.06107964 -0.07624298 -0.01934729 0.10636525 +O 3.89298031 0.02335556 8.08315973 0.08295279 0.00998436 -0.06577319 +O 3.85351004 5.90511980 1.93930021 0.39555882 0.04189664 0.17773625 +O 5.86707968 3.92665007 1.93887963 0.19282348 0.12055903 0.19216605 +O 3.91110006 3.94509015 3.97930973 0.06958099 -0.12201427 0.05214377 +O 3.93558032 5.88754987 6.10289957 -0.06857261 -0.13604530 -0.07298128 +O 5.87780977 3.89647973 6.05883024 0.14895018 0.06117323 -0.00941795 +O 3.94356993 3.92464033 8.07216962 -0.14897949 -0.13765301 -0.20977168 +40 +Lattice="7.916489978614561 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.916489978614561 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.916489978614561" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.068640767728 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.95710026 3.94697982 0.01587256 0.10157117 0.17321239 0.00045200 +Ba 3.99236981 0.02995441 3.97454979 -0.19736276 -0.14220309 0.01012398 +Ba 7.91005704 3.97948018 3.97145999 0.16824271 -0.04653311 -0.11192372 +Ba 7.91465969 0.02340985 3.96185016 0.17603161 -0.07294117 0.05763771 +Ba 0.00509505 3.97519024 0.00742171 0.07216135 -0.00014347 0.05971618 +Ba 3.96476976 7.91525659 0.02417617 0.06849213 0.04421449 -0.14051799 +Ba 3.95683981 3.96291018 3.96864963 0.06528648 0.05398005 -0.04745845 +Ba 0.01529070 7.90525094 7.90985596 0.01238989 0.13442293 0.05520158 +Ti 5.94724014 2.02682014 1.97575007 0.14729953 0.20154981 -0.00955808 +Ti 2.02808994 5.95928983 2.03109029 -0.09393448 -0.12524435 0.03465796 +Ti 1.96768000 2.00425973 5.93209035 -0.04003979 -0.01926836 0.05417906 +Ti 5.96742006 5.93192965 5.91646003 0.00626192 0.19522283 0.09744172 +Ti 2.02718984 5.95335009 5.98698013 -0.06935911 0.03924249 -0.08539842 +Ti 5.92315976 1.99257974 5.94664007 0.02485511 -0.08938697 -0.00682936 +Ti 5.97435966 5.99434009 1.96978024 0.14767722 -0.26347791 -0.13899384 +Ti 1.99021033 1.99744996 1.97301967 -0.19512950 0.14194443 -0.02782396 +O 2.00447030 2.01351014 3.96267981 -0.11686409 -0.10903817 0.10946806 +O 5.94333018 1.99664960 3.98416991 0.09132301 -0.08020685 -0.13117383 +O 2.00485030 5.90694995 3.95913005 -0.05426596 0.14776156 -0.03149550 +O 5.90180028 5.92440977 3.97092008 0.12333170 0.10180771 0.07316305 +O 1.96997024 3.96641006 1.97094001 0.07856031 -0.29730874 0.02355028 +O 1.99898022 3.96606015 5.97607991 -0.02400845 -0.30202543 -0.15717899 +O 5.94847036 3.95566026 1.97478980 -0.07673380 -0.24588128 0.12303706 +O 5.94534968 3.95981008 5.92861026 -0.04637010 -0.09283276 0.17487821 +O 3.97677987 1.97581974 1.99779037 -0.00496326 0.01408836 -0.09835729 +O 3.93860022 5.92492989 1.96055991 0.15156267 0.10844605 0.14582552 +O 3.96899004 1.94908021 5.96757998 0.14265817 0.20897849 -0.07556909 +O 3.96698004 5.91253979 5.96887036 -0.06940102 0.14300527 -0.04397435 +O 5.94912030 5.94105024 0.03166675 -0.02414369 0.02051046 -0.14775513 +O 1.98002022 5.93301025 0.00661977 -0.05152131 0.17246780 -0.23234725 +O 5.98226032 1.98524036 0.00155163 -0.25650225 -0.06396262 0.12461237 +O 2.00520970 1.96837032 0.01324033 -0.04053627 -0.02362252 -0.00316297 +O 5.94203030 7.90487965 5.94450024 0.06372839 0.05124723 0.01042402 +O 5.95433965 0.00286973 2.01069979 -0.10785186 -0.08744065 -0.09895919 +O 1.99825032 7.91060486 5.90468030 -0.06382738 0.00146810 0.19040742 +O 1.98798026 7.91319989 1.99722038 -0.03079590 0.06447761 0.01972807 +O 0.00674643 5.92779961 5.92375983 -0.17564517 0.05316861 0.05750504 +O 0.01905737 1.99170021 5.95771999 0.11983500 -0.08839581 -0.09531774 +O 7.90188960 5.93304033 2.00203994 -0.07136328 0.11876954 0.03225989 +O 0.00933038 1.97959036 1.95946981 0.04935181 -0.04007244 0.22952572 +40 +Lattice="7.929090217122668 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.929090217122668 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.929090217122668" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.833856321795 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96271032 3.97384038 0.01652264 0.09523829 -0.10642542 0.09622585 +Ba 3.94883044 0.03061977 3.97904979 0.21383531 -0.38800955 -0.01502424 +Ba 7.91985838 3.98432977 3.92495040 0.30036270 -0.11925496 0.38915163 +Ba 0.02230057 0.00333498 4.02592023 -0.01800929 0.08689686 -0.31259087 +Ba 0.02154413 3.97911005 7.90903993 -0.01047107 -0.19682386 0.23988495 +Ba 4.01788013 7.88726664 0.03305796 -0.26407543 0.39030143 -0.19516961 +Ba 3.94893987 3.94516007 3.98841008 0.01704770 0.37545177 -0.35284843 +Ba 7.91616659 0.07536045 7.91247560 0.20008890 -0.25965519 0.21694968 +Ti 5.98905038 2.05393012 1.94850018 -0.17373098 0.18068633 0.00598116 +Ti 1.97277033 5.88060024 2.05427979 0.01796301 0.05318275 0.20696635 +Ti 1.98327003 2.04987043 5.91046041 -0.35477290 -0.02000884 0.21594284 +Ti 5.86625018 5.91345047 5.90749017 0.08808059 0.24063314 0.10846687 +Ti 1.88980033 5.99850027 6.05664983 0.84285158 -0.04635262 -0.61996779 +Ti 5.90665999 2.00098045 5.87534009 0.19946927 -0.35472430 0.30373881 +Ti 5.97022037 6.01468988 1.95384042 -0.20670461 -0.31479893 -0.07207548 +Ti 2.02220980 1.90218002 1.97007999 -0.02659960 0.27430071 -0.23747403 +O 1.99381969 1.97200993 3.96946035 0.20964132 0.03904786 0.33939230 +O 5.95921004 1.98160017 4.02232042 0.13735579 -0.11687464 -0.16390114 +O 2.03956975 6.00236015 3.92423996 -0.02495667 -0.21979821 0.16418088 +O 6.05322050 6.02802027 4.07067043 -0.48960540 -0.23706651 -0.57720829 +O 2.01798993 3.99194012 1.97540041 0.04734686 0.06012833 0.15927804 +O 2.02431021 3.95014033 5.90801032 0.07352249 -0.06693019 0.21694403 +O 5.96574044 3.95250003 2.12338023 0.01244902 -0.21729421 -0.40073728 +O 5.94833053 3.99615998 5.93835019 0.14588336 -0.32763156 0.11819773 +O 3.98962006 1.96200025 2.03485035 0.17735907 0.06165788 -0.07717346 +O 4.04143984 5.93346032 1.94629034 -0.03945666 0.13505388 0.30936207 +O 4.02071003 1.99732990 5.93254054 -0.15181876 -0.01195589 0.19140140 +O 3.99414995 5.91293983 5.96084977 0.44819393 0.20275257 0.08972379 +O 6.05255050 5.86797000 0.06548715 -0.20895124 0.42932795 -0.11694508 +O 2.00465003 5.91553027 7.90952043 -0.06855744 0.22481418 0.17107118 +O 5.95871051 2.03626014 0.05963865 0.11895466 -0.04285386 0.16508591 +O 2.03864997 2.01406979 0.03681001 -0.09800968 -0.14867918 -0.20213139 +O 5.99402984 0.04405720 6.02009990 -0.06358364 -0.18828626 0.04781815 +O 5.99566007 7.89439014 2.00380003 0.06650210 0.33109767 0.00810386 +O 2.07220033 7.91790306 5.99740050 -0.42894048 -0.07059118 -0.10447961 +O 2.01527026 0.02479030 1.98650035 -0.07761621 -0.07155689 -0.19227584 +O 0.06580431 5.85961987 5.93843027 -0.14508247 0.58313751 0.21106289 +O 0.07419805 2.00961999 5.94485046 -0.15541779 -0.08440520 0.18965717 +O 0.05730988 5.92398981 2.03186981 -0.07345307 0.19427924 -0.23485253 +O 0.03519961 2.01364004 2.04446992 -0.33233231 -0.25277261 -0.28973273 +40 +Lattice="7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.112133674953 stress="0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 5.96912210 -0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 5.96912210 0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 1.98970737 0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 1.98970737 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 1.98970737 0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 1.98970737 -0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 5.96912210 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 5.96912210 0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 +O 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 5.92948276 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.02934671 0.00000000 3.97941473 -0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 1.95006775 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37231194 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 6.00876172 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37231194 +O 0.00000000 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 5.97887856 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 1.97995091 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 5.97887856 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 1.97995091 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 5.97887856 3.97941473 3.97941473 -0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.97995091 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.97967591 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.97967591 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.97967591" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.296116235942 stress="2.66265708407841e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.66265708407841e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.66265708407841e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98983796 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983796 0.00000000 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98983796 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983796 3.98983796 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04723813 1.93243778 1.93243778 -0.00008073 0.00008073 0.00008073 +Ti 1.93243778 6.04723813 1.93243778 0.00008073 -0.00008073 0.00008073 +Ti 1.93243778 1.93243778 6.04723813 0.00008073 0.00008073 -0.00008073 +Ti 6.04723813 6.04723813 6.04723813 -0.00008073 -0.00008073 -0.00008073 +Ti 2.05740011 5.92227580 5.92227580 -0.00007996 0.00007996 0.00007996 +Ti 5.92227580 2.05740011 5.92227580 0.00007996 -0.00007996 0.00007996 +Ti 5.92227580 5.92227580 2.05740011 0.00007996 0.00007996 -0.00007996 +Ti 2.05740011 2.05740011 2.05740011 -0.00007996 -0.00007996 -0.00007996 +O 1.99505129 1.99534708 3.96058139 0.00023114 -0.00044789 -0.00015375 +O 5.98462462 1.99534708 4.01909452 -0.00023114 -0.00044789 0.00015375 +O 1.99505129 5.98432883 4.01909452 0.00023114 0.00044789 0.00015375 +O 5.98462462 5.98432883 3.96058139 -0.00023114 0.00044789 -0.00015375 +O 1.99534708 3.96058139 1.99505129 -0.00044789 -0.00015375 0.00023114 +O 1.99534708 4.01909452 5.98462462 -0.00044789 0.00015375 -0.00023114 +O 5.98432883 4.01909452 1.99505129 0.00044789 0.00015375 0.00023114 +O 5.98432883 3.96058139 5.98462462 0.00044789 -0.00015375 -0.00023114 +O 3.96058139 1.99505129 1.99534708 -0.00015375 0.00023114 -0.00044789 +O 4.01909452 5.98462462 1.99534708 0.00015375 -0.00023114 -0.00044789 +O 4.01909452 1.99505129 5.98432883 0.00015375 0.00023114 0.00044789 +O 3.96058139 5.98462462 5.98432883 -0.00015375 -0.00023114 0.00044789 +O 5.98488929 5.98518507 -0.02925660 0.00023114 -0.00044814 -0.00015144 +O 1.99478663 5.98518507 0.02925660 -0.00023114 -0.00044814 0.00015144 +O 5.98488929 1.99449084 0.02925660 0.00023114 0.00044814 0.00015144 +O 1.99478663 1.99449084 -0.02925660 -0.00023114 0.00044814 -0.00015144 +O 5.98518507 -0.02925660 5.98488929 -0.00044814 -0.00015144 0.00023114 +O 5.98518507 0.02925660 1.99478663 -0.00044814 0.00015144 -0.00023114 +O 1.99449084 0.02925660 5.98488929 0.00044814 0.00015144 0.00023114 +O 1.99449084 -0.02925660 1.99478663 0.00044814 -0.00015144 -0.00023114 +O -0.02925660 5.98488929 5.98518507 -0.00015144 0.00023114 -0.00044814 +O 0.02925660 1.99478663 5.98518507 0.00015144 -0.00023114 -0.00044814 +O 0.02925660 5.98488929 1.99449084 0.00015144 0.00023114 0.00044814 +O -0.02925660 1.99478663 1.99449084 -0.00015144 -0.00023114 0.00044814 +40 +Lattice="7.776560178586843 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.040341099844508 0.0 0.0 0.06851149517335009 8.040053367117903" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.698436284907 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86696998 0.02575674 0.00861021 0.05658844 0.02935428 -0.26531728 +Ba 3.92232043 0.07600343 4.01632037 -0.34558686 0.06212608 -0.03300911 +Ba 3.83879006 4.04940031 0.00844923 0.51079901 -0.03196447 -0.24776873 +Ba 3.94995988 4.07838044 4.02820996 -0.33832915 0.06011136 -0.11141644 +Ba 7.73874043 0.13523594 7.98893959 0.17703691 -0.08774687 0.18759566 +Ba 0.03887969 0.03546578 3.97997040 -0.14028916 0.35465231 0.13891542 +Ba 7.71026345 4.10237035 0.00389217 0.13256325 -0.40186728 -0.12417271 +Ba 0.06719181 4.11990027 4.01811987 -0.51859459 -0.36642977 -0.06231917 +Ti 1.91624008 2.11701998 2.02816967 0.14942455 -0.45479807 0.60063541 +Ti 1.93054040 2.18856977 6.09302044 -0.34000165 -0.38970211 -0.42787527 +Ti 1.98663972 6.12112026 2.04669032 -0.18443397 0.32479615 -0.57025140 +Ti 1.91819977 6.18401008 6.07492050 0.33514818 0.08095324 0.34320910 +Ti 5.81391037 2.07687037 2.03534043 0.02526983 0.66876527 -0.05516893 +Ti 5.81119012 2.15295002 6.02250026 0.47793568 0.43445833 0.55819935 +Ti 5.85509036 6.12764013 2.05389997 -0.03333975 -0.21647017 0.20131918 +Ti 5.82074052 6.19385988 6.05961001 -0.08446048 -0.31548516 -0.11246674 +O 1.88372006 2.03527977 3.93872975 0.25320584 0.05930764 -0.18505284 +O 1.88431030 2.00165004 7.96755016 0.24528376 0.43938945 -0.19066298 +O 2.06821973 6.02990044 3.85069986 -0.32130356 -0.01752875 0.87917304 +O 1.89268021 6.09277004 7.93989049 0.17307484 0.02247838 0.01717188 +O 5.83037023 2.08765024 3.90071014 -0.12659958 -0.59857827 0.13675929 +O 5.80238006 2.09837023 7.90935039 -0.12396394 -0.10949146 0.37075205 +O 5.82183001 6.07056018 3.99090036 -0.01693534 0.15896462 -0.68391216 +O 5.90722987 6.12860987 7.94327019 -0.20845913 -0.22119740 -0.18890358 +O 1.98054990 3.95328980 1.94316020 -0.15604745 0.34048065 -0.10697692 +O 1.93332985 4.03877986 6.00846979 0.00814191 -0.04675371 -0.01082923 +O 1.90489019 7.98283033 1.98135011 0.25976010 -0.26559470 -0.19229332 +O 1.95951975 8.04903996 5.95896032 -0.17205488 -0.16914773 -0.04379231 +O 5.73822033 3.98884034 2.00835032 0.52643286 -0.34673846 -0.45140010 +O 5.85013047 4.02767026 5.96022012 -0.21151309 0.22744004 0.04722834 +O 5.82700998 7.99073053 1.88872972 0.15668200 0.25768701 0.51175160 +O 5.91065000 8.06720989 5.95845018 -0.57629066 -0.14799450 -0.03782118 +O 7.75652232 1.96166997 1.96014032 -0.18509500 0.22874822 -0.29860484 +O 7.71530577 2.08461038 5.97821975 0.82634844 -0.24293865 -0.18458027 +O 0.00092541 5.95948990 2.00551032 0.28719968 0.10134877 -0.15473387 +O 0.02814026 6.03295040 5.90867008 -0.06808435 0.14891084 -0.01049550 +O 3.85713030 1.90341031 1.90406976 0.14068768 0.24451474 0.20191927 +O 3.84479979 2.06870032 5.92568986 0.10704737 -0.21714637 0.11095159 +O 3.97364028 5.99351002 1.84160999 -1.09572755 0.22813193 0.27169901 +O 3.87696986 6.04239037 5.96713038 0.39848037 0.17495483 0.17254468 +40 +Lattice="7.951603066 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951603066 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951603066" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.19345543986 stress="-0.0017417449960333599 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0017417449960333599 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0017417449960333599" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99874722 5.95285585 5.95285585 -0.06694613 0.06694613 0.06694613 +Ba 5.95285585 1.99874722 5.95285585 0.06694613 -0.06694613 0.06694613 +Ba 5.95285585 5.95285585 1.99874722 0.06694613 0.06694613 -0.06694613 +Ba 1.99874722 1.99874722 1.99874722 -0.06694613 -0.06694613 -0.06694613 +Ba 5.97454866 1.97705441 1.97705441 -0.06694484 0.06694484 0.06694484 +Ba 1.97705441 5.97454866 1.97705441 0.06694484 -0.06694484 0.06694484 +Ba 1.97705441 1.97705441 5.97454866 0.06694484 0.06694484 -0.06694484 +Ba 5.97454866 5.97454866 5.97454866 -0.06694484 -0.06694484 -0.06694484 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97580153 0.00000000 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97580153 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97580153 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97580153 3.97580153 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97580153 5.97587587 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.11201988 +O 0.00000000 3.97580153 1.97572719 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.11201988 +O 3.97580153 5.97587587 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.11201988 0.00000000 +O 3.97580153 1.97572719 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.11201988 0.00000000 +O 5.97587587 0.00000000 3.97580153 -0.11201988 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.97572719 0.00000000 3.97580153 0.11201988 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97580153 0.00000000 2.00007434 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.11203685 +O 3.97580153 0.00000000 5.95152873 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.11203685 +O 0.00000000 2.00007434 3.97580153 0.00000000 -0.11203685 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.95152873 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.11203685 0.00000000 +O 2.00007434 3.97580153 0.00000000 -0.11203685 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95152873 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.11203685 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97580153 3.97580153 5.96923192 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.16595340 +O 3.97580153 3.97580153 1.98237115 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16595340 +O 3.97580153 5.96923192 3.97580153 0.00000000 -0.16595340 0.00000000 +O 3.97580153 1.98237115 3.97580153 0.00000000 0.16595340 0.00000000 +O 5.96923192 3.97580153 3.97580153 -0.16595340 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98237115 3.97580153 3.97580153 0.16595340 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99343039 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.16593771 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.95817268 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16593771 +O 0.00000000 1.99343039 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.16593771 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.95817268 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16593771 0.00000000 +O 1.99343039 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.16593771 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95817268 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16593771 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.957479843 -1.6e-08 -1.6e-08 -1.6e-08 7.957479843 -1.6e-08 -1.6e-08 -1.6e-08 7.957479843" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.206670648437 stress="0.0009264210337362467 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0009264210337362467 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0009264210337362467" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98338027 -1.99535963 1.98338046 0.00151232 -0.00151258 -0.00151541 +Ba 1.98338046 -1.98338027 -1.99535963 -0.00151541 0.00151232 -0.00151258 +Ba -1.99535963 1.98338046 -1.98338027 -0.00151258 -0.00151541 0.00151232 +Ba 1.99535947 1.99535947 1.99535947 0.00151567 0.00151567 0.00151567 +Ba 1.99535962 1.98338031 -1.99535950 0.00151258 -0.00151232 -0.00151541 +Ba -1.99535950 1.99535962 1.98338031 -0.00151541 0.00151258 -0.00151232 +Ba 1.98338031 -1.99535950 1.99535962 -0.00151232 -0.00151541 0.00151258 +Ba -1.98338043 -1.98338043 -1.98338043 0.00151541 0.00151541 0.00151541 +Ti 0.00700601 3.97173363 -0.00700578 -0.08512537 0.08513283 0.08511920 +Ti -0.00700578 0.00700601 3.97173363 0.08511920 -0.08512537 0.08513283 +Ti 3.97173363 -0.00700578 0.00700601 0.08513283 0.08511920 -0.08512537 +Ti 3.98574587 3.98574587 3.98574587 -0.08512254 -0.08512254 -0.08512254 +Ti 3.98574544 -0.00700557 3.97173426 -0.08511766 0.08512203 0.08512434 +Ti 3.97173426 3.98574544 -0.00700557 0.08512434 -0.08511766 0.08512203 +Ti -0.00700557 3.97173426 3.98574544 0.08512203 0.08512434 -0.08511766 +Ti 0.00700580 0.00700580 0.00700580 -0.08513205 -0.08513205 -0.08513205 +O -0.00000000 0.00893611 1.98936996 0.00000129 -0.02347803 0.00000051 +O 3.97873992 3.98767616 -1.98936998 -0.00000026 -0.02348060 -0.00000077 +O 3.97873992 -0.00893625 1.98936995 -0.00000154 0.02348060 -0.00000077 +O -0.00000000 3.96980381 -1.98936997 0.00000051 0.02347803 0.00000051 +O 0.00893611 1.98936996 -0.00000000 -0.02347803 0.00000051 0.00000129 +O 3.98767616 -1.98936998 3.97873992 -0.02348060 -0.00000077 -0.00000026 +O -0.00893625 1.98936995 3.97873992 0.02348060 -0.00000077 -0.00000154 +O 3.96980381 -1.98936997 -0.00000000 0.02347803 0.00000051 0.00000051 +O 1.98936996 -0.00000000 0.00893611 0.00000051 0.00000129 -0.02347803 +O -1.98936998 3.97873992 3.98767616 -0.00000077 -0.00000026 -0.02348060 +O 1.98936995 3.97873992 -0.00893625 -0.00000077 -0.00000154 0.02348060 +O -1.98936997 -0.00000000 3.96980381 0.00000051 0.00000051 0.02347803 +O -0.00000001 3.97018527 1.98936995 0.00000077 0.02136458 0.00000000 +O 3.97873993 -0.00855470 -1.98936997 -0.00000154 0.02136690 -0.00000026 +O 3.97873991 3.98729467 1.98936994 -0.00000051 -0.02136715 -0.00000077 +O 0.00000000 0.00855460 -1.98936996 0.00000129 -0.02136407 0.00000077 +O 3.97018527 1.98936995 -0.00000001 0.02136458 0.00000000 0.00000077 +O -0.00855470 -1.98936997 3.97873993 0.02136690 -0.00000026 -0.00000154 +O 3.98729467 1.98936994 3.97873991 -0.02136715 -0.00000077 -0.00000051 +O 0.00855460 -1.98936996 0.00000000 -0.02136407 0.00000077 0.00000129 +O 1.98936995 -0.00000001 3.97018527 0.00000000 0.00000077 0.02136458 +O -1.98936997 3.97873993 -0.00855470 -0.00000026 -0.00000154 0.02136690 +O 1.98936994 3.97873991 3.98729467 -0.00000077 -0.00000051 -0.02136715 +O -1.98936996 0.00000000 0.00855460 0.00000077 0.00000129 -0.02136407 +40 +Lattice="7.982978722 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982978722 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982978722" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.310162888356 stress="-4.498972314477313e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.498972314477313e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -4.498972314477313e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99148936 3.99148936 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99148936 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99148936 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99148936 0.00000000 3.99148936 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.05420157 5.92877715 1.93728779 0.00272614 -0.00272614 -0.00272614 +Ti 1.93728779 2.05420157 5.92877715 -0.00272614 0.00272614 -0.00272614 +Ti 5.92877715 1.93728779 2.05420157 -0.00272614 -0.00272614 0.00272614 +Ti 6.04569093 6.04569093 6.04569093 0.00272614 0.00272614 0.00272614 +Ti 5.92877715 2.05420157 6.04569093 -0.00272614 0.00272614 0.00272614 +Ti 6.04569093 5.92877715 2.05420157 0.00272614 -0.00272614 0.00272614 +Ti 2.05420157 6.04569093 5.92877715 0.00272614 0.00272614 -0.00272614 +Ti 1.93728779 1.93728779 1.93728779 -0.00272614 -0.00272614 -0.00272614 +O 6.01201931 1.99411062 3.95076183 -0.00900503 0.01067959 -0.00550679 +O 1.97095941 5.98559998 0.04072753 0.00900503 0.01067959 0.00550679 +O 2.02052995 1.99737874 4.03221689 -0.00900503 -0.01067959 0.00550679 +O 5.96244877 5.98886810 -0.04072753 0.00900503 -0.01067959 -0.00550679 +O 1.99411062 3.95076183 6.01201931 0.01067959 -0.00550679 -0.00900503 +O 5.98559998 0.04072753 1.97095941 0.01067959 0.00550679 0.00900503 +O 1.99737874 4.03221689 2.02052995 -0.01067959 0.00550679 -0.00900503 +O 5.98886810 -0.04072753 5.96244877 -0.01067959 -0.00550679 0.00900503 +O 3.95076183 6.01201931 1.99411062 -0.00550679 -0.00900503 0.01067959 +O 0.04072753 1.97095941 5.98559998 0.00550679 0.00900503 0.01067959 +O 4.03221689 2.02052995 1.99737874 0.00550679 -0.00900503 -0.01067959 +O -0.04072753 5.96244877 5.98886810 -0.00550679 0.00900503 -0.01067959 +O 1.97095941 5.98886810 4.03221689 0.00900503 -0.01067959 0.00550679 +O 6.01201931 1.99737874 -0.04072753 -0.00900503 -0.01067959 -0.00550679 +O 5.96244877 5.98559998 3.95076183 0.00900503 0.01067959 -0.00550679 +O 2.02052995 1.99411062 0.04072753 -0.00900503 0.01067959 0.00550679 +O 5.98886810 4.03221689 1.97095941 -0.01067959 0.00550679 0.00900503 +O 1.99737874 -0.04072753 6.01201931 -0.01067959 -0.00550679 -0.00900503 +O 5.98559998 3.95076183 5.96244877 0.01067959 -0.00550679 0.00900503 +O 1.99411062 0.04072753 2.02052995 0.01067959 0.00550679 -0.00900503 +O 4.03221689 1.97095941 5.98886810 0.00550679 0.00900503 -0.01067959 +O -0.04072753 6.01201931 1.99737874 -0.00550679 -0.00900503 -0.01067959 +O 3.95076183 5.96244877 5.98559998 -0.00550679 0.00900503 0.01067959 +O 0.04072753 2.02052995 1.99411062 0.00550679 -0.00900503 0.01067959 +40 +Lattice="7.955132063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132063 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132063" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216347424714 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756603 3.97756603 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756603 0.00000000 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756603 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756603 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756603 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96638517 1.98874690 1.98874690 -0.00129198 0.00129198 0.00129198 +Ti 1.98874690 5.96638517 1.98874690 0.00129198 -0.00129198 0.00129198 +Ti 1.98874690 1.98874690 5.96638517 0.00129198 0.00129198 -0.00129198 +Ti 5.96638517 5.96638517 5.96638517 -0.00129198 -0.00129198 -0.00129198 +Ti 1.98874690 5.96638517 5.96638517 0.00129198 -0.00129198 -0.00129198 +Ti 5.96638517 1.98874690 5.96638517 -0.00129198 0.00129198 -0.00129198 +Ti 5.96638517 5.96638517 1.98874690 -0.00129198 -0.00129198 0.00129198 +Ti 1.98874690 1.98874690 1.98874690 0.00129198 0.00129198 0.00129198 +O 5.96636050 5.96654623 3.97756603 -0.00065563 -0.00153598 0.00000000 +O 1.98877156 5.96654623 3.97756603 0.00065563 -0.00153598 0.00000000 +O 5.96636050 1.98858584 3.97756603 -0.00065563 0.00153598 0.00000000 +O 1.98877156 1.98858584 3.97756603 0.00065563 0.00153598 0.00000000 +O 5.96654623 3.97756603 5.96636050 -0.00153598 0.00000000 -0.00065563 +O 5.96654623 3.97756603 1.98877156 -0.00153598 0.00000000 0.00065563 +O 1.98858584 3.97756603 5.96636050 0.00153598 0.00000000 -0.00065563 +O 1.98858584 3.97756603 1.98877156 0.00153598 0.00000000 0.00065563 +O 3.97756603 5.96636050 5.96654623 0.00000000 -0.00065563 -0.00153598 +O 3.97756603 1.98877156 5.96654623 0.00000000 0.00065563 -0.00153598 +O 3.97756603 5.96636050 1.98858584 0.00000000 -0.00065563 0.00153598 +O 3.97756603 1.98877156 1.98858584 0.00000000 0.00065563 0.00153598 +O 5.96619529 5.96623572 0.00000000 0.00215818 0.00164165 0.00000000 +O 1.98893678 5.96623572 0.00000000 -0.00215818 0.00164165 0.00000000 +O 5.96619529 1.98889634 0.00000000 0.00215818 -0.00164165 0.00000000 +O 1.98893678 1.98889634 0.00000000 -0.00215818 -0.00164165 0.00000000 +O 5.96623572 0.00000000 5.96619529 0.00164165 0.00000000 0.00215818 +O 5.96623572 0.00000000 1.98893678 0.00164165 0.00000000 -0.00215818 +O 1.98889634 0.00000000 5.96619529 -0.00164165 0.00000000 0.00215818 +O 1.98889634 0.00000000 1.98893678 -0.00164165 0.00000000 -0.00215818 +O 0.00000000 5.96619529 5.96623572 0.00000000 0.00215818 0.00164165 +O 0.00000000 1.98893678 5.96623572 0.00000000 -0.00215818 0.00164165 +O 0.00000000 5.96619529 1.98889634 0.00000000 0.00215818 -0.00164165 +O 0.00000000 1.98893678 1.98889634 0.00000000 -0.00215818 -0.00164165 +40 +Lattice="7.957660423 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.957660423 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.957660423" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.033931831258 stress="0.0002148488819566717 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0002148488819566717 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0002148488819566717" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97883021 3.97883021 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97883021 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97883021 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97883021 0.00000000 3.97883021 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.96447354 5.99318689 2.01435668 0.04389387 -0.04389387 -0.04389387 +Ti 2.01435668 1.96447354 5.99318689 -0.04389387 0.04389387 -0.04389387 +Ti 5.99318689 2.01435668 1.96447354 -0.04389387 -0.04389387 0.04389387 +Ti 5.94330375 5.94330375 5.94330375 0.04389387 0.04389387 0.04389387 +Ti 5.99318689 1.96447354 5.94330375 -0.04389387 0.04389387 0.04389387 +Ti 5.94330375 5.99318689 1.96447354 0.04389387 -0.04389387 0.04389387 +Ti 1.96447354 5.94330375 5.99318689 0.04389387 0.04389387 -0.04389387 +Ti 2.01435668 2.01435668 2.01435668 -0.04389387 -0.04389387 -0.04389387 +O 6.02430041 1.97943562 3.96282392 -0.25517145 0.06696464 -0.05202499 +O 1.93336002 5.95826583 0.01600629 0.25517145 0.06696464 0.05202499 +O 2.04547020 1.99939459 3.99483650 -0.25517145 -0.06696464 0.05202499 +O 5.91219023 5.97822480 -0.01600629 0.25517145 -0.06696464 -0.05202499 +O 1.97943562 3.96282392 6.02430041 0.06696464 -0.05202499 -0.25517145 +O 5.95826583 0.01600629 1.93336002 0.06696464 0.05202499 0.25517145 +O 1.99939459 3.99483650 2.04547020 -0.06696464 0.05202499 -0.25517145 +O 5.97822480 -0.01600629 5.91219023 -0.06696464 -0.05202499 0.25517145 +O 3.96282392 6.02430041 1.97943562 -0.05202499 -0.25517145 0.06696464 +O 0.01600629 1.93336002 5.95826583 0.05202499 0.25517145 0.06696464 +O 3.99483650 2.04547020 1.99939459 0.05202499 -0.25517145 -0.06696464 +O -0.01600629 5.91219023 5.97822480 -0.05202499 0.25517145 -0.06696464 +O 1.93336002 5.97822480 3.99483650 0.25517145 -0.06696464 0.05202499 +O 6.02430041 1.99939459 -0.01600629 -0.25517145 -0.06696464 -0.05202499 +O 5.91219023 5.95826583 3.96282392 0.25517145 0.06696464 -0.05202499 +O 2.04547020 1.97943562 0.01600629 -0.25517145 0.06696464 0.05202499 +O 5.97822480 3.99483650 1.93336002 -0.06696464 0.05202499 0.25517145 +O 1.99939459 -0.01600629 6.02430041 -0.06696464 -0.05202499 -0.25517145 +O 5.95826583 3.96282392 5.91219023 0.06696464 -0.05202499 0.25517145 +O 1.97943562 0.01600629 2.04547020 0.06696464 0.05202499 -0.25517145 +O 3.99483650 1.93336002 5.97822480 0.05202499 0.25517145 -0.06696464 +O -0.01600629 6.02430041 1.99939459 -0.05202499 -0.25517145 -0.06696464 +O 3.96282392 5.91219023 5.95826583 -0.05202499 0.25517145 0.06696464 +O 0.01600629 2.04547020 1.97943562 0.05202499 -0.25517145 0.06696464 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.715190816496 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02966973 4.30067002 0.02092086 0.30092063 -2.96731144 0.45499141 +Ba 0.03603917 4.07395987 3.86455005 0.12438997 -0.10951125 0.09954617 +Ba 3.82001021 7.78555200 3.90375967 1.53429296 1.67626490 1.34084650 +Ba 7.77490509 7.92654537 4.04066970 1.64819617 0.90024272 -0.79874096 +Ba 0.07841050 3.72401948 7.87432790 -1.01793882 1.45683282 0.66755120 +Ba 3.99649963 7.86882433 0.14632120 1.01763543 1.72267974 -1.36395069 +Ba 4.04605955 4.07814023 4.11959946 -0.43259376 -0.87206883 -1.29133553 +Ba 0.02808083 7.90894843 7.81664503 -0.66700021 -2.78530331 3.01994630 +Ti 5.92525949 2.03088951 1.90107026 0.05067002 0.87108075 0.01302238 +Ti 1.88225031 6.07450940 2.03442974 -0.37728779 -3.77456430 0.81576064 +Ti 2.10389982 2.08539954 5.81393018 -0.65853897 -2.37724610 0.34954867 +Ti 6.16235015 6.18400975 5.96617004 -2.13563079 -3.83733316 0.35399694 +Ti 2.08891988 6.02511011 6.08174014 -0.09842209 0.78223114 -2.31270215 +Ti 6.00356979 2.03817989 5.79200021 -0.44744831 0.50394985 1.46332537 +Ti 5.86559976 6.02023952 2.04730001 4.42367555 -0.93645773 -0.16451461 +Ti 1.90741038 1.75196985 1.84809974 0.02592160 4.38653211 3.32417414 +O 1.72091975 2.25641959 4.10756017 0.71258047 -1.41805235 -1.00859878 +O 2.15458972 5.94754968 3.95148984 -0.30907771 -0.01144938 0.64533198 +O 6.18466977 2.08643966 3.96995990 -0.72794050 -1.17902435 0.78167681 +O 5.97870951 5.87748956 4.04895964 -0.25428185 0.73686351 -0.29272678 +O 3.89317956 1.76317975 5.88441017 0.60121005 0.90989335 0.05267908 +O 3.90191958 2.13781024 2.24463953 0.18025079 -1.42051033 -1.05467140 +O 4.03712948 5.88536997 6.05338019 -1.35813074 1.10303745 -0.21250348 +O 4.16567005 5.92410009 1.96983978 -2.92164042 0.54379320 0.07918715 +O 1.94465029 3.89787998 5.98662014 0.29635923 1.99095430 1.31456802 +O 5.88711941 3.87009019 5.97345007 0.61181302 -0.38622623 0.26974137 +O 1.91435007 4.21378987 1.92236964 0.50904834 -0.61664824 -0.75970519 +O 6.02148003 3.88363957 2.19920032 -0.17408245 0.36175113 -1.62038892 +O 6.16954987 5.79087978 0.05538633 -0.52806654 0.90391991 -0.17612648 +O 2.14323031 6.17368967 7.92287235 -0.98348373 -0.36231472 -0.21082455 +O 5.87682000 1.88974028 0.00928553 -1.01648641 0.38336562 1.92548219 +O 1.76102000 1.70720974 0.15022483 2.12641827 0.90985530 -2.69888133 +O 5.84629951 7.90251051 5.85209014 0.01949616 0.47655603 0.49727063 +O 6.14780995 7.83230646 2.03437010 -1.65238835 0.86735908 -0.31343136 +O 1.86241012 0.06161432 5.69532958 0.64197669 -2.06694223 1.36692597 +O 2.03114000 0.02931497 2.11618961 0.35694214 -0.95412070 -0.05743279 +O 7.94012815 5.84966001 5.83372981 1.40052360 0.67798011 0.91490186 +O 7.72012549 1.59396003 6.45944963 0.20269395 4.08081740 -4.54771096 +O 0.14307520 6.11067978 2.16563024 -1.21244972 -0.11857131 -0.53986019 +O 7.93395264 1.92279030 2.01381025 0.18787411 -0.05230395 -0.32636864 +40 +Lattice="7.92844991270056 0.0 0.0 -0.021731881210712234 7.92841819890091 0.0 -0.021731881210712234 0.02167638206132333 7.928386485101258" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.137139576156 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01445724 0.03543621 0.06837019 -0.10461844 -0.06214433 -0.26019230 +Ba 4.00647329 0.06610028 4.00252968 -0.04182542 -0.09484157 0.03930523 +Ba 3.99460361 3.99397567 0.01953966 -0.05253227 0.04175652 0.07158183 +Ba 3.97878000 4.01936970 3.96877034 0.07402489 -0.13744886 0.23249226 +Ba 0.03782426 0.05422584 0.05884971 0.12113238 -0.26595363 -0.26100477 +Ba 0.05055259 0.03934969 4.00376017 -0.10236950 0.03789755 0.05209106 +Ba 0.02382975 3.99290612 0.02633990 0.15273690 0.12311033 0.01676642 +Ba 0.02315821 4.01440967 4.00828970 -0.01540014 -0.09596540 -0.02781856 +O 1.98516969 3.97691999 2.00100994 -0.04921554 0.05984963 -0.07612651 +O 1.98067981 3.99227026 5.97680012 0.04420575 0.07521531 -0.14181562 +O 1.99564396 0.02403034 2.00313001 -0.06029108 -0.13127461 -0.01073641 +O 1.97288376 0.03209992 5.93168011 0.10152001 0.07146433 0.14714012 +O 5.93047974 3.99185005 1.98010975 0.11674737 -0.18816696 0.08733755 +O 5.95612986 4.01104007 5.97140006 -0.13766843 0.19981097 -0.00365662 +O 5.98366378 0.02150037 2.02654034 -0.16702760 -0.00814371 -0.13351456 +O 5.98026327 0.05789037 5.94152962 -0.10288861 -0.11651802 0.15256129 +O 1.97692014 2.01283998 3.97729976 0.04679793 0.03446538 -0.16711322 +O 1.99400357 1.99490582 0.00551027 -0.04060363 -0.02996261 -0.05126163 +O 1.94794007 5.94844006 3.94891988 0.13753088 0.12415677 0.00952594 +O 1.97232005 5.98275994 7.91418980 -0.00596470 0.06737139 0.08193077 +O 5.95877004 2.02414991 3.99048002 -0.08565579 0.06639720 -0.10276776 +O 5.93544374 2.00432562 0.02452983 0.19890671 -0.04627600 0.13834926 +O 5.96020984 5.96152993 3.96396966 -0.09575148 0.08009989 -0.04277159 +O 5.92507016 5.99731023 7.92560994 -0.03897407 0.07247374 -0.14053161 +O -0.00962197 1.99746989 2.00053027 -0.11973525 0.14649092 -0.03865885 +O -0.00730765 2.05652019 5.95276979 -0.16533068 -0.16562198 0.16952157 +O -0.01433464 5.98452006 1.98100012 -0.03084038 -0.08718945 -0.00079447 +O -0.00507817 5.98661000 5.97778008 -0.30549231 0.00162417 -0.11494888 +O 3.93654991 2.00105037 1.99872972 0.19239359 0.02663997 0.05408495 +O 3.95634011 2.02925980 5.96936958 -0.09448907 -0.04068616 -0.03183129 +O 3.94624006 5.99767970 1.99033032 0.06219550 -0.09679046 0.09610192 +O 3.93552000 6.00624956 5.93174988 0.23733108 -0.06221555 0.03687219 +Ti 2.04438966 2.03023975 2.05931021 0.22741845 0.14808166 0.03062801 +Ti 2.05373017 2.03062983 6.02190032 -0.00213453 0.01626788 -0.03986675 +Ti 2.01021011 5.99956033 2.05407981 0.07105321 -0.01056569 -0.17402897 +Ti 2.00613965 5.99178014 6.00451957 -0.00099862 0.15498610 0.34364079 +Ti 6.03189017 2.05915005 1.97413011 -0.20904020 0.01365950 0.31078441 +Ti 6.02161965 2.00463958 5.94773998 -0.03441550 0.12027363 -0.18142372 +Ti 5.98212011 6.02035982 2.07772007 0.12731023 0.00907985 -0.12763805 +Ti 5.97202958 5.97458967 6.03274010 0.15195837 -0.05140741 0.05778606 +40 +Lattice="7.9550961018499935 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9550961018499935 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9550961018499935" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635286699 stress="-1.3772364227991774e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.3772364227991774e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.3772364227991774e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97754805 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97754805 0.00000000 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97754805 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97754805 3.97754805 3.97754805 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96632208 1.98877403 1.98877403 -0.00000566 0.00000566 0.00000566 +Ti 1.98877403 5.96632208 1.98877403 0.00000566 -0.00000566 0.00000566 +Ti 5.96632208 5.96632208 5.96632208 -0.00000566 -0.00000566 -0.00000566 +Ti 1.98877403 1.98877403 5.96632208 0.00000566 0.00000566 -0.00000566 +Ti 1.98877403 5.96632208 5.96632208 0.00000566 -0.00000566 -0.00000566 +Ti 5.96632208 1.98877403 5.96632208 -0.00000566 0.00000566 -0.00000566 +Ti 5.96632208 5.96632208 1.98877403 -0.00000566 -0.00000566 0.00000566 +Ti 1.98877403 1.98877403 1.98877403 0.00000566 0.00000566 0.00000566 +O 1.98877800 1.98877800 3.97754805 -0.00004808 -0.00004808 0.00000000 +O 5.96631810 1.98877800 3.97754805 0.00004808 -0.00004808 0.00000000 +O 1.98877800 5.96631810 3.97754805 -0.00004808 0.00004808 0.00000000 +O 5.96631810 5.96631810 3.97754805 0.00004808 0.00004808 0.00000000 +O 1.98877800 3.97754805 1.98877800 -0.00004808 0.00000000 -0.00004808 +O 1.98877800 3.97754805 5.96631810 -0.00004808 0.00000000 0.00004808 +O 5.96631810 3.97754805 1.98877800 0.00004808 0.00000000 -0.00004808 +O 5.96631810 3.97754805 5.96631810 0.00004808 0.00000000 0.00004808 +O 3.97754805 1.98877800 1.98877800 0.00000000 -0.00004808 -0.00004808 +O 3.97754805 5.96631810 1.98877800 0.00000000 0.00004808 -0.00004808 +O 3.97754805 1.98877800 5.96631810 0.00000000 -0.00004808 0.00004808 +O 3.97754805 5.96631810 5.96631810 0.00000000 0.00004808 0.00004808 +O 5.96632605 5.96632605 0.00000000 -0.00004859 -0.00004859 0.00000000 +O 1.98877005 5.96632605 0.00000000 0.00004859 -0.00004859 0.00000000 +O 5.96632605 1.98877005 0.00000000 -0.00004859 0.00004859 0.00000000 +O 1.98877005 1.98877005 0.00000000 0.00004859 0.00004859 0.00000000 +O 5.96632605 0.00000000 5.96632605 -0.00004859 0.00000000 -0.00004859 +O 5.96632605 0.00000000 1.98877005 -0.00004859 0.00000000 0.00004859 +O 1.98877005 0.00000000 5.96632605 0.00004859 0.00000000 -0.00004859 +O 1.98877005 0.00000000 1.98877005 0.00004859 0.00000000 0.00004859 +O 0.00000000 5.96632605 5.96632605 0.00000000 -0.00004859 -0.00004859 +O 0.00000000 1.98877005 5.96632605 0.00000000 0.00004859 -0.00004859 +O 0.00000000 5.96632605 1.98877005 0.00000000 -0.00004859 0.00004859 +O 0.00000000 1.98877005 1.98877005 0.00000000 0.00004859 0.00004859 +40 +Lattice="7.927030130250547 0.0 0.0 -0.021727989587016747 7.926998422130025 0.0 -0.021727989587016747 0.021672500376104995 7.926966714009504" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.06979983662 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03301927 0.02486947 0.03607988 -0.20555276 0.06133521 -0.01172860 +Ba 4.00130956 0.01633999 3.99505989 -0.06017693 0.37224946 0.04265820 +Ba 3.98376942 3.98390973 0.04102000 0.16487070 0.22385875 -0.09843983 +Ba 3.97297994 4.02365031 3.98005006 0.13865754 -0.17390710 0.16455549 +Ba 0.06868692 0.03481948 0.02939977 -0.06564926 -0.05492031 -0.03884243 +Ba 0.04679881 0.06191962 3.98203023 -0.07433753 -0.08353103 0.18619929 +Ba 0.03104304 4.00365992 0.03539974 -0.02568841 0.05735977 -0.00116317 +Ba -0.00827661 4.00965989 4.03230028 0.11761846 -0.02707346 -0.21207050 +O 2.00201981 3.97367038 2.06360016 -0.19854779 -0.01307843 -0.02179370 +O 1.98694022 4.02037010 6.05352016 -0.03006417 0.10859851 -0.34998602 +O 2.03411002 0.01024014 2.02589999 -0.14415250 0.13097945 0.10001334 +O 2.01806967 0.05804964 6.03581038 -0.09014802 0.21478199 -0.07554801 +O 5.94984015 4.05553996 2.02588017 0.09866068 -0.20409083 0.19857401 +O 5.94026985 4.08413038 6.00401982 0.07141188 -0.01088734 0.12578737 +O 5.94204947 0.06869009 2.08831029 0.09277440 0.18510554 -0.22211323 +O 5.92638011 0.11284999 6.00214983 0.22415083 -0.22283777 0.09628241 +O 1.98845032 2.00752038 4.05105009 0.03669684 0.09554991 -0.00258987 +O 2.01210934 2.01126987 0.06698975 -0.24175337 0.01839367 0.31581734 +O 1.97289987 5.99538015 4.05308971 0.20621276 -0.08220357 -0.06850036 +O 2.01811010 5.94764991 0.09623018 -0.17930334 0.14618187 0.17656177 +O 5.90822007 2.08584974 4.05599973 0.15222191 -0.10949634 -0.02503277 +O 5.96896966 2.05015988 0.09519967 0.01232870 -0.12700504 -0.08247302 +O 5.92539002 6.03495030 4.06236037 0.12989367 -0.07580641 -0.02036905 +O 5.95098006 6.01362976 0.09415013 0.22297198 0.11881299 -0.11839030 +O 7.90049519 1.99816966 2.09093018 0.40203312 0.17621698 -0.27003037 +O 7.89969535 2.06505001 6.02661978 0.10901117 -0.08058352 -0.05769144 +O 0.00367339 6.01141019 2.07893024 0.02744653 -0.07467589 -0.14198866 +O 0.02446599 6.02851989 6.00450020 -0.31279913 0.02848268 0.10807889 +O 3.95577036 2.04145996 2.01889012 -0.11666869 -0.08532566 0.18967902 +O 3.96920984 2.08374987 6.02194997 -0.30068409 -0.13394213 0.02013662 +O 3.98609997 5.99058984 2.04802988 -0.35158679 -0.01490469 0.11251199 +O 3.95912032 6.03263006 6.05366998 0.04495805 -0.09339121 -0.30874655 +Ti 2.03152977 2.09400983 1.98588989 0.36270732 -0.12785299 0.04079621 +Ti 2.06745983 2.00837016 5.96254005 -0.09333259 -0.07505513 -0.10985141 +Ti 2.04173978 6.05729977 1.97244010 -0.21898034 -0.17182322 -0.21180902 +Ti 1.98683004 5.96432997 5.92335991 0.11865358 0.09803771 0.37280122 +Ti 5.99962032 1.94662969 1.97058042 -0.19202078 0.21504373 0.35187244 +Ti 5.99546021 2.01473001 5.95338036 0.08180068 0.15520156 -0.35341021 +Ti 5.98468024 5.92389974 1.96533986 0.19753991 0.08003844 0.00329590 +Ti 5.94618976 6.00151012 5.92700000 -0.11117399 -0.44383540 0.19694753 +40 +Lattice="7.955114999 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955114999 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955114999" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216695458308 stress="-7.345260921595614e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -7.345260921595614e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -7.345260921595614e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98880084 5.96631416 5.96631416 -0.00030210 0.00030210 0.00030210 +Ba 5.96631416 1.98880084 5.96631416 0.00030210 -0.00030210 0.00030210 +Ba 5.96631416 5.96631416 1.98880084 0.00030210 0.00030210 -0.00030210 +Ba 1.98880084 1.98880084 1.98880084 -0.00030210 -0.00030210 -0.00030210 +Ba 5.96631416 1.98880084 1.98880084 0.00030210 -0.00030210 -0.00030210 +Ba 1.98880084 5.96631416 1.98880084 -0.00030210 0.00030210 -0.00030210 +Ba 1.98880084 1.98880084 5.96631416 -0.00030210 -0.00030210 0.00030210 +Ba 5.96631416 5.96631416 5.96631416 0.00030210 0.00030210 0.00030210 +Ti 3.97755750 3.97755750 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97755750 0.00000000 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97755750 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97755750 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97755750 3.97755750 1.98879899 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00046948 +O 3.97755750 3.97755750 5.96631601 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00046948 +O 3.97755750 1.98879899 3.97755750 0.00000000 -0.00046948 0.00000000 +O 3.97755750 5.96631601 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00046948 0.00000000 +O 1.98879899 3.97755750 3.97755750 -0.00046948 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631601 3.97755750 3.97755750 0.00046948 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97755750 1.98870411 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00082095 +O 0.00000000 3.97755750 5.96641089 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00082095 +O 3.97755750 1.98870411 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00082095 0.00000000 +O 3.97755750 5.96641089 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00082095 0.00000000 +O 1.98870411 0.00000000 3.97755750 0.00082095 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641089 0.00000000 3.97755750 -0.00082095 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97755750 0.00000000 1.98885146 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00050368 +O 3.97755750 0.00000000 5.96626354 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00050368 +O 0.00000000 1.98885146 3.97755750 0.00000000 -0.00050368 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96626354 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00050368 0.00000000 +O 1.98885146 3.97755750 0.00000000 -0.00050368 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96626354 3.97755750 0.00000000 0.00050368 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98875696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00077930 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635804 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00077930 +O 0.00000000 1.98875696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00077930 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635804 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00077930 0.00000000 +O 1.98875696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00077930 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635804 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00077930 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.947529926124956 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.947529926124956 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.947529926124956" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.74003922547 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98885971 4.01000967 0.00872321 -0.20640071 -0.38843712 0.08324435 +Ba 4.05273003 0.02420500 3.95381984 -0.59425779 -0.17038084 0.65171140 +Ba 7.91853893 3.98366997 3.92614972 0.24652431 0.10202677 0.32979515 +Ba 0.00035446 7.91759397 4.04727008 0.07912107 0.20101193 -0.32443594 +Ba 0.06789098 3.98135962 0.01507487 -0.33848805 -0.06408783 0.07606146 +Ba 3.96576021 0.02720598 7.94055676 0.00813677 0.07603780 -0.30227149 +Ba 3.98164971 3.95991003 3.98039002 -0.20114049 0.24160811 0.18439438 +Ba 7.93470977 7.94404652 0.02512532 0.05631024 0.18474842 -0.18084805 +Ti 5.96747994 1.92597976 2.08813004 -0.01930384 0.41010792 -0.90663242 +Ti 1.92362014 5.92066978 2.04667970 0.06947764 0.12605913 0.30775976 +Ti 1.94669023 2.03554998 5.90415004 0.02323455 -0.14021305 0.05395023 +Ti 5.90567994 5.92478978 6.06495957 -0.46609190 0.54426423 -0.90074074 +Ti 1.92793009 5.99678963 6.01662985 0.86008569 -0.02546421 -0.49006640 +Ti 5.94315970 2.02512997 6.05360970 -0.01438455 -0.30613200 0.42014217 +Ti 5.83100018 5.93884975 2.03079020 0.92757817 -0.22469976 0.55610647 +Ti 1.99570027 1.89861006 1.93273993 -0.05501878 0.48255775 0.11850677 +O 2.00157031 2.03982018 3.98665983 0.16200033 0.03279596 -0.12130799 +O 6.01484960 1.98307005 3.93785961 -0.12475044 -0.07689501 0.12227704 +O 2.05396997 6.01175006 3.99529005 -0.08947336 -0.26658997 -1.01320311 +O 5.97951965 6.02246969 3.93757986 -0.06957894 -0.04138268 -0.27859291 +O 2.07451036 4.07837035 1.94017962 -0.33572899 -0.07766274 0.23696495 +O 2.06109016 3.98344029 6.02024995 -0.30617725 -0.12080251 -0.46217379 +O 5.96960034 4.04292993 2.03067019 -0.03687322 -0.00619610 -0.16554896 +O 6.02249989 3.98964969 5.91980986 0.11872197 0.02815512 -0.04398669 +O 3.98581978 2.02969026 2.01168036 0.45387736 -0.16386335 -0.06208700 +O 4.00152966 6.09926985 1.99452006 -0.07605349 -0.37461153 -0.12840732 +O 4.07255991 2.04411026 5.99566982 -0.15337299 -0.12489391 -0.28114062 +O 4.03326017 5.93024973 5.97302970 0.39191505 0.09845422 -0.14040254 +O 5.93434033 5.92432962 7.92015307 0.49862612 0.08175800 0.31031390 +O 2.05669994 5.97120971 7.89997985 -0.35692080 0.43142365 0.32930664 +O 6.02019034 2.12591975 0.00473991 0.01306557 -0.47480331 -0.23677700 +O 2.01584010 2.01271036 7.92792973 -0.08375754 -0.11347487 0.30892627 +O 5.99245028 7.93276739 6.01228016 0.08439518 0.39514822 -0.06587835 +O 5.97925976 0.03888011 1.87100988 0.06135398 0.46468499 0.40641093 +O 2.10691959 0.03256580 5.85254991 -0.40816417 0.00383377 0.67158834 +O 2.01057009 0.07354962 1.90302015 0.04807706 -0.31107006 0.42942719 +O 0.08681961 5.97395956 5.86832973 -0.44954582 -0.07210556 0.71900848 +O 0.02924532 2.00516021 5.94361032 0.40346342 -0.01793422 0.08634047 +O 0.05340025 6.06174956 1.97910026 0.22449921 -0.35246430 -0.07087837 +O 0.06554964 2.02487009 2.02016992 -0.34498085 0.00948943 -0.22685692 +40 +Lattice="7.973671244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.973671244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.973671244" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2409361754 stress="0.0016150392451358354 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0016150392451358354 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0016150392451358354" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 3.98683562 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98683562 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 0.00000000 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.02610632 5.94756493 1.96072930 0.11701836 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 +Ti 1.96072930 2.02610632 5.94756493 -0.11701836 0.11701836 -0.11701836 +Ti 5.94756493 1.96072930 2.02610632 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 6.01294194 6.01294194 6.01294194 0.11701836 0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 5.94756493 2.02610632 6.01294194 -0.11701836 0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 6.01294194 5.94756493 2.02610632 0.11701836 -0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 2.02610632 6.01294194 5.94756493 0.11701836 0.11701836 -0.11701836 +Ti 1.96072930 1.96072930 1.96072930 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 +O 5.98703140 1.98302057 3.95056928 0.10974240 0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 1.98663984 5.96985619 0.03626634 -0.10974240 0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 2.00019578 2.00381505 4.02310196 0.10974240 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 5.97347546 5.99065068 -0.03626634 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 1.98302057 3.95056928 5.98703140 0.08387478 0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 5.96985619 0.03626634 1.98663984 0.08387478 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 2.00381505 4.02310196 2.00019578 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 5.99065068 -0.03626634 5.97347546 -0.08387478 0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 3.95056928 5.98703140 1.98302057 0.08222028 0.10974240 0.08387478 +O 0.03626634 1.98663984 5.96985619 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 0.08387478 +O 4.02310196 2.00019578 2.00381505 -0.08222028 0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O -0.03626634 5.97347546 5.99065068 0.08222028 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O 1.98663984 5.99065068 4.02310196 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 5.98703140 2.00381505 -0.03626634 0.10974240 -0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 5.97347546 5.96985619 3.95056928 -0.10974240 0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 2.00019578 1.98302057 0.03626634 0.10974240 0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 5.99065068 4.02310196 1.98663984 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 2.00381505 -0.03626634 5.98703140 -0.08387478 0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 5.96985619 3.95056928 5.97347546 0.08387478 0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 1.98302057 0.03626634 2.00019578 0.08387478 -0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 4.02310196 1.98663984 5.99065068 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O -0.03626634 5.98703140 2.00381505 0.08222028 0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O 3.95056928 5.97347546 5.96985619 0.08222028 -0.10974240 0.08387478 +O 0.03626634 2.00019578 1.98302057 -0.08222028 0.10974240 0.08387478 +40 +Lattice="7.907450044364258 0.0 0.0 -0.02167432057160243 7.907418414564081 0.0 -0.02167432057160243 0.02161896842129188 7.9073867847639026" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.749977775256 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01906191 0.00523315 0.05478993 -0.17676977 0.00919632 -0.24581803 +Ba 3.97609599 0.08019973 3.96548024 0.01844484 -0.24194312 0.25693805 +Ba 3.98387613 3.95507324 0.08791029 0.09538433 0.32360521 -0.47267855 +Ba 3.94934034 3.99714009 3.97436979 0.32675533 -0.01188750 0.20052445 +Ba 0.08220822 0.09083367 0.02396036 -0.27570325 -0.49453987 -0.07407271 +Ba -0.00731755 0.04128005 3.97905021 0.26976863 0.11018463 0.14272862 +Ba 0.05765796 4.02180342 0.04779026 -0.28369989 -0.10153775 -0.20797139 +Ba 0.04138997 3.97017963 3.98205979 -0.34091799 0.11514480 0.10980050 +O 2.00191964 3.96754013 2.01246027 0.00153495 0.18138413 0.17265729 +O 2.04653980 3.97982040 5.97880005 -0.26311358 0.45695034 -0.11607322 +O 1.95468607 0.04052015 1.95314965 0.34514695 -0.08104297 0.38185613 +O 2.06570588 0.05327961 6.00391015 -0.49268816 -0.07311369 -0.06452749 +O 5.96402023 4.05689036 1.99577001 0.05231629 -0.63813983 -0.07486024 +O 5.92186008 3.98805996 6.01038003 0.19061079 0.28158850 -0.17164119 +O 5.99189637 0.06091979 2.03109971 0.03795514 0.15430836 -0.10954494 +O 5.97739568 0.07222032 5.98330018 0.03889719 -0.43757990 -0.27282824 +O 1.98863987 2.01882023 3.97541990 0.37296268 -0.08476773 -0.09155801 +O 1.99657578 2.04451312 0.01698995 -0.00994631 -0.08654256 0.21451845 +O 1.98716038 5.99342013 4.03153987 -0.20553861 -0.12263776 -0.24702336 +O 2.06180592 5.92148369 0.09387013 -0.36526660 0.07691661 -0.36433226 +O 5.91016022 2.07936995 3.95310033 0.31183059 -0.15011052 0.05523218 +O 6.03019610 2.02335357 0.01064026 -0.02189346 -0.00758373 0.57937959 +O 5.97733005 5.94293976 3.99582033 -0.08143352 0.24173795 0.17587425 +O 5.92803580 5.99776369 0.03687007 0.16322006 -0.05225459 0.04511900 +O 0.06274641 2.02462035 2.06739016 -0.43277374 0.10480408 -0.43834326 +O 0.04270972 2.04053962 5.91604969 0.03455434 -0.07044566 0.17492809 +O 0.01080632 5.96119964 1.99136003 0.32035200 0.03702928 0.12711123 +O 0.01299036 6.02447032 5.97391008 0.18480884 -0.38060143 0.16951232 +O 4.02073987 1.98246019 1.98894984 -0.30834726 0.21510955 -0.13210662 +O 3.99828983 1.93454026 6.00298973 0.04241138 0.60845002 -0.13727043 +O 3.96051989 5.96318995 2.04563993 0.13149419 0.13528759 0.10477143 +O 3.95363013 5.98398971 5.93521972 0.33871070 -0.04102401 0.10939864 +Ti 2.01323994 2.02974991 2.03805985 0.02505206 -0.31641127 0.04218538 +Ti 1.97441990 1.99510025 5.99953022 0.22801417 -0.27388291 -0.04866738 +Ti 1.95639012 5.96894974 1.96980037 0.34847164 0.38574981 -0.04423763 +Ti 1.96894004 5.93060019 5.91968000 0.64657125 0.47251117 -0.00580864 +Ti 5.99552035 1.99840003 1.98630005 -0.28356620 -0.01034123 0.84306344 +Ti 5.92695011 2.06199965 5.99998015 -0.26516610 -0.10749474 -0.63598088 +Ti 5.93724007 5.95743965 2.00344973 -0.18378065 -0.18046470 -0.31829949 +Ti 5.93982027 6.00898990 5.93535968 -0.53466347 0.05438937 0.36804468 +40 +Lattice="7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635286699 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878354 5.96634883 5.96634883 -0.00000309 0.00000309 0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634883 1.98878354 5.96634883 0.00000309 -0.00000309 0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634883 5.96634883 1.98878354 0.00000309 0.00000309 -0.00000309 +Ba 1.98878354 1.98878354 1.98878354 -0.00000309 -0.00000309 -0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634967 1.98878270 1.98878270 -0.00000206 0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98878270 5.96634967 1.98878270 0.00000206 -0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98878270 1.98878270 5.96634967 0.00000206 0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ba 5.96634967 5.96634967 5.96634967 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 5.96634312 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018332 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 1.98878925 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018332 +O 3.97756619 5.96634312 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00018332 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878925 3.97756619 0.00000000 -0.00018332 0.00000000 +O 5.96634312 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00018332 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878925 3.97756619 3.97756619 -0.00018332 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 +O 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 0.00000000 +O 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.941705566 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.941705566 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.941705566" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.09345183542 stress="-0.005962515553105239 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.005962515553105239 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.005962515553105239" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97085278 3.97085278 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97085278 0.00000000 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97085278 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97085278 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97085278 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.95915746 1.98254811 1.98254811 -0.35215577 0.35215577 0.35215577 +Ti 1.98254811 5.95915746 1.98254811 0.35215577 -0.35215577 0.35215577 +Ti 5.95915746 5.95915746 5.95915746 -0.35215577 -0.35215577 -0.35215577 +Ti 1.98254811 1.98254811 5.95915746 0.35215577 0.35215577 -0.35215577 +Ti 1.98254811 5.95915746 5.95915746 0.35215577 -0.35215577 -0.35215577 +Ti 5.95915746 1.98254811 5.95915746 -0.35215577 0.35215577 -0.35215577 +Ti 5.95915746 5.95915746 1.98254811 -0.35215577 -0.35215577 0.35215577 +Ti 1.98254811 1.98254811 1.98254811 0.35215577 0.35215577 0.35215577 +O 5.94078027 5.94078027 3.97085278 0.17487435 0.17487435 0.00000000 +O 2.00092530 5.94078027 3.97085278 -0.17487435 0.17487435 0.00000000 +O 5.94078027 2.00092530 3.97085278 0.17487435 -0.17487435 0.00000000 +O 2.00092530 2.00092530 3.97085278 -0.17487435 -0.17487435 0.00000000 +O 5.94078027 3.97085278 5.94078027 0.17487435 0.00000000 0.17487435 +O 5.94078027 3.97085278 2.00092530 0.17487435 0.00000000 -0.17487435 +O 2.00092530 3.97085278 5.94078027 -0.17487435 0.00000000 0.17487435 +O 2.00092530 3.97085278 2.00092530 -0.17487435 0.00000000 -0.17487435 +O 3.97085278 5.94078027 5.94078027 0.00000000 0.17487435 0.17487435 +O 3.97085278 2.00092530 5.94078027 0.00000000 -0.17487435 0.17487435 +O 3.97085278 5.94078027 2.00092530 0.00000000 0.17487435 -0.17487435 +O 3.97085278 2.00092530 2.00092530 0.00000000 -0.17487435 -0.17487435 +O 5.93367587 5.93367587 0.00000000 0.26131330 0.26131330 0.00000000 +O 2.00802970 5.93367587 0.00000000 -0.26131330 0.26131330 0.00000000 +O 5.93367587 2.00802970 0.00000000 0.26131330 -0.26131330 0.00000000 +O 2.00802970 2.00802970 0.00000000 -0.26131330 -0.26131330 0.00000000 +O 5.93367587 0.00000000 5.93367587 0.26131330 0.00000000 0.26131330 +O 5.93367587 0.00000000 2.00802970 0.26131330 0.00000000 -0.26131330 +O 2.00802970 0.00000000 5.93367587 -0.26131330 0.00000000 0.26131330 +O 2.00802970 0.00000000 2.00802970 -0.26131330 0.00000000 -0.26131330 +O 0.00000000 5.93367587 5.93367587 0.00000000 0.26131330 0.26131330 +O 0.00000000 2.00802970 5.93367587 0.00000000 -0.26131330 0.26131330 +O 0.00000000 5.93367587 2.00802970 0.00000000 0.26131330 -0.26131330 +O 0.00000000 2.00802970 2.00802970 0.00000000 -0.26131330 -0.26131330 +40 +Lattice="8.010424543 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.010424543 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.010424543" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.83163751618 stress="0.012682511138750028 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.012682511138750028 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.012682511138750028" pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00521227 4.00521227 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00521227 0.00000000 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 4.00521227 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00521227 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 4.00521227 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.94499862 2.06542592 2.06542592 0.72048713 -0.72048713 -0.72048713 +Ti 2.06542592 5.94499862 2.06542592 -0.72048713 0.72048713 -0.72048713 +Ti 2.06542592 2.06542592 5.94499862 -0.72048713 -0.72048713 0.72048713 +Ti 5.94499862 5.94499862 5.94499862 0.72048713 0.72048713 0.72048713 +Ti 2.06542592 5.94499862 5.94499862 -0.72048713 0.72048713 0.72048713 +Ti 5.94499862 2.06542592 5.94499862 0.72048713 -0.72048713 0.72048713 +Ti 5.94499862 5.94499862 2.06542592 0.72048713 0.72048713 -0.72048713 +Ti 2.06542592 2.06542592 2.06542592 -0.72048713 -0.72048713 -0.72048713 +O 5.92594975 5.91039195 4.00521227 0.51478010 0.54637948 0.00000000 +O 2.08447480 5.91039195 4.00521227 -0.51478010 0.54637948 0.00000000 +O 5.92594975 2.10003259 4.00521227 0.51478010 -0.54637948 0.00000000 +O 2.08447480 2.10003259 4.00521227 -0.51478010 -0.54637948 0.00000000 +O 5.91039195 4.00521227 5.92594975 0.54637948 0.00000000 0.51478010 +O 5.91039195 4.00521227 2.08447480 0.54637948 0.00000000 -0.51478010 +O 2.10003259 4.00521227 5.92594975 -0.54637948 0.00000000 0.51478010 +O 2.10003259 4.00521227 2.08447480 -0.54637948 0.00000000 -0.51478010 +O 4.00521227 5.92594975 5.91039195 0.00000000 0.51478010 0.54637948 +O 4.00521227 2.08447480 5.91039195 0.00000000 -0.51478010 0.54637948 +O 4.00521227 5.92594975 2.10003259 0.00000000 0.51478010 -0.54637948 +O 4.00521227 2.08447480 2.10003259 0.00000000 -0.51478010 -0.54637948 +O 5.93308162 5.94816531 0.00000000 0.23082619 0.19316081 0.00000000 +O 2.07734292 5.94816531 0.00000000 -0.23082619 0.19316081 0.00000000 +O 5.93308162 2.06225923 0.00000000 0.23082619 -0.19316081 0.00000000 +O 2.07734292 2.06225923 0.00000000 -0.23082619 -0.19316081 0.00000000 +O 5.94816531 0.00000000 5.93308162 0.19316081 0.00000000 0.23082619 +O 5.94816531 0.00000000 2.07734292 0.19316081 0.00000000 -0.23082619 +O 2.06225923 0.00000000 5.93308162 -0.19316081 0.00000000 0.23082619 +O 2.06225923 0.00000000 2.07734292 -0.19316081 0.00000000 -0.23082619 +O 0.00000000 5.93308162 5.94816531 0.00000000 0.23082619 0.19316081 +O 0.00000000 2.07734292 5.94816531 0.00000000 -0.23082619 0.19316081 +O 0.00000000 5.93308162 2.06225923 0.00000000 0.23082619 -0.19316081 +O 0.00000000 2.07734292 2.06225923 0.00000000 -0.23082619 -0.19316081 +40 +Lattice="7.814910180053432 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.814910180053432 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.19777044468443" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.443396229057 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95200983 1.93448020 0.03357832 0.17403746 0.19490453 0.08013691 +Ba 2.02387027 1.95131039 4.07014042 -0.41061212 -0.12502838 0.20173827 +Ba 1.94469976 5.86928982 8.15652335 -0.09933663 -0.23522740 0.28510526 +Ba 1.91428022 5.90228984 4.07193003 0.12195694 -0.18686289 0.32979335 +Ba 5.80602031 1.97867977 0.05485129 0.28280129 -0.26647787 -0.13287050 +Ba 5.91217024 1.95583992 4.11406021 -0.32799203 -0.36637629 0.02655512 +Ba 5.81449011 5.90664040 8.17368333 0.49908172 -0.38938226 0.16749014 +Ba 5.87659051 5.80691043 4.12521991 0.12396934 0.59956892 0.16177407 +Ti 0.00816893 7.79099577 2.09084014 -0.24351072 -0.06552431 -0.17742797 +Ti 7.79180462 0.05262013 6.27426003 -0.11608377 -1.47940993 -0.56882906 +Ti 7.81303695 3.88184016 2.17455034 0.59770101 0.26632026 -1.83736843 +Ti 0.03965989 3.82857998 6.25818007 -0.24550976 1.40670170 -0.66650656 +Ti 3.91233003 7.80916857 2.16113995 0.24844518 0.17555621 -0.67587257 +Ti 3.87237005 7.80512044 6.25041987 0.27139279 0.37330361 -0.22062276 +Ti 3.92569040 3.93433994 2.19911025 -0.64782749 -0.24319525 -1.03164434 +Ti 3.92692047 3.89295999 6.26198046 0.00794805 -0.25478501 -1.00931843 +O 0.02355023 1.98198001 2.01284968 -0.09351488 -0.23244058 -0.33384978 +O 1.91301030 7.79053000 1.92949038 0.51971791 -0.05946859 0.15315007 +O 7.80110045 7.78183045 3.87862979 -0.11476942 0.35959140 0.97084753 +O 7.79733523 1.95588993 6.08956010 0.09010097 -0.17716778 -0.27308561 +O 1.96901976 0.02907928 5.99213005 -0.11985557 0.07350064 0.44365054 +O 0.00280008 7.79809015 8.07740051 0.17244003 0.29988550 0.25005778 +O 7.76922031 5.85628034 1.96548977 -0.02985411 -0.28358317 -0.17175252 +O 1.99049982 3.93529024 1.83121007 -0.29574705 0.03114172 0.72940885 +O 0.08767938 3.90731989 3.92118042 -0.24228739 -0.04056404 1.37065381 +O 7.81147787 5.91405050 6.03849982 0.13688887 -0.44313966 0.15380493 +O 1.94607987 3.81873007 6.07414050 0.26520158 0.40442013 -0.01733258 +O 0.02114246 3.89333042 8.01832995 -0.28847186 0.03867273 0.82649525 +O 3.80845034 1.94617990 2.00338974 0.44410434 0.01482164 0.03524854 +O 5.84025040 0.01816029 1.91185995 -0.23697266 0.07099767 0.23077913 +O 3.92778011 7.80478987 3.96883027 0.09600936 -0.03024723 0.25309682 +O 3.92751987 1.93296020 6.06914052 -0.02173688 0.12185358 -0.00315809 +O 5.88236026 0.02661133 6.15808983 -0.25194960 -0.08664541 -0.49291519 +O 3.92397972 7.80567686 8.09275056 -0.41922223 0.01647254 -0.34333406 +O 3.88631029 5.86663979 1.96577970 0.23810318 -0.22633473 0.13653998 +O 5.85014017 3.83101980 1.98914003 0.03669941 0.42117935 0.16209314 +O 3.91033020 3.90882973 3.99393020 -0.11952262 0.04558129 0.08506186 +O 3.87571014 5.87163977 6.03746044 0.12490033 -0.28976538 0.28159930 +O 5.86012997 3.87558042 6.02967991 0.10487478 0.18151423 0.03477648 +O 3.97035027 3.86136978 8.03715997 -0.23159726 0.38563899 0.58603180 +40 +Lattice="7.952299929481054 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.952299929481054 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.952299929481054" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.12028254265 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.08891994 3.90150968 7.86431648 -1.01715309 0.82762551 0.57426618 +Ba 3.97082033 0.01353243 3.95070022 -0.41608702 -0.31784774 0.21296370 +Ba 7.90543782 3.99053011 3.99661998 0.21038463 0.00927500 -0.00715718 +Ba 0.08575760 0.05756272 3.95675987 -0.22758711 -0.27629692 0.19038068 +Ba 7.87633638 3.99134999 7.93703310 0.52497479 -0.03962893 0.26045121 +Ba 4.00230985 7.90306167 0.03956985 -0.46957677 -0.02428767 -0.16188848 +Ba 3.96738971 3.99357027 4.03114012 -0.06001160 0.27971108 -0.22864486 +Ba 0.11445427 0.08099258 0.10392384 -0.66619700 -0.43743361 -0.67937339 +Ti 5.96319990 1.85996979 1.93843036 0.91533329 0.85537131 0.16456089 +Ti 1.90123984 5.99991010 1.97565031 0.92511737 -0.34225908 0.41429574 +Ti 1.92640013 2.02348021 6.02690020 0.36304517 0.41435719 -0.26284002 +Ti 5.97857964 6.13123995 5.96342972 -0.47703914 -1.38910790 -0.38121052 +Ti 1.93923037 5.99335979 5.98137965 0.45427793 -0.19303045 -0.42026584 +Ti 5.89976997 1.98910003 5.89385982 0.11187256 1.05244945 0.21900837 +Ti 5.90145029 5.88255960 2.01835973 -0.45735503 -0.05435106 -0.04170098 +Ti 2.04663970 2.10724974 2.05313036 -1.01919172 -0.38081483 -0.62510331 +O 1.98944994 2.01268019 3.85957959 -0.21632414 -0.43199315 1.05356300 +O 5.92773025 2.02365993 4.05625984 0.01512837 -0.41421475 -0.42477015 +O 2.03278997 5.91917994 4.00606970 -0.36949221 0.27962701 -0.36787010 +O 6.00259002 6.01860993 4.09090006 0.20917184 -0.08765405 -0.05798840 +O 2.00409966 3.89585957 1.95525982 -0.33260073 1.51783712 0.01281001 +O 1.97537993 3.95717021 5.83712970 -0.00659308 0.13708634 0.53128376 +O 5.90429960 4.03966976 2.03087028 0.34668292 -0.74103358 0.37765932 +O 6.04949030 3.89487030 6.06441995 -0.35987782 -0.07273702 -0.40816803 +O 3.84174973 2.00478992 1.93595004 2.32821362 -0.58449608 0.03082058 +O 4.00707010 5.94853983 2.07870019 -0.01563848 0.33860477 -0.09236920 +O 3.93209025 1.97247018 5.94119032 1.19980426 -0.18128900 0.10429089 +O 4.04707017 5.98448025 5.93055014 0.15197071 -0.07105269 0.58311514 +O 5.95278000 5.96124999 0.17470885 0.25846889 0.43686591 -1.39375466 +O 2.05778007 5.86425022 7.94242953 -0.25124872 0.32180930 0.15006424 +O 5.93564995 2.03365995 0.10089481 -0.12082694 -0.79373863 -0.49053512 +O 1.94671030 2.06957969 7.84259000 0.16947298 -0.46807216 0.76366495 +O 5.96095019 7.94874048 6.05205969 0.20856275 0.80258759 0.11337382 +O 6.07648995 7.95189993 2.08174989 -0.87474972 0.66342355 -0.15722142 +O 2.00682969 7.91426885 5.94182968 0.08203439 0.05650719 0.16694276 +O 1.98320022 7.87808986 1.94949997 0.11522142 0.16447373 -0.01222302 +O 0.02088592 6.02328032 6.00723019 -0.06900507 -0.14252216 0.18747276 +O 0.06659017 1.97442009 5.95250008 -1.12163321 -0.35192823 -0.14978784 +O 0.05170983 5.99022976 2.05345004 -0.03598876 -0.41000251 -0.16271046 +O 7.85899003 2.01028019 1.94482004 -0.00556078 0.04818093 0.41459476 +40 +Lattice="7.824859769924895 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.824859769924895 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.208207474913285" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.98792173497 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97641012 1.95448956 8.20681465 -0.17062920 -0.01330649 0.12345795 +Ba 1.93227009 1.95989028 4.07242010 0.14863882 -0.01429919 0.36103276 +Ba 1.99525004 5.87563947 0.02945199 -0.46610475 -0.11262666 -0.05545047 +Ba 1.94710994 5.88410988 4.12601021 -0.08911366 -0.19622068 0.02648262 +Ba 5.84821960 1.93637032 0.00125667 0.26919064 0.14648757 0.02272367 +Ba 5.83678982 1.96916978 4.11480971 0.24093345 -0.15589858 0.14690126 +Ba 5.87831009 5.89066007 8.17690099 0.22552894 -0.18635099 0.23052588 +Ba 5.85797954 5.85606950 4.10230950 0.28380711 0.08376217 0.20174495 +Ti 7.81109036 0.00581700 2.15089980 0.14646443 -0.19744170 -0.22863303 +Ti 0.02626336 0.03800691 6.23892971 -0.27107963 -0.64509287 0.02404059 +Ti 0.00174260 3.89270967 2.13877988 -0.18909667 0.30957419 0.29588332 +Ti 0.00902989 3.89984986 6.25610997 -0.07313400 0.55093444 -0.42100040 +Ti 3.91437984 0.00203290 2.13137991 -0.20555173 -0.19814052 0.33783627 +Ti 3.91027961 0.00847980 6.23923019 0.17380812 0.07571873 -0.39915322 +Ti 3.91536968 3.90329984 2.16682965 0.15858667 0.23872101 -0.53445856 +Ti 3.91127963 3.92700995 6.26753975 0.09165186 -0.11502833 -0.31761326 +O 7.80610984 1.95402007 1.97351962 0.17715364 -0.16077571 0.00918244 +O 1.96581996 7.80091961 1.95470005 0.19766255 0.19231055 0.16216462 +O 0.02439009 0.02955997 3.99016987 -0.17239530 -0.18921134 -0.26262662 +O 7.79978735 1.92388966 6.07425945 0.20811023 0.41121555 0.01362222 +O 1.94515998 7.80046968 6.05071992 0.33528111 0.10591917 0.21217283 +O 0.00896025 0.00329974 8.07540004 0.05121303 0.08865009 0.10334112 +O 0.00256968 5.85830975 1.97780999 0.02221433 0.02615917 0.03072545 +O 1.94236025 3.86256988 1.99426019 0.49099174 0.15966602 -0.09646316 +O 0.01977812 3.90323020 4.00282971 -0.07877732 -0.02837238 -0.39221716 +O 0.02324062 5.86002966 6.11545968 -0.16315424 -0.23206571 -0.16783159 +O 1.95961015 3.87773993 6.10632964 0.14771142 0.07824175 -0.07771288 +O 0.01620215 3.88392001 8.07123956 -0.14141967 -0.00054533 0.39068761 +O 3.95195951 1.94250031 1.94474996 -0.23116531 -0.08537939 0.24425017 +O 5.89962971 0.00169017 1.95789963 -0.47022597 -0.10014164 0.16936808 +O 3.88136989 7.80539778 4.00681021 0.24313097 0.15606391 -0.71905682 +O 3.87571017 1.94577971 6.08216960 0.16402378 -0.09937159 0.08034183 +O 5.86925986 7.82176504 6.06921946 -0.33911745 -0.04206479 0.09272992 +O 3.88954999 7.80339148 8.08650978 0.15722476 0.05732892 -0.06578476 +O 3.93915961 5.85924013 1.96843972 -0.05224507 -0.01883410 0.12496538 +O 5.87978978 3.87871961 2.01047017 -0.19567278 0.14916461 -0.12662323 +O 3.92507016 3.90968962 3.97734023 -0.17734775 -0.05640640 0.08143635 +O 3.93806960 5.85008974 6.05698998 -0.20679897 0.04705196 0.19296361 +O 5.87218949 3.88706012 6.06209962 -0.10534401 0.00812237 0.14919520 +O 3.94620980 3.92130954 8.09075946 -0.13495386 -0.03751831 0.03684879 +40 +Lattice="7.925660090458121 0.0 0.0 -0.02172423430794571 7.925628387817759 0.0 -0.02172423430794571 0.0216687546873125 7.925596685177397" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.058190099695 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00872199 0.04021321 0.05004975 0.01563051 -0.05651953 -0.00176223 +Ba 3.97702570 0.02279975 3.99494006 0.18508832 0.20099650 -0.10077156 +Ba 4.03286593 3.98448374 0.02093008 -0.14474385 0.15760297 0.16346688 +Ba 3.97418038 4.01141038 3.99021003 0.08850328 -0.04657939 -0.05509617 +Ba 0.03736632 0.01597338 0.02993997 0.05094332 0.28422646 -0.03107461 +Ba 0.02129704 0.06459968 4.01844995 0.06593543 -0.04145955 -0.14221954 +Ba 0.07470014 4.02259349 0.05477027 -0.32149974 -0.25103583 -0.30066403 +Ba -0.01299808 4.01055996 3.99879986 0.24673077 -0.06588555 0.13794148 +O 1.99042967 3.99863976 2.01530990 -0.05935700 -0.18679964 -0.09648502 +O 2.00359974 3.97631001 5.96365025 -0.05837073 -0.00927680 -0.11151877 +O 1.99954576 0.04306011 1.97608977 -0.00704122 -0.17961392 0.06927529 +O 1.98136985 7.93740037 5.93578997 0.04609808 0.01330366 0.19818757 +O 5.96120994 4.05229014 1.99792021 0.10999205 -0.33076908 -0.10260758 +O 5.95294031 4.01206979 5.98643019 0.02433189 0.03870359 -0.07078838 +O 5.97775634 0.07420003 2.03249986 -0.00645347 -0.03145179 -0.12172528 +O 5.98685579 0.05017022 5.95088043 -0.18098895 -0.26408803 -0.05867077 +O 1.99683994 1.99771969 3.98115021 0.00576364 0.11636761 0.03884937 +O 2.02206573 2.02860361 0.02067012 0.01929382 -0.12791778 -0.07490652 +O 1.97611989 5.97493005 3.95034000 -0.12518418 0.03699972 0.30305876 +O 1.97540975 5.98236987 7.91218013 0.02402465 0.02362535 0.01820958 +O 5.96501981 2.04552965 3.96644969 0.07393901 0.05032523 -0.04408259 +O 5.97011046 2.01559998 7.91263031 -0.10687562 0.14364753 0.35797958 +O 5.95864044 5.97679021 3.96786997 -0.00146193 0.12846825 0.31227308 +O 5.94067614 6.02829352 0.03846006 0.09028223 -0.13612294 -0.19173976 +O 0.01758625 2.02685997 1.99176039 0.11189801 0.08693465 0.03337575 +O 0.01002596 2.00795964 5.98596971 0.35007935 0.10338534 -0.16552119 +O 0.00135212 6.01138967 2.00129971 0.06013759 -0.11116807 -0.03017909 +O -0.02153323 5.96798004 5.99020993 0.12170548 0.05310305 -0.16195970 +O 3.99675029 2.01051963 2.01012018 -0.08658884 0.16960899 -0.10120736 +O 4.00279043 2.00500971 5.95783995 -0.40899284 0.00591508 0.03147647 +O 3.94146009 5.97376974 2.03567964 -0.11267243 0.15766005 -0.22834173 +O 3.96704967 5.95641967 5.97276001 -0.19348400 0.19623251 -0.11489180 +Ti 1.99842032 2.06510999 2.00077028 0.08694365 -0.16858132 0.17968232 +Ti 2.00654967 2.05161022 5.97112019 -0.05924336 0.21486298 -0.03660634 +Ti 2.01501982 6.02205999 2.05817980 0.76689657 0.06665225 0.01504095 +Ti 2.02839992 6.01779995 6.01303980 -0.11277347 -0.04795030 0.11572870 +Ti 5.97177009 1.99607036 2.03280025 -0.03585352 -0.23037419 0.11572150 +Ti 5.96696001 2.03283988 5.99370039 0.04069928 0.08791656 0.14700308 +Ti 6.03738029 5.96156977 2.02115032 -0.75150929 0.04022491 0.01021139 +Ti 5.97369999 6.00535032 5.98126979 0.18817724 -0.09116926 0.09533676 +40 +Lattice="7.77551981619522 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.039273223880379 0.0 0.0 0.0685023295806799 8.038977754127364" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.75098690943 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91712027 8.09216464 8.01379207 -0.15217100 0.42006015 0.03113503 +Ba 3.91058961 0.09884163 4.06218970 -0.11897471 -0.13231874 -0.42575154 +Ba 3.83956957 4.03651960 0.00557427 0.45438206 0.01639952 -0.21887827 +Ba 3.89002025 4.10614005 4.04156980 -0.08368427 -0.23307950 -0.42976195 +Ba 7.73487018 0.01156764 0.00989357 0.27192707 0.07689218 -0.19593580 +Ba 0.00238009 0.11308016 4.00941025 0.04166524 -0.48058186 -0.19030097 +Ba 7.76177036 4.13776464 8.01976522 -0.04685913 -0.05639175 -0.03744478 +Ba 0.03334143 4.05232023 3.92833957 -0.19537247 0.37465781 0.31490974 +Ti 1.94957008 1.97117980 1.92421022 0.27947634 0.71919360 0.14995188 +Ti 1.97900975 2.04053977 5.98306967 -0.03756253 0.35808988 -0.10564097 +Ti 1.96949018 6.00813017 1.93871001 -0.58876540 0.26522189 0.00785858 +Ti 1.95103032 6.10882004 5.96048956 -0.46834984 -0.54696235 -0.04176937 +Ti 5.82218016 1.96413985 1.93592015 -0.29524158 0.73822902 0.09558230 +Ti 5.89054020 2.00581974 5.93942023 -0.48980929 0.35409001 0.16836792 +Ti 5.81160001 6.02475967 1.90423025 0.50660194 -0.36628861 0.70881946 +Ti 5.83987025 5.99067957 5.89027972 0.40063315 1.12468511 0.26403841 +O 1.92054018 2.13906961 4.10953017 0.10498894 -0.06656509 -0.10801179 +O 1.95385983 2.13023506 0.07204019 -0.10383220 -0.28527161 -0.39662223 +O 1.92127963 6.15398959 4.06979960 0.27460333 0.13434785 -0.17129795 +O 1.91433998 6.14229521 0.02208014 0.06810030 -0.09783330 0.62148757 +O 5.82391955 2.15064969 4.07411968 0.14815108 -0.31825398 0.14932710 +O 5.78218989 2.08014516 0.10952986 0.23601570 0.00301693 -1.04579904 +O 5.85014016 6.15871011 4.05349978 -0.39858038 -0.11281204 0.14145798 +O 5.82976985 6.10899499 0.08476016 -0.05791718 -0.09846811 -0.68380314 +O 1.96438011 4.15879976 2.02437991 -0.15758728 0.31154031 -0.01375103 +O 1.92579021 4.24260975 6.05884988 0.10007402 -0.23784530 0.00448143 +O 1.97607994 0.17764963 2.04786976 -0.08747716 -0.54788280 -0.05188975 +O 1.91361996 0.19110984 6.06686022 0.09933251 0.16615626 0.00528645 +O 5.82176962 4.15186010 2.01657018 0.00348050 0.52161924 0.11892638 +O 5.80421949 4.19166999 5.98837957 0.11489309 -0.31697742 0.38856722 +O 5.77977948 0.12424970 2.04334985 0.15705815 -0.24818447 0.06360729 +O 5.89024007 0.16787036 6.06531989 -0.35021433 0.20465853 -0.14556043 +O 7.73755429 2.13478996 2.00824026 0.83675832 -0.15295056 0.19207606 +O 7.74807301 2.22161997 6.08699960 0.49706058 -0.15263997 0.04946340 +O 7.76341100 6.20907992 2.02357981 0.31844912 -0.25949064 0.12615169 +O 7.75157977 6.24132967 5.99398961 -0.07046674 -0.36721344 0.44521042 +O 3.91167974 2.17467993 2.01865013 -0.91163888 -0.20392628 0.45860073 +O 3.91046987 2.17451976 6.03014966 -0.58072402 -0.15076332 0.28636664 +O 3.86906989 6.19019007 2.05338960 -0.12383564 -0.18803737 -0.04578441 +O 3.86705992 6.23344996 6.12059995 0.40541360 -0.16812109 -0.48367001 +40 +Lattice="7.947970201562305 0.0 0.0 -0.021785386322482277 7.947938409681499 0.0 -0.021785386322482277 0.021729750531071342 7.947906617800693" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.801556137034 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02023434 0.06933253 0.06613029 0.10858951 -0.11754749 -0.11042914 +Ba 3.96829038 7.94956059 4.03508989 0.02667314 0.09594766 -0.13608669 +Ba 3.93333044 4.02085984 7.93379023 0.48764005 -0.02964945 0.46888463 +Ba 4.01979005 4.03551034 4.03591012 -0.20679100 0.05651670 -0.24264735 +Ba 0.07493267 0.05286036 7.93984022 -0.39723004 0.13156592 0.59887266 +Ba 0.06288355 0.05618023 4.04313006 -0.02681738 -0.29862515 -0.40540280 +Ba 7.93506031 3.96209255 0.03519997 0.15671439 0.18386190 0.10543066 +Ba 0.02832816 4.06702007 3.95552038 0.02116635 -0.01105137 0.27784343 +O 1.98419010 4.03005008 1.95949019 0.20838971 -0.39902030 0.24026599 +O 1.94101990 4.07640980 5.98547012 0.34312014 -0.43885569 0.12302729 +O 2.02724981 7.93972021 2.03092972 -0.12118869 0.67294537 -0.14674160 +O 2.03887690 0.06503983 5.98629035 -0.30751165 0.27116062 0.02856804 +O 5.92352046 4.04713027 2.04073037 0.32998566 -0.07848061 -0.29270158 +O 5.98236008 4.06660995 6.03656046 -0.18670811 -0.38469848 -0.08852205 +O 5.99998708 0.05230003 2.05813006 -0.12343686 0.57729596 0.09680846 +O 6.00554748 0.07431988 5.99248023 -0.11664478 0.37386462 -0.15124129 +O 2.02399035 2.07746986 3.98211985 -0.08038323 -0.13188551 0.40345777 +O 2.01512678 2.02382265 0.06440002 -0.06743772 0.00976274 -0.59203764 +O 2.00784008 6.00767039 3.96573034 0.16762796 -0.08881156 0.21408188 +O 1.92143690 5.99668311 0.02528011 0.29782965 0.01758815 -0.23842714 +O 6.02598013 2.14434011 3.99488985 -0.35836164 -0.55803866 0.16610766 +O 6.01836994 2.05283989 7.94229058 -0.30354264 -0.05642569 -0.10443127 +O 5.88511984 5.97111052 4.05488034 0.26755208 0.35236249 0.08875062 +O 5.96243690 6.03348301 0.06962978 0.31574561 -0.03183206 -0.10524528 +O 0.03446160 1.98233027 2.05768021 -0.31563891 0.27229834 -0.16856898 +O 0.00883576 2.10060004 5.95585995 0.05267856 -0.32445882 0.08769184 +O -0.00406141 6.07816014 2.07787997 -0.33665793 -0.43392739 -0.32665686 +O -0.00365209 5.98533977 5.95185020 0.21349309 0.39534002 0.28239377 +O 3.99615994 2.00208018 2.01868031 0.06266833 0.18646129 0.12849191 +O 3.93132993 2.05634972 5.97524028 0.36128267 0.11605805 0.01378343 +O 3.99081016 6.06769028 1.99330006 -0.33046158 -0.42248239 -0.04439575 +O 3.99401001 5.98985978 6.08156982 -0.40084758 0.22485197 -0.23378090 +Ti 2.07861993 2.07301979 2.04286042 -0.34794791 -0.36570549 -0.35086919 +Ti 2.02066969 2.02776007 5.97158024 0.23695467 0.00928888 0.21250630 +Ti 2.06242038 6.01388014 2.05938982 -0.00129815 0.55220020 0.65485638 +Ti 1.95010999 5.98342033 6.10897998 -0.10084175 -0.16722609 -0.84449400 +Ti 6.02878020 1.96487017 2.12952986 0.31373732 0.00871115 -0.58411273 +Ti 6.02627976 2.02810025 6.03366979 0.03100776 0.03186600 0.47488327 +Ti 6.02462977 5.96467982 1.91202968 -0.09270344 0.01567113 0.44574238 +Ti 5.92828050 5.99538998 5.91904019 0.21959458 -0.21689672 0.05434361 +40 +Lattice="7.959856999 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.959856999 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.959856999" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.226515094353 stress="-0.00013864179989511721 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00013864179989511721 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00013864179989511721" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97992850 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97992850 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97992850 0.00000000 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97992850 3.97992850 3.97992850 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.95411716 6.00573984 1.95411716 -0.01886778 0.01886778 -0.01886778 +Ti 6.00573984 1.95411716 1.95411716 0.01886778 -0.01886778 -0.01886778 +Ti 1.95411716 1.95411716 6.00573984 -0.01886778 -0.01886778 0.01886778 +Ti 6.00573984 6.00573984 6.00573984 0.01886778 0.01886778 0.01886778 +Ti 2.02581134 5.93404566 5.93404566 0.01886778 -0.01886778 -0.01886778 +Ti 5.93404566 2.02581134 5.93404566 -0.01886778 0.01886778 -0.01886778 +Ti 5.93404566 5.93404566 2.02581134 -0.01886778 -0.01886778 0.01886778 +Ti 2.02581134 2.02581134 2.02581134 0.01886778 0.01886778 0.01886778 +O 1.99503111 1.99676428 3.97303473 -0.06464345 -0.07506001 -0.10214556 +O 1.99503111 5.96309272 3.98682227 -0.06464345 0.07506001 0.10214556 +O 5.96482589 1.99676428 3.98682227 0.06464345 -0.07506001 0.10214556 +O 5.96482589 5.96309272 3.97303473 0.06464345 0.07506001 -0.10214556 +O 3.97303473 1.99503111 1.99676428 -0.10214556 -0.06464345 -0.07506001 +O 3.98682227 1.99503111 5.96309272 0.10214556 -0.06464345 0.07506001 +O 3.98682227 5.96482589 1.99676428 0.10214556 0.06464345 -0.07506001 +O 3.97303473 5.96482589 5.96309272 -0.10214556 0.06464345 0.07506001 +O 1.99676428 3.97303473 1.99503111 -0.07506001 -0.10214556 -0.06464345 +O 5.96309272 3.98682227 1.99503111 0.07506001 0.10214556 -0.06464345 +O 1.99676428 3.98682227 5.96482589 -0.07506001 0.10214556 0.06464345 +O 5.96309272 3.97303473 5.96482589 0.07506001 -0.10214556 0.06464345 +O 5.97669278 5.97495961 -0.00689377 -0.07506001 -0.06464345 -0.10214556 +O 1.98316422 5.97495961 0.00689377 0.07506001 -0.06464345 0.10214556 +O 5.97669278 1.98489739 0.00689377 -0.07506001 0.06464345 0.10214556 +O 1.98316422 1.98489739 -0.00689377 0.07506001 0.06464345 -0.10214556 +O 5.97495961 -0.00689377 5.97669278 -0.06464345 -0.10214556 -0.07506001 +O 5.97495961 0.00689377 1.98316422 -0.06464345 0.10214556 0.07506001 +O 1.98489739 0.00689377 5.97669278 0.06464345 0.10214556 -0.07506001 +O 1.98489739 -0.00689377 1.98316422 0.06464345 -0.10214556 0.07506001 +O -0.00689377 5.97669278 5.97495961 -0.10214556 -0.07506001 -0.06464345 +O 0.00689377 1.98316422 5.97495961 0.10214556 0.07506001 -0.06464345 +O 0.00689377 5.97669278 1.98489739 0.10214556 -0.07506001 0.06464345 +O -0.00689377 1.98316422 1.98489739 -0.10214556 0.07506001 0.06464345 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.486748485306 stress="-0.023277131860536503 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.023277131860536503 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.023277131860536503" pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.10002425 2.10002425 2.10002425 -1.35854571 -1.35854571 -1.35854571 +Ba 5.85461306 5.85461306 2.10002425 1.35854571 1.35854571 -1.35854571 +Ba 5.85461306 2.10002425 5.85461306 1.35854571 -1.35854571 1.35854571 +Ba 2.10002425 5.85461306 5.85461306 -1.35854571 1.35854571 1.35854571 +Ba 6.06143363 1.89320368 1.89320368 0.00193373 -0.00193373 -0.00193373 +Ba 1.89320368 6.06143363 1.89320368 -0.00193373 0.00193373 -0.00193373 +Ba 1.89320368 1.89320368 6.06143363 -0.00193373 -0.00193373 0.00193373 +Ba 6.06143363 6.06143363 6.06143363 0.00193373 0.00193373 0.00193373 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 3.97731865 1.87729440 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.82828393 +O 3.97731865 3.97731865 6.07734290 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.82828393 +O 3.97731865 1.87729440 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.82828393 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 6.07734290 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.82828393 0.00000000 +O 1.87729440 3.97731865 3.97731865 2.82828393 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.07734290 3.97731865 3.97731865 -2.82828393 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97731865 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.51276046 +O 0.00000000 3.97731865 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.51276046 +O 1.89320368 0.00000000 3.97731865 2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.06143363 0.00000000 3.97731865 -2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 3.97731865 0.00000000 1.89320368 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.51276046 +O 3.97731865 0.00000000 6.06143363 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.51276046 +O 0.00000000 1.89320368 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.06143363 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.51276046 0.00000000 +O 1.89320368 3.97731865 0.00000000 2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.06143363 3.97731865 0.00000000 -2.51276046 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.90911295 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.05471637 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.04552435 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.05471637 +O 0.00000000 1.90911295 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.05471637 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.04552435 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.05471637 0.00000000 +O 1.90911295 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.05471637 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.04552435 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.05471637 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955398988 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955398988 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955398988" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.205352937173 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 3.97769949 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97769949 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 0.00000000 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98920741 5.96619158 1.98849209 0.03585995 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 +Ti 1.98849209 1.98920741 5.96619158 -0.03585995 0.03585995 -0.03585995 +Ti 5.96619158 1.98849209 1.98920741 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 5.96690690 5.96690690 5.96690690 0.03585995 0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 5.96619158 1.98920741 5.96690690 -0.03585995 0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 5.96690690 5.96619158 1.98920741 0.03585995 -0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 1.98920741 5.96690690 5.96619158 0.03585995 0.03585995 -0.03585995 +Ti 1.98849209 1.98849209 1.98849209 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 +O 5.96826722 1.97934553 3.96961427 0.02793195 0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 1.98713177 5.95704502 0.00808522 -0.02793195 0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 1.99056772 1.99835397 3.98578471 0.02793195 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 5.96483126 5.97605346 -0.00808522 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 1.97934553 3.96961427 5.96826722 0.06857518 0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 5.95704502 0.00808522 1.98713177 0.06857518 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 1.99835397 3.98578471 1.99056772 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 5.97605346 -0.00808522 5.96483126 -0.06857518 0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 3.96961427 5.96826722 1.97934553 0.04048099 0.02793195 0.06857518 +O 0.00808522 1.98713177 5.95704502 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 0.06857518 +O 3.98578471 1.99056772 1.99835397 -0.04048099 0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O -0.00808522 5.96483126 5.97605346 0.04048099 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O 1.98713177 5.97605346 3.98578471 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 5.96826722 1.99835397 -0.00808522 0.02793195 -0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 5.96483126 5.95704502 3.96961427 -0.02793195 0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 1.99056772 1.97934553 0.00808522 0.02793195 0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 5.97605346 3.98578471 1.98713177 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 1.99835397 -0.00808522 5.96826722 -0.06857518 0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 5.95704502 3.96961427 5.96483126 0.06857518 0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 1.97934553 0.00808522 1.99056772 0.06857518 -0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 3.98578471 1.98713177 5.97605346 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O -0.00808522 5.96826722 1.99835397 0.04048099 0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O 3.96961427 5.96483126 5.95704502 0.04048099 -0.02793195 0.06857518 +O 0.00808522 1.99056772 1.97934553 -0.04048099 0.02793195 0.06857518 +40 +Lattice="7.934040140729606 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.934040140729606 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.934040140729606" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.088590793803 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98212014 3.93469044 0.01062527 -0.10137500 0.35321892 0.03990763 +Ba 3.96423046 0.01907026 3.94991983 0.08557865 -0.22724901 0.18877014 +Ba 0.02941625 3.99399025 3.98114028 -0.12026027 0.02276326 -0.09487731 +Ba 0.02940593 0.02230576 3.97942970 -0.13352047 -0.21670852 -0.05921405 +Ba 7.92610610 3.96417016 0.02580943 0.16035148 0.23317463 -0.16117629 +Ba 3.96977001 0.01782382 0.01720973 -0.02159572 -0.17822321 -0.06346048 +Ba 3.98690992 3.95842036 4.00366026 -0.09122917 0.23781779 -0.23563801 +Ba 7.92275476 0.03538741 0.01008972 0.15497530 -0.25450013 -0.02877553 +Ti 5.91918985 1.94575987 2.04843984 0.03201538 0.11141258 0.06438994 +Ti 1.98046019 5.92430017 1.98534994 -0.11232353 -0.13169550 0.36690748 +Ti 1.92399997 2.07062976 5.98114043 0.13542669 -0.13623556 0.48978101 +Ti 5.94326014 5.90524975 5.96363000 -0.18402645 0.12024304 0.38297122 +Ti 1.97867979 6.04089010 5.97654979 -0.01470465 -0.14589391 -0.03443890 +Ti 5.88873980 1.92666978 6.01386993 0.25179790 0.04145441 -0.30146802 +Ti 5.93398049 5.91883996 2.01031995 -0.06518081 -0.10434154 -0.20547177 +Ti 1.94100024 1.95749035 2.03701006 0.03670713 0.18631628 -0.45686703 +O 1.99122034 2.03017013 3.92671039 0.08091622 -0.22245853 0.35139653 +O 5.99101989 1.97733973 3.92521006 0.11478819 0.30551108 0.00368516 +O 2.05065026 5.96200035 3.92789970 -0.12163195 -0.01743028 0.17902900 +O 6.00853032 5.95342048 3.91939044 -0.05929838 0.19215525 -0.09172205 +O 1.96731983 3.99036043 1.97286017 0.20102993 0.02866651 -0.07413236 +O 2.04414990 3.95556014 5.94718035 -0.06575931 0.00588963 -0.14368661 +O 6.03463014 4.01803039 1.91909039 -0.12418300 -0.07408762 0.31815036 +O 5.98788991 4.03128976 5.91279978 0.01147021 -0.35297673 0.05227850 +O 4.03113029 2.04684986 2.01296992 -0.08242520 -0.09810301 -0.22613932 +O 3.99550010 5.92753012 1.95057980 0.48751536 0.14743168 0.03647316 +O 4.02216006 1.99336967 5.93601002 -0.07275219 0.06183246 -0.09749803 +O 4.04825036 5.98742022 5.92190012 -0.15602971 -0.05716205 -0.01994328 +O 5.99459021 5.99194024 7.90893049 0.00981441 0.02047832 -0.19456875 +O 2.04996000 5.94339026 7.87203006 -0.09213060 0.13707888 0.18997547 +O 5.96912988 2.02038983 7.88621295 0.02488828 -0.12256783 0.13190788 +O 2.01502008 2.00475977 7.92142026 0.09113815 -0.07496874 -0.17283007 +O 5.99119047 0.05095082 5.89506006 0.05696973 -0.01581717 0.18186390 +O 5.96000018 0.04384985 1.95166994 0.04827812 0.03623173 0.04999973 +O 2.06845028 0.01649249 5.95232003 -0.31237129 -0.15795444 -0.18044336 +O 2.04906980 0.01407023 1.99003975 -0.01244928 0.39422905 -0.17324196 +O 0.06020112 5.95957015 5.92269035 0.22591409 0.17136531 -0.00138145 +O 0.04678545 2.00124023 5.96310001 0.16007868 0.05432072 -0.19849225 +O 0.08100972 6.03529025 1.94534968 -0.29343255 -0.18990142 0.05587136 +O 0.05553035 1.99034997 1.94863041 -0.13297437 -0.08331634 0.13210817 +40 +Lattice="7.954092937 3.5e-08 3.5e-08 3.5e-08 7.954092937 3.5e-08 3.5e-08 3.5e-08 7.954092937" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21112773706 stress="-0.00045816064998452637 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00045816064998452637 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00045816064998452637" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98852323 -1.98852323 1.98852322 0.00000051 0.00000051 -0.00000051 +Ba 1.98852322 -1.98852323 -1.98852323 -0.00000051 0.00000051 0.00000051 +Ba -1.98852323 1.98852322 -1.98852323 0.00000051 -0.00000051 0.00000051 +Ba 1.98852325 1.98852325 1.98852325 -0.00000051 -0.00000051 -0.00000051 +Ba 1.98852323 1.98852323 -1.98852322 -0.00000051 -0.00000051 0.00000051 +Ba -1.98852322 1.98852323 1.98852323 0.00000051 -0.00000051 -0.00000051 +Ba 1.98852323 -1.98852322 1.98852323 -0.00000051 0.00000051 -0.00000051 +Ba -1.98852325 -1.98852325 -1.98852325 0.00000051 0.00000051 0.00000051 +Ti 0.00000002 3.97704647 0.00000002 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000002 0.00000002 3.97704647 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97704647 0.00000002 0.00000002 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97704650 3.97704650 3.97704650 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97704649 0.00000004 3.97704649 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97704649 3.97704649 0.00000004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000004 3.97704649 3.97704649 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97704648 0.00772432 1.98852325 0.00000000 -0.05526381 0.00000257 +O 0.00000001 3.98477075 -1.98852322 0.00000000 -0.05526406 -0.00000283 +O 0.00000001 -0.00772428 1.98852323 0.00000000 0.05526381 -0.00000129 +O 3.97704648 3.96932221 -1.98852320 0.00000000 0.05526381 0.00000540 +O 0.00772432 1.98852325 3.97704648 -0.05526381 0.00000257 0.00000000 +O 3.98477075 -1.98852322 0.00000001 -0.05526406 -0.00000283 0.00000000 +O -0.00772428 1.98852323 0.00000001 0.05526381 -0.00000129 0.00000000 +O 3.96932221 -1.98852320 3.97704648 0.05526381 0.00000540 0.00000000 +O 1.98852325 3.97704648 0.00772432 0.00000257 0.00000000 -0.05526381 +O -1.98852322 0.00000001 3.98477075 -0.00000283 0.00000000 -0.05526406 +O 1.98852323 0.00000001 -0.00772428 -0.00000129 0.00000000 0.05526381 +O -1.98852320 3.97704648 3.96932221 0.00000540 0.00000000 0.05526381 +O 0.00000003 3.96932218 1.98852325 0.00000000 0.05526406 0.00000283 +O 3.97704646 -0.00772428 -1.98852322 0.00000000 0.05526381 -0.00000257 +O 3.97704650 3.98477077 1.98852327 0.00000000 -0.05526381 -0.00000540 +O -0.00000001 0.00772428 -1.98852323 0.00000000 -0.05526381 0.00000129 +O 3.96932218 1.98852325 0.00000003 0.05526406 0.00000283 0.00000000 +O -0.00772428 -1.98852322 3.97704646 0.05526381 -0.00000257 0.00000000 +O 3.98477077 1.98852327 3.97704650 -0.05526381 -0.00000540 0.00000000 +O 0.00772428 -1.98852323 -0.00000001 -0.05526381 0.00000129 0.00000000 +O 1.98852325 0.00000003 3.96932218 0.00000283 0.00000000 0.05526406 +O -1.98852322 3.97704646 -0.00772428 -0.00000257 0.00000000 0.05526381 +O 1.98852327 3.97704650 3.98477077 -0.00000540 0.00000000 -0.05526381 +O -1.98852323 -0.00000001 0.00772428 0.00000129 0.00000000 -0.05526381 +40 +Lattice="7.778949942859767 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.042819703871514 0.0 0.0 0.06853254899659454 8.042516324823742" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.13318045586 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87938023 0.12829044 8.01712039 0.16464136 -0.26451278 0.06444084 +Ba 3.87834018 0.10076774 4.02970999 0.08040020 -0.21841033 -0.16971106 +Ba 3.86631004 4.11124506 8.03512477 0.20172670 0.23077194 -0.04077075 +Ba 3.90114962 4.08308992 4.02395979 -0.06137995 0.14236635 -0.16401633 +Ba 0.01976009 0.10146084 8.00694319 -0.17526130 -0.05850365 0.08828243 +Ba 7.75767996 0.09012925 4.00225030 0.17291054 -0.10343317 0.02886038 +Ba 0.00469849 4.03731003 0.02105295 -0.03366911 0.18982609 -0.32243845 +Ba 0.01241598 4.09558992 4.02484970 -0.07815228 -0.02875573 -0.13262136 +Ti 1.93523005 2.11648970 2.03911015 0.01655996 -0.00095645 0.28289180 +Ti 1.95351992 2.13942982 6.07370999 -0.20934102 0.19962945 -0.21925545 +Ti 1.95199991 6.14575007 2.06309032 0.00453106 0.06481854 -0.30022232 +Ti 1.94920960 6.17269013 6.06690963 0.12273341 -0.02311345 0.28067576 +Ti 5.83583981 2.12641019 2.05793988 0.00013164 -0.02714648 -0.05731349 +Ti 5.84453979 2.14903994 6.07969978 0.11522784 0.00358052 -0.10443178 +Ti 5.84564985 6.16954976 2.04115990 -0.11201062 -0.22050064 -0.02858141 +Ti 5.85052958 6.14920003 6.06879992 -0.19145540 0.22259506 0.13626075 +O 1.91281034 2.07258997 3.91413969 0.20823982 -0.12549400 -0.17679702 +O 1.94598990 2.05377969 7.92872973 -0.02479238 0.09689691 0.20221006 +O 1.92470980 6.03979999 3.91415991 0.08161556 0.13424167 0.05423691 +O 1.97654017 6.12282006 7.93202023 -0.11293288 -0.08581854 -0.16563844 +O 5.84929973 2.01398025 3.92205010 -0.14582680 0.19409566 -0.14969168 +O 5.84187006 2.07555998 7.92976978 -0.06118223 -0.05106417 0.05337944 +O 5.86129020 6.06357013 3.90383025 -0.05344192 -0.02551409 0.01260535 +O 5.81980973 6.07118961 7.92912024 0.04695040 0.11981906 -0.07732181 +O 1.92918970 3.99171993 1.90917991 0.06026512 -0.07698397 0.18065136 +O 1.94585999 4.03110009 5.98584986 0.09072780 -0.00386411 -0.01046953 +O 1.92911969 8.02140970 1.95266035 0.16131050 -0.10586363 0.07589511 +O 1.93889005 8.08847981 5.98702993 -0.06591743 -0.42193988 -0.23442522 +O 5.85617010 3.98353959 1.92806019 -0.11364456 -0.12607790 0.19693210 +O 5.81431001 4.02942995 5.96834022 0.04432813 -0.02797849 -0.05353860 +O 5.82412005 8.02250964 1.94153022 0.05109528 -0.03817163 -0.03655826 +O 5.85591962 8.04409001 5.96115014 -0.08264168 -0.11540242 0.09072215 +O 7.77513748 1.95717992 1.91373993 0.02085473 0.18588047 -0.02452241 +O 7.77484655 2.04806995 5.91812010 -0.03698583 -0.00171055 0.19406327 +O 0.00762804 6.01822974 1.85885010 -0.02434860 0.09505574 0.28787948 +O 0.00671012 6.01333989 5.93808011 -0.01454524 0.23731591 0.10833909 +O 3.88552015 1.99789027 1.92038004 -0.01283778 0.03705988 0.05924259 +O 3.88499974 2.02932034 5.92318964 0.08174617 0.03053494 0.10567157 +O 3.89978986 6.02124019 1.93036977 -0.16278914 -0.02085499 0.03488576 +O 3.88176992 6.06892983 5.92718958 0.04715969 -0.01241740 -0.06980134 +40 +Lattice="7.9432599952307505 0.0 0.0 -0.021772475646927487 7.943228222190769 0.0 -0.021772475646927487 0.02171687282696087 7.943196449150789" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.97228852282 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03694822 0.08092514 0.00283972 -0.11883485 -0.16930894 0.39661297 +Ba 4.00100417 0.04795982 4.01069972 -0.08418949 0.14528430 -0.11177177 +Ba 3.98297377 4.00153558 0.00405027 0.28378577 -0.00288992 0.25198148 +Ba 3.98447981 3.97040991 3.98902018 0.09105125 0.22054332 0.16220370 +Ba 0.03927227 7.93762584 0.08430023 -0.10967426 0.24928465 -0.25089185 +Ba 0.01977157 0.04797014 3.99197030 0.20381778 -0.02857653 0.13512638 +Ba 0.05426438 4.00473512 0.03219006 -0.34613168 0.16985607 0.03275457 +Ba 0.02674813 4.02985012 4.00899033 -0.04397872 0.04335728 0.09984776 +O 1.97361971 4.00536026 2.03899989 0.39502120 -0.06972086 0.21128452 +O 1.98389035 4.03701971 6.02939981 0.05745027 0.23207471 -0.09694962 +O 1.97733001 7.93477024 2.07101997 -0.01417321 0.20531570 -0.10072631 +O 2.04957396 0.10251015 6.06019027 -0.30253862 0.02109487 -0.19609135 +O 5.97137986 3.93777026 2.03431019 -0.21801695 0.36293589 0.01387856 +O 5.91232966 3.99603964 6.07290981 0.20833340 0.21298273 -0.47092120 +O 5.98160998 7.93170970 2.04919030 -0.06128096 -0.05711834 0.11633188 +O 5.93486390 0.04495965 5.99311977 0.05486426 -0.08008781 -0.05075281 +O 2.01303020 2.05131989 4.03981971 -0.07936533 -0.09947058 0.20179560 +O 2.01964375 2.05399518 0.11386028 0.14189507 -0.19863546 -0.42228878 +O 1.98131038 6.04317025 4.06146986 0.12457715 -0.24203028 0.04940066 +O 2.01586435 6.01276583 0.06762018 -0.04116439 -0.13782861 0.33453549 +O 6.02430977 2.02740035 3.98490001 -0.15548695 -0.09702546 0.61234087 +O 6.00869412 1.94465541 0.04376021 -0.10453283 0.20007322 -0.09172668 +O 5.99766013 5.99247001 4.06788007 -0.51077561 -0.17217778 -0.00530316 +O 5.98311444 5.97368579 0.09127997 -0.27236878 0.09380541 0.04355526 +O 0.04301514 2.04634026 2.01198963 0.07933910 -0.28052715 0.21065537 +O 0.01260357 2.04542996 6.04867969 0.04991437 -0.14313048 -0.27965066 +O 7.91386040 5.93930021 2.10234024 0.13445353 0.19431524 -0.26527228 +O -0.02607455 6.08851991 6.02637025 -0.26186891 -0.34856857 -0.01561997 +O 4.01223991 1.96638976 2.03307978 -0.15234275 0.23254780 0.11184453 +O 3.98747998 2.03753992 5.98451007 0.00069317 0.08340273 0.05932126 +O 3.96891976 6.00215999 2.08077032 0.05540984 -0.24257510 -0.02079945 +O 3.91490003 6.04363969 6.02501037 0.69190726 -0.18489754 -0.09352233 +Ti 1.99626992 2.08206983 2.00945970 -0.05876591 -0.11147841 -0.23228323 +Ti 1.99801029 1.99460978 5.97594008 -0.05278089 -0.05883661 -0.07760129 +Ti 2.05696040 6.03842971 2.00273017 -0.46611246 0.11943905 -0.15574123 +Ti 2.06511018 5.97726025 5.96628982 -0.73033317 0.00233662 -0.01134988 +Ti 5.98269027 2.08554978 2.03428001 0.00472749 -0.05608682 -0.49587247 +Ti 5.98133038 2.02832018 5.98680011 0.13330990 0.41709438 0.50796822 +Ti 5.96986031 6.06228967 2.00555003 0.71504282 -0.14818142 -0.55236706 +Ti 5.98697009 6.04061013 5.94419961 0.75912232 -0.27659131 0.44606454 +40 +Lattice="7.955080143 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955080143 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955080143" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216694369858 stress="-2.2035782764786838e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -2.2035782764786838e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -2.2035782764786838e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98864078 5.96643936 5.96643936 0.00078727 -0.00078727 -0.00078727 +Ba 5.96643936 1.98864078 5.96643936 -0.00078727 0.00078727 -0.00078727 +Ba 5.96643936 5.96643936 1.98864078 -0.00078727 -0.00078727 0.00078727 +Ba 1.98864078 1.98864078 1.98864078 0.00078727 0.00078727 0.00078727 +Ba 5.96618075 1.98889939 1.98889939 0.00078830 -0.00078830 -0.00078830 +Ba 1.98889939 5.96618075 1.98889939 -0.00078830 0.00078830 -0.00078830 +Ba 1.98889939 1.98889939 5.96618075 -0.00078830 -0.00078830 0.00078830 +Ba 5.96618075 5.96618075 5.96618075 0.00078830 0.00078830 0.00078830 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97754007 1.98877004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000051 +O 0.00000000 3.97754007 5.96631011 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000051 +O 1.98877004 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631011 0.00000000 3.97754007 -0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 1.98877004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 5.96631011 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 0.00000000 1.98877004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000051 +O 3.97754007 0.00000000 5.96631011 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000051 +O 0.00000000 1.98877004 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96631011 3.97754007 0.00000000 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 1.98877004 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631011 3.97754007 0.00000000 -0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 3.97754007 5.96627066 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116959 +O 3.97754007 3.97754007 1.98880949 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116959 +O 3.97754007 5.96627066 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00116959 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 1.98880949 3.97754007 0.00000000 -0.00116959 0.00000000 +O 5.96627066 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00116959 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98880949 3.97754007 3.97754007 -0.00116959 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98873071 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116677 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96634943 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116677 +O 0.00000000 1.98873071 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116677 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634943 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116677 0.00000000 +O 1.98873071 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116677 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634943 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116677 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955398988 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955398988 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955398988" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.205352937173 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 3.97769949 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97769949 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97769949 0.00000000 3.97769949 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98920741 5.96619158 1.98849209 0.03585995 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 +Ti 1.98849209 1.98920741 5.96619158 -0.03585995 0.03585995 -0.03585995 +Ti 5.96619158 1.98849209 1.98920741 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 5.96690690 5.96690690 5.96690690 0.03585995 0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 5.96619158 1.98920741 5.96690690 -0.03585995 0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 5.96690690 5.96619158 1.98920741 0.03585995 -0.03585995 0.03585995 +Ti 1.98920741 5.96690690 5.96619158 0.03585995 0.03585995 -0.03585995 +Ti 1.98849209 1.98849209 1.98849209 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 -0.03585995 +O 5.96826722 1.97934553 3.96961427 0.02793195 0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 1.98713177 5.95704502 0.00808522 -0.02793195 0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 1.99056772 1.99835397 3.98578471 0.02793195 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 5.96483126 5.97605346 -0.00808522 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 1.97934553 3.96961427 5.96826722 0.06857518 0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 5.95704502 0.00808522 1.98713177 0.06857518 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 1.99835397 3.98578471 1.99056772 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 5.97605346 -0.00808522 5.96483126 -0.06857518 0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 3.96961427 5.96826722 1.97934553 0.04048099 0.02793195 0.06857518 +O 0.00808522 1.98713177 5.95704502 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 0.06857518 +O 3.98578471 1.99056772 1.99835397 -0.04048099 0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O -0.00808522 5.96483126 5.97605346 0.04048099 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O 1.98713177 5.97605346 3.98578471 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 5.96826722 1.99835397 -0.00808522 0.02793195 -0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 5.96483126 5.95704502 3.96961427 -0.02793195 0.06857518 0.04048099 +O 1.99056772 1.97934553 0.00808522 0.02793195 0.06857518 -0.04048099 +O 5.97605346 3.98578471 1.98713177 -0.06857518 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 1.99835397 -0.00808522 5.96826722 -0.06857518 0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 5.95704502 3.96961427 5.96483126 0.06857518 0.04048099 -0.02793195 +O 1.97934553 0.00808522 1.99056772 0.06857518 -0.04048099 0.02793195 +O 3.98578471 1.98713177 5.97605346 -0.04048099 -0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O -0.00808522 5.96826722 1.99835397 0.04048099 0.02793195 -0.06857518 +O 3.96961427 5.96483126 5.95704502 0.04048099 -0.02793195 0.06857518 +O 0.00808522 1.99056772 1.97934553 -0.04048099 0.02793195 0.06857518 +40 +Lattice="7.966261236 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.966261236 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.966261236" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.23398951727 stress="0.0005279406287396847 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0005279406287396847 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0005279406287396847" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98313062 3.98313062 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98313062 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98313062 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98313062 0.00000000 3.98313062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.01788872 5.94837252 1.96524190 0.10909011 -0.10909011 -0.10909011 +Ti 1.96524190 2.01788872 5.94837252 -0.10909011 0.10909011 -0.10909011 +Ti 5.94837252 1.96524190 2.01788872 -0.10909011 -0.10909011 0.10909011 +Ti 6.00101933 6.00101933 6.00101933 0.10909011 0.10909011 0.10909011 +Ti 5.94837252 2.01788872 6.00101933 -0.10909011 0.10909011 0.10909011 +Ti 6.00101933 5.94837252 2.01788872 0.10909011 -0.10909011 0.10909011 +Ti 2.01788872 6.00101933 5.94837252 0.10909011 0.10909011 -0.10909011 +Ti 1.96524190 1.96524190 1.96524190 -0.10909011 -0.10909011 -0.10909011 +O 5.97931564 1.98288683 3.95311418 0.09871879 0.06951286 0.06686205 +O 1.98694560 5.96601744 0.03001643 -0.09871879 0.06951286 -0.06686205 +O 1.99618502 2.00024379 4.01314705 0.09871879 -0.06951286 -0.06686205 +O 5.97007621 5.98337441 -0.03001643 -0.09871879 -0.06951286 0.06686205 +O 1.98288683 3.95311418 5.97931564 0.06951286 0.06686205 0.09871879 +O 5.96601744 0.03001643 1.98694560 0.06951286 -0.06686205 -0.09871879 +O 2.00024379 4.01314705 1.99618502 -0.06951286 -0.06686205 0.09871879 +O 5.98337441 -0.03001643 5.97007621 -0.06951286 0.06686205 -0.09871879 +O 3.95311418 5.97931564 1.98288683 0.06686205 0.09871879 0.06951286 +O 0.03001643 1.98694560 5.96601744 -0.06686205 -0.09871879 0.06951286 +O 4.01314705 1.99618502 2.00024379 -0.06686205 0.09871879 -0.06951286 +O -0.03001643 5.97007621 5.98337441 0.06686205 -0.09871879 -0.06951286 +O 1.98694560 5.98337441 4.01314705 -0.09871879 -0.06951286 -0.06686205 +O 5.97931564 2.00024379 -0.03001643 0.09871879 -0.06951286 0.06686205 +O 5.97007621 5.96601744 3.95311418 -0.09871879 0.06951286 0.06686205 +O 1.99618502 1.98288683 0.03001643 0.09871879 0.06951286 -0.06686205 +O 5.98337441 4.01314705 1.98694560 -0.06951286 -0.06686205 -0.09871879 +O 2.00024379 -0.03001643 5.97931564 -0.06951286 0.06686205 0.09871879 +O 5.96601744 3.95311418 5.97007621 0.06951286 0.06686205 -0.09871879 +O 1.98288683 0.03001643 1.99618502 0.06951286 -0.06686205 0.09871879 +O 4.01314705 1.98694560 5.98337441 -0.06686205 -0.09871879 -0.06951286 +O -0.03001643 5.97931564 2.00024379 0.06686205 0.09871879 -0.06951286 +O 3.95311418 5.97007621 5.96601744 0.06686205 -0.09871879 0.06951286 +O 0.03001643 1.99618502 1.98288683 -0.06686205 0.09871879 0.06951286 +40 +Lattice="7.923469825992745 0.0 0.0 -0.021718230793046113 7.923438132113441 0.0 -0.021718230793046113 0.021662766504264165 7.923406438234137" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.135170016194 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99170940 0.03979959 0.03513029 0.10948066 0.03390694 0.00927963 +Ba 4.00921948 0.04592998 3.99736993 -0.16671907 0.03679609 0.01481495 +Ba 4.00033964 3.98189935 0.03532996 -0.07225648 0.09147034 -0.02083956 +Ba 3.98185973 4.00785030 3.99506023 0.00077596 0.01500779 0.02193331 +Ba 0.05836269 0.03035957 0.02128006 -0.13000346 0.10190722 0.11417344 +Ba 0.03518575 0.02682966 4.00373960 0.02704826 0.14697737 -0.03399744 +Ba 0.01145655 4.00148934 0.04786964 0.20463641 -0.01777326 -0.16800179 +Ba 0.03370406 4.01388957 3.99129976 -0.07780570 -0.00162854 0.10243943 +O 2.03335965 4.05417962 2.00973028 -0.08347678 -0.02099100 0.14408616 +O 1.99950980 4.06527010 6.01309986 0.13349656 0.01947945 -0.11661084 +O 2.03249996 0.09527972 2.02947002 -0.02462500 -0.04055967 0.02565395 +O 2.00137974 0.10498994 6.00285006 0.15446854 -0.04364062 -0.04953976 +O 6.00480002 4.04382998 2.02842967 -0.16295575 0.02863720 0.06199470 +O 5.98434004 4.05127012 6.01996951 -0.06114623 0.03283659 -0.09029586 +O 5.99555967 0.07131994 2.07224012 -0.00006736 0.22462314 -0.15433921 +O 6.00874987 0.08691016 6.01066022 -0.12556599 0.08434221 -0.09963899 +O 1.99821986 2.05112011 4.01914996 0.11629228 0.11202939 -0.14064011 +O 2.05689949 2.05048940 0.05585967 -0.13303325 -0.01264443 0.01353917 +O 2.01046003 6.01604977 4.02304989 0.02610930 0.02637258 -0.01934241 +O 2.01993967 6.01837927 0.05213009 0.07696597 0.00245103 0.22064462 +O 6.00261948 2.06183977 4.03896973 -0.04273096 -0.00246003 -0.05183010 +O 6.01833965 2.04285989 0.06711020 -0.19915945 -0.09120731 0.13744089 +O 5.99199015 6.00194995 4.03896973 -0.10118628 0.01476250 0.03778647 +O 5.99076993 6.02368957 0.06824009 -0.05188023 -0.07278356 0.13059533 +O 0.04310288 2.03989018 2.01070011 0.23023637 0.07642373 0.16811955 +O 0.05627803 2.09761978 5.99743991 -0.07308824 -0.18688089 0.04617881 +O 0.03953257 6.01784998 2.01819968 0.15432327 -0.00937064 0.07847624 +O 0.04249515 6.02447004 6.01052948 -0.06143831 -0.01697468 -0.08857219 +O 4.01243957 2.04572026 2.05742957 0.25425485 0.04450451 -0.07570948 +O 4.00848022 2.06760964 6.00085968 0.16636169 -0.03567277 -0.08494539 +O 4.00850953 6.03379992 2.03212993 -0.02162221 -0.15255306 0.00343525 +O 3.99593974 6.00820949 6.00401005 0.10338971 0.14209690 -0.05406439 +Ti 1.96662977 2.00069990 2.04126014 0.11955733 -0.27870398 -0.17809517 +Ti 1.97054001 2.00569961 6.00019015 0.01310028 0.10376330 0.00358797 +Ti 1.99322965 5.95523000 1.97898009 0.08475204 0.08449622 0.06920638 +Ti 1.97711966 5.96889007 5.96165990 -0.14204137 -0.27000388 -0.11583411 +Ti 5.94659025 1.97361986 2.00071020 -0.04401394 -0.04905562 -0.05275672 +Ti 5.95043947 2.03040024 5.96417956 -0.09270447 -0.10422661 -0.09760293 +Ti 5.96455989 5.94329963 1.94384029 -0.16590120 0.08831945 0.10097236 +Ti 5.93565983 5.98542001 5.91427993 0.05817249 -0.10407286 0.18829783 +40 +Lattice="7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29602.27037957509 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.12622009 6.16595998 5.89977020 -0.46336833 -1.81488644 1.09669505 +Ba 5.74738968 1.99686968 5.96548991 1.34348651 -0.45555629 0.50563083 +Ba 6.11442029 5.89276014 2.13898967 0.56761962 -0.05794187 -0.14030304 +Ba 1.86464985 1.86664977 1.91710995 -2.43123849 2.23924573 -1.10188585 +Ba 5.96105970 2.13065030 1.93111019 1.08837676 -0.46941916 0.46418876 +Ba 1.89409019 6.00706979 2.04333957 -0.72760137 0.18133399 -0.59238911 +Ba 2.13142036 2.02615967 6.12355039 -0.18195234 -0.12096655 0.08077249 +Ba 5.94194989 5.74715023 5.76727990 0.00427729 0.43532453 -0.54718552 +Ti 7.88966005 4.04150991 7.71283580 3.88674128 0.17248374 1.18470777 +Ti 4.38683017 7.62259519 0.16482711 -0.64157226 22.09350952 -5.57188111 +Ti 0.16245569 0.27401366 4.15663019 0.03982716 -6.82605675 -1.38215358 +Ti 4.01044035 0.18397590 3.72482971 -3.40679576 -2.05729905 2.04586304 +Ti 7.94872132 3.90019021 3.93255963 1.66407839 0.87013099 -0.38681759 +Ti 3.93712985 3.79553013 0.05086987 -2.21348534 6.88792032 0.14826292 +Ti 3.72690998 3.89642982 3.74286956 1.87668085 1.49227470 3.35891154 +Ti 7.86735863 0.04578973 7.76526488 1.72148212 -1.10257722 -0.51271885 +O 0.25135029 4.05504000 5.93821973 -0.62279318 0.20455183 0.25414789 +O 0.10850877 3.66743981 2.07342030 -0.66685109 0.63618605 -0.16889680 +O 3.98594015 6.30268003 0.45121736 -5.00987524 -21.55105972 4.33931148 +O 4.14178035 2.19963958 0.11293818 0.44060069 -5.75024959 -0.27522117 +O 5.64640010 0.08217649 3.53432026 4.57765995 -0.39199450 1.01451437 +O 2.04255997 7.85710129 4.16068014 -1.75146016 1.80073792 0.26759913 +O 3.52380994 0.46425263 2.05489996 3.29209397 -2.93545959 -1.86031861 +O 4.25456977 7.60661413 6.26415970 -0.10397824 1.34370762 -0.60278151 +O 7.90821220 1.85670029 4.44357968 0.18568867 5.00747486 0.40305770 +O 0.00736009 5.70596016 3.82189980 0.46225452 1.10436157 0.94849590 +O 2.01106004 3.95440999 0.16451129 1.05828432 -0.06668130 -0.39762650 +O 6.18248995 4.31042035 7.86735784 -3.60941695 -1.29235858 0.86965816 +O 3.98683987 4.13353963 6.25670017 -0.05421454 -0.15281506 -1.90222553 +O 3.89558021 4.04082975 2.03165030 0.65905782 -0.48273053 -0.91908428 +O 3.88065002 6.01849972 3.83085966 0.54247783 -1.38428966 0.10459942 +O 4.05463985 2.00971960 4.23630002 -1.05488532 1.32649383 -1.16058105 +O 6.21703033 3.77707025 3.95789990 -3.74245585 -0.01578015 0.36423919 +O 2.03561036 3.76012980 4.11700966 -0.18456047 0.13895321 -0.82467003 +O 7.87596927 0.16493132 2.38634011 0.62049101 -0.05616575 -1.54498463 +O 7.45142705 7.68748599 5.98035010 1.05106157 1.04218330 -0.34426789 +O 0.02674037 2.02702996 7.61220420 -1.04788189 -0.55221434 1.11050059 +O 0.09492618 6.00857012 0.07231372 -0.50923141 -0.16610123 0.08145383 +O 1.74575009 7.92743180 7.77865257 0.53581764 0.73066844 0.62941171 +O 6.05437019 0.04981343 0.35466276 2.80556077 -0.00493883 0.96397085 +40 +Lattice="7.76024987867097 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.02347755455549 0.0 0.0 0.06836780143109124 8.023190425309979" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.02159405376 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87485030 0.08297259 8.00177446 0.10185477 0.21480538 0.01961700 +Ba 3.84824971 0.05945593 3.96790966 0.23825642 0.10134749 0.26527305 +Ba 3.86838989 4.09041995 8.01327593 0.13080847 0.26359618 0.06205897 +Ba 3.90314029 4.08861957 3.98962983 -0.14665984 0.06237368 0.05729163 +Ba 0.01356026 0.10718612 8.00470939 -0.02715393 0.10577930 0.05909732 +Ba 7.72655022 0.06682196 4.01138025 0.29557865 0.11127066 -0.03050203 +Ba 0.00579070 4.10851065 8.02065748 -0.07851841 0.08384959 0.04254790 +Ba 0.01140446 4.11903975 4.01180008 -0.03666393 -0.23912853 -0.11275342 +Ti 1.94486994 2.09277022 2.07458019 -0.21479896 0.07798542 -0.21070268 +Ti 1.93375028 2.18339985 6.07895993 -0.06163269 -0.42533220 -0.28296379 +Ti 1.93719971 6.10065991 2.02290003 -0.05802440 0.14337937 0.20911785 +Ti 1.97382033 6.16801966 6.03663009 -0.11059266 -0.05484883 0.06235568 +Ti 5.82418006 2.13582021 2.06721028 0.11715926 -0.06602824 -0.24335954 +Ti 5.80586975 2.15810997 6.06459027 0.15029589 -0.19174413 0.03143431 +Ti 5.82507016 6.15374002 2.05278010 0.02425399 -0.21303055 -0.15479532 +Ti 5.85530021 6.15459986 6.07752971 -0.21094230 0.10218541 -0.11191164 +O 1.91753990 2.03207963 3.91530991 0.23959185 0.05032549 0.01171240 +O 1.94377963 2.09392029 7.93142004 -0.01550992 -0.07889867 -0.03216219 +O 1.94133981 6.05644977 3.92624022 0.07433214 -0.00982341 -0.16277191 +O 1.92063003 6.06136977 7.92207980 0.20692495 0.09093503 0.10071165 +O 5.82895028 2.03615997 3.91809972 -0.12265448 -0.00212193 0.10670875 +O 5.83548985 2.09094966 7.92926967 -0.08443683 -0.05836841 -0.11533840 +O 5.85322978 6.06041991 3.90216017 -0.19931115 0.00680854 0.12148694 +O 5.85078995 6.05363978 7.92195021 -0.11588785 0.12022144 0.29166543 +O 1.90051003 4.01937021 1.95583983 0.31888030 -0.15361416 0.05902507 +O 1.94585006 4.02213984 5.94721960 0.00795242 0.10909036 0.04690463 +O 1.95099977 8.02956004 1.94978994 -0.06926578 -0.12774963 -0.03362206 +O 1.96741968 8.01501966 5.97477003 -0.10929117 0.14486315 -0.04979918 +O 5.77413964 4.00506962 1.97287979 0.31768036 0.03407894 -0.08196703 +O 5.81102954 4.02370974 5.95555022 0.08866783 -0.03213416 -0.01865310 +O 5.83249982 8.01592994 1.95338992 -0.09188866 -0.04509098 -0.07975125 +O 5.81815966 8.03353018 5.99498005 0.02775172 -0.03948623 -0.14860951 +O 0.00548727 2.01713960 1.93407000 -0.06197413 -0.02331194 -0.06065284 +O 0.00402291 2.01123017 5.92211984 -0.01186873 0.16255671 0.12126300 +O 0.00914157 6.04414977 1.92969012 -0.16488793 -0.09012848 -0.05872631 +O 0.01286029 6.02470026 5.93710954 -0.01946531 0.10873401 -0.02450338 +O 3.89821020 2.01836960 1.89369963 -0.34743086 -0.06864511 0.24868790 +O 3.86898976 2.03691970 5.91645020 0.14649734 -0.01490648 0.08784740 +O 3.87054025 6.04608984 1.91839973 0.16210548 -0.10017532 -0.00547542 +O 3.91138012 6.04071974 5.93281968 -0.28973144 -0.05961874 0.01421486 +40 +Lattice="7.955132692 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132692 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132692" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216352594874 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878317 1.98878317 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 1.98878317 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878317 5.96634952 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 5.96634952 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 1.98878317 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878317 5.96634952 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878317 1.98878317 1.98878317 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634952 5.96634952 5.96634952 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 3.97756635 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756635 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 0.00000000 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756635 3.97756635 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00002945 0.00002945 1.98878356 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 -0.00001234 +O 0.00002945 3.97753689 1.98878279 -0.00037101 0.00037101 0.00001234 +O 3.97753689 0.00002945 1.98878279 0.00037101 -0.00037101 0.00001234 +O 3.97753689 3.97753689 1.98878355 0.00037101 0.00037101 -0.00001183 +O 1.98878279 0.00002945 3.97753689 0.00001234 -0.00037101 0.00037101 +O 1.98878356 0.00002945 0.00002945 -0.00001234 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 1.98878355 3.97753689 3.97753689 -0.00001183 0.00037101 0.00037101 +O 1.98878279 3.97753689 0.00002945 0.00001234 0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 0.00002945 1.98878279 3.97753689 -0.00037101 0.00001234 0.00037101 +O 3.97753689 1.98878355 3.97753689 0.00037101 -0.00001183 0.00037101 +O 0.00002945 1.98878356 0.00002945 -0.00037101 -0.00001234 -0.00037101 +O 3.97753689 1.98878279 0.00002945 0.00037101 0.00001234 -0.00037101 +O 3.97759580 3.97759580 5.96634914 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 0.00001183 +O -0.00002945 3.97759580 5.96634990 0.00037101 -0.00037101 -0.00001234 +O 3.97759580 -0.00002945 5.96634990 -0.00037101 0.00037101 -0.00001234 +O -0.00002945 -0.00002945 5.96634914 0.00037101 0.00037101 0.00001234 +O 3.97759580 5.96634914 3.97759580 -0.00037101 0.00001183 -0.00037101 +O 3.97759580 5.96634990 -0.00002945 -0.00037101 -0.00001234 0.00037101 +O -0.00002945 5.96634990 3.97759580 0.00037101 -0.00001234 -0.00037101 +O -0.00002945 5.96634914 -0.00002945 0.00037101 0.00001234 0.00037101 +O 5.96634914 3.97759580 3.97759580 0.00001183 -0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 5.96634990 -0.00002945 3.97759580 -0.00001234 0.00037101 -0.00037101 +O 5.96634990 3.97759580 -0.00002945 -0.00001234 -0.00037101 0.00037101 +O 5.96634914 -0.00002945 -0.00002945 0.00001234 0.00037101 0.00037101 +40 +Lattice="7.912710065815292 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.912710065815292 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.912710065815292" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.084315885397 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.95530976 3.96112007 0.00320069 0.02705212 0.02430567 0.05526329 +Ba 3.97980989 0.01145919 3.96732996 -0.00953828 -0.05824680 0.00567828 +Ba 7.90911453 3.95809979 3.95613031 0.11609019 0.08833693 0.11475708 +Ba 0.01471527 0.01882592 3.96605997 -0.08939083 -0.14117979 0.03528608 +Ba 0.01247201 3.97524030 0.00891129 0.05402042 -0.04349921 -0.05987251 +Ba 3.95588977 7.91048818 0.01693636 0.07152063 0.04797216 -0.09318038 +Ba 3.97082975 3.96123005 3.96798988 -0.02904652 0.03965824 -0.02503252 +Ba 0.00525325 0.03532709 0.02116492 0.06067032 -0.23678420 -0.15273124 +Ti 5.96239004 2.02067985 1.97756982 -0.12719427 -0.08833591 0.16979977 +Ti 1.96237979 5.92484977 1.98112025 0.09344057 -0.21741737 0.01572255 +Ti 1.97629983 1.96830008 5.89222012 0.04692752 0.09332899 0.11434621 +Ti 5.93878009 5.92346979 5.92738025 0.21465240 0.03806672 -0.13624404 +Ti 1.98993976 5.92881008 5.93169030 -0.27419735 -0.03641402 -0.13921675 +Ti 5.93316998 1.96861026 5.95180995 -0.08603837 -0.03983873 -0.16872582 +Ti 5.92559989 5.97058998 1.96276989 -0.12567475 0.04295105 0.02498495 +Ti 2.01323003 1.95608998 1.95166994 0.04209564 0.22140695 -0.09356553 +O 2.00238012 1.99926964 3.99526974 -0.07345925 -0.10780558 -0.01859319 +O 5.94696025 1.99280020 3.97314026 0.03276331 -0.01305066 -0.03119031 +O 1.99556965 5.95738999 3.99159983 0.01806354 0.01504378 0.05090116 +O 5.94754975 5.92807024 3.99311986 0.02887477 0.09979300 -0.03099722 +O 2.01566002 3.97907005 2.03434985 -0.13931317 0.07381791 -0.16588500 +O 1.98070009 3.96195011 5.94740020 0.08800526 0.18668986 0.09051234 +O 5.94814004 3.97270032 2.00274965 0.00351007 -0.25804286 -0.14805620 +O 5.93702980 3.96925038 5.96966973 0.07720766 -0.03903989 0.01248116 +O 3.97369969 1.98167968 2.00089016 0.03216039 0.05796629 -0.00675326 +O 3.97292979 5.94574011 2.00880999 0.18469674 0.04801612 -0.09858509 +O 3.97088989 1.99667981 5.95787979 0.04002025 -0.09456775 -0.01523481 +O 3.97993966 5.94955008 5.96852001 -0.10200260 -0.02406578 0.02286559 +O 5.98366019 5.94914970 0.03590630 -0.19805799 -0.01096293 0.04193495 +O 1.98300981 5.95988012 0.03060003 0.06186460 -0.09008194 0.03778416 +O 5.93232016 1.95651964 0.00605639 0.09945104 0.22764007 0.28727990 +O 2.00716969 2.01053021 0.04436973 -0.07853383 -0.10252171 0.08144124 +O 5.95840994 0.01708829 5.94820967 -0.06772749 -0.03453943 0.01862327 +O 5.94304979 0.00206996 1.99435980 0.08687578 0.04423326 0.06391531 +O 1.98595967 0.01252028 5.95533032 0.04818762 0.04500999 0.04811948 +O 2.00384002 0.02396997 2.01196004 -0.07695672 0.09430858 -0.01904570 +O 0.01246410 5.92332973 5.94820967 0.09270550 0.14062135 0.05469328 +O 0.02068462 1.97203013 5.95997982 -0.02946381 0.13648367 -0.00300176 +O 0.02969007 5.95342968 1.99882019 -0.02170731 -0.02386935 0.09113404 +O 0.01352994 2.00757007 1.99750035 -0.09255354 -0.10538669 -0.03161197 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29609.432528191526 stress="-0.0032723137405708458 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0032723137405708458 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0032723137405708458" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.07734290 1.87729440 1.87729440 -0.78861005 0.78861005 0.78861005 +Ti 1.87729440 6.07734290 1.87729440 0.78861005 -0.78861005 0.78861005 +Ti 1.87729440 1.87729440 6.07734290 0.78861005 0.78861005 -0.78861005 +Ti 6.07734290 6.07734290 6.07734290 -0.78861005 -0.78861005 -0.78861005 +Ti 2.10002425 5.85461306 5.85461306 -0.78857739 0.78857739 0.78857739 +Ti 5.85461306 2.10002425 5.85461306 0.78857739 -0.78857739 0.78857739 +Ti 5.85461306 5.85461306 2.10002425 0.78857739 0.78857739 -0.78857739 +Ti 2.10002425 2.10002425 2.10002425 -0.78857739 -0.78857739 -0.78857739 +O 1.87729440 1.87729440 4.08072894 1.39425319 1.39425319 -0.79353808 +O 6.07734290 1.87729440 3.87390837 -1.39425319 1.39425319 0.79353808 +O 1.87729440 6.07734290 3.87390837 1.39425319 -1.39425319 0.79353808 +O 6.07734290 6.07734290 4.08072894 -1.39425319 -1.39425319 -0.79353808 +O 1.87729440 4.08072894 1.87729440 1.39425319 -0.79353808 1.39425319 +O 1.87729440 3.87390837 6.07734290 1.39425319 0.79353808 -1.39425319 +O 6.07734290 3.87390837 1.87729440 -1.39425319 0.79353808 1.39425319 +O 6.07734290 4.08072894 6.07734290 -1.39425319 -0.79353808 -1.39425319 +O 4.08072894 1.87729440 1.87729440 -0.79353808 1.39425319 1.39425319 +O 3.87390837 6.07734290 1.87729440 0.79353808 -1.39425319 1.39425319 +O 3.87390837 1.87729440 6.07734290 0.79353808 1.39425319 -1.39425319 +O 4.08072894 6.07734290 6.07734290 -0.79353808 -1.39425319 -1.39425319 +O 5.85461306 5.85461306 0.10341028 1.39425242 1.39425242 -0.79352625 +O 2.10002425 5.85461306 -0.10341028 -1.39425242 1.39425242 0.79352625 +O 5.85461306 2.10002425 -0.10341028 1.39425242 -1.39425242 0.79352625 +O 2.10002425 2.10002425 0.10341028 -1.39425242 -1.39425242 -0.79352625 +O 5.85461306 0.10341028 5.85461306 1.39425242 -0.79352625 1.39425242 +O 5.85461306 -0.10341028 2.10002425 1.39425242 0.79352625 -1.39425242 +O 2.10002425 -0.10341028 5.85461306 -1.39425242 0.79352625 1.39425242 +O 2.10002425 0.10341028 2.10002425 -1.39425242 -0.79352625 -1.39425242 +O 0.10341028 5.85461306 5.85461306 -0.79352625 1.39425242 1.39425242 +O -0.10341028 2.10002425 5.85461306 0.79352625 -1.39425242 1.39425242 +O -0.10341028 5.85461306 2.10002425 0.79352625 1.39425242 -1.39425242 +O 0.10341028 2.10002425 2.10002425 -0.79352625 -1.39425242 -1.39425242 +40 +Lattice="7.938300017256853 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.938300017256853 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.938300017256853" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.124951869442 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.95451020 3.99493996 0.00611487 0.13601444 -0.22018927 0.00014141 +Ba 3.96707017 0.00247357 3.97512040 0.19574914 0.17512992 -0.00088497 +Ba 7.93299803 3.97692002 3.97961983 0.11040497 0.05272433 0.08666032 +Ba 0.01849465 7.91405407 3.96968029 -0.16313418 0.21609762 0.10547282 +Ba 7.93557242 3.96688997 0.00302926 0.11343244 0.07480676 -0.02725626 +Ba 3.98135991 0.03253750 0.02069674 -0.00746417 -0.01883359 -0.02828059 +Ba 3.99505983 4.00828980 3.96228973 -0.05961360 -0.30602478 0.18358962 +Ba 0.04157129 7.93625511 0.02378553 -0.23700583 0.10546280 -0.11101021 +Ti 6.00670999 2.01349979 2.02933987 -0.09770012 -0.11169309 -0.28645689 +Ti 2.02011001 6.00022996 1.98963964 0.06790283 0.13520197 -0.43901304 +Ti 1.99698971 2.02136982 5.94073002 0.29907123 0.12322243 -0.00820722 +Ti 5.95121969 5.99738011 5.93247021 0.19340764 0.10318608 -0.02401153 +Ti 1.99780974 6.00950983 5.93150015 -0.24388713 -0.01163604 0.30611786 +Ti 5.98678962 2.01908994 5.97361998 -0.10669435 0.04923637 0.25989328 +Ti 5.99461996 5.97778997 1.94679028 0.03032153 0.27937273 0.08173691 +Ti 2.01535021 2.04532999 2.00477004 0.20605746 -0.09075531 -0.27861631 +O 1.97806004 1.94498988 3.99860031 -0.08610624 0.07189833 -0.00275519 +O 5.98274982 1.95374027 3.98202990 -0.26620328 0.07209296 -0.04337374 +O 2.03196983 5.93617026 4.01640988 -0.14831023 -0.04089880 -0.08434812 +O 5.95096010 5.93910981 3.98927995 -0.06804425 0.00483419 0.18348086 +O 1.96128006 3.94304967 2.02511987 -0.02015899 0.10598627 0.01301570 +O 1.98986032 3.90446001 5.96998980 -0.07584266 0.21270556 0.09735174 +O 5.96370981 3.94366965 2.01287028 -0.08820941 0.08944379 -0.11260661 +O 5.93590035 3.94357995 5.97660002 0.12835667 -0.19709100 -0.06282593 +O 3.94135008 1.98385976 2.00167966 -0.03839737 -0.04138113 0.15100963 +O 3.95724018 5.93111038 2.01135010 -0.06713536 0.05532911 -0.10542629 +O 3.93900035 1.95022995 5.95749967 0.14213367 -0.04075533 0.00783621 +O 3.97593964 5.91706991 6.01243986 0.02350965 0.20755076 -0.19219253 +O 5.98408028 5.95806964 0.00862338 -0.10694324 -0.19467596 0.36853550 +O 1.98231973 5.95965969 0.03992012 -0.02642657 -0.21786937 0.15119012 +O 5.91224978 1.96583982 0.00641812 0.25633307 0.07370401 -0.06697852 +O 1.94994973 1.94662993 0.06765019 0.10818277 0.13114272 -0.31173572 +O 5.99329982 7.89742254 5.98552029 -0.29484743 0.00527333 -0.13823588 +O 5.94335997 7.91827010 2.00076993 -0.04156368 -0.07912236 0.00401555 +O 1.96593985 7.90652062 5.98914015 0.16192705 -0.20269780 -0.09263968 +O 1.94133032 7.89588012 2.03293037 0.26858978 -0.08247945 0.01840344 +O 0.02560975 5.93768965 5.94677027 -0.07119436 -0.16340723 0.08840250 +O 7.91993952 1.95828971 5.93339979 -0.07114860 0.09379024 0.27401995 +O 7.91334994 5.97303016 2.02645033 0.08378042 -0.30702597 -0.05719419 +O 7.91539008 1.99264984 1.99202986 -0.13914373 -0.11165658 0.09317626 +40 +Lattice="7.763069864014286 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.026400956871514 0.0 0.0 0.06839264550196586 8.026113723286546" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.7252922881 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88230969 0.09584752 7.99673982 0.24336700 0.03137106 0.05698953 +Ba 3.84936011 0.03687381 4.02885005 0.25070827 0.24625332 -0.07781649 +Ba 3.87403969 4.13908487 8.00051112 0.08910749 -0.18326412 0.15713760 +Ba 3.91328977 4.07304987 3.97928984 -0.49017413 0.04664238 0.01233770 +Ba 0.00533012 0.09092263 8.02610596 -0.32380216 -0.01830265 -0.22659955 +Ba 7.75816981 0.11593679 4.01487031 -0.00968663 -0.27289818 0.07289695 +Ba 7.75879241 3.99304988 0.01159026 -0.02221947 0.50636591 -0.14700462 +Ba 0.01120133 4.13320978 3.98011971 0.22266010 -0.27835508 0.08981969 +Ti 1.96823010 2.09882978 2.03787027 -0.21977996 0.33370399 0.07977619 +Ti 1.97247029 2.03477979 6.09406962 -0.33114909 0.49994510 -0.29582599 +Ti 1.95995001 6.14038021 2.05416030 -0.37478405 -0.30733296 -0.32582459 +Ti 1.93722984 6.06378976 6.05838977 -0.05885409 -0.65162733 0.15279886 +Ti 5.83802960 1.99466025 2.09276993 0.01403565 0.25085148 -1.00354347 +Ti 5.84581984 2.09323028 6.03977005 0.04455362 -0.79089550 0.81161319 +Ti 5.83197984 6.03449970 2.05019958 0.17311443 -0.32441460 -0.46571986 +Ti 5.80820001 6.03767014 6.03877017 0.12670319 0.63908317 0.54345176 +O 1.93402990 2.02900019 3.87485015 0.07704311 0.11815633 0.27281821 +O 1.88091032 2.15262009 7.94340986 0.38759740 -0.13383543 -0.01418683 +O 1.87607004 6.15750011 3.89891023 0.26188537 -0.09917979 0.20726305 +O 1.98662004 6.06129006 7.89425022 -0.16255517 0.40268052 0.37905440 +O 5.84871003 2.12567991 3.92649009 -0.29791655 -0.13824487 0.33856801 +O 5.82598986 2.15267987 7.91754020 -0.02723004 0.10784312 -0.29978754 +O 5.80378981 6.10132964 3.91528022 0.18964328 0.25401291 0.03613583 +O 5.79727969 6.12054013 7.90746995 -0.03973948 0.04988686 0.06568037 +O 1.94392005 4.07501004 1.94918030 -0.12758508 -0.39699041 0.15835939 +O 1.98403959 4.15561011 5.90877989 -0.00904925 -0.25623666 0.03949780 +O 1.87916984 8.03217979 1.90240005 0.32044584 0.53382966 0.05948916 +O 1.90430976 0.16207970 6.03414027 0.13874213 -0.32245542 -0.33923187 +O 5.82418960 4.14848983 1.95368987 -0.20783821 -0.13206369 0.07403286 +O 5.73439961 4.15527009 5.93712985 0.48684095 -0.36228360 -0.01026641 +O 5.80995989 0.14730037 1.89948967 -0.08900105 -0.58822315 0.49594729 +O 5.81178965 0.12626012 6.00910981 0.22489105 0.27136194 -0.48325915 +O 7.73147262 2.07182982 1.94370035 0.34507650 0.05321566 0.01277633 +O 0.00533633 2.16204989 5.91855981 -0.17624295 0.04900497 -0.02155741 +O 7.71572368 6.10540991 1.87061027 0.15620480 -0.05669025 0.24380280 +O 0.04738966 6.08716980 5.97724008 -0.86294321 0.19188220 -0.27415339 +O 3.87368026 2.05499017 1.93185003 -0.17309952 0.08260774 -0.02942910 +O 3.87611010 2.06091960 5.95294011 -0.11959641 0.31635290 -0.13927614 +O 3.83995981 6.10409019 1.94436021 0.44422646 0.07882231 0.01485661 +O 3.89234966 6.13186956 5.92747957 -0.07360091 0.24942015 -0.22162138 +40 +Lattice="7.955130041 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130041 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955130041" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216350009792 stress="-9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98884220 -1.98872288 1.98884225 0.00029568 -0.00029542 -0.00029876 +Ba 1.98884225 -1.98884220 -1.98872288 -0.00029876 0.00029568 -0.00029542 +Ba -1.98872288 1.98884225 -1.98884220 -0.00029542 -0.00029876 0.00029568 +Ba 1.98872280 1.98872280 1.98872280 0.00029902 0.00029902 0.00029902 +Ba 1.98872286 1.98884220 -1.98872283 0.00029568 -0.00029568 -0.00029851 +Ba -1.98872283 1.98872286 1.98884220 -0.00029851 0.00029568 -0.00029568 +Ba 1.98884220 -1.98872283 1.98872286 -0.00029568 -0.00029851 0.00029568 +Ba -1.98884226 -1.98884226 -1.98884226 0.00029876 0.00029876 0.00029876 +Ti -0.00004259 3.97760742 0.00004257 -0.00032087 0.00032756 0.00032524 +Ti 0.00004257 -0.00004259 3.97760742 0.00032524 -0.00032087 0.00032756 +Ti 3.97760742 0.00004257 -0.00004259 0.00032756 0.00032524 -0.00032087 +Ti 3.97752290 3.97752290 3.97752290 -0.00032627 -0.00032627 -0.00032627 +Ti 3.97752235 0.00004289 3.97760808 -0.00032370 0.00033064 0.00031882 +Ti 3.97760808 3.97752235 0.00004289 0.00031882 -0.00032370 0.00033064 +Ti 0.00004289 3.97760808 3.97752235 0.00033064 0.00031882 -0.00032370 +Ti -0.00004304 -0.00004304 -0.00004304 -0.00032396 -0.00032396 -0.00032396 +O 0.00000000 -0.00028114 1.98878251 -0.00000077 0.00168484 0.00000463 +O 3.97756502 3.97728403 -1.98878251 0.00000077 0.00168536 0.00000129 +O 3.97756502 0.00028101 1.98878251 0.00000026 -0.00168536 -0.00000154 +O 0.00000000 3.97784618 -1.98878251 -0.00000077 -0.00168536 0.00000077 +O -0.00028114 1.98878251 0.00000000 0.00168484 0.00000463 -0.00000077 +O 3.97728403 -1.98878251 3.97756502 0.00168536 0.00000129 0.00000077 +O 0.00028101 1.98878251 3.97756502 -0.00168536 -0.00000154 0.00000026 +O 3.97784618 -1.98878251 0.00000000 -0.00168536 0.00000077 -0.00000077 +O 1.98878251 0.00000000 -0.00028114 0.00000463 -0.00000077 0.00168484 +O -1.98878251 3.97756502 3.97728403 0.00000129 0.00000077 0.00168536 +O 1.98878251 3.97756502 0.00028101 -0.00000154 0.00000026 -0.00168536 +O -1.98878251 0.00000000 3.97784618 0.00000077 -0.00000077 -0.00168536 +O 0.00000000 3.97762741 1.98878251 -0.00000103 -0.00012341 0.00000026 +O 3.97756502 0.00006226 -1.98878251 0.00000026 -0.00012341 -0.00000103 +O 3.97756502 3.97750287 1.98878251 0.00000077 0.00012341 -0.00000771 +O 0.00000000 -0.00006244 -1.98878251 -0.00000051 0.00012367 -0.00000411 +O 3.97762741 1.98878251 0.00000000 -0.00012341 0.00000026 -0.00000103 +O 0.00006226 -1.98878251 3.97756502 -0.00012341 -0.00000103 0.00000026 +O 3.97750287 1.98878251 3.97756502 0.00012341 -0.00000771 0.00000077 +O -0.00006244 -1.98878251 0.00000000 0.00012367 -0.00000411 -0.00000051 +O 1.98878251 0.00000000 3.97762741 0.00000026 -0.00000103 -0.00012341 +O -1.98878251 3.97756502 0.00006226 -0.00000103 0.00000026 -0.00012341 +O 1.98878251 3.97756502 3.97750287 -0.00000771 0.00000077 0.00012341 +O -1.98878251 0.00000000 -0.00006244 -0.00000411 -0.00000051 0.00012367 +40 +Lattice="7.962519928905985 0.0 0.0 -0.021825267125131307 7.9624880788262695 0.0 -0.021825267125131307 0.021769529485628963 7.962456228746554" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.68907951451 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00708719 7.90913283 0.05359970 -0.25987322 0.46149142 0.19104376 +Ba 4.01146658 0.06026991 4.04526987 -0.11297710 -0.35594944 -0.36294849 +Ba 4.04350696 3.97324250 0.07966023 -0.01896446 0.33846928 0.03824773 +Ba 3.99709025 4.01087019 4.10310961 0.01018157 0.40332355 -0.66781731 +Ba 7.93924787 0.15249022 7.95723998 0.43301722 -0.46761527 0.46061570 +Ba 0.07574108 0.08170979 4.00402959 -0.03660145 -0.26389983 -0.06613752 +Ba 0.03532253 4.07069021 7.93805986 -0.40799499 -0.36071009 0.39904112 +Ba -0.00741629 4.02989981 3.93330011 0.21177277 -0.09263710 0.61751342 +O 1.99173996 3.99151967 2.05658990 0.42788710 -0.22189623 0.01872663 +O 2.02072990 3.95524004 5.97128002 0.17031630 0.23195619 -0.10955291 +O 2.00514964 7.94618004 1.94220034 0.13590286 -0.04444178 0.09255894 +O 2.03599007 7.93319954 6.01989996 0.12732514 -0.11187281 0.30812409 +O 6.02578028 3.95670992 1.97914007 0.04457367 0.03474409 0.05232683 +O 6.04922990 3.96882967 5.97670010 -0.17714849 0.03352976 0.09381775 +O 6.01431027 7.93351008 2.05358007 0.15406796 0.56995366 -0.13660708 +O 6.08176715 0.06377978 5.97589987 -0.43053045 -0.82067890 -0.15932329 +O 2.10889968 1.98166976 3.96826035 0.00021160 0.09307985 -0.04988274 +O 2.02705692 2.06158240 0.02045969 0.10089292 -0.14902808 -0.08555886 +O 2.08468008 6.10666993 4.02610010 -0.24971685 -0.73529231 -0.05151951 +O 2.03309649 5.88332284 0.05652991 0.21114388 0.28428122 -0.20565920 +O 6.05706024 2.04255994 3.94090034 -0.45277435 -0.13275583 0.66530405 +O 6.03024009 1.99825011 7.90754032 -0.03342434 0.08432061 0.09231572 +O 6.03187002 6.01975027 4.00357970 0.09759985 -0.21832008 0.30684856 +O 5.98669705 6.07185301 0.03111992 0.50356495 -0.39690917 -0.97731308 +O 0.07601022 1.99154965 2.07512984 0.21099295 0.00769943 -0.47371907 +O 0.11884778 1.87975030 5.91430023 -0.07985075 0.87533336 0.25995884 +O 0.04085649 5.98747021 2.00483034 0.38141287 -0.13307593 0.01286323 +O 0.11263064 5.91579957 6.00130987 -0.84105644 0.43256522 -0.00099090 +O 4.08325029 1.94609959 1.95936993 -0.35083757 0.26144005 0.15606236 +O 4.00598996 1.98080981 6.00739960 0.59687260 0.09730571 -0.12181244 +O 4.09524025 5.98960018 1.98517964 -0.49928227 -0.24266354 0.30888488 +O 4.07889957 5.95972003 5.97727022 0.22201116 0.15163672 0.26923204 +Ti 2.01806007 2.09459979 2.04409990 -0.39114938 -0.29635281 0.08819424 +Ti 1.98166020 2.09645983 6.03442997 -0.61905222 -0.42889420 0.01713460 +Ti 1.94016990 6.05142995 1.95589030 0.31411193 0.38723205 0.27378855 +Ti 1.93617033 6.05413004 5.96541960 0.42404716 0.42236823 -0.30864319 +Ti 5.98176029 2.02548989 2.11032019 0.11017486 0.19760779 -0.53187151 +Ti 5.88955032 2.05318991 6.05139969 0.81107403 0.33950594 0.26788530 +Ti 5.98303986 6.03167971 2.14416011 -0.59833376 0.18354128 -0.51718666 +Ti 5.94239996 6.09752975 6.10192984 -0.13958725 -0.41839176 -0.16394434 +40 +Lattice="7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21627912414 stress="9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98854516 5.96681728 5.96681728 0.00179952 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 1.98854516 5.96681728 -0.00179952 0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 5.96681728 1.98854516 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 1.98854516 1.98854516 1.98854516 0.00179952 0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 5.96622644 1.98913600 1.98913600 0.00179900 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 5.96622644 1.98913600 -0.00179900 0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 1.98913600 5.96622644 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ba 5.96622644 5.96622644 5.96622644 0.00179900 0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 1.98884061 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 0.00000000 3.97768122 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 5.96663714 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 1.98872530 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 5.96663714 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98872530 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 5.96663714 3.97768122 3.97768122 -0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98872530 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.93724007530852 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.93724007530852 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.93724007530852" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.058863853556 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02761040 3.97394989 0.04390643 -0.43365923 -0.04279087 -0.22227264 +Ba 3.94260018 0.04158082 3.97252040 0.33559813 -0.15182904 0.06714050 +Ba 7.93488192 3.98386033 3.95946999 0.03464124 -0.15763536 0.08229356 +Ba 0.00371622 7.92696214 3.97823997 -0.13704700 0.20783538 -0.03156055 +Ba 0.04219437 3.96150986 7.93123158 -0.14067277 0.08347241 0.06580096 +Ba 3.92717018 7.91487770 7.92667164 0.35677707 0.30640273 0.18102520 +Ba 4.00976034 4.00557027 3.98542000 -0.21303364 -0.23902646 0.02831582 +Ba 0.03521118 0.01348458 0.02069000 -0.23227783 0.03142402 -0.03568357 +Ti 5.98960011 1.97818009 2.00546991 0.16567777 -0.23174253 0.40534084 +Ti 2.05561977 6.00563016 2.03382967 -0.42889163 0.19765793 0.14499171 +Ti 2.01360002 1.97859997 5.98689033 -0.11540088 0.06969181 0.20138654 +Ti 5.99511966 5.87574040 5.90286036 0.25452276 0.56375268 0.04196709 +Ti 2.03066985 5.94738986 5.99566971 -0.19824799 -0.29470164 -0.20009430 +Ti 5.96722026 1.91689983 6.00992976 0.34771342 -0.09012077 -0.35921551 +Ti 6.00947019 5.95780987 1.92786037 0.20652977 0.10639405 0.17822013 +Ti 2.04362025 2.05230994 2.04796033 -0.10196455 -0.29642377 -0.19211411 +O 1.95774963 1.99633970 3.94636005 0.02569843 0.10088160 -0.20914330 +O 5.91465034 1.99668021 3.95915012 0.08282346 0.13602781 0.05777783 +O 1.93655006 5.95760033 3.95915012 -0.01748659 0.07726088 -0.19314050 +O 5.92469967 5.98389006 4.01148987 0.04156548 -0.03656237 0.25799915 +O 1.94122985 3.94373996 1.97013966 0.29170502 0.29183358 0.00337123 +O 1.98317976 4.00844038 5.89380000 -0.15285877 0.13084961 0.33479080 +O 5.89156011 4.01945965 2.01543987 0.09118263 -0.27231582 -0.05511365 +O 5.93028987 4.01325987 5.98227006 -0.05958660 0.13588717 -0.06974323 +O 3.94798004 1.96475028 1.98753016 -0.36628296 0.21090605 -0.09041104 +O 3.90541976 6.00317040 2.03569968 0.05798583 -0.28308231 -0.19933943 +O 3.93056018 1.97220970 5.95359043 0.07854334 0.24828295 -0.00202423 +O 3.90311003 5.96562012 5.93138997 0.27173244 0.22242948 0.22625914 +O 5.89473977 5.98320983 0.06177078 -0.04193958 -0.04656242 -0.46507477 +O 1.95346035 6.00673026 7.92526992 0.16068418 -0.27623830 -0.10103484 +O 5.91936982 2.05404026 0.00389480 -0.00625138 -0.23380841 -0.03390617 +O 1.97325027 2.00206007 7.90728017 0.01639130 0.02567015 -0.03475977 +O 5.95311976 0.05333508 5.98846984 -0.22166560 -0.03689687 0.02978829 +O 5.93519032 0.01105023 2.01244039 -0.04600758 0.24996625 -0.17937378 +O 1.92018982 0.06011269 5.89668995 0.26117009 -0.32988539 0.24398792 +O 1.96326998 0.00225021 1.97056986 -0.09577976 -0.13560487 0.10251040 +O 7.88628379 6.02278968 5.99932005 -0.12578479 -0.38225311 -0.13999194 +O 7.90026365 2.03417017 5.95670977 -0.11137170 -0.02219453 -0.03277205 +O 7.88567976 5.93529033 1.97407971 0.08254655 0.12260151 0.09449524 +O 7.88291046 2.00069963 1.96196986 0.08272216 0.04044731 0.09930706 +40 +Lattice="8.013082395 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.013082395 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.013082395" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.866681832948 stress="0.01078284303290236 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.01078284303290236 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.01078284303290236" pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.10166898 5.91141342 5.91141342 -0.55610699 0.55610699 0.55610699 +Ba 5.91141342 2.10166898 5.91141342 0.55610699 -0.55610699 0.55610699 +Ba 5.91141342 5.91141342 2.10166898 0.55610699 0.55610699 -0.55610699 +Ba 2.10166898 2.10166898 2.10166898 -0.55610699 -0.55610699 -0.55610699 +Ba 6.10821038 1.90487202 1.90487202 -0.55611650 0.55611650 0.55611650 +Ba 1.90487202 6.10821038 1.90487202 0.55611650 -0.55611650 0.55611650 +Ba 1.90487202 1.90487202 6.10821038 0.55611650 0.55611650 -0.55611650 +Ba 6.10821038 6.10821038 6.10821038 -0.55611650 -0.55611650 -0.55611650 +Ti 0.00000000 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.00654120 0.00000000 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 4.00654120 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.00654120 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.00654120 4.00654120 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 4.00654120 5.92140138 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.73476858 +O 0.00000000 4.00654120 2.09168102 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.73476858 +O 4.00654120 5.92140138 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.73476858 0.00000000 +O 4.00654120 2.09168102 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.73476858 0.00000000 +O 5.92140138 0.00000000 4.00654120 0.73476858 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.09168102 0.00000000 4.00654120 -0.73476858 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.00654120 0.00000000 1.91485992 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.73478169 +O 4.00654120 0.00000000 6.09822248 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.73478169 +O 0.00000000 1.91485992 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.73478169 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.09822248 4.00654120 0.00000000 -0.73478169 0.00000000 +O 1.91485992 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.73478169 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.09822248 4.00654120 0.00000000 -0.73478169 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.00654120 4.00654120 5.97346767 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.92371535 +O 4.00654120 4.00654120 2.03961473 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.92371535 +O 4.00654120 5.97346767 4.00654120 0.00000000 0.92371535 0.00000000 +O 4.00654120 2.03961473 4.00654120 0.00000000 -0.92371535 0.00000000 +O 5.97346767 4.00654120 4.00654120 0.92371535 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.03961473 4.00654120 4.00654120 -0.92371535 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.96692615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.92372280 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.04615624 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.92372280 +O 0.00000000 1.96692615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.92372280 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.04615624 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.92372280 0.00000000 +O 1.96692615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.92372280 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.04615624 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.92372280 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.833220240639673 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.833220240639673 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.216977533448851" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.490792473243 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.04652984 1.95572010 0.02078780 -0.66338421 0.08320655 0.05747701 +Ba 1.94187018 1.99715000 4.06897017 -0.09429701 -0.29651941 0.32161492 +Ba 1.99738030 5.83407982 8.18169201 -0.54271668 0.24077867 0.42845737 +Ba 1.91832039 5.84686050 4.17361024 0.31060520 0.10993266 -0.34402414 +Ba 5.87998014 1.99746019 0.02629847 0.03412548 -0.50539018 -0.02437123 +Ba 5.81498008 1.95513026 4.11961977 0.44425192 -0.34857397 0.11710115 +Ba 5.84147046 5.89176052 0.00403959 0.40332741 0.22551146 -0.04031464 +Ba 5.91389015 5.85554989 4.05906976 -0.31303747 0.41297727 0.61912781 +Ti 0.01040173 7.80830512 2.16739016 -0.10414819 0.19416637 -0.39678730 +Ti 0.02163300 0.02822544 6.24428990 -0.60796125 -0.19393600 -0.65252181 +Ti 7.74350637 3.88900977 2.12159010 1.14212053 0.05750992 -0.40238844 +Ti 7.80546009 3.87130982 6.22623041 0.45337393 0.26009254 0.14844290 +Ti 3.88626031 7.76518324 2.18207980 0.06924341 -0.13239124 -0.17821344 +Ti 3.88203037 0.04912996 6.27761007 0.79359670 -0.27218418 -0.38736832 +Ti 3.87326030 3.84170025 2.19909042 -0.22339236 0.97772291 -0.14810968 +Ti 3.91683023 3.94822030 6.25937981 -0.18873234 -0.03798059 -1.01120922 +O 0.05217003 1.98858986 1.95591044 -0.10381677 -0.07201891 -0.02625868 +O 1.94077040 7.77166993 1.87858011 0.27111357 0.31482001 0.49119332 +O 0.02470989 0.05449963 3.97024026 0.18562362 -0.40417562 0.11107911 +O 7.82599801 1.93046031 5.97171028 0.07236138 0.59618534 0.30961713 +O 2.02693034 0.01309949 6.03811014 -0.61452091 0.16062530 0.37254796 +O 0.03880969 0.15123990 8.01578049 -0.16674941 -0.57532213 0.77841100 +O 7.78968007 5.89219056 1.98097988 0.22532737 0.14267077 -0.22350291 +O 2.00833035 3.98969015 2.00421008 0.19036242 -0.26143723 -0.06636557 +O 7.81057205 3.91143001 3.91864989 0.01701582 0.12143706 0.80624781 +O 0.10709970 5.87002020 6.12823996 -0.50021712 0.00830749 -0.16105185 +O 1.94577974 3.83353020 6.00259980 0.39040530 0.28370349 0.43297197 +O 0.01564216 3.86638978 8.05991990 -0.06509390 0.03524468 0.00229420 +O 3.91534036 1.96153000 2.05007045 0.05196765 0.40736661 -0.39289002 +O 5.89351986 0.03404004 2.07050027 -0.25298627 0.05696742 -0.46352722 +O 3.83083009 0.05367714 4.00968993 0.27911330 -0.49230969 -0.27993734 +O 3.95973983 1.97625018 6.04805990 -0.13953505 -0.11236672 0.60573674 +O 5.88043995 0.02491121 6.06571049 0.08821275 -0.35892240 0.16886363 +O 3.90385999 7.79591375 8.14457038 0.21847821 0.49209809 -0.52607856 +O 3.95770006 5.90615015 2.00107993 0.06950360 -0.33060350 0.13556810 +O 5.91408990 3.97299991 2.00331004 -1.05917700 -0.41007424 -0.39195285 +O 3.96645995 3.94911015 4.02244006 -0.17725494 -0.04831926 -0.33209243 +O 3.91097020 5.87161034 6.13814036 0.04067871 -0.05035377 -0.25428647 +O 5.89432042 3.92052046 6.06972032 -0.04763277 0.08071747 0.15104203 +O 3.92030035 3.95450019 8.06447022 0.11384485 -0.35916331 0.64545797 +40 +Lattice="7.983745301 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983745301 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983745301" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.32743762723 stress="1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00000210 3.99187055 0.00000210 0.00002520 0.00002520 -0.00002520 +Ba 3.99187475 3.99187475 3.99187475 -0.00002520 -0.00002520 -0.00002520 +Ba 0.00000210 -0.00000210 3.99187055 -0.00002520 0.00002520 0.00002520 +Ba 3.99187055 0.00000210 -0.00000210 0.00002520 -0.00002520 0.00002520 +Ba 3.99191775 3.99182755 -0.00004510 -0.00025917 0.00025917 0.00025917 +Ba -0.00004510 3.99191775 3.99182755 0.00025917 -0.00025917 0.00025917 +Ba 3.99182755 -0.00004510 3.99191775 0.00025917 0.00025917 -0.00025917 +Ba 0.00004510 0.00004510 0.00004510 -0.00025917 -0.00025917 -0.00025917 +Ti 5.92850711 1.93663446 2.05523819 -0.00016481 -0.00016481 0.00016481 +Ti 6.04711084 6.04711084 6.04711084 0.00016481 0.00016481 0.00016481 +Ti 2.05523819 5.92850711 1.93663446 0.00016481 -0.00016481 -0.00016481 +Ti 1.93663446 2.05523819 5.92850711 -0.00016481 0.00016481 -0.00016481 +Ti 5.92853033 2.05521497 6.04708762 -0.00025068 0.00025068 0.00025068 +Ti 6.04708762 5.92853033 2.05521497 0.00025068 -0.00025068 0.00025068 +Ti 2.05521497 6.04708762 5.92853033 0.00025068 0.00025068 -0.00025068 +Ti 1.93665768 1.93665768 1.93665768 -0.00025068 -0.00025068 -0.00025068 +O 2.01905002 1.99588606 4.03274295 0.00016712 0.00016738 -0.00044814 +O 5.96469528 5.98775871 -0.04087030 -0.00016712 0.00016738 0.00044814 +O 6.01092267 1.99598659 3.95100235 0.00016712 -0.00016738 0.00044814 +O 1.97282263 5.98785924 0.04087030 -0.00016712 -0.00016738 -0.00044814 +O 1.99588606 4.03274295 2.01905002 0.00016738 -0.00044814 0.00016712 +O 5.98775871 -0.04087030 5.96469528 0.00016738 0.00044814 -0.00016712 +O 1.99598659 3.95100235 6.01092267 -0.00016738 0.00044814 0.00016712 +O 5.98785924 0.04087030 1.97282263 -0.00016738 -0.00044814 -0.00016712 +O 4.03274295 2.01905002 1.99588606 -0.00044814 0.00016712 0.00016738 +O -0.04087030 5.96469528 5.98775871 0.00044814 -0.00016712 0.00016738 +O 3.95100235 6.01092267 1.99598659 0.00044814 0.00016712 -0.00016738 +O 0.04087030 1.97282263 5.98785924 -0.00044814 -0.00016712 -0.00016738 +O 1.97279419 5.98775460 4.03274835 -0.00000797 0.00012650 -0.00044814 +O 6.01095111 1.99588195 -0.04087570 0.00000797 0.00012650 0.00044814 +O 5.96466684 5.98786335 3.95099695 -0.00000797 -0.00012650 0.00044814 +O 2.01907846 1.99599070 0.04087570 0.00000797 -0.00012650 -0.00044814 +O 5.98775460 4.03274835 1.97279419 0.00012650 -0.00044814 -0.00000797 +O 1.99588195 -0.04087570 6.01095111 0.00012650 0.00044814 0.00000797 +O 5.98786335 3.95099695 5.96466684 -0.00012650 0.00044814 -0.00000797 +O 1.99599070 0.04087570 2.01907846 -0.00012650 -0.00044814 0.00000797 +O 4.03274835 1.97279419 5.98775460 -0.00044814 -0.00000797 0.00012650 +O -0.04087570 6.01095111 1.99588195 0.00044814 0.00000797 0.00012650 +O 3.95099695 5.96466684 5.98786335 0.00044814 -0.00000797 -0.00012650 +O 0.04087570 2.01907846 1.99599070 -0.00044814 0.00000797 -0.00012650 +40 +Lattice="7.918480214095179 0.0 0.0 -0.021704554266834885 7.918448540174322 0.0 -0.021704554266834885 0.021649124905336218 7.918416866253466" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.092667603338 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01281258 0.03443351 0.03513984 -0.11066954 0.01343170 -0.06770589 +Ba 3.99875649 0.03653032 4.00627984 -0.08469857 0.09117929 -0.06794500 +Ba 4.00421628 4.00930311 0.03718993 -0.01688906 -0.11016354 -0.03402804 +Ba 3.96506019 4.02052994 3.99732008 0.20667710 -0.10923409 -0.02799726 +Ba 0.03152901 0.04036287 0.04536972 0.08570464 -0.06813912 -0.14483024 +Ba 0.05853657 0.04307970 4.00425033 -0.17251794 0.02243056 -0.06794654 +Ba 0.02168951 3.99023304 0.03098026 -0.00210471 0.05446908 0.03826701 +Ba 0.02394232 3.99908036 3.99450981 -0.12167643 0.06751640 -0.03415196 +O 2.03963026 3.94925015 1.99325013 -0.11169386 0.13595351 0.08078766 +O 2.04106033 3.98372009 5.92637984 -0.12785736 -0.17714592 0.25974004 +O 2.00384981 7.89622057 1.97505980 0.06716184 -0.00070423 0.18202305 +O 1.98825991 7.93101992 5.95880998 0.08656699 0.11218289 0.06580739 +O 5.98392977 3.97462017 1.99046996 -0.02877476 -0.24514774 -0.00099013 +O 6.00689020 3.98529983 5.96782042 -0.25228873 -0.04510795 -0.05558494 +O 5.97854600 0.01480993 2.01278027 0.07070739 -0.05127114 -0.01712098 +O 5.99777603 0.02180987 5.92613041 -0.01698805 0.01387239 0.11788894 +O 2.05560025 2.00960021 3.95351029 -0.19967856 -0.11760483 -0.05167712 +O 2.05331656 1.98679340 0.01283982 -0.08109516 0.09493773 -0.23758844 +O 1.99909001 5.95489983 4.02633972 0.04833211 0.01355486 -0.42175811 +O 2.01248650 5.92234300 0.02920969 0.09138935 0.02996724 0.25002976 +O 5.97084053 1.99353995 3.97505014 0.11398832 0.14000042 -0.14845601 +O 5.99357052 1.99043986 7.91368003 -0.16274646 0.09893245 0.08197037 +O 5.98053037 5.96623039 3.96997994 -0.04704296 -0.05214891 0.05080680 +O 5.98093659 5.99147371 0.02233011 -0.00949226 -0.16160335 -0.08118438 +O 0.05059434 1.99258973 1.97298991 0.19245016 0.02263805 0.22246110 +O 0.05784767 2.03925017 5.94842014 0.17599818 -0.14301221 -0.01619795 +O 0.03513192 5.93978029 1.99008987 0.29363129 0.05853271 0.14922554 +O 0.02706853 5.95532031 6.00507053 0.13230460 0.03799885 -0.21431353 +O 4.02056003 1.99554966 1.98765969 0.09476906 -0.01688803 -0.00819796 +O 4.00470010 2.02186990 5.94974015 0.16363349 -0.05896671 0.07075984 +O 4.00525044 5.94229045 1.99923017 -0.13605661 0.06798202 0.10653623 +O 4.00441979 5.97322003 6.00318039 0.00300459 -0.02704569 -0.21609685 +Ti 1.98162976 2.07501003 2.05752998 0.16451872 -0.23786278 -0.06018541 +Ti 1.97890026 2.06048991 6.02730008 -0.06335635 -0.07675360 -0.00980027 +Ti 1.97710990 6.00982004 1.96366986 -0.22065207 0.21683193 -0.09246278 +Ti 1.97141968 5.99863043 5.93954036 -0.05269733 0.21184527 0.15418006 +Ti 5.94412041 2.04310013 2.02070984 -0.17813683 0.15866149 0.18968931 +Ti 5.92880052 2.05116986 5.97673029 0.02911800 -0.05285211 -0.00290663 +Ti 5.92742983 6.01694984 2.04628020 0.22118583 -0.10886925 -0.04914304 +Ti 5.94430016 6.00375052 6.00264035 -0.04402834 0.19760188 0.10809612 +40 +Lattice="7.920910195835939 0.0 0.0 -0.021711214846786307 7.920878512195156 0.0 -0.021711214846786307 0.021655768475415456 7.920846828554372" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.63321848908 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97651554 0.02165656 0.06848973 0.40538635 0.20858871 -0.30545271 +Ba 3.98446338 0.05691966 3.96807977 0.13861846 -0.13391642 0.20042855 +Ba 4.00694292 4.09222657 0.08362976 0.04510718 -0.71321245 -0.39930132 +Ba 3.95415005 4.05158992 4.04161987 0.09381775 -0.13154715 -0.28947022 +Ba 0.00859023 7.88809703 0.02405976 0.10036378 0.59283982 0.22343992 +Ba 0.05727610 0.05308040 4.02828977 -0.03035162 -0.00152801 -0.38244774 +Ba 0.01878919 3.93585037 7.88791010 -0.02471113 0.55967902 0.67499660 +Ba -0.01171899 3.98436991 3.96788016 0.50587895 0.21724793 0.02110233 +O 2.01828990 3.97225013 1.97966041 0.01193866 0.82799163 0.04281658 +O 1.98099984 4.08468032 6.04577015 0.26248315 -0.83574557 -0.33393951 +O 1.99629274 0.05336000 2.03811990 0.09487576 -0.13345002 -0.21005913 +O 2.00870322 0.04068972 5.97493029 -0.02056317 0.71645152 0.00670055 +O 5.95921995 4.03683010 2.06127985 -0.17106886 -0.18151783 -0.45773170 +O 5.98831029 4.07849013 5.96888980 -0.32121203 -0.78067768 -0.14424403 +O 6.02123276 0.06304965 2.03723038 -0.30853572 -0.24938055 -0.26610403 +O 5.95178301 0.08930034 5.93058032 0.15004958 0.43784858 0.11573975 +O 1.98970967 2.06073014 3.95635048 0.31599706 -0.06477843 0.33818697 +O 2.06048300 2.01347636 0.06128963 -0.20404532 -0.08459058 -0.91246729 +O 1.99357032 5.99527990 3.97892983 0.03969500 -0.12376596 -0.24860999 +O 2.01964992 6.04058037 7.91951057 -0.22141183 -0.06670059 0.56880670 +O 6.01451028 2.01580986 3.95527007 -0.42068416 0.25552086 0.62754509 +O 5.94581302 2.02422662 0.00604999 0.20134772 0.08192769 -0.68605723 +O 6.03090023 5.96017046 3.93480006 -0.47189128 0.37455908 0.40448364 +O 6.01299026 6.01336017 7.91332038 -0.44935478 0.03339323 0.20910036 +O 0.01343624 2.07510025 1.98147034 -0.11246931 -0.26778271 -0.10294980 +O 0.07742769 2.07689988 5.97149023 -0.51109134 -0.25403039 0.01228165 +O 0.01210077 5.94689026 1.98266006 0.48853968 0.14484695 -0.14793356 +O 0.01151146 6.02211040 5.94609976 -0.08830428 0.08770290 0.06473601 +O 4.01176042 2.02475019 1.92262035 -0.18096170 -0.04174083 0.63285416 +O 3.94568022 2.05119019 5.94231039 0.69276446 0.14272888 -0.03432886 +O 3.95967014 5.95236995 1.99717988 0.23096554 0.37897289 -0.00702605 +O 3.98359049 6.06307021 5.93477998 0.11600946 -0.27757630 0.03852412 +Ti 2.09443995 1.96945986 2.03486995 -0.43562381 0.28219503 0.20162437 +Ti 1.99708008 2.07297032 6.04164019 -0.11721762 0.06625476 -0.17490546 +Ti 1.98936986 5.91474008 1.99770028 -0.48289225 -0.05856510 0.45622220 +Ti 2.01750018 6.05180034 5.98183019 0.13013330 -0.44554030 -0.27549422 +Ti 6.02675046 2.01505975 2.06113014 0.24046422 0.02657904 -0.42250450 +Ti 5.91816033 2.02939026 5.99359037 -0.00832935 -0.61027010 0.52623668 +Ti 5.96013007 5.97523049 1.99631017 0.56041796 -0.25890315 0.62396946 +Ti 6.00870980 5.97469979 5.96249050 -0.24413524 0.27989158 -0.18876859 +40 +Lattice="7.942739814034939 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.942739814034939 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.942739814034939" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.025091668984 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97650965 3.97712998 0.00982279 -0.02525697 -0.04663904 -0.11590636 +Ba 3.97953028 7.93681691 3.92888975 0.16034196 0.07814302 0.35162381 +Ba 7.91615149 3.99331014 4.00051976 0.14936130 -0.05683655 -0.07799956 +Ba 0.00203096 0.07122175 3.99988990 -0.15094432 -0.48435470 -0.08592601 +Ba 0.01179576 4.02783961 7.89936848 0.15273587 -0.41212264 0.22162909 +Ba 4.01412965 0.00355438 0.04585344 -0.15956626 -0.02123371 -0.34194772 +Ba 3.98641028 3.97160025 4.00788983 -0.06122105 -0.03608338 -0.13639394 +Ba 0.01628738 7.92347390 0.04958414 -0.01241046 0.21052218 -0.29121677 +Ti 5.91572005 2.01925018 2.02279979 0.18873723 -0.22201836 0.40295074 +Ti 1.92420974 6.01107979 2.02293005 0.23696649 -0.31432456 0.31024242 +Ti 2.04018962 2.02855033 5.98137950 0.18775944 0.20096205 0.61151092 +Ti 5.97671950 5.99992977 5.99480988 0.23158877 0.35386144 -0.17541454 +Ti 2.04496003 6.03475948 5.97974012 -0.09933714 -0.34128823 -0.13244524 +Ti 6.01790975 2.01730977 6.04156958 -0.25784128 -0.15344961 -0.43784267 +Ti 5.91826967 5.95069987 2.02542010 -0.08308057 0.54516977 0.24096225 +Ti 1.94601971 2.05861996 2.03123021 -0.03670841 0.08146206 -0.59486380 +O 2.03686956 1.96977962 3.86884979 -0.17998082 -0.10655037 0.52954749 +O 5.98974956 1.93416993 3.95586012 -0.09978040 0.24840070 -0.14666498 +O 1.94265993 5.93951014 3.93339011 0.29901698 -0.02068350 -0.48155168 +O 5.92441020 5.93185016 3.95435020 0.24715886 -0.27003345 -0.10888776 +O 2.06392015 3.93590001 1.91661965 -0.26409009 -0.10200338 0.14003848 +O 1.96721967 3.92388027 5.88986961 0.03949060 -0.15701367 0.03840740 +O 6.02497958 3.88301963 1.97016961 -0.18458361 0.46763404 -0.01735238 +O 5.94839013 3.92024964 5.97257021 0.05707283 -0.06511344 -0.02010320 +O 4.03142973 1.93682996 1.94684019 -0.01751615 0.14007884 -0.00842808 +O 4.03335981 5.88203965 1.96797026 -0.21694223 0.09925872 -0.04140556 +O 3.96457966 1.97294003 5.95222965 0.00899115 -0.06700192 -0.12391380 +O 3.96182988 5.91511958 5.92182007 -0.13896530 0.01655893 0.04378332 +O 5.98791955 5.95876017 7.92791548 -0.17248503 -0.20978068 -0.04924871 +O 2.01515967 5.91351991 7.85377001 -0.19401339 0.14428414 0.42641283 +O 5.99224993 1.93379027 7.93575815 -0.02007260 -0.00385306 -0.12015048 +O 1.99058006 1.93010960 7.84878991 0.09476495 0.15735254 0.26630484 +O 5.89862012 7.90322945 5.94309947 0.26617680 -0.03696706 0.07978982 +O 5.99799968 7.86390018 2.04128969 0.04279678 0.04833545 -0.42463466 +O 1.99927022 7.89164179 5.89257967 -0.05648225 0.16546180 0.04355706 +O 2.07209005 7.87891990 1.91046959 -0.39625996 -0.09317729 0.19031768 +O 7.89011122 5.93070006 5.90311015 0.18355285 0.14946234 0.19424119 +O 0.00263620 1.93754957 5.95895953 -0.21655836 0.04066560 -0.18829757 +O 0.03206961 5.88967978 1.95848981 0.33115809 0.15860518 -0.01506306 +O 0.05758963 1.96150011 1.94969005 0.16642648 -0.08568973 0.04433867 +40 +Lattice="7.9547399655887725 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9547399655887725 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9547399655887725" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.546010221562 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97159007 3.95695017 0.02433196 0.42331131 0.35666214 -0.13602627 +Ba 3.94501010 0.06944886 4.00853984 0.37907137 -0.48550964 -0.13974511 +Ba 0.04739991 4.00225002 3.98563973 -0.22763570 -0.18268459 -0.16167354 +Ba 0.00161959 0.01261383 4.04288999 0.10724920 0.19329605 -0.58784186 +Ba 0.01591505 3.98945005 0.03182453 -0.21893021 -0.04627780 0.04795647 +Ba 3.98945005 7.93407832 7.90183219 0.22310722 -0.00791257 0.35797289 +Ba 3.94191014 3.96206984 3.96702007 0.63604053 0.37305216 0.14042080 +Ba 0.00460182 7.94036177 7.94951847 -0.13255322 0.27056438 0.31442201 +Ti 6.00618027 1.98329009 2.03818018 0.18251259 0.79953338 -0.06164914 +Ti 1.99840012 5.97221990 1.97082024 -0.38680704 0.01353840 0.04253839 +Ti 1.99176029 1.95879028 5.99800996 -0.42445776 0.59049292 -0.91460593 +Ti 6.08294988 5.97628000 6.02012016 -0.95242994 0.11101458 -0.16833372 +Ti 2.04907976 5.95945970 5.94777975 0.61696783 -0.91089043 0.15171128 +Ti 5.94954968 2.02407961 5.99200015 0.16197384 0.29206575 0.24539534 +Ti 5.94281997 6.02795001 2.04063978 0.49194922 -0.66137361 0.27006148 +Ti 2.06302999 1.98085991 1.94333025 -0.39039528 -0.12367520 0.68065405 +O 2.08624033 2.09391029 4.03252019 -0.47311692 -0.62329814 0.09374988 +O 6.00553037 2.00934981 3.97376012 -0.06908554 -0.27458919 -0.34313454 +O 2.03172013 5.97008962 3.96684029 -0.30667064 0.33147099 0.05774286 +O 6.14043003 5.98977999 3.93357993 -0.95932307 -0.16534559 0.20762635 +O 2.00062983 3.99107998 2.03674037 0.10024757 0.31652645 -0.52074918 +O 2.00010004 4.05553962 6.01839000 -0.22640723 -0.27346587 -0.04190770 +O 5.99272006 3.98150008 1.94615975 -0.32301206 -0.26460997 0.18999141 +O 6.00000978 3.93786038 5.93254006 0.17577244 0.55723982 0.22679110 +O 3.99773969 1.96315982 2.01095985 -0.36716973 0.29302580 -0.12602416 +O 3.99515996 5.98515987 1.96730026 -0.67813437 -0.10078133 0.05871603 +O 4.04190997 2.05044002 5.94516026 -0.70536287 -0.32988205 0.22493656 +O 3.98766023 5.89302967 5.93924989 -0.49378293 0.56829402 0.06528725 +O 5.93098014 6.01935014 7.94316900 0.40733987 -0.35258206 -0.48538237 +O 1.88767968 5.97370982 7.93814001 0.73254869 0.22867597 0.27135860 +O 5.90419017 1.99418967 7.92643302 0.46684317 -0.27344505 0.19557662 +O 2.02386006 1.95842993 0.03608986 0.07325870 0.41001459 -0.28850323 +O 5.94451990 7.89843552 5.95936981 0.08470705 0.42540007 -0.13264758 +O 5.83767024 7.94327003 2.02699025 0.80682786 0.66290007 -0.23816514 +O 1.99532004 0.07146459 5.98279970 0.19798137 -0.25938600 -0.03623533 +O 1.98763019 0.03563008 1.97229027 0.05065330 -0.09692776 0.26970564 +O 0.00398612 6.05510988 5.94457002 0.18535623 -0.39101723 0.18704904 +O 0.02303534 2.01022006 5.98009986 0.46925564 -0.15057769 0.11255107 +O 7.93635974 6.02940971 1.95079020 0.64199212 -0.07781418 0.03743115 +O 0.02323023 2.07838025 1.99512038 -0.27969309 -0.74172187 -0.06702146 +40 +Lattice="7.817510027678073 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.082687785326941 0.0 0.0 0.06887226334384382 8.082398537455918" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.250034992503 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.85688974 0.15859383 8.04967679 0.49624605 -0.62185421 0.51786928 +Ba 4.04396979 0.06158791 4.01533035 -0.77964950 -0.01632496 -0.34942012 +Ba 3.87950971 4.13388523 8.07934345 -0.07193870 0.42313210 0.04645315 +Ba 3.92024988 4.11840031 4.03974990 -0.28961420 -0.04658685 -0.18485820 +Ba 7.80637008 0.00272440 0.02649432 -0.07738943 -0.00863094 -0.37136603 +Ba 7.80902021 0.12454466 4.08354985 0.13554856 -0.49179701 -0.17952394 +Ba 7.76334172 4.11753491 7.99157861 0.48110508 0.31874172 0.06309847 +Ba 0.01545131 4.04304029 4.02911965 -0.00059084 0.72344544 0.12513790 +Ti 1.89208993 1.96833020 2.08007994 0.80433954 -0.00000514 0.47167762 +Ti 1.99288031 2.09331030 6.14566984 -0.55315073 -0.32079089 -0.86707754 +Ti 1.83480009 6.02663027 1.94000032 1.04795722 0.33251871 -0.43169593 +Ti 2.04573996 6.15657996 5.95800973 -0.81428020 -0.35319656 0.14133611 +Ti 5.84754988 2.06083010 2.04743011 -0.24062595 -1.20209511 -0.12042379 +Ti 5.86301995 2.09177963 6.10521032 0.05483083 -0.34604477 0.26443899 +Ti 5.85195035 5.95574969 2.05098004 -0.73572760 1.07657386 -0.41064400 +Ti 5.88130980 6.12702039 6.09440965 0.58510080 -0.31530312 0.38259429 +O 1.92320988 2.21992034 3.91946031 0.20897207 -0.39393003 -0.13296409 +O 1.90921028 2.16424013 7.95067975 0.09543472 -0.11460847 1.05442355 +O 1.93915994 6.13581978 4.09207015 0.27579709 0.17404003 -0.25273301 +O 1.91368033 6.14787516 0.03133023 0.01487383 0.17517234 0.12706186 +O 5.90364989 2.13596028 3.92311031 -0.35147006 0.06712533 0.37141308 +O 5.78945014 2.18572968 7.95733010 0.47432971 0.11642649 -0.18876859 +O 5.88522011 6.15233036 4.00736978 -0.17668595 -0.05758783 -0.50221512 +O 5.88941030 6.08851993 8.05999981 0.04153180 0.53341006 -0.27541786 +O 1.88361028 4.18810983 1.96627028 0.35884578 -0.09215348 0.08323792 +O 2.01324023 4.27219965 6.07448985 -0.16835069 -0.12734880 -0.11453802 +O 2.10937997 0.08027019 2.07535973 -1.25257487 0.67989789 -0.22902950 +O 1.98283012 0.20742981 5.98793985 -0.07529630 -0.25817861 0.09610321 +O 5.90933010 4.09951008 1.91061040 -0.13643096 0.18180836 0.55823612 +O 5.77703985 4.25926011 5.99096992 0.34614633 -0.81428843 0.03039198 +O 6.02830009 0.17195004 1.92005004 -0.85561094 0.34116328 0.32322238 +O 5.78265985 0.19963966 6.06171995 0.57168145 0.37845816 -0.14060643 +O 0.01416846 2.13821016 1.92117967 0.28685618 -0.10575873 -0.09157987 +O 0.02540300 2.21846003 5.94674001 -1.01422589 -0.13803327 0.34344282 +O 7.78914576 6.18932985 2.00984978 0.58279195 -0.11541194 0.13511096 +O 7.77373041 6.28167966 6.03176012 0.42640486 -0.15604102 0.12604499 +O 3.90675999 2.06670027 1.96257026 0.23298694 0.52966293 -0.08686703 +O 3.85228992 2.15095036 6.03970975 1.05291071 0.41225839 -0.52930067 +O 3.97298993 6.19056971 1.94212981 0.02829396 -0.50976697 0.46693213 +O 3.95582033 6.25238980 6.09550019 -1.00937268 0.14190253 -0.26919733 +40 +Lattice="7.945859842855391 0.0 0.0 -0.021779601829266627 7.94582805941602 0.0 -0.021779601829266627 0.02172398081036664 7.945796275976648" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.593611105982 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03263273 0.06142865 0.02645018 -0.16282899 0.21425208 -0.40067943 +Ba 3.99763122 0.11188009 4.02233966 0.03537967 -0.50212411 0.12300800 +Ba 4.09369110 3.86320793 0.01044007 -0.66792092 0.73220236 0.30274251 +Ba 3.97608999 4.03038008 4.12890000 -0.05696845 0.15997455 -0.87762781 +Ba 0.02660671 7.96593983 7.90245956 -0.50731645 0.98636105 0.31778321 +Ba 0.05516413 7.88112969 4.00054973 -0.39209760 0.88499325 -0.10879289 +Ba 7.92597692 4.10688838 0.14879020 0.39261157 -1.31371030 -1.35099644 +Ba 0.00631696 4.04497980 3.97072018 0.08026701 -0.11679879 0.33608278 +O 2.14260031 4.04692018 1.99625982 -0.62691543 0.67302225 0.10991209 +O 1.91593036 4.05288990 6.12472995 0.09233783 0.10099602 -0.97691173 +O 1.85113108 0.09258993 1.88755966 0.24314357 -0.68317553 0.70404826 +O 1.97861127 0.12037024 5.93680957 -0.07994820 -0.79928501 0.35462095 +O 5.79139001 4.00820954 2.00245998 0.53025763 0.28886910 -0.09378819 +O 5.85229979 4.02990015 6.01968012 0.90005580 -0.05816915 -0.12605090 +O 5.99143100 0.03043979 2.09713013 0.47971694 0.07562617 -0.29418999 +O 6.03526116 0.06676985 5.84161022 -0.56331559 -0.44854720 0.46852159 +O 1.98653012 2.03668995 4.03091960 -0.09560056 0.13707888 -0.99449010 +O 2.06498118 2.09105790 0.02893008 -0.61074653 -0.46262888 -0.43474141 +O 1.89546023 6.05206983 3.92118013 0.36432917 -0.12611415 -0.36053114 +O 1.78872032 6.10080973 7.89100957 1.03478315 -0.11796530 0.72874448 +O 5.90308972 2.06521002 3.94092003 0.45006801 -0.00450277 -0.01285140 +O 6.01264009 1.99277000 7.89259954 -0.19149911 -0.17542997 0.23022429 +O 5.97613999 5.85429976 4.01818954 -0.18836313 0.84069777 -0.19294715 +O 5.87118154 6.02240793 0.01845029 0.45493305 0.16679312 -0.46484440 +O -0.00922435 2.10844027 1.97602013 0.35056169 -0.12563053 0.31500359 +O 7.91215033 2.07413004 5.84071949 -0.03171944 -0.06252332 0.42299712 +O 7.83150462 5.86740964 1.85836975 0.69176868 0.99008118 1.09192643 +O -0.01252585 6.10000005 5.96380007 -0.60292498 -0.54069297 -0.02894805 +O 3.91979993 1.89035025 1.99029963 0.43703766 0.17115140 0.14933661 +O 3.92771957 2.03684966 5.89204021 0.20780067 0.05473827 0.45661378 +O 3.95295959 6.21343991 1.88823983 -1.05353035 -0.66494924 0.67234708 +O 3.91817977 6.01691973 5.95848985 -0.05485089 0.40346008 0.08862053 +Ti 2.12051003 1.97850957 2.09156962 -0.16375356 0.72562059 -0.60971423 +Ti 2.00211989 2.13720031 6.03407007 0.19156133 0.01562537 0.49874516 +Ti 2.04007011 6.02226968 2.04677006 0.88576946 -0.75069759 -0.25260729 +Ti 1.95404983 6.12064022 6.07286017 0.75004967 -0.63687922 -0.09923764 +Ti 6.16352005 1.89809031 2.07170020 -1.69108911 0.92333534 -0.29856550 +Ti 6.04097026 2.05726019 5.95151974 0.11231607 0.32310873 0.54481522 +Ti 5.96522953 5.95153007 1.97163004 -0.58207590 -0.71829500 0.60093289 +Ti 5.96426013 6.06529969 5.98670957 -0.36128370 -0.55986877 -0.53851062 +40 +Lattice="7.955227866974874 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955227866974874 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955227866974874" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.215257064563 stress="3.305367414718026e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.305367414718026e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.305367414718026e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97761393 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97761393 0.00000000 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97761393 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97761393 3.97761393 3.97761393 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642090 1.98880697 1.98880697 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880697 5.96642090 1.98880697 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880697 1.98880697 5.96642090 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642090 5.96642090 5.96642090 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880697 5.96642090 5.96642090 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642090 1.98880697 5.96642090 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96642090 5.96642090 1.98880697 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98880697 1.98880697 1.98880697 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.99382433 1.98405849 3.97761393 -0.01388164 0.01060477 0.00000000 +O 5.96140354 1.98405849 3.97761393 0.01388164 0.01060477 0.00000000 +O 1.99382433 5.97116938 3.97761393 -0.01388164 -0.01060477 0.00000000 +O 5.96140354 5.97116938 3.97761393 0.01388164 -0.01060477 0.00000000 +O 1.98405849 3.97761393 1.99382433 0.01060477 0.00000000 -0.01388164 +O 1.98405849 3.97761393 5.96140354 0.01060477 0.00000000 0.01388164 +O 5.97116938 3.97761393 1.99382433 -0.01060477 0.00000000 -0.01388164 +O 5.97116938 3.97761393 5.96140354 -0.01060477 0.00000000 0.01388164 +O 3.97761393 1.99382433 1.98405849 0.00000000 -0.01388164 0.01060477 +O 3.97761393 5.96140354 1.98405849 0.00000000 0.01388164 0.01060477 +O 3.97761393 1.99382433 5.97116938 0.00000000 -0.01388164 -0.01060477 +O 3.97761393 5.96140354 5.97116938 0.00000000 0.01388164 -0.01060477 +O 5.97143826 5.96167242 0.00000000 -0.01388139 0.01060503 0.00000000 +O 1.98378960 5.96167242 0.00000000 0.01388139 0.01060503 0.00000000 +O 5.97143826 1.99355544 0.00000000 -0.01388139 -0.01060503 0.00000000 +O 1.98378960 1.99355544 0.00000000 0.01388139 -0.01060503 0.00000000 +O 5.96167242 0.00000000 5.97143826 0.01060503 0.00000000 -0.01388139 +O 5.96167242 0.00000000 1.98378960 0.01060503 0.00000000 0.01388139 +O 1.99355544 0.00000000 5.97143826 -0.01060503 0.00000000 -0.01388139 +O 1.99355544 0.00000000 1.98378960 -0.01060503 0.00000000 0.01388139 +O 0.00000000 5.97143826 5.96167242 0.00000000 -0.01388139 0.01060503 +O 0.00000000 1.98378960 5.96167242 0.00000000 0.01388139 0.01060503 +O 0.00000000 5.97143826 1.99355544 0.00000000 -0.01388139 -0.01060503 +O 0.00000000 1.98378960 1.99355544 0.00000000 0.01388139 -0.01060503 +40 +Lattice="7.761519903971019 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.024798420633621 0.0 0.0 0.06837899035398468 8.024511244397173" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.044042356996 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86802019 0.08258180 8.02127624 0.03475360 0.10480459 -0.10036507 +Ba 3.88524999 0.05797079 4.00010031 0.00039132 0.04416795 -0.09675035 +Ba 3.90238976 4.13145161 7.98229479 -0.26465059 -0.14883396 0.12767841 +Ba 3.87531990 4.07933999 4.01032999 0.08673231 -0.05906338 -0.07185153 +Ba 7.76102006 0.10652608 8.02355735 0.02474661 -0.03401852 -0.04475879 +Ba 7.75804973 0.08252048 3.99915961 -0.08233598 -0.08240206 -0.10917033 +Ba 0.02022264 4.13220137 7.99539390 -0.12578299 -0.18790753 -0.01050938 +Ba 0.00619136 4.08308027 3.97722012 -0.20881831 -0.09668016 0.20231342 +Ti 1.94842013 1.99517010 1.92627031 0.16915005 0.03112860 0.20011436 +Ti 1.97038989 2.02157013 5.93602983 -0.30742706 0.28969673 0.17783704 +Ti 1.91030021 5.98255005 1.94698969 0.05710137 0.47880960 -0.10981670 +Ti 1.91023967 6.05756979 5.93324965 0.42517202 -0.18826312 0.21671777 +Ti 5.83734986 2.00547972 1.91215987 -0.30104481 -0.03805516 0.29600339 +Ti 5.84861028 2.03349027 5.94517988 0.04056738 0.02586890 0.05946139 +Ti 5.79033989 6.00748005 1.91427022 0.25602660 0.12308951 0.20319608 +Ti 5.82065018 6.05107961 5.94300976 -0.28626817 0.04052984 0.08553623 +O 1.92697971 2.12671001 4.08203013 0.00605958 -0.11165015 0.21099810 +O 1.93527988 2.08815854 0.08259033 0.08837010 0.00499000 -0.22613778 +O 1.92204028 6.12093019 4.07435011 0.10717669 0.08361922 -0.07657465 +O 1.93604982 6.10265802 0.07508029 -0.07392976 -0.11080889 0.06752694 +O 5.82657998 2.12246989 4.09508967 0.00976299 -0.01844381 -0.06443544 +O 5.81468001 2.06981807 0.07379964 -0.03543109 0.03275045 -0.10554533 +O 5.78190001 6.11430961 4.10588982 0.24454533 0.02347854 -0.42533991 +O 5.83396972 6.12637800 0.06390991 -0.05788967 -0.21496042 0.01747013 +O 1.90205980 4.14777021 2.05490974 0.07544054 -0.09447159 -0.11106086 +O 1.93103976 4.17248987 6.03845007 0.12331242 0.16686485 0.03470964 +O 1.93252997 0.14683011 2.05869969 0.08919954 -0.21222271 -0.08373492 +O 1.90927025 0.15014971 6.06114009 0.11843890 0.11375126 -0.15078492 +O 5.83114996 4.12734965 2.01553012 -0.02881204 0.16318226 0.00707825 +O 5.79042992 4.17423000 6.06848016 0.18468131 0.02021710 -0.03475900 +O 5.77252021 0.11520967 2.02391023 0.17161805 0.19473021 0.12448125 +O 5.85643001 0.15660962 6.03513978 -0.15081757 0.11732689 0.08606279 +O 7.74782470 2.11924964 2.06335971 -0.10290300 -0.06821008 -0.03450446 +O 0.00453118 2.16858030 6.11381986 -0.04905022 -0.02853873 -0.20259727 +O 7.75192434 6.16954990 2.08310967 -0.01206413 -0.18831402 -0.07981681 +O 7.75983953 6.14544960 6.06961024 -0.00806195 0.07412568 -0.02944582 +O 3.85582995 2.14041996 2.08930026 0.27887059 0.00801953 -0.14792456 +O 3.88328012 2.16073962 6.08238958 -0.13544186 -0.20829484 -0.05335939 +O 3.88449014 6.09847999 2.03677029 -0.20785646 0.06417808 0.12263674 +O 3.87785016 6.19971970 6.05878991 -0.15353111 -0.11419066 0.12942085 +40 +Lattice="7.897910037652061 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.897910037652061 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.897910037652061" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.414693661354 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98843983 4.00984001 7.86833947 0.11083743 -0.49194717 0.15192803 +Ba 3.93021012 7.89243047 4.01795037 -0.17097116 0.10134980 -0.41337477 +Ba 0.02271518 3.96877009 3.91816976 -0.05817995 -0.09638294 0.14991408 +Ba 7.87584249 0.07358483 4.00775970 0.53141411 -0.47491078 -0.47706176 +Ba 7.88951930 3.82313025 0.03132706 -0.03152995 0.91340574 -0.33392022 +Ba 3.95663021 0.02102819 7.89331661 0.06484734 -0.01563334 -0.03493178 +Ba 3.97826969 3.99809029 3.94287995 -0.12748815 -0.26787501 0.10916467 +Ba 0.01139195 0.01010380 0.05968609 0.08910647 -0.06360729 -0.41130297 +Ti 5.94217032 2.05150977 2.01926972 -0.29871514 -0.09992670 -0.21729113 +Ti 1.97544026 5.81498001 1.93106981 -0.33888117 0.98404937 0.45349837 +Ti 1.96081965 2.03010012 5.95662034 0.20393630 -0.58940637 -0.35467057 +Ti 6.04066042 5.86617979 5.90195021 -0.75396340 -0.15901656 0.32633495 +Ti 2.03575029 5.93304034 5.93560005 0.14105046 0.62662772 -0.48267114 +Ti 5.89770983 1.89711985 5.92669989 -0.12888914 0.79777166 0.50050457 +Ti 5.91096015 6.04657042 1.96365026 0.25364267 -0.31568339 0.04357737 +Ti 2.03794985 1.89772009 1.97308037 0.05007043 -0.26368103 0.46065530 +O 1.92078989 1.98672006 3.93054025 0.34136331 -0.08672408 -0.49838598 +O 5.81567028 1.98378994 3.93571970 0.85726956 0.20262838 -0.11835996 +O 2.02360962 5.91324975 3.97797984 -0.33087089 0.03640733 -0.11994351 +O 5.87603006 6.01332022 3.94978035 0.32091276 -0.38337514 0.09839098 +O 1.96329012 3.97891021 1.97033979 0.27155375 -0.29211049 -0.11619946 +O 1.93481973 3.90076987 5.87282035 0.08871694 0.91191810 0.47446598 +O 5.91841025 3.97552991 1.99878017 0.08319216 -0.01740071 -0.19508554 +O 5.94057020 3.95466995 5.94120993 0.08686498 0.57671232 -0.23922238 +O 3.97661982 2.00656040 1.92789011 -0.47412711 0.05679284 0.17515177 +O 3.97017038 5.97133019 1.98286983 -0.04904508 -0.19585815 -0.34792297 +O 3.93572997 2.02972023 5.88411989 0.22491548 -0.23705468 0.15633953 +O 3.93578999 5.92483994 5.99518030 -0.28835076 -0.09185523 -0.21812185 +O 6.00012992 6.01943005 7.87089129 -0.41733838 -0.30069669 0.52542704 +O 1.93782015 5.92479018 0.01582030 0.16265004 -0.29426764 -0.31106517 +O 5.92090994 1.96462013 7.84878978 -0.12197725 0.16198593 0.50423215 +O 2.04030975 1.94343004 7.88010973 -0.24349632 0.48858699 0.17811780 +O 5.93596019 0.06983885 5.92358022 -0.12011423 -0.82527758 -0.17234927 +O 5.90781994 0.05479017 2.05180990 0.18755452 -0.48316119 -0.46880852 +O 1.98085033 7.88782994 5.92509030 -0.04452842 -0.55577532 0.07943886 +O 2.00130987 0.02722962 1.90911993 -0.03615974 0.18885987 0.46680615 +O 7.85400161 5.90660998 5.88154991 0.81520785 0.15324932 0.05898316 +O 0.03914283 1.92012014 5.95343037 -0.52154519 0.36287830 -0.25749804 +O 0.01912005 5.93171033 1.94409030 -0.14017937 0.08026264 0.47102841 +O 0.00234963 1.99270983 1.91292989 -0.18875548 -0.04185910 0.40422730 +40 +Lattice="7.815660024157669 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.815660024157669 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.198549208741154" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.952847485678 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94519038 1.96644976 8.18646776 0.04114408 -0.07157566 0.10925209 +Ba 1.96653026 1.95104979 4.14675005 -0.16892868 -0.14521514 -0.28063385 +Ba 1.93823992 5.88683016 0.01835039 0.19749672 -0.12261025 -0.03703648 +Ba 1.95016974 5.83630973 4.11407981 0.01476533 0.24164899 -0.07481833 +Ba 5.85155027 1.96025976 8.18347515 -0.01037286 0.02694773 0.12471573 +Ba 5.88455033 1.96325003 4.08859998 -0.16642005 -0.12664766 0.10041006 +Ba 5.87211015 5.85136973 0.03791846 -0.19925201 0.04176809 -0.15281275 +Ba 5.88236038 5.84931968 4.10393977 -0.22418734 0.14186704 -0.01978104 +Ti 7.79679380 7.80371144 2.12674035 0.38020137 0.34400615 0.06378110 +Ti 7.76703568 0.00050645 6.24497028 0.20865068 0.17545954 -0.45770958 +Ti 0.01702563 3.88927016 2.13668031 0.00111149 -0.24592576 -0.32133570 +Ti 7.81474012 3.92496038 6.22953982 0.45770264 -0.20657863 0.01202016 +Ti 3.90937986 0.00966875 2.13888979 -0.35212132 -0.23233542 -0.13884497 +Ti 3.87773034 7.79529007 6.22855036 0.01408167 0.00463184 -0.08595584 +Ti 3.91279999 3.89621985 2.13775027 -0.00368002 0.22014068 -0.27349416 +Ti 3.92975997 3.90308981 6.22120989 -0.42791153 0.06212814 -0.23192945 +O 0.00216025 1.96936969 1.93801014 -0.06122157 0.18833099 0.13627644 +O 1.95924998 0.02581981 1.96005030 -0.01950233 -0.08560102 -0.02066447 +O 7.79150963 0.01527024 3.95815036 0.15602457 -0.06184403 0.04706661 +O 7.81254705 1.96137974 6.06693970 -0.03749877 -0.22675099 0.04024831 +O 1.97667968 7.75952795 6.08652965 -0.37028873 0.36086333 -0.01370655 +O 7.75075019 0.02632002 8.05840036 0.31028613 -0.11013346 0.18452087 +O 0.00445962 5.91071013 1.93890972 -0.11028696 -0.54725519 0.16448530 +O 1.93417968 3.89625971 1.98796002 0.14876891 0.23071691 -0.05687486 +O 7.81120744 3.91565036 3.96996998 -0.13641116 0.03464124 -0.11686230 +O 0.00539671 5.86618978 6.07088974 -0.10640408 -0.04995062 -0.00486633 +O 1.92715028 3.86882987 6.01547983 0.23157849 0.29201947 0.20555507 +O 0.06556948 3.92506979 8.06522968 -0.43573514 -0.01183402 -0.03198838 +O 3.88517007 1.97973013 1.97390981 0.13975180 -0.33589252 -0.05085488 +O 5.86324015 0.04159025 1.95630035 -0.24241132 -0.08805437 0.09395351 +O 3.88205006 7.79230996 3.96994028 0.22530551 0.12108353 -0.13019526 +O 3.89287006 1.96936969 6.02555969 0.16368594 -0.38520705 0.20058358 +O 5.87514028 7.80638049 6.03349024 -0.25389927 0.00791566 0.12381867 +O 3.89673021 7.80075478 8.06670997 0.22028595 0.17105626 -0.15785339 +O 3.93119024 5.85759021 1.92465005 -0.13270183 0.18023562 0.23941727 +O 5.85447020 3.89367038 1.92938009 0.21159382 0.11824812 0.17828132 +O 3.91244985 3.91912989 3.95161021 0.07789697 0.00930251 0.16904720 +O 3.88606965 5.85726977 6.02765038 0.24369096 -0.04185627 0.17017540 +O 5.85321970 3.89484039 6.05642998 0.14652486 0.12813144 0.07397964 +O 3.90674989 3.90989022 8.03461027 -0.13131292 -0.00587471 0.22063022 +40 +Lattice="7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21627912414 stress="9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98854516 5.96681728 5.96681728 0.00179952 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 1.98854516 5.96681728 -0.00179952 0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 5.96681728 1.98854516 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 1.98854516 1.98854516 1.98854516 0.00179952 0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 5.96622644 1.98913600 1.98913600 0.00179900 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 5.96622644 1.98913600 -0.00179900 0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 1.98913600 5.96622644 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ba 5.96622644 5.96622644 5.96622644 0.00179900 0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 1.98884061 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 0.00000000 3.97768122 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 5.96663714 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 1.98872530 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 5.96663714 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98872530 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 5.96663714 3.97768122 3.97768122 -0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98872530 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.924949934644509 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924949934644509 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924949934644509" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.330398508533 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.93210022 3.99360972 0.07186820 0.16834195 -0.02161886 -0.53863480 +Ba 3.99127978 0.02351491 3.97709967 0.04054038 0.12401253 0.14247100 +Ba 7.90673206 3.95720012 3.98005964 0.19897665 -0.23838291 -0.20624978 +Ba 7.88078102 0.02775000 3.87613977 0.41946700 -0.03628624 0.85100969 +Ba 0.08364071 4.03799023 0.05568942 -0.40846010 -0.29247764 -0.18898662 +Ba 4.02332987 0.00299167 7.89811051 -0.31092916 -0.31161616 0.04392935 +Ba 3.91670997 3.94814032 3.99911994 0.21861113 -0.21179231 -0.09661100 +Ba 0.00743123 0.00468127 0.00027817 0.16861680 -0.30420598 -0.08448182 +Ti 5.96327994 1.95345974 1.98034038 -0.29009911 0.53091969 0.68717283 +Ti 1.95536014 5.98941009 2.06424024 -0.30551030 -0.38425188 -0.84688307 +Ti 1.99797022 1.91973036 5.98412019 -0.04575689 0.07954556 -1.16139558 +Ti 6.00527980 5.96834003 5.96140966 -0.42537616 0.38740328 0.00855560 +Ti 2.01445016 5.93459004 5.93619009 0.41991437 -0.02476409 1.03369660 +Ti 5.95499996 2.05066005 6.03275957 -0.17463344 -0.17277068 -0.68255050 +Ti 5.85082966 5.93546971 1.99580988 0.62240931 -0.25507169 0.09310890 +Ti 2.03112980 1.93128018 1.90916006 0.12453344 0.41661796 1.41020612 +O 2.04852031 1.87651006 3.95464987 -0.25316213 0.81631060 0.20024728 +O 5.96523978 1.89349006 3.95513963 -0.02554211 0.34615482 -0.30603532 +O 2.00772980 6.00341031 3.96852963 -0.12268276 -0.34740155 -0.39487208 +O 6.01433960 6.04009014 3.94910003 -0.46190408 -0.53880346 -0.09479066 +O 1.99132991 3.96965973 1.95864028 -0.01056929 -0.12388886 0.27554281 +O 1.99545960 3.98810029 6.03794962 0.21546822 0.24748359 -0.61696371 +O 5.90234025 3.95998970 1.96458003 0.43230400 -0.50275917 0.47119245 +O 5.86875986 3.95194984 5.85881959 0.42444568 0.09577231 0.19492304 +O 3.98267963 1.95245961 1.98867980 0.28706058 0.20077693 -0.18951164 +O 3.98771990 5.91444957 1.95539977 -0.28260460 0.09012334 0.43337075 +O 3.98134031 1.99619028 6.02625001 0.23612703 -0.08507343 -0.40921729 +O 3.96111029 6.09541977 5.87889032 0.02642837 -0.89021722 0.10583175 +O 5.90637009 5.85355030 7.91492408 0.42138864 0.15019922 -0.25257206 +O 2.01501996 6.00747977 7.89383975 -0.21217078 -0.05266313 0.01250327 +O 5.92627994 2.06282960 7.89581306 0.43683583 -0.20228077 0.58701448 +O 2.05289964 1.91881028 0.03645001 -0.39615532 0.21475191 -0.19375062 +O 6.01842967 7.89860740 6.10450969 0.01055001 0.22410275 -0.71260155 +O 5.93601970 7.87559018 1.92007034 0.04789631 0.68606160 -0.15089033 +O 2.01264961 0.04756000 5.94317989 -0.42375174 -0.26542321 0.14619421 +O 2.12577034 7.91049958 1.97174973 -0.69932618 -0.21745285 0.04050773 +O 0.00793525 5.89587983 5.87132992 -0.07562591 0.21105929 0.41074607 +O 0.06363814 2.02566000 5.95753990 -0.53207514 0.00389754 0.21046228 +O 0.01429978 5.92969004 1.97281960 0.67090674 0.25254789 0.02756917 +O 0.01469999 1.88720003 1.97046985 -0.13448721 0.40146130 -0.25925667 +40 +Lattice="7.913980091115341 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.913980091115341 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.913980091115341" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.801585944122 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.83643006 3.93805981 7.83684728 0.60751105 0.13056756 0.53100479 +Ba 4.04859041 7.88412618 3.97559977 -0.59320775 0.28537008 0.05726567 +Ba 7.90369983 4.02176993 3.83654006 0.25493053 -0.21723096 1.17448250 +Ba 7.87432630 0.03212601 4.06108975 0.57628012 -0.66973638 -0.80141260 +Ba 7.88470153 3.93181014 0.09761024 0.58665015 0.42316964 -0.78054064 +Ba 4.00860028 0.05243566 7.88320262 -0.50479317 -0.32921536 0.14689509 +Ba 4.04455982 3.98105013 3.96924010 -0.55094113 -0.25942765 -0.09338144 +Ba 7.88791540 0.02352351 0.07956636 0.76301549 -0.33733542 -0.59940025 +Ti 5.97263013 1.94391964 2.09565992 -0.81127406 0.24451860 -0.02329214 +Ti 2.03278967 5.98771971 2.06102992 -0.08570875 0.39081462 -1.00705097 +Ti 2.05019014 1.91975034 5.88305970 0.04145672 0.35370486 0.58654139 +Ti 5.91666008 5.93076992 5.93864987 0.14802098 0.55154508 -0.06093437 +Ti 1.94199970 5.93293993 5.93682016 -0.37248883 -0.14741034 0.61944714 +Ti 6.05445039 2.00840037 6.02022005 -0.55968134 -0.37216435 -0.92494768 +Ti 5.95146973 5.96266009 1.94784972 0.00121459 -0.21202242 0.18758563 +Ti 2.01372015 1.98058036 2.00801021 0.52328557 -0.50718249 -0.44955302 +O 2.11132010 1.98072993 4.03710010 -0.50848939 -0.03401312 -1.47658377 +O 5.85035043 1.98472966 3.96296985 0.52692625 0.53186920 -0.71605403 +O 1.96053029 5.94569015 3.98018988 -0.00350261 -0.03777928 -0.64013732 +O 5.96640024 5.91024976 3.95894005 0.34914398 -0.15190206 -0.87760621 +O 1.96915969 3.93220979 2.02451007 0.16777862 0.21005116 -0.11007021 +O 1.92480025 3.94106000 5.93312987 0.28433727 -0.04300813 0.16258834 +O 5.88025024 3.97433986 1.89129008 0.38649491 0.15768987 0.18950264 +O 5.96917013 4.04457011 6.04088979 0.07236498 -1.44601027 -0.40515161 +O 4.01624993 1.96690025 1.94468967 -0.56142120 0.07291289 -0.12923162 +O 3.95812016 6.04044027 2.02993035 0.13298054 -0.54487692 -0.15959840 +O 3.96853021 1.88445003 5.93554996 -0.12107479 0.64303959 0.31128757 +O 4.00415024 5.89648023 5.77351993 -0.40084372 0.15229750 1.00182803 +O 5.93900996 6.11248044 7.87529814 -0.22493193 -0.72666137 0.69158356 +O 2.05560964 5.98818980 0.05878030 -0.04773202 -0.34416633 -0.36574919 +O 5.97890987 1.97700007 7.82349956 0.13971452 -0.17073411 0.94553142 +O 1.92098967 1.87751976 7.90748034 0.19209843 0.83306982 0.50636077 +O 5.95899038 7.88042323 5.78435970 -0.02151088 0.73785236 0.96575006 +O 5.98922020 0.00780002 2.01957966 -0.34275376 0.21907136 -0.13246375 +O 1.92353006 7.87759240 5.92658975 0.51116950 0.17598147 0.05502186 +O 2.00507017 0.06745006 1.98670024 -0.06414362 -0.63472027 0.46405378 +O 0.05729247 5.93723010 5.95325987 -0.20396536 -0.16699418 0.04600578 +O 7.90527867 1.90236966 5.77465004 -0.26853450 0.77466336 0.79026224 +O 0.00759030 5.98345012 1.92573964 -0.15254098 -0.32792544 0.27739606 +O 7.90421978 1.89767983 2.04088014 0.13416505 0.79232735 0.04276439 +40 +Lattice="7.955362277985795 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955362277985795 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955362277985795" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216684981926 stress="9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98854543 5.96681685 5.96681685 0.00180389 -0.00180389 -0.00180389 +Ba 5.96681685 1.98854543 5.96681685 -0.00180389 0.00180389 -0.00180389 +Ba 5.96681685 5.96681685 1.98854543 -0.00180389 -0.00180389 0.00180389 +Ba 1.98854543 1.98854543 1.98854543 0.00180389 0.00180389 0.00180389 +Ba 5.96622656 1.98913571 1.98913571 0.00179489 -0.00179489 -0.00179489 +Ba 1.98913571 5.96622656 1.98913571 -0.00179489 0.00179489 -0.00179489 +Ba 1.98913571 1.98913571 5.96622656 -0.00179489 -0.00179489 0.00179489 +Ba 5.96622656 5.96622656 5.96622656 0.00179489 0.00179489 0.00179489 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768114 0.00000000 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768114 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768114 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768114 3.97768114 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97768114 1.98884057 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000360 +O 0.00000000 3.97768114 5.96652171 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000360 +O 1.98884057 0.00000000 3.97768114 0.00000360 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652171 0.00000000 3.97768114 -0.00000360 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768114 1.98884057 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000360 0.00000000 +O 3.97768114 5.96652171 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000360 0.00000000 +O 3.97768114 0.00000000 1.98884057 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000360 +O 3.97768114 0.00000000 5.96652171 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000360 +O 0.00000000 1.98884057 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000360 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96652171 3.97768114 0.00000000 -0.00000360 0.00000000 +O 1.98884057 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00000360 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652171 3.97768114 0.00000000 -0.00000360 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768114 3.97768114 5.96663706 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341751 +O 3.97768114 3.97768114 1.98872522 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341751 +O 3.97768114 5.96663706 3.97768114 0.00000000 -0.00341751 0.00000000 +O 3.97768114 1.98872522 3.97768114 0.00000000 0.00341751 0.00000000 +O 5.96663706 3.97768114 3.97768114 -0.00341751 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98872522 3.97768114 3.97768114 0.00341751 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98895592 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00340954 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96640636 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00340954 +O 0.00000000 1.98895592 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00340954 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96640636 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00340954 0.00000000 +O 1.98895592 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00340954 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96640636 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00340954 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.767600150095001 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.031092682386523 0.0 0.0 0.06843255732233697 8.030789745980671" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.11540597992 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87822993 0.10824850 8.01678399 0.08262163 -0.11561454 -0.01836076 +Ba 3.89877989 0.06744840 3.98662990 -0.08571415 0.00468506 0.05208464 +Ba 3.87526038 4.11793496 8.00709546 0.15481203 -0.00102047 -0.03479320 +Ba 3.86024017 4.06903015 4.01206024 0.20429729 0.06111332 -0.02795920 +Ba 7.75748984 0.10917673 8.02210557 0.01250250 -0.09920962 0.00867722 +Ba 0.01411994 0.08303332 4.01001037 -0.11680907 -0.07639082 -0.14518171 +Ba 0.01772799 4.11831557 7.99567087 -0.21241760 -0.02397322 0.07495486 +Ba 0.00466677 4.08342041 3.99303972 -0.08906353 -0.08157725 0.04172926 +Ti 1.94136019 2.00866023 1.93377979 -0.01169492 -0.12497233 0.10583329 +Ti 1.93450994 2.02258987 5.96365036 0.09144771 0.17750793 -0.03519969 +Ti 1.94144020 5.99189025 1.94505990 -0.00472414 0.44141779 -0.19125202 +Ti 1.93906020 6.04710002 5.94341033 0.19701798 0.16226232 0.29700047 +Ti 5.82242995 2.01075981 1.92117996 0.02320061 -0.07749896 0.02073235 +Ti 5.81621044 2.03764969 5.92658027 0.01248553 -0.01366310 0.33956611 +Ti 5.82087022 5.99863019 1.93397009 0.01848135 0.20057227 -0.05475241 +Ti 5.83287038 6.04356032 5.93799009 -0.21462412 0.12717499 0.24694340 +O 1.95668023 2.12192971 4.10056039 -0.13400384 0.01645506 -0.13580335 +O 1.93096015 2.09351505 0.07095004 0.01486560 0.00292360 -0.08631399 +O 1.92964976 6.14950029 4.08904027 0.09468165 -0.09509611 -0.18176928 +O 1.93978026 6.08327529 0.07329974 0.05086465 0.08324306 0.21739706 +O 5.81269016 2.11652035 4.07809028 0.02266659 0.06177230 -0.06118017 +O 5.81107994 2.05285477 0.05917979 0.10026942 0.23815254 0.09768649 +O 5.81596032 6.13977992 4.09169989 0.17911976 -0.06839520 -0.10475497 +O 5.81798999 6.09394486 0.06902989 0.07768254 -0.00743229 0.12365026 +O 1.96764031 4.14611970 2.03788971 -0.13389380 0.02638646 0.06637920 +O 1.96508011 4.19427028 6.05536009 -0.11703919 -0.03213545 -0.05499718 +O 1.92355996 0.15535977 2.03970966 0.10042035 -0.14423375 -0.02043539 +O 1.95058033 0.17567981 6.06104985 -0.07049194 -0.12163478 0.00871295 +O 5.79651025 4.14290003 2.04903000 0.15103380 0.03963767 -0.07989832 +O 5.82968023 4.17226000 6.04522026 0.02891411 0.14840022 -0.00791308 +O 5.85236007 0.15012985 2.04127017 -0.12348134 -0.10668176 0.01285114 +O 5.84612036 0.17209973 6.04000043 -0.06488487 -0.03369971 0.00447989 +O 0.00411838 2.14922971 2.06914032 -0.03736559 0.07418790 -0.04236432 +O 7.75534987 2.18640001 6.07649029 0.17454217 -0.11457324 -0.05734743 +O 7.75676357 6.12484981 2.07716969 0.20382240 -0.02696702 -0.05245822 +O 0.03005984 6.18233005 6.10167984 -0.30555890 -0.06090841 -0.15284463 +O 3.88520989 2.15288981 2.05398029 -0.06638691 -0.18934581 0.00341571 +O 3.86912009 2.17079024 6.08638000 0.18399277 -0.07436710 -0.03853595 +O 3.88777010 6.16797009 2.07826026 -0.18901079 -0.09830099 -0.05704969 +O 3.90957996 6.19560022 6.08460976 -0.20257773 -0.07820062 -0.08092907 +40 +Lattice="7.824950259227524 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.824950259227524 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.20830239737734" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.092071537973 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95489011 1.97642985 0.01384547 -0.00430068 -0.18170243 -0.05488303 +Ba 1.93961972 1.95884014 4.12805016 0.12979237 -0.05040108 -0.09081162 +Ba 1.97477018 5.87766991 0.02379176 -0.11912615 -0.03795231 -0.02126945 +Ba 1.96372995 5.86999990 4.12503990 -0.06195124 0.02347160 -0.16616577 +Ba 5.84667998 1.96333010 0.01113177 0.23013456 -0.07747839 -0.10790637 +Ba 5.86476031 1.93969014 4.09721986 -0.01299204 0.12693639 0.16798020 +Ba 5.87456028 5.86248012 8.20562861 0.00080038 0.02119746 0.11216258 +Ba 5.87149994 5.86055988 4.11300043 0.00728959 0.02083493 -0.05582148 +Ti 7.81435841 0.00637264 2.13507993 0.06937376 -0.16203092 -0.47811232 +Ti 0.00238191 0.00157594 6.24614056 -0.00106161 0.07408042 -0.21199337 +Ti 7.80440037 3.90666041 2.14090013 0.03952120 0.16173473 -0.39634507 +Ti 0.02371038 3.91672017 6.23556045 -0.27250531 -0.05819949 -0.00759787 +Ti 3.90390994 0.00384205 2.14652001 -0.00787683 -0.15703295 -0.29848554 +Ti 3.91283977 7.81092012 6.23891031 -0.02316615 0.24218455 -0.23033768 +Ti 3.89194011 3.90134023 2.14587993 0.07404083 0.17356669 -0.07051482 +Ti 3.92105049 3.90389977 6.24212010 0.17156097 -0.16797171 -0.42605596 +O 0.01703022 1.96844996 1.94236002 -0.05687126 -0.19251443 0.07723414 +O 1.96766043 7.81661043 1.95096042 -0.11923851 0.04639890 0.10357766 +O 0.00610033 0.01250036 3.93439047 -0.02374645 -0.03004668 0.37073534 +O 7.81477156 1.95422968 6.05216005 0.13440236 0.00610020 0.11400709 +O 1.96338018 0.00114792 6.03258046 0.02108356 -0.01472496 0.18837599 +O 0.01716012 7.82070992 8.06206034 -0.03227557 -0.02228272 0.05405590 +O 7.80641060 5.85873041 1.96557977 0.13995929 0.07125427 0.01637536 +O 1.97623970 3.91279048 1.93916978 -0.06650981 0.02001552 0.19239359 +O 7.82071540 3.89807018 3.95498026 0.07446969 0.04220234 0.20369539 +O 0.01553331 5.86402007 6.03000057 -0.06917656 0.00914490 0.16732842 +O 1.95848020 3.91047977 6.06579033 -0.04029947 0.02878633 0.02918511 +O 0.01446599 3.92809999 8.06490001 -0.06218419 -0.03411288 -0.10577056 +O 3.91456987 1.94560972 1.94804015 -0.01032606 0.24497522 0.16207360 +O 5.87373005 7.81510021 1.94600018 0.07895626 0.12624631 0.07084778 +O 3.92969002 0.01205434 3.96451027 -0.06026614 -0.03841434 0.11292979 +O 3.89908977 1.96348973 6.05332049 0.09489145 -0.10810409 0.07838856 +O 5.89409996 7.81953305 6.05209040 -0.25351874 -0.01002987 0.10956370 +O 3.91733051 0.01264590 8.06148051 -0.00019180 -0.09608907 -0.08165695 +O 3.91479992 5.88287038 1.95723994 0.08570670 -0.33472935 0.06206334 +O 5.87096002 3.88611991 1.94810979 -0.06660880 0.11125446 0.12593803 +O 3.90814011 3.91777027 3.97966015 0.00922383 -0.06347411 -0.28352017 +O 3.91519978 5.88065044 6.03487004 0.01515151 -0.09886946 0.27451206 +O 5.86690983 3.89192994 6.05779010 0.02808082 0.17059732 0.08782220 +O 3.92169996 3.89172023 8.05851016 -0.04024548 0.21517871 0.20600141 +40 +Lattice="7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635286699 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878354 5.96634883 5.96634883 -0.00000309 0.00000309 0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634883 1.98878354 5.96634883 0.00000309 -0.00000309 0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634883 5.96634883 1.98878354 0.00000309 0.00000309 -0.00000309 +Ba 1.98878354 1.98878354 1.98878354 -0.00000309 -0.00000309 -0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634967 1.98878270 1.98878270 -0.00000206 0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98878270 5.96634967 1.98878270 0.00000206 -0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98878270 1.98878270 5.96634967 0.00000206 0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ba 5.96634967 5.96634967 5.96634967 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 5.96634312 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018332 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 1.98878925 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018332 +O 3.97756619 5.96634312 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00018332 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878925 3.97756619 0.00000000 -0.00018332 0.00000000 +O 5.96634312 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00018332 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878925 3.97756619 3.97756619 -0.00018332 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 +O 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 0.00000000 +O 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955101122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955101122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955101122" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216215041328 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97755056 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755056 0.00000000 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755056 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755056 3.97755056 3.97755056 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96632584 1.98877528 1.98877528 -0.00000077 0.00000077 0.00000077 +Ti 1.98877528 5.96632584 1.98877528 0.00000077 -0.00000077 0.00000077 +Ti 1.98877528 1.98877528 5.96632584 0.00000077 0.00000077 -0.00000077 +Ti 5.96632584 5.96632584 5.96632584 -0.00000077 -0.00000077 -0.00000077 +Ti 1.98877528 5.96632584 5.96632584 0.00000077 -0.00000077 -0.00000077 +Ti 5.96632584 1.98877528 5.96632584 -0.00000077 0.00000077 -0.00000077 +Ti 5.96632584 5.96632584 1.98877528 -0.00000077 -0.00000077 0.00000077 +Ti 1.98877528 1.98877528 1.98877528 0.00000077 0.00000077 0.00000077 +O 1.99154871 1.98589619 3.97755056 -0.00639408 0.00776396 0.00000000 +O 5.96355241 1.98589619 3.97755056 0.00639408 0.00776396 0.00000000 +O 1.99154871 5.96920493 3.97755056 -0.00639408 -0.00776396 0.00000000 +O 5.96355241 5.96920493 3.97755056 0.00639408 -0.00776396 0.00000000 +O 1.98589619 3.97755056 1.99154871 0.00776396 0.00000000 -0.00639408 +O 1.98589619 3.97755056 5.96355241 0.00776396 0.00000000 0.00639408 +O 5.96920493 3.97755056 1.99154871 -0.00776396 0.00000000 -0.00639408 +O 5.96920493 3.97755056 5.96355241 -0.00776396 0.00000000 0.00639408 +O 3.97755056 1.99154871 1.98589619 0.00000000 -0.00639408 0.00776396 +O 3.97755056 5.96355241 1.98589619 0.00000000 0.00639408 0.00776396 +O 3.97755056 1.99154871 5.96920493 0.00000000 -0.00639408 -0.00776396 +O 3.97755056 5.96355241 5.96920493 0.00000000 0.00639408 -0.00776396 +O 5.96909929 5.96344677 0.00000000 -0.00639433 0.00776345 0.00000000 +O 1.98600184 5.96344677 0.00000000 0.00639433 0.00776345 0.00000000 +O 5.96909929 1.99165435 0.00000000 -0.00639433 -0.00776345 0.00000000 +O 1.98600184 1.99165435 0.00000000 0.00639433 -0.00776345 0.00000000 +O 5.96344677 0.00000000 5.96909929 0.00776345 0.00000000 -0.00639433 +O 5.96344677 0.00000000 1.98600184 0.00776345 0.00000000 0.00639433 +O 1.99165435 0.00000000 5.96909929 -0.00776345 0.00000000 -0.00639433 +O 1.99165435 0.00000000 1.98600184 -0.00776345 0.00000000 0.00639433 +O 0.00000000 5.96909929 5.96344677 0.00000000 -0.00639433 0.00776345 +O 0.00000000 1.98600184 5.96344677 0.00000000 0.00639433 0.00776345 +O 0.00000000 5.96909929 1.99165435 0.00000000 -0.00639433 -0.00776345 +O 0.00000000 1.98600184 1.99165435 0.00000000 0.00639433 -0.00776345 +40 +Lattice="8.01995999816393 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.01995999816393 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.01995999816393" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29612.79964142926 pbc="T T T" +Ba 6.03128982 1.86969969 5.93851011 -0.10306370 0.15068850 -0.31226254 +Ba 6.00149967 5.88528965 1.92205960 0.16931203 0.12412078 -0.35071236 +Ba 2.01900007 6.15193969 6.15526957 -0.06891174 -0.15056663 0.16990955 +Ba 2.00818034 2.10721963 2.10089990 -0.27959358 -0.11051861 -0.21674323 +Ba 2.05611965 5.90259031 1.88468980 -0.33554927 0.07810857 -0.14327241 +Ba 1.99070966 1.90150044 5.88649024 -0.00489127 -0.00263101 0.25041311 +Ba 6.00970971 2.14909986 2.16340025 0.08578486 -0.36769501 -0.11573564 +Ba 6.00321996 6.16910000 6.04762968 0.07750076 -0.38592027 0.49889300 +Ti 4.07803979 4.22764973 4.04926016 -0.50958596 -0.62361233 0.14183619 +Ti 7.86286823 3.74396033 7.95949431 1.06831625 1.77392080 0.52752892 +Ti 3.96756965 0.28707286 0.01779228 -0.35938340 -2.04100365 0.79580322 +Ti 0.07841676 7.73442616 3.99647038 -0.06564592 2.25943532 -0.75694511 +Ti 3.97549016 3.97568986 7.73161757 -0.64151904 0.35156519 1.65437633 +Ti 0.06883291 4.04192029 4.29691973 -0.09786750 -0.30764921 -1.39526621 +Ti 4.11667033 7.98510445 3.77813980 -0.62743942 -0.14134768 0.62992002 +Ti 7.86517798 0.01916530 0.24729627 1.47772252 -0.29589181 -1.97177233 +O 3.97807981 0.07471154 6.26861006 0.40223469 -0.17424032 -1.58509847 +O 3.99991976 3.79521028 5.96455974 -0.07570999 -0.03744426 -0.39588921 +O 7.97463359 3.97773976 1.72518964 0.15350489 0.19210280 0.94526531 +O 7.92862950 0.14785277 1.98701005 0.07033458 0.06331727 1.60768330 +O 7.97584621 5.98349968 3.79683031 -0.18960652 -1.25742140 0.25526966 +O 3.89005032 6.05299985 4.21452988 0.42280275 -0.46245430 -0.22806713 +O 4.09511989 2.03446014 0.24892993 -0.02148080 0.93808447 -0.27417910 +O 0.03713161 1.98729957 7.83021496 -0.03484848 -1.01262847 -0.00398135 +O 6.02188000 3.85448982 7.84525078 -0.24795565 0.11574027 0.32068290 +O 5.92407017 4.02034018 4.11269002 0.49507106 0.52407336 0.12907015 +O 1.89534030 7.89548300 3.82571019 0.83562113 0.19922296 0.12168029 +O 2.11719004 0.06694421 0.14482283 -0.43011291 0.12659598 -0.02382898 +O 4.07033020 7.84481370 1.98379004 0.10070548 0.00121587 -0.00698594 +O 4.01501012 3.98172969 2.27458978 -0.29381024 0.22953138 -0.88827912 +O 8.00859010 4.23515962 6.08097988 0.01356385 -0.07850966 -0.36104896 +O 0.06892995 0.04786553 5.75868977 -0.54589842 -0.40895684 0.96822089 +O 8.01469329 2.25023957 4.04613959 -0.36385403 -0.67993286 -0.04694809 +O 3.97828031 1.73631974 4.02527968 -0.08630705 1.06972932 -0.09565044 +O 4.11840023 5.77992983 7.96830664 -0.14220900 0.33999163 0.03087175 +O 8.00057174 6.26040002 7.94626699 0.20509536 -0.79809639 0.39646642 +O 2.08432986 3.93876035 7.92950447 0.09102605 -0.14228665 -0.04263378 +O 1.90148039 4.05794979 4.14376977 0.84873787 0.29325977 -0.21955061 +O 5.96235024 7.88476513 3.94030018 0.32557622 0.11865410 0.14657833 +O 6.07598024 0.01887979 0.04206870 -1.31766646 0.52944928 -0.15561936 +40 +Lattice="7.914539960601778 0.0 0.0 -0.021693754032009474 7.914508302441936 0.0 -0.021693754032009474 0.02163835225228526 7.914476644282093" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.807702100195 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99290045 0.05996372 0.01543968 0.23713259 -0.20158811 0.08109876 +Ba 3.97493523 0.03510019 3.93218010 0.15438755 0.02520452 0.54792368 +Ba 3.99206546 3.98664400 0.08104014 0.02009291 0.00789817 -0.36878721 +Ba 3.95448960 3.98522968 3.96226010 0.18417635 0.15624131 0.29733188 +Ba 0.06770256 0.07684385 0.02212035 -0.31347815 -0.38945837 0.13356212 +Ba 0.02119751 0.04338988 4.03807031 0.13508705 -0.16238933 -0.22861452 +Ba 0.02949749 4.01327406 0.04609032 0.03038684 -0.09767775 -0.08114273 +Ba 0.04170092 3.97714022 3.99884031 -0.01886573 0.38746962 -0.01166947 +O 1.95584982 3.99409000 2.01772965 0.34966617 0.13143299 -0.09559079 +O 2.05200990 4.00560962 5.93261964 -0.19433863 -0.16793340 0.28824303 +O 1.96015533 0.06601993 2.08501986 0.28808208 -0.19581316 -0.47177995 +O 2.03377005 7.92740030 5.94373008 -0.11152289 0.37162571 0.12169880 +O 5.94954964 4.00895984 2.00236990 0.06770203 -0.07232076 0.27879063 +O 5.99066963 3.98952015 5.89424996 -0.12721484 -0.10149558 0.48540474 +O 5.96999527 0.04480975 2.00761962 0.04171718 0.03329476 0.08951141 +O 5.93927498 0.04357033 5.99644962 0.28068605 -0.08630062 -0.07349858 +O 1.95561001 2.04904036 3.97734996 0.41336577 -0.18946331 0.39311422 +O 1.95212524 1.98033424 0.03803016 0.30010996 0.15931044 -0.11708418 +O 1.95412999 5.97735975 3.99418023 0.39609258 -0.07496823 -0.08999324 +O 2.02742575 5.92903436 0.03343023 0.04090702 0.31965857 -0.03247689 +O 6.00563998 1.99956974 4.02988984 -0.44265706 0.05075049 -0.40055808 +O 5.93419543 2.01877437 0.05924983 0.38861530 0.08046190 0.10247852 +O 5.98302023 5.99559960 4.00804017 -0.10249420 -0.02930286 -0.37464701 +O 5.92329553 5.96519431 0.05469976 0.31922560 -0.07618076 0.13713287 +O 0.02585838 2.04279975 2.08059009 -0.57761529 -0.11360959 -0.44678265 +O 0.04635546 2.02457019 5.96051998 -0.10530210 -0.07196543 0.19480374 +O 0.05214890 5.96494975 1.98665004 -0.78385376 0.15437675 0.05600094 +O 0.04073139 5.99524977 6.00348010 0.07453937 -0.09671667 0.07800676 +O 3.96662972 2.03903005 2.01525003 0.04180999 -0.13883571 0.18757252 +O 3.97249993 1.99400028 5.97993989 0.05687486 0.26984165 -0.14066017 +O 3.95344963 5.97971986 2.03238026 0.10966192 0.03557096 0.05244845 +O 4.03961998 5.95204034 6.00086989 -0.55991993 0.03714421 -0.27513092 +Ti 2.01706008 2.00972014 2.02731020 -0.02486514 -0.16710499 -0.00037641 +Ti 1.99550008 1.99909962 5.96461971 0.11781129 0.49512171 -0.01466583 +Ti 2.04627027 5.95579975 2.04098969 -0.54542997 0.10820899 0.21338434 +Ti 1.98359978 5.97445036 6.01157035 -0.10571656 -0.33013453 -0.27944215 +Ti 6.00855016 2.00813011 2.00350010 0.02328494 0.20572631 -0.38125038 +Ti 5.94951006 2.09026008 5.92483965 -0.15867435 -0.59008694 0.29552028 +Ti 6.00858023 5.98666962 2.02202962 0.30308293 -0.24623764 -0.34699454 +Ti 5.93083017 6.00398030 5.96370004 -0.20254919 0.57024420 0.19711774 +40 +Lattice="7.982289566 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982289566 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982289566" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.25813363395 stress="-0.0007308534616987636 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0007308534616987636 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0007308534616987636" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 0.00000000 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99114478 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99114478 3.99114478 3.99114478 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.93246131 2.04982826 5.93246131 -0.07822710 0.07822710 -0.07822710 +Ti 2.04982826 5.93246131 5.93246131 0.07822710 -0.07822710 -0.07822710 +Ti 2.04982826 2.04982826 2.04982826 0.07822710 0.07822710 0.07822710 +Ti 5.93246131 5.93246131 2.04982826 -0.07822710 -0.07822710 0.07822710 +Ti 6.05327739 1.92901217 1.92901217 -0.04268803 0.04268803 0.04268803 +Ti 1.92901217 6.05327739 1.92901217 0.04268803 -0.04268803 0.04268803 +Ti 1.92901217 1.92901217 6.05327739 0.04268803 0.04268803 -0.04268803 +Ti 6.05327739 6.05327739 6.05327739 -0.04268803 -0.04268803 -0.04268803 +O 1.98918649 1.98918649 -0.03294249 0.02226652 0.02226652 -0.02495821 +O 5.99310307 1.98918649 0.03294249 -0.02226652 0.02226652 0.02495821 +O 1.98918649 5.99310307 0.03294249 0.02226652 -0.02226652 0.02495821 +O 5.99310307 5.99310307 -0.03294249 -0.02226652 -0.02226652 -0.02495821 +O 1.98918649 -0.03294249 1.98918649 0.02226652 -0.02495821 0.02226652 +O 1.98918649 0.03294249 5.99310307 0.02226652 0.02495821 -0.02226652 +O 5.99310307 0.03294249 1.98918649 -0.02226652 0.02495821 0.02226652 +O 5.99310307 -0.03294249 5.99310307 -0.02226652 -0.02495821 -0.02226652 +O -0.03294249 1.98918649 1.98918649 -0.02495821 0.02226652 0.02226652 +O 0.03294249 5.99310307 1.98918649 0.02495821 -0.02226652 0.02226652 +O 0.03294249 1.98918649 5.99310307 0.02495821 0.02226652 -0.02226652 +O -0.03294249 5.99310307 5.99310307 -0.02495821 -0.02226652 -0.02226652 +O 1.98812116 1.98812116 3.94857860 0.02611212 0.02611212 0.18122189 +O 5.99416841 1.98812116 4.03371097 -0.02611212 0.02611212 -0.18122189 +O 1.98812116 5.99416841 4.03371097 0.02611212 -0.02611212 -0.18122189 +O 5.99416841 5.99416841 3.94857860 -0.02611212 -0.02611212 0.18122189 +O 1.98812116 3.94857860 1.98812116 0.02611212 0.18122189 0.02611212 +O 1.98812116 4.03371097 5.99416841 0.02611212 -0.18122189 -0.02611212 +O 5.99416841 4.03371097 1.98812116 -0.02611212 -0.18122189 0.02611212 +O 5.99416841 3.94857860 5.99416841 -0.02611212 0.18122189 -0.02611212 +O 3.94857860 1.98812116 1.98812116 0.18122189 0.02611212 0.02611212 +O 4.03371097 5.99416841 1.98812116 -0.18122189 -0.02611212 0.02611212 +O 4.03371097 1.98812116 5.99416841 -0.18122189 0.02611212 -0.02611212 +O 3.94857860 5.99416841 5.99416841 0.18122189 -0.02611212 -0.02611212 +40 +Lattice="7.983608422 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983608422 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983608422" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.310591739762 stress="3.9480777453576426e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.9480777453576426e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.9480777453576426e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180421 3.99180421 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180421 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99180421 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99180421 0.00000000 3.99180421 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.05502114 5.92858728 1.93678307 0.00089963 -0.00089963 -0.00089963 +Ti 1.93678307 2.05502114 5.92858728 -0.00089963 0.00089963 -0.00089963 +Ti 5.92858728 1.93678307 2.05502114 -0.00089963 -0.00089963 0.00089963 +Ti 6.04682536 6.04682536 6.04682536 0.00089963 0.00089963 0.00089963 +Ti 5.92858728 2.05502114 6.04682536 -0.00089963 0.00089963 0.00089963 +Ti 6.04682536 5.92858728 2.05502114 0.00089963 -0.00089963 0.00089963 +Ti 2.05502114 6.04682536 5.92858728 0.00089963 0.00089963 -0.00089963 +Ti 1.93678307 1.93678307 1.93678307 -0.00089963 -0.00089963 -0.00089963 +O 6.01089230 1.99605175 3.95104229 -0.00073688 -0.00083895 -0.00075051 +O 1.97271613 5.98785596 0.04076192 0.00073688 -0.00083895 0.00075051 +O 2.01908809 1.99575246 4.03256613 -0.00073688 0.00083895 0.00075051 +O 5.96452034 5.98755667 -0.04076192 0.00073688 0.00083895 -0.00075051 +O 1.99605175 3.95104229 6.01089230 -0.00083895 -0.00075051 -0.00073688 +O 5.98785596 0.04076192 1.97271613 -0.00083895 0.00075051 0.00073688 +O 1.99575246 4.03256613 2.01908809 0.00083895 0.00075051 -0.00073688 +O 5.98755667 -0.04076192 5.96452034 0.00083895 -0.00075051 0.00073688 +O 3.95104229 6.01089230 1.99605175 -0.00075051 -0.00073688 -0.00083895 +O 0.04076192 1.97271613 5.98785596 0.00075051 0.00073688 -0.00083895 +O 4.03256613 2.01908809 1.99575246 0.00075051 -0.00073688 0.00083895 +O -0.04076192 5.96452034 5.98755667 -0.00075051 0.00073688 0.00083895 +O 1.97271613 5.98755667 4.03256613 0.00073688 0.00083895 0.00075051 +O 6.01089230 1.99575246 -0.04076192 -0.00073688 0.00083895 -0.00075051 +O 5.96452034 5.98785596 3.95104229 0.00073688 -0.00083895 -0.00075051 +O 2.01908809 1.99605175 0.04076192 -0.00073688 -0.00083895 0.00075051 +O 5.98755667 4.03256613 1.97271613 0.00083895 0.00075051 0.00073688 +O 1.99575246 -0.04076192 6.01089230 0.00083895 -0.00075051 -0.00073688 +O 5.98785596 3.95104229 5.96452034 -0.00083895 -0.00075051 0.00073688 +O 1.99605175 0.04076192 2.01908809 -0.00083895 0.00075051 -0.00073688 +O 4.03256613 1.97271613 5.98755667 0.00075051 0.00073688 0.00083895 +O -0.04076192 6.01089230 1.99575246 -0.00075051 -0.00073688 0.00083895 +O 3.95104229 5.96452034 5.98785596 -0.00075051 0.00073688 -0.00083895 +O 0.04076192 2.01908809 1.99605175 0.00075051 -0.00073688 -0.00083895 +40 +Lattice="7.984075962488268 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.984075962488268 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.984075962488268" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.326871222278 stress="-8.630681582874845e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -8.630681582874845e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -8.630681582874845e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00122635 3.99081163 0.00122635 0.01029110 0.01029110 -0.01029110 +Ba 3.99326434 3.99326434 3.99326434 -0.01029110 -0.01029110 -0.01029110 +Ba 0.00122635 -0.00122635 3.99081163 -0.01029110 0.01029110 0.01029110 +Ba 3.99081163 0.00122635 -0.00122635 0.01029110 -0.01029110 0.01029110 +Ba 3.99227990 3.99179606 -0.00024192 -0.00629997 0.00629997 0.00629997 +Ba -0.00024192 3.99227990 3.99179606 0.00629997 -0.00629997 0.00629997 +Ba 3.99179606 -0.00024192 3.99227990 0.00629997 0.00629997 -0.00629997 +Ba 0.00024192 0.00024192 0.00024192 -0.00629997 -0.00629997 -0.00629997 +Ti 5.92872411 1.93668613 2.05535185 -0.01174711 -0.01174711 0.01174711 +Ti 6.04738983 6.04738983 6.04738983 0.01174711 0.01174711 0.01174711 +Ti 2.05535185 5.92872411 1.93668613 0.01174711 -0.01174711 -0.01174711 +Ti 1.93668613 2.05535185 5.92872411 -0.01174711 0.01174711 -0.01174711 +Ti 5.92876004 2.05531592 6.04735391 0.01171420 -0.01171420 -0.01171420 +Ti 6.04735391 5.92876004 2.05531592 -0.01171420 0.01171420 -0.01171420 +Ti 2.05531592 6.04735391 5.92876004 -0.01171420 -0.01171420 0.01171420 +Ti 1.93672206 1.93672206 1.93672206 0.01171420 0.01171420 0.01171420 +O 2.02013729 1.99870563 4.03417873 -0.00058107 -0.01815122 -0.02377062 +O 5.96393868 5.99074361 -0.04214075 0.00058107 -0.01815122 0.02377062 +O 6.01217527 1.99333235 3.94989723 -0.00058107 0.01815122 0.02377062 +O 1.97190069 5.98537033 0.04214075 0.00058107 0.01815122 -0.02377062 +O 1.99870563 4.03417873 2.02013729 -0.01815122 -0.02377062 -0.00058107 +O 5.99074361 -0.04214075 5.96393868 -0.01815122 0.02377062 0.00058107 +O 1.99333235 3.94989723 6.01217527 0.01815122 0.02377062 -0.00058107 +O 5.98537033 0.04214075 1.97190069 0.01815122 -0.02377062 0.00058107 +O 4.03417873 2.02013729 1.99870563 -0.02377062 -0.00058107 -0.01815122 +O -0.04214075 5.96393868 5.99074361 0.02377062 0.00058107 -0.01815122 +O 3.94989723 6.01217527 1.99333235 0.02377062 -0.00058107 0.01815122 +O 0.04214075 1.97190069 5.98537033 -0.02377062 0.00058107 0.01815122 +O 1.97279571 5.98713321 4.03328771 -0.00209134 0.00504708 0.01018954 +O 6.01128025 1.99509523 -0.04124973 0.00209134 0.00504708 -0.01018954 +O 5.96483369 5.98898073 3.95078825 -0.00209134 -0.00504708 -0.01018954 +O 2.01924227 1.99694275 0.04124973 0.00209134 -0.00504708 0.01018954 +O 5.98713321 4.03328771 1.97279571 0.00504708 0.01018954 -0.00209134 +O 1.99509523 -0.04124973 6.01128025 0.00504708 -0.01018954 0.00209134 +O 5.98898073 3.95078825 5.96483369 -0.00504708 -0.01018954 -0.00209134 +O 1.99694275 0.04124973 2.01924227 -0.00504708 0.01018954 0.00209134 +O 4.03328771 1.97279571 5.98713321 0.01018954 -0.00209134 0.00504708 +O -0.04124973 6.01128025 1.99509523 -0.01018954 0.00209134 0.00504708 +O 3.95078825 5.96483369 5.98898073 -0.01018954 -0.00209134 -0.00504708 +O 0.04124973 2.01924227 1.99694275 0.01018954 0.00209134 -0.00504708 +40 +Lattice="7.931780024872729 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931780024872729 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931780024872729" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.92286312574 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99107024 3.97563024 0.00113662 -0.18424808 0.18870792 0.04065865 +Ba 3.94315991 0.00699662 3.97250988 0.08926664 -0.00721657 0.06938713 +Ba 0.02016576 3.92656980 3.95393999 -0.16120328 0.38104700 0.10001797 +Ba 7.89905667 0.03754429 3.98045038 0.25582476 -0.21879291 -0.18621163 +Ba 0.05348399 3.97469032 0.01614752 -0.30021897 0.08141090 -0.02163532 +Ba 3.96598995 0.02221295 0.03288437 -0.12778383 -0.26385123 -0.25042905 +Ba 4.02819970 3.99097030 4.01026039 -0.41581680 -0.12052715 -0.22743901 +Ba 0.01793931 0.00914693 7.92058749 0.04551521 -0.07477668 0.24386065 +Ti 5.94816002 1.93257979 1.94722027 0.42012186 -0.03262653 0.11914363 +Ti 1.92108981 5.99099005 2.00971000 0.29734422 0.01265008 -0.22299281 +Ti 2.02885018 1.99912029 5.97968012 0.28901771 -0.34605686 0.05332982 +Ti 5.92299011 5.98746993 5.94406009 -0.10436005 -0.31693089 0.41922583 +Ti 1.93165970 5.95219016 5.92108013 0.09842800 0.22900173 0.13756276 +Ti 6.01732039 1.99219981 5.92753026 -0.18226962 0.02811270 -0.13080667 +Ti 5.89843966 5.90417989 2.00546016 -0.08555294 0.21514580 -0.26519772 +Ti 2.00936973 2.01797968 2.04745021 -0.07999293 0.05652005 -0.01431642 +O 1.92944039 2.00123014 3.96954974 0.03997294 -0.14339659 -0.34514206 +O 5.93914000 1.99552005 3.99012001 0.09279214 0.00468738 0.10301228 +O 2.04737961 5.94888975 3.98045038 -0.10373244 0.08480321 0.14923711 +O 5.96741997 5.95370989 3.95956997 -0.05242762 0.21597112 0.18200299 +O 1.97254010 3.95889022 2.04238973 0.16131795 -0.10542320 -0.34612396 +O 1.98995987 3.96493979 5.89612041 0.09875941 0.20434434 0.38694357 +O 5.97298967 3.99637977 2.00090018 -0.18363667 -0.07339471 -0.11648460 +O 5.99110982 4.02299962 5.94865021 -0.26816143 -0.52631330 0.13514515 +O 3.93189996 1.95598964 2.03036039 0.30962716 0.31041880 -0.09312279 +O 3.97896000 5.96386019 1.98493985 0.56472198 -0.17077781 -0.01184687 +O 3.91943992 1.93680981 5.88215968 0.42394869 0.37971954 0.38745393 +O 4.00755962 6.01629005 5.96906026 0.16171802 -0.22573540 -0.02230303 +O 6.01764004 5.98648004 7.92632375 -0.09581524 -0.16974243 0.05506712 +O 2.01367986 5.95951992 0.02371999 -0.19601088 -0.12204564 -0.23166899 +O 5.89535023 2.01629973 0.04153715 0.02104165 -0.00909425 -0.25837119 +O 2.01678991 1.98156012 7.91291984 -0.15480252 0.21834014 0.18928590 +O 6.00430989 0.04211696 5.97156988 -0.18851637 -0.16340646 -0.07519937 +O 5.96437972 7.92108005 1.97117980 -0.10617268 0.64906779 0.13164820 +O 1.93466030 0.04058295 5.92378011 0.13764606 -0.56240902 0.08192743 +O 2.00929993 7.93020001 2.00477961 -0.20491666 0.15678767 0.00896338 +O 0.04979809 5.91482037 5.90806012 0.00003754 0.31341053 0.14875426 +O 7.90189308 1.95466028 5.99222027 -0.19735479 0.47050031 -0.04618781 +O 0.04842034 6.00007987 2.05586979 -0.15938886 -0.27356255 -0.25330406 +O 7.89637018 2.01545975 1.96943005 0.04528021 -0.27456682 -0.02384441 +40 +Lattice="7.767749907244965 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.031239751848622 0.0 0.0 0.06843387668282815 8.030936809602238" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.294779079166 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90201032 0.06640805 0.01580349 -0.14257693 -0.14895352 -0.35199585 +Ba 3.87157006 0.08926154 4.02040015 0.16666688 -0.16917936 -0.24418358 +Ba 3.87855016 4.14811672 8.01423382 0.08012792 -0.00356946 0.04542522 +Ba 3.87785029 4.10445963 4.02828985 0.16682063 0.04793153 -0.36567129 +Ba 0.07012026 0.07083877 7.90929773 -0.55095501 0.25610373 0.86258711 +Ba 0.02489020 0.03568194 4.05923968 -0.19243653 0.32084128 -0.59550374 +Ba 7.72908282 4.04282642 7.96780753 0.30754765 0.59193762 0.30844136 +Ba 7.71159296 4.07817978 4.07150029 0.27144447 0.14359148 -0.69742639 +Ti 1.93273968 2.17098978 2.03336001 -0.26535970 -0.11885259 -0.12743056 +Ti 2.01405016 2.04624981 6.00942961 -0.54761463 -0.24594993 0.09061185 +Ti 1.95745977 6.17020028 1.95631014 -0.07619233 -0.16732328 -0.26478609 +Ti 1.95746987 6.03437030 5.95476019 -0.00862837 0.09596617 0.06388266 +Ti 5.82970019 2.12100975 1.98213015 0.26407158 0.38641341 0.08392826 +Ti 5.86345029 2.06853005 5.98538998 0.21292488 0.25279472 0.07203100 +Ti 5.85846028 6.16267955 1.93489990 -0.16735670 -0.35118750 -0.05201779 +Ti 5.84642959 6.11064961 5.96196011 -0.24198580 -0.15745770 0.31907082 +O 1.91245032 1.98080963 4.03469980 0.49892257 0.60280953 -0.29167983 +O 1.96903993 2.03041992 8.02607964 -0.33977565 0.68780481 0.25239877 +O 1.84883012 6.09674999 4.05613957 0.30483642 -0.01730867 0.07143579 +O 1.90843983 6.08620372 0.02166037 0.28016000 -0.32969307 0.08371383 +O 5.83370990 2.17128029 4.01130023 -0.43578707 -0.66771883 -0.46748363 +O 5.90210028 2.11671962 7.97173956 -0.37966246 -0.12417837 0.70069477 +O 5.75710979 6.09559027 4.00933033 0.43328385 0.03781990 0.04078515 +O 5.74871984 6.14752001 7.95185024 0.19156544 -0.11438272 0.54111566 +O 1.87345000 4.06756981 2.01183014 0.15432404 -1.07301854 0.07725368 +O 1.93683018 4.09306978 5.95902002 0.16680083 0.15708978 0.43933802 +O 1.92479017 8.01988019 2.06064035 0.06907989 0.30398333 -0.26787244 +O 1.89707018 0.13030012 6.07158015 0.42794881 0.05004087 -0.52485240 +O 5.83090031 4.08507987 1.96520033 -0.12172888 -0.77040638 -0.14589339 +O 5.82448958 4.08181975 6.02241030 -0.19552597 0.73148656 -0.11213866 +O 5.73171002 0.03042006 1.88428990 0.41667606 0.09171408 0.69880630 +O 5.87405016 0.07327008 5.94573018 -0.29386964 0.13596842 0.17698574 +O 7.74267095 2.01270012 2.11948028 0.25092887 0.06702172 -0.66545189 +O 7.74215906 2.15505968 5.95829995 0.70053897 -0.32308637 0.29876476 +O 7.71101271 6.07240975 1.98625016 -0.08090593 0.13445224 0.02265142 +O 0.01366969 6.11515024 6.07682028 -0.58388776 -0.17355589 -0.29348885 +O 3.87777028 2.06888970 1.98033036 -0.22222765 0.06469384 0.19153382 +O 3.92679022 2.11109965 6.02481985 -0.85832859 -0.16955860 -0.06773906 +O 3.83213009 6.02944011 2.04014980 0.13926817 0.04898800 -0.10373681 +O 3.84166034 6.14528989 5.97180030 0.20086795 -0.08407147 0.19789678 +40 +Lattice="7.955180241026122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955180241026122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955180241026122" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.22898951048 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98228049 3.90715018 4.01893001 0.69947144 0.34661736 -0.04245611 +Ba 4.20105034 7.89111638 4.05831054 -0.61075399 -0.00471129 -0.49047290 +Ba 7.84040847 3.96856020 4.10105054 -0.04488940 -0.26578650 -1.37899627 +Ba 3.75288969 4.02911980 7.73342402 1.84091449 0.94056302 1.09291939 +Ba 7.92165711 7.88244364 3.89251026 -0.92343278 -0.04492669 -0.46510356 +Ba 0.17524228 4.18690046 0.03563443 -0.82019425 -0.63061447 -0.05530083 +Ba 3.91535038 7.91822604 7.89315927 0.30315260 -0.40712930 0.69591406 +Ba 0.08527317 0.09126501 0.21210022 -1.26112661 -3.40844204 -2.55392279 +Ti 5.44868035 1.82821020 1.99629998 4.83697704 2.28549602 0.11838490 +Ti 2.17486991 5.91054061 2.25012034 -0.45338653 0.42969844 -2.77673305 +Ti 6.15195010 5.95052016 6.00115011 -0.64260815 0.39526289 0.50142091 +Ti 1.72553985 1.88324971 5.59641998 1.63920888 1.54727651 9.75505464 +Ti 2.10442997 6.09891053 5.96266057 -0.68943951 -0.75555337 0.98628803 +Ti 5.95239043 1.88499985 6.27839053 0.52503726 0.20065763 -2.13863358 +Ti 6.06347020 5.79779025 1.93460994 -0.32649179 -0.52577877 0.25984108 +Ti 1.87680044 1.84376019 1.67892965 0.15049644 1.02832094 2.63767391 +O 6.00724060 5.83383040 3.85429040 -0.62367301 0.69277989 1.80062222 +O 2.11378049 5.90108986 4.00660028 -0.05239471 0.92173534 0.95919040 +O 6.11818991 1.88480017 3.70735026 -0.27049239 0.84687587 1.20981511 +O 1.78785994 1.82940984 4.02373017 -0.15232038 0.68642798 -7.31832248 +O 5.96775029 4.10100997 6.15205034 0.07833817 -0.93686088 -0.66224778 +O 6.07831059 3.94156986 1.99018006 -0.55564676 0.23575011 -0.56893474 +O 2.03009995 4.03382052 5.84838997 -0.22827514 -0.28373666 -0.07183482 +O 1.85794985 4.11827032 2.13456021 0.41275513 -1.03592060 -0.52850234 +O 3.95425042 6.32630060 6.01251011 0.04446774 -2.27191083 -0.36701598 +O 4.25789010 1.91979024 5.75745987 -1.87387141 0.29356933 -0.45287668 +O 4.05379041 5.98300037 1.93450016 -1.12897988 -0.45975773 0.15896668 +O 3.73075042 2.13516003 2.11210990 0.24125304 0.01225388 0.86116246 +O 6.11534036 6.05470041 0.06626665 -0.37164011 -0.13361406 -1.72744734 +O 1.88897028 6.11028007 7.86621269 0.70605604 -0.39334253 -0.87600210 +O 5.54135979 2.06677015 7.94756872 0.61417690 -0.43161160 1.62768468 +O 2.33253044 2.14867986 0.03051289 -0.83717793 -1.44055516 -1.69668460 +O 6.08486009 7.85769189 5.99161026 -0.01792085 1.88949703 0.28230019 +O 5.88574988 0.10397898 1.98712049 -0.40807624 -1.20790966 -0.87900489 +O 2.05923977 0.08559138 5.88388042 -0.74632183 -0.27594185 0.02758768 +O 2.11827039 7.91215306 2.04822980 -0.53526331 1.03116741 -0.40993952 +O 7.94230240 6.03908996 5.69101980 0.89830051 -0.31202445 0.95512651 +O 0.00793131 1.95839991 6.35991045 -0.01516000 0.52059028 -1.89753764 +O 7.91842174 6.13578040 1.96090977 0.86022350 -0.58245540 0.83691953 +O 0.11593721 1.99533979 1.39294967 -0.26129222 1.50404367 2.59109709 +40 +Lattice="7.922909956506307 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.922909956506307 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.922909956506307" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.376286425715 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99716987 3.92328002 0.05548018 -0.10717926 0.43085827 -0.31229365 +Ba 3.96206980 7.87139995 4.04338024 0.25048793 0.78389053 -0.35360279 +Ba 0.05224050 4.03775973 3.93568968 -0.36610426 -0.48214561 0.00886208 +Ba 0.07760966 0.02299070 3.94042995 -0.53094334 0.26347303 0.26515144 +Ba 7.91799934 3.96521995 7.86831635 -0.04561651 0.16176944 0.61029273 +Ba 3.90931985 7.89355241 0.11283571 0.64380577 0.39473633 -0.89496399 +Ba 3.97247020 3.97731981 3.94821025 0.10146010 -0.12140363 0.15716588 +Ba 7.86822128 7.88493228 7.87835310 0.31974110 0.54895495 0.20532521 +Ti 5.91348965 1.90497972 2.04005028 -0.06211348 0.29648805 -0.00351187 +Ti 1.94268960 6.02232032 1.92088971 -0.14927979 -1.29845646 0.27126938 +Ti 2.04925987 1.96872983 5.93819011 0.62930090 0.05973855 -1.04514469 +Ti 5.92948997 6.08323958 5.93306003 -0.57166165 -0.75944448 0.05031572 +Ti 1.96259987 5.91922029 5.90392987 0.43233485 -0.14046914 0.05071578 +Ti 6.01114031 2.08041037 6.00673992 -0.85252022 0.04851286 -0.23179729 +Ti 5.91341993 5.92733018 1.95741987 0.16576056 -0.23706445 0.14928391 +Ti 1.92646031 1.97683021 1.91462982 0.00949380 1.19879690 1.04838685 +O 1.99145036 2.04431993 4.00297023 -0.17750691 -0.32396774 0.40393470 +O 6.01703020 1.98246974 3.96238037 -0.26659949 0.06430483 -0.01484375 +O 2.01724973 6.00982986 4.00390989 0.14635413 -0.41300504 0.00854712 +O 6.01904024 6.07645995 3.95611969 -0.08208015 -0.31311100 0.47439887 +O 2.02044028 3.95001033 2.05369036 -0.00653394 0.24514260 -0.31356094 +O 2.00435994 3.99856034 5.99826003 -0.05148711 -0.19159501 -0.17674123 +O 5.88047013 4.02885993 2.00884986 0.85672577 0.11580969 -0.06773083 +O 5.94140998 4.02382967 6.01238024 0.15357971 -0.37032704 -0.37811337 +O 4.03558014 2.01489979 1.97704017 -0.65019574 -0.44016926 0.27669235 +O 4.07010977 6.01510018 2.01513986 -1.01005968 -0.03967906 -0.06421459 +O 3.97004975 2.01809986 5.87590970 -0.68485704 -0.04489300 0.57073117 +O 4.02398021 5.99528023 6.00445971 -0.19488602 -0.11079835 -0.29544598 +O 5.95617987 6.03648966 0.00367148 0.33155558 -0.44145661 0.10562143 +O 1.99256986 5.88586009 0.03812029 0.17270023 0.61998553 0.37158303 +O 5.89591980 2.00030975 0.04682519 0.41449217 0.17611337 -0.73089521 +O 1.95781998 2.01108016 0.04287007 0.20284667 -0.26330616 -0.43969335 +O 5.92939014 0.03865033 6.00688967 0.22213097 -0.14198377 -0.21469688 +O 6.03017985 0.04172997 1.88114998 -0.21100812 0.01508672 0.66800654 +O 2.01888026 0.03560160 5.94940975 -0.22283828 0.23966770 0.38785580 +O 2.04169032 7.92075968 2.06564999 -0.09021512 0.18649265 -0.46512207 +O 0.09276064 5.94535005 5.95009983 -0.60209143 0.26425361 0.08187987 +O 7.83407037 2.00567990 5.96315996 1.36339764 -0.01432542 0.14182719 +O 0.06666970 5.98662999 2.00310971 0.22714977 -0.10253714 -0.16073431 +O 0.04433977 1.97308980 1.98767984 0.29245990 0.13606252 -0.14474025 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.530604979125 stress="-0.030531495178227366 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.030531495178227366 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.030531495178227366" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 1.98865933 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 5.96597798 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 5.96597798 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 5.96597798 1.98865933 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98865933 1.98865933 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 5.96597798 5.96597798 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.86256769 5.87847697 -0.11136492 1.24572879 1.11465704 3.74757518 +O 5.86256769 2.07616034 0.11136492 1.24572879 -1.11465704 -3.74757518 +O 2.09206961 5.87847697 0.11136492 -1.24572879 1.11465704 -3.74757518 +O 2.09206961 2.07616034 -0.11136492 -1.24572879 -1.11465704 3.74757518 +O 0.11136492 5.86256769 2.07616034 -3.74757518 1.24572879 -1.11465704 +O -0.11136492 5.86256769 5.87847697 3.74757518 1.24572879 1.11465704 +O -0.11136492 2.09206961 2.07616034 3.74757518 -1.24572879 -1.11465704 +O 0.11136492 2.09206961 5.87847697 -3.74757518 -1.24572879 1.11465704 +O 5.87847697 0.11136492 2.09206961 1.11465704 -3.74757518 -1.24572879 +O 2.07616034 -0.11136492 2.09206961 -1.11465704 3.74757518 -1.24572879 +O 5.87847697 -0.11136492 5.86256769 1.11465704 3.74757518 1.24572879 +O 2.07616034 0.11136492 5.86256769 -1.11465704 -3.74757518 1.24572879 +O 1.90115832 1.88524904 4.08868357 1.11465704 1.24572879 -3.74757518 +O 6.05347899 1.88524904 3.86595373 -1.11465704 1.24572879 3.74757518 +O 1.90115832 6.06938826 3.86595373 1.11465704 -1.24572879 3.74757518 +O 6.05347899 6.06938826 4.08868357 -1.11465704 -1.24572879 -3.74757518 +O 1.88524904 4.08868357 1.90115832 1.24572879 -3.74757518 1.11465704 +O 1.88524904 3.86595373 6.05347899 1.24572879 3.74757518 -1.11465704 +O 6.06938826 3.86595373 1.90115832 -1.24572879 3.74757518 1.11465704 +O 6.06938826 4.08868357 6.05347899 -1.24572879 -3.74757518 -1.11465704 +O 4.08868357 1.90115832 1.88524904 -3.74757518 1.11465704 1.24572879 +O 3.86595373 6.05347899 1.88524904 3.74757518 -1.11465704 1.24572879 +O 3.86595373 1.90115832 6.06938826 3.74757518 1.11465704 -1.24572879 +O 4.08868357 6.05347899 6.06938826 -3.74757518 -1.11465704 -1.24572879 +40 +Lattice="7.955376781 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955376781 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955376781" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21432765974 stress="0.00010007918005674023 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00010007918005674023 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00010007918005674023" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97768839 3.97768839 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97768839 0.00000000 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97768839 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97768839 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97768839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96679437 1.98858241 1.98858241 -0.00621487 0.00621487 0.00621487 +Ti 1.98858241 5.96679437 1.98858241 0.00621487 -0.00621487 0.00621487 +Ti 5.96679437 5.96679437 5.96679437 -0.00621487 -0.00621487 -0.00621487 +Ti 1.98858241 1.98858241 5.96679437 0.00621487 0.00621487 -0.00621487 +Ti 1.98858241 5.96679437 5.96679437 0.00621487 -0.00621487 -0.00621487 +Ti 5.96679437 1.98858241 5.96679437 -0.00621487 0.00621487 -0.00621487 +Ti 5.96679437 5.96679437 1.98858241 -0.00621487 -0.00621487 0.00621487 +Ti 1.98858241 1.98858241 1.98858241 0.00621487 0.00621487 0.00621487 +O 5.96918778 5.96918778 3.97768839 -0.03131964 -0.03131964 0.00000000 +O 1.98618900 5.96918778 3.97768839 0.03131964 -0.03131964 0.00000000 +O 5.96918778 1.98618900 3.97768839 -0.03131964 0.03131964 0.00000000 +O 1.98618900 1.98618900 3.97768839 0.03131964 0.03131964 0.00000000 +O 5.96918778 3.97768839 5.96918778 -0.03131964 0.00000000 -0.03131964 +O 5.96918778 3.97768839 1.98618900 -0.03131964 0.00000000 0.03131964 +O 1.98618900 3.97768839 5.96918778 0.03131964 0.00000000 -0.03131964 +O 1.98618900 3.97768839 1.98618900 0.03131964 0.00000000 0.03131964 +O 3.97768839 5.96918778 5.96918778 0.00000000 -0.03131964 -0.03131964 +O 3.97768839 1.98618900 5.96918778 0.00000000 0.03131964 -0.03131964 +O 3.97768839 5.96918778 1.98618900 0.00000000 -0.03131964 0.03131964 +O 3.97768839 1.98618900 1.98618900 0.00000000 0.03131964 0.03131964 +O 5.96411696 5.96411696 0.00000000 0.03250311 0.03250311 0.00000000 +O 1.99125982 5.96411696 0.00000000 -0.03250311 0.03250311 0.00000000 +O 5.96411696 1.99125982 0.00000000 0.03250311 -0.03250311 0.00000000 +O 1.99125982 1.99125982 0.00000000 -0.03250311 -0.03250311 0.00000000 +O 5.96411696 0.00000000 5.96411696 0.03250311 0.00000000 0.03250311 +O 5.96411696 0.00000000 1.99125982 0.03250311 0.00000000 -0.03250311 +O 1.99125982 0.00000000 5.96411696 -0.03250311 0.00000000 0.03250311 +O 1.99125982 0.00000000 1.99125982 -0.03250311 0.00000000 -0.03250311 +O 0.00000000 5.96411696 5.96411696 0.00000000 0.03250311 0.03250311 +O 0.00000000 1.99125982 5.96411696 0.00000000 -0.03250311 0.03250311 +O 0.00000000 5.96411696 1.99125982 0.00000000 0.03250311 -0.03250311 +O 0.00000000 1.99125982 1.99125982 0.00000000 -0.03250311 -0.03250311 +40 +Lattice="7.822880117988445 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.822880117988445 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2061230149687" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.08938359747 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95381985 1.96532966 0.01370960 0.06276269 -0.05351263 -0.00350107 +Ba 1.95140024 1.94349991 4.08534972 0.06444059 0.10582481 0.21506687 +Ba 1.92914023 5.86598040 0.01635764 0.20014418 0.00088857 -0.00757833 +Ba 1.96987006 5.85131015 4.10554997 -0.09754045 0.13932757 0.09485391 +Ba 5.88465987 1.93656023 0.00882108 -0.23405523 0.18750644 0.03899695 +Ba 5.86584976 1.95853001 4.12502972 -0.03546143 0.00345428 -0.03728228 +Ba 5.86704040 5.88633006 8.19448805 -0.08687115 -0.16465268 0.16207900 +Ba 5.87833038 5.86741042 4.11488970 -0.07704593 0.02948155 0.02803994 +Ti 7.82243500 0.00256825 2.14045030 -0.12370014 0.00007045 -0.20980665 +Ti 7.81008814 0.00725494 6.24370034 0.11660827 -0.03570362 -0.26678435 +Ti 7.81932071 3.91504015 2.14948025 0.01892332 -0.04325058 -0.38726881 +Ti 7.81718975 3.91554003 6.24657994 -0.12637152 -0.01300207 -0.21624237 +Ti 3.90574031 0.00035829 2.14461990 0.16681960 0.04884068 -0.22223639 +Ti 3.89389021 7.80474042 6.23949007 -0.02361970 0.07508932 -0.24942966 +Ti 3.92024002 3.91918002 2.15322037 -0.03170787 -0.11356537 -0.66256377 +Ti 3.89840010 3.89488997 6.26496997 0.18928256 0.02440080 -0.26617037 +O 7.80709980 1.95454034 1.95735971 0.08267099 -0.01436912 0.13254577 +O 1.96855972 0.01707031 1.96095041 -0.23979214 -0.02245576 0.07815459 +O 7.81398003 0.00062974 3.95923003 0.06215333 0.03289547 0.13060973 +O 0.00577485 1.96800977 6.05046034 0.02051046 -0.15602534 0.10645370 +O 1.96506994 0.00958303 6.05516033 -0.18602446 0.01751513 0.06611669 +O 0.00301963 0.00825001 8.07463996 0.04349510 -0.04597904 -0.07544182 +O 0.00532034 5.87525990 1.97301016 0.01014943 0.02229635 -0.02194128 +O 1.94870995 3.89541020 1.95750990 0.00824244 0.11670880 0.05927138 +O 0.00603770 3.91713042 3.96583020 -0.04140273 -0.04813414 0.13431571 +O 0.02101226 5.86492979 6.05576034 -0.06400196 0.16076517 0.12918971 +O 1.96531010 3.92266042 6.06674992 -0.02996107 -0.08489346 0.12538267 +O 7.79985034 3.90860974 8.06982028 0.16317789 0.04978324 -0.03504542 +O 3.90892031 1.97242031 1.93601028 0.06327691 -0.13448772 0.24663693 +O 5.85381034 0.00536962 1.95537973 0.15644083 -0.06058727 0.08817033 +O 3.91855027 0.00498396 3.97476002 -0.02555137 0.02937974 -0.13584655 +O 3.94146036 1.96004999 6.07715044 -0.16295755 0.13419462 -0.02655358 +O 5.87911971 0.00201283 6.06641041 0.18536471 -0.00974551 0.04170535 +O 3.90985045 7.81418655 8.05341023 -0.04068539 0.02746092 0.25784308 +O 3.89090030 5.87260012 1.94859964 0.07327567 0.01376183 0.14060026 +O 5.87926991 3.92755989 1.94033008 -0.18046059 -0.00214610 0.27914261 +O 3.89416010 3.92654995 3.96073985 0.14693649 -0.10921352 0.17523225 +O 3.92075007 5.88398006 6.04953020 -0.01603854 -0.20479479 0.13661248 +O 5.86505026 3.92411000 6.05992994 0.12336641 0.01554643 0.02783939 +O 3.93011014 3.91353972 8.08051025 -0.13479343 0.08132605 -0.07116608 +40 +Lattice="7.93724007530852 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.93724007530852 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.93724007530852" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.058863853556 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02761040 3.97394989 0.04390643 -0.43365923 -0.04279087 -0.22227264 +Ba 3.94260018 0.04158082 3.97252040 0.33559813 -0.15182904 0.06714050 +Ba 7.93488192 3.98386033 3.95946999 0.03464124 -0.15763536 0.08229356 +Ba 0.00371622 7.92696214 3.97823997 -0.13704700 0.20783538 -0.03156055 +Ba 0.04219437 3.96150986 7.93123158 -0.14067277 0.08347241 0.06580096 +Ba 3.92717018 7.91487770 7.92667164 0.35677707 0.30640273 0.18102520 +Ba 4.00976034 4.00557027 3.98542000 -0.21303364 -0.23902646 0.02831582 +Ba 0.03521118 0.01348458 0.02069000 -0.23227783 0.03142402 -0.03568357 +Ti 5.98960011 1.97818009 2.00546991 0.16567777 -0.23174253 0.40534084 +Ti 2.05561977 6.00563016 2.03382967 -0.42889163 0.19765793 0.14499171 +Ti 2.01360002 1.97859997 5.98689033 -0.11540088 0.06969181 0.20138654 +Ti 5.99511966 5.87574040 5.90286036 0.25452276 0.56375268 0.04196709 +Ti 2.03066985 5.94738986 5.99566971 -0.19824799 -0.29470164 -0.20009430 +Ti 5.96722026 1.91689983 6.00992976 0.34771342 -0.09012077 -0.35921551 +Ti 6.00947019 5.95780987 1.92786037 0.20652977 0.10639405 0.17822013 +Ti 2.04362025 2.05230994 2.04796033 -0.10196455 -0.29642377 -0.19211411 +O 1.95774963 1.99633970 3.94636005 0.02569843 0.10088160 -0.20914330 +O 5.91465034 1.99668021 3.95915012 0.08282346 0.13602781 0.05777783 +O 1.93655006 5.95760033 3.95915012 -0.01748659 0.07726088 -0.19314050 +O 5.92469967 5.98389006 4.01148987 0.04156548 -0.03656237 0.25799915 +O 1.94122985 3.94373996 1.97013966 0.29170502 0.29183358 0.00337123 +O 1.98317976 4.00844038 5.89380000 -0.15285877 0.13084961 0.33479080 +O 5.89156011 4.01945965 2.01543987 0.09118263 -0.27231582 -0.05511365 +O 5.93028987 4.01325987 5.98227006 -0.05958660 0.13588717 -0.06974323 +O 3.94798004 1.96475028 1.98753016 -0.36628296 0.21090605 -0.09041104 +O 3.90541976 6.00317040 2.03569968 0.05798583 -0.28308231 -0.19933943 +O 3.93056018 1.97220970 5.95359043 0.07854334 0.24828295 -0.00202423 +O 3.90311003 5.96562012 5.93138997 0.27173244 0.22242948 0.22625914 +O 5.89473977 5.98320983 0.06177078 -0.04193958 -0.04656242 -0.46507477 +O 1.95346035 6.00673026 7.92526992 0.16068418 -0.27623830 -0.10103484 +O 5.91936982 2.05404026 0.00389480 -0.00625138 -0.23380841 -0.03390617 +O 1.97325027 2.00206007 7.90728017 0.01639130 0.02567015 -0.03475977 +O 5.95311976 0.05333508 5.98846984 -0.22166560 -0.03689687 0.02978829 +O 5.93519032 0.01105023 2.01244039 -0.04600758 0.24996625 -0.17937378 +O 1.92018982 0.06011269 5.89668995 0.26117009 -0.32988539 0.24398792 +O 1.96326998 0.00225021 1.97056986 -0.09577976 -0.13560487 0.10251040 +O 7.88628379 6.02278968 5.99932005 -0.12578479 -0.38225311 -0.13999194 +O 7.90026365 2.03417017 5.95670977 -0.11137170 -0.02219453 -0.03277205 +O 7.88567976 5.93529033 1.97407971 0.08254655 0.12260151 0.09449524 +O 7.88291046 2.00069963 1.96196986 0.08272216 0.04044731 0.09930706 +40 +Lattice="7.947980255929264 0.0 0.0 -0.02178541388150211 7.94794846400824 0.0 -0.02178541388150211 0.021729778019710606 7.947916672087216" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.488896384024 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.08897435 0.16728273 0.06299013 -0.48311748 -0.98601909 -0.27379755 +Ba 4.04347693 0.06440010 4.02010034 -0.11783314 -0.15807759 -0.12233052 +Ba 3.89118012 4.10396981 7.94490995 0.67735610 -0.68438704 0.12775092 +Ba 3.97129020 4.01840980 3.96873015 0.24809680 -0.09059796 0.32805168 +Ba 0.09973920 7.94234275 0.07232980 -0.39704029 0.08905787 -0.22632136 +Ba 0.00546583 7.93737050 3.96392004 0.04481459 0.28930207 0.27488564 +Ba 0.00891525 3.93346258 0.02488036 0.11289380 0.43971572 0.10764515 +Ba 7.91641803 4.06995007 4.09224018 0.29728586 -0.49788590 -0.52485446 +O 2.00084045 4.10807017 2.07088997 0.15086359 -1.25458573 -0.08685649 +O 2.02095043 3.98447033 5.95467052 -0.20408337 -0.02271852 0.24691435 +O 2.08644735 0.09810033 2.03806004 -0.45163381 -0.79130199 0.07770594 +O 2.02816719 0.06593009 6.04663024 0.02270721 -0.43084516 -0.30154104 +O 5.96459040 4.02914037 1.97195987 0.03404912 -0.06552508 0.03611423 +O 6.02174989 3.97665985 6.00911021 -0.16460305 -0.01262257 0.13620856 +O 5.99523701 0.10381016 1.97783979 0.00171853 -0.43183657 0.45521381 +O 5.95117023 7.90781991 6.07430988 0.18522819 0.64638768 -0.69573023 +O 1.98886045 2.03778981 3.96555017 0.06196616 -0.05050701 0.63171259 +O 1.97707678 2.04282247 0.08229021 0.09911526 0.15933255 -0.63714610 +O 2.08675970 6.00412047 4.07435007 -0.36037662 0.31966654 -0.04665781 +O 2.03042680 5.96843245 0.05324034 -0.24211076 0.11835842 0.19204187 +O 5.91562051 2.09885971 3.99710047 0.42030620 -0.52657864 -0.17644633 +O 6.00271050 2.00117029 7.92160011 0.00472466 0.31213270 0.32841266 +O 5.97437039 5.97253997 4.02883993 -0.09474747 0.30526219 0.21062169 +O 6.08600692 6.01584295 0.07241961 -0.36633232 -0.24713444 0.16016404 +O 7.90296925 1.96894997 2.08060002 0.57351927 0.51252679 -0.27348182 +O 0.04455558 2.00980020 6.02573023 -0.11008872 -0.19371180 -0.44677237 +O 0.05173579 5.91465006 2.08776035 -0.03828193 0.72598980 -0.08988937 +O 0.01361886 6.00354981 6.02279028 0.54973657 -0.01453625 -0.19223238 +O 3.96220009 2.03109046 1.93175978 0.20997891 0.35404553 0.54367288 +O 4.02134022 2.00879002 5.94240997 -0.42146654 0.06634603 0.36068978 +O 4.02429051 6.02256058 2.01296986 0.17056981 -0.07137819 0.00324396 +O 3.99038045 5.93574002 6.09008026 0.25316959 0.42170463 -0.44954376 +Ti 2.10868023 1.90903968 2.06588990 -0.32267422 0.61678965 -0.40458365 +Ti 2.00241017 2.07169033 5.99919034 0.34832483 -0.08611499 0.13142477 +Ti 1.97102042 5.87527020 1.97711016 0.25909444 0.99746667 0.00553636 +Ti 1.96967006 6.06119015 5.96172038 -0.05501518 0.13839914 0.07004585 +Ti 6.06899983 2.00134037 2.04717002 -0.16445881 -0.19687785 0.32535408 +Ti 6.02348016 2.06672046 6.03756001 -0.62306906 0.58733046 -0.19160144 +Ti 5.95170036 5.92205042 1.92910992 -0.30314618 0.24272782 -0.14329092 +Ti 5.91239045 6.06816053 5.92882051 0.19455923 -0.52929990 0.52966628 +40 +Lattice="7.798029956284163 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.798029956284163 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.180071039902435" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.09084676421 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97370010 2.00351976 8.06620265 -0.04923483 -0.38286811 0.61648626 +Ba 1.97688013 1.85406974 4.08814996 -0.24904605 0.68208564 0.06668182 +Ba 1.93825025 5.84508977 0.04561458 0.16560013 0.15521930 -0.32567007 +Ba 1.85892011 5.85007973 4.09046987 0.50539686 -0.08217811 0.21325964 +Ba 5.88293985 1.98961978 0.03361497 -0.46941350 0.01970956 -0.18393543 +Ba 5.86671995 1.90597967 4.09900014 -0.24652843 0.37215998 -0.06337898 +Ba 5.91662032 5.87878974 0.13461193 -0.56906329 -0.41723348 -0.80310567 +Ba 5.80529019 5.81061001 4.05848001 0.30097462 0.36590063 0.28760334 +Ti 7.76913670 0.05564128 2.06851011 0.98478419 -0.36247130 0.61848761 +Ti 7.77387478 0.02394229 6.22159972 0.62811202 -0.74671701 -0.16524326 +Ti 7.76433155 3.88662001 2.13428961 0.62534628 0.13873827 -0.06050011 +Ti 7.77903006 3.88227027 6.19912033 0.99446285 0.67935359 0.14329375 +Ti 3.90206011 0.08670941 2.11119028 -0.81109666 -0.59673068 -0.98297388 +Ti 3.96000961 0.00535023 6.22584028 -0.67881571 -0.27684096 0.19954434 +Ti 3.85437983 3.93806985 2.15836992 -0.26682240 -0.04636522 -0.17464038 +Ti 3.96516021 3.93727991 6.22583015 -1.25739106 0.01582231 -0.60433086 +O 0.13017017 1.92850038 1.89525036 -0.89414226 0.31403763 0.48897600 +O 1.95282009 0.04037976 1.87930962 0.27461619 -0.40313432 0.33383923 +O 0.01530987 7.76147981 3.97107969 -0.25504212 0.39237528 -0.50972943 +O 7.74835495 1.96726984 5.96779022 -0.14385759 -0.24324410 0.64285575 +O 1.91431030 7.74951997 6.04123986 -0.11762514 0.31814008 0.29538890 +O 7.69334998 0.05549000 8.11430012 0.47604695 -0.20781096 -0.71271340 +O 0.01716034 5.82113033 2.05277992 -0.18009626 0.10961307 -0.45067839 +O 1.94200968 3.89117016 1.94958001 0.04554992 0.28663147 0.19521975 +O 7.79682438 3.85738987 3.97148987 -0.21589219 0.03984901 0.01751873 +O 7.76074212 5.87747967 6.12161961 -0.18995284 -0.25193546 -0.22011163 +O 1.88135037 3.81731034 6.05182959 0.09643077 0.63117292 -0.11213841 +O 0.01085720 3.93156006 8.07126981 -0.37224277 -0.37704894 -0.30555916 +O 3.82714989 2.02382038 1.89029003 0.55046033 -1.25170661 0.29779160 +O 5.85818033 0.01539019 1.95010014 -0.07338186 0.40480322 0.18565473 +O 3.93769009 7.74564201 3.89517991 -0.26131818 0.48482727 0.68101915 +O 3.83161972 1.90756968 6.05771008 0.50590466 0.13981222 -0.05293464 +O 5.83785008 0.04664314 5.98385962 0.10805447 -0.22696362 0.24891210 +O 3.95343977 7.70975158 8.04400010 -0.02208269 0.61449263 0.14762889 +O 3.92518985 5.85847977 2.00191961 -0.09265099 -0.17743877 -0.17524048 +O 5.82989999 3.84331989 1.98209000 0.54932853 0.09425690 -0.03813255 +O 3.92181018 3.83891010 3.97861025 -0.26248752 0.26100040 0.04288034 +O 3.90434961 5.85745979 6.08781983 -0.21204376 -0.34809574 -0.36912608 +O 5.78546994 3.94774019 6.05165959 1.07054822 -0.48248576 -0.04966986 +O 3.90219034 3.86667031 8.01450015 0.00861140 0.36126879 0.63676995 +40 +Lattice="7.824509983790174 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.824509983790174 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.207840552406038" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.977830121145 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96349036 1.96215002 8.20147218 0.05194091 -0.16246389 0.15036788 +Ba 1.93207965 1.95938014 4.13720965 0.13833409 -0.22501986 -0.02681301 +Ba 1.95047976 5.89202972 8.18534743 0.06791235 -0.19072340 0.21411170 +Ba 1.96941038 5.83546008 4.06176025 -0.12706520 0.34070768 0.42173882 +Ba 5.87653015 1.97687027 0.02837637 -0.16815040 -0.28375337 -0.13759259 +Ba 5.85918008 1.98416976 4.08020027 -0.06174221 -0.22518904 0.33257708 +Ba 5.87418984 5.84781968 0.01285411 -0.10472077 0.11896751 0.12424779 +Ba 5.90463970 5.87350989 4.13619012 -0.29726195 -0.01796378 -0.08886684 +Ti 7.81653603 0.00373307 2.15525971 0.01084954 -0.28241743 -0.17427220 +Ti 7.82398652 7.80854016 6.25956026 0.28576757 0.16676047 -0.66292450 +Ti 7.81734352 3.89777026 2.14218026 0.07031916 0.33732308 -0.22156610 +Ti 7.81796009 3.89709970 6.24822020 -0.00115365 -0.07122573 -0.24463198 +Ti 3.90952972 0.00054693 2.16141995 0.03691487 0.23223824 -0.15606211 +Ti 3.93400009 7.81011993 6.25365979 -0.33735342 0.26591043 -0.28061920 +Ti 3.89741033 3.92072972 2.15751004 0.03874061 -0.20797139 -0.58087802 +Ti 3.89263973 3.90605016 6.25214027 0.14742757 -0.17028391 -0.17198829 +O 7.80008969 1.95789975 1.96170011 0.13111418 -0.19929623 0.11760406 +O 1.94487976 7.81224976 1.96066962 0.05371986 0.12442108 0.14905405 +O 7.78158003 7.80300980 3.97758026 0.29025595 0.12550814 -0.16409192 +O 7.80354812 1.95534035 6.05574977 0.11795630 0.18496182 0.18209787 +O 1.96613974 7.80253094 6.05771998 -0.36636446 0.09615283 0.12501963 +O 0.01331027 7.79310005 8.05958017 -0.18885678 0.28654765 0.47662056 +O 7.81002995 5.85842032 1.95347029 0.09047044 0.08646594 0.13095965 +O 1.95751009 3.89730001 1.94386023 -0.02522766 -0.04819044 0.15047433 +O 0.02096969 3.91674000 3.97945971 -0.08389355 0.00673346 -0.11324784 +O 0.01630393 5.89554997 6.09358988 -0.24678374 -0.52986451 -0.07324199 +O 1.94567004 3.89881014 6.06344987 -0.14078101 0.15420140 0.12438123 +O 7.81873784 3.89560991 8.08062028 0.00069420 0.06302082 -0.20262144 +O 3.94503969 1.94793993 1.96417031 -0.22878344 -0.09059102 0.07193741 +O 5.86179034 7.81975033 1.98716967 -0.02372177 -0.12259843 -0.08214880 +O 3.90154011 0.03885182 3.99465021 0.05829565 -0.31136291 -0.36556947 +O 3.83185033 1.94701038 6.09906000 0.41204808 0.23035696 -0.03943147 +O 5.84917019 0.04137836 6.05397986 0.18787874 -0.25294256 0.14918158 +O 3.93902968 7.80466390 8.08121025 -0.09878024 0.00645733 0.12785145 +O 3.87712998 5.84094976 1.97873016 0.22671551 0.32834993 0.08901776 +O 5.88368019 3.90973002 1.95748035 -0.19003692 0.06291335 0.18665360 +O 3.90017004 3.89859027 3.96856017 0.00212579 0.01946968 0.18572132 +O 3.88381994 5.85479992 6.07498007 0.19620500 -0.03561621 -0.00021032 +O 5.85945003 3.91361020 6.01513978 0.07911953 0.00850932 0.37856409 +O 3.92004977 3.88757962 8.07921030 -0.00412919 0.18149700 -0.10140379 +40 +Lattice="7.983752738 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983752738 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983752738" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.327437355114 stress="3.672630460797807e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.672630460797807e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.672630460797807e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00000297 3.99187340 0.00000297 0.00004217 0.00004217 -0.00004217 +Ba 3.99187934 3.99187934 3.99187934 -0.00004217 -0.00004217 -0.00004217 +Ba 0.00000297 -0.00000297 3.99187340 -0.00004217 0.00004217 0.00004217 +Ba 3.99187340 0.00000297 -0.00000297 0.00004217 -0.00004217 0.00004217 +Ba 3.99192779 3.99182495 -0.00005142 -0.00030699 0.00030699 0.00030699 +Ba -0.00005142 3.99192779 3.99182495 0.00030699 -0.00030699 0.00030699 +Ba 3.99182495 -0.00005142 3.99192779 0.00030699 0.00030699 -0.00030699 +Ba 0.00005142 0.00005142 0.00005142 -0.00030699 -0.00030699 -0.00030699 +Ti 5.92851730 1.93664093 2.05523544 -0.00022651 -0.00022651 0.00022651 +Ti 6.04711181 6.04711181 6.04711181 0.00022651 0.00022651 0.00022651 +Ti 2.05523544 5.92851730 1.93664093 0.00022651 -0.00022651 -0.00022651 +Ti 1.93664093 2.05523544 5.92851730 -0.00022651 0.00022651 -0.00022651 +Ti 5.92854152 2.05521122 6.04708759 -0.00027537 0.00027537 0.00027537 +Ti 6.04708759 5.92854152 2.05521122 0.00027537 -0.00027537 0.00027537 +Ti 2.05521122 6.04708759 5.92854152 0.00027537 0.00027537 -0.00027537 +Ti 1.93666515 1.93666515 1.93666515 -0.00027537 -0.00027537 -0.00027537 +O 2.01904671 1.99588427 4.03275857 0.00025197 0.00017715 -0.00057644 +O 5.96470603 5.98776064 -0.04088220 -0.00025197 0.00017715 0.00057644 +O 6.01092308 1.99599210 3.95099417 0.00025197 -0.00017715 0.00057644 +O 1.97282966 5.98786847 0.04088220 -0.00025197 -0.00017715 -0.00057644 +O 1.99588427 4.03275857 2.01904671 0.00017715 -0.00057644 0.00025197 +O 5.98776064 -0.04088220 5.96470603 0.00017715 0.00057644 -0.00025197 +O 1.99599210 3.95099417 6.01092308 -0.00017715 0.00057644 0.00025197 +O 5.98786847 0.04088220 1.97282966 -0.00017715 -0.00057644 -0.00025197 +O 4.03275857 2.01904671 1.99588427 -0.00057644 0.00025197 0.00017715 +O -0.04088220 5.96470603 5.98776064 0.00057644 -0.00025197 0.00017715 +O 3.95099417 6.01092308 1.99599210 0.00057644 0.00025197 -0.00017715 +O 0.04088220 1.97282966 5.98786847 -0.00057644 -0.00025197 -0.00017715 +O 1.97279748 5.98775741 4.03276347 -0.00007071 0.00013473 -0.00055227 +O 6.01095525 1.99588104 -0.04088710 0.00007071 0.00013473 0.00055227 +O 5.96467385 5.98787170 3.95098926 -0.00007071 -0.00013473 0.00055227 +O 2.01907888 1.99599533 0.04088710 0.00007071 -0.00013473 -0.00055227 +O 5.98775741 4.03276347 1.97279748 0.00013473 -0.00055227 -0.00007071 +O 1.99588104 -0.04088710 6.01095525 0.00013473 0.00055227 0.00007071 +O 5.98787170 3.95098926 5.96467385 -0.00013473 0.00055227 -0.00007071 +O 1.99599533 0.04088710 2.01907888 -0.00013473 -0.00055227 0.00007071 +O 4.03276347 1.97279748 5.98775741 -0.00055227 -0.00007071 0.00013473 +O -0.04088710 6.01095525 1.99588104 0.00055227 0.00007071 0.00013473 +O 3.95098926 5.96467385 5.98787170 0.00055227 -0.00007071 -0.00013473 +O 0.04088710 2.01907888 1.99599533 -0.00055227 0.00007071 -0.00013473 +40 +Lattice="7.929090217122668 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.929090217122668 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.929090217122668" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.833856321795 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96271032 3.97384038 0.01652264 0.09523829 -0.10642542 0.09622585 +Ba 3.94883044 0.03061977 3.97904979 0.21383531 -0.38800955 -0.01502424 +Ba 7.91985838 3.98432977 3.92495040 0.30036270 -0.11925496 0.38915163 +Ba 0.02230057 0.00333498 4.02592023 -0.01800929 0.08689686 -0.31259087 +Ba 0.02154413 3.97911005 7.90903993 -0.01047107 -0.19682386 0.23988495 +Ba 4.01788013 7.88726664 0.03305796 -0.26407543 0.39030143 -0.19516961 +Ba 3.94893987 3.94516007 3.98841008 0.01704770 0.37545177 -0.35284843 +Ba 7.91616659 0.07536045 7.91247560 0.20008890 -0.25965519 0.21694968 +Ti 5.98905038 2.05393012 1.94850018 -0.17373098 0.18068633 0.00598116 +Ti 1.97277033 5.88060024 2.05427979 0.01796301 0.05318275 0.20696635 +Ti 1.98327003 2.04987043 5.91046041 -0.35477290 -0.02000884 0.21594284 +Ti 5.86625018 5.91345047 5.90749017 0.08808059 0.24063314 0.10846687 +Ti 1.88980033 5.99850027 6.05664983 0.84285158 -0.04635262 -0.61996779 +Ti 5.90665999 2.00098045 5.87534009 0.19946927 -0.35472430 0.30373881 +Ti 5.97022037 6.01468988 1.95384042 -0.20670461 -0.31479893 -0.07207548 +Ti 2.02220980 1.90218002 1.97007999 -0.02659960 0.27430071 -0.23747403 +O 1.99381969 1.97200993 3.96946035 0.20964132 0.03904786 0.33939230 +O 5.95921004 1.98160017 4.02232042 0.13735579 -0.11687464 -0.16390114 +O 2.03956975 6.00236015 3.92423996 -0.02495667 -0.21979821 0.16418088 +O 6.05322050 6.02802027 4.07067043 -0.48960540 -0.23706651 -0.57720829 +O 2.01798993 3.99194012 1.97540041 0.04734686 0.06012833 0.15927804 +O 2.02431021 3.95014033 5.90801032 0.07352249 -0.06693019 0.21694403 +O 5.96574044 3.95250003 2.12338023 0.01244902 -0.21729421 -0.40073728 +O 5.94833053 3.99615998 5.93835019 0.14588336 -0.32763156 0.11819773 +O 3.98962006 1.96200025 2.03485035 0.17735907 0.06165788 -0.07717346 +O 4.04143984 5.93346032 1.94629034 -0.03945666 0.13505388 0.30936207 +O 4.02071003 1.99732990 5.93254054 -0.15181876 -0.01195589 0.19140140 +O 3.99414995 5.91293983 5.96084977 0.44819393 0.20275257 0.08972379 +O 6.05255050 5.86797000 0.06548715 -0.20895124 0.42932795 -0.11694508 +O 2.00465003 5.91553027 7.90952043 -0.06855744 0.22481418 0.17107118 +O 5.95871051 2.03626014 0.05963865 0.11895466 -0.04285386 0.16508591 +O 2.03864997 2.01406979 0.03681001 -0.09800968 -0.14867918 -0.20213139 +O 5.99402984 0.04405720 6.02009990 -0.06358364 -0.18828626 0.04781815 +O 5.99566007 7.89439014 2.00380003 0.06650210 0.33109767 0.00810386 +O 2.07220033 7.91790306 5.99740050 -0.42894048 -0.07059118 -0.10447961 +O 2.01527026 0.02479030 1.98650035 -0.07761621 -0.07155689 -0.19227584 +O 0.06580431 5.85961987 5.93843027 -0.14508247 0.58313751 0.21106289 +O 0.07419805 2.00961999 5.94485046 -0.15541779 -0.08440520 0.18965717 +O 0.05730988 5.92398981 2.03186981 -0.07345307 0.19427924 -0.23485253 +O 0.03519961 2.01364004 2.04446992 -0.33233231 -0.25277261 -0.28973273 +40 +Lattice="7.832969939820122 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.832969939820122 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.21670713717191" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.462628827005 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.93447960 1.95628033 0.02326392 0.20443330 0.35156570 -0.00506996 +Ba 1.96783004 1.89814011 4.11437007 -0.03504105 0.55339010 0.07257684 +Ba 2.01031999 5.90898965 8.09991129 -0.43912951 -0.45806003 1.00914256 +Ba 1.95466987 5.94260014 4.11322019 0.03719769 -0.43931334 -0.14965157 +Ba 5.83375006 1.96454019 0.00947476 0.37293183 0.18113936 0.12621854 +Ba 5.83051034 1.93426968 4.13318017 0.40900466 0.12182504 -0.02684823 +Ba 5.91438970 5.84606975 8.18702018 0.04928702 0.12610130 0.48563691 +Ba 5.82217998 5.81144959 4.11481029 0.48743951 0.63089061 0.05653110 +Ti 7.82093067 7.82282859 2.20195986 0.33790209 -0.57729391 -1.00510002 +Ti 7.81191570 7.82793882 6.31630957 -0.02397039 0.51404991 -0.42180387 +Ti 7.80241587 3.89481036 2.17538024 0.33377881 0.61291140 -0.99293613 +Ti 0.06016974 3.92001999 6.23754984 0.64267732 -0.51057712 0.63361958 +Ti 3.94004028 7.82001342 1.87121036 -0.46341795 -0.14372364 0.80838312 +Ti 3.90423969 0.03257027 6.02544006 0.15255461 -0.00640770 0.22141389 +Ti 3.87275977 3.93803034 2.23442987 -0.20877923 -0.16227492 -0.47226409 +Ti 3.99006006 3.94791006 6.28254007 -1.24925197 -0.32153213 -0.13843899 +O 0.00409038 2.00761996 1.94761001 -0.18764785 -0.45307311 0.28381482 +O 1.96652977 0.00781965 2.02573997 0.51582294 0.19967830 0.09358841 +O 0.05120021 0.03964031 4.00627979 -0.28257684 -0.24558200 0.38460387 +O 0.00875804 1.96433967 6.06031010 -0.04181951 0.18440260 0.20795160 +O 2.00996985 7.81898809 6.20298999 -0.46654030 0.19444122 -0.30735147 +O 0.02314016 0.04302024 8.12463998 -0.12674793 -0.09894119 -0.05391295 +O 0.02104014 5.88727979 1.89652025 -0.01179159 0.50905400 0.61548302 +O 1.94629016 3.98331979 2.00640037 0.85495068 -0.23087581 0.10484882 +O 0.04859731 3.91786984 3.97141994 -0.26608861 0.12112184 1.00697744 +O 0.04678085 5.90341962 6.08281970 -0.35062982 -0.35378817 0.06484682 +O 1.96823030 3.89249963 6.14909994 -0.59987616 0.31033627 -0.29785485 +O 0.04565995 3.92676026 8.11505007 -0.46502797 -0.09391263 -0.99174134 +O 3.96556009 1.99851022 2.08029034 -0.11358311 -0.30800196 -0.36856532 +O 5.92313991 7.81873978 2.08488986 -0.68496554 0.27360471 -0.33272209 +O 3.97357009 0.04069933 4.19538961 -0.23142628 -0.10559212 -0.16277911 +O 3.86340015 1.96797025 6.17766992 0.43716416 -0.14719463 0.03680277 +O 5.90324965 0.02788616 6.20690021 -0.06815069 -0.06195922 -0.13076785 +O 3.90491959 7.75944420 0.05224983 0.48142570 0.50571774 0.14814516 +O 3.94981034 5.92200021 2.14865023 -0.18295070 -0.05728366 -0.32824117 +O 5.86632973 4.03495002 2.06247033 -0.14429597 -0.54475171 -0.13779390 +O 3.89099022 3.88422958 4.07501958 0.00985324 0.24679916 -0.28306560 +O 3.93003992 5.90932020 6.11931977 0.07156897 -0.40734887 0.01832631 +O 5.82405989 3.91125020 6.12616971 1.23645611 0.04185216 -0.19501355 +O 3.93738020 3.94905994 8.10859022 0.00926034 0.04860593 0.42301100 +40 +Lattice="7.795769840427285 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.795769840427285 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.177692400679659" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.486519888436 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.91992972 1.99195016 0.12256120 0.40586380 -0.80595574 -1.13510888 +Ba 1.97274996 1.96839992 4.22950995 -0.11528235 -0.04482770 -0.74174861 +Ba 1.84109032 5.76904976 0.08346931 0.60671761 0.82214366 -0.99602840 +Ba 2.02063002 5.87544019 4.00209020 -0.54433031 -0.43336047 0.63367794 +Ba 5.88263023 1.91216981 8.14550289 -0.64693275 0.26066332 0.07346233 +Ba 5.83406025 1.94082005 4.14812991 -0.15054760 0.48505378 -0.47054042 +Ba 5.77379973 5.87689021 8.08225503 0.53736699 -0.39999937 0.55433087 +Ba 5.95719989 5.92560987 4.07540006 -0.58628120 -0.99534757 -0.02509165 +Ti 0.04279410 0.04579079 2.08656976 0.04680359 -1.01404360 0.06828901 +Ti 7.78465541 0.00281817 6.15254005 0.92176619 -0.46820714 0.59476815 +Ti 7.73095425 3.85324011 2.15481003 0.12886960 1.38584800 0.01825946 +Ti 7.74253954 3.89220960 6.18169000 0.61293711 0.51170686 -0.42331722 +Ti 3.98195996 7.74172800 2.19071033 -0.80807304 0.89388721 -1.46732060 +Ti 3.89817960 7.75730005 6.20745969 -0.98479756 0.15684835 0.14061903 +Ti 3.85793004 3.89184008 2.06482970 0.42012083 -0.62808245 0.22785219 +Ti 3.85471974 3.87754965 6.22016992 -0.36091629 0.21698259 -0.00384843 +O 7.72061004 1.94866961 1.87446012 0.33160674 -1.02351143 0.50029142 +O 2.04511030 7.68937006 1.84200009 -1.20950786 0.70498800 1.08790908 +O 7.75088959 0.06784035 3.96471961 0.69795655 -0.21273590 -0.98222337 +O 7.74465298 1.86978967 6.00650969 0.51533932 1.10786033 0.21085617 +O 2.00104003 7.73414662 5.99901952 -0.66792684 0.52854039 -0.03595945 +O 7.75229985 0.02264983 8.02390993 0.25152768 -0.31219492 0.21149766 +O 0.07099997 5.76589949 1.99214973 -0.38647460 1.17360703 0.05326503 +O 1.87256964 3.84473960 1.87841959 0.95403791 -0.00042680 0.78597878 +O 7.77000794 3.91544957 3.98556005 0.05400165 -0.55786177 -0.02068632 +O 0.10443135 5.81072985 5.98499025 -0.71951088 0.29513308 0.09947855 +O 1.94170019 3.88463991 6.02753021 0.44509652 -0.20304902 -0.03070900 +O 0.03998918 3.95821015 7.97356017 -0.75311520 -0.68110657 0.49775349 +O 3.91398007 1.95242015 1.86221998 0.34608643 -0.55256941 0.42240397 +O 5.89597971 7.62644962 1.95075965 -0.05033217 0.88555195 0.07568505 +O 3.88439980 0.09686088 3.99281011 0.34251928 -0.42135984 -0.42253149 +O 3.94107972 1.97914015 6.06295964 -0.17531607 0.00715564 0.11544176 +O 5.89005960 0.01163441 6.00678021 -0.48491160 -0.39256220 0.22998801 +O 3.80928989 7.76703931 8.01071948 0.93980325 0.00176275 0.10022237 +O 3.97724976 5.82747984 1.97593999 -0.45782734 0.20535581 0.17946429 +O 5.86111001 3.92019953 1.95144958 -0.40295666 -0.25813002 -0.23647181 +O 3.86292011 3.83691031 3.88381979 0.05562582 0.29688605 0.37841008 +O 3.91811962 5.88506953 5.93921973 0.39000730 -0.86368909 0.26445519 +O 5.83103003 3.85530988 6.08511990 0.00901917 0.37040983 -0.11898166 +O 3.81181027 3.95097021 8.06904977 0.49196799 -0.04136391 -0.41379231 +40 +Lattice="7.846869837551945 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.846869837551945 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.23130368463329" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.08059894642 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98602000 1.94150000 8.22303858 -0.23654098 0.16903101 0.22515716 +Ba 1.94596958 1.94844997 4.12889030 0.17846876 0.13805873 0.04944771 +Ba 1.96323975 5.89433008 8.21952318 -0.04925128 -0.16600508 0.24514389 +Ba 1.95647026 5.86319998 4.09664986 0.02134144 0.00058081 0.18872231 +Ba 5.87684019 1.93500985 0.00287902 0.20916258 0.19280857 0.17328361 +Ba 5.87769000 1.99962019 4.13537966 0.02717270 -0.24740492 0.01499570 +Ba 5.88770026 5.90150996 8.21650684 0.14255687 -0.14939729 0.31599835 +Ba 5.85477950 5.92745015 4.12648994 0.27399629 -0.31893506 -0.01186564 +Ti 7.84165716 0.01295911 2.16490980 0.02207883 -0.25318347 -0.35727407 +Ti 0.02845353 0.02251659 6.26033006 -0.23383335 -0.29722827 0.13988652 +Ti 7.83651589 3.92481989 2.14811985 0.11515714 0.28314376 0.00234202 +Ti 7.82584964 3.93226029 6.28400956 0.27091226 0.18392284 -0.31134877 +Ti 3.91203969 0.00009966 2.13584970 -0.05003804 -0.30239310 0.04462098 +Ti 3.94039985 0.02134976 6.27721966 0.09511385 -0.11391992 -0.30482125 +Ti 3.92121975 3.90926975 2.15865977 -0.11189647 0.41035269 -0.02367112 +Ti 3.92165996 3.95109984 6.28480994 -0.25946930 -0.08337136 -0.71779081 +O 0.01435977 1.93135007 1.96264967 -0.03340814 0.19773326 0.22385875 +O 1.96592024 7.80214974 1.97650959 0.23737144 0.17248760 -0.02725421 +O 0.02568987 7.81187986 3.99494030 -0.03640939 0.22271795 0.13595968 +O 0.00935582 1.95133997 6.11914996 0.08735426 -0.12521581 -0.19869717 +O 1.96948978 7.78260476 6.12666020 0.20662028 0.40862748 -0.13252983 +O 0.00588986 0.00950021 8.10016993 -0.05336479 -0.06517284 -0.20145005 +O 0.03688029 5.86506988 1.94933981 -0.20813851 -0.15212626 0.13471269 +O 1.96117995 3.91263998 1.95670017 0.03810838 -0.08186444 0.22555388 +O 7.82862273 3.91417954 4.00118955 0.09879644 -0.04691183 -0.40613043 +O 0.02566162 5.87306977 6.12292980 -0.18599232 -0.13147387 0.00426777 +O 1.99382999 3.91960957 6.05687956 -0.19933557 -0.09041284 0.22813964 +O 0.03247898 3.87074005 8.10573964 -0.19529123 0.20814366 0.01462212 +O 3.89609015 1.94651964 1.99888965 0.24250157 -0.10074611 -0.05734460 +O 5.91725000 7.81779012 2.00739017 -0.28016977 0.14178914 -0.11395772 +O 3.92198011 7.80687199 3.95670015 -0.07460776 0.24552235 0.25447519 +O 3.95779008 1.95479966 6.08065008 -0.21673423 -0.38941594 0.06063021 +O 5.88919979 7.83799817 6.08186007 -0.00415979 0.05305369 0.10408648 +O 3.95154005 7.84004306 8.11654949 -0.04768959 0.05381447 -0.13400178 +O 3.95901969 5.85524953 1.97346972 -0.18632373 0.18090410 -0.10822005 +O 5.87727961 3.93284959 1.99747015 0.25054758 -0.29982560 -0.19070052 +O 3.93475011 3.93593027 3.98870989 -0.04810405 -0.16561555 -0.15319404 +O 3.96039995 5.88090016 6.09830004 -0.06549551 0.04646420 0.14480247 +O 5.89562010 3.90409003 6.11018020 0.17764446 0.07186645 0.06527877 +O 3.91884999 3.87727963 8.08175961 0.08134945 0.19959654 0.45426585 +40 +Lattice="7.756859969474257 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.019980416498793 0.0 0.0 0.0683379363310682 8.019693412679922" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.996997275714 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89362024 0.05543052 0.01128468 -0.02255423 -0.09137032 -0.08843258 +Ba 3.89428035 0.07107145 4.00373973 -0.29730566 0.06006971 -0.09858818 +Ba 3.86645029 4.09656064 7.99250484 0.17936118 0.19196987 0.13657777 +Ba 3.87450036 4.07603987 3.99753036 -0.06006663 0.09212648 -0.05655758 +Ba 0.00686017 0.09654421 8.01875095 -0.13901183 0.12100409 -0.03711285 +Ba 0.00490001 0.07246459 4.00290975 0.02114475 0.03214959 -0.04999947 +Ba 7.74907363 4.12350022 7.97848277 -0.08022279 -0.02758459 0.17375567 +Ba 0.00860158 4.06558983 4.00042988 -0.04965212 0.19205318 -0.06970338 +Ti 1.93806000 2.11751961 2.03832982 0.14155414 -0.23322708 0.17320468 +Ti 1.93250996 2.15477037 6.07349027 -0.10417699 -0.16428732 -0.25102503 +Ti 1.94576023 6.11631977 2.01710007 -0.10240190 0.26772692 0.09562833 +Ti 1.92425977 6.16565960 6.05638018 0.08292836 0.12486871 0.10265027 +Ti 5.82787007 2.13517034 2.04562980 -0.17136891 -0.10832649 -0.43639565 +Ti 5.80006018 2.13669999 6.04078967 0.26590297 0.10260527 0.47329253 +Ti 5.81650006 6.13071029 2.06529965 0.09780245 -0.04021771 -0.27043763 +Ti 5.79445972 6.14541963 6.06252982 0.09119703 0.09980457 0.03997166 +O 1.95058034 2.09194989 3.93328029 -0.00024014 -0.20596696 -0.11914698 +O 1.94940983 2.05743962 7.93436020 -0.18081257 0.03516909 -0.10515838 +O 1.92961976 6.02808006 3.88881021 0.13325359 -0.00017535 0.13298260 +O 1.95289034 6.10634988 7.93595966 -0.15816115 -0.07085935 -0.20061984 +O 5.77716968 2.03500989 3.89524996 0.18755786 0.04469657 0.50733008 +O 5.85622993 2.11601012 7.95119026 -0.19354005 -0.21543402 -0.47539800 +O 5.78157015 6.05153990 3.92347019 0.18393621 0.02222436 -0.00525945 +O 5.83012033 6.07473990 7.91792962 -0.05749012 0.02731360 -0.16359647 +O 1.92719962 3.96693964 1.87423965 0.13527165 0.29808059 0.31479996 +O 1.94678026 4.03554984 5.98716029 -0.14912167 -0.08695342 -0.04028687 +O 1.94313996 8.00547974 1.95866997 -0.06639077 -0.21233121 0.00912485 +O 1.90374985 8.05297034 5.98072986 0.22652293 -0.14671023 -0.20715352 +O 5.79370033 4.01121036 1.94861010 0.15899291 -0.15722322 0.12260871 +O 5.82023965 4.02564976 5.94574021 -0.10724894 -0.00504579 -0.07162245 +O 5.83832011 8.00999966 1.94337034 -0.04119139 -0.21217540 0.08258126 +O 5.78046014 8.03654985 5.95774007 0.15950867 0.01103826 0.03806955 +O 0.00502800 1.97206995 1.95378005 -0.02743290 0.22393846 -0.02648185 +O 7.73218307 2.04068015 5.92209963 0.28635430 -0.02341889 0.02322118 +O 0.00493724 5.98043975 1.89573004 -0.04510589 0.13169705 0.19288390 +O 7.75444991 6.06229014 5.90029975 -0.07927200 -0.12286685 0.16835815 +O 3.87940037 1.97980974 1.91499032 -0.03413294 0.12090201 0.06280742 +O 3.87989991 2.03357021 5.96069001 -0.12206955 0.03480888 -0.04945723 +O 3.89861023 6.03779009 1.89418021 -0.26950483 -0.17711815 0.13757639 +O 3.85238012 6.03403965 5.95701015 0.20718746 0.06704511 -0.16499103 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29602.035136209175 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.03999971 1.76448030 1.74333016 -0.37153315 -0.21966014 1.48856177 +Ba 5.96997009 5.92331986 2.08512978 0.08156876 0.38245031 0.04407334 +Ba 6.01325980 2.11010954 6.23797996 0.15468605 -0.27186176 -0.63821131 +Ba 2.05620033 6.05525990 5.99431025 0.65507980 0.24577844 -1.02324507 +Ba 6.10833018 1.80909965 1.98043013 -0.60826901 -0.07844693 -0.45687269 +Ba 1.86164000 6.20256002 2.07148998 2.16743097 -2.21106979 0.76806899 +Ba 1.98549973 2.39100994 6.18250977 0.44271980 -1.40438103 -0.59035177 +Ba 5.92618967 5.94853977 5.76433957 0.08842718 -0.28570715 0.50534930 +Ti 3.88472023 4.23881961 4.01325012 0.04991925 -1.06230912 -1.08279773 +Ti 0.01062270 4.29347009 7.92460475 0.26683988 -1.96792570 2.26447623 +Ti 4.20247028 7.67090631 7.98761890 -1.75530010 -0.63847948 -1.90829334 +Ti 7.76484157 7.74212084 3.95485008 2.14737713 1.42206713 2.45462987 +Ti 3.80647968 0.44554026 4.22789032 4.26123634 -22.38783321 2.18810572 +Ti 0.13850177 3.57796992 3.60948981 -0.92188267 1.50215160 4.39499515 +Ti 3.96545036 3.99018997 0.34305882 0.04979507 3.59396925 -1.93022536 +Ti 0.11497973 7.85357675 7.72057124 -0.11621541 1.77748435 5.53989659 +O 3.88474985 4.51959994 1.99431009 -0.08127386 -1.66069764 1.72786720 +O 4.28662978 3.87080025 5.74404997 -1.15512363 0.13262239 0.50886760 +O 3.88952967 1.83406980 3.91488006 1.48516766 22.38207317 -4.91614568 +O 3.90683979 5.99939025 3.88470022 1.01317508 -0.27644296 1.60236240 +O 2.06821031 3.95680971 3.93646007 -0.43602130 -0.22784242 0.57109009 +O 6.25254035 3.60639025 3.87964023 -0.01937583 1.03013536 -0.36974546 +O 0.16212788 3.87657029 1.92573963 -0.11006816 -0.21336171 -1.86876262 +O 7.92230410 4.07649962 6.19798033 0.03138906 -0.60191453 -0.63441225 +O 2.24466963 7.98415752 4.03133032 -6.50000282 -0.92896245 -1.02964865 +O 5.94755996 7.91615382 3.89535014 0.10690621 0.49991836 0.56378662 +O 3.99283964 2.26644977 0.29981233 0.13865291 -3.29871790 -1.11717518 +O 4.20603013 5.86095972 7.57380105 -0.55380688 2.07518981 0.93837963 +O 3.87763977 7.82679825 1.71315032 1.16538490 0.46852493 0.86804428 +O 3.80114031 0.12652462 5.97072017 1.21122330 0.54737835 4.17731142 +O 0.35204929 1.84416017 4.09394982 -0.95647017 -0.02418303 -0.52014497 +O 0.18945872 5.98139970 4.30403035 -1.36437312 -0.01036412 -1.47669125 +O 2.09465979 4.47040971 8.00232898 -1.74613540 -2.22232428 -0.36586258 +O 5.78521994 4.17701022 0.37632620 3.84844315 -1.31322951 -1.46423734 +O 0.18701798 7.77828685 2.30288955 -1.97328105 1.65102515 -2.31542752 +O 7.91519562 7.94888567 6.10439970 0.08798289 0.22020753 -4.88771750 +O 0.03521341 1.70503000 0.24715031 -0.21177508 0.31105000 -1.38863585 +O 0.00758078 5.97074978 0.26118316 -1.35206910 1.59402020 -0.72840870 +O 1.94129985 7.65742661 7.99060239 0.02194154 1.26891809 -0.70078219 +O 5.98781975 7.87690266 7.80824495 0.75763031 0.20075096 0.80792906 +40 +Lattice="7.935590100772875 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.935590100772875 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.935590100772875" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.16792626375 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98189025 3.97378007 7.92380575 -0.12400970 0.07690761 0.15346221 +Ba 3.98610008 7.93185720 3.97727967 -0.09104405 0.16108167 -0.09711057 +Ba 7.93004868 3.99433008 3.99039006 0.24715629 -0.13038038 -0.07573056 +Ba 0.00453281 0.01512365 3.98234972 0.02693385 0.01705233 -0.01144861 +Ba 0.02010958 3.98089988 0.01518316 -0.04472768 0.07549145 -0.04763534 +Ba 3.97459982 0.01074161 0.00269413 0.01479336 -0.03172099 0.09391983 +Ba 3.99905017 3.95968012 3.97178983 -0.30161020 0.07530813 -0.06913028 +Ba 7.93546392 0.01359287 0.02733176 -0.00988795 -0.11486506 -0.09806419 +Ti 5.93521035 2.01588986 1.94323001 -0.18742339 -0.07123421 0.23339060 +Ti 1.95679034 5.99636043 2.03116984 -0.01334377 0.03724963 0.20482770 +Ti 1.93426041 2.03703979 5.94525999 -0.05295418 0.09164363 -0.18210738 +Ti 5.94063036 5.95975037 5.92510994 0.02930312 0.24060435 0.14867713 +Ti 1.97538978 6.02250978 5.99754045 -0.11419092 -0.13876784 -0.09089390 +Ti 5.90505987 2.00655998 5.92879046 0.27948097 -0.10212396 -0.22629873 +Ti 5.92249040 5.96926038 1.97979006 -0.04023854 0.19630116 -0.28160804 +Ti 1.95014984 2.02679018 1.97209016 0.11490980 0.09085739 0.20692033 +O 2.03858009 1.98536005 3.98975997 -0.05683449 -0.11367927 -0.00096339 +O 6.02466033 1.97892032 4.01075040 -0.15758883 -0.03734707 0.18814947 +O 1.99615008 5.95786012 3.94543018 0.07620724 -0.16282745 0.21148249 +O 5.99641042 5.92475998 3.98980996 -0.08017959 0.06374022 0.24598952 +O 2.02902008 3.92990023 1.99207039 -0.01222020 0.04710750 -0.11043634 +O 2.03151027 3.94584997 5.95187033 -0.09483617 -0.01061094 0.09336807 +O 6.01282995 3.93108977 2.03588992 -0.11801235 0.11071839 -0.14588491 +O 6.00175028 3.95775018 5.99005004 -0.05024347 -0.04217740 -0.03822690 +O 4.03267009 1.97550008 1.97827992 0.04624360 -0.04709207 0.09205552 +O 4.00843003 5.93934004 2.01962038 0.17596604 -0.05387052 -0.10531753 +O 4.04658991 2.00278026 5.94658047 -0.13957002 -0.17700117 0.23651758 +O 4.00151020 5.95448987 5.94354987 0.13218556 -0.08614790 0.01607042 +O 5.94921985 5.89970970 0.05865591 0.12025384 0.19056862 -0.18907995 +O 2.01651994 5.96276034 7.91196029 0.05083585 -0.10633491 0.06242484 +O 6.00301045 1.96383000 0.03819003 -0.00990029 0.09643102 -0.03507576 +O 1.99744040 1.94976973 0.00871010 0.23596685 0.06841885 0.17776504 +O 5.97382970 7.90887097 5.98793997 0.01881508 -0.02358370 -0.00550190 +O 5.99259023 7.92081006 2.02383973 -0.00129712 -0.23186080 -0.07163273 +O 2.00991039 7.92022600 5.94959044 0.15468836 -0.10842496 0.01000288 +O 2.01161972 7.89765004 2.01926010 0.07715341 0.14026011 -0.21797016 +O 0.02795550 5.95743001 5.96163032 0.09810455 -0.05938734 0.07138411 +O 0.06849128 1.95644038 6.00115987 -0.10171387 0.13483662 -0.18361045 +O 0.05129010 5.93307013 1.98431018 -0.05885821 -0.01589842 -0.00958173 +O 0.06592015 1.97686977 2.02356040 -0.03831252 -0.04924202 -0.15309762 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29606.301852763398 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.29737968 2.16197986 1.95229959 -4.31463326 -5.60493213 0.09868357 +Ba 6.21459961 6.00602964 1.99677965 -1.93828397 -1.86364304 -1.52211235 +Ba 6.16606980 2.10713006 6.11093022 -1.81739250 -0.76121623 -0.04856248 +Ba 1.74597983 6.08852968 5.97434005 0.19732883 -0.02348343 1.19649294 +Ba 5.66417959 2.10731017 2.10721972 1.22820415 -0.16654809 -1.39394698 +Ba 1.92780013 5.89346983 2.01121996 -0.22659209 1.37275980 -1.30555605 +Ba 1.97490985 1.78872040 5.94451003 1.00194836 0.09328168 0.55101980 +Ba 6.20904011 5.98805030 5.92094957 -0.24631580 0.08098409 1.63788450 +Ti 3.97911018 4.34626019 4.26591991 -2.08763935 -2.85255360 -0.43546234 +Ti 0.25877525 3.87249012 0.04397974 -3.46779287 2.62948263 -0.80448944 +Ti 4.09847988 7.92433979 7.82626672 -0.11495557 1.04068511 3.20797930 +Ti 7.86374556 0.14873783 3.74461985 0.79109013 -1.22308843 1.75546336 +Ti 4.10575007 7.91843606 3.85119028 -3.48299375 1.37880112 0.16729731 +Ti 0.22806707 3.83683002 3.94912006 -3.75723790 -0.47683859 0.10469069 +Ti 4.06338014 4.18601991 7.96772556 -0.94686402 0.72541079 1.81798642 +Ti 7.98752845 0.30354029 0.10401602 0.36939373 -4.37968295 -0.66966207 +O 3.68717001 3.65988960 1.80900999 3.94133351 5.31053799 0.18781369 +O 4.05458019 4.29771997 6.11416986 -0.96774549 -0.18645049 -2.05765000 +O 4.12932014 1.77434973 4.08774031 -0.82690406 0.30140605 0.50781756 +O 3.50034015 6.01024990 3.87806003 0.91464012 -0.14252576 1.11830929 +O 1.87541028 3.63124033 4.01884004 4.56370837 0.61147955 0.65182633 +O 5.64037977 4.22155993 3.99364975 2.12074616 -0.58635576 -0.63655732 +O 0.17386088 3.91159959 1.93166977 -0.76002015 -0.32600868 1.62038403 +O 0.11966669 3.72200959 6.04916005 -0.63568315 -0.11412638 -1.07676566 +O 1.58103978 7.92275799 4.17128981 0.37989875 0.28173763 -0.86203278 +O 5.79871966 7.69493587 3.96066975 3.70944494 -0.04723039 0.01256498 +O 4.06283980 1.70728022 7.73506278 -0.75270691 3.65206589 0.74503679 +O 3.98141003 6.11378001 0.24620091 -0.45432524 -3.58981691 -0.35775126 +O 3.71472980 7.86000720 2.05939995 1.22278504 0.86951675 1.39612599 +O 4.04145991 7.83290771 6.12312991 -0.57494469 -1.37188820 -4.18203427 +O 7.67895699 1.89565025 3.89535014 -0.19586638 0.86962011 0.00463724 +O 7.97588750 5.55996024 4.02223979 0.01959155 2.60352143 0.03299522 +O 1.93885991 3.97734026 7.89863397 3.15841794 0.02833587 -0.28915757 +O 5.76973978 4.01809958 0.07747207 1.65210399 -0.80112515 0.06970543 +O 7.77043069 7.77170190 2.00680997 1.26714531 1.10406666 0.21636116 +O 7.86742068 7.98995238 6.26295972 -0.12869888 0.75277967 -0.79240114 +O 7.93432929 1.99317017 0.24971113 -0.68713529 2.10278032 -0.24408125 +O 7.77804190 5.69516954 7.87659367 1.15785440 0.05632567 0.65739380 +O 1.85011993 0.19538566 0.21059285 -0.53503860 -1.18766788 -0.94182106 +O 5.91397957 0.03037276 0.19413687 1.22413487 -0.16039544 -0.13842665 +40 +Lattice="7.95513132 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95513132 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95513132" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216352458818 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878283 5.96634849 5.96634849 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634849 1.98878283 5.96634849 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634849 5.96634849 1.98878283 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878283 1.98878283 1.98878283 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634849 1.98878283 1.98878283 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878283 5.96634849 1.98878283 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878283 1.98878283 5.96634849 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634849 5.96634849 5.96634849 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756566 0.00000000 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756566 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756566 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756566 3.97756566 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756566 5.96643768 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00080116 +O 0.00000000 3.97756566 1.98869364 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00080116 +O 3.97756566 5.96643768 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00080116 0.00000000 +O 3.97756566 1.98869364 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00080116 0.00000000 +O 5.96643768 0.00000000 3.97756566 -0.00080116 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98869364 0.00000000 3.97756566 0.00080116 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756566 0.00000000 1.98887205 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00080244 +O 3.97756566 0.00000000 5.96625927 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00080244 +O 0.00000000 1.98887205 3.97756566 0.00000000 -0.00080244 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96625927 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00080244 0.00000000 +O 1.98887205 3.97756566 0.00000000 -0.00080244 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96625927 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00080244 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756566 3.97756566 5.96634596 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00007508 +O 3.97756566 3.97756566 1.98878537 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00007508 +O 3.97756566 5.96634596 3.97756566 0.00000000 0.00007508 0.00000000 +O 3.97756566 1.98878537 3.97756566 0.00000000 -0.00007508 0.00000000 +O 5.96634596 3.97756566 3.97756566 0.00007508 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878537 3.97756566 3.97756566 -0.00007508 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98878031 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00007482 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635101 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00007482 +O 0.00000000 1.98878031 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00007482 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635101 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00007482 0.00000000 +O 1.98878031 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00007482 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635101 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00007482 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.768929972419594 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.032459846014039 0.0 0.0 0.06844427305701663 8.032172395605059" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.008749192122 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90295970 0.08605644 8.01699890 -0.06259119 0.18970602 0.01098992 +Ba 3.89076015 0.08990128 3.99535015 -0.12011705 -0.10125236 0.14893706 +Ba 3.87240994 4.12056665 8.00766064 0.12358496 -0.09376402 0.08511457 +Ba 3.86987027 4.08421971 3.99220995 0.05133285 -0.04666141 -0.01218471 +Ba 7.76575015 0.10451697 8.00791158 0.00281099 0.01926322 -0.02700173 +Ba 7.76309007 0.04390999 3.98778010 0.03571417 0.24651146 0.19825982 +Ba 7.76809637 4.12083701 8.02905395 -0.07911799 -0.03451783 -0.06467507 +Ba 0.03262251 4.08169015 3.98522024 -0.30055322 -0.01434521 0.16420659 +Ti 1.92952019 1.99054980 1.95085989 0.00755184 0.23290518 -0.12898479 +Ti 1.92222983 2.05213022 5.97237968 0.07627229 -0.10954159 -0.09770758 +Ti 1.94208022 6.02579029 1.92434997 0.08029375 -0.08965977 0.04836914 +Ti 1.94074008 6.08497012 5.97530002 -0.11911767 -0.15472847 -0.12378216 +Ti 5.82034016 1.99697004 1.95034015 0.10463567 0.23943707 -0.13919567 +Ti 5.80982026 2.03287027 5.97385966 0.09751989 -0.05459480 -0.13503588 +Ti 5.83335001 6.03383968 1.93279014 -0.07497157 -0.31733249 0.03975825 +Ti 5.82169973 6.03863000 5.92037990 0.16788095 0.19125305 0.22021756 +O 1.92016019 2.09916022 4.07037004 0.20832980 0.08884241 0.07005510 +O 1.94234980 2.07801319 0.07277001 -0.16949920 0.04756515 0.15799326 +O 1.94437983 6.17723005 4.11868036 0.11818101 -0.22583619 -0.08867452 +O 1.94654969 6.12554335 0.06135979 -0.04061135 -0.12316998 -0.08020376 +O 5.77843999 2.12349018 4.10535975 0.16235128 0.00338306 -0.22626505 +O 5.87097028 2.08668332 0.06152993 -0.24841330 -0.15413866 0.28152731 +O 5.82737959 6.13427019 4.05711003 -0.07725188 -0.13789983 0.24733035 +O 5.86529974 6.11537305 0.08249982 -0.16360264 -0.07980087 -0.05084151 +O 1.91740998 4.14621034 2.02243038 0.26386306 0.11313060 0.08617129 +O 1.90153961 4.16555031 6.07547027 0.20240547 0.49164558 -0.15214529 +O 1.93070029 0.13537982 2.02497004 0.00063249 0.06572202 0.07167721 +O 1.99793961 0.18386027 6.08499964 -0.33247603 -0.22135398 -0.09083707 +O 5.81928980 4.13772977 2.01449986 -0.03490658 0.29521586 0.16572457 +O 5.84228972 4.17630018 6.05094997 -0.07692946 0.25063088 -0.01579789 +O 5.82850997 0.09074033 2.08505961 0.06051554 0.48073716 -0.30476623 +O 5.82697017 0.16563980 6.06562004 -0.13107381 -0.00466912 -0.11587062 +O 7.74165792 2.17827978 2.11193001 0.33006228 -0.43396442 -0.27464550 +O 7.75112825 2.14135017 6.07829971 0.26994269 0.00545819 -0.06729348 +O 0.03372881 6.13285003 2.05471028 -0.45390255 0.04571113 0.07913496 +O 7.76340005 6.24332966 6.04636009 0.13954097 -0.30199046 0.16563638 +O 3.90597016 2.14129967 2.02027994 -0.39670168 -0.16876233 0.20262941 +O 3.86408009 2.15580038 6.08298982 0.14726045 0.18781831 0.05656761 +O 3.86005035 6.15177981 2.06487981 0.35677116 -0.09504083 -0.05639201 +O 3.90397976 6.18968986 6.11588036 -0.12561690 -0.23191145 -0.24799935 +40 +Lattice="7.955120481 1e-09 1e-09 1e-09 7.955120481 1e-09 1e-09 1e-09 7.955120481" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21669341746 stress="-5.5089456911967096e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -5.5089456911967096e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -5.5089456911967096e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878012 1.98878012 5.96634036 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878012 5.96634036 1.98878012 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634036 1.98878012 1.98878012 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634036 5.96634036 1.98878012 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634036 1.98878012 5.96634036 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878012 5.96634036 5.96634036 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878012 1.98878012 1.98878012 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96634036 5.96634036 5.96634036 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756024 3.97756024 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756024 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756024 0.00000000 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756024 3.97756024 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97764580 3.97765859 1.98878292 -0.00114208 -0.00117397 -0.00009153 +O -0.00008556 3.97765859 1.98877720 0.00114208 -0.00117397 0.00009282 +O 3.97764580 -0.00009835 1.98877743 -0.00114208 0.00117397 0.00009076 +O -0.00008556 -0.00009835 1.98878293 0.00114208 0.00117397 -0.00009179 +O 3.97765859 1.98878292 3.97764580 -0.00117397 -0.00009153 -0.00114208 +O 3.97765859 1.98877720 -0.00008556 -0.00117397 0.00009282 0.00114208 +O -0.00009835 1.98877743 3.97764580 0.00117397 0.00009076 -0.00114208 +O -0.00009835 1.98878293 -0.00008556 0.00117397 -0.00009179 0.00114208 +O 1.98878292 3.97764580 3.97765859 -0.00009153 -0.00114208 -0.00117397 +O 1.98877720 -0.00008556 3.97765859 0.00009282 0.00114208 -0.00117397 +O 1.98877743 3.97764580 -0.00009835 0.00009076 -0.00114208 0.00117397 +O 1.98878293 -0.00008556 -0.00009835 -0.00009179 0.00114208 0.00117397 +O 3.97747468 3.97746189 5.96633756 0.00114208 0.00117397 0.00009153 +O 0.00008556 3.97746189 5.96634328 -0.00114208 0.00117397 -0.00009282 +O 3.97747468 0.00009835 5.96634306 0.00114208 -0.00117397 -0.00009076 +O 0.00008556 0.00009835 5.96633755 -0.00114208 -0.00117397 0.00009179 +O 3.97746189 5.96633756 3.97747468 0.00117397 0.00009153 0.00114208 +O 3.97746189 5.96634328 0.00008556 0.00117397 -0.00009282 -0.00114208 +O 0.00009835 5.96634306 3.97747468 -0.00117397 -0.00009076 0.00114208 +O 0.00009835 5.96633755 0.00008556 -0.00117397 0.00009179 -0.00114208 +O 5.96633756 3.97747468 3.97746189 0.00009153 0.00114208 0.00117397 +O 5.96634328 0.00008556 3.97746189 -0.00009282 -0.00114208 0.00117397 +O 5.96634306 3.97747468 0.00009835 -0.00009076 0.00114208 -0.00117397 +O 5.96633755 0.00008556 0.00009835 0.00009179 -0.00114208 -0.00117397 +40 +Lattice="7.955614702 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955614702 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955614702" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.214565623297 stress="0.00019740388726788213 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00019740388726788213 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00019740388726788213" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98890367 1.98890367 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98890367 5.96671103 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 1.98890367 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 5.96671103 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 1.98890367 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98890367 5.96671103 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98890367 1.98890367 1.98890367 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96671103 5.96671103 5.96671103 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 3.97780735 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97780735 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 0.00000000 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97780735 3.97780735 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97246903 3.98239839 1.98960524 0.01708755 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O 0.00533832 3.98239839 1.98820211 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 0.02286713 +O 3.97246903 -0.00459104 1.98820211 0.01708755 0.00778864 0.02286713 +O 0.00533832 -0.00459104 1.98960524 -0.01708755 0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O 3.98239839 1.98960524 3.97246903 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 0.01708755 +O 3.98239839 1.98820211 0.00533832 -0.00778864 0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O -0.00459104 1.98820211 3.97246903 0.00778864 0.02286713 0.01708755 +O -0.00459104 1.98960524 0.00533832 0.00778864 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O 1.98960524 3.97246903 3.98239839 -0.02286713 0.01708755 -0.00778864 +O 1.98820211 0.00533832 3.98239839 0.02286713 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 +O 1.98820211 3.97246903 -0.00459104 0.02286713 0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 1.98960524 0.00533832 -0.00459104 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 3.98314568 3.97321631 5.96600946 -0.01708755 0.00778864 0.02286713 +O -0.00533832 3.97321631 5.96741259 0.01708755 0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O 3.98314568 0.00459104 5.96741259 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 +O -0.00533832 0.00459104 5.96600946 0.01708755 -0.00778864 0.02286713 +O 3.97321631 5.96600946 3.98314568 0.00778864 0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O 3.97321631 5.96741259 -0.00533832 0.00778864 -0.02286713 0.01708755 +O 0.00459104 5.96741259 3.98314568 -0.00778864 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 +O 0.00459104 5.96600946 -0.00533832 -0.00778864 0.02286713 0.01708755 +O 5.96600946 3.98314568 3.97321631 0.02286713 -0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 5.96741259 -0.00533832 3.97321631 -0.02286713 0.01708755 0.00778864 +O 5.96741259 3.98314568 0.00459104 -0.02286713 -0.01708755 -0.00778864 +O 5.96600946 -0.00533832 0.00459104 0.02286713 0.01708755 -0.00778864 +40 +Lattice="7.95513631 -4e-09 -4e-09 -4e-09 7.95513631 -4e-09 -4e-09 -4e-09 7.95513631" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635109825 stress="1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98883279 -1.98873543 1.98883276 0.00002905 -0.00002751 -0.00002803 +Ba 1.98883276 -1.98883279 -1.98873543 -0.00002803 0.00002905 -0.00002751 +Ba -1.98873543 1.98883276 -1.98883279 -0.00002751 -0.00002803 0.00002905 +Ba 1.98873544 1.98873544 1.98873544 0.00002803 0.00002803 0.00002803 +Ba 1.98873541 1.98883279 -1.98873546 0.00002828 -0.00002828 -0.00002725 +Ba -1.98873546 1.98873541 1.98883279 -0.00002725 0.00002828 -0.00002828 +Ba 1.98883279 -1.98873546 1.98873541 -0.00002828 -0.00002725 0.00002828 +Ba -1.98883276 -1.98883276 -1.98883276 0.00002854 0.00002854 0.00002854 +Ti -0.00005671 3.97762483 0.00005678 0.00032190 -0.00032242 -0.00031959 +Ti 0.00005678 -0.00005671 3.97762483 -0.00031959 0.00032190 -0.00032242 +Ti 3.97762483 0.00005678 -0.00005671 -0.00032242 -0.00031959 0.00032190 +Ti 3.97751182 3.97751182 3.97751182 0.00031933 0.00031933 0.00031933 +Ti 3.97751132 0.00005724 3.97762529 0.00031959 -0.00031856 -0.00032165 +Ti 3.97762529 3.97751132 0.00005724 -0.00032165 0.00031959 -0.00031856 +Ti 0.00005724 3.97762529 3.97751132 -0.00031856 -0.00032165 0.00031959 +Ti -0.00005722 -0.00005722 -0.00005722 0.00032242 0.00032242 0.00032242 +O -0.00000000 -0.00022691 1.98878408 -0.00000026 0.00123979 0.00000051 +O 3.97756815 3.97734143 -1.98878408 0.00000051 0.00123953 -0.00000283 +O 3.97756815 0.00022673 1.98878408 0.00000026 -0.00123927 -0.00000077 +O -0.00000000 3.97779507 -1.98878408 -0.00000026 -0.00124004 0.00000000 +O -0.00022691 1.98878408 -0.00000000 0.00123979 0.00000051 -0.00000026 +O 3.97734143 -1.98878408 3.97756815 0.00123953 -0.00000283 0.00000051 +O 0.00022673 1.98878408 3.97756815 -0.00123927 -0.00000077 0.00000026 +O 3.97779507 -1.98878408 -0.00000000 -0.00124004 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 1.98878408 -0.00000000 -0.00022691 0.00000051 -0.00000026 0.00123979 +O -1.98878408 3.97756815 3.97734143 -0.00000283 0.00000051 0.00123953 +O 1.98878408 3.97756815 0.00022673 -0.00000077 0.00000026 -0.00123927 +O -1.98878408 -0.00000000 3.97779507 0.00000000 -0.00000026 -0.00124004 +O -0.00000000 3.97762600 1.98878408 0.00000000 -0.00003291 0.00000051 +O 3.97756816 0.00005770 -1.98878408 0.00000026 -0.00003240 -0.00000129 +O 3.97756815 3.97751057 1.98878407 0.00000026 0.00003188 -0.00000129 +O 0.00000000 -0.00005788 -1.98878408 -0.00000026 0.00003317 0.00000129 +O 3.97762600 1.98878408 -0.00000000 -0.00003291 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 0.00005770 -1.98878408 3.97756816 -0.00003240 -0.00000129 0.00000026 +O 3.97751057 1.98878407 3.97756815 0.00003188 -0.00000129 0.00000026 +O -0.00005788 -1.98878408 0.00000000 0.00003317 0.00000129 -0.00000026 +O 1.98878408 -0.00000000 3.97762600 0.00000051 0.00000000 -0.00003291 +O -1.98878408 3.97756816 0.00005770 -0.00000129 0.00000026 -0.00003240 +O 1.98878407 3.97756815 3.97751057 -0.00000129 0.00000026 0.00003188 +O -1.98878408 0.00000000 -0.00005788 0.00000129 -0.00000026 0.00003317 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.40958969646 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04596970 4.20061026 0.33825495 -0.92332171 -3.70880705 -2.58848973 +Ba 7.93421267 3.93100952 4.07465010 0.42724021 0.78308577 -0.80030780 +Ba 3.93694010 0.01697191 3.93713015 -0.01149129 -0.27624189 -0.16160103 +Ba 0.12165734 0.03524795 4.13255006 -0.17651600 -1.49496999 0.06708394 +Ba 7.92586150 3.85226026 7.61567783 0.67385914 1.08653765 2.11126650 +Ba 4.22798972 7.93612432 0.20684769 -2.38949715 1.81921284 -1.72468957 +Ba 3.72145974 4.09936008 3.80472015 0.67286747 -1.01930459 0.80995123 +Ba 7.81352388 0.00003578 7.79782747 0.36652181 -0.76310393 0.57720675 +Ti 6.30565993 1.73311968 2.24270958 -2.76036206 2.30516291 -1.88205908 +Ti 1.68174989 6.14272943 1.91654004 0.53096597 -0.02571695 0.96599920 +Ti 2.38517964 2.07816960 5.91383011 -1.35762989 0.11636119 0.40227660 +Ti 5.91006961 6.00161996 5.96245010 0.74921149 -0.38555723 -1.92499265 +Ti 2.23416995 6.01159016 6.28976949 -2.65059550 -0.34825078 -2.44716468 +Ti 6.11015972 2.09522978 6.02247005 -1.30692208 -0.23365029 -1.24396424 +Ti 5.76715982 5.78031955 1.96187985 3.17317710 0.48912435 3.32147859 +Ti 1.97334978 2.00799974 1.62219990 0.43848005 -0.87471372 0.39770646 +O 1.96695957 1.74708017 4.18256960 0.43215539 0.67256228 -0.91773650 +O 1.79844996 5.88886009 3.73358015 0.61894552 0.64478485 1.12759869 +O 6.04061965 1.89080982 3.99359955 0.35052646 0.14765254 -0.56354673 +O 5.89939965 5.75645009 3.91727963 -0.33590743 0.71086117 0.08381668 +O 4.20348013 2.01711032 5.86090968 -2.55734416 -0.50233931 0.13537398 +O 3.75669973 1.99930982 1.86604974 1.37116109 -0.20976808 0.81015178 +O 3.93637949 5.73082961 5.94862956 0.67644953 0.90887623 0.23573185 +O 3.85042018 5.97675015 2.02790991 0.99224116 0.21476630 0.24112294 +O 2.01120995 3.97882000 5.88340981 0.08281240 -0.74647789 0.21913924 +O 5.84427016 3.96116978 5.89602006 1.00216562 -0.13830864 0.37250863 +O 1.71903990 3.77299970 1.82195999 -0.06527388 1.30926924 0.43008231 +O 6.20755954 3.88700008 2.02684991 -1.13792886 0.39256452 -0.65708192 +O 5.71614946 6.01800979 0.13945228 1.50864440 -0.48838439 -2.14734268 +O 2.02109983 5.79998002 0.07297850 0.13875601 -0.47571142 -0.60155895 +O 6.07611968 2.01115031 7.77836897 -0.78943846 -0.60875161 2.64501312 +O 1.96451036 1.91351988 7.74622310 0.18301112 0.83945438 0.60448846 +O 5.78839955 7.82390042 5.68720982 0.20578930 -0.03061335 1.42245434 +O 5.83899005 7.93463651 2.00705982 0.65758329 -0.34851355 0.80764521 +O 1.95310007 7.79998564 6.23397999 1.26975781 0.01489080 -1.11181186 +O 1.75747023 0.01222537 1.51046981 1.62852157 -0.96707160 1.58080447 +O 7.74161174 5.97378962 5.97751990 0.61780935 -0.49333093 0.51665624 +O 7.93366160 1.74930991 6.06826948 -0.01400428 1.41715812 -1.56473867 +O 7.88851821 6.10490982 1.86703022 -2.02455862 -0.60966949 -0.16121023 +O 0.06467107 1.64772019 1.94964970 -0.26786113 0.87693207 0.61273836 +40 +Lattice="7.936950086198342 0.0 0.0 -0.021755180186269655 7.936918338397997 0.0 -0.021755180186269655 0.021699621535666267 7.936886590597653" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.859458288363 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04700402 0.08223236 0.03993000 -0.36086513 -0.28945737 -0.04183185 +Ba 4.01397678 0.04053004 4.06413037 -0.15953181 0.21573381 -0.46406278 +Ba 3.95123996 4.06400021 7.91843001 0.05592972 -0.32650490 0.33204949 +Ba 4.04299031 4.03310007 3.98798010 -0.39450776 -0.41843110 0.08782271 +Ba 0.08622703 0.01072282 0.03143032 -0.10758935 0.13514207 0.14525524 +Ba 0.02588398 0.02886034 4.01751984 0.10740912 0.03889513 -0.25678379 +Ba 7.91574891 4.04127275 0.06722994 0.47679617 -0.32338667 -0.27885028 +Ba -0.01301819 3.97268004 3.99210969 0.30383317 0.17960878 0.08196728 +O 2.03921995 3.95402979 2.03337042 -0.20564737 0.20115977 -0.05395460 +O 1.94602984 4.01676027 5.98853043 0.05815167 -0.15660949 -0.22355382 +O 1.94255980 7.92361998 2.03770002 -0.04560854 -0.14975185 -0.22830136 +O 1.98154690 0.03091998 5.99523001 0.14691772 -0.13524903 -0.08952144 +O 5.90697986 3.95684027 1.94649970 -0.15595618 0.49681375 0.46719130 +O 5.98446989 4.05412981 6.02708020 -0.19316467 -0.13737636 -0.36269241 +O 6.00869664 0.03026994 2.00304968 -0.25105203 -0.27526668 -0.04524473 +O 6.01061658 0.07215005 5.97699011 -0.45058429 0.10633723 0.17944320 +O 2.00571967 1.97884992 3.95100978 -0.27502319 0.23338006 0.55620572 +O 2.00421721 2.02059272 0.00130007 -0.00112409 -0.07859554 -0.12001395 +O 1.96885968 5.97692026 3.98671019 -0.06653038 -0.07603832 0.37016789 +O 1.91890690 5.96159242 0.04730978 0.30313358 0.00775573 -0.25743890 +O 5.90457972 1.98337001 4.02574014 0.37407597 0.41867175 0.10981644 +O 5.93201697 2.02572237 0.02661974 0.08431084 -0.16898087 -0.09826293 +O 5.86809991 6.01116027 3.98155990 0.24548713 -0.22780334 -0.08846292 +O 5.93990709 6.00045253 0.01044979 -0.19839763 0.06048340 0.10978508 +O 7.89053877 2.02964005 1.99711999 0.27450460 -0.02815666 0.07393233 +O 0.01174034 2.04412022 5.98386986 -0.37869470 -0.02663380 -0.10140071 +O 7.84886978 5.89921038 2.01322009 0.11222120 0.17453240 0.20863371 +O 7.87194567 6.03572036 6.01376993 0.28508083 -0.14121656 -0.39263394 +O 3.93388026 1.90317983 2.02289999 0.22210166 0.38735932 -0.13613374 +O 3.95986028 2.08787980 5.96124002 -0.05589501 -0.21129583 0.13657854 +O 3.90698987 5.97680041 1.97629978 0.94131326 0.05938965 0.07325896 +O 3.91990011 5.99050991 6.00417019 -0.00866025 0.13278102 -0.05084511 +Ti 2.07315994 2.04233996 2.06800012 0.22169106 -0.27667255 -0.11058160 +Ti 2.04073988 2.12847968 6.02501024 -0.16744361 -0.02228118 0.19967033 +Ti 2.11632028 5.98775023 2.02238012 -1.21864428 0.51922323 0.00106649 +Ti 1.99985982 6.08166975 5.98505008 -0.09311456 -0.27700937 0.05578934 +Ti 6.03684027 1.97581007 1.91927993 -0.29348191 0.05713068 0.56261754 +Ti 6.01917976 1.99189033 5.94827978 0.14029482 -0.03911779 -0.33354124 +Ti 6.01842019 5.95393009 2.05390013 0.27443467 0.29504052 -0.24828680 +Ti 5.96479975 5.96644984 6.02838027 0.45382979 0.06639720 0.23114603 +40 +Lattice="7.95513656 1.2e-08 1.2e-08 1.2e-08 7.95513656 1.2e-08 1.2e-08 1.2e-08 7.95513656" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.188527458246 stress="-0.00010375181051753804 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00010375181051753804 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00010375181051753804" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98005549 -1.99751283 1.98005548 -0.03062004 0.03062030 0.03062287 +Ba 1.98005548 -1.98005549 -1.99751283 0.03062287 -0.03062004 0.03062030 +Ba -1.99751283 1.98005548 -1.98005549 0.03062030 0.03062287 -0.03062004 +Ba 1.99751285 1.99751285 1.99751285 -0.03062338 -0.03062338 -0.03062338 +Ba 1.99751283 1.98005552 -1.99751284 -0.03062055 0.03061978 0.03062312 +Ba -1.99751284 1.99751283 1.98005552 0.03062312 -0.03062055 0.03061978 +Ba 1.98005552 -1.99751284 1.99751283 0.03061978 0.03062312 -0.03062055 +Ba -1.98005547 -1.98005547 -1.98005547 -0.03062312 -0.03062312 -0.03062312 +Ti 0.00727198 3.97029649 -0.00727230 -0.00894641 0.00893947 0.00895567 +Ti -0.00727230 0.00727198 3.97029649 0.00895567 -0.00894641 0.00893947 +Ti 3.97029649 -0.00727230 0.00727198 0.00893947 0.00895567 -0.00894641 +Ti 3.98484038 3.98484038 3.98484038 -0.00894898 -0.00894898 -0.00894898 +Ti 3.98484049 -0.00727186 3.97029632 -0.00895849 0.00895078 0.00895001 +Ti 3.97029632 3.98484049 -0.00727186 0.00895001 -0.00895849 0.00895078 +Ti -0.00727186 3.97029632 3.98484049 0.00895078 0.00895001 -0.00895849 +Ti 0.00727168 0.00727168 0.00727168 -0.00894333 -0.00894333 -0.00894333 +O 0.00000000 0.02478549 1.98878414 -0.00000180 -0.12862201 0.00000129 +O 3.97756828 4.00235370 -1.98878413 0.00000051 -0.12861866 -0.00000206 +O 3.97756828 -0.02478546 1.98878415 0.00000154 0.12861969 -0.00000077 +O 0.00000000 3.95278272 -1.98878413 -0.00000026 0.12862201 0.00000154 +O 0.02478549 1.98878414 0.00000000 -0.12862201 0.00000129 -0.00000180 +O 4.00235370 -1.98878413 3.97756828 -0.12861866 -0.00000206 0.00000051 +O -0.02478546 1.98878415 3.97756828 0.12861969 -0.00000077 0.00000154 +O 3.95278272 -1.98878413 0.00000000 0.12862201 0.00000154 -0.00000026 +O 1.98878414 0.00000000 0.02478549 0.00000129 -0.00000180 -0.12862201 +O -1.98878413 3.97756828 4.00235370 -0.00000206 0.00000051 -0.12861866 +O 1.98878415 3.97756828 -0.02478546 -0.00000077 0.00000154 0.12861969 +O -1.98878413 0.00000000 3.95278272 0.00000154 -0.00000026 0.12862201 +O 0.00000001 3.96328588 1.98878415 -0.00000026 0.05502932 0.00000103 +O 3.97756828 -0.01428229 -1.98878413 0.00000154 0.05502701 -0.00000129 +O 3.97756829 3.99185065 1.98878415 0.00000026 -0.05502752 0.00000103 +O -0.00000000 0.01428237 -1.98878414 -0.00000129 -0.05502984 0.00000051 +O 3.96328588 1.98878415 0.00000001 0.05502932 0.00000103 -0.00000026 +O -0.01428229 -1.98878413 3.97756828 0.05502701 -0.00000129 0.00000154 +O 3.99185065 1.98878415 3.97756829 -0.05502752 0.00000103 0.00000026 +O 0.01428237 -1.98878414 -0.00000000 -0.05502984 0.00000051 -0.00000129 +O 1.98878415 0.00000001 3.96328588 0.00000103 -0.00000026 0.05502932 +O -1.98878413 3.97756828 -0.01428229 -0.00000129 0.00000154 0.05502701 +O 1.98878415 3.97756829 3.99185065 0.00000103 0.00000026 -0.05502752 +O -1.98878414 -0.00000000 0.01428237 0.00000051 -0.00000129 -0.05502984 +40 +Lattice="7.958419863895663 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958419863895663 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958419863895663" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.2086662059 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97280977 3.97678023 7.95723008 0.27899863 0.11333088 0.25084968 +Ba 3.93654962 7.88658398 3.94322992 0.25659044 0.43739813 0.47751865 +Ba 0.06482372 3.98711026 3.94393981 -0.44055390 0.01804220 0.42093150 +Ba 0.04053621 0.05360712 3.95513014 -0.29481837 -0.08843052 0.29495773 +Ba 7.92291735 4.01943974 0.03780090 -0.19329965 -0.27100327 -0.04763174 +Ba 4.01490981 7.92750379 0.03187984 0.15051392 0.23403518 -0.25002461 +Ba 3.99962965 3.94156024 4.02562980 0.06536078 0.30345137 -0.30554964 +Ba 0.03577071 0.09000495 7.93915571 -0.36926466 -0.30660045 0.20376095 +Ti 5.92269028 1.99478033 2.02505018 0.06149102 0.25670717 -0.61701668 +Ti 1.98567032 6.01560006 1.92125965 0.21235384 -0.60611623 0.16726877 +Ti 2.01488011 1.95551030 5.99223016 0.19309756 -0.42866049 -0.11676048 +Ti 6.03014009 6.06801978 5.97905022 -0.12567244 -0.16858235 -0.09346731 +Ti 2.01651000 5.86550983 5.92883020 0.37660928 0.51902191 -0.04352132 +Ti 5.97141014 2.06386976 5.96534025 -0.15875714 -0.04448471 0.13246606 +Ti 5.98995007 5.98614993 2.01999976 -0.43461928 -0.14907899 -0.24940189 +Ti 1.99052973 2.03361025 1.96533974 0.24557969 0.91606786 -0.30450809 +O 2.09844034 1.99645000 4.06374029 -0.42030543 -0.12977875 -0.21524042 +O 5.86492011 1.84189988 3.99836028 0.21407468 0.72279083 0.82495825 +O 1.95917993 5.99119955 4.02783986 0.20894224 0.01207107 0.32404487 +O 5.95703962 6.13465006 4.03772023 -0.06153370 -0.71788028 -0.17480648 +O 2.03446976 3.92718972 2.08173004 -0.04426977 0.45059637 0.00663216 +O 1.97175980 4.01901954 5.96852999 0.22433698 0.01750870 0.01962497 +O 5.97879953 3.95554000 2.17711966 -0.13961836 0.66334770 -0.25179816 +O 5.95574956 4.00066026 5.97500973 -0.09371028 -0.70685411 -0.26670284 +O 3.95262006 1.98162028 1.84909031 -0.30142148 0.08592627 1.00324677 +O 4.02421957 5.90258015 1.92521021 -0.41603792 0.29253832 0.66793609 +O 4.02824972 1.96742962 6.12446010 -0.39164046 0.34728482 -0.49485200 +O 3.92529960 6.02591019 6.06467964 -0.27097319 -0.38103903 -0.38105909 +O 6.01066982 5.92321952 0.05345273 -0.05976992 0.34179397 0.43198878 +O 1.92823998 5.84091991 0.07693962 -0.00997948 0.69398085 -0.22358879 +O 5.91093968 2.07350979 0.10854966 0.76515233 -0.35983283 -0.62972898 +O 1.87048015 2.14178985 0.03799986 0.41946777 -0.68370338 0.02414034 +O 6.05271972 7.95613261 6.05425013 -0.27808743 0.16951155 0.18207601 +O 5.89283029 0.02894000 2.04070996 0.71279387 -0.55621472 -0.38695103 +O 2.09676031 0.08707466 6.05621984 -0.97656103 -0.34160911 0.04900291 +O 2.06266963 7.93034972 1.94771025 -0.51992874 0.03451346 0.16228932 +O 7.87832076 5.91489979 6.00721029 1.20074477 0.50339012 -0.07799467 +O 7.94175493 2.01228010 6.01144974 0.12569686 -0.01349109 -0.29750183 +O 0.02161029 5.98347988 2.09506995 -0.03261933 0.10475986 -0.35988939 +O 7.94891990 2.13552021 2.04582006 0.32163832 -1.28470826 0.14430085 +40 +Lattice="7.951896699 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951896699 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951896699" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.81783317052 stress="-0.0025120792351857 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0025120792351857 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0025120792351857" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97594835 3.97594835 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97594835 0.00000000 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97594835 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97594835 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97594835 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.95401914 1.99787756 1.99787756 -0.32893768 0.32893768 0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 5.95401914 1.99787756 0.32893768 -0.32893768 0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 1.99787756 5.95401914 0.32893768 0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 5.95401914 5.95401914 5.95401914 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 5.95401914 5.95401914 0.32893768 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 5.95401914 1.99787756 5.95401914 -0.32893768 0.32893768 -0.32893768 +Ti 5.95401914 5.95401914 1.99787756 -0.32893768 -0.32893768 0.32893768 +Ti 1.99787756 1.99787756 1.99787756 0.32893768 0.32893768 0.32893768 +O 5.92591019 5.91308471 3.97594835 0.38738837 0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 2.02598651 5.91308471 3.97594835 -0.38738837 0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 5.92591019 2.03881199 3.97594835 0.38738837 -0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 2.02598651 2.03881199 3.97594835 -0.38738837 -0.42192908 0.00000000 +O 5.91308471 3.97594835 5.92591019 0.42192908 0.00000000 0.38738837 +O 5.91308471 3.97594835 2.02598651 0.42192908 0.00000000 -0.38738837 +O 2.03881199 3.97594835 5.92591019 -0.42192908 0.00000000 0.38738837 +O 2.03881199 3.97594835 2.02598651 -0.42192908 0.00000000 -0.38738837 +O 3.97594835 5.92591019 5.91308471 0.00000000 0.38738837 0.42192908 +O 3.97594835 2.02598651 5.91308471 0.00000000 -0.38738837 0.42192908 +O 3.97594835 5.92591019 2.03881199 0.00000000 0.38738837 -0.42192908 +O 3.97594835 2.02598651 2.03881199 0.00000000 -0.38738837 -0.42192908 +O 5.91224639 5.92402602 0.00000000 0.41926516 0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 2.03965031 5.92402602 0.00000000 -0.41926516 0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 5.91224639 2.02787067 0.00000000 0.41926516 -0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 2.03965031 2.02787067 0.00000000 -0.41926516 -0.38853277 0.00000000 +O 5.92402602 0.00000000 5.91224639 0.38853277 0.00000000 0.41926516 +O 5.92402602 0.00000000 2.03965031 0.38853277 0.00000000 -0.41926516 +O 2.02787067 0.00000000 5.91224639 -0.38853277 0.00000000 0.41926516 +O 2.02787067 0.00000000 2.03965031 -0.38853277 0.00000000 -0.41926516 +O 0.00000000 5.91224639 5.92402602 0.00000000 0.41926516 0.38853277 +O 0.00000000 2.03965031 5.92402602 0.00000000 -0.41926516 0.38853277 +O 0.00000000 5.91224639 2.02787067 0.00000000 0.41926516 -0.38853277 +O 0.00000000 2.03965031 2.02787067 0.00000000 -0.41926516 -0.38853277 +40 +Lattice="7.972990229150469 0.0 0.0 -0.021853966218101435 7.972958337189552 0.0 -0.021853966218101435 0.02179815528649738 7.9729264452286355" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.638305531866 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.06221540 7.94583422 0.05367975 -0.51206271 0.48465526 -0.48251225 +Ba 3.99512588 0.10102975 3.90830001 0.44971988 -0.22668362 0.83216196 +Ba 3.93551980 4.09790011 7.95420028 -0.11520625 -0.86758122 0.12249558 +Ba 4.12695050 4.17468001 4.04378982 -1.20906203 -1.44239813 -0.33970521 +Ba 0.08012935 0.03034440 0.03910991 -0.39005589 0.20840000 0.11748630 +Ba 0.07250398 7.98263994 4.10865010 -1.24721566 0.55014743 -0.61393393 +Ba 0.03208012 4.00624421 0.12709983 0.09048946 -0.29223004 -0.55899305 +Ba 0.04764420 3.97159041 4.05757990 -0.40381901 0.14814748 -0.20116260 +O 2.12296970 4.01894997 2.03877971 -0.56550977 -0.43117194 0.16580196 +O 1.95668980 4.07632042 5.96350010 -0.10087852 0.47630663 -0.23499574 +O 2.09613581 0.06020963 1.95976977 0.14735404 -0.43842837 0.10804110 +O 2.03765552 0.13131037 5.93147020 -0.12493325 -1.38459099 0.35866529 +O 6.12824041 4.06109041 2.00958980 -0.22898425 -0.59744724 0.21754310 +O 5.95146008 4.06714988 5.90866027 0.42299429 0.14247383 0.25543190 +O 6.00358590 0.07605993 1.94840028 0.08166415 -0.28726164 -0.09694062 +O 5.95141543 0.04836017 6.06817988 -0.08167958 -0.37563869 -0.31407645 +O 2.01882969 1.94294995 3.95541002 -0.29325694 0.81248634 -0.16133364 +O 2.05883019 2.08875043 7.80844047 -0.07997751 -0.01355126 1.20152793 +O 1.88298987 6.11696023 3.99619984 0.68324007 -0.49874748 0.50913062 +O 2.10680526 5.99225469 0.02710976 -0.26843577 0.19762887 -0.89665166 +O 5.94496050 2.05070970 3.84951994 0.47993060 0.10808943 1.06038131 +O 5.93079011 2.11658015 7.89877046 -0.16499515 0.18738303 0.74608786 +O 6.05716997 6.17709013 4.00137032 -0.11835251 -0.85067314 0.33676566 +O 5.98566581 5.97379402 0.09191981 -0.06820571 -0.02926995 -0.82772527 +O 0.08675490 1.96284973 1.95146989 0.38604368 0.53689519 0.12239145 +O 7.86967303 2.03726006 6.08621000 0.68170872 0.20351233 -0.99916308 +O 0.18462495 6.00194984 1.91215029 -1.21724225 0.03565734 0.37367899 +O -0.01450048 6.06682048 6.07110038 0.37311386 -0.30115383 -0.00201060 +O 4.06098038 2.04463029 1.92862009 -0.52902042 0.08453247 0.06839057 +O 3.98096026 2.08933006 5.82019038 0.05431944 0.02833047 0.45525444 +O 4.06919974 5.87150056 2.09335004 -0.66070332 0.78293562 -0.34297642 +O 4.00718024 5.95811992 5.95682032 -0.06047055 0.53328819 0.06206412 +Ti 2.00217013 2.11883013 2.14320994 0.09006472 -0.33959850 -1.09933661 +Ti 2.04955042 1.93695984 6.01304027 0.35106408 0.81533975 0.60677572 +Ti 1.94313014 6.10203000 2.14768996 0.27143033 -0.10380546 -0.80176227 +Ti 1.83124995 5.92035984 6.11923014 0.92277869 0.23187031 -0.10632052 +Ti 5.94367047 1.92633982 2.05391005 0.31812285 -0.02415963 -0.19345469 +Ti 5.95727000 2.13734022 6.10179002 0.35956929 -1.24291241 -0.52758163 +Ti 5.85935052 5.84267023 1.90336007 1.67805413 1.70881584 0.72295076 +Ti 5.85987036 6.04151979 5.87860051 0.59840395 1.47040798 0.35760985 +40 +Lattice="7.939680111416239 0.0 0.0 -0.02176266318539191 7.9396483526957935 0.0 -0.02176266318539191 0.021707085424611996 7.939616593975347" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.80318024848 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97979880 0.02517514 0.04926016 0.47459325 0.07674177 -0.03466078 +Ba 4.01782431 0.06344995 3.96276024 -0.02011605 -0.00578215 0.22234180 +Ba 3.96444425 4.02124551 0.06232014 0.32847874 -0.06885723 -0.37534224 +Ba 3.99244988 4.04609036 3.97508024 0.05276855 -0.28794427 0.32374688 +Ba 0.04946024 0.02362531 0.08778984 -0.11417549 -0.11221631 -0.22876390 +Ba 0.01973407 0.06521018 4.01224986 0.25099675 -0.05797375 -0.21227722 +Ba -0.03248917 3.98009018 7.92226045 0.30794874 0.51428414 0.46483154 +Ba 0.05750472 4.00033002 4.07720041 -0.06441925 0.14150683 -0.69287554 +O 2.00162035 3.99604973 1.93172973 0.11227982 -0.42295650 0.26473647 +O 2.04134019 3.96533032 5.96499989 -0.17840011 0.21128477 -0.16533993 +O 2.07641452 0.00574039 1.97325981 -0.22350908 -0.02889457 -0.09080802 +O 2.07775394 0.02260983 5.94679976 -0.20426540 0.04003928 0.02936534 +O 6.03253004 3.95150019 2.00243020 -0.10951408 0.09025498 -0.08237172 +O 6.01148989 3.94041004 5.91523000 0.05790304 0.36320637 0.22358750 +O 6.00567011 7.89063036 1.97137970 -0.10380726 0.38779795 0.12617972 +O 5.99091024 7.91845020 5.91247970 -0.01180085 0.38695180 0.16931409 +O 2.13183031 2.01119005 3.91960967 -0.52500821 0.16856358 0.34472914 +O 2.00611977 2.02420001 7.91401033 0.09555094 -0.04020871 0.27935113 +O 2.05433983 5.97590980 3.94254026 -0.25245585 -0.05816864 0.16452232 +O 1.96791006 5.94108001 7.91179992 0.12369140 0.38497642 -0.46908543 +O 5.97508011 2.01080021 3.97990995 0.36551445 -0.14597053 -0.04829509 +O 6.06357419 1.93426487 0.02748003 -0.11740068 0.31265797 -0.50167262 +O 6.01755978 6.00577015 3.89822017 -0.18318519 -0.45259566 0.84281019 +O 6.02486031 5.98309045 7.87596021 -0.28133448 -0.25156727 0.02595734 +O 0.09221224 2.00794034 2.03858036 0.02748998 -0.06097063 -0.11547184 +O 0.08292123 1.97619035 5.92038047 -0.21685404 0.14532209 0.13572674 +O 0.03048202 5.93879021 1.94528991 0.01289125 0.02595683 0.28849320 +O 0.03732047 6.01723981 5.90033993 0.43424261 -0.18839861 0.06709062 +O 4.07517023 2.01791972 2.05811038 -0.19788727 0.03428617 -0.71491297 +O 4.03584023 2.04598967 6.00024016 0.34243752 -0.23485459 0.01001856 +O 3.96017032 5.92360001 1.92770987 0.36116697 0.09317884 0.23751105 +O 4.02744005 6.01768046 5.93760005 -0.17552279 -0.33986410 0.04233167 +Ti 1.98740991 2.07191987 1.99448972 -0.17914316 -0.30201283 0.71430517 +Ti 1.95962976 2.12973027 5.99562006 0.94680720 -0.39939825 -0.16763901 +Ti 2.06616042 5.98827983 2.05534023 -0.16072429 0.42762613 -0.22524586 +Ti 1.94851977 6.13695034 6.01175031 -0.01684253 -0.72226324 0.26048258 +Ti 5.96019003 2.04801984 2.09943006 -0.01883436 -0.13692281 -0.17836411 +Ti 5.95877994 2.07248041 6.05965040 -0.99269985 -0.53970978 -0.17320854 +Ti 6.07866991 5.97039014 2.10065992 -0.09404581 0.48833862 -1.06445291 +Ti 5.91559047 6.03550028 6.03006001 0.14718537 0.56455589 0.30335443 +40 +Lattice="7.924059858580059 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924059858580059 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.924059858580059" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.936324199793 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03797967 4.00380003 7.85373858 -0.58973933 -0.57708051 0.82271445 +Ba 3.91099978 7.85170765 3.97866015 0.39543181 0.83838815 -0.21006916 +Ba 7.91738542 3.97314976 4.00589990 -0.04590268 0.12413672 -0.39059402 +Ba 0.01069352 7.91553674 4.02151030 0.08195700 0.01558988 -0.32594286 +Ba 0.03532625 3.97501984 0.01272762 0.07157154 -0.17368959 0.34788054 +Ba 3.97603967 0.06886404 7.88594989 -0.36391446 -0.05376280 0.44213847 +Ba 3.95105986 3.92483994 3.93208966 0.20671155 0.22849420 0.28394055 +Ba 7.91453276 0.04463702 0.01826100 0.44716986 -0.10192110 0.16338872 +Ti 5.90895004 1.99426003 2.01028961 0.88328141 0.67097076 0.07121030 +Ti 2.01825963 5.94555999 1.98711966 -0.15980589 0.32520264 -0.22391815 +Ti 1.96807973 1.99861034 5.91022027 0.35617801 0.53097728 0.91716778 +Ti 5.89231982 5.86761973 6.03497984 0.54441695 0.52295313 -1.43596292 +Ti 2.00200976 5.96942013 5.96127023 -0.62103171 -0.35210024 0.10781535 +Ti 5.96738998 1.91428963 5.93792991 -0.07038832 0.27858340 -0.04500973 +Ti 5.96453019 6.05446985 2.02551965 -0.25612815 -0.81634762 0.90881349 +Ti 1.97528032 2.01120959 2.00437985 -0.80050783 -0.61812611 -0.67273480 +O 1.91676035 2.00037027 3.93839959 0.27315194 -0.00618067 0.69661161 +O 5.92953992 1.99203020 3.89976029 0.00761535 -0.03402289 1.51412419 +O 2.09153975 5.84851958 4.00349020 -0.52174779 0.45839710 -0.45556246 +O 5.98600994 6.06474974 4.02204993 0.28028727 -0.43566006 -0.36413840 +O 2.04734965 3.97109030 2.01444023 -0.08934455 0.30075222 -0.31202239 +O 2.00182989 3.92887962 6.01440977 0.36473232 -0.09989404 -0.36967347 +O 5.89039982 3.99439020 2.16465030 0.18940391 0.28304143 -1.03848168 +O 5.95896988 4.02929965 5.97263967 -0.29754606 -0.32644885 -0.10912533 +O 3.92206018 1.95745990 1.96547985 0.52308400 -0.05723558 -0.18911518 +O 3.99257956 6.12962956 1.99834964 0.48270174 -0.67062855 -0.07114602 +O 3.92721003 1.93151970 5.92089952 0.38864050 0.53566338 0.11076004 +O 4.03673004 6.05053952 5.84089980 0.16760019 -0.76504666 0.92886347 +O 5.96200004 5.96892963 0.01687983 -0.10284978 0.20090574 0.21868955 +O 2.20760029 5.93315012 0.00353968 -0.64018746 0.08417946 0.10269475 +O 6.06776960 2.02767024 0.03831521 -1.00026429 -0.02601339 -0.28624323 +O 1.88025975 1.98280026 7.89436999 0.61007341 -0.08207270 0.08449005 +O 5.95211953 0.10624896 5.97739966 0.20558721 -0.71661916 0.11921383 +O 6.04633977 0.02991016 2.12351016 -0.43403050 -0.42469405 -0.96847748 +O 2.03559985 7.89401341 5.93817001 -0.53067338 0.07858860 0.02718170 +O 1.87209005 0.04651978 1.98790969 0.70652115 -0.71094628 0.13975694 +O 0.10703899 5.82153023 5.99559013 -0.27406623 0.95412096 -0.01465863 +O 7.88742535 2.00992986 5.98729998 0.16113515 -0.10463644 -0.73079905 +O 0.08209009 5.93455981 1.93501025 -0.43478357 -0.00479048 0.20875275 +O 7.92236966 1.94012999 2.01078011 -0.11434056 0.72697299 -0.00253357 +40 +Lattice="7.984075882 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.984075882 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.984075882" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.309613082343 stress="-6.243471783356271e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -6.243471783356271e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -6.243471783356271e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00122660 3.99081135 0.00122660 0.01030292 0.01030292 -0.01030292 +Ba 3.99326454 3.99326454 3.99326454 -0.01030292 -0.01030292 -0.01030292 +Ba 0.00122660 -0.00122660 3.99081135 -0.01030292 0.01030292 0.01030292 +Ba 3.99081135 0.00122660 -0.00122660 0.01030292 -0.01030292 0.01030292 +Ba 3.99228026 3.99179562 -0.00024232 -0.00630229 0.00630229 0.00630229 +Ba -0.00024232 3.99228026 3.99179562 0.00630229 -0.00630229 0.00630229 +Ba 3.99179562 -0.00024232 3.99228026 0.00630229 0.00630229 -0.00630229 +Ba 0.00024232 0.00024232 0.00024232 -0.00630229 -0.00630229 -0.00630229 +Ti 5.92872440 1.93668646 2.05535149 -0.01167487 -0.01167487 0.01167487 +Ti 6.04738943 6.04738943 6.04738943 0.01167487 0.01167487 0.01167487 +Ti 2.05535149 5.92872440 1.93668646 0.01167487 -0.01167487 -0.01167487 +Ti 1.93668646 2.05535149 5.92872440 -0.01167487 0.01167487 -0.01167487 +Ti 5.92876033 2.05531556 6.04735350 0.01178439 -0.01178439 -0.01178439 +Ti 6.04735350 5.92876033 2.05531556 -0.01178439 0.01178439 -0.01178439 +Ti 2.05531556 6.04735350 5.92876033 -0.01178439 -0.01178439 0.01178439 +Ti 1.93672238 1.93672238 1.93672238 0.01178439 0.01178439 0.01178439 +O 2.02013735 1.99870531 4.03417834 -0.00070037 -0.01820932 -0.02383824 +O 5.96393853 5.99074325 -0.04214039 0.00070037 -0.01820932 0.02383824 +O 6.01217529 1.99333263 3.94989755 -0.00070037 0.01820932 0.02383824 +O 1.97190059 5.98537057 0.04214039 0.00070037 0.01820932 -0.02383824 +O 1.99870531 4.03417834 2.02013735 -0.01820932 -0.02383824 -0.00070037 +O 5.99074325 -0.04214039 5.96393853 -0.01820932 0.02383824 0.00070037 +O 1.99333263 3.94989755 6.01217529 0.01820932 0.02383824 -0.00070037 +O 5.98537057 0.04214039 1.97190059 0.01820932 -0.02383824 0.00070037 +O 4.03417834 2.02013735 1.99870531 -0.02383824 -0.00070037 -0.01820932 +O -0.04214039 5.96393853 5.99074325 0.02383824 0.00070037 -0.01820932 +O 3.94989755 6.01217529 1.99333263 0.02383824 -0.00070037 0.01820932 +O 0.04214039 1.97190059 5.98537057 -0.02383824 0.00070037 0.01820932 +O 1.97279572 5.98713313 4.03328799 -0.00195867 0.00502394 0.01012783 +O 6.01128017 1.99509519 -0.04125005 0.00195867 0.00502394 -0.01012783 +O 5.96483366 5.98898070 3.95078789 -0.00195867 -0.00502394 -0.01012783 +O 2.01924223 1.99694276 0.04125005 0.00195867 -0.00502394 0.01012783 +O 5.98713313 4.03328799 1.97279572 0.00502394 0.01012783 -0.00195867 +O 1.99509519 -0.04125005 6.01128017 0.00502394 -0.01012783 0.00195867 +O 5.98898070 3.95078789 5.96483366 -0.00502394 -0.01012783 -0.00195867 +O 1.99694276 0.04125005 2.01924223 -0.00502394 0.01012783 0.00195867 +O 4.03328799 1.97279572 5.98713313 0.01012783 -0.00195867 0.00502394 +O -0.04125005 6.01128017 1.99509519 -0.01012783 0.00195867 0.00502394 +O 3.95078789 5.96483366 5.98898070 -0.01012783 -0.00195867 -0.00502394 +O 0.04125005 2.01924223 1.99694276 0.01012783 0.00195867 -0.00502394 +40 +Lattice="8.033103983 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.033103983 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.033103983" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.02988633607 stress="0.01068368201046082 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.01068368201046082 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.01068368201046082" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.10814445 3.90840755 0.10814445 0.46519818 0.46519818 -0.46519818 +Ba 4.12469644 4.12469644 4.12469644 -0.46519818 -0.46519818 -0.46519818 +Ba 0.10814445 -0.10814445 3.90840755 -0.46519818 0.46519818 0.46519818 +Ba 3.90840755 0.10814445 -0.10814445 0.46519818 -0.46519818 0.46519818 +Ba 4.11473882 3.91836516 -0.09818683 -0.27693841 0.27693841 0.27693841 +Ba -0.09818683 4.11473882 3.91836516 0.27693841 -0.27693841 0.27693841 +Ba 3.91836516 -0.09818683 4.11473882 0.27693841 0.27693841 -0.27693841 +Ba 0.09818683 0.09818683 0.09818683 -0.27693841 -0.27693841 -0.27693841 +Ti 5.95566910 1.93911711 2.07743488 0.14358737 0.14358737 -0.14358737 +Ti 6.09398687 6.09398687 6.09398687 -0.14358737 -0.14358737 -0.14358737 +Ti 2.07743488 5.95566910 1.93911711 -0.14358737 0.14358737 0.14358737 +Ti 1.93911711 2.07743488 5.95566910 0.14358737 -0.14358737 0.14358737 +Ti 6.07692560 1.95617838 5.97273037 -0.99604048 0.99604048 0.99604048 +Ti 5.97273037 6.07692560 1.95617838 0.99604048 -0.99604048 0.99604048 +Ti 1.95617838 5.97273037 6.07692560 0.99604048 0.99604048 -0.99604048 +Ti 2.06037361 2.06037361 2.06037361 -0.99604048 -0.99604048 -0.99604048 +O 1.93643082 1.91881502 4.08376092 0.67404400 0.64242921 -0.07604475 +O 6.09667316 5.93536701 -0.06720893 -0.67404400 0.64242921 0.07604475 +O 5.95298281 2.09773698 3.94934306 0.67404400 -0.64242921 0.07604475 +O 2.08012117 6.11428897 0.06720893 -0.67404400 -0.64242921 -0.07604475 +O 1.91881502 4.08376092 1.93643082 0.64242921 -0.07604475 0.67404400 +O 5.93536701 -0.06720893 6.09667316 0.64242921 0.07604475 -0.67404400 +O 2.09773698 3.94934306 5.95298281 -0.64242921 0.07604475 0.67404400 +O 6.11428897 0.06720893 2.08012117 -0.64242921 -0.07604475 -0.67404400 +O 4.08376092 1.93643082 1.91881502 -0.07604475 0.67404400 0.64242921 +O -0.06720893 6.09667316 5.93536701 0.07604475 -0.67404400 0.64242921 +O 3.94934306 5.95298281 2.09773698 0.07604475 0.67404400 -0.64242921 +O 0.06720893 2.08012117 6.11428897 -0.07604475 -0.67404400 -0.64242921 +O 1.93667830 5.96551886 4.11780851 0.16790409 0.11332189 -0.45537065 +O 6.09642569 1.94896687 -0.10125652 -0.16790409 0.11332189 0.45537065 +O 5.95323029 6.08413711 3.91529547 0.16790409 -0.11332189 0.45537065 +O 2.07987369 2.06758512 0.10125652 -0.16790409 -0.11332189 -0.45537065 +O 5.96551886 4.11780851 1.93667830 0.11332189 -0.45537065 0.16790409 +O 1.94896687 -0.10125652 6.09642569 0.11332189 0.45537065 -0.16790409 +O 6.08413711 3.91529547 5.95323029 -0.11332189 0.45537065 0.16790409 +O 2.06758512 0.10125652 2.07987369 -0.11332189 -0.45537065 -0.16790409 +O 4.11780851 1.93667830 5.96551886 -0.45537065 0.16790409 0.11332189 +O -0.10125652 6.09642569 1.94896687 0.45537065 -0.16790409 0.11332189 +O 3.91529547 5.95323029 6.08413711 0.45537065 0.16790409 -0.11332189 +O 0.10125652 2.07987369 2.06758512 -0.45537065 -0.16790409 -0.11332189 +40 +Lattice="7.7868701381371945 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.051008560092948 0.0 0.0 0.06860232591698869 8.050720445897836" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.417001594877 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86373984 0.11644563 7.98570008 0.18736194 -0.17547188 0.29955692 +Ba 3.90385001 0.08799397 4.06634018 0.12190963 0.03337626 -0.57636214 +Ba 3.89351995 4.14520483 7.99121318 0.01419892 -0.02378605 0.11774136 +Ba 3.86507996 4.07087993 3.96862976 0.09482331 0.27278556 0.17599278 +Ba 0.02727974 8.04659496 0.01988144 0.07346696 0.26775905 -0.26939968 +Ba 0.06540971 0.03536485 4.02548014 -0.27079038 0.42419731 -0.28862793 +Ba 7.76711641 4.09411984 0.01830537 0.34676803 -0.34550870 -0.16967147 +Ba 7.65754502 4.08498974 4.06587998 1.03627053 0.13391719 -0.54910870 +Ti 2.00460980 2.03949965 2.06013018 -0.33876315 -0.18343767 0.58208927 +Ti 1.95011027 2.16460039 6.13807047 0.22755754 0.25360976 -0.71042331 +Ti 1.93455989 6.00892990 1.89837976 0.69919659 0.00564460 0.46151379 +Ti 1.97281990 6.15153007 5.90883046 0.30638294 -0.02318544 0.04595847 +Ti 5.87531032 1.97153974 1.88753966 -0.04867047 0.30780733 0.48961235 +Ti 5.89503992 2.18720022 5.97813984 -0.48726056 -0.16528414 0.39734625 +Ti 5.84080047 6.01219026 1.86542027 -0.63744795 0.25182593 1.21730910 +Ti 5.87066000 6.21346995 5.93949983 -0.59713999 -0.34154843 -0.19223881 +O 1.93967042 2.09532995 3.96416010 0.03648910 0.20020383 -0.27738964 +O 2.00541029 2.15021025 7.97860001 -0.43638023 -0.15671311 0.77834003 +O 2.01101995 6.15151995 4.03846007 -0.49336436 -0.32011751 0.42094589 +O 1.97229974 6.08059480 0.07167970 -0.33269175 0.26084561 -0.95726233 +O 5.83218975 2.10145978 4.16884031 0.10558287 -0.09960505 -0.43860012 +O 5.81137000 1.98980540 0.06791007 0.27378469 0.32511805 -0.85929739 +O 5.81433991 6.14839975 4.08576998 0.15075663 -0.24098204 -0.18325281 +O 5.87982982 6.06409520 0.05597981 -0.21682833 0.25426925 -0.35399385 +O 2.00415037 4.15767005 1.91572968 -0.36463745 -0.37648432 0.49459489 +O 1.88578995 4.08975998 6.01803041 0.05400525 0.34326747 -0.04105383 +O 2.02092018 0.18345009 1.98140025 -0.40083241 -0.26267984 -0.07294940 +O 2.00909971 8.07866051 5.97502042 -0.46477240 -0.25641535 0.44021503 +O 5.87466012 4.18329975 2.03208966 -0.22233692 -0.37954111 -0.05574126 +O 5.87810036 4.06782981 6.10219013 -0.08862515 -0.64425597 -0.11221811 +O 5.90301990 0.16293013 2.04322022 -0.26193345 -0.80439045 0.03553702 +O 5.83253004 8.03397011 6.05637997 0.02180270 1.21937036 0.20420421 +O 7.77304689 2.14731042 2.06077026 0.28630802 0.04119319 -0.34664358 +O 0.04800761 2.00200042 6.11330978 -1.32254307 0.13489627 -0.25755923 +O 0.00700117 6.10632028 2.02536025 0.08321838 0.31098753 0.19039816 +O 7.72570038 6.07269035 6.07305010 1.44021192 0.20295183 -0.07160677 +O 3.92871971 2.17896016 1.98059976 -0.14256124 -0.14068485 0.31432096 +O 3.81273973 2.14223027 6.04172041 1.51201100 -0.30170816 -0.08290959 +O 3.87146987 6.13072979 2.00579029 0.72649399 0.21463646 0.05468762 +O 3.90582009 6.08859036 6.06142041 -0.67102167 -0.21686304 0.14594533 +40 +Lattice="7.948119958712269 0.0 0.0 -0.021785796806830328 7.948088166232434 0.0 -0.021785796806830328 0.021730159967119342 7.948056373752599" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.617769089833 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04426493 0.01975187 0.04910984 -0.04930065 0.01165712 -0.07319674 +Ba 3.92402736 0.03830994 4.00877975 0.65399069 0.17099790 -0.19285845 +Ba 4.09170726 4.01335231 0.05837020 -0.62024753 0.16056102 -0.21015349 +Ba 3.96214972 3.97125032 4.02292979 0.15830385 0.24822921 -0.14492332 +Ba -0.00524894 7.94785211 0.02374024 0.26616934 0.19236891 0.09385272 +Ba 7.88553408 0.10213970 3.99331033 0.73327759 -0.03103193 -0.09985213 +Ba 0.06570552 3.97698250 0.02704030 0.11003499 0.33177078 0.07983070 +Ba 0.03863343 4.07743959 4.05619029 0.16517872 -0.52675425 -0.39558428 +O 1.96175020 3.94890974 2.04096991 0.30127775 0.18782808 -0.36597545 +O 2.01442001 4.01006973 5.95080033 0.12006409 -0.46324568 0.48438452 +O 1.99433034 7.92683012 2.02050986 0.27721917 0.49093749 0.02408378 +O 2.08418781 0.03485966 6.01791028 -0.37125753 0.31617293 -0.19205626 +O 6.06334969 3.95848007 2.06918017 -0.30398873 0.99969170 -0.41354755 +O 5.95206011 4.05712022 5.95543011 0.18425734 -0.09722524 0.06489619 +O 5.92344767 0.03328037 1.99885997 0.36508071 -0.17865953 -0.02296201 +O 6.00950753 0.07933019 5.95916970 -0.16264387 -0.34589231 0.19452864 +O 2.12107026 2.02059967 3.97430001 -0.48912152 -0.33760359 0.49482372 +O 2.01082984 2.03637987 7.93457000 0.25913043 -0.20203189 0.25815367 +O 2.01591028 5.94604020 4.04256959 -0.03279288 0.52245073 -0.10444464 +O 2.03368784 6.03345204 0.07039014 0.03916073 -0.37775470 -0.04371287 +O 5.99405003 2.06978025 3.93831967 0.03019915 -0.39656849 0.55735372 +O 6.03147772 2.05420194 0.00546036 -0.03735633 -0.15127008 -0.09957523 +O 6.04659982 6.01114961 3.99283026 -0.37795731 0.04801252 -0.05397697 +O 6.03432713 5.91845228 0.00832009 -0.25194188 0.46528405 -0.20787806 +O 0.08590725 2.01397968 1.98276026 -0.43451052 -0.44032610 -0.02989499 +O 0.03777741 2.07147002 6.01198019 0.23793503 -0.26695019 -0.34326053 +O 0.03080691 6.01817973 2.01024009 -0.35259466 -0.07117508 0.15538385 +O 0.03957369 6.04291984 5.92812991 -0.69507666 0.05678256 0.52838330 +O 4.02942022 2.07972971 1.96376028 -0.10578495 -0.40460396 -0.13657854 +O 4.04761029 2.04698981 6.00909979 -0.02685492 -0.10962747 0.02674410 +O 3.97978024 5.93015032 2.12642968 0.58755261 0.10028974 -0.55252004 +O 3.95942987 6.02388012 5.99774034 0.78224888 0.07264189 0.00328818 +Ti 2.07043994 2.01858005 1.95011018 -0.75661241 0.97054773 0.62221031 +Ti 1.98175005 2.09445996 5.97890012 -0.07770414 0.37717029 -0.23083390 +Ti 1.99263024 6.03507027 1.97863995 -0.04175857 -0.59445628 0.06049831 +Ti 2.07910022 6.10703017 5.94296985 -0.63162517 -0.62502207 -0.04905356 +Ti 6.01158994 2.00821968 1.99428980 0.31677276 -0.03612914 0.74360546 +Ti 5.94515001 2.06091015 6.00443981 -0.07586194 0.29277614 -0.31235047 +Ti 5.98227966 5.93285030 2.12834995 -0.00087855 0.23014176 -0.31566822 +Ti 6.02353994 6.04745980 6.03858970 0.30801662 -0.58998487 0.19883755 +40 +Lattice="7.961725216 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961725216 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961725216" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.68019775069 stress="0.0017481720993397561 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0017481720993397561 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0017481720993397561" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98086261 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086261 0.00000000 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98086261 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98086261 3.98086261 3.98086261 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.06651265 1.89521257 1.89521257 -0.60105064 0.60105064 0.60105064 +Ti 1.89521257 6.06651265 1.89521257 0.60105064 -0.60105064 0.60105064 +Ti 1.89521257 1.89521257 6.06651265 0.60105064 0.60105064 -0.60105064 +Ti 6.06651265 6.06651265 6.06651265 -0.60105064 -0.60105064 -0.60105064 +Ti 2.08565072 5.87607450 5.87607450 -0.60107250 0.60107250 0.60107250 +Ti 5.87607450 2.08565072 5.87607450 0.60107250 -0.60107250 0.60107250 +Ti 5.87607450 5.87607450 2.08565072 0.60107250 0.60107250 -0.60107250 +Ti 2.08565072 2.08565072 2.08565072 -0.60107250 -0.60107250 -0.60107250 +O 1.90768885 1.90768885 4.06801811 1.03339707 1.03339707 -0.75287223 +O 6.05403637 1.90768885 3.89370711 -1.03339707 1.03339707 0.75287223 +O 1.90768885 6.05403637 3.89370711 1.03339707 -1.03339707 0.75287223 +O 6.05403637 6.05403637 4.06801811 -1.03339707 -1.03339707 -0.75287223 +O 1.90768885 4.06801811 1.90768885 1.03339707 -0.75287223 1.03339707 +O 1.90768885 3.89370711 6.05403637 1.03339707 0.75287223 -1.03339707 +O 6.05403637 3.89370711 1.90768885 -1.03339707 0.75287223 1.03339707 +O 6.05403637 4.06801811 6.05403637 -1.03339707 -0.75287223 -1.03339707 +O 4.06801811 1.90768885 1.90768885 -0.75287223 1.03339707 1.03339707 +O 3.89370711 6.05403637 1.90768885 0.75287223 -1.03339707 1.03339707 +O 3.89370711 1.90768885 6.05403637 0.75287223 1.03339707 -1.03339707 +O 4.06801811 6.05403637 6.05403637 -0.75287223 -1.03339707 -1.03339707 +O 5.88855144 5.88855144 0.08715574 1.03339321 1.03339321 -0.75287377 +O 2.07317378 5.88855144 -0.08715574 -1.03339321 1.03339321 0.75287377 +O 5.88855144 2.07317378 -0.08715574 1.03339321 -1.03339321 0.75287377 +O 2.07317378 2.07317378 0.08715574 -1.03339321 -1.03339321 -0.75287377 +O 5.88855144 0.08715574 5.88855144 1.03339321 -0.75287377 1.03339321 +O 5.88855144 -0.08715574 2.07317378 1.03339321 0.75287377 -1.03339321 +O 2.07317378 -0.08715574 5.88855144 -1.03339321 0.75287377 1.03339321 +O 2.07317378 0.08715574 2.07317378 -1.03339321 -0.75287377 -1.03339321 +O 0.08715574 5.88855144 5.88855144 -0.75287377 1.03339321 1.03339321 +O -0.08715574 2.07317378 5.88855144 0.75287377 -1.03339321 1.03339321 +O -0.08715574 5.88855144 2.07317378 0.75287377 1.03339321 -1.03339321 +O 0.08715574 2.07317378 2.07317378 -0.75287377 -1.03339321 -1.03339321 +40 +Lattice="7.980767546581641 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980767546581641 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980767546581641" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.295866163327 stress="0.00027728359979023443 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00027728359979023443 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00027728359979023443" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99038377 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99038377 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99038377 0.00000000 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99038377 3.99038377 3.99038377 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93285651 6.04791104 1.93285651 -0.00228597 0.00228597 -0.00228597 +Ti 6.04791104 1.93285651 1.93285651 0.00228597 -0.00228597 -0.00228597 +Ti 1.93285651 1.93285651 6.04791104 -0.00228597 -0.00228597 0.00228597 +Ti 6.04791104 6.04791104 6.04791104 0.00228597 0.00228597 0.00228597 +Ti 2.05752727 5.92324028 5.92324028 0.00228597 -0.00228597 -0.00228597 +Ti 5.92324028 2.05752727 5.92324028 -0.00228597 0.00228597 -0.00228597 +Ti 5.92324028 5.92324028 2.05752727 -0.00228597 -0.00228597 0.00228597 +Ti 2.05752727 2.05752727 2.05752727 0.00228597 0.00228597 0.00228597 +O 1.99501392 1.99450394 3.96014305 0.00639433 0.00939378 0.00635911 +O 1.99501392 5.98626360 4.02062450 0.00639433 -0.00939378 -0.00635911 +O 5.98575363 1.99450394 4.02062450 -0.00639433 0.00939378 -0.00635911 +O 5.98575363 5.98626360 3.96014305 -0.00639433 -0.00939378 0.00635911 +O 3.96014305 1.99501392 1.99450394 0.00635911 0.00639433 0.00939378 +O 4.02062450 1.99501392 5.98626360 -0.00635911 0.00639433 -0.00939378 +O 4.02062450 5.98575363 1.99450394 -0.00635911 -0.00639433 0.00939378 +O 3.96014305 5.98575363 5.98626360 0.00635911 -0.00639433 -0.00939378 +O 1.99450394 3.96014305 1.99501392 0.00939378 0.00635911 0.00639433 +O 5.98626360 4.02062450 1.99501392 -0.00939378 -0.00635911 0.00639433 +O 1.99450394 4.02062450 5.98575363 0.00939378 -0.00635911 -0.00639433 +O 5.98626360 3.96014305 5.98575363 -0.00939378 0.00635911 -0.00639433 +O 5.98488772 5.98539769 -0.03024072 0.00939378 0.00639433 0.00635911 +O 1.99587983 5.98539769 0.03024072 -0.00939378 0.00639433 -0.00635911 +O 5.98488772 1.99536986 0.03024072 0.00939378 -0.00639433 -0.00635911 +O 1.99587983 1.99536986 -0.03024072 -0.00939378 -0.00639433 0.00635911 +O 5.98539769 -0.03024072 5.98488772 0.00639433 0.00635911 0.00939378 +O 5.98539769 0.03024072 1.99587983 0.00639433 -0.00635911 -0.00939378 +O 1.99536986 0.03024072 5.98488772 -0.00639433 -0.00635911 0.00939378 +O 1.99536986 -0.03024072 1.99587983 -0.00639433 0.00635911 -0.00939378 +O -0.03024072 5.98488772 5.98539769 0.00635911 0.00939378 0.00639433 +O 0.03024072 1.99587983 5.98539769 -0.00635911 -0.00939378 0.00639433 +O 0.03024072 5.98488772 1.99536986 -0.00635911 0.00939378 -0.00639433 +O -0.03024072 1.99587983 1.99536986 0.00635911 -0.00939378 -0.00639433 +40 +Lattice="7.983684308 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983684308 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983684308" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.327426334505 stress="-1.0099733767193969e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.0099733767193969e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.0099733767193969e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba -0.00018224 3.99165991 0.00018224 0.00077776 0.00077776 -0.00077776 +Ba 3.99202439 3.99202439 3.99202439 -0.00077776 -0.00077776 -0.00077776 +Ba 0.00018224 -0.00018224 3.99165991 -0.00077776 0.00077776 0.00077776 +Ba 3.99165991 0.00018224 -0.00018224 0.00077776 -0.00077776 0.00077776 +Ba 3.99205586 3.99162845 -0.00021371 -0.00093331 0.00093331 0.00093331 +Ba -0.00021371 3.99205586 3.99162845 0.00093331 -0.00093331 0.00093331 +Ba 3.99162845 -0.00021371 3.99205586 0.00093331 0.00093331 -0.00093331 +Ba 0.00021371 0.00021371 0.00021371 -0.00093331 -0.00093331 -0.00093331 +Ti 5.92832194 1.93647979 2.05536236 0.00115057 0.00115057 -0.00115057 +Ti 6.04720452 6.04720452 6.04720452 -0.00115057 -0.00115057 -0.00115057 +Ti 2.05536236 5.92832194 1.93647979 -0.00115057 0.00115057 0.00115057 +Ti 1.93647979 2.05536236 5.92832194 0.00115057 -0.00115057 0.00115057 +Ti 5.92858491 2.05509940 6.04694155 -0.00051731 0.00051731 0.00051731 +Ti 6.04694155 5.92858491 2.05509940 0.00051731 -0.00051731 0.00051731 +Ti 2.05509940 6.04694155 5.92858491 0.00051731 0.00051731 -0.00051731 +Ti 1.93674275 1.93674275 1.93674275 -0.00051731 -0.00051731 -0.00051731 +O 2.01929798 1.99584498 4.03263598 -0.00168999 0.00113591 0.00135163 +O 5.96438632 5.98768714 -0.04079383 0.00168999 0.00113591 -0.00135163 +O 6.01114014 1.99599717 3.95104832 -0.00168999 -0.00113591 -0.00135163 +O 1.97254417 5.98783933 0.04079383 0.00168999 -0.00113591 0.00135163 +O 1.99584498 4.03263598 2.01929798 0.00113591 0.00135163 -0.00168999 +O 5.98768714 -0.04079383 5.96438632 0.00113591 -0.00135163 0.00168999 +O 1.99599717 3.95104832 6.01114014 -0.00113591 -0.00135163 -0.00168999 +O 5.98783933 0.04079383 1.97254417 -0.00113591 0.00135163 0.00168999 +O 4.03263598 2.01929798 1.99584498 0.00135163 -0.00168999 0.00113591 +O -0.04079383 5.96438632 5.98768714 -0.00135163 0.00168999 0.00113591 +O 3.95104832 6.01114014 1.99599717 -0.00135163 -0.00168999 -0.00113591 +O 0.04079383 1.97254417 5.98783933 0.00135163 0.00168999 -0.00113591 +O 1.97255765 5.98744078 4.03272202 0.00164602 0.00149767 0.00059470 +O 6.01112666 1.99559862 -0.04087987 -0.00164602 0.00149767 -0.00059470 +O 5.96439980 5.98808568 3.95096229 0.00164602 -0.00149767 -0.00059470 +O 2.01928450 1.99624353 0.04087987 -0.00164602 -0.00149767 0.00059470 +O 5.98744078 4.03272202 1.97255765 0.00149767 0.00059470 0.00164602 +O 1.99559862 -0.04087987 6.01112666 0.00149767 -0.00059470 -0.00164602 +O 5.98808568 3.95096229 5.96439980 -0.00149767 -0.00059470 0.00164602 +O 1.99624353 0.04087987 2.01928450 -0.00149767 0.00059470 -0.00164602 +O 4.03272202 1.97255765 5.98744078 0.00059470 0.00164602 0.00149767 +O -0.04087987 6.01112666 1.99559862 -0.00059470 -0.00164602 0.00149767 +O 3.95096229 5.96439980 5.98808568 -0.00059470 0.00164602 -0.00149767 +O 0.04087987 2.01928450 1.99624353 0.00059470 -0.00164602 -0.00149767 +40 +Lattice="7.922909956506307 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.922909956506307 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.922909956506307" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.376286425715 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99716987 3.92328002 0.05548018 -0.10717926 0.43085827 -0.31229365 +Ba 3.96206980 7.87139995 4.04338024 0.25048793 0.78389053 -0.35360279 +Ba 0.05224050 4.03775973 3.93568968 -0.36610426 -0.48214561 0.00886208 +Ba 0.07760966 0.02299070 3.94042995 -0.53094334 0.26347303 0.26515144 +Ba 7.91799934 3.96521995 7.86831635 -0.04561651 0.16176944 0.61029273 +Ba 3.90931985 7.89355241 0.11283571 0.64380577 0.39473633 -0.89496399 +Ba 3.97247020 3.97731981 3.94821025 0.10146010 -0.12140363 0.15716588 +Ba 7.86822128 7.88493228 7.87835310 0.31974110 0.54895495 0.20532521 +Ti 5.91348965 1.90497972 2.04005028 -0.06211348 0.29648805 -0.00351187 +Ti 1.94268960 6.02232032 1.92088971 -0.14927979 -1.29845646 0.27126938 +Ti 2.04925987 1.96872983 5.93819011 0.62930090 0.05973855 -1.04514469 +Ti 5.92948997 6.08323958 5.93306003 -0.57166165 -0.75944448 0.05031572 +Ti 1.96259987 5.91922029 5.90392987 0.43233485 -0.14046914 0.05071578 +Ti 6.01114031 2.08041037 6.00673992 -0.85252022 0.04851286 -0.23179729 +Ti 5.91341993 5.92733018 1.95741987 0.16576056 -0.23706445 0.14928391 +Ti 1.92646031 1.97683021 1.91462982 0.00949380 1.19879690 1.04838685 +O 1.99145036 2.04431993 4.00297023 -0.17750691 -0.32396774 0.40393470 +O 6.01703020 1.98246974 3.96238037 -0.26659949 0.06430483 -0.01484375 +O 2.01724973 6.00982986 4.00390989 0.14635413 -0.41300504 0.00854712 +O 6.01904024 6.07645995 3.95611969 -0.08208015 -0.31311100 0.47439887 +O 2.02044028 3.95001033 2.05369036 -0.00653394 0.24514260 -0.31356094 +O 2.00435994 3.99856034 5.99826003 -0.05148711 -0.19159501 -0.17674123 +O 5.88047013 4.02885993 2.00884986 0.85672577 0.11580969 -0.06773083 +O 5.94140998 4.02382967 6.01238024 0.15357971 -0.37032704 -0.37811337 +O 4.03558014 2.01489979 1.97704017 -0.65019574 -0.44016926 0.27669235 +O 4.07010977 6.01510018 2.01513986 -1.01005968 -0.03967906 -0.06421459 +O 3.97004975 2.01809986 5.87590970 -0.68485704 -0.04489300 0.57073117 +O 4.02398021 5.99528023 6.00445971 -0.19488602 -0.11079835 -0.29544598 +O 5.95617987 6.03648966 0.00367148 0.33155558 -0.44145661 0.10562143 +O 1.99256986 5.88586009 0.03812029 0.17270023 0.61998553 0.37158303 +O 5.89591980 2.00030975 0.04682519 0.41449217 0.17611337 -0.73089521 +O 1.95781998 2.01108016 0.04287007 0.20284667 -0.26330616 -0.43969335 +O 5.92939014 0.03865033 6.00688967 0.22213097 -0.14198377 -0.21469688 +O 6.03017985 0.04172997 1.88114998 -0.21100812 0.01508672 0.66800654 +O 2.01888026 0.03560160 5.94940975 -0.22283828 0.23966770 0.38785580 +O 2.04169032 7.92075968 2.06564999 -0.09021512 0.18649265 -0.46512207 +O 0.09276064 5.94535005 5.95009983 -0.60209143 0.26425361 0.08187987 +O 7.83407037 2.00567990 5.96315996 1.36339764 -0.01432542 0.14182719 +O 0.06666970 5.98662999 2.00310971 0.22714977 -0.10253714 -0.16073431 +O 0.04433977 1.97308980 1.98767984 0.29245990 0.13606252 -0.14474025 +40 +Lattice="7.851639840908043 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.851639840908043 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.23629952835397" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.3933391197 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98043011 2.06443009 0.04187044 -0.47765235 -0.79974652 -0.42293670 +Ba 1.96588024 1.93056984 4.13595964 -0.03238742 0.12296687 0.21740143 +Ba 1.91839980 5.79934995 0.00517030 0.37430223 0.58611022 0.16373685 +Ba 2.00357988 5.95618018 4.12348024 -0.07236164 -0.44917429 0.05466937 +Ba 5.81736004 1.90943009 8.13729192 0.62569518 0.37804112 0.51917952 +Ba 5.92629998 1.97229031 4.08145984 -0.43063021 -0.44842430 0.43547854 +Ba 5.86838000 5.90683969 0.06254695 -0.04279910 -0.35086508 -0.28806923 +Ba 5.97521020 5.92157015 4.12106979 -0.84574562 -0.04587234 0.15559391 +Ti 7.83904817 7.82028903 2.11983990 -0.38330520 0.12215440 0.08284660 +Ti 7.84480028 7.78620113 6.33601974 0.16938710 0.95300484 -0.54521117 +Ti 0.00270489 3.89047027 2.20938000 0.11496534 0.15084148 -1.73785028 +Ti 0.02948997 3.92761009 6.28267963 -0.50870870 -0.75993659 0.41112197 +Ti 3.85291980 0.01236005 2.10663030 0.68817170 -0.31922945 0.70056339 +Ti 3.88349016 7.85120015 6.27400985 -0.05965782 0.01283572 -0.68382962 +Ti 3.95536957 3.93156968 2.10541958 -0.23283833 0.42205533 0.64993091 +Ti 3.94377976 3.94669979 6.21667953 0.18925273 -0.11660004 0.26174884 +O 0.04261006 1.94252004 1.92741034 -0.36036299 0.27967329 0.41919009 +O 1.91551982 7.84447993 1.94387994 0.43270226 -0.14282401 0.39045467 +O 7.79699007 7.80351007 3.99687962 0.43410711 0.31778192 -0.47846610 +O 7.82453834 1.95963975 6.22862972 0.23630109 0.21824578 -0.64554127 +O 1.91516963 0.00076475 6.13767005 0.31664704 -0.02899125 -0.54611851 +O 0.04430994 7.81266980 8.11861994 -0.40498834 0.05357151 0.86623679 +O 7.83162994 5.87288998 1.95964996 0.27712095 -0.20579881 0.33722563 +O 2.01011009 3.92933981 1.98672006 -0.43562098 -0.14584506 0.20847404 +O 7.80854140 3.88027020 3.97916004 0.56961788 0.21326607 0.98580697 +O 0.03448911 5.87996981 6.23384007 -0.21588422 -0.03034724 -0.90039698 +O 2.00573987 3.94637002 6.14834985 -0.55789725 -0.02525697 -0.52175139 +O 7.81057891 3.97958010 8.08535018 0.17639645 -0.36907080 0.34912984 +O 3.91136976 1.88722957 1.93779963 0.19331302 0.90968792 0.18651117 +O 5.87335951 7.77728952 1.96804022 0.07505462 0.45450908 -0.22715131 +O 3.95185988 0.02086495 3.98055998 -0.43030188 -0.03391054 -0.36413171 +O 3.85105975 1.97237982 6.07111955 0.46940450 0.05799843 -0.01357954 +O 5.86965982 0.00808562 6.14645996 -0.12996207 -0.12927610 0.06271229 +O 3.79188979 7.84652999 8.06548946 0.57387768 -0.04414198 0.84017352 +O 3.89283989 5.88890968 2.05461005 0.15798015 -0.36969841 -0.61502613 +O 5.93584993 3.92618031 2.00016992 -0.56505160 -0.22853996 -0.13708171 +O 3.95204989 3.96280978 3.95521018 -0.02800497 -0.45293505 0.07443138 +O 3.89061003 5.90589985 6.09409973 0.21950459 -0.25457469 -0.04330843 +O 5.91768987 3.93079001 6.10409015 -0.55024282 0.07725805 -0.20225403 +O 3.91163986 3.87735018 8.09893980 0.47060135 0.42105722 0.00008639 +40 +Lattice="7.773489892423975 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.037166669574995 0.0 0.0 0.06848444595225522 8.036879050448977" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.86760020653 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87148014 0.09520349 8.01945166 0.07103264 -0.03415428 -0.05597626 +Ba 3.87723019 0.09689344 3.98748005 0.02718659 -0.24065217 0.13006825 +Ba 3.90281975 4.09349024 0.00745400 -0.24112885 -0.20573788 -0.05877336 +Ba 3.93751983 3.99251960 4.02261000 -0.48641775 0.67623664 -0.22101511 +Ba 0.01881962 0.12911767 8.00065770 -0.15188663 -0.40774817 0.01391378 +Ba 0.02868029 0.05999191 3.97037992 -0.26238905 0.04070236 0.32917268 +Ba 7.71998807 4.13901724 8.01514515 0.37022214 0.12055209 0.10549493 +Ba 0.00158424 4.07175012 4.02315959 0.01736883 0.11064588 -0.23952089 +Ti 1.95125013 2.03095016 1.91648008 -0.15232038 0.11372144 0.16385640 +Ti 1.94795028 2.01993979 5.97279983 -0.38471417 0.24813305 -0.26551680 +Ti 1.93375978 6.03097973 1.93032001 -0.35353723 -0.36730317 -0.01992913 +Ti 1.95171965 6.02789988 5.93158012 -0.45856730 -0.07033561 0.20662336 +Ti 5.83783028 1.99986009 1.94025997 0.05994553 0.32674607 0.08553443 +Ti 5.81413979 2.03885969 5.99672974 0.53207129 -0.39001501 -0.40693261 +Ti 5.78743008 6.07146018 1.97093960 0.53086801 -0.53947632 -0.06314167 +Ti 5.79632995 6.04046961 5.95682997 0.72535345 0.41569956 -0.23101362 +O 1.92677996 2.11161023 4.06983007 0.00464933 -0.02532537 0.43240016 +O 1.97322967 2.04713302 0.05165018 0.07096168 0.18901362 -0.24985646 +O 1.94293016 6.11044968 4.07466984 -0.09320172 0.08427922 0.16753257 +O 1.96571970 6.07794250 0.05549028 -0.01159490 0.24682925 0.11641904 +O 5.87840012 2.08515005 4.09069023 -0.13171247 0.02252158 -0.20217767 +O 5.80197972 2.09534265 0.05813016 -0.05981877 0.06891276 0.06820237 +O 5.86244970 6.15921977 4.07132957 -0.24262909 0.11216000 0.20333338 +O 5.81205960 6.11247312 0.07804973 -0.19599982 -0.04669586 -0.00684736 +O 1.94174004 4.15273978 1.98226013 0.00927320 0.08016005 0.22236006 +O 1.94623001 4.16490995 6.04160998 0.22607633 0.10474469 0.10187688 +O 1.88313959 0.16308004 2.03678028 0.31210518 -0.16901481 -0.07926017 +O 1.96930017 0.13585029 6.05219981 -0.22433904 0.37548596 -0.11029236 +O 5.77080025 4.20070998 2.07722031 0.18280569 -0.26477143 -0.23474686 +O 5.82362966 4.17479006 5.99268985 -0.20453357 -0.02001630 0.34996519 +O 5.79064986 0.14484966 1.98135996 0.18674616 0.16304008 0.27978873 +O 5.86554976 0.16529005 6.05132995 -0.20241884 0.23427378 0.12575651 +O 0.00288863 2.21165971 1.98032998 -0.54643578 -0.41960275 0.30156263 +O 0.00638670 2.20875009 6.10934973 0.20044449 -0.32686486 -0.00795936 +O 7.75726895 6.18057977 2.08059012 0.06952032 -0.10747623 -0.21724022 +O 7.74858985 6.10234970 6.15151003 0.44592725 0.41477730 -0.47298374 +O 3.86515019 2.14751986 2.10595968 0.44686313 -0.16442410 -0.31870778 +O 3.90143995 2.18787982 6.06359030 -0.19688917 -0.25717305 0.06452003 +O 3.84595978 6.17040971 2.10198976 0.27522065 0.16103745 -0.15373140 +O 3.89619984 6.21358989 6.04444964 -0.16410760 -0.25288522 0.14724194 +40 +Lattice="7.950203737 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.950203737 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.950203737" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.845973142863 stress="-0.0034504363179195395 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0034504363179195395 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0034504363179195395" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.91260954 2.03759420 6.01269607 0.27789151 -0.27789151 -0.27789151 +Ba 6.01269607 5.91260954 2.03759420 -0.27789151 0.27789151 -0.27789151 +Ba 2.03759420 6.01269607 5.91260954 -0.27789151 -0.27789151 0.27789151 +Ba 1.93750767 1.93750767 1.93750767 0.27789151 0.27789151 0.27789151 +Ba 2.03759420 5.91260954 1.93750767 -0.27789151 0.27789151 0.27789151 +Ba 1.93750767 2.03759420 5.91260954 0.27789151 -0.27789151 0.27789151 +Ba 5.91260954 1.93750767 2.03759420 0.27789151 0.27789151 -0.27789151 +Ba 6.01269607 6.01269607 6.01269607 -0.27789151 -0.27789151 -0.27789151 +Ti 3.97510187 3.97510187 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97510187 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97510187 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97510187 0.00000000 3.97510187 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.99956570 0.03537479 5.97586864 -0.16358155 -0.19918079 -0.42305214 +O 3.95063804 4.01047666 5.94943696 0.16358155 -0.19918079 0.42305214 +O 0.02446383 3.93972708 1.97433509 -0.16358155 0.19918079 0.42305214 +O -0.02446383 -0.03537479 2.00076677 0.16358155 0.19918079 -0.42305214 +O 0.03537479 5.97586864 3.99956570 -0.19918079 -0.42305214 -0.16358155 +O 4.01047666 5.94943696 3.95063804 -0.19918079 0.42305214 0.16358155 +O 3.93972708 1.97433509 0.02446383 0.19918079 0.42305214 -0.16358155 +O -0.03537479 2.00076677 -0.02446383 0.19918079 -0.42305214 0.16358155 +O 5.97586864 3.99956570 0.03537479 -0.42305214 -0.16358155 -0.19918079 +O 5.94943696 3.95063804 4.01047666 0.42305214 0.16358155 -0.19918079 +O 1.97433509 0.02446383 3.93972708 0.42305214 -0.16358155 0.19918079 +O 2.00076677 -0.02446383 -0.03537479 -0.42305214 0.16358155 0.19918079 +O 3.95063804 -0.03537479 1.97433509 0.16358155 0.19918079 0.42305214 +O 3.99956570 3.93972708 2.00076677 -0.16358155 0.19918079 -0.42305214 +O -0.02446383 4.01047666 5.97586864 0.16358155 -0.19918079 -0.42305214 +O 0.02446383 0.03537479 5.94943696 -0.16358155 -0.19918079 0.42305214 +O -0.03537479 1.97433509 3.95063804 0.19918079 0.42305214 0.16358155 +O 3.93972708 2.00076677 3.99956570 0.19918079 -0.42305214 -0.16358155 +O 4.01047666 5.97586864 -0.02446383 -0.19918079 -0.42305214 0.16358155 +O 0.03537479 5.94943696 0.02446383 -0.19918079 0.42305214 -0.16358155 +O 1.97433509 3.95063804 -0.03537479 0.42305214 0.16358155 0.19918079 +O 2.00076677 3.99956570 3.93972708 -0.42305214 -0.16358155 0.19918079 +O 5.97586864 -0.02446383 4.01047666 -0.42305214 0.16358155 -0.19918079 +O 5.94943696 0.02446383 0.03537479 0.42305214 -0.16358155 -0.19918079 +40 +Lattice="7.955123233 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955123233 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955123233" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216289872635 stress="-3.672630460797807e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -3.672630460797807e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -3.672630460797807e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756162 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756162 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756162 0.00000000 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756162 3.97756162 3.97756162 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96634242 1.98878081 1.98878081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878081 5.96634242 1.98878081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878081 1.98878081 5.96634242 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96634242 5.96634242 5.96634242 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878081 5.96634242 5.96634242 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96634242 1.98878081 5.96634242 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96634242 5.96634242 1.98878081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98878081 1.98878081 1.98878081 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98812747 1.98943246 3.97756162 0.00404332 -0.00401246 0.00000000 +O 1.98812747 5.96569077 3.97756162 0.00404332 0.00401246 0.00000000 +O 5.96699576 1.98943246 3.97756162 -0.00404332 -0.00401246 0.00000000 +O 5.96699576 5.96569077 3.97756162 -0.00404332 0.00401246 0.00000000 +O 3.97756162 1.98812747 5.96569077 0.00000000 0.00404332 0.00401246 +O 3.97756162 1.98812747 1.98943246 0.00000000 0.00404332 -0.00401246 +O 3.97756162 5.96699576 5.96569077 0.00000000 -0.00404332 0.00401246 +O 3.97756162 5.96699576 1.98943246 0.00000000 -0.00404332 -0.00401246 +O 1.98943246 3.97756162 5.96699576 -0.00401246 0.00000000 -0.00404332 +O 5.96569077 3.97756162 5.96699576 0.00401246 0.00000000 -0.00404332 +O 1.98943246 3.97756162 1.98812747 -0.00401246 0.00000000 0.00404332 +O 5.96569077 3.97756162 1.98812747 0.00401246 0.00000000 0.00404332 +O 5.96699408 5.96568909 0.00000000 -0.00401246 0.00404332 0.00000000 +O 1.98812916 5.96568909 0.00000000 0.00401246 0.00404332 0.00000000 +O 5.96699408 1.98943414 0.00000000 -0.00401246 -0.00404332 0.00000000 +O 1.98812916 1.98943414 0.00000000 0.00401246 -0.00404332 0.00000000 +O 5.96568909 0.00000000 5.96699408 0.00404332 0.00000000 -0.00401246 +O 5.96568909 0.00000000 1.98812916 0.00404332 0.00000000 0.00401246 +O 1.98943414 0.00000000 5.96699408 -0.00404332 0.00000000 -0.00401246 +O 1.98943414 0.00000000 1.98812916 -0.00404332 0.00000000 0.00401246 +O 0.00000000 5.96699408 5.96568909 0.00000000 -0.00401246 0.00404332 +O 0.00000000 1.98812916 5.96568909 0.00000000 0.00401246 0.00404332 +O 0.00000000 5.96699408 1.98943414 0.00000000 -0.00401246 -0.00404332 +O 0.00000000 1.98812916 1.98943414 0.00000000 0.00401246 -0.00404332 +40 +Lattice="7.955133851 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955133851 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955133851" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635817321 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98876279 1.98876279 1.98876279 -0.00014475 -0.00014475 -0.00014475 +Ba 5.96637106 5.96637106 1.98876279 0.00014475 0.00014475 -0.00014475 +Ba 5.96637106 1.98876279 5.96637106 0.00014475 -0.00014475 0.00014475 +Ba 1.98876279 5.96637106 5.96637106 -0.00014475 0.00014475 0.00014475 +Ba 5.96629915 1.98883470 1.98883470 0.00014475 -0.00014475 -0.00014475 +Ba 1.98883470 5.96629915 1.98883470 -0.00014475 0.00014475 -0.00014475 +Ba 1.98883470 1.98883470 5.96629915 -0.00014475 -0.00014475 0.00014475 +Ba 5.96629915 5.96629915 5.96629915 0.00014475 0.00014475 0.00014475 +Ti 3.97756693 3.97756693 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756693 0.00000000 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756693 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756693 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756693 3.97756693 1.98879368 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00016404 +O 3.97756693 3.97756693 5.96634017 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00016404 +O 3.97756693 1.98879368 3.97756693 0.00000000 -0.00016404 0.00000000 +O 3.97756693 5.96634017 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00016404 0.00000000 +O 1.98879368 3.97756693 3.97756693 -0.00016404 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634017 3.97756693 3.97756693 0.00016404 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756693 1.98879323 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00014912 +O 0.00000000 3.97756693 5.96634062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00014912 +O 1.98879323 0.00000000 3.97756693 -0.00014912 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634062 0.00000000 3.97756693 0.00014912 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756693 1.98879323 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00014912 0.00000000 +O 3.97756693 5.96634062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00014912 0.00000000 +O 3.97756693 0.00000000 1.98879323 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00014912 +O 3.97756693 0.00000000 5.96634062 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00014912 +O 0.00000000 1.98879323 3.97756693 0.00000000 -0.00014912 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634062 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00014912 0.00000000 +O 1.98879323 3.97756693 0.00000000 -0.00014912 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634062 3.97756693 0.00000000 0.00014912 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98879299 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00014192 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96634087 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00014192 +O 0.00000000 1.98879299 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00014192 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634087 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00014192 0.00000000 +O 1.98879299 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00014192 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634087 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00014192 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.765019882027069 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.028409356425426 0.0 0.0 0.06840982516065848 8.028122050689793" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.7771080692 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91286962 0.08571029 7.97313329 -0.32076260 -0.18202176 0.20909368 +Ba 3.82885987 0.09582190 3.98508974 0.26591429 -0.22098914 0.10771662 +Ba 3.91138960 4.10203249 8.01816497 -0.24490632 0.25489248 -0.01539345 +Ba 3.86817960 4.09493992 4.01982966 0.13954740 -0.04838713 -0.17594702 +Ba 0.04449978 0.08333031 8.00879026 -0.22039291 -0.02602034 -0.10366534 +Ba 7.76290003 0.10753776 3.97387006 0.10522471 -0.22503272 0.27179440 +Ba 7.74802769 4.07697244 8.01328853 0.17712227 0.28160162 0.08986751 +Ba 7.75305088 4.10861024 4.02441956 0.04515500 -0.26625419 -0.21174551 +Ti 1.89360027 2.00146959 1.89621009 0.34277973 0.37786500 0.49392692 +Ti 1.93574025 2.03292025 5.96793959 -0.12972938 -0.32081994 -0.28979187 +Ti 1.90275988 6.01483021 1.97219003 0.24628006 -0.32742742 -0.50739564 +Ti 1.96030023 6.03546964 5.94792991 0.38663324 0.85414721 0.38519136 +Ti 5.77527003 1.94693974 1.93984018 0.17921078 0.59334119 0.05447268 +Ti 5.80215020 1.99569009 5.94116968 0.29055574 0.35795747 0.15114538 +Ti 5.79460027 6.00374953 1.94559018 0.12258429 0.35895480 0.33907349 +Ti 5.87822954 6.04164982 5.95413028 -0.66671893 0.34434193 -0.36068746 +O 1.95759024 2.11215995 4.10590956 -0.05318738 -0.03860434 0.04901654 +O 2.01693984 2.08118762 0.05024977 -0.53544175 0.27412691 -0.27509030 +O 2.00876017 6.22758011 4.07057018 -0.32893048 -0.47763486 -0.25830794 +O 1.96260023 6.07334740 0.03661983 -0.22364895 -0.08111265 0.64774265 +O 5.84430028 2.13974984 4.09907013 -0.20139785 0.00513244 -0.34086452 +O 5.82640968 2.07336747 0.07686981 -0.00398521 -0.20850284 0.03646030 +O 5.85696969 6.17192977 4.07747018 -0.20635571 -0.34508524 0.05755286 +O 5.91018958 6.15648747 0.09094003 -0.26354990 -0.19233857 -0.26053580 +O 1.90772018 4.11427016 2.10931019 0.05973650 0.67605486 -0.38588942 +O 1.99233017 4.22146005 6.02097002 -0.26848308 -0.76981477 0.03605021 +O 1.86839035 0.15965968 1.96400958 0.44031556 -0.48244103 0.29404910 +O 1.93170011 0.15059014 6.07579960 0.10423432 0.64860165 -0.05127577 +O 5.81821991 4.18039008 1.99851034 0.02297332 -0.41260678 0.22386081 +O 5.84101956 4.19387016 6.06017017 -0.03922089 -0.06007691 0.06067418 +O 5.82127001 0.13205038 2.10425982 -0.16915416 0.07569071 -0.37024168 +O 5.83470971 0.14814027 6.01835010 0.04134900 0.37604543 0.15907338 +O 7.75702191 2.11082980 2.07014964 -0.36442945 0.17358032 -0.21928322 +O 0.01833166 2.21021973 6.07583998 -0.07074210 -0.25457701 0.12773420 +O 0.02502899 6.15769959 2.10727964 -0.13624250 -0.11378288 -0.18434090 +O 0.01836971 6.19001993 6.01319024 0.04036195 -0.19171405 0.23940853 +O 3.83633991 2.13873962 2.03432029 0.86311933 -0.17289512 0.24587408 +O 3.89733026 2.17503021 6.07911992 0.13146590 -0.14588002 -0.05394894 +O 3.87246977 6.15069011 2.06607999 0.21814910 -0.00569936 -0.17793474 +O 3.90204984 6.19070015 6.08083987 0.22456735 -0.08261520 -0.03743963 +40 +Lattice="7.955138007 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955138007 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955138007" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216695866482 stress="1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878450 5.96635350 5.96635350 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635350 1.98878450 5.96635350 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878450 1.98878450 1.98878450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635350 5.96635350 1.98878450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635350 1.98878450 1.98878450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878450 5.96635350 1.98878450 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 1.98878450 1.98878450 5.96635350 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 5.96635350 5.96635350 5.96635350 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756900 3.97756900 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756900 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756900 0.00000000 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756900 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756900 3.97756900 1.98879835 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00045071 +O 3.97756900 3.97756900 5.96633965 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00045071 +O 3.97756900 5.96636723 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00044686 0.00000000 +O 3.97756900 1.98877077 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00044686 0.00000000 +O 5.96636723 3.97756900 0.00000000 -0.00044686 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877077 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00044686 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756900 0.00000000 5.96636723 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00044686 +O 3.97756900 0.00000000 1.98877077 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00044686 +O 3.97756900 1.98879835 3.97756900 0.00000000 -0.00045071 0.00000000 +O 3.97756900 5.96633965 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00045071 0.00000000 +O 5.96636723 0.00000000 3.97756900 -0.00044686 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877077 0.00000000 3.97756900 0.00044686 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756900 5.96636723 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00044686 +O 0.00000000 3.97756900 1.98877077 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00044686 +O 0.00000000 5.96636723 3.97756900 0.00000000 -0.00044686 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 1.98877077 3.97756900 0.00000000 0.00044686 0.00000000 +O 1.98879835 3.97756900 3.97756900 -0.00045071 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633965 3.97756900 3.97756900 0.00045071 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98879826 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00044994 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96633974 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00044994 +O 0.00000000 1.98879826 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00044994 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96633974 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00044994 0.00000000 +O 1.98879826 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00044994 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633974 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00044994 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.939149875853468 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.939149875853468 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.939149875853468" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.856012385393 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90999003 3.97121993 0.03013146 0.51572936 0.24181354 -0.32086082 +Ba 3.94005956 0.07544892 3.90952956 0.35109956 -0.47916518 0.44664818 +Ba 0.08244569 3.80707959 4.02593973 -0.66017702 1.46985108 -0.42332879 +Ba 7.84558144 7.92617254 3.99374965 0.61161273 -0.32382324 -0.14757438 +Ba 0.01526381 4.08803023 0.01170707 0.06626298 -0.44451931 0.21432459 +Ba 3.99379014 0.04039836 0.00535972 -0.02914217 -0.34157774 -0.17575701 +Ba 3.99857030 3.93555012 4.00923020 0.04212033 0.53266316 -0.11491726 +Ba 0.10158063 0.03198207 7.93412757 -0.70716907 -0.06938430 0.41653620 +Ti 6.06387028 2.03878004 1.98309008 -0.20658017 -0.33770720 -0.52668920 +Ti 1.98325998 6.03376978 1.96368997 -0.71109052 -0.44905551 -0.46061185 +Ti 1.94851984 1.99111021 5.91671972 -0.08572675 -0.10234919 0.55688449 +Ti 5.86933014 5.95241017 5.94870973 0.22718962 0.01541402 -0.58656582 +Ti 1.85986018 5.98259005 5.89276969 0.68713683 0.26937165 0.79153262 +Ti 5.92008989 1.97587022 5.96808999 0.13128361 0.06278994 0.70689525 +Ti 5.89019979 5.93744011 1.96233000 0.86651730 0.91226700 0.59192683 +Ti 2.07127022 2.05170021 1.94972977 -0.12742079 0.36890780 -0.60916376 +O 1.94920976 1.92592026 4.01378012 0.38125243 0.08950576 -0.19705063 +O 5.95120977 2.10900976 3.96077995 0.11448762 -0.37677434 0.04490946 +O 1.96486020 5.98844994 4.07645019 0.14554244 -0.13428409 -0.73301148 +O 6.12894987 5.82242009 3.98927991 -0.58011775 -0.22292261 0.71869918 +O 2.12523976 3.96371981 2.03052015 -0.17990369 0.09001201 0.51913941 +O 1.96432987 3.92093971 5.96929992 -0.13557813 0.24317519 -0.26029360 +O 5.91834963 3.94887996 1.90860021 0.20694784 -0.29882184 -0.03298957 +O 6.11961025 3.95013990 6.12377990 -0.54966663 -0.28364436 -0.51809040 +O 3.97788961 1.97226981 1.96219979 -0.01764008 -0.19202155 0.24973459 +O 4.08048963 6.04214956 2.12911963 -0.93917873 -0.43696052 -0.11943546 +O 4.01588003 2.03547973 6.03710026 -0.34703748 -0.07078144 -0.45743499 +O 4.03937991 5.84239975 6.00071990 -0.21391655 0.16360624 -0.42007532 +O 5.88942969 6.09459002 0.05909744 0.44975691 -0.43189648 -0.22713742 +O 2.07686970 6.00088027 0.05441017 -0.00531678 -0.57470172 0.06808538 +O 5.94823021 1.78995994 7.93593293 0.29519555 0.59281129 0.25759445 +O 1.92233018 2.18651968 0.06649991 0.42558339 -1.21713787 -0.36441891 +O 5.88495995 7.92661793 5.78452970 0.06256805 0.15130839 0.52235920 +O 6.10875029 7.85230987 2.16397011 -0.54365976 1.06416443 -0.63729985 +O 2.08119971 7.90271394 5.97121008 0.00241812 0.50100490 0.30030408 +O 2.04896994 7.91467983 1.88989002 -0.17961855 0.83416434 0.70325405 +O 7.93763667 6.06327008 6.09735999 0.73063681 -0.36256565 -0.38516925 +O 0.03030691 1.84393980 5.97982008 0.22606913 0.45022048 -0.13167005 +O 0.13306015 5.94335001 1.99519966 0.03983050 -0.30961456 -0.01095007 +O 0.01841962 2.12142977 1.90059993 -0.36030000 -0.59334273 0.75166741 +40 +Lattice="7.9242598875648165 0.0 0.0 -0.021720396351815163 7.924228190525266 0.0 -0.021720396351815163 0.021664926532602206 7.924196493485716" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.316383421334 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02294230 0.08045977 7.91510024 -0.16207694 -0.45314176 0.32986971 +Ba 3.99132212 0.08589977 3.94474966 -0.04991565 -0.32144215 0.37981956 +Ba 4.00270215 4.04765727 0.06584030 0.10718003 -0.14011304 -0.38498850 +Ba 3.91400988 4.05913002 3.90950018 0.38134885 -0.49489802 0.71626846 +Ba 7.88323679 0.11697000 7.91026961 0.44909125 -0.58606702 0.44352789 +Ba 0.08033298 7.93445999 4.05932971 -0.20364191 0.30180175 -0.46901370 +Ba 0.01601493 3.95868765 0.10150026 -0.04548076 0.23224286 -0.37220781 +Ba 0.03205442 3.94881956 4.04548999 0.06908349 0.06014736 -0.28032095 +O 2.03861966 4.01746981 1.93849981 -0.10812594 -0.80421022 0.52267108 +O 2.03990022 3.94863968 6.02398988 -0.10456677 0.34649626 -0.01862867 +O 2.04343207 0.02187967 2.10231011 -0.18018240 0.28336051 -0.52638015 +O 2.05884000 7.94038021 5.94803030 -0.02564547 -0.08054701 0.30239978 +O 5.94216001 3.96411022 1.96232964 0.26667662 -0.27235542 0.03265301 +O 6.09131994 3.93907986 6.04539013 -0.35416200 0.38956430 -0.35043185 +O 6.08846007 7.91336958 2.04973978 -0.56305437 0.11632828 0.14408359 +O 6.04933958 7.93034968 5.85578003 -0.43387237 -0.36790172 0.31375146 +O 2.10663993 2.00731012 3.98635995 -0.23787075 0.22118558 -0.54391225 +O 2.07661174 1.97338716 0.02432986 -0.44379889 -0.13629161 0.51959398 +O 1.97720982 5.92017019 4.04636958 -0.12809107 0.11697645 -0.01032349 +O 2.11093171 5.97542764 0.11837973 -0.18615250 0.20527379 -0.51225734 +O 5.90114008 2.07453003 3.98066003 0.21529441 -0.23147925 0.05426365 +O 6.03730184 1.88567749 0.03189039 -0.07393567 0.46667399 0.24685573 +O 6.09669972 5.85847982 3.96505003 -0.19095223 0.34594476 0.67703651 +O 6.01292999 5.99191960 7.92017018 -0.36559879 0.19652587 -0.21966708 +O 0.01823531 1.98929035 2.05622975 0.98466540 0.19153767 -0.06606758 +O 0.08212544 2.01562980 5.93249003 0.28053872 -0.27660005 0.19004772 +O 0.04138049 5.88038010 2.03646030 0.40329707 0.35361307 -0.18496439 +O 0.12562488 5.96781955 6.12925971 -1.05899908 -0.04252348 -0.58974962 +O 4.02214987 1.98250006 1.93126972 -0.14204368 -0.04898697 0.22030677 +O 4.05672976 2.03399031 6.06841011 -0.13736710 -0.16865151 -0.43651701 +O 4.04084003 5.91872005 2.08821998 0.00866539 0.67285641 -0.13057810 +O 4.03659976 5.90001959 5.87729994 0.71886913 0.37575207 0.47683654 +Ti 1.92911035 1.96425999 2.02755027 0.23509936 -0.10363860 0.93589723 +Ti 2.00106977 2.03131984 6.08384023 -0.14094042 0.20506785 -1.16132333 +Ti 1.99207018 5.93523024 1.99021036 -0.08936692 0.27150387 -0.46736536 +Ti 1.89386959 5.97081968 5.94784963 1.58899292 0.12915808 0.29698633 +Ti 5.88950964 2.12764001 1.98224965 0.29228481 -0.42989976 -0.44295762 +Ti 5.92398017 2.05801033 5.88325978 0.04722705 0.41553064 0.74885514 +Ti 6.01389992 6.08841015 2.11411013 -0.20343777 -0.67166573 -0.48694997 +Ti 5.90556023 6.00501999 6.01701970 -0.41903377 -0.26712785 0.10288064 +40 +Lattice="7.777789986419057 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.041620400548378 0.0 0.0 0.06852232978035189 8.04133262231888" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.073680996302 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90708024 0.10030394 8.04017606 0.02072721 0.01936761 -0.05173934 +Ba 3.87379986 0.06353677 4.02483987 0.15339819 -0.11000182 -0.26407029 +Ba 3.87363030 4.14970529 8.01887970 0.16512756 -0.24690252 0.05452616 +Ba 3.87380997 4.10810034 3.98422970 0.05816941 -0.03432937 0.04531749 +Ba 0.01468991 0.11378829 8.01242880 -0.12126377 -0.05169023 0.07908379 +Ba 0.00110989 0.05619064 4.01474975 0.01973245 0.07932367 -0.14749673 +Ba 7.75483851 4.09641499 8.02571560 0.22164092 0.06333810 -0.03750674 +Ba 7.77341965 4.09852977 3.99782994 0.12243310 -0.11275162 0.03760110 +Ti 1.95653029 2.00779993 1.95233962 0.20411294 0.07723285 -0.12412926 +Ti 1.94693017 2.01120971 5.95819002 -0.25349432 0.37810952 0.18573418 +Ti 1.93636015 6.04965994 1.89125986 0.11500313 -0.26962902 0.32100326 +Ti 1.94813028 6.05219006 5.95106012 0.08538865 -0.10817197 0.21406696 +Ti 5.85092030 1.98658990 1.92921003 -0.33350859 -0.05604722 0.03940550 +Ti 5.80400000 2.04430032 5.93232965 0.35200228 0.00461513 0.44948077 +Ti 5.84374995 6.01340999 1.92592002 -0.15975884 0.25572295 0.03146979 +Ti 5.85800975 6.07384031 5.95129034 -0.20853909 -0.02397991 0.10972620 +O 1.97325021 2.12519011 4.10380000 -0.11221554 -0.03934919 0.02138849 +O 1.97228032 2.04195532 0.10005038 -0.13441907 0.15744176 -0.13488187 +O 1.90301988 6.13564030 4.11194023 0.18869557 -0.01829571 -0.39491373 +O 1.95399007 6.10425536 0.05003997 -0.00741120 0.07285478 0.22942931 +O 5.81818980 2.12529978 4.09756999 0.07762700 -0.05049544 0.05264617 +O 5.83726016 2.04398532 0.08597025 0.02701278 0.27299176 -0.25157833 +O 5.85869031 6.21457009 4.08883008 -0.00632980 -0.46427001 0.07998882 +O 5.85858997 6.09373512 0.08074979 -0.12384233 0.05778400 -0.29807673 +O 1.94504016 4.14463028 2.04641977 0.02271518 0.20204551 -0.09648630 +O 1.97870011 4.19098980 6.09516001 -0.12523072 -0.12354485 -0.16572354 +O 1.96716020 0.12518975 2.06817969 -0.15634107 -0.10986761 -0.05618555 +O 1.94276983 0.14260033 6.06220007 0.02849039 0.40245838 -0.02681763 +O 5.81427990 4.14920985 2.03357008 0.19165157 0.07654328 0.15159867 +O 5.85911031 4.19420981 6.05142005 -0.21174937 0.07732079 -0.06382584 +O 5.84239973 0.12326008 2.04256976 0.03252548 -0.01185613 0.04531004 +O 5.85087985 0.16126003 6.07883988 -0.00949303 0.23760490 -0.12465762 +O 7.77496354 2.11894999 2.08273038 0.27502782 0.02375545 0.02858218 +O 0.01631547 2.19927979 6.11926027 -0.02955406 -0.28159442 -0.28776198 +O 0.00831912 6.14059008 2.02417996 0.07916889 0.03535318 0.16808510 +O 0.02231992 6.16797024 6.12295006 -0.42139018 0.07520477 -0.17272260 +O 3.91519015 2.12385000 2.05811990 -0.37364274 -0.00378749 0.13448335 +O 3.88926988 2.18365032 6.10940037 0.15515142 -0.19694882 -0.12498158 +O 3.89561967 6.15897989 2.01999006 -0.14876891 -0.08809628 0.26999566 +O 3.89076011 6.21418975 6.06120996 0.34115119 -0.16745852 0.07463244 +40 +Lattice="7.955108908 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955108908 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955108908" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21560822747 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97755445 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755445 0.00000000 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755445 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97755445 3.97755445 3.97755445 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96633168 1.98877723 1.98877723 -0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 5.96633168 1.98877723 0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 1.98877723 5.96633168 0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.96633168 5.96633168 5.96633168 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 5.96633168 5.96633168 0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.96633168 1.98877723 5.96633168 -0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ti 5.96633168 5.96633168 1.98877723 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 1.98877723 1.98877723 1.98877723 0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +O 1.99308612 1.98458211 3.97755445 -0.01133137 0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 5.96202279 1.98458211 3.97755445 0.01133137 0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 1.99308612 5.97052680 3.97755445 -0.01133137 -0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 5.96202279 5.97052680 3.97755445 0.01133137 -0.00998514 0.00000000 +O 1.98458211 3.97755445 1.99308612 0.00998514 0.00000000 -0.01133137 +O 1.98458211 3.97755445 5.96202279 0.00998514 0.00000000 0.01133137 +O 5.97052680 3.97755445 1.99308612 -0.00998514 0.00000000 -0.01133137 +O 5.97052680 3.97755445 5.96202279 -0.00998514 0.00000000 0.01133137 +O 3.97755445 1.99308612 1.98458211 0.00000000 -0.01133137 0.00998514 +O 3.97755445 5.96202279 1.98458211 0.00000000 0.01133137 0.00998514 +O 3.97755445 1.99308612 5.97052680 0.00000000 -0.01133137 -0.00998514 +O 3.97755445 5.96202279 5.97052680 0.00000000 0.01133137 -0.00998514 +O 5.97064057 5.96213656 0.00000000 -0.01133111 0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 1.98446834 5.96213656 0.00000000 0.01133111 0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 5.97064057 1.99297235 0.00000000 -0.01133111 -0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 1.98446834 1.99297235 0.00000000 0.01133111 -0.00998539 0.00000000 +O 5.96213656 0.00000000 5.97064057 0.00998539 0.00000000 -0.01133111 +O 5.96213656 0.00000000 1.98446834 0.00998539 0.00000000 0.01133111 +O 1.99297235 0.00000000 5.97064057 -0.00998539 0.00000000 -0.01133111 +O 1.99297235 0.00000000 1.98446834 -0.00998539 0.00000000 0.01133111 +O 0.00000000 5.97064057 5.96213656 0.00000000 -0.01133111 0.00998539 +O 0.00000000 1.98446834 5.96213656 0.00000000 0.01133111 0.00998539 +O 0.00000000 5.97064057 1.99297235 0.00000000 -0.01133111 -0.00998539 +O 0.00000000 1.98446834 1.99297235 0.00000000 0.01133111 -0.00998539 +40 +Lattice="7.770690015814577 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.034279591841024 0.0 0.0 0.06845977903932643 8.033976534930407" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.094621924924 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88535977 0.07867591 8.02727276 0.02721153 0.25296647 -0.07552898 +Ba 3.87965997 0.07742016 3.99927964 0.05413226 -0.03171584 -0.00293311 +Ba 3.91894003 4.13434278 8.00782039 -0.35006829 -0.19959088 0.02868503 +Ba 3.87332997 4.08986024 3.99691968 0.00248857 -0.02473504 -0.00983216 +Ba 7.76599963 0.09737918 8.00474864 -0.06591254 0.00590788 0.11655839 +Ba 0.01256987 0.05686047 3.99599031 -0.08436921 0.11096316 -0.06407549 +Ba 7.75719077 4.10233220 8.03054344 0.19360458 0.12832710 -0.08082520 +Ba 7.76867352 4.09866988 4.00764013 0.08799189 -0.11101972 -0.09368534 +Ti 1.94497030 1.99198997 1.90862989 0.06440896 0.28425088 0.47703682 +Ti 1.94663012 2.03776011 5.93865970 0.06368957 0.25281555 -0.00710601 +Ti 1.94392980 6.03003991 1.93514970 -0.16894102 -0.20954439 0.00650335 +Ti 1.93785001 6.05720003 5.96035003 0.13686239 -0.13947695 0.13020632 +Ti 5.83135036 2.01771017 1.92716998 -0.07169187 -0.30611529 0.11482161 +Ti 5.82834000 2.01344018 5.92347966 -0.10464673 0.12076394 0.17617533 +Ti 5.81394013 6.02537983 1.94810966 0.21697951 0.27531527 0.09459551 +Ti 5.82760023 6.03926994 5.95356000 -0.11597758 0.32040702 -0.04332489 +O 1.96285998 2.16686002 4.07326982 -0.12830370 -0.30453534 0.42293104 +O 1.92130000 2.06455733 0.08087035 0.08647263 0.13990169 -0.49921027 +O 1.93989992 6.11924976 4.09955029 -0.00132746 0.15950250 -0.06678800 +O 1.94338974 6.09923791 0.06513004 0.02767021 0.09570417 0.24343385 +O 5.80641966 2.13402031 4.06536004 0.12160007 -0.02997289 0.12920102 +O 5.83791038 2.08081750 0.06678986 -0.01292468 0.05114053 -0.08751392 +O 5.83552011 6.12272015 4.09155969 -0.01975224 0.07749896 -0.02596763 +O 5.78928995 6.12322758 0.08385973 0.25315442 -0.12599820 -0.04553218 +O 1.93907001 4.15788020 2.03522997 0.09441091 0.26955317 -0.07149338 +O 1.93607985 4.20032993 6.07828968 0.00618170 -0.17608817 -0.01343581 +O 1.97065010 0.13526984 2.06017000 -0.21833474 -0.17484119 -0.11013166 +O 1.94284968 0.18739019 6.08322018 -0.01640904 -0.04663133 -0.26860778 +O 5.83256026 4.16578999 2.04571962 -0.05319484 -0.08653639 -0.09567975 +O 5.82804005 4.19852013 6.06720013 0.02865932 -0.17947431 -0.04709541 +O 5.83224010 0.15051982 2.03038028 0.04299784 0.02993664 0.11256213 +O 5.78597963 0.15509986 6.01780030 0.29247867 0.21400474 0.12892694 +O 0.01859060 2.14331017 2.06648990 -0.34534209 -0.07649495 0.00699263 +O 7.75717135 2.17757036 6.06365980 0.07606120 -0.14767722 -0.04318425 +O 0.00408194 6.18563011 2.08473004 -0.03150630 -0.16792723 -0.18435118 +O 0.00669989 6.20194001 6.09276026 -0.23347365 -0.05397285 -0.00758835 +O 3.87763027 2.12310016 2.04413984 0.28486872 0.13547245 -0.02765504 +O 3.88914021 2.17240985 6.07327992 -0.10958222 0.02255037 0.05639869 +O 3.89058012 6.19424003 2.10161031 -0.06000621 -0.29437306 -0.16329899 +O 3.88288015 6.18428034 6.09285972 0.02983842 -0.06026229 -0.11018334 +40 +Lattice="7.777459779841044 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.041278993033032 0.0 0.0 0.0685194206603996 8.040991227021177" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.047602694456 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91890021 0.08813962 8.01221774 -0.25384270 0.17656820 0.14557997 +Ba 3.90316952 0.06588286 4.02232954 -0.01856388 0.04549027 -0.15367689 +Ba 3.90035019 4.06086996 0.01071345 -0.19731623 0.05374788 -0.08071181 +Ba 3.86627014 4.08682957 4.00222014 0.11602746 0.17807769 0.11719191 +Ba 7.77092982 0.10867056 8.00752482 0.09251858 0.14035652 0.19750469 +Ba 7.76994986 0.07416119 4.01701987 -0.02076654 0.16069498 -0.09936054 +Ba 7.77648993 4.12054175 8.02660215 0.11642546 -0.02119977 0.00837614 +Ba 7.76409422 4.10568991 3.99079972 0.08704033 -0.09944693 0.16164911 +Ti 1.94099031 2.13595956 2.07602023 -0.00155320 -0.29770186 -0.21472439 +Ti 1.97198970 2.15330018 6.09951016 -0.45175182 0.32014091 -0.32407444 +Ti 1.93229977 6.18569997 2.04477973 0.04520025 -0.21797221 -0.22237831 +Ti 1.92531017 6.20049970 6.04474985 0.33602801 -0.66648907 0.35495082 +Ti 5.83695945 2.15439991 2.07602956 -0.06737550 -0.48967894 -0.20104973 +Ti 5.84260978 2.16371964 6.07945987 0.28875494 -0.13730051 -0.10056999 +Ti 5.83351015 6.18226000 2.06457959 -0.02068375 -0.52574792 0.22777969 +Ti 5.84567954 6.16801014 6.10488983 -0.27218264 -0.03674415 -0.81496540 +O 1.94544990 2.03943972 3.91221004 0.05662161 0.02312707 0.20899289 +O 1.93259998 2.07081011 7.93861963 0.15708360 -0.06744878 0.10055636 +O 1.92609025 6.05863961 3.89418967 0.02425630 0.06889862 0.27121744 +O 1.93989991 6.09299965 7.92911947 0.03720335 0.16884280 -0.07603112 +O 5.83739966 2.05417957 3.92817017 -0.08200379 -0.10608757 0.13386834 +O 5.83926003 2.05615971 7.93539977 -0.06452286 0.06545437 0.09465053 +O 5.82973964 6.04944977 3.92883981 0.07735010 0.07287226 -0.20885714 +O 5.83983012 6.10794949 7.94203005 -0.06755034 -0.08890155 0.17083489 +O 1.89601014 3.99051973 1.95659967 0.37388982 -0.05940765 -0.07197469 +O 1.92512973 4.01656955 5.96780977 0.24446563 -0.18111211 0.01210424 +O 1.93530032 8.04742008 1.96524976 -0.00298119 -0.47674886 -0.14929625 +O 1.92437998 8.03611943 5.92294005 0.02061253 0.17560763 0.22351654 +O 5.82064001 3.98080024 1.99033984 0.00937656 0.23673458 -0.31863707 +O 5.84139961 4.01090989 5.98868992 -0.20219130 0.23087195 -0.00520623 +O 5.81995015 7.99958014 1.92708032 0.15152462 0.17319542 0.16666816 +O 5.86605960 8.02845007 5.91632999 -0.12579816 -0.09567615 0.42060805 +O 7.76305670 1.96005986 1.95336969 0.14815725 0.16535484 -0.13840171 +O 7.77326384 2.02493010 5.97404963 0.12981577 -0.04917286 -0.14636776 +O 7.77016997 5.97835990 1.90097994 0.07404597 0.37230268 0.11476530 +O 7.77357961 5.99688969 5.93778955 0.03547942 0.28337645 0.08203105 +O 3.90632017 1.95453008 1.91307000 -0.34160062 0.31460687 0.08808497 +O 3.89503974 1.98725997 5.94770970 -0.16491750 0.15562065 0.06600125 +O 3.89563005 6.02046006 1.94394963 -0.29008677 -0.01336588 -0.14964000 +O 3.88356021 6.04336002 5.93414970 0.02381201 0.04826012 0.10899086 +40 +Lattice="7.9603100848839015 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9603100848839015 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9603100848839015" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.82536596186 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97528970 4.01787020 7.95296909 0.21502161 -0.26591840 0.18304198 +Ba 3.92371008 0.01696342 3.97796038 0.25302098 0.06453495 0.08596021 +Ba 0.03565901 3.95888032 3.97727023 0.02518473 0.08080386 0.15808993 +Ba 0.05943327 7.92943602 4.01417024 -0.17414647 0.36191182 0.04089031 +Ba 7.95933893 4.03140033 7.95686805 -0.02348703 -0.42264411 0.10879649 +Ba 4.00631023 0.02486164 0.02782765 -0.13349322 0.00986532 -0.09650121 +Ba 3.99221014 3.98668011 3.94257044 -0.16897084 -0.01969928 0.25155982 +Ba 7.95364731 7.94325512 0.05177704 0.20407797 0.33892025 -0.39028009 +Ti 5.99486017 2.06466005 1.98027997 0.45074421 -0.26905129 0.01639053 +Ti 2.03964000 5.98963025 1.92246981 -0.00890656 -0.27291437 0.43802985 +Ti 2.01234012 2.01221992 6.05161002 -0.43725877 -0.51274713 -0.15969687 +Ti 5.85012979 6.04773016 5.90696004 0.85077367 -0.10078673 0.35854908 +Ti 1.94046966 5.94049046 5.98679001 -0.14613765 1.03072877 -0.63665991 +Ti 5.96710973 2.03663976 5.97901995 0.14605820 0.13477389 -0.45628648 +Ti 6.02452029 6.02838024 1.97140980 0.06143111 0.29213337 -0.33775708 +Ti 2.03434003 2.00224963 2.01755970 -0.50870510 0.19238022 0.23734316 +O 2.01707969 1.98271025 3.96144035 -0.01381171 -0.08151297 -0.05185375 +O 6.04063991 2.00257998 4.03804003 -0.30647601 0.04945260 -0.44185102 +O 2.01477996 6.03279025 4.06243042 0.20359923 -0.56714705 -0.20511541 +O 5.96818995 5.93457037 4.03453988 -0.12639595 -0.10172493 -0.16783133 +O 2.01200022 4.01721029 1.98730972 -0.09008991 -0.34743986 0.17130978 +O 2.02374008 3.89239024 5.98714026 0.22878807 0.71806978 -0.15020667 +O 5.97096969 3.97254976 1.93813013 -0.10181131 -0.14585997 0.45787953 +O 5.99804031 3.91800015 6.01389009 -0.10231988 0.28721022 0.04662001 +O 3.95531012 2.01591032 2.02827985 0.62971202 -0.05321412 -0.11284186 +O 3.91983977 5.98239990 1.96050975 0.69744233 -0.07491192 0.43859420 +O 4.01408029 1.93167034 6.00709039 0.25146340 0.24908719 -0.11584671 +O 4.03750987 5.95867021 6.07748023 -0.05312053 -0.30221312 -0.34207833 +O 5.97990991 6.03663031 0.08677056 0.13050611 -0.33291389 -0.30093965 +O 1.98741002 5.92830004 0.02973017 0.03941501 0.02704595 0.22855050 +O 5.99249994 1.95621993 0.06133260 -0.06178387 -0.03753554 -0.10803518 +O 2.01486035 2.02342963 7.94612004 0.10916030 -0.15359050 0.40410054 +O 5.95319989 7.92424112 5.89719035 0.28534283 -0.20428057 0.49796920 +O 5.94761016 7.94030981 2.00357025 0.14998736 0.01496742 0.44422569 +O 2.06583022 7.87767570 6.05422020 -0.18970576 0.39200042 -0.11673991 +O 2.00110016 0.00103006 1.95911032 -0.11542196 0.19581033 0.01197440 +O 0.10209814 5.92876970 6.04453012 -0.81735858 0.02848577 -0.20420421 +O 0.06096403 1.95797041 6.01471000 -0.28790159 -0.15516453 -0.00886979 +O 0.00834002 5.96151045 2.06857971 -0.52587493 0.09473384 -0.18050378 +O 0.03654976 2.02006003 1.99820977 -0.53855124 -0.14164593 0.00422407 +40 +Lattice="7.927769919987825 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.927769919987825 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.927769919987825" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.087251585548 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96831975 3.95847981 7.92352936 0.06374613 0.08609956 0.20298525 +Ba 3.96657961 0.03493530 3.98608985 0.00823473 -0.15103586 -0.01227059 +Ba 0.00676477 3.95298031 3.93710971 0.14059023 0.14492769 0.29223981 +Ba 0.00569769 0.01012693 3.99970025 0.04876483 -0.04220414 -0.07395650 +Ba 0.01232213 3.97792980 0.00467976 -0.06307199 -0.10774902 0.07861431 +Ba 3.97634028 0.00388302 0.00564854 0.02026569 0.08296616 0.06213765 +Ba 3.99815988 4.00042009 3.95072011 -0.27332909 -0.16149253 0.13668601 +Ba 0.00892350 7.92062700 0.01416375 -0.07982247 0.18254704 -0.01636764 +Ti 5.96664973 1.97627016 1.99077005 -0.02404084 0.05842703 -0.11331597 +Ti 1.99010967 5.98151985 1.95931980 0.26439682 -0.08807005 0.29502972 +Ti 2.00080978 1.96221026 5.96488025 0.06949306 -0.00673423 -0.15470353 +Ti 5.98381018 5.98733011 6.01601991 0.03567329 0.26374325 -0.14887099 +Ti 2.01852993 5.91798987 5.94791007 0.00274234 0.07374490 -0.41416152 +Ti 5.97130967 2.04421036 5.95221960 0.11937555 -0.28908456 0.01600075 +Ti 5.96431976 5.95273966 2.05213020 -0.13706037 -0.01880119 -0.03676857 +Ti 1.99702982 2.00284008 1.98611011 0.24028605 0.07066934 0.17628717 +O 1.97819978 1.98261000 3.97168985 -0.04425871 0.02920670 -0.02599128 +O 5.91950011 2.00727012 3.97072028 0.06814992 -0.12412515 -0.04960224 +O 2.01106990 5.95226003 3.99392011 -0.20654674 0.01115499 0.08485746 +O 5.96695970 5.96962978 3.98128959 -0.12596040 -0.09288316 -0.27783855 +O 1.99526985 3.96367012 2.01242000 -0.17019340 -0.10126316 -0.18325358 +O 2.00316036 3.96323964 5.97645004 -0.13288412 0.30860643 -0.08719434 +O 5.93517014 3.98279983 1.98593966 0.06429506 -0.07088994 0.06493938 +O 5.94566016 3.94915992 5.91570984 -0.06592026 0.23490550 0.23362535 +O 3.94520000 1.97733962 1.97917014 -0.05927190 0.03781476 -0.01197543 +O 3.95912988 5.94869016 1.99839022 -0.09550414 0.05724098 -0.06851141 +O 3.93905994 1.99114979 5.97190029 0.10267906 -0.08437898 -0.00867207 +O 3.96468963 5.99391967 5.98902031 -0.18294016 -0.25633127 -0.09774846 +O 5.94266981 5.95799974 7.92510302 0.04251345 -0.09854190 -0.06357875 +O 1.95680035 5.93849029 0.02637014 0.16418165 0.08361665 0.08635127 +O 5.95892967 2.02452015 0.02643436 -0.13729177 -0.17456556 -0.19675290 +O 1.94542004 1.97567003 7.92690976 0.08615895 0.09346783 0.23077476 +O 5.96149985 0.00965523 5.94535970 -0.08349118 -0.14361977 0.11184942 +O 5.92530958 7.92112962 1.98378014 0.07685439 0.15552886 0.03432988 +O 1.94610975 0.01165303 5.96679005 0.15570344 -0.06707674 0.01913595 +O 1.97760995 0.01184012 1.99085964 -0.02792861 -0.27689187 -0.01686772 +O 7.92049698 5.93906030 5.97900991 0.01632985 -0.05620946 -0.09461480 +O 7.90795050 1.98428989 5.95040969 -0.05556848 0.13559741 -0.02189320 +O 7.92123030 5.93470002 1.99968959 0.08226707 0.11429351 0.00314549 +O 7.89994979 1.95361022 1.99624973 0.09238308 0.18738920 0.04591990 +40 +Lattice="7.82553023744788 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.82553023744788 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.20891078931069" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.90221526372 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.92404043 1.98761034 8.20542452 0.15563813 -0.14485415 0.16236054 +Ba 1.99975008 1.96059974 4.08754051 -0.22005352 -0.11887238 0.28789208 +Ba 1.94866972 5.84085056 8.20544956 0.03054162 0.24489783 0.15993033 +Ba 1.95377979 5.84478054 4.13891042 0.00241992 0.28470725 0.01321367 +Ba 5.82849014 1.91414974 8.20245081 0.25812076 0.39592598 0.31881962 +Ba 5.86686028 1.95082017 4.09286031 0.01157665 -0.11831780 0.14444252 +Ba 5.89961012 5.88213023 8.15463995 -0.24250876 -0.05805911 0.59183967 +Ba 5.88653992 5.89331057 4.11686982 -0.06123108 0.01089068 -0.00837588 +Ti 0.03673460 0.00541605 2.16529996 -0.39179241 -0.30579210 -0.27506099 +Ti 7.81846457 0.02327469 6.24611051 -0.18074598 -0.00149098 -0.15487168 +Ti 0.01632406 3.89997977 2.18005969 -0.44286121 0.30675960 -0.32096855 +Ti 7.79083027 3.92176996 6.27232056 0.27273002 -0.13390999 -0.53869342 +Ti 3.91159051 0.00399415 2.13008977 0.35769213 0.12622188 0.30313126 +Ti 3.87948001 0.00182022 6.27530991 0.19201487 -0.26222758 -0.67279419 +Ti 3.92523980 3.95595031 2.16215018 0.40094091 -0.31943283 -0.46704963 +Ti 3.90467039 3.89569998 6.21755046 -0.13143068 0.23238736 0.41398823 +O 0.01182985 1.91894992 1.94808984 0.04692469 0.44443961 0.13343511 +O 1.95750005 7.75339059 1.96872029 -0.21573175 0.21153237 -0.00314060 +O 7.82495037 0.03386029 3.98912038 0.22833376 -0.00818074 0.03284173 +O 7.79240086 1.95156986 6.11304989 0.19389409 0.45491274 -0.05387078 +O 1.93863034 0.04278687 6.11810988 0.47730499 -0.03237199 -0.13966412 +O 7.79267005 0.01556028 8.06929003 0.15543450 -0.17130412 0.38778998 +O 7.78036989 5.87627048 2.05584035 0.16698004 -0.33588120 -0.25225684 +O 1.94445019 3.93959025 2.00166969 0.03353567 -0.14323719 0.00964061 +O 0.00863547 3.85736976 4.00190026 0.02339755 0.11257292 -0.08420774 +O 0.02208052 5.88287992 6.09089034 0.09594354 -0.32696025 -0.10003777 +O 1.98680040 3.90032018 6.08238007 -0.07424935 0.05857384 -0.02458617 +O 0.00262390 3.96809005 8.08738030 0.04327244 -0.28069530 0.26278500 +O 3.87605008 1.95445044 1.95344016 -0.07081075 -0.06860320 0.22758968 +O 5.83165008 7.81072042 2.01567973 0.24703879 0.10849207 -0.21648226 +O 3.90273983 7.78289284 3.97913031 -0.17543048 0.38870503 -0.16873507 +O 3.92139981 1.97966038 6.09717033 0.16627710 -0.06119611 -0.12344920 +O 5.89245993 7.80123431 6.05121020 -0.52198716 0.23910102 0.22080968 +O 3.90777008 0.03655227 8.09642036 -0.02052049 -0.27159257 0.11819644 +O 3.92686985 5.83479986 2.00758031 -0.07135660 0.15694811 -0.23490061 +O 5.87653028 3.87801976 1.98633008 -0.04169095 -0.01939126 0.00415953 +O 3.94930017 3.90885001 4.00114040 -0.15373191 0.03533853 0.10126033 +O 3.90769026 5.93194052 6.06573987 -0.03280188 -0.52650588 0.19620808 +O 5.91209028 3.93766987 6.09194052 -0.52292613 0.00341905 -0.05476681 +O 3.92164005 3.95288035 8.06769049 0.01184893 -0.10694941 -0.19642071 +40 +Lattice="7.955352289 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955352289 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955352289" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216170822834 stress="9.365207675034407e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.365207675034407e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.365207675034407e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98897843 5.96637386 5.96637386 -0.00085386 0.00085386 0.00085386 +Ba 5.96637386 1.98897843 5.96637386 0.00085386 -0.00085386 0.00085386 +Ba 5.96637386 5.96637386 1.98897843 0.00085386 0.00085386 -0.00085386 +Ba 1.98897843 1.98897843 1.98897843 -0.00085386 -0.00085386 -0.00085386 +Ba 5.96665456 1.98869773 1.98869773 -0.00085412 0.00085412 0.00085412 +Ba 1.98869773 5.96665456 1.98869773 0.00085412 -0.00085412 0.00085412 +Ba 1.98869773 1.98869773 5.96665456 0.00085412 0.00085412 -0.00085412 +Ba 5.96665456 5.96665456 5.96665456 -0.00085412 -0.00085412 -0.00085412 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97767615 0.00000000 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97767615 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97767615 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97767615 3.97767615 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97767615 5.96649158 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00020157 +O 0.00000000 3.97767615 1.98886071 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00020157 +O 3.97767615 5.96649158 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00020157 0.00000000 +O 3.97767615 1.98886071 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00020157 0.00000000 +O 5.96649158 0.00000000 3.97767615 0.00020157 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98886071 0.00000000 3.97767615 -0.00020157 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97767615 0.00000000 1.98881534 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00020569 +O 3.97767615 0.00000000 5.96653695 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00020569 +O 0.00000000 1.98881534 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00020569 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96653695 3.97767615 0.00000000 -0.00020569 0.00000000 +O 1.98881534 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.00020569 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96653695 3.97767615 0.00000000 -0.00020569 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97767615 3.97767615 5.96570774 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02391434 +O 3.97767615 3.97767615 1.98964455 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02391434 +O 3.97767615 5.96570774 3.97767615 0.00000000 0.02391434 0.00000000 +O 3.97767615 1.98964455 3.97767615 0.00000000 -0.02391434 0.00000000 +O 5.96570774 3.97767615 3.97767615 0.02391434 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98964455 3.97767615 3.97767615 -0.02391434 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98803178 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02390792 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96732050 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02390792 +O 0.00000000 1.98803178 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02390792 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96732050 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02390792 0.00000000 +O 1.98803178 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02390792 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96732050 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02390792 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.934740242176258 0.0 0.0 -0.021749123003805125 7.9347085032152895 0.0 -0.021749123003805125 0.021693579822109888 7.934676764254321" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.212076461954 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01148172 0.04733866 0.02914986 0.08799472 -0.16035508 0.10054813 +Ba 3.98598105 0.03898973 3.98842019 0.10161283 -0.03877301 0.04708898 +Ba 4.00289078 4.00564889 0.05388006 0.02318184 -0.01411793 -0.07292548 +Ba 3.99008014 4.00330021 4.00235042 0.00295548 0.07196903 -0.03212799 +Ba 0.06057063 0.05353887 0.01962023 -0.19085787 -0.07717578 0.10264487 +Ba 0.03341160 0.04434012 4.00801027 0.00288041 0.05350286 -0.00439402 +Ba 0.02776048 4.01545861 0.01935997 0.04012181 -0.19733705 0.11727007 +Ba 0.03164612 4.01222045 4.02324974 -0.00478739 -0.09274046 -0.12259560 +O 1.98101978 4.05146012 2.04405018 -0.08062620 0.11916112 -0.00291769 +O 1.98330023 4.06365026 6.03815006 -0.03575170 0.00640539 -0.13970860 +O 1.98314074 0.08802007 2.04123970 0.02688654 -0.09205783 0.00786912 +O 1.95052102 0.09795992 6.03428029 0.22130770 0.03638497 -0.13070229 +O 5.95500033 4.04633983 2.03904019 -0.02356133 -0.02287510 0.12544901 +O 5.92576002 4.05446024 6.01958991 0.02532871 0.22823400 -0.06339235 +O 5.95678089 0.07878007 2.05491998 0.01676668 0.13195878 -0.04439704 +O 5.95388074 0.10466002 6.02176006 -0.06357361 -0.20990383 -0.01819878 +O 1.98763021 2.04448025 4.04056017 0.04615542 0.08639755 0.16010928 +O 1.97985099 2.03403892 0.06527990 0.08075218 0.10193704 0.09964953 +O 1.96094013 6.03118019 4.05129031 0.00330798 -0.04294874 -0.11983526 +O 1.96047118 6.02297884 0.06265985 0.05256286 -0.03249746 0.15610453 +O 5.94993004 2.03977971 4.04834018 -0.08268076 0.13025646 -0.18300444 +O 5.97980116 2.03543861 0.07634966 -0.09832104 0.06723512 0.17008182 +O 5.91929004 6.03695985 4.04265018 0.09628576 -0.11410890 0.12044976 +O 5.95480117 6.00641904 0.08307990 -0.05061577 0.06645222 -0.10757470 +O 0.00021106 2.07743005 2.06560967 -0.26540958 -0.14429417 -0.07594525 +O -0.02083028 2.06243022 6.00070999 -0.00130586 0.10213707 0.03000914 +O 7.90722653 6.01538053 2.03677006 0.08456358 0.02666234 0.08779006 +O 7.88719210 6.02824989 6.01074982 0.01506692 -0.02342506 -0.02628464 +O 3.94054991 2.06170974 2.03474987 0.21120404 -0.05154779 0.03102576 +O 3.95398025 2.06339984 6.01807993 -0.12156947 -0.05162595 0.00259784 +O 3.93208989 5.99550004 2.02590978 -0.06509596 0.16682423 0.08438901 +O 3.92493989 6.04946024 6.01354999 0.01976998 -0.03792634 0.03849841 +Ti 2.06542003 1.98035009 1.97655966 -0.19298160 0.14271834 0.13650527 +Ti 2.03713982 1.99300997 5.96117991 -0.19831022 -0.02892980 -0.17100716 +Ti 2.01276033 5.95236997 2.00259037 0.34690841 -0.13754733 -0.11587088 +Ti 2.05586025 5.96041024 5.98135002 -0.00981364 0.06585007 -0.05217874 +Ti 6.04292043 1.99446044 2.01236042 0.09088541 -0.06980802 -0.21429091 +Ti 5.98204034 1.99655997 5.96958042 0.33670524 -0.04250265 0.00982650 +Ti 6.01064984 5.95765054 1.96754024 -0.16805039 0.03563420 0.06837977 +Ti 6.02456023 5.96408006 5.93820011 -0.27989260 0.04277776 0.00106521 +40 +Lattice="7.9432599952307505 0.0 0.0 -0.021772475646927487 7.943228222190769 0.0 -0.021772475646927487 0.02171687282696087 7.943196449150789" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.97228852282 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03694822 0.08092514 0.00283972 -0.11883485 -0.16930894 0.39661297 +Ba 4.00100417 0.04795982 4.01069972 -0.08418949 0.14528430 -0.11177177 +Ba 3.98297377 4.00153558 0.00405027 0.28378577 -0.00288992 0.25198148 +Ba 3.98447981 3.97040991 3.98902018 0.09105125 0.22054332 0.16220370 +Ba 0.03927227 7.93762584 0.08430023 -0.10967426 0.24928465 -0.25089185 +Ba 0.01977157 0.04797014 3.99197030 0.20381778 -0.02857653 0.13512638 +Ba 0.05426438 4.00473512 0.03219006 -0.34613168 0.16985607 0.03275457 +Ba 0.02674813 4.02985012 4.00899033 -0.04397872 0.04335728 0.09984776 +O 1.97361971 4.00536026 2.03899989 0.39502120 -0.06972086 0.21128452 +O 1.98389035 4.03701971 6.02939981 0.05745027 0.23207471 -0.09694962 +O 1.97733001 7.93477024 2.07101997 -0.01417321 0.20531570 -0.10072631 +O 2.04957396 0.10251015 6.06019027 -0.30253862 0.02109487 -0.19609135 +O 5.97137986 3.93777026 2.03431019 -0.21801695 0.36293589 0.01387856 +O 5.91232966 3.99603964 6.07290981 0.20833340 0.21298273 -0.47092120 +O 5.98160998 7.93170970 2.04919030 -0.06128096 -0.05711834 0.11633188 +O 5.93486390 0.04495965 5.99311977 0.05486426 -0.08008781 -0.05075281 +O 2.01303020 2.05131989 4.03981971 -0.07936533 -0.09947058 0.20179560 +O 2.01964375 2.05399518 0.11386028 0.14189507 -0.19863546 -0.42228878 +O 1.98131038 6.04317025 4.06146986 0.12457715 -0.24203028 0.04940066 +O 2.01586435 6.01276583 0.06762018 -0.04116439 -0.13782861 0.33453549 +O 6.02430977 2.02740035 3.98490001 -0.15548695 -0.09702546 0.61234087 +O 6.00869412 1.94465541 0.04376021 -0.10453283 0.20007322 -0.09172668 +O 5.99766013 5.99247001 4.06788007 -0.51077561 -0.17217778 -0.00530316 +O 5.98311444 5.97368579 0.09127997 -0.27236878 0.09380541 0.04355526 +O 0.04301514 2.04634026 2.01198963 0.07933910 -0.28052715 0.21065537 +O 0.01260357 2.04542996 6.04867969 0.04991437 -0.14313048 -0.27965066 +O 7.91386040 5.93930021 2.10234024 0.13445353 0.19431524 -0.26527228 +O -0.02607455 6.08851991 6.02637025 -0.26186891 -0.34856857 -0.01561997 +O 4.01223991 1.96638976 2.03307978 -0.15234275 0.23254780 0.11184453 +O 3.98747998 2.03753992 5.98451007 0.00069317 0.08340273 0.05932126 +O 3.96891976 6.00215999 2.08077032 0.05540984 -0.24257510 -0.02079945 +O 3.91490003 6.04363969 6.02501037 0.69190726 -0.18489754 -0.09352233 +Ti 1.99626992 2.08206983 2.00945970 -0.05876591 -0.11147841 -0.23228323 +Ti 1.99801029 1.99460978 5.97594008 -0.05278089 -0.05883661 -0.07760129 +Ti 2.05696040 6.03842971 2.00273017 -0.46611246 0.11943905 -0.15574123 +Ti 2.06511018 5.97726025 5.96628982 -0.73033317 0.00233662 -0.01134988 +Ti 5.98269027 2.08554978 2.03428001 0.00472749 -0.05608682 -0.49587247 +Ti 5.98133038 2.02832018 5.98680011 0.13330990 0.41709438 0.50796822 +Ti 5.96986031 6.06228967 2.00555003 0.71504282 -0.14818142 -0.55236706 +Ti 5.98697009 6.04061013 5.94419961 0.75912232 -0.27659131 0.44606454 +40 +Lattice="7.954119769900582 0.0 0.0 -0.021802242289297495 7.954087953421502 0.0 -0.021802242289297495 0.02174656345090819 7.954056136942422" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.433594280417 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03309745 0.03495597 0.03011032 -0.04766337 0.02878607 0.01786454 +Ba 4.01926365 0.01134019 3.99144014 -0.05262123 0.39442342 0.17876109 +Ba 4.08908412 3.98135591 0.07290030 -0.62775746 0.30137263 0.00350776 +Ba 3.95325957 4.02481960 4.05461017 0.29144843 0.07315766 -0.44648518 +Ba 7.94721480 0.08729567 0.02309001 0.55884213 -0.34752753 -0.07334097 +Ba 0.05388678 0.01648014 4.05402952 0.12091924 0.36715867 -0.13625741 +Ba 7.90702979 3.93923566 0.03756969 0.83300091 0.62667400 -0.16772360 +Ba -0.00462134 4.06335970 3.93617014 0.32732586 -0.09835961 0.50584526 +O 2.12182985 4.01815007 2.07148982 -0.44834254 0.09368586 -0.24203131 +O 2.04245012 4.02166023 5.97046013 0.35359456 0.60272263 0.42565230 +O 2.01456378 0.10825000 1.98908991 0.32127528 -0.62528663 0.41477499 +O 2.01813359 0.06516015 6.00998972 0.18528604 -0.08512434 0.10574947 +O 6.07415004 4.00305952 1.93233965 -0.43627275 -0.56662537 0.22728398 +O 5.90970975 4.05706958 5.96310019 0.48193992 -0.26166708 0.15868257 +O 6.04784974 7.94736990 1.95376010 -0.20820613 0.85973833 0.35357194 +O 6.10505339 0.09084002 5.92436999 -0.48286474 -0.49565830 -0.03788598 +O 2.10546982 2.05921980 4.04396994 -0.27015712 -0.18233595 -0.47652389 +O 1.95179384 2.05413552 0.05158963 0.64224691 0.11754364 -0.07308849 +O 2.05411007 6.03314973 4.02292016 0.01479310 0.06883023 0.19394988 +O 2.10055417 6.06375560 0.12585963 -0.10253174 -0.51205962 -0.97668650 +O 6.01188996 2.13715028 4.01876015 -0.21968045 -0.44728762 -0.49910666 +O 5.99504950 1.97860956 7.95213999 0.04879980 0.58936498 0.31310894 +O 5.93844003 6.04900945 3.92605011 0.62062445 -0.27970029 0.60783990 +O 6.02965947 6.05957968 7.91257938 -0.24688324 -0.17314194 0.06258888 +O 0.05362906 2.00377958 2.09218962 -0.06877984 0.25136107 -0.12697959 +O 0.05036230 2.05634995 6.05209963 -0.27873252 0.29032974 -0.48841524 +O 0.05325681 6.02263996 1.98552965 0.51693032 -0.16754105 0.25121812 +O 0.09473993 5.94873982 5.98367988 0.06632341 0.10832495 0.01151443 +O 4.05659949 1.97515986 1.99627964 0.31513009 0.24669632 0.13272729 +O 4.02892950 1.95844985 6.08836962 -0.09906872 0.46914611 -0.32110559 +O 4.06452975 6.03296997 2.00962029 -0.20164031 -0.05586442 -0.10497891 +O 4.08081979 6.04213948 5.96147993 -0.71807235 0.02007697 0.25582296 +Ti 2.01569962 2.05178985 2.09111979 -0.23409097 -0.07984252 0.42817121 +Ti 2.06846964 1.98269003 6.11393018 -0.81551870 -0.20824007 -0.71789057 +Ti 1.98847983 6.05418997 2.01906979 -0.29950652 -0.20141148 -0.68442226 +Ti 2.00871988 5.92947971 5.99332982 -0.88762580 0.26447884 0.18443731 +Ti 5.98652984 2.10184990 2.07346960 0.03305076 -0.00730065 -0.31570113 +Ti 5.99371003 2.09517958 5.98762990 0.54598918 -0.83051594 0.44054053 +Ti 5.95756969 6.11918945 1.94848015 0.11952262 -0.56087124 0.66960474 +Ti 5.94412007 6.03407957 5.95959003 0.34897352 0.41249005 -0.05459506 +40 +Lattice="7.834160059361709 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.834160059361709 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.217963394829898" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.085397265797 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98179964 1.95668019 0.00506713 -0.16932900 -0.02157824 0.08543056 +Ba 1.96981964 1.95558967 4.10142017 -0.10183394 0.03518555 0.00670081 +Ba 1.97224039 5.85673972 0.02250362 -0.22144217 0.18490911 -0.00940972 +Ba 1.94717030 5.87167006 4.10801966 0.03601884 0.02109230 -0.06380887 +Ba 5.88171972 1.95925997 0.01625745 -0.10097699 -0.03952788 -0.10852421 +Ba 5.84043997 1.96998964 4.14382021 0.19800040 -0.07434576 -0.14026139 +Ba 5.87469013 5.87351031 0.00584585 0.07177800 0.06732588 0.00700626 +Ba 5.89361041 5.88341973 4.13135998 -0.14898232 -0.05868029 -0.08226450 +Ti 7.80548938 7.82109346 2.16692005 0.01257295 -0.20806858 -0.51714038 +Ti 0.01735658 0.01622846 6.25339969 -0.15856610 -0.20151998 -0.17441824 +Ti 7.80583409 3.87721982 2.14347006 0.06103156 0.39401128 -0.25471945 +Ti 0.04359005 3.92590991 6.24988999 -0.29586327 0.04688869 -0.29613401 +Ti 3.89421995 7.82331680 2.13758034 0.20232756 0.07454579 -0.25171049 +Ti 3.90986007 0.02062969 6.24489023 0.17912696 -0.20935207 -0.07728376 +Ti 3.89965999 3.92224979 2.12517025 0.12245444 -0.06778405 -0.21539417 +Ti 3.93393993 3.94946018 6.22940993 0.12896602 -0.00175066 0.05596623 +O 7.81888031 1.94784012 1.95091033 0.18707269 0.09237331 0.10470946 +O 1.95155038 7.81262004 1.99527988 -0.01025305 0.09769704 -0.05551243 +O 7.81268976 0.00906021 3.97904040 -0.02566269 0.03218558 0.04611068 +O 0.01448850 1.97143974 6.05025992 -0.18101723 -0.14243037 0.17828286 +O 1.95234006 0.01470237 6.03184025 0.14074142 0.04847275 0.17029470 +O 0.02411981 7.79998980 8.07162990 0.00212553 0.25266179 -0.02835773 +O 7.80410039 5.87250988 1.97403990 -0.04741140 0.11707647 0.03167625 +O 1.93982029 3.95742987 1.98979988 -0.05564690 -0.26884432 -0.13940187 +O 7.80308116 3.91777022 3.95537967 -0.00265544 -0.15018559 0.15477655 +O 0.03863416 5.87775015 6.05028029 -0.15975601 -0.11778943 0.16240245 +O 1.94693997 3.91487001 6.02062016 0.15680053 -0.04858922 0.23030091 +O 0.00188098 3.89911003 8.06863020 0.10358563 0.08836547 0.01678519 +O 3.88269982 1.96552965 1.96208967 -0.00584977 -0.16002957 -0.01073873 +O 5.86374032 0.03566971 1.92444967 0.08693645 -0.17100639 0.20679717 +O 3.95275993 7.82020977 3.94955027 -0.16984502 0.11027693 0.24684981 +O 3.92564982 1.95757015 6.07538016 -0.10052705 0.05714328 -0.02810627 +O 5.87235007 7.79916565 6.09154986 0.06476300 0.22773135 0.00106778 +O 3.89989032 7.82348132 8.07124995 -0.06866979 0.04762557 0.01628794 +O 3.91701971 5.86310027 1.96252995 0.06773546 0.29718610 -0.06231737 +O 5.85347992 3.89310985 1.91335023 0.22441180 0.05087956 0.20415125 +O 3.93090967 3.92806039 3.93355997 -0.05908164 -0.06084824 0.54760152 +O 3.89585964 5.89262017 6.04421979 -0.05548261 -0.26560987 0.14139216 +O 5.85015981 3.94242040 6.07169027 0.14956621 -0.05424102 0.03886042 +O 3.89782993 3.92792016 8.06333039 -0.05716308 -0.02145200 -0.13794740 +40 +Lattice="7.951364157 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951364157 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951364157" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.981397397514 stress="-0.0017169547404229748 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0017169547404229748 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0017169547404229748" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97568208 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97568208 0.00000000 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97568208 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97568208 3.97568208 3.97568208 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.01539630 1.93596786 1.93596786 -0.13988550 0.13988550 0.13988550 +Ti 1.93596786 6.01539630 1.93596786 0.13988550 -0.13988550 0.13988550 +Ti 1.93596786 1.93596786 6.01539630 0.13988550 0.13988550 -0.13988550 +Ti 6.01539630 6.01539630 6.01539630 -0.13988550 -0.13988550 -0.13988550 +Ti 2.03971485 5.91164931 5.91164931 -0.13990041 0.13990041 0.13990041 +Ti 5.91164931 2.03971485 5.91164931 0.13990041 -0.13990041 0.13990041 +Ti 5.91164931 5.91164931 2.03971485 0.13990041 0.13990041 -0.13990041 +Ti 2.03971485 2.03971485 2.03971485 -0.13990041 -0.13990041 -0.13990041 +O 1.97868937 1.97868937 4.00244966 0.12615889 0.12615889 -0.38789693 +O 5.97267479 1.97868937 3.94891449 -0.12615889 0.12615889 0.38789693 +O 1.97868937 5.97267479 3.94891449 0.12615889 -0.12615889 0.38789693 +O 5.97267479 5.97267479 4.00244966 -0.12615889 -0.12615889 -0.38789693 +O 1.97868937 4.00244966 1.97868937 0.12615889 -0.38789693 0.12615889 +O 1.97868937 3.94891449 5.97267479 0.12615889 0.38789693 -0.12615889 +O 5.97267479 3.94891449 1.97868937 -0.12615889 0.38789693 0.12615889 +O 5.97267479 4.00244966 5.97267479 -0.12615889 -0.38789693 -0.12615889 +O 4.00244966 1.97868937 1.97868937 -0.38789693 0.12615889 0.12615889 +O 3.94891449 5.97267479 1.97868937 0.38789693 -0.12615889 0.12615889 +O 3.94891449 1.97868937 5.97267479 0.38789693 0.12615889 -0.12615889 +O 4.00244966 5.97267479 5.97267479 -0.38789693 -0.12615889 -0.12615889 +O 5.95437136 5.95437136 0.02676721 0.12615529 0.12615529 -0.38788999 +O 1.99699280 5.95437136 -0.02676721 -0.12615529 0.12615529 0.38788999 +O 5.95437136 1.99699280 -0.02676721 0.12615529 -0.12615529 0.38788999 +O 1.99699280 1.99699280 0.02676721 -0.12615529 -0.12615529 -0.38788999 +O 5.95437136 0.02676721 5.95437136 0.12615529 -0.38788999 0.12615529 +O 5.95437136 -0.02676721 1.99699280 0.12615529 0.38788999 -0.12615529 +O 1.99699280 -0.02676721 5.95437136 -0.12615529 0.38788999 0.12615529 +O 1.99699280 0.02676721 1.99699280 -0.12615529 -0.38788999 -0.12615529 +O 0.02676721 5.95437136 5.95437136 -0.38788999 0.12615529 0.12615529 +O -0.02676721 1.99699280 5.95437136 0.38788999 -0.12615529 0.12615529 +O -0.02676721 5.95437136 1.99699280 0.38788999 0.12615529 -0.12615529 +O 0.02676721 1.99699280 1.99699280 -0.38788999 -0.12615529 -0.12615529 +40 +Lattice="7.739899839946526 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.002437242517512 0.0 0.0 0.0681885175899289 8.002150866223435" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.359341760923 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87602961 0.14762234 7.95627880 -0.00843528 -0.37689878 0.32599351 +Ba 3.87856985 7.98943731 4.06581970 0.19008860 0.37642827 -0.60489341 +Ba 3.85351966 4.13704071 7.98633438 -0.01113442 -0.33630595 0.03809321 +Ba 3.90484990 4.05669977 3.98361964 -0.29978266 -0.02914628 -0.09512567 +Ba 7.70646966 0.09857923 7.97980345 0.12124243 0.27602001 0.07920232 +Ba 7.69867946 0.04042163 3.99984015 -0.02505720 0.13884934 -0.10572813 +Ba 0.04174515 4.17224100 7.99166175 -0.22250584 -0.85372555 -0.09517478 +Ba 0.03945878 4.11818012 3.94095963 -0.33374025 -0.46457649 0.19581007 +Ti 1.87504027 1.95471016 2.02648999 0.18595118 0.14327678 0.15508277 +Ti 1.96110022 2.00779968 6.00547962 -0.40807032 0.34774427 0.27536618 +Ti 1.93752990 6.02356002 1.83865965 -0.04486575 -0.02424293 0.80894207 +Ti 1.95598027 6.02771016 5.86524966 0.17974351 -0.07818442 0.12779437 +Ti 5.73641980 1.97699023 2.10478991 0.34718146 -0.04617881 -0.02678781 +Ti 5.81882961 2.08030009 6.13569956 0.25392575 -0.08119132 -0.70550711 +Ti 5.80203016 5.96892020 1.93050981 0.05530032 0.27833066 0.45008086 +Ti 5.85371024 6.00869013 6.00349975 -0.62883990 -0.00907214 -0.63501312 +O 1.88075000 2.13842984 3.90112004 0.27903128 -0.34427791 0.27915033 +O 1.99539030 2.09874969 7.91023956 -0.30185111 0.06559938 0.38347875 +O 1.92025986 6.10331969 3.95845954 0.01219037 -0.04453896 1.03955434 +O 1.81159012 6.17437971 7.99181965 0.80067315 0.00677666 -0.19695087 +O 5.73481996 2.05141014 3.96700981 0.52183058 0.09916436 -0.31568699 +O 5.79358980 2.20830023 7.99036996 -0.08832691 -0.30233782 -0.24578101 +O 5.76013950 6.03117995 4.03636009 0.25715248 0.49554774 -0.23641242 +O 5.83147970 6.11533975 7.94730981 -0.22002498 -0.12410766 0.81577838 +O 1.85951016 4.16084012 1.96667991 0.40685651 -0.45292373 -0.21860985 +O 1.96593998 4.16961020 5.98869951 -0.12851094 0.11867132 -0.12692688 +O 1.93961967 0.05248968 2.02156973 -0.01336768 1.00229597 -0.26599322 +O 1.96221012 0.13896990 5.95785988 -0.21726953 0.03721903 -0.13783273 +O 5.82487989 4.09362993 2.04992021 -0.07501631 0.26708748 -0.46846631 +O 5.78998997 4.13616997 5.98221967 0.16019258 -0.04127932 0.12616789 +O 5.75861009 0.05494013 1.94544008 0.08973073 0.54174095 0.21326195 +O 5.83495956 0.19266004 5.99631016 -0.12577297 -0.18227707 0.21354272 +O 7.71539919 2.10670012 1.93819011 0.37917164 -0.33566729 0.00753282 +O 0.02409973 2.16504967 5.98225992 -0.12886935 -0.02493327 -0.09719567 +O 7.71530553 6.13154014 1.94724967 -0.25213266 -0.05566258 0.37543094 +O 7.71969948 6.14435974 6.01306007 0.60501760 -0.02013482 -0.30870079 +O 3.87110007 2.12640977 1.99043986 -0.55698579 -0.10666324 -0.24482533 +O 3.88100017 2.14031992 5.95891019 -0.15124514 -0.00801156 -0.04899006 +O 3.87113954 6.06191974 1.99668983 -0.10557772 0.03959859 -0.41372932 +O 3.87264960 6.13770961 6.08413016 -0.49789721 0.10798710 -0.31593124 +40 +Lattice="7.828689954558958 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.828689954558958 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.212209646742846" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.08482011234 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94747979 1.97502973 0.00068423 0.11311003 -0.12542330 0.10927523 +Ba 1.94738976 1.93608983 4.10594982 0.10278165 0.17065774 0.10507533 +Ba 1.94123014 5.88006013 0.02341405 0.14185059 -0.02965485 -0.05791436 +Ba 1.97166966 5.86818010 4.09824012 -0.10640356 0.01038083 0.17089531 +Ba 5.87401012 1.97237032 8.20635222 -0.03276460 -0.13937205 0.09553422 +Ba 5.86633018 1.95297005 4.11659997 0.02141883 -0.01405802 0.04246023 +Ba 5.85809987 5.87300961 0.01974317 0.08350377 0.03189968 -0.06793497 +Ba 5.89575979 5.84585032 4.11707986 -0.15914434 0.24601292 0.07065906 +Ti 7.82570409 7.81283294 2.14337005 -0.10504448 0.14142173 -0.32919788 +Ti 0.02231960 0.00327318 6.25650973 -0.27860011 -0.20888953 -0.30045294 +Ti 0.00405604 3.89943993 2.13831976 -0.02797926 -0.06335121 -0.12754523 +Ti 0.00122989 3.91337031 6.27721975 -0.05195788 0.18511711 -0.74317737 +Ti 3.91227977 0.00839392 2.13870963 0.11950642 -0.13594245 -0.20598367 +Ti 3.92345992 7.82686978 6.27557025 0.12257220 0.04506013 -0.70584444 +Ti 3.91845034 3.91310022 2.14369024 -0.00489718 0.09912554 -0.27891533 +Ti 3.90418960 3.92226996 6.25101008 0.05143852 -0.07932882 -0.28675385 +O 7.80669995 1.96421988 1.92447988 0.05081734 0.06722278 0.18500141 +O 1.94786966 0.02368962 1.94835973 0.03630963 -0.05718596 0.09000301 +O 0.00196970 0.02712015 3.96269027 0.01647897 -0.12777277 0.06654246 +O 0.02312673 1.96858985 6.05748017 -0.03721518 -0.00675480 0.24802738 +O 1.96892022 7.81829267 6.09445977 0.06332370 0.13416993 -0.06867237 +O 0.00558968 7.80435995 8.06958970 -0.02689811 0.20644313 0.10923640 +O 7.82844961 5.88360027 1.96062964 0.02000781 -0.14478242 0.13035827 +O 1.94689029 3.91031007 1.95704018 0.06106241 -0.05460432 0.06653629 +O 7.81746596 3.91103031 3.96089985 0.06269481 -0.02455583 -0.11370858 +O 0.00287313 5.88581970 6.05555979 0.03781553 -0.13462888 0.09237537 +O 1.95364018 3.92781032 6.07524973 0.00472594 -0.03391311 0.05379031 +O 0.01360313 3.92909971 8.08685979 -0.11537465 -0.02491913 0.10861265 +O 3.94115981 1.93744967 1.96782029 -0.15561370 0.35870823 -0.00721014 +O 5.87112995 7.81236009 1.94764028 0.01088477 0.06211708 0.11866001 +O 3.89932016 7.81962355 3.95033973 0.07406243 -0.02282111 0.19897767 +O 3.94137979 1.98089968 6.04318968 -0.21705973 -0.32608890 0.19712262 +O 5.88409034 0.01966019 6.06876992 -0.17533432 -0.07316897 0.08336236 +O 3.91372964 0.01246014 8.07473002 0.02507725 0.01478230 0.19863135 +O 3.90388037 5.86917982 1.93447007 -0.05589218 -0.09533008 0.17816665 +O 5.85636973 3.92513996 1.93209015 0.06072586 -0.00498074 0.25618215 +O 3.88049998 3.92087019 3.96473982 0.20024986 -0.00097856 -0.06616323 +O 3.92061967 5.86809007 6.07078033 0.04187967 0.25651202 0.06821857 +O 5.87826971 3.92411988 6.05788021 0.09208792 -0.02731951 0.17913956 +O 3.91544021 3.91624970 8.06856963 -0.06420585 -0.07380583 0.13663022 +40 +Lattice="7.827199791540235 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.827199791540235 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.210662136527583" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.07071549969 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94590996 1.96025018 0.01185899 0.16264053 0.08172688 0.00348719 +Ba 1.95982986 1.95333015 4.10158027 -0.00669490 0.00959304 0.07321525 +Ba 1.94392029 5.85163022 0.00702569 0.20892064 0.07524693 -0.03593374 +Ba 1.95811022 5.84198006 4.11173998 0.00633288 0.24496931 0.07183431 +Ba 5.87238952 1.96449956 0.01691301 -0.00939918 -0.03732548 -0.03001146 +Ba 5.87465001 1.95484002 4.09966965 -0.04449860 0.02492453 0.09566535 +Ba 5.85901988 5.87050003 0.01305107 0.01962934 0.00343191 -0.05737494 +Ba 5.87319963 5.89246002 4.12585007 0.00719703 -0.10909525 -0.01608302 +Ti 0.00284910 0.03037658 2.11059033 -0.18238686 -0.11232327 0.22989467 +Ti 0.00700065 7.81431074 6.24358977 0.00007251 -0.06821111 -0.39753729 +Ti 7.79972241 3.94875968 2.15044017 0.20178069 -0.14091214 -0.17907682 +Ti 7.82454011 3.89532965 6.25280004 0.04577104 0.21195686 -0.24752062 +Ti 3.90877991 7.80929899 2.13184979 0.11585622 0.11604957 -0.14770319 +Ti 3.91612965 0.00957032 6.25045970 -0.09605359 -0.24222543 -0.12414237 +Ti 3.90961976 3.90710958 2.14987975 -0.14242317 -0.03162585 -0.17627072 +Ti 3.91777023 3.90407967 6.24618997 -0.04363908 0.19560927 -0.02375776 +O 7.82061946 1.98432977 1.92596000 0.11082303 -0.09952715 0.10043757 +O 1.95798029 0.02662970 1.93465993 0.05146989 -0.09642434 0.16348231 +O 7.79979990 0.04380023 3.94789008 0.26023421 -0.14856631 -0.10110118 +O 0.00366704 1.96515000 6.08607990 0.00804910 -0.08204313 0.08964100 +O 1.95357984 0.01286635 6.05526969 0.06409169 -0.03819142 0.09633744 +O 7.81722950 7.80513961 8.05803018 0.08023127 0.09885069 0.20527611 +O 7.82530013 5.88702951 1.94150012 0.15898776 -0.11212992 0.26272998 +O 2.00792017 3.92459007 1.96106029 -0.43818771 -0.11705204 0.09985599 +O 0.03128610 3.90384016 3.98284009 -0.08479164 0.04406074 -0.21747676 +O 0.02838221 5.85270020 6.03050991 -0.12898967 0.30181923 0.17135143 +O 1.97067992 3.91140985 6.06937979 -0.02075009 -0.05312928 0.17781749 +O 0.01746327 3.96522967 8.08844980 -0.15913972 -0.27524276 -0.12903158 +O 3.97046998 1.94495974 1.96783004 -0.21253793 0.06287041 0.10558184 +O 5.88480972 0.00192001 1.96035976 -0.17004531 -0.05276135 -0.04815291 +O 3.90245005 7.81218253 3.96205966 0.04148938 0.01178954 -0.05551089 +O 3.91037979 1.96186023 6.06249968 0.08907047 -0.17948126 0.06979440 +O 5.88213986 7.81821260 6.05923965 -0.18586762 0.09752066 0.14921294 +O 3.89558951 7.82284082 8.08321967 0.13176158 0.09660663 -0.18012223 +O 3.92295966 5.85100952 1.93570017 0.04482358 0.36725226 0.19211823 +O 5.89595956 3.93192963 2.01363011 0.04920089 -0.01735443 -0.10183265 +O 3.90786960 3.92987969 3.98530957 0.09180021 -0.10025194 -0.05274798 +O 3.92000020 5.87533959 6.07115969 -0.02918588 0.02642863 0.12435603 +O 5.87190971 3.90968003 6.05338960 0.13913962 0.01316199 0.15182518 +O 3.95606011 3.89391997 8.09452997 -0.13478263 0.03000477 -0.31252633 +40 +Lattice="7.76976977664925 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.033320367473193 0.0 0.0 0.0684516717322799 8.033032885991457" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.47931403125 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91501994 8.02002785 0.02675520 -0.24924068 0.26337635 -0.45759337 +Ba 3.89158010 0.08699190 3.96740994 0.06298586 0.16668873 0.48272308 +Ba 3.87327996 4.02884007 0.00562687 0.09901215 0.21136756 -0.01310388 +Ba 3.84844001 4.02663968 3.98295958 0.32564976 0.28666643 0.19908566 +Ba 0.01162979 0.10617623 7.96356182 -0.21280944 -0.27853686 0.31197174 +Ba 0.02184005 0.14140670 4.01160983 -0.39461548 -0.53458120 0.10253251 +Ba 0.05213438 4.16227422 8.00510833 -0.53074126 0.04630480 0.08844878 +Ba 7.76728811 4.04080008 3.99780995 -0.34256427 0.37366819 0.09017502 +Ti 1.92841956 1.97349977 1.92270956 0.05618580 0.32956066 -0.08711643 +Ti 1.90717002 2.02888968 5.95947946 0.63046381 0.46496344 -0.00040649 +Ti 1.94612998 6.06489970 2.14228015 -0.36722089 -0.36955983 -0.03717121 +Ti 1.97280981 6.10191954 6.10457991 -0.41922248 -0.46299886 -0.55370404 +Ti 5.81161997 1.96558004 1.97698995 0.11291977 1.53409344 0.32970001 +Ti 5.78711955 2.06035958 6.08242985 -0.29287642 -0.23020989 -1.34741284 +Ti 5.80940947 6.03225967 1.92634970 0.44512866 -1.02501913 0.26860495 +Ti 5.78117956 6.09118949 5.84906016 0.79698310 -0.26803828 0.34211304 +O 1.95470003 2.13924994 4.08252996 -0.08640526 -0.29048324 -0.22877599 +O 1.92193958 2.06484584 0.06068035 -0.09531414 0.25133922 -0.32182807 +O 2.00337997 6.20640974 4.01413967 -0.44804506 -0.12468411 -0.49195359 +O 1.95010033 6.20881992 7.94973008 0.07275913 -0.14686321 0.43273852 +O 5.73641947 2.15665966 4.11867027 0.49343352 -0.14403654 -0.64071171 +O 5.84236961 2.04950599 0.03661970 0.00047283 0.10045403 -0.15198511 +O 5.83746999 6.09620954 4.00472970 -0.11214432 0.28645997 -0.20374347 +O 5.79590949 6.11694550 0.10106994 0.18619312 0.14954436 -0.43311930 +O 1.88436963 4.15615008 2.03735018 0.24280470 0.18039631 -0.15160484 +O 1.96594988 4.23394957 6.00132977 -0.15304826 -0.24647855 0.21451176 +O 1.97448964 0.11793034 1.98263002 -0.04741860 -0.24988783 0.15927650 +O 1.98195017 0.20442964 6.05831016 -0.38855308 -0.35876556 -0.15454181 +O 5.82112006 4.11816989 2.00387024 0.20271323 0.37800564 -0.05908241 +O 5.76418008 4.22818983 6.04283977 0.13997960 -0.53662060 0.25599677 +O 5.77299955 0.18801988 2.04401975 0.21170412 -1.40095709 0.04272274 +O 5.81685990 0.14576010 5.95954007 0.00567777 0.39034591 0.55260566 +O 7.76705036 1.99402983 2.02090003 -0.15174188 0.52659201 0.22343504 +O 7.75108348 2.16660963 5.97298954 0.34428845 0.02682920 0.62835447 +O 0.03906096 6.18647018 2.03759027 -0.30859023 0.04683470 -0.16574488 +O 7.69006981 6.18333974 6.01242967 1.09752963 0.08025107 0.06130127 +O 3.85480966 2.08804016 2.01807028 0.17216004 0.22213123 -0.07231279 +O 3.88496026 2.13081974 6.08824009 -0.33092283 0.21664552 0.22724798 +O 3.89939027 6.12883014 2.00744978 -0.32257137 0.04088748 0.07191196 +O 3.88348011 6.20954018 5.94103014 -0.44499856 0.09431449 0.48645503 +40 +Lattice="7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21627912414 stress="9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98854516 5.96681728 5.96681728 0.00179952 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 1.98854516 5.96681728 -0.00179952 0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 5.96681728 1.98854516 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 1.98854516 1.98854516 1.98854516 0.00179952 0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 5.96622644 1.98913600 1.98913600 0.00179900 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 5.96622644 1.98913600 -0.00179900 0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 1.98913600 5.96622644 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ba 5.96622644 5.96622644 5.96622644 0.00179900 0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 1.98884061 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 0.00000000 3.97768122 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 5.96663714 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 1.98872530 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 5.96663714 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98872530 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 5.96663714 3.97768122 3.97768122 -0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98872530 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.776560178586843 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.040341099844508 0.0 0.0 0.06851149517335009 8.040053367117903" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.698436284907 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86696998 0.02575674 0.00861021 0.05658844 0.02935428 -0.26531728 +Ba 3.92232043 0.07600343 4.01632037 -0.34558686 0.06212608 -0.03300911 +Ba 3.83879006 4.04940031 0.00844923 0.51079901 -0.03196447 -0.24776873 +Ba 3.94995988 4.07838044 4.02820996 -0.33832915 0.06011136 -0.11141644 +Ba 7.73874043 0.13523594 7.98893959 0.17703691 -0.08774687 0.18759566 +Ba 0.03887969 0.03546578 3.97997040 -0.14028916 0.35465231 0.13891542 +Ba 7.71026345 4.10237035 0.00389217 0.13256325 -0.40186728 -0.12417271 +Ba 0.06719181 4.11990027 4.01811987 -0.51859459 -0.36642977 -0.06231917 +Ti 1.91624008 2.11701998 2.02816967 0.14942455 -0.45479807 0.60063541 +Ti 1.93054040 2.18856977 6.09302044 -0.34000165 -0.38970211 -0.42787527 +Ti 1.98663972 6.12112026 2.04669032 -0.18443397 0.32479615 -0.57025140 +Ti 1.91819977 6.18401008 6.07492050 0.33514818 0.08095324 0.34320910 +Ti 5.81391037 2.07687037 2.03534043 0.02526983 0.66876527 -0.05516893 +Ti 5.81119012 2.15295002 6.02250026 0.47793568 0.43445833 0.55819935 +Ti 5.85509036 6.12764013 2.05389997 -0.03333975 -0.21647017 0.20131918 +Ti 5.82074052 6.19385988 6.05961001 -0.08446048 -0.31548516 -0.11246674 +O 1.88372006 2.03527977 3.93872975 0.25320584 0.05930764 -0.18505284 +O 1.88431030 2.00165004 7.96755016 0.24528376 0.43938945 -0.19066298 +O 2.06821973 6.02990044 3.85069986 -0.32130356 -0.01752875 0.87917304 +O 1.89268021 6.09277004 7.93989049 0.17307484 0.02247838 0.01717188 +O 5.83037023 2.08765024 3.90071014 -0.12659958 -0.59857827 0.13675929 +O 5.80238006 2.09837023 7.90935039 -0.12396394 -0.10949146 0.37075205 +O 5.82183001 6.07056018 3.99090036 -0.01693534 0.15896462 -0.68391216 +O 5.90722987 6.12860987 7.94327019 -0.20845913 -0.22119740 -0.18890358 +O 1.98054990 3.95328980 1.94316020 -0.15604745 0.34048065 -0.10697692 +O 1.93332985 4.03877986 6.00846979 0.00814191 -0.04675371 -0.01082923 +O 1.90489019 7.98283033 1.98135011 0.25976010 -0.26559470 -0.19229332 +O 1.95951975 8.04903996 5.95896032 -0.17205488 -0.16914773 -0.04379231 +O 5.73822033 3.98884034 2.00835032 0.52643286 -0.34673846 -0.45140010 +O 5.85013047 4.02767026 5.96022012 -0.21151309 0.22744004 0.04722834 +O 5.82700998 7.99073053 1.88872972 0.15668200 0.25768701 0.51175160 +O 5.91065000 8.06720989 5.95845018 -0.57629066 -0.14799450 -0.03782118 +O 7.75652232 1.96166997 1.96014032 -0.18509500 0.22874822 -0.29860484 +O 7.71530577 2.08461038 5.97821975 0.82634844 -0.24293865 -0.18458027 +O 0.00092541 5.95948990 2.00551032 0.28719968 0.10134877 -0.15473387 +O 0.02814026 6.03295040 5.90867008 -0.06808435 0.14891084 -0.01049550 +O 3.85713030 1.90341031 1.90406976 0.14068768 0.24451474 0.20191927 +O 3.84479979 2.06870032 5.92568986 0.10704737 -0.21714637 0.11095159 +O 3.97364028 5.99351002 1.84160999 -1.09572755 0.22813193 0.27169901 +O 3.87696986 6.04239037 5.96713038 0.39848037 0.17495483 0.17254468 +40 +Lattice="7.955134462 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955134462 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955134462" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.215874082685 stress="-9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756723 3.97756723 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756723 0.00000000 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756723 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756723 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756723 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96618610 1.98894836 1.98894836 0.00571505 -0.00571505 -0.00571505 +Ti 1.98894836 5.96618610 1.98894836 -0.00571505 0.00571505 -0.00571505 +Ti 1.98894836 1.98894836 5.96618610 -0.00571505 -0.00571505 0.00571505 +Ti 5.96618610 5.96618610 5.96618610 0.00571505 0.00571505 0.00571505 +Ti 1.98894836 5.96618610 5.96618610 -0.00571505 0.00571505 0.00571505 +Ti 5.96618610 1.98894836 5.96618610 0.00571505 -0.00571505 0.00571505 +Ti 5.96618610 5.96618610 1.98894836 0.00571505 0.00571505 -0.00571505 +Ti 1.98894836 1.98894836 1.98894836 -0.00571505 -0.00571505 -0.00571505 +O 5.96908183 5.96339928 3.97756723 -0.00707748 0.00777116 0.00000000 +O 1.98605263 5.96339928 3.97756723 0.00707748 0.00777116 0.00000000 +O 5.96908183 1.99173518 3.97756723 -0.00707748 -0.00777116 0.00000000 +O 1.98605263 1.99173518 3.97756723 0.00707748 -0.00777116 0.00000000 +O 5.96339928 3.97756723 5.96908183 0.00777116 0.00000000 -0.00707748 +O 5.96339928 3.97756723 1.98605263 0.00777116 0.00000000 0.00707748 +O 1.99173518 3.97756723 5.96908183 -0.00777116 0.00000000 -0.00707748 +O 1.99173518 3.97756723 1.98605263 -0.00777116 0.00000000 0.00707748 +O 3.97756723 5.96908183 5.96339928 0.00000000 -0.00707748 0.00777116 +O 3.97756723 1.98605263 5.96339928 0.00000000 0.00707748 0.00777116 +O 3.97756723 5.96908183 1.99173518 0.00000000 -0.00707748 -0.00777116 +O 3.97756723 1.98605263 1.99173518 0.00000000 0.00707748 -0.00777116 +O 5.96389850 5.96923957 0.00000000 0.00261893 -0.01012835 0.00000000 +O 1.99123596 5.96923957 0.00000000 -0.00261893 -0.01012835 0.00000000 +O 5.96389850 1.98589489 0.00000000 0.00261893 0.01012835 0.00000000 +O 1.99123596 1.98589489 0.00000000 -0.00261893 0.01012835 0.00000000 +O 5.96923957 0.00000000 5.96389850 -0.01012835 0.00000000 0.00261893 +O 5.96923957 0.00000000 1.99123596 -0.01012835 0.00000000 -0.00261893 +O 1.98589489 0.00000000 5.96389850 0.01012835 0.00000000 0.00261893 +O 1.98589489 0.00000000 1.99123596 0.01012835 0.00000000 -0.00261893 +O 0.00000000 5.96389850 5.96923957 0.00000000 0.00261893 -0.01012835 +O 0.00000000 1.99123596 5.96923957 0.00000000 -0.00261893 -0.01012835 +O 0.00000000 5.96389850 1.98589489 0.00000000 0.00261893 0.01012835 +O 0.00000000 1.99123596 1.98589489 0.00000000 -0.00261893 0.01012835 +40 +Lattice="7.955132494 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132494 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132494" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216352730935 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98882008 5.96631241 5.96631241 -0.00037872 0.00037872 0.00037872 +Ba 5.96631241 1.98882008 5.96631241 0.00037872 -0.00037872 0.00037872 +Ba 1.98882008 1.98882008 1.98882008 -0.00037872 -0.00037872 -0.00037872 +Ba 5.96631241 5.96631241 1.98882008 0.00037872 0.00037872 -0.00037872 +Ba 5.96631241 1.98882008 1.98882008 0.00037872 -0.00037872 -0.00037872 +Ba 1.98882008 5.96631241 1.98882008 -0.00037872 0.00037872 -0.00037872 +Ba 1.98882008 1.98882008 5.96631241 -0.00037872 -0.00037872 0.00037872 +Ba 5.96631241 5.96631241 5.96631241 0.00037872 0.00037872 0.00037872 +Ti 3.97756625 3.97756625 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756625 0.00000000 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756625 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756625 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756625 3.97756625 1.98879747 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00010850 +O 3.97756625 3.97756625 5.96633503 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00010850 +O 3.97756625 1.98879747 3.97756625 0.00000000 -0.00010850 0.00000000 +O 3.97756625 5.96633503 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00010850 0.00000000 +O 1.98879747 3.97756625 3.97756625 -0.00010850 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633503 3.97756625 3.97756625 0.00010850 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756625 5.96633029 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00024837 +O 0.00000000 3.97756625 1.98880220 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00024837 +O 1.98880220 0.00000000 3.97756625 -0.00024837 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633029 0.00000000 3.97756625 0.00024837 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756625 1.98880220 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00024837 0.00000000 +O 3.97756625 5.96633029 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00024837 0.00000000 +O 3.97756625 0.00000000 1.98880220 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00024837 +O 3.97756625 0.00000000 5.96633029 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00024837 +O 0.00000000 1.98880220 3.97756625 0.00000000 -0.00024837 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96633029 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00024837 0.00000000 +O 1.98880220 3.97756625 0.00000000 -0.00024837 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633029 3.97756625 0.00000000 0.00024837 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98880702 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00039081 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96632548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00039081 +O 0.00000000 1.98880702 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00039081 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96632548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00039081 0.00000000 +O 1.98880702 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00039081 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96632548 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00039081 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.833670041266774 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.833670041266774 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.217449370258475" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.13385067225 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95290026 1.98073015 0.01478135 0.05144520 -0.14618547 0.05606573 +Ba 1.94924977 1.94852985 4.09241968 0.08733112 0.09397896 0.15873091 +Ba 1.95359980 5.86727002 8.21203944 0.06442979 0.03665905 0.16983628 +Ba 1.96646034 5.87662969 4.09368012 0.01588196 -0.07244366 0.17735238 +Ba 5.87615027 1.95948994 0.00418005 -0.06361243 -0.07606712 0.07319956 +Ba 5.87051003 1.94462007 4.13548999 -0.03849481 0.08023642 -0.02477952 +Ba 5.88280967 5.86426033 0.01186018 -0.12333890 0.10272123 -0.03182897 +Ba 5.89712022 5.89781977 4.12234039 -0.25505780 -0.14740109 0.09719258 +Ti 7.83206884 7.82620769 2.13906978 -0.05985657 0.12549143 -0.25124177 +Ti 0.00176258 0.01328904 6.25844982 -0.10209645 0.09212854 -0.16998591 +Ti 7.80491421 3.92416029 2.15750005 0.21506687 -0.11062763 -0.36967733 +Ti 7.82542980 3.93918996 6.26317039 -0.12485020 -0.21137270 -0.47411374 +Ti 3.91052030 7.81717860 2.14797979 0.08568921 0.23072488 -0.25158836 +Ti 3.89501982 7.81480970 6.27746997 0.23923009 0.08135999 -0.27205562 +Ti 3.91051012 3.91802025 2.14105013 -0.09649762 -0.17853895 -0.10969792 +Ti 3.89802011 3.90087000 6.25047984 0.19179247 -0.01638950 -0.30234399 +O 7.83287022 1.95553002 1.95477015 0.02774812 0.00927371 0.16843580 +O 1.97358976 0.00090009 1.97642007 -0.17073153 -0.05710703 -0.00710396 +O 0.01745028 7.81481988 3.96782986 -0.11939637 0.08646877 0.02281263 +O 0.02022732 1.96118985 6.06722993 -0.12153065 -0.11946554 0.06636531 +O 1.96314983 0.01432230 6.07529000 -0.06903026 -0.11175146 0.07474351 +O 0.01895983 7.83318984 8.07880986 -0.00452823 -0.02125634 0.03870667 +O 0.00970983 5.86425014 1.95351990 -0.03268926 0.18144044 0.06490081 +O 1.96131989 3.94232970 1.96948962 -0.03128133 -0.16547157 0.02029449 +O 7.81530087 3.93836978 3.96449037 0.12066213 -0.13052591 0.16453363 +O 0.00373431 5.87462975 6.06797021 0.09753274 0.10158506 0.12584676 +O 1.96710035 3.90297021 6.06236992 -0.06781387 0.17533947 0.10433254 +O 7.82956363 3.91680995 8.07939974 0.01644040 0.02440594 0.05789404 +O 3.91747973 1.94600036 1.95614966 0.04445000 0.11838439 0.09441939 +O 5.89202990 7.82039040 1.94247991 0.01013040 0.01430947 0.20964184 +O 3.92561030 7.82730597 3.98016006 -0.00090451 0.01438275 -0.09643308 +O 3.91349004 1.97177000 6.08349028 0.04627446 -0.15856250 0.02271235 +O 5.85961026 0.00248954 6.10890036 0.35561956 0.04450451 -0.07515129 +O 3.92084978 7.81745513 8.10031015 -0.13039118 0.06457531 -0.05465780 +O 3.91278031 5.87564030 1.96109036 0.06843377 -0.03983667 0.06515098 +O 5.86960994 3.92544971 1.97307039 0.10459402 -0.03017858 -0.02083982 +O 3.91977030 3.90218997 3.95804013 0.00092868 0.08515417 0.15170486 +O 3.92625971 5.88008982 6.08126004 -0.11617324 -0.03959010 0.02793812 +O 5.89208004 3.92629026 6.04940990 -0.05336170 -0.05629816 0.17470723 +O 3.93073038 3.90149983 8.07147990 -0.06204483 0.12594549 0.12398039 +40 +Lattice="7.9469499479046 0.0 0.0 -0.021782589807206508 7.946918160104809 0.0 -0.021782589807206508 0.021726961157571174 7.946886372305017" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.9837695499 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00089434 7.90449496 0.02654997 -0.13119260 0.71589025 0.11899554 +Ba 3.99357996 7.94782014 4.02040966 -0.15410447 0.49669522 -0.19985056 +Ba 3.94137009 4.03879016 7.94247979 0.33019778 -0.18583471 0.46518327 +Ba 4.01013028 4.02192991 4.03409033 -0.02250795 -0.11015403 -0.36053114 +Ba 0.06073059 0.07514556 0.01302028 -0.03671767 -0.23322837 0.23354153 +Ba 0.01739269 0.08564984 4.05161972 0.09918956 -0.25209512 -0.37243329 +Ba 0.04076150 4.02603531 0.02145994 -0.17794734 -0.01509649 0.21765854 +Ba 0.05514706 3.98595963 4.01930980 -0.36078362 0.39118846 -0.18191558 +O 2.05819010 4.07117001 2.04317037 -0.17044460 0.02536676 0.05706898 +O 2.06192994 4.02420989 6.01884983 -0.18685441 0.20219387 -0.09696427 +O 2.08109401 0.08849962 1.99455013 -0.15770684 -0.00728933 0.30350304 +O 2.04094443 0.08622997 6.03435989 -0.07467281 -0.35219460 -0.11925728 +O 6.04503979 4.04270960 2.10119025 -0.19632352 0.57690336 -0.36358201 +O 5.99250012 4.09633959 6.00268017 -0.05930147 -0.07566268 0.09568412 +O 6.04960452 0.10340969 2.06100014 -0.22545361 -0.14164670 -0.09255586 +O 6.01504403 0.08266974 5.99140980 -0.01036232 0.30519920 0.16389883 +O 1.92801032 2.03796035 4.01982000 0.60515978 0.04200386 0.24517191 +O 1.99056394 2.03144544 0.06004000 0.20203369 0.20462870 -0.07711793 +O 2.07761960 6.03319963 4.06685005 -0.24309780 -0.00676509 -0.13518269 +O 2.00371456 5.99522513 0.06350964 0.12424162 0.06273646 -0.14632174 +O 6.00773999 2.08220022 4.08911025 -0.10250037 -0.17357800 -0.29921393 +O 6.02330409 2.08358538 0.06530009 -0.10547077 -0.21528798 0.16582536 +O 5.93781001 6.04457967 4.00094996 0.23192148 0.05120481 0.06729605 +O 6.00695404 6.04416563 0.04927029 0.07149569 -0.10607883 0.05377359 +O 0.05699076 2.06705016 2.04127979 -0.32268939 -0.09456029 -0.06221838 +O 0.03508737 2.09581017 6.02479017 0.20219001 -0.11921768 0.03085324 +O 0.06627121 6.08037988 2.05872016 0.00728188 -0.21497585 0.02823817 +O 0.05267874 6.02842034 5.98350020 0.13538247 0.04718129 0.00368799 +O 4.00914963 2.07140032 2.01746993 0.14196835 -0.06197310 0.21140073 +O 4.00720024 2.07221011 6.01738997 0.13129801 -0.13694441 -0.04952767 +O 4.00735997 6.04092010 1.99434987 0.44319468 -0.05041162 0.16862657 +O 4.03675972 6.07300988 6.00441975 -0.15503778 -0.21999696 0.14880799 +Ti 2.05005004 1.97511984 2.00836034 0.26993472 -0.25800429 -0.23232025 +Ti 1.95542015 2.09284993 5.97921998 -0.10046637 -0.23138926 0.14092268 +Ti 1.98589034 5.94500995 1.99472020 -0.37522242 0.24032230 -0.14567279 +Ti 1.94270026 6.06832992 5.95808029 0.00116780 -0.00608580 0.04805700 +Ti 6.04417993 1.97713996 1.96630985 -0.32760945 0.65913932 -0.08231644 +Ti 5.90841980 1.99421000 5.95668004 0.27425058 0.05090939 0.03881183 +Ti 5.94351989 5.98276034 2.04245037 0.34507187 -0.72208687 0.11357205 +Ti 5.92428986 5.97512968 6.01173969 0.08048710 -0.08100518 -0.10359669 +40 +Lattice="7.942700125744312 0.0 0.0 -0.02177094104466516 7.942668354943809 0.0 -0.02177094104466516 0.021715342143784948 7.942636584143306" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.09427648703 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01403254 0.06931038 7.91338997 -0.38896446 -0.03504311 0.35812279 +Ba 3.99422027 7.92718009 3.97784004 0.03527991 0.41120193 0.27388831 +Ba 3.89302233 4.06971723 0.17964005 0.85984760 -0.29767384 -0.95238495 +Ba 4.00879036 4.07416990 3.97397036 -0.08788648 -0.26975577 0.12074029 +Ba 7.91168626 0.02229675 0.05901029 0.62257412 0.47182468 -0.68582017 +Ba 0.14410361 7.90850998 4.05903986 -0.99738979 0.76940699 0.22117761 +Ba 0.07144062 3.99833698 0.06477034 -0.46060156 -0.19603813 -0.53082713 +Ba 0.03636724 4.00266019 3.87717982 -0.01700888 0.02175076 1.13471010 +O 2.03145993 4.03872005 2.01483983 -0.54971445 -0.25685989 0.38543305 +O 2.07422978 3.98656986 5.97586994 -0.19396531 0.25412192 0.05860393 +O 1.98652252 0.03166040 1.89431968 -0.07533281 -0.02516981 0.79720627 +O 1.99218010 7.92626986 6.03593026 0.09467059 0.25731343 -0.06501471 +O 5.88747008 4.00715973 1.99531985 0.71808289 -0.04370618 0.12013557 +O 5.88947005 4.00600009 6.18289007 0.36204038 0.11699856 -0.28243311 +O 5.97932264 0.03214014 2.18825995 0.23240793 0.08227247 -0.37162134 +O 5.91454277 0.06728976 6.02810035 0.51972511 0.11686461 -0.33338338 +O 1.96402005 2.02022022 3.96711025 0.26369414 -0.18400871 -0.00081504 +O 2.05197275 2.04739696 0.04447991 0.01842427 -0.04779732 -0.60659908 +O 2.07054040 5.99777988 4.07567028 -0.35055757 0.07556986 -0.77834903 +O 1.93368291 5.94255747 0.05096036 0.04477936 0.06196616 -0.08601780 +O 6.05377989 2.17768028 4.09380029 -0.22078988 -0.46213934 -0.70928329 +O 5.99011279 1.89250716 0.14560002 -0.08950524 0.54438764 -0.25722087 +O 5.99105003 6.02217033 4.04402021 -0.19643460 -0.49260717 -0.19849045 +O 5.96580257 6.09509702 0.10115029 0.43131207 -0.29736376 -0.02353228 +O 0.02882724 2.01324017 2.03118035 -0.37635937 0.12822734 -0.10114591 +O 0.08870249 2.10335964 6.00926026 -0.14346113 -0.35035549 0.08826751 +O 0.02852859 5.99926040 2.03706033 -0.37960281 0.02529811 0.12703975 +O -0.03036177 5.92198031 5.95004028 0.55230638 0.07023714 0.31496065 +O 3.94449977 2.05826972 2.03354966 0.60826233 -0.43389294 0.27425752 +O 4.00850045 2.02142036 5.85908048 -0.29699841 -0.02711974 0.53970335 +O 3.93968013 6.05047017 1.90410986 0.04741294 0.05954135 0.86448124 +O 4.02838024 5.93045994 6.01533007 -0.65415961 0.36861906 0.09861158 +Ti 2.00119030 2.05202041 2.08740037 0.46885609 -0.06032014 -0.07926094 +Ti 2.03691974 2.04565036 6.06961049 -0.97689296 -0.06665662 -0.05957837 +Ti 1.98286967 6.07077012 1.96339973 1.31348867 -0.17758507 -0.68455210 +Ti 1.99513002 5.94077989 5.94924045 -0.02571900 0.38829211 0.57681877 +Ti 5.98520023 2.09672033 1.95507975 -0.25890289 -0.07888582 0.06967998 +Ti 5.91883977 2.05397987 5.88962016 0.62488425 -0.32480592 0.58246902 +Ti 6.05316036 6.11447006 2.01637992 -1.15269985 -0.32577188 0.24101521 +Ti 5.94662016 5.93862980 6.02959993 0.07489778 0.22966302 -0.44099176 +40 +Lattice="7.917729840813734 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.917729840813734 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.917729840813734" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.933019241165 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96461003 3.89688018 0.00480606 -0.03277205 0.42058568 -0.15778912 +Ba 4.00079959 0.03458623 3.98563001 -0.06351987 -0.18379839 0.19490967 +Ba 0.03409058 3.95384983 3.90637987 0.42335939 0.19034957 0.59257963 +Ba 7.91109082 0.03389580 4.02419015 0.44012452 -0.51109726 -0.56521024 +Ba 7.89650637 4.01530962 0.04157679 0.64333629 -0.15899728 -0.54987052 +Ba 3.95386012 0.09662243 0.11448087 0.53969641 -1.07079248 -1.13812144 +Ba 3.91779961 3.92592004 3.89180967 0.17130335 0.01840113 0.78950299 +Ba 7.83113600 0.02822433 7.86522817 0.45177034 -0.37253125 0.34033564 +Ti 6.05584954 1.93077009 1.89555995 -0.14687607 -0.28236935 0.25138781 +Ti 2.10081997 5.90132950 2.09745968 -0.51365010 -0.18542847 -0.21192292 +Ti 1.92777957 1.95263965 6.02577008 0.47697126 1.17888397 -0.25905407 +Ti 5.94709002 5.91737003 5.91019973 -0.23646564 0.21834091 0.37442075 +Ti 2.04706017 5.97290024 6.10621026 -0.35215911 -0.80828156 -0.59229167 +Ti 5.93518967 2.03158971 5.81800965 -0.66063622 -0.45298827 0.40918618 +Ti 6.01305025 5.83046028 2.00375018 -0.03240336 0.93865037 -0.10023343 +Ti 2.03426987 1.87325966 2.02213990 -0.47287035 0.74194838 0.14589699 +O 2.02369019 2.04106011 3.96024023 -0.47224969 -0.49388629 -0.55285429 +O 5.91673028 2.10253970 3.90926984 0.26150922 -0.26133798 0.33158978 +O 2.01683977 5.90089957 3.95219027 -0.14983746 0.45457412 -0.01002833 +O 5.97084004 5.97034993 3.95124965 0.26542372 -0.40306953 0.11385668 +O 1.99046978 4.01603964 1.94426982 -0.02375185 -0.09457777 0.27506947 +O 2.06484972 3.91747974 5.96776005 -0.42405796 0.69142158 0.01980495 +O 5.91633993 3.92365953 1.99341992 0.23974868 0.94996091 -0.03786155 +O 5.98443953 4.01465958 5.94424993 0.07842507 0.08085117 -0.29308519 +O 3.86354971 1.87647030 1.87109971 1.03266353 0.99046633 0.63632335 +O 4.01669998 5.94051989 2.11663959 -0.12471213 0.18152811 -0.79473981 +O 4.00555023 2.00902022 5.92583962 0.23285607 -0.17531684 0.15760194 +O 3.99055959 5.98485997 5.95298952 0.23791292 -0.02374954 -0.22514173 +O 5.94329980 5.94796968 7.87501606 -0.09825959 0.21646606 0.41715815 +O 2.08649996 5.89830968 0.05215963 -0.14211773 0.57701443 -0.67980122 +O 5.95847017 2.09678984 0.01331525 -0.12128228 -0.70738247 -0.06139126 +O 1.93239006 2.01785008 7.90378989 0.13582624 -0.28797564 -0.02508034 +O 5.99809999 0.07809019 5.84032973 -0.28057986 -0.33203406 0.47225252 +O 5.99528999 0.04138993 2.10561970 -0.33197775 0.30357092 -0.80885774 +O 2.00607958 0.05390866 6.00584987 0.18343664 -0.74152569 -0.13305047 +O 2.03506005 0.02438027 1.98268981 -0.50607435 -0.42937680 0.06022398 +O 0.11433914 5.97876015 5.91222984 -0.51675857 -0.14300296 0.26505502 +O 7.90148187 1.93437979 5.91840013 0.30671127 0.64074333 -0.11703302 +O 7.90910981 6.03790005 1.88930019 -0.21375895 -0.65030887 0.57912685 +O 0.01238966 1.99543023 1.83926014 -0.20430397 -0.02392823 0.88713652 +40 +Lattice="7.983405415 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983405415 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983405415" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.31043554642 stress="-0.00014598706081671281 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014598706081671281 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014598706081671281" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 3.99170271 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99170271 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99170271 0.00000000 3.99170271 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.05479633 5.92860909 1.93690638 0.00054379 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 +Ti 1.93690638 2.05479633 5.92860909 -0.00054379 0.00054379 -0.00054379 +Ti 5.92860909 1.93690638 2.05479633 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 6.04649904 6.04649904 6.04649904 0.00054379 0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 5.92860909 2.05479633 6.04649904 -0.00054379 0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 6.04649904 5.92860909 2.05479633 0.00054379 -0.00054379 0.00054379 +Ti 2.05479633 6.04649904 5.92860909 0.00054379 0.00054379 -0.00054379 +Ti 1.93690638 1.93690638 1.93690638 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 -0.00054379 +O 6.01185469 1.99489320 3.95036504 -0.00428551 0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 1.97155073 5.98659591 0.04133767 0.00428551 0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 2.02015198 1.99680951 4.03304037 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 5.96325344 5.98851221 -0.04133767 0.00428551 -0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 1.99489320 3.95036504 6.01185469 0.00664656 0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 5.98659591 0.04133767 1.97155073 0.00664656 -0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 1.99680951 4.03304037 2.02015198 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 5.98851221 -0.04133767 5.96325344 -0.00664656 0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 3.95036504 6.01185469 1.99489320 0.00171004 -0.00428551 0.00664656 +O 0.04133767 1.97155073 5.98659591 -0.00171004 0.00428551 0.00664656 +O 4.03304037 2.02015198 1.99680951 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O -0.04133767 5.96325344 5.98851221 0.00171004 0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O 1.97155073 5.98851221 4.03304037 0.00428551 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 6.01185469 1.99680951 -0.04133767 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 5.96325344 5.98659591 3.95036504 0.00428551 0.00664656 0.00171004 +O 2.02015198 1.99489320 0.04133767 -0.00428551 0.00664656 -0.00171004 +O 5.98851221 4.03304037 1.97155073 -0.00664656 -0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 1.99680951 -0.04133767 6.01185469 -0.00664656 0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 5.98659591 3.95036504 5.96325344 0.00664656 0.00171004 0.00428551 +O 1.99489320 0.04133767 2.02015198 0.00664656 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 +O 4.03304037 1.97155073 5.98851221 -0.00171004 0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O -0.04133767 6.01185469 1.99680951 0.00171004 -0.00428551 -0.00664656 +O 3.95036504 5.96325344 5.98659591 0.00171004 0.00428551 0.00664656 +O 0.04133767 2.02015198 1.99489320 -0.00171004 -0.00428551 0.00664656 +40 +Lattice="8.020724626 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.020724626 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.020724626" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.113034801183 stress="0.0212654485256345 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0212654485256345 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0212654485256345" pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.00518116 2.00518116 6.01554347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 2.00518116 6.01554347 2.00518116 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 6.01554347 2.00518116 2.00518116 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 6.01554347 6.01554347 2.00518116 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 6.01554347 2.00518116 6.01554347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 2.00518116 6.01554347 6.01554347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 2.00518116 2.00518116 2.00518116 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 6.01554347 6.01554347 6.01554347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.01036231 4.01036231 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 4.01036231 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.01036231 0.00000000 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 4.01036231 4.01036231 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.07450903 4.08976247 1.97065790 -0.84876640 -0.88713935 1.03904501 +O -0.06414672 4.08976247 2.03970441 0.84876640 -0.88713935 -1.03904501 +O 4.07450903 -0.07940015 2.03970441 -0.84876640 0.88713935 -1.03904501 +O -0.06414672 -0.07940015 1.97065790 0.84876640 0.88713935 1.03904501 +O 4.08976247 1.97065790 4.07450903 -0.88713935 1.03904501 -0.84876640 +O 4.08976247 2.03970441 -0.06414672 -0.88713935 -1.03904501 0.84876640 +O -0.07940015 2.03970441 4.07450903 0.88713935 -1.03904501 -0.84876640 +O -0.07940015 1.97065790 -0.06414672 0.88713935 1.03904501 0.84876640 +O 1.97065790 4.07450903 4.08976247 1.03904501 -0.84876640 -0.88713935 +O 2.03970441 -0.06414672 4.08976247 -1.03904501 0.84876640 -0.88713935 +O 2.03970441 4.07450903 -0.07940015 -1.03904501 -0.84876640 0.88713935 +O 1.97065790 -0.06414672 -0.07940015 1.03904501 0.84876640 0.88713935 +O 3.94621559 3.93096216 6.05006672 0.84876640 0.88713935 -1.03904501 +O 0.06414672 3.93096216 5.98102022 -0.84876640 0.88713935 1.03904501 +O 3.94621559 0.07940015 5.98102022 0.84876640 -0.88713935 1.03904501 +O 0.06414672 0.07940015 6.05006672 -0.84876640 -0.88713935 -1.03904501 +O 3.93096216 6.05006672 3.94621559 0.88713935 -1.03904501 0.84876640 +O 3.93096216 5.98102022 0.06414672 0.88713935 1.03904501 -0.84876640 +O 0.07940015 5.98102022 3.94621559 -0.88713935 1.03904501 0.84876640 +O 0.07940015 6.05006672 0.06414672 -0.88713935 -1.03904501 -0.84876640 +O 6.05006672 3.94621559 3.93096216 -1.03904501 0.84876640 0.88713935 +O 5.98102022 0.06414672 3.93096216 1.03904501 -0.84876640 0.88713935 +O 5.98102022 3.94621559 0.07940015 1.03904501 0.84876640 -0.88713935 +O 6.05006672 0.06414672 0.07940015 -1.03904501 -0.84876640 -0.88713935 +40 +Lattice="7.919840199520648 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.919840199520648 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.919840199520648" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.146034841488 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94996011 3.97859983 0.00696471 0.21133697 -0.05633107 -0.06710965 +Ba 3.97567029 0.01290380 3.97778013 -0.03776231 -0.02004766 -0.05750169 +Ba 0.00127985 3.96295973 3.97899979 0.08659630 0.04631817 -0.08521099 +Ba 7.91363263 0.00444303 3.93574004 0.14108234 0.04442172 0.14702828 +Ba 0.00863659 3.94228974 0.02135743 -0.01681013 0.22850859 -0.09796494 +Ba 3.96413979 0.02349262 0.01806832 0.10898135 -0.10057204 -0.06659440 +Ba 3.97610033 3.98483988 3.98357983 -0.01430819 -0.10721757 -0.04425408 +Ba 0.02150316 0.01294973 0.00088861 -0.09976806 -0.06205280 0.10692678 +Ti 5.92069988 2.01376034 1.95560971 -0.08011043 -0.10524039 -0.01546416 +Ti 1.96607023 5.98783003 1.95927026 -0.12518059 0.04838071 0.14802355 +Ti 1.96559980 2.01451986 5.92738977 0.17440050 0.03648087 -0.16402944 +Ti 5.93511003 5.97478051 5.91633050 -0.30831512 -0.03739027 0.12397757 +Ti 1.94913999 5.98535983 5.91852034 0.19381516 0.04918649 -0.19032360 +Ti 5.94404995 1.99608009 5.91782023 -0.33645893 0.13513513 0.00437139 +Ti 5.92741987 5.96267028 1.95667018 -0.02853873 0.21877543 -0.12490753 +Ti 1.96127002 2.03170037 1.97678023 0.01504790 -0.07090228 0.06696207 +O 2.03521994 1.95056002 3.99639017 -0.14426254 0.00644627 0.18939697 +O 5.96982031 1.96064039 4.00057977 0.05430787 0.04822541 0.13091620 +O 2.00810003 5.92894047 3.99953989 0.06049523 -0.04610142 0.12323375 +O 5.96973003 5.95606989 3.99103002 0.06164143 -0.12621828 0.15318658 +O 2.01445967 3.91639979 2.03663997 0.00901146 0.13781190 -0.12345460 +O 2.02803031 3.91645998 5.94835992 -0.12972990 0.13252134 0.13407069 +O 5.99491037 3.94151994 2.01060033 -0.12533382 -0.07001165 -0.01665072 +O 5.98712992 3.94822012 5.95747011 0.00904514 -0.08557917 0.06811752 +O 4.00518040 1.95980010 2.02877003 0.14823567 0.07081358 -0.16469818 +O 4.01707996 5.91713041 2.01162040 -0.15850260 0.01514380 -0.01515408 +O 4.00986024 1.97284011 5.99828976 0.12704052 -0.07309749 -0.10983624 +O 4.01332041 5.94653994 5.96896022 0.00268526 -0.08612604 0.00785061 +O 5.97145022 5.94947979 0.02867933 0.09279548 -0.16860240 0.15899702 +O 2.01505999 5.89614996 0.04852011 -0.04338582 0.09938214 -0.04859025 +O 5.99550990 1.96961991 0.04205752 -0.10973083 0.04736898 0.09476238 +O 2.01293985 1.95597006 0.04864999 -0.00569474 0.07990809 -0.04629940 +O 5.99170996 7.90796044 5.98653989 -0.04309863 0.02336516 -0.12297381 +O 5.97665038 7.89763059 2.00487983 -0.00897649 0.00718598 -0.02758665 +O 2.01407001 7.88856396 5.96891032 0.00137245 -0.07218192 0.06512476 +O 1.99764030 7.88884986 2.01606027 0.13365648 -0.20444204 -0.07478825 +O 0.04943564 5.93688011 5.95807044 0.04365759 -0.08926485 0.08844081 +O 0.05027435 1.95308011 5.97480031 0.00842705 0.08954381 -0.05602177 +O 0.04684981 5.91742027 2.02680036 0.09258337 -0.01778869 -0.14175237 +O 0.04386008 1.96267025 2.01135984 0.03975183 0.03424452 0.04978016 +40 +Lattice="7.955160132292204 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955160132292204 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955160132292204" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29610.104865839563 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94129022 3.95188013 0.08259047 0.29903807 0.28059246 -0.00558444 +Ba 4.05185024 0.00531723 3.97807965 -0.47628452 -0.51122273 0.03687553 +Ba 0.11541824 3.93742003 4.05993984 -1.45324381 1.39900305 -0.98522745 +Ba 7.88700589 7.88266158 3.90125985 0.56110341 -0.26400447 0.86168003 +Ba 0.14328278 3.94346038 7.88561135 -1.82543157 0.54820136 0.96671628 +Ba 3.83269989 0.10206709 7.80820048 0.78385633 -0.00039389 1.00153878 +Ba 3.99802005 3.98916039 4.00820982 0.03808652 0.76785173 -0.45950293 +Ba 7.86977581 7.83795039 7.94028955 0.74011853 1.19203773 -0.03534290 +Ti 6.03016014 2.05501038 2.28327972 0.27923234 0.69854045 -8.54899772 +Ti 2.22207988 6.11160030 1.98887993 -3.10289548 -1.20907540 -0.08870177 +Ti 2.01734031 2.24363041 5.96428028 -2.18758044 -2.91659772 0.69216642 +Ti 5.83759992 5.80511980 5.98610049 1.68151021 0.17222072 0.26695044 +Ti 1.95811016 6.15288042 5.97987001 -0.61794202 -1.98791114 -0.23505822 +Ti 5.90251005 1.82928032 6.11554049 2.12357386 3.50802267 -0.31813802 +Ti 6.06229978 5.97080033 1.84979032 0.15145109 -0.94799119 0.71395241 +Ti 2.01524969 1.98821010 2.08290992 -0.90011288 1.48519543 -1.27831881 +O 1.83370975 2.07512977 3.87196975 0.45986006 -0.83750626 1.79245331 +O 6.04408008 2.07447984 3.87611995 -0.79351468 -0.60498392 6.95619185 +O 2.15355970 6.03145047 3.86460963 -0.47978019 -0.18667906 0.48883433 +O 6.02188041 5.88466981 4.21507978 -0.35048764 1.17437759 -2.18608123 +O 1.84516041 3.89945005 1.90038991 1.28564903 0.67148421 0.16470924 +O 1.81694028 3.99146023 5.93367041 1.55406731 0.41989251 -0.11578783 +O 5.99263008 4.04165013 2.11919022 -1.15220106 -0.96934960 -0.29997266 +O 5.98533997 4.02990991 5.96044032 -0.54437376 -1.13616663 0.25673468 +O 3.83779040 1.98772006 1.96268995 1.74891091 0.27805452 0.37778787 +O 3.92087012 5.97895994 1.93060997 2.42354755 -0.69847128 -0.09567666 +O 3.80224038 2.00195980 5.69401008 1.23742259 0.04398026 1.00627347 +O 4.02941032 5.87511009 6.09402019 -1.27201112 0.42897159 -0.71205674 +O 6.01613042 6.06581994 0.02427835 -0.64162856 -0.54566677 0.13967955 +O 2.15912035 6.13053994 7.82361520 -0.77866733 -0.84152206 1.66747121 +O 5.87588970 2.19732978 7.83361085 -0.76509114 -0.84278833 1.56225987 +O 1.74854022 2.01969981 7.84305045 1.86678956 -0.53627581 -0.51257950 +O 5.95359013 0.09457015 6.10254017 -0.71843102 -2.35164357 -0.84223117 +O 5.84759001 7.82085714 2.12520035 0.52941045 1.64211782 -0.16851344 +O 1.89505995 7.87019902 5.91909974 0.54960878 2.76887190 -0.65861970 +O 2.18410035 0.02604201 1.93644985 -1.40461345 -0.26650436 0.14414864 +O 0.09755890 5.95588043 6.00092016 -0.20442044 0.26185194 -0.14567433 +O 7.77896209 1.96116972 6.09476002 0.85546079 -0.04352158 -1.50737068 +O 7.86227568 5.83077996 1.92365000 1.07481137 1.33548292 0.44222846 +O 7.88173719 2.07733972 2.03853047 -0.57479814 -1.37847536 -0.33921541 +40 +Lattice="7.76976977664925 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.033320367473193 0.0 0.0 0.0684516717322799 8.033032885991457" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.47931403125 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91501994 8.02002785 0.02675520 -0.24924068 0.26337635 -0.45759337 +Ba 3.89158010 0.08699190 3.96740994 0.06298586 0.16668873 0.48272308 +Ba 3.87327996 4.02884007 0.00562687 0.09901215 0.21136756 -0.01310388 +Ba 3.84844001 4.02663968 3.98295958 0.32564976 0.28666643 0.19908566 +Ba 0.01162979 0.10617623 7.96356182 -0.21280944 -0.27853686 0.31197174 +Ba 0.02184005 0.14140670 4.01160983 -0.39461548 -0.53458120 0.10253251 +Ba 0.05213438 4.16227422 8.00510833 -0.53074126 0.04630480 0.08844878 +Ba 7.76728811 4.04080008 3.99780995 -0.34256427 0.37366819 0.09017502 +Ti 1.92841956 1.97349977 1.92270956 0.05618580 0.32956066 -0.08711643 +Ti 1.90717002 2.02888968 5.95947946 0.63046381 0.46496344 -0.00040649 +Ti 1.94612998 6.06489970 2.14228015 -0.36722089 -0.36955983 -0.03717121 +Ti 1.97280981 6.10191954 6.10457991 -0.41922248 -0.46299886 -0.55370404 +Ti 5.81161997 1.96558004 1.97698995 0.11291977 1.53409344 0.32970001 +Ti 5.78711955 2.06035958 6.08242985 -0.29287642 -0.23020989 -1.34741284 +Ti 5.80940947 6.03225967 1.92634970 0.44512866 -1.02501913 0.26860495 +Ti 5.78117956 6.09118949 5.84906016 0.79698310 -0.26803828 0.34211304 +O 1.95470003 2.13924994 4.08252996 -0.08640526 -0.29048324 -0.22877599 +O 1.92193958 2.06484584 0.06068035 -0.09531414 0.25133922 -0.32182807 +O 2.00337997 6.20640974 4.01413967 -0.44804506 -0.12468411 -0.49195359 +O 1.95010033 6.20881992 7.94973008 0.07275913 -0.14686321 0.43273852 +O 5.73641947 2.15665966 4.11867027 0.49343352 -0.14403654 -0.64071171 +O 5.84236961 2.04950599 0.03661970 0.00047283 0.10045403 -0.15198511 +O 5.83746999 6.09620954 4.00472970 -0.11214432 0.28645997 -0.20374347 +O 5.79590949 6.11694550 0.10106994 0.18619312 0.14954436 -0.43311930 +O 1.88436963 4.15615008 2.03735018 0.24280470 0.18039631 -0.15160484 +O 1.96594988 4.23394957 6.00132977 -0.15304826 -0.24647855 0.21451176 +O 1.97448964 0.11793034 1.98263002 -0.04741860 -0.24988783 0.15927650 +O 1.98195017 0.20442964 6.05831016 -0.38855308 -0.35876556 -0.15454181 +O 5.82112006 4.11816989 2.00387024 0.20271323 0.37800564 -0.05908241 +O 5.76418008 4.22818983 6.04283977 0.13997960 -0.53662060 0.25599677 +O 5.77299955 0.18801988 2.04401975 0.21170412 -1.40095709 0.04272274 +O 5.81685990 0.14576010 5.95954007 0.00567777 0.39034591 0.55260566 +O 7.76705036 1.99402983 2.02090003 -0.15174188 0.52659201 0.22343504 +O 7.75108348 2.16660963 5.97298954 0.34428845 0.02682920 0.62835447 +O 0.03906096 6.18647018 2.03759027 -0.30859023 0.04683470 -0.16574488 +O 7.69006981 6.18333974 6.01242967 1.09752963 0.08025107 0.06130127 +O 3.85480966 2.08804016 2.01807028 0.17216004 0.22213123 -0.07231279 +O 3.88496026 2.13081974 6.08824009 -0.33092283 0.21664552 0.22724798 +O 3.89939027 6.12883014 2.00744978 -0.32257137 0.04088748 0.07191196 +O 3.88348011 6.20954018 5.94103014 -0.44499856 0.09431449 0.48645503 +40 +Lattice="7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979600181660014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29610.078703454543 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89870019 3.99750998 4.07804011 0.69622645 0.14791608 -0.61425917 +Ba 3.97141030 0.05671980 4.01965018 -0.57456391 -0.84407054 0.11523993 +Ba 0.13909959 3.87037979 3.87909032 -1.04781273 0.90252791 0.48138019 +Ba 3.95767023 3.93456051 7.97724460 0.58369287 -0.49898170 0.75946299 +Ba 0.11173914 7.92818842 3.96393980 -0.70316689 -0.19397276 0.27040472 +Ba 0.14924805 4.03881000 7.97894745 -1.79017043 -0.98917461 0.74717132 +Ba 3.93778028 0.08003459 7.91288673 0.75332808 -0.09369717 0.55670143 +Ba 7.89466691 0.10053099 7.88159633 -0.42389212 -0.06703637 0.75905959 +Ti 2.03655037 5.89794991 2.11237971 -0.56595277 0.34243495 -1.47650536 +Ti 5.92826042 1.93265996 2.09092017 -0.53913514 1.58194193 -0.58741557 +Ti 5.94715053 5.73581002 6.20594014 0.29146334 2.37051263 -1.96396492 +Ti 1.88398999 2.05851980 5.78530988 1.45995079 0.13630832 1.94179661 +Ti 1.90096978 6.10811024 6.42486047 -0.31734843 -0.28336077 -10.80102158 +Ti 5.89057038 1.83913027 6.00308992 -0.13453554 3.14008829 0.17745368 +Ti 5.94146028 6.15617057 2.11895011 0.56570646 -0.02294401 -0.04597415 +Ti 1.89382006 1.76723008 1.78251022 0.63297346 2.41844597 0.70523534 +O 5.98466024 6.38050985 3.94611018 0.45045907 -1.28813554 -0.30472278 +O 1.97623975 6.11670028 3.80587031 0.06907500 -0.49505897 1.94272298 +O 5.84312048 1.67778994 3.96703988 1.33963756 0.83105382 0.92848963 +O 1.96241031 1.91807006 3.96532985 0.37002622 0.22137352 -0.05345401 +O 5.98336036 4.01910038 5.78049020 0.74939095 -0.68648557 0.33993043 +O 6.21005043 3.81901031 2.23903033 -0.93959191 1.20153410 -0.48485452 +O 1.90506970 3.99414020 6.08384986 0.51989737 0.21795859 -0.71299159 +O 2.01360981 4.00219002 2.00819965 -0.14184339 0.49601002 -0.34320036 +O 4.10424032 5.93975983 6.06034036 -1.18809186 0.13071566 0.00786809 +O 3.99656041 2.22251016 6.01357991 0.19278569 -1.23058114 -0.18876962 +O 4.06469981 6.04158032 2.04939034 -0.44056624 -0.60943295 -0.53306065 +O 3.99277967 1.97098997 2.10297974 -0.20520540 0.45536860 -0.92544441 +O 6.04801986 5.94849031 7.96967436 -0.32530934 -0.84312952 0.90819823 +O 2.07778974 5.90576035 7.97323406 0.80568500 -0.26242402 7.26504176 +O 6.04803981 2.10710041 0.00236196 -0.23215339 0.26204555 -0.65887115 +O 1.92192979 1.89628017 7.90108730 0.30993954 0.75186873 0.74511598 +O 5.87405979 0.15594213 6.22981031 0.30101602 -2.26530566 -0.77939161 +O 5.84788989 0.03764616 1.78241047 0.59130950 -1.10143077 0.30791557 +O 2.02708018 7.92592301 6.09863047 0.18594809 0.78516554 -0.48741482 +O 2.14156031 0.06022603 1.80603009 -0.25065865 -2.08220635 0.71082852 +O 0.00830038 6.15268030 6.04885054 0.22398885 -0.89311459 0.29331582 +O 0.11996770 2.03971986 5.88927050 -2.21078285 -0.41447803 0.02817441 +O 0.08452072 6.29348034 1.77559989 0.17252411 -1.28046980 1.00185143 +O 7.97942862 1.83191033 2.02206021 0.76575731 0.05222090 -0.03204212 +40 +Lattice="7.833729838291318 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.833729838291318 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.217512096799048" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.9860848305 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99802021 1.93535978 0.01698039 -0.37850032 0.26390420 -0.01121001 +Ba 2.01860020 1.96531987 4.12818997 -0.56846962 0.13021429 -0.06075054 +Ba 1.95408004 5.86110971 0.03264394 -0.04458010 0.09178041 -0.21227311 +Ba 1.89724006 5.88998014 4.12897961 0.40950140 -0.19658269 0.00054405 +Ba 5.86591962 1.92022971 8.20464050 0.14524676 0.35124894 0.12308822 +Ba 5.88377974 1.95153016 4.09122964 0.10330590 0.08599954 0.19406815 +Ba 5.84421001 5.93751991 0.00313584 0.26100965 -0.47472797 -0.06183400 +Ba 5.87967017 5.85547961 4.09710964 -0.06662422 0.14953407 0.22609793 +Ti 7.82112145 0.03178301 2.14670989 0.00310744 -0.07279976 0.11454419 +Ti 7.83083841 7.82187662 6.23742016 0.09210746 -0.14310709 0.06625424 +Ti 0.01366594 3.92904010 2.12397014 0.24203028 -0.07625069 0.22139589 +Ti 7.82820001 3.87467010 6.27564014 0.18950856 0.34203848 -0.58433359 +Ti 3.88507956 7.82112615 2.13889966 0.10268086 -0.13992766 -0.05410861 +Ti 3.89982029 0.02601033 6.23961987 -0.02385470 -0.52572452 -0.22426756 +Ti 3.95052019 3.89365984 2.12669001 -0.42821260 0.22484246 0.04762120 +Ti 3.91724956 3.92327996 6.23784005 -0.16049032 0.36983442 0.19420262 +O 7.79537981 1.97469998 1.98916026 0.24633662 -0.07898146 -0.03916999 +O 1.95638002 0.03454988 1.99764968 0.21208490 -0.03212491 -0.06869833 +O 7.82601988 0.04680967 4.02133006 -0.00730656 -0.20895715 -0.53257291 +O 0.00338809 1.96844005 6.07841973 -0.03887714 -0.04815239 0.03112372 +O 1.95675996 7.80836265 6.04755953 0.09604922 0.28652142 0.16025609 +O 0.03743975 0.04284972 8.09946954 -0.16135883 -0.13633943 -0.28756220 +O 0.04543015 5.91265957 1.97259976 -0.19007317 -0.29833358 0.01377623 +O 1.98161012 3.90276969 1.96655995 -0.16631258 -0.05125546 0.00375690 +O 0.01293897 3.95666967 3.96230995 -0.13079639 -0.20042263 -0.15658712 +O 7.82851649 5.87661971 6.10490948 -0.12223333 0.09039047 0.02274038 +O 1.94873979 3.91345020 6.06750969 -0.01605423 0.01874411 0.06445344 +O 7.82969312 3.90723021 8.07393001 -0.01105137 0.03927643 0.52037482 +O 3.92614006 1.95763029 1.97966030 0.16979205 -0.04218486 -0.07086295 +O 5.90299980 7.80023986 1.93587993 -0.36942407 0.17752439 0.24351098 +O 3.91120975 0.00628265 3.95244024 0.17458716 0.03818705 0.26152799 +O 3.89544985 1.96829983 6.11799025 0.07889841 -0.18689760 -0.24803998 +O 5.88475974 7.83038092 6.06809957 -0.23830681 0.10168610 0.14008013 +O 3.90401995 0.03747891 8.07011969 0.01452596 -0.23633375 0.20850515 +O 3.89433981 5.87668003 1.98217963 0.20388822 0.05904076 -0.06480054 +O 5.91001020 3.89803968 1.96134974 -0.45944071 0.30683468 -0.06181858 +O 3.92888029 3.89719991 3.97050012 0.06685691 0.13387477 -0.07450363 +O 3.89001011 5.90085022 6.08313955 0.21119221 -0.19371797 -0.02122549 +O 5.84490956 3.89658966 6.08649003 0.20512930 0.09099057 -0.02126919 +O 3.87399953 3.92901973 8.08327017 0.35412755 -0.00964626 -0.00203400 +40 +Lattice="7.9194697754748 0.0 0.0 -0.021707266654576427 7.919438097595698 0.0 -0.021707266654576427 0.021651830366148102 7.919406419716596" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.89029831027 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.01390802 0.04966062 0.04763007 -0.02377062 -0.07070842 -0.11741251 +Ba 3.95260974 7.91362996 3.98094956 0.03742601 0.29906558 0.17761746 +Ba 4.01721915 4.02850044 0.03388028 0.02887169 -0.23263110 -0.00581635 +Ba 3.93531995 4.02055958 4.01785984 0.46336370 -0.06015584 -0.12019547 +Ba 0.07264450 0.09301021 0.04085021 -0.17779795 -0.23193536 -0.06896341 +Ba 0.00371344 7.92676994 3.94852963 0.12740433 0.36888620 0.38906833 +Ba 0.07254709 3.99306002 0.02639005 -0.44419509 -0.10083481 0.12991810 +Ba -0.00184920 3.98283994 4.01712966 -0.00565797 0.01853483 -0.18057115 +O 2.03012994 4.00588956 1.97930991 -0.15391626 -0.04719311 -0.02322812 +O 1.97926002 3.99025969 6.00536957 -0.02719430 0.22207004 -0.09264122 +O 2.01944895 0.05724034 2.02038979 -0.02134967 -0.43988438 -0.01634527 +O 2.03094882 0.04498021 5.99520018 -0.05331877 -0.07684179 -0.30684291 +O 5.91115956 3.98834952 1.96388991 0.46768315 -0.17056698 0.24807417 +O 5.98858980 4.00036018 5.97439969 -0.00675352 0.09984751 -0.22985482 +O 5.99312844 0.01248980 2.00198019 -0.06038801 0.34234419 -0.17978645 +O 5.93643850 0.04219969 5.96178001 0.19683517 -0.23874184 -0.01250739 +O 2.04382983 2.02893014 3.95565003 -0.18203256 0.13635691 0.30236327 +O 2.04496865 2.01503068 0.01897980 -0.14284201 0.05118192 0.13765841 +O 1.96875960 5.91108986 3.99196000 -0.00538029 0.34716449 -0.27339208 +O 2.00064892 6.03976066 0.02581034 0.00171570 -0.46698561 0.11860705 +O 5.89464984 2.02354966 3.98569966 0.41275873 -0.02816129 -0.28511271 +O 5.94205974 2.05203995 7.90508960 0.16120225 -0.17685385 0.44620595 +O 5.93180007 5.99812009 3.93713985 0.33517646 -0.23211765 0.42279683 +O 5.97986888 5.94482997 0.00543038 0.02510297 0.22492036 -0.16813832 +O 0.02199078 2.01499029 2.01306032 0.09243759 0.17737347 -0.02119437 +O 0.04046136 1.96291028 5.96151946 -0.04125849 0.33467484 -0.16232223 +O 0.02706875 5.96117972 1.99756983 0.21784160 -0.09700001 -0.03401544 +O 0.01104608 6.03151966 5.98227006 -0.12967256 -0.23987338 -0.11764185 +O 4.00326980 2.00243001 1.99686025 -0.10670567 0.02339601 -0.09168065 +O 3.99137951 2.02418955 5.98769014 -0.22862866 0.12167154 -0.14973616 +O 3.99982958 5.93969974 2.02011023 -0.40654926 0.30546454 -0.20908597 +O 3.96161972 5.99957964 5.97023009 -0.15887155 -0.26134287 0.03001017 +Ti 2.02148980 2.05537008 2.00624007 -0.08117873 -0.35115870 0.11996356 +Ti 2.01246002 2.04593008 5.96674948 0.12315867 -0.68185424 0.10675375 +Ti 1.96701018 5.98080971 2.03417996 0.36912865 0.19459214 0.40467055 +Ti 2.01871957 5.98104017 6.04508017 0.20395482 0.75761668 -0.51340996 +Ti 5.93896957 2.00852009 2.01622969 0.11576058 0.28108200 0.24612733 +Ti 5.95667988 2.05092013 5.97846951 -0.20386123 -0.01806174 -0.03773042 +Ti 5.95942952 5.96560987 2.03995959 -0.45519350 -0.12204178 0.03604430 +Ti 6.00701999 6.03057962 6.02019006 -0.26330565 0.03870153 0.10174652 +40 +Lattice="7.978235093 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.978235093 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.978235093" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.280488193963 stress="-5.6007614527166554e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -5.6007614527166554e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -5.6007614527166554e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98911755 3.98911755 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98911755 0.00000000 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98911755 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98911755 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98911755 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93345064 6.04478445 1.93345064 -0.00514298 0.00514298 -0.00514298 +Ti 6.04478445 1.93345064 1.93345064 0.00514298 -0.00514298 -0.00514298 +Ti 6.04478445 6.04478445 6.04478445 0.00514298 0.00514298 0.00514298 +Ti 1.93345064 1.93345064 6.04478445 -0.00514298 -0.00514298 0.00514298 +Ti 2.05524933 5.92298576 5.92298576 0.00647789 -0.00647789 -0.00647789 +Ti 5.92298576 2.05524933 5.92298576 -0.00647789 0.00647789 -0.00647789 +Ti 5.92298576 5.92298576 2.05524933 -0.00647789 -0.00647789 0.00647789 +Ti 2.05524933 2.05524933 2.05524933 0.00647789 0.00647789 0.00647789 +O 5.98546669 5.98108516 3.96040880 -0.00105904 0.00918964 0.00090426 +O 1.99276841 5.98108516 4.01782630 0.00105904 0.00918964 -0.00090426 +O 5.98546669 1.99714993 4.01782630 -0.00105904 -0.00918964 -0.00090426 +O 1.99276841 1.99714993 3.96040880 0.00105904 -0.00918964 0.00090426 +O 5.98108516 3.96040880 5.98546669 0.00918964 0.00090426 -0.00105904 +O 5.98108516 4.01782630 1.99276841 0.00918964 -0.00090426 0.00105904 +O 1.99714993 4.01782630 5.98546669 -0.00918964 -0.00090426 -0.00105904 +O 1.99714993 3.96040880 1.99276841 -0.00918964 0.00090426 0.00105904 +O 3.96040880 5.98546669 5.98108516 0.00090426 -0.00105904 0.00918964 +O 4.01782630 1.99276841 5.98108516 -0.00090426 0.00105904 0.00918964 +O 4.01782630 5.98546669 1.99714993 -0.00090426 -0.00105904 -0.00918964 +O 3.96040880 1.99276841 1.99714993 0.00090426 0.00105904 -0.00918964 +O 5.98259337 5.98690617 -0.02835302 -0.00285264 -0.01269379 -0.00698517 +O 1.99564172 5.98690617 0.02835302 0.00285264 -0.01269379 0.00698517 +O 5.98259337 1.99132892 0.02835302 -0.00285264 0.01269379 0.00698517 +O 1.99564172 1.99132892 -0.02835302 0.00285264 0.01269379 -0.00698517 +O 5.98690617 -0.02835302 5.98259337 -0.01269379 -0.00698517 -0.00285264 +O 5.98690617 0.02835302 1.99564172 -0.01269379 0.00698517 0.00285264 +O 1.99132892 0.02835302 5.98259337 0.01269379 0.00698517 -0.00285264 +O 1.99132892 -0.02835302 1.99564172 0.01269379 -0.00698517 0.00285264 +O -0.02835302 5.98259337 5.98690617 -0.00698517 -0.00285264 -0.01269379 +O 0.02835302 1.99564172 5.98690617 0.00698517 0.00285264 -0.01269379 +O 0.02835302 5.98259337 1.99132892 0.00698517 -0.00285264 0.01269379 +O -0.02835302 1.99564172 1.99132892 -0.00698517 0.00285264 0.01269379 +40 +Lattice="7.8192197992382635 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8192197992382635 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.202291196422745" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.0793587876 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.97259993 1.93907972 8.19179780 -0.10979665 0.13096300 0.16539161 +Ba 1.95077962 1.95892021 4.10984995 -0.00985195 -0.02704543 -0.02035594 +Ba 1.93918997 5.86527966 8.20039191 0.14748233 0.01039214 0.12047752 +Ba 1.96617019 5.85323024 4.10777004 -0.12749535 0.11640850 0.03797211 +Ba 5.85831977 1.95782004 0.01405427 0.08002790 0.01577012 -0.00139842 +Ba 5.85000012 1.95447967 4.11026985 0.08407893 0.09609061 0.07362225 +Ba 5.85917988 5.86908996 0.00538979 0.04190744 -0.05910709 0.02693591 +Ba 5.87548999 5.86038952 4.10406999 -0.06907192 -0.00040958 0.09534062 +Ti 7.79175166 0.00544765 2.14531008 0.46867637 -0.12454552 -0.05478018 +Ti 7.80624224 0.00551490 6.24061002 0.15887746 -0.05835144 -0.19230078 +Ti 0.01024865 3.89533982 2.13609982 0.06402407 0.11139587 -0.14453894 +Ti 0.00264993 3.90404027 6.24114017 0.17858523 0.05239471 -0.11450511 +Ti 3.90982962 0.00002111 2.14887017 -0.42140072 -0.05959971 -0.35106897 +Ti 3.90721018 7.81181969 6.24023001 -0.11224922 -0.16515404 -0.07667030 +Ti 3.92050989 3.90602010 2.12826965 -0.15053320 0.06681449 -0.07813608 +Ti 3.92332012 3.89224967 6.23270949 -0.19685651 0.21697925 0.08172997 +O 0.02775979 1.96385022 1.96565959 -0.24123015 0.02382616 0.04221417 +O 1.97168977 0.04291031 1.96035034 -0.02096092 -0.24238355 0.14987217 +O 7.80271968 0.02918993 3.99144976 -0.03960784 -0.11262537 -0.23463425 +O 0.00616936 1.96382989 6.07304023 -0.17176589 -0.09352079 0.02662300 +O 1.96087032 0.00947064 6.03697956 -0.18052101 -0.03695215 0.21545716 +O 0.00082024 0.01277973 8.07206991 0.01380014 -0.01310980 -0.05075898 +O 0.02072015 5.89712968 1.97872003 -0.09493773 -0.12907863 0.02640060 +O 1.94285014 3.91919001 1.95130976 0.22845846 0.03496829 0.11057363 +O 7.80392697 3.91491993 3.96929009 0.08244988 -0.01713897 -0.00262921 +O 7.80835421 5.86554004 6.08161948 0.03098976 0.14108234 -0.03578770 +O 1.94447029 3.90209954 6.06863958 0.04538794 0.12949978 0.01352066 +O 0.02154430 3.90731027 8.06854970 -0.22089479 0.02077040 0.06425855 +O 3.91069990 1.97001959 1.98191966 0.15108342 -0.06684663 -0.01174249 +O 5.86818997 0.00221988 1.94068969 0.04647140 0.13469624 0.19722444 +O 3.91924005 0.01542654 3.97228955 0.06826433 -0.11995045 0.04560057 +O 3.89427015 1.97110020 6.05816964 0.12164532 -0.12783345 0.08832948 +O 5.84808988 0.01045899 6.09325996 0.23909871 0.03413988 -0.11427242 +O 3.91451959 7.81781547 8.07312003 -0.06321854 0.08432627 -0.03782478 +O 3.93195019 5.86195023 1.96354997 -0.12509137 0.17225903 0.09931143 +O 5.87746982 3.92039026 1.95907972 -0.09276566 -0.04182362 0.08074627 +O 3.89300970 3.92311995 3.97224029 0.12447945 -0.02759719 -0.09232986 +O 3.90311995 5.87105962 6.08192991 0.00664502 0.02178984 -0.04811305 +O 5.84815009 3.92503018 6.05846990 0.15221496 -0.11738526 0.06427629 +O 3.92491993 3.90167965 8.08238972 -0.08639909 0.02589204 -0.16403150 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29611.977113405166 stress="-0.025536717751542353 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.025536717751542353 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.025536717751542353" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.85461306 2.10002425 2.10002425 2.37413712 -2.37413712 -2.37413712 +Ti 2.10002425 5.85461306 2.10002425 -2.37413712 2.37413712 -2.37413712 +Ti 5.85461306 5.85461306 5.85461306 2.37413712 2.37413712 2.37413712 +Ti 2.10002425 2.10002425 5.85461306 -2.37413712 -2.37413712 2.37413712 +Ti 2.10002425 5.85461306 5.85461306 -2.37413712 2.37413712 2.37413712 +Ti 5.85461306 2.10002425 5.85461306 2.37413712 -2.37413712 2.37413712 +Ti 5.85461306 5.85461306 2.10002425 2.37413712 2.37413712 -2.37413712 +Ti 2.10002425 2.10002425 2.10002425 -2.37413712 -2.37413712 -2.37413712 +O 5.87847697 5.87847697 3.97731865 0.20858306 0.20858306 0.00000000 +O 2.07616034 5.87847697 3.97731865 -0.20858306 0.20858306 0.00000000 +O 5.87847697 2.07616034 3.97731865 0.20858306 -0.20858306 0.00000000 +O 2.07616034 2.07616034 3.97731865 -0.20858306 -0.20858306 0.00000000 +O 5.87847697 3.97731865 5.87847697 0.20858306 0.00000000 0.20858306 +O 5.87847697 3.97731865 2.07616034 0.20858306 0.00000000 -0.20858306 +O 2.07616034 3.97731865 5.87847697 -0.20858306 0.00000000 0.20858306 +O 2.07616034 3.97731865 2.07616034 -0.20858306 0.00000000 -0.20858306 +O 3.97731865 5.87847697 5.87847697 0.00000000 0.20858306 0.20858306 +O 3.97731865 2.07616034 5.87847697 0.00000000 -0.20858306 0.20858306 +O 3.97731865 5.87847697 2.07616034 0.00000000 0.20858306 -0.20858306 +O 3.97731865 2.07616034 2.07616034 0.00000000 -0.20858306 -0.20858306 +O 5.89438624 5.89438624 0.00000000 -0.05157967 -0.05157967 0.00000000 +O 2.06025106 5.89438624 0.00000000 0.05157967 -0.05157967 0.00000000 +O 5.89438624 2.06025106 0.00000000 -0.05157967 0.05157967 0.00000000 +O 2.06025106 2.06025106 0.00000000 0.05157967 0.05157967 0.00000000 +O 5.89438624 0.00000000 5.89438624 -0.05157967 0.00000000 -0.05157967 +O 5.89438624 0.00000000 2.06025106 -0.05157967 0.00000000 0.05157967 +O 2.06025106 0.00000000 5.89438624 0.05157967 0.00000000 -0.05157967 +O 2.06025106 0.00000000 2.06025106 0.05157967 0.00000000 0.05157967 +O 0.00000000 5.89438624 5.89438624 0.00000000 -0.05157967 -0.05157967 +O 0.00000000 2.06025106 5.89438624 0.00000000 0.05157967 -0.05157967 +O 0.00000000 5.89438624 2.06025106 0.00000000 -0.05157967 0.05157967 +O 0.00000000 2.06025106 2.06025106 0.00000000 0.05157967 0.05157967 +40 +Lattice="7.94002989755096 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.94002989755096 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.94002989755096" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.95191957749 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96547008 4.00137013 0.05469410 0.11278298 -0.21203194 -0.07367522 +Ba 4.01200024 0.02334766 3.95808982 -0.15939451 -0.14935435 0.20953359 +Ba 7.92395531 3.97208968 3.95818986 0.03729565 -0.02264242 0.15185090 +Ba 7.93085519 7.93511661 4.02600010 -0.04212367 0.14546787 -0.14984184 +Ba 0.11159871 3.98954028 0.00979879 -0.82788416 -0.19649630 -0.01512194 +Ba 3.96328022 7.90991892 7.93430196 0.20888336 0.30728051 0.01576883 +Ba 3.93571005 4.01944957 4.00562995 0.26734099 -0.17955865 -0.36260602 +Ba 0.04046954 0.00934224 7.90657935 -0.40633586 0.06915162 0.04212778 +Ti 5.92376967 2.01927982 2.01616971 -0.08786874 0.33425961 0.32232326 +Ti 1.99357000 6.02436985 2.00314012 0.11169181 -0.50924041 0.49771389 +Ti 2.00156005 2.05098992 6.01491963 -0.42060599 -0.38950439 -0.20349176 +Ti 5.97554025 5.94886969 5.99400003 0.15048590 0.41106797 -0.32861604 +Ti 1.99944007 5.99990979 5.98274980 0.08365727 0.31856560 -0.24726788 +Ti 5.92536006 2.02020960 6.01683000 0.34303684 -0.03742061 -0.16505557 +Ti 6.01353965 5.99820983 1.98448978 0.13533567 -0.15783282 0.37463493 +Ti 1.92881032 1.98369975 2.04690001 0.25847634 0.63787887 0.13432034 +O 2.03630007 1.98366005 3.92230966 -0.22597066 -0.19592320 -0.20045966 +O 5.95323989 1.95169031 3.93310016 0.07903391 0.04142356 -0.03148187 +O 1.91892975 5.98314998 3.93278018 0.25304309 -0.02266273 0.02284579 +O 6.01834019 5.93855957 3.96577021 -0.44067500 -0.20232756 -0.20521954 +O 1.97388032 3.93988968 2.00866003 -0.10836840 -0.15231781 -0.29814229 +O 2.00347995 3.96207015 5.94289959 0.03840971 0.24671792 -0.13426044 +O 5.96299977 3.92501959 2.00351013 0.00307350 -0.26826170 -0.22454138 +O 5.95375996 3.94148960 5.94817971 -0.09723192 -0.27904363 0.10472412 +O 3.98453012 1.97676969 1.95571035 0.18525955 -0.27344968 -0.17687544 +O 3.90640022 5.91291962 1.95748971 0.24188347 0.26664294 0.11221965 +O 3.98369006 1.96951965 5.93705017 0.27747191 0.04180614 0.04270268 +O 3.96890017 5.96590979 5.94149976 -0.33084518 -0.19341201 -0.02959288 +O 5.96553026 5.91324993 0.00834656 -0.18619646 0.04007193 -0.07116094 +O 1.96902022 5.95786972 7.88308003 0.08976750 -0.07842687 0.14296748 +O 6.00357015 1.92333012 7.89535214 -0.29584913 0.16321851 0.08458364 +O 1.99754002 2.00955963 7.87635006 0.15087465 -0.11262666 0.36819611 +O 5.95280001 7.87438332 5.94835994 -0.01265420 0.36858178 0.06864383 +O 5.98018994 7.86124019 2.03165991 -0.26401758 0.31070779 -0.41822490 +O 1.99124993 0.00339913 5.95155025 0.05806374 -0.47475883 -0.08151066 +O 1.94770998 7.92443012 1.90817022 0.25697559 -0.03894733 0.22470927 +O 7.90528591 5.92801997 5.95200998 0.52508869 -0.04052213 0.08038220 +O 0.04566788 1.98238965 5.91777971 -0.25453716 0.03533827 -0.01601360 +O 7.92971977 5.91491971 1.92730013 0.03680920 0.11038569 0.08341096 +O 0.00092025 1.89956005 1.91229983 0.25581782 0.33819520 0.34950137 +40 +Lattice="7.980516716584881 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980516716584881 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980516716584881" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.295968342074 stress="0.00021576703957187115 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00021576703957187115 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00021576703957187115" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99025836 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025836 0.00000000 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99025836 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99025836 3.99025836 3.99025836 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04776326 1.93275346 1.93275346 0.00169101 -0.00169101 -0.00169101 +Ti 1.93275346 6.04776326 1.93275346 -0.00169101 0.00169101 -0.00169101 +Ti 1.93275346 1.93275346 6.04776326 -0.00169101 -0.00169101 0.00169101 +Ti 6.04776326 6.04776326 6.04776326 0.00169101 0.00169101 0.00169101 +Ti 2.05750490 5.92301182 5.92301182 0.00168793 -0.00168793 -0.00168793 +Ti 5.92301182 2.05750490 5.92301182 -0.00168793 0.00168793 -0.00168793 +Ti 5.92301182 5.92301182 2.05750490 -0.00168793 -0.00168793 0.00168793 +Ti 2.05750490 2.05750490 2.05750490 0.00168793 0.00168793 0.00168793 +O 1.99484188 1.99484188 3.96023725 0.00627941 0.00627941 0.00489127 +O 5.98567484 1.99484188 4.02027947 -0.00627941 0.00627941 -0.00489127 +O 1.99484188 5.98567484 4.02027947 0.00627941 -0.00627941 -0.00489127 +O 5.98567484 5.98567484 3.96023725 -0.00627941 -0.00627941 0.00489127 +O 1.99484188 3.96023725 1.99484188 0.00627941 0.00489127 0.00627941 +O 1.99484188 4.02027947 5.98567484 0.00627941 -0.00489127 -0.00627941 +O 5.98567484 4.02027947 1.99484188 -0.00627941 -0.00489127 0.00627941 +O 5.98567484 3.96023725 5.98567484 -0.00627941 0.00489127 -0.00627941 +O 3.96023725 1.99484188 1.99484188 0.00489127 0.00627941 0.00627941 +O 4.02027947 5.98567484 1.99484188 -0.00489127 -0.00627941 0.00627941 +O 4.02027947 1.99484188 5.98567484 -0.00489127 0.00627941 -0.00627941 +O 3.96023725 5.98567484 5.98567484 0.00489127 -0.00627941 -0.00627941 +O 5.98510024 5.98510024 -0.03002111 0.00627503 0.00627503 0.00490438 +O 1.99541648 5.98510024 0.03002111 -0.00627503 0.00627503 -0.00490438 +O 5.98510024 1.99541648 0.03002111 0.00627503 -0.00627503 -0.00490438 +O 1.99541648 1.99541648 -0.03002111 -0.00627503 -0.00627503 0.00490438 +O 5.98510024 -0.03002111 5.98510024 0.00627503 0.00490438 0.00627503 +O 5.98510024 0.03002111 1.99541648 0.00627503 -0.00490438 -0.00627503 +O 1.99541648 0.03002111 5.98510024 -0.00627503 -0.00490438 0.00627503 +O 1.99541648 -0.03002111 1.99541648 -0.00627503 0.00490438 -0.00627503 +O -0.03002111 5.98510024 5.98510024 0.00490438 0.00627503 0.00627503 +O 0.03002111 1.99541648 5.98510024 -0.00490438 -0.00627503 0.00627503 +O 0.03002111 5.98510024 1.99541648 -0.00490438 0.00627503 -0.00627503 +O -0.03002111 1.99541648 1.99541648 0.00490438 -0.00627503 -0.00627503 +40 +Lattice="7.912089870127101 0.0 0.0 -0.021687038334018385 7.91205822176762 0.0 -0.021687038334018385 0.021631653704927492 7.91202657340814" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.888982367742 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02782737 0.03996080 0.06813021 -0.29918745 -0.08738254 -0.31853037 +Ba 3.95821839 0.06434982 3.98917998 0.18765556 -0.21440224 0.13996340 +Ba 3.99365980 3.99972996 7.88082999 -0.27476351 -0.06388600 0.39718582 +Ba 3.99011993 4.00141998 3.92915965 -0.04336294 -0.06582641 0.47185014 +Ba 0.06703676 0.03732054 0.07298982 -0.15704992 -0.12288845 -0.14911138 +Ba 0.00980862 0.03919966 4.01506992 0.08673951 -0.09246870 -0.17956662 +Ba 0.03274023 4.02659071 0.03665038 0.06144345 -0.21581917 0.14983978 +Ba 0.02451957 4.01915968 4.01813981 -0.10141202 -0.07202046 -0.25945028 +O 2.09574012 3.95986964 1.99699962 -0.23423315 -0.14737409 0.21045636 +O 2.00904023 3.96523957 5.92220006 -0.06704820 -0.13301654 0.16567675 +O 2.01917958 7.90174956 2.03152006 -0.22785579 0.32010183 -0.25690180 +O 2.01067012 7.88901980 5.99803981 0.01692172 0.50646747 -0.04334469 +O 5.96360007 4.00869989 1.99096981 -0.14006444 -0.26140740 0.15091090 +O 6.01459982 4.01857972 5.99643999 -0.17385825 0.00536821 -0.04746539 +O 6.02331894 0.03922972 2.04841000 -0.07121750 0.14535655 -0.14784820 +O 5.95556851 0.06193980 5.94924991 0.12329520 0.02224236 0.24523542 +O 2.02084032 1.94109991 4.02118992 -0.00403175 0.24461681 -0.47172081 +O 1.98022836 1.98734054 0.03634972 0.17597170 -0.07762752 -0.09901498 +O 1.98176014 5.95745000 3.97150991 0.14745817 -0.02620751 0.01884619 +O 2.02305887 5.89365087 0.01341020 0.02329471 0.24070771 0.06520369 +O 5.93517984 2.02973035 3.99176960 0.17120565 0.00817482 0.24226682 +O 5.98823832 2.00354054 0.06609997 0.13143891 -0.13218967 -0.21590607 +O 5.96511998 5.95136956 4.00611976 -0.06256754 0.08797878 0.03284096 +O 5.95678855 5.95148033 0.07331026 0.03575479 0.29529223 -0.42693451 +O 0.06266692 2.08602012 2.03078978 -0.08044390 -0.38544462 0.03297903 +O 0.04007474 2.02446960 5.94832974 -0.05797786 -0.21508949 0.13052308 +O 0.03329091 5.94807022 1.99666968 0.37554844 0.09139089 0.07214901 +O 0.02236590 6.00907006 5.98008016 0.06549088 -0.08346906 0.05338510 +O 3.99470024 1.97756990 1.97401974 0.15821489 0.06500366 0.19840586 +O 4.00838974 2.04067989 5.98047023 0.09332359 -0.14063317 0.05884021 +O 3.99082965 6.01919991 2.01308015 0.11195354 -0.17620001 0.05030595 +O 4.00232987 5.95457000 5.97820974 -0.07930208 0.04927545 -0.10892299 +Ti 2.00896982 2.08542988 2.04955013 -0.07279487 0.14546762 -0.09408875 +Ti 1.93704022 2.04603004 6.00730012 0.38733335 0.33085135 -0.15421554 +Ti 1.96628013 6.04377961 2.05978996 -0.24041409 -0.42046304 -0.11257164 +Ti 1.98342010 6.00946962 6.01057019 -0.03732856 -0.09133098 0.10812980 +Ti 5.96835998 2.01812015 1.94224004 -0.00273514 0.29099180 0.31277701 +Ti 5.92448982 1.92373999 5.90044023 -0.30996808 0.52854990 -0.03987035 +Ti 5.89410977 5.98476016 2.00749026 0.39772343 -0.26602227 0.21677588 +Ti 5.93267013 5.89501016 5.98249018 -0.01315119 0.11333088 -0.39908355 +40 +Lattice="7.955080143 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955080143 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955080143" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216694369858 stress="-2.2035782764786838e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -2.2035782764786838e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -2.2035782764786838e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98864078 5.96643936 5.96643936 0.00078727 -0.00078727 -0.00078727 +Ba 5.96643936 1.98864078 5.96643936 -0.00078727 0.00078727 -0.00078727 +Ba 5.96643936 5.96643936 1.98864078 -0.00078727 -0.00078727 0.00078727 +Ba 1.98864078 1.98864078 1.98864078 0.00078727 0.00078727 0.00078727 +Ba 5.96618075 1.98889939 1.98889939 0.00078830 -0.00078830 -0.00078830 +Ba 1.98889939 5.96618075 1.98889939 -0.00078830 0.00078830 -0.00078830 +Ba 1.98889939 1.98889939 5.96618075 -0.00078830 -0.00078830 0.00078830 +Ba 5.96618075 5.96618075 5.96618075 0.00078830 0.00078830 0.00078830 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754007 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97754007 1.98877004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000051 +O 0.00000000 3.97754007 5.96631011 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000051 +O 1.98877004 0.00000000 3.97754007 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631011 0.00000000 3.97754007 -0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 1.98877004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 5.96631011 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 0.00000000 1.98877004 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000051 +O 3.97754007 0.00000000 5.96631011 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000051 +O 0.00000000 1.98877004 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96631011 3.97754007 0.00000000 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 1.98877004 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631011 3.97754007 0.00000000 -0.00000051 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 3.97754007 5.96627066 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116959 +O 3.97754007 3.97754007 1.98880949 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116959 +O 3.97754007 5.96627066 3.97754007 0.00000000 0.00116959 0.00000000 +O 3.97754007 1.98880949 3.97754007 0.00000000 -0.00116959 0.00000000 +O 5.96627066 3.97754007 3.97754007 0.00116959 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98880949 3.97754007 3.97754007 -0.00116959 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98873071 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116677 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96634943 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116677 +O 0.00000000 1.98873071 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116677 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634943 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116677 0.00000000 +O 1.98873071 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00116677 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634943 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00116677 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.980705014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980705014 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980705014" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2800740367 stress="-3.9480777453576426e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -3.9480777453576426e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -3.9480777453576426e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99035251 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99035251 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99035251 0.00000000 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99035251 3.99035251 3.99035251 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93275450 6.04795052 1.93275450 -0.00144985 0.00144985 -0.00144985 +Ti 6.04795052 1.93275450 1.93275450 0.00144985 -0.00144985 -0.00144985 +Ti 1.93275450 1.93275450 6.04795052 -0.00144985 -0.00144985 0.00144985 +Ti 6.04795052 6.04795052 6.04795052 0.00144985 0.00144985 0.00144985 +Ti 2.05759801 5.92310700 5.92310700 0.00144985 -0.00144985 -0.00144985 +Ti 5.92310700 2.05759801 5.92310700 -0.00144985 0.00144985 -0.00144985 +Ti 5.92310700 5.92310700 2.05759801 -0.00144985 -0.00144985 0.00144985 +Ti 2.05759801 2.05759801 2.05759801 0.00144985 0.00144985 0.00144985 +O 1.99449491 1.99383092 3.95893244 0.01215206 0.01605603 0.01746319 +O 1.99449491 5.98687410 4.02177258 0.01215206 -0.01605603 -0.01746319 +O 5.98621010 1.99383092 4.02177258 -0.01215206 0.01605603 -0.01746319 +O 5.98621010 5.98687410 3.95893244 -0.01215206 -0.01605603 0.01746319 +O 3.95893244 1.99449491 1.99383092 0.01746319 0.01215206 0.01605603 +O 4.02177258 1.99449491 5.98687410 -0.01746319 0.01215206 -0.01605603 +O 4.02177258 5.98621010 1.99383092 -0.01746319 -0.01215206 0.01605603 +O 3.95893244 5.98621010 5.98687410 0.01746319 -0.01215206 -0.01605603 +O 1.99383092 3.95893244 1.99449491 0.01605603 0.01746319 0.01215206 +O 5.98687410 4.02177258 1.99449491 -0.01605603 -0.01746319 0.01215206 +O 1.99383092 4.02177258 5.98621010 0.01605603 -0.01746319 -0.01215206 +O 5.98687410 3.95893244 5.98621010 -0.01605603 0.01746319 -0.01215206 +O 5.98418343 5.98484742 -0.03142007 0.01605603 0.01215206 0.01746319 +O 1.99652159 5.98484742 0.03142007 -0.01605603 0.01215206 -0.01746319 +O 5.98418343 1.99585760 0.03142007 0.01605603 -0.01215206 -0.01746319 +O 1.99652159 1.99585760 -0.03142007 -0.01605603 -0.01215206 0.01746319 +O 5.98484742 -0.03142007 5.98418343 0.01215206 0.01746319 0.01605603 +O 5.98484742 0.03142007 1.99652159 0.01215206 -0.01746319 -0.01605603 +O 1.99585760 0.03142007 5.98418343 -0.01215206 -0.01746319 0.01605603 +O 1.99585760 -0.03142007 1.99652159 -0.01215206 0.01746319 -0.01605603 +O -0.03142007 5.98418343 5.98484742 0.01746319 0.01605603 0.01215206 +O 0.03142007 1.99652159 5.98484742 -0.01746319 -0.01605603 0.01215206 +O 0.03142007 5.98418343 1.99585760 -0.01746319 0.01605603 -0.01215206 +O -0.03142007 1.99652159 1.99585760 0.01746319 -0.01605603 -0.01215206 +40 +Lattice="7.8358100338973555 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8358100338973555 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.219702039078054" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.317503986116 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.94492014 2.01903985 0.00874633 -0.04277853 -0.73214502 -0.00624470 +Ba 1.97317999 1.96240967 4.11095979 -0.24105635 -0.02314661 0.17669752 +Ba 1.95988027 5.92574985 0.08483518 -0.25669508 -0.32610021 -0.61779829 +Ba 1.99558962 5.85933039 4.13720035 -0.35411855 -0.02613501 -0.03096688 +Ba 5.88806979 1.90721971 8.20912291 -0.20960636 0.12762416 0.36877898 +Ba 5.90797039 1.98396990 4.15596006 -0.35877456 -0.18195697 -0.17521374 +Ba 5.89493004 5.93065036 8.16911875 -0.24021225 -0.56274301 0.47180000 +Ba 5.88969963 5.85819028 4.00879963 -0.25877691 -0.13959522 0.56397225 +Ti 7.80001057 0.01718863 2.16154032 -0.38067831 -0.42428087 -1.07568194 +Ti 7.80584433 0.02988186 6.22917984 0.19983976 -0.11743771 0.79880499 +Ti 7.81980069 3.94201972 2.11316987 -0.33724209 0.35653693 0.45825003 +Ti 0.03996028 3.97277998 6.29115012 -0.11018051 -0.07526853 -0.86050323 +Ti 3.85554999 7.79212304 2.13288007 0.75911769 -0.10476834 -1.06901199 +Ti 3.87973992 7.76295972 6.27680981 0.08617644 0.62737437 0.39564058 +Ti 3.88509021 3.86758031 2.16220010 0.62150968 0.50614480 -1.20608984 +Ti 3.95701981 3.86165017 6.30354011 -0.14259158 -0.04736846 -0.25052289 +O 7.77686985 1.95110965 2.06371024 0.11965014 0.03515187 -0.32306528 +O 1.89663039 7.77711982 1.98383982 0.32999698 0.58238392 0.19768698 +O 7.71040965 7.72783022 3.94730027 0.54524716 0.52667274 1.03323432 +O 7.76066226 1.93502038 6.14343022 0.53116292 0.32555000 -0.59699344 +O 1.93454004 0.03986547 6.08253030 0.15882707 -0.27395927 -0.18360479 +O 7.80693978 0.01707972 8.07416989 0.34339448 0.03717918 -0.12018647 +O 7.83280970 5.88969963 1.87624005 0.14682825 -0.80915933 0.46255766 +O 1.98072979 3.90790025 1.94249966 -0.83414994 -0.42181930 0.18772190 +O 0.03494615 3.95431019 3.97826975 -0.11469306 -0.09960171 -0.42308274 +O 0.05881167 5.86689038 6.11454037 -0.53554176 -0.15344369 -0.05615881 +O 1.96097963 3.97977030 6.06796980 -0.07640110 -0.55793041 0.31741348 +O 7.76963270 3.86619964 8.08767021 0.42895591 0.20175678 0.52575383 +O 3.95217023 1.89843028 1.98760023 -0.27094542 0.11718934 0.12716393 +O 5.85180017 7.66532005 1.91516992 -0.09709000 0.74090066 0.34068017 +O 3.90119985 7.75395324 3.91278980 0.09829405 0.12886086 1.04759341 +O 3.83015021 1.93628978 6.01331032 0.48510546 0.37142465 0.33996000 +O 5.86285963 7.80276956 6.20433013 -0.26872913 0.20819894 -0.81250974 +O 3.89816975 7.82462833 8.13374007 -0.32693788 0.20485264 -0.70881920 +O 3.80689980 5.80006032 1.86265981 0.52042779 0.49380659 0.69882121 +O 5.86332038 3.97443020 2.00231980 0.44832326 -0.35362027 -0.09462251 +O 3.94382979 3.92041013 3.94345994 -0.29558636 -0.07554570 0.90936551 +O 3.93305007 5.90129977 6.13751966 -0.15607239 -0.58702939 -0.21421969 +O 5.85778987 3.86049987 6.08725999 -0.07160959 0.37129378 0.00392145 +O 3.90530974 3.82895995 8.11856994 0.15761017 0.13015258 -0.60052202 +40 +Lattice="7.951492092 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951492092 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.951492092" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.19957500798 stress="-0.0015948397776014477 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0015948397776014477 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0015948397776014477" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97574605 3.97574605 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97574605 0.00000000 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97574605 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97574605 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97574605 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96526154 1.98623055 1.98623055 -0.08972713 0.08972713 0.08972713 +Ti 1.98623055 5.96526154 1.98623055 0.08972713 -0.08972713 0.08972713 +Ti 1.98623055 1.98623055 5.96526154 0.08972713 0.08972713 -0.08972713 +Ti 5.96526154 5.96526154 5.96526154 -0.08972713 -0.08972713 -0.08972713 +Ti 1.98623055 5.96526154 5.96526154 0.08972713 -0.08972713 -0.08972713 +Ti 5.96526154 1.98623055 5.96526154 -0.08972713 0.08972713 -0.08972713 +Ti 5.96526154 5.96526154 1.98623055 -0.08972713 -0.08972713 0.08972713 +Ti 1.98623055 1.98623055 1.98623055 0.08972713 0.08972713 0.08972713 +O 5.97105086 5.96214791 3.97574605 -0.04544348 -0.02067450 0.00000000 +O 1.98044124 5.96214791 3.97574605 0.04544348 -0.02067450 0.00000000 +O 5.97105086 1.98934418 3.97574605 -0.04544348 0.02067450 0.00000000 +O 1.98044124 1.98934418 3.97574605 0.04544348 0.02067450 0.00000000 +O 5.96214791 3.97574605 5.97105086 -0.02067450 0.00000000 -0.04544348 +O 5.96214791 3.97574605 1.98044124 -0.02067450 0.00000000 0.04544348 +O 1.98934418 3.97574605 5.97105086 0.02067450 0.00000000 -0.04544348 +O 1.98934418 3.97574605 1.98044124 0.02067450 0.00000000 0.04544348 +O 3.97574605 5.97105086 5.96214791 0.00000000 -0.04544348 -0.02067450 +O 3.97574605 1.98044124 5.96214791 0.00000000 0.04544348 -0.02067450 +O 3.97574605 5.97105086 1.98934418 0.00000000 -0.04544348 0.02067450 +O 3.97574605 1.98044124 1.98934418 0.00000000 0.04544348 0.02067450 +O 5.95092794 5.95876134 0.00000000 0.12443728 0.10623978 0.00000000 +O 2.00056416 5.95876134 0.00000000 -0.12443728 0.10623978 0.00000000 +O 5.95092794 1.99273075 0.00000000 0.12443728 -0.10623978 0.00000000 +O 2.00056416 1.99273075 0.00000000 -0.12443728 -0.10623978 0.00000000 +O 5.95876134 0.00000000 5.95092794 0.10623978 0.00000000 0.12443728 +O 5.95876134 0.00000000 2.00056416 0.10623978 0.00000000 -0.12443728 +O 1.99273075 0.00000000 5.95092794 -0.10623978 0.00000000 0.12443728 +O 1.99273075 0.00000000 2.00056416 -0.10623978 0.00000000 -0.12443728 +O 0.00000000 5.95092794 5.95876134 0.00000000 0.12443728 0.10623978 +O 0.00000000 2.00056416 5.95876134 0.00000000 -0.12443728 0.10623978 +O 0.00000000 5.95092794 1.99273075 0.00000000 0.12443728 -0.10623978 +O 0.00000000 2.00056416 1.99273075 0.00000000 -0.12443728 -0.10623978 +40 +Lattice="7.933070158906695 0.0 0.0 -0.02174454530556325 7.933038426626059 0.0 -0.02174454530556325 0.021689013814450903 7.933006694345424" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.132394727152 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99634280 0.03411299 0.01993025 0.08303532 0.01433287 0.15043782 +Ba 4.02067590 0.02147006 4.00718016 -0.20829304 0.24944354 -0.13277974 +Ba 3.99625633 4.02966328 0.05898000 0.01860784 -0.17489544 -0.25402114 +Ba 3.98992018 4.01815001 4.00158973 0.04070185 -0.07265783 0.05517844 +Ba 0.05981932 0.04894308 0.02674000 -0.04800224 -0.14041643 0.07232925 +Ba 0.02731356 0.05404007 3.99572005 0.13942090 0.03239796 -0.04698665 +Ba 0.01793509 3.97046354 0.05141978 0.14005493 0.29216988 -0.16208131 +Ba 0.02019046 4.00136046 4.01203044 0.00226977 0.06743592 -0.06008437 +O 2.00110981 4.02673042 2.03192979 -0.03610292 0.07392564 0.00293697 +O 1.97978968 4.05050028 5.97959050 -0.03425044 0.10656168 0.09108956 +O 2.05643663 0.07878967 2.02908023 -0.19907923 -0.03810452 -0.02632141 +O 1.99775650 0.09615992 6.00273048 -0.06116552 -0.07307538 -0.05168097 +O 5.99690998 4.03331011 2.03840000 -0.10726257 -0.02535442 -0.06802419 +O 5.95561042 4.00586010 6.00460982 -0.07862074 0.08785125 0.06096497 +O 5.98252653 0.06570010 2.05238997 -0.06437477 -0.01439586 -0.07109409 +O 5.93387619 0.03078031 5.99953028 0.14127338 0.00816917 -0.01498850 +O 2.00850026 2.05384965 4.03418989 -0.07998419 0.03123428 0.02995001 +O 2.02089647 2.06166373 0.05727994 -0.06272360 -0.02193202 0.16943621 +O 1.97284983 6.02120025 3.99317036 0.06771772 -0.02210326 0.05816401 +O 1.99421597 6.01315374 0.03777014 -0.00812700 -0.12419585 -0.05967248 +O 5.95282036 2.04041976 4.04310983 0.07435502 -0.02305585 -0.02282471 +O 5.99133621 1.98058299 0.06114969 -0.15960843 0.26946138 0.24061592 +O 5.95368982 6.02034983 4.01942010 -0.00541603 -0.17552690 0.03955514 +O 5.98831609 6.00307319 0.05222975 -0.16241350 -0.07736038 0.10303285 +O 0.01918613 2.01889020 2.03633026 0.03201872 0.13228069 0.02403390 +O -0.01794619 2.04614029 6.04853999 0.12579534 -0.04993314 -0.28939360 +O 0.01943682 5.99591994 1.98437024 -0.02559019 0.08895194 0.28007541 +O -0.01576380 6.02670025 5.95656001 -0.11413898 -0.07960624 0.18305380 +O 3.99251985 2.05788996 2.03276038 0.05237389 0.02912931 0.00165862 +O 3.96427019 2.04464015 6.03403992 -0.08863235 0.06607221 -0.09895816 +O 3.97631021 5.97201998 2.01783034 0.14659170 0.10544351 0.00821313 +O 3.93219996 6.01040017 5.99796984 0.10768397 -0.05166220 -0.07274422 +Ti 2.03663013 2.02769987 1.99093009 0.01615218 -0.46204446 0.07338468 +Ti 2.03299044 2.00913966 5.96779006 0.23764089 -0.10481205 -0.16652110 +Ti 1.99278008 5.96577030 2.02597998 0.03546143 0.25147137 -0.06185689 +Ti 2.02867009 5.96620979 5.98635027 -0.11472828 -0.04225634 0.09268416 +Ti 5.98703014 1.98650027 1.98898014 0.06042504 -0.24241646 0.04157011 +Ti 5.99406994 2.08530031 5.97325039 -0.10682677 -0.05083431 -0.16727186 +Ti 5.97398024 5.95006996 1.96914033 0.04560134 0.15522058 0.01935167 +Ti 6.00037991 6.05395034 5.94202980 0.19815981 0.00508693 0.02958851 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29612.89446806792 stress="-0.004664240685213214 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.004664240685213214 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.004664240685213214" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96597798 1.98865933 1.98865933 -0.00004885 0.00004885 0.00004885 +Ti 1.98865933 5.96597798 1.98865933 0.00004885 -0.00004885 0.00004885 +Ti 5.96597798 5.96597798 5.96597798 -0.00004885 -0.00004885 -0.00004885 +Ti 1.98865933 1.98865933 5.96597798 0.00004885 0.00004885 -0.00004885 +Ti 1.98865933 5.96597798 5.96597798 0.00004885 -0.00004885 -0.00004885 +Ti 5.96597798 1.98865933 5.96597798 -0.00004885 0.00004885 -0.00004885 +Ti 5.96597798 5.96597798 1.98865933 -0.00004885 -0.00004885 0.00004885 +Ti 1.98865933 1.98865933 1.98865933 0.00004885 0.00004885 0.00004885 +O 1.90115832 1.90115832 3.97731865 1.10344369 1.10344369 0.00000000 +O 6.05347899 1.90115832 3.97731865 -1.10344369 1.10344369 0.00000000 +O 1.90115832 6.05347899 3.97731865 1.10344369 -1.10344369 0.00000000 +O 6.05347899 6.05347899 3.97731865 -1.10344369 -1.10344369 0.00000000 +O 1.90115832 3.97731865 1.90115832 1.10344369 0.00000000 1.10344369 +O 1.90115832 3.97731865 6.05347899 1.10344369 0.00000000 -1.10344369 +O 6.05347899 3.97731865 1.90115832 -1.10344369 0.00000000 1.10344369 +O 6.05347899 3.97731865 6.05347899 -1.10344369 0.00000000 -1.10344369 +O 3.97731865 1.90115832 1.90115832 0.00000000 1.10344369 1.10344369 +O 3.97731865 6.05347899 1.90115832 0.00000000 -1.10344369 1.10344369 +O 3.97731865 1.90115832 6.05347899 0.00000000 1.10344369 -1.10344369 +O 3.97731865 6.05347899 6.05347899 0.00000000 -1.10344369 -1.10344369 +O 5.87847697 5.87847697 0.00000000 1.10344112 1.10344112 0.00000000 +O 2.07616034 5.87847697 0.00000000 -1.10344112 1.10344112 0.00000000 +O 5.87847697 2.07616034 0.00000000 1.10344112 -1.10344112 0.00000000 +O 2.07616034 2.07616034 0.00000000 -1.10344112 -1.10344112 0.00000000 +O 5.87847697 0.00000000 5.87847697 1.10344112 0.00000000 1.10344112 +O 5.87847697 0.00000000 2.07616034 1.10344112 0.00000000 -1.10344112 +O 2.07616034 0.00000000 5.87847697 -1.10344112 0.00000000 1.10344112 +O 2.07616034 0.00000000 2.07616034 -1.10344112 0.00000000 -1.10344112 +O 0.00000000 5.87847697 5.87847697 0.00000000 1.10344112 1.10344112 +O 0.00000000 2.07616034 5.87847697 0.00000000 -1.10344112 1.10344112 +O 0.00000000 5.87847697 2.07616034 0.00000000 1.10344112 -1.10344112 +O 0.00000000 2.07616034 2.07616034 0.00000000 -1.10344112 -1.10344112 +40 +Lattice="7.9437600676926445 0.0 0.0 -0.02177384634554554 7.943728292652374 0.0 -0.02177384634554554 0.021718240025071688 7.943696517612103" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.31972511532 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04907591 7.91981440 0.04134012 -0.51760575 0.60951420 0.00797325 +Ba 3.98250561 0.08783972 4.03378020 0.51576381 -0.20831695 -0.05047667 +Ba 3.92516040 3.98805988 7.92128002 0.01679059 0.08261803 0.35847092 +Ba 4.03514017 4.02951042 3.99055025 -0.46937571 -0.12527674 0.18034926 +Ba 0.05263774 7.92476415 0.09245981 -0.35498193 0.52184087 -0.45450290 +Ba 0.01510824 0.08463997 4.02953028 -0.38443160 -0.15336528 0.11995533 +Ba 0.04958972 4.05240434 0.00120030 0.06267552 -0.61669298 0.19880232 +Ba 0.08943800 4.06732987 3.95872040 -0.49952729 -0.51902088 0.45255195 +O 1.98767017 4.00999022 2.04417016 -0.11949742 0.10689130 0.17193018 +O 1.98193001 3.93310972 5.95698993 0.32642083 0.46022387 0.16371294 +O 1.92908573 0.06037973 1.99061015 -0.03440753 -0.50833049 0.50227066 +O 2.04988014 7.90848024 6.09236034 -0.71156206 0.53487636 -0.51093013 +O 5.83895995 4.02222997 2.04906034 0.44702742 0.48703919 -0.66923218 +O 5.86186976 4.04363999 6.01277022 0.55206161 -0.39557013 0.16140717 +O 5.96249575 0.08389961 2.01673003 0.10562760 -0.24061566 0.23462833 +O 5.99107581 0.06015968 6.01758016 0.30809478 0.13080924 -0.35288777 +O 1.96206028 2.00624030 4.03125964 0.00916984 -0.20801150 -0.07912724 +O 1.87426584 2.06428376 0.08520000 0.40388277 -0.14806032 -0.22464165 +O 2.01052993 6.04339977 4.07014037 -0.37722043 -0.02554314 -0.77904580 +O 1.91639558 5.98932421 0.01541010 0.29454224 -0.35881930 0.32531808 +O 5.85126007 2.07414991 3.95983968 0.60323325 -0.08626000 0.22272593 +O 5.93287029 2.01443031 7.93101987 0.14298625 0.49368755 0.31418983 +O 5.82624994 5.99595010 4.04953982 0.75495714 0.08527809 -0.22598300 +O 5.86694582 6.11540439 0.07124997 0.80587346 -1.13450930 0.36224170 +O 7.84128874 2.03700012 2.01056965 1.02912492 0.27607683 0.23156229 +O 0.01621480 2.08441007 5.99353043 -0.46065607 -0.40784072 -0.20990049 +O 7.91664722 5.94167039 2.06497964 -0.49456841 0.22970647 -0.10861240 +O 7.91069893 5.89618044 6.02397012 0.05432510 0.46258620 -0.31835939 +O 3.90333015 2.01098987 1.95243006 -0.01184482 0.02291239 0.21205945 +O 3.97830971 1.91581965 6.02783000 -0.62948936 0.70257322 -0.07126789 +O 3.88244998 6.07547031 2.01722016 0.18940289 -0.40461913 0.09104482 +O 3.99823981 5.96421001 6.05537022 -0.94316883 0.05680955 -0.09183595 +Ti 2.07511984 2.07820997 1.99056011 0.05195608 0.25565019 -0.66293941 +Ti 2.02379998 2.08103000 5.94065041 0.16068983 -0.05557028 0.51787340 +Ti 2.00033014 6.09919991 2.14582010 0.79907238 -0.48903796 -0.63036405 +Ti 2.03713993 6.06351972 6.07512000 0.46764176 -0.00033579 0.14312149 +Ti 6.05328022 1.97871040 2.06038973 -0.97311755 -0.71784120 0.29569512 +Ti 6.01576025 2.01350963 6.08351973 -0.19459060 -0.61670069 -0.45008164 +Ti 5.98031042 5.86942030 1.89883033 -0.36309042 1.23349574 0.88376220 +Ti 5.99906008 5.93437007 5.91297991 -0.56218405 0.66774994 -0.26145831 +40 +Lattice="7.938349759914439 0.0 0.0 -0.021759016691925474 7.938318006515399 0.0 -0.021759016691925474 0.021703448243606073 7.93828625311636" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.05672232827 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.94149068 7.92542851 0.13427004 0.44669215 0.28799081 -0.87394625 +Ba 3.97515087 0.04170015 3.91479004 0.31722811 -0.52564533 1.06259554 +Ba 4.02745031 4.08321880 0.05468015 0.04129474 -0.50609312 -0.29010580 +Ba 4.00005982 3.92973001 3.92802962 0.02004329 1.08955664 0.67910831 +Ba 0.09979458 0.10342876 0.05049029 -0.47891501 -0.36530542 -0.11071736 +Ba 0.09432188 0.09811006 4.11225967 -0.57856917 -0.20858666 -0.35459729 +Ba 0.05084910 3.99692973 7.88530968 -0.50725757 0.12399736 0.39177673 +Ba 7.87230110 3.98947959 3.96558992 0.36282148 0.13858040 0.40774996 +O 2.02312972 4.05123995 2.03062987 0.02556114 -0.70529679 -0.13458568 +O 2.03657966 4.06919015 5.98987943 -0.12151419 -0.38195691 -0.07774065 +O 2.04142047 0.09591035 1.99632985 0.10685325 -0.11901482 0.33762698 +O 2.04163083 0.10988026 5.96667960 -0.12627125 -0.19812098 0.04856480 +O 6.03929963 3.92075968 1.84914967 -0.05746236 0.57812026 0.96025561 +O 5.98801947 3.93931954 6.00288007 -0.33118148 0.94928291 -0.03991715 +O 6.00649995 7.90982012 1.97071994 -0.11084386 -0.01413310 0.30819659 +O 5.98416064 0.03582022 5.99079948 -0.16561067 -0.17571459 -0.25532674 +O 2.01681000 2.12366018 3.96597969 0.11411121 -0.34183742 -0.04651666 +O 2.07639049 2.07910858 0.01904013 -0.15942357 -0.04347016 0.70918301 +O 1.99401026 5.97899992 4.07860979 -0.02251027 0.29388609 -1.49041040 +O 2.06797028 5.99737879 0.00479000 -0.36333056 0.08625023 0.60226086 +O 5.97174983 2.12115960 4.04574026 -0.12678675 -0.76592263 -0.16533659 +O 6.06047041 2.01976862 0.05585026 -0.60638465 -0.52369206 0.12230661 +O 5.87420021 5.96214998 3.93433981 0.77294792 -0.05032857 0.00619199 +O 5.92779995 6.01273950 7.93528953 0.26415257 -0.01346307 0.04462484 +O -0.00556320 1.92372014 2.11676017 1.22252279 0.41392216 -0.30795440 +O 0.00952443 1.97498998 6.05939000 0.63183369 0.43757399 -0.53013987 +O 0.08059489 5.91746977 1.96405966 -0.13977365 0.35884270 0.31441892 +O -0.02567500 6.04981000 5.97308982 0.31943823 -0.29236400 0.08645566 +O 4.09547006 1.97966011 2.11105011 -1.48786166 0.08241774 -0.47942204 +O 3.94758019 1.98733014 6.05996950 0.58594413 0.29957517 -0.45465100 +O 4.04124954 5.89241952 2.01232959 -0.47127035 0.49714079 0.00761072 +O 3.98684962 6.08840943 5.98181962 -0.03698506 -0.44635611 0.00778890 +Ti 2.04007968 1.98795965 2.09485985 -1.08452062 -0.29662380 -0.16039519 +Ti 2.03228978 2.05868955 6.06962015 -0.59413926 -0.03183437 -0.07158028 +Ti 1.94817026 5.88435018 2.06328983 0.27496149 0.54625683 -0.14010147 +Ti 1.99612027 6.02244016 6.00428992 0.25835987 -0.27910790 -0.02313890 +Ti 5.96513956 1.99661960 1.95581965 1.33402022 0.96972550 -0.93476492 +Ti 5.87911960 2.11388966 5.91676961 0.92295327 -0.86630596 1.01096702 +Ti 5.98318978 6.02679990 2.05702012 -0.41322539 -0.52800277 0.10318788 +Ti 5.93999960 6.09695983 6.06639004 -0.03790192 0.52605696 -0.26952232 +40 +Lattice="7.955143508 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955143508 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955143508" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216693145343 stress="5.5089456911967096e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 5.5089456911967096e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 5.5089456911967096e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98883637 5.96630714 5.96630714 -0.00038952 0.00038952 0.00038952 +Ba 5.96630714 1.98883637 5.96630714 0.00038952 -0.00038952 0.00038952 +Ba 5.96630714 5.96630714 1.98883637 0.00038952 0.00038952 -0.00038952 +Ba 1.98883637 1.98883637 1.98883637 -0.00038952 -0.00038952 -0.00038952 +Ba 5.96630714 1.98883637 1.98883637 0.00038952 -0.00038952 -0.00038952 +Ba 1.98883637 5.96630714 1.98883637 -0.00038952 0.00038952 -0.00038952 +Ba 1.98883637 1.98883637 5.96630714 -0.00038952 -0.00038952 0.00038952 +Ba 5.96630714 5.96630714 5.96630714 0.00038952 0.00038952 0.00038952 +Ti 3.97757175 3.97757175 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757175 0.00000000 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97757175 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757175 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757175 3.97757175 1.98878935 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00043246 +O 3.97757175 3.97757175 5.96635416 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00043246 +O 3.97757175 1.98878935 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00043246 0.00000000 +O 3.97757175 5.96635416 3.97757175 0.00000000 -0.00043246 0.00000000 +O 1.98878935 3.97757175 3.97757175 0.00043246 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635416 3.97757175 3.97757175 -0.00043246 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97757175 1.98865197 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00076310 +O 0.00000000 3.97757175 5.96649154 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00076310 +O 3.97757175 1.98865197 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00076310 0.00000000 +O 3.97757175 5.96649154 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00076310 0.00000000 +O 1.98865197 0.00000000 3.97757175 0.00076310 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96649154 0.00000000 3.97757175 -0.00076310 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757175 0.00000000 1.98901403 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00249191 +O 3.97757175 0.00000000 5.96612948 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00249191 +O 0.00000000 1.98901403 3.97757175 0.00000000 -0.00249191 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96612948 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00249191 0.00000000 +O 1.98901403 3.97757175 0.00000000 -0.00249191 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96612948 3.97757175 0.00000000 0.00249191 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98887625 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00215047 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96626726 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00215047 +O 0.00000000 1.98887625 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00215047 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96626726 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00215047 0.00000000 +O 1.98887625 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00215047 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96626726 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00215047 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955095043495578 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955095043495578 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955095043495578" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216353275162 stress="-1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.5608679458390678e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98877376 -1.98877376 1.98877376 0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 -1.98877376 -1.98877376 -0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ba -1.98877376 1.98877376 -1.98877376 0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 1.98877376 1.98877376 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 1.98877376 -1.98877376 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ba -1.98877376 1.98877376 1.98877376 0.00000129 -0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba 1.98877376 -1.98877376 1.98877376 -0.00000129 0.00000129 -0.00000129 +Ba -1.98877376 -1.98877376 -1.98877376 0.00000129 0.00000129 0.00000129 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 3.97754752 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 0.00000000 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97754752 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97754752 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97754752 -0.00000080 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000154 +O 0.00000000 3.97754673 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000154 +O 0.00000000 0.00000080 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000129 +O 3.97754752 3.97754832 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -0.00000080 1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 3.97754673 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 0.00000080 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000129 0.00000000 +O 3.97754832 -1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 3.97754752 -0.00000080 0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 0.00000000 3.97754673 -0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000080 -0.00000129 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 3.97754752 3.97754832 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97754832 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000154 +O 3.97754752 0.00000080 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000154 +O 3.97754752 3.97754673 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 -0.00000080 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000129 +O 3.97754832 1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 0.00000080 -1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 -0.00000154 0.00000000 +O 3.97754673 1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -0.00000080 -1.98877376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000129 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 0.00000000 3.97754832 0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 3.97754752 0.00000080 -0.00000154 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98877376 3.97754752 3.97754673 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O -1.98877376 0.00000000 -0.00000080 0.00000129 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.917519757462018 0.0 0.0 -0.02170192165520339 7.9174880873829885 0.0 -0.02170192165520339 0.021646499016901157 7.917456417303958" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.21660567137 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03613701 0.00426596 0.04595012 -0.42609299 0.10552604 0.11246339 +Ba 4.03138333 0.07825993 4.01450951 -0.43436962 -0.08936538 -0.30531516 +Ba 4.03076339 4.02427577 0.07446982 -0.49475584 -0.34495360 -0.40197450 +Ba 3.93509995 4.04482015 4.04569979 -0.01385902 -0.69511548 -0.25006755 +Ba 7.87995350 7.89483527 0.02061010 0.24039737 0.32146040 0.08946462 +Ba 0.14790323 0.03419023 3.84194004 -0.91280410 0.23571360 1.06552763 +Ba 0.04796829 4.04830544 0.03192977 -0.10498406 -0.53014347 0.01928687 +Ba -0.00127235 4.02383001 4.06102019 0.26573740 -0.46526554 -0.42940508 +O 2.07352954 4.04176953 1.94537023 -0.28780183 -0.55371586 0.33280334 +O 2.01047996 3.99752010 5.97396976 -0.13252417 0.20783564 0.02466614 +O 1.97468327 0.00829994 1.98961017 0.23519912 0.66056808 -0.27085852 +O 1.97902365 0.06634011 5.90333994 0.10242349 -0.42948324 0.53993603 +O 5.94807947 3.92673985 2.04802959 0.07485047 0.77356807 -0.15094227 +O 5.99140968 3.94070952 5.99148965 -0.21988717 0.30862828 -0.31374761 +O 5.92545991 7.88697001 2.03412009 0.49251589 0.19706374 -0.49858961 +O 5.94730989 7.91807003 5.99872943 0.07095782 -0.08835750 -0.08472865 +O 1.93453986 2.08732028 3.99468958 0.16068495 -0.12628127 -0.68481050 +O 2.02484392 2.08113590 0.05883034 0.02838369 -0.50119825 -0.35001224 +O 2.08972958 5.97244010 3.96954987 -0.52030618 -0.04770013 0.00727519 +O 2.05998979 5.95282998 7.88670952 -0.26962465 0.43965941 0.02211123 +O 6.02413992 2.02928961 3.93700016 -0.13538941 -0.24888664 1.10680180 +O 6.02064354 1.97200556 0.04728976 -0.44162373 0.09195062 -0.31691212 +O 5.93350965 6.04138982 3.94912980 0.41861519 -0.77791246 0.58988640 +O 5.93418343 5.85256568 0.01472025 0.43817434 0.51736355 -0.07537060 +O 0.05612096 1.99753956 1.95480000 -0.17379089 0.21771279 0.04780298 +O 0.02703912 2.04429014 5.92893966 -0.27522785 -0.28445246 0.52566281 +O 0.05812726 5.96016953 1.99408990 -0.42350414 -0.29792966 -0.00856692 +O 0.05866011 5.95947991 5.96109983 -0.46883963 0.09444485 -0.13319651 +O 3.98101999 1.95973974 2.11245999 0.46980765 0.26664705 -0.77284121 +O 3.92984985 1.98636002 5.91933017 1.18503687 0.20640071 0.37532887 +O 3.99542987 6.05536978 2.01963023 0.07264369 -0.73685965 -0.20452406 +O 4.01932970 5.92568952 5.94289983 0.25771427 0.29614120 0.10032830 +Ti 1.89864024 1.99951973 1.99661005 0.83102168 -0.46779602 1.06842012 +Ti 1.92980993 2.01682981 6.06344961 0.10003982 0.61942246 -1.26618577 +Ti 2.03612955 5.89342008 2.07115033 0.34910542 1.03718970 -0.31114333 +Ti 1.92844970 6.01687005 6.00129946 0.66447976 -0.47557078 0.27658488 +Ti 5.87871962 2.04175970 1.96230027 -0.10951331 -0.48868958 0.53456423 +Ti 5.90645945 2.06890017 5.91155991 0.31226408 -0.39254112 -0.11871349 +Ti 5.97931963 5.94862974 2.05663989 -0.45189632 0.88201694 0.02573366 +Ti 5.90775000 6.00476020 5.97898947 -0.47325782 0.56290498 0.08325798 +40 +Lattice="7.7766898270028895 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.040482922624655 0.0 0.0 0.06851263737589545 8.04018740841123" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.156474624964 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89005967 0.09661137 8.03494125 -0.00279093 0.02098612 -0.13762164 +Ba 3.87758975 0.07023751 3.98530002 0.03522180 -0.12014559 0.09228383 +Ba 3.89769016 4.13383557 8.02141526 -0.01434753 -0.14868715 -0.01962317 +Ba 3.89730988 4.07602988 4.02130998 -0.06528725 0.06398267 -0.13599053 +Ba 0.02430993 0.12818396 8.01691955 -0.23014561 -0.21819384 0.00386128 +Ba 7.75727999 0.06498591 4.00816971 0.10373013 -0.07183328 -0.10152901 +Ba 0.01470494 4.13089520 8.03227618 -0.14457622 -0.08219020 -0.13273166 +Ba 7.76089148 4.09385016 3.99851961 0.09528945 -0.07665538 0.04882165 +Ti 1.92348957 1.98600016 1.92949007 0.18896323 0.23419459 0.15895305 +Ti 1.93610958 2.03666996 5.95070984 0.03838760 -0.06090455 0.05677047 +Ti 1.96048018 5.99434018 1.92826990 -0.00119531 0.41503673 0.17736215 +Ti 1.94388005 6.05545018 5.95112978 0.08256738 0.25956880 0.04936492 +Ti 5.82154990 1.99536018 1.92864007 -0.03504594 0.02324714 0.09313693 +Ti 5.82830007 2.03250010 5.94724999 0.03330607 0.09722781 0.10838588 +Ti 5.85412957 6.01304000 1.92802027 -0.16642185 0.11403640 0.07492992 +Ti 5.83886004 6.06120960 5.96315954 -0.11120150 -0.04778987 -0.07025617 +O 1.92628996 2.10915027 4.09066017 0.05017919 0.13015156 -0.05015554 +O 1.94710971 2.07694466 0.06771008 -0.07682713 0.15290813 0.04844164 +O 1.93021019 6.14751997 4.09235004 0.05596212 -0.00037898 -0.09462534 +O 1.93235033 6.13300478 0.06950028 -0.00293157 -0.16054688 0.02780699 +O 5.85638014 2.11998008 4.08975029 -0.21091453 0.01216595 0.07944375 +O 5.82953968 2.07374455 0.08354964 -0.00747703 0.06929740 -0.32884538 +O 5.82405011 6.09799956 4.09151016 -0.01966817 0.24803098 -0.10062681 +O 5.81372967 6.11101463 0.05950023 0.13780419 -0.03940910 0.08403239 +O 1.95123991 4.16368017 2.04575002 -0.06251200 -0.25011280 -0.07980113 +O 1.95229988 4.21205974 6.07339023 -0.04781378 -0.22425547 -0.06491701 +O 1.93055003 0.15487978 2.03007999 -0.02003198 -0.26666351 0.07653171 +O 1.94594010 0.18096979 6.05938985 -0.08326235 -0.02849091 -0.02317618 +O 5.82069991 4.14405025 2.02644984 0.00018229 0.10321051 -0.00130946 +O 5.84292958 4.19273000 6.05452009 -0.10629095 -0.10198846 0.12621417 +O 5.83805982 0.12152011 2.02445978 -0.05051421 -0.02115092 0.13400590 +O 5.84015019 0.16793995 6.02982988 -0.03281293 0.10654189 0.12848934 +O 7.76114189 2.12272992 2.06550982 0.25472202 0.09142431 -0.06098991 +O 7.77176018 2.19507958 6.08689989 -0.05092713 -0.14672257 0.04698691 +O 7.75953212 6.12339979 2.06387982 0.09173876 0.09624102 -0.05504835 +O 7.77268017 6.19689962 6.08020961 0.03097279 -0.03191073 0.04741963 +O 3.89040962 2.13070025 2.07572994 -0.13122268 -0.05088007 -0.01367133 +O 3.86777013 2.16290974 6.09586953 0.38721456 0.05570578 -0.13418870 +O 3.86659973 6.16087954 2.05868033 0.14662693 -0.08156799 0.01387522 +O 3.88970972 6.20128956 6.09161023 -0.05865021 -0.06348079 -0.07201069 +40 +Lattice="7.914019779405967 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.914019779405967 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.914019779405967" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.228498009146 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.86624004 4.01298971 7.85367380 0.76882181 0.02603576 0.21281766 +Ba 3.94964985 7.90230703 4.00106012 0.22961288 0.24045728 -0.48105057 +Ba 0.12986511 3.95842966 4.09486974 -0.32069755 -0.18999578 -0.92253881 +Ba 7.85693437 0.07780748 3.94764998 0.95002725 -0.36421527 -0.09893194 +Ba 7.84279360 3.87778976 0.04008847 1.01850498 0.47284773 0.11241711 +Ba 3.95976001 0.07816915 0.07129740 0.56513902 -0.63204941 -0.43141851 +Ba 3.98563965 3.98011012 3.84807974 -0.19335904 -0.22270921 0.71035801 +Ba 7.84850357 7.85503422 0.06857577 0.51800530 0.65527572 -0.81581155 +Ti 5.87763961 2.05126961 1.93026979 0.60757147 0.51921629 0.43411509 +Ti 1.84311981 6.09411021 1.85920031 1.14388303 -0.81018057 1.00972723 +Ti 2.15135030 1.96577999 5.95978001 -1.37958222 0.88172975 -1.22958844 +Ti 5.98878964 5.80264952 5.98510962 -0.60547114 0.08866166 0.46336473 +Ti 2.00697959 6.04628974 5.88282013 0.05499924 -0.63924027 -0.21608631 +Ti 6.07626963 1.84874984 5.90882955 -0.07613808 1.16002081 -0.05017765 +Ti 5.83766985 6.02170009 2.02823981 0.50705548 -1.09234835 -0.34309726 +Ti 1.93658992 2.07257019 1.90115965 -0.01285114 -0.12380787 1.32544070 +O 2.04703007 1.95692025 3.98343955 -0.23833689 -0.11565311 -0.46278494 +O 6.07321007 2.03536005 3.96406999 -0.55837496 -0.11324964 0.26465110 +O 2.01614007 5.86986962 3.95496016 -0.32731737 0.68228439 0.36656526 +O 6.05120989 5.89026959 3.91943966 0.15155599 -0.15271170 0.89655396 +O 2.11006998 3.94285013 1.97444980 -0.50294892 0.26165448 -0.26428961 +O 2.01074033 3.82929977 5.89604999 0.13020041 1.18234261 0.67901343 +O 5.90278007 3.93775983 1.94179972 0.27281153 -0.15117804 -0.00296525 +O 6.10021983 3.94453977 6.18881966 -0.90400861 0.30098311 -1.58722220 +O 4.06020950 1.96477966 1.90686012 -0.47597702 -0.27258681 0.51780526 +O 4.01383967 6.04296981 2.01887990 -0.35206116 -0.27263978 -0.27364251 +O 3.93914953 1.94451027 5.87403952 2.12961595 0.25355679 0.50251363 +O 4.05521021 5.88136949 5.85064014 0.33556933 -0.03473098 0.31559777 +O 6.00134998 5.93268953 7.90114130 -0.56002946 0.35893294 -0.26046381 +O 2.11156969 6.04389021 7.89209003 -0.11535331 -0.40585635 0.61621270 +O 6.05841956 1.89253020 0.07612337 -0.64111254 -0.04353623 -0.80533764 +O 2.11123968 1.94769013 0.01220025 -0.45261597 0.00284261 0.12896448 +O 6.03477959 0.04019610 5.88545945 -0.46806342 -1.00302360 0.31938295 +O 6.06195001 7.83109985 2.00928019 -0.41760526 1.18181580 0.13247686 +O 2.18622026 7.90674363 5.98324983 -0.94836246 -0.88300501 -0.30837683 +O 1.98209000 0.04430981 2.07694981 0.03774662 -0.85244463 -0.60889019 +O 0.13625330 5.90912949 6.10771995 -0.36541829 0.30856169 -1.02058757 +O 0.00907580 1.93328028 5.96265992 0.16276291 -0.20596490 0.07290054 +O 0.03716028 5.92906966 1.84151010 0.45463403 -0.22891534 0.63710085 +O 0.09682961 1.96614958 1.90508025 -0.12283240 0.23282393 0.46528225 +40 +Lattice="7.941830158413779 0.0 0.0 -0.02176855646421217 7.941798391093146 0.0 -0.02176855646421217 0.02171296365310327 7.941766623772512" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.632588409488 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.05556069 0.04585930 0.08572967 -0.24957673 0.08680173 -0.25553012 +Ba 3.94495006 0.10193021 4.00563041 0.30149681 -0.47096156 -0.09367480 +Ba 3.99230005 4.06272978 7.93775044 0.09610527 -0.48700576 0.20376018 +Ba 3.95110974 3.99339046 3.99566976 0.28507723 0.10291149 0.13366754 +Ba 0.06415887 0.02552901 0.06291994 -0.07331244 0.00516612 -0.20748623 +Ba 0.01397921 0.01166020 3.96033974 0.26761096 0.11874280 0.28746836 +Ba 0.09214906 3.99852962 0.03521963 -0.44932445 0.04057638 -0.15101297 +Ba -0.01388550 4.06022970 4.03327036 0.35435458 -0.28305917 -0.04512852 +O 2.04290000 3.97164017 2.01397030 -0.37327687 0.07836517 0.02255912 +O 2.00434003 3.96527003 5.91576048 0.04232499 -0.27582692 0.32643574 +O 1.94931030 0.01396968 1.99551031 0.76970061 -0.15429859 -0.13084087 +O 1.96329983 7.95543054 6.00566041 0.17931645 0.08496930 0.00200546 +O 6.00271002 3.96319006 2.10204996 0.18139853 -0.10491155 -0.28639184 +O 5.86669983 4.01304013 6.03895018 0.75223639 -0.68796473 -0.43030214 +O 5.94239976 7.89167035 2.07395971 0.12691659 0.26993601 -0.31298322 +O 5.96063023 7.91128985 6.02164017 0.09506243 0.18907121 0.03934893 +O 2.00687030 1.96035977 3.92045031 0.00836354 0.25402345 0.53863351 +O 2.04731010 2.04482034 7.92907002 -0.36873579 -0.06943367 0.07383771 +O 2.09537009 5.98266008 4.07065017 -0.25654750 -0.00925751 -0.44433522 +O 2.05582057 5.92774947 0.05257015 -0.09530360 0.11079603 0.12396625 +O 5.97334987 1.89635021 3.94965003 0.13559150 0.63378773 0.65434318 +O 6.01997000 2.04925982 7.91339046 -0.07930542 -0.28513894 0.36565149 +O 5.97404001 5.94100041 4.05224021 0.10681545 0.14629680 0.17410456 +O 6.01486023 5.95052981 0.14701995 0.23434808 -0.01762517 -0.78642744 +O 0.00850173 2.04340034 2.00410019 0.24187036 -0.15359128 -0.16859006 +O 0.03650224 1.96398998 5.97049002 -0.05152465 0.36481460 -0.14478936 +O 0.13622780 5.97863992 2.07079012 -0.68652517 -0.36402784 -0.07918869 +O 0.05519016 5.93162032 6.00392989 -0.82009963 0.17906808 0.18614633 +O 4.00871025 2.06098990 1.99255039 0.02119669 -0.36589858 -0.09554194 +O 4.01584995 1.96860974 6.02081025 0.01140284 -0.01512991 -0.45887275 +O 4.02414996 5.84808974 2.02021972 -0.00656994 0.71257070 0.15514859 +O 3.98124025 5.98710988 6.04412984 0.14986163 0.16266598 0.04112325 +Ti 1.99629973 2.07192977 2.01047986 0.55793607 -0.48212324 0.25590473 +Ti 1.96782032 2.02342028 5.99400022 -0.17273622 0.02606713 0.21316039 +Ti 2.00804013 5.97221975 1.92248041 -0.26452435 0.62681284 0.49924627 +Ti 2.07802989 6.00911987 5.92851983 -0.02307257 0.28209604 -0.17386494 +Ti 6.01809017 2.11677967 2.05557040 -0.60296766 -0.16044584 -0.06844997 +Ti 5.93515046 2.06715991 6.00423009 0.02916917 0.18299313 0.46764176 +Ti 5.92327981 6.03724983 2.05187983 -0.02405678 -0.13928797 0.02806770 +Ti 6.04057984 6.04532032 6.02304984 -0.35069616 -0.13254397 -0.45881027 +40 +Lattice="7.95934396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95934396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95934396" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.708052107682 stress="0.000768497923921941 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000768497923921941 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000768497923921941" pbc="T T T" +Ba -1.98983599 -1.98983599 1.98983599 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 -1.98983599 -1.98983599 0.00000103 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ba -1.98983599 1.98983599 -1.98983599 -0.00000103 0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 1.98983599 1.98983599 0.00000103 0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 1.98983599 -1.98983599 0.00000103 0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ba -1.98983599 1.98983599 1.98983599 -0.00000103 0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba 1.98983599 -1.98983599 1.98983599 0.00000103 -0.00000103 0.00000103 +Ba -1.98983599 -1.98983599 -1.98983599 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 -0.00000103 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 3.97967198 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 0.00000000 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97967198 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97967198 3.97967198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97967198 0.07644721 1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 4.05611919 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 -0.07644721 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000051 +O 3.97967198 3.90322478 -1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 -0.00000026 +O 0.07644721 1.98983599 3.97967198 -0.55212821 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.05611919 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O -0.07644721 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 3.90322478 -1.98983599 3.97967198 0.55212821 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98983599 3.97967198 0.07644721 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 0.00000000 4.05611919 -0.00000026 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +O 1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.07644721 0.00000051 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 3.97967198 3.90322478 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O 0.00000000 3.90322477 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000026 +O 3.97967198 -0.07644721 -1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000000 +O 3.97967198 4.05611918 1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 0.07644721 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000051 +O 3.90322477 1.98983599 0.00000000 0.55212821 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O -0.07644721 -1.98983599 3.97967198 0.55212821 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 4.05611918 1.98983599 3.97967198 -0.55212821 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.07644721 -1.98983599 0.00000000 -0.55212821 -0.00000051 0.00000000 +O 1.98983599 0.00000000 3.90322477 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 3.97967198 -0.07644721 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.55212821 +O 1.98983599 3.97967198 4.05611918 0.00000026 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +O -1.98983599 0.00000000 0.07644721 -0.00000051 0.00000000 -0.55212821 +40 +Lattice="7.765619968981341 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.029037563949158 0.0 0.0 0.06841511192672561 8.028750236010305" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.106915075758 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.89473021 0.04219760 0.00057310 -0.07944015 -0.02906786 -0.08602166 +Ba 3.88042982 0.06581984 4.00778987 -0.00431405 0.03855703 -0.03382338 +Ba 3.85074030 4.10695762 8.01404370 0.27386105 0.15827865 0.02696316 +Ba 3.91014963 4.08152987 3.99128016 -0.21206819 0.06004580 0.07260718 +Ba 0.00289968 0.09756181 8.02348825 -0.03058559 0.08451293 -0.07976668 +Ba 7.76173017 0.09122817 4.01085030 0.05089447 -0.12381353 -0.03742626 +Ba 7.75551923 4.11956743 8.00929503 -0.02983508 0.04552987 0.03188631 +Ba 0.01143410 4.09393001 3.99791977 -0.04341719 -0.00579192 0.05577134 +Ti 1.91741000 2.13259999 2.04995982 0.06228600 -0.13464713 -0.14752424 +Ti 1.95231025 2.16557980 6.06621965 -0.13427972 -0.46071212 0.02484637 +Ti 1.92974025 6.14513000 2.05998989 0.08784071 -0.20210619 -0.07722385 +Ti 1.93895028 6.16545962 6.07116014 0.09269418 0.33791726 -0.28195334 +Ti 5.80710033 2.12512015 2.06038982 0.15125851 -0.14299756 -0.42571118 +Ti 5.83144011 2.14821976 6.07444034 0.05801694 0.02647748 0.07726139 +Ti 5.81852977 6.12138972 2.05577005 0.01944551 0.11806146 -0.14170841 +Ti 5.81963015 6.16591002 6.06122015 -0.06355870 -0.03756742 0.08310911 +O 1.95887997 2.00949007 3.91089979 -0.07520811 0.21664372 0.02125120 +O 1.92673962 2.07426000 7.94370971 0.13698452 0.02540096 -0.30995291 +O 1.94824961 6.05808982 3.91176022 -0.06012679 -0.05101377 -0.04138371 +O 1.95685003 6.11599029 7.91102033 -0.07528139 -0.22753183 0.21925005 +O 5.85093026 2.04723020 3.89761980 -0.16259605 0.02732414 0.26391808 +O 5.83701971 2.07795022 7.92993971 -0.03939547 -0.08436509 -0.06445396 +O 5.83184004 6.01398033 3.92393981 -0.01693149 0.18014460 -0.14862853 +O 5.79893012 6.09767973 7.92991020 0.11539985 -0.04518431 -0.10054633 +O 1.91883965 3.99358966 1.93544022 0.17325430 -0.09412243 0.11891326 +O 1.96313009 4.02081981 5.95520002 -0.09223061 0.06314475 0.01211015 +O 1.93016969 7.98903996 1.92925024 0.03868508 0.15435566 0.10650486 +O 1.93960026 8.04359034 5.94899995 0.04660407 -0.09530797 0.08319396 +O 5.82668988 3.99713001 1.92884022 -0.05249807 -0.08959369 0.09022490 +O 5.83211960 4.01665976 5.98416966 -0.04947265 0.04879697 -0.13075268 +O 5.84931035 8.00971981 1.95004036 -0.13528502 -0.23846082 0.10204734 +O 5.82690965 8.03952969 5.94824979 -0.00583152 -0.04441118 0.02947950 +O 0.00717388 1.99997019 1.90222977 -0.04898774 0.00854995 0.17052122 +O 0.00717310 2.02630962 5.92690986 0.07232462 0.08718122 0.04535966 +O 7.76405442 5.98105021 1.91785963 0.00140357 0.14440781 -0.00415979 +O 7.76530003 6.04538993 5.93241025 0.00166325 -0.04660382 0.05221242 +O 3.88330000 1.98024008 1.90584001 0.05277164 0.13722286 0.12345717 +O 3.89660017 2.01808971 5.93412024 -0.12582053 0.08402108 0.03418513 +O 3.88493000 5.99114008 1.91264036 0.00327224 0.11622466 0.12525155 +O 3.88038012 6.04225029 5.90262988 0.09850333 -0.00949997 0.14071031 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.40958969646 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04596970 4.20061026 0.33825495 -0.92332171 -3.70880705 -2.58848973 +Ba 7.93421267 3.93100952 4.07465010 0.42724021 0.78308577 -0.80030780 +Ba 3.93694010 0.01697191 3.93713015 -0.01149129 -0.27624189 -0.16160103 +Ba 0.12165734 0.03524795 4.13255006 -0.17651600 -1.49496999 0.06708394 +Ba 7.92586150 3.85226026 7.61567783 0.67385914 1.08653765 2.11126650 +Ba 4.22798972 7.93612432 0.20684769 -2.38949715 1.81921284 -1.72468957 +Ba 3.72145974 4.09936008 3.80472015 0.67286747 -1.01930459 0.80995123 +Ba 7.81352388 0.00003578 7.79782747 0.36652181 -0.76310393 0.57720675 +Ti 6.30565993 1.73311968 2.24270958 -2.76036206 2.30516291 -1.88205908 +Ti 1.68174989 6.14272943 1.91654004 0.53096597 -0.02571695 0.96599920 +Ti 2.38517964 2.07816960 5.91383011 -1.35762989 0.11636119 0.40227660 +Ti 5.91006961 6.00161996 5.96245010 0.74921149 -0.38555723 -1.92499265 +Ti 2.23416995 6.01159016 6.28976949 -2.65059550 -0.34825078 -2.44716468 +Ti 6.11015972 2.09522978 6.02247005 -1.30692208 -0.23365029 -1.24396424 +Ti 5.76715982 5.78031955 1.96187985 3.17317710 0.48912435 3.32147859 +Ti 1.97334978 2.00799974 1.62219990 0.43848005 -0.87471372 0.39770646 +O 1.96695957 1.74708017 4.18256960 0.43215539 0.67256228 -0.91773650 +O 1.79844996 5.88886009 3.73358015 0.61894552 0.64478485 1.12759869 +O 6.04061965 1.89080982 3.99359955 0.35052646 0.14765254 -0.56354673 +O 5.89939965 5.75645009 3.91727963 -0.33590743 0.71086117 0.08381668 +O 4.20348013 2.01711032 5.86090968 -2.55734416 -0.50233931 0.13537398 +O 3.75669973 1.99930982 1.86604974 1.37116109 -0.20976808 0.81015178 +O 3.93637949 5.73082961 5.94862956 0.67644953 0.90887623 0.23573185 +O 3.85042018 5.97675015 2.02790991 0.99224116 0.21476630 0.24112294 +O 2.01120995 3.97882000 5.88340981 0.08281240 -0.74647789 0.21913924 +O 5.84427016 3.96116978 5.89602006 1.00216562 -0.13830864 0.37250863 +O 1.71903990 3.77299970 1.82195999 -0.06527388 1.30926924 0.43008231 +O 6.20755954 3.88700008 2.02684991 -1.13792886 0.39256452 -0.65708192 +O 5.71614946 6.01800979 0.13945228 1.50864440 -0.48838439 -2.14734268 +O 2.02109983 5.79998002 0.07297850 0.13875601 -0.47571142 -0.60155895 +O 6.07611968 2.01115031 7.77836897 -0.78943846 -0.60875161 2.64501312 +O 1.96451036 1.91351988 7.74622310 0.18301112 0.83945438 0.60448846 +O 5.78839955 7.82390042 5.68720982 0.20578930 -0.03061335 1.42245434 +O 5.83899005 7.93463651 2.00705982 0.65758329 -0.34851355 0.80764521 +O 1.95310007 7.79998564 6.23397999 1.26975781 0.01489080 -1.11181186 +O 1.75747023 0.01222537 1.51046981 1.62852157 -0.96707160 1.58080447 +O 7.74161174 5.97378962 5.97751990 0.61780935 -0.49333093 0.51665624 +O 7.93366160 1.74930991 6.06826948 -0.01400428 1.41715812 -1.56473867 +O 7.88851821 6.10490982 1.86703022 -2.02455862 -0.60966949 -0.16121023 +O 0.06467107 1.64772019 1.94964970 -0.26786113 0.87693207 0.61273836 +40 +Lattice="7.955238344 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955238344 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955238344" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.20959859334 stress="9.181576151994517e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 5.96039306 1.99484529 5.97246446 0.03953637 -0.03953637 -0.03953637 +Ba 5.97246446 5.96039306 1.99484529 -0.03953637 0.03953637 -0.03953637 +Ba 1.99484529 5.97246446 5.96039306 -0.03953637 -0.03953637 0.03953637 +Ba 1.98277389 1.98277389 1.98277389 0.03953637 0.03953637 0.03953637 +Ba 1.99484529 5.96039306 1.98277389 -0.03953637 0.03953637 0.03953637 +Ba 1.98277389 1.99484529 5.96039306 0.03953637 -0.03953637 0.03953637 +Ba 5.96039306 1.98277389 1.99484529 0.03953637 0.03953637 -0.03953637 +Ba 5.97246446 5.97246446 5.97246446 -0.03953637 -0.03953637 -0.03953637 +Ti 3.97761917 3.97761917 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97761917 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97761917 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97761917 0.00000000 3.97761917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97117869 -0.00153284 5.96639261 0.04636496 0.01481572 0.00132155 +O 3.98405965 3.97608633 5.96646491 -0.04636496 0.01481572 -0.00132155 +O -0.00644048 3.97915201 1.98884574 0.04636496 -0.01481572 -0.00132155 +O 0.00644048 0.00153284 1.98877343 -0.04636496 -0.01481572 0.00132155 +O -0.00153284 5.96639261 3.97117869 0.01481572 0.00132155 0.04636496 +O 3.97608633 5.96646491 3.98405965 0.01481572 -0.00132155 -0.04636496 +O 3.97915201 1.98884574 -0.00644048 -0.01481572 -0.00132155 0.04636496 +O 0.00153284 1.98877343 0.00644048 -0.01481572 0.00132155 -0.04636496 +O 5.96639261 3.97117869 -0.00153284 0.00132155 0.04636496 0.01481572 +O 5.96646491 3.98405965 3.97608633 -0.00132155 -0.04636496 0.01481572 +O 1.98884574 -0.00644048 3.97915201 -0.00132155 0.04636496 -0.01481572 +O 1.98877343 0.00644048 0.00153284 0.00132155 -0.04636496 -0.01481572 +O 3.98405965 0.00153284 1.98884574 -0.04636496 -0.01481572 -0.00132155 +O 3.97117869 3.97915201 1.98877343 0.04636496 -0.01481572 0.00132155 +O 0.00644048 3.97608633 5.96639261 -0.04636496 0.01481572 0.00132155 +O -0.00644048 -0.00153284 5.96646491 0.04636496 0.01481572 -0.00132155 +O 0.00153284 1.98884574 3.98405965 -0.01481572 -0.00132155 -0.04636496 +O 3.97915201 1.98877343 3.97117869 -0.01481572 0.00132155 0.04636496 +O 3.97608633 5.96639261 0.00644048 0.01481572 0.00132155 -0.04636496 +O -0.00153284 5.96646491 -0.00644048 0.01481572 -0.00132155 0.04636496 +O 1.98884574 3.98405965 0.00153284 -0.00132155 -0.04636496 -0.01481572 +O 1.98877343 3.97117869 3.97915201 0.00132155 0.04636496 -0.01481572 +O 5.96639261 0.00644048 3.97608633 0.00132155 -0.04636496 0.01481572 +O 5.96646491 -0.00644048 -0.00153284 -0.00132155 0.04636496 0.01481572 +40 +Lattice="7.829700153849705 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.829700153849705 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.213277164386803" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.525242357337 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96829971 1.92586039 0.00321409 0.09556790 0.06641648 -0.04539103 +Ba 1.95457033 1.93405965 4.09794996 0.19743784 0.34965872 0.35044085 +Ba 1.89740021 5.88655022 0.00587462 0.49328671 0.04361028 0.06319694 +Ba 1.89267968 5.84925032 4.13662007 0.43872559 0.09499841 0.06045538 +Ba 5.85509989 1.91230013 0.01054504 -0.05410012 0.26084022 0.11603106 +Ba 5.89445979 2.01572968 4.04864008 -0.08192280 -0.05108011 0.48221554 +Ba 5.89708039 5.86714979 8.17802237 -0.27020006 0.02888480 0.53970155 +Ba 5.91467999 5.90018017 4.12119008 -0.11646994 -0.35977292 -0.09159221 +Ti 0.07493884 0.00983724 2.18371982 -0.91867496 -0.04629811 0.13893547 +Ti 7.72622049 0.01314450 6.25523984 0.68848512 0.02982660 -0.76270927 +Ti 0.02894405 3.89044020 2.04255032 -0.14025676 0.10494575 0.63358590 +Ti 0.00059036 3.87093016 6.22726041 0.09637086 -0.00029233 0.07420152 +Ti 3.98311019 7.78938816 2.25774023 0.15734817 0.20085741 -1.19746584 +Ti 3.86042975 7.78477020 6.26656002 -0.15420705 0.67867636 -0.33539321 +Ti 3.92657036 3.88438002 2.14807980 -0.03871850 0.10087903 0.03087406 +Ti 3.90943036 3.90773993 6.27524003 -0.08345621 -0.61609442 -0.77991895 +O 0.01359001 1.99740975 1.95752996 -0.08057220 -0.39329059 -0.17105781 +O 1.91884967 0.05728992 2.02808025 0.84703605 -0.28257452 -0.05152156 +O 7.82236999 0.13429032 4.03770042 -0.08980658 -0.59015739 -0.52538411 +O 0.06661431 1.99081010 6.10132047 -0.29763862 0.24303275 -0.01430639 +O 1.90726015 0.03232022 6.09084981 0.64947506 -0.34722414 0.07707704 +O 7.79708006 7.81403997 8.06582982 0.01196591 0.18763474 0.63990695 +O 0.05052036 5.91500022 2.06952990 -0.12887269 0.03538815 -0.54000931 +O 1.99208007 3.89233029 1.90977035 0.21312285 0.24229691 -0.07354846 +O 0.07524264 3.92855988 3.88542998 -0.23572079 -0.16694533 0.59034277 +O 7.76111903 5.94805017 6.06190027 0.10970897 -0.30154746 0.09470916 +O 1.94925005 3.99684035 6.10033001 0.24828475 0.09223678 0.01865978 +O 0.03279235 3.89720037 8.07818978 -0.19045215 0.38300695 0.18231590 +O 3.94440015 1.91271040 2.00607018 -0.07941109 0.50099154 0.00158766 +O 5.88906982 0.01247976 2.01266984 -0.13168188 -0.05209184 0.02792809 +O 3.97225979 7.81389277 4.04677035 -0.38990291 0.03773994 0.15974213 +O 3.85990985 2.00498029 6.08417029 0.06649670 0.18947745 0.07995180 +O 5.79805974 0.17141876 6.08000019 0.75123906 -0.56050049 0.08211461 +O 3.92762971 0.05584534 8.07721029 -0.23323839 -0.56405607 0.19088307 +O 3.97641971 5.88726977 2.05770001 -0.47103818 -0.11141798 -0.31961949 +O 5.89173975 3.92105981 1.96758016 -0.13429103 0.08453067 -0.11193555 +O 3.88221041 3.87338007 3.96978012 0.18674436 0.36115926 -0.07952551 +O 3.97593035 5.87595038 6.11538026 -0.18008572 0.31743380 -0.10681005 +O 5.93937016 3.93543044 6.05998983 -0.52342390 -0.10313158 -0.02675233 +O 3.97645024 3.94406973 8.06804014 -0.22715414 -0.08804743 0.59808410 +40 +Lattice="7.751209944420666 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.01413873694536 0.0 0.0 0.06828815961034607 8.013851942177416" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.546726425186 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.84604961 8.01070030 0.01698988 0.08603760 0.28815536 -0.41445489 +Ba 3.92830002 0.07818413 3.99883991 -0.38771670 -0.20756464 -0.13226937 +Ba 3.91896989 4.13312109 7.97809096 -0.33357158 -0.39429821 0.08142967 +Ba 3.82120000 4.11375005 4.00909011 0.56268541 -0.14104892 -0.29089255 +Ba 7.72291028 0.04497795 0.03481223 0.20997994 -0.22122749 -0.86747632 +Ba 0.01839982 0.08787779 3.94028029 0.05436212 -0.25737000 0.57125619 +Ba 0.02664556 4.01945968 0.00957119 -0.16710371 0.03560618 -0.42309071 +Ba 7.71181985 4.09303959 4.00751971 0.18042974 -0.04006319 -0.06518492 +Ti 1.87964981 1.97102030 1.88015984 0.84152258 0.32693994 0.04051004 +Ti 1.95845016 2.15690981 5.88797022 -0.32143520 -0.38645532 0.61369327 +Ti 1.94859992 5.98198000 1.90013006 0.69619020 -0.09728900 0.10182880 +Ti 1.94598001 6.17097000 5.91589008 -0.05323855 0.44028573 0.24593270 +Ti 5.78541009 2.01152967 1.95788975 -0.38569453 0.07137562 -0.30955979 +Ti 5.81871006 1.94988972 5.95398960 0.24881568 0.55905270 0.08227556 +Ti 5.85375018 6.05328958 1.93862024 -0.96098092 -0.41252065 0.27709627 +Ti 5.82887965 5.99427032 5.98870030 -0.08483381 0.32959229 -0.54111231 +O 1.97224034 2.06432006 4.04343029 -0.07396935 -0.04212521 -0.19338552 +O 1.88346030 2.02507956 0.02301024 0.24744862 0.21741248 0.48361576 +O 1.98072016 6.09665992 4.04476970 -0.49127277 0.03036319 -0.04123638 +O 1.95555973 6.01157954 0.03661982 -0.17425266 0.06264493 0.15343932 +O 5.83976002 2.16869010 4.06102012 -0.16635140 -0.45916431 -0.25084531 +O 5.86322991 2.06327907 0.04380984 -0.09652821 -0.01489749 0.30395762 +O 5.83713004 6.10970986 4.06239983 -0.09508402 0.03768569 -0.11858313 +O 5.71485005 6.09264945 0.02275988 0.67953742 0.03722546 0.07325176 +O 1.98785980 4.07876961 1.99742014 -0.26019795 0.25278315 0.04568362 +O 1.90646977 4.04577969 6.03321007 -0.12692919 0.27601178 -0.21604183 +O 1.91398999 0.08375027 1.90325999 -0.00681548 0.16105982 0.66552311 +O 1.96707028 0.06718981 6.04384008 0.00382169 -0.23881692 -0.20654777 +O 5.74709973 4.20063026 1.97252016 0.49758380 -0.82911161 0.23066729 +O 5.80451992 4.14541994 6.00278967 0.29138004 -0.04385711 0.28402385 +O 5.86105957 0.10081999 2.00573021 -0.06236674 0.51242215 0.16676124 +O 5.79092972 0.10501029 5.99458967 -0.17053562 0.34302450 0.07743623 +O 0.00778764 2.11321004 2.09209962 -0.08357217 0.14158988 -0.20743429 +O 0.02374893 2.00166005 6.04755988 -0.31202754 0.41413787 -0.19419234 +O 0.02299784 6.08999001 2.02631975 -0.07771185 -0.06208289 -0.05254615 +O 7.71338016 6.17943975 6.05070998 0.38742231 -0.40258488 0.13998371 +O 3.90403021 2.06732986 2.02257979 -0.10114514 -0.04717280 0.00007919 +O 3.89755020 2.13583970 6.05937970 -0.05411529 -0.22335250 -0.00372990 +O 3.89293978 6.16204991 2.05954997 -0.41826732 -0.01869603 -0.05731477 +O 3.82194025 6.08196983 6.04207978 0.47850055 0.00232916 -0.05254666 +40 +Lattice="7.979709686 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979709686 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979709686" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.29611650806 stress="2.66265708407841e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.66265708407841e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.66265708407841e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98985484 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98985484 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98985484 0.00000000 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98985484 3.98985484 3.98985484 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93243598 6.04727370 1.93243598 0.00004551 -0.00004551 0.00004551 +Ti 6.04727370 1.93243598 1.93243598 -0.00004551 0.00004551 0.00004551 +Ti 1.93243598 1.93243598 6.04727370 0.00004551 0.00004551 -0.00004551 +Ti 6.04727370 6.04727370 6.04727370 -0.00004551 -0.00004551 -0.00004551 +Ti 2.05741886 5.92229083 5.92229083 -0.00004551 0.00004551 0.00004551 +Ti 5.92229083 2.05741886 5.92229083 0.00004551 -0.00004551 0.00004551 +Ti 5.92229083 5.92229083 2.05741886 0.00004551 0.00004551 -0.00004551 +Ti 2.05741886 2.05741886 2.05741886 -0.00004551 -0.00004551 -0.00004551 +O 1.99528549 1.99518898 3.96054977 -0.00078727 -0.00022086 0.00030545 +O 1.99528549 5.98452070 4.01915992 -0.00078727 0.00022086 -0.00030545 +O 5.98442419 1.99518898 4.01915992 0.00078727 -0.00022086 -0.00030545 +O 5.98442419 5.98452070 3.96054977 0.00078727 0.00022086 0.00030545 +O 3.96054977 1.99528549 1.99518898 0.00030545 -0.00078727 -0.00022086 +O 4.01915992 1.99528549 5.98452070 -0.00030545 -0.00078727 0.00022086 +O 4.01915992 5.98442419 1.99518898 -0.00030545 0.00078727 -0.00022086 +O 3.96054977 5.98442419 5.98452070 0.00030545 0.00078727 0.00022086 +O 1.99518898 3.96054977 1.99528549 -0.00022086 0.00030545 -0.00078727 +O 5.98452070 4.01915992 1.99528549 0.00022086 -0.00030545 -0.00078727 +O 1.99518898 4.01915992 5.98442419 -0.00022086 -0.00030545 0.00078727 +O 5.98452070 3.96054977 5.98442419 0.00022086 0.00030545 0.00078727 +O 5.98504383 5.98514034 -0.02930508 -0.00022086 -0.00078727 0.00030545 +O 1.99466586 5.98514034 0.02930508 0.00022086 -0.00078727 -0.00030545 +O 5.98504383 1.99456935 0.02930508 -0.00022086 0.00078727 -0.00030545 +O 1.99466586 1.99456935 -0.02930508 0.00022086 0.00078727 0.00030545 +O 5.98514034 -0.02930508 5.98504383 -0.00078727 0.00030545 -0.00022086 +O 5.98514034 0.02930508 1.99466586 -0.00078727 -0.00030545 0.00022086 +O 1.99456935 0.02930508 5.98504383 0.00078727 -0.00030545 -0.00022086 +O 1.99456935 -0.02930508 1.99466586 0.00078727 0.00030545 0.00022086 +O -0.02930508 5.98504383 5.98514034 0.00030545 -0.00022086 -0.00078727 +O 0.02930508 1.99466586 5.98514034 -0.00030545 0.00022086 -0.00078727 +O 0.02930508 5.98504383 1.99456935 -0.00030545 -0.00022086 0.00078727 +O -0.02930508 1.99466586 1.99456935 0.00030545 0.00022086 0.00078727 +40 +Lattice="7.921700257408011 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.921700257408011 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.921700257408011" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.95565760529 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99606050 3.95658984 7.90938281 -0.28572181 0.05652622 0.12627433 +Ba 3.95892991 7.91147413 3.95964999 -0.00256236 0.09488528 0.07664381 +Ba 0.00657343 3.94941040 3.95172037 -0.07065829 0.23903752 0.22165686 +Ba 0.03488321 0.01182868 3.97199992 -0.20524062 -0.10095437 0.04170458 +Ba 7.92101978 3.96489020 7.91691634 0.09390671 0.09414866 0.14603995 +Ba 3.95942026 0.05245433 0.01791730 -0.16201498 -0.26879572 -0.02057422 +Ba 3.99417989 3.97021992 3.95852036 -0.15242759 -0.04466238 0.12330368 +Ba 0.01018731 0.02706290 0.04774884 0.10763615 -0.09512413 -0.17519908 +Ti 5.92909003 1.94735038 2.00008989 -0.24016340 0.33002449 0.06004966 +Ti 1.96541027 5.92320025 2.04548044 -0.02137667 0.33319157 -0.18511557 +Ti 1.95390004 2.02270001 5.98639007 0.15462563 -0.05009846 -0.08354671 +Ti 5.93417022 5.94532001 5.90593015 0.04796959 -0.08912498 -0.39541767 +Ti 1.97543043 5.98401039 6.01546033 0.12549092 -0.08633045 0.09945618 +Ti 5.91962994 1.96703977 5.96289985 -0.07962938 0.08066476 -0.13743318 +Ti 5.91100004 5.92350048 1.90110983 -0.08200893 -0.30453946 0.57978068 +Ti 1.96876987 2.00699999 2.02553043 0.21463235 -0.31645729 -0.10041649 +O 2.02962041 1.93678046 3.97664045 -0.18710535 0.50228686 0.09029534 +O 5.94735985 1.99099024 3.97231045 0.12669342 -0.05988485 0.00235282 +O 1.99514041 5.92179019 3.93764034 0.01729812 0.07677931 0.29427818 +O 5.96267012 5.93608014 3.96784024 -0.04636702 0.14755381 0.22200370 +O 2.02839017 3.97342979 1.95162018 -0.12659495 -0.12617637 0.30945258 +O 2.00167978 3.97794991 5.96089012 -0.09633486 0.03049483 -0.09842620 +O 5.99094029 3.97770988 2.01798977 -0.15563813 0.16088729 -0.25901268 +O 5.96730035 3.96019025 5.99371051 -0.11296065 0.39799469 -0.29196702 +O 3.97395975 1.98977980 1.99548976 0.56289239 0.06950103 -0.01641984 +O 3.98394981 5.92721021 1.93221043 0.43488076 0.14189198 0.33514381 +O 3.97913975 1.98613027 5.96358032 0.17273108 0.10851109 -0.00685405 +O 3.96349043 5.96491038 5.90760005 0.06966147 0.00726157 0.16262485 +O 5.90273058 5.93762012 7.92140715 0.38277195 0.17188699 0.21050779 +O 2.02310006 5.96437012 0.00051016 -0.19049149 -0.00776396 -0.55806360 +O 5.99129043 1.99721036 0.02341259 -0.14185239 -0.06354919 0.11063405 +O 2.02804003 2.01763012 0.03640972 -0.25504418 -0.21177791 -0.44942703 +O 5.93993009 0.03320698 5.96469015 0.09738645 -0.16416956 0.00752716 +O 5.93847012 0.02841039 1.97689991 0.22620000 -0.17401509 0.05280429 +O 1.98735021 0.03506303 5.95627018 -0.05866075 -0.30891650 0.04675885 +O 1.99376045 0.00323998 2.01391009 0.06618945 0.08986674 -0.20258545 +O 7.91076673 6.00882036 5.95414003 0.29761445 -0.24412856 0.06116294 +O 0.01437234 2.04208045 5.97351018 0.28610850 -0.32485940 -0.12665306 +O 0.05534971 5.94610030 1.98905021 -0.49088710 0.05737314 -0.23009342 +O 0.05234026 2.01631037 2.01248973 -0.32094875 -0.14943869 -0.04325161 +40 +Lattice="7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29605.608958003308 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04298002 4.09123027 3.95437021 -0.34344487 -0.76429024 -0.43959771 +Ba 4.16932021 7.86363881 3.93877975 -4.13282387 1.54293058 -0.49461751 +Ba 7.69235293 4.03267017 4.01507024 1.23358110 -0.34054030 -0.41455490 +Ba 4.10022991 3.81311017 0.11144103 -0.53396465 2.16279424 1.28808026 +Ba 0.14057908 0.12423288 4.11342985 -0.14559206 -1.30743784 -1.40522821 +Ba 7.68119825 3.88131030 7.95384522 1.78655289 -0.20052368 0.61110700 +Ba 3.82263008 0.27667624 7.91838045 0.14488115 -2.22537206 1.11009719 +Ba 0.20739819 7.86417022 7.64212106 -0.45554806 1.51301528 2.56180014 +Ti 5.94594018 1.86557026 1.98187983 0.02537653 0.44429408 -0.99288522 +Ti 2.04638002 5.87635984 1.95064003 -0.24724294 2.08600541 0.18299750 +Ti 1.95421984 2.02008991 5.63849032 1.91511807 1.50602728 4.15422831 +Ti 6.14103020 5.87851011 6.16825981 -4.57093934 0.73231292 -0.54025819 +Ti 2.17424998 5.64287996 5.98943963 -0.60670398 4.85717228 -0.43165685 +Ti 5.58347980 1.79071010 5.85481019 3.13953602 8.60764072 2.56011375 +Ti 6.07446008 6.14986994 2.12466009 1.02431130 -0.96288173 -4.79952609 +Ti 1.77595015 2.16862014 1.96310970 0.45341841 -3.32651872 2.56774736 +O 5.65055984 6.21707010 3.75290018 2.68969992 -2.62546554 4.60783364 +O 1.97174976 5.76159993 4.13875024 -0.21179488 -0.04803206 -0.33933008 +O 5.88121963 1.95586019 4.17342028 0.49762442 0.01496562 -2.99765817 +O 2.15270033 2.03947974 3.96138027 -0.06575673 0.52056329 -2.53267957 +O 5.88543983 4.11791018 5.90317977 0.77518452 -0.38281155 0.40953791 +O 5.86659969 3.64978976 2.11812972 1.08738792 3.32452869 -0.03891416 +O 2.10657012 4.01928964 6.24520024 -0.86992813 -4.34164322 -0.15816938 +O 1.78070016 3.86627988 2.14976012 0.75021319 2.99847579 -0.22168669 +O 3.94408025 5.89569001 5.96403969 1.41243115 0.74219495 0.57791071 +O 3.96755982 2.37538033 6.23521973 -2.09582960 -1.97145480 -1.59289328 +O 3.97253973 6.01912022 1.93123031 0.08229407 -0.89752249 -0.26836943 +O 4.10184002 1.91230983 2.03472973 -1.55603755 -0.73038022 -0.09580882 +O 6.07029000 6.03966036 7.92563155 -0.41264072 -0.35144049 0.60535081 +O 1.89921966 5.89851011 0.06709675 0.24911367 0.10546022 -0.26989307 +O 6.13996023 1.90550978 0.10348908 -1.09042413 -0.00931922 -1.00429449 +O 1.87614978 1.97716005 0.29000585 0.72421188 -0.32935034 -3.61080586 +O 5.90391005 0.24086065 6.03987993 0.89457909 -8.66485625 0.73055839 +O 6.15283959 7.91124390 1.90191009 -0.37783775 -0.27283698 0.43533096 +O 2.22774982 0.26601318 5.76964973 -0.31155780 -1.77761676 1.17841320 +O 1.95896030 7.68066287 2.21393972 -0.16068675 0.89764308 -0.39423779 +O 7.85809807 6.03852994 6.00405002 2.27576157 -0.40068457 -1.33393357 +O 0.23322770 2.15225007 5.95549986 -2.16137628 -0.39381536 -0.28608099 +O 0.02050594 5.85365033 2.10489000 -1.55586965 -0.06421870 0.03442810 +O 7.90222040 1.86222990 2.06944990 0.74472389 0.33298897 1.04754508 +40 +Lattice="7.826310244652992 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.826310244652992 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.209729009848788" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29613.401546627923 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.99925991 2.04008038 8.19833468 -0.04130452 -1.10345166 -0.25803103 +Ba 1.81202013 1.97569019 4.05557049 0.99550595 -0.19859484 0.61386271 +Ba 1.99825971 5.84520033 0.03421115 0.01097912 0.82350146 -0.42658818 +Ba 1.92709037 5.82708008 4.24130996 0.46850976 0.25466134 -0.65366930 +Ba 5.81124980 1.86600993 0.03232266 0.67112220 0.25216043 -0.26450507 +Ba 5.86650042 2.00355968 4.13706977 0.32491828 -0.42917677 -0.18898328 +Ba 5.85321995 5.82897013 0.02179158 0.23183817 0.63780970 -0.33441593 +Ba 5.89811010 5.92648048 4.04765026 -0.18586608 -0.34367139 0.41976216 +Ti 0.04940515 7.77195809 2.22149034 -0.51428002 0.09202955 -2.19761520 +Ti 0.02383111 7.80296906 6.29402983 0.06883949 0.68442586 0.46079979 +Ti 0.10327990 3.87897997 1.99784022 -0.31380468 0.52467834 1.19791656 +Ti 0.03268972 3.89913977 6.22385053 -0.82552286 -0.41895612 -1.13239816 +Ti 3.90502985 0.02583778 2.20150977 0.37091660 -0.58440789 -0.76643505 +Ti 3.94024981 0.00262025 6.22749054 -0.17066546 -0.59690217 -0.31826966 +Ti 4.00031987 3.89249992 2.16273979 -0.98630525 0.54867573 -1.00285082 +Ti 3.96329986 3.87186977 6.18537012 0.36747492 0.53960025 0.52050364 +O 0.02580021 1.96924992 2.09532004 -0.17734673 0.69363041 -0.71192458 +O 1.91703982 0.03956982 1.91186037 0.68549595 -0.19223316 0.63756879 +O 0.07203962 7.78448018 3.99625019 -0.53184683 -0.16726954 0.40075502 +O 7.78449427 1.91177976 6.05564042 -0.17049062 0.62367198 -0.20952562 +O 1.91431001 0.02882430 5.97013016 0.45148983 -0.19686088 0.48741842 +O 0.07535015 0.03891007 8.13457060 -0.35924610 -0.02447305 -0.64038544 +O 7.76782032 5.88540017 1.89484989 0.38640878 -0.21342110 0.18979266 +O 2.05678016 4.01586997 1.75588984 -1.65385234 -0.43062558 1.05610762 +O 0.04297818 4.00533027 3.84545989 0.03882803 -0.22339878 -0.20717075 +O 7.74647718 5.87551007 6.12470057 0.50317492 -0.61763426 -0.12455015 +O 1.87161044 3.74868991 6.07914988 1.19511971 1.02152140 -0.41608702 +O 0.05884994 3.83474019 7.97296043 -0.77759056 0.17649183 2.27145034 +O 3.92281983 2.02236005 1.80330006 -0.25087719 -0.61391773 0.73505423 +O 5.82817028 0.06790968 1.97623021 0.53461796 0.11780718 0.33157024 +O 3.90875047 0.15710379 4.00013047 -0.14177448 -0.23032559 -0.22367003 +O 3.92178050 1.93683022 6.20393022 -0.05630202 0.69451461 -0.33546597 +O 5.88410022 0.04018967 6.09518990 -0.32397442 -0.16922718 -0.14606386 +O 3.90115974 7.64303449 8.01789988 -0.06417499 0.91331806 0.45498987 +O 4.06566017 5.93740053 2.01677989 -1.20542546 0.28674562 0.43089478 +O 5.78602012 4.00532010 1.93153024 2.12097010 -0.80756859 0.02573494 +O 3.85560983 3.85799998 3.95702003 -0.02386524 -0.07879017 0.75551532 +O 3.93467982 5.91119021 5.95901053 -0.35330274 -0.87547682 -0.04944000 +O 5.84368985 3.89316986 5.92145990 -0.09932506 0.12080277 0.47800047 +O 3.98238979 4.03650012 8.02748007 -0.19906638 -0.48966248 -0.85965297 +40 +Lattice="7.973671244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.973671244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.973671244" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2409361754 stress="0.0016150392451358354 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0016150392451358354 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0016150392451358354" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 3.98683562 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98683562 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98683562 0.00000000 3.98683562 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.02610632 5.94756493 1.96072930 0.11701836 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 +Ti 1.96072930 2.02610632 5.94756493 -0.11701836 0.11701836 -0.11701836 +Ti 5.94756493 1.96072930 2.02610632 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 6.01294194 6.01294194 6.01294194 0.11701836 0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 5.94756493 2.02610632 6.01294194 -0.11701836 0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 6.01294194 5.94756493 2.02610632 0.11701836 -0.11701836 0.11701836 +Ti 2.02610632 6.01294194 5.94756493 0.11701836 0.11701836 -0.11701836 +Ti 1.96072930 1.96072930 1.96072930 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 -0.11701836 +O 5.98703140 1.98302057 3.95056928 0.10974240 0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 1.98663984 5.96985619 0.03626634 -0.10974240 0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 2.00019578 2.00381505 4.02310196 0.10974240 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 5.97347546 5.99065068 -0.03626634 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 1.98302057 3.95056928 5.98703140 0.08387478 0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 5.96985619 0.03626634 1.98663984 0.08387478 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 2.00381505 4.02310196 2.00019578 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 5.99065068 -0.03626634 5.97347546 -0.08387478 0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 3.95056928 5.98703140 1.98302057 0.08222028 0.10974240 0.08387478 +O 0.03626634 1.98663984 5.96985619 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 0.08387478 +O 4.02310196 2.00019578 2.00381505 -0.08222028 0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O -0.03626634 5.97347546 5.99065068 0.08222028 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O 1.98663984 5.99065068 4.02310196 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 5.98703140 2.00381505 -0.03626634 0.10974240 -0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 5.97347546 5.96985619 3.95056928 -0.10974240 0.08387478 0.08222028 +O 2.00019578 1.98302057 0.03626634 0.10974240 0.08387478 -0.08222028 +O 5.99065068 4.02310196 1.98663984 -0.08387478 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 2.00381505 -0.03626634 5.98703140 -0.08387478 0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 5.96985619 3.95056928 5.97347546 0.08387478 0.08222028 -0.10974240 +O 1.98302057 0.03626634 2.00019578 0.08387478 -0.08222028 0.10974240 +O 4.02310196 1.98663984 5.99065068 -0.08222028 -0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O -0.03626634 5.98703140 2.00381505 0.08222028 0.10974240 -0.08387478 +O 3.95056928 5.97347546 5.96985619 0.08222028 -0.10974240 0.08387478 +O 0.03626634 2.00019578 1.98302057 -0.08222028 0.10974240 0.08387478 +40 +Lattice="7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.979719775709101" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29603.501931706163 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.34334950 4.01823019 4.05029988 -1.95456856 0.12880635 -1.71341889 +Ba 3.93865004 7.77859892 3.94051011 1.39908378 2.08995129 0.33791623 +Ba 7.78152748 4.00166987 4.09238971 1.39687675 0.90822239 -0.51099570 +Ba 3.79218946 3.96450991 0.04959236 1.36762222 0.73886949 0.96869140 +Ba 7.95663524 7.85184397 4.14007971 0.43306916 0.17857751 -0.62530129 +Ba 0.22616601 3.90732006 7.80471096 -2.28931488 0.00379263 2.90990102 +Ba 3.85711964 0.28797931 7.89595027 3.61454707 -5.04374721 0.94870159 +Ba 7.83570100 7.91728725 0.01539926 2.26447725 1.73667888 -1.24880049 +Ti 2.21026029 6.26376961 1.91711970 -1.61350582 -3.72801551 -0.13424115 +Ti 5.93561960 2.06067007 1.73045011 -1.08544236 0.16661031 -0.71774247 +Ti 5.88254967 5.89001949 6.38229000 1.63907441 0.61202360 -4.80638708 +Ti 2.19742012 2.09277966 6.07492954 -4.84145693 1.20781839 -4.69631121 +Ti 2.11603017 5.98050951 5.65553941 -0.32899065 -0.79849491 4.80455954 +Ti 6.13934982 1.89195006 5.70448941 -0.30096305 -1.29965871 10.24402473 +Ti 6.25330980 6.30214010 1.93339992 -0.77794717 -1.90679721 2.04456926 +Ti 1.76443973 2.20940007 2.35847959 1.76076781 -1.90802877 -1.06136270 +O 6.17893003 5.82863948 3.76620031 -0.27957044 1.05253147 -0.53092509 +O 2.07985012 5.74881994 3.95484967 -1.01214253 -0.39538270 -1.22240374 +O 6.22852957 1.93117996 4.12910999 -0.31332234 0.90850959 -7.69796463 +O 1.62175037 2.23046973 4.13964003 0.92608539 -0.62380156 -1.16005501 +O 5.77789006 4.00194996 6.09274985 0.79073789 -0.49680244 -0.09404453 +O 5.77249019 3.84880956 1.71078010 1.33162369 1.02239480 1.30412909 +O 1.96920971 4.00146958 6.28527975 1.52537740 0.22480852 -2.21063964 +O 1.91983998 3.92813995 1.91576953 0.44153272 -0.06764804 0.24224188 +O 3.95886027 6.05901000 5.87402015 0.41801021 -0.80643165 0.30214113 +O 3.83022001 1.81334025 5.73067965 4.10981687 0.35060668 -1.00482080 +O 3.99805985 6.16932005 2.15259006 2.00473490 -0.86740382 -0.61171866 +O 4.08721965 1.78440977 2.08899009 -0.64582178 0.68865815 0.64747165 +O 5.74502958 6.11582002 0.03755416 -0.67310375 0.21982906 3.60130692 +O 2.19360980 6.30908006 0.21101731 0.04660819 -1.53874122 -3.26290655 +O 5.67659949 1.90964031 7.90636939 1.71144299 0.25541699 0.33164968 +O 2.27599004 1.62967024 7.66392476 -4.42640606 2.88692770 4.49262174 +O 6.05165988 7.89794999 5.83421013 -0.55776432 0.56772940 0.52390546 +O 6.29706021 0.15938293 2.12073980 -0.92815796 -2.14689916 -0.24702516 +O 1.86105020 7.71912686 5.79203012 0.33929794 1.52109034 -0.02479880 +O 1.90543978 7.91966919 2.07582036 -0.23081230 4.44026379 1.63063708 +O 7.82532896 5.92210993 6.54033952 -0.32609250 -0.21418292 -2.86658925 +O 0.04760302 2.04045983 6.11330960 -1.94526348 -0.59530757 -0.58163264 +O 0.09766060 6.01391980 1.66358006 -2.19087017 -0.52205607 1.44915602 +O 0.07721257 1.91233027 1.84099955 -0.79926907 1.04928211 0.24646055 +40 +Lattice="7.916040177987461 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.916040177987461 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.916040177987461" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.092030720898 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96810037 3.94894039 0.02368083 -0.04301610 0.23231357 -0.13291523 +Ba 3.96960046 0.00867440 3.96660978 -0.09533471 -0.01421126 0.04368381 +Ba 0.00891346 3.96962025 3.96453024 0.07814097 -0.06012602 0.10432405 +Ba 0.00292577 0.01368604 3.96532026 0.09559336 0.00046563 0.08719819 +Ba 0.00764215 3.97337008 7.91574016 0.05449479 -0.00199389 0.05754952 +Ba 3.96170026 0.00914619 0.01471038 0.02197393 -0.11197848 -0.02815975 +Ba 3.97950976 3.96872970 3.96037986 -0.14425406 -0.01700862 0.11234101 +Ba 0.01071753 0.01818314 7.91374928 -0.00044506 -0.09521618 0.08291216 +Ti 5.97007010 1.95526984 1.98506027 -0.05182238 -0.22661395 0.13964201 +Ti 1.98737967 5.92343988 2.04834031 0.16754594 -0.13944584 -0.03028837 +Ti 1.94312030 1.98432012 5.92686040 0.03795437 -0.18952527 -0.15965599 +Ti 5.92691027 5.91861030 5.98346008 -0.15626419 -0.18563828 0.01970416 +Ti 1.96249006 5.92582023 6.00665012 0.15207355 0.02085319 -0.13013921 +Ti 5.89673986 1.95526034 5.95314007 0.00728933 0.11985609 -0.06347771 +Ti 5.96167039 5.89553979 2.03119971 -0.15932304 0.22381710 -0.04970868 +Ti 2.00417989 1.96149026 1.95585009 0.09419571 0.02741310 0.19861386 +O 1.99940018 2.01230016 3.96902972 -0.06371271 -0.02579742 0.05728444 +O 5.93956010 2.01252973 3.95775015 0.18033280 0.06276834 -0.18194617 +O 1.98313034 5.97222010 3.94496971 0.01563668 0.07486538 -0.15943436 +O 5.95532014 5.96039987 3.95378976 0.03504516 0.06752051 -0.39524952 +O 1.97213021 4.00617019 1.99355973 0.03009451 0.04283664 -0.02377139 +O 2.03375975 4.00876982 5.92474998 -0.14558075 -0.19348605 0.06270741 +O 5.95016047 4.01774028 1.95869036 0.00744000 -0.16346457 0.15452047 +O 6.00067985 4.00721036 5.93045982 -0.21584977 -0.16395179 -0.03059510 +O 3.94107976 2.00822023 1.96742017 0.32661392 0.09243939 0.07433059 +O 3.96410040 5.96795019 1.96521001 0.15007889 0.00793545 0.05947579 +O 4.01539001 1.99602003 5.91880028 -0.06825842 0.10028536 0.15546021 +O 3.97865008 5.95508979 5.90430997 0.22632778 0.11108657 0.15248776 +O 5.96845048 5.94549001 7.88307779 -0.10019820 0.22467354 0.31365762 +O 2.00710011 5.95015018 7.90056986 -0.11066979 0.10799327 0.02275761 +O 5.94188979 2.03939043 7.90211270 0.06498746 -0.18003764 0.23829215 +O 2.00937043 2.03876032 0.01108008 -0.03715578 -0.10078262 -0.02467205 +O 5.97415003 0.03421946 5.95571041 0.00398187 0.19153973 -0.10344525 +O 5.93110023 0.06538966 2.00180032 0.08041948 -0.03996343 -0.22832219 +O 2.00661011 0.04911270 5.97220031 0.00476143 0.04159659 -0.12525180 +O 1.98903017 0.04505968 1.98291028 -0.05942694 0.00368696 -0.07268920 +O 0.03205363 5.96156036 5.93135037 0.11508129 0.07555110 -0.02844411 +O 0.05666618 2.01622968 5.96654984 -0.10977582 -0.01794861 -0.15520747 +O 0.00733025 5.98014010 1.97888022 -0.12362867 0.02776971 -0.05318044 +O 0.00850974 2.00228004 1.96818011 -0.26534633 0.06992295 0.03961170 +40 +Lattice="7.903400251188728 0.0 0.0 -0.021663220088508302 7.9033686375877235 0.0 -0.021663220088508302 0.021607896286749983 7.903337023986719" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.848911564146 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99563987 0.00818476 0.02469971 0.07286018 0.06170468 0.12201016 +Ba 3.98845489 0.04338967 4.01441045 0.13071360 -0.12114832 -0.38571818 +Ba 3.98251469 4.00827425 0.02861031 0.04627780 -0.14196783 0.07336926 +Ba 3.96801986 4.01472026 4.01532013 0.15578854 -0.12233129 -0.34635202 +Ba 0.05504165 0.03751428 0.01515003 0.00977508 0.12084879 0.09501486 +Ba 0.05151673 0.04411994 3.95283980 -0.17621853 0.15484726 0.10083944 +Ba 0.00523126 4.01947415 0.05796986 0.34230305 -0.43632906 -0.09637215 +Ba -0.01615297 3.99951016 4.03088983 0.26751943 -0.21235615 -0.40611706 +O 2.04651041 4.00642011 2.01272970 -0.32743024 0.21456396 -0.11442566 +O 1.95275000 4.02361000 6.00710028 0.11870475 -0.15564430 -0.16914131 +O 1.98428457 0.07120015 2.01434041 0.12604628 0.03918618 0.08093113 +O 2.03266524 0.02495024 5.95109995 0.06754982 0.51191744 -0.03827884 +O 5.92887006 3.99977019 2.04988991 0.07362997 0.23338546 -0.26033859 +O 5.95999997 4.00464975 5.95926021 0.14848506 -0.23373642 0.15731012 +O 5.94873525 0.04456965 2.01477984 0.10319148 -0.15255229 -0.02881461 +O 5.89988513 0.04745992 5.96704980 0.26479997 0.07027622 0.07108792 +O 2.00431969 2.04164034 4.02190998 -0.00151978 -0.03108104 0.04720751 +O 2.01140509 2.02347437 0.05369965 -0.06950746 -0.10239778 -0.04435693 +O 1.95385016 5.93254040 3.95320019 0.27923723 0.23646230 0.31860725 +O 1.99591522 6.00475455 0.01948030 0.06377133 -0.23209374 0.06209728 +O 5.92592999 1.97897033 3.99739996 -0.00010336 0.20174572 0.30001277 +O 5.96901538 1.96100432 0.07760033 -0.11724642 0.37657071 -0.58794702 +O 5.92583041 5.97295996 3.97697994 0.33712947 0.05210958 0.04618884 +O 5.98743504 5.95642447 0.01418028 -0.04316882 -0.01054024 0.20094277 +O -0.00941927 2.07567001 2.04373000 0.28713772 -0.17665304 -0.10081167 +O 0.01132715 2.00259043 5.96344980 -0.08604942 0.04537303 0.08820735 +O 0.02991595 6.00260009 2.00969005 -0.24378506 -0.25726073 -0.10326399 +O 0.03760359 6.04359028 5.90916056 -0.20714221 -0.25098492 0.24208813 +O 3.95646983 2.02713997 2.00033005 0.01196951 -0.07978827 0.11797404 +O 3.97379013 2.06943976 5.96905015 -0.25605179 -0.13057245 0.15225662 +O 3.98253050 5.98015048 2.02410032 -0.37539469 0.10273100 -0.22809387 +O 4.01153045 5.94081051 5.92295989 -0.50764246 0.13532050 0.20473977 +Ti 2.04323999 1.96575979 1.95864989 -0.23763909 0.16582433 -0.14320196 +Ti 2.04224021 2.01254002 5.90400043 -0.24353155 0.19560721 0.29065396 +Ti 2.04068007 5.90507055 2.00840022 0.36216919 0.02647851 0.09402164 +Ti 1.96229020 5.97182029 5.94553991 0.01989160 -0.14932067 0.12001781 +Ti 5.95518996 1.99417014 2.00964974 0.39812247 0.00607500 0.24901391 +Ti 5.97600989 2.03631977 5.97839988 0.13239382 -0.23112418 -0.34602163 +Ti 6.02254985 5.95455057 1.99826015 -0.64809077 0.05670722 0.36110450 +Ti 5.93884020 5.99178982 5.94927031 -0.27894592 0.22014788 -0.19644179 +40 +Lattice="7.944350100279959 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.944350100279959 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.944350100279959" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.839528126588 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96490994 4.00327003 7.89887664 0.22038108 0.02266093 0.64693764 +Ba 3.93250017 0.01828233 3.99932010 0.36041184 -0.07372535 -0.04570522 +Ba 0.01703586 3.95833043 3.99806013 -0.21582920 0.11659644 -0.05220574 +Ba 0.04087924 0.00164369 3.97474028 -0.29340452 0.19413552 0.29084936 +Ba 0.03612693 3.95462995 0.09398961 -0.33842145 0.31493828 -0.59017462 +Ba 3.98460001 7.91896234 0.01861679 -0.09527146 0.15561448 -0.15739599 +Ba 3.98254004 3.96591967 3.96577985 0.14058072 0.25395609 -0.23106838 +Ba 0.02329363 0.04691933 7.92627829 -0.07664613 -0.29283168 -0.14196398 +Ti 5.91976982 1.88364036 2.04427989 -0.04972385 0.57536609 0.13772808 +Ti 1.96285983 5.98973968 1.95581002 0.80967587 -0.50298208 -0.26529105 +Ti 2.02404007 2.06827977 5.91154980 -0.27548856 -0.66116432 0.08357628 +Ti 5.95150988 5.98559988 6.01316042 0.20368022 0.26401990 0.35156570 +Ti 1.99864039 5.99696030 5.90584973 -0.29121369 0.13087995 0.21248959 +Ti 5.95385982 2.02026015 6.02494030 0.46129396 -0.14543908 -0.07515026 +Ti 5.97107046 5.93499993 2.06609031 -0.64154603 -0.52781843 -0.30549745 +Ti 1.97551995 1.98668971 1.93441032 0.22496664 0.23432546 0.07528653 +O 1.91879967 2.03811984 4.00776971 0.31298039 -0.01772930 -0.14188581 +O 5.97058982 1.96472040 3.93335022 0.03407560 0.03285561 -0.27694355 +O 2.08195041 5.93812047 4.02078971 -0.53273643 0.31746054 -0.00760198 +O 5.98389025 6.00962042 3.92135981 -0.01763725 -0.24367964 0.48774033 +O 2.09086000 4.01191031 2.03706006 -0.86134476 -0.15272738 -0.23022352 +O 2.00023006 4.00723029 5.97724004 -0.15600220 -0.00536743 0.12578325 +O 5.98598995 4.02417003 1.99146029 0.02808210 -0.22801623 -0.10876512 +O 5.94646998 3.96524996 5.95909991 0.29186572 0.14657988 -0.19372234 +O 3.96749980 2.03918994 1.98559021 0.37547208 -0.39548940 0.10783387 +O 3.97086026 5.99994022 1.97071997 0.32717056 0.05489562 0.08179939 +O 3.97542985 2.05654041 5.90667991 -0.07683022 -0.21514554 0.10103767 +O 3.97986995 5.95937002 5.98963005 0.25117235 0.08977701 -0.13055162 +O 6.01139995 5.97518007 7.88890410 -0.10108292 -0.03564397 -0.03732548 +O 2.01464031 5.99189975 0.06222015 -0.20479865 0.03913733 -0.13267587 +O 5.91408007 1.96055994 7.90634195 0.08414732 0.09934717 0.29573908 +O 2.03312999 2.00433967 7.94418009 -0.17181988 0.09985522 0.53234074 +O 5.95792971 7.92924312 5.92546989 -0.13665105 0.07062949 0.06474989 +O 5.92798983 7.92680024 1.97158035 0.21423023 0.89131482 -0.08150628 +O 2.04381991 0.08056365 5.97124047 -0.14489735 -0.69831085 -0.03481222 +O 2.00397026 0.04734992 2.06480968 -0.01250173 -0.02756531 -0.24316979 +O 0.05417014 6.01162001 5.96767981 -0.00664964 -0.23215082 -0.19660635 +O 7.91939531 1.97289037 6.00025005 0.08769236 0.32390732 -0.15423148 +O 0.01269030 6.01626030 1.97395015 0.34210224 -0.14153332 0.23220610 +O 0.01834986 1.97184966 1.95609999 -0.06948406 0.16906700 0.00681060 +40 +Lattice="7.76527018284662 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.028683677989143 0.0 0.0 0.06841203031087872 8.028388597722195" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.114335756196 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.88067048 0.07737238 8.01866027 0.01537237 0.19849816 0.00276342 +Ba 3.88863997 0.08978594 4.00117039 -0.05798172 -0.09413169 0.04873166 +Ba 3.88713041 4.12448443 8.01955716 -0.10369002 -0.08248947 -0.04906153 +Ba 3.88506019 4.09842030 3.99473997 -0.05963288 -0.10944929 0.10834834 +Ba 0.00397970 0.10280441 7.99241521 -0.02019267 0.01970442 0.23598382 +Ba 7.74918986 0.08797818 4.00117039 0.13306616 -0.10423329 -0.02685517 +Ba 0.00495347 4.05768991 0.00768451 -0.01958178 -0.04523213 -0.13506185 +Ba 0.00036730 4.08656972 3.98955044 0.02488571 -0.02388658 0.12027749 +Ti 1.94473038 2.11259999 2.03663002 0.11945320 0.09733297 0.01211324 +Ti 1.94119020 2.13064027 6.06241011 -0.00297862 0.23412440 0.16062478 +Ti 1.94531977 6.13556051 2.05420982 -0.12052689 -0.05114516 -0.00354709 +Ti 1.94794986 6.15680007 6.07141006 0.13618054 0.01980572 -0.04652103 +Ti 5.83093983 2.10411022 2.04233983 -0.17267297 0.13805461 0.11168461 +Ti 5.82009019 2.15586031 6.07764013 0.01931413 0.05025350 -0.21465395 +Ti 5.82111987 6.11844041 2.04182033 0.13459622 0.07751079 0.06773468 +Ti 5.84445994 6.16988999 6.06091995 -0.25947110 -0.14686681 -0.00004834 +O 1.94440968 2.03407991 3.90905021 -0.10520414 0.03271677 0.16254180 +O 1.93709013 2.05474019 7.94218012 -0.00140485 0.02471062 -0.07779104 +O 1.93738987 6.06712984 3.91628977 -0.03591703 -0.10405614 0.12919331 +O 1.93491042 6.10859017 7.94811046 0.00614571 -0.08149883 -0.13583369 +O 5.81821022 2.05257989 3.92430974 0.02253855 -0.13309675 -0.14079952 +O 5.79743036 2.06296982 7.93061996 0.11239886 0.00681342 0.13345877 +O 5.82141029 6.02672015 3.93511978 0.00958559 0.15890446 -0.14631197 +O 5.80640002 6.07751977 7.95696985 0.09914997 0.02107045 -0.31240086 +O 1.92295035 3.99113999 1.94249010 0.08503641 -0.04259649 0.04793719 +O 1.92514016 4.03328987 5.99328988 -0.00055613 -0.13107741 -0.13814846 +O 1.96232027 8.00006012 1.97519043 -0.14458676 0.02835593 -0.14877303 +O 1.94260037 8.04725044 5.97912991 -0.01894852 -0.12384310 -0.11315271 +O 5.79950990 3.97989044 1.94430019 0.18215006 -0.01565313 0.02206881 +O 5.83839992 4.01527988 5.96267997 -0.07377061 0.04863679 0.09810661 +O 5.84830996 8.00262033 1.93924034 -0.23237708 -0.05481695 0.13766046 +O 5.81242043 8.02915037 5.96617045 0.03511253 0.00940227 0.02041687 +O 7.75908282 2.00729982 1.91663020 -0.03580133 -0.09768187 0.02842509 +O 7.75976538 1.99674993 5.95936031 -0.04327038 0.14473460 -0.07938358 +O 7.74870919 6.00752984 1.92063009 0.20674703 -0.01031090 0.09378562 +O 7.75933053 6.04801019 5.94411010 0.01096755 0.05266931 0.04840770 +O 3.87337035 2.00099986 1.92755982 0.10239521 -0.07745628 -0.01801649 +O 3.86613001 2.03532002 5.95172006 0.15095872 -0.02055520 -0.06091586 +O 3.88494992 5.97223979 1.93414011 -0.11793445 0.24526653 0.02372820 +O 3.87393022 6.05204037 5.94441993 0.02044490 -0.05848848 0.03328370 +40 +Lattice="7.748459810468853 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.011303064159577 0.0 0.0 0.0682639309302306 8.011000874226971" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.46785368482 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90253968 0.11872887 7.91971549 -0.28783551 -0.02167466 0.57236279 +Ba 3.82242990 0.08478365 3.95868967 0.33335509 -0.07790648 0.10776059 +Ba 3.87450962 4.01304666 7.92272887 0.17798050 0.66644305 0.64637688 +Ba 3.89014989 4.03438979 4.02979961 0.04257027 0.28866547 -0.30807318 +Ba 0.02351967 8.01100165 0.00064157 -0.00506867 0.12382870 -0.04824264 +Ba 7.73163016 0.09638697 3.97865977 0.13820194 -0.51320196 0.00013138 +Ba 7.73341153 4.08912027 0.08306891 0.02978135 -0.08649860 -0.58228647 +Ba 0.00150475 4.13405978 4.02392008 -0.18296844 0.00614982 -0.12201041 +Ti 1.84254965 2.14238018 2.07954017 0.84283050 -0.51243063 -0.30972460 +Ti 1.94784967 2.17280993 6.07324977 0.26154547 -0.68826812 -0.31053630 +Ti 1.91943994 6.10812017 1.98267977 0.08893112 0.40210485 0.48789176 +Ti 1.98914973 6.12198991 6.01701998 -0.56651687 0.73105667 0.01453290 +Ti 5.75277967 2.14157976 2.04834022 0.06264904 0.06027360 0.02761699 +Ti 5.91927006 2.08886001 6.05475962 -0.65926916 0.20923689 -0.05445519 +Ti 5.73841016 6.14483004 2.05990015 0.37696769 -0.45497547 -0.06600459 +Ti 5.82082975 6.13784016 6.08020014 0.45874677 0.03605355 -0.18988882 +O 1.96566958 1.99312005 3.91164954 -0.17557472 0.31737826 0.10408057 +O 1.89272015 2.09060962 7.91733982 0.01242177 0.06777634 0.03991175 +O 1.97689012 6.04988972 3.88069987 -0.22497513 -0.10919784 0.48649694 +O 1.95880987 6.10029965 7.93878988 0.31593690 -0.40499554 -0.34440133 +O 5.83426015 2.03254963 3.93478954 -0.22964091 0.26142283 -0.26795394 +O 5.89797961 2.03754971 7.90758993 -0.18018934 0.10071397 0.30936953 +O 5.79619972 5.99882969 3.92560994 0.23395368 0.32156144 -0.03589466 +O 5.78323964 6.11069963 7.92084987 -0.04354986 -0.04183468 0.26835375 +O 1.97115006 3.99181976 2.00693013 -0.11418372 0.06285756 -0.28785171 +O 1.90086998 4.03084023 5.90921023 0.22341678 0.18547244 0.25776338 +O 1.92764014 8.01483016 1.92481970 -0.03368017 -0.16935677 0.01972550 +O 1.98806960 7.98196972 5.91239950 -0.12575446 0.03419207 0.25354780 +O 5.82795988 4.05009980 1.93149964 -0.34993331 -0.90068701 0.08151631 +O 5.87360993 4.02247964 6.08011956 -0.05677381 -0.28702022 -0.65746964 +O 5.79892020 8.00897000 1.92286011 0.15331180 0.15328146 0.25411318 +O 5.79052010 8.05931949 5.96222984 0.20058796 -0.00882274 -0.13511713 +O 7.73080882 2.05347977 1.96791973 0.06315144 -0.11927810 -0.06225155 +O 0.05423225 1.95566012 5.86823947 -0.48520419 0.24348038 0.19235785 +O 0.00845279 5.95413967 1.93675000 0.03715013 0.45565373 -0.01717086 +O 0.00863023 6.09990990 6.03614007 0.28262414 -0.23999423 -0.59125217 +O 3.88248976 2.03327024 1.89316026 0.17840833 -0.04084737 0.05275158 +O 3.85410018 2.02243014 5.96546017 0.31208564 0.31567439 -0.05767473 +O 3.88065028 6.01385008 1.92576966 -0.11115239 -0.03935793 -0.08695959 +O 3.94074966 6.04711964 5.87386021 -0.99433815 -0.32692914 0.35855679 +40 +Lattice="7.826839951038555 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.826839951038555 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.210276840239935" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.08804425316 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96228035 1.95419992 0.00084921 -0.02525209 0.10051471 0.00678000 +Ba 1.96984969 1.95444020 4.10677971 -0.06650544 -0.02418405 0.11525793 +Ba 1.93429000 5.88939025 0.01809722 0.18707629 -0.16507819 -0.10756313 +Ba 1.95459987 5.86293005 4.10856971 0.05978175 0.09298189 0.08448439 +Ba 5.88877976 1.94165037 0.01351382 -0.06758505 0.29902470 -0.05315833 +Ba 5.89531986 1.96102023 4.09974025 -0.13945946 -0.00249706 0.13038141 +Ba 5.83225980 5.87471962 0.02163730 0.28637898 -0.17424083 -0.04633848 +Ba 5.84098986 5.85853998 4.11980983 0.20713038 0.03556041 -0.01015663 +Ti 0.00030133 7.82163745 2.13714996 -0.07006410 -0.25529486 -0.06240479 +Ti 7.80695821 7.81827661 6.24311019 0.43792829 0.13613811 -0.44112160 +Ti 0.00392516 3.90400977 2.15100033 0.03493872 0.28325046 -0.44836260 +Ti 0.01430981 3.92576995 6.23130028 -0.15259677 -0.15190592 -0.08405142 +Ti 3.91483976 7.82395498 2.15973978 0.03189582 0.00597833 -0.16881992 +Ti 3.92471019 0.02155981 6.25707015 -0.42822597 -0.26056562 -0.55914063 +Ti 3.91983016 3.90575985 2.13383999 -0.09110421 0.01656819 -0.15412735 +Ti 3.91732009 3.91845029 6.23842974 0.05331208 0.16573819 -0.00445212 +O 0.00640001 1.97951036 1.98063977 0.08290034 -0.25204859 -0.02406707 +O 1.97271979 7.81885971 1.97343986 -0.00550088 0.14438415 -0.03626541 +O 7.82287018 7.79597011 3.95113987 0.01851271 0.16502703 0.12517699 +O 0.01828663 1.96720969 6.02933963 -0.03352513 -0.17719169 0.14365010 +O 1.95928032 7.81873995 6.06917981 0.06047980 0.03426612 0.09436411 +O 7.81324003 0.02123030 8.05527958 0.07756684 -0.05047615 0.30108724 +O 0.01551984 5.88393964 1.93665997 -0.15740859 0.03946258 0.06366694 +O 1.95355029 3.92567994 1.96590966 0.07057370 -0.09468524 0.01144089 +O 7.81572897 3.95403971 3.96007029 0.08837910 -0.15649148 0.19402933 +O 0.02000932 5.85999029 6.06898022 -0.14910701 0.27170236 0.02958414 +O 1.97722961 3.92708016 6.04070968 -0.16106136 -0.10931919 0.14763840 +O 0.00757168 3.93057015 8.04956990 -0.00863196 -0.15075689 0.14909930 +O 3.92463975 1.95409034 1.95220016 -0.09484003 -0.12586296 0.15831568 +O 5.88281962 0.02570021 1.95813995 -0.12292059 -0.13203103 0.07233387 +O 3.92811017 7.80825903 3.98558970 -0.01690089 0.17071071 -0.20356067 +O 3.89795023 1.95391033 6.05502027 0.15878516 -0.11051733 0.11001288 +O 5.88414001 7.82453729 6.05954966 -0.11229267 0.04130374 0.07331706 +O 3.93289002 7.82475566 8.06772973 -0.05992830 0.05408907 0.25921399 +O 3.92418032 5.85834979 1.97682027 0.02958980 0.27277990 -0.04673520 +O 5.87294997 3.89970970 1.96383006 0.00689544 0.09890622 0.02421285 +O 3.90660984 3.92297029 3.96207005 0.07321730 -0.17097836 0.00330798 +O 3.92370992 5.86420035 6.07082971 0.04290323 0.09447647 0.10625752 +O 5.87124998 3.90338988 6.04563981 0.02252415 0.01472548 0.12101180 +O 3.92213986 3.90193017 8.07729022 -0.06785964 0.02653661 -0.07430000 +40 +Lattice="7.961916777 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961916777 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961916777" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.230774628322 stress="0.000617920075029231 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000617920075029231 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.000617920075029231" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98095839 3.98095839 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98095839 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98095839 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98095839 0.00000000 3.98095839 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 2.01034063 5.95157614 1.97061775 0.08759928 -0.08759928 -0.08759928 +Ti 1.97061775 2.01034063 5.95157614 -0.08759928 0.08759928 -0.08759928 +Ti 5.95157614 1.97061775 2.01034063 -0.08759928 -0.08759928 0.08759928 +Ti 5.99129902 5.99129902 5.99129902 0.08759928 0.08759928 0.08759928 +Ti 5.95157614 2.01034063 5.99129902 -0.08759928 0.08759928 0.08759928 +Ti 5.99129902 5.95157614 2.01034063 0.08759928 -0.08759928 0.08759928 +Ti 2.01034063 5.99129902 5.95157614 0.08759928 0.08759928 -0.08759928 +Ti 1.97061775 1.97061775 1.97061775 -0.08759928 -0.08759928 -0.08759928 +O 5.97485691 1.98474111 3.95936109 0.07048885 0.04498582 0.03441422 +O 1.98705987 5.96569950 0.02159730 -0.07048885 0.04498582 -0.03441422 +O 1.99389852 1.99621728 4.00255569 0.07048885 -0.04498582 -0.03441422 +O 5.96801825 5.97717567 -0.02159730 -0.07048885 -0.04498582 0.03441422 +O 1.98474111 3.95936109 5.97485691 0.04498582 0.03441422 0.07048885 +O 5.96569950 0.02159730 1.98705987 0.04498582 -0.03441422 -0.07048885 +O 1.99621728 4.00255569 1.99389852 -0.04498582 -0.03441422 0.07048885 +O 5.97717567 -0.02159730 5.96801825 -0.04498582 0.03441422 -0.07048885 +O 3.95936109 5.97485691 1.98474111 0.03441422 0.07048885 0.04498582 +O 0.02159730 1.98705987 5.96569950 -0.03441422 -0.07048885 0.04498582 +O 4.00255569 1.99389852 1.99621728 -0.03441422 0.07048885 -0.04498582 +O -0.02159730 5.96801825 5.97717567 0.03441422 -0.07048885 -0.04498582 +O 1.98705987 5.97717567 4.00255569 -0.07048885 -0.04498582 -0.03441422 +O 5.97485691 1.99621728 -0.02159730 0.07048885 -0.04498582 0.03441422 +O 5.96801825 5.96569950 3.95936109 -0.07048885 0.04498582 0.03441422 +O 1.99389852 1.98474111 0.02159730 0.07048885 0.04498582 -0.03441422 +O 5.97717567 4.00255569 1.98705987 -0.04498582 -0.03441422 -0.07048885 +O 1.99621728 -0.02159730 5.97485691 -0.04498582 0.03441422 0.07048885 +O 5.96569950 3.95936109 5.96801825 0.04498582 0.03441422 -0.07048885 +O 1.98474111 0.02159730 1.99389852 0.04498582 -0.03441422 0.07048885 +O 4.00255569 1.98705987 5.97717567 -0.03441422 -0.07048885 -0.04498582 +O -0.02159730 5.97485691 1.99621728 0.03441422 0.07048885 -0.04498582 +O 3.95936109 5.96801825 5.96569950 0.03441422 -0.07048885 0.04498582 +O 0.02159730 1.99389852 1.98474111 -0.03441422 0.07048885 0.04498582 +40 +Lattice="7.98870996730182 0.0 0.0 -0.021897054020374288 7.988678012461951 0.0 -0.021897054020374288 0.021841133050603177 7.9886460576220815" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.076589223576 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00922756 0.05145129 0.04688973 0.19085633 0.07317205 -0.04711572 +Ba 4.05006905 0.18154982 4.06971967 0.04505395 -0.79136113 -0.47635214 +Ba 4.02151899 3.98276097 0.07951003 0.02033100 0.33054282 -0.28559171 +Ba 3.98071027 4.08916020 3.98322032 0.05372551 -0.11355997 0.32341778 +Ba 7.95690691 0.10006019 7.98308032 0.30814774 -0.20539849 0.27588091 +Ba 0.12564723 7.85118992 4.11360965 -0.75421743 1.06084899 -0.40628829 +Ba 0.07167311 4.01430119 0.01110990 -0.38033712 0.29804614 0.04281170 +Ba 0.00266264 3.93452993 3.95830992 0.35247099 0.96407627 0.57672415 +O 1.96700014 4.14725010 2.04873023 0.78037686 -0.14915509 -0.30266281 +O 1.98593977 4.04660035 6.08058023 0.33769435 -0.34334769 -0.21233250 +O 1.94681906 0.15295983 1.99769037 0.17957459 -0.99967293 -0.07443446 +O 1.97071888 0.04400980 6.06304980 0.64044354 0.26135855 0.00437345 +O 5.96309027 4.10237033 2.11028964 0.08884190 0.37354427 -0.75753672 +O 6.10699969 4.14968027 6.04465021 -0.41539488 -0.54974505 0.20662748 +O 6.08211885 0.10133998 2.09608970 0.19814104 0.45978035 -0.27813988 +O 6.08803849 0.19750008 5.99947006 -0.38434084 -0.43941361 0.03676163 +O 1.98848018 2.04572968 3.88204970 0.25179250 0.16834555 1.23018133 +O 2.08060838 2.00810125 0.01452028 -0.05795626 0.44386291 -0.66743396 +O 2.13185037 6.03576996 4.03223026 -0.27656071 0.34500116 -0.57757364 +O 1.91791830 5.97704096 0.06282961 0.54816794 0.50085115 0.25918314 +O 6.05133037 2.19041001 4.03897033 -0.08534828 -0.45783377 0.15935672 +O 6.00609829 2.07952112 0.01726999 0.27330621 0.13983099 0.32596857 +O 5.91109975 6.07933000 4.11700964 0.40316363 0.17474271 -0.60491347 +O 6.08802970 6.17114025 7.98722007 -0.27509878 -0.35945205 1.13440877 +O 0.06799431 2.18511030 1.98172014 -0.89132279 -0.39897402 -0.39805768 +O 0.08274386 1.99825996 5.98703004 -0.65353046 0.62934075 0.07980704 +O 0.02286209 6.01666975 2.15050960 0.00272023 0.33837106 -0.31230033 +O 0.10101804 6.03913959 6.00005004 -0.52144620 0.07229402 0.11900582 +O 4.07315003 2.03695008 1.97279994 0.14878691 0.26575436 0.19156595 +O 3.97269999 2.05294029 5.90827973 0.13123091 0.38282800 0.48627968 +O 4.05315029 6.20394029 2.01657967 0.00395590 -0.56014465 -0.27427089 +O 4.03210004 6.07353978 6.11157962 0.16897470 -0.03879178 0.18461652 +Ti 1.96250010 2.01234965 2.01597013 0.65187724 -0.16878855 0.41098596 +Ti 2.09428026 2.04794974 6.04815965 -0.44795790 -0.07442289 0.22193403 +Ti 1.95765015 6.04104011 2.15009977 -0.23207060 -0.56240311 0.28629337 +Ti 1.93167007 6.01465979 6.22289031 0.46067381 0.07193355 -1.26331000 +Ti 6.06065000 2.03538030 1.91127010 -0.97610286 -0.65501218 0.64642290 +Ti 6.12872020 2.07039961 5.90792983 0.10982570 -0.38024996 -0.15082605 +Ti 5.94936966 6.02792984 2.00264976 0.29147542 0.28165124 0.28843201 +Ti 5.92822994 6.03345962 6.02143981 -0.28992351 -0.38844998 -0.40189839 +40 +Lattice="7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95536244" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21627912414 stress="9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.824286482634133e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98854516 5.96681728 5.96681728 0.00179952 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 1.98854516 5.96681728 -0.00179952 0.00179952 -0.00179952 +Ba 5.96681728 5.96681728 1.98854516 -0.00179952 -0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 1.98854516 1.98854516 1.98854516 0.00179952 0.00179952 0.00179952 +Ba 5.96622644 1.98913600 1.98913600 0.00179900 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 5.96622644 1.98913600 -0.00179900 0.00179900 -0.00179900 +Ba 1.98913600 1.98913600 5.96622644 -0.00179900 -0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ba 5.96622644 5.96622644 5.96622644 0.00179900 0.00179900 0.00179900 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97768122 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 1.98884061 0.00000000 3.97768122 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 0.00000000 3.97768122 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 1.98884061 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000026 +O 3.97768122 0.00000000 5.96652183 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000026 +O 0.00000000 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 +O 1.98884061 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96652183 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00000026 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 5.96663714 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 3.97768122 1.98872530 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341802 +O 3.97768122 5.96663714 3.97768122 0.00000000 -0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 3.97768122 1.98872530 3.97768122 0.00000000 0.00341802 0.00000000 +O 5.96663714 3.97768122 3.97768122 -0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98872530 3.97768122 3.97768122 0.00341802 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 +O 0.00000000 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 +O 1.98895573 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96640671 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00341417 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.817489918944156 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.817489918944156 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.200468750073231" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.939062742837 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.91970035 1.96605025 8.17799738 0.32904593 -0.08339913 0.25613355 +Ba 1.96506993 1.92719029 4.12785982 -0.07092491 0.09419905 -0.06092229 +Ba 1.99686992 5.84970028 0.00027596 -0.15206687 0.08330811 0.06924855 +Ba 1.92796031 5.84078991 4.09511001 0.16490310 0.22658901 0.19475412 +Ba 5.82092019 1.97965033 0.02810779 0.21717260 -0.10065586 0.01499005 +Ba 5.88149010 1.95355008 4.09735988 -0.02113010 0.02537885 0.09484671 +Ba 5.86419000 5.88558960 8.18128619 -0.00586854 -0.24579823 0.30481611 +Ba 5.85588001 5.87068008 4.08794997 0.09567795 -0.07866701 0.13462528 +Ti 7.80646022 7.79029522 2.09974027 0.28268945 0.08022356 0.12403953 +Ti 7.79518818 7.79206588 6.24356028 0.15740191 0.47160460 -0.16847231 +Ti 0.03042880 3.88779018 2.12368993 -0.45772218 0.09346217 -0.10766932 +Ti 0.03004027 3.92072995 6.24146988 0.04527995 -0.42756623 -0.15702910 +Ti 3.91273032 7.80829342 2.15907971 -0.31520054 0.49137432 -0.13732442 +Ti 3.90153020 0.02530991 6.25278022 -0.07329958 -0.11231247 -0.17403180 +Ti 3.91060005 3.93582005 2.17137975 0.32378519 -0.56060616 -0.21915878 +Ti 3.96912022 3.93330986 6.23400027 -0.44450620 -0.05771535 0.12520193 +O 7.80789004 1.93837008 1.90210005 0.14975699 0.02922753 0.32920816 +O 1.96874024 0.00414014 2.00507985 0.04685656 -0.01992168 -0.15473284 +O 7.81352020 7.78294990 3.94578032 -0.13447744 0.12804248 -0.03163203 +O 7.77899034 1.94793009 6.06803965 0.03559615 -0.09235917 0.01856439 +O 1.94082008 0.00762674 6.05575993 -0.04557615 0.03874370 0.14596898 +O 7.80463015 7.79481998 8.07220954 0.20321665 -0.02014562 -0.01424211 +O 0.06362030 5.83088984 1.91512008 -0.28159750 0.27779150 0.16072866 +O 1.97950962 3.90865975 1.99364989 -0.02324843 -0.11795630 -0.12237937 +O 0.02390745 3.91835031 3.95374009 -0.05924824 -0.19160221 0.13042384 +O 7.79372631 5.84225959 6.03768981 0.06775834 0.23242747 0.16807019 +O 1.92738025 3.88471009 6.10239986 0.10526353 0.08241877 -0.04780812 +O 7.80278913 3.89980019 8.06924984 0.00411736 0.11201577 0.04078618 +O 3.94198962 1.96229003 2.06051992 -0.12422799 -0.09136492 -0.30865811 +O 5.87597956 7.78777017 1.95137994 -0.05056434 0.02330731 0.09018427 +O 3.92862015 7.81449738 3.99680977 0.03672692 -0.08993205 -0.03528119 +O 3.95198975 1.97652021 6.09638977 -0.28358985 -0.23996491 -0.11069448 +O 5.85241999 7.79746855 6.12895978 0.03659425 -0.01983837 -0.25538742 +O 3.88142987 0.01822648 8.08648975 0.02751260 0.04858434 0.04811485 +O 3.93156030 5.87362024 1.96097982 -0.08132348 -0.10603615 0.19163846 +O 5.87308005 3.90129020 2.02518018 0.01191269 0.17305993 -0.11270379 +O 3.90674994 3.92682994 4.01667010 -0.05463646 0.10644033 -0.06971083 +O 3.86418996 5.88730006 6.10016015 0.15749395 -0.20390519 -0.06835201 +O 5.83129009 3.93031029 6.07338994 0.36693242 0.05683372 -0.07592519 +O 3.94192004 3.91896007 8.09920958 -0.18648571 -0.01528547 -0.21022779 +40 +Lattice="7.918680243079936 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.918680243079936 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.918680243079936" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.954163836373 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96639012 3.97824043 0.00631198 -0.02676390 -0.02726861 -0.00204943 +Ba 3.98558975 0.01433994 4.00679994 -0.19048378 -0.10795548 -0.29566864 +Ba 0.00828373 3.92955005 3.93882045 -0.00346713 0.20551805 0.20828198 +Ba 0.01790889 0.03864791 3.95178016 -0.04731215 -0.27803241 0.15803054 +Ba 0.04097521 4.01157015 0.00042207 -0.24652328 -0.41183031 0.06105290 +Ba 3.97826022 7.91543438 0.01094045 -0.15155856 -0.00186302 -0.01951750 +Ba 3.95030016 3.95712052 3.99613981 0.04223320 0.10614517 -0.19936051 +Ba 7.91207131 0.02601049 0.01070526 0.14405197 -0.10658637 0.00791000 +Ti 5.94359985 1.97017002 1.96690040 0.02792835 0.50013099 -0.23429563 +Ti 1.98334037 5.95169987 1.96248019 -0.16147016 -0.22154965 -0.09424147 +Ti 1.95245989 1.97540031 5.99803048 -0.27767040 0.38639284 0.03273066 +Ti 5.99090050 5.95596012 5.91304008 -0.19541850 -0.36241062 0.03875784 +Ti 1.99351983 5.96905999 5.90409039 0.23139286 -0.29515442 0.04900240 +Ti 5.89380006 1.98078026 5.92878004 0.38757118 0.40836086 0.08508655 +Ti 5.93447991 5.95325034 1.97785985 0.08430467 -0.28379502 -0.07740923 +Ti 1.99951031 1.95981001 2.03427015 -0.00825633 0.27006148 -0.13173176 +O 1.96439968 1.96047993 3.97504049 0.27684405 -0.03271060 -0.20248492 +O 5.92742990 2.00254000 4.01925998 0.06063330 -0.13734113 -0.45963534 +O 1.96479007 5.97731997 3.99570983 0.13786975 0.02412132 -0.03795025 +O 5.98258985 5.92547003 3.96195012 -0.22091895 0.08131551 0.04640096 +O 1.96658998 3.96920996 2.01549971 0.12628205 -0.00943749 -0.06520163 +O 2.00061972 3.94080012 5.91983985 0.00553816 0.32570529 0.14452017 +O 5.93875995 3.94707013 1.96810008 0.14734581 -0.00157377 0.12346309 +O 5.94189021 3.96952988 5.95282036 -0.06149153 -0.05196277 0.12825331 +O 3.95278029 2.00801973 1.99493015 0.37969512 -0.22107091 0.10521880 +O 3.95722979 5.94179043 1.98578011 0.27956119 0.00847256 0.15706329 +O 3.97194033 1.97757003 5.95666013 0.24016983 -0.08229947 0.07364591 +O 3.96102047 5.97014010 5.92543044 -0.07383128 -0.09112195 0.12638412 +O 5.93571997 5.97638002 0.02623617 0.14451040 -0.12006615 -0.10577004 +O 1.95320029 5.93595991 0.02140974 0.24587048 0.06448687 -0.16019875 +O 5.96040012 1.97209980 0.02782545 -0.11978770 -0.07261104 0.30292326 +O 2.00699980 1.98247011 0.00697002 -0.10335063 0.11428065 0.14437207 +O 5.96488051 7.91668949 5.91988023 -0.01041271 -0.09243836 0.14563114 +O 5.94558031 7.90224027 2.00228027 -0.09526246 0.34767177 0.11021085 +O 1.99071028 0.03207224 5.97381991 -0.07000008 -0.64686179 -0.07985564 +O 2.00726983 0.01037981 1.95403967 0.03880232 0.00435776 0.21652854 +O 0.00382076 5.86838981 5.92340009 -0.01768893 0.52015680 0.20586412 +O 0.01551665 1.95654039 5.99300054 -0.01280821 0.17609151 -0.17680499 +O 0.04292004 5.96228002 1.99015043 -0.47205865 -0.03217247 0.04751116 +O 0.02067013 1.94058979 2.05069983 -0.43406906 0.14484413 -0.37666738 +40 +Lattice="7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29609.52251188414 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90077968 4.02571977 4.17337017 0.23470932 0.98971891 -1.28459179 +Ba 3.96806974 0.03888627 4.08473968 0.70899147 -1.42657967 0.07873823 +Ba 7.91903834 3.81227011 3.82969980 0.30179403 1.63258392 1.22464600 +Ba 4.10238018 3.89328038 7.77300363 -0.41975187 2.31701980 1.88106947 +Ba 0.10018770 7.93604959 3.92112016 -0.68988509 0.27933622 -0.07579664 +Ba 0.14168325 3.92582959 7.87660170 -1.94910137 1.38504582 0.91750870 +Ba 4.10085995 0.01160176 7.94617886 -1.03034157 -0.94759473 -0.22857853 +Ba 7.62777558 0.11899920 0.09038937 2.75153804 -0.65501064 -0.46423633 +Ti 6.00112969 1.87903988 1.91465023 -1.14854109 0.90652367 0.10830901 +Ti 1.96545010 6.07542981 1.94550022 -0.11370215 -1.53438217 0.47394019 +Ti 1.95176011 1.91682039 6.22517002 -1.12914135 -0.14615307 -2.08031942 +Ti 6.26720015 5.98880004 6.07926021 -4.91665810 -0.98039609 -2.04232469 +Ti 1.89788956 6.00107957 6.05640034 4.21853828 -0.29531819 -0.89287754 +Ti 5.86343992 1.99837001 5.80161026 1.66214929 0.25118495 1.65774525 +Ti 5.86221960 5.84175980 2.10629010 0.47842805 0.55898122 0.87998320 +Ti 2.18746982 1.95540993 2.09756969 -0.64145630 1.60113367 -3.01029026 +O 5.81327964 5.90985014 4.06087986 0.15566667 0.38631545 -1.21158994 +O 2.11447036 6.24455030 4.07458018 -0.43522734 -0.36186297 -0.90075977 +O 5.86180991 2.01346965 4.01963012 -0.60299928 0.06923929 -2.11818637 +O 2.14280972 1.72131989 3.77055977 -0.33036284 0.88453456 3.12806736 +O 6.05849016 4.00301026 5.88413996 0.35519687 0.31982878 0.70338929 +O 5.78962029 4.09139017 1.85677029 0.82010555 -1.77145640 0.52662955 +O 2.10099994 4.12730042 5.88520992 -2.22346045 -0.98703416 0.71417738 +O 2.00792969 4.04021004 2.24038018 0.12363844 -0.02536548 -1.11333986 +O 3.84322989 5.96459973 6.18732985 -0.08668809 0.77051359 -0.43071043 +O 3.93889987 2.22136981 6.08646039 -0.49289950 -2.06786834 -1.10796960 +O 3.99490001 5.98040976 1.76089984 -0.92553723 0.67993980 0.81488544 +O 3.99090972 2.03274015 1.68797994 -0.22571869 -0.35706864 1.18504022 +O 6.12163002 6.02084012 7.85764144 0.00083072 -0.26264153 1.13861792 +O 1.82610008 6.02454005 0.06946181 -0.52404199 -0.30324851 -0.14409748 +O 5.97456035 2.00113999 7.84265318 0.46140580 0.25972641 1.63150714 +O 1.60769995 2.11850998 0.00002784 1.86606014 -0.84759244 0.11697440 +O 5.87772017 0.09998326 6.00845955 0.40166211 -0.62267439 -0.60767380 +O 5.89381022 7.94980162 2.06303011 0.22903387 1.16097006 -0.23990424 +O 2.02837040 0.09829677 6.11404003 -0.13316489 0.39798826 0.20815497 +O 1.88657021 0.13143625 1.73937008 0.23213436 -1.15858588 0.50731748 +O 0.00079870 6.15020962 5.74445981 1.46593786 -0.26397310 0.72914095 +O 0.01963008 1.94378032 5.66794021 0.81297691 0.36678998 1.36803720 +O 7.90568247 5.89670031 2.18937030 0.53300331 0.62079646 -0.87248020 +O 7.78951371 2.09314982 2.12732029 0.20487810 -0.82336493 -1.16815270 +40 +Lattice="7.8367900700872255 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8367900700872255 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.220730089200938" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.92245264201 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95731982 1.95602989 8.18902244 -0.03829607 0.04278033 0.16167688 +Ba 1.96551005 1.98821010 4.12225032 -0.12091692 -0.10976605 -0.00908756 +Ba 1.96148978 5.87163973 0.01267836 -0.01243745 0.13748846 -0.23611854 +Ba 1.94967033 5.84068989 4.12984966 0.01644709 0.26679643 0.13701229 +Ba 5.87366005 1.90370991 0.03994098 0.15339047 0.50053696 -0.00819925 +Ba 5.88726002 1.96374991 4.11863991 -0.01308692 0.08712697 -0.23181477 +Ba 5.90651031 5.88410022 0.03803743 -0.15464697 -0.00736441 -0.08541976 +Ba 5.84779002 5.89170034 4.09772038 0.12814172 -0.04833031 0.05565873 +Ti 0.01890234 7.83194928 2.15275996 -0.20538641 0.18375983 -0.31403763 +Ti 0.01520024 0.00306575 6.23813035 0.29082982 -0.28709632 0.00276316 +Ti 7.82566810 3.93344010 2.13649000 -0.23700223 -0.17443752 -0.01196746 +Ti 7.75261041 3.90398004 6.26593998 0.56279468 0.26786396 -0.15310996 +Ti 3.87267990 0.02186308 2.12144964 0.14388073 0.05380625 -0.28814199 +Ti 3.95865968 0.05135997 6.22937979 -0.39490936 -0.23662120 0.29864572 +Ti 3.88312008 3.93604035 2.12658979 0.33691993 -0.15918908 -0.20543680 +Ti 3.87968991 3.95627965 6.27134031 -0.00585312 -0.01587913 -0.06776631 +O 0.08013980 1.94470964 1.94729970 -0.19342743 0.37103898 0.37295291 +O 1.97094016 7.81019044 1.94542984 0.53302362 0.08588693 0.00669130 +O 0.04549962 7.79554975 3.96682013 0.02135661 0.07431028 0.38268325 +O 0.04034380 1.94847992 6.00861976 -0.13063184 -0.03417048 0.27188567 +O 1.94291032 7.77415923 6.14634038 0.24357089 0.30809606 -0.36928703 +O 7.81765028 0.00230010 8.07036011 -0.04029613 0.10810717 -0.25403039 +O 0.07306004 5.87000967 1.92063032 -0.25163258 -0.27546876 0.17326767 +O 1.97588988 3.92624985 1.96606019 0.04499353 -0.07252002 0.16338358 +O 7.79767587 3.99291977 3.99404984 0.29469959 -0.37124544 -0.40702029 +O 7.80043598 5.86446044 6.11962006 0.01062457 -0.00742329 -0.07185128 +O 2.00170975 3.90901988 6.10898005 -0.32263437 0.10646193 -0.09564915 +O 0.00142003 3.87532012 8.10008976 -0.05356996 0.09926515 -0.09255843 +O 3.92228992 1.94549019 1.88671034 0.02288719 0.18225368 0.37999182 +O 5.97267006 0.00061989 1.98675010 -0.87348602 -0.09049512 0.03296643 +O 3.90070975 0.06258852 3.93569005 -0.04892398 -0.15443948 0.36259651 +O 3.91247042 1.98479012 6.08117042 0.01921848 -0.43763518 -0.01031938 +O 5.85159008 0.03122882 5.98579982 0.16980851 -0.09297803 0.40364340 +O 3.95185970 0.06056428 8.08318032 0.04261578 -0.50031534 -0.36798863 +O 3.93808027 5.88643010 1.97520965 0.03933248 0.00030288 0.04081446 +O 5.89153969 3.91731042 1.97736006 0.15047330 -0.03254040 -0.04523907 +O 3.92406965 3.89181029 3.95740031 0.00802004 0.08309805 -0.02729303 +O 3.93178968 5.87612002 6.04469016 0.18289722 0.15483183 0.10164908 +O 5.90658006 3.86662990 6.09718019 -0.35708843 0.13181532 0.01970699 +O 3.93141978 3.96725977 8.09974024 0.03829967 -0.13771111 -0.01565339 +40 +Lattice="7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955132372" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21635286699 stress="9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 9.181576151994517e-07" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878354 5.96634883 5.96634883 -0.00000309 0.00000309 0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634883 1.98878354 5.96634883 0.00000309 -0.00000309 0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634883 5.96634883 1.98878354 0.00000309 0.00000309 -0.00000309 +Ba 1.98878354 1.98878354 1.98878354 -0.00000309 -0.00000309 -0.00000309 +Ba 5.96634967 1.98878270 1.98878270 -0.00000206 0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98878270 5.96634967 1.98878270 0.00000206 -0.00000206 0.00000206 +Ba 1.98878270 1.98878270 5.96634967 0.00000206 0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ba 5.96634967 5.96634967 5.96634967 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 -0.00000206 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97756619 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 0.00000000 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 1.98878309 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 0.00000000 5.96634928 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878309 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634928 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 5.96634312 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018332 +O 3.97756619 3.97756619 1.98878925 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018332 +O 3.97756619 5.96634312 3.97756619 0.00000000 0.00018332 0.00000000 +O 3.97756619 1.98878925 3.97756619 0.00000000 -0.00018332 0.00000000 +O 5.96634312 3.97756619 3.97756619 0.00018332 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.98878925 3.97756619 3.97756619 -0.00018332 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 +O 0.00000000 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 0.00000000 +O 1.98877696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00018126 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96635541 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00018126 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.980247514 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980247514 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980247514" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.132824667016 stress="0.00047376932944291703 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00047376932944291703 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00047376932944291703" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99012376 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99012376 0.00000000 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99012376 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99012376 3.99012376 3.99012376 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.94212263 2.03812489 5.94212263 -0.40488267 0.40488267 -0.40488267 +Ti 2.03812489 5.94212263 5.94212263 0.40488267 -0.40488267 -0.40488267 +Ti 2.03812489 2.03812489 2.03812489 0.40488267 0.40488267 0.40488267 +Ti 5.94212263 5.94212263 2.03812489 -0.40488267 -0.40488267 0.40488267 +Ti 6.07575511 1.90449241 1.90449241 -0.46168168 0.46168168 0.46168168 +Ti 1.90449241 6.07575511 1.90449241 0.46168168 -0.46168168 0.46168168 +Ti 1.90449241 1.90449241 6.07575511 0.46168168 0.46168168 -0.46168168 +Ti 6.07575511 6.07575511 6.07575511 -0.46168168 -0.46168168 -0.46168168 +O 1.97581012 1.97581012 -0.01595106 0.02345077 0.02345077 -0.04807166 +O 6.00443740 1.97581012 0.01595106 -0.02345077 0.02345077 0.04807166 +O 1.97581012 6.00443740 0.01595106 0.02345077 -0.02345077 0.04807166 +O 6.00443740 6.00443740 -0.01595106 -0.02345077 -0.02345077 -0.04807166 +O 1.97581012 -0.01595106 1.97581012 0.02345077 -0.04807166 0.02345077 +O 1.97581012 0.01595106 6.00443740 0.02345077 0.04807166 -0.02345077 +O 6.00443740 0.01595106 1.97581012 -0.02345077 0.04807166 0.02345077 +O 6.00443740 -0.01595106 6.00443740 -0.02345077 -0.04807166 -0.02345077 +O -0.01595106 1.97581012 1.97581012 -0.04807166 0.02345077 0.02345077 +O 0.01595106 6.00443740 1.97581012 0.04807166 -0.02345077 0.02345077 +O 0.01595106 1.97581012 6.00443740 0.04807166 0.02345077 -0.02345077 +O -0.01595106 6.00443740 6.00443740 -0.04807166 -0.02345077 -0.02345077 +O 1.97575712 1.97575712 3.96558307 0.04482950 0.04482950 -0.13154715 +O 6.00449040 1.97575712 4.01466445 -0.04482950 0.04482950 0.13154715 +O 1.97575712 6.00449040 4.01466445 0.04482950 -0.04482950 0.13154715 +O 6.00449040 6.00449040 3.96558307 -0.04482950 -0.04482950 -0.13154715 +O 1.97575712 3.96558307 1.97575712 0.04482950 -0.13154715 0.04482950 +O 1.97575712 4.01466445 6.00449040 0.04482950 0.13154715 -0.04482950 +O 6.00449040 4.01466445 1.97575712 -0.04482950 0.13154715 0.04482950 +O 6.00449040 3.96558307 6.00449040 -0.04482950 -0.13154715 -0.04482950 +O 3.96558307 1.97575712 1.97575712 -0.13154715 0.04482950 0.04482950 +O 4.01466445 6.00449040 1.97575712 0.13154715 -0.04482950 0.04482950 +O 4.01466445 1.97575712 6.00449040 0.13154715 0.04482950 -0.04482950 +O 3.96558307 6.00449040 6.00449040 -0.13154715 -0.04482950 -0.04482950 +40 +Lattice="7.972839942823297 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.972839942823297 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.972839942823297" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.68595156593 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99487995 4.01255016 7.95427519 -0.10113743 -0.10087106 0.13576093 +Ba 3.95541998 7.92012831 4.08526007 0.12877062 0.35762657 -0.49281183 +Ba 0.05397932 4.03096981 3.97851968 -0.27691655 -0.15948939 -0.29596740 +Ba 0.03965451 0.02134728 4.00730961 -0.08257252 -0.06626581 -0.34263549 +Ba 7.94750624 3.90344025 0.00530513 0.21398366 0.67429777 0.35900211 +Ba 4.02377033 0.01085183 0.02284538 -0.27810774 0.06662371 -0.06086778 +Ba 4.00459007 4.00953961 3.98949988 -0.21190724 0.09320660 0.00372810 +Ba 0.01409199 0.04209739 7.94446301 0.07896912 -0.14001354 0.64471080 +Ti 5.97609002 2.05069018 2.09192969 0.45400103 0.17673635 -0.59229269 +Ti 2.02660024 6.00082974 2.03904983 -0.20128678 0.22149874 -0.18129388 +Ti 1.95878007 2.02212987 6.02635000 0.42620971 0.17463807 0.12606196 +Ti 6.11975023 5.98381968 6.08118002 -0.91809286 0.23150521 -0.83601476 +Ti 2.04223976 5.99818993 6.06636967 0.21920223 -0.12097220 0.15440863 +Ti 5.98836022 2.02889961 6.00454987 -0.31960663 0.01860065 0.20483696 +Ti 6.00421022 6.06997021 2.07981018 0.33636303 -0.57544965 0.06297300 +Ti 2.03375985 2.03119977 2.04055032 -0.31270811 -0.43846848 -0.16146348 +O 1.93815992 2.02800027 3.92814011 0.32896159 -0.07596941 0.15637552 +O 5.98370009 1.99825998 3.91772997 -0.06225618 -0.10335655 0.02946253 +O 1.98898996 5.95292971 3.94296959 0.09518018 0.30623407 -0.05392966 +O 5.95935024 5.92415015 3.93872006 -0.12202430 0.41013055 -0.34606072 +O 2.04188019 4.01283000 1.89127962 -0.12844126 -0.22242639 0.40113992 +O 1.88966990 4.01056014 5.90686982 0.73065610 -0.40944381 0.56108490 +O 5.90528960 4.02175002 1.90168019 0.22243385 -0.87055033 0.28588970 +O 5.94188972 3.94906961 5.86508975 0.08156259 -0.14039843 0.50322814 +O 3.97104993 1.92380004 1.92308966 0.38019417 0.39290416 0.37210342 +O 3.95735977 5.99763024 1.91064007 0.25348480 0.29275326 0.39347777 +O 3.95409967 1.99531960 5.86407002 -0.01785914 -0.09166214 0.42633518 +O 3.90305994 6.06593994 5.98960956 -0.02845286 -0.64251919 -0.11827409 +O 5.89660000 5.95653025 7.88655867 0.60443370 0.04725816 0.43892331 +O 1.94976997 6.04269034 7.96174016 -0.03495183 -0.33945195 -0.57959376 +O 5.97367983 1.95684028 7.86430009 -0.05174294 0.23420899 -0.16106162 +O 1.94892006 2.01639979 0.00543030 0.26077594 -0.01525384 -1.25483975 +O 6.01011969 7.91694874 5.94059972 0.05533374 0.29264939 -0.14085043 +O 6.05010029 7.97247957 1.96598991 -0.42935520 -0.09281554 0.04950659 +O 1.90826974 7.96516848 5.99208034 0.11535049 0.32196614 -0.27533969 +O 1.95098024 0.03278990 1.97258983 0.20755976 -0.20659380 0.13594837 +O 7.93742060 5.86080993 5.93191969 0.03718227 0.65387704 0.30671050 +O 0.01930623 2.01692998 5.91261026 -0.49685643 -0.13399073 0.17017129 +O 0.00652976 5.98270030 2.00397970 -0.58237492 -0.08370149 -0.25288034 +O 7.96401959 2.02719980 1.93307962 -0.57395790 0.06294832 0.22433826 +40 +Lattice="7.981665598 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.981665598 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.981665598" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.27857809087 stress="0.0004205161877613489 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0004205161877613489 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0004205161877613489" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99083280 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99083280 0.00000000 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99083280 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99083280 3.99083280 3.99083280 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.92457321 2.05709239 5.92457321 0.01110434 -0.01110434 0.01110434 +Ti 2.05709239 5.92457321 5.92457321 -0.01110434 0.01110434 0.01110434 +Ti 2.05709239 2.05709239 2.05709239 -0.01110434 -0.01110434 -0.01110434 +Ti 5.92457321 5.92457321 2.05709239 0.01110434 0.01110434 -0.01110434 +Ti 6.04850792 1.93315768 1.93315768 0.02351480 -0.02351480 -0.02351480 +Ti 1.93315768 6.04850792 1.93315768 -0.02351480 0.02351480 -0.02351480 +Ti 1.93315768 1.93315768 6.04850792 -0.02351480 -0.02351480 0.02351480 +Ti 6.04850792 6.04850792 6.04850792 0.02351480 0.02351480 0.02351480 +O 1.99315728 1.99315728 -0.03243355 0.02009780 0.02009780 0.05609890 +O 5.98850832 1.99315728 0.03243355 -0.02009780 0.02009780 -0.05609890 +O 1.99315728 5.98850832 0.03243355 0.02009780 -0.02009780 -0.05609890 +O 5.98850832 5.98850832 -0.03243355 -0.02009780 -0.02009780 0.05609890 +O 1.99315728 -0.03243355 1.99315728 0.02009780 0.05609890 0.02009780 +O 1.99315728 0.03243355 5.98850832 0.02009780 -0.05609890 -0.02009780 +O 5.98850832 0.03243355 1.99315728 -0.02009780 -0.05609890 0.02009780 +O 5.98850832 -0.03243355 5.98850832 -0.02009780 0.05609890 -0.02009780 +O -0.03243355 1.99315728 1.99315728 0.05609890 0.02009780 0.02009780 +O 0.03243355 5.98850832 1.99315728 -0.05609890 -0.02009780 0.02009780 +O 0.03243355 1.99315728 5.98850832 -0.05609890 0.02009780 -0.02009780 +O -0.03243355 5.98850832 5.98850832 0.05609890 -0.02009780 -0.02009780 +O 1.99280029 1.99280029 3.96026809 0.02735602 0.02735602 -0.02048578 +O 5.98886531 1.99280029 4.02139751 -0.02735602 0.02735602 0.02048578 +O 1.99280029 5.98886531 4.02139751 0.02735602 -0.02735602 0.02048578 +O 5.98886531 5.98886531 3.96026809 -0.02735602 -0.02735602 -0.02048578 +O 1.99280029 3.96026809 1.99280029 0.02735602 -0.02048578 0.02735602 +O 1.99280029 4.02139751 5.98886531 0.02735602 0.02048578 -0.02735602 +O 5.98886531 4.02139751 1.99280029 -0.02735602 0.02048578 0.02735602 +O 5.98886531 3.96026809 5.98886531 -0.02735602 -0.02048578 -0.02735602 +O 3.96026809 1.99280029 1.99280029 -0.02048578 0.02735602 0.02735602 +O 4.02139751 5.98886531 1.99280029 0.02048578 -0.02735602 0.02735602 +O 4.02139751 1.99280029 5.98886531 0.02048578 0.02735602 -0.02735602 +O 3.96026809 5.98886531 5.98886531 -0.02048578 -0.02735602 -0.02735602 +40 +Lattice="7.982376393 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982376393 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.982376393" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.40746658992 stress="0.006977997875515833 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.006977997875515833 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.006977997875515833" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99118820 3.99118820 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99118820 0.00000000 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99118820 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99118820 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99118820 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.95208968 2.03028671 2.03028671 0.07500988 -0.07500988 -0.07500988 +Ti 2.03028671 5.95208968 2.03028671 -0.07500988 0.07500988 -0.07500988 +Ti 5.95208968 5.95208968 5.95208968 0.07500988 0.07500988 0.07500988 +Ti 2.03028671 2.03028671 5.95208968 -0.07500988 -0.07500988 0.07500988 +Ti 2.03028671 5.95208968 5.95208968 -0.07500988 0.07500988 0.07500988 +Ti 5.95208968 2.03028671 5.95208968 0.07500988 -0.07500988 0.07500988 +Ti 5.95208968 5.95208968 2.03028671 0.07500988 0.07500988 -0.07500988 +Ti 2.03028671 2.03028671 2.03028671 -0.07500988 -0.07500988 -0.07500988 +O 5.91648351 5.91648351 3.99118820 0.50971837 0.50971837 0.00000000 +O 2.06589288 5.91648351 3.99118820 -0.50971837 0.50971837 0.00000000 +O 5.91648351 2.06589288 3.99118820 0.50971837 -0.50971837 0.00000000 +O 2.06589288 2.06589288 3.99118820 -0.50971837 -0.50971837 0.00000000 +O 5.91648351 3.99118820 5.91648351 0.50971837 0.00000000 0.50971837 +O 5.91648351 3.99118820 2.06589288 0.50971837 0.00000000 -0.50971837 +O 2.06589288 3.99118820 5.91648351 -0.50971837 0.00000000 0.50971837 +O 2.06589288 3.99118820 2.06589288 -0.50971837 0.00000000 -0.50971837 +O 3.99118820 5.91648351 5.91648351 0.00000000 0.50971837 0.50971837 +O 3.99118820 2.06589288 5.91648351 0.00000000 -0.50971837 0.50971837 +O 3.99118820 5.91648351 2.06589288 0.00000000 0.50971837 -0.50971837 +O 3.99118820 2.06589288 2.06589288 0.00000000 -0.50971837 -0.50971837 +O 5.92149623 5.92149623 0.00000000 0.41452199 0.41452199 0.00000000 +O 2.06088017 5.92149623 0.00000000 -0.41452199 0.41452199 0.00000000 +O 5.92149623 2.06088017 0.00000000 0.41452199 -0.41452199 0.00000000 +O 2.06088017 2.06088017 0.00000000 -0.41452199 -0.41452199 0.00000000 +O 5.92149623 0.00000000 5.92149623 0.41452199 0.00000000 0.41452199 +O 5.92149623 0.00000000 2.06088017 0.41452199 0.00000000 -0.41452199 +O 2.06088017 0.00000000 5.92149623 -0.41452199 0.00000000 0.41452199 +O 2.06088017 0.00000000 2.06088017 -0.41452199 0.00000000 -0.41452199 +O 0.00000000 5.92149623 5.92149623 0.00000000 0.41452199 0.41452199 +O 0.00000000 2.06088017 5.92149623 0.00000000 -0.41452199 0.41452199 +O 0.00000000 5.92149623 2.06088017 0.00000000 0.41452199 -0.41452199 +O 0.00000000 2.06088017 2.06088017 0.00000000 -0.41452199 -0.41452199 +40 +Lattice="7.897910037652061 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.897910037652061 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.897910037652061" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.414693661354 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98843983 4.00984001 7.86833947 0.11083743 -0.49194717 0.15192803 +Ba 3.93021012 7.89243047 4.01795037 -0.17097116 0.10134980 -0.41337477 +Ba 0.02271518 3.96877009 3.91816976 -0.05817995 -0.09638294 0.14991408 +Ba 7.87584249 0.07358483 4.00775970 0.53141411 -0.47491078 -0.47706176 +Ba 7.88951930 3.82313025 0.03132706 -0.03152995 0.91340574 -0.33392022 +Ba 3.95663021 0.02102819 7.89331661 0.06484734 -0.01563334 -0.03493178 +Ba 3.97826969 3.99809029 3.94287995 -0.12748815 -0.26787501 0.10916467 +Ba 0.01139195 0.01010380 0.05968609 0.08910647 -0.06360729 -0.41130297 +Ti 5.94217032 2.05150977 2.01926972 -0.29871514 -0.09992670 -0.21729113 +Ti 1.97544026 5.81498001 1.93106981 -0.33888117 0.98404937 0.45349837 +Ti 1.96081965 2.03010012 5.95662034 0.20393630 -0.58940637 -0.35467057 +Ti 6.04066042 5.86617979 5.90195021 -0.75396340 -0.15901656 0.32633495 +Ti 2.03575029 5.93304034 5.93560005 0.14105046 0.62662772 -0.48267114 +Ti 5.89770983 1.89711985 5.92669989 -0.12888914 0.79777166 0.50050457 +Ti 5.91096015 6.04657042 1.96365026 0.25364267 -0.31568339 0.04357737 +Ti 2.03794985 1.89772009 1.97308037 0.05007043 -0.26368103 0.46065530 +O 1.92078989 1.98672006 3.93054025 0.34136331 -0.08672408 -0.49838598 +O 5.81567028 1.98378994 3.93571970 0.85726956 0.20262838 -0.11835996 +O 2.02360962 5.91324975 3.97797984 -0.33087089 0.03640733 -0.11994351 +O 5.87603006 6.01332022 3.94978035 0.32091276 -0.38337514 0.09839098 +O 1.96329012 3.97891021 1.97033979 0.27155375 -0.29211049 -0.11619946 +O 1.93481973 3.90076987 5.87282035 0.08871694 0.91191810 0.47446598 +O 5.91841025 3.97552991 1.99878017 0.08319216 -0.01740071 -0.19508554 +O 5.94057020 3.95466995 5.94120993 0.08686498 0.57671232 -0.23922238 +O 3.97661982 2.00656040 1.92789011 -0.47412711 0.05679284 0.17515177 +O 3.97017038 5.97133019 1.98286983 -0.04904508 -0.19585815 -0.34792297 +O 3.93572997 2.02972023 5.88411989 0.22491548 -0.23705468 0.15633953 +O 3.93578999 5.92483994 5.99518030 -0.28835076 -0.09185523 -0.21812185 +O 6.00012992 6.01943005 7.87089129 -0.41733838 -0.30069669 0.52542704 +O 1.93782015 5.92479018 0.01582030 0.16265004 -0.29426764 -0.31106517 +O 5.92090994 1.96462013 7.84878978 -0.12197725 0.16198593 0.50423215 +O 2.04030975 1.94343004 7.88010973 -0.24349632 0.48858699 0.17811780 +O 5.93596019 0.06983885 5.92358022 -0.12011423 -0.82527758 -0.17234927 +O 5.90781994 0.05479017 2.05180990 0.18755452 -0.48316119 -0.46880852 +O 1.98085033 7.88782994 5.92509030 -0.04452842 -0.55577532 0.07943886 +O 2.00130987 0.02722962 1.90911993 -0.03615974 0.18885987 0.46680615 +O 7.85400161 5.90660998 5.88154991 0.81520785 0.15324932 0.05898316 +O 0.03914283 1.92012014 5.95343037 -0.52154519 0.36287830 -0.25749804 +O 0.01912005 5.93171033 1.94409030 -0.14017937 0.08026264 0.47102841 +O 0.00234963 1.99270983 1.91292989 -0.18875548 -0.04185910 0.40422730 +40 +Lattice="7.92459009414283 0.0 0.0 -0.021721301448045495 7.924558395782453 0.0 -0.021721301448045495 0.021665829317386497 7.924526697422077" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.06712999169 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99702615 0.04622651 0.04127998 0.01856079 -0.07505436 0.07666567 +Ba 3.99301314 0.03439034 3.99116988 -0.03256456 -0.05534377 -0.08963868 +Ba 4.00616320 4.00329688 0.04478978 -0.07172581 -0.17481419 -0.07373307 +Ba 4.01486044 4.00578995 4.02545007 -0.24122758 0.04692829 -0.26262045 +Ba 0.04232999 0.05628678 0.05368038 0.05759477 -0.14689946 -0.12535696 +Ba 0.00780572 0.04782966 4.00958979 0.29114401 -0.08007778 -0.03169039 +Ba 0.03753403 3.99027677 0.00313021 -0.01376646 -0.00735053 0.05107239 +Ba 0.01377928 4.04097038 3.97441016 0.14638422 -0.21448477 0.24546142 +O 1.95940007 4.00766967 2.04987036 0.15142641 0.19886789 0.03214985 +O 1.99423974 4.02512991 5.97388013 -0.08526447 -0.02803068 0.12965045 +O 2.02406314 0.05908971 2.04436990 -0.11834274 -0.19117669 -0.11736649 +O 1.98198278 0.06181973 6.06101020 0.03876349 -0.04113739 -0.22552303 +O 5.97034972 3.96103028 2.04490006 -0.03581521 -0.05565358 0.07558683 +O 5.96801989 3.96337041 5.97276038 -0.26894356 -0.01032426 0.17513815 +O 5.94465979 7.92014995 2.05401017 -0.04622124 -0.01029855 -0.11953573 +O 5.95126018 7.93305990 6.01605004 -0.25140221 0.04738852 0.09408515 +O 2.00989001 1.99366996 4.05349044 -0.16620794 0.14686244 0.08701024 +O 1.99651330 2.04227623 0.09373998 0.10521700 -0.04819919 -0.09989507 +O 2.02115006 6.00798994 4.02457995 -0.23625096 -0.00251043 0.18853591 +O 1.97058325 5.96173649 0.07215022 0.03363517 0.04542754 0.06627635 +O 5.97483980 1.94998011 4.05325032 -0.13197010 0.26200030 -0.09308833 +O 5.95279279 1.97176639 0.10837035 -0.01581794 0.09937391 -0.20495729 +O 5.94399016 5.98008984 4.04584004 -0.15557977 -0.07762623 -0.24348167 +O 5.94777336 5.92350668 0.05464005 0.05599477 0.18222617 0.11452645 +O 0.01277919 1.99730022 2.04145999 -0.16403432 0.05327454 0.10883017 +O -0.01329191 2.01145036 6.02952026 0.13157106 0.03294020 -0.08319447 +O -0.01225617 5.96793986 2.05716019 0.11045228 0.10900835 -0.13423755 +O 7.88988831 5.99415995 5.98829971 0.17888759 -0.04519151 0.08332843 +O 3.95673040 2.03228015 2.07485025 0.25327834 -0.02414806 -0.08519453 +O 3.96528024 2.00268973 6.01897025 -0.01541196 0.06755831 -0.03930163 +O 3.97363989 5.95105969 2.01132991 -0.29466436 0.02474995 0.06394591 +O 3.91639027 5.98961044 6.00934029 0.41019714 0.06189751 0.10093740 +Ti 2.03016983 1.97822969 1.96531974 -0.03372747 -0.07707704 0.03987164 +Ti 2.03044006 1.98121013 5.91347970 -0.06238396 0.28297227 0.20149890 +Ti 2.03863963 5.91730014 1.95227032 0.31445492 0.20779810 0.40702003 +Ti 2.01412016 5.97029980 5.93699037 -0.35275767 -0.22579685 -0.29134687 +Ti 5.99066996 2.06246016 1.97295033 0.15026170 0.12456635 0.05368026 +Ti 5.98764990 2.08514033 5.92190036 0.14423452 -0.09406484 0.13715524 +Ti 6.02220983 6.03417992 2.01688980 -0.41930142 -0.15815215 0.04322050 +Ti 5.94551010 6.06775007 6.00176042 0.62132276 -0.15042830 -0.25548512 +40 +Lattice="7.815939958900888 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.815939958900888 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.198842857487444" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.784778822253 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96633027 1.92657996 8.19737190 -0.23366108 0.18529838 0.25407976 +Ba 1.92324021 1.93775988 4.09885008 0.07753290 0.06496252 0.03389562 +Ba 1.96458028 5.85880983 8.17605236 -0.18412724 -0.01400094 0.29944070 +Ba 1.99299982 5.85067032 4.08116965 -0.50574730 0.02843537 0.24275276 +Ba 5.84163978 2.03339963 8.18039489 0.15132433 -0.47195504 0.25633976 +Ba 5.88750997 1.93257010 4.11525027 -0.19593015 0.11809154 -0.04555918 +Ba 5.83860016 5.91603033 0.02341499 0.08669451 -0.46101962 -0.11411481 +Ba 5.90029997 5.83463982 4.11763960 -0.17994688 0.10064223 0.09161586 +Ti 7.78418692 7.77386988 2.11618997 0.00014192 0.25676939 0.25503364 +Ti 7.81588681 7.80169306 6.23535994 -0.36756902 0.02794583 -0.16103796 +Ti 0.01401242 3.88310982 2.16941027 -0.16881092 -0.10319791 -0.51166007 +Ti 0.00040018 3.88789005 6.24385977 -0.44136045 0.10685633 0.28042071 +Ti 3.86505031 7.78865060 2.17656029 0.34292191 0.34050173 -1.00294209 +Ti 3.89456017 0.03683027 6.21218020 0.47655140 -0.10637271 0.10031339 +Ti 3.90373999 3.89008007 2.16819020 0.12241331 -0.13254371 -0.25402294 +Ti 3.86379976 3.92890966 6.23145978 0.58283309 -0.08176211 -0.31321667 +O 0.04463996 1.98944982 1.97581960 -0.17546751 -0.34193255 -0.11338565 +O 1.91689992 7.79808992 1.97012022 0.68512135 -0.04158322 -0.07353329 +O 0.00813014 0.02725027 3.96207035 0.00700754 -0.22916474 0.06931643 +O 7.81279326 1.94280976 6.09018980 0.01686438 0.16727289 0.12477898 +O 1.94434012 0.03102537 6.10423035 0.17821962 -0.21883919 -0.19470373 +O 7.78738989 7.77080994 8.06104002 0.04334803 0.31190849 0.40249874 +O 0.00527029 5.85621025 2.00724984 0.01952033 0.00179077 -0.00631874 +O 1.97919999 3.93650988 1.97946964 -0.14784255 -0.14111268 0.18400588 +O 7.81421733 3.85440031 4.03074980 0.01586473 0.38126297 -0.37076516 +O 7.75998017 5.88268988 6.08691023 0.42061705 -0.29389020 -0.17665741 +O 1.93292963 3.88431973 6.06760017 0.10040004 0.32222428 0.00086929 +O 0.02135471 3.92740979 8.10304992 0.04645546 -0.04991540 -0.41760038 +O 3.92741995 1.92233981 1.98199028 -0.16544946 0.21724048 0.01148512 +O 5.86952002 7.79364968 2.01676027 -0.20449963 0.12561870 -0.17950131 +O 3.87979977 0.01615164 3.95571990 -0.02518138 -0.21001208 0.70759690 +O 3.90663033 1.99891023 5.96875979 -0.11502550 -0.54268994 0.53803316 +O 5.84253001 0.02640693 6.05356977 -0.05220702 -0.00337920 -0.01884721 +O 3.91567024 0.01454703 8.05128026 -0.07475405 0.01533277 -0.18518319 +O 3.92156971 5.82938986 1.99250976 -0.06714487 0.46900367 -0.01257629 +O 5.88030992 3.89744035 1.93289993 -0.17402795 0.08584091 0.38712843 +O 3.88666998 3.91534979 3.99762975 0.20022260 -0.05421454 -0.27660648 +O 3.93543988 5.87296997 5.99978985 -0.32250118 0.07275322 0.35535988 +O 5.85982982 3.88742969 6.12051017 -0.03090800 0.10884765 -0.07966795 +O 3.83680975 3.91005996 8.06622980 0.25810790 -0.01101358 -0.08706450 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29610.013273818095 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.00987991 1.97202963 1.94769989 -0.13059276 0.95777295 -0.03410286 +Ba 6.17628985 6.06129010 2.03216997 -1.18440207 -0.55874854 -0.29055934 +Ba 5.99380033 1.94080033 5.99262999 -1.06447322 1.07711739 -1.39032121 +Ba 2.00924031 5.89511967 6.07214975 -0.39814021 0.52681750 0.48557494 +Ba 5.86617982 1.97496989 1.89886028 0.31890061 0.19177319 0.44990911 +Ba 2.06769959 6.03066998 2.20903995 -0.85419426 -0.56063753 -1.36067047 +Ba 1.97181030 2.08827016 5.90724973 0.44769257 -0.34749076 0.96840678 +Ba 6.08754026 5.93699969 5.96546965 -0.64249580 0.82525675 0.15183084 +Ti 4.02664977 4.05733953 4.06933029 0.78526710 -0.54783061 -0.58563148 +Ti 7.97991484 3.81669972 0.08992793 2.19724831 2.64471924 -0.47122819 +Ti 3.80025975 7.93271227 0.06887465 0.59417783 2.25800193 -1.51128878 +Ti 7.89622205 0.05772041 3.92376006 -0.01525307 -0.24679659 0.06210037 +Ti 3.81620021 0.07574618 3.96653985 2.11974523 -0.09383524 1.15534166 +Ti 0.05565031 3.95958987 4.10191005 -0.86960545 0.93639500 -0.02404727 +Ti 4.16919009 4.12314024 7.95483903 -2.74986631 -1.72931267 1.78469449 +Ti 0.03162395 0.05266843 7.70745657 -1.24962710 -2.15543883 2.09684981 +O 4.03015998 4.17787957 1.80419015 0.13622733 -0.57436876 1.76155354 +O 3.75118960 3.92067972 5.97054966 1.37939916 0.64310463 -0.99270653 +O 4.01998957 2.03397991 3.84674028 -0.00948634 1.05607497 0.77748257 +O 3.89382998 6.12396964 4.16970962 0.44209219 -1.44477409 -0.26883815 +O 1.94064023 3.99362974 3.84719016 0.43238473 -0.27261587 0.94226226 +O 5.98181036 4.01538987 3.99342001 -1.13615995 0.23053719 -0.20832466 +O 7.99326327 4.24116029 1.96188964 -0.70430152 -1.18364514 0.32266265 +O 7.77828125 3.82551008 6.02181960 1.45790548 0.08613710 -1.40166388 +O 2.08128015 0.17504082 4.00248973 -1.62738437 -0.76716448 -0.03001429 +O 6.09362970 0.00034982 4.24456004 -0.27125935 -0.22452184 -0.68162619 +O 3.84642968 1.98394995 0.13104827 0.80063433 0.31539928 -0.01708421 +O 4.02650008 6.02849982 0.11695218 0.20146213 0.55711280 -0.97740847 +O 3.97712973 7.97424087 2.15752985 0.84199001 -0.12478772 -1.04230362 +O 3.86318025 0.19457394 6.25336967 -0.15412272 -1.10139786 -0.92902930 +O 0.05900362 1.90252979 3.85142003 -0.46307496 1.41196630 0.57068643 +O 0.05611460 5.91106013 4.40249006 0.12308642 -0.14164439 -2.03301241 +O 1.85899032 3.91152995 0.02748214 -0.47081141 0.91375952 -0.52392243 +O 5.92254978 4.03038973 7.81077214 0.99439395 -0.42951410 0.73675192 +O 7.82735380 7.86751514 2.09178998 1.00688642 0.47009639 0.28128049 +O 0.27622065 0.01482215 5.96265027 -0.17612519 0.74881683 -0.43510676 +O 0.03102357 2.03859002 7.96092527 0.38043328 -0.61340814 0.63313030 +O 7.89699694 6.07458969 7.76068375 0.14171381 0.76212948 0.81349935 +O 1.99664036 7.96553457 0.29069298 -0.60043975 -0.25726433 -0.71852717 +O 6.19758968 0.49978568 7.74856410 -0.02982531 -3.23779175 1.93340041 +40 +Lattice="7.975916046 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.975916046 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.975916046" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.277356843966 stress="-0.00014506890320151335 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014506890320151335 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.00014506890320151335" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98795802 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98795802 0.00000000 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98795802 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98795802 3.98795802 3.98795802 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.03706162 1.93885442 1.93885442 0.02920362 -0.02920362 -0.02920362 +Ti 1.93885442 6.03706162 1.93885442 -0.02920362 0.02920362 -0.02920362 +Ti 1.93885442 1.93885442 6.03706162 -0.02920362 -0.02920362 0.02920362 +Ti 6.03706162 6.03706162 6.03706162 0.02920362 0.02920362 0.02920362 +Ti 2.04910344 5.92681261 5.92681261 0.02920799 -0.02920799 -0.02920799 +Ti 5.92681261 2.04910344 5.92681261 -0.02920799 0.02920799 -0.02920799 +Ti 5.92681261 5.92681261 2.04910344 -0.02920799 -0.02920799 0.02920799 +Ti 2.04910344 2.04910344 2.04910344 0.02920799 0.02920799 0.02920799 +O 1.99236711 1.99236711 3.95817921 0.01974196 0.01974196 0.01396263 +O 5.98354894 1.99236711 4.01773683 -0.01974196 0.01974196 -0.01396263 +O 1.99236711 5.98354894 4.01773683 0.01974196 -0.01974196 -0.01396263 +O 5.98354894 5.98354894 3.95817921 -0.01974196 -0.01974196 0.01396263 +O 1.99236711 3.95817921 1.99236711 0.01974196 0.01396263 0.01974196 +O 1.99236711 4.01773683 5.98354894 0.01974196 -0.01396263 -0.01974196 +O 5.98354894 4.01773683 1.99236711 -0.01974196 -0.01396263 0.01974196 +O 5.98354894 3.95817921 5.98354894 -0.01974196 0.01396263 -0.01974196 +O 3.95817921 1.99236711 1.99236711 0.01396263 0.01974196 0.01974196 +O 4.01773683 5.98354894 1.99236711 -0.01396263 -0.01974196 0.01974196 +O 4.01773683 1.99236711 5.98354894 -0.01396263 0.01974196 -0.01974196 +O 3.95817921 5.98354894 5.98354894 0.01396263 -0.01974196 -0.01974196 +O 5.98032545 5.98032545 -0.02977893 0.01973887 0.01973887 0.01396778 +O 1.99559060 5.98032545 0.02977893 -0.01973887 0.01973887 -0.01396778 +O 5.98032545 1.99559060 0.02977893 0.01973887 -0.01973887 -0.01396778 +O 1.99559060 1.99559060 -0.02977893 -0.01973887 -0.01973887 0.01396778 +O 5.98032545 -0.02977893 5.98032545 0.01973887 0.01396778 0.01973887 +O 5.98032545 0.02977893 1.99559060 0.01973887 -0.01396778 -0.01973887 +O 1.99559060 0.02977893 5.98032545 -0.01973887 -0.01396778 0.01973887 +O 1.99559060 -0.02977893 1.99559060 -0.01973887 0.01396778 -0.01973887 +O -0.02977893 5.98032545 5.98032545 0.01396778 0.01973887 0.01973887 +O 0.02977893 1.99559060 5.98032545 -0.01396778 -0.01973887 0.01973887 +O 0.02977893 5.98032545 1.99559060 -0.01396778 0.01973887 -0.01973887 +O -0.02977893 1.99559060 1.99559060 0.01396778 -0.01973887 -0.01973887 +40 +Lattice="7.955160132292204 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955160132292204 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955160132292204" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29607.738104026223 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.08202018 4.07809988 7.87537624 -0.12540479 -1.44118971 1.19961426 +Ba 3.82913996 7.75110709 3.93170982 0.44225700 3.15960553 2.47110190 +Ba 7.87327528 3.81420017 3.98334040 0.29111855 0.72608519 0.12913160 +Ba 0.16172204 7.89138998 4.03623983 -0.57229388 2.20946619 0.18773810 +Ba 7.70825424 4.20625035 7.86591199 0.89649842 -3.83207680 2.67417637 +Ba 3.89396020 7.87531658 0.07864710 0.05216537 0.63699929 -0.36596414 +Ba 4.07671966 4.01286041 3.86922999 0.03043646 -0.30571162 0.74331569 +Ba 0.14208314 0.01020806 0.01269087 -0.35671511 1.67339632 -0.29201356 +Ti 5.97939986 1.83121979 1.93022017 0.65151651 4.06086435 1.35277796 +Ti 2.05855997 5.82788985 2.12836968 -1.18775042 -1.65424263 -2.17282668 +Ti 1.93416036 2.22267970 5.94572009 0.68244843 -2.92293909 0.90747883 +Ti 5.83219996 6.07542978 6.03479004 0.96343401 0.75099609 -1.79631794 +Ti 1.79377008 5.84853031 6.18382997 1.50793812 1.60556651 -0.81678445 +Ti 5.90068991 1.93278014 5.82574037 -0.92713414 -0.65440129 1.62228433 +Ti 6.35800979 6.11477998 2.19679997 -2.34361967 -0.66419848 -3.60768917 +Ti 2.09673997 2.09211006 1.97166973 -0.85760329 1.00707823 -0.12845309 +O 2.07494999 2.14217029 3.95787991 -0.34378452 -0.34077967 1.23452392 +O 5.86988992 1.83375987 4.09075972 -0.08740105 1.09923299 -1.97156896 +O 1.62592018 6.00490012 3.82277026 1.19961297 -1.20683134 2.17570606 +O 6.21988992 5.97368010 3.86244026 -0.41628268 0.28575703 4.23727905 +O 1.98407978 3.92239035 1.85503038 -0.17895624 3.88269642 1.21199463 +O 2.18312028 3.95381005 5.94114031 0.00996534 1.58661053 -0.57779193 +O 6.04341026 4.36576006 1.95848008 -0.75983915 -0.87842511 -0.56078434 +O 5.87500031 3.77681012 5.91492010 -0.03899001 1.70406187 0.11913284 +O 3.93417989 2.27778032 2.13083976 1.49155428 -1.31298808 -1.38649360 +O 3.79793982 6.14403030 2.32655022 1.50144454 -1.37050700 -2.42219926 +O 4.01853005 1.55953039 6.13609980 -0.29248587 1.73761219 -0.23956871 +O 4.00883987 5.81617986 5.96575994 0.26461305 1.12083823 -0.49937200 +O 6.08136989 6.24751023 7.75755555 -1.12401637 -0.30457879 1.63950070 +O 2.09270988 5.74342992 0.04013537 -0.36084353 1.08210559 -0.48598529 +O 6.03740013 2.01014009 0.19136217 -0.46060747 -0.18352534 -2.29421103 +O 1.74586013 2.24295024 7.91688467 1.39299798 -1.00825399 0.08875371 +O 6.06704026 7.93857760 5.67579037 0.11107217 -2.21375402 1.40667779 +O 5.97627984 0.13578822 2.01226969 -0.20402089 -4.06858383 0.12622060 +O 1.89335039 7.72056882 6.06229978 0.23064004 -0.33043458 -0.27587011 +O 2.00253019 0.34610117 1.99003979 -0.26093123 -3.78453838 -0.49770695 +O 7.94916035 5.69601000 6.13027026 -0.07228528 1.54119714 -1.97240971 +O 0.10547110 2.07403992 5.98493983 -0.94587851 -0.46444382 -0.65673765 +O 0.13770621 6.11192010 1.79696010 0.08514465 0.44809443 0.14244683 +O 7.79845382 2.22107037 2.19197994 0.11198594 -1.37586081 -0.64910662 +40 +Lattice="7.930050144578621 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.930050144578621 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.930050144578621" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.005255386488 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97695028 3.92881012 0.02512636 -0.01817898 0.32025095 -0.08442577 +Ba 3.96799012 0.01595288 3.95024980 0.06490596 -0.08341224 0.19171328 +Ba 7.89667891 4.02357025 3.96990047 0.33958745 -0.36283176 -0.03584838 +Ba 0.01901230 7.92278384 3.98075036 -0.14375321 0.13393236 0.05199953 +Ba 0.01411152 3.96353977 0.01757458 0.00052065 0.10644830 0.00105621 +Ba 4.00759993 0.00313633 0.00021728 -0.15819535 -0.02131316 -0.02448847 +Ba 3.95042030 3.98963995 3.95196031 0.07000703 -0.09448856 0.10151769 +Ba 0.04380639 0.03127850 0.04979992 -0.31250885 -0.21945471 -0.36598188 +Ti 5.96546983 1.96402997 1.97502974 -0.17664661 -0.00123130 -0.10213013 +Ti 2.00946995 5.93583048 1.92958024 0.06801365 -0.62062034 0.09499558 +Ti 1.98844025 1.98721030 5.90522048 -0.10890910 0.19829042 -0.18894960 +Ti 5.94226016 5.92861016 5.98973975 -0.09393268 0.02369580 0.42773823 +Ti 1.97466020 5.95712980 5.91112996 0.06106576 -0.17233796 -0.06242510 +Ti 5.95293004 1.96522027 5.93018983 0.37170696 -0.03726685 -0.14170198 +Ti 5.95963014 5.94581044 2.02313977 -0.01234747 -0.23184537 -0.35507346 +Ti 1.99021975 1.93066032 1.95878979 0.08850817 0.64460924 0.14794616 +O 1.96039008 2.01890036 4.01623020 0.03283684 -0.12600360 0.20526222 +O 5.97844974 1.99010001 4.01638008 -0.06386337 0.06800156 0.28143964 +O 1.97333985 5.92913989 4.00505041 0.03801762 0.26447756 -0.04896949 +O 5.92320980 6.00015032 3.92820981 0.20726254 -0.00214301 0.59168540 +O 2.05299006 4.00515033 2.00045983 -0.34289646 0.20784284 0.02897916 +O 1.97453015 3.98079001 5.96228988 -0.06148639 -0.03684057 0.21292488 +O 5.93639034 4.04492033 1.98316042 0.11813885 -0.27342782 0.23709274 +O 5.99432015 3.97975990 5.96997013 -0.21805295 0.22955632 -0.09581576 +O 4.00374989 1.98395977 2.04673008 -0.21587368 0.10298914 0.02796435 +O 3.96520984 5.98701023 1.97933021 -0.19005775 0.21940560 0.07468026 +O 3.92827008 2.03934007 5.96382038 0.49921285 -0.28591516 0.10953979 +O 3.98478041 5.96972985 5.91748034 0.09484877 -0.07518343 0.23861200 +O 5.92818987 5.95371988 0.01061834 0.12407398 0.12601697 -0.49821063 +O 1.99050999 5.97195027 0.02534999 0.04617187 0.06216285 0.12395828 +O 5.96674974 2.02887002 0.09092199 -0.14869487 -0.01484452 -0.64486738 +O 2.03522992 1.99237038 0.09594964 -0.20527302 -0.08097689 -0.47556718 +O 5.96194017 0.02930947 6.00220024 -0.16079525 0.12710428 -0.13546037 +O 5.95417030 0.06415966 1.95639016 0.13587843 -0.17834714 0.26722426 +O 1.98049037 0.00274935 5.95951991 0.12214026 0.26167891 0.06519958 +O 1.98592008 0.03690011 2.03635996 0.04944540 -0.14344519 -0.01289563 +O 0.01043833 5.97932997 5.97711987 -0.18930416 -0.03195573 -0.11868212 +O 7.91906465 1.97042000 6.03152001 0.11527438 0.13246169 -0.13355518 +O 0.00142027 5.99411000 1.99767003 0.13876604 -0.05928244 -0.03010196 +O 0.02454985 2.03753043 2.01910020 0.03438645 -0.07575704 0.07362174 +40 +Lattice="7.961628403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961628403 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.961628403" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.246991796765 stress="-0.0001918949415766854 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0001918949415766854 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0001918949415766854" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98081420 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98081420 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98081420 0.00000000 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98081420 3.98081420 3.98081420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.95431411 6.00731429 1.95431411 -0.03850073 0.03850073 -0.03850073 +Ti 6.00731429 1.95431411 1.95431411 0.03850073 -0.03850073 -0.03850073 +Ti 1.95431411 1.95431411 6.00731429 -0.03850073 -0.03850073 0.03850073 +Ti 6.00731429 6.00731429 6.00731429 0.03850073 0.03850073 0.03850073 +Ti 2.02650009 5.93512831 5.93512831 0.03850073 -0.03850073 -0.03850073 +Ti 5.93512831 2.02650009 5.93512831 -0.03850073 0.03850073 -0.03850073 +Ti 5.93512831 5.93512831 2.02650009 -0.03850073 -0.03850073 0.03850073 +Ti 2.02650009 2.02650009 2.02650009 0.03850073 0.03850073 0.03850073 +O 1.99252968 1.99358914 3.96758538 -0.02733803 -0.03373827 -0.05966656 +O 1.99252968 5.96803926 3.99404303 -0.02733803 0.03373827 0.05966656 +O 5.96909872 1.99358914 3.99404303 0.02733803 -0.03373827 0.05966656 +O 5.96909872 5.96803926 3.96758538 0.02733803 0.03373827 -0.05966656 +O 3.96758538 1.99252968 1.99358914 -0.05966656 -0.02733803 -0.03373827 +O 3.99404303 1.99252968 5.96803926 0.05966656 -0.02733803 0.03373827 +O 3.99404303 5.96909872 1.99358914 0.05966656 0.02733803 -0.03373827 +O 3.96758538 5.96909872 5.96803926 -0.05966656 0.02733803 0.03373827 +O 1.99358914 3.96758538 1.99252968 -0.03373827 -0.05966656 -0.02733803 +O 5.96803926 3.99404303 1.99252968 0.03373827 0.05966656 -0.02733803 +O 1.99358914 3.99404303 5.96909872 -0.03373827 0.05966656 0.02733803 +O 5.96803926 3.96758538 5.96909872 0.03373827 -0.05966656 0.02733803 +O 5.97440334 5.97334388 -0.01322883 -0.03373827 -0.02733803 -0.05966656 +O 1.98722506 5.97334388 0.01322883 0.03373827 -0.02733803 0.05966656 +O 5.97440334 1.98828452 0.01322883 -0.03373827 0.02733803 0.05966656 +O 1.98722506 1.98828452 -0.01322883 0.03373827 0.02733803 -0.05966656 +O 5.97334388 -0.01322883 5.97440334 -0.02733803 -0.05966656 -0.03373827 +O 5.97334388 0.01322883 1.98722506 -0.02733803 0.05966656 0.03373827 +O 1.98828452 0.01322883 5.97440334 0.02733803 0.05966656 -0.03373827 +O 1.98828452 -0.01322883 1.98722506 0.02733803 -0.05966656 0.03373827 +O -0.01322883 5.97440334 5.97334388 -0.05966656 -0.03373827 -0.02733803 +O 0.01322883 1.98722506 5.97334388 0.05966656 0.03373827 -0.02733803 +O 0.01322883 5.97440334 1.98828452 0.05966656 -0.03373827 0.02733803 +O -0.01322883 1.98722506 1.98828452 -0.05966656 0.03373827 0.02733803 +40 +Lattice="7.753909806537686 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.016930181085252 0.0 0.0 0.06831194539559701 8.01664328642241" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.046981605246 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.87327025 0.08127261 8.01095192 0.02994204 0.35862415 -0.23460442 +Ba 3.86824959 0.07434604 4.01921976 0.02013482 -0.08303301 -0.14696040 +Ba 3.87064012 4.08029964 0.05262346 -0.01489440 -0.42427367 -0.22096086 +Ba 3.88373027 4.04087954 3.95226010 -0.04384708 0.25804800 0.10036584 +Ba 0.03827020 0.07590225 7.98257493 -0.50677009 0.24969783 -0.14397638 +Ba 7.75356011 0.04087086 3.96065991 -0.02579716 0.12318695 0.32386618 +Ba 7.71312114 4.17558433 8.01331376 0.27611437 -0.56622865 0.20586155 +Ba 0.04119265 4.12908026 3.98953004 -0.25560596 -0.26095232 -0.03090003 +Ti 1.90866987 2.07149965 1.95085967 0.34764580 0.03645901 0.22733900 +Ti 1.94551025 2.07837970 6.00188985 -0.21395409 0.50887762 -0.04700774 +Ti 1.90214030 6.12641997 1.92361010 -0.37799742 -0.38127789 0.75899222 +Ti 1.99835004 6.08879955 5.98137998 -0.42510414 0.01159105 -0.80680549 +Ti 5.81459958 1.95591987 1.97618006 -0.30286490 0.28539091 0.17985792 +Ti 5.81448948 2.15813021 5.99693975 0.05691394 -0.55350837 0.06558319 +Ti 5.74657996 6.06336982 2.00235028 0.80994172 -0.60662428 0.86038034 +Ti 5.86081987 6.11396021 6.05074956 -0.20667941 0.84332415 -0.58223685 +O 1.90124008 2.04623974 3.98351999 0.06325788 0.03897304 -0.11505430 +O 1.99319989 2.11535964 7.97588951 0.20191542 0.12630313 -0.14135102 +O 1.94405019 6.06903948 4.00577991 0.09170302 0.25377071 0.74816814 +O 1.89800980 6.05091549 0.03984967 0.09931863 -0.16942053 -0.37138171 +O 5.82903969 2.02650992 3.93376005 0.52722579 0.24846035 0.56674956 +O 5.72361986 1.95475523 0.00482991 0.47543503 0.81105449 -0.78804518 +O 5.80252985 6.09191972 3.93651966 -0.22214023 0.19160632 1.05587108 +O 5.79106957 6.11938562 0.01528993 0.14568513 -0.55095424 -0.46325108 +O 1.85947984 4.11514958 1.97255976 0.42302977 -0.81861148 -0.04062497 +O 1.99993029 4.04005995 6.00092991 -0.36693987 0.01354894 0.12852096 +O 1.94565990 0.08776030 1.91189007 0.26029720 -0.46162820 0.43654992 +O 1.87694010 8.05468009 6.06185006 0.55462012 0.02820937 -0.38594598 +O 5.88712966 4.12811955 2.06266019 -0.30920755 -0.41978041 -0.78083297 +O 5.82130982 4.12539017 5.99498964 -0.09367712 -0.85019260 0.13844362 +O 5.74352957 0.07514004 1.95944015 0.37390139 -0.09103993 0.24298082 +O 5.76562977 8.05196002 6.00377948 0.33500471 -0.17516437 -0.16425878 +O 0.06738535 1.88133967 1.80664005 -0.85839287 0.95600069 0.71481862 +O 0.02039821 2.03725994 5.99573014 -0.41717846 0.29847474 0.14791402 +O 7.74532080 6.06277975 2.12214974 0.25796881 0.62386070 -0.88862982 +O 7.73798948 6.03788970 6.04647018 -0.12643631 0.04445155 -0.15537459 +O 3.91471024 2.08523958 2.04505029 -0.51675703 0.10727619 -0.35716762 +O 3.94226996 2.06429007 5.90617016 -0.56411649 -0.01753364 0.24674440 +O 3.85991026 6.10506958 2.02761020 -0.19169554 -0.24294277 -0.27568011 +O 3.82324977 6.02738005 6.05517006 0.69000130 0.25597595 -0.00795705 +40 +Lattice="7.955138098 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955138098 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955138098" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216136264375 stress="1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1.8363152303989035e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756905 3.97756905 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756905 0.00000000 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756905 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756905 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96646799 1.98867011 1.98867011 -0.00389214 0.00389214 0.00389214 +Ti 1.98867011 5.96646799 1.98867011 0.00389214 -0.00389214 0.00389214 +Ti 1.98867011 1.98867011 5.96646799 0.00389214 0.00389214 -0.00389214 +Ti 5.96646799 5.96646799 5.96646799 -0.00389214 -0.00389214 -0.00389214 +Ti 1.98867011 5.96646799 5.96646799 0.00389214 -0.00389214 -0.00389214 +Ti 5.96646799 1.98867011 5.96646799 -0.00389214 0.00389214 -0.00389214 +Ti 5.96646799 5.96646799 1.98867011 -0.00389214 -0.00389214 0.00389214 +Ti 1.98867011 1.98867011 1.98867011 0.00389214 0.00389214 0.00389214 +O 5.96824479 5.96445405 3.97756905 -0.00406980 0.00560552 0.00000000 +O 1.98689331 5.96445405 3.97756905 0.00406980 0.00560552 0.00000000 +O 5.96824479 1.99068404 3.97756905 -0.00406980 -0.00560552 0.00000000 +O 1.98689331 1.99068404 3.97756905 0.00406980 -0.00560552 0.00000000 +O 5.96445405 3.97756905 5.96824479 0.00560552 0.00000000 -0.00406980 +O 5.96445405 3.97756905 1.98689331 0.00560552 0.00000000 0.00406980 +O 1.99068404 3.97756905 5.96824479 -0.00560552 0.00000000 -0.00406980 +O 1.99068404 3.97756905 1.98689331 -0.00560552 0.00000000 0.00406980 +O 3.97756905 5.96824479 5.96445405 0.00000000 -0.00406980 0.00560552 +O 3.97756905 1.98689331 5.96445405 0.00000000 0.00406980 0.00560552 +O 3.97756905 5.96824479 1.99068404 0.00000000 -0.00406980 -0.00560552 +O 3.97756905 1.98689331 1.99068404 0.00000000 0.00406980 -0.00560552 +O 5.96444919 5.96813940 0.00000000 0.00600455 -0.00304624 0.00000000 +O 1.99068891 5.96813940 0.00000000 -0.00600455 -0.00304624 0.00000000 +O 5.96444919 1.98699870 0.00000000 0.00600455 0.00304624 0.00000000 +O 1.99068891 1.98699870 0.00000000 -0.00600455 0.00304624 0.00000000 +O 5.96813940 0.00000000 5.96444919 -0.00304624 0.00000000 0.00600455 +O 5.96813940 0.00000000 1.99068891 -0.00304624 0.00000000 -0.00600455 +O 1.98699870 0.00000000 5.96444919 0.00304624 0.00000000 0.00600455 +O 1.98699870 0.00000000 1.99068891 0.00304624 0.00000000 -0.00600455 +O 0.00000000 5.96444919 5.96813940 0.00000000 0.00600455 -0.00304624 +O 0.00000000 1.99068891 5.96813940 0.00000000 -0.00600455 -0.00304624 +O 0.00000000 5.96444919 1.98699870 0.00000000 0.00600455 0.00304624 +O 0.00000000 1.99068891 1.98699870 0.00000000 -0.00600455 0.00304624 +40 +Lattice="7.931249789309958 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931249789309958 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931249789309958" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.090225925862 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.95054997 3.95668003 7.91773097 0.03060718 0.02141215 0.31577389 +Ba 3.99746014 7.91870017 3.97897002 -0.11493782 0.13676135 -0.06217827 +Ba 0.01605285 3.99685974 3.99350958 -0.06409066 -0.07660628 -0.24981198 +Ba 0.04076504 0.00909080 3.99940012 -0.38255727 -0.05696973 -0.20147961 +Ba 0.00155215 3.97678971 7.92228906 0.03698018 -0.06375744 0.25611478 +Ba 3.99420991 0.01807294 0.02267465 -0.08485797 -0.00080244 -0.02889894 +Ba 3.97670009 3.98986993 3.96966983 -0.17653374 -0.12179213 -0.11354891 +Ba 0.02310849 0.02065139 7.92931932 -0.23673792 -0.01553409 0.16177844 +Ti 5.90143993 1.95376980 1.97625965 -0.05028538 -0.11210575 -0.18791807 +Ti 1.96604975 5.97590009 2.02338000 -0.16904669 -0.22586061 0.19783482 +Ti 2.00804968 2.03255011 5.98218957 0.14657499 0.11775370 0.22534151 +Ti 6.00793996 6.00813982 5.98542948 -0.20470069 0.21159356 -0.04748545 +Ti 2.05168980 6.01647002 6.01719969 0.10910373 -0.24172946 -0.25186552 +Ti 5.96007962 2.05849005 5.92731960 0.10039284 -0.36111761 0.09036193 +Ti 5.92571986 5.90973998 2.00332028 0.18189372 0.06077985 0.13877941 +Ti 1.91533020 1.97840029 2.04001024 0.28856134 0.45783608 -0.19647856 +O 1.97546018 1.96847989 3.95091005 -0.00938453 -0.16345248 -0.05358822 +O 5.97401959 1.95320033 3.98802988 -0.12349754 0.20305930 0.01776967 +O 1.98463981 5.96092985 3.92916970 0.06470310 -0.02839166 -0.05087956 +O 5.94307978 5.94710013 3.95012009 0.01589302 0.03544857 0.06351139 +O 1.95190992 3.94265996 1.97534993 0.22141543 0.02931418 -0.06476609 +O 1.97566005 3.94428983 5.88998007 -0.06744261 -0.19988039 0.32166146 +O 5.97444946 3.99154977 2.01335966 -0.10360826 -0.12395905 -0.11376952 +O 5.89816987 3.93518952 5.96561960 0.21813085 0.03519429 -0.12593752 +O 3.96728966 1.97575998 1.97610975 0.30187579 0.10485421 0.18203847 +O 3.98253987 5.95152022 1.95657984 0.02940339 -0.03179246 0.08588616 +O 3.94326987 1.96578009 5.94792974 0.06546234 0.04643644 -0.09881238 +O 3.93774972 5.91802972 5.93418964 0.02005718 0.08169063 0.00659334 +O 5.93291985 5.90835994 7.91492886 0.14897486 0.16225075 -0.06966558 +O 2.00659985 5.94386974 7.91073958 -0.16799871 -0.11041397 -0.22827797 +O 5.95775973 1.97355033 0.03464211 -0.07088789 0.17732950 -0.14434790 +O 2.01405999 1.93856956 7.89648950 -0.23417813 0.25462663 -0.10661439 +O 5.90665948 7.90734580 5.96727961 0.16251943 -0.27718729 -0.01752387 +O 5.95356965 0.02904027 1.97646983 0.07758432 -0.15779683 0.07742569 +O 1.99615995 7.89573445 5.93975976 -0.14437207 0.09737076 -0.06066004 +O 1.97536025 7.90932940 1.93218014 0.07025462 0.18095038 0.25619012 +O 7.90353007 5.93934972 5.92034010 -0.00959304 0.00223506 0.19680123 +O 7.89706055 1.96290025 5.97644972 0.19815929 0.07364796 -0.12605579 +O 0.01969964 5.96196964 1.96897955 -0.10805678 0.00300022 -0.06259582 +O 0.01926025 1.99357991 1.97211002 0.03421984 -0.12439537 0.06929740 +40 +Lattice="7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955129969191328" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29605.73638673704 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.84626000 3.81199009 4.04678973 2.88644562 1.10727514 -2.06563354 +Ba 4.02497995 0.22289001 4.48642999 -2.66614785 -0.55729998 -4.72607122 +Ba 0.14444607 3.96983976 3.61809016 -2.14594580 -0.27156917 0.90782387 +Ba 3.92464985 4.09307984 0.03270354 0.72414375 0.50631912 1.41830047 +Ba 0.10416209 0.17443213 4.00613027 -0.49915860 0.11761923 -0.21437241 +Ba 0.01368760 3.84214958 0.00679925 -1.08378246 1.47718875 1.48541474 +Ba 3.91183970 7.75423191 7.81049218 -0.03571468 1.70139564 0.75175894 +Ba 0.03297481 7.72499124 7.89329793 0.81505770 1.15295131 0.08025981 +Ti 5.82273033 1.63951967 1.91526039 0.66174719 3.92032837 2.52292866 +Ti 1.99546957 6.19665008 2.00538008 1.32779943 -0.29678115 1.67443093 +Ti 2.11491028 2.43871032 6.01032980 -4.03914933 -2.32648995 0.74189413 +Ti 6.12184958 5.75537982 5.95346017 -0.42225587 0.68687175 -2.41059330 +Ti 1.99975978 5.98704036 5.68620042 -1.80093024 1.03092058 0.76593626 +Ti 6.13830954 2.02885964 6.19659996 -0.38598558 -0.19056734 -4.65804471 +Ti 5.66391014 6.04671975 2.15777014 3.50518905 -3.56778565 0.66242108 +Ti 2.04413986 2.02855973 1.70145036 -0.90629741 -1.13244933 1.48042037 +O 5.73728985 5.99891021 3.94592982 -0.04708461 0.17570868 1.66550175 +O 2.18352964 5.62196990 3.94396968 -0.12445553 1.43882404 -0.12299695 +O 5.83572027 2.15761024 3.88666012 0.74476220 -1.00964830 -1.70733643 +O 1.97107994 2.21023979 4.27756010 -0.40498423 -1.00985270 -2.09443606 +O 5.84466979 3.96671021 6.03814014 0.74167199 0.11249013 -0.26194348 +O 5.79218979 4.22806964 1.92829964 0.58923514 -0.65872434 -0.72648525 +O 1.59143011 4.19670018 6.13172986 1.17856592 -1.47286133 -0.29463814 +O 2.04385029 3.83637972 1.87886010 -0.00911225 0.15114590 0.48516588 +O 3.64301040 5.95879965 6.23177993 3.61966228 -1.39157976 -0.80826407 +O 3.82126020 2.42846969 6.17214987 2.44537827 -1.46457878 -0.20224400 +O 4.01958000 6.22595996 1.86753995 -2.54698081 -0.49593598 -0.24285458 +O 3.89036960 1.93577985 1.94343030 1.85499565 -0.17558372 -0.41212547 +O 6.24860981 6.04441992 7.66259916 -1.66561128 0.16189774 2.27739602 +O 1.91663981 5.87672976 0.32705528 0.17534049 0.26182906 -3.64061728 +O 5.94678979 1.92222033 7.89965646 -0.62260009 -0.40562958 3.15716247 +O 1.90920971 1.94790983 7.89083661 0.27355098 -0.24236195 -0.35858327 +O 5.80140024 0.26205630 5.67893977 2.95004134 -0.81028650 3.25163740 +O 5.95807971 7.85148099 1.94399988 0.75057212 1.76043305 -0.51636030 +O 2.07160971 7.86110113 5.96405004 -1.58894561 0.24086454 0.08222696 +O 2.18266015 0.07967142 2.11114989 -0.99396071 0.50032433 -0.01227959 +O 7.88876191 5.99977016 5.68393957 0.07044180 0.31212190 -0.05887955 +O 7.89897073 1.90135959 5.95728022 0.45198374 0.78262760 0.75852171 +O 0.27761335 6.07458020 2.16843001 -3.52283711 0.24564500 0.50252546 +O 7.90544461 1.92212964 1.77484996 -0.25464437 -0.36479712 0.86303243 +40 +Lattice="7.955306938 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955306938 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955306938" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216692192946 stress="7.437076683115559e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 7.437076683115559e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 7.437076683115559e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98889352 5.96641341 5.96641341 -0.00048440 0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 1.98889352 5.96641341 0.00048440 -0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ba 1.98889352 1.98889352 1.98889352 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 5.96641341 1.98889352 0.00048440 0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 1.98889352 1.98889352 0.00048440 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 1.98889352 5.96641341 1.98889352 -0.00048440 0.00048440 -0.00048440 +Ba 1.98889352 1.98889352 5.96641341 -0.00048440 -0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ba 5.96641341 5.96641341 5.96641341 0.00048440 0.00048440 0.00048440 +Ti 3.97765347 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765347 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 3.97765347 1.98881420 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00109632 +O 3.97765347 3.97765347 5.96649274 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00109632 +O 3.97765347 1.98881420 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00109632 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 5.96649274 3.97765347 0.00000000 -0.00109632 0.00000000 +O 1.98881420 3.97765347 3.97765347 0.00109632 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96649274 3.97765347 3.97765347 -0.00109632 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97765347 5.96641412 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00122744 +O 0.00000000 3.97765347 1.98889282 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00122744 +O 1.98889282 0.00000000 3.97765347 -0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641412 0.00000000 3.97765347 0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 1.98889282 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 5.96641412 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 3.97765347 0.00000000 1.98889282 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00122744 +O 3.97765347 0.00000000 5.96641412 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00122744 +O 0.00000000 1.98889282 3.97765347 0.00000000 -0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96641412 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00122744 0.00000000 +O 1.98889282 3.97765347 0.00000000 -0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641412 3.97765347 0.00000000 0.00122744 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98897518 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00367822 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96633176 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00367822 +O 0.00000000 1.98897518 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00367822 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96633176 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00367822 0.00000000 +O 1.98897518 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00367822 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633176 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00367822 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.958829467" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.112133674953 stress="0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00012946022374312269" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 5.96912210 -0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 5.96912210 0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 1.98970737 0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 1.98970737 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 1.98970737 1.98970737 0.00000463 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 5.96912210 1.98970737 -0.00000463 0.00000463 -0.00000463 +Ba 1.98970737 1.98970737 5.96912210 -0.00000463 -0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ba 5.96912210 5.96912210 5.96912210 0.00000463 0.00000463 0.00000463 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97941473 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 +O 0.00000000 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 +O 3.97941473 5.92948276 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 2.02934671 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37230114 0.00000000 +O 5.92948276 0.00000000 3.97941473 0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 2.02934671 0.00000000 3.97941473 -0.37230114 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 1.95006775 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.37231194 +O 3.97941473 0.00000000 6.00876172 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.37231194 +O 0.00000000 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 +O 1.95006775 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 6.00876172 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.37231194 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 5.97887856 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 3.97941473 1.97995091 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544804 +O 3.97941473 5.97887856 3.97941473 0.00000000 -0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 3.97941473 1.97995091 3.97941473 0.00000000 0.29544804 0.00000000 +O 5.97887856 3.97941473 3.97941473 -0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 1.97995091 3.97941473 3.97941473 0.29544804 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 +O 0.00000000 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 +O 1.99946356 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.95936591 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.29544958 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.9620600739119265 0.0 0.0 -0.02182400666259259 7.962028225671631 0.0 -0.02182400666259259 0.021768272242075205 7.961996377431335" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.066783329286 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.08801146 0.02313377 0.01585007 -0.26543606 -0.09765281 0.04006087 +Ba 4.04699570 0.06008011 4.03294983 0.14214884 0.08319884 0.01993351 +Ba 3.92265540 4.00919423 0.02444034 0.75579634 -0.05123669 0.44725111 +Ba 3.95738033 4.13441037 4.05133980 0.05438783 -0.74207025 -0.55667006 +Ba 7.91266106 7.95596432 0.04830025 0.44572053 0.46703035 -0.21950485 +Ba 0.10596228 0.05997979 4.04806023 -0.67651535 -0.08863827 -0.16864328 +Ba 0.02214090 4.07662014 7.91202012 0.12945864 -0.25031746 1.05827120 +Ba -0.01944415 3.93133006 4.03528988 0.69675224 0.63985527 -0.47853681 +O 2.02679972 4.06441032 1.98933982 0.39065804 -0.70444987 0.01522273 +O 2.04280027 4.09159996 5.94859044 -0.30146236 -0.64704228 0.32040445 +O 2.06188533 0.11305011 2.07801010 -0.13434580 -0.39027649 -0.32401865 +O 1.90875581 0.03897030 5.95308024 0.43693276 0.69325117 0.33100202 +O 6.07171016 3.98448000 1.91134029 -0.26565204 0.07305507 0.05395023 +O 5.87266980 4.04082033 6.08152021 0.45059457 -0.22566367 -0.27984324 +O 6.16133031 7.93593974 2.03236998 -0.53951103 0.47639893 0.16138557 +O 5.99327591 0.03222007 6.00850016 0.25922531 -0.20409391 -0.61681330 +O 2.02668029 2.08905029 4.03879001 -0.12449513 -0.31357560 -0.12143474 +O 2.02962545 1.92471417 0.05931974 0.11159693 0.51968963 -0.45298107 +O 1.91236023 6.04235006 3.92060994 0.60194821 0.04843958 0.34975668 +O 2.14669003 5.97649029 7.91881972 -0.95052475 0.62389901 -0.06858778 +O 5.96890006 2.12152037 4.05510984 0.25989199 -0.42705869 -0.45925173 +O 5.87143011 1.91583965 7.94930008 0.76992173 0.66482789 0.68207485 +O 6.06928969 5.87643029 3.91565038 -0.23618694 0.40993437 0.09082448 +O 5.89123972 6.04447991 7.90764019 0.68337891 -0.30135540 0.29135098 +O 0.05036003 2.08330964 1.98524015 0.08032049 -0.36936391 0.16648047 +O -0.00717302 2.12901983 6.14564028 0.11145449 -0.23443473 -0.67832078 +O 0.14651624 6.03007973 1.92026019 -1.03419642 -0.00497560 -0.27766114 +O 7.92699596 5.95567030 5.95097985 0.09721521 0.15833599 0.31863193 +O 4.08264981 1.96233968 2.05231971 -0.13563341 0.31969739 -0.07043049 +O 3.99212994 2.03935987 6.05444045 -0.99914534 -0.08006852 -0.29516547 +O 4.05383989 6.12487045 1.94506997 0.37442872 -0.49684383 0.58850443 +O 3.95642966 6.05848040 5.89797005 -0.06504454 0.04432453 -0.09593866 +Ti 2.01966014 2.03238033 2.04727018 -0.32872917 0.96046721 0.40325593 +Ti 2.05202989 1.96744017 6.09044011 0.49001524 -0.20331127 -0.63527948 +Ti 2.00279968 6.12225969 2.06707978 0.19429492 -1.27894847 0.21067388 +Ti 2.04541024 5.96688008 6.06265969 0.36252966 0.37354838 -0.29390614 +Ti 5.99470032 2.02666038 2.04035035 -0.08604042 0.16250400 -0.27680060 +Ti 6.03459024 2.11386962 6.03920983 -0.63041470 -0.76344100 0.29869868 +Ti 6.02612975 5.97742981 2.01115029 -0.64663964 0.34702796 0.46709694 +Ti 6.04229990 6.00410033 6.01450037 -0.47869956 0.80933288 0.05495759 +40 +Lattice="7.931149774817579 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931149774817579 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.931149774817579" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.689488909782 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00432014 4.04486021 0.02096758 -0.35613018 -0.42746904 -0.26009794 +Ba 4.01096962 7.86166021 3.99323001 -0.42355042 0.68303027 -0.18409073 +Ba 0.00157671 3.95630020 3.99991994 0.03663102 -0.01886701 -0.06153164 +Ba 0.07981116 0.04900975 3.99183017 -0.41286723 -0.16643728 -0.11626708 +Ba 7.87363228 3.96309958 0.01355513 0.51660456 0.04931093 -0.12861532 +Ba 3.94273000 0.01670300 7.92166412 0.10082915 -0.03171739 0.18988985 +Ba 3.99157002 3.96391966 3.89550952 -0.16068906 -0.06561790 0.78314311 +Ba 0.00943807 0.01299519 0.01876351 -0.01932981 -0.00058673 -0.01363070 +Ti 5.97135949 1.90494955 1.96323002 0.19881364 -0.14100033 0.59167871 +Ti 1.95984977 5.92089993 2.01414007 -0.23694670 0.28406011 -0.07684359 +Ti 1.91386020 1.98347983 5.94499001 -0.12471342 0.11430328 0.09126593 +Ti 6.03200979 6.01034982 5.85800988 -0.07852175 -0.38246085 0.58896954 +Ti 2.04365981 5.92518989 6.00896980 -0.09127802 -0.16982034 -0.42336633 +Ti 5.84747969 2.02428956 5.96959005 0.50697938 -0.06290178 -0.63692782 +Ti 5.94497018 5.87886960 1.93249999 0.07657414 0.70134321 -0.05124311 +Ti 2.03006027 1.98926957 1.96587982 -0.29460548 -0.24773042 -0.38285166 +O 1.94868033 1.99067021 4.03457986 0.27833786 -0.09615463 -0.46377276 +O 5.94763980 1.98004961 3.99334977 -0.01616761 0.06096703 -0.33550299 +O 2.04140023 5.96061992 4.04345957 -0.07878143 0.15187301 -0.42011080 +O 5.88208013 6.03181944 4.01140980 0.24351587 -0.03684674 -0.05352368 +O 2.09453972 3.98151967 2.02500020 -0.26097237 0.00790357 0.04240546 +O 1.96063019 3.98286004 5.95036971 0.13072697 0.34085063 0.33935271 +O 5.93526959 4.05055954 2.07359990 0.01560762 -0.87663305 -0.24800630 +O 5.92241002 4.03793949 5.91314961 -0.08006981 -0.21343139 0.19675495 +O 3.97377966 1.94398985 1.99202961 0.21132540 0.11596909 0.16767192 +O 4.02683985 6.03238017 1.92858993 -0.44954762 -0.16099142 0.43332833 +O 3.94861968 1.97912960 5.94711952 0.28910821 0.11713612 0.09557459 +O 3.91604962 5.99332957 6.05003967 0.17480056 0.13578716 -0.13725526 +O 6.00738991 5.93838970 0.07076330 -0.02083802 0.18159984 -0.29841252 +O 1.93430988 5.91766957 0.05950028 0.01643346 0.04214964 -0.12520835 +O 5.91703984 2.08551011 0.00083198 0.00850521 -0.21925931 0.46929420 +O 2.00040967 2.01744974 0.05084977 0.04204165 0.13753525 0.10800356 +O 6.01672964 0.06707294 6.00528974 -0.55855571 -0.21543171 -0.04021900 +O 6.03743945 0.04113015 1.96722970 -0.16748937 0.47290043 0.11368595 +O 1.89197974 0.03641032 6.07407978 0.45115919 -0.12184381 -0.42732840 +O 1.94530007 0.00289963 1.95713969 0.25596669 0.09808527 0.41774230 +O 7.88098287 6.00572992 5.93000013 0.29709997 -0.24541205 0.09718436 +O 7.92045938 2.06766978 5.97406957 0.18957746 -0.20029434 0.18059506 +O 0.04031007 5.86845996 2.09205965 0.18953298 0.39680504 -0.14079438 +O 0.02634966 2.04863026 1.97003971 -0.39911774 0.00929762 0.11905982 +40 +Lattice="7.921770108799514 0.0 0.0 -0.021713571868219466 7.921738421719079 0.0 -0.021713571868219466 0.02165811947745787 7.921706734638644" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.118330251284 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.02436061 0.05152398 0.02970981 -0.14343979 -0.11602386 0.01281592 +Ba 3.98317533 0.05121979 3.98948977 0.13806953 -0.05805268 0.05935212 +Ba 3.99667561 4.00012396 0.04401969 -0.03204032 0.00899963 -0.03780344 +Ba 3.97213001 4.01537020 3.99710972 0.11383302 0.01170340 -0.02699273 +Ba 0.04926707 0.02870453 0.04337961 0.01314888 0.05770018 -0.12349728 +Ba 0.03377051 0.04502972 3.99954012 -0.03722906 -0.02524592 0.01805480 +Ba 0.03095511 3.98325455 0.04800038 0.05091221 0.09163335 -0.11616630 +Ba 0.01161015 3.99407014 3.98706967 0.06984016 0.15384710 0.08648754 +O 2.03850989 4.00095971 2.03311042 -0.17460773 0.06217210 0.01361811 +O 2.02610995 3.98818981 5.95890995 -0.02869377 0.01409530 0.04630480 +O 2.04886523 0.03544992 1.99027978 -0.07334740 0.05764130 0.10022057 +O 2.04318532 0.03336966 5.99472982 -0.15046533 -0.18841301 -0.00895438 +O 5.99264006 3.98914993 2.03839028 -0.03769469 -0.21699751 -0.20020538 +O 5.96288985 3.98671002 5.97852029 0.05250475 -0.20905923 -0.00424772 +O 5.97818520 0.02723980 2.01189037 0.08165875 -0.01581743 0.01834328 +O 6.00514536 0.01836029 5.97214010 -0.09183569 -0.03232597 0.00741069 +O 2.03164964 1.98956999 4.01997988 -0.03711722 0.11465423 -0.12391586 +O 2.03374495 2.02856411 0.04696976 -0.02347880 -0.05824371 0.04253299 +O 2.02140996 6.00497980 3.99104006 -0.08418255 -0.10127935 -0.05235743 +O 2.01497511 5.95229448 0.02981992 -0.00611331 -0.00078367 -0.02272084 +O 5.96822991 2.01643034 3.99073032 0.06954577 -0.04130529 -0.00473366 +O 6.00079552 1.98691461 0.03602979 -0.00908037 0.12981706 0.07783372 +O 5.95818036 5.96259991 3.98709027 0.03754788 0.06236982 0.12378910 +O 5.97251559 5.94188448 0.03264007 0.09013079 0.09839072 0.06409477 +O 0.06548690 2.01383041 2.01106017 -0.13869585 -0.01704513 0.10936573 +O 0.03588879 2.02084989 5.97565023 0.14386916 0.01238680 0.00468969 +O 0.02505101 5.98418040 2.01359989 0.25302895 -0.02376728 0.00218852 +O 0.03198019 5.96458035 5.96858006 0.20784901 0.00685610 0.02174510 +O 4.00430032 2.03648984 2.01016026 0.16826559 -0.09913557 0.05218799 +O 4.01035968 1.99835999 5.99965003 0.00743923 0.12066753 -0.11029313 +O 3.99739016 5.97615010 2.00788988 0.00654140 -0.01725956 -0.01120255 +O 4.00108012 5.97271997 5.99068021 -0.05206381 0.03632326 -0.08566222 +Ti 2.01879023 1.99431988 1.99045010 -0.04120501 0.17255599 -0.08754735 +Ti 1.99911018 2.06938975 5.95453000 -0.15015628 -0.27237007 0.02009960 +Ti 1.99061012 5.96875037 2.03390972 0.04616827 -0.12879581 -0.08762731 +Ti 1.96759975 6.00969008 5.99355027 -0.11345790 0.32930098 0.11655248 +Ti 5.97178996 2.05382030 2.02453985 -0.10749808 -0.13520737 -0.04412142 +Ti 5.95011995 2.06797967 5.97915007 0.03632815 0.08924428 0.07319622 +Ti 5.94894991 6.00388976 1.99675979 -0.08517371 0.15982774 0.30889593 +Ti 5.92166020 6.02776043 5.97499986 0.03089515 -0.03305899 -0.23173096 +40 +Lattice="7.768929972419594 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.032459846014039 0.0 0.0 0.06844427305701663 8.032172395605059" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.008749192122 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90295970 0.08605644 8.01699890 -0.06259119 0.18970602 0.01098992 +Ba 3.89076015 0.08990128 3.99535015 -0.12011705 -0.10125236 0.14893706 +Ba 3.87240994 4.12056665 8.00766064 0.12358496 -0.09376402 0.08511457 +Ba 3.86987027 4.08421971 3.99220995 0.05133285 -0.04666141 -0.01218471 +Ba 7.76575015 0.10451697 8.00791158 0.00281099 0.01926322 -0.02700173 +Ba 7.76309007 0.04390999 3.98778010 0.03571417 0.24651146 0.19825982 +Ba 7.76809637 4.12083701 8.02905395 -0.07911799 -0.03451783 -0.06467507 +Ba 0.03262251 4.08169015 3.98522024 -0.30055322 -0.01434521 0.16420659 +Ti 1.92952019 1.99054980 1.95085989 0.00755184 0.23290518 -0.12898479 +Ti 1.92222983 2.05213022 5.97237968 0.07627229 -0.10954159 -0.09770758 +Ti 1.94208022 6.02579029 1.92434997 0.08029375 -0.08965977 0.04836914 +Ti 1.94074008 6.08497012 5.97530002 -0.11911767 -0.15472847 -0.12378216 +Ti 5.82034016 1.99697004 1.95034015 0.10463567 0.23943707 -0.13919567 +Ti 5.80982026 2.03287027 5.97385966 0.09751989 -0.05459480 -0.13503588 +Ti 5.83335001 6.03383968 1.93279014 -0.07497157 -0.31733249 0.03975825 +Ti 5.82169973 6.03863000 5.92037990 0.16788095 0.19125305 0.22021756 +O 1.92016019 2.09916022 4.07037004 0.20832980 0.08884241 0.07005510 +O 1.94234980 2.07801319 0.07277001 -0.16949920 0.04756515 0.15799326 +O 1.94437983 6.17723005 4.11868036 0.11818101 -0.22583619 -0.08867452 +O 1.94654969 6.12554335 0.06135979 -0.04061135 -0.12316998 -0.08020376 +O 5.77843999 2.12349018 4.10535975 0.16235128 0.00338306 -0.22626505 +O 5.87097028 2.08668332 0.06152993 -0.24841330 -0.15413866 0.28152731 +O 5.82737959 6.13427019 4.05711003 -0.07725188 -0.13789983 0.24733035 +O 5.86529974 6.11537305 0.08249982 -0.16360264 -0.07980087 -0.05084151 +O 1.91740998 4.14621034 2.02243038 0.26386306 0.11313060 0.08617129 +O 1.90153961 4.16555031 6.07547027 0.20240547 0.49164558 -0.15214529 +O 1.93070029 0.13537982 2.02497004 0.00063249 0.06572202 0.07167721 +O 1.99793961 0.18386027 6.08499964 -0.33247603 -0.22135398 -0.09083707 +O 5.81928980 4.13772977 2.01449986 -0.03490658 0.29521586 0.16572457 +O 5.84228972 4.17630018 6.05094997 -0.07692946 0.25063088 -0.01579789 +O 5.82850997 0.09074033 2.08505961 0.06051554 0.48073716 -0.30476623 +O 5.82697017 0.16563980 6.06562004 -0.13107381 -0.00466912 -0.11587062 +O 7.74165792 2.17827978 2.11193001 0.33006228 -0.43396442 -0.27464550 +O 7.75112825 2.14135017 6.07829971 0.26994269 0.00545819 -0.06729348 +O 0.03372881 6.13285003 2.05471028 -0.45390255 0.04571113 0.07913496 +O 7.76340005 6.24332966 6.04636009 0.13954097 -0.30199046 0.16563638 +O 3.90597016 2.14129967 2.02027994 -0.39670168 -0.16876233 0.20262941 +O 3.86408009 2.15580038 6.08298982 0.14726045 0.18781831 0.05656761 +O 3.86005035 6.15177981 2.06487981 0.35677116 -0.09504083 -0.05639201 +O 3.90397976 6.18968986 6.11588036 -0.12561690 -0.23191145 -0.24799935 +40 +Lattice="7.91695988797558 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.91695988797558 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.91695988797558" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.658151463776 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.00932979 3.91858955 0.04180234 -0.15758291 0.47322362 -0.05973521 +Ba 3.89007979 7.89415350 4.03851962 0.40082187 0.19850562 -0.35439803 +Ba 0.00357530 3.99609975 3.96093024 0.19343360 -0.30562549 -0.22947893 +Ba 7.88657460 0.00554346 3.90267013 0.34842407 0.08582214 0.48689341 +Ba 0.05735362 4.00306985 7.89244423 -0.40440265 -0.34198577 0.60763858 +Ba 3.97389981 0.03099727 7.90329601 0.10669281 -0.29987419 0.19363184 +Ba 3.98308981 3.97782029 3.98931017 -0.29660452 -0.15697536 -0.14993362 +Ba 0.02395672 0.01350000 7.89162878 -0.21471617 0.04972154 0.22302263 +Ti 5.93220021 1.89519036 2.03468007 0.28050478 0.54163322 -0.04195166 +Ti 1.98839989 5.96620989 2.03648988 0.16176096 -0.36478400 0.00753410 +Ti 1.96393966 1.94503000 5.95939022 -0.06501369 0.34191404 -0.11795913 +Ti 5.98943983 5.96913995 5.93805005 -0.14354803 0.43413411 0.65794196 +Ti 1.98909975 5.89016986 6.04023980 0.20484904 -0.15528795 -0.28330986 +Ti 5.95651003 2.05217972 5.97609025 -0.18559354 -0.52934463 0.04259367 +Ti 5.93854011 5.91139998 2.02400009 0.05510208 -0.41361259 -0.47393556 +Ti 1.98616019 1.99129988 1.98497977 0.00165579 0.40595328 0.03137260 +O 1.95886013 2.04889972 3.98752964 0.26011002 -0.46999457 -0.54304347 +O 5.93917030 1.99541036 3.92504029 0.03255377 0.17666615 0.25622174 +O 1.93027991 5.89685969 3.90517980 0.28069222 0.41353649 0.28693563 +O 5.87216986 5.94356976 3.92997018 0.35308240 0.13020581 0.66595557 +O 2.01996006 3.96068007 1.96836999 -0.34605403 0.08808522 -0.04729030 +O 1.97974032 3.96236005 5.96752965 0.16193913 0.50031354 -0.07823224 +O 5.92702014 4.04412007 2.00774024 -0.05437652 -0.53503063 -0.18391975 +O 6.04549982 3.98234958 5.92063987 -0.23930337 -0.24170221 -0.08377168 +O 3.92048012 1.98045998 1.93628017 0.32740222 -0.08450265 0.30411060 +O 3.95313995 5.96044001 1.98706985 -0.43360138 0.20492823 -0.30048868 +O 4.02865983 2.01980014 5.94068957 0.28568299 -0.10939530 -0.00636399 +O 3.94778967 5.90525959 5.98064963 0.31094176 0.22755240 -0.21563302 +O 6.01325959 5.96167980 7.87919836 -0.50287718 0.16487070 -0.24796567 +O 1.91852006 5.94779029 7.90065016 0.38467791 0.01858393 0.18403211 +O 5.99666960 2.02514013 7.90467910 -0.29399048 -0.24404963 -0.39639983 +O 2.00774024 2.02964963 7.91331967 -0.03141065 -0.26599451 0.18227013 +O 6.02960019 0.00971332 5.85007996 -0.44872898 0.04792305 0.39420976 +O 5.89872018 0.03047000 2.04681993 -0.04320636 0.19093706 -0.44657259 +O 2.01333990 0.01841168 5.99835987 0.13608129 -0.03905120 -0.36426361 +O 1.95762984 0.01315007 1.95441001 0.14066145 0.05761302 0.14905739 +O 0.04239770 5.98677023 5.93738978 -0.40579464 -0.20939270 -0.37730450 +O 0.10011312 1.98697959 5.93673980 -0.98518451 0.01780180 -0.02653533 +O 7.87514013 5.98992989 1.96984017 0.41929859 -0.09596205 0.11151440 +O 7.87007011 1.97979970 1.93826020 0.40562135 0.09263993 0.24355006 +40 +Lattice="7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.95197977727" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.505759006486 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98465993 3.98337966 7.89643599 0.14307058 -0.04355320 0.62046607 +Ba 7.88168666 3.95492987 3.94502011 0.66870537 0.04986475 0.31794930 +Ba 4.04330022 7.94413833 3.94363010 -0.90195456 0.46668942 0.53505788 +Ba 7.91075989 0.03358837 3.92655004 0.97430437 -0.12616789 0.56513567 +Ba 7.92266242 3.99604001 7.92566270 0.32039236 0.21218389 0.08681998 +Ba 3.93715958 7.90354029 0.08842920 0.04544245 0.15891192 -0.61525727 +Ba 3.98862956 3.97866016 4.00756004 0.02231383 -0.34676443 -0.37751045 +Ba 7.92862084 0.02515847 0.03296811 0.56507962 -0.55962991 -0.45035340 +Ti 6.01910955 2.01035989 1.92992959 -0.60642193 1.07899429 0.22538805 +Ti 1.96455966 5.96031977 2.02999969 -0.59232740 -0.09545966 -0.65228939 +Ti 2.09103988 2.01574020 5.92994956 -0.57717101 -0.77880515 -1.13401487 +Ti 5.96728968 5.98950989 6.02674981 0.35368352 -0.53820105 0.17033070 +Ti 2.02507025 5.94381941 5.94440944 -0.69922642 1.02502710 0.33860632 +Ti 6.02818991 1.95649000 5.95291965 0.26500515 0.84070240 -0.44494509 +Ti 5.90618984 6.02906940 2.07979021 0.27481442 -1.27709522 -0.48086365 +Ti 2.00743992 2.02382975 1.86766956 0.50822662 -0.18399791 1.45126432 +O 1.97734009 2.03207993 3.96413985 -0.02208089 -0.41629117 0.51304152 +O 1.98342971 5.95461024 4.02813022 0.34288515 0.05047281 0.04000919 +O 6.03062004 1.93581008 4.02066968 -0.25958809 0.05763462 -0.27749017 +O 6.00219966 5.94224969 3.97786974 -0.19252343 0.22612955 0.15233503 +O 4.01338964 1.96879966 5.94015991 -0.26375148 -0.02717605 0.33033816 +O 3.96538990 1.99753016 2.04542971 0.08688220 -0.05668948 -0.49508031 +O 3.99095949 5.91044972 6.00229986 0.28767970 0.04650277 -0.22621208 +O 3.98987007 5.95392955 2.08521983 0.44993534 0.19374651 -0.26690236 +O 1.99072963 3.89000990 5.96523966 0.25259366 0.68325832 0.25747798 +O 5.95861963 3.93082980 5.96798945 0.02868606 0.19924687 0.00112460 +O 2.00292956 4.02286999 2.00717989 -0.05748292 -0.76978109 -0.18315768 +O 5.99630963 3.98233000 1.99932015 -0.19311067 -0.46520846 0.13450623 +O 5.95755963 5.89112959 0.03138567 0.09733682 0.54453882 -0.36590475 +O 2.01341027 5.91814008 0.04212641 0.10188151 0.07779593 -0.17297174 +O 6.02519997 2.03185011 0.03761843 -0.58356611 -0.58365096 -0.08333357 +O 2.00186956 1.92840996 0.00921078 0.11172986 0.54311083 -0.02371354 +O 5.94627021 7.90983110 5.97965978 0.13194130 -0.18159547 0.21584720 +O 5.93425954 7.92430768 2.02217017 0.26600093 0.22132853 -0.27934933 +O 2.08327000 7.92542494 6.04902012 -0.38024327 -0.33482731 -0.41942020 +O 1.94766966 0.02531036 1.95628006 0.31382294 -0.00399138 0.30314643 +O 0.03897106 5.89939965 5.95246957 -0.50249229 0.33192376 0.22585573 +O 0.00145283 1.98387025 5.97715967 -0.21601123 -0.36202495 0.19310913 +O 0.07993807 5.97211971 2.04900015 -0.78279833 0.13907200 -0.16471901 +O 7.92087879 1.98307983 1.90691974 0.21833628 0.00377566 0.43567909 +40 +Lattice="7.757529907820032 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.020673079823196 0.0 0.0 0.06834383848789449 8.020378293686699" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.565278602473 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.90160002 0.12573482 7.95590779 -0.22634321 -0.52932432 0.44362431 +Ba 3.88340008 0.07596716 4.06703012 -0.04220800 -0.24309240 -0.56862235 +Ba 3.86584013 4.09276960 0.01881123 0.03603427 -0.12700658 -0.37214996 +Ba 3.88086957 4.04875959 3.95366003 -0.01440563 0.19489579 0.27982704 +Ba 0.02452000 0.10695074 8.00229472 -0.31871575 -0.39968467 0.00813523 +Ba 7.74559960 0.08824888 3.99909976 -0.07720997 -0.23366725 0.02887169 +Ba 7.75013698 4.10388614 8.00076416 0.03079025 0.28064337 -0.01790671 +Ba 0.02143871 4.07256977 3.99030970 -0.17073051 -0.00431637 -0.01809851 +Ti 1.89234004 1.97383987 1.94902974 0.27303599 -0.22356410 0.26736670 +Ti 1.92020974 2.01205036 5.99508971 0.03525779 0.32272153 -0.26492673 +Ti 1.97761003 6.02832995 1.96502034 -0.16647122 0.26101145 -0.39363075 +Ti 1.93050011 6.04085991 5.94997967 0.06425675 -0.32211140 0.18994102 +Ti 5.77258978 1.98424970 1.97627031 0.19638909 -0.33543872 0.52931532 +Ti 5.79358011 2.06776029 6.02448997 0.13621987 -0.15555483 -0.27339363 +Ti 5.85401980 6.02832995 1.99088006 -0.08810296 0.14185753 -0.12165792 +Ti 5.82553958 6.06150968 5.98568991 -0.01626583 0.09004852 0.13542180 +O 1.95690984 2.06268997 3.98288031 -0.49031734 0.21935547 0.30498246 +O 1.95788962 2.09231365 0.01744979 0.03703186 -0.07756273 -0.08851125 +O 1.90182983 6.09414018 4.04628959 0.26617011 0.25272093 -0.12462728 +O 1.94451020 6.05127362 0.03599028 -0.02192920 0.29583190 0.28613421 +O 5.84479998 2.14002013 3.97481016 -0.09891779 -0.27188028 0.08953815 +O 5.78783023 2.04295016 7.96533009 -0.14191615 0.48768453 0.18098355 +O 5.85344962 6.07970962 4.02765988 -0.22320878 0.00956193 -0.16204403 +O 5.82351021 6.21748025 7.96544024 -0.00260581 -0.45971736 0.72919571 +O 1.93196007 4.17876027 1.97819961 0.12486023 -0.52146703 0.30040924 +O 1.93215013 4.18477003 6.03615031 -0.03494386 -0.51014312 -0.16315218 +O 1.90568997 0.09448982 1.99536004 -0.10994140 0.52567747 -0.02762162 +O 1.89976012 0.14990030 6.06295956 0.29390357 0.09510793 -0.23032174 +O 5.81276991 4.13454002 1.93281030 -0.25340381 -0.17624989 0.08761497 +O 5.83154003 4.13796963 6.00373004 -0.11306786 -0.54947637 0.15442843 +O 5.82997999 0.07366007 2.02760964 -0.06586858 1.03760673 -0.12389169 +O 5.77752978 0.08521026 6.00336001 0.23294735 1.07229220 -0.34439387 +O 7.70523019 2.15294960 1.96234011 0.41468732 -0.26613592 -0.00813831 +O 0.02942819 2.12276971 6.09148012 -0.66064830 0.05059700 -0.50271546 +O 7.72705212 6.14801001 2.03996971 0.50448515 -0.16292309 -0.13622090 +O 0.00120009 6.15571014 6.02199980 0.00146321 -0.01933958 0.05208798 +O 3.83144014 2.04835017 2.01134986 0.63337147 0.31356300 -0.16663911 +O 3.84685978 2.11235988 5.91151008 0.66448001 0.17287455 0.57158529 +O 3.91075003 6.20760026 2.06798991 -0.61293608 -0.45403933 -0.22528520 +O 3.86520014 6.10312029 6.05625007 0.00477454 0.21864276 -0.30551365 +40 +Lattice="7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954637305210351" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29609.432528191526 stress="-0.0032723137405708458 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0032723137405708458 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0032723137405708458" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97731865 3.97731865 3.97731865 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.07734290 1.87729440 1.87729440 -0.78861005 0.78861005 0.78861005 +Ti 1.87729440 6.07734290 1.87729440 0.78861005 -0.78861005 0.78861005 +Ti 1.87729440 1.87729440 6.07734290 0.78861005 0.78861005 -0.78861005 +Ti 6.07734290 6.07734290 6.07734290 -0.78861005 -0.78861005 -0.78861005 +Ti 2.10002425 5.85461306 5.85461306 -0.78857739 0.78857739 0.78857739 +Ti 5.85461306 2.10002425 5.85461306 0.78857739 -0.78857739 0.78857739 +Ti 5.85461306 5.85461306 2.10002425 0.78857739 0.78857739 -0.78857739 +Ti 2.10002425 2.10002425 2.10002425 -0.78857739 -0.78857739 -0.78857739 +O 1.87729440 1.87729440 4.08072894 1.39425319 1.39425319 -0.79353808 +O 6.07734290 1.87729440 3.87390837 -1.39425319 1.39425319 0.79353808 +O 1.87729440 6.07734290 3.87390837 1.39425319 -1.39425319 0.79353808 +O 6.07734290 6.07734290 4.08072894 -1.39425319 -1.39425319 -0.79353808 +O 1.87729440 4.08072894 1.87729440 1.39425319 -0.79353808 1.39425319 +O 1.87729440 3.87390837 6.07734290 1.39425319 0.79353808 -1.39425319 +O 6.07734290 3.87390837 1.87729440 -1.39425319 0.79353808 1.39425319 +O 6.07734290 4.08072894 6.07734290 -1.39425319 -0.79353808 -1.39425319 +O 4.08072894 1.87729440 1.87729440 -0.79353808 1.39425319 1.39425319 +O 3.87390837 6.07734290 1.87729440 0.79353808 -1.39425319 1.39425319 +O 3.87390837 1.87729440 6.07734290 0.79353808 1.39425319 -1.39425319 +O 4.08072894 6.07734290 6.07734290 -0.79353808 -1.39425319 -1.39425319 +O 5.85461306 5.85461306 0.10341028 1.39425242 1.39425242 -0.79352625 +O 2.10002425 5.85461306 -0.10341028 -1.39425242 1.39425242 0.79352625 +O 5.85461306 2.10002425 -0.10341028 1.39425242 -1.39425242 0.79352625 +O 2.10002425 2.10002425 0.10341028 -1.39425242 -1.39425242 -0.79352625 +O 5.85461306 0.10341028 5.85461306 1.39425242 -0.79352625 1.39425242 +O 5.85461306 -0.10341028 2.10002425 1.39425242 0.79352625 -1.39425242 +O 2.10002425 -0.10341028 5.85461306 -1.39425242 0.79352625 1.39425242 +O 2.10002425 0.10341028 2.10002425 -1.39425242 -0.79352625 -1.39425242 +O 0.10341028 5.85461306 5.85461306 -0.79352625 1.39425242 1.39425242 +O -0.10341028 2.10002425 5.85461306 0.79352625 -1.39425242 1.39425242 +O -0.10341028 5.85461306 2.10002425 0.79352625 1.39425242 -1.39425242 +O 0.10341028 2.10002425 2.10002425 -0.79352625 -1.39425242 -1.39425242 +40 +Lattice="7.956124427 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.956124427 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.956124427" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.213585605306 stress="0.0004140890844549527 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0004140890844549527 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0004140890844549527" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97806221 3.97806221 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97806221 0.00000000 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97806221 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97806221 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97806221 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96610335 1.99002107 1.99002107 0.02965999 -0.02965999 -0.02965999 +Ti 1.99002107 5.96610335 1.99002107 -0.02965999 0.02965999 -0.02965999 +Ti 1.99002107 1.99002107 5.96610335 -0.02965999 -0.02965999 0.02965999 +Ti 5.96610335 5.96610335 5.96610335 0.02965999 0.02965999 0.02965999 +Ti 1.99002107 5.96610335 5.96610335 -0.02965999 0.02965999 0.02965999 +Ti 5.96610335 1.99002107 5.96610335 0.02965999 -0.02965999 0.02965999 +Ti 5.96610335 5.96610335 1.99002107 0.02965999 0.02965999 -0.02965999 +Ti 1.99002107 1.99002107 1.99002107 -0.02965999 -0.02965999 -0.02965999 +O 5.97304974 5.96567302 3.97806221 -0.04540440 -0.02556216 0.00000000 +O 1.98307468 5.96567302 3.97806221 0.04540440 -0.02556216 0.00000000 +O 5.97304974 1.99045140 3.97806221 -0.04540440 0.02556216 0.00000000 +O 1.98307468 1.99045140 3.97806221 0.04540440 0.02556216 0.00000000 +O 5.96567302 3.97806221 5.97304974 -0.02556216 0.00000000 -0.04540440 +O 5.96567302 3.97806221 1.98307468 -0.02556216 0.00000000 0.04540440 +O 1.99045140 3.97806221 5.97304974 0.02556216 0.00000000 -0.04540440 +O 1.99045140 3.97806221 1.98307468 0.02556216 0.00000000 0.04540440 +O 3.97806221 5.97304974 5.96567302 0.00000000 -0.04540440 -0.02556216 +O 3.97806221 1.98307468 5.96567302 0.00000000 0.04540440 -0.02556216 +O 3.97806221 5.97304974 1.99045140 0.00000000 -0.04540440 0.02556216 +O 3.97806221 1.98307468 1.99045140 0.00000000 0.04540440 0.02556216 +O 5.96147396 5.96814352 0.00000000 0.02962528 0.01412641 0.00000000 +O 1.99465047 5.96814352 0.00000000 -0.02962528 0.01412641 0.00000000 +O 5.96147396 1.98798091 0.00000000 0.02962528 -0.01412641 0.00000000 +O 1.99465047 1.98798091 0.00000000 -0.02962528 -0.01412641 0.00000000 +O 5.96814352 0.00000000 5.96147396 0.01412641 0.00000000 0.02962528 +O 5.96814352 0.00000000 1.99465047 0.01412641 0.00000000 -0.02962528 +O 1.98798091 0.00000000 5.96147396 -0.01412641 0.00000000 0.02962528 +O 1.98798091 0.00000000 1.99465047 -0.01412641 0.00000000 -0.02962528 +O 0.00000000 5.96147396 5.96814352 0.00000000 0.02962528 0.01412641 +O 0.00000000 1.99465047 5.96814352 0.00000000 -0.02962528 0.01412641 +O 0.00000000 5.96147396 1.98798091 0.00000000 0.02962528 -0.01412641 +O 0.00000000 1.99465047 1.98798091 0.00000000 -0.02962528 -0.01412641 +40 +Lattice="7.954909831472653 0.0 0.0 -0.021804407848066542 7.954878011833327 0.0 -0.021804407848066542 0.021748723479246234 7.954846192194001" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.826569521367 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.93531617 0.04775969 7.94078987 0.73885406 -0.10505322 0.41892475 +Ba 3.97641600 0.01552003 4.00816962 0.18206239 0.16490079 -0.03779933 +Ba 4.06769621 3.99875339 0.02680964 -0.41549438 0.15619657 -0.16228623 +Ba 4.05698970 4.00385965 4.01678001 -0.51969965 0.00804910 0.30191616 +Ba 0.05408305 0.04800390 0.09436989 -0.42065022 0.01278070 -0.17067368 +Ba 0.03022627 0.12144999 3.98719968 0.09562010 -0.51430934 0.07804301 +Ba 7.94244687 4.04021359 0.03666975 0.30762658 -0.24016752 0.07714749 +Ba 0.04050083 4.02303019 4.01804962 0.05498253 -0.00416287 0.01085211 +O 2.08615999 3.99945024 1.93219987 -0.15335293 -0.33421333 0.44641241 +O 2.04630987 3.92504956 6.07962973 0.24974256 0.74383943 -0.45823023 +O 2.06732992 7.91160967 1.98121007 0.08973561 0.10382346 0.04842030 +O 2.08013574 0.03032968 6.00747949 -0.41499585 -0.24580363 0.01554052 +O 6.03956960 4.01320030 2.02477990 0.04400057 -0.46681566 0.01266834 +O 6.05618979 4.03228970 5.96530972 -0.27686050 0.31889315 0.11899143 +O 6.01184594 0.01723988 2.03917988 0.03719358 0.09875864 -0.12905292 +O 6.10512601 0.06530981 5.92124986 -0.11322650 -0.18188575 0.45752267 +O 2.04212956 1.99832983 4.00322962 0.27521602 0.21203605 -0.12275655 +O 2.09122568 1.97385337 0.06907010 -0.19445356 -0.03148701 -0.47853243 +O 1.99091983 5.97888955 4.00495027 0.18111288 -0.12827594 -0.24579103 +O 2.09656978 5.95265982 7.91209014 -0.10999745 0.33056802 0.52656270 +O 6.07787010 1.99773003 4.01634011 -0.41901011 0.40303328 -0.33450901 +O 6.00806577 2.01306391 0.04547026 0.28860222 -0.00653420 0.16908037 +O 6.09071012 6.00615023 3.98337019 -0.06121771 -0.12210246 0.05636527 +O 5.96862612 6.02133376 0.00700987 0.27723048 -0.14745945 -0.17874283 +O 0.13232277 1.98026980 2.05632987 -0.32821957 0.27911330 -0.39748021 +O 0.06547845 2.07342975 5.99913957 0.38703382 -0.30005597 0.24831560 +O 0.09298017 5.96780995 1.95602960 0.18250102 0.08302452 0.05343858 +O 0.08294982 5.98537996 6.04147957 -0.18374800 0.16848156 -0.06086881 +O 4.06197981 2.04536005 1.97522002 0.09965287 -0.09122557 0.42634033 +O 4.08679992 1.96490012 5.96546961 -0.24180557 0.31188253 0.16845559 +O 4.08298952 5.92566006 2.10711959 -0.44611494 0.17913261 -0.34730024 +O 4.08944970 6.06058011 5.93708968 -0.11795141 -0.34837471 -0.01427502 +Ti 1.97830016 2.09017960 2.02710990 -0.00714870 0.21373992 0.28242488 +Ti 1.96495978 2.12135012 6.06342001 -0.15552037 -0.35497679 -0.43813603 +Ti 1.97126961 6.02963948 2.04995003 -0.23665513 -0.17352118 0.35508889 +Ti 1.91573002 6.12832969 6.05207949 0.54335200 -0.47016786 -0.40645156 +Ti 5.89970956 2.07444002 1.97770991 0.51303047 -0.80377107 0.00098139 +Ti 5.96141022 1.92837992 5.94233992 0.13307773 0.15107082 0.04917852 +Ti 5.92540948 6.00685981 2.11706004 0.37941667 0.79959791 -0.26223375 +Ti 5.94925989 5.93741981 6.06002963 -0.24392184 0.33144194 -0.07755090 +40 +Lattice="7.97967591 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.97967591 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.97967591" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.296116235942 stress="2.66265708407841e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.66265708407841e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 2.66265708407841e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98983796 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983796 0.00000000 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98983796 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98983796 3.98983796 3.98983796 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04723813 1.93243778 1.93243778 -0.00008073 0.00008073 0.00008073 +Ti 1.93243778 6.04723813 1.93243778 0.00008073 -0.00008073 0.00008073 +Ti 1.93243778 1.93243778 6.04723813 0.00008073 0.00008073 -0.00008073 +Ti 6.04723813 6.04723813 6.04723813 -0.00008073 -0.00008073 -0.00008073 +Ti 2.05740011 5.92227580 5.92227580 -0.00007996 0.00007996 0.00007996 +Ti 5.92227580 2.05740011 5.92227580 0.00007996 -0.00007996 0.00007996 +Ti 5.92227580 5.92227580 2.05740011 0.00007996 0.00007996 -0.00007996 +Ti 2.05740011 2.05740011 2.05740011 -0.00007996 -0.00007996 -0.00007996 +O 1.99505129 1.99534708 3.96058139 0.00023114 -0.00044789 -0.00015375 +O 5.98462462 1.99534708 4.01909452 -0.00023114 -0.00044789 0.00015375 +O 1.99505129 5.98432883 4.01909452 0.00023114 0.00044789 0.00015375 +O 5.98462462 5.98432883 3.96058139 -0.00023114 0.00044789 -0.00015375 +O 1.99534708 3.96058139 1.99505129 -0.00044789 -0.00015375 0.00023114 +O 1.99534708 4.01909452 5.98462462 -0.00044789 0.00015375 -0.00023114 +O 5.98432883 4.01909452 1.99505129 0.00044789 0.00015375 0.00023114 +O 5.98432883 3.96058139 5.98462462 0.00044789 -0.00015375 -0.00023114 +O 3.96058139 1.99505129 1.99534708 -0.00015375 0.00023114 -0.00044789 +O 4.01909452 5.98462462 1.99534708 0.00015375 -0.00023114 -0.00044789 +O 4.01909452 1.99505129 5.98432883 0.00015375 0.00023114 0.00044789 +O 3.96058139 5.98462462 5.98432883 -0.00015375 -0.00023114 0.00044789 +O 5.98488929 5.98518507 -0.02925660 0.00023114 -0.00044814 -0.00015144 +O 1.99478663 5.98518507 0.02925660 -0.00023114 -0.00044814 0.00015144 +O 5.98488929 1.99449084 0.02925660 0.00023114 0.00044814 0.00015144 +O 1.99478663 1.99449084 -0.02925660 -0.00023114 0.00044814 -0.00015144 +O 5.98518507 -0.02925660 5.98488929 -0.00044814 -0.00015144 0.00023114 +O 5.98518507 0.02925660 1.99478663 -0.00044814 0.00015144 -0.00023114 +O 1.99449084 0.02925660 5.98488929 0.00044814 0.00015144 0.00023114 +O 1.99449084 -0.02925660 1.99478663 0.00044814 -0.00015144 -0.00023114 +O -0.02925660 5.98488929 5.98518507 -0.00015144 0.00023114 -0.00044814 +O 0.02925660 1.99478663 5.98518507 0.00015144 -0.00023114 -0.00044814 +O 0.02925660 5.98488929 1.99449084 0.00015144 0.00023114 0.00044814 +O -0.02925660 1.99478663 1.99449084 -0.00015144 -0.00023114 0.00044814 +40 +Lattice="7.983965677 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983965677 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.983965677" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.267246454292 stress="0.0003498180513909911 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0003498180513909911 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0003498180513909911" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99198284 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99198284 0.00000000 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99198284 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99198284 3.99198284 3.99198284 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.93151869 2.05244699 5.93151869 -0.04343185 0.04343185 -0.04343185 +Ti 2.05244699 5.93151869 5.93151869 0.04343185 -0.04343185 -0.04343185 +Ti 2.05244699 2.05244699 2.05244699 0.04343185 0.04343185 0.04343185 +Ti 5.93151869 5.93151869 2.05244699 -0.04343185 -0.04343185 0.04343185 +Ti 6.05297319 1.93099248 1.93099248 -0.00704945 0.00704945 0.00704945 +Ti 1.93099248 6.05297319 1.93099248 0.00704945 -0.00704945 0.00704945 +Ti 1.93099248 1.93099248 6.05297319 0.00704945 0.00704945 -0.00704945 +Ti 6.05297319 6.05297319 6.05297319 -0.00704945 -0.00704945 -0.00704945 +O 1.99011003 1.99011003 -0.03349987 0.03029942 0.03029942 0.01082794 +O 5.99385565 1.99011003 0.03349987 -0.03029942 0.03029942 -0.01082794 +O 1.99011003 5.99385565 0.03349987 0.03029942 -0.03029942 -0.01082794 +O 5.99385565 5.99385565 -0.03349987 -0.03029942 -0.03029942 0.01082794 +O 1.99011003 -0.03349987 1.99011003 0.03029942 0.01082794 0.03029942 +O 1.99011003 0.03349987 5.99385565 0.03029942 -0.01082794 -0.03029942 +O 5.99385565 0.03349987 1.99011003 -0.03029942 -0.01082794 0.03029942 +O 5.99385565 -0.03349987 5.99385565 -0.03029942 0.01082794 -0.03029942 +O -0.03349987 1.99011003 1.99011003 0.01082794 0.03029942 0.03029942 +O 0.03349987 5.99385565 1.99011003 -0.01082794 -0.03029942 0.03029942 +O 0.03349987 1.99011003 5.99385565 -0.01082794 0.03029942 -0.03029942 +O -0.03349987 5.99385565 5.99385565 0.01082794 -0.03029942 -0.03029942 +O 1.98914980 1.98914980 3.95293674 0.03595405 0.03595405 0.10987866 +O 5.99481588 1.98914980 4.03102894 -0.03595405 0.03595405 -0.10987866 +O 1.98914980 5.99481588 4.03102894 0.03595405 -0.03595405 -0.10987866 +O 5.99481588 5.99481588 3.95293674 -0.03595405 -0.03595405 0.10987866 +O 1.98914980 3.95293674 1.98914980 0.03595405 0.10987866 0.03595405 +O 1.98914980 4.03102894 5.99481588 0.03595405 -0.10987866 -0.03595405 +O 5.99481588 4.03102894 1.98914980 -0.03595405 -0.10987866 0.03595405 +O 5.99481588 3.95293674 5.99481588 -0.03595405 0.10987866 -0.03595405 +O 3.95293674 1.98914980 1.98914980 0.10987866 0.03595405 0.03595405 +O 4.03102894 5.99481588 1.98914980 -0.10987866 -0.03595405 0.03595405 +O 4.03102894 1.98914980 5.99481588 -0.10987866 0.03595405 -0.03595405 +O 3.95293674 5.99481588 5.99481588 0.10987866 -0.03595405 -0.03595405 +40 +Lattice="7.831679805786156 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.831679805786156 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.215345967791814" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.9495013018 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.95467999 1.94254010 0.00678458 -0.05080243 0.15103457 0.08897123 +Ba 1.96746990 1.91566021 4.05923953 -0.12829008 0.31501516 0.42547618 +Ba 1.98383028 5.84831003 8.19310870 -0.33588789 0.26561707 0.38131491 +Ba 1.92290999 5.87019017 4.14801005 0.20210773 0.06628921 -0.20784824 +Ba 5.92552021 1.95815020 8.17716026 -0.35067405 0.10870007 0.45750595 +Ba 5.85028988 1.97200993 4.11307998 0.11767194 0.01349649 -0.00220266 +Ba 5.87535987 5.87962970 0.01589048 0.10822725 -0.00713610 0.10652415 +Ba 5.88355964 5.88259007 4.12707989 -0.17595216 0.02026544 0.01284755 +Ti 7.81999416 0.00980918 2.14276013 0.16424310 0.48178668 0.35720002 +Ti 0.02991232 7.80822471 6.26743020 -0.03059021 0.57415999 -0.31025013 +Ti 7.82261464 3.94966023 2.15651960 -0.21658793 -0.58154883 -0.40347653 +Ti 7.81730946 3.91834996 6.26394981 0.22357028 -0.51971945 0.08876219 +Ti 3.92850999 7.82034188 2.12898968 -0.13885654 0.40868070 0.01631031 +Ti 3.94116990 0.00677989 6.26553964 -0.09113018 0.46058459 -0.11705461 +Ti 3.89327997 3.93532982 2.12793006 0.27850627 -0.52274461 0.25042365 +Ti 3.89891016 3.94660979 6.26718977 -0.01765319 -0.62205836 -0.87468133 +O 7.79275949 1.96572030 1.97471969 0.23614477 0.08546681 -0.00515635 +O 1.93856004 0.03093983 2.01278009 -0.04313874 -0.32514685 -0.07324739 +O 7.78162989 0.08378018 4.02068025 0.19094555 -0.48256598 -0.38753287 +O 0.01595157 1.98092003 6.15198968 -0.13144971 -0.04629220 -0.21082635 +O 1.95128025 7.79287931 6.08035957 0.27087035 0.21964549 0.07478876 +O 0.03320006 0.01670967 8.10462011 -0.16606550 -0.23984587 0.18904447 +O 7.79050005 5.90244965 2.01071957 0.09173490 0.00088112 -0.02614221 +O 1.93359005 3.93877028 1.98461971 0.12977746 0.06253643 -0.11334245 +O 7.80754022 3.92174029 3.97959996 0.04960301 0.06053122 0.22396160 +O 0.00343654 5.90768982 6.11091017 -0.15740396 -0.29507008 -0.10964881 +O 1.91343993 3.91014001 6.08074959 0.51326290 0.14549693 0.05074381 +O 0.00069389 3.94572011 8.11266951 -0.03746509 0.11543096 -0.24160631 +O 3.87838020 1.96366997 1.94708012 0.12723952 0.07012195 0.14457313 +O 5.85395980 0.04808025 2.01436992 0.07496951 -0.27665533 -0.30242447 +O 3.92153980 7.80488215 3.96683980 -0.01974042 0.00090194 0.15444308 +O 3.92445005 1.94830970 6.05529976 -0.19001018 -0.14675857 0.18004741 +O 5.87555957 0.02280429 6.13690978 -0.30703317 -0.28247322 -0.08982766 +O 3.90164968 0.01363809 8.11344015 0.05262945 -0.19249464 -0.38121361 +O 3.93501969 5.86855022 1.95095994 -0.14616593 0.11706798 -0.03974180 +O 5.87356954 3.91267982 1.95226000 -0.27223175 0.12798103 0.12035565 +O 3.87380023 3.91734985 3.95922976 0.17676026 0.13424732 -0.06880838 +O 3.88504965 5.84846979 6.07983015 0.19215191 0.36741784 0.11099915 +O 5.87315995 3.92809022 6.09038020 -0.21403585 0.09399028 0.02059634 +O 3.89899004 3.90727988 8.05898961 0.02074829 0.07316305 0.51014183 +40 +Lattice="7.939680111416239 0.0 0.0 -0.02176266318539191 7.9396483526957935 0.0 -0.02176266318539191 0.021707085424611996 7.939616593975347" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.80318024848 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97979880 0.02517514 0.04926016 0.47459325 0.07674177 -0.03466078 +Ba 4.01782431 0.06344995 3.96276024 -0.02011605 -0.00578215 0.22234180 +Ba 3.96444425 4.02124551 0.06232014 0.32847874 -0.06885723 -0.37534224 +Ba 3.99244988 4.04609036 3.97508024 0.05276855 -0.28794427 0.32374688 +Ba 0.04946024 0.02362531 0.08778984 -0.11417549 -0.11221631 -0.22876390 +Ba 0.01973407 0.06521018 4.01224986 0.25099675 -0.05797375 -0.21227722 +Ba -0.03248917 3.98009018 7.92226045 0.30794874 0.51428414 0.46483154 +Ba 0.05750472 4.00033002 4.07720041 -0.06441925 0.14150683 -0.69287554 +O 2.00162035 3.99604973 1.93172973 0.11227982 -0.42295650 0.26473647 +O 2.04134019 3.96533032 5.96499989 -0.17840011 0.21128477 -0.16533993 +O 2.07641452 0.00574039 1.97325981 -0.22350908 -0.02889457 -0.09080802 +O 2.07775394 0.02260983 5.94679976 -0.20426540 0.04003928 0.02936534 +O 6.03253004 3.95150019 2.00243020 -0.10951408 0.09025498 -0.08237172 +O 6.01148989 3.94041004 5.91523000 0.05790304 0.36320637 0.22358750 +O 6.00567011 7.89063036 1.97137970 -0.10380726 0.38779795 0.12617972 +O 5.99091024 7.91845020 5.91247970 -0.01180085 0.38695180 0.16931409 +O 2.13183031 2.01119005 3.91960967 -0.52500821 0.16856358 0.34472914 +O 2.00611977 2.02420001 7.91401033 0.09555094 -0.04020871 0.27935113 +O 2.05433983 5.97590980 3.94254026 -0.25245585 -0.05816864 0.16452232 +O 1.96791006 5.94108001 7.91179992 0.12369140 0.38497642 -0.46908543 +O 5.97508011 2.01080021 3.97990995 0.36551445 -0.14597053 -0.04829509 +O 6.06357419 1.93426487 0.02748003 -0.11740068 0.31265797 -0.50167262 +O 6.01755978 6.00577015 3.89822017 -0.18318519 -0.45259566 0.84281019 +O 6.02486031 5.98309045 7.87596021 -0.28133448 -0.25156727 0.02595734 +O 0.09221224 2.00794034 2.03858036 0.02748998 -0.06097063 -0.11547184 +O 0.08292123 1.97619035 5.92038047 -0.21685404 0.14532209 0.13572674 +O 0.03048202 5.93879021 1.94528991 0.01289125 0.02595683 0.28849320 +O 0.03732047 6.01723981 5.90033993 0.43424261 -0.18839861 0.06709062 +O 4.07517023 2.01791972 2.05811038 -0.19788727 0.03428617 -0.71491297 +O 4.03584023 2.04598967 6.00024016 0.34243752 -0.23485459 0.01001856 +O 3.96017032 5.92360001 1.92770987 0.36116697 0.09317884 0.23751105 +O 4.02744005 6.01768046 5.93760005 -0.17552279 -0.33986410 0.04233167 +Ti 1.98740991 2.07191987 1.99448972 -0.17914316 -0.30201283 0.71430517 +Ti 1.95962976 2.12973027 5.99562006 0.94680720 -0.39939825 -0.16763901 +Ti 2.06616042 5.98827983 2.05534023 -0.16072429 0.42762613 -0.22524586 +Ti 1.94851977 6.13695034 6.01175031 -0.01684253 -0.72226324 0.26048258 +Ti 5.96019003 2.04801984 2.09943006 -0.01883436 -0.13692281 -0.17836411 +Ti 5.95877994 2.07248041 6.05965040 -0.99269985 -0.53970978 -0.17320854 +Ti 6.07866991 5.97039014 2.10065992 -0.09404581 0.48833862 -1.06445291 +Ti 5.91559047 6.03550028 6.03006001 0.14718537 0.56455589 0.30335443 +40 +Lattice="7.827029925656354 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.827029925656354 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.21049177577411" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.836579092866 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.89181035 1.94946034 0.02265456 0.58151309 0.07902800 0.13417353 +Ba 1.90491984 1.96710012 4.07364034 0.47637528 -0.09735431 0.31398209 +Ba 1.96438962 5.87756958 8.16743294 0.08142838 -0.26634058 0.50279208 +Ba 1.98101971 5.83394015 4.10768009 -0.05202807 0.30316032 0.04467395 +Ba 5.86383002 1.94727034 0.00035456 -0.09832258 0.04725251 0.11980364 +Ba 5.89428969 1.97517996 4.12954960 -0.22143369 -0.10534658 0.05682267 +Ba 5.89042000 5.85653992 8.19905962 -0.25991642 -0.03271960 0.11927116 +Ba 5.90106007 5.90969015 4.11879996 -0.31265617 -0.22329028 0.21885333 +Ti 0.02356719 7.80413038 2.15864006 0.31731938 -0.09655341 -0.26098677 +Ti 0.03334002 7.79990927 6.25520030 -0.81032687 0.20512827 -0.31056201 +Ti 0.01442600 3.91678979 2.16197986 -0.42547129 0.14259055 0.02009780 +Ti 7.81175000 3.91866984 6.26046006 0.09068075 -0.20858306 -0.54026025 +Ti 3.96749016 0.00090794 2.15686020 -0.61025596 0.52268933 -0.26150613 +Ti 3.87838960 7.81435014 6.26745977 0.77115894 -0.24377786 -0.62828557 +Ti 3.92163003 3.94834994 2.16564995 0.35494465 -0.55380739 -0.45505569 +Ti 3.89384016 3.87748010 6.24248998 0.03086995 0.39964456 0.08752601 +O 7.77419982 1.97426029 1.99034014 0.23386394 -0.17453034 0.01184456 +O 1.96072970 0.01419980 1.97838983 -0.48673888 0.15381985 0.02090744 +O 0.00614030 7.80563004 3.98546024 0.02274861 0.15812876 0.05021107 +O 7.80780517 1.95879016 6.10566959 0.19683055 -0.29991636 -0.04082140 +O 1.95294963 7.80619437 6.06988988 -0.22012448 0.34600312 0.04474414 +O 7.79934963 7.75896999 8.08014981 0.27942749 0.34351584 0.05718391 +O 0.03224032 5.87824975 1.99660019 -0.15273150 -0.13721566 -0.07970805 +O 1.95331985 3.92884968 2.02735025 -0.01465426 -0.18828497 -0.04606954 +O 7.77658472 3.93383002 4.01657973 0.32611821 -0.11452439 -0.54704385 +O 0.02956269 5.84746996 6.05834032 -0.09262425 0.41376480 0.19324951 +O 1.96734980 3.92693988 6.07618986 -0.21383505 -0.24883933 -0.08081234 +O 0.07254248 3.89672990 8.07889984 -0.43820674 0.18147669 0.34726091 +O 3.94305026 1.96555976 1.91749005 -0.13607126 0.20213087 0.17804658 +O 5.86849023 7.77589985 1.97761025 0.24119673 0.18377654 -0.06641288 +O 3.92437027 0.10094990 3.96203003 -0.08001736 -0.40296797 0.27650003 +O 3.92084028 1.99075966 6.07532967 -0.14396841 -0.60558967 0.18453296 +O 5.86276006 7.81238086 6.09780029 0.01038957 -0.00799973 0.00236541 +O 3.86099011 7.76504768 8.07253959 0.28216700 0.38192940 0.09167963 +O 3.87146972 5.90504011 1.99966996 0.19446102 -0.55403905 0.05908652 +O 5.87387992 3.94390967 1.94408004 0.00399164 0.12482552 0.15879185 +O 3.95556020 3.89889016 3.99669985 -0.15872680 0.04959169 -0.33170239 +O 3.84256998 5.87368033 6.02816007 0.41278187 0.35325723 0.17096242 +O 5.87234974 3.95208970 6.07295965 0.15204707 -0.06605061 0.28067499 +O 3.92117997 3.92803958 8.08536027 -0.13220355 0.03601730 -0.09681103 +40 +Lattice="7.978021307 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.978021307 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.978021307" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.280133493576 stress="-6.702550590955998e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -6.702550590955998e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -6.702550590955998e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98901065 3.98901065 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98901065 0.00000000 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98901065 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98901065 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.98901065 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.93368563 6.04433567 1.93368563 0.00088395 -0.00088395 0.00088395 +Ti 6.04433567 1.93368563 1.93368563 -0.00088395 0.00088395 0.00088395 +Ti 6.04433567 6.04433567 6.04433567 -0.00088395 -0.00088395 -0.00088395 +Ti 1.93368563 1.93368563 6.04433567 0.00088395 0.00088395 -0.00088395 +Ti 2.05460729 5.92341402 5.92341402 0.01648283 -0.01648283 -0.01648283 +Ti 5.92341402 2.05460729 5.92341402 -0.01648283 0.01648283 -0.01648283 +Ti 5.92341402 5.92341402 2.05460729 -0.01648283 -0.01648283 0.01648283 +Ti 2.05460729 2.05460729 2.05460729 0.01648283 0.01648283 0.01648283 +O 5.98496457 5.98006426 3.95980162 0.00634960 0.01786891 0.01776324 +O 1.99305673 5.98006426 4.01821969 -0.00634960 0.01786891 -0.01776324 +O 5.98496457 1.99795705 4.01821969 0.00634960 -0.01786891 -0.01776324 +O 1.99305673 1.99795705 3.95980162 -0.00634960 -0.01786891 0.01776324 +O 5.98006426 3.95980162 5.98496457 0.01786891 0.01776324 0.00634960 +O 5.98006426 4.01821969 1.99305673 0.01786891 -0.01776324 -0.00634960 +O 1.99795705 4.01821969 5.98496457 -0.01786891 -0.01776324 0.00634960 +O 1.99795705 3.95980162 1.99305673 -0.01786891 0.01776324 -0.00634960 +O 3.95980162 5.98496457 5.98006426 0.01776324 0.00634960 0.01786891 +O 4.01821969 1.99305673 5.98006426 -0.01776324 -0.00634960 0.01786891 +O 4.01821969 5.98496457 1.99795705 -0.01776324 0.00634960 -0.01786891 +O 3.95980162 1.99305673 1.99795705 0.01776324 -0.00634960 -0.01786891 +O 5.98182531 5.98661415 -0.02791222 0.00243252 -0.00844762 -0.02162683 +O 1.99619599 5.98661415 0.02791222 -0.00243252 -0.00844762 0.02162683 +O 5.98182531 1.99140715 0.02791222 0.00243252 0.00844762 0.02162683 +O 1.99619599 1.99140715 -0.02791222 -0.00243252 0.00844762 -0.02162683 +O 5.98661415 -0.02791222 5.98182531 -0.00844762 -0.02162683 0.00243252 +O 5.98661415 0.02791222 1.99619599 -0.00844762 0.02162683 -0.00243252 +O 1.99140715 0.02791222 5.98182531 0.00844762 0.02162683 0.00243252 +O 1.99140715 -0.02791222 1.99619599 0.00844762 -0.02162683 -0.00243252 +O -0.02791222 5.98182531 5.98661415 -0.02162683 0.00243252 -0.00844762 +O 0.02791222 1.99619599 5.98661415 0.02162683 -0.00243252 -0.00844762 +O 0.02791222 5.98182531 1.99140715 0.02162683 0.00243252 0.00844762 +O -0.02791222 1.99619599 1.99140715 -0.02162683 -0.00243252 0.00844762 +40 +Lattice="7.765619968981341 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.029037563949158 0.0 0.0 0.06841511192672561 8.028750236010305" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.908666266492 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.91071030 0.09552955 7.95793865 -0.19637906 0.06795451 0.29995389 +Ba 3.89142982 0.11042479 4.03199997 0.10612511 -0.42208309 -0.19788624 +Ba 3.86468037 4.06596990 0.04560050 0.03346111 -0.19560259 -0.34239149 +Ba 3.86126971 4.09160033 4.01476029 0.20024857 -0.08974770 -0.20536198 +Ba 7.75701023 0.09750823 7.97438546 0.21207410 -0.02511916 0.29370457 +Ba 7.74927023 0.08384229 4.02823986 0.03222184 -0.20805290 -0.25225350 +Ba 0.01420875 4.14410757 8.01978793 -0.00606266 -0.26256748 0.14438030 +Ba 7.75430779 4.10719990 3.99806965 0.04991617 -0.18817981 -0.21748602 +Ti 1.94435981 2.08561023 2.03579999 -0.14225580 0.42367306 -0.09431526 +Ti 1.91387975 2.14616032 6.03128989 0.58649434 0.23583315 0.47726719 +Ti 1.93119010 6.14393021 2.02779984 0.07547602 -0.30031179 0.02531791 +Ti 1.96240012 6.14568990 6.00977990 0.04175523 -0.07224826 0.35716891 +Ti 5.81410026 2.07603988 2.03562992 0.15057563 0.34723134 0.02190837 +Ti 5.82965013 2.18166007 6.05989999 -0.44267197 -0.50391334 0.15307911 +Ti 5.81345959 6.11712018 2.06292996 0.00876515 -0.00158431 0.24661944 +Ti 5.84061985 6.13462001 6.09245036 -0.25966034 0.27416701 -0.70306199 +O 1.99575967 2.02603006 3.93260003 -0.12015202 -0.09933431 -0.00878520 +O 1.98411978 2.10739978 7.92453018 -0.31436467 -0.30550825 0.05456729 +O 1.93947990 6.05777998 3.92114031 -0.22565775 -0.01634167 0.16704689 +O 1.91229013 6.09794997 7.93089022 0.22274907 -0.17818362 -0.21860239 +O 5.81771981 2.02529000 3.92834991 0.10637605 0.04768934 -0.13188242 +O 5.90426998 2.02505004 7.93478002 -0.21693554 0.23614143 0.07959081 +O 5.82253993 6.02267005 3.92245969 0.01981164 0.05800769 -0.22466634 +O 5.78796972 6.12886025 7.92930992 0.08060897 -0.39392103 0.33864154 +O 1.96364029 3.97487995 1.98342010 0.01529781 -0.33363303 -0.12309773 +O 1.97491985 4.00702962 5.96728022 -0.30396816 0.06973089 -0.11831111 +O 1.95577993 7.97241998 1.94219010 -0.16511959 0.48405645 -0.00348693 +O 1.93219031 8.00402994 5.96345021 0.04246305 0.20764281 -0.06752463 +O 5.81199966 3.97305037 1.95985999 0.02421851 -0.32886595 -0.15471896 +O 5.81222020 4.00583993 5.99160990 0.15344164 0.28326898 0.00405669 +O 5.86224011 7.98215962 1.94369973 -0.07506387 0.18334537 0.12997775 +O 5.85149016 7.99106989 5.93845035 -0.15731809 0.23855544 0.08832048 +O 0.03726410 1.98046994 1.95550969 -0.08302272 -0.03835289 -0.04316265 +O 0.02077847 2.02301001 5.94600009 0.08543853 0.04119344 -0.16397005 +O 7.75113165 5.94371001 1.91914018 0.21165167 0.27296297 0.03901238 +O 7.71515975 6.00120976 5.93095964 0.80891199 -0.02657569 0.08209944 +O 3.91021020 1.91861989 1.87716002 -0.02817852 0.19679866 0.20512981 +O 3.92620970 2.01346995 5.99094983 -0.24343333 -0.04262066 -0.19961454 +O 3.87804034 6.00148001 1.95471992 -0.02197059 0.04898903 -0.14777235 +O 3.87475005 5.98411996 5.88095991 -0.26586775 0.31550547 0.41050876 +40 +Lattice="7.954998332 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954998332 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.954998332" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.2169547828 stress="-5.7843929757565454e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -5.7843929757565454e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -5.7843929757565454e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97749917 3.97749917 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97749917 0.00000000 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97749917 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97749917 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97749917 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96630694 1.98869140 1.98869140 -0.00248060 0.00248060 0.00248060 +Ti 1.98869140 5.96630694 1.98869140 0.00248060 -0.00248060 0.00248060 +Ti 5.96630694 5.96630694 5.96630694 -0.00248060 -0.00248060 -0.00248060 +Ti 1.98869140 1.98869140 5.96630694 0.00248060 0.00248060 -0.00248060 +Ti 1.98869140 5.96630694 5.96630694 0.00248060 -0.00248060 -0.00248060 +Ti 5.96630694 1.98869140 5.96630694 -0.00248060 0.00248060 -0.00248060 +Ti 5.96630694 5.96630694 1.98869140 -0.00248060 -0.00248060 0.00248060 +Ti 1.98869140 1.98869140 1.98869140 0.00248060 0.00248060 0.00248060 +O 5.96672677 5.96672677 3.97749917 -0.00573536 -0.00573536 0.00000000 +O 1.98827157 5.96672677 3.97749917 0.00573536 -0.00573536 0.00000000 +O 5.96672677 1.98827157 3.97749917 -0.00573536 0.00573536 0.00000000 +O 1.98827157 1.98827157 3.97749917 0.00573536 0.00573536 0.00000000 +O 5.96672677 3.97749917 5.96672677 -0.00573536 0.00000000 -0.00573536 +O 5.96672677 3.97749917 1.98827157 -0.00573536 0.00000000 0.00573536 +O 1.98827157 3.97749917 5.96672677 0.00573536 0.00000000 -0.00573536 +O 1.98827157 3.97749917 1.98827157 0.00573536 0.00000000 0.00573536 +O 3.97749917 5.96672677 5.96672677 0.00000000 -0.00573536 -0.00573536 +O 3.97749917 1.98827157 5.96672677 0.00000000 0.00573536 -0.00573536 +O 3.97749917 5.96672677 1.98827157 0.00000000 -0.00573536 0.00573536 +O 3.97749917 1.98827157 1.98827157 0.00000000 0.00573536 0.00573536 +O 5.96566616 5.96566616 0.00000000 0.00762178 0.00762178 0.00000000 +O 1.98933217 5.96566616 0.00000000 -0.00762178 0.00762178 0.00000000 +O 5.96566616 1.98933217 0.00000000 0.00762178 -0.00762178 0.00000000 +O 1.98933217 1.98933217 0.00000000 -0.00762178 -0.00762178 0.00000000 +O 5.96566616 0.00000000 5.96566616 0.00762178 0.00000000 0.00762178 +O 5.96566616 0.00000000 1.98933217 0.00762178 0.00000000 -0.00762178 +O 1.98933217 0.00000000 5.96566616 -0.00762178 0.00000000 0.00762178 +O 1.98933217 0.00000000 1.98933217 -0.00762178 0.00000000 -0.00762178 +O 0.00000000 5.96566616 5.96566616 0.00000000 0.00762178 0.00762178 +O 0.00000000 1.98933217 5.96566616 0.00000000 -0.00762178 0.00762178 +O 0.00000000 5.96566616 1.98933217 0.00000000 0.00762178 -0.00762178 +O 0.00000000 1.98933217 1.98933217 0.00000000 -0.00762178 -0.00762178 +40 +Lattice="7.955344927 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955344927 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955344927" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21638538459 stress="8.997944628954627e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 8.997944628954627e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 8.997944628954627e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97767246 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97767246 0.00000000 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97767246 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97767246 3.97767246 3.97767246 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96650869 1.98883623 5.96650869 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98883623 5.96650869 5.96650869 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98883623 1.98883623 1.98883623 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96650869 5.96650869 1.98883623 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96650869 1.98883623 1.98883623 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98883623 5.96650869 1.98883623 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 1.98883623 1.98883623 5.96650869 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96650869 5.96650869 5.96650869 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96519830 5.96806478 -0.00001160 0.00731813 -0.01036669 0.00038232 +O 5.96519830 1.98728014 0.00001160 0.00731813 0.01036669 -0.00038232 +O 1.99014663 5.96806478 0.00001160 -0.00731813 -0.01036669 -0.00038232 +O 1.99014663 1.98728014 -0.00001160 -0.00731813 0.01036669 0.00038232 +O 0.00001160 5.96519830 1.98728014 -0.00038232 0.00731813 0.01036669 +O -0.00001160 5.96519830 5.96806478 0.00038232 0.00731813 -0.01036669 +O -0.00001160 1.99014663 1.98728014 0.00038232 -0.00731813 0.01036669 +O 0.00001160 1.99014663 5.96806478 -0.00038232 -0.00731813 -0.01036669 +O 5.96806478 0.00001160 1.99014663 -0.01036669 -0.00038232 -0.00731813 +O 1.98728014 -0.00001160 1.99014663 0.01036669 0.00038232 -0.00731813 +O 5.96806478 -0.00001160 5.96519830 -0.01036669 0.00038232 0.00731813 +O 1.98728014 0.00001160 5.96519830 0.01036669 -0.00038232 0.00731813 +O 1.99039232 1.98752584 3.97768406 -0.01036669 0.00731813 -0.00038232 +O 5.96495261 1.98752584 3.97766086 0.01036669 0.00731813 0.00038232 +O 1.99039232 5.96781909 3.97766086 -0.01036669 -0.00731813 0.00038232 +O 5.96495261 5.96781909 3.97768406 0.01036669 -0.00731813 -0.00038232 +O 1.98752584 3.97768406 1.99039232 0.00731813 -0.00038232 -0.01036669 +O 1.98752584 3.97766086 5.96495261 0.00731813 0.00038232 0.01036669 +O 5.96781909 3.97766086 1.99039232 -0.00731813 0.00038232 -0.01036669 +O 5.96781909 3.97768406 5.96495261 -0.00731813 -0.00038232 0.01036669 +O 3.97768406 1.99039232 1.98752584 -0.00038232 -0.01036669 0.00731813 +O 3.97766086 5.96495261 1.98752584 0.00038232 0.01036669 0.00731813 +O 3.97766086 1.99039232 5.96781909 0.00038232 -0.01036669 -0.00731813 +O 3.97768406 5.96495261 5.96781909 -0.00038232 0.01036669 -0.00731813 +40 +Lattice="7.929090217122668 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.929090217122668 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.929090217122668" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.833856321795 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.96271032 3.97384038 0.01652264 0.09523829 -0.10642542 0.09622585 +Ba 3.94883044 0.03061977 3.97904979 0.21383531 -0.38800955 -0.01502424 +Ba 7.91985838 3.98432977 3.92495040 0.30036270 -0.11925496 0.38915163 +Ba 0.02230057 0.00333498 4.02592023 -0.01800929 0.08689686 -0.31259087 +Ba 0.02154413 3.97911005 7.90903993 -0.01047107 -0.19682386 0.23988495 +Ba 4.01788013 7.88726664 0.03305796 -0.26407543 0.39030143 -0.19516961 +Ba 3.94893987 3.94516007 3.98841008 0.01704770 0.37545177 -0.35284843 +Ba 7.91616659 0.07536045 7.91247560 0.20008890 -0.25965519 0.21694968 +Ti 5.98905038 2.05393012 1.94850018 -0.17373098 0.18068633 0.00598116 +Ti 1.97277033 5.88060024 2.05427979 0.01796301 0.05318275 0.20696635 +Ti 1.98327003 2.04987043 5.91046041 -0.35477290 -0.02000884 0.21594284 +Ti 5.86625018 5.91345047 5.90749017 0.08808059 0.24063314 0.10846687 +Ti 1.88980033 5.99850027 6.05664983 0.84285158 -0.04635262 -0.61996779 +Ti 5.90665999 2.00098045 5.87534009 0.19946927 -0.35472430 0.30373881 +Ti 5.97022037 6.01468988 1.95384042 -0.20670461 -0.31479893 -0.07207548 +Ti 2.02220980 1.90218002 1.97007999 -0.02659960 0.27430071 -0.23747403 +O 1.99381969 1.97200993 3.96946035 0.20964132 0.03904786 0.33939230 +O 5.95921004 1.98160017 4.02232042 0.13735579 -0.11687464 -0.16390114 +O 2.03956975 6.00236015 3.92423996 -0.02495667 -0.21979821 0.16418088 +O 6.05322050 6.02802027 4.07067043 -0.48960540 -0.23706651 -0.57720829 +O 2.01798993 3.99194012 1.97540041 0.04734686 0.06012833 0.15927804 +O 2.02431021 3.95014033 5.90801032 0.07352249 -0.06693019 0.21694403 +O 5.96574044 3.95250003 2.12338023 0.01244902 -0.21729421 -0.40073728 +O 5.94833053 3.99615998 5.93835019 0.14588336 -0.32763156 0.11819773 +O 3.98962006 1.96200025 2.03485035 0.17735907 0.06165788 -0.07717346 +O 4.04143984 5.93346032 1.94629034 -0.03945666 0.13505388 0.30936207 +O 4.02071003 1.99732990 5.93254054 -0.15181876 -0.01195589 0.19140140 +O 3.99414995 5.91293983 5.96084977 0.44819393 0.20275257 0.08972379 +O 6.05255050 5.86797000 0.06548715 -0.20895124 0.42932795 -0.11694508 +O 2.00465003 5.91553027 7.90952043 -0.06855744 0.22481418 0.17107118 +O 5.95871051 2.03626014 0.05963865 0.11895466 -0.04285386 0.16508591 +O 2.03864997 2.01406979 0.03681001 -0.09800968 -0.14867918 -0.20213139 +O 5.99402984 0.04405720 6.02009990 -0.06358364 -0.18828626 0.04781815 +O 5.99566007 7.89439014 2.00380003 0.06650210 0.33109767 0.00810386 +O 2.07220033 7.91790306 5.99740050 -0.42894048 -0.07059118 -0.10447961 +O 2.01527026 0.02479030 1.98650035 -0.07761621 -0.07155689 -0.19227584 +O 0.06580431 5.85961987 5.93843027 -0.14508247 0.58313751 0.21106289 +O 0.07419805 2.00961999 5.94485046 -0.15541779 -0.08440520 0.18965717 +O 0.05730988 5.92398981 2.03186981 -0.07345307 0.19427924 -0.23485253 +O 0.03519961 2.01364004 2.04446992 -0.33233231 -0.25277261 -0.28973273 +40 +Lattice="7.980047808 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980047808 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.980047808" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.296026982607 stress="3.672630460797807e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.672630460797807e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 3.672630460797807e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.99002390 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99002390 0.00000000 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99002390 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.99002390 3.99002390 3.99002390 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 6.04744287 1.93260494 1.93260494 0.00079319 -0.00079319 -0.00079319 +Ti 1.93260494 6.04744287 1.93260494 -0.00079319 0.00079319 -0.00079319 +Ti 1.93260494 1.93260494 6.04744287 -0.00079319 -0.00079319 0.00079319 +Ti 6.04744287 6.04744287 6.04744287 0.00079319 0.00079319 0.00079319 +Ti 2.05741899 5.92262882 5.92262882 0.00079164 -0.00079164 -0.00079164 +Ti 5.92262882 2.05741899 5.92262882 -0.00079164 0.00079164 -0.00079164 +Ti 5.92262882 5.92262882 2.05741899 -0.00079164 -0.00079164 0.00079164 +Ti 2.05741899 2.05741899 2.05741899 0.00079164 0.00079164 0.00079164 +O 1.99485399 1.99485399 3.96010521 0.00475320 0.00475320 0.00503911 +O 5.98519382 1.99485399 4.01994260 -0.00475320 0.00475320 -0.00503911 +O 1.99485399 5.98519382 4.01994260 0.00475320 -0.00475320 -0.00503911 +O 5.98519382 5.98519382 3.96010521 -0.00475320 -0.00475320 0.00503911 +O 1.99485399 3.96010521 1.99485399 0.00475320 0.00503911 0.00475320 +O 1.99485399 4.01994260 5.98519382 0.00475320 -0.00503911 -0.00475320 +O 5.98519382 4.01994260 1.99485399 -0.00475320 -0.00503911 0.00475320 +O 5.98519382 3.96010521 5.98519382 -0.00475320 0.00503911 -0.00475320 +O 3.96010521 1.99485399 1.99485399 0.00503911 0.00475320 0.00475320 +O 4.01994260 5.98519382 1.99485399 -0.00503911 -0.00475320 0.00475320 +O 4.01994260 1.99485399 5.98519382 -0.00503911 0.00475320 -0.00475320 +O 3.96010521 5.98519382 5.98519382 0.00503911 -0.00475320 -0.00475320 +O 5.98487810 5.98487810 -0.02991873 0.00475063 0.00475063 0.00503988 +O 1.99516970 5.98487810 0.02991873 -0.00475063 0.00475063 -0.00503988 +O 5.98487810 1.99516970 0.02991873 0.00475063 -0.00475063 -0.00503988 +O 1.99516970 1.99516970 -0.02991873 -0.00475063 -0.00475063 0.00503988 +O 5.98487810 -0.02991873 5.98487810 0.00475063 0.00503988 0.00475063 +O 5.98487810 0.02991873 1.99516970 0.00475063 -0.00503988 -0.00475063 +O 1.99516970 0.02991873 5.98487810 -0.00475063 -0.00503988 0.00475063 +O 1.99516970 -0.02991873 1.99516970 -0.00475063 0.00503988 -0.00475063 +O -0.02991873 5.98487810 5.98487810 0.00503988 0.00475063 0.00475063 +O 0.02991873 1.99516970 5.98487810 -0.00503988 -0.00475063 0.00475063 +O 0.02991873 5.98487810 1.99516970 -0.00503988 0.00475063 -0.00475063 +O -0.02991873 1.99516970 1.99516970 0.00503988 -0.00475063 -0.00475063 +40 +Lattice="7.92647026076411 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.92647026076411 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.92647026076411" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.086722868364 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.98359031 3.96484024 0.01495091 -0.09335573 0.05250990 -0.06323782 +Ba 3.98591038 0.03029497 3.97799977 -0.17240995 -0.19586587 -0.02755734 +Ba 0.00781708 4.00043009 3.96221975 0.12388861 -0.29995646 0.07067937 +Ba 7.91580123 7.92264970 3.97530001 0.16007380 0.11629357 -0.06256522 +Ba 0.01472183 3.99267008 7.91985958 -0.01149849 -0.23642219 0.13011273 +Ba 3.98672047 0.00990650 0.01226066 0.01458767 -0.05626525 0.01626248 +Ba 3.97689006 3.96568045 3.97406982 -0.18058786 0.05497147 0.04662413 +Ba 0.00725906 7.91824021 0.00690713 -0.09838069 0.12950595 0.07468592 +Ti 5.99086031 1.96335022 1.99655975 0.11476145 -0.27963292 -0.25332334 +Ti 2.02509029 5.93849012 2.00439983 0.24335414 -0.24256919 0.08093139 +Ti 2.03170017 2.00275984 5.89995003 -0.10414408 0.28405779 -0.06836486 +Ti 5.94813029 5.92547010 5.94225044 -0.10477657 -0.14461273 0.23793477 +Ti 1.99116024 5.97459995 5.97594031 0.20719775 -0.24674774 -0.16051963 +Ti 6.00594993 1.96699006 5.94510000 0.07367650 0.21497559 0.24161016 +Ti 5.98347046 5.89996034 1.99989046 -0.10439707 0.32976301 -0.27987589 +Ti 2.03907972 1.95462001 1.93078036 -0.10077773 0.26782076 0.22465168 +O 1.93075975 2.02892036 3.97812976 0.15737517 -0.24615407 0.33322783 +O 5.93001989 1.99761001 3.98784999 -0.03779393 0.03724706 0.16117680 +O 1.93888993 5.94204038 3.98588026 0.19261239 0.14297262 0.07869504 +O 5.90670022 5.96415048 3.96958027 0.15503726 -0.00434491 0.30168090 +O 1.95976984 3.99004007 2.00210036 0.01951673 0.21382348 -0.11780846 +O 1.96827969 3.96516998 5.99625031 0.05435466 0.17871841 -0.11415261 +O 5.92324038 3.99988000 2.00171037 -0.08062748 0.06043378 0.04631354 +O 5.93915990 3.96995995 5.95535051 -0.09665497 0.22431692 -0.04561677 +O 3.93390006 2.00785973 2.03051992 -0.23177004 -0.00603052 -0.11448428 +O 3.92771979 5.99076995 2.02001973 -0.15699336 -0.14646289 -0.06129638 +O 3.90982023 2.01381013 5.98813994 0.16320283 -0.15389364 -0.26977120 +O 3.96835008 5.94852027 5.97838008 -0.28579611 0.02075986 -0.17885185 +O 5.93188023 5.96227983 0.02209900 0.00658819 -0.00336583 -0.04924074 +O 2.00528997 5.97857983 0.01625006 -0.27454985 -0.04259804 0.00927243 +O 5.89793037 2.01480015 0.00809134 0.16971389 -0.10401346 0.09057534 +O 1.97838991 1.98692037 0.04430025 -0.11936141 -0.04645418 0.05550292 +O 5.89712028 0.01834027 5.97225054 0.33181526 0.05531471 -0.12078708 +O 5.90689996 0.03782987 2.02719001 0.11671986 0.14366373 -0.17806843 +O 1.95452013 0.00735259 5.97066049 0.02243185 -0.09887229 -0.09334236 +O 1.95788016 0.01896963 2.00882042 -0.07827672 0.16062144 0.02350040 +O 7.90882118 5.90853995 5.96182010 -0.03862568 0.40090569 0.01879656 +O 7.91299130 2.02048026 5.96841017 -0.41028713 -0.27861091 0.04657682 +O 7.87667063 5.98355052 1.99741026 0.19859484 -0.04892758 -0.02173559 +O 7.85989029 2.03113026 1.98864042 0.25556123 -0.20687507 -0.00821133 +40 +Lattice="7.955144396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955144396 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955144396" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21669505014 stress="4.590788075997259e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 4.590788075997259e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 4.590788075997259e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98884289 5.96630151 5.96630151 -0.00050908 0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 1.98884289 5.96630151 0.00050908 -0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ba 1.98884289 1.98884289 1.98884289 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 5.96630151 1.98884289 0.00050908 0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 1.98884289 1.98884289 0.00050908 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 1.98884289 5.96630151 1.98884289 -0.00050908 0.00050908 -0.00050908 +Ba 1.98884289 1.98884289 5.96630151 -0.00050908 -0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ba 5.96630151 5.96630151 5.96630151 0.00050908 0.00050908 0.00050908 +Ti 3.97757220 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757220 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 3.97757220 1.98879608 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00024554 +O 3.97757220 3.97757220 5.96634832 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00024554 +O 3.97757220 1.98879608 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00024554 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 5.96634832 3.97757220 0.00000000 -0.00024554 0.00000000 +O 1.98879608 3.97757220 3.97757220 0.00024554 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96634832 3.97757220 3.97757220 -0.00024554 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97757220 5.96631732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00067234 +O 0.00000000 3.97757220 1.98882707 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00067234 +O 1.98882707 0.00000000 3.97757220 -0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631732 0.00000000 3.97757220 0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 1.98882707 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 5.96631732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 3.97757220 0.00000000 1.98882707 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00067234 +O 3.97757220 0.00000000 5.96631732 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00067234 +O 0.00000000 1.98882707 3.97757220 0.00000000 -0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96631732 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00067234 0.00000000 +O 1.98882707 3.97757220 0.00000000 -0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96631732 3.97757220 0.00000000 0.00067234 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98885853 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00160103 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96628587 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00160103 +O 0.00000000 1.98885853 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00160103 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96628587 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00160103 0.00000000 +O 1.98885853 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00160103 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96628587 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00160103 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.955306714378919 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955306714378919 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955306714378919" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216692192946 stress="7.528892444635504e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 7.528892444635504e-05 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 7.528892444635504e-05" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98889350 5.96641321 5.96641321 -0.00048568 0.00048568 0.00048568 +Ba 5.96641321 1.98889350 5.96641321 0.00048568 -0.00048568 0.00048568 +Ba 1.98889350 1.98889350 1.98889350 -0.00048568 -0.00048568 -0.00048568 +Ba 5.96641321 5.96641321 1.98889350 0.00048568 0.00048568 -0.00048568 +Ba 5.96641321 1.98889350 1.98889350 0.00048568 -0.00048568 -0.00048568 +Ba 1.98889350 5.96641321 1.98889350 -0.00048568 0.00048568 -0.00048568 +Ba 1.98889350 1.98889350 5.96641321 -0.00048568 -0.00048568 0.00048568 +Ba 5.96641321 5.96641321 5.96641321 0.00048568 0.00048568 0.00048568 +Ti 3.97765336 3.97765336 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765336 0.00000000 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 3.97765336 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97765336 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97765336 3.97765336 1.98881395 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00109400 +O 3.97765336 3.97765336 5.96649276 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00109400 +O 3.97765336 1.98881395 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00109400 0.00000000 +O 3.97765336 5.96649276 3.97765336 0.00000000 -0.00109400 0.00000000 +O 1.98881395 3.97765336 3.97765336 0.00109400 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96649276 3.97765336 3.97765336 -0.00109400 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 3.97765336 5.96641401 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00121973 +O 0.00000000 3.97765336 1.98889271 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00121973 +O 1.98889271 0.00000000 3.97765336 -0.00121973 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641401 0.00000000 3.97765336 0.00121973 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 3.97765336 1.98889271 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00121973 0.00000000 +O 3.97765336 5.96641401 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00121973 0.00000000 +O 3.97765336 0.00000000 1.98889271 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00121973 +O 3.97765336 0.00000000 5.96641401 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00121973 +O 0.00000000 1.98889271 3.97765336 0.00000000 -0.00121973 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96641401 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00121973 0.00000000 +O 1.98889271 3.97765336 0.00000000 -0.00121973 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96641401 3.97765336 0.00000000 0.00121973 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.98897544 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00369339 +O 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.96633127 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00369339 +O 0.00000000 1.98897544 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00369339 0.00000000 +O 0.00000000 5.96633127 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00369339 0.00000000 +O 1.98897544 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00369339 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 5.96633127 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00369339 0.00000000 0.00000000 +40 +Lattice="7.958860139333012 0.0 0.0 -0.021815235641911786 7.958828303892455 0.0 -0.021815235641911786 0.021759523620936454 7.958796468451897" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29614.58931972406 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.04137388 0.08140243 0.01406012 -0.30681848 -0.37161594 -0.02622268 +Ba 3.98941685 0.04323014 3.97395995 -0.04259881 0.11929610 0.26472335 +Ba 4.05783678 3.98770251 0.03864982 -0.22851168 0.33270306 -0.11330723 +Ba 4.01288991 4.03263983 4.00714998 -0.10081398 -0.26137321 -0.02224750 +Ba -0.00091527 7.95349268 0.09248991 0.29116355 0.13237916 -0.54709501 +Ba 0.09724613 0.03349009 4.01147005 -0.15697639 -0.08387504 0.16439145 +Ba 0.03922126 4.08251323 0.03297037 -0.19168551 -0.32594080 0.08715680 +Ba 7.91467096 4.01155044 4.07742990 0.44909510 0.20854475 -0.56323974 +O 2.01805017 4.01449999 2.06422986 -0.29794149 -0.41997685 -0.49973658 +O 1.91924012 4.03412017 5.98974025 0.55885550 -0.10695018 0.19625102 +O 1.95373701 0.04955027 2.01934985 0.15910423 -0.12215774 0.11845149 +O 1.97917989 7.95126977 5.97927037 -0.28543513 0.65893389 -0.01091048 +O 5.92601047 4.05916989 1.98895974 0.08528838 -0.25109445 0.22611644 +O 5.86132006 4.01770980 5.97190046 0.53363092 -0.25608933 -0.20416127 +O 5.92527666 0.02224024 1.97590005 0.27432745 0.33915422 0.05014860 +O 6.01783661 0.06067039 6.00611003 -0.14926025 0.21481207 -0.18101620 +O 2.10303965 2.02545987 3.99714968 -0.88266203 0.04654134 -0.17365694 +O 1.96271699 1.97538272 0.02088007 0.05704275 0.37313212 0.01228730 +O 2.10935978 5.93618030 3.98566982 -0.59899119 0.37247006 0.44625712 +O 1.92817713 6.02398324 0.04011982 0.33968181 -0.31256824 -0.05069367 +O 5.90843014 1.98436986 3.95511018 0.33250612 0.29781371 0.32481878 +O 5.95008045 2.15575994 7.91748998 0.12989187 -0.66792144 0.39481012 +O 5.94773020 6.06216985 4.01203991 -0.11264569 -0.07116916 -0.07826798 +O 5.95114694 6.07515314 0.01820032 0.31698180 -0.42055869 0.31077052 +O 7.85602052 1.98130013 2.06142994 0.73668610 0.34251696 -0.22087447 +O 0.02203649 2.10542015 5.99527006 -0.68214735 -0.35092653 -0.22943882 +O -0.02149688 5.92398016 2.07917024 -0.26957528 0.49657875 -0.11610973 +O -0.03197074 5.99334004 5.98754997 -0.04176706 0.01638050 -0.17933547 +O 3.94634031 2.00124981 2.02304992 -0.02850582 0.13502894 -0.40958599 +O 3.92856022 2.00930020 6.00084047 0.09232677 0.15969276 0.11013192 +O 3.94206004 5.99254017 1.95822023 0.19818603 0.14002099 0.15532934 +O 3.97326991 6.06521014 6.05950045 -0.12417837 -0.31223014 -0.25493105 +Ti 2.07299973 2.03376971 2.07205979 0.19369226 -0.07842225 0.22534845 +Ti 2.02450003 2.00376004 6.06788989 0.56883703 -0.57990409 -0.18151808 +Ti 2.11493974 5.97965000 1.99678967 -0.32558522 0.07308772 0.15003647 +Ti 2.01959976 5.92915024 5.99013023 -0.38467020 1.02521067 -0.04440038 +Ti 6.02741988 1.98500021 2.02469980 -0.10278319 0.13856575 0.47900757 +Ti 6.04875042 2.12696001 6.00965013 -0.43341934 0.00503319 0.10752302 +Ti 6.07169979 5.99252028 2.01015975 -0.27152778 -0.22191269 -0.57658865 +Ti 5.92616010 6.15330039 5.93353000 0.70120282 -0.41320970 0.85977767 +40 +Lattice="7.837329830839747 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.837329830839747 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.221288456582418" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.07539136783 pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.96682024 1.97386992 0.04071728 -0.21090296 -0.19230797 -0.25585690 +Ba 1.96825996 1.95174984 4.09533009 -0.07636896 -0.04693472 0.24220229 +Ba 1.94295009 5.86998997 0.00493752 0.00203143 0.18254704 0.10333058 +Ba 1.96002998 5.85940958 4.11254008 0.11298919 0.21916675 0.02762393 +Ba 5.89881959 1.95290977 0.00036992 0.01436887 0.13658034 0.00873044 +Ba 5.88469986 1.98675998 4.11718997 -0.07152578 -0.13777796 0.13548120 +Ba 5.83668994 5.86923994 8.21549275 0.35022359 0.01045462 0.12691197 +Ba 5.90005005 5.87070004 4.14054991 -0.26515376 -0.00242661 -0.10346119 +Ti 7.81847165 7.81243455 2.16637982 0.24267023 0.08366498 -0.56887534 +Ti 7.83631176 0.00020534 6.25582015 0.09256049 0.15506863 -0.21227902 +Ti 7.82825420 3.90931968 2.14893001 -0.16739167 -0.01523816 -0.29895836 +Ti 0.01818966 3.92502961 6.24310957 -0.18800935 -0.18213155 -0.19473175 +Ti 3.93537959 0.01187591 2.14649025 -0.14767028 -0.36709748 -0.27589582 +Ti 3.91793996 0.02021012 6.28040978 -0.08340144 0.06856104 -0.50071334 +Ti 3.90290013 3.91514987 2.13455007 0.26852396 0.34711487 -0.22339338 +Ti 3.91489986 3.93458959 6.26463950 0.11407162 -0.22213971 -0.56865037 +O 0.00069987 1.99047017 1.94545960 -0.13190119 -0.10772434 0.12706058 +O 1.92823001 0.00546967 2.00431011 0.24453916 -0.05654679 -0.03851950 +O 7.78517945 0.02155031 3.97238981 0.19487111 -0.05555614 0.22671782 +O 7.83286412 1.96806011 6.08513016 0.01299950 -0.21813856 -0.01428891 +O 1.96349957 0.03259075 6.07762984 0.16917139 -0.20241601 -0.05345246 +O 0.01714965 7.82155015 8.06407946 -0.09832644 0.04665241 0.17231996 +O 7.78422017 5.90380021 1.95432989 0.28521504 -0.15861804 0.18353074 +O 1.94599959 3.93013955 1.93534004 0.02150188 0.08780574 0.21506892 +O 7.82571412 3.91154000 3.97582962 0.21581737 0.06081225 -0.12233695 +O 0.03440588 5.87072982 6.04590981 -0.05557337 0.20619399 0.07291906 +O 1.97086979 3.89597976 6.06414023 0.06282336 0.07777381 0.02953375 +O 0.01685653 3.95224004 8.05393952 -0.09503903 -0.09567692 0.34599927 +O 3.88312968 1.95822034 1.94019997 0.22323089 -0.03696218 0.15673805 +O 5.87407009 0.00413968 1.93739969 -0.19686603 0.14776207 0.07987672 +O 3.96116989 7.83042044 3.95172983 -0.16920507 0.08940188 0.21617913 +O 3.92086956 1.96200969 6.08180949 0.10122793 -0.29067170 -0.00334475 +O 5.88160960 7.81904299 6.08569994 -0.12781571 0.06277117 0.10244998 +O 3.93029003 7.82072331 8.09554947 -0.13582058 0.08236478 -0.03046372 +O 3.90490021 5.86227020 1.96118990 -0.03874138 0.23712230 -0.02956974 +O 5.88236982 3.95846993 1.96848019 -0.14503027 -0.32630899 -0.04094842 +O 3.91596966 3.91797993 3.94041978 -0.07640419 -0.09946647 0.25677736 +O 3.90820992 5.86169965 6.05301984 -0.00336557 0.20467550 0.22015816 +O 5.89294003 3.90809001 6.06040025 -0.22135296 0.12972090 0.12018905 +O 3.92685963 3.89118018 8.06599960 -0.02297024 0.17792574 0.36593997 +40 +Lattice="7.955131105 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955131105 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.955131105" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.216352730935 stress="-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0" pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97756555 3.97756555 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756555 0.00000000 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756555 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756555 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 3.97756555 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ba 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 5.96634302 1.98878809 1.98878809 0.00015889 -0.00015889 -0.00015889 +Ti 1.98878809 5.96634302 1.98878809 -0.00015889 0.00015889 -0.00015889 +Ti 1.98878809 1.98878809 5.96634302 -0.00015889 -0.00015889 0.00015889 +Ti 5.96634302 5.96634302 5.96634302 0.00015889 0.00015889 0.00015889 +Ti 1.98878809 5.96634302 5.96634302 -0.00015889 0.00015889 0.00015889 +Ti 5.96634302 1.98878809 5.96634302 0.00015889 -0.00015889 0.00015889 +Ti 5.96634302 5.96634302 1.98878809 0.00015889 0.00015889 -0.00015889 +Ti 1.98878809 1.98878809 1.98878809 -0.00015889 -0.00015889 -0.00015889 +O 5.96632775 5.96638623 3.97756555 0.00001903 -0.00031136 0.00000000 +O 1.98880335 5.96638623 3.97756555 -0.00001903 -0.00031136 0.00000000 +O 5.96632775 1.98874487 3.97756555 0.00001903 0.00031136 0.00000000 +O 1.98880335 1.98874487 3.97756555 -0.00001903 0.00031136 0.00000000 +O 5.96638623 3.97756555 5.96632775 -0.00031136 0.00000000 0.00001903 +O 5.96638623 3.97756555 1.98880335 -0.00031136 0.00000000 -0.00001903 +O 1.98874487 3.97756555 5.96632775 0.00031136 0.00000000 0.00001903 +O 1.98874487 3.97756555 1.98880335 0.00031136 0.00000000 -0.00001903 +O 3.97756555 5.96632775 5.96638623 0.00000000 0.00001903 -0.00031136 +O 3.97756555 1.98880335 5.96638623 0.00000000 -0.00001903 -0.00031136 +O 3.97756555 5.96632775 1.98874487 0.00000000 0.00001903 0.00031136 +O 3.97756555 1.98880335 1.98874487 0.00000000 -0.00001903 0.00031136 +O 5.96631828 5.96636012 0.00000000 0.00022240 -0.00006659 0.00000000 +O 1.98881282 5.96636012 0.00000000 -0.00022240 -0.00006659 0.00000000 +O 5.96631828 1.98877098 0.00000000 0.00022240 0.00006659 0.00000000 +O 1.98881282 1.98877098 0.00000000 -0.00022240 0.00006659 0.00000000 +O 5.96636012 0.00000000 5.96631828 -0.00006659 0.00000000 0.00022240 +O 5.96636012 0.00000000 1.98881282 -0.00006659 0.00000000 -0.00022240 +O 1.98877098 0.00000000 5.96631828 0.00006659 0.00000000 0.00022240 +O 1.98877098 0.00000000 1.98881282 0.00006659 0.00000000 -0.00022240 +O 0.00000000 5.96631828 5.96636012 0.00000000 0.00022240 -0.00006659 +O 0.00000000 1.98881282 5.96636012 0.00000000 -0.00022240 -0.00006659 +O 0.00000000 5.96631828 1.98877098 0.00000000 0.00022240 0.00006659 +O 0.00000000 1.98881282 1.98877098 0.00000000 -0.00022240 0.00006659 +40 +Lattice="8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.00504990114136" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29606.87752156208 pbc="T T T" +Ba 2.01424987 2.02139037 1.78395019 0.01562691 0.09182335 1.98450315 +Ba 5.94148012 5.93729028 2.43364004 0.84534889 -0.64956505 -3.68693879 +Ba 6.01410994 2.09168031 5.89025020 0.32770484 -0.86359164 -0.12290593 +Ba 1.93030972 5.94694997 6.16880993 0.59354662 0.39793786 -0.37905491 +Ba 6.01937006 2.04289994 2.06775002 0.44706239 0.40193567 0.63732479 +Ba 1.93095973 6.04499022 1.75542979 0.10592225 -0.24998990 1.18317874 +Ba 1.90175971 1.78287991 5.93538027 0.29403701 0.75601000 0.31316294 +Ba 6.07720014 6.15897012 5.83498014 -0.37106572 -0.71681765 2.15715607 +Ti 3.92307963 4.08360970 3.96562007 -1.43611410 -2.28662062 2.37755026 +Ti 7.78298021 4.09429965 0.07507936 1.28993583 -0.57002617 0.07772059 +Ti 4.31867959 7.84463751 0.25473029 -0.21120558 8.93157118 0.12730072 +Ti 7.87820108 7.78735017 3.75176036 1.80896956 5.17935542 -0.09368380 +Ti 3.90781961 7.99863626 4.16203998 -1.39838830 1.44504097 -6.08331210 +Ti 0.16090310 3.90492978 4.30812974 -0.43421022 -1.87563261 -2.35601393 +Ti 4.07313029 3.73079033 7.75925885 0.38371195 1.15882191 1.76921157 +Ti 7.95728777 0.19418970 7.96510310 0.31175603 0.39165872 -0.19280523 +O 4.39568977 4.08104008 2.34762978 -0.58862167 -0.59472856 -3.62673976 +O 4.16921010 4.06622033 6.01226958 -0.25391418 0.24494231 -0.15830668 +O 4.01760967 2.11601006 4.02127998 0.70458665 -0.75052352 0.75961495 +O 3.91494010 5.97822010 3.93835967 -0.34039709 1.62855937 0.98550538 +O 2.04297039 3.84361991 4.02518004 0.45527706 1.39766608 0.24770419 +O 6.38327962 4.24143967 4.32108031 -1.83284303 -0.41303127 -1.48299148 +O 0.16091911 3.94979969 1.79285981 -0.11046128 0.63177044 1.98824410 +O 8.00226014 3.84853981 6.09990966 1.65011498 0.71711358 0.06126682 +O 2.03535038 0.30156464 3.90860010 0.14744094 -2.05283741 0.31719931 +O 5.98519009 7.96609413 3.76629993 0.62431604 0.20544117 1.93577277 +O 4.39523989 2.01845012 0.05110184 -1.60686800 -0.30370950 -1.10113664 +O 3.95485968 6.30442028 0.20013986 -1.02047804 -8.62124546 -1.30883806 +O 4.10038028 0.17762805 1.99599996 -0.72221594 -0.72391106 0.56495055 +O 4.06444001 7.92319506 5.80738032 0.31668226 0.05335348 5.00453892 +O 0.06879140 2.01406015 3.94650001 -0.67812126 0.66526600 0.73847328 +O 0.23714320 6.09096962 3.94824991 0.01617301 -1.53061474 0.44607251 +O 2.28137998 3.80411018 0.05112185 -0.01675562 1.21978790 -0.75452982 +O 6.04219966 3.95873012 0.09978935 -2.19921623 1.57029431 -0.36897336 +O 7.95885196 0.10611574 1.91372966 0.47381909 -1.26748367 2.25449726 +O 7.82922378 7.95957962 6.13343962 0.50284119 0.26401321 -1.61261390 +O 7.73865225 2.09447007 7.98635411 1.26133590 -1.56034003 -0.42377231 +O 0.08444047 5.94272971 7.92955428 -0.33976460 0.56171842 -0.06303702 +O 1.81943977 0.24691496 0.09875510 0.95851343 -1.26082734 -1.05576952 +O 6.08496023 0.12020783 0.27991898 0.02591826 -1.62258490 -1.05952513 +40 +Lattice="7.943110238080786 0.0 0.0 -0.021772065162579433 7.943078465639834 0.0 -0.021772065162579433 0.02171646339091287 7.943046693198881" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.062467185006 pbc="T T T" +Ba 4.03203714 0.05589567 0.04595963 -0.07774707 -0.16533350 -0.04038226 +Ba 3.99726379 0.06031998 4.01250026 -0.00493009 -0.15395149 0.09624308 +Ba 4.00850408 4.00338634 0.04035974 0.09450218 0.01386390 0.05320281 +Ba 3.97915032 4.02615050 3.96402028 0.03523234 -0.00477197 0.27576804 +Ba 0.01967350 0.03967584 0.01601966 0.16165554 -0.10786163 0.16456474 +Ba 0.03913332 0.06359969 4.01944016 0.02405138 -0.19541798 0.03888871 +Ba 0.06616929 3.95069572 0.03548982 -0.32905235 0.43668156 0.07458307 +Ba 0.00929820 4.02307016 3.99634001 0.13664719 0.06834249 0.06232303 +O 1.97936985 3.99998033 2.04229994 0.21301050 0.01550581 -0.08010195 +O 2.02282979 3.98651994 5.96015010 -0.01564028 0.27846410 0.24884268 +O 2.00369404 0.03548028 2.02477029 -0.07825975 0.02305148 -0.04463075 +O 2.00967361 0.06586030 6.02861018 0.07247168 -0.52014008 -0.06246315 +O 5.98719004 4.07323011 2.02233016 -0.16924492 -0.12501321 0.14394630 +O 5.98279988 4.03469014 6.00328993 -0.01009004 0.22304680 -0.06828259 +O 6.01741357 0.08900970 2.06711977 -0.09393114 -0.25068873 -0.21230987 +O 6.04862364 0.08869039 6.02333992 -0.30909648 -0.13745863 -0.13287590 +O 2.02764013 2.02090994 3.99214048 -0.01704024 -0.04678739 0.07719814 +O 2.07841408 2.00732563 0.04373000 -0.29434760 0.12848857 0.11824555 +O 2.01425043 6.03088985 4.05031026 -0.07078658 -0.09387895 -0.10841854 +O 1.99360391 5.97409582 0.05945021 -0.05431250 0.03473946 -0.00357743 +O 6.02065039 2.06272009 3.99637019 -0.13317594 -0.01120101 0.04506141 +O 6.00908363 2.05701614 0.02798993 0.01167538 -0.13743446 -0.22360704 +O 5.96734020 6.02118019 4.02989011 -0.12234080 0.03824927 -0.19697118 +O 6.01152375 5.97370581 0.05031007 -0.13362820 0.30890930 -0.24698917 +O 0.01387582 2.03970016 2.02099016 0.58007044 -0.05152928 -0.12279229 +O 0.07097725 2.04156997 5.96741010 -0.13605352 0.07918175 0.16213017 +O -0.01039674 6.00262032 2.03020020 0.19833001 0.15201390 0.09856375 +O 0.00127805 6.01327998 5.95825011 0.01079966 -0.11497048 0.30276617 +O 4.03029998 1.99783043 2.00988013 -0.13631578 0.22653784 0.14450140 +O 4.03776015 1.99911007 5.96057029 0.07338700 0.20704194 0.08853028 +O 3.95479039 6.05500990 2.01931973 -0.01974324 -0.21080963 0.02234391 +O 3.96695050 6.00197058 6.02499050 0.00061012 0.11955295 -0.01962112 +Ti 1.97020986 2.02935029 1.98759018 0.14618753 0.21889061 0.14900983 +Ti 1.92557037 2.09006027 5.95356050 0.44679242 -0.32526383 -0.09161612 +Ti 2.04597045 6.03957008 1.97110028 0.07147692 -0.18643558 0.12521915 +Ti 2.04382978 6.05446024 5.96843000 0.02969573 0.23388786 -0.30267026 +Ti 5.96383014 1.97183025 2.10823014 -0.06682811 0.23649367 -0.35712289 +Ti 5.90507019 1.97996003 6.05215038 -0.01154991 0.25130836 0.04984598 +Ti 6.04155983 5.96937046 2.07235031 -0.01981652 -0.31950122 -0.27214921 +Ti 6.02314055 5.94294056 6.03256029 -0.00266598 -0.13580207 0.04480327 +40 +Lattice="7.955152085 -2e-09 -2e-09 -2e-09 7.955152085 -2e-09 -2e-09 -2e-09 7.955152085" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.21669505014 stress="8.263418536795066e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 8.263418536795066e-06 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 8.263418536795066e-06" pbc="T T T" +Ba 1.98878802 1.98878802 5.96636406 0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 5.96636406 1.98878802 1.98878802 -0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 1.98878802 5.96636406 1.98878802 0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96636406 5.96636406 1.98878802 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96636406 1.98878802 5.96636406 -0.00000026 0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98878802 5.96636406 5.96636406 0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ba 1.98878802 1.98878802 1.98878802 0.00000026 0.00000026 0.00000026 +Ba 5.96636406 5.96636406 5.96636406 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 -0.00000026 +Ti -0.00000000 3.97757604 -0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757604 -0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757604 3.97757604 3.97757604 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti -0.00000000 -0.00000000 3.97757604 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti -0.00000000 3.97757604 3.97757604 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757604 -0.00000000 3.97757604 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 3.97757604 3.97757604 -0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +Ti 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 +O 0.00005367 0.00005367 1.98879147 -0.00067594 -0.00067594 -0.00011313 +O 0.00005367 3.97752237 1.98878455 -0.00067594 0.00067594 0.00011339 +O 3.97752237 0.00005367 1.98878455 0.00067594 -0.00067594 0.00011339 +O 3.97752237 3.97752237 1.98879152 0.00067594 0.00067594 -0.00011596 +O 1.98878455 0.00005367 3.97752237 0.00011339 -0.00067594 0.00067594 +O 1.98879147 0.00005367 0.00005367 -0.00011313 -0.00067594 -0.00067594 +O 1.98879152 3.97752237 3.97752237 -0.00011596 0.00067594 0.00067594 +O 1.98878455 3.97752237 0.00005367 0.00011339 0.00067594 -0.00067594 +O 0.00005367 1.98878455 3.97752237 -0.00067594 0.00011339 0.00067594 +O 3.97752237 1.98879152 3.97752237 0.00067594 -0.00011596 0.00067594 +O 0.00005367 1.98879147 0.00005367 -0.00067594 -0.00011313 -0.00067594 +O 3.97752237 1.98878455 0.00005367 0.00067594 0.00011339 -0.00067594 +O 3.97762971 3.97762971 5.96636056 -0.00067594 -0.00067594 0.00011596 +O -0.00005367 3.97762971 5.96636753 0.00067594 -0.00067594 -0.00011339 +O 3.97762971 -0.00005367 5.96636753 -0.00067594 0.00067594 -0.00011339 +O -0.00005367 -0.00005367 5.96636061 0.00067594 0.00067594 0.00011313 +O 3.97762971 5.96636056 3.97762971 -0.00067594 0.00011596 -0.00067594 +O 3.97762971 5.96636753 -0.00005367 -0.00067594 -0.00011339 0.00067594 +O -0.00005367 5.96636753 3.97762971 0.00067594 -0.00011339 -0.00067594 +O -0.00005367 5.96636061 -0.00005367 0.00067594 0.00011313 0.00067594 +O 5.96636056 3.97762971 3.97762971 0.00011596 -0.00067594 -0.00067594 +O 5.96636753 -0.00005367 3.97762971 -0.00011339 0.00067594 -0.00067594 +O 5.96636753 3.97762971 -0.00005367 -0.00011339 -0.00067594 0.00067594 +O 5.96636061 -0.00005367 -0.00005367 0.00011313 0.00067594 0.00067594 +40 +Lattice="7.923900047063135 0.0 0.0 -0.021719410029000054 7.923868351462947 0.0 -0.021719410029000054 0.021663942728670612 7.923836655862758" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 energy=-29615.11478338346 pbc="T T T" +Ba 3.97839212 0.06701876 0.05399029 0.28144632 -0.19047246 -0.14546813 +Ba 3.98892139 0.04251014 3.97251021 0.06590072 0.06073923 0.24295125 +Ba 3.99525101 4.02704803 0.02806011 0.03542594 -0.10670181 0.03682154 +Ba 3.99615988 3.99520029 3.99296972 -0.00086261 0.11468843 0.08664695 +Ba 0.07365107 0.01389852 0.03646024 -0.25377945 0.11354969 -0.00405951 +Ba 0.02034461 0.04093011 3.99073993 0.12076060 0.05975887 0.11888858 +Ba 0.02753159 3.97445869 0.03543964 0.01445371 0.24647649 -0.03045472 +Ba 0.01677173 3.99788966 4.00170027 0.01374383 0.09660303 0.07262826 +O 2.04037970 3.98694993 2.04845019 -0.00519517 -0.00436033 -0.07893415 +O 2.01897011 4.01781986 5.97287975 0.02165409 -0.14325878 0.11341985 +O 2.05906108 0.01253006 2.02797008 0.01318025 -0.03071800 0.00269195 +O 2.05261103 0.05328030 5.98287972 -0.09499995 -0.11033761 0.09204806 +O 6.03424006 3.97793015 2.04045973 -0.09963796 -0.21000848 -0.02932395 +O 5.98208970 3.98249987 6.01930034 0.05350080 -0.09734557 -0.14691386 +O 6.03430107 0.01848963 2.04242010 -0.11103026 -0.00393533 -0.08851588 +O 6.01111099 0.02022021 6.01956024 -0.11053841 0.09120166 -0.11546439 +O 2.07143980 2.01600023 4.02768987 -0.22188363 0.01741845 -0.14500225 +O 2.06424094 2.01631878 0.07239037 -0.04750679 0.02995155 -0.11324270 +O 2.00627999 5.98901995 4.01178026 0.05872014 -0.03282810 -0.06507539 +O 2.02746136 5.96803825 0.03838971 0.12814970 -0.00926368 0.23791755 +O 6.01429006 2.00039966 4.03281029 -0.01619409 0.05445005 0.05171414 +O 6.02953089 2.00756841 0.07578022 -0.08921728 -0.09079491 -0.09859049 +O 6.02103013 5.97040988 4.00270977 -0.13562261 0.00798328 0.19551363 +O 5.97930128 5.96105809 0.04872961 0.07863282 0.01701042 0.05921379 +O 0.08995845 2.00313024 2.03809999 0.07440875 0.01192221 0.02555754 +O 0.07129450 2.00410012 6.01198024 0.11093153 0.09335059 -0.07861482 +O 0.06021213 5.98853025 2.02269989 0.40067300 -0.14683416 -0.05822366 +O 0.03748876 5.97508022 5.97756991 0.28627125 0.05031032 0.08017728 +O 4.05168027 2.01055018 2.02863014 0.05120686 0.03380075 0.03002406 +O 4.02378972 2.01861988 5.97408973 0.17536749 0.00433565 0.24420544 +O 4.05491005 5.96189010 2.05314035 -0.43664017 0.02827519 -0.14040666 +O 4.01770021 5.97210004 5.94907002 -0.00098628 0.08015080 0.12100177 +Ti 1.98365012 2.06134000 2.02469988 0.15263174 -0.10825064 -0.04711135 +Ti 1.97710022 2.02300972 5.97977989 -0.08320064 0.04002025 -0.18690892 +Ti 1.97576980 6.00264985 1.99869998 -0.31416927 0.13501068 0.04428854 +Ti 1.93278978 5.98863009 5.94618968 0.14288854 -0.08439132 -0.04079364 +Ti 5.96785996 2.07637005 2.00287033 -0.31685401 0.00608786 -0.07621701 +Ti 5.93108990 2.04048984 5.97432983 -0.02508471 0.04863164 -0.11829697 +Ti 5.93916039 6.04712987 2.01476965 0.17069734 -0.16399344 -0.15809353 +Ti 5.90802026 6.01309989 5.96703984 -0.08724216 0.09176781 0.11000182 diff --git a/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.py b/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33b75c79 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.py @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +""" +Sample Selection with FPS and CUR (librascal) +============================================= + +.. start-body + +In this tutorial we generate descriptors using librascal, then select a subset +of structures using both the farthest-point sampling (FPS) and CUR algorithms +implemented in scikit-matter. + +First, import all the necessary packages +""" +# %% + +import ase.io +import numpy as np +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA + +import chemiscope +from rascal.representations import SphericalInvariants +from rascal.utils import FPSFilter +from skmatter import sample_selection, feature_selection + + +# %% +# Load molecular data +# ------------------- +# +# Load 100 example BTO structures from file, reading them using +# `ASE `_. + +# Load a subset of structures of the example dataset +n_frames = 250 +frames = ase.io.read("./dataset/input-fps.xyz", f":{n_frames}", format="extxyz") + +# librascal requires the atomic positions to be wrapped in the cell +for frame in frames: + frame.wrap(eps=1.0e-12) + + +# %% +# Compute SOAP descriptor using librascal +# --------------------------------------- +# +# First, define the librascal hyperparameters used to compute SOAP. + +# librascal hyperparameters +soap_hypers = { + "soap_type": "PowerSpectrum", + "interaction_cutoff": 6.0, + "max_radial": 8, + "max_angular": 6, + "gaussian_sigma_constant": 0.3, + "gaussian_sigma_type": "Constant", + "cutoff_function_type": "RadialScaling", + "cutoff_smooth_width": 0.5, + "cutoff_function_parameters": { + "rate": 1, + "scale": 3.5, + "exponent": 4, + }, + "radial_basis": "GTO", + "normalize": True, + "optimization": { + "Spline": { + "accuracy": 1.0e-05, + }, + }, + "compute_gradients": False, +} + +# Generate a SOAP spherical expansion +soap = SphericalInvariants(**soap_hypers) + +# Perform a data trasnformation and get the descriptor with samples as atomic environments +atom_dscrptr = soap.transform(frames).get_features(soap) + +# Calculate the stucture features as the mean over the atomic features for each +# structure +struct_dscrptr = np.zeros((len(frames), atom_dscrptr.shape[1])) +atom_idx_start = 0 +for i, frame in enumerate(frames): + atom_idx_stop = atom_idx_start + len(frame.numbers) + struct_dscrptr[i] = atom_dscrptr[atom_idx_start:atom_idx_stop].mean(axis=0) + atom_idx_start = atom_idx_stop + +print("atom feature descriptor shape:", atom_dscrptr.shape) +print("structure feature descriptor shape:", struct_dscrptr.shape) + + +# %% +# Perform structure (i.e. sample) selection +# ----------------------------------------- +# +# Using FPS and CUR algorithms implemented in scikit-matter, select a subset of +# the structures. skmatter assumes that our descriptor is represented as a 2D +# matrix, with the samples along axis 0 and features along axis 1. +# +# For more info on the functions: `skmatter +# `_ + +# Define the number of structures to select using FPS/CUR +n_structures = 25 + +# FPS sample selection +struct_fps = sample_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_structures, initialize="random").fit( + struct_dscrptr +) +struct_fps_idxs = struct_fps.selected_idx_ + +# CUR sample selection +struct_cur = sample_selection.CUR(n_to_select=n_structures).fit(struct_dscrptr) +struct_cur_idxs = struct_cur.selected_idx_ + +print("Structure indices obtained with FPS ", struct_fps_idxs) +print("Structure indices obtained with CUR ", struct_cur_idxs) + +# Slice structure descriptor along axis 0 to contain only the selected structures +struct_dscrptr_fps = struct_dscrptr[struct_fps_idxs, :] +struct_dscrptr_cur = struct_dscrptr[struct_cur_idxs, :] +assert struct_dscrptr_fps.shape == struct_dscrptr_cur.shape + +print("Structure descriptor shape before selection ", struct_dscrptr.shape) +print("Structure descriptor shape after selection ", struct_dscrptr_fps.shape) + + +# %% +# Visualize selected structures with chemiscope +# --------------------------------------------- +# +# sklearn can be used to perform PCA dimensionality reduction on the SOAP +# descriptors. The resulting PC coordinates can be used to visualize the the +# data alongside their structures in a chemiscope widget. +# +# Note: chemiscope widgets are not currently integrated into our sphinx gallery: +# coming soon. + +# Generate a structure PCA +struct_dscrptr_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(struct_dscrptr) +assert struct_dscrptr_pca.shape == (n_frames, 2) + +# Selected level +selection_levels = [] +for i in range(len(frames)): + level = 0 + if i in struct_cur_idxs: + level += 1 + if i in struct_fps_idxs: + level += 2 + selection_levels.append(level) + + +properties = { + "PC1": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 0], + "PC2": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 1], + "Selection: (1) CUR, (2) FPS, (3) both": np.array(selection_levels), +} + + +# Display with chemiscope. This currently does not work - as raised in issue #8 +# https://github.com/lab-cosmo/software-cookbook/issues/8 +# chemiscope.show(frames, properties=properties) + + +# %% +# Perform feature selection +# ------------------------- +# +# Now perform feature selection. In this example we will go back to using the +# descriptor decomposed into atomic environments, as opposed to the one +# decomposed into structure environments, but only use FPS for brevity. + +# Define the number of features to select +n_features = 200 + +# FPS feature selection +feat_fps = feature_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_features, initialize="random").fit( + atom_dscrptr +) +feat_fps_idxs = feat_fps.selected_idx_ + +print("Feature indices obtained with FPS ", feat_fps_idxs) + +# Slice atomic descriptor along axis 1 to contain only the selected features +atom_dscrptr_fps = atom_dscrptr[:, feat_fps_idxs] + +print("atomic descriptor shape before selection ", atom_dscrptr.shape) +print("atomic descriptor shape after selection ", atom_dscrptr_fps.shape) + +# %% diff --git a/ipynb_to_gallery.py b/ipynb_to_gallery.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..80bff5b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ipynb_to_gallery.py @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +""" +Code is from +https://gist.github.com/chsasank/7218ca16f8d022e02a9c0deb94a310fe + +Convert jupyter notebook to sphinx gallery notebook styled examples. + +Usage: python ipynb_to_gallery.py + +Dependencies: +pypandoc: install using `pip install pypandoc` +""" +import pypandoc as pdoc +import json + +def convert_ipynb_to_gallery(file_name): + python_file = "" + + nb_dict = json.load(open(file_name)) + cells = nb_dict['cells'] + + for i, cell in enumerate(cells): + if i == 0: + assert cell['cell_type'] == 'markdown', \ + 'First cell has to be markdown' + + md_source = ''.join(cell['source']) + rst_source = pdoc.convert_text(md_source, 'rst', 'md') + python_file = '"""\n' + rst_source + '\n"""' + else: + if cell['cell_type'] == 'markdown': + md_source = ''.join(cell['source']) + rst_source = pdoc.convert_text(md_source, 'rst', 'md') + commented_source = '\n'.join(['# ' + x for x in + rst_source.split('\n')]) + python_file = python_file + "\n\n\n # %% \n" + \ + commented_source + elif cell['cell_type'] == 'code': + source = ''.join(cell['source']) + python_file = python_file + '\n' * 2 + source + + python_file = python_file.replace("\n%", "\n# %") + open(file_name.replace('.ipynb', '.py'), 'w').write(python_file) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + import sys + convert_ipynb_to_gallery(sys.argv[-1]) diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/environment.pickle b/latest/.doctrees/environment.pickle new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f8e2678 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/environment.pickle differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cffc0518 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/gaas_map/sg_execution_times.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/gaas_map/sg_execution_times.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc5c47ed Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/gaas_map/sg_execution_times.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e62cc471 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/lode_linear/sg_execution_times.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/lode_linear/sg_execution_times.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f98878d Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/lode_linear/sg_execution_times.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24ca8c9c Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/roy_gch/sg_execution_times.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/roy_gch/sg_execution_times.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff3262f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/roy_gch/sg_execution_times.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6abdb57e Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/examples/sample_selection/sg_execution_times.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/examples/sample_selection/sg_execution_times.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f30cc8d Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/examples/sample_selection/sg_execution_times.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/index.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/index.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..037ddacd Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/index.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/.doctrees/sg_execution_times.doctree b/latest/.doctrees/sg_execution_times.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41902976 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/.doctrees/sg_execution_times.doctree differ diff --git a/latest/_downloads/1e5a341bd1d17c7228dcb62a5552f203/sample_selection_librascal.py b/latest/_downloads/1e5a341bd1d17c7228dcb62a5552f203/sample_selection_librascal.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fe92bea --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/1e5a341bd1d17c7228dcb62a5552f203/sample_selection_librascal.py @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +""" +Sample Selection with FPS and CUR (librascal) +============================================= + +.. start-body + +In this tutorial we generate descriptors using librascal, then select a subset +of structures using both the farthest-point sampling (FPS) and CUR algorithms +implemented in scikit-matter. + +First, import all the necessary packages +""" + +# %% + +import ase.io +import numpy as np +from rascal.representations import SphericalInvariants +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA +from skmatter import feature_selection, sample_selection + + +# %% +# Load molecular data +# ------------------- +# +# Load 100 example BTO structures from file, reading them using +# `ASE `_. + +# Load a subset of structures of the example dataset +n_frames = 250 +frames = ase.io.read("./dataset/input-fps.xyz", f":{n_frames}", format="extxyz") + +# librascal requires the atomic positions to be wrapped in the cell +for frame in frames: + frame.wrap(eps=1.0e-12) + + +# %% +# Compute SOAP descriptor using librascal +# --------------------------------------- +# +# First, define the librascal hyperparameters used to compute SOAP. + +# librascal hyperparameters +soap_hypers = { + "soap_type": "PowerSpectrum", + "interaction_cutoff": 6.0, + "max_radial": 8, + "max_angular": 6, + "gaussian_sigma_constant": 0.3, + "gaussian_sigma_type": "Constant", + "cutoff_function_type": "RadialScaling", + "cutoff_smooth_width": 0.5, + "cutoff_function_parameters": { + "rate": 1, + "scale": 3.5, + "exponent": 4, + }, + "radial_basis": "GTO", + "normalize": True, + "optimization": { + "Spline": { + "accuracy": 1.0e-05, + }, + }, + "compute_gradients": False, +} + +# Generate a SOAP spherical expansion +soap = SphericalInvariants(**soap_hypers) + +# Perform a data trasnformation and get the descriptor with samples as atomic +# environments +atom_dscrptr = soap.transform(frames).get_features(soap) + +# Calculate the stucture features as the mean over the atomic features for each +# structure +struct_dscrptr = np.zeros((len(frames), atom_dscrptr.shape[1])) +atom_idx_start = 0 +for i, frame in enumerate(frames): + atom_idx_stop = atom_idx_start + len(frame.numbers) + struct_dscrptr[i] = atom_dscrptr[atom_idx_start:atom_idx_stop].mean(axis=0) + atom_idx_start = atom_idx_stop + +print("atom feature descriptor shape:", atom_dscrptr.shape) +print("structure feature descriptor shape:", struct_dscrptr.shape) + + +# %% +# Perform structure (i.e. sample) selection +# ----------------------------------------- +# +# Using FPS and CUR algorithms implemented in scikit-matter, select a subset of +# the structures. skmatter assumes that our descriptor is represented as a 2D +# matrix, with the samples along axis 0 and features along axis 1. +# +# For more info on the functions: `skmatter +# `_ + +# Define the number of structures to select using FPS/CUR +n_structures = 25 + +# FPS sample selection +struct_fps = sample_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_structures, initialize="random").fit( + struct_dscrptr +) +struct_fps_idxs = struct_fps.selected_idx_ + +# CUR sample selection +struct_cur = sample_selection.CUR(n_to_select=n_structures).fit(struct_dscrptr) +struct_cur_idxs = struct_cur.selected_idx_ + +print("Structure indices obtained with FPS ", struct_fps_idxs) +print("Structure indices obtained with CUR ", struct_cur_idxs) + +# Slice structure descriptor along axis 0 to contain only the selected structures +struct_dscrptr_fps = struct_dscrptr[struct_fps_idxs, :] +struct_dscrptr_cur = struct_dscrptr[struct_cur_idxs, :] +assert struct_dscrptr_fps.shape == struct_dscrptr_cur.shape + +print("Structure descriptor shape before selection ", struct_dscrptr.shape) +print("Structure descriptor shape after selection ", struct_dscrptr_fps.shape) + + +# %% +# Visualize selected structures with chemiscope +# --------------------------------------------- +# +# sklearn can be used to perform PCA dimensionality reduction on the SOAP +# descriptors. The resulting PC coordinates can be used to visualize the the +# data alongside their structures in a chemiscope widget. +# +# Note: chemiscope widgets are not currently integrated into our sphinx gallery: +# coming soon. + +# Generate a structure PCA +struct_dscrptr_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(struct_dscrptr) +assert struct_dscrptr_pca.shape == (n_frames, 2) + +# Selected level +selection_levels = [] +for i in range(len(frames)): + level = 0 + if i in struct_cur_idxs: + level += 1 + if i in struct_fps_idxs: + level += 2 + selection_levels.append(level) + + +properties = { + "PC1": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 0], + "PC2": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 1], + "Selection: (1) CUR, (2) FPS, (3) both": np.array(selection_levels), +} + + +# Display with chemiscope. This currently does not work - as raised in issue #8 +# https://github.com/lab-cosmo/software-cookbook/issues/8 +# chemiscope.show(frames, properties=properties) + + +# %% +# Perform feature selection +# ------------------------- +# +# Now perform feature selection. In this example we will go back to using the +# descriptor decomposed into atomic environments, as opposed to the one +# decomposed into structure environments, but only use FPS for brevity. + +# Define the number of features to select +n_features = 200 + +# FPS feature selection +feat_fps = feature_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_features, initialize="random").fit( + atom_dscrptr +) +feat_fps_idxs = feat_fps.selected_idx_ + +print("Feature indices obtained with FPS ", feat_fps_idxs) + +# Slice atomic descriptor along axis 1 to contain only the selected features +atom_dscrptr_fps = atom_dscrptr[:, feat_fps_idxs] + +print("atomic descriptor shape before selection ", atom_dscrptr.shape) +print("atomic descriptor shape after selection ", atom_dscrptr_fps.shape) + +# %% diff --git a/latest/_downloads/5ee7c668c022f1e7e8282ea24c67c0fb/lode_tutorial.py b/latest/_downloads/5ee7c668c022f1e7e8282ea24c67c0fb/lode_tutorial.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c654d6e --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/5ee7c668c022f1e7e8282ea24c67c0fb/lode_tutorial.py @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +""" +LODE Tutorial +============= + +This tutorial explains how Long range equivariant descriptors can be constructed using +rascaline and the resulting descriptors be used to construct a linear model with +equisolve + +First, import all the necessary packages +""" + +# %% + +import ase.io +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +import metatensor +import numpy as np +from equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model import Ridge +from equisolve.utils.convert import ase_to_tensormap +from rascaline import AtomicComposition, LodeSphericalExpansion, SphericalExpansion +from rascaline.utils import PowerSpectrum + + +# %% +# +# Step 0: Prepare Data Set +# ------------------------ +# +# Get structures +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# We take a small subset of the dimer dataset from `A. Grisafi et al., +# 2021 `_ +# for which we additionally calculated the forces. Each structure in the +# dataset contains two small organic molecules which are extended along a +# certain direction in the subsequent structures. +# +# For speeding up the calculations we already selected the first 130 +# structures of the charge-charge structures. + +frames = ase.io.read("dataset/charge-charge.xyz", ":") + + +# %% +# +# Convert target properties to metatensor format +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# If we want to train models using the +# `equisolve `_ package, we need to +# convert the target properties (in this case, the energies and forces) +# into the appropriate format #justequistorethings + +y = ase_to_tensormap(frames, energy="energy", forces="forces") + + +# %% +# +# Step 1: Compute short-range and LODE features +# --------------------------------------------- +# +# Define hypers and get the expansion coefficients :math:`\langle anlm | \rho_i \rangle` +# and :math:`\langle anlm | V_i \rangle` +# +# The short-range and long-range descriptors have very similar hyperparameters. We +# highlight the differences below. +# +# We first define the hyperparameters for the short-range (SR) part. These will be used +# to create SOAP features. + +SR_HYPERS = { + "cutoff": 3.0, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 2, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {}}, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, +} + + +# %% +# +# And next the hyperparaters for the LODE / long-range (LR) part + + +LR_HYPERS = { + # Cutoff on which to project potential density + "cutoff": 3.0, + # keep max_radial slightly smaller than for SR part + "max_radial": 3, + # max_angular should be <= 4, more precisely, max_angular + potential_exponent < 10 + "max_angular": 2, + # keep at >=1, WARNING: CUBIC SCALING, do not use values <0.5 + "atomic_gaussian_width": 3.0, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {}}, + # the exponent p that determines the 1/r^p potential + "potential_exponent": 1, +} + + +# %% +# We then use the above defined hyperparaters to define the per atom short range (sr) +# and long range (sr) descriptors. + +calculator_sr = SphericalExpansion(**SR_HYPERS) +calculator_lr = LodeSphericalExpansion(**LR_HYPERS) + + +# %% +# +# Note that LODE requires periodic systems. Therefore, if the data set does not come +# with periodic boundary conditions by default you can not use the data set and you will +# face an error if you try to compute the features. +# +# As you notices the calculation of the long range features takes significant more time +# compared to the sr features. +# +# Taking a look at the output we find that the resulting +# :py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` are quite similar in their structure. The short range +# :py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` contains more blocks due to the higher +# ``max_angular`` paramater we choosed above. +# +# Generate the rotational invariants (power spectra) +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# Rotationally invariant features can be obtained by taking two of the calculators that +# were defines above. +# +# For the short-range part, we use the SOAP vector which is obtained by computing the +# invariant combinations of the form :math:`\rho \otimes \rho`. + +ps_calculator_sr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_sr) +ps_sr = ps_calculator_sr.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + +# %% +# +# We calculate gradients with respect to pistions by providing the +# ``gradients=["positions"]`` option to the +# :py:meth:`rascaline.calculators.CalculatorBase.compute()` method. +# +# For the long-range part, we combine the long-range descriptor :math:`V` with one a +# short-range density :math:`\rho` to get :math:`\rho \otimes V` features. + +ps_calculator_lr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_lr) +ps_lr = ps_calculator_lr.compute(systems=frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + +# %% +# +# Step 2: Building a Simple Linear SR + LR Model with energy baselining +# --------------------------------------------------------------------- +# +# Preprocessing (model dependent) +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# For our current model, we do not wish to treat the individual center and +# neighbor species separately. Thus, we move the ``"species_center"`` key +# into the ``sample`` direction, over which we will later sum over. + +ps_sr = ps_sr.keys_to_samples("species_center") +ps_lr = ps_lr.keys_to_samples("species_center") + + +# %% +# +# For linear models only: Sum features up over atoms (``samples``) in the same +# structure. + +sample_names_to_sum = ["center", "species_center"] + +ps_sr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_sr, sample_names=sample_names_to_sum) +ps_lr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_lr, sample_names=sample_names_to_sum) + + +# %% +# +# Initialize tensormaps for energy baselining +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# We add a simple extra descriptor :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` that stores +# how many atoms of each chemical species are contained in the structures. This is used +# for energy baselining. + +calculator_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=False) +descriptor_co = calculator_co.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"]) + +co = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]) +co = metatensor.sum_over_samples(co, sample_names=["center"]) + +# %% +# +# The :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` calculator also allows to directly perform +# the the sum over center atoms by using the following lines. +# +# .. code:: python +# +# descriptor_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=True).compute(**compute_args) +# co = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]) +# +# Stack all the features together for linear model +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# +# A linear model on SR + LR features can be thought of as a linear model +# built on a feature vector that is simply the concatenation of the SR and +# LR features. +# +# Furthermore, energy baselining can be performed by concatenating the information about +# chemical species as well. There is an metatensor function called +# :py:func:`metatensor.join()` for this purpose. Formally, we can write for the SR +# model. +# +# X_sr: :math:`1 \oplus \left(\rho \otimes \rho\right)` + +X_sr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr], axis="properties") + + +# %% +# +# We used the ``axis="properties"`` parameter since we want to concatenate along the +# features/properties dimensions. +# +# For the long range model we can formerly write +# +# X_lr: :math:`1 \oplus \left(\rho \otimes \rho\right) \oplus \left(\rho \otimes +# V\right)` + +X_lr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr, ps_lr], axis="properties") + + +# %% +# +# The features are now ready! Let us now perform some actual learning. Below we +# initialize two instances of the :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` +# class. :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` will perform a regression +# with respect to ``"values"`` (energies) and ``"positions"`` gradients (forces). +# +# If you only want a fit with respect to energies you can remove the gradients with +# ``metatensor.remove_gradients()`` + +clf_sr = Ridge() +clf_lr = Ridge() + + +# %% +# +# Split training and target data into train and test dat +# ------------------------------------------------------ +# +# Split the training and the test data by the distance :math:`r_{\rm +# train}=6\,\mathrm{Å}` between the center of mass of the two molecules. A structure +# with a :math:`r_{\rm train}<6 {\rm Å}` is used for training. + +r_cut = 6.0 + + +# %% +# +# We calculate the indices from the dataset by list comprehension. The center of mass +# distance is stored in the ``"distance""`` attribute. + +idx_train = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info["distance"] < r_cut] +idx_test = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info["distance"] >= r_cut] + + +# %% +# +# For doing the split we define two ``Labels`` instances and combine them in a +# :py:class:`List`. + +samples_train = metatensor.Labels(["structure"], np.reshape(idx_train, (-1, 1))) +samples_test = metatensor.Labels(["structure"], np.reshape(idx_test, (-1, 1))) +grouped_labels = [samples_train, samples_test] + + +# %% +# +# That we use as input to the :py:func:`metatensor.split()` function + +X_sr_train, X_sr_test = metatensor.split( + X_sr, axis="samples", grouped_labels=grouped_labels +) + +X_lr_train, X_lr_test = metatensor.split( + X_lr, axis="samples", grouped_labels=grouped_labels +) + +y_train, y_test = metatensor.split(y, axis="samples", grouped_labels=grouped_labels) + + +# %% +# +# Fit the model +# ------------- +# +# For this model, we use a very simple regularization scheme where all features are +# regularized in the same way (the amount being controlled by the parameter ``alpha``). +# For more advanced regularization schemes (regularizing energies and forces differently +# and/or the SR and LR parts differently), see further down. + +clf_sr.fit(X_sr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6) +clf_lr.fit(X_lr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6) + + +# %% +# +# Evaluation +# ---------- +# +# For evaluating the model we calculate the RMSEs using the ``score()`` method. With the +# ``parameter_key`` parameter we select which RMSE should be calculated. + +print( + "SR: RMSE energies = " + f"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV" +) +print( + "SR: RMSE forces = " + f"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å" +) + +print( + "LR: RMSE energies = " + f"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV" +) +print( + "LR: RMSE forces = " + f"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å" +) + + +# %% +# +# We find that the RMSE of the energy and the force of the LR model is smaller compared +# to the SR model. From this we conclude that the LR model performs better for the +# selection of the dataset. +# +# We additionally, can plot of the binding energy as a function of the distance. For the +# plot we select some properties from the dataset + +dist = np.array([f.info["distance"] for f in frames]) +energies = np.array([f.info["energy"] for f in frames]) +monomer_energies = np.array([f.info["energyA"] + f.info["energyB"] for f in frames]) + + +# %% +# +# and select only the indices corresponding to our test set. + + +# %% +# +# Next we calculate the predicted SR and LR ``TensorMaps``. + +y_sr_pred = clf_sr.predict(X_sr) +y_lr_pred = clf_lr.predict(X_lr) + + +# %% +# +# And, finally perform the plot. + +plt.scatter( + dist, y.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, label="target data", color="black" +) + +plt.scatter( + dist, + y_sr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="short range model", + marker="x", +) + +plt.scatter( + dist, + y_lr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="long range model", + marker="s", + facecolor="None", + edgecolor="orange", +) + +plt.xlabel("center of mass distance in Å") +plt.ylabel(r"$E - E_\mathrm{monomer}$ in eV") +plt.axvline(r_cut, c="red", label=r"$r_\mathrm{train}$") + +plt.legend() +plt.tight_layout() +plt.show() diff --git a/latest/_downloads/76541ec3f2a2c0e75aa5ac99c3cab20e/gaas_map.ipynb b/latest/_downloads/76541ec3f2a2c0e75aa5ac99c3cab20e/gaas_map.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21cc5a7e --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/76541ec3f2a2c0e75aa5ac99c3cab20e/gaas_map.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "\n# PCA/PCovR Visualization for the rattled GaAs training dataset\n\nThis example uses ``rascaline`` and ``metatensor`` to compute\nstructural properties for the structures in a training for a ML model.\nThese are then used with simple dimensionality reduction algorithms\n(implemented in ``sklearn`` and ``skmatter``) to obtain a simplified\ndescription of the dataset, that is then visualized using\n``chemiscope``.\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import os\n\nimport ase\nimport ase.io\nimport chemiscope\nimport numpy as np\nimport requests\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt\nfrom metatensor import mean_over_samples\nfrom rascaline import AtomicComposition, SoapPowerSpectrum\nfrom sklearn.decomposition import PCA\nfrom sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV\nfrom skmatter.decomposition import PCovR\nfrom skmatter.preprocessing import StandardFlexibleScaler" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "First, we load the structures, extracting some of the properties for\nmore convenient manipulation. These are\n$\\mathrm{Ga}_x\\mathrm{As}_{1-x}$ structures used in [Imbalzano &\nCeriotti (2021)](http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.063804)_ to\ntrain a ML potential to describe the full composition range.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "filename = \"gaas_training.xyz\"\nif not os.path.exists(filename):\n url = f\"https://zenodo.org/records/10566825/files/{filename}\"\n response = requests.get(url)\n response.raise_for_status()\n with open(filename, \"wb\") as f:\n f.write(response.content)\n\nstructures = ase.io.read(filename, \":\")\nenergy = np.array([f.info[\"energy\"] for f in structures])\nnatoms = np.array([len(f) for f in structures])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Remove atomic energy baseline\n\nEnergies from an electronic structure calculation contain a very large\n\u201cself\u201d contributions from the atoms, which can obscure the important\ndifferences in cohesive energies between structures. We can build an\napproximate model based on the chemical nature of the atoms, $a_i$\n\n\\begin{align}E(A) = \\sum_{i\\in A} e_{a_i}\\end{align}\n\nwhere $e_a$ are atomic energies that can be determined by linear\nregression.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# rascaline has an `AtomicComposition` calculator that streamlines\n# this (simple) calculation\ncalculator = AtomicComposition(**{\"per_structure\": True})\nrho0 = calculator.compute(structures)\n\n# the descriptors are returned as a `TensorMap` object, that contains\n# the composition data in a sparse storage format\nrho0\n\n# for easier manipulation, we extract the features as a dense vector\n# of composition weights\ncomp_feats = rho0.keys_to_properties([\"species_center\"]).block(0).values\n\n# a one-liner to fit a linear model and compute \"dressed energies\"\natom_energy = (\n RidgeCV(alphas=np.geomspace(1e-8, 1e2, 20))\n .fit(comp_feats, energy)\n .predict(comp_feats)\n)\ncohesive_peratom = (energy - atom_energy) / natoms" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The baseline makes up a large fraction of the total energy, but actually\nthe residual (which is the part that matters) is still large.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))\nax.plot(energy / natoms, atom_energy / natoms, \"b.\")\nax.set_xlabel(\"Energy / (eV/atom)\")\nax.set_ylabel(\"Atomic e. / (eV/atom)\")\nprint(f\"RMSE / (eV/atom): {np.sqrt(np.mean((cohesive_peratom)**2))}\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Compute structural descriptors\n\nIn order to visualize the structures as a low-dimensional map, we start\nby computing suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used ``rascaline`` to\nevaluate average SOAP features for the structures.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# hypers for evaluating rascaline features\nhypers = {\n \"cutoff\": 4.5,\n \"max_radial\": 6,\n \"max_angular\": 4,\n \"atomic_gaussian_width\": 0.3,\n \"cutoff_function\": {\"ShiftedCosine\": {\"width\": 0.5}},\n \"radial_basis\": {\"Gto\": {\"accuracy\": 1e-6}},\n \"center_atom_weight\": 1.0,\n}\ncalculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers)\nrho2i = calculator.compute(structures)\n\n# neighbor types go to the keys for sparsity (this way one can\n# compute a heterogeneous dataset without having blocks of zeros)\nrho2i = rho2i.keys_to_samples([\"species_center\"]).keys_to_properties(\n [\"species_neighbor_1\", \"species_neighbor_2\"]\n)\n\n# computes structure-level descriptors and then extracts\n# the features as a dense array\nrho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, sample_names=[\"center\", \"species_center\"])\nrho2i = None # releases memory\nfeatures = rho2i_structure.block(0).values" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We standardize (per atom) energy and features (computed as a *mean* over\natomic environments) so that they can be combined on the same footings.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sf_energy = StandardFlexibleScaler().fit_transform(cohesive_peratom.reshape(-1, 1))\nsf_feats = StandardFlexibleScaler().fit_transform(features)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## PCA and PCovR projection\n\nComputes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that\nreflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme\ncould be used in a similar fashion.\n\nWe also compute the principal covariate regression (PCovR) descriptors,\nthat reduce dimensionality while combining a variance preserving\ncriterion with the requirement that the low-dimensional features are\ncapable of estimating a target quantity (here, the energy).\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# PCA\npca = PCA(n_components=4)\npca_features = pca.fit_transform(sf_feats)\n\nfig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))\nscatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=cohesive_peratom)\nax.set_xlabel(\"PCA[1]\")\nax.set_ylabel(\"PCA[2]\")\ncbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax)\ncbar.set_label(\"energy / eV/at.\")\n\n# computes PCovR map\npcovr = PCovR(n_components=4)\npcovr_features = pcovr.fit_transform(sf_feats, sf_energy)\n\nfig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))\nscatter = ax.scatter(pcovr_features[:, 0], pcovr_features[:, 1], c=cohesive_peratom)\nax.set_xlabel(\"PCovR[1]\")\nax.set_ylabel(\"PCovR[2]\")\ncbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax)\ncbar.set_label(\"energy / (eV/at.)\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Chemiscope visualization\n\nVisualizes the structure-property map using a chemiscope widget (and\ngenerates a .json file that can be viewed on\n[chemiscope.org](https://chemiscope.org)_).\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# extracts force data (adding considerably to the dataset size...)\nforce_vectors = chemiscope.ase_vectors_to_arrows(structures, scale=1)\nforce_vectors[\"parameters\"][\"global\"][\"color\"] = 0x505050\n\n# adds properties to the ASE frames\nfor i, f in enumerate(structures):\n for j in range(len(pca_features[i])):\n f.info[\"pca_\" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j]\nfor i, f in enumerate(structures):\n for j in range(len(pcovr_features[i])):\n f.info[\"pcovr_\" + str(j + 1)] = pcovr_features[i, j]\nfor i, f in enumerate(structures):\n f.info[\"cohesive_energy\"] = cohesive_peratom[i]\n f.info[\"x_ga\"] = comp_feats[i, 0] / comp_feats[i].sum()\n\n# it would also be easy to add the properties manually, this is just a dictionary\nstructure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures)\n\ncs = chemiscope.show(\n frames=structures,\n properties=structure_properties,\n shapes={\"forces\": force_vectors},\n # the settings are a tad verbose, but give full control over the visualization\n settings={\n \"map\": {\n \"x\": {\"property\": \"pcovr_1\"},\n \"y\": {\"property\": \"pcovr_2\"},\n \"color\": {\"property\": \"x_ga\"},\n },\n \"structure\": [\n {\n \"bonds\": True,\n \"unitCell\": True,\n \"shape\": [\"forces\"],\n \"keepOrientation\": False,\n }\n ],\n },\n meta={\n \"name\": \"GaAs training data\",\n \"description\": \"\"\"\nA collection of Ga(x)As(1-x) structures to train a MLIP,\nincluding force and energy data.\n\"\"\",\n \"authors\": [\"Giulio Imbalzano\", \"Michele Ceriotti\"],\n \"references\": [\n \"\"\"\nG. Imbalzano and M. Ceriotti, 'Modeling the Ga/As binary system across\ntemperatures and compositions from first principles,'\nPhys. Rev. Materials 5(6), 063804 (2021).\n\"\"\",\n \"Original dataset: https://archive.materialscloud.org/record/2021.226\",\n ],\n },\n)\n\n# shows chemiscope if run in a jupyter environment\nif chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook():\n from IPython.display import display\n\n display(cs)\nelse:\n cs.save(\"gaas_map.chemiscope.json.gz\")" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.11.7" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 0 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_downloads/bd58737fee6cee3544e6e7429ec023f1/lode_tutorial.ipynb b/latest/_downloads/bd58737fee6cee3544e6e7429ec023f1/lode_tutorial.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc5d7a26 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/bd58737fee6cee3544e6e7429ec023f1/lode_tutorial.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "\n# LODE Tutorial\n\nThis tutorial explains how Long range equivariant descriptors can be constructed using\nrascaline and the resulting descriptors be used to construct a linear model with\nequisolve\n\nFirst, import all the necessary packages\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import ase.io\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport metatensor\nimport numpy as np\nfrom equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model import Ridge\nfrom equisolve.utils.convert import ase_to_tensormap\nfrom rascaline import AtomicComposition, LodeSphericalExpansion, SphericalExpansion\nfrom rascaline.utils import PowerSpectrum" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Step 0: Prepare Data Set\n\n### Get structures\n\nWe take a small subset of the dimer dataset from [A. Grisafi et al.,\n2021](https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/sc/d0sc04934d)\nfor which we additionally calculated the forces. Each structure in the\ndataset contains two small organic molecules which are extended along a\ncertain direction in the subsequent structures.\n\nFor speeding up the calculations we already selected the first 130\nstructures of the charge-charge structures.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "frames = ase.io.read(\"dataset/charge-charge.xyz\", \":\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### Convert target properties to metatensor format\n\nIf we want to train models using the\n[equisolve](https://github.com/lab-cosmo/equisolve) package, we need to\nconvert the target properties (in this case, the energies and forces)\ninto the appropriate format #justequistorethings\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "y = ase_to_tensormap(frames, energy=\"energy\", forces=\"forces\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Step 1: Compute short-range and LODE features\n\nDefine hypers and get the expansion coefficients $\\langle anlm | \\rho_i \\rangle$\nand $\\langle anlm | V_i \\rangle$\n\nThe short-range and long-range descriptors have very similar hyperparameters. We\nhighlight the differences below.\n\nWe first define the hyperparameters for the short-range (SR) part. These will be used\nto create SOAP features.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "SR_HYPERS = {\n \"cutoff\": 3.0,\n \"max_radial\": 6,\n \"max_angular\": 2,\n \"atomic_gaussian_width\": 0.3,\n \"center_atom_weight\": 1.0,\n \"radial_basis\": {\"Gto\": {}},\n \"cutoff_function\": {\"ShiftedCosine\": {\"width\": 0.5}},\n}" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "And next the hyperparaters for the LODE / long-range (LR) part\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "LR_HYPERS = {\n # Cutoff on which to project potential density\n \"cutoff\": 3.0,\n # keep max_radial slightly smaller than for SR part\n \"max_radial\": 3,\n # max_angular should be <= 4, more precisely, max_angular + potential_exponent < 10\n \"max_angular\": 2,\n # keep at >=1, WARNING: CUBIC SCALING, do not use values <0.5\n \"atomic_gaussian_width\": 3.0,\n \"center_atom_weight\": 1.0,\n \"radial_basis\": {\"Gto\": {}},\n # the exponent p that determines the 1/r^p potential\n \"potential_exponent\": 1,\n}" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We then use the above defined hyperparaters to define the per atom short range (sr)\nand long range (sr) descriptors.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "calculator_sr = SphericalExpansion(**SR_HYPERS)\ncalculator_lr = LodeSphericalExpansion(**LR_HYPERS)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Note that LODE requires periodic systems. Therefore, if the data set does not come\nwith periodic boundary conditions by default you can not use the data set and you will\nface an error if you try to compute the features.\n\nAs you notices the calculation of the long range features takes significant more time\ncompared to the sr features.\n\nTaking a look at the output we find that the resulting\n:py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` are quite similar in their structure. The short range\n:py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` contains more blocks due to the higher\n``max_angular`` paramater we choosed above.\n\n### Generate the rotational invariants (power spectra)\n\nRotationally invariant features can be obtained by taking two of the calculators that\nwere defines above.\n\nFor the short-range part, we use the SOAP vector which is obtained by computing the\ninvariant combinations of the form $\\rho \\otimes \\rho$.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "ps_calculator_sr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_sr)\nps_sr = ps_calculator_sr.compute(frames, gradients=[\"positions\"])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We calculate gradients with respect to pistions by providing the\n``gradients=[\"positions\"]`` option to the\n:py:meth:`rascaline.calculators.CalculatorBase.compute()` method.\n\nFor the long-range part, we combine the long-range descriptor $V$ with one a\nshort-range density $\\rho$ to get $\\rho \\otimes V$ features.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "ps_calculator_lr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_lr)\nps_lr = ps_calculator_lr.compute(systems=frames, gradients=[\"positions\"])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Step 2: Building a Simple Linear SR + LR Model with energy baselining\n\n### Preprocessing (model dependent)\n\nFor our current model, we do not wish to treat the individual center and\nneighbor species separately. Thus, we move the ``\"species_center\"`` key\ninto the ``sample`` direction, over which we will later sum over.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "ps_sr = ps_sr.keys_to_samples(\"species_center\")\nps_lr = ps_lr.keys_to_samples(\"species_center\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "For linear models only: Sum features up over atoms (``samples``) in the same\nstructure.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sample_names_to_sum = [\"center\", \"species_center\"]\n\nps_sr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_sr, sample_names=sample_names_to_sum)\nps_lr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_lr, sample_names=sample_names_to_sum)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### Initialize tensormaps for energy baselining\n\nWe add a simple extra descriptor :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` that stores\nhow many atoms of each chemical species are contained in the structures. This is used\nfor energy baselining.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "calculator_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=False)\ndescriptor_co = calculator_co.compute(frames, gradients=[\"positions\"])\n\nco = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties([\"species_center\"])\nco = metatensor.sum_over_samples(co, sample_names=[\"center\"])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` calculator also allows to directly perform\nthe the sum over center atoms by using the following lines.\n\n.. code:: python\n\n descriptor_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=True).compute(**compute_args)\n co = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties([\"species_center\"])\n\n### Stack all the features together for linear model\n\nA linear model on SR + LR features can be thought of as a linear model\nbuilt on a feature vector that is simply the concatenation of the SR and\nLR features.\n\nFurthermore, energy baselining can be performed by concatenating the information about\nchemical species as well. There is an metatensor function called\n:py:func:`metatensor.join()` for this purpose. Formally, we can write for the SR\nmodel.\n\nX_sr: $1 \\oplus \\left(\\rho \\otimes \\rho\\right)$\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "X_sr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr], axis=\"properties\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We used the ``axis=\"properties\"`` parameter since we want to concatenate along the\nfeatures/properties dimensions.\n\nFor the long range model we can formerly write\n\nX_lr: $1 \\oplus \\left(\\rho \\otimes \\rho\\right) \\oplus \\left(\\rho \\otimes\nV\\right)$\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "X_lr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr, ps_lr], axis=\"properties\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The features are now ready! Let us now perform some actual learning. Below we\ninitialize two instances of the :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge`\nclass. :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` will perform a regression\nwith respect to ``\"values\"`` (energies) and ``\"positions\"`` gradients (forces).\n\nIf you only want a fit with respect to energies you can remove the gradients with\n``metatensor.remove_gradients()``\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "clf_sr = Ridge()\nclf_lr = Ridge()" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Split training and target data into train and test dat\n\nSplit the training and the test data by the distance $r_{\\rm\ntrain}=6\\,\\mathrm{\u00c5}$ between the center of mass of the two molecules. A structure\nwith a $r_{\\rm train}<6 {\\rm \u00c5}$ is used for training.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "r_cut = 6.0" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We calculate the indices from the dataset by list comprehension. The center of mass\ndistance is stored in the ``\"distance\"\"`` attribute.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "idx_train = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info[\"distance\"] < r_cut]\nidx_test = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info[\"distance\"] >= r_cut]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "For doing the split we define two ``Labels`` instances and combine them in a\n:py:class:`List`.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "samples_train = metatensor.Labels([\"structure\"], np.reshape(idx_train, (-1, 1)))\nsamples_test = metatensor.Labels([\"structure\"], np.reshape(idx_test, (-1, 1)))\ngrouped_labels = [samples_train, samples_test]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "That we use as input to the :py:func:`metatensor.split()` function\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "X_sr_train, X_sr_test = metatensor.split(\n X_sr, axis=\"samples\", grouped_labels=grouped_labels\n)\n\nX_lr_train, X_lr_test = metatensor.split(\n X_lr, axis=\"samples\", grouped_labels=grouped_labels\n)\n\ny_train, y_test = metatensor.split(y, axis=\"samples\", grouped_labels=grouped_labels)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Fit the model\n\nFor this model, we use a very simple regularization scheme where all features are\nregularized in the same way (the amount being controlled by the parameter ``alpha``).\nFor more advanced regularization schemes (regularizing energies and forces differently\nand/or the SR and LR parts differently), see further down.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "clf_sr.fit(X_sr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6)\nclf_lr.fit(X_lr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Evaluation\n\nFor evaluating the model we calculate the RMSEs using the ``score()`` method. With the\n``parameter_key`` parameter we select which RMSE should be calculated.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "print(\n \"SR: RMSE energies = \"\n f\"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV\"\n)\nprint(\n \"SR: RMSE forces = \"\n f\"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/\u00c5\"\n)\n\nprint(\n \"LR: RMSE energies = \"\n f\"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV\"\n)\nprint(\n \"LR: RMSE forces = \"\n f\"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/\u00c5\"\n)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We find that the RMSE of the energy and the force of the LR model is smaller compared\nto the SR model. From this we conclude that the LR model performs better for the\nselection of the dataset.\n\nWe additionally, can plot of the binding energy as a function of the distance. For the\nplot we select some properties from the dataset\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "dist = np.array([f.info[\"distance\"] for f in frames])\nenergies = np.array([f.info[\"energy\"] for f in frames])\nmonomer_energies = np.array([f.info[\"energyA\"] + f.info[\"energyB\"] for f in frames])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "and select only the indices corresponding to our test set.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Next we calculate the predicted SR and LR ``TensorMaps``.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "y_sr_pred = clf_sr.predict(X_sr)\ny_lr_pred = clf_lr.predict(X_lr)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "And, finally perform the plot.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "plt.scatter(\n dist, y.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, label=\"target data\", color=\"black\"\n)\n\nplt.scatter(\n dist,\n y_sr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies,\n label=\"short range model\",\n marker=\"x\",\n)\n\nplt.scatter(\n dist,\n y_lr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies,\n label=\"long range model\",\n marker=\"s\",\n facecolor=\"None\",\n edgecolor=\"orange\",\n)\n\nplt.xlabel(\"center of mass distance in \u00c5\")\nplt.ylabel(r\"$E - E_\\mathrm{monomer}$ in eV\")\nplt.axvline(r_cut, c=\"red\", label=r\"$r_\\mathrm{train}$\")\n\nplt.legend()\nplt.tight_layout()\nplt.show()" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.11.7" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 0 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_downloads/bf627fc2e9873db239d4716ae77bb54b/roy_gch.py b/latest/_downloads/bf627fc2e9873db239d4716ae77bb54b/roy_gch.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b59ae97 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/bf627fc2e9873db239d4716ae77bb54b/roy_gch.py @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +""" +Generalized Convex Hull construction for the polymorphs of ROY +============================================================== + +This notebook analyzes the structures of 264 polymorphs of ROY, from +`Beran et Al, Chemical Science +(2022) `__, comparing the +conventional density-energy convex hull with a Generalized Convex Hull +(GCH) analysis (see `Anelli et al., Phys. Rev. Materials +(2018) `__). +It uses features computed with `rascaline `__ +and uses the directional convex hull function from +`scikit-matter `__ +to make the figure. +""" + +import chemiscope +import matplotlib.tri +import numpy as np +from matplotlib import pyplot as plt +from metatensor import mean_over_samples +from rascaline import SoapPowerSpectrum +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA +from skmatter.datasets import load_roy_dataset +from skmatter.sample_selection import DirectionalConvexHull + + +# %% +# Loads the structures (that also contain properties in the ``info`` field) + +roy_data = load_roy_dataset() + +structures = roy_data["structures"] + +density = np.array([s.info["density"] for s in structures]) +energy = np.array([s.info["energy"] for s in structures]) +structype = np.array([s.info["type"] for s in structures]) +iknown = np.where(structype == "known")[0] +iothers = np.where(structype != "known")[0] + + +# %% +# Energy-density hull +# ------------------- +# +# The Directional Convex Hull routines can be used to compute a +# conventional density-energy hull + +dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0]) +dch_builder.fit(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy) + +# %% +# We can get the indices of the selection, and compute the distance from +# the hull + +sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_ +dch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy) + + +# %% +# +# Hull energies +# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +# +# Structures on the hull are stable with respect to synthesis at constant +# molar volume. Any other structure would lower the energy by decomposing +# into a mixture of the two nearest structures along the hull. Given that +# the lattice energy is an imperfect proxy for the free energy, and that +# synthesis can be performed in other ways than by fixing the density, +# structures that are not exactly on the hull might also be stable. One +# can compute a “hull energy” as an indication of how close these +# structures are to being stable. + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +ax.scatter(density, energy, c=dch_dist, marker=".") +ssel = sel[np.argsort(density[sel])] +ax.plot(density[ssel], energy[ssel], "k--") +ax.set_xlabel("density / g/cm$^3$") +ax.set_ylabel("energy / kJ/mol") + +print( + f"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol" +) +print(f"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol") + + +# %% +# Interactive visualization +# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +# +# You can also visualize the hull with ``chemiscope``. +# This runs only in a notebook, and +# requires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed. +# + +cs = chemiscope.show( + structures, + dict( + energy=energy, + density=density, + hull_energy=dch_dist, + structure_type=structype, + ), + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "density"}, + "y": {"property": "energy"}, + "color": {"property": "hull_energy"}, + "symbol": "structure_type", + "size": {"factor": 35}, + }, + "structure": [{"unitCell": True, "supercell": {"0": 2, "1": 2, "2": 2}}], + }, +) + + +if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + from IPython.display import display + + display(cs) +else: + cs.save("roy_ch.json.gz") + +# %% +# Generalized Convex Hull +# ----------------------- +# +# A GCH is a similar construction, in which generic structural descriptors +# are used in lieu of composition, density or other thermodynamic +# constraints. The idea is that configurations that are found close to the +# GCH are locally stable with respect to structurally-similar +# configurations. In other terms, one can hope to find a thermodynamic +# constraint (i.e. synthesis conditions) that act differently on these +# structures in comparison with the others, and may potentially stabilize +# them. +# + + +# %% +# Compute structural descriptors +# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +# +# A first step is to computes suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used +# ``rascaline`` to evaluate average SOAP features for the structures. +# If you don't want to install these dependencies for this example you +# can also use the pre-computed features, but you can use this as a stub +# to apply this analysis to other chemical systems + +hypers = { + "cutoff": 4, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 4, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.7, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {"accuracy": 1e-6}}, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, +} +calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers) +rho2i = calculator.compute(structures) +rho2i = rho2i.keys_to_samples(["species_center"]).keys_to_properties( + ["species_neighbor_1", "species_neighbor_2"] +) +rho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, sample_names=["center", "species_center"]) +np.savez("roy_features.npz", feats=rho2i_structure.block(0).values) + + +# features = roy_data["features"] +features = rho2i_structure.block(0).values + + +# %% +# PCA projection +# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +# +# Computes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that +# reflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme +# could be used in a similar fashion. + +pca = PCA(n_components=4) +pca_features = pca.fit_transform(features) + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +scatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=energy) +ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") +ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") +cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) +cbar.set_label("energy / kJ/mol") + + +# %% +# Builds the Generalized Convex Hull +# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +# +# Builds a convex hull on the first two PCA features + +dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0, 1]) +dch_builder.fit(pca_features, energy) +sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_ +dch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(pca_features, energy) + + +# %% +# Generates a 3D Plot +# + +triang = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(pca_features[sel, 0], pca_features[sel, 1]) +fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), tight_layout=True) +ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d") +ax.plot_trisurf(triang, energy[sel], color="gray") +ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], energy, c=dch_dist) +ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") +ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") +ax.set_zlabel("energy / kJ/mol\n \n", labelpad=11) +ax.view_init(25, 110) + + +# %% +# The GCH construction improves the separation between the hull energies +# of “known” and hypothetical polymorphs (compare with the density-energy +# values above) + +print( + f"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol" +) +print(f"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol") + + +# %% +# Visualize in ``chemiscope``. This runs only in a notebook, and +# requires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed. + +for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pca_features[i])): + f.info["pca_" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j] +structure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures) +structure_properties.update({"per_atom_energy": energy, "hull_energy": dch_dist}) + +# shows chemiscope if not run in terminal + +cs = chemiscope.show( + frames=structures, + properties=structure_properties, + meta={ + "name": "GCH for ROY polymorphs", + "description": """ +Demonstration of the Generalized Convex Hull construction for +polymorphs of the ROY molecule. Molecules that are closest to +the hull built on PCA-based structural descriptors and having the +internal energy predicted by electronic-structure calculations as +the z axis are the most thermodynamically stable. Indeed most of the +known polymorphs of ROY are on (or very close) to this hull. +""", + "authors": ["Michele Ceriotti "], + "references": [ + 'A. Anelli, E. A. Engel, C. J. Pickard, and M. Ceriotti, \ + "Generalized convex hull construction for materials discovery," \ + Physical Review Materials 2(10), 103804 (2018).', + 'G. J. O. Beran, I. J. Sugden, C. Greenwell, D. H. Bowskill, \ + C. C. Pantelides, and C. S. Adjiman, "How many more polymorphs of \ + ROY remain undiscovered," Chem. Sci. 13(5), 1288–1297 (2022).', + ], + }, + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "pca_1"}, + "y": {"property": "pca_2"}, + "z": {"property": "energy"}, + "symbol": "type", + "color": {"property": "hull_energy"}, + "size": { + "factor": 35, + "mode": "linear", + "property": "", + "reverse": True, + }, + }, + "structure": [ + { + "bonds": True, + "unitCell": True, + "keepOrientation": True, + } + ], + }, +) + +if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + from IPython.display import display + + display(cs) +else: + cs.save("roy_gch.json.gz") diff --git a/latest/_downloads/c234d1126d228edfa069b509e3d5c272/roy_gch.ipynb b/latest/_downloads/c234d1126d228edfa069b509e3d5c272/roy_gch.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2303324b --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/c234d1126d228edfa069b509e3d5c272/roy_gch.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "\n# Generalized Convex Hull construction for the polymorphs of ROY\n\nThis notebook analyzes the structures of 264 polymorphs of ROY, from\n[Beran et Al, Chemical Science\n(2022)](https://doi.org/10.1039/D1SC06074K)_, comparing the\nconventional density-energy convex hull with a Generalized Convex Hull\n(GCH) analysis (see [Anelli et al., Phys. Rev. Materials\n(2018)](https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.103804)_).\nIt uses features computed with [rascaline](https://github.com/lab-cosmo/rascaline)_\nand uses the directional convex hull function from\n[scikit-matter](https://github.com/lab-cosmo/scikit-matter)_\nto make the figure.\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import chemiscope\nimport matplotlib.tri\nimport numpy as np\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt\nfrom metatensor import mean_over_samples\nfrom rascaline import SoapPowerSpectrum\nfrom sklearn.decomposition import PCA\nfrom skmatter.datasets import load_roy_dataset\nfrom skmatter.sample_selection import DirectionalConvexHull" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Loads the structures (that also contain properties in the ``info`` field)\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "roy_data = load_roy_dataset()\n\nstructures = roy_data[\"structures\"]\n\ndensity = np.array([s.info[\"density\"] for s in structures])\nenergy = np.array([s.info[\"energy\"] for s in structures])\nstructype = np.array([s.info[\"type\"] for s in structures])\niknown = np.where(structype == \"known\")[0]\niothers = np.where(structype != \"known\")[0]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Energy-density hull\n\nThe Directional Convex Hull routines can be used to compute a\nconventional density-energy hull\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0])\ndch_builder.fit(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "We can get the indices of the selection, and compute the distance from\nthe hull\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_\ndch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### Hull energies\n\nStructures on the hull are stable with respect to synthesis at constant\nmolar volume. Any other structure would lower the energy by decomposing\ninto a mixture of the two nearest structures along the hull. Given that\nthe lattice energy is an imperfect proxy for the free energy, and that\nsynthesis can be performed in other ways than by fixing the density,\nstructures that are not exactly on the hull might also be stable. One\ncan compute a \u201chull energy\u201d as an indication of how close these\nstructures are to being stable.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))\nax.scatter(density, energy, c=dch_dist, marker=\".\")\nssel = sel[np.argsort(density[sel])]\nax.plot(density[ssel], energy[ssel], \"k--\")\nax.set_xlabel(\"density / g/cm$^3$\")\nax.set_ylabel(\"energy / kJ/mol\")\n\nprint(\n f\"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol\"\n)\nprint(f\"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### Interactive visualization\n\nYou can also visualize the hull with ``chemiscope``.\nThis runs only in a notebook, and\nrequires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "cs = chemiscope.show(\n structures,\n dict(\n energy=energy,\n density=density,\n hull_energy=dch_dist,\n structure_type=structype,\n ),\n settings={\n \"map\": {\n \"x\": {\"property\": \"density\"},\n \"y\": {\"property\": \"energy\"},\n \"color\": {\"property\": \"hull_energy\"},\n \"symbol\": \"structure_type\",\n \"size\": {\"factor\": 35},\n },\n \"structure\": [{\"unitCell\": True, \"supercell\": {\"0\": 2, \"1\": 2, \"2\": 2}}],\n },\n)\n\n\nif chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook():\n from IPython.display import display\n\n display(cs)\nelse:\n cs.save(\"roy_ch.json.gz\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Generalized Convex Hull\n\nA GCH is a similar construction, in which generic structural descriptors\nare used in lieu of composition, density or other thermodynamic\nconstraints. The idea is that configurations that are found close to the\nGCH are locally stable with respect to structurally-similar\nconfigurations. In other terms, one can hope to find a thermodynamic\nconstraint (i.e.\u00a0synthesis conditions) that act differently on these\nstructures in comparison with the others, and may potentially stabilize\nthem.\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### Compute structural descriptors\n\nA first step is to computes suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used\n``rascaline`` to evaluate average SOAP features for the structures.\nIf you don't want to install these dependencies for this example you\ncan also use the pre-computed features, but you can use this as a stub\nto apply this analysis to other chemical systems\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "hypers = {\n \"cutoff\": 4,\n \"max_radial\": 6,\n \"max_angular\": 4,\n \"atomic_gaussian_width\": 0.7,\n \"cutoff_function\": {\"ShiftedCosine\": {\"width\": 0.5}},\n \"radial_basis\": {\"Gto\": {\"accuracy\": 1e-6}},\n \"center_atom_weight\": 1.0,\n}\ncalculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers)\nrho2i = calculator.compute(structures)\nrho2i = rho2i.keys_to_samples([\"species_center\"]).keys_to_properties(\n [\"species_neighbor_1\", \"species_neighbor_2\"]\n)\nrho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, sample_names=[\"center\", \"species_center\"])\nnp.savez(\"roy_features.npz\", feats=rho2i_structure.block(0).values)\n\n\n# features = roy_data[\"features\"]\nfeatures = rho2i_structure.block(0).values" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### PCA projection\n\nComputes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that\nreflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme\ncould be used in a similar fashion.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "pca = PCA(n_components=4)\npca_features = pca.fit_transform(features)\n\nfig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))\nscatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=energy)\nax.set_xlabel(\"PCA[1]\")\nax.set_ylabel(\"PCA[2]\")\ncbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax)\ncbar.set_label(\"energy / kJ/mol\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "### Builds the Generalized Convex Hull\n\nBuilds a convex hull on the first two PCA features\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0, 1])\ndch_builder.fit(pca_features, energy)\nsel = dch_builder.selected_idx_\ndch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(pca_features, energy)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Generates a 3D Plot\n\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "triang = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(pca_features[sel, 0], pca_features[sel, 1])\nfig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), tight_layout=True)\nax = fig.add_subplot(projection=\"3d\")\nax.plot_trisurf(triang, energy[sel], color=\"gray\")\nax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], energy, c=dch_dist)\nax.set_xlabel(\"PCA[1]\")\nax.set_ylabel(\"PCA[2]\")\nax.set_zlabel(\"energy / kJ/mol\\n \\n\", labelpad=11)\nax.view_init(25, 110)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The GCH construction improves the separation between the hull energies\nof \u201cknown\u201d and hypothetical polymorphs (compare with the density-energy\nvalues above)\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "print(\n f\"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol\"\n)\nprint(f\"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Visualize in ``chemiscope``. This runs only in a notebook, and\nrequires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "for i, f in enumerate(structures):\n for j in range(len(pca_features[i])):\n f.info[\"pca_\" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j]\nstructure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures)\nstructure_properties.update({\"per_atom_energy\": energy, \"hull_energy\": dch_dist})\n\n# shows chemiscope if not run in terminal\n\ncs = chemiscope.show(\n frames=structures,\n properties=structure_properties,\n meta={\n \"name\": \"GCH for ROY polymorphs\",\n \"description\": \"\"\"\nDemonstration of the Generalized Convex Hull construction for\npolymorphs of the ROY molecule. Molecules that are closest to\nthe hull built on PCA-based structural descriptors and having the\ninternal energy predicted by electronic-structure calculations as\nthe z axis are the most thermodynamically stable. Indeed most of the\nknown polymorphs of ROY are on (or very close) to this hull.\n\"\"\",\n \"authors\": [\"Michele Ceriotti \"],\n \"references\": [\n 'A. Anelli, E. A. Engel, C. J. Pickard, and M. Ceriotti, \\\n \"Generalized convex hull construction for materials discovery,\" \\\n Physical Review Materials 2(10), 103804 (2018).',\n 'G. J. O. Beran, I. J. Sugden, C. Greenwell, D. H. Bowskill, \\\n C. C. Pantelides, and C. S. Adjiman, \"How many more polymorphs of \\\n ROY remain undiscovered,\" Chem. Sci. 13(5), 1288\u20131297 (2022).',\n ],\n },\n settings={\n \"map\": {\n \"x\": {\"property\": \"pca_1\"},\n \"y\": {\"property\": \"pca_2\"},\n \"z\": {\"property\": \"energy\"},\n \"symbol\": \"type\",\n \"color\": {\"property\": \"hull_energy\"},\n \"size\": {\n \"factor\": 35,\n \"mode\": \"linear\",\n \"property\": \"\",\n \"reverse\": True,\n },\n },\n \"structure\": [\n {\n \"bonds\": True,\n \"unitCell\": True,\n \"keepOrientation\": True,\n }\n ],\n },\n)\n\nif chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook():\n from IPython.display import display\n\n display(cs)\nelse:\n cs.save(\"roy_gch.json.gz\")" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.11.7" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 0 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_downloads/cb2b037563d576b77358c4e2fe6b4432/gaas_map.py b/latest/_downloads/cb2b037563d576b77358c4e2fe6b4432/gaas_map.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00d181b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/cb2b037563d576b77358c4e2fe6b4432/gaas_map.py @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +""" +PCA/PCovR Visualization for the rattled GaAs training dataset +============================================================= + +This example uses ``rascaline`` and ``metatensor`` to compute +structural properties for the structures in a training for a ML model. +These are then used with simple dimensionality reduction algorithms +(implemented in ``sklearn`` and ``skmatter``) to obtain a simplified +description of the dataset, that is then visualized using +``chemiscope``. + +""" + +import os + +import ase +import ase.io +import chemiscope +import numpy as np +import requests +from matplotlib import pyplot as plt +from metatensor import mean_over_samples +from rascaline import AtomicComposition, SoapPowerSpectrum +from sklearn.decomposition import PCA +from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV +from skmatter.decomposition import PCovR +from skmatter.preprocessing import StandardFlexibleScaler + + +###################################################################### +# First, we load the structures, extracting some of the properties for +# more convenient manipulation. These are +# :math:`\mathrm{Ga}_x\mathrm{As}_{1-x}` structures used in `Imbalzano & +# Ceriotti (2021) `__ to +# train a ML potential to describe the full composition range. +# + +filename = "gaas_training.xyz" +if not os.path.exists(filename): + url = f"https://zenodo.org/records/10566825/files/{filename}" + response = requests.get(url) + response.raise_for_status() + with open(filename, "wb") as f: + f.write(response.content) + +structures = ase.io.read(filename, ":") +energy = np.array([f.info["energy"] for f in structures]) +natoms = np.array([len(f) for f in structures]) + + +###################################################################### +# Remove atomic energy baseline +# ----------------------------- +# +# Energies from an electronic structure calculation contain a very large +# “self” contributions from the atoms, which can obscure the important +# differences in cohesive energies between structures. We can build an +# approximate model based on the chemical nature of the atoms, :math:`a_i` +# +# .. math:: E(A) = \sum_{i\in A} e_{a_i} +# +# where :math:`e_a` are atomic energies that can be determined by linear +# regression. +# + +# rascaline has an `AtomicComposition` calculator that streamlines +# this (simple) calculation +calculator = AtomicComposition(**{"per_structure": True}) +rho0 = calculator.compute(structures) + +# the descriptors are returned as a `TensorMap` object, that contains +# the composition data in a sparse storage format +rho0 + +# for easier manipulation, we extract the features as a dense vector +# of composition weights +comp_feats = rho0.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]).block(0).values + +# a one-liner to fit a linear model and compute "dressed energies" +atom_energy = ( + RidgeCV(alphas=np.geomspace(1e-8, 1e2, 20)) + .fit(comp_feats, energy) + .predict(comp_feats) +) +cohesive_peratom = (energy - atom_energy) / natoms + + +###################################################################### +# The baseline makes up a large fraction of the total energy, but actually +# the residual (which is the part that matters) is still large. +# + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +ax.plot(energy / natoms, atom_energy / natoms, "b.") +ax.set_xlabel("Energy / (eV/atom)") +ax.set_ylabel("Atomic e. / (eV/atom)") +print(f"RMSE / (eV/atom): {np.sqrt(np.mean((cohesive_peratom)**2))}") + + +###################################################################### +# Compute structural descriptors +# ------------------------------ +# +# In order to visualize the structures as a low-dimensional map, we start +# by computing suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used ``rascaline`` to +# evaluate average SOAP features for the structures. +# + +# hypers for evaluating rascaline features +hypers = { + "cutoff": 4.5, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 4, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {"accuracy": 1e-6}}, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, +} +calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers) +rho2i = calculator.compute(structures) + +# neighbor types go to the keys for sparsity (this way one can +# compute a heterogeneous dataset without having blocks of zeros) +rho2i = rho2i.keys_to_samples(["species_center"]).keys_to_properties( + ["species_neighbor_1", "species_neighbor_2"] +) + +# computes structure-level descriptors and then extracts +# the features as a dense array +rho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, sample_names=["center", "species_center"]) +rho2i = None # releases memory +features = rho2i_structure.block(0).values + + +###################################################################### +# We standardize (per atom) energy and features (computed as a *mean* over +# atomic environments) so that they can be combined on the same footings. +# + +sf_energy = StandardFlexibleScaler().fit_transform(cohesive_peratom.reshape(-1, 1)) +sf_feats = StandardFlexibleScaler().fit_transform(features) + + +###################################################################### +# PCA and PCovR projection +# ------------------------ +# +# Computes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that +# reflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme +# could be used in a similar fashion. +# +# We also compute the principal covariate regression (PCovR) descriptors, +# that reduce dimensionality while combining a variance preserving +# criterion with the requirement that the low-dimensional features are +# capable of estimating a target quantity (here, the energy). +# + +# PCA +pca = PCA(n_components=4) +pca_features = pca.fit_transform(sf_feats) + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +scatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=cohesive_peratom) +ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") +ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") +cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) +cbar.set_label("energy / eV/at.") + +# computes PCovR map +pcovr = PCovR(n_components=4) +pcovr_features = pcovr.fit_transform(sf_feats, sf_energy) + +fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) +scatter = ax.scatter(pcovr_features[:, 0], pcovr_features[:, 1], c=cohesive_peratom) +ax.set_xlabel("PCovR[1]") +ax.set_ylabel("PCovR[2]") +cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) +cbar.set_label("energy / (eV/at.)") + + +###################################################################### +# Chemiscope visualization +# ------------------------ +# +# Visualizes the structure-property map using a chemiscope widget (and +# generates a .json file that can be viewed on +# `chemiscope.org `__). +# + +# extracts force data (adding considerably to the dataset size...) +force_vectors = chemiscope.ase_vectors_to_arrows(structures, scale=1) +force_vectors["parameters"]["global"]["color"] = 0x505050 + +# adds properties to the ASE frames +for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pca_features[i])): + f.info["pca_" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j] +for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pcovr_features[i])): + f.info["pcovr_" + str(j + 1)] = pcovr_features[i, j] +for i, f in enumerate(structures): + f.info["cohesive_energy"] = cohesive_peratom[i] + f.info["x_ga"] = comp_feats[i, 0] / comp_feats[i].sum() + +# it would also be easy to add the properties manually, this is just a dictionary +structure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures) + +cs = chemiscope.show( + frames=structures, + properties=structure_properties, + shapes={"forces": force_vectors}, + # the settings are a tad verbose, but give full control over the visualization + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "pcovr_1"}, + "y": {"property": "pcovr_2"}, + "color": {"property": "x_ga"}, + }, + "structure": [ + { + "bonds": True, + "unitCell": True, + "shape": ["forces"], + "keepOrientation": False, + } + ], + }, + meta={ + "name": "GaAs training data", + "description": """ +A collection of Ga(x)As(1-x) structures to train a MLIP, +including force and energy data. +""", + "authors": ["Giulio Imbalzano", "Michele Ceriotti"], + "references": [ + """ +G. Imbalzano and M. Ceriotti, 'Modeling the Ga/As binary system across +temperatures and compositions from first principles,' +Phys. Rev. Materials 5(6), 063804 (2021). +""", + "Original dataset: https://archive.materialscloud.org/record/2021.226", + ], + }, +) + +# shows chemiscope if run in a jupyter environment +if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + from IPython.display import display + + display(cs) +else: + cs.save("gaas_map.chemiscope.json.gz") diff --git a/latest/_downloads/e1ca15af773f318752c2e2473a52e689/sample_selection_librascal.ipynb b/latest/_downloads/e1ca15af773f318752c2e2473a52e689/sample_selection_librascal.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..577c6d6f --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_downloads/e1ca15af773f318752c2e2473a52e689/sample_selection_librascal.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "\n# Sample Selection with FPS and CUR (librascal)\n\n.. start-body\n\nIn this tutorial we generate descriptors using librascal, then select a subset\nof structures using both the farthest-point sampling (FPS) and CUR algorithms\nimplemented in scikit-matter.\n\nFirst, import all the necessary packages\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import ase.io\nimport numpy as np\nfrom rascal.representations import SphericalInvariants\nfrom sklearn.decomposition import PCA\nfrom skmatter import feature_selection, sample_selection" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Load molecular data\n\nLoad 100 example BTO structures from file, reading them using\n[ASE](https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/).\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# Load a subset of structures of the example dataset\nn_frames = 250\nframes = ase.io.read(\"./dataset/input-fps.xyz\", f\":{n_frames}\", format=\"extxyz\")\n\n# librascal requires the atomic positions to be wrapped in the cell\nfor frame in frames:\n frame.wrap(eps=1.0e-12)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Compute SOAP descriptor using librascal\n\nFirst, define the librascal hyperparameters used to compute SOAP.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# librascal hyperparameters\nsoap_hypers = {\n \"soap_type\": \"PowerSpectrum\",\n \"interaction_cutoff\": 6.0,\n \"max_radial\": 8,\n \"max_angular\": 6,\n \"gaussian_sigma_constant\": 0.3,\n \"gaussian_sigma_type\": \"Constant\",\n \"cutoff_function_type\": \"RadialScaling\",\n \"cutoff_smooth_width\": 0.5,\n \"cutoff_function_parameters\": {\n \"rate\": 1,\n \"scale\": 3.5,\n \"exponent\": 4,\n },\n \"radial_basis\": \"GTO\",\n \"normalize\": True,\n \"optimization\": {\n \"Spline\": {\n \"accuracy\": 1.0e-05,\n },\n },\n \"compute_gradients\": False,\n}\n\n# Generate a SOAP spherical expansion\nsoap = SphericalInvariants(**soap_hypers)\n\n# Perform a data trasnformation and get the descriptor with samples as atomic\n# environments\natom_dscrptr = soap.transform(frames).get_features(soap)\n\n# Calculate the stucture features as the mean over the atomic features for each\n# structure\nstruct_dscrptr = np.zeros((len(frames), atom_dscrptr.shape[1]))\natom_idx_start = 0\nfor i, frame in enumerate(frames):\n atom_idx_stop = atom_idx_start + len(frame.numbers)\n struct_dscrptr[i] = atom_dscrptr[atom_idx_start:atom_idx_stop].mean(axis=0)\n atom_idx_start = atom_idx_stop\n\nprint(\"atom feature descriptor shape:\", atom_dscrptr.shape)\nprint(\"structure feature descriptor shape:\", struct_dscrptr.shape)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Perform structure (i.e. sample) selection\n\nUsing FPS and CUR algorithms implemented in scikit-matter, select a subset of\nthe structures. skmatter assumes that our descriptor is represented as a 2D\nmatrix, with the samples along axis 0 and features along axis 1.\n\nFor more info on the functions: [skmatter](https://scikit-cosmo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/selection.html)\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# Define the number of structures to select using FPS/CUR\nn_structures = 25\n\n# FPS sample selection\nstruct_fps = sample_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_structures, initialize=\"random\").fit(\n struct_dscrptr\n)\nstruct_fps_idxs = struct_fps.selected_idx_\n\n# CUR sample selection\nstruct_cur = sample_selection.CUR(n_to_select=n_structures).fit(struct_dscrptr)\nstruct_cur_idxs = struct_cur.selected_idx_\n\nprint(\"Structure indices obtained with FPS \", struct_fps_idxs)\nprint(\"Structure indices obtained with CUR \", struct_cur_idxs)\n\n# Slice structure descriptor along axis 0 to contain only the selected structures\nstruct_dscrptr_fps = struct_dscrptr[struct_fps_idxs, :]\nstruct_dscrptr_cur = struct_dscrptr[struct_cur_idxs, :]\nassert struct_dscrptr_fps.shape == struct_dscrptr_cur.shape\n\nprint(\"Structure descriptor shape before selection \", struct_dscrptr.shape)\nprint(\"Structure descriptor shape after selection \", struct_dscrptr_fps.shape)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Visualize selected structures with chemiscope\n\nsklearn can be used to perform PCA dimensionality reduction on the SOAP\ndescriptors. The resulting PC coordinates can be used to visualize the the\ndata alongside their structures in a chemiscope widget.\n\nNote: chemiscope widgets are not currently integrated into our sphinx gallery:\ncoming soon.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# Generate a structure PCA\nstruct_dscrptr_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(struct_dscrptr)\nassert struct_dscrptr_pca.shape == (n_frames, 2)\n\n# Selected level\nselection_levels = []\nfor i in range(len(frames)):\n level = 0\n if i in struct_cur_idxs:\n level += 1\n if i in struct_fps_idxs:\n level += 2\n selection_levels.append(level)\n\n\nproperties = {\n \"PC1\": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 0],\n \"PC2\": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 1],\n \"Selection: (1) CUR, (2) FPS, (3) both\": np.array(selection_levels),\n}\n\n\n# Display with chemiscope. This currently does not work - as raised in issue #8\n# https://github.com/lab-cosmo/software-cookbook/issues/8\n# chemiscope.show(frames, properties=properties)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Perform feature selection\n\nNow perform feature selection. In this example we will go back to using the\ndescriptor decomposed into atomic environments, as opposed to the one\ndecomposed into structure environments, but only use FPS for brevity.\n\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# Define the number of features to select\nn_features = 200\n\n# FPS feature selection\nfeat_fps = feature_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_features, initialize=\"random\").fit(\n atom_dscrptr\n)\nfeat_fps_idxs = feat_fps.selected_idx_\n\nprint(\"Feature indices obtained with FPS \", feat_fps_idxs)\n\n# Slice atomic descriptor along axis 1 to contain only the selected features\natom_dscrptr_fps = atom_dscrptr[:, feat_fps_idxs]\n\nprint(\"atomic descriptor shape before selection \", atom_dscrptr.shape)\nprint(\"atomic descriptor shape after selection \", atom_dscrptr_fps.shape)" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.10.13" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 0 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_001.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_001.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9820fd08 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_001.png differ diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_002.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_002.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acd712b7 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_002.png differ diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_003.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_003.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e44f5bb0 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_003.png differ diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_lode_tutorial_001.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_lode_tutorial_001.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2f07e26 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_lode_tutorial_001.png differ diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_001.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_001.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ee5a065 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_001.png differ diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_002.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_002.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cb514e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_002.png differ diff --git a/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_003.png b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_003.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79d948ec Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_003.png differ diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef978825 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ + +.. DO NOT EDIT. +.. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. +.. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: +.. "examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.py" +.. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. + +.. only:: html + + .. note:: + :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note + + :ref:`Go to the end ` + to download the full example code + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_gaas_map_gaas_map.py: + + +PCA/PCovR Visualization for the rattled GaAs training dataset +============================================================= + +This example uses ``rascaline`` and ``metatensor`` to compute +structural properties for the structures in a training for a ML model. +These are then used with simple dimensionality reduction algorithms +(implemented in ``sklearn`` and ``skmatter``) to obtain a simplified +description of the dataset, that is then visualized using +``chemiscope``. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 13-30 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + import os + + import ase + import ase.io + import chemiscope + import numpy as np + import requests + from matplotlib import pyplot as plt + from metatensor import mean_over_samples + from rascaline import AtomicComposition, SoapPowerSpectrum + from sklearn.decomposition import PCA + from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV + from skmatter.decomposition import PCovR + from skmatter.preprocessing import StandardFlexibleScaler + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 31-37 + +First, we load the structures, extracting some of the properties for +more convenient manipulation. These are +:math:`\mathrm{Ga}_x\mathrm{As}_{1-x}` structures used in `Imbalzano & +Ceriotti (2021) `__ to +train a ML potential to describe the full composition range. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 37-51 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + filename = "gaas_training.xyz" + if not os.path.exists(filename): + url = f"https://zenodo.org/records/10566825/files/{filename}" + response = requests.get(url) + response.raise_for_status() + with open(filename, "wb") as f: + f.write(response.content) + + structures = ase.io.read(filename, ":") + energy = np.array([f.info["energy"] for f in structures]) + natoms = np.array([len(f) for f in structures]) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 52-65 + +Remove atomic energy baseline +----------------------------- + +Energies from an electronic structure calculation contain a very large +“self” contributions from the atoms, which can obscure the important +differences in cohesive energies between structures. We can build an +approximate model based on the chemical nature of the atoms, :math:`a_i` + +.. math:: E(A) = \sum_{i\in A} e_{a_i} + +where :math:`e_a` are atomic energies that can be determined by linear +regression. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 65-88 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # rascaline has an `AtomicComposition` calculator that streamlines + # this (simple) calculation + calculator = AtomicComposition(**{"per_structure": True}) + rho0 = calculator.compute(structures) + + # the descriptors are returned as a `TensorMap` object, that contains + # the composition data in a sparse storage format + rho0 + + # for easier manipulation, we extract the features as a dense vector + # of composition weights + comp_feats = rho0.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]).block(0).values + + # a one-liner to fit a linear model and compute "dressed energies" + atom_energy = ( + RidgeCV(alphas=np.geomspace(1e-8, 1e2, 20)) + .fit(comp_feats, energy) + .predict(comp_feats) + ) + cohesive_peratom = (energy - atom_energy) / natoms + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 89-92 + +The baseline makes up a large fraction of the total energy, but actually +the residual (which is the part that matters) is still large. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 92-100 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) + ax.plot(energy / natoms, atom_energy / natoms, "b.") + ax.set_xlabel("Energy / (eV/atom)") + ax.set_ylabel("Atomic e. / (eV/atom)") + print(f"RMSE / (eV/atom): {np.sqrt(np.mean((cohesive_peratom)**2))}") + + + + + +.. image-sg:: /examples/gaas_map/images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_001.png + :alt: gaas map + :srcset: /examples/gaas_map/images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_001.png + :class: sphx-glr-single-img + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + RMSE / (eV/atom): 0.25095652580859984 + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 101-108 + +Compute structural descriptors +------------------------------ + +In order to visualize the structures as a low-dimensional map, we start +by computing suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used ``rascaline`` to +evaluate average SOAP features for the structures. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 108-135 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # hypers for evaluating rascaline features + hypers = { + "cutoff": 4.5, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 4, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {"accuracy": 1e-6}}, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + } + calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers) + rho2i = calculator.compute(structures) + + # neighbor types go to the keys for sparsity (this way one can + # compute a heterogeneous dataset without having blocks of zeros) + rho2i = rho2i.keys_to_samples(["species_center"]).keys_to_properties( + ["species_neighbor_1", "species_neighbor_2"] + ) + + # computes structure-level descriptors and then extracts + # the features as a dense array + rho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, sample_names=["center", "species_center"]) + rho2i = None # releases memory + features = rho2i_structure.block(0).values + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 136-139 + +We standardize (per atom) energy and features (computed as a *mean* over +atomic environments) so that they can be combined on the same footings. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 139-144 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + sf_energy = StandardFlexibleScaler().fit_transform(cohesive_peratom.reshape(-1, 1)) + sf_feats = StandardFlexibleScaler().fit_transform(features) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 145-157 + +PCA and PCovR projection +------------------------ + +Computes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that +reflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme +could be used in a similar fashion. + +We also compute the principal covariate regression (PCovR) descriptors, +that reduce dimensionality while combining a variance preserving +criterion with the requirement that the low-dimensional features are +capable of estimating a target quantity (here, the energy). + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 157-181 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # PCA + pca = PCA(n_components=4) + pca_features = pca.fit_transform(sf_feats) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) + scatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=cohesive_peratom) + ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") + ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") + cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) + cbar.set_label("energy / eV/at.") + + # computes PCovR map + pcovr = PCovR(n_components=4) + pcovr_features = pcovr.fit_transform(sf_feats, sf_energy) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) + scatter = ax.scatter(pcovr_features[:, 0], pcovr_features[:, 1], c=cohesive_peratom) + ax.set_xlabel("PCovR[1]") + ax.set_ylabel("PCovR[2]") + cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) + cbar.set_label("energy / (eV/at.)") + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-horizontal + + + * + + .. image-sg:: /examples/gaas_map/images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_002.png + :alt: gaas map + :srcset: /examples/gaas_map/images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_002.png + :class: sphx-glr-multi-img + + * + + .. image-sg:: /examples/gaas_map/images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_003.png + :alt: gaas map + :srcset: /examples/gaas_map/images/sphx_glr_gaas_map_003.png + :class: sphx-glr-multi-img + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 182-189 + +Chemiscope visualization +------------------------ + +Visualizes the structure-property map using a chemiscope widget (and +generates a .json file that can be viewed on +`chemiscope.org `__). + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 189-253 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # extracts force data (adding considerably to the dataset size...) + force_vectors = chemiscope.ase_vectors_to_arrows(structures, scale=1) + force_vectors["parameters"]["global"]["color"] = 0x505050 + + # adds properties to the ASE frames + for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pca_features[i])): + f.info["pca_" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j] + for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pcovr_features[i])): + f.info["pcovr_" + str(j + 1)] = pcovr_features[i, j] + for i, f in enumerate(structures): + f.info["cohesive_energy"] = cohesive_peratom[i] + f.info["x_ga"] = comp_feats[i, 0] / comp_feats[i].sum() + + # it would also be easy to add the properties manually, this is just a dictionary + structure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures) + + cs = chemiscope.show( + frames=structures, + properties=structure_properties, + shapes={"forces": force_vectors}, + # the settings are a tad verbose, but give full control over the visualization + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "pcovr_1"}, + "y": {"property": "pcovr_2"}, + "color": {"property": "x_ga"}, + }, + "structure": [ + { + "bonds": True, + "unitCell": True, + "shape": ["forces"], + "keepOrientation": False, + } + ], + }, + meta={ + "name": "GaAs training data", + "description": """ + A collection of Ga(x)As(1-x) structures to train a MLIP, + including force and energy data. + """, + "authors": ["Giulio Imbalzano", "Michele Ceriotti"], + "references": [ + """ + G. Imbalzano and M. Ceriotti, 'Modeling the Ga/As binary system across + temperatures and compositions from first principles,' + Phys. Rev. Materials 5(6), 063804 (2021). + """, + "Original dataset: https://archive.materialscloud.org/record/2021.226", + ], + }, + ) + + # shows chemiscope if run in a jupyter environment + if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + from IPython.display import display + + display(cs) + else: + cs.save("gaas_map.chemiscope.json.gz") + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + /home/runner/work/software-cookbook/software-cookbook/.tox/gaas_map/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chemiscope/jupyter.py:245: UserWarning: chemiscope.show only works inside a jupyter notebook + warnings.warn("chemiscope.show only works inside a jupyter notebook") + + + + + +.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_gaas_map_gaas_map.py: + +.. only:: html + + .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter + + :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: gaas_map.ipynb ` + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python + + :download:`Download Python source code: gaas_map.py ` + + +.. only:: html + + .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature + + `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_ diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/gaas_map/sg_execution_times.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/gaas_map/sg_execution_times.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0549ad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/gaas_map/sg_execution_times.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +:orphan: + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_gaas_map_sg_execution_times: + + +Computation times +================= +**00:48.907** total execution time for 1 file **from examples/gaas_map**: + +.. container:: + + .. raw:: html + + + + + + + + .. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + :class: table table-striped sg-datatable + + * - Example + - Time + - Mem (MB) + * - :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_gaas_map_gaas_map.py` (``gaas_map.py``) + - 00:48.907 + - 0.0 diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bb78083 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,724 @@ + +.. DO NOT EDIT. +.. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. +.. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: +.. "examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial.py" +.. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. + +.. only:: html + + .. note:: + :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note + + :ref:`Go to the end ` + to download the full example code + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_lode_linear_lode_tutorial.py: + + +LODE Tutorial +============= + +This tutorial explains how Long range equivariant descriptors can be constructed using +rascaline and the resulting descriptors be used to construct a linear model with +equisolve + +First, import all the necessary packages + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 13-24 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + import ase.io + import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + import metatensor + import numpy as np + from equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model import Ridge + from equisolve.utils.convert import ase_to_tensormap + from rascaline import AtomicComposition, LodeSphericalExpansion, SphericalExpansion + from rascaline.utils import PowerSpectrum + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 25-39 + +Step 0: Prepare Data Set +------------------------ + +Get structures +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +We take a small subset of the dimer dataset from `A. Grisafi et al., +2021 `_ +for which we additionally calculated the forces. Each structure in the +dataset contains two small organic molecules which are extended along a +certain direction in the subsequent structures. + +For speeding up the calculations we already selected the first 130 +structures of the charge-charge structures. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 40-44 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + frames = ase.io.read("dataset/charge-charge.xyz", ":") + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 45-52 + +Convert target properties to metatensor format +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +If we want to train models using the +`equisolve `_ package, we need to +convert the target properties (in this case, the energies and forces) +into the appropriate format #justequistorethings + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 53-57 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + y = ase_to_tensormap(frames, energy="energy", forces="forces") + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 58-69 + +Step 1: Compute short-range and LODE features +--------------------------------------------- + +Define hypers and get the expansion coefficients :math:`\langle anlm | \rho_i \rangle` +and :math:`\langle anlm | V_i \rangle` + +The short-range and long-range descriptors have very similar hyperparameters. We +highlight the differences below. + +We first define the hyperparameters for the short-range (SR) part. These will be used +to create SOAP features. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 70-82 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + SR_HYPERS = { + "cutoff": 3.0, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 2, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {}}, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, + } + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 83-84 + +And next the hyperparaters for the LODE / long-range (LR) part + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 85-103 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + + LR_HYPERS = { + # Cutoff on which to project potential density + "cutoff": 3.0, + # keep max_radial slightly smaller than for SR part + "max_radial": 3, + # max_angular should be <= 4, more precisely, max_angular + potential_exponent < 10 + "max_angular": 2, + # keep at >=1, WARNING: CUBIC SCALING, do not use values <0.5 + "atomic_gaussian_width": 3.0, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {}}, + # the exponent p that determines the 1/r^p potential + "potential_exponent": 1, + } + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 104-106 + +We then use the above defined hyperparaters to define the per atom short range (sr) +and long range (sr) descriptors. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 106-111 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + calculator_sr = SphericalExpansion(**SR_HYPERS) + calculator_lr = LodeSphericalExpansion(**LR_HYPERS) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 112-132 + +Note that LODE requires periodic systems. Therefore, if the data set does not come +with periodic boundary conditions by default you can not use the data set and you will +face an error if you try to compute the features. + +As you notices the calculation of the long range features takes significant more time +compared to the sr features. + +Taking a look at the output we find that the resulting +:py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` are quite similar in their structure. The short range +:py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap` contains more blocks due to the higher +``max_angular`` paramater we choosed above. + +Generate the rotational invariants (power spectra) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Rotationally invariant features can be obtained by taking two of the calculators that +were defines above. + +For the short-range part, we use the SOAP vector which is obtained by computing the +invariant combinations of the form :math:`\rho \otimes \rho`. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 133-138 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + ps_calculator_sr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_sr) + ps_sr = ps_calculator_sr.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 139-145 + +We calculate gradients with respect to pistions by providing the +``gradients=["positions"]`` option to the +:py:meth:`rascaline.calculators.CalculatorBase.compute()` method. + +For the long-range part, we combine the long-range descriptor :math:`V` with one a +short-range density :math:`\rho` to get :math:`\rho \otimes V` features. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 146-151 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + ps_calculator_lr = PowerSpectrum(calculator_sr, calculator_lr) + ps_lr = ps_calculator_lr.compute(systems=frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 152-161 + +Step 2: Building a Simple Linear SR + LR Model with energy baselining +--------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Preprocessing (model dependent) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +For our current model, we do not wish to treat the individual center and +neighbor species separately. Thus, we move the ``"species_center"`` key +into the ``sample`` direction, over which we will later sum over. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 162-167 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + ps_sr = ps_sr.keys_to_samples("species_center") + ps_lr = ps_lr.keys_to_samples("species_center") + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 168-170 + +For linear models only: Sum features up over atoms (``samples``) in the same +structure. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 171-178 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + sample_names_to_sum = ["center", "species_center"] + + ps_sr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_sr, sample_names=sample_names_to_sum) + ps_lr = metatensor.sum_over_samples(ps_lr, sample_names=sample_names_to_sum) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 179-185 + +Initialize tensormaps for energy baselining +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +We add a simple extra descriptor :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` that stores +how many atoms of each chemical species are contained in the structures. This is used +for energy baselining. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 186-193 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + calculator_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=False) + descriptor_co = calculator_co.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"]) + + co = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]) + co = metatensor.sum_over_samples(co, sample_names=["center"]) + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 194-215 + +The :py:class:`rascaline.AtomicComposition` calculator also allows to directly perform +the the sum over center atoms by using the following lines. + +.. code:: python + + descriptor_co = AtomicComposition(per_structure=True).compute(**compute_args) + co = descriptor_co.keys_to_properties(["species_center"]) + +Stack all the features together for linear model +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +A linear model on SR + LR features can be thought of as a linear model +built on a feature vector that is simply the concatenation of the SR and +LR features. + +Furthermore, energy baselining can be performed by concatenating the information about +chemical species as well. There is an metatensor function called +:py:func:`metatensor.join()` for this purpose. Formally, we can write for the SR +model. + +X_sr: :math:`1 \oplus \left(\rho \otimes \rho\right)` + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 216-220 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + X_sr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr], axis="properties") + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 221-228 + +We used the ``axis="properties"`` parameter since we want to concatenate along the +features/properties dimensions. + +For the long range model we can formerly write + +X_lr: :math:`1 \oplus \left(\rho \otimes \rho\right) \oplus \left(\rho \otimes +V\right)` + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 229-233 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + X_lr = metatensor.join([co, ps_sr, ps_lr], axis="properties") + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 234-241 + +The features are now ready! Let us now perform some actual learning. Below we +initialize two instances of the :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` +class. :py:class:`equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge` will perform a regression +with respect to ``"values"`` (energies) and ``"positions"`` gradients (forces). + +If you only want a fit with respect to energies you can remove the gradients with +``metatensor.remove_gradients()`` + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 242-247 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + clf_sr = Ridge() + clf_lr = Ridge() + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 248-254 + +Split training and target data into train and test dat +------------------------------------------------------ + +Split the training and the test data by the distance :math:`r_{\rm +train}=6\,\mathrm{Å}` between the center of mass of the two molecules. A structure +with a :math:`r_{\rm train}<6 {\rm Å}` is used for training. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 255-259 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + r_cut = 6.0 + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 260-262 + +We calculate the indices from the dataset by list comprehension. The center of mass +distance is stored in the ``"distance""`` attribute. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 263-268 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + idx_train = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info["distance"] < r_cut] + idx_test = [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.info["distance"] >= r_cut] + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 269-271 + +For doing the split we define two ``Labels`` instances and combine them in a +:py:class:`List`. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 272-278 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + samples_train = metatensor.Labels(["structure"], np.reshape(idx_train, (-1, 1))) + samples_test = metatensor.Labels(["structure"], np.reshape(idx_test, (-1, 1))) + grouped_labels = [samples_train, samples_test] + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 279-280 + +That we use as input to the :py:func:`metatensor.split()` function + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 281-293 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + X_sr_train, X_sr_test = metatensor.split( + X_sr, axis="samples", grouped_labels=grouped_labels + ) + + X_lr_train, X_lr_test = metatensor.split( + X_lr, axis="samples", grouped_labels=grouped_labels + ) + + y_train, y_test = metatensor.split(y, axis="samples", grouped_labels=grouped_labels) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 294-301 + +Fit the model +------------- + +For this model, we use a very simple regularization scheme where all features are +regularized in the same way (the amount being controlled by the parameter ``alpha``). +For more advanced regularization schemes (regularizing energies and forces differently +and/or the SR and LR parts differently), see further down. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 302-307 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + clf_sr.fit(X_sr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6) + clf_lr.fit(X_lr_train, y_train, alpha=1e-6) + + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 308-313 + +Evaluation +---------- + +For evaluating the model we calculate the RMSEs using the ``score()`` method. With the +``parameter_key`` parameter we select which RMSE should be calculated. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 314-334 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + print( + "SR: RMSE energies = " + f"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV" + ) + print( + "SR: RMSE forces = " + f"{clf_sr.score(X_sr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å" + ) + + print( + "LR: RMSE energies = " + f"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV" + ) + print( + "LR: RMSE forces = " + f"{clf_lr.score(X_lr_test, y_test, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å" + ) + + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + SR: RMSE energies = 0.557 eV + SR: RMSE forces = 0.188 eV/Å + LR: RMSE energies = 0.158 eV + LR: RMSE forces = 0.178 eV/Å + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 335-341 + +We find that the RMSE of the energy and the force of the LR model is smaller compared +to the SR model. From this we conclude that the LR model performs better for the +selection of the dataset. + +We additionally, can plot of the binding energy as a function of the distance. For the +plot we select some properties from the dataset + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 342-348 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + dist = np.array([f.info["distance"] for f in frames]) + energies = np.array([f.info["energy"] for f in frames]) + monomer_energies = np.array([f.info["energyA"] + f.info["energyB"] for f in frames]) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 349-350 + +and select only the indices corresponding to our test set. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 354-355 + +Next we calculate the predicted SR and LR ``TensorMaps``. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 356-361 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + y_sr_pred = clf_sr.predict(X_sr) + y_lr_pred = clf_lr.predict(X_lr) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 362-363 + +And, finally perform the plot. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 364-392 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + plt.scatter( + dist, y.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, label="target data", color="black" + ) + + plt.scatter( + dist, + y_sr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="short range model", + marker="x", + ) + + plt.scatter( + dist, + y_lr_pred.block().values[:, 0] - monomer_energies, + label="long range model", + marker="s", + facecolor="None", + edgecolor="orange", + ) + + plt.xlabel("center of mass distance in Å") + plt.ylabel(r"$E - E_\mathrm{monomer}$ in eV") + plt.axvline(r_cut, c="red", label=r"$r_\mathrm{train}$") + + plt.legend() + plt.tight_layout() + plt.show() + + + +.. image-sg:: /examples/lode_linear/images/sphx_glr_lode_tutorial_001.png + :alt: lode tutorial + :srcset: /examples/lode_linear/images/sphx_glr_lode_tutorial_001.png + :class: sphx-glr-single-img + + + + + + +.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_lode_linear_lode_tutorial.py: + +.. only:: html + + .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter + + :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: lode_tutorial.ipynb ` + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python + + :download:`Download Python source code: lode_tutorial.py ` + + +.. only:: html + + .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature + + `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_ diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/lode_linear/sg_execution_times.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/lode_linear/sg_execution_times.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53c53bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/lode_linear/sg_execution_times.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +:orphan: + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_lode_linear_sg_execution_times: + + +Computation times +================= +**00:09.233** total execution time for 1 file **from examples/lode_linear**: + +.. container:: + + .. raw:: html + + + + + + + + .. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + :class: table table-striped sg-datatable + + * - Example + - Time + - Mem (MB) + * - :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_lode_linear_lode_tutorial.py` (``lode_tutorial.py``) + - 00:09.233 + - 0.0 diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b22873d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + +.. DO NOT EDIT. +.. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. +.. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: +.. "examples/roy_gch/roy_gch.py" +.. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. + +.. only:: html + + .. note:: + :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note + + :ref:`Go to the end ` + to download the full example code + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_roy_gch_roy_gch.py: + + +Generalized Convex Hull construction for the polymorphs of ROY +============================================================== + +This notebook analyzes the structures of 264 polymorphs of ROY, from +`Beran et Al, Chemical Science +(2022) `__, comparing the +conventional density-energy convex hull with a Generalized Convex Hull +(GCH) analysis (see `Anelli et al., Phys. Rev. Materials +(2018) `__). +It uses features computed with `rascaline `__ +and uses the directional convex hull function from +`scikit-matter `__ +to make the figure. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 16-28 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + import chemiscope + import matplotlib.tri + import numpy as np + from matplotlib import pyplot as plt + from metatensor import mean_over_samples + from rascaline import SoapPowerSpectrum + from sklearn.decomposition import PCA + from skmatter.datasets import load_roy_dataset + from skmatter.sample_selection import DirectionalConvexHull + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 29-30 + +Loads the structures (that also contain properties in the ``info`` field) + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 30-42 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + roy_data = load_roy_dataset() + + structures = roy_data["structures"] + + density = np.array([s.info["density"] for s in structures]) + energy = np.array([s.info["energy"] for s in structures]) + structype = np.array([s.info["type"] for s in structures]) + iknown = np.where(structype == "known")[0] + iothers = np.where(structype != "known")[0] + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 43-48 + +Energy-density hull +------------------- + +The Directional Convex Hull routines can be used to compute a +conventional density-energy hull + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 48-52 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0]) + dch_builder.fit(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy) + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 53-55 + +We can get the indices of the selection, and compute the distance from +the hull + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 55-60 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_ + dch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(density.reshape(-1, 1), energy) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 61-72 + +Hull energies +^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Structures on the hull are stable with respect to synthesis at constant +molar volume. Any other structure would lower the energy by decomposing +into a mixture of the two nearest structures along the hull. Given that +the lattice energy is an imperfect proxy for the free energy, and that +synthesis can be performed in other ways than by fixing the density, +structures that are not exactly on the hull might also be stable. One +can compute a “hull energy” as an indication of how close these +structures are to being stable. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 73-87 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) + ax.scatter(density, energy, c=dch_dist, marker=".") + ssel = sel[np.argsort(density[sel])] + ax.plot(density[ssel], energy[ssel], "k--") + ax.set_xlabel("density / g/cm$^3$") + ax.set_ylabel("energy / kJ/mol") + + print( + f"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol" + ) + print(f"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol") + + + + + +.. image-sg:: /examples/roy_gch/images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_001.png + :alt: roy gch + :srcset: /examples/roy_gch/images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_001.png + :class: sphx-glr-single-img + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures 1.816657381014075 kJ/mol + Mean hull energy for 'other' structures 6.312730486304906 kJ/mol + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 88-95 + +Interactive visualization +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +You can also visualize the hull with ``chemiscope``. +This runs only in a notebook, and +requires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 95-124 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + cs = chemiscope.show( + structures, + dict( + energy=energy, + density=density, + hull_energy=dch_dist, + structure_type=structype, + ), + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "density"}, + "y": {"property": "energy"}, + "color": {"property": "hull_energy"}, + "symbol": "structure_type", + "size": {"factor": 35}, + }, + "structure": [{"unitCell": True, "supercell": {"0": 2, "1": 2, "2": 2}}], + }, + ) + + + if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + from IPython.display import display + + display(cs) + else: + cs.save("roy_ch.json.gz") + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + /home/runner/work/software-cookbook/software-cookbook/.tox/roy_gch/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chemiscope/jupyter.py:245: UserWarning: chemiscope.show only works inside a jupyter notebook + warnings.warn("chemiscope.show only works inside a jupyter notebook") + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 125-137 + +Generalized Convex Hull +----------------------- + +A GCH is a similar construction, in which generic structural descriptors +are used in lieu of composition, density or other thermodynamic +constraints. The idea is that configurations that are found close to the +GCH are locally stable with respect to structurally-similar +configurations. In other terms, one can hope to find a thermodynamic +constraint (i.e. synthesis conditions) that act differently on these +structures in comparison with the others, and may potentially stabilize +them. + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 140-148 + +Compute structural descriptors +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +A first step is to computes suitable ML descriptors. Here we have used +``rascaline`` to evaluate average SOAP features for the structures. +If you don't want to install these dependencies for this example you +can also use the pre-computed features, but you can use this as a stub +to apply this analysis to other chemical systems + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 148-171 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + hypers = { + "cutoff": 4, + "max_radial": 6, + "max_angular": 4, + "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.7, + "cutoff_function": {"ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5}}, + "radial_basis": {"Gto": {"accuracy": 1e-6}}, + "center_atom_weight": 1.0, + } + calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**hypers) + rho2i = calculator.compute(structures) + rho2i = rho2i.keys_to_samples(["species_center"]).keys_to_properties( + ["species_neighbor_1", "species_neighbor_2"] + ) + rho2i_structure = mean_over_samples(rho2i, sample_names=["center", "species_center"]) + np.savez("roy_features.npz", feats=rho2i_structure.block(0).values) + + + # features = roy_data["features"] + features = rho2i_structure.block(0).values + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 172-178 + +PCA projection +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Computes PCA projection to generate low-dimensional descriptors that +reflect structural diversity. Any other dimensionality reduction scheme +could be used in a similar fashion. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 178-190 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + pca = PCA(n_components=4) + pca_features = pca.fit_transform(features) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) + scatter = ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], c=energy) + ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") + ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") + cbar = fig.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) + cbar.set_label("energy / kJ/mol") + + + + + +.. image-sg:: /examples/roy_gch/images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_002.png + :alt: roy gch + :srcset: /examples/roy_gch/images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_002.png + :class: sphx-glr-single-img + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 191-195 + +Builds the Generalized Convex Hull +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Builds a convex hull on the first two PCA features + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 195-202 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + dch_builder = DirectionalConvexHull(low_dim_idx=[0, 1]) + dch_builder.fit(pca_features, energy) + sel = dch_builder.selected_idx_ + dch_dist = dch_builder.score_samples(pca_features, energy) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 203-205 + +Generates a 3D Plot + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 205-217 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + triang = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(pca_features[sel, 0], pca_features[sel, 1]) + fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), tight_layout=True) + ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d") + ax.plot_trisurf(triang, energy[sel], color="gray") + ax.scatter(pca_features[:, 0], pca_features[:, 1], energy, c=dch_dist) + ax.set_xlabel("PCA[1]") + ax.set_ylabel("PCA[2]") + ax.set_zlabel("energy / kJ/mol\n \n", labelpad=11) + ax.view_init(25, 110) + + + + + +.. image-sg:: /examples/roy_gch/images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_003.png + :alt: roy gch + :srcset: /examples/roy_gch/images/sphx_glr_roy_gch_003.png + :class: sphx-glr-single-img + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 218-221 + +The GCH construction improves the separation between the hull energies +of “known” and hypothetical polymorphs (compare with the density-energy +values above) + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 221-228 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + print( + f"Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures {dch_dist[iknown].mean()} kJ/mol" + ) + print(f"Mean hull energy for 'other' structures {dch_dist[iothers].mean()} kJ/mol") + + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + Mean hull energy for 'known' stable structures 0.8537845044780727 kJ/mol + Mean hull energy for 'other' structures 5.198871581852809 kJ/mol + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 229-231 + +Visualize in ``chemiscope``. This runs only in a notebook, and +requires having the ``chemiscope`` package installed. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 231-293 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + for i, f in enumerate(structures): + for j in range(len(pca_features[i])): + f.info["pca_" + str(j + 1)] = pca_features[i, j] + structure_properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(structures) + structure_properties.update({"per_atom_energy": energy, "hull_energy": dch_dist}) + + # shows chemiscope if not run in terminal + + cs = chemiscope.show( + frames=structures, + properties=structure_properties, + meta={ + "name": "GCH for ROY polymorphs", + "description": """ + Demonstration of the Generalized Convex Hull construction for + polymorphs of the ROY molecule. Molecules that are closest to + the hull built on PCA-based structural descriptors and having the + internal energy predicted by electronic-structure calculations as + the z axis are the most thermodynamically stable. Indeed most of the + known polymorphs of ROY are on (or very close) to this hull. + """, + "authors": ["Michele Ceriotti "], + "references": [ + 'A. Anelli, E. A. Engel, C. J. Pickard, and M. Ceriotti, \ + "Generalized convex hull construction for materials discovery," \ + Physical Review Materials 2(10), 103804 (2018).', + 'G. J. O. Beran, I. J. Sugden, C. Greenwell, D. H. Bowskill, \ + C. C. Pantelides, and C. S. Adjiman, "How many more polymorphs of \ + ROY remain undiscovered," Chem. Sci. 13(5), 1288–1297 (2022).', + ], + }, + settings={ + "map": { + "x": {"property": "pca_1"}, + "y": {"property": "pca_2"}, + "z": {"property": "energy"}, + "symbol": "type", + "color": {"property": "hull_energy"}, + "size": { + "factor": 35, + "mode": "linear", + "property": "", + "reverse": True, + }, + }, + "structure": [ + { + "bonds": True, + "unitCell": True, + "keepOrientation": True, + } + ], + }, + ) + + if chemiscope.jupyter._is_running_in_notebook(): + from IPython.display import display + + display(cs) + else: + cs.save("roy_gch.json.gz") + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + /home/runner/work/software-cookbook/software-cookbook/.tox/roy_gch/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chemiscope/jupyter.py:245: UserWarning: chemiscope.show only works inside a jupyter notebook + warnings.warn("chemiscope.show only works inside a jupyter notebook") + + + + + +.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_roy_gch_roy_gch.py: + +.. only:: html + + .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter + + :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: roy_gch.ipynb ` + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python + + :download:`Download Python source code: roy_gch.py ` + + +.. only:: html + + .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature + + `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_ diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/roy_gch/sg_execution_times.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/roy_gch/sg_execution_times.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d75e3236 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/roy_gch/sg_execution_times.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +:orphan: + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_roy_gch_sg_execution_times: + + +Computation times +================= +**00:18.040** total execution time for 1 file **from examples/roy_gch**: + +.. container:: + + .. raw:: html + + + + + + + + .. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + :class: table table-striped sg-datatable + + * - Example + - Time + - Mem (MB) + * - :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_roy_gch_roy_gch.py` (``roy_gch.py``) + - 00:18.040 + - 0.0 diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..137a5441 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ + +.. DO NOT EDIT. +.. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. +.. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: +.. "examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal.py" +.. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. + +.. only:: html + + .. note:: + :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note + + :ref:`Go to the end ` + to download the full example code + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_sample_selection_sample_selection_librascal.py: + + +Sample Selection with FPS and CUR (librascal) +============================================= + +.. start-body + +In this tutorial we generate descriptors using librascal, then select a subset +of structures using both the farthest-point sampling (FPS) and CUR algorithms +implemented in scikit-matter. + +First, import all the necessary packages + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 15-23 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + import ase.io + import numpy as np + from rascal.representations import SphericalInvariants + from sklearn.decomposition import PCA + from skmatter import feature_selection, sample_selection + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 24-29 + +Load molecular data +------------------- + +Load 100 example BTO structures from file, reading them using +`ASE `_. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 29-39 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # Load a subset of structures of the example dataset + n_frames = 250 + frames = ase.io.read("./dataset/input-fps.xyz", f":{n_frames}", format="extxyz") + + # librascal requires the atomic positions to be wrapped in the cell + for frame in frames: + frame.wrap(eps=1.0e-12) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 40-44 + +Compute SOAP descriptor using librascal +--------------------------------------- + +First, define the librascal hyperparameters used to compute SOAP. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 44-90 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # librascal hyperparameters + soap_hypers = { + "soap_type": "PowerSpectrum", + "interaction_cutoff": 6.0, + "max_radial": 8, + "max_angular": 6, + "gaussian_sigma_constant": 0.3, + "gaussian_sigma_type": "Constant", + "cutoff_function_type": "RadialScaling", + "cutoff_smooth_width": 0.5, + "cutoff_function_parameters": { + "rate": 1, + "scale": 3.5, + "exponent": 4, + }, + "radial_basis": "GTO", + "normalize": True, + "optimization": { + "Spline": { + "accuracy": 1.0e-05, + }, + }, + "compute_gradients": False, + } + + # Generate a SOAP spherical expansion + soap = SphericalInvariants(**soap_hypers) + + # Perform a data trasnformation and get the descriptor with samples as atomic + # environments + atom_dscrptr = soap.transform(frames).get_features(soap) + + # Calculate the stucture features as the mean over the atomic features for each + # structure + struct_dscrptr = np.zeros((len(frames), atom_dscrptr.shape[1])) + atom_idx_start = 0 + for i, frame in enumerate(frames): + atom_idx_stop = atom_idx_start + len(frame.numbers) + struct_dscrptr[i] = atom_dscrptr[atom_idx_start:atom_idx_stop].mean(axis=0) + atom_idx_start = atom_idx_stop + + print("atom feature descriptor shape:", atom_dscrptr.shape) + print("structure feature descriptor shape:", struct_dscrptr.shape) + + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + atom feature descriptor shape: (10000, 2688) + structure feature descriptor shape: (250, 2688) + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 91-100 + +Perform structure (i.e. sample) selection +----------------------------------------- + +Using FPS and CUR algorithms implemented in scikit-matter, select a subset of +the structures. skmatter assumes that our descriptor is represented as a 2D +matrix, with the samples along axis 0 and features along axis 1. + +For more info on the functions: `skmatter +`_ + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 100-126 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # Define the number of structures to select using FPS/CUR + n_structures = 25 + + # FPS sample selection + struct_fps = sample_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_structures, initialize="random").fit( + struct_dscrptr + ) + struct_fps_idxs = struct_fps.selected_idx_ + + # CUR sample selection + struct_cur = sample_selection.CUR(n_to_select=n_structures).fit(struct_dscrptr) + struct_cur_idxs = struct_cur.selected_idx_ + + print("Structure indices obtained with FPS ", struct_fps_idxs) + print("Structure indices obtained with CUR ", struct_cur_idxs) + + # Slice structure descriptor along axis 0 to contain only the selected structures + struct_dscrptr_fps = struct_dscrptr[struct_fps_idxs, :] + struct_dscrptr_cur = struct_dscrptr[struct_cur_idxs, :] + assert struct_dscrptr_fps.shape == struct_dscrptr_cur.shape + + print("Structure descriptor shape before selection ", struct_dscrptr.shape) + print("Structure descriptor shape after selection ", struct_dscrptr_fps.shape) + + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + Structure indices obtained with FPS [172 220 2 196 97 195 140 219 194 75 238 120 163 58 166 70 114 71 + 222 40 110 39 223 55 130] + Structure indices obtained with CUR [203 140 219 2 110 196 194 97 156 120 55 71 223 166 198 238 70 183 + 19 128 172 229 130 68 39] + Structure descriptor shape before selection (250, 2688) + Structure descriptor shape after selection (25, 2688) + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 127-136 + +Visualize selected structures with chemiscope +--------------------------------------------- + +sklearn can be used to perform PCA dimensionality reduction on the SOAP +descriptors. The resulting PC coordinates can be used to visualize the the +data alongside their structures in a chemiscope widget. + +Note: chemiscope widgets are not currently integrated into our sphinx gallery: +coming soon. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 136-164 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # Generate a structure PCA + struct_dscrptr_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(struct_dscrptr) + assert struct_dscrptr_pca.shape == (n_frames, 2) + + # Selected level + selection_levels = [] + for i in range(len(frames)): + level = 0 + if i in struct_cur_idxs: + level += 1 + if i in struct_fps_idxs: + level += 2 + selection_levels.append(level) + + + properties = { + "PC1": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 0], + "PC2": struct_dscrptr_pca[:, 1], + "Selection: (1) CUR, (2) FPS, (3) both": np.array(selection_levels), + } + + + # Display with chemiscope. This currently does not work - as raised in issue #8 + # https://github.com/lab-cosmo/software-cookbook/issues/8 + # chemiscope.show(frames, properties=properties) + + + + + + + + + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 165-171 + +Perform feature selection +------------------------- + +Now perform feature selection. In this example we will go back to using the +descriptor decomposed into atomic environments, as opposed to the one +decomposed into structure environments, but only use FPS for brevity. + +.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 171-189 + +.. code-block:: Python + + + # Define the number of features to select + n_features = 200 + + # FPS feature selection + feat_fps = feature_selection.FPS(n_to_select=n_features, initialize="random").fit( + atom_dscrptr + ) + feat_fps_idxs = feat_fps.selected_idx_ + + print("Feature indices obtained with FPS ", feat_fps_idxs) + + # Slice atomic descriptor along axis 1 to contain only the selected features + atom_dscrptr_fps = atom_dscrptr[:, feat_fps_idxs] + + print("atomic descriptor shape before selection ", atom_dscrptr.shape) + print("atomic descriptor shape after selection ", atom_dscrptr_fps.shape) + + + + + +.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out + + .. code-block:: none + + Feature indices obtained with FPS [2607 0 1064 560 21 7 195 728 35 2016 1071 567 1089 203 + 189 2240 588 28 632 1232 1344 1085 735 91 756 130 196 2023 + 1098 1036 637 133 462 193 1092 630 1096 707 210 634 812 749 + 202 84 636 315 2247 643 917 1141 2048 209 644 151 1197 483 + 1204 592 2037 1211 651 1820 1176 657 147 1210 1040 1960 924 77 + 1472 322 1078 616 1981 1112 2492 1105 650 518 129 14 252 504 + 641 1931 688 2050 2429 1987 455 1365 140 1148 672 1091 2433 1103 + 805 1106 139 126 1253 2044 1208 1476 2436 1218 194 1029 1470 378 + 469 259 784 1260 595 1042 1596 1008 1351 623 1936 217 931 1099 + 1537 1848 476 2496 1927 910 706 2104 973 2282 1540 679 1154 83 + 2093 980 2268 207 2498 1934 266 655 1983 1372 539 42 1904 70 + 692 1475 1600 1988 1316 585 74 1015 1120 581 798 2442 2041 1043 + 1033 63 1309 1474 629 2113 693 742 131 1985 258 1992 1113 2440 + 49 1145 2254 329 1183 1813 690 959 700 1127 137 490 2156 2072 + 686 511 840 1162] + atomic descriptor shape before selection (10000, 2688) + atomic descriptor shape after selection (10000, 200) + + + + + +.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_sample_selection_sample_selection_librascal.py: + +.. only:: html + + .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter + + :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: sample_selection_librascal.ipynb ` + + .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python + + :download:`Download Python source code: sample_selection_librascal.py ` + + +.. only:: html + + .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature + + `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_ diff --git a/latest/_sources/examples/sample_selection/sg_execution_times.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/examples/sample_selection/sg_execution_times.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..788248bb --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/examples/sample_selection/sg_execution_times.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +:orphan: + +.. _sphx_glr_examples_sample_selection_sg_execution_times: + + +Computation times +================= +**00:03.366** total execution time for 1 file **from examples/sample_selection**: + +.. container:: + + .. raw:: html + + + + + + + + .. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + :class: table table-striped sg-datatable + + * - Example + - Time + - Mem (MB) + * - :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_sample_selection_sample_selection_librascal.py` (``sample_selection_librascal.py``) + - 00:03.366 + - 0.0 diff --git a/latest/_sources/index.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbf6f3f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +COSMO Software Cookbook +======================= + +.. include:: ../../README.rst + :start-after: marker-intro-start + :end-before: marker-intro-end + +.. toctree:: + :caption: Table of Contents + :maxdepth: 1 + + examples/roy_gch/roy_gch + examples/lode_linear/lode_tutorial + examples/sample_selection/sample_selection_librascal + examples/gaas_map/gaas_map diff --git a/latest/_sources/sg_execution_times.rst.txt b/latest/_sources/sg_execution_times.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf1ca7cb --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_sources/sg_execution_times.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +:orphan: + +.. _sphx_glr_sg_execution_times: + + +Computation times +================= +**00:48.907** total execution time for 1 file **from all galleries**: + +.. container:: + + .. raw:: html + + + + + + + + .. list-table:: + :header-rows: 1 + :class: table table-striped sg-datatable + + * - Example + - Time + - Mem (MB) + * - :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_gaas_map_gaas_map.py` (``../../examples/gaas_map/gaas_map.py``) + - 00:48.907 + - 0.0 diff --git a/latest/_static/basic.css b/latest/_static/basic.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30fee9d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/basic.css @@ -0,0 +1,925 @@ +/* + * basic.css + * ~~~~~~~~~ + * + * Sphinx stylesheet -- basic theme. + * + * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2023 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. + * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. + * + */ + +/* -- main layout ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +div.clearer { + clear: both; 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+} + +:not(li) > ol > li:last-child > :last-child, +:not(li) > ul > li:last-child > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +ol.simple ol p, +ol.simple ul p, +ul.simple ol p, +ul.simple ul p { + margin-top: 0; +} + +ol.simple > li:not(:first-child) > p, +ul.simple > li:not(:first-child) > p { + margin-top: 0; +} + +ol.simple p, +ul.simple p { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +aside.footnote > span, +div.citation > span { + float: left; +} +aside.footnote > span:last-of-type, +div.citation > span:last-of-type { + padding-right: 0.5em; +} +aside.footnote > p { + margin-left: 2em; +} +div.citation > p { + margin-left: 4em; +} +aside.footnote > p:last-of-type, +div.citation > p:last-of-type { + margin-bottom: 0em; +} +aside.footnote > p:last-of-type:after, +div.citation > p:last-of-type:after { + content: ""; + clear: both; +} + +dl.field-list { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: fit-content(30%) auto; +} + +dl.field-list > dt { + font-weight: bold; + word-break: break-word; + padding-left: 0.5em; + padding-right: 5px; +} + +dl.field-list > dd { + padding-left: 0.5em; + margin-top: 0em; + margin-left: 0em; + margin-bottom: 0em; +} + +dl { + margin-bottom: 15px; +} + +dd > :first-child { + margin-top: 0px; +} + +dd ul, dd table { + margin-bottom: 10px; +} + +dd { + margin-top: 3px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + margin-left: 30px; +} + +.sig dd { + margin-top: 0px; + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +.sig dl { + margin-top: 0px; + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +dl > dd:last-child, +dl > dd:last-child > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +dt:target, span.highlighted { + background-color: #fbe54e; +} + +rect.highlighted { + fill: #fbe54e; +} + +dl.glossary dt { + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 1.1em; +} + +.versionmodified { + font-style: italic; +} + +.system-message { + background-color: #fda; + padding: 5px; + border: 3px solid red; +} + +.footnote:target { + background-color: #ffa; +} + +.line-block { + display: block; + margin-top: 1em; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + +.line-block .line-block { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + margin-left: 1.5em; +} + +.guilabel, .menuselection { + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +.accelerator { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.classifier { + font-style: oblique; +} + +.classifier:before { + font-style: normal; + margin: 0 0.5em; + content: ":"; + display: inline-block; +} + +abbr, acronym { + border-bottom: dotted 1px; + cursor: help; +} + +.translated { + background-color: rgba(207, 255, 207, 0.2) +} + +.untranslated { + background-color: rgba(255, 207, 207, 0.2) +} + +/* -- code displays --------------------------------------------------------- */ + +pre { + overflow: auto; + overflow-y: hidden; /* fixes display issues on Chrome browsers */ +} + +pre, div[class*="highlight-"] { + clear: both; +} + +span.pre { + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +div[class*="highlight-"] { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +td.linenos pre { + border: 0; + background-color: transparent; + color: #aaa; +} + +table.highlighttable { + display: block; +} + +table.highlighttable tbody { + display: block; +} + +table.highlighttable tr { + display: flex; +} + +table.highlighttable td { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +table.highlighttable td.linenos { + padding-right: 0.5em; +} + +table.highlighttable td.code { + flex: 1; + overflow: hidden; +} + +.highlight .hll { + display: block; +} + +div.highlight pre, +table.highlighttable pre { + margin: 0; +} + +div.code-block-caption + div { + margin-top: 0; +} + +div.code-block-caption { + margin-top: 1em; + padding: 2px 5px; + font-size: small; +} + +div.code-block-caption code { + background-color: transparent; +} + +table.highlighttable td.linenos, +span.linenos, +div.highlight span.gp { /* gp: Generic.Prompt */ + user-select: none; + -webkit-user-select: text; /* Safari fallback only */ + -webkit-user-select: none; /* Chrome/Safari */ + -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */ + -ms-user-select: none; /* IE10+ */ +} + +div.code-block-caption span.caption-number { + padding: 0.1em 0.3em; + font-style: italic; +} + +div.code-block-caption span.caption-text { +} + +div.literal-block-wrapper { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +code.xref, a code { + background-color: transparent; + font-weight: bold; +} + +h1 code, h2 code, h3 code, h4 code, h5 code, h6 code { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.viewcode-link { + float: right; +} + +.viewcode-back { + float: right; + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +div.viewcode-block:target { + margin: -1px -10px; + padding: 0 10px; +} + +/* -- math display ---------------------------------------------------------- */ + +img.math { + vertical-align: middle; +} + +div.body div.math p { + text-align: center; +} + +span.eqno { + float: right; +} + +span.eqno a.headerlink { + position: absolute; + z-index: 1; +} + +div.math:hover a.headerlink { + visibility: visible; +} + +/* -- printout stylesheet --------------------------------------------------- */ + +@media print { + div.document, + div.documentwrapper, + div.bodywrapper { + margin: 0 !important; + width: 100%; + } + + div.sphinxsidebar, + div.related, + div.footer, + #top-link { + display: none; 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It's + meant for debugging and developing the skeleton that this theme provides. +*/ +body { + font-family: -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, + "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji"; + background: lavender; +} +.sb-announcement { + background: rgb(131, 131, 131); +} +.sb-announcement__inner { + background: black; + color: white; +} +.sb-header { + background: lightskyblue; +} +.sb-header__inner { + background: royalblue; + color: white; +} +.sb-header-secondary { + background: lightcyan; +} +.sb-header-secondary__inner { + background: cornflowerblue; + color: white; +} +.sb-sidebar-primary { + background: lightgreen; +} +.sb-main { + background: blanchedalmond; +} +.sb-main__inner { + background: antiquewhite; +} +.sb-header-article { + background: lightsteelblue; +} +.sb-article-container { + background: snow; +} +.sb-article-main { + background: white; +} +.sb-footer-article { + background: lightpink; +} +.sb-sidebar-secondary { + background: lightgoldenrodyellow; +} +.sb-footer-content { + background: plum; +} +.sb-footer-content__inner { + background: palevioletred; +} +.sb-footer { + background: pink; +} +.sb-footer__inner { + background: salmon; +} +.sb-article { + background: white; +} diff --git a/latest/_static/doctools.js b/latest/_static/doctools.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d06a71d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/doctools.js @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + * doctools.js + * ~~~~~~~~~~~ + * + * Base JavaScript utilities for all Sphinx HTML documentation. + * + * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2023 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. + * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. + * + */ +"use strict"; + +const BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS = new Set([ + "TEXTAREA", + "INPUT", + "SELECT", + "BUTTON", +]); + +const _ready = (callback) => { + if (document.readyState !== "loading") { + callback(); + } else { + document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callback); + } +}; + +/** + * Small JavaScript module for the documentation. + */ +const Documentation = { + init: () => { + Documentation.initDomainIndexTable(); + Documentation.initOnKeyListeners(); + }, + + /** + * i18n support + */ + TRANSLATIONS: {}, + PLURAL_EXPR: (n) => (n === 1 ? 0 : 1), + LOCALE: "unknown", + + // gettext and ngettext don't access this so that the functions + // can safely bound to a different name (_ = Documentation.gettext) + gettext: (string) => { + const translated = Documentation.TRANSLATIONS[string]; + switch (typeof translated) { + case "undefined": + return string; // no translation + case "string": + return translated; // translation exists + default: + return translated[0]; // (singular, plural) translation tuple exists + } + }, + + ngettext: (singular, plural, n) => { + const translated = Documentation.TRANSLATIONS[singular]; + if (typeof translated !== "undefined") + return translated[Documentation.PLURAL_EXPR(n)]; + return n === 1 ? singular : plural; + }, + + addTranslations: (catalog) => { + Object.assign(Documentation.TRANSLATIONS, catalog.messages); + Documentation.PLURAL_EXPR = new Function( + "n", + `return (${catalog.plural_expr})` + ); + Documentation.LOCALE = catalog.locale; + }, + + /** + * helper function to focus on search bar + */ + focusSearchBar: () => { + document.querySelectorAll("input[name=q]")[0]?.focus(); + }, + + /** + * Initialise the domain index toggle buttons + */ + initDomainIndexTable: () => { + const toggler = (el) => { + const idNumber = el.id.substr(7); + const toggledRows = document.querySelectorAll(`tr.cg-${idNumber}`); + if (el.src.substr(-9) === "minus.png") { + el.src = `${el.src.substr(0, el.src.length - 9)}plus.png`; + toggledRows.forEach((el) => (el.style.display = "none")); + } else { + el.src = `${el.src.substr(0, el.src.length - 8)}minus.png`; + toggledRows.forEach((el) => (el.style.display = "")); + } + }; + + const togglerElements = document.querySelectorAll("img.toggler"); + togglerElements.forEach((el) => + el.addEventListener("click", (event) => toggler(event.currentTarget)) + ); + togglerElements.forEach((el) => (el.style.display = "")); + if (DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.COLLAPSE_INDEX) togglerElements.forEach(toggler); + }, + + initOnKeyListeners: () => { + // only install a listener if it is really needed + if ( + !DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.NAVIGATION_WITH_KEYS && + !DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS + ) + return; + + document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { + // bail for input elements + if (BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS.has(document.activeElement.tagName)) return; + // bail with special keys + if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return; + + if (!event.shiftKey) { + switch (event.key) { + case "ArrowLeft": + if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.NAVIGATION_WITH_KEYS) break; + + const prevLink = document.querySelector('link[rel="prev"]'); + if (prevLink && prevLink.href) { + window.location.href = prevLink.href; + event.preventDefault(); + } + break; + case "ArrowRight": + if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.NAVIGATION_WITH_KEYS) break; + + const nextLink = document.querySelector('link[rel="next"]'); + if (nextLink && nextLink.href) { + window.location.href = nextLink.href; + event.preventDefault(); + } + break; + } + } + + // some keyboard layouts may need Shift to get / + switch (event.key) { + case "/": + if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS) break; + Documentation.focusSearchBar(); + event.preventDefault(); + } + }); + }, +}; + +// quick alias for translations +const _ = Documentation.gettext; + +_ready(Documentation.init); diff --git a/latest/_static/documentation_options.js b/latest/_static/documentation_options.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e4c114f --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/documentation_options.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +const DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS = { + VERSION: '', + LANGUAGE: 'en', + COLLAPSE_INDEX: false, + BUILDER: 'html', + FILE_SUFFIX: '.html', + LINK_SUFFIX: '.html', + HAS_SOURCE: true, + SOURCELINK_SUFFIX: '.txt', + NAVIGATION_WITH_KEYS: false, + SHOW_SEARCH_SUMMARY: true, + ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS: true, +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_static/file.png b/latest/_static/file.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a858a410 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_static/file.png differ diff --git a/latest/_static/jupyterlite_badge_logo.svg b/latest/_static/jupyterlite_badge_logo.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5de36d7f --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/jupyterlite_badge_logo.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + +launchlaunchlitelite \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_static/language_data.js b/latest/_static/language_data.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..250f5665 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/language_data.js @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +/* + * language_data.js + * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + * + * This script contains the language-specific data used by searchtools.js, + * namely the list of stopwords, stemmer, scorer and splitter. + * + * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2023 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. + * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. + * + */ + +var stopwords = ["a", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "near", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]; + + +/* Non-minified version is copied as a separate JS file, is available */ + +/** + * Porter Stemmer + */ +var Stemmer = function() { + + var step2list = { + ational: 'ate', + tional: 'tion', + enci: 'ence', + anci: 'ance', + izer: 'ize', + bli: 'ble', + alli: 'al', + entli: 'ent', + eli: 'e', + ousli: 'ous', + ization: 'ize', + ation: 'ate', + ator: 'ate', + alism: 'al', + iveness: 'ive', + fulness: 'ful', + ousness: 'ous', + aliti: 'al', + iviti: 'ive', + biliti: 'ble', + logi: 'log' + }; + + var step3list = { + icate: 'ic', + ative: '', + alize: 'al', + iciti: 'ic', + ical: 'ic', + ful: '', + ness: '' + }; + + var c = "[^aeiou]"; // consonant + var v = "[aeiouy]"; // vowel + var C = c + "[^aeiouy]*"; // consonant sequence + var V = v + "[aeiou]*"; // vowel sequence + + var mgr0 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C; // [C]VC... is m>0 + var meq1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + "(" + V + ")?$"; // [C]VC[V] is m=1 + var mgr1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + V + C; // [C]VCVC... is m>1 + var s_v = "^(" + C + ")?" + v; // vowel in stem + + this.stemWord = function (w) { + var stem; + var suffix; + var firstch; + var origword = w; + + if (w.length < 3) + return w; + + var re; + var re2; + var re3; + var re4; + + firstch = w.substr(0,1); + if (firstch == "y") + w = firstch.toUpperCase() + w.substr(1); + + // Step 1a + re = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/; + re2 = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/; + + if (re.test(w)) + w = w.replace(re,"$1$2"); + else if (re2.test(w)) + w = w.replace(re2,"$1$2"); + + // Step 1b + re = /^(.+?)eed$/; + re2 = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + re = new RegExp(mgr0); + if (re.test(fp[1])) { + re = /.$/; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + } + else if (re2.test(w)) { + var fp = re2.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re2 = new RegExp(s_v); + if (re2.test(stem)) { + w = stem; + re2 = /(at|bl|iz)$/; + re3 = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$"); + re4 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$"); + if (re2.test(w)) + w = w + "e"; + else if (re3.test(w)) { + re = /.$/; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + else if (re4.test(w)) + w = w + "e"; + } + } + + // Step 1c + re = /^(.+?)y$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = new RegExp(s_v); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem + "i"; + } + + // Step 2 + re = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + suffix = fp[2]; + re = new RegExp(mgr0); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem + step2list[suffix]; + } + + // Step 3 + re = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + suffix = fp[2]; + re = new RegExp(mgr0); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem + step3list[suffix]; + } + + // Step 4 + re = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/; + re2 = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = new RegExp(mgr1); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem; + } + else if (re2.test(w)) { + var fp = re2.exec(w); + stem = fp[1] + fp[2]; + re2 = new RegExp(mgr1); + if (re2.test(stem)) + w = stem; + } + + // Step 5 + re = /^(.+?)e$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = new RegExp(mgr1); + re2 = new RegExp(meq1); + re3 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$"); + if (re.test(stem) || (re2.test(stem) && !(re3.test(stem)))) + w = stem; + } + re = /ll$/; + re2 = new RegExp(mgr1); + if (re.test(w) && re2.test(w)) { + re = /.$/; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + + // and turn initial Y back to y + if (firstch == "y") + w = firstch.toLowerCase() + w.substr(1); + return w; + } +} + diff --git a/latest/_static/minus.png b/latest/_static/minus.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d96755fd Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_static/minus.png differ diff --git a/latest/_static/no_image.png b/latest/_static/no_image.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c2d48d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_static/no_image.png differ diff --git a/latest/_static/plus.png b/latest/_static/plus.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7107cec9 Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/_static/plus.png differ diff --git a/latest/_static/pygments.css b/latest/_static/pygments.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2e07c71 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/pygments.css @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +.highlight pre { line-height: 125%; } +.highlight td.linenos .normal { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +.highlight span.linenos { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +.highlight td.linenos .special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +.highlight span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } +.highlight { background: #f8f8f8; } +.highlight .c { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ +.highlight .err { color: #a40000; border: 1px solid #ef2929 } /* Error */ +.highlight .g { color: #000000 } /* Generic */ +.highlight .k { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ +.highlight .l { color: #000000 } /* Literal */ +.highlight .n { color: #000000 } /* Name */ +.highlight .o { color: #ce5c00; font-weight: bold } /* Operator */ +.highlight .x { color: #000000 } /* Other */ +.highlight .p { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Punctuation */ +.highlight .ch { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Hashbang */ +.highlight .cm { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ +.highlight .cp { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Preproc */ +.highlight .cpf { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ +.highlight .c1 { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ +.highlight .cs { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Special */ +.highlight .gd { color: #a40000 } /* Generic.Deleted */ +.highlight .ge { color: #000000; font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ +.highlight .ges { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */ +.highlight .gr { color: #ef2929 } /* Generic.Error */ +.highlight .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ +.highlight .gi { color: #00A000 } /* Generic.Inserted */ +.highlight .go { color: #000000; font-style: italic } /* Generic.Output */ +.highlight .gp { color: #8f5902 } /* Generic.Prompt */ +.highlight .gs { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ +.highlight .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Subheading */ +.highlight .gt { color: #a40000; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Traceback */ +.highlight .kc { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ +.highlight .kd { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ +.highlight .kn { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ +.highlight .kp { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ +.highlight .kr { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ +.highlight .kt { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ +.highlight .ld { color: #000000 } /* Literal.Date */ +.highlight .m { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ +.highlight .s { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String */ +.highlight .na { color: #c4a000 } /* Name.Attribute */ +.highlight .nb { color: #204a87 } /* Name.Builtin */ +.highlight .nc { color: #000000 } /* Name.Class */ +.highlight .no { color: #000000 } /* Name.Constant */ +.highlight .nd { color: #5c35cc; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Decorator */ +.highlight .ni { color: #ce5c00 } /* Name.Entity */ +.highlight .ne { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ +.highlight .nf { color: #000000 } /* Name.Function */ +.highlight .nl { color: #f57900 } /* Name.Label */ +.highlight .nn { color: #000000 } /* Name.Namespace */ +.highlight .nx { color: #000000 } /* Name.Other */ +.highlight .py { color: #000000 } /* Name.Property */ +.highlight .nt { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ +.highlight .nv { color: #000000 } /* Name.Variable */ +.highlight .ow { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ +.highlight .pm { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Punctuation.Marker */ +.highlight .w { color: #f8f8f8 } /* Text.Whitespace */ +.highlight .mb { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ +.highlight .mf { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ +.highlight .mh { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ +.highlight .mi { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ +.highlight .mo { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ +.highlight .sa { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ +.highlight .sb { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ +.highlight .sc { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Char */ +.highlight .dl { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ +.highlight .sd { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ +.highlight .s2 { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Double */ +.highlight .se { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ +.highlight .sh { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ +.highlight .si { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ +.highlight .sx { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Other */ +.highlight .sr { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ +.highlight .s1 { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Single */ +.highlight .ss { color: #4e9a06 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ +.highlight .bp { color: #3465a4 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ +.highlight .fm { color: #000000 } /* Name.Function.Magic */ +.highlight .vc { color: #000000 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ +.highlight .vg { color: #000000 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ +.highlight .vi { color: #000000 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ +.highlight .vm { color: #000000 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ +.highlight .il { color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ +@media not print { +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight pre { line-height: 125%; } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight td.linenos .normal { color: #aaaaaa; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight span.linenos { color: #aaaaaa; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight td.linenos .special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .hll { background-color: #404040 } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight { background: #202020; color: #d0d0d0 } +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .c { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .esc { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Escape */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .g { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Generic */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .k { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .l { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Literal */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .n { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Name */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .o { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Operator */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .x { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Other */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .p { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Punctuation */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ch { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Hashbang */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .cm { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .cp { color: #ff3a3a; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .cpf { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .c1 { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .cs { color: #e50808; font-weight: bold; background-color: #520000 } /* Comment.Special */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gd { color: #d22323 } /* Generic.Deleted */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ge { color: #d0d0d0; font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ges { color: #d0d0d0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gr { color: #d22323 } /* Generic.Error */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gh { color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gi { color: #589819 } /* Generic.Inserted */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .go { color: #cccccc } /* Generic.Output */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gp { color: #aaaaaa } /* Generic.Prompt */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gs { color: #d0d0d0; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gu { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline } /* Generic.Subheading */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .gt { color: #d22323 } /* Generic.Traceback */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .kc { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .kd { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .kn { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .kp { color: #6ebf26 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .kr { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .kt { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ld { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Literal.Date */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .m { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .s { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .na { color: #bbbbbb } /* Name.Attribute */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nb { color: #2fbccd } /* Name.Builtin */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nc { color: #71adff; text-decoration: underline } /* Name.Class */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .no { color: #40ffff } /* Name.Constant */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nd { color: #ffa500 } /* Name.Decorator */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ni { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Name.Entity */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ne { color: #bbbbbb } /* Name.Exception */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nf { color: #71adff } /* Name.Function */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nl { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Name.Label */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nn { color: #71adff; text-decoration: underline } /* Name.Namespace */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nx { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Name.Other */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .py { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Name.Property */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nt { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .nv { color: #40ffff } /* Name.Variable */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ow { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .pm { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Punctuation.Marker */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .w { color: #666666 } /* Text.Whitespace */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .mb { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .mf { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number.Float */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .mh { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .mi { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .mo { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sa { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sb { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sc { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Char */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .dl { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sd { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .s2 { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Double */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .se { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sh { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .si { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sx { color: #ffa500 } /* Literal.String.Other */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .sr { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .s1 { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Single */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .ss { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .bp { color: #2fbccd } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .fm { color: #71adff } /* Name.Function.Magic */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .vc { color: #40ffff } /* Name.Variable.Class */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .vg { color: #40ffff } /* Name.Variable.Global */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .vi { color: #40ffff } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .vm { color: #40ffff } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ +body[data-theme="dark"] .highlight .il { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight pre { line-height: 125%; } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight td.linenos .normal { color: #aaaaaa; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight span.linenos { color: #aaaaaa; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight td.linenos .special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .hll { background-color: #404040 } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight { background: #202020; color: #d0d0d0 } +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .c { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .esc { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Escape */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .g { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Generic */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .k { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .l { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Literal */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .n { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Name */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .o { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Operator */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .x { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Other */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .p { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Punctuation */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .ch { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Hashbang */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .cm { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .cp { color: #ff3a3a; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .cpf { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .c1 { color: #ababab; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .cs { color: #e50808; font-weight: bold; background-color: #520000 } /* Comment.Special */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gd { color: #d22323 } /* Generic.Deleted */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .ge { color: #d0d0d0; font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .ges { color: #d0d0d0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gr { color: #d22323 } /* Generic.Error */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gh { color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gi { color: #589819 } /* Generic.Inserted */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .go { color: #cccccc } /* Generic.Output */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gp { color: #aaaaaa } /* Generic.Prompt */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gs { color: #d0d0d0; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gu { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline } /* Generic.Subheading */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .gt { color: #d22323 } /* Generic.Traceback */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .kc { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .kd { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .kn { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .kp { color: #6ebf26 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .kr { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .kt { color: #6ebf26; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .ld { color: #d0d0d0 } /* Literal.Date */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .m { color: #51b2fd } /* Literal.Number */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .s { color: #ed9d13 } /* Literal.String */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .na { color: #bbbbbb } /* Name.Attribute */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .nb { color: #2fbccd } /* Name.Builtin */ +body:not([data-theme="light"]) .highlight .nc { color: #71adff; 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get default export","webpack:///webpack/runtime/define property getters","webpack:///webpack/runtime/global","webpack:///webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand","webpack:///./src/furo/assets/scripts/furo.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * gumshoejs v5.1.2 (patched by @pradyunsg)\n * A simple, framework-agnostic scrollspy script.\n * (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi\n * MIT License\n * http://github.com/cferdinandi/gumshoe\n */\n\n(function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\n define([], function () {\n return factory(root);\n });\n } else if (typeof exports === \"object\") {\n module.exports = factory(root);\n } else {\n root.Gumshoe = factory(root);\n }\n})(\n typeof global !== \"undefined\"\n ? global\n : typeof window !== \"undefined\"\n ? window\n : this,\n function (window) {\n \"use strict\";\n\n //\n // Defaults\n //\n\n var defaults = {\n // Active classes\n navClass: \"active\",\n contentClass: \"active\",\n\n // Nested navigation\n nested: false,\n nestedClass: \"active\",\n\n // Offset & reflow\n offset: 0,\n reflow: false,\n\n // Event support\n events: true,\n };\n\n //\n // Methods\n //\n\n /**\n * Merge two or more objects together.\n * @param {Object} objects The objects to merge together\n * @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options\n */\n var extend = function () {\n var merged = {};\n Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (obj) {\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return;\n merged[key] = obj[key];\n }\n });\n return merged;\n };\n\n /**\n * Emit a custom event\n * @param {String} type The event type\n * @param {Node} elem The element to attach the event to\n * @param {Object} detail Any details to pass along with the event\n */\n var emitEvent = function (type, elem, detail) {\n // Make sure events are enabled\n if (!detail.settings.events) return;\n\n // Create a new event\n var event = new CustomEvent(type, {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: true,\n detail: detail,\n });\n\n // Dispatch the event\n elem.dispatchEvent(event);\n };\n\n /**\n * Get an element's distance from the top of the Document.\n * @param {Node} elem The element\n * @return {Number} Distance from the top in pixels\n */\n var getOffsetTop = function (elem) {\n var location = 0;\n if (elem.offsetParent) {\n while (elem) {\n location += elem.offsetTop;\n elem = elem.offsetParent;\n }\n }\n return location >= 0 ? location : 0;\n };\n\n /**\n * Sort content from first to last in the DOM\n * @param {Array} contents The content areas\n */\n var sortContents = function (contents) {\n if (contents) {\n contents.sort(function (item1, item2) {\n var offset1 = getOffsetTop(item1.content);\n var offset2 = getOffsetTop(item2.content);\n if (offset1 < offset2) return -1;\n return 1;\n });\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the offset to use for calculating position\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n * @return {Float} The number of pixels to offset the calculations\n */\n var getOffset = function (settings) {\n // if the offset is a function run it\n if (typeof settings.offset === \"function\") {\n return parseFloat(settings.offset());\n }\n\n // Otherwise, return it as-is\n return parseFloat(settings.offset);\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the document element's height\n * @private\n * @returns {Number}\n */\n var getDocumentHeight = function () {\n return Math.max(\n document.body.scrollHeight,\n document.documentElement.scrollHeight,\n document.body.offsetHeight,\n document.documentElement.offsetHeight,\n document.body.clientHeight,\n document.documentElement.clientHeight,\n );\n };\n\n /**\n * Determine if an element is in view\n * @param {Node} elem The element\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n * @param {Boolean} bottom If true, check if element is above bottom of viewport instead\n * @return {Boolean} Returns true if element is in the viewport\n */\n var isInView = function (elem, settings, bottom) {\n var bounds = elem.getBoundingClientRect();\n var offset = getOffset(settings);\n if (bottom) {\n return (\n parseInt(bounds.bottom, 10) <\n (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)\n );\n }\n return parseInt(bounds.top, 10) <= offset;\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if at the bottom of the viewport\n * @return {Boolean} If true, page is at the bottom of the viewport\n */\n var isAtBottom = function () {\n if (\n Math.ceil(window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset) >=\n getDocumentHeight()\n )\n return true;\n return false;\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if the last item should be used (even if not at the top of the page)\n * @param {Object} item The last item\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n * @return {Boolean} If true, use the last item\n */\n var useLastItem = function (item, settings) {\n if (isAtBottom() && isInView(item.content, settings, true)) return true;\n return false;\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the active content\n * @param {Array} contents The content areas\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n * @return {Object} The content area and matching navigation link\n */\n var getActive = function (contents, settings) {\n var last = contents[contents.length - 1];\n if (useLastItem(last, settings)) return last;\n for (var i = contents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (isInView(contents[i].content, settings)) return contents[i];\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Deactivate parent navs in a nested navigation\n * @param {Node} nav The starting navigation element\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n */\n var deactivateNested = function (nav, settings) {\n // If nesting isn't activated, bail\n if (!settings.nested || !nav.parentNode) return;\n\n // Get the parent navigation\n var li = nav.parentNode.closest(\"li\");\n if (!li) return;\n\n // Remove the active class\n li.classList.remove(settings.nestedClass);\n\n // Apply recursively to any parent navigation elements\n deactivateNested(li, settings);\n };\n\n /**\n * Deactivate a nav and content area\n * @param {Object} items The nav item and content to deactivate\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n */\n var deactivate = function (items, settings) {\n // Make sure there are items to deactivate\n if (!items) return;\n\n // Get the parent list item\n var li = items.nav.closest(\"li\");\n if (!li) return;\n\n // Remove the active class from the nav and content\n li.classList.remove(settings.navClass);\n items.content.classList.remove(settings.contentClass);\n\n // Deactivate any parent navs in a nested navigation\n deactivateNested(li, settings);\n\n // Emit a custom event\n emitEvent(\"gumshoeDeactivate\", li, {\n link: items.nav,\n content: items.content,\n settings: settings,\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Activate parent navs in a nested navigation\n * @param {Node} nav The starting navigation element\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n */\n var activateNested = function (nav, settings) {\n // If nesting isn't activated, bail\n if (!settings.nested) return;\n\n // Get the parent navigation\n var li = nav.parentNode.closest(\"li\");\n if (!li) return;\n\n // Add the active class\n li.classList.add(settings.nestedClass);\n\n // Apply recursively to any parent navigation elements\n activateNested(li, settings);\n };\n\n /**\n * Activate a nav and content area\n * @param {Object} items The nav item and content to activate\n * @param {Object} settings The settings for this instantiation\n */\n var activate = function (items, settings) {\n // Make sure there are items to activate\n if (!items) return;\n\n // Get the parent list item\n var li = items.nav.closest(\"li\");\n if (!li) return;\n\n // Add the active class to the nav and content\n li.classList.add(settings.navClass);\n items.content.classList.add(settings.contentClass);\n\n // Activate any parent navs in a nested navigation\n activateNested(li, settings);\n\n // Emit a custom event\n emitEvent(\"gumshoeActivate\", li, {\n link: items.nav,\n content: items.content,\n settings: settings,\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Create the Constructor object\n * @param {String} selector The selector to use for navigation items\n * @param {Object} options User options and settings\n */\n var Constructor = function (selector, options) {\n //\n // Variables\n //\n\n var publicAPIs = {};\n var navItems, contents, current, timeout, settings;\n\n //\n // Methods\n //\n\n /**\n * Set variables from DOM elements\n */\n publicAPIs.setup = function () {\n // Get all nav items\n navItems = document.querySelectorAll(selector);\n\n // Create contents array\n contents = [];\n\n // Loop through each item, get it's matching content, and push to the array\n Array.prototype.forEach.call(navItems, function (item) {\n // Get the content for the nav item\n var content = document.getElementById(\n decodeURIComponent(item.hash.substr(1)),\n );\n if (!content) return;\n\n // Push to the contents array\n contents.push({\n nav: item,\n content: content,\n });\n });\n\n // Sort contents by the order they appear in the DOM\n sortContents(contents);\n };\n\n /**\n * Detect which content is currently active\n */\n publicAPIs.detect = function () {\n // Get the active content\n var active = getActive(contents, settings);\n\n // if there's no active content, deactivate and bail\n if (!active) {\n if (current) {\n deactivate(current, settings);\n current = null;\n }\n return;\n }\n\n // If the active content is the one currently active, do nothing\n if (current && active.content === current.content) return;\n\n // Deactivate the current content and activate the new content\n deactivate(current, settings);\n activate(active, settings);\n\n // Update the currently active content\n current = active;\n };\n\n /**\n * Detect the active content on scroll\n * Debounced for performance\n */\n var scrollHandler = function (event) {\n // If there's a timer, cancel it\n if (timeout) {\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(timeout);\n }\n\n // Setup debounce callback\n timeout = window.requestAnimationFrame(publicAPIs.detect);\n };\n\n /**\n * Update content sorting on resize\n * Debounced for performance\n */\n var resizeHandler = function (event) {\n // If there's a timer, cancel it\n if (timeout) {\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(timeout);\n }\n\n // Setup debounce callback\n timeout = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n sortContents(contents);\n publicAPIs.detect();\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Destroy the current instantiation\n */\n publicAPIs.destroy = function () {\n // Undo DOM changes\n if (current) {\n deactivate(current, settings);\n }\n\n // Remove event listeners\n window.removeEventListener(\"scroll\", scrollHandler, false);\n if (settings.reflow) {\n window.removeEventListener(\"resize\", resizeHandler, false);\n }\n\n // Reset variables\n contents = null;\n navItems = null;\n current = null;\n timeout = null;\n settings = null;\n };\n\n /**\n * Initialize the current instantiation\n */\n var init = function () {\n // Merge user options into defaults\n settings = extend(defaults, options || {});\n\n // Setup variables based on the current DOM\n publicAPIs.setup();\n\n // Find the currently active content\n publicAPIs.detect();\n\n // Setup event listeners\n window.addEventListener(\"scroll\", scrollHandler, false);\n if (settings.reflow) {\n window.addEventListener(\"resize\", resizeHandler, false);\n }\n };\n\n //\n // Initialize and return the public APIs\n //\n\n init();\n return publicAPIs;\n };\n\n //\n // Return the Constructor\n //\n\n return Constructor;\n },\n);\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\t() => (module['default']) :\n\t\t() => (module);\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.g = (function() {\n\tif (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn this || new Function('return this')();\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tif (typeof window === 'object') return window;\n\t}\n})();","__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))","import Gumshoe from \"./gumshoe-patched.js\";\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Scroll Handling\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nvar tocScroll = null;\nvar header = null;\nvar lastScrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;\nconst GO_TO_TOP_OFFSET = 64;\n\nfunction scrollHandlerForHeader() {\n if (Math.floor(header.getBoundingClientRect().top) == 0) {\n header.classList.add(\"scrolled\");\n } else {\n header.classList.remove(\"scrolled\");\n }\n}\n\nfunction scrollHandlerForBackToTop(positionY) {\n if (positionY < GO_TO_TOP_OFFSET) {\n document.documentElement.classList.remove(\"show-back-to-top\");\n } else {\n if (positionY < lastScrollTop) {\n document.documentElement.classList.add(\"show-back-to-top\");\n } else if (positionY > lastScrollTop) {\n document.documentElement.classList.remove(\"show-back-to-top\");\n }\n }\n lastScrollTop = positionY;\n}\n\nfunction scrollHandlerForTOC(positionY) {\n if (tocScroll === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n // top of page.\n if (positionY == 0) {\n tocScroll.scrollTo(0, 0);\n } else if (\n // bottom of page.\n Math.ceil(positionY) >=\n Math.floor(document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight)\n ) {\n tocScroll.scrollTo(0, tocScroll.scrollHeight);\n } else {\n // somewhere in the middle.\n const current = document.querySelector(\".scroll-current\");\n if (current == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n // https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9159 This breaks scroll behaviours.\n // // scroll the currently \"active\" heading in toc, into view.\n // const rect = current.getBoundingClientRect();\n // if (0 > rect.top) {\n // current.scrollIntoView(true); // the argument is \"alignTop\"\n // } else if (rect.bottom > window.innerHeight) {\n // current.scrollIntoView(false);\n // }\n }\n}\n\nfunction scrollHandler(positionY) {\n scrollHandlerForHeader();\n scrollHandlerForBackToTop(positionY);\n scrollHandlerForTOC(positionY);\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Theme Toggle\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nfunction setTheme(mode) {\n if (mode !== \"light\" && mode !== \"dark\" && mode !== \"auto\") {\n console.error(`Got invalid theme mode: ${mode}. Resetting to auto.`);\n mode = \"auto\";\n }\n\n document.body.dataset.theme = mode;\n localStorage.setItem(\"theme\", mode);\n console.log(`Changed to ${mode} mode.`);\n}\n\nfunction cycleThemeOnce() {\n const currentTheme = localStorage.getItem(\"theme\") || \"auto\";\n const prefersDark = window.matchMedia(\"(prefers-color-scheme: dark)\").matches;\n\n if (prefersDark) {\n // Auto (dark) -> Light -> Dark\n if (currentTheme === \"auto\") {\n setTheme(\"light\");\n } else if (currentTheme == \"light\") {\n setTheme(\"dark\");\n } else {\n setTheme(\"auto\");\n }\n } else {\n // Auto (light) -> Dark -> Light\n if (currentTheme === \"auto\") {\n setTheme(\"dark\");\n } else if (currentTheme == \"dark\") {\n setTheme(\"light\");\n } else {\n setTheme(\"auto\");\n }\n }\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Setup\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nfunction setupScrollHandler() {\n // Taken from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/scroll_event\n let last_known_scroll_position = 0;\n let ticking = false;\n\n window.addEventListener(\"scroll\", function (e) {\n last_known_scroll_position = window.scrollY;\n\n if (!ticking) {\n window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n scrollHandler(last_known_scroll_position);\n ticking = false;\n });\n\n ticking = true;\n }\n });\n window.scroll();\n}\n\nfunction setupScrollSpy() {\n if (tocScroll === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Scrollspy -- highlight table on contents, based on scroll\n new Gumshoe(\".toc-tree a\", {\n reflow: true,\n recursive: true,\n navClass: \"scroll-current\",\n offset: () => {\n let rem = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).fontSize);\n return header.getBoundingClientRect().height + 0.5 * rem + 1;\n },\n });\n}\n\nfunction setupTheme() {\n // Attach event handlers for toggling themes\n const buttons = document.getElementsByClassName(\"theme-toggle\");\n Array.from(buttons).forEach((btn) => {\n btn.addEventListener(\"click\", cycleThemeOnce);\n });\n}\n\nfunction setup() {\n setupTheme();\n setupScrollHandler();\n setupScrollSpy();\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Main entrypoint\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nfunction main() {\n document.body.parentNode.classList.remove(\"no-js\");\n\n header = document.querySelector(\"header\");\n tocScroll = document.querySelector(\".toc-scroll\");\n\n setup();\n}\n\ndocument.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", main);\n"],"names":["root","g","window","this","defaults","navClass","contentClass","nested","nestedClass","offset","reflow","events","emitEvent","type","elem","detail","settings","event","CustomEvent","bubbles","cancelable","dispatchEvent","getOffsetTop","location","offsetParent","offsetTop","sortContents","contents","sort","item1","item2","content","isInView","bottom","bounds","getBoundingClientRect","parseFloat","getOffset","parseInt","innerHeight","document","documentElement","clientHeight","top","isAtBottom","Math","ceil","pageYOffset","max","body","scrollHeight","offsetHeight","getActive","last","length","item","useLastItem","i","deactivateNested","nav","parentNode","li","closest","classList","remove","deactivate","items","link","activateNested","add","selector","options","navItems","current","timeout","publicAPIs","querySelectorAll","Array","prototype","forEach","call","getElementById","decodeURIComponent","hash","substr","push","active","activate","scrollHandler","cancelAnimationFrame","requestAnimationFrame","detect","resizeHandler","destroy","removeEventListener","merged","arguments","obj","key","hasOwnProperty","extend","setup","addEventListener","factory","__webpack_module_cache__","__webpack_require__","moduleId","cachedModule","undefined","exports","module","__webpack_modules__","n","getter","__esModule","d","a","definition","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","globalThis","Function","e","prop","tocScroll","header","lastScrollTop","scrollTop","GO_TO_TOP_OFFSET","cycleThemeOnce","currentTheme","localStorage","getItem","mode","matchMedia","matches","console","error","dataset","theme","setItem","log","buttons","getElementsByClassName","from","btn","setupTheme","last_known_scroll_position","ticking","scrollY","positionY","floor","scrollHandlerForBackToTop","scrollTo","querySelector","scrollHandlerForTOC","scroll","setupScrollHandler","recursive","rem","getComputedStyle","fontSize","height"],"sourceRoot":""} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_static/searchtools.js b/latest/_static/searchtools.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7918c3fa --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/searchtools.js @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +/* + * searchtools.js + * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + * + * Sphinx JavaScript utilities for the full-text search. + * + * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2023 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. + * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. + * + */ +"use strict"; + +/** + * Simple result scoring code. + */ +if (typeof Scorer === "undefined") { + var Scorer = { + // Implement the following function to further tweak the score for each result + // The function takes a result array [docname, title, anchor, descr, score, filename] + // and returns the new score. + /* + score: result => { + const [docname, title, anchor, descr, score, filename] = result + return score + }, + */ + + // query matches the full name of an object + objNameMatch: 11, + // or matches in the last dotted part of the object name + objPartialMatch: 6, + // Additive scores depending on the priority of the object + objPrio: { + 0: 15, // used to be importantResults + 1: 5, // used to be objectResults + 2: -5, // used to be unimportantResults + }, + // Used when the priority is not in the mapping. + objPrioDefault: 0, + + // query found in title + title: 15, + partialTitle: 7, + // query found in terms + term: 5, + partialTerm: 2, + }; +} + +const _removeChildren = (element) => { + while (element && element.lastChild) element.removeChild(element.lastChild); +}; + +/** + * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions#escaping + */ +const _escapeRegExp = (string) => + string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string + +const _displayItem = (item, searchTerms, highlightTerms) => { + const docBuilder = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.BUILDER; + const docFileSuffix = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.FILE_SUFFIX; + const docLinkSuffix = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.LINK_SUFFIX; + const showSearchSummary = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.SHOW_SEARCH_SUMMARY; + const contentRoot = document.documentElement.dataset.content_root; + + const [docName, title, anchor, descr, score, _filename] = item; + + let listItem = document.createElement("li"); + let requestUrl; + let linkUrl; + if (docBuilder === "dirhtml") { + // dirhtml builder + let dirname = docName + "/"; + if (dirname.match(/\/index\/$/)) + dirname = dirname.substring(0, dirname.length - 6); + else if (dirname === "index/") dirname = ""; + requestUrl = contentRoot + dirname; + linkUrl = requestUrl; + } else { + // normal html builders + requestUrl = contentRoot + docName + docFileSuffix; + linkUrl = docName + docLinkSuffix; + } + let linkEl = listItem.appendChild(document.createElement("a")); + linkEl.href = linkUrl + anchor; + linkEl.dataset.score = score; + linkEl.innerHTML = title; + if (descr) { + listItem.appendChild(document.createElement("span")).innerHTML = + " (" + descr + ")"; + // highlight search terms in the description + if (SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) // set in sphinx_highlight.js + highlightTerms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(listItem, term, "highlighted")); + } + else if (showSearchSummary) + fetch(requestUrl) + .then((responseData) => responseData.text()) + .then((data) => { + if (data) + listItem.appendChild( + Search.makeSearchSummary(data, searchTerms) + ); + // highlight search terms in the summary + if (SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) // set in sphinx_highlight.js + highlightTerms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(listItem, term, "highlighted")); + }); + Search.output.appendChild(listItem); +}; +const _finishSearch = (resultCount) => { + Search.stopPulse(); + Search.title.innerText = _("Search Results"); + if (!resultCount) + Search.status.innerText = Documentation.gettext( + "Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories." + ); + else + Search.status.innerText = _( + `Search finished, found ${resultCount} page(s) matching the search query.` + ); +}; +const _displayNextItem = ( + results, + resultCount, + searchTerms, + highlightTerms, +) => { + // results left, load the summary and display it + // this is intended to be dynamic (don't sub resultsCount) + if (results.length) { + _displayItem(results.pop(), searchTerms, highlightTerms); + setTimeout( + () => _displayNextItem(results, resultCount, searchTerms, highlightTerms), + 5 + ); + } + // search finished, update title and status message + else _finishSearch(resultCount); +}; + +/** + * Default splitQuery function. Can be overridden in ``sphinx.search`` with a + * custom function per language. + * + * The regular expression works by splitting the string on consecutive characters + * that are not Unicode letters, numbers, underscores, or emoji characters. + * This is the same as ``\W+`` in Python, preserving the surrogate pair area. + */ +if (typeof splitQuery === "undefined") { + var splitQuery = (query) => query + .split(/[^\p{Letter}\p{Number}_\p{Emoji_Presentation}]+/gu) + .filter(term => term) // remove remaining empty strings +} + +/** + * Search Module + */ +const Search = { + _index: null, + _queued_query: null, + _pulse_status: -1, + + htmlToText: (htmlString) => { + const htmlElement = new DOMParser().parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html'); + htmlElement.querySelectorAll(".headerlink").forEach((el) => { el.remove() }); + const docContent = htmlElement.querySelector('[role="main"]'); + if (docContent !== undefined) return docContent.textContent; + console.warn( + "Content block not found. Sphinx search tries to obtain it via '[role=main]'. Could you check your theme or template." + ); + return ""; + }, + + init: () => { + const query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("q"); + document + .querySelectorAll('input[name="q"]') + .forEach((el) => (el.value = query)); + if (query) Search.performSearch(query); + }, + + loadIndex: (url) => + (document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src = url), + + setIndex: (index) => { + Search._index = index; + if (Search._queued_query !== null) { + const query = Search._queued_query; + Search._queued_query = null; + Search.query(query); + } + }, + + hasIndex: () => Search._index !== null, + + deferQuery: (query) => (Search._queued_query = query), + + stopPulse: () => (Search._pulse_status = -1), + + startPulse: () => { + if (Search._pulse_status >= 0) return; + + const pulse = () => { + Search._pulse_status = (Search._pulse_status + 1) % 4; + Search.dots.innerText = ".".repeat(Search._pulse_status); + if (Search._pulse_status >= 0) window.setTimeout(pulse, 500); + }; + pulse(); + }, + + /** + * perform a search for something (or wait until index is loaded) + */ + performSearch: (query) => { + // create the required interface elements + const searchText = document.createElement("h2"); + searchText.textContent = _("Searching"); + const searchSummary = document.createElement("p"); + searchSummary.classList.add("search-summary"); + searchSummary.innerText = ""; + const searchList = document.createElement("ul"); + searchList.classList.add("search"); + + const out = document.getElementById("search-results"); + Search.title = out.appendChild(searchText); + Search.dots = Search.title.appendChild(document.createElement("span")); + Search.status = out.appendChild(searchSummary); + Search.output = out.appendChild(searchList); + + const searchProgress = document.getElementById("search-progress"); + // Some themes don't use the search progress node + if (searchProgress) { + searchProgress.innerText = _("Preparing search..."); + } + Search.startPulse(); + + // index already loaded, the browser was quick! + if (Search.hasIndex()) Search.query(query); + else Search.deferQuery(query); + }, + + /** + * execute search (requires search index to be loaded) + */ + query: (query) => { + const filenames = Search._index.filenames; + const docNames = Search._index.docnames; + const titles = Search._index.titles; + const allTitles = Search._index.alltitles; + const indexEntries = Search._index.indexentries; + + // stem the search terms and add them to the correct list + const stemmer = new Stemmer(); + const searchTerms = new Set(); + const excludedTerms = new Set(); + const highlightTerms = new Set(); + const objectTerms = new Set(splitQuery(query.toLowerCase().trim())); + splitQuery(query.trim()).forEach((queryTerm) => { + const queryTermLower = queryTerm.toLowerCase(); + + // maybe skip this "word" + // stopwords array is from language_data.js + if ( + stopwords.indexOf(queryTermLower) !== -1 || + queryTerm.match(/^\d+$/) + ) + return; + + // stem the word + let word = stemmer.stemWord(queryTermLower); + // select the correct list + if (word[0] === "-") excludedTerms.add(word.substr(1)); + else { + searchTerms.add(word); + highlightTerms.add(queryTermLower); + } + }); + + if (SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) { // set in sphinx_highlight.js + localStorage.setItem("sphinx_highlight_terms", [...highlightTerms].join(" ")) + } + + // console.debug("SEARCH: searching for:"); + // console.info("required: ", [...searchTerms]); + // console.info("excluded: ", [...excludedTerms]); + + // array of [docname, title, anchor, descr, score, filename] + let results = []; + _removeChildren(document.getElementById("search-progress")); + + const queryLower = query.toLowerCase(); + for (const [title, foundTitles] of Object.entries(allTitles)) { + if (title.toLowerCase().includes(queryLower) && (queryLower.length >= title.length/2)) { + for (const [file, id] of foundTitles) { + let score = Math.round(100 * queryLower.length / title.length) + results.push([ + docNames[file], + titles[file] !== title ? `${titles[file]} > ${title}` : title, + id !== null ? "#" + id : "", + null, + score, + filenames[file], + ]); + } + } + } + + // search for explicit entries in index directives + for (const [entry, foundEntries] of Object.entries(indexEntries)) { + if (entry.includes(queryLower) && (queryLower.length >= entry.length/2)) { + for (const [file, id] of foundEntries) { + let score = Math.round(100 * queryLower.length / entry.length) + results.push([ + docNames[file], + titles[file], + id ? "#" + id : "", + null, + score, + filenames[file], + ]); + } + } + } + + // lookup as object + objectTerms.forEach((term) => + results.push(...Search.performObjectSearch(term, objectTerms)) + ); + + // lookup as search terms in fulltext + results.push(...Search.performTermsSearch(searchTerms, excludedTerms)); + + // let the scorer override scores with a custom scoring function + if (Scorer.score) results.forEach((item) => (item[4] = Scorer.score(item))); + + // now sort the results by score (in opposite order of appearance, since the + // display function below uses pop() to retrieve items) and then + // alphabetically + results.sort((a, b) => { + const leftScore = a[4]; + const rightScore = b[4]; + if (leftScore === rightScore) { + // same score: sort alphabetically + const leftTitle = a[1].toLowerCase(); + const rightTitle = b[1].toLowerCase(); + if (leftTitle === rightTitle) return 0; + return leftTitle > rightTitle ? -1 : 1; // inverted is intentional + } + return leftScore > rightScore ? 1 : -1; + }); + + // remove duplicate search results + // note the reversing of results, so that in the case of duplicates, the highest-scoring entry is kept + let seen = new Set(); + results = results.reverse().reduce((acc, result) => { + let resultStr = result.slice(0, 4).concat([result[5]]).map(v => String(v)).join(','); + if (!seen.has(resultStr)) { + acc.push(result); + seen.add(resultStr); + } + return acc; + }, []); + + results = results.reverse(); + + // for debugging + //Search.lastresults = results.slice(); // a copy + // console.info("search results:", Search.lastresults); + + // print the results + _displayNextItem(results, results.length, searchTerms, highlightTerms); + }, + + /** + * search for object names + */ + performObjectSearch: (object, objectTerms) => { + const filenames = Search._index.filenames; + const docNames = Search._index.docnames; + const objects = Search._index.objects; + const objNames = Search._index.objnames; + const titles = Search._index.titles; + + const results = []; + + const objectSearchCallback = (prefix, match) => { + const name = match[4] + const fullname = (prefix ? prefix + "." : "") + name; + const fullnameLower = fullname.toLowerCase(); + if (fullnameLower.indexOf(object) < 0) return; + + let score = 0; + const parts = fullnameLower.split("."); + + // check for different match types: exact matches of full name or + // "last name" (i.e. last dotted part) + if (fullnameLower === object || parts.slice(-1)[0] === object) + score += Scorer.objNameMatch; + else if (parts.slice(-1)[0].indexOf(object) > -1) + score += Scorer.objPartialMatch; // matches in last name + + const objName = objNames[match[1]][2]; + const title = titles[match[0]]; + + // If more than one term searched for, we require other words to be + // found in the name/title/description + const otherTerms = new Set(objectTerms); + otherTerms.delete(object); + if (otherTerms.size > 0) { + const haystack = `${prefix} ${name} ${objName} ${title}`.toLowerCase(); + if ( + [...otherTerms].some((otherTerm) => haystack.indexOf(otherTerm) < 0) + ) + return; + } + + let anchor = match[3]; + if (anchor === "") anchor = fullname; + else if (anchor === "-") anchor = objNames[match[1]][1] + "-" + fullname; + + const descr = objName + _(", in ") + title; + + // add custom score for some objects according to scorer + if (Scorer.objPrio.hasOwnProperty(match[2])) + score += Scorer.objPrio[match[2]]; + else score += Scorer.objPrioDefault; + + results.push([ + docNames[match[0]], + fullname, + "#" + anchor, + descr, + score, + filenames[match[0]], + ]); + }; + Object.keys(objects).forEach((prefix) => + objects[prefix].forEach((array) => + objectSearchCallback(prefix, array) + ) + ); + return results; + }, + + /** + * search for full-text terms in the index + */ + performTermsSearch: (searchTerms, excludedTerms) => { + // prepare search + const terms = Search._index.terms; + const titleTerms = Search._index.titleterms; + const filenames = Search._index.filenames; + const docNames = Search._index.docnames; + const titles = Search._index.titles; + + const scoreMap = new Map(); + const fileMap = new Map(); + + // perform the search on the required terms + searchTerms.forEach((word) => { + const files = []; + const arr = [ + { files: terms[word], score: Scorer.term }, + { files: titleTerms[word], score: Scorer.title }, + ]; + // add support for partial matches + if (word.length > 2) { + const escapedWord = _escapeRegExp(word); + Object.keys(terms).forEach((term) => { + if (term.match(escapedWord) && !terms[word]) + arr.push({ files: terms[term], score: Scorer.partialTerm }); + }); + Object.keys(titleTerms).forEach((term) => { + if (term.match(escapedWord) && !titleTerms[word]) + arr.push({ files: titleTerms[word], score: Scorer.partialTitle }); + }); + } + + // no match but word was a required one + if (arr.every((record) => record.files === undefined)) return; + + // found search word in contents + arr.forEach((record) => { + if (record.files === undefined) return; + + let recordFiles = record.files; + if (recordFiles.length === undefined) recordFiles = [recordFiles]; + files.push(...recordFiles); + + // set score for the word in each file + recordFiles.forEach((file) => { + if (!scoreMap.has(file)) scoreMap.set(file, {}); + scoreMap.get(file)[word] = record.score; + }); + }); + + // create the mapping + files.forEach((file) => { + if (fileMap.has(file) && fileMap.get(file).indexOf(word) === -1) + fileMap.get(file).push(word); + else fileMap.set(file, [word]); + }); + }); + + // now check if the files don't contain excluded terms + const results = []; + for (const [file, wordList] of fileMap) { + // check if all requirements are matched + + // as search terms with length < 3 are discarded + const filteredTermCount = [...searchTerms].filter( + (term) => term.length > 2 + ).length; + if ( + wordList.length !== searchTerms.size && + wordList.length !== filteredTermCount + ) + continue; + + // ensure that none of the excluded terms is in the search result + if ( + [...excludedTerms].some( + (term) => + terms[term] === file || + titleTerms[term] === file || + (terms[term] || []).includes(file) || + (titleTerms[term] || []).includes(file) + ) + ) + break; + + // select one (max) score for the file. + const score = Math.max(...wordList.map((w) => scoreMap.get(file)[w])); + // add result to the result list + results.push([ + docNames[file], + titles[file], + "", + null, + score, + filenames[file], + ]); + } + return results; + }, + + /** + * helper function to return a node containing the + * search summary for a given text. keywords is a list + * of stemmed words. + */ + makeSearchSummary: (htmlText, keywords) => { + const text = Search.htmlToText(htmlText); + if (text === "") return null; + + const textLower = text.toLowerCase(); + const actualStartPosition = [...keywords] + .map((k) => textLower.indexOf(k.toLowerCase())) + .filter((i) => i > -1) + .slice(-1)[0]; + const startWithContext = Math.max(actualStartPosition - 120, 0); + + const top = startWithContext === 0 ? "" : "..."; + const tail = startWithContext + 240 < text.length ? "..." : ""; + + let summary = document.createElement("p"); + summary.classList.add("context"); + summary.textContent = top + text.substr(startWithContext, 240).trim() + tail; + + return summary; + }, +}; + +_ready(Search.init); diff --git a/latest/_static/sg_gallery-binder.css b/latest/_static/sg_gallery-binder.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..420005d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/sg_gallery-binder.css @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* CSS for binder integration */ + +div.binder-badge { + margin: 1em auto; + vertical-align: middle; +} + +div.lite-badge { + margin: 1em auto; + vertical-align: middle; +} diff --git a/latest/_static/sg_gallery-dataframe.css b/latest/_static/sg_gallery-dataframe.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fac74c43 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/sg_gallery-dataframe.css @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* Pandas dataframe css */ +/* Taken from: https://github.com/spatialaudio/nbsphinx/blob/fb3ba670fc1ba5f54d4c487573dbc1b4ecf7e9ff/src/nbsphinx.py#L587-L619 */ +html[data-theme="light"] { + --sg-text-color: #000; + --sg-tr-odd-color: #f5f5f5; + --sg-tr-hover-color: rgba(66, 165, 245, 0.2); +} +html[data-theme="dark"] { + --sg-text-color: #fff; + --sg-tr-odd-color: #373737; + --sg-tr-hover-color: rgba(30, 81, 122, 0.2); +} + +table.dataframe { + border: none !important; + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; + border-color: transparent; + color: var(--sg-text-color); + font-size: 12px; + table-layout: fixed; + width: auto; +} +table.dataframe thead { + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--sg-text-color); + vertical-align: bottom; +} +table.dataframe tr, +table.dataframe th, +table.dataframe td { + text-align: right; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0.5em 0.5em; + line-height: normal; + white-space: normal; + max-width: none; + border: none; +} +table.dataframe th { + font-weight: bold; +} +table.dataframe tbody tr:nth-child(odd) { + background: var(--sg-tr-odd-color); +} +table.dataframe tbody tr:hover { + background: var(--sg-tr-hover-color); +} diff --git a/latest/_static/sg_gallery-rendered-html.css b/latest/_static/sg_gallery-rendered-html.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..93dc2ffb --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/sg_gallery-rendered-html.css @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +/* Adapted from notebook/static/style/style.min.css */ +html[data-theme="light"] { + --sg-text-color: #000; + --sg-background-color: #ffffff; + --sg-code-background-color: #eff0f1; + --sg-tr-hover-color: rgba(66, 165, 245, 0.2); + --sg-tr-odd-color: #f5f5f5; +} +html[data-theme="dark"] { + --sg-text-color: #fff; + --sg-background-color: #121212; + --sg-code-background-color: #2f2f30; + --sg-tr-hover-color: rgba(66, 165, 245, 0.2); + --sg-tr-odd-color: #1f1f1f; +} + +.rendered_html { + color: var(--sg-text-color); + /* any extras will just be numbers: */ +} +.rendered_html em { + font-style: italic; +} +.rendered_html strong { + font-weight: bold; +} +.rendered_html u { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.rendered_html :link { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.rendered_html :visited { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.rendered_html h1 { + font-size: 185.7%; + margin: 1.08em 0 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1.0; +} +.rendered_html h2 { + font-size: 157.1%; + margin: 1.27em 0 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1.0; +} +.rendered_html h3 { + font-size: 128.6%; + margin: 1.55em 0 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1.0; +} +.rendered_html h4 { + font-size: 100%; + margin: 2em 0 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1.0; +} +.rendered_html h5 { + font-size: 100%; + margin: 2em 0 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1.0; + font-style: italic; +} +.rendered_html h6 { + font-size: 100%; + margin: 2em 0 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1.0; + font-style: italic; +} +.rendered_html h1:first-child { + margin-top: 0.538em; +} +.rendered_html h2:first-child { + margin-top: 0.636em; +} +.rendered_html h3:first-child { + margin-top: 0.777em; +} +.rendered_html h4:first-child { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html h5:first-child { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html h6:first-child { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html ul:not(.list-inline), +.rendered_html ol:not(.list-inline) { + padding-left: 2em; +} +.rendered_html ul { + list-style: disc; +} +.rendered_html ul ul { + list-style: square; + margin-top: 0; +} +.rendered_html ul ul ul { + list-style: circle; +} +.rendered_html ol { + list-style: decimal; +} +.rendered_html ol ol { + list-style: upper-alpha; + margin-top: 0; +} +.rendered_html ol ol ol { + list-style: lower-alpha; +} +.rendered_html ol ol ol ol { + list-style: lower-roman; +} +.rendered_html ol ol ol ol ol { + list-style: decimal; +} +.rendered_html * + ul { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html * + ol { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html hr { + color: var(--sg-text-color); + background-color: var(--sg-text-color); +} +.rendered_html pre { + margin: 1em 2em; + padding: 0px; + background-color: var(--sg-background-color); +} +.rendered_html code { + background-color: var(--sg-code-background-color); +} +.rendered_html p code { + padding: 1px 5px; +} +.rendered_html pre code { + background-color: var(--sg-background-color); +} +.rendered_html pre, +.rendered_html code { + border: 0; + color: var(--sg-text-color); + font-size: 100%; +} +.rendered_html blockquote { + margin: 1em 2em; +} +.rendered_html table { + margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; + border: none; + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; + color: var(--sg-text-color); + font-size: 12px; + table-layout: fixed; +} +.rendered_html thead { + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--sg-text-color); + vertical-align: bottom; +} +.rendered_html tr, +.rendered_html th, +.rendered_html td { + text-align: right; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0.5em 0.5em; + line-height: normal; + white-space: normal; + max-width: none; + border: none; +} +.rendered_html th { + font-weight: bold; +} +.rendered_html tbody tr:nth-child(odd) { + background: var(--sg-tr-odd-color); +} +.rendered_html tbody tr:hover { + color: var(--sg-text-color); + background: var(--sg-tr-hover-color); +} +.rendered_html * + table { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html p { + text-align: left; +} +.rendered_html * + p { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html img { + display: block; + margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; +} +.rendered_html * + img { + margin-top: 1em; +} +.rendered_html img, +.rendered_html svg { + max-width: 100%; + height: auto; +} +.rendered_html img.unconfined, +.rendered_html svg.unconfined { + max-width: none; +} +.rendered_html .alert { + margin-bottom: initial; +} +.rendered_html * + .alert { + margin-top: 1em; +} +[dir="rtl"] .rendered_html p { + text-align: right; +} diff --git a/latest/_static/sg_gallery.css b/latest/_static/sg_gallery.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72227837 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/sg_gallery.css @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +/* +Sphinx-Gallery has compatible CSS to fix default sphinx themes +Tested for Sphinx 1.3.1 for all themes: default, alabaster, sphinxdoc, +scrolls, agogo, traditional, nature, haiku, pyramid +Tested for Read the Docs theme 0.1.7 */ + +/* Define light colors */ +:root, html[data-theme="light"], body[data-theme="light"]{ + --sg-tooltip-foreground: black; + --sg-tooltip-background: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.9); + --sg-tooltip-border: #ccc transparent; + --sg-thumb-box-shadow-color: #6c757d40; + --sg-thumb-hover-border: #0069d9; + --sg-script-out: #888; + --sg-script-pre: #fafae2; + --sg-pytb-foreground: #000; + --sg-pytb-background: #ffe4e4; + --sg-pytb-border-color: #f66; + --sg-download-a-background-color: #ffc; + --sg-download-a-background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffc, #d5d57e); + --sg-download-a-border-color: 1px solid #c2c22d; + --sg-download-a-color: #000; + --sg-download-a-hover-background-color: #d5d57e; + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); +} +@media(prefers-color-scheme: light) { + :root[data-theme="auto"], html[data-theme="auto"], body[data-theme="auto"] { + --sg-tooltip-foreground: black; + --sg-tooltip-background: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.9); + --sg-tooltip-border: #ccc transparent; + --sg-thumb-box-shadow-color: #6c757d40; + --sg-thumb-hover-border: #0069d9; + --sg-script-out: #888; + --sg-script-pre: #fafae2; + --sg-pytb-foreground: #000; + --sg-pytb-background: #ffe4e4; + --sg-pytb-border-color: #f66; + --sg-download-a-background-color: #ffc; + --sg-download-a-background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffc, #d5d57e); + --sg-download-a-border-color: 1px solid #c2c22d; + --sg-download-a-color: #000; + --sg-download-a-hover-background-color: #d5d57e; + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + } +} + +html[data-theme="dark"], body[data-theme="dark"] { + --sg-tooltip-foreground: white; + --sg-tooltip-background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9); + --sg-tooltip-border: #333 transparent; + --sg-thumb-box-shadow-color: #79848d40; + --sg-thumb-hover-border: #003975; + --sg-script-out: rgb(179, 179, 179); + --sg-script-pre: #2e2e22; + --sg-pytb-foreground: #fff; + --sg-pytb-background: #1b1717; + --sg-pytb-border-color: #622; + --sg-download-a-background-color: #443; + --sg-download-a-background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #443, #221); + --sg-download-a-border-color: 1px solid #3a3a0d; + --sg-download-a-color: #fff; + --sg-download-a-hover-background-color: #616135; + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); +} +@media(prefers-color-scheme: dark){ + html[data-theme="auto"], body[data-theme="auto"] { + --sg-tooltip-foreground: white; + --sg-tooltip-background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9); + --sg-tooltip-border: #333 transparent; + --sg-thumb-box-shadow-color: #79848d40; + --sg-thumb-hover-border: #003975; + --sg-script-out: rgb(179, 179, 179); + --sg-script-pre: #2e2e22; + --sg-pytb-foreground: #fff; + --sg-pytb-background: #1b1717; + --sg-pytb-border-color: #622; + --sg-download-a-background-color: #443; + --sg-download-a-background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #443, #221); + --sg-download-a-border-color: 1px solid #3a3a0d; + --sg-download-a-color: #fff; + --sg-download-a-hover-background-color: #616135; + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); + } +} + +.sphx-glr-thumbnails { + width: 100%; + margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px; + + /* align thumbnails on a grid */ + justify-content: space-between; + display: grid; + /* each grid column should be at least 160px (this will determine + the actual number of columns) and then take as much of the + remaining width as possible */ + grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(160px, 1fr)); + gap: 15px; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbnails .toctree-wrapper { + /* hide empty toctree divs added to the DOM + by sphinx even though the toctree is hidden + (they would fill grid places with empty divs) */ + display: none; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer { + background: transparent; + -moz-border-radius: 5px; + -webkit-border-radius: 5px; + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: 0 0 10px var(--sg-thumb-box-shadow-color); + + /* useful to absolutely position link in div */ + position: relative; + + /* thumbnail width should include padding and borders + and take all available space */ + box-sizing: border-box; + width: 100%; + padding: 10px; + border: 1px solid transparent; + + /* align content in thumbnail */ + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + gap: 7px; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer p { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer p, +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer p a { + /* link should cover the whole thumbnail div */ + width: 100%; + height: 100%; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer p a span { + /* text within link should be masked + (we are just interested in the href) */ + display: none; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer:hover { + border: 1px solid; + border-color: var(--sg-thumb-hover-border); + cursor: pointer; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer a.internal { + bottom: 0; + display: block; + left: 0; + box-sizing: border-box; + padding: 150px 10px 0; + position: absolute; + right: 0; + top: 0; +} +/* Next one is to avoid Sphinx traditional theme to cover all the +thumbnail with its default link Background color */ +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer a.internal:hover { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer p { + margin: 0 0 0.1em 0; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer .figure { + margin: 10px; + width: 160px; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer img { + display: inline; + max-height: 112px; + max-width: 160px; +} +.sphx-glr-thumbcontainer[tooltip]:hover:after { + background: var(--sg-tooltip-background); + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + -moz-border-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; + color: var(--sg-tooltip-foreground); + content: attr(tooltip); + padding: 10px; + z-index: 98; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + position: absolute; + pointer-events: none; + top: 0; + box-sizing: border-box; + overflow: hidden; + backdrop-filter: blur(3px); +} + +.sphx-glr-script-out { + color: var(--sg-script-out); + display: flex; + gap: 0.5em; +} +.sphx-glr-script-out::before { + content: "Out:"; + /* These numbers come from the pre style in the pydata sphinx theme. This + * turns out to match perfectly on the rtd theme, but be a bit too low for + * the pydata sphinx theme. As I could not find a dimension to use that was + * scaled the same way, I just picked one option that worked pretty close for + * both. */ + line-height: 1.4; + padding-top: 10px; +} +.sphx-glr-script-out .highlight { + background-color: transparent; + /* These options make the div expand... */ + flex-grow: 1; + /* ... but also keep it from overflowing its flex container. */ + overflow: auto; +} +.sphx-glr-script-out .highlight pre { + background-color: var(--sg-script-pre); + border: 0; + max-height: 30em; + overflow: auto; + padding-left: 1ex; + /* This margin is necessary in the pydata sphinx theme because pre has a box + * shadow which would be clipped by the overflow:auto in the parent div + * above. */ + margin: 2px; + word-break: break-word; +} +.sphx-glr-script-out + p { + margin-top: 1.8em; +} +blockquote.sphx-glr-script-out { + margin-left: 0pt; +} +.sphx-glr-script-out.highlight-pytb .highlight pre { + color: var(--sg-pytb-foreground); + background-color: var(--sg-pytb-background); + border: 1px solid var(--sg-pytb-border-color); + margin-top: 10px; + padding: 7px; +} + +div.sphx-glr-footer { + text-align: center; +} + +div.sphx-glr-download { + margin: 1em auto; + vertical-align: middle; +} + +div.sphx-glr-download a { + background-color: var(--sg-download-a-background-color); + background-image: var(--sg-download-a-background-image); + border-radius: 4px; + border: 1px solid var(--sg-download-a-border-color); + color: var(--sg-download-a-color); + display: inline-block; + font-weight: bold; + padding: 1ex; + text-align: center; +} + +div.sphx-glr-download code.download { + display: inline-block; + white-space: normal; + word-break: normal; + overflow-wrap: break-word; + /* border and background are given by the enclosing 'a' */ + border: none; + background: none; +} + +div.sphx-glr-download a:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 var(--sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-1), 0 1px 5px var(--sg-download-a-hover-box-shadow-2); + text-decoration: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: var(--sg-download-a-hover-background-color); +} + +.sphx-glr-example-title:target::before { + display: block; + content: ""; + margin-top: -50px; + height: 50px; + visibility: hidden; +} + +ul.sphx-glr-horizontal { + list-style: none; + padding: 0; +} +ul.sphx-glr-horizontal li { + display: inline; +} +ul.sphx-glr-horizontal img { + height: auto !important; +} + +.sphx-glr-single-img { + margin: auto; + display: block; + max-width: 100%; +} + +.sphx-glr-multi-img { + max-width: 42%; + height: auto; +} + +div.sphx-glr-animation { + margin: auto; + display: block; + max-width: 100%; +} +div.sphx-glr-animation .animation { + display: block; +} + +p.sphx-glr-signature a.reference.external { + -moz-border-radius: 5px; + -webkit-border-radius: 5px; + border-radius: 5px; + padding: 3px; + font-size: 75%; + text-align: right; + margin-left: auto; + display: table; +} + +.sphx-glr-clear { + clear: both; +} + +a.sphx-glr-backref-instance { + text-decoration: none; +} diff --git a/latest/_static/skeleton.css b/latest/_static/skeleton.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..467c878c --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/skeleton.css @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +/* Some sane resets. */ +html { + height: 100%; +} + +body { + margin: 0; + min-height: 100%; +} + +/* All the flexbox magic! */ +body, +.sb-announcement, +.sb-content, +.sb-main, +.sb-container, +.sb-container__inner, +.sb-article-container, +.sb-footer-content, +.sb-header, +.sb-header-secondary, +.sb-footer { + display: flex; +} + +/* These order things vertically */ +body, +.sb-main, +.sb-article-container { + flex-direction: column; +} + +/* Put elements in the center */ +.sb-header, +.sb-header-secondary, +.sb-container, +.sb-content, +.sb-footer, +.sb-footer-content { + justify-content: center; +} +/* Put elements at the ends */ +.sb-article-container { + justify-content: space-between; +} + +/* These elements grow. */ +.sb-main, +.sb-content, +.sb-container, +article { + flex-grow: 1; +} + +/* Because padding making this wider is not fun */ +article { + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +/* The announcements element should never be wider than the page. */ +.sb-announcement { + max-width: 100%; +} + +.sb-sidebar-primary, +.sb-sidebar-secondary { + flex-shrink: 0; + width: 17rem; +} + +.sb-announcement__inner { + justify-content: center; + + box-sizing: border-box; + height: 3rem; + + overflow-x: auto; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +/* Sidebars, with checkbox-based toggle */ +.sb-sidebar-primary, +.sb-sidebar-secondary { + position: fixed; + height: 100%; + top: 0; +} + +.sb-sidebar-primary { + left: -17rem; + transition: left 250ms ease-in-out; +} +.sb-sidebar-secondary { + right: -17rem; + transition: right 250ms ease-in-out; +} + +.sb-sidebar-toggle { + display: none; +} +.sb-sidebar-overlay { + position: fixed; + top: 0; + width: 0; + height: 0; + + transition: width 0ms ease 250ms, height 0ms ease 250ms, opacity 250ms ease; + + opacity: 0; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); +} + +#sb-sidebar-toggle--primary:checked + ~ .sb-sidebar-overlay[for="sb-sidebar-toggle--primary"], +#sb-sidebar-toggle--secondary:checked + ~ .sb-sidebar-overlay[for="sb-sidebar-toggle--secondary"] { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + opacity: 1; + transition: width 0ms ease, height 0ms ease, opacity 250ms ease; +} + +#sb-sidebar-toggle--primary:checked ~ .sb-container .sb-sidebar-primary { + left: 0; +} +#sb-sidebar-toggle--secondary:checked ~ .sb-container .sb-sidebar-secondary { + right: 0; +} + +/* Full-width mode */ +.drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content + .hide-when-secondary-sidebar-shown { + display: none !important; +} +.drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-sidebar-secondary { + display: none !important; +} + +/* Mobile views */ +.sb-page-width { + width: 100%; +} + +.sb-article-container, +.sb-footer-content__inner, +.drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, +.drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 100vw; +} + +.sb-article, +.match-content-width { + padding: 0 1rem; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +@media (min-width: 32rem) { + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + padding: 0 2rem; + } +} + +/* Tablet views */ +@media (min-width: 42rem) { + .sb-article-container { + width: auto; + } + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 42rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 42rem; + } +} +@media (min-width: 46rem) { + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 46rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 46rem; + } +} +@media (min-width: 50rem) { + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 50rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 50rem; + } +} + +/* Tablet views */ +@media (min-width: 59rem) { + .sb-sidebar-secondary { + position: static; + } + .hide-when-secondary-sidebar-shown { + display: none !important; + } + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 59rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 42rem; + } +} +@media (min-width: 63rem) { + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 63rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 46rem; + } +} +@media (min-width: 67rem) { + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 67rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 50rem; + } +} + +/* Desktop views */ +@media (min-width: 76rem) { + .sb-sidebar-primary { + position: static; + } + .hide-when-primary-sidebar-shown { + display: none !important; + } + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 59rem; + } + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 42rem; + } +} + +/* Full desktop views */ +@media (min-width: 80rem) { + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 46rem; + } + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 63rem; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 84rem) { + .sb-article, + .match-content-width { + width: 50rem; + } + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 67rem; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 88rem) { + .sb-footer-content__inner, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .sb-article, + .drop-secondary-sidebar-for-full-width-content .match-content-width { + width: 67rem; + } + .sb-page-width { + width: 88rem; + } +} diff --git a/latest/_static/sphinx_highlight.js b/latest/_static/sphinx_highlight.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a96c69a --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/sphinx_highlight.js @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +/* Highlighting utilities for Sphinx HTML documentation. */ +"use strict"; + +const SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED = true + +/** + * highlight a given string on a node by wrapping it in + * span elements with the given class name. + */ +const _highlight = (node, addItems, text, className) => { + if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { + const val = node.nodeValue; + const parent = node.parentNode; + const pos = val.toLowerCase().indexOf(text); + if ( + pos >= 0 && + !parent.classList.contains(className) && + !parent.classList.contains("nohighlight") + ) { + let span; + + const closestNode = parent.closest("body, svg, foreignObject"); + const isInSVG = closestNode && closestNode.matches("svg"); + if (isInSVG) { + span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"); + } else { + span = document.createElement("span"); + span.classList.add(className); + } + + span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos, text.length))); + const rest = document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos + text.length)); + parent.insertBefore( + span, + parent.insertBefore( + rest, + node.nextSibling + ) + ); + node.nodeValue = val.substr(0, pos); + /* There may be more occurrences of search term in this node. So call this + * function recursively on the remaining fragment. + */ + _highlight(rest, addItems, text, className); + + if (isInSVG) { + const rect = document.createElementNS( + "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + "rect" + ); + const bbox = parent.getBBox(); + rect.x.baseVal.value = bbox.x; + rect.y.baseVal.value = bbox.y; + rect.width.baseVal.value = bbox.width; + rect.height.baseVal.value = bbox.height; + rect.setAttribute("class", className); + addItems.push({ parent: parent, target: rect }); + } + } + } else if (node.matches && !node.matches("button, select, textarea")) { + node.childNodes.forEach((el) => _highlight(el, addItems, text, className)); + } +}; +const _highlightText = (thisNode, text, className) => { + let addItems = []; + _highlight(thisNode, addItems, text, className); + addItems.forEach((obj) => + obj.parent.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", obj.target) + ); +}; + +/** + * Small JavaScript module for the documentation. + */ +const SphinxHighlight = { + + /** + * highlight the search words provided in localstorage in the text + */ + highlightSearchWords: () => { + if (!SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) return; // bail if no highlight + + // get and clear terms from localstorage + const url = new URL(window.location); + const highlight = + localStorage.getItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + || url.searchParams.get("highlight") + || ""; + localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + url.searchParams.delete("highlight"); + window.history.replaceState({}, "", url); + + // get individual terms from highlight string + const terms = highlight.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).filter(x => x); + if (terms.length === 0) return; // nothing to do + + // There should never be more than one element matching "div.body" + const divBody = document.querySelectorAll("div.body"); + const body = divBody.length ? divBody[0] : document.querySelector("body"); + window.setTimeout(() => { + terms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(body, term, "highlighted")); + }, 10); + + const searchBox = document.getElementById("searchbox"); + if (searchBox === null) return; + searchBox.appendChild( + document + .createRange() + .createContextualFragment( + '" + ) + ); + }, + + /** + * helper function to hide the search marks again + */ + hideSearchWords: () => { + document + .querySelectorAll("#searchbox .highlight-link") + .forEach((el) => el.remove()); + document + .querySelectorAll("span.highlighted") + .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("highlighted")); + localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + }, + + initEscapeListener: () => { + // only install a listener if it is really needed + if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS) return; + + document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { + // bail for input elements + if (BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS.has(document.activeElement.tagName)) return; + // bail with special keys + if (event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return; + if (DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS && (event.key === "Escape")) { + SphinxHighlight.hideSearchWords(); + event.preventDefault(); + } + }); + }, +}; + +_ready(() => { + /* Do not call highlightSearchWords() when we are on the search page. + * It will highlight words from the *previous* search query. + */ + if (typeof Search === "undefined") SphinxHighlight.highlightSearchWords(); + SphinxHighlight.initEscapeListener(); +}); diff --git a/latest/_static/styles/furo-extensions.css b/latest/_static/styles/furo-extensions.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc447f22 --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/styles/furo-extensions.css @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#furo-sidebar-ad-placement{padding:var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)}#furo-sidebar-ad-placement .ethical-sidebar{background:var(--color-background-secondary);border:none;box-shadow:none}#furo-sidebar-ad-placement .ethical-sidebar:hover{background:var(--color-background-hover)}#furo-sidebar-ad-placement .ethical-sidebar a{color:var(--color-foreground-primary)}#furo-sidebar-ad-placement .ethical-callout a{color:var(--color-foreground-secondary)!important}#furo-readthedocs-versions{background:transparent;display:block;position:static;width:100%}#furo-readthedocs-versions .rst-versions{background:#1a1c1e}#furo-readthedocs-versions .rst-current-version{background:var(--color-sidebar-item-background);cursor:unset}#furo-readthedocs-versions .rst-current-version:hover{background:var(--color-sidebar-item-background)}#furo-readthedocs-versions .rst-current-version .fa-book{color:var(--color-foreground-primary)}#furo-readthedocs-versions>.rst-other-versions{padding:0}#furo-readthedocs-versions>.rst-other-versions small{opacity:1}#furo-readthedocs-versions .injected .rst-versions{position:unset}#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--color-sidebar-background-border)}#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within .rst-current-version,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover .rst-current-version{background:#1a1c1e;font-size:inherit;height:auto;line-height:inherit;padding:12px;text-align:right}#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within .rst-current-version .fa-book,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover .rst-current-version .fa-book{color:#fff;float:left}#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within .fa-caret-down,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover .fa-caret-down{display:none}#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within .injected,#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within .rst-current-version,#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within .rst-other-versions,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover .injected,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover .rst-current-version,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover .rst-other-versions{display:block}#furo-readthedocs-versions:focus-within>.rst-current-version,#furo-readthedocs-versions:hover>.rst-current-version{display:none}.highlight:hover button.copybtn{color:var(--color-code-foreground)}.highlight button.copybtn{align-items:center;background-color:var(--color-code-background);border:none;color:var(--color-background-item);cursor:pointer;height:1.25em;opacity:1;right:.5rem;top:.625rem;transition:color .3s,opacity .3s;width:1.25em}.highlight button.copybtn:hover{background-color:var(--color-code-background);color:var(--color-brand-content)}.highlight button.copybtn:after{background-color:transparent;color:var(--color-code-foreground);display:none}.highlight button.copybtn.success{color:#22863a;transition:color 0ms}.highlight button.copybtn.success:after{display:block}.highlight button.copybtn svg{padding:0}body{--sd-color-primary:var(--color-brand-primary);--sd-color-primary-highlight:var(--color-brand-content);--sd-color-primary-text:var(--color-background-primary);--sd-color-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,.05);--sd-color-card-border:var(--color-card-border);--sd-color-card-border-hover:var(--color-brand-content);--sd-color-card-background:var(--color-card-background);--sd-color-card-text:var(--color-foreground-primary);--sd-color-card-header:var(--color-card-marginals-background);--sd-color-card-footer:var(--color-card-marginals-background);--sd-color-tabs-label-active:var(--color-brand-content);--sd-color-tabs-label-hover:var(--color-foreground-muted);--sd-color-tabs-label-inactive:var(--color-foreground-muted);--sd-color-tabs-underline-active:var(--color-brand-content);--sd-color-tabs-underline-hover:var(--color-foreground-border);--sd-color-tabs-underline-inactive:var(--color-background-border);--sd-color-tabs-overline:var(--color-background-border);--sd-color-tabs-underline:var(--color-background-border)}.sd-tab-content{box-shadow:0 -2px var(--sd-color-tabs-overline),0 1px var(--sd-color-tabs-underline)}.sd-card{box-shadow:0 .1rem .25rem var(--sd-color-shadow),0 0 .0625rem rgba(0,0,0,.1)}.sd-shadow-sm{box-shadow:0 .1rem .25rem var(--sd-color-shadow),0 0 .0625rem rgba(0,0,0,.1)!important}.sd-shadow-md{box-shadow:0 .3rem .75rem var(--sd-color-shadow),0 0 .0625rem rgba(0,0,0,.1)!important}.sd-shadow-lg{box-shadow:0 .6rem 1.5rem var(--sd-color-shadow),0 0 .0625rem 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.card{background-color:var(--color-background-secondary);color:var(--color-foreground)} +/*# sourceMappingURL=furo-extensions.css.map*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latest/_static/styles/furo-extensions.css.map b/latest/_static/styles/furo-extensions.css.map new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ba5637f --- /dev/null +++ b/latest/_static/styles/furo-extensions.css.map @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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This file contains the styles used for tweaking how ReadTheDoc's embedded\n// contents would show up inside the theme.\n\n#furo-sidebar-ad-placement\n padding: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)\n .ethical-sidebar\n // Remove the border and box-shadow.\n border: none\n box-shadow: none\n // Manage the background colors.\n background: var(--color-background-secondary)\n &:hover\n background: var(--color-background-hover)\n // Ensure the text is legible.\n a\n color: var(--color-foreground-primary)\n\n .ethical-callout a\n color: var(--color-foreground-secondary) !important\n\n#furo-readthedocs-versions\n position: static\n width: 100%\n background: transparent\n display: block\n\n // Make the background color fit with the theme's aesthetic.\n .rst-versions\n background: rgb(26, 28, 30)\n\n .rst-current-version\n cursor: unset\n background: var(--color-sidebar-item-background)\n &:hover\n background: var(--color-sidebar-item-background)\n .fa-book\n color: var(--color-foreground-primary)\n\n > .rst-other-versions\n padding: 0\n small\n opacity: 1\n\n .injected\n .rst-versions\n position: unset\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus-within\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--color-sidebar-background-border)\n\n .rst-current-version\n // Undo the tweaks done in RTD's CSS\n font-size: inherit\n line-height: inherit\n height: auto\n text-align: right\n padding: 12px\n\n // Match the rest of the body\n background: #1a1c1e\n\n .fa-book\n float: left\n color: white\n\n .fa-caret-down\n display: none\n\n .rst-current-version,\n .rst-other-versions,\n .injected\n display: block\n\n > .rst-current-version\n display: none\n",".highlight\n &:hover button.copybtn\n color: var(--color-code-foreground)\n\n button.copybtn\n // Make it visible\n opacity: 1\n\n // Align things correctly\n align-items: center\n\n height: 1.25em\n width: 1.25em\n\n top: 0.625rem // $code-spacing-vertical\n right: 0.5rem\n\n // Make it look better\n color: var(--color-background-item)\n background-color: var(--color-code-background)\n border: none\n\n // Change to cursor to make it obvious that you can click on it\n cursor: pointer\n\n // Transition smoothly, for aesthetics\n transition: color 300ms, opacity 300ms\n\n &:hover\n color: var(--color-brand-content)\n background-color: var(--color-code-background)\n\n &::after\n display: none\n color: var(--color-code-foreground)\n background-color: transparent\n\n &.success\n transition: color 0ms\n color: #22863a\n &::after\n display: block\n\n svg\n padding: 0\n","body\n // Colors\n --sd-color-primary: var(--color-brand-primary)\n --sd-color-primary-highlight: var(--color-brand-content)\n --sd-color-primary-text: var(--color-background-primary)\n\n // Shadows\n --sd-color-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)\n\n // Cards\n --sd-color-card-border: var(--color-card-border)\n --sd-color-card-border-hover: var(--color-brand-content)\n --sd-color-card-background: var(--color-card-background)\n --sd-color-card-text: var(--color-foreground-primary)\n --sd-color-card-header: var(--color-card-marginals-background)\n --sd-color-card-footer: var(--color-card-marginals-background)\n\n // Tabs\n --sd-color-tabs-label-active: var(--color-brand-content)\n --sd-color-tabs-label-hover: var(--color-foreground-muted)\n --sd-color-tabs-label-inactive: var(--color-foreground-muted)\n --sd-color-tabs-underline-active: var(--color-brand-content)\n --sd-color-tabs-underline-hover: var(--color-foreground-border)\n --sd-color-tabs-underline-inactive: var(--color-background-border)\n --sd-color-tabs-overline: var(--color-background-border)\n --sd-color-tabs-underline: var(--color-background-border)\n\n// Tabs\n.sd-tab-content\n box-shadow: 0 -2px var(--sd-color-tabs-overline), 0 1px var(--sd-color-tabs-underline)\n\n// Shadows\n.sd-card // Have a shadow by default\n box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.25rem var(--sd-color-shadow), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)\n\n.sd-shadow-sm\n box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.25rem var(--sd-color-shadow), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important\n\n.sd-shadow-md\n box-shadow: 0 0.3rem 0.75rem var(--sd-color-shadow), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important\n\n.sd-shadow-lg\n box-shadow: 0 0.6rem 1.5rem var(--sd-color-shadow), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important\n\n// Cards\n.sd-card-hover:hover // Don't change scale on hover\n transform: none\n\n.sd-cards-carousel // Have a bit of gap in the carousel by default\n gap: 0.25rem\n padding: 0.25rem\n","// This file contains styles to tweak sphinx-inline-tabs to work well with Furo.\n\nbody\n --tabs--label-text: var(--color-foreground-muted)\n --tabs--label-text--hover: var(--color-foreground-muted)\n --tabs--label-text--active: var(--color-brand-content)\n --tabs--label-text--active--hover: var(--color-brand-content)\n --tabs--label-background: transparent\n --tabs--label-background--hover: transparent\n --tabs--label-background--active: transparent\n --tabs--label-background--active--hover: transparent\n --tabs--padding-x: 0.25em\n --tabs--margin-x: 1em\n --tabs--border: var(--color-background-border)\n --tabs--label-border: transparent\n --tabs--label-border--hover: var(--color-foreground-muted)\n --tabs--label-border--active: var(--color-brand-content)\n --tabs--label-border--active--hover: var(--color-brand-content)\n","// This file contains styles to tweak sphinx-panels to work well with Furo.\n\n// sphinx-panels includes Bootstrap 4, which uses .container which can conflict\n// with docutils' `.. container::` directive.\n[role=\"main\"] .container\n max-width: initial\n padding-left: initial\n padding-right: initial\n\n// Make the panels look nicer!\n.shadow.docutils\n border: none\n box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 0.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important\n\n// Make panel colors respond to dark mode\n.sphinx-bs .card\n background-color: var(--color-background-secondary)\n color: var(--color-foreground)\n"],"names":[],"sourceRoot":""} \ No newline 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Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.\n * 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out\n * `fieldset` elements in all browsers.\n */\n\nlegend {\n box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */\n color: inherit; /* 2 */\n display: table; /* 1 */\n max-width: 100%; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 3 */\n white-space: normal; /* 1 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.\n */\n\nprogress {\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE 10+.\n */\n\ntextarea {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10.\n * 2. Remove the padding in IE 10.\n */\n\n[type=\"checkbox\"],\n[type=\"radio\"] {\n box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome.\n */\n\n[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\n[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n height: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari.\n * 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.\n */\n\n[type=\"search\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */\n outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.\n */\n\n[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.\n * 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.\n */\n\n::-webkit-file-upload-button {\n -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */\n font: inherit; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/* Interactive\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/*\n * Add the correct display in Edge, IE 10+, and Firefox.\n */\n\ndetails {\n display: block;\n}\n\n/*\n * Add the correct display in all browsers.\n */\n\nsummary {\n display: list-item;\n}\n\n/* Misc\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Add the correct display in IE 10+.\n */\n\ntemplate {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * Add the correct display in IE 10.\n */\n\n[hidden] {\n display: none;\n}\n","// This file contains styles for managing print media.\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Hide elements not relevant to print media.\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n@media print\n // Hide icon container.\n .content-icon-container\n display: none !important\n\n // Hide showing header links if hovering over when printing.\n .headerlink\n display: none !important\n\n // Hide mobile header.\n .mobile-header\n display: none !important\n\n // Hide navigation links.\n .related-pages\n display: none !important\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Tweaks related to decolorization.\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n@media print\n // Apply a border around code which no longer have a color background.\n .highlight\n border: 0.1pt solid var(--color-foreground-border)\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Avoid page break in some relevant cases.\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n@media print\n ul, ol, dl, a, table, pre, blockquote\n page-break-inside: avoid\n\n h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, img, figure, caption\n page-break-inside: avoid\n page-break-after: avoid\n\n ul, ol, dl\n page-break-before: avoid\n",".visually-hidden\n position: absolute !important\n width: 1px !important\n height: 1px !important\n padding: 0 !important\n margin: -1px !important\n overflow: hidden !important\n clip: rect(0,0,0,0) !important\n white-space: nowrap !important\n border: 0 !important\n\n:-moz-focusring\n outline: auto\n","// This file serves as the \"skeleton\" of the theming logic.\n//\n// This contains the bulk of the logic for handling dark mode, color scheme\n// toggling and the handling of color-scheme-specific hiding of elements.\n\nbody\n @include fonts\n @include spacing\n @include icons\n @include admonitions\n @include default-admonition(#651fff, \"abstract\")\n @include default-topic(#14B8A6, \"pencil\")\n\n @include colors\n\n.only-light\n display: block !important\nhtml body .only-dark\n display: none !important\n\n// Ignore dark-mode hints if print media.\n@media not print\n // Enable dark-mode, if requested.\n body[data-theme=\"dark\"]\n @include colors-dark\n\n html & .only-light\n display: none !important\n .only-dark\n display: block !important\n\n // Enable dark mode, unless explicitly told to avoid.\n @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)\n body:not([data-theme=\"light\"])\n @include colors-dark\n\n html & .only-light\n display: none !important\n .only-dark\n display: block !important\n\n//\n// Theme toggle presentation\n//\nbody[data-theme=\"auto\"]\n .theme-toggle svg.theme-icon-when-auto\n display: block\n\nbody[data-theme=\"dark\"]\n .theme-toggle svg.theme-icon-when-dark\n display: block\n\nbody[data-theme=\"light\"]\n .theme-toggle svg.theme-icon-when-light\n display: block\n","// Fonts used by this theme.\n//\n// There are basically two things here -- using the system font stack and\n// defining sizes for various elements in %ages. We could have also used `em`\n// but %age is easier to reason about for me.\n\n@mixin fonts {\n // These are adapted from https://systemfontstack.com/\n --font-stack: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial,\n sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji;\n --font-stack--monospace: \"SFMono-Regular\", Menlo, Consolas, Monaco,\n Liberation Mono, Lucida Console, monospace;\n\n --font-size--normal: 100%;\n --font-size--small: 87.5%;\n --font-size--small--2: 81.25%;\n --font-size--small--3: 75%;\n --font-size--small--4: 62.5%;\n\n // Sidebar\n --sidebar-caption-font-size: var(--font-size--small--2);\n --sidebar-item-font-size: var(--font-size--small);\n --sidebar-search-input-font-size: var(--font-size--small);\n\n // Table of Contents\n --toc-font-size: var(--font-size--small--3);\n --toc-font-size--mobile: var(--font-size--normal);\n --toc-title-font-size: var(--font-size--small--4);\n\n // Admonitions\n //\n // These aren't defined in terms of %ages, since nesting these is permitted.\n --admonition-font-size: 0.8125rem;\n --admonition-title-font-size: 0.8125rem;\n\n // Code\n --code-font-size: var(--font-size--small--2);\n\n // API\n --api-font-size: var(--font-size--small);\n}\n","// Spacing for various elements on the page\n//\n// If the user wants to tweak things in a certain way, they are permitted to.\n// They also have to deal with the consequences though!\n\n@mixin spacing {\n // Header!\n --header-height: calc(\n var(--sidebar-item-line-height) + 4 * #{var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical)}\n );\n --header-padding: 0.5rem;\n\n // Sidebar\n --sidebar-tree-space-above: 1.5rem;\n --sidebar-caption-space-above: 1rem;\n\n --sidebar-item-line-height: 1rem;\n --sidebar-item-spacing-vertical: 0.5rem;\n --sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal: 1rem;\n --sidebar-item-height: calc(\n var(--sidebar-item-line-height) + 2 *#{var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical)}\n );\n\n --sidebar-expander-width: var(--sidebar-item-height); // be square\n\n --sidebar-search-space-above: 0.5rem;\n --sidebar-search-input-spacing-vertical: 0.5rem;\n --sidebar-search-input-spacing-horizontal: 0.5rem;\n --sidebar-search-input-height: 1rem;\n --sidebar-search-icon-size: var(--sidebar-search-input-height);\n\n // Table of Contents\n --toc-title-padding: 0.25rem 0;\n --toc-spacing-vertical: 1.5rem;\n --toc-spacing-horizontal: 1.5rem;\n --toc-item-spacing-vertical: 0.4rem;\n --toc-item-spacing-horizontal: 1rem;\n}\n","// Expose theme icons as CSS variables.\n\n$icons: (\n // Adapted from tabler-icons\n // url: https://tablericons.com/\n \"search\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n // Factored out from mkdocs-material on 24-Aug-2020.\n // url: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/\n \"pencil\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"abstract\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"info\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"flame\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"question\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"warning\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"failure\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'),\n \"spark\":\n url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,')\n);\n\n@mixin icons {\n @each $name, $glyph in $icons {\n --icon-#{$name}: #{$glyph};\n }\n}\n","// Admonitions\n\n// Structure of these is:\n// admonition-class: color \"icon-name\";\n//\n// The colors are translated into CSS variables below. The icons are\n// used directly in the main declarations to set the `mask-image` in\n// the title.\n\n// prettier-ignore\n$admonitions: (\n // Each of these has an reST directives for it.\n \"caution\": #ff9100 \"spark\",\n \"warning\": #ff9100 \"warning\",\n \"danger\": #ff5252 \"spark\",\n \"attention\": #ff5252 \"warning\",\n \"error\": #ff5252 \"failure\",\n \"hint\": #00c852 \"question\",\n \"tip\": #00c852 \"info\",\n \"important\": #00bfa5 \"flame\",\n \"note\": #00b0ff \"pencil\",\n \"seealso\": #448aff \"info\",\n \"admonition-todo\": #808080 \"pencil\"\n);\n\n@mixin default-admonition($color, $icon-name) {\n --color-admonition-title: #{$color};\n --color-admonition-title-background: #{rgba($color, 0.2)};\n\n --icon-admonition-default: var(--icon-#{$icon-name});\n}\n\n@mixin default-topic($color, $icon-name) {\n --color-topic-title: #{$color};\n --color-topic-title-background: #{rgba($color, 0.2)};\n\n --icon-topic-default: var(--icon-#{$icon-name});\n}\n\n@mixin admonitions {\n @each $name, $values in $admonitions {\n --color-admonition-title--#{$name}: #{nth($values, 1)};\n --color-admonition-title-background--#{$name}: #{rgba(\n nth($values, 1),\n 0.2\n )};\n }\n}\n","// Colors used throughout this theme.\n//\n// The aim is to give the user more control. Thus, instead of hard-coding colors\n// in various parts of the stylesheet, the approach taken is to define all\n// colors as CSS variables and reusing them in all the places.\n//\n// `colors-dark` depends on `colors` being included at a lower specificity.\n\n@mixin colors {\n --color-problematic: #b30000;\n\n // Base Colors\n --color-foreground-primary: black; // for main text and headings\n --color-foreground-secondary: #5a5c63; // for secondary text\n --color-foreground-muted: #646776; // for muted text\n --color-foreground-border: #878787; // for content borders\n\n --color-background-primary: white; // for content\n --color-background-secondary: #f8f9fb; // for navigation + ToC\n --color-background-hover: #efeff4ff; // for navigation-item hover\n --color-background-hover--transparent: #efeff400;\n --color-background-border: #eeebee; // for UI borders\n --color-background-item: #ccc; // for \"background\" items (eg: copybutton)\n\n // Announcements\n --color-announcement-background: #000000dd;\n --color-announcement-text: #eeebee;\n\n // Brand colors\n --color-brand-primary: #2962ff;\n --color-brand-content: #2a5adf;\n\n // API documentation\n --color-api-background: var(--color-background-hover--transparent);\n --color-api-background-hover: var(--color-background-hover);\n --color-api-overall: var(--color-foreground-secondary);\n --color-api-name: var(--color-problematic);\n --color-api-pre-name: var(--color-problematic);\n --color-api-paren: var(--color-foreground-secondary);\n --color-api-keyword: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n --color-highlight-on-target: #ffffcc;\n\n // Inline code background\n --color-inline-code-background: var(--color-background-secondary);\n\n // Highlighted text (search)\n --color-highlighted-background: #ddeeff;\n --color-highlighted-text: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n\n // GUI Labels\n --color-guilabel-background: #ddeeff80;\n --color-guilabel-border: #bedaf580;\n --color-guilabel-text: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n\n // Admonitions!\n --color-admonition-background: transparent;\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n // Everything below this should be one of:\n // - var(...)\n // - *-gradient(...)\n // - special literal values (eg: transparent, none)\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n // Tables\n --color-table-header-background: var(--color-background-secondary);\n --color-table-border: var(--color-background-border);\n\n // Cards\n --color-card-border: var(--color-background-secondary);\n --color-card-background: transparent;\n --color-card-marginals-background: var(--color-background-secondary);\n\n // Header\n --color-header-background: var(--color-background-primary);\n --color-header-border: var(--color-background-border);\n --color-header-text: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n\n // Sidebar (left)\n --color-sidebar-background: var(--color-background-secondary);\n --color-sidebar-background-border: var(--color-background-border);\n\n --color-sidebar-brand-text: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n --color-sidebar-caption-text: var(--color-foreground-muted);\n --color-sidebar-link-text: var(--color-foreground-secondary);\n --color-sidebar-link-text--top-level: var(--color-brand-primary);\n\n --color-sidebar-item-background: var(--color-sidebar-background);\n --color-sidebar-item-background--current: var(\n --color-sidebar-item-background\n );\n --color-sidebar-item-background--hover: linear-gradient(\n 90deg,\n var(--color-background-hover--transparent) 0%,\n var(--color-background-hover) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal),\n var(--color-background-hover) 100%\n );\n\n --color-sidebar-item-expander-background: transparent;\n --color-sidebar-item-expander-background--hover: var(\n --color-background-hover\n );\n\n --color-sidebar-search-text: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n --color-sidebar-search-background: var(--color-background-secondary);\n --color-sidebar-search-background--focus: var(--color-background-primary);\n --color-sidebar-search-border: var(--color-background-border);\n --color-sidebar-search-icon: var(--color-foreground-muted);\n\n // Table of Contents (right)\n --color-toc-background: var(--color-background-primary);\n --color-toc-title-text: var(--color-foreground-muted);\n --color-toc-item-text: var(--color-foreground-secondary);\n --color-toc-item-text--hover: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n --color-toc-item-text--active: var(--color-brand-primary);\n\n // Actual page contents\n --color-content-foreground: var(--color-foreground-primary);\n --color-content-background: transparent;\n\n // Links\n --color-link: var(--color-brand-content);\n --color-link--hover: var(--color-brand-content);\n --color-link-underline: var(--color-background-border);\n --color-link-underline--hover: var(--color-foreground-border);\n}\n\n@mixin colors-dark {\n --color-problematic: #ee5151;\n\n // Base Colors\n --color-foreground-primary: #ffffffcc; // for main text and headings\n --color-foreground-secondary: #9ca0a5; // for secondary text\n --color-foreground-muted: #81868d; // for muted text\n --color-foreground-border: #666666; // for content borders\n\n --color-background-primary: #131416; // for content\n --color-background-secondary: #1a1c1e; // for navigation + ToC\n --color-background-hover: #1e2124ff; // for navigation-item hover\n --color-background-hover--transparent: #1e212400;\n --color-background-border: #303335; // for UI borders\n --color-background-item: #444; // for \"background\" items (eg: copybutton)\n\n // Announcements\n --color-announcement-background: #000000dd;\n --color-announcement-text: #eeebee;\n\n // Brand colors\n --color-brand-primary: #2b8cee;\n --color-brand-content: #368ce2;\n\n // Highlighted text (search)\n --color-highlighted-background: #083563;\n\n // GUI Labels\n --color-guilabel-background: #08356380;\n --color-guilabel-border: #13395f80;\n\n // API documentation\n --color-api-keyword: var(--color-foreground-secondary);\n --color-highlight-on-target: #333300;\n\n // Admonitions\n --color-admonition-background: #18181a;\n\n // Cards\n --color-card-border: var(--color-background-secondary);\n --color-card-background: #18181a;\n --color-card-marginals-background: var(--color-background-hover);\n}\n","// This file contains the styling for making the content throughout the page,\n// including fonts, paragraphs, headings and spacing among these elements.\n\nbody\n font-family: var(--font-stack)\npre,\ncode,\nkbd,\nsamp\n font-family: var(--font-stack--monospace)\n\n// Make fonts look slightly nicer.\nbody\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale\n\n// Line height from Bootstrap 4.1\narticle\n line-height: 1.5\n\n//\n// Headings\n//\nh1,\nh2,\nh3,\nh4,\nh5,\nh6\n line-height: 1.25\n font-weight: bold\n\n border-radius: 0.5rem\n margin-top: 0.5rem\n margin-bottom: 0.5rem\n margin-left: -0.5rem\n margin-right: -0.5rem\n padding-left: 0.5rem\n padding-right: 0.5rem\n\n + p\n margin-top: 0\n\nh1\n font-size: 2.5em\n margin-top: 1.75rem\n margin-bottom: 1rem\nh2\n font-size: 2em\n margin-top: 1.75rem\nh3\n font-size: 1.5em\nh4\n font-size: 1.25em\nh5\n font-size: 1.125em\nh6\n font-size: 1em\n\nsmall\n opacity: 75%\n font-size: 80%\n\n// Paragraph\np\n margin-top: 0.5rem\n margin-bottom: 0.75rem\n\n// Horizontal rules\nhr.docutils\n height: 1px\n padding: 0\n margin: 2rem 0\n background-color: var(--color-background-border)\n border: 0\n\n.centered\n text-align: center\n\n// Links\na\n text-decoration: underline\n\n color: var(--color-link)\n text-decoration-color: var(--color-link-underline)\n\n &:hover\n color: var(--color-link--hover)\n text-decoration-color: var(--color-link-underline--hover)\n &.muted-link\n color: inherit\n &:hover\n color: var(--color-link)\n text-decoration-color: var(--color-link-underline--hover)\n","// This file contains the styles for the overall layouting of the documentation\n// skeleton, including the responsive changes as well as sidebar toggles.\n//\n// This is implemented as a mobile-last design, which isn't ideal, but it is\n// reasonably good-enough and I got pretty tired by the time I'd finished this\n// to move the rules around to fix this. Shouldn't take more than 3-4 hours,\n// if you know what you're doing tho.\n\n// HACK: Not all browsers account for the scrollbar width in media queries.\n// This results in horizontal scrollbars in the breakpoint where we go\n// from displaying everything to hiding the ToC. We accomodate for this by\n// adding a bit of padding to the TOC drawer, disabling the horizontal\n// scrollbar and allowing the scrollbars to cover the padding.\n// https://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/201301/media_query_width_and_vertical_scrollbars/\n\n// HACK: Always having the scrollbar visible, prevents certain browsers from\n// causing the content to stutter horizontally between taller-than-viewport and\n// not-taller-than-viewport pages.\n\nhtml\n overflow-x: hidden\n overflow-y: scroll\n scroll-behavior: smooth\n\n.sidebar-scroll, .toc-scroll, article[role=main] *\n // Override Firefox scrollbar style\n scrollbar-width: thin\n scrollbar-color: var(--color-foreground-border) transparent\n\n // Override Chrome scrollbar styles\n &::-webkit-scrollbar\n width: 0.25rem\n height: 0.25rem\n &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb\n background-color: var(--color-foreground-border)\n border-radius: 0.125rem\n\n//\n// Overalls\n//\nhtml,\nbody\n height: 100%\n color: var(--color-foreground-primary)\n background: var(--color-background-primary)\n\narticle\n color: var(--color-content-foreground)\n background: var(--color-content-background)\n overflow-wrap: break-word\n\n.page\n display: flex\n // fill the viewport for pages with little content.\n min-height: 100%\n\n.mobile-header\n width: 100%\n height: var(--header-height)\n background-color: var(--color-header-background)\n color: var(--color-header-text)\n border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-header-border)\n\n // Looks like sub-script/super-script have this, and we need this to\n // be \"on top\" of those.\n z-index: 10\n\n // We don't show the header on large screens.\n display: none\n\n // Add shadow when scrolled\n &.scrolled\n border-bottom: none\n box-shadow: 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0.2rem 0.4rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)\n\n .header-center\n a\n color: var(--color-header-text)\n text-decoration: none\n\n.main\n display: flex\n flex: 1\n\n// Sidebar (left) also covers the entire left portion of screen.\n.sidebar-drawer\n box-sizing: border-box\n\n border-right: 1px solid var(--color-sidebar-background-border)\n background: var(--color-sidebar-background)\n\n display: flex\n justify-content: flex-end\n // These next two lines took me two days to figure out.\n width: calc((100% - #{$full-width}) / 2 + #{$sidebar-width})\n min-width: $sidebar-width\n\n// Scroll-along sidebars\n.sidebar-container,\n.toc-drawer\n box-sizing: border-box\n width: $sidebar-width\n\n.toc-drawer\n background: var(--color-toc-background)\n // See HACK described on top of this document\n padding-right: 1rem\n\n.sidebar-sticky,\n.toc-sticky\n position: sticky\n top: 0\n height: min(100%, 100vh)\n height: 100vh\n\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n\n.sidebar-scroll,\n.toc-scroll\n flex-grow: 1\n flex-shrink: 1\n\n overflow: auto\n scroll-behavior: smooth\n\n// Central items.\n.content\n padding: 0 $content-padding\n width: $content-width\n\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n justify-content: space-between\n\n.icon\n display: inline-block\n height: 1rem\n width: 1rem\n svg\n width: 100%\n height: 100%\n\n//\n// Accommodate announcement banner\n//\n.announcement\n background-color: var(--color-announcement-background)\n color: var(--color-announcement-text)\n\n height: var(--header-height)\n display: flex\n align-items: center\n overflow-x: auto\n & + .page\n min-height: calc(100% - var(--header-height))\n\n.announcement-content\n box-sizing: border-box\n padding: 0.5rem\n min-width: 100%\n white-space: nowrap\n text-align: center\n\n a\n color: var(--color-announcement-text)\n text-decoration-color: var(--color-announcement-text)\n\n &:hover\n color: var(--color-announcement-text)\n text-decoration-color: var(--color-link--hover)\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Toggles for theme\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n.no-js .theme-toggle-container // don't show theme toggle if there's no JS\n display: none\n\n.theme-toggle-container\n vertical-align: middle\n\n.theme-toggle\n cursor: pointer\n border: none\n padding: 0\n background: transparent\n\n.theme-toggle svg\n vertical-align: middle\n height: 1rem\n width: 1rem\n color: var(--color-foreground-primary)\n display: none\n\n.theme-toggle-header\n float: left\n padding: 1rem 0.5rem\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Toggles for elements\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n.toc-overlay-icon, .nav-overlay-icon\n display: none\n cursor: pointer\n\n .icon\n color: var(--color-foreground-secondary)\n height: 1rem\n width: 1rem\n\n.toc-header-icon, .nav-overlay-icon\n // for when we set display: flex\n justify-content: center\n align-items: center\n\n.toc-content-icon\n height: 1.5rem\n width: 1.5rem\n\n.content-icon-container\n float: right\n display: flex\n margin-top: 1.5rem\n margin-left: 1rem\n margin-bottom: 1rem\n gap: 0.5rem\n\n .edit-this-page svg\n color: inherit\n height: 1rem\n width: 1rem\n\n.sidebar-toggle\n position: absolute\n display: none\n// \n.sidebar-toggle[name=\"__toc\"]\n left: 20px\n.sidebar-toggle:checked\n left: 40px\n// \n\n.overlay\n position: fixed\n top: 0\n width: 0\n height: 0\n\n transition: width 0ms, height 0ms, opacity 250ms ease-out\n\n opacity: 0\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)\n.sidebar-overlay\n z-index: 20\n.toc-overlay\n z-index: 40\n\n// Keep things on top and smooth.\n.sidebar-drawer\n z-index: 30\n transition: left 250ms ease-in-out\n.toc-drawer\n z-index: 50\n transition: right 250ms ease-in-out\n\n// Show the Sidebar\n#__navigation:checked\n & ~ .sidebar-overlay\n width: 100%\n height: 100%\n opacity: 1\n & ~ .page\n .sidebar-drawer\n top: 0\n left: 0\n // Show the toc sidebar\n#__toc:checked\n & ~ .toc-overlay\n width: 100%\n height: 100%\n opacity: 1\n & ~ .page\n .toc-drawer\n top: 0\n right: 0\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Back to top\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n.back-to-top\n text-decoration: none\n\n display: none\n position: fixed\n left: 0\n top: 1rem\n padding: 0.5rem\n padding-right: 0.75rem\n border-radius: 1rem\n font-size: 0.8125rem\n\n background: var(--color-background-primary)\n box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 0.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), #6b728080 0px 0px 1px 0px\n\n z-index: 10\n\n margin-left: 50%\n transform: translateX(-50%)\n svg\n height: 1rem\n width: 1rem\n fill: currentColor\n display: inline-block\n\n span\n margin-left: 0.25rem\n\n .show-back-to-top &\n display: flex\n align-items: center\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Responsive layouting\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Make things a bit bigger on bigger screens.\n@media (min-width: $full-width + $sidebar-width)\n html\n font-size: 110%\n\n@media (max-width: $full-width)\n // Collapse \"toc\" into the icon.\n .toc-content-icon\n display: flex\n .toc-drawer\n position: fixed\n height: 100vh\n top: 0\n right: -$sidebar-width\n border-left: 1px solid var(--color-background-muted)\n .toc-tree\n border-left: none\n font-size: var(--toc-font-size--mobile)\n\n // Accomodate for a changed content width.\n .sidebar-drawer\n width: calc((100% - #{$full-width - $sidebar-width}) / 2 + #{$sidebar-width})\n\n@media (max-width: $full-width - $sidebar-width)\n // Collapse \"navigation\".\n .nav-overlay-icon\n display: flex\n .sidebar-drawer\n position: fixed\n height: 100vh\n width: $sidebar-width\n\n top: 0\n left: -$sidebar-width\n\n // Swap which icon is visible.\n .toc-header-icon\n display: flex\n .toc-content-icon, .theme-toggle-content\n display: none\n .theme-toggle-header\n display: block\n\n // Show the header.\n .mobile-header\n position: sticky\n top: 0\n display: flex\n justify-content: space-between\n align-items: center\n\n .header-left,\n .header-right\n display: flex\n height: var(--header-height)\n padding: 0 var(--header-padding)\n label\n height: 100%\n width: 100%\n user-select: none\n\n .nav-overlay-icon .icon,\n .theme-toggle svg\n height: 1.25rem\n width: 1.25rem\n\n // Add a scroll margin for the content\n :target\n scroll-margin-top: var(--header-height)\n\n // Show back-to-top below the header\n .back-to-top\n top: calc(var(--header-height) + 0.5rem)\n\n // Center the page, and accommodate for the header.\n .page\n flex-direction: column\n justify-content: center\n .content\n margin-left: auto\n margin-right: auto\n\n@media (max-width: $content-width + 2* $content-padding)\n // Content should respect window limits.\n .content\n width: 100%\n overflow-x: auto\n\n@media (max-width: $content-width)\n .content\n padding: 0 $content-padding--small\n // Don't float sidebars to the right.\n article aside.sidebar\n float: none\n width: 100%\n margin: 1rem 0\n","//\n// The design here is strongly inspired by mkdocs-material.\n.admonition, .topic\n margin: 1rem auto\n padding: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem\n\n background: var(--color-admonition-background)\n\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 0.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)\n\n font-size: var(--admonition-font-size)\n\n overflow: hidden\n page-break-inside: avoid\n\n // First element should have no margin, since the title has it.\n > :nth-child(2)\n margin-top: 0\n\n // Last item should have no margin, since we'll control that w/ padding\n > :last-child\n margin-bottom: 0\n\n.admonition p.admonition-title,\np.topic-title\n position: relative\n margin: 0 -0.5rem 0.5rem\n padding-left: 2rem\n padding-right: .5rem\n padding-top: .4rem\n padding-bottom: .4rem\n\n font-weight: 500\n font-size: var(--admonition-title-font-size)\n line-height: 1.3\n\n // Our fancy icon\n &::before\n content: \"\"\n position: absolute\n left: 0.5rem\n width: 1rem\n height: 1rem\n\n// Default styles\np.admonition-title\n background-color: var(--color-admonition-title-background)\n &::before\n background-color: var(--color-admonition-title)\n mask-image: var(--icon-admonition-default)\n mask-repeat: no-repeat\n\np.topic-title\n background-color: var(--color-topic-title-background)\n &::before\n background-color: var(--color-topic-title)\n mask-image: var(--icon-topic-default)\n mask-repeat: no-repeat\n\n//\n// Variants\n//\n.admonition\n border-left: 0.2rem solid var(--color-admonition-title)\n\n @each $type, $value in $admonitions\n &.#{$type}\n border-left-color: var(--color-admonition-title--#{$type})\n > .admonition-title\n background-color: var(--color-admonition-title-background--#{$type})\n &::before\n background-color: var(--color-admonition-title--#{$type})\n mask-image: var(--icon-#{nth($value, 2)})\n\n.admonition-todo > .admonition-title\n text-transform: uppercase\n","// This file stylizes the API documentation (stuff generated by autodoc). It's\n// deeply nested due to how autodoc structures the HTML without enough classes\n// to select the relevant items.\n\n// API docs!\ndl[class]:not(.option-list):not(.field-list):not(.footnote):not(.glossary):not(.simple)\n // Tweak the spacing of all the things!\n dd\n margin-left: 2rem\n > :first-child\n margin-top: 0.125rem\n > :last-child\n margin-bottom: 0.75rem\n\n // This is used for the arguments\n .field-list\n margin-bottom: 0.75rem\n\n // \"Headings\" (like \"Parameters\" and \"Return\")\n > dt\n text-transform: uppercase\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n\n dd:empty\n margin-bottom: 0.5rem\n dd > ul\n margin-left: -1.2rem\n > li\n > p:nth-child(2)\n margin-top: 0\n // When the last-empty-paragraph follows a paragraph, it doesn't need\n // to augument the existing spacing.\n > p + p:last-child:empty\n margin-top: 0\n margin-bottom: 0\n\n // Colorize the elements\n > dt\n color: var(--color-api-overall)\n\n.sig:not(.sig-inline)\n font-weight: bold\n\n font-size: var(--api-font-size)\n font-family: var(--font-stack--monospace)\n\n margin-left: -0.25rem\n margin-right: -0.25rem\n padding-top: 0.25rem\n padding-bottom: 0.25rem\n padding-right: 0.5rem\n\n // These are intentionally em, to properly match the font size.\n padding-left: 3em\n text-indent: -2.5em\n\n border-radius: 0.25rem\n\n background: var(--color-api-background)\n transition: background 100ms ease-out\n\n &:hover\n background: var(--color-api-background-hover)\n\n // adjust the size of the [source] link on the right.\n a.reference\n .viewcode-link\n font-weight: normal\n width: 3.5rem\n\nem.property\n font-style: normal\n &:first-child\n color: var(--color-api-keyword)\n.sig-name\n color: var(--color-api-name)\n.sig-prename\n font-weight: normal\n color: var(--color-api-pre-name)\n.sig-paren\n color: var(--color-api-paren)\n.sig-param\n font-style: normal\n\n.versionmodified\n font-style: italic\ndiv.versionadded, div.versionchanged, div.deprecated\n p\n margin-top: 0.125rem\n margin-bottom: 0.125rem\n\n// Align the [docs] and [source] to the right.\n.viewcode-link, .viewcode-back\n float: right\n text-align: right\n",".line-block\n margin-top: 0.5rem\n margin-bottom: 0.75rem\n .line-block\n margin-top: 0rem\n margin-bottom: 0rem\n padding-left: 1rem\n","// Captions\narticle p.caption,\ntable > caption,\n.code-block-caption\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n text-align: center\n\n// Caption above a TOCTree\n.toctree-wrapper.compound\n .caption, :not(.caption) > .caption-text\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n text-transform: uppercase\n\n text-align: initial\n margin-bottom: 0\n\n > ul\n margin-top: 0\n margin-bottom: 0\n","// Inline code\ncode.literal, .sig-inline\n background: var(--color-inline-code-background)\n border-radius: 0.2em\n // Make the font smaller, and use padding to recover.\n font-size: var(--font-size--small--2)\n padding: 0.1em 0.2em\n\n pre.literal-block &\n font-size: inherit\n padding: 0\n\n p &\n border: 1px solid var(--color-background-border)\n\n.sig-inline\n font-family: var(--font-stack--monospace)\n\n// Code and Literal Blocks\n$code-spacing-vertical: 0.625rem\n$code-spacing-horizontal: 0.875rem\n\n// Wraps every literal block + line numbers.\ndiv[class*=\" highlight-\"],\ndiv[class^=\"highlight-\"]\n margin: 1em 0\n display: flex\n\n .table-wrapper\n margin: 0\n padding: 0\n\npre\n margin: 0\n padding: 0\n overflow: auto\n\n // Needed to have more specificity than pygments' \"pre\" selector. :(\n article[role=\"main\"] .highlight &\n line-height: 1.5\n\n &.literal-block,\n .highlight &\n font-size: var(--code-font-size)\n padding: $code-spacing-vertical $code-spacing-horizontal\n\n // Make it look like all the other blocks.\n &.literal-block\n margin-top: 1rem\n margin-bottom: 1rem\n\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n background-color: var(--color-code-background)\n color: var(--color-code-foreground)\n\n// All code is always contained in this.\n.highlight\n width: 100%\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n\n // Make line numbers and prompts un-selectable.\n .gp, span.linenos\n user-select: none\n pointer-events: none\n\n // Expand the line-highlighting.\n .hll\n display: block\n margin-left: -$code-spacing-horizontal\n margin-right: -$code-spacing-horizontal\n padding-left: $code-spacing-horizontal\n padding-right: $code-spacing-horizontal\n\n/* Make code block captions be nicely integrated */\n.code-block-caption\n display: flex\n padding: $code-spacing-vertical $code-spacing-horizontal\n\n border-radius: 0.25rem\n border-bottom-left-radius: 0\n border-bottom-right-radius: 0\n font-weight: 300\n border-bottom: 1px solid\n\n background-color: var(--color-code-background)\n color: var(--color-code-foreground)\n border-color: var(--color-background-border)\n\n + div[class]\n margin-top: 0\n pre\n border-top-left-radius: 0\n border-top-right-radius: 0\n\n// When `html_codeblock_linenos_style` is table.\n.highlighttable\n width: 100%\n display: block\n tbody\n display: block\n\n tr\n display: flex\n\n // Line numbers\n td.linenos\n background-color: var(--color-code-background)\n color: var(--color-code-foreground)\n padding: $code-spacing-vertical $code-spacing-horizontal\n padding-right: 0\n border-top-left-radius: 0.2rem\n border-bottom-left-radius: 0.2rem\n\n .linenodiv\n padding-right: $code-spacing-horizontal\n font-size: var(--code-font-size)\n box-shadow: -0.0625rem 0 var(--color-foreground-border) inset\n\n // Actual code\n td.code\n padding: 0\n display: block\n flex: 1\n overflow: hidden\n\n .highlight\n border-top-left-radius: 0\n border-bottom-left-radius: 0\n\n// When `html_codeblock_linenos_style` is inline.\n.highlight\n span.linenos\n display: inline-block\n padding-left: 0\n padding-right: $code-spacing-horizontal\n margin-right: $code-spacing-horizontal\n box-shadow: -0.0625rem 0 var(--color-foreground-border) inset\n","// Inline Footnote Reference\n.footnote-reference\n font-size: var(--font-size--small--4)\n vertical-align: super\n\n// Definition list, listing the content of each note.\n// docutils <= 0.17\ndl.footnote.brackets\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n color: var(--color-foreground-secondary)\n\n display: grid\n grid-template-columns: max-content auto\n dt\n margin: 0\n > .fn-backref\n margin-left: 0.25rem\n\n &:after\n content: \":\"\n\n .brackets\n &:before\n content: \"[\"\n &:after\n content: \"]\"\n\n dd\n margin: 0\n padding: 0 1rem\n\n// docutils >= 0.18\naside.footnote\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n color: var(--color-foreground-secondary)\n\naside.footnote > span,\ndiv.citation > span\n float: left\n font-weight: 500\n padding-right: 0.25rem\n\naside.footnote > p,\ndiv.citation > p\n margin-left: 2rem\n","//\n// Figures\n//\nimg\n box-sizing: border-box\n max-width: 100%\n height: auto\n\narticle\n figure, .figure\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n\n margin: 0\n :last-child\n margin-bottom: 0\n\n .align-left\n float: left\n clear: left\n margin: 0 1rem 1rem\n\n .align-right\n float: right\n clear: right\n margin: 0 1rem 1rem\n\n .align-default,\n .align-center\n display: block\n text-align: center\n margin-left: auto\n margin-right: auto\n\n // WELL, table needs to be stylised like a table.\n table.align-default\n display: table\n text-align: initial\n",".genindex-jumpbox, .domainindex-jumpbox\n border-top: 1px solid var(--color-background-border)\n border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-background-border)\n padding: 0.25rem\n\n.genindex-section, .domainindex-section\n h2\n margin-top: 0.75rem\n margin-bottom: 0.5rem\n ul\n margin-top: 0\n margin-bottom: 0\n","ul,\nol\n padding-left: 1.2rem\n\n // Space lists out like paragraphs\n margin-top: 1rem\n margin-bottom: 1rem\n // reduce margins within li.\n li\n > p:first-child\n margin-top: 0.25rem\n margin-bottom: 0.25rem\n\n > p:last-child\n margin-top: 0.25rem\n\n > ul,\n > ol\n margin-top: 0.5rem\n margin-bottom: 0.5rem\n\nol\n &.arabic\n list-style: decimal\n &.loweralpha\n list-style: lower-alpha\n &.upperalpha\n list-style: upper-alpha\n &.lowerroman\n list-style: lower-roman\n &.upperroman\n list-style: upper-roman\n\n// Don't space lists out when they're \"simple\" or in a `.. toctree::`\n.simple,\n.toctree-wrapper\n li\n > ul,\n > ol\n margin-top: 0\n margin-bottom: 0\n\n// Definition Lists\n.field-list,\n.option-list,\ndl:not([class]),\ndl.simple,\ndl.footnote,\ndl.glossary\n dt\n font-weight: 500\n margin-top: 0.25rem\n + dt\n margin-top: 0\n\n .classifier::before\n content: \":\"\n margin-left: 0.2rem\n margin-right: 0.2rem\n\n dd\n > p:first-child,\n ul\n margin-top: 0.125rem\n\n ul\n margin-bottom: 0.125rem\n",".math-wrapper\n width: 100%\n overflow-x: auto\n\ndiv.math\n position: relative\n text-align: center\n\n .headerlink,\n &:focus .headerlink\n display: none\n\n &:hover .headerlink\n display: inline-block\n\n span.eqno\n position: absolute\n right: 0.5rem\n top: 50%\n transform: translate(0, -50%)\n z-index: 1\n","// Abbreviations\nabbr[title]\n cursor: help\n\n// \"Problematic\" content, as identified by Sphinx\n.problematic\n color: var(--color-problematic)\n\n// Keyboard / Mouse \"instructions\"\nkbd:not(.compound)\n margin: 0 0.2rem\n padding: 0 0.2rem\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n border: 1px solid var(--color-foreground-border)\n color: var(--color-foreground-primary)\n vertical-align: text-bottom\n\n font-size: var(--font-size--small--3)\n display: inline-block\n\n box-shadow: 0 0.0625rem 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0 0 0 0.125rem var(--color-background-primary)\n\n background-color: var(--color-background-secondary)\n\n// Blockquote\nblockquote\n border-left: 4px solid var(--color-background-border)\n background: var(--color-background-secondary)\n\n margin-left: 0\n margin-right: 0\n padding: 0.5rem 1rem\n\n .attribution\n font-weight: 600\n text-align: right\n\n &.pull-quote,\n &.highlights\n font-size: 1.25em\n\n &.epigraph,\n &.pull-quote\n border-left-width: 0\n border-radius: 0.5rem\n\n &.highlights\n border-left-width: 0\n background: transparent\n\n// Center align embedded-in-text images\np .reference img\n vertical-align: middle\n","p.rubric\n line-height: 1.25\n font-weight: bold\n font-size: 1.125em\n\n // For Numpy-style documentation that's got rubrics within it.\n // https://github.com/pradyunsg/furo/discussions/505\n dd &\n line-height: inherit\n font-weight: inherit\n\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n text-transform: uppercase\n","article .sidebar\n float: right\n clear: right\n width: 30%\n\n margin-left: 1rem\n margin-right: 0\n\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n background-color: var(--color-background-secondary)\n border: var(--color-background-border) 1px solid\n\n > *\n padding-left: 1rem\n padding-right: 1rem\n\n > ul, > ol // lists need additional padding, because bullets.\n padding-left: 2.2rem\n\n .sidebar-title\n margin: 0\n padding: 0.5rem 1rem\n border-bottom: var(--color-background-border) 1px solid\n\n font-weight: 500\n\n// TODO: subtitle\n// TODO: dedicated variables?\n",".table-wrapper\n width: 100%\n overflow-x: auto\n margin-top: 1rem\n margin-bottom: 0.5rem\n padding: 0.2rem 0.2rem 0.75rem\n\ntable.docutils\n border-radius: 0.2rem\n border-spacing: 0\n border-collapse: collapse\n\n box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 0.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 0 0.0625rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)\n\n th\n background: var(--color-table-header-background)\n\n td,\n th\n // Space things out properly\n padding: 0 0.25rem\n\n // Get the borders looking just-right.\n border-left: 1px solid var(--color-table-border)\n border-right: 1px solid var(--color-table-border)\n border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-table-border)\n\n p\n margin: 0.25rem\n\n &:first-child\n border-left: none\n &:last-child\n border-right: none\n\n // MyST-parser tables set these classes for control of column alignment\n &.text-left\n text-align: left\n &.text-right\n text-align: right\n &.text-center\n text-align: center\n",":target\n scroll-margin-top: 0.5rem\n\n@media (max-width: $full-width - $sidebar-width)\n :target\n scroll-margin-top: calc(0.5rem + var(--header-height))\n\n // When a heading is selected\n section > span:target\n scroll-margin-top: calc(0.8rem + var(--header-height))\n\n// Permalinks\n.headerlink\n font-weight: 100\n user-select: none\n\nh1,\nh2,\nh3,\nh4,\nh5,\nh6,\ndl dt,\np.caption,\nfigcaption p,\ntable > caption,\n.code-block-caption\n > .headerlink\n margin-left: 0.5rem\n visibility: hidden\n &:hover > .headerlink\n visibility: visible\n\n // Don't change to link-like, if someone adds the contents directive.\n > .toc-backref\n color: inherit\n text-decoration-line: none\n\n// Figure and table captions are special.\nfigure:hover > figcaption > p > .headerlink,\ntable:hover > caption > .headerlink\n visibility: visible\n\n:target >, // Regular section[id] style anchors\nspan:target ~ // Non-regular span[id] style \"extra\" anchors\n h1,\n h2,\n h3,\n h4,\n h5,\n h6\n &:nth-of-type(1)\n background-color: var(--color-highlight-on-target)\n // .headerlink\n // visibility: visible\n code.literal\n background-color: transparent\n\ntable:target > caption,\nfigure:target\n background-color: var(--color-highlight-on-target)\n\n// Inline page contents\n.this-will-duplicate-information-and-it-is-still-useful-here li :target\n background-color: var(--color-highlight-on-target)\n\n// Code block permalinks\n.literal-block-wrapper:target .code-block-caption\n background-color: var(--color-highlight-on-target)\n\n// When a definition list item is selected\n//\n// There isn't really an alternative to !important here, due to the\n// high-specificity of API documentation's selector.\ndt:target\n background-color: var(--color-highlight-on-target) !important\n\n// When a footnote reference is selected\n.footnote > dt:target + dd,\n.footnote-reference:target\n background-color: var(--color-highlight-on-target)\n",".guilabel\n background-color: var(--color-guilabel-background)\n border: 1px solid var(--color-guilabel-border)\n color: var(--color-guilabel-text)\n\n padding: 0 0.3em\n border-radius: 0.5em\n font-size: 0.9em\n","// This file contains the styles used for stylizing the footer that's shown\n// below the content.\n\nfooter\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n\n margin-top: 2rem\n\n// Bottom of page information\n.bottom-of-page\n display: flex\n align-items: center\n justify-content: space-between\n\n margin-top: 1rem\n padding-top: 1rem\n padding-bottom: 1rem\n\n color: var(--color-foreground-secondary)\n border-top: 1px solid var(--color-background-border)\n\n line-height: 1.5\n\n @media (max-width: $content-width)\n text-align: center\n flex-direction: column-reverse\n gap: 0.25rem\n\n .left-details\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n\n .right-details\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n gap: 0.25rem\n text-align: right\n\n .icons\n display: flex\n justify-content: flex-end\n gap: 0.25rem\n font-size: 1rem\n\n a\n text-decoration: none\n\n svg,\n img\n font-size: 1.125rem\n height: 1em\n width: 1em\n\n// Next/Prev page information\n.related-pages\n a\n display: flex\n align-items: center\n\n text-decoration: none\n &:hover .page-info .title\n text-decoration: underline\n color: var(--color-link)\n text-decoration-color: var(--color-link-underline)\n\n svg.furo-related-icon,\n svg.furo-related-icon > use\n flex-shrink: 0\n\n color: var(--color-foreground-border)\n\n width: 0.75rem\n height: 0.75rem\n margin: 0 0.5rem\n\n &.next-page\n max-width: 50%\n\n float: right\n clear: right\n text-align: right\n\n &.prev-page\n max-width: 50%\n\n float: left\n clear: left\n\n svg\n transform: rotate(180deg)\n\n.page-info\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n overflow-wrap: anywhere\n\n .next-page &\n align-items: flex-end\n\n .context\n display: flex\n align-items: center\n\n padding-bottom: 0.1rem\n\n color: var(--color-foreground-muted)\n font-size: var(--font-size--small)\n text-decoration: none\n","// This file contains the styles for the contents of the left sidebar, which\n// contains the navigation tree, logo, search etc.\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Brand on top of the scrollable tree.\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n.sidebar-brand\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n flex-shrink: 0\n\n padding: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)\n text-decoration: none\n\n.sidebar-brand-text\n color: var(--color-sidebar-brand-text)\n overflow-wrap: break-word\n margin: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) 0\n font-size: 1.5rem\n\n.sidebar-logo-container\n margin: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) 0\n\n.sidebar-logo\n margin: 0 auto\n display: block\n max-width: 100%\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Search\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n.sidebar-search-container\n display: flex\n align-items: center\n margin-top: var(--sidebar-search-space-above)\n\n position: relative\n\n background: var(--color-sidebar-search-background)\n &:hover,\n &:focus-within\n background: var(--color-sidebar-search-background--focus)\n\n &::before\n content: \"\"\n position: absolute\n left: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)\n width: var(--sidebar-search-icon-size)\n height: var(--sidebar-search-icon-size)\n\n background-color: var(--color-sidebar-search-icon)\n mask-image: var(--icon-search)\n\n.sidebar-search\n box-sizing: border-box\n\n border: none\n border-top: 1px solid var(--color-sidebar-search-border)\n border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-sidebar-search-border)\n\n padding-top: var(--sidebar-search-input-spacing-vertical)\n padding-bottom: var(--sidebar-search-input-spacing-vertical)\n padding-right: var(--sidebar-search-input-spacing-horizontal)\n padding-left: calc(var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal) + var(--sidebar-search-input-spacing-horizontal) + var(--sidebar-search-icon-size))\n\n width: 100%\n\n color: var(--color-sidebar-search-foreground)\n background: transparent\n z-index: 10\n\n &:focus\n outline: none\n\n &::placeholder\n font-size: var(--sidebar-search-input-font-size)\n\n//\n// Hide Search Matches link\n//\n#searchbox .highlight-link\n padding: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal) 0\n margin: 0\n text-align: center\n\n a\n color: var(--color-sidebar-search-icon)\n font-size: var(--font-size--small--2)\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Structure/Skeleton of the navigation tree (left)\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n.sidebar-tree\n font-size: var(--sidebar-item-font-size)\n margin-top: var(--sidebar-tree-space-above)\n margin-bottom: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical)\n\n ul\n padding: 0\n margin-top: 0\n margin-bottom: 0\n\n display: flex\n flex-direction: column\n\n list-style: none\n\n li\n position: relative\n margin: 0\n\n > ul\n margin-left: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)\n\n .icon\n color: var(--color-sidebar-link-text)\n\n .reference\n box-sizing: border-box\n color: var(--color-sidebar-link-text)\n\n // Fill the parent.\n display: inline-block\n line-height: var(--sidebar-item-line-height)\n text-decoration: none\n\n // Don't allow long words to cause wrapping.\n overflow-wrap: anywhere\n\n height: 100%\n width: 100%\n\n padding: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)\n\n &:hover\n background: var(--color-sidebar-item-background--hover)\n\n // Add a nice little \"external-link\" arrow here.\n &.external::after\n content: url('data:image/svg+xml,')\n margin: 0 0.25rem\n vertical-align: middle\n color: var(--color-sidebar-link-text)\n\n // Make the current page reference bold.\n .current-page > .reference\n font-weight: bold\n\n label\n position: absolute\n top: 0\n right: 0\n height: var(--sidebar-item-height)\n width: var(--sidebar-expander-width)\n\n cursor: pointer\n user-select: none\n\n display: flex\n justify-content: center\n align-items: center\n\n .caption, :not(.caption) > .caption-text\n font-size: var(--sidebar-caption-font-size)\n color: var(--color-sidebar-caption-text)\n\n font-weight: bold\n text-transform: uppercase\n\n margin: var(--sidebar-caption-space-above) 0 0 0\n padding: var(--sidebar-item-spacing-vertical) var(--sidebar-item-spacing-horizontal)\n\n // If it has children, add a bit more padding to wrap the content to avoid\n // overlapping with the